#(forgot I did that for multimuses)
goldenbeastkeeper · 5 months
Valor sped over the water on his staff. He didn't often come out over the ocean, and especially not this far from his house, but tonight, after a particularly bad nightmare, he wanted to fly somewhere different. The ocean provided a different type of breeze with a different type of smell, the spray of water should he choose to dip down close enough, and different types of animals for him to encounter on his flight. Plus, there was far less a risk of being seen overhead, when there wasn't a whole town of humans beneath him.
But less of a risk didn't mean zero risk. Even covered in as dark clothes as possible, if one happened to be looking in the right direction at the right time, they could see the streak of him and his staff rushing over the water.
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hymemena · 10 days
My On Repeat Sentence Starters Part Three
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Suggestive, angst
Call Me Karizma - Animals
"So close I can taste it."
"You're right on the tip of my tongue."
"I leave my body when you tell me to come."
"You know I love to bite."
"I am your favorite flavor."
"Hunt me down."
"It's in every little fiber of our bones."
"The chase is on, better run for your life."
"You don't seem to mind it."
"Baby, I'm a fighter."
The Correspondents - Puppet Loosely Strung
"Let me put myself in your shoes."
"Around you, they were so confused that a faulty man could have so much fun."
"They read your smiles."
"Nothing but teeth."
"They looked at you with pity first, then disbelief."
"They may think they'd never choose to be the man that you've become."
"We get drunk or high to feel."
"I'm tied to so many things I don't need to do."
"I hated the whispers in the street."
They just couldn't see that it was me needing you, not you needing me."
McCafferty - Dead-Bird
"Breathe in, breathe out."
"Everybody scream, 'Fuck!'"
"I know I've gone too far this time."
"I hope I forget all these lies."
"The books that I am reading are the ones I forgot."
"I spelled your name."
"See, this body's not for me."
"Is it your heart that breaks first?"
"They are learning words like, 'fuck' and 'hate.'"
"Hey, kid, where did your spine go?"
Wallows - Let The Sun In
"Help me, darling, now I'm feeling lonely."
"Now, I feel afraid."
"I'm feeling older."
"I know, the time, it doesn't wait."
"Honey, I just wanna let the sun in."
"I just want to find all the secrets that you're keeping inside."
"I'm feeling shy."
"With you, I see the world completely different."
"I just wanna talk again tonight."
"I don't wanna do that anymore."
The Front Bottoms - Lonely Eyes
"You've got me stuck to where I'm sitting."
"I know, I'm so pathetic."
"They tell me that you're lonely."
"It's no surprise."
"It's okay if you're unhappy. Just take a look around, there's no one here that's happy, either."
"You are my world."
"If, for some reason, you don't feel like talking, I could just sit and enjoy your company."
"They count on you to leave 'cause it's always been that way."
"On the one day they close early, that's the one you want to stay."
"I could be anything you need."
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if I tell you--another multimuse-- to specify a muse on a starter call and you explicitly do not do that or reach out to me to figure out who's the best fit, I will either not write it or it's just going at the back of my list of things to write As a fellow multimuse, I do have favorite muses that I can put out there. If I don't say "specify muse" in the post, then I will reach out to you and figure something out. I make that effort because I was the one that did not specify. So it is on me to make the first move towards that. I have less than 10 muses and all of the bios are extremely accessible. My dms are open and I give out my discord when asked. There are all these avenues for you to choose and discuss so when you don't make a decision and leave it to me to do all the work when I am asking for some input, it's exhausting. I am picking your muse, my muse, plotting a scenario that is good for interaction, writing the entire starter, and hope for the best. All I'm asking… if for you to pick the muse you are going to respond with. That's it. If you don't know that but know that you want to interact with a specific muse of mine? You can at least send that! That way, I can reach out and be like "hey muse a is going to talk to muse c. Is that okay?" You only need to pick ONE. I WANT to write but if you do not give me anything to work with or give me the impression that you are going to waste my time, I will slot that as a lower priority on my list. Has nothing to do with how often people are here or whatever else--it has everything to do with reading and following directions. It's one thing to forget ( which i personally have done more than once and followed up because I realized I forgot when I saw the post again ) but another entirely to just NOT do it. These same people will complain about not getting interactions from new people. Like bro i am not a mind reader.
