#(first time the marauders heard a remus ramble was the beginning of second year and they were completely floored)
enbysiriusblack · 1 year
remus tends to get very quiet around strangers, but with his friends he nonstop rambles. he has no clue what he's saying, but he's talking a mile a minute and switching between various languages without realising
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ddejavvu · 2 years
meeting the Marauders as James' younger sister (by like a year) and realizing the crush you have on Remus is bigger than you thought (it developed from hearing about him)?
send me some blurb requests!
"Dunno what you see in him," James bumped his shoulder into yours, the path to his dorm more terrifying with each step, "You haven't even met him! All I've told you is that he's a nerd."
"I know," You groaned, "That's what I see in him!"
James only chuckled, patting your back gently, "Good luck getting his nose out of his book long enough for him to notice you."
And with that, he flung the door open, stepping behind you to push you into the room first.
"Mates," James paraded you into the room, his hands on your shoulder guiding you there, "This is my little sister, Y/N."
"Y/N!" The one you assumed was Sirius from James's description of him, wavy black hair hanging around his striking face, "We've heard lots about you. 'S nice to finally meet you, we thought James was gonna keep us away from you."
"I should have." James grumbled from behind you, "I swear Sirius, if you get weird with her-"
"Relax," Sirius grinned cheekily at you, sending you a wink, "I'm a saint."
"Yeah," A condescending scoff came from the other bed in the room, a lanky boy who you identified as Remus hunched over a book glancing up at Sirius, "Saint Rita."
"Who?" Sirius raised a single, slitted eyebrow at the boy, and you took a few seconds to drink in Remus's appearance the same way. A loose-knit sweater was hung on his bony shoulders, freckles dotting his collarbones that spread up to his cheeks, where a pair of chunky glasses sat.
"The saint of heartbroken women, Sirius."
You couldn't help it. A loud, incredulous laugh came from you, and you turned your face away from the room to collect yourself. Another threatened to burst from your chest but you contained it, James's hands tightening on your shoulders.
"Oh, that's right. 'S not Sirius I gotta worry about."
You sent a hard kick backwards into James's shin, your brother crumpling behind you with a groan. Though Sirius (hopefully) didn't understand James's not-so-subtle hint, he lit up at your violence towards his best friend, and offered you a high-five.
"Nice kick, Y/N! You're gonna get along great here."
He grabbed your hand after the high-five, leaving James to glare disdainfully up at him as he tugged you towards his bed. You were unceremoniously flopped onto the mattress, bouncing slightly as you caught yourself. Your eyes met Remus's from across the room, amusement alight in his eyes as he watched Sirius begin rambling on about when he'd snuck hair dye into James's shampoo the year before. You sent him a cautious smile, your heart hammering in your ribcage when he sent a sly smirk your way.
James caught it, much to your chagrin, slowly standing and limping gingerly across the room to tower over Remus's bed. You turned your attention to Sirius, but kept an ear out for what James was lecturing Remus about at the same time, nodding politely to Sirius's story.
"Moony, if you try anything, I will drop a match onto your bookshelf."
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amphxtrite · 4 years
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remus lupin x fem!reader
warning: Swearing, spelling/ grammar mistakes
summary: You and Remus have had a rivalry since the day you met, what happens when the two of you start to feel more?
word count: 3.1k
You and Remus Lupin had a… Complicated history, It wasn’t anything really bad, just a childhood nemesis, someone to always be better than. That was all it was for a couple years, a strange rivalry between two children. It all began back during first year, in your very first Defense Against the Dark Art class. You were ecstatic to begin your very first lesson. You sat right at the very front of the room and quickly brought out and organized all your parchment, quills and textbooks, patiently folding your hands onto your desk and waiting with a smile on your face for class to begin. You heard a snicker behind you, and turned to see four boys enter the class, all laughing and whispering behind their hands, you turn back around as the professor walks into the room to begin the lesson.
“Hey would you mind if I sat next to you?” you heard a small voice call from beside you as the professor scribbles something on the board. You look over to see one of the loud students who’d entered the class, a sandy-haired boy with scars littering his face. “Of course,” you say with a smile, thinking this was a chance to make a new friend, but you were proven wrong when the boy simply nodded, put his stuff down and turned to the table beside theirs, to talk to the boys from before. You hid your disappointment by turning back to the teacher.
“Welcome to your first Defense Against the Dark Arts class students!” Professor Sterling, as you learned his name was, called out, “In this class I will be teaching you about defensive spells and possible beasts you could face, to protect yourselves from the dangers of the dark arts, now!” He clapped his hands together. “Who can give me three examples of creatures that will be talked about in this class, hm?” He questions. Two hands shoot up. “Yes Miss L/n?” He points to your hand. “Boggarts, Vampires, and Werewolves.” You state confidently, “Good, 5 points to y/h. Now, what about three spells that will be used in this class?” He questions again. The same two hands shoot up. “Mr. Lupin?” He points to the boy next to you. “Flipendendo, Expelliarmus, and Verdimillious.” He replies, you drop your hand defeated. “Splendid! 5 points to gryffindor.” The boy smiles shyly. The class continues like this, the professor asking a question and the two of you racing to answer before the other. It was an unconscious thing, the two of you hadn’t realized you were competing until you felt your heart race, as a question was asked, and the feeling of anger replacing disappointment when your hand wasn’t picked. It was frustrating to say the least, you were so excited to show off your knowledge in this class and now here was this boy stealing your thunder. You could tell he felt the same though, the frustration in his face when Professor Sterling chose you gave it away.
By the end of the class you were almost seething, the only thing keeping you from hexing the boy was your common sense, and even that was running thin. You tried to keep your composure as you walked out of the class, but you were very obviously muttering curses under your breath. The only thing that got you to stop was the professor telling you on the way out of the class that you were a bright young witch, unfortunately followed by Lupin being complimented as well. You huffed.
That was how the rivalry between you and Remus began, you’d learned his name through Lily Evans, your first friend. She found it funny how competitive you were, not thinking you’d go this far on it. She spent a good chunk of her time prying books out of your hands or hearing you complain about Remus, and that happened a lot.
“I’m seriously starting to believe you fancy him, you speak about him so much!” She huffed out after a bad rant in your third year. “Me? And Lupin?” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “I have no idea what you’re going on about.” But Lily could swear she saw a pink blush coming about on your cheeks and she knew for a fact that the warm fall air wasn’t the cause, she smiled and decided to let this play out.
For four years, four fucking years, you’d been at it with Lupin and both of you showed no sign of stopping. At any time both you and Remus could be seen reading DADA textbooks, books, and journals of famous wizards, With one goal in your mind, to beat one another. The two of you both started strong in this competition, but you had to admit you were tired of this petty rivalry and really had no problem with Remus, but for some reason you just wouldn’t let up, your competitive demeanor taking over every time you tried to resolve something with him. You decided it would be best just to slowly ease out of your tense situation with the gryffindor and try to focus on your studies instead of just beating Remus. You didn’t raise your hand at every question, spent more time socializing over studying, and didn’t make any sarcastic comments when he got an answer right, just simply continued on with the class. At first Remus thought he was victorious, that he’d finally beaten the y/h witch, deemed one of the brightest students at Hogwarts, and he was happy about it, but he felt he didn’t really care. In fact he missed the constant banter with you. He didn’t like the rivalry between you two either, but he still enjoyed playfully arguing with you over small things and seeing the competitive look in your eyes.
“L/n’s been pretty quiet recently,” James remarks, “I think you did it mate, I think you finally outsmarted her!” He laughs, clapping Remus on the back. The rest of the group looked unsure, especially Remus. Peter pipes up quietly, “I don’t know James, I saw her notebook just yesterday and she already had everything about today's lesson written down, there’s no way she could’ve been stumped.” Sirius rolls his eyes, “You guys can’t be that confused right?, y/n probably just got tired of this petty battle, they’ve been at it almost, what? Four years now? You can’t say you’re not tired, can you Moony?” Sirius rolls his eyes. Remus remains quiet, thinking it over. “I guess not, but for some reason I almost miss it, at least she talked to me then.” Remus sighs leaning back onto the couch in the common room. It was no secret to the Marauders that the shy brunette had accumulated feelings for his little rival over the years, secretly looking forward to DADA classes for the soul purpose of seeing you.
