#(instead he just catnaps all the time at home)
goldenbeastkeeper · 5 months
Valor sped over the water on his staff. He didn't often come out over the ocean, and especially not this far from his house, but tonight, after a particularly bad nightmare, he wanted to fly somewhere different. The ocean provided a different type of breeze with a different type of smell, the spray of water should he choose to dip down close enough, and different types of animals for him to encounter on his flight. Plus, there was far less a risk of being seen overhead, when there wasn't a whole town of humans beneath him.
But less of a risk didn't mean zero risk. Even covered in as dark clothes as possible, if one happened to be looking in the right direction at the right time, they could see the streak of him and his staff rushing over the water.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
May I request Catnap who basically adopted a child!reader who is anyways sleepy and lazy. and has a case of not remembering a lot of things, like dementia
Like through the hour of joy...After all the Toys killed the workers. Catnap finds the reader, who is sleeping then wakes up and the reader forgets their own parents(The readers parents were cold scientists that worked at Poppy Playtime and never cared about them, then got killed through the hour of joy)
Sooooooo...Catnap just kinda takes care of the reader and has a slight soft spot for them. And the reader THINKS that Catnap is their parent and anyways clings to him
During the Hour of Joy, Catnap remained on the prowl for any potential survivors of the massacre within Playcare, flinging one man's body into the stairs and cutting his cries for mercy short.
All was quiet, save for the faint screams of the other workers/visitors in other part of the facility who were being mauled to death.
But he let the rest of the toys do their work.
He felt cleansed. The Prototype willed this rebellion. Willed him to finally kill his tormentors.
The "hour" went on for so much longer--considering that he utilized his red smoke to make the fleeing humans hallucinate and freak out at things that didn't exist (some even attacking each other).
Once it was all done, Catnap went back into Home Sweet Home to discover a child who (somehow) slept through the slaughter.
That was you, one of the orphans who was in the program for a long, long time.
You were deemed "ineligible" for experimentation after getting the lowest scores on all three tests at the Game Station.
That's because you struggled with memory, socialization, and endurance. You tend to forget a lot of things (ie faces) and spent most of your days sleeping instead of playing or learning....and no counselor has been able to figure out why.
Your parents--who were scientists at Playtime Co. that preferred studying you over nurturing you--chalked it up to over-exposure to the red smoke (which hasn't been proven true, but they needed to put something down on paper).
Regardless, they've kept their distance from you and slated you for adoption, thinking you'll be picked up by a different parent eventually.
Unfortunately for them...Catnap knows that they're using the orphanage as an "excuse" to get rid of you and gives them a brutal demise.
They had some nerve crying out for you and begging him to spare your life.
After winding down from his bloodlust, he discovers you sound asleep on one of the bunk beds inside HSH, apparently not hearing a single thing.
Then you wake up and see this giant emaciated purple cat standing over you, claws and mouth stained in fresh human blood...
Yet you don't scream or look afraid, nor do you ask where your parents are.
Instead you look at him and apologize for oversleeping, acting as though he was your parent.
It confuses him, so he brings their corpses to you (like a cat gifting their owner a dead bird), thinking you'd understand and be horrified..
But you don't recognize them at all. You don't remember their neglect and the trauma it gave you.
All you remember was Catnap.
Ultimately, he spares you--but NOT bc your parents feebly begged him to when they never gave a single damn about you--and does his best to keep you safe given the circumstances.
He treats you like his kit more or less, making sure you ate and letting you climb on his back for rides (and sometimes he'll hold you in his paws while walking upright).
Any Smiling Critter caught threatening you will be devoured by him (or added to his shrine), so they know not to touch you.
He also forbids Dogday from ever speaking to you, knowing he'll try to drill thoughts of escape and distrust of Catnap into your head.
If he has to go outside Playcare, he'll fight tooth and nail to fend off Huggy and whoever else might think he's parading around a tasty treat.
The Prototype is well-aware of your connection to his "devotee", but doesn't mind it .
Because he knows Theodore is still somewhere in there, trying his best to protect a fellow orphan--one who could've been made into a monster just like him.
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semisolidmind · 6 months
In your survivor au, what do you think DogDay's reaction would be anytime he found y/n with CatNap? (That includes mostly when catnap snags y/n for cuddles)
just curious lol I wanna hear your thoughts
dogday has very little tolerance for catnap's tomfoolery, especially in the first few days of their attempt at coexistence. he keeps a close eye on both catnap and y/n, just to make sure the cat doesn't try anything.
of course, he can't be with y/n all the time. so perhaps there's an instance where he, poppy, and kissy are out on a walk while y/n is in town; he doesn't expect them back for a while.
however, y/n gets home a bit early. catnap, noticing the lack of opposition, sees an opportunity.
he watches. he waits for the right moment. then he pounces.
with a small dosage of red smoke (not enough to fully knock them out, but enough to make them slow and groggy), catnap steals y/n away to the barn, picking them up by the back of their coat. they struggle weakly as he saunters into the barn, heaving himself and his quarry up into the loft in one jump.
he gently deposits y/n into his nest before curling up around them. he settles, ignoring their slurred admonishing in favor of rubbing his face against their hair. he purrs. he's just taking the attention he believes he's owed, after all. they're so doting on the other toys...it's only fair he get some of his savior's attention, too.
as the effects of the red smoke slowly wear off, y/n sighs and seems to accept their fate of being cuddled. they can't exactly move the heavy, powerful limbs holding them close.
so, they talk to catnap. they try to convince him that kidnapping them isn't the way to go about getting attention, but the feline simply gazes at y/n through lazily lidded eyes. when their pleas for freedom go unheard, y/n resigns themself to their fate; instead, they tell him about whatever it is they got done that day. at least the occasional twitch of a large purple ear lets them know that he's listening.
meanwhile, dogday and the girls are returning from their walk, flowers and a few foraged mushrooms in hand. dogday sees y/n's vehicle in front of the garage, and assumes they're in the house. except, when he goes inside, calling for them, there's no answer. poppy yells for them too, checking the rooms upstairs.