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handfulofmuses · 6 months
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Did you forgot? Everything I touch turns to JOY. Light is more powerful than darkness. Hope is more powerful than fear. Love is more powerful than hate. And joy? Joy is way more powerful than misery will ever be!
Multimuse written by Rena. Follows back from Spottedmischief. Rules Template Main Muses Test Muses
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So it's my birthday and that means it's also the two year anniversary of me coming onto Tumblr :D it's been a blast and as this is what I did yesterday I want to shout out some of the wonderful people I met and friends I made on the way.
@supremestrangeness whose a brilliant writer and always seems to know how to carry a story endlessly yes...anding my silly whims and ideas. Nat loves the eldritch mess (in all his forms) and I am incredibly glad and ever greatful for your friendship!!
@cherryfinolahobbes anyone who says OC's shouldn't be part of fandoms should go and check out this blog right here. I don't think I've ever seen a muse woven through a fandom with so much care. The mun is just as wonderful, ever patient and happy to listen to my antics while go tackling house hold tasks. I wish we would chat more. I need to make more time for that!! (Also she's got brilliant recepies and food tips, honestly how can you not love that?)
@strxngemxgick I know this muse and mum haven't been around for a while. But they are such an infinitely wonderful and talented person. They've sparked my joy for artistic language and long form posts when there's a partner that matches the enthusiasm and length. I got to explore a softer side and more tragic stories with Nat in all our writing ant it is truly delightful. I hope they will one day decide to come back but even outside of Tumblr the mun is always considerate and so supportive. I'm always happy when they have a minute to chat.
@prplhawk As a fellow country person I am so happy you go along with all the silly AU ideas with a snap of the finger. The mun is amazing and such a flexible writer they catch their muse from silly moments to full fledged angst blood and gore. I miss you!!!! Let's write more crazy AU things!!!
@resignedworkaholics I've literally known nothing about James Bond when I met this lovely Q. And somehow a whole new spy world AU was born. I love the adorable sillyness of these two so much and I'm truly happy we get to write these stories. I know you've got tons going on. But I hope you're well and know you can reach out at anytime.
@ssolessurvivor If you ever need a friend. Logan is the one to call. Again. An amazing OC built and laced into so many worlds with a flexibility that still makes my head spin. I'm having so much fun with this wonderful little flirty friendship thing we have created and I can't wait for you to come back. I hope your wedding goes amazingly and you have the best honeymoon!!!
@seesbetterfromadistance My very first writing partner on this platform. Then he forgot about me XD but that's fine. Part of a very big platform and coming back after a while. I adore your Clint and the way you capture him so effortlessly! The mun is also amazingly talented in his craft and I love it when you share all your fotographs in an excited spam even though I can't always answer simultaneously. I hope that whatever is happening you keep that joy alive :) I don't think I've ever met a person this excited about a cactus in bloom and I am so glad you took me along for the ride (because I was very excited about that cactus then too!!!) I wish you well and hope you return for more writing shenanigans sometime :)
@smertzimy I miss our found fur family. Especially with these two tragic characters. They deserve all the love (and pets) they can get. Watching Eurovision this year has been a blast with the great commentary provided XD and I hope that it will be just as great next year. The mun always finds the greatest memes and pictures and the icons are on point!! I hope you have the grandest time and we find more of it to write again.