“Well you could try talking to her, y’know, normally?” James suggests with a shrug. Remus sighs “I guess, but you guys know I couldn’t, I could possibly put her in danger, or, what if I lose control and hurt her or worse-”
Sirius scoffs, “Oh sod off Moony, if this is about your, furry little problem, the last person you’d need to worry about is y/n, she’s a master in Defense Against the Dark Arts, not only would she be fine with it, but she she probably knows all about werewolves! Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if she already knew.” Sirius finishes, avoiding his friend’s shocked eyes at his small outburst, but someone had to say it. “Well- you have to admit he has a point.” Peter says turning back to Remus. “I’ve worked with y/n before for a project on werewolves bites, and she actually finds werewolves are misunderstood.” He continues.
Remus looks between his friends, and sighs, “I don’t have a choice but to give this a go, do I?” James grins, “c’mon Moony, you know, you two are practically made for each other!” He nudges his best friend, wiggling his eyebrows knowingly. “James!” Remus shoves his head into hands, a red blush coating his cheeks. “W-what should I even talk about? What if she doesn’t want to talk? Maybe she still hates me and I’d mess this all up if I talk to her!” Remus begins to ramble.
“What are you twats going on about?” A voice calls out, Lily emerges from the portrait door, oh no. “Moony’s got a crush!” James calls out. Remus shoots James a death glare, cursing the fact he was head over heels for y/n’s best friend. “Oh really? Who’s the lucky girl?” Lily laughs, walking over to the other gryffindors. Remus speaks before James can say anything else. “It doesn’t matter! Haha, how are you Lily?” He tries to steer the conversation away from his love life, but is unsuccessful. “Good..? Remus, what’s got you so nervous? I won’t tell, you know that.”
Oh, I don’t know, she's your best friend that probably hates me, that I pretended to hate for 4 years, you know, just things I talk about on the daily. Remus thinks to himself sarcastically. Lily’s mouth drops open. Oh shit he said that out loud.
“You fancy y/n?” Lily’s mouth remains agape. Remus winces, “Maybe? Is that a bad thing?” He questions, crossing his fingers for a good answer. “Well bloody hell Lupin, I did not see this coming that’s for sure!” The red-head lets out a laugh. “y/n almost never talks about her love life though so I can’t say much, just know that she’s never hated you, just got caught up y’know.” She plops down on the sofa across from the boys, Remus nods. “So, when did this happen?” Lily questions fixing her eyes on the shy boy. “W-well it’s hard to say really,” Remus furrows his brows, in thought, one memory stands out.
“One day, while I was studying, in second year I think, I noticed y/n sitting at another table scanning a textbook, and well, I felt different, she didn’t seem like the annoying girl in Defence Against The Dark Arts anymore, she was beautiful, and from there it only got worse.” Remus feels himself think back to that day, how your hair cascaded perfectly down your face, and how your lips were slightly parted while you read. He remembered his heart speeding up before he dashed out of the library, very confused. “Aw, that’s so sweet Moony.” Sirius teases making kissy faces at his friend. Remus feels his face heat up again. “Sirius quit teasing him, it’s cute!” Lily scolds the dark-haired Marauder, when suddenly her face lights up. “You know, y/n’s in the library, right now, you should go down and talk to her!” Lily suggests. James stands up and tugs on Remus’s arm to pull him to his feet. “Excellent idea my Lily flower, let’s go now!” Sirius and Peter stand and follow behind, ignoring Remus’s small attempts at objection. Lily catches up to Remus and James as they make their way out of the portrait door.
“Just be casual Remus, everything will be okay.” She reassures. It didn’t help Remus’s racing heart.
The group steps into the library and spots you at a table by a window, slowly scratching a quill against parchment. They walk closer to you and poke their heads around to look at you. You glance up at the Marauders, “Um, hi guys?” you greet awkwardly. “Good to see you y/n, hate to interrupt, but Remus wanted to talk to you.” James pushes the adorable brunette forwards before rushing off followed by Sirius, Peter and… Lily, you narrowed your eyes, what was going on? Brushing it off you look up at the gryffindor boy. “You can take a seat if you want Lupin.” You offer, picking your quill up again. “Oh, thanks y/n.” He sits in the chair right beside you. “Now how can I help you? If you need help with anything you can just ask.” You state scribbling down some notes in your notebook. “A-actually, um, I’d just like to talk to you y/n, about… You.” Remus begins to panic, did that sound right? Oh Merlin he was an idiot. You turn to him with a shocked expression.
“Me? Um- sure Lupin, ask away I guess?” You give him a small smile, “as long as we can talk about you too.” You add, feeling bold. Remus lights up, “Yeah, yeah. That sounds great! Alright, where did your love for Defense Against the Dark Arts come from?” He asks, genuinely interested. “Oh,” Your eyes light up. “My father is an Auror and throughout my childhood he’d tell me all about his adventures, and his victories fighting dark wizards and all that sort. I thought it was amazing, so I started to read all about it, wanting to be just like him once I grew up.” You grin broadly.
Your conversation continues, you talk about your childhoods, dreams, goals, ambitions and your favourite books. You learn a lot about the shy brunette boy you never really gave a chance too. You learn he has a love for chocolate, every single kind. He also loves books, enjoying muggle literature in particular, and that he also wants to become an Auror, to protect people and to help the world from dark magic. You found this very admirable and saw that little boy from your first DADA class in a different light. He wasn’t the annoying boy who stole all your thunder anymore, he was the boy that was also just trying to follow his dreams and help the people he loved. You smiled as you listened to him go on about a book he was currently reading, watching his eyes sparkle and his smile widen, it was strange thinking of Remus this way, sure you’d thought the brunette gryffindor was cute, but you’d always tried to shut yourself down when you thought of anything more, so when you found yourself hanging onto his every word and glancing down to his soft pink lips every now and again, you knew something was up. Your past self would’ve kicked you for this, but you found yourself giving into those inevitable feelings for Remus Lupin, and it just felt… Right. This change of heart left no doubt in your mind, and a light flush made its way onto your cheeks.
Remus could’ve sworn he was on cloud nine when he saw the beautiful pink blush come onto your cheeks, was he right? Did you feel the same? He was so happy to be talking to you about anything and everything that he didn’t even realize the Saturday sun turned into night and soon Madam Pince was pushing them out the door. The two of you laughed, taking a walk around the castle, neither of you wanting the conversation to end. You decided to stay in the Clocktower Courtyard for a bit, sitting next to each other on a bench. Remus watches you stare into the night sky, he sees your face relax and he smiles when he sees you close your eyes and take a deep breath of the night air. He thanked his lucky stars there wasn’t a full moon soon, or he would’ve missed this magical day with you. He lets a couple words slip out of his mouth he didn’t intend to say today. “You’re so beautiful y/n.” He sees your eyes widen and your face go pink. “Thanks Remus.” You say smiling back. Godric, his heart swelled when he heard you say his name. Not Lupin anymore, Remus. He felt himself lean in, years of yearning getting the better of him, and felt his forehead touch yours. “I’ve fancied you since second year you know?” He confessed suddenly, “that day you saw me run out of the library was the day I knew.” He saw a smile spread across your face. “Oh Remus that’s so sweet.” suddenly your eyebrows furrow. “Listen, I’m sorry about my arrogance. I was annoyed that you were just as smart as I was and I let a kid’s jealousy get in the way of really getting to know you and I want to apologize for that-” Remus cuts you off. “Darling, it’s alright, we were children, what matters is how you feel now.” Remus cups your hand in one of his, searching your eyes for any sign he should stop, “I- like you too Remus, I think I have for a while, just been to dumb to notice it.” You giggle, looking down at your interlocked hand. Remus places his fingers on your chin and lifts your face so you’re eye to eye again. He pauses, silently asking if this is alright. You nod and he grins, pressing his lips to yours, a rush of heat flows through your body and you're overwhelmed with happiness. Remus can feel he’s practically beaming into the kiss, he can’t believe it, he’s kissing you, he’s actually kissing you! The kiss is chaste at first, but you soon cup his face and pull him closer to you, reaching behind his head to run a hand through his soft curls. Remus sighs at the feeling and you take the opportunity to explore his mouth with your tongue, taking in the taste of chocolate and minty toothpaste. You pull back after a couple seconds, taking steady breaths. “Wow.” You murmur smiling at the boy in front of you. “Can we do it again?” Remus asks, still in a daze with a stupid grin on his face. You lean in again and can feel his lips brush yours before you hear whispers.