"they're not here!" she calls back to dogday.
a chill goes down his spine and his hackles immediately raise.
dogday is out the front door in a flash, snagging his axe (it's a normal size, but it looks smaller in his hands) from the side of the house on the way.
he runs towards the barn, knowing that's where that thing took his angel.
dogday kicks the weathered double doors in, head snapping in the direction of the loft. just as he suspected, catnap has y/n trapped between his deadly claws, prone and vulnerable.
"catnap!" he roars in outrage. "i swear if you've hurt them in any way, i'll—!"
y/n calls his name, and he stops. through his rage, he sees them. they're...they're not hurt. though he's glad to see them unharmed, he won't be happy until they're safely away from his enemy. he hears y/n sigh tiredly.
this isn't the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last.
they sluggishly pull themselves from between catnap's paws, and though the cat grumbles his discontent, he's obviously not looking to start a fight with the pissed off dog still brandishing an axe down below. the look y/n gives him cows him even more. he looks away, and allows y/n the space to stand. as much as he wishes he could keep them, their ever-so-loyal hound won't allow it.
he'll have to be sneakier next time.
y/n shakily stands up. they've built up some tolerance to the red smoke, but... it can still knock them off their feet if they're not expecting it. they make their way to the lofts' rickety ladder, only taking a few steps down before dogday is there, gathering them into one arm (the other still holding his axe, eyes never leaving catnap and ready to swing the moment the feline moves).
y/n sighs again. they rest their head on dogday's shoulder, slumping down as he quickly gets them out of the barn. they hear more than see dogday slam the barns' doors shut. they can feel how his breathing slows from its angry seethe, calmer now that they're with him.
y/n can feel how the large canine presses his head to theirs, giving an affectionate nuzzle that earns a little laugh from them. he huffs a bit, still upset that he wasn't able to stop them from being nabbed in the first place.
on their way back into the house, dogday leaves his axe on the porch, closing and locking the front door behind them.
poppy and kissy are in the living room, and they watch dogday carry y/n upstairs. poppy shakes her head and sighs. she's really not sure why y/n won't just let dogday kill catnap, especially since the feline keeps doing stuff like this. she puts that thought to the side as she and kissy decide on a movie.
dogday takes y/n into their shared room. he lays them gently on the bed, helping them remove their shoes and coat. y/n groans and pulls themself under the covers. the smokes' effects will fully wear off in a couple of hours, but for now it feels like serious jetlag. y/n closes their eyes.
as they settle in, they hear dogday sigh. as expected, he begins to settle himself next to them, curling up and holding them close. one large hand rests on their back, gently stroking their shoulder. y/n nuzzles into the soft fur of his chest.
as they fall asleep under the watchful eye of their guard dog, y/n hopes they can maintain some semblance of peace between their family and the stray in the barn.
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playcareacademy · 7 months
Do your pendants hold any special value? Are they specially made? Magical? Expensive? Or are they all just emotionally valuable? I'm asking Bubba since he seems smart.
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Bubba: Everyone’s pendent, except DogDay and CatNaps, was made last summer as a friendship necklace type thing.
Bubba: Bobby’s insist they’re good luck charms and gets upset if we don’t have them.
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Bubba:…Which is probably why Kickin’ is calling his moms to see if he left his at home. Never a good thing when Bobby’s upset.
Bubba: One of the few times I’m happy I opted for a patch instead of a necklace.
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asamary · 7 months
the fact in the lil redraw dogday has the heart on his mouth broken while catnap doesnt
it is a nice detail i like :3
(ノ)•ω•(ヾ) thank you!!
And if y'all didn't see, the others are smiling because of the poppy gas, just like the cartoon where they all laugh maniacally:3
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And also about this au⤵︎
Angel and the player from the original poppy playtime are one and the same. They are the same person, but the path they trod were different, creating this mirror like world angel resides in.
The player wanted to work in playtime co, while angel only wanted to live with their grandmother. In angel's the hour of joy, the prototype didn't order the toys to kill everyone, but only wanted all the scientists who tortured them . The VHS tapes of their experiments were giving to a kind employee who went to the police to report playtime co's dark secrets. After the police came in to investigate, the scientists and elliot ludwig himself were gone without a trace. The employees left, and the children were given to the other orphanages. But some children also wanted to live near the toys.
Months past and the toys are given a town as their home, away from the city to not draw attention to them. Some of the toys have the children living with them. And there is also a school up to 6 grades, Most of the miss delight are the teachers and the smiling critters visit once in a while as the special guests.
There are times where they explore the other town sides, it was here where bobby first met angel. Angel who was making flower crowns by themself. It was here where they two became close.
Years past, but the prototype still persuade to