@esotericdescent / @thiefofcrows Is absolutely amazing! Please go check out his multimuse if you are even remotely interested in the eldritch and supernatural. But on top of that he is my Main Kaz Brekker (yes I write Inej Ghada on a different blog but this is my blog and my birthday and I get to shout about how much I love whomever I want for as much as I want here.) He is incredibly talented and I adore plotting with him. I am a massive Crows / Literature fan / overall nerd and this mun gets to suffer through it all and meets it with the greatest enthusiasm. I love the stories we built and the complexity I get to write without ever having to think twice if 'its alright to write this' because fuck yes it is!!! Thank you for your friendship and support of all the fun ideas and picture spams you get :)
Regardless of this up there. Thank you if you've stuck around, written, discussed, interacted and lived with me through another crazy year. The world isn't any easier but I know there are safe spaces and people to escape too. Be kind to each other and have a great day. I'm certainly planning on enjoying today to it's fullest (as I try with other days even if it isn't always easy)
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
lovingnall the new glup shittos and it's good to see you're still active! But I've been inactive for a while (forgot my password lol) and I gotta ask, WHY DID YOU DELETE DARTH TALON?! I LOVED YOUR TAKE ON HER? 😭😭
WELCOME BACK, ANON! Oh my, I didn't think there was anyone still following me from back when I had Talon as a muse. This wasn't even a strictly SW blog when I had her as a muse...
For those who don't know the Obscure Mica LoreTM this blog used to be a multifandom multimuse (DC, Marvel, Dark Horse and Star Wars being the fandoms). I only had two SW muses back then, and one of them was Talon.
So, to answer your question, anon. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away (during the pandemic), I had Talon as a muse, and all I was getting for her were NSFW asks. Now, anyone who knows me knows I don't mind NSFW, but this was anons sending NSFW prompts with physical descriptions of what I can only assume was themselves, as if I was a X Reader writer instead of a roleplayer. I even got an ask describing her pussy one time I reblogged one of those "make an assumption about my muse" memes, and since I had literally no one other than those people trying to interact with my SW muses back then, I ended up deleting any trace of Talon from my blog. Until late-2021, I was still getting the sporadic NSFW ask for her. But now it's stopped. It's sad cause I love Talon and now I have people I could possibly throw her at cause I actually dived into Star Wars, but yeah, that's why she's not here anymore 😭😭
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starlitmemoriam · 1 year
🔜:  Are there any muses you want to add, but aren’t sure about?
Munday Meme - Multimuse Edition!
Technically answered that here, BUUUUUUT I've also been eyeing Mahaad lately.
I don't know, I kinda forgot he existed until I stumbled upon a clip on YT and it's like why did he have to be hot.
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countlessrealities · 2 years
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@dynamoprotocol sent: 😰 Time to drag Rick a little, Morty, go go go— Multimuse grape vine - Send 😰 for Muse A to tell a embarrassing story about Muse B
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Morty's lips pursed at the request, his expression turning openly troubled. He didn't even know where to start from to pick an embarrassing tale about Rick, for more than one reason. On one hand, he had so many stories to tell that choosing one was a real challenge. On the other, he dreaded the moment when Rick would find out that he had embarrassed him in front of everyone. His grandfather was the pettiest man he had ever met and his paybacks could be straight out traumatising.
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"Uh, w-well, there was this one time...W-We were doing in the lab one night and R-Rick got drunk. L-Like really drunk, even for his standards." He was used to see the scientist wasted, but he had rarely seen him that intoxicated. "I-I think he was trying to get me drunk, b-but I guess he got distracted an-and forgot at some point."
His mother would have murdered them both if she had learnt that Rick let him drink as much as he wanted, so Morty always tried not to overdo. After all, Beth was an alcoholic too, so she would have instantly recognised the signs of a hangover.
"He...I-It was a good day, b-because we had gone on an adventure an-and he had managed to get his hands on this...thing." He scratched the side of his head. "I-I'm not sure what it was, b-but Rick was really excited about it."
Seeing the man in such a good mood was a treat, reason why the teen had accepted to celebrate with him. A cheerful, drunk Rick was a Rick who treated him much better than he usually did and who even threw praises his way and, as embarrassing as it might have sounded, Morty wanted to get as much of that as he could.
"I-I left him alone for five minutes to, uh, go to the bathroom an-and when I came back he was chatting up one of the cabinets. H-He was totally hallucinating or-or something, b-because he acted like the thing answered him an-and stuff and he insisted that I-I met his 'new good friend', Mister Cab I. Net."
It had been a really weird experience, but thinking back to it, the boy had to admit that it had also been pretty hilarious.
"R-Rick doesn't remember it, an-and that's pretty funny too. H-He gets confused when I make a reference to it." A chukled. "H-He's still trying to figure out what I-I'm talking about."