“Move over Pads, I can’t see!”
“Shove off James.”
“Ow, Peter that’s my foot!”
“Oh My Godric they kissed!”
There’s a loud crash. You look over to see Sirius, James, Peter and Lily in a pile on the ground, all sporting guilty looks on their faces. “Um- Congrats you two! We were just heading back to the common rooms!” Lily stutters out, removing herself from the pile and quickly walking off with the rest of the group hot on her tail.
You and Remus look at one another before bursting into a fit of laughter, unable to get the look on the group’s faces when they were caught out of your heads. Remus slowly stands up, offering a hand to you, “We should probably get going, love. It’s getting real dark.” You nod and take his hand. Remus pulls you close to him and you stand there for a couple more seconds, “You know, I still don’t believe this is happening, that this isn’t a dream, you’re really here in my arms.” Remus confesses nuzzling his nose to yours. You smile gently and press a kiss to his lips. “Well, you better get used to it, cuz I’m not going anywhere.” You quip gently, wrapping your arms slightly tighter around the handsome gryffindor. You can feel him tighten his arms around you as well. “There’s nothing I’d love more.” he whispers into your ear.
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stinkyelf · 4 years
You Like Head Pats
Sirius Black x Plus size Hufflepuff reader
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Plot Summary: A mysterious dog starts visiting y/n and she spills all her secrets
Warnings: bullying and body shaming. Mentions of insecurities.
Word Count: 2,923
The day was beautiful, and all I wanted to do was sit down with the sun in my face and Sirius Black holding my hand. But that wasn’t possible. I had been friends with the Marauders since Second year, but Sirius held a special place in my heart that only Remus, James and Lily knew about. I planned to keep it that way.
It was hard having 4 Gryffindor best friends, being a Hufflepuff I barely got to see any of them. Though I never complained because being able to see them, being able to see Sirius, always made my day much better. 
I was making my way outside towards the tree I usually study at. Halfway down the corridor I hear my name being yelled “Y/n, hey Y/nnn” I smile to myself knowing who the voice belongs to. Before I could turn around and greet my friends, some girls decided it would be funny to push into me. My books fall to the ground as I land on my hands to catch myself, “move out the way bitch” one girl says before walking away and laughing with her friends. 
“woah woah woah, Y/n are you okay” Remus asks running to me and helping me up while Sirius picks up my books for me. I nod straightening out my skirt “ Im fine, It’s okay. just a little scratch” I say looking at the marks on the palms of my hands. 
I look up at the boys, their faces filled with worry “what?” I ask confused going to grab my books from Sirius but he pulls them away “ are you sure you’re okay Y/n?” he asks me. I give him a smile “please, I am fine. Now if you don’t mind i have some studying to do and some sun to enjoy” I say grabbing my books from Sirius and walking off. 
I sit on the grass against the tree, I set my books down next to me and gaze across the grounds towards the Forbidden Forest. Truthfully I had only been in the forest once, out of curiosity, but nearly got caught so I had never tried to go near the trees again. I sat quietly admiring the view instead of studying, when something caught my eye. It was a dog, A big dog with black fur. I wasn’t sure if it saw me but I gave it a smile and a wave before it walked further into the forest. 
I sat for a while with my thoughts before I heard my name being called again “Y/n/n” I turned towards the sound and saw Lily running towards me. I stood up and hugged her “hey Lil” I say happily greeting her, “ we have dinner, are you coming?” I nod and pack up my books and follow her to the great hall. 
I sit down at the Gryffindor table in between Lily and Sirius, James and Remus were opposite us. “So how was studying?” James asks me, they all knew how much I loved the sun and how it calmed me down from a stressful day. I smile sheepishly taking a sip of the drink in front of me “well, I got a bit distracted actually, but other than that it was rather lovely. and I saw a dog” I said before eating 
Everyone looked confused and I shrugged my shoulders, “A black dog, I waved to it, but he walked away” I said like it was a normal occurrence. I turned to my right and started a conversation with Lily, what I didn’t see was the look Remus and James gave Sirius.
It was another beautiful day but this time I sat in the Gryffindor common room with Lily, actually Studying. It was mid afternoon before the boys decided to make an appearance. They came rushing over and Sirius sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder.
“how is my pretty girl doing?” he says, I chuckled at his flirtatious behaviour. I know he would never go for a girl like me, I am not his type, He liked skinny girls and I was far from that. “Fine, thank you” I say subconsciously moving away from him and pulling my skirt down to cover my big thighs. 
he noticed, but before he could say anything Remus spoke up “Y/n are you going to sit in the sun again?” he asked smiling at me, I nod “yes, I’m happy for you all to join me, if you would like to” I say getting ready to leave. “ I would love to, dear. But I have detention” Sirius says bidding us farewell before leaving. Odd, I don’t remember him getting into trouble this week. 
We make our way to the study tree, as I like to call it. We spend our time laughing and gossiping “so when will you tell Sirius about your little crush?” Lily asks, making me blush and shake my head “never, he couldn’t possibly see me in that way” I state, laughing at the idea. they look confused and I carry on “come on guys. i’ve seen the girls he’s been with, and trust me I just don’t think I meet his standards. I’m fat, I know that and he just wouldn’t like me” I say truthfully. they all looked shocked and James speaks up “you must be crazy to not see the way he looks at you, the way he talks about you Y/n. Trust me, he’s in love with you” They all nod in agreement and I shake my head. 
we continue talking before they decide to leave, I stay, I need to be alone with my thoughts. 
In the midst of my thinking, I see the dog again. He is closer, I smile at the dog waving a hand and ushering him towards me. He hesitantly pads my way “hello” I say “my name is Y/n, my you are beautiful” I say looking into the dogs familiar grey eyes. Interesting.
The dog comes closer, I reach my hand out to pet it. He eagerly accepts my pats and sits next to me. The dog looks up at me, I sigh “well if you want me to talk, then you better be willing to listen” the dog nods and places a paw on my hand. I talk about anything and everything, keeping Sirius to the back of my mind. The dog yawns and lays down “i’m boring you” I say simply leaning my head against the tree “fine, you want something more exciting, let me tell you a secret” I say making the dog perk up a bit.
“so you can not tell anyone, not that you would be able to but, ugh. I have a crush on someone, I have for so long but I don’t know how to tell him. He’s so pretty and tall but he can’t possibly find me attractive. He’s such a flirt but I can’t bring myself to believe the words he says” I spill out. I sigh and hear my name being called out, the dog runs off before I could say goodbye. 
Remus and I walk together to dinner. I sit again at the Gryffindor table next to Lily. I look to my left and the seat is absent “where is Sirius?” I ask confused “you missing me already, love?” I hear from behind me before he sits next to me. “you wish” I say nudging his side, he laughs but in his eyes he looks detached and sad “Sirius, are you okay?” I ask sincerely, turning my full body to face him. He gives me a half smile “yes, just swell, thank you” he says slightly sarcastically before eating. I brush it off, he must be in a bad mood from detention.
I sigh and shrug my shoulders towards Remus, who looks confused at the interaction between Sirius and I. Dinner ends and we all go to our respected common rooms. That night I dreamt of the dog. 
He’s speaking to me but I can’t hear what he is saying. It comes out as whines and barks, I’m confused. As he continues the words become clearer “Y/n wake up” “hey wake up” I hear, someone is shaking me.
I jolt out of bed, it is still dark out but I can see Lily leaning over me “who, what, what are you doing in here?” I ask her rubbing my eyes awake “Sirius wants to meet you by the tree” she says, I look at her confused and she shrugs “its bloody 3am, what could he possibly want?” I say getting up and dressed “I have no clue” she says walking down to the Hufflepuff common room.
I met her downstairs “do you want me to come with you?” I shake my head “no, you should get some sleep” I say and she nods, we walk off into different directions. 
I sneakily make my way outside towards the tree, Sirius is nowhere to be seen “Sirius!?” I whisper yell “Sirius where are you?” I call out. There is no answer, I sigh and slump against the tree “stupid boy, waking me up at 3am and then doesn’t even show” I mumble angrily to myself on the verge of falling asleep.
I’m about to fall asleep when I feel something wet against my hand, I open my eyes and see the dog, he’s licked my hands “hello” I say, my tone tired. he nudges my hand and whines, I slightly wince at the contact “it’s okay, I just got pushed over the other day, not the first time it’s happened” I brush off, rubbing the marks on my hands. We sit in silence for a while before I speak up “have you seen a tall boy with brown hair?” I ask “i’m supposed to meet him, at least I think I am, unless this is some stupid prank. ugh my friend Lily woke me up telling me that Sirius had to talk to me, and he hasn’t even shown up. I guess I’ll have to speak with him later” I sigh
Silence again takes up the one sided conversation. “you know, I love him” I speak out of nowhere to the dog. His ears perk up and he looks at me “Sirius, I mean. I love him” I say pulling my sweater closer as a breeze brushes past “he is perfect, in my eyes. He’s nice to me and that doesn’t happen all the time, you know” “I love his smile and the sound of his laugh, when I make a stupid joke. I even love the flirtatious comments that don’t mean anything. He just” I sigh “he makes me feel included even though we aren’t in the same house, he NEVER leaves me out or makes me feel like a burden” I say turning to face the dog now.
“I haven’t told anyone this but i’ve been getting slightly bullied, not all the time, but I hear people make comments here and there about my weight. calling me fat and pig, i’ve gotten used to it, I just can’t bring myself to tell the marauders and Lily, I don’t want them to think that I’m a weak little Hufflepuff.” I finished wiping a tear away that I didn’t realise had fallen. “but it’s okay, because now i’ve told you and you can’t tell anyone and there is a weight off my shoulders” i ramble smiling to the dog.
The sun begins to rise and I bid my farewell to the creature “bye bye” I say waving as I go have breakfast
I sat with my Hufflepuff friends during breakfast, I hadn’t seen the marauders all day. Lily asked about my talk with Sirius and I told her he never showed up, she was just as confused as I was. 
I sat in the library with Remus, studying again. I was slowly getting an essay done. “how was your talk with Sirius?” Remus asked out of the blue, I looked at him confused “he didn’t show up” he looked confused this time “I need to teach that boy to not wake a girl up at 3am and not show” Remus and I laugh lightly before being shushed by Madam Pince.
“so he never showed up?” I nodded “yup, but I saw the dog, we had a chat, well I talked and he listened” I said. Remus smirked “looks like you’ve got yourself a pet Y/n” I snort loudly but quickly cover my mouth “very funny Remus” I say shaking my head.
We continue studying before it’s time to go to dinner again. I sit next to Sirius, he gives me a smile. I ignore him and start eating, he frowns at this. Throughout dinner he pokes me but I ignore him, all the way to the Gryffindor common room he tried to get my attention. I decide it’s time to give him a piece of my mind “Sirius, do you know how rude it is to get Lily to wake me up at 3am just to talk to me and then never show up?, If it was some stupid prank, can you just tell me now!” I let out my frustrations gaining the attention of our friends.
“i’m not sure what you mean y/n” he says with a smirk, I laugh “oh you aren’t sure what I mean, Sirius I talked to a dog at 3am cos I was waiting for you, do you know how crazy that sounds” James snorts and I glare at him, shutting him up.
Sirius puts his arm over the couch “Y/n, I was there” he says confidently “very funny Sirius, unless you can turn into a large black dog, you definitely were not there” I say crossing my arms against my chest. It goes silent for a bit and I look up confused “what?” I say turning towards Sirius “Y/n, you know I can turn into a large black dog” he says rubbing my shoulder. the colour drains from my face.
I quickly get up and walk out of the common room, my name being called from behind me, but I don’t want to listen.
He knows. I feel sick. He knows that I like him, I told him everything. I walk as fast as I can to the tree, I need air and I need to breathe. I hear footsteps behind me but I ignore them.
I sit against the tree and cry “how could I be so stupid, of course I knew he was an Animagus, how did I not connect the fucking dots” I say out of frustration with myself. “you aren’t stupid, love” I hear Sirius say, I wipe away my tears not wanting him to see me cry. He sits down and puts his arm around me but I quickly move away from him “I am stupid, I told you EVERYTHING and now it will ruin our friendship, and you won’t want to talk to me anymore. I told you about being bullied and now you will pity me!” I ramble frustrated as tears flow down my face.
He pulls me to his chest as I cry “how could you say those things love, I’m not going to pity you and you definitely have not ruined our friendship. I love you Y/n and I have for a long time” he says resting his chin on my head “you do?” i ask, he lifts my chin with his hand “of course, what is there not to love!?” before I could answer he gives me a stern look “I know how you see yourself, but you are so so fucking beautiful to me. You brighten my day every time I see you- and honestly those thighs, when I see them I just want to wr-” “Sirius!” I yell slapping his arm.
He lets out a chuckle “sorry, sorry. But you understand that I love you right? every part of you. I wish you told me about the bullying, I don’t want to see you hurting. I hate seeing you hurt Y/n” he says sincerely and I nod “I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you Sirius, I didn’t think you guys would care” I say truthfully “of course we care Y/n, you are our best friend” he says.
We sit for a while gazing at the moon, he holds me close in his arms “Y/n” “yes?” I say turning towards him slightly “will you be my girlfriend?” he asks, a small blush coming onto his cheeks “I thought you would never ask” I smile up at him. he leans down and kisses me, it’s soft and sweet and it makes me fall in love even more. He pulls away and smirks “I can finally call you my pretty girl” he sighs contently.
Sirius and I make our way to the Gryffindor table hand in hand the next morning for breakfast. The boys and Lily all smile at us “I see that you guys sorted it out then?” James says and I nod shyly while sitting down. 
We continue conversation like any normal day and I giggle to myself “what?” Sirius asks “I was just thinking” I say “you like head pats” I say making Lily and the boys laugh. A blush forms onto his cheeks before he nudges me a big “oh shut up” he laughs along with us.
My life could never be better. 
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shadowsinger11 · 4 years
Golden Snitches And Old Wounds
Pairing: James Potter x Insecure Reader
Word count: 2787
Request: Hi! I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. I wanted to ask you if your requests open. If so can i request a james potter imagine with a very self conscious reader? Thank you!
Warnings: Suggestive themes, references to anxiety and depression
A/N: I actually like how this one turned out. It's way sadder than intended but I hope you enjoy! If you want to be tagged, let me know! Requests are open!
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Lily and you were sitting on a bench right on top of one of the twelve colorful towers around the massively wide pitch, waving your Gryffindor flags in excitement.
The scene before you represented a blur of scarlet and green and you struggled to spot your boyfriend of two years, James Potter, among the fourteen players. 
His leather-gloved hands gripped the handle of his broom tightly as he was swiftly avoiding bludgers and students, rushing to catch the quaffle.
"Potter, on your left!"
On instinct, James drifted to the right a mere second before his head managed to collide with a bludger. The boy kept soaring high up in the clear spring sky, eyes focused forward.
"Brilliant! Potter tossed the quaffle into the ring!" the speaker roared, "The score is 120:120. Will Gryffindor's Chaser be able to score another goal and give their Seeker an opportunity to catch the snitch?"
"Oh, I sure hope he does," you muttered, sitting on the edge of your seat, eyes focused on the Gryffindor Chaser.
The commentator excitedly shouted, "Robertson passes the quaffle to Smith, he passes it to Potter- no! It was stolen from Taylor, that Slytherin son of a-"
"Sorry, professor," the boy sheepishly smiled at McGonagall though he wasn't sorry at all, and returned to retelling the match. "Potter's caught the quaffle! He's swooping down, the three Slytherin Chasers on his tail…"
Over the noise you heard Lily exclaim, "What's he doing! He's getting further away from the ring."
"I don't know, I think he's trying to get rid of the Slytherins, distract them maybe?" you shrugged. You really hoped James was doing this for a reason but yet again, when has he ever thought things through?
Meanwhile you noticed Sirius, a Beater of the team, covering his buddy, making sure to guide the bludgers in the direction of team Slytherin. You had no idea if those two had planned this beforehand or if Padfoot was just improvising.
"A bludger knocked Taylor off his broom!" Joshua happily announced. "That's the moment for Potter to strike!"