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runelocked · 16 days
what happened to runeians? :( its not listed on the blogs below i think. did i miss something?
TOTALLY FORGOT TO ADD IT BUTTT i’m updating it to become a proper multimuse :] @runeians will be back & better than ever soon enough dhdkdh
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hln-4 · 2 months
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Kar/Karmun/Karthonic either-or. If you'd rather separate mun/muse you can use my middle name, Asher to refer to me.
They/Them is cool.
From New York, so the timezone is EST.
Birthday’s January 1990, so 30+
Spoonie with AuDHD
Artist, and educator, so I can get busy. I commute, so I'm on the train for a few hours a day,
You can reach me on here or on discord. Just ask.
Personal blog @karthonic.
On mobile most of the time.
Also run @stellevatum & @obscurushydrae, & @sidisaspecto
Above all else: Be Excellent to each other and party on, dudes!
Sideblog of @sidisaspecto. This blog is Private and part of a closed RP group. I will only write with people who have been accepted. If you want to join in, visit @stargazertribe.
Please don’t follow/interact if you’re under 18, or if you've not been approved.
If you want other Sci-Fi stuff, go follow @stellevatum. For Paranormal/Supernatural stuff @obscurushydrae
Communication is key. My muse might be intimidating, but I'm not-- just very busy and on mobile more often than not. Don’t know something, or want me to elaborate: ask! I forgot a reply or not feeling a thing anymore, lemme know. I'm good. I like get to know the people I write with, it makes me plot things better.
There will be potential mentions of: suicide, violence, war, conflict, and racism.
This is not a content resource blog. If you’re here for the pretty pictures, aesthetics, or memes, this is not the blog for you.
Godmoding is discouraged but I’m not going to stop it. In this universe, respawn is canon.
If I reblog any art reposted without the original creator’s permission, let me know. I’ll remove it.
I am taking most of the Animated Series back story because it's more fleshed out, but keeping the main story lore that Helena is the guiding force towards the survivors in the group.
This Helena was married to Victoria, but did not have a relationship with Mei Yin like in the Animated series. (Keeping Mei Yin and Diana canon!)
Helena (at least from what the Animated series shows) is at least mixed First Nations Australian, I will be writing her as such. I am not a person of color, and plan on doing the research and handle this with sensitivity when covering this, but please feel free to correct any mistakes.
Askbox will only be open for IC interactions, save for when the meme specifies Mun. IMs are for OOC communication. Anon feature is for sideblogs, multimuses to interact ICly with me. Any Anon messages good or bad directed to the Mun (outside of memes) will be ignored. The Anon feature is privilege, I will revoke it for my well-being if need be.
I don't plan to reblog many memes on here, but Reblog Karma is going to be enforced on this blog. That is, if you reblog an ask meme off me, please send me one. Otherwise, reblog the meme from @karref
This blog will be more as sort of a "DM" blog, posting only really for particular events and scenarios, so I don't expect to heavily write threads with Helena.
As I am writing her in her Homo deus form for the most part, shipping will not happen on the blog, but there may be mentions of Victoria in flashbacks or memories.
Blood, Gore, Body Horror, Drugs, etc, will be tagged with (name); for instance drugs; . Special Tags on request.
Posts will be tagged upon request, just let me know!
If you read and understand this, I would appreciate if you'd leave a like the post, that way I know.
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lookingforroleplayers · 10 months
Hey, so I realised that I forgot to add that outside of Vander, I also write Warwick. I did not add him since they are technically the same muse. Could you add me under Warwick too? Also, could you like you did with ferinehuntress maybe add something like headcanon-based or canon-divergent behind my multimuse label? Thank you.
added and edited! thanks for the message!