And exactly then James swiftly turned around and sped up towards his aim. He threw the quaffle with all his might, the ball piercing the air and going right through the ring.
"Yes!! He did it! What a brilliant attack!" the commentator screamed. Lily and you squealed and clapped, cheering him on. "Now it's up to the Gryffindor Seeker to catch the Golden snitch and that'll be the end!"
James tried to spot you in the audience and when he did, his grin grew even wider. He threw a wink your way but he didn't have much time to celebrate because his task now was to make sure Slytherins didn't score another goal and maybe get another 10 points himself while he was at it. He drifted between teammates and opponents, the summer wind ruffling his hair. He prevented numerous attacks from the opposite team, winning a good couple of minutes where the score was even and Gryffindor had a chance to win.
"Where the hell is the Seeker!" Lily groaned, "It's a matter of time until Slytherin strikes a goal."
You understood her frustration but had faith. You always supported your boyfriend and his team during matches regardless of which house they were up against. You were aware of how much stamina James had, especially when it came to Quidditch, and even more so now that he could almost graze the win with his fingertips.
Suddenly, the Seeker emerged from the depths, a small ball shining in his grasp.
"He's caught the snitch! Williams got the Golden snitch, Gryffindor wins!" Joshua roared, rising to his feet.
The air shook with the screams and cheers of Gryffindors and Gryffindor supporters. Some students hugged each other, squealing in euphoria, others whined and screamed in frustration. The audience turned into a sea of scarlet flags, the iconic lion on display for everyone to see. Professor McGonagall smiled, something rare for a woman as stern and serious as her. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement.
Lily and you high-fived and rushed down the stairs, impatient to greet the boys. When you ran along the pitch, the team was already surrounded by fans and you saw Sirius carrying James on his shoulders, their other teammates doing the same with Williams. Slytherins were quick to exit the scene, muttering curses and complaints.
"Not trying to steal my boyfriend, I hope?" you asked Sirius and laughed.
"Boyfriend?" he feigned being shocked, "Why didn't you tell me there was someone else, James?"
James only rolled his eyes and his friend let him down. Potter walked up to you, standing tall in all his red leather glory. His chest heaved with every breath he took, his spiky hair was disheveled beyond recognition and his uniform was wrinkled and covered in dirt. He was a mess but still managed to look so perfect in your eyes, he was absolutely irresistible.
"Did you enjoy the show, babe?" he smirked as he placed his gloved hands around your waist, pulling you close. You giggled and pecked his nose, "Indeed I did. You're such a show-off."
"But you love me nonetheless," he mumbled, out of breath, and leaned in but you pulled away before he got to kiss you.
"I suggest you shower first, you're quite sweaty."
He frowned and pouted his lips but couldn't help but grin, caressing your cheek. You were staring into his hazel eyes and when they focused on yours, your cheeks turned the same color as his uniform. James was incredibly confident, charming and charismatic and he never failed to make your heart flutter every time you caught him glance at you.
He seemed perfect to you and your expression suddenly darkened when poisonous thoughts clouded your mind. He was perfect, but what about me?
Before James had the chance to ask what was wrong, his friends pulled him aside, "The coach wants to talk to us." He couldn't do anything except for giving you a sad smile and a wave as he left.
A tap on your shoulder snapped you out of your trance.
"Let's go to lunch, I'm starving."
You nodded and followed Lily out of the now empty pitch.
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Prodding your salad with a fork, you were still processing your thoughts from earlier, replaying them over and over in your head. You couldn't get rid of the image of James. You were smitten by his messy hair, goofy smile, the way his uniform clung tightly to his body, highlighting his broad shoulders and strong biceps. His physique looked way more impressive and massive and the sight made you lick your lips.
Your daydreaming was interrupted when the doors of the Great Hall opened wide, the winning team walking through. The Quidditch players were greeted with loud cheers and clapping which some of the teachers joined too. Even in just his plain Gryffindor cloak James managed to look astonishingly handsome and he did it so effortlessly. His black robes were flailing freely behind him as he made his way over to you and sat down on your right.
"Clean and fresh just for you," he smirked and pressed his lips to yours, lingering for a bit more than you expected. After that, you proceeded to eat your meal while he placed a steak, some salad, sauce and other different kinds of food on his plate.
"You did an amazing job up there, really."
He smiled, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice, "Did you ever doubt me?"
Ah, that cockiness. It might have sometimes gotten on your nerves but it was a part of what made your boyfriend unique and you adored it. You laughed, trying to cover up how flushed he had made you, "Absolutely never, Potter. You're one of a kind."
"So are you."
His compliment caught you somehow unprepared and you slightly froze. You looked at him only to find him already staring at you with such loving eyes, it made you shift in your seat.
"What?" you giggled, dumbfounded.
"Thank you for being there. It really matters to me," he gave your hand a light squeeze.
Seriously, what did you do to deserve this guy.
He's amazing in so many ways, I just can't compare.
You noticed students sending you dirty glances from across the hall and you wished you could shrink in your seat. You lowered your gaze and silently finished your meal.
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"Seriously, what's the difference between Felix Felicis and liquid luck? The professor crossed off "liquid luck" and replaced it with Felix Felicis! That's not fucking fair," you groaned, checking your graded essay. You were pretty sure you'd get an Outstanding but you only got Exceeds Expectations which you were slightly pissed about.
Lying on your boyfriend's bed, you were rambling on and on about school work, earning occasional chuckles from James as he was getting changed.
"I mean, Remus always gets the best grades, how on earth does he do that! I swear, he's like a walking encyclop-"
Your words got stuck in your throat at the sight of a half-naked James. His shoulders, toned arms, back and abs were on display while he paced around the room, trying to find his sweater. His muscles flexed under his flesh with every move and you could feel your mouth begin to water.
Once James found the clothing, he turned around. He grinned when he saw your blushing face and didn't miss the opportunity to put on a show for you - he slowly put on his sweater, his jeans falling low around his waist when he raised his arms above his head.
James wasn't only caring, loving and talented. He was also extremely hot. A kind soul wrapped in a pretty package.
Your mind started to wander and you thought about all the girls and boys who would die to be in your place; to be able to date the infamous Marauder and see him shirtless all the time like you got to. You knew many people envied your relationship and you tried not to care that much but you still somehow did. You always did.
"Are you alright, love? You're doing that again."
"I-uh… what?" you stuttered, embarrassed.
James, now dressed, sat in front of you on the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight, "You tend to space out from time to time, you stop listening to me. What's on your mind?"
You shook your head and started to rearrange your books, attempting to appear busy, "Yeah, I do that sometimes, sorry. It's nothing though, I just get lost in my thoughts."
James was eyeing up and down your stiff figure and his heart stung when you lied. One of the things he despised most was being lied to and it hurt him immensely when you did. He knew you meant well but he wanted you to trust him and talk to him like he did.
The boy abruptly but gently grabbed your trembling hands and you froze.
"Talk to me," he pleaded, looking into your eyes for a sign, any sign to reveal how you were feeling on the inside.
Your nervous smile faded and you dropped your gaze to where his hands held yours.
The room was ghostly quiet and you felt trapped, unable to run away or escape the situation.
You opened your mouth to speak but your lower lip quivered and no words came out. James simply stood there, patiently waiting for you to say something while soothingly rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. After taking a deep breath, you choked out.
"Why do you like me?"
He seemed slightly confused but his expression remained calm, "What do you mean?"
You chewed on your lip, considering how to proceed. He deserved honesty and he was genuinely worried so it wasn't fair to keep secrets from him.
"It's just… I am…" you sighed, frustrated. "You're amazing, James. People love you. You're smart, athletic, outgoing and your personality lights up the room. You charisma is undeniable."
You stopped to inhale again, your throat tightening as tears blurred your vision. Your voice was shaking and so were your hands. James only listened. "You're an exceptional person yet you're with me. I-I don't get it. You could choose someone more impressive, someone whose abilities can compare to yours… Someone who's not me."
A tear rolled down your cheek and it pierced through James' heart like a burning blade. He brought your hands up to his face and softly pressed his lips to your knuckles. James let you cry it out first before he dared to speak, knowing you needed this moment to simply let yourself feel before anything else. There was time for figuring things out, but it was not now.
You sobbed and he reached to brush a piece of hair behind your ear, "I've got issues, James. I'm hard to deal with. I struggle with many things and I'm afraid I'm just being a burden to you."
James immediately pulled you into his embrace, arms wrapping around you as you hugged your knees. He rested his chin on top of your head which was leaned on his chest. The boy could not believe a person as breathtaking as you would think so lowly of themselves. You both stood there for awhile, not talking at all. James needed time to take it all in just like you needed time to calm down.
"What makes you think like that?" he hesitantly whispered, voice trembling.
You stared off into the distance, tired eyes unseeing. 
"I don't know. I just do. I've always been looked at as if I'm a disease, as if I'm wrong to feel happy," you muttered, using your sleeve to wipe your nose. "Something's wrong with me and I have no idea what. I'm just scared... and exhausted."
You heard James sob.
"How long have you been feeling like this for?"
You swallowed and took a breath, "Years."
James' arms tightened around you, sheltering you from the cold world. You took peace in the vulnerability, you had no strength to hide or pretend, you were free to simply exist.
"At some point I gave up on happiness. That was until I met you," you explained. "You gave me hope and though it was painful and risky for me, I decided to trust you. You never let me down but I'll always be afraid you'll leave me for someone less troubled than me. Like most people did."
"Then I'll always be here to remind you that I'm not going anywhere. I'll be by your side to help you."
You held onto his sweater, scared to let him go, "Thank you."
James rubbed your back up and down and pressed a kiss to your head, "You wanted to know why I love you?"
You hummed, turning to him.
He took a look at your bloodshot eyes and tear-stained face and he fell in love even more.
"I love you because of your pure soul. No one has ever treated me with such sincerity. You always support me, guide me and ground me when my head's up in the clouds. I'm far from perfect, I'm flawed just like everyone else. But you don't only make me a better person, you make me want to be better. For you."
A few tears rolled down your cheeks, this time from gratitude and love.
"I'm amazed at how torn you are, but still willing to give a part of yourself to those who need it. Your kindness knows no limits and I admire that in you. You might hate the hurt, damaged side of yourself, but I find its rawness to be astonishing. Because I love you. All of you."
Warmth spread throughout your body and for the first time you felt truly safe.
James slowly kissed your chapped lips. He stood still, just letting the moment take place. You savoured the feeling of his lips on yours and were surprised to feel something wet drip on your cheek. When you pulled away, you saw his glossy eyes.
"I love you too," you replied softly and nestled back into his lap. James hugged you, relieved to finally know what was going on with you. He vowed to himself to help you in any way he could and to constantly remind you that you're not fighting your battle on your own. You, on the other hand, were way calmer as well. It was refreshing to be understood and accepted, to not be judged or blamed for a change. You didn't have to act a role or lie. You let down your defences and let the rotten wound inside you bleed. And you smiled.
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Reblog if you enjoyed my work!
Tag list: @self-ship-love
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Hello love!! Could I get a male HP ( any era ) stranger things and sherlock ship? I’m 19 years old and a hufflepuff. I’m 5’1” with short reddish dirty blonde hair. I’m curvy and very pale, I have been doing musical theatre for nearly nine years and dance for eleven years. I’m quite a nerd, i keep to myself but once you get to know me I’m really bubbly and weird and sometimes wild. I enjoy making others laugh. I have pretty bad anxiety so I tend to be nervous and paranoid. I put others needs before mine. Thank you so much my dear! Lots of love! Oh! Also I’d I already sent you one of these I’m so sorry I honestly can’t remember
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I ship you with Remus Lupin!
The two of you would make such an adorable couple! One of the first things he noticed about you is your kind nature. Remus is not someone who cares majorly about physical appearances, preferring to get to know a person before he likes them. Being from Hufflepuff, kindness and loyalty is almost second nature for you, and he noticed. Looking out for the younger years and fellow peers around Hogwarts and helping classmates during classes was something the definitely gained his attention. It was only when the two of you were paired up in class together when you started really talking. Getting to know each other, he thought it was now or never. He shyly asked if you wanted to join him on his next trip to Hogsmeade, just the two of you. You of course accepted. 
As your relationship progresses, he starts to see your more bubbly side. You are initially shyer when it comes to meeting new people, which he can definitely relate to. The first few dates consisted of the two of you blushing and him fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater. However, as time went on, he started to see the real you. Hanging out more and more you realise you share the same sense of humour, letting your weird side out. He remembers the first time you made him really laugh. The two of you, sitting by the lake, talking complete nonsense as the sun began to set. Both of you giggling with tears in your eyes after something you just said, and when he regained his composure he couldn’t help but look at you in awe. Only the marauders have done that to him, he smiles at the memory. 
Speaking of the rest of the marauders, they love the effect you have on Remus. Whenever he comes back to the Gryffindor common room he is beaming, excitedly spilling to them what the two of you had gotten up to. James and Sirius teasing him as he rambles on. He was at first hesitant to introduce you to the rest of his friends, knowing how you do have a few walls put up before you get to know someone, he didn’t want you to be uncomfortable. He honestly didn’t have anything to worry about though! After inviting you to the Gryffindor table to eat, you all get along like a house on fire. James, Peter and Sirius telling you embarrassing stories about Remus whilst he buries his head in his hands, the three of you laughing. He is surprised at how quickly they welcomed you into the group, making you feel as welcome as possible within the first few hours of you all meeting. You better believe the boys want to sneak into your common room and get up to some kind of mischief, much to Remus’ dismay. He often has to remind them all that you are his girlfriend, they can’t always tag along and that sometimes you need time alone!
Nights in the Gryffindor common room can go both ways. When it is just the two of you the night is more calm. You draped over him with your head on his chest as he absentmindedly combs his hands through your short hair. Both discussing various things that happened during the day, him listening intently and not interrupting, offering input or funny remarks when they are warranted. But when the rest of the boys are there? You bet you’re in for a night of not stop banter. Talking over one another, trying to get a word in edgeways, plus the boys trying to quiz you on your relationship. You don’t mind for the most part, but if it gets too personal, Remus is always there to tell them to back off. 
The song I associate with the two of you would be ‘Young Love’ by Mystery Jets and Laura Marling.
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I ship you with Jonathan Byers!
Both of you would be so good together! 
He loves nothing more than driving absentmindedly with you, his hand resting on your thigh, soft music playing through his stereo. You often catch him glancing over at you, loving the way your short hair falls around your face as the wind from the open window blows it. You glance back at him with a small smile, telling him to focus on the road instead of you. He is usually very particular about what music he plays in his car, usually sticking to rock anthems of the 70s and 80s, but he has a soft spot for you. He allows you to put a few soundtracks to your favourite musicals on, smiling when you get excited about a particular favourite of yours. He definitely made a joint mixtape for the two of you to go on long car journey with. The perfect mix of classic rock and musical theatre to accompany you on your journey. 
The two of you are both slightly introverted, you prefer to enjoy each others company rather than going to a huge house party or bar. He loves nothing more than spending quiet nights in, just the two of you. Discussing what movie you are going to watch and curling up on the sofa together is his idea of heaven. Feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest with his arm wrapped around you, feeling safe and secure in the others presence. This is often how Joyce finds you when she comes home from work, turning the TV off as the credits are rolling down the screen, grinning as she knows her son has found someone who compliments him so well. After these events, the Byers quite literally welcomed you to the family. Inviting you to various holidays such as Christmas and New Years Eve, insisting that it is no trouble at all. She loves the way you interact with her son. Even if Jonathan is slightly embarrassed by him mum’s hands on approach, he is grateful that you feel so at ease in him home and around his family. 
If you have a spare day together, you often find yourselves in the local record shop. Loving the way his face lights up as he finds the latest album from his favourite band, excitedly turning it over and reading the track list. His family doesn’t have a bunch of money, therefore he often has to wait a few weeks before he can afford to splurge on a record he really likes. But if you have the spare cash, your kind nature often wins over, quietly buying it without him noticing. When you get back to the house you leave it somewhere in his room with a note for him to discover later. He always says that you should save your money for yourself, he can wait a few weeks until he has the right amount of money to buy it for himself. You always remind him that it is no problem, it’s your money and you wanted to do this. Whenever he puts the record on he is reminded of you, cheeks blushing as he smiles at the thought of you. 