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multistoty · 2 years
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Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything. Princess Hope Andrea Mikealson was one who attempted to walk in the orbit of grace. Her heart was still a little heavy, but she'd decided carrying it around would only maker her stronger. They often likened her to rose. Ever beautiful and moral but capable of using her thorns. Sometimes, one could not be kind and honorable and she gave herself the necessary grounds to deal with that. People often forgot that women with angelic faces still had rapier wit and tongues that could bite as venomously as a snake should they choose it. If Captain Julian had imagined a pretty little twenty one year old princess to cower like a flower being trampled under foot, he would be as good looking as he was mistaken. He looked at the girl barely above five feet tall with a hundred stories lit behind his eyes without the usually judgement men excerised on a woman with opinions. It was merely because she valued other traits above an affinity for torture and power over those weaker than oneself. the auburn haired girl valued brilliant minds, honest souls, and those with long endurance. She forged relationships based on trust and mutual respect, not fear and control. Even a man who’s spent his whole life at sea has reason to fear her when she’s angry. Like light cast over the morning water, it became new. Every moment that lay ahead, like an uncharted sea. this was a new beginning. Nothing was what it seemed. Every truth was twisted. Every lie carefully constructed. We both knew that surviving means sometimes doing things that haunt you. Honestly, handsome or stupid could be just as interchangeable though the royal found herself surprisingly in turmoil while tied along with her dignity and crimson red dress against the mast of the grand ship. Even as courage warmed her veins, the Mikealson heir found the delicate skin of her cheeks blossoming with a blush at the strong searing gaze of any man so calculating on her. Few would trust her father’s patience thusly. Dreams that come true can be beautiful, but they can also turn into nightmares when people won't wake up. Every good story needs a villain. But the best villains are the ones you secretly like. There are different kinds of fathers. Those who love unconditionally, those who love on condition, and those who never love at all. King Klaus would burn the world down just to dig his daughter from the ashes wether he be king or peasant. Falling for this would be like falling in love with darkness, but now she imagined he was more like a starry night: the constellations were always there, constant, magnificent guides against the ever-present black. Gold shimmered no matter what, but few people could make darkness glitter the way he did. No one is truly honest. Even if we don't lie to others, we often lie to ourselves. And the word good means different things to different people. Fear was a poison that people mistook as protection. Making choices to stay safe could be just as treacherous.  She loved the feeling of doing something bold enough to make her future hold its breath while she closed her eyes and reveled in the sensation that she’d made a choice with the power to alter the course of her life. He looked like a freshly woken storm, or a beautiful nightmare come to life so he could personally haunt her. “What kind of captain is so afraid of a princess half his size that he has to die her and her tulle ball gown to a mast? Honestly, your swash buckling repuation deserves far better than that. You may look like a knife glinting in the moon light or an poison packaged in an attractive bottle,but kind hearted doesn’t mean that death or fear find me a willing companion. Now, if you want to speak like a leader. I will be waiting.”
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hymemena · 1 year
Random Sentence Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Murder Mention
"Cat! There's a cat!"
"I need a drink."
"Did you really think that was a good idea?"
"I wish I could be you."
"We should do a mind meld!"
"Do you want a reading?"
"I didn't know you couldn't swim."
"Woah, since when can you cook?"
"I always thought it was easier to just accept your fate and go the long way."
"I've been multitasking!"
"I'm some kind of magic. I can multitask and procrastinate at the same time!"
"What did I come in here for?"
"Did you need something?"
"He has a little heart nose!"
"Come here, where's my cuddles?"
"If you win, I'll kiss you."
"How's your day going?"
"What is it?"
"This wasn't supposed to happen."
"What's your favorite color?"
"I forgot."
"You just coughed on it!"
"You're quite literally the murderer of fun."
"Just because you have long hair that bounces doesn't mean your moves are good."
"I'm reminded."
"I have footage of that."
"That's going to stain."
"Get a clue."
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chxoticmuses · 5 years
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maliwan012remade · 5 years
what if i reboot my multi Yet Again
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batheritance-blog · 6 years
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Damian’s safe word during bdsm scenes is Jultat mumyata.  It means Deathstroke in Arabic (which relates back to both his hatred for Slade and also his tendency to drop back into Arabic when he’s in a subdrop or otherwise feeling vulnerable), and while he primarily uses it during sex, if he’s extremely pressed into an uncomfortable situation that’s hurting him emotionally, he may end up saying it to try to make things stop.
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