He often finds you dancing in the kitchen in the morning, before he has woken up. You have taken dance for a considerable amount of time, therefore you are a natural. Softly dancing around the kitchen, making breakfast and coffee for the two of you. He leans on the door frame, completely enthralled by your simple moves, coming up behind you and snaking his arms around your waist. Resting his head in the crook of your neck and muttering a good morning. You can feel he is still slightly groggy from recently waking up, you can’t help but chuckle and lean into his sleepy embrace.
The song I associate with the two of you would be ‘Ivy & Gold’ by Bombay Bicycle Club.
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I ship you with Sherlock Holmes!
This match would honestly be so good! You meet him whilst working on a case, after a brief meeting you find yourself running into him more and more. He is honestly surprised that you are more observant than most of the other people around him. You find yourself being dragged along on various cases, you find him looking at you expectantly, valuing your input on the confusing aspects. You were nervous at first, I mean, it was Sherlock Holmes you were working with. Your responses would only sound juvenile to him, you thought. But as you begin to work closer with him, he is glad to see you start speaking up more, offering your more down to earth explanations. He doesn’t mention it at the time, but he keeps your inputs in the back of his mind, deciding you are more useful around than not. 
There is definitely a height different between the two of you, Sherlock finds this especially amusing. When he is a rare goofy mood he will tower over you. Smirking to himself as you have to crane your neck to see him, chuckling at his antics. He can’t help but smile at you, its at one of these moments that he begins to fall for you. 
As time progresses you both begin to open up to one another. he will often call you late at night, rambling about his recent findings on a case, obviously restless. You honestly don’t mind and find it rather amusing, grateful that you are someone he thinks of getting in touch with. He only realises that it might be slightly inappropriate when he mentions it in a passing conversation to John. And, after being promptly scolded by him, telling him it is generally impolite to call someone at 3am, he offers you a rarely heard apology. Sometimes you still miss those phone calls. 
He always knows when you are feeling too overwhelmed or paranoid in certain situations, in fact he sometimes recognises the symptoms faster than you. Even if he is in the middle of cracking it, he often calls you a cab to take you home if you are stressed. Opening the door for you and putting you inside, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek, telling you to wait for him until he gets home, promising he will be back before dinner. 
You two rarely argue, but when you do, it’s generally about your safety. At first he never minded you coming on the more mundane cases, but as soon as he started getting more national attention, the cases become more challenging and even dangerous. Your will to put others first is both a blessing and a curse, he admires you for it greatly, but not when it comes to him. He can easily see you putting yourself in harms way in order protect him or even John, the thought itself scares him. He often gets very heated in the moment, demanding you to go home, leave him. It’s only because he is scared for you. When you are alone he will allow you to comfort him, telling him that you’re ok, you will always be safe and here for him. 
The song I associate with the two of you would be ‘1901′ by Phoenix!
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teenremus · 6 years
remus lupin x reader
word count: 1480
warning: some bullying and assumptions
a/n: theres some angst if you squint,,, anyway i like the concept but this is a little messy to me 
Remus watched you from across the library, where he had originally come to study with his best mates. But even if he ended up giving them his attention, it was no secret it would turn out to be a lost cause. Their laughter battles against Madame Pince’s constant shushes directed towards their table, but it all seemed to drown out as he stared.
The title of the book you were reading was disclosed only to you, as you hid it with your arms from any peering eyes, only making him all the more curious. As old as the books in this library were, it was almost pristine from what he could see, minimal tears and stains which was much more than he could say from the other books lying around. You were sat by yourself, but it didn't take a genius to notice that that was always the case.
He really didn't know anything about you, not a lot did, even if the rest liked to believe so. They had made their own assumptions about you since your first year at Hogwarts, where you came covered head to toe in whatever clothing you could find. You had been called a prude more times than you could count. Even in the warmer months, your y/h scarf was pulled tightly around your neck and the sleeves of your sweater gripped your skin with no extra wiggle room.
"I heard she's a Death Eater," Peter nudged him. Remus then realized his stare didn't go unnoticed by his friends, they had stopped horsing around and looked at her as well. He removed his hand from underneath his chin and looked at him. "She hides the Dark Mark under her sleeves."
"She got those scars from a Centaur after picking a fight," James said. There was a prominent scar on your cheek that split into two like an old trail, then another that traveled from your hand and disappeared underneath your sleeve.
Sirius shook his head with a smile, propping his head up on his hand. "No, what it really is–" Remus turned to his friend with interest at his convincing tone. "–is that that scarf is the only thing keeping her head attached to the rest of her body. Without it, it would just roll right off."
He and James burst into a fit of laughter, falling back into their chairs. Peter laughed into his hands, not noticing how Remus rolled his eyes at the lot of them. He looked back where you sat, only to watch as your eyes flickered to him for just a moment before you got up to return your book to it's rightful place. Then he had lost you amongst the bookshelves.
Remus stared at the ceiling of his shared dormitory, the moonlight casting a shadow of his bedpost. It was only reminding him of how little time he had left to leave, every nerve in his body was itching for him to get up run out of the Gryffindor tower already. His fingers were ghosting over the backpack he kept tucked under his bed, like every full moon.
He rose from his bed, watching the sleeping bodies around him if they stirred. Slinging the backpack over his shoulder, he slipped out the door and shut it gently behind him.
As he tiptoed cautiously through the halls, he held his wand in one hand, casting Lumos, and had the Marauders Map in the other. His head whipped around from time to time anxiously, as if a figure would come up to him that wasn't seen on the map. But it had never been wrong before.
Remus was able to slip out of the school doors– it was never hard, they were always open, after all. Dumbledore believed they had enough protection even as the war was building up.
As he approached the edge of the Forbidden Forest a familiar feeling was building throughout his spine and reaching his head, his head rolled around on his shoulders as if a sudden chill had blown over him. He tucked the map and his wand in his backpack.
He hastily speed-walked through the forest, dropping his backpack and stripping himself of his hoodie and other layers to avoid ruining his clothes. Remus clamped his hand down on the nearest tree as his heavy breaths became more prominent and sweat formed a thick layer on his forehead.
The clouds uncovered the moon and it's light began to shine through the dark tree branches, and he began to lose himself.
Remus expected it to be dark when he woke up, he expected to once again wake up with only a slight clue where he was and follow the candles sitting on Hogwarts' walls to lead him back to his dormitory. Instead, even with his eyes closed he could see a flickering orange light being cast on his face, he slowly opened them to see a fire pit just a few feet away around the corner of a tree.
He looked around, and found himself against an old tree with his backpack and clothes tossed down next to him, but it wasn't where he remembered being last. He was closer to the edge before, now, he wasn't quite sure how deep he was in the woods. He could only go so far before it became dangerous.
Trying to be as quiet as he could, he pulled his clothes on again. There was someone out of his line of sight, the one who had built the fire.
Remus peered around the bark of the tree to look at the fire, eyeing your back that was to him as you silently placed more logs in the fire to keep it going. He found it impossible to tell who you were, he didn’t even know if you were aware of where he had been around the corner.
While adjusting his foot, he stepped on an almost entirely brown leaf that crunched under his weight. He wasn’t so sure if his heart had stopped entirely or it was beating so fast he couldn’t feel it anymore, but either way, you didn’t turn around, and you didn’t flinch.
"You're gonna freeze if you keep standing there," You said nonchalantly, sitting down on the forest floor. He stayed put as he watched you grab a stick and begin to take jabs at the fire.
Slowly, he lifted his backpack and passed you to the other side of the fire. “y/n? what are you doing here?” He sat down on a pile of leaves and set his backpack down beside him, eyes twinkling in wonder as he stared you down. 
You glanced up at him for a moment, looking down again. It seemed as if you didn't care, but that was almost always the case. "Didn't know you were a werewolf as well."
You weren’t dressed in your robes, just as he wasn’t, either. Instead wearing pajama pants that matched the navy color of the sky, and a black tank top. Remus' eyes raked over your body upon realizing he was able to see the scars that lined it. The faint lines he'd seen on your hands ran much farther up your body, wrapping around your arm like a snake. There was a large one on your chest that disappeared under the fabric of your tank top, surrounded by smaller ones.
The most obvious scars were the three that traveled from just below your jawline to across your neck, like an animal had made it in a fight. They were deep, it looked like you should have had your throat slit. He understood now– the scarf and conservative clothing.
"I didn't know you were one, either." Remus paused. "Why are you doing this?"
"It's cold."
"Not the–" He stopped himself, leaning up against the tree behind him.
"You were alone." You finally looked up at home for more than a few seconds, holding eye contact as you set your fire poker stick down. You'd never seen Remus by himself, he always had one of his friends by his side causing a ruckus. "Your mates don't know about it, do they? Or else they’d be here with you."
Remus shifted uncomfortably, shaking his head. He wondered what time it was, how long he had until the sun would start to come up and the owls would be going off to wake students up. He blinked and brought himself back to the situation when he noticed you rummaging through your own bag, but didn't say anything.
You leaned forward held out a glass bottle, the liquid inside was a deep blue. He grabbed the neck hesitantly. "It's a Wolfsbane Potion."
He examined the bottle with wonder, looking back at you, remembering Slughorn's short ramble about the concoction one day in Potions. It was complicated to brew, more dangerous than anything, especially for werewloves themselves to make. There was no real use of it at Hogwarts, Slughorn said. "This is–"
"Hard to make," You said with a small smile, Remus hadn't expected it. "It's no cure, but it helps. Especially with the scars."
Remus felt guilty, you had gone out of your way to help him that night and he really had nothing to offer. He'd been a werewolf for a while but it didn't mean he had the hang of everything, in fact, there were some things he was still learning since there was no one to teach him over the years.
His eyes lit up with realization and he stuck a hand deep into his back, before pulling out two candy bars in silver wrappers. He extended his arm with a soft smile, offering one, "It's no cure, but it helps."
To his surprise, a giggle bubbled in your throat as you took it gingerly. You had a contagious laugh, it seemed, as he began to try and suppress his own to no avail.
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vexedbuckbeak-blog · 7 years
Prompts 52, 84, 95- Marauders Era: Remus
Request: Prompts 95, 84 and 52 with Remus?
52. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life.”
84. “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
95. “Are you drunk?”
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The cold autumn air seemed to clear up Remus' thoughts, sobering him up, if only slightly. Eyes closed, he took a deep breath, his mind filled with the scent of surrounding trees and the scene that had played out less than half an hour ago. The sound of rustling leaves didn't in the slightest blur the vivid memory of Y/N's face when he allowed the words that had been trapped in his mind for so long slip out.
The Great Hall was filled with tipsy 7th years, just returned from a day at Hogsmeade, filled with laughs, sweets and firewhiskey. Chatter fluttered through the air, almost intimidating, despite its light-hearted nature. Two startled-looking third years ran past Remus as he entered, stumbling slightly. He hadn't exactly avoided the firewhiskey at The Three Broomsticks as he always had before. No, today he needed the Gryffindor courage that the crimson on his tie promised he had.
He saw her across the hall, head thrown back in laughter at something an unfamiliar boy had said, surrounded by her friends, and his. Catching glimpse of Sirius chatting up a girl right by Y/N, Remus' pace quickened, and soon enough he was right by her, the noises around him strangely melodic, most likely due to the alcohol that coursed through his veins. He felt his heart quicken at the sound of her laugh, and felt his ears redden with anger at the sound of the boy's voice. Who even was he? And why was he here?
"I'll be off now," Remus heard the unwelcome stranger say, "I'll see you around Y/N!"
"The hell you will," he found himself muttering, prompting a puzzled Sirius to turn around, and give him a massive grin.
"Hello, Moony! Where've you been?" his best friend exclaimed, ignoring his widened eyes and shaking head, "Did you say something? I didn't really hear."
"No, nothing, I said nothing," he rushed his words, barely noticing the way they slurred together.
"Alright, mate," Sirius gave him a puzzled look and turned back to his latest conquest.
His booming greeting, however, had been overheard.
"Hey Remus," he heard her voice, immediately beginning to crack his knuckles nervously, "Why didn't you come over and say hey?"
He turned around and met the y/e/c eyes of Y/N, covered by the slight frown that she had on her face at his lack of greeting.
"I, uh, I just got here," he slurred, nearly falling over in an attempt to take a step towards the baffled girl.
"Lupin," her scowl had now turned into an amused smirk, "Are you drunk?"
"Absolutely not," he retorted, this time failing to stop himself from falling to the ground. Completely disoriented, he accepted the extended arm in front of him.
"I feel like you may be lying," her words interwoven with chuckles, she pulled him back up. He stumbled forwards and found his lips only inches from hers. Her smirk had vanished, lips now slightly parted.
"I need to," he took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of vanilla that clung to her hair, "tell you something."
"Okay," the doubtful look she gave him would have been classed as discouraging by a sober Remus. But, of course, he wasn't even close to sober at that moment.
He'd intended on saying something simple, like, "I think you're gorgeous." or, "Would you go on a date with me some time?" but the alcohol, its taste still seeming fresh on his tongue, ended up allowing words that were much more complex, and much more true, to fall from his lips.
“I’ve been in love with you my entire life.”
Nothing. Just widened eyes, parted lips and the sound of his heartbeat racing with his thoughts.
"You've been what?"
There it is.
"I mean, not my entire life. Since I've known you, I mean." his vision blurs and he suddenly finds it overwhelmingly difficult to breathe.
"Are you alright?" he hears her voice through the sound of his heart beating in his ears, and nods. Or maybe he shakes his head, he's not exactly sure, but he manages to mumble a, "Fine," before running out of the castle and into the lantern-lit grounds, allowing the fresh air to coat his mind and calm the speeding beat of his heart.
Y/N was woken by a bright square of sunlight that had decided to settle directly on her face. A frown on her face, she lets out a loud moan, wondering at why it was ever this early.
Her turmoil at waking up early doesn't linger for long, though, memories of last night flooding her mind. She feels a smile spreading on her face.
"I've been in love with you my entire life."
"You've been what?"
"I mean not my entire life. Since I've known you, I mean."
His words were slurred, clumsy, his nervousness clinging onto every single one, but the meaning had come across clear enough.
Y/N, he was drunk, the thought flashes in her head, and her smile is replaced with a frown. It was a tad too perfect to be true, her longtime school crush confessing his love for her. Maybe she'd remembered it wrong. Maybe alcohol had blurred her mind too, although she'd only had two glasses of nettle wine. And maybe he was just saying nonsensical things, as drunk people do.
She unwillingly pushes her duvet covers aside and stands up, letting out another groan and making her way to the bathroom, dreading the question she knew she had to ask Remus when she saw him.
"Why is everything so loud?"
"It's called a hangover, mate."
"My head kills."
"You can't handle your alcohol too well, can you?"
"I'm just not an alcoholic, like you, Pads."
"I prefer the term 'alcohol enthusiast'."
Remus groaned at his friend's response and covered his face with his palms, trying to ignore the shooting pain in the back of his head and the suddenly extremely loud volume of the chatter around him. He's brought out of his hungover misery by a light tap on his shoulder.
"I get it, Sirius, you handle your alcohol better than me, you win, I am a lightwe-" he suddenly finds himself unable to speak when he sees that it wasn't Sirius tapping on his shoulder. It was Y/N.
"Could I talk to you for a second?" her voice is soft, almost a whisper, a blessing compared to the booming conversation all around them.
He can't quite read her expression, and, swallowing the lump that had appeared in his throat at the sight of her, gives her a nod and a smile, standing up from the Gryffindor table. He ignores the "Ooh"s and "Aah"s he leaves behind as they walk out together, trying to decode the usual smile on her face that suddenly seemed to hide something.
"Remus," she began, walking towards the castle entrance, "Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?"
He stopped in his tracks, the blurred memory flashing through his mind.
Of course he had. Every word was filled with more truth than he'd ever spoken in his life, and he was an honest man, but could he confess to her without knowing how she felt about him first?
He looked down at the red and gold tie hanging loosely from his neck. I didn't get sorted into Gryffindor for nothing.
"Yes, I did. Every single word. And I understand if you don't feel the same, but I just had to say it, get it out there,--"
His ramble is interrupted by her lips on his, the breath he had just taken in an attempt to finish his explanation completely taken by her action. Before he knows it, his arms are on the small of her back and he can feel her smile against his lips, knowing, without words, that she's telling him she loves him too. Suddenly they're all alone in the world, and it's like no one else exists in that mome--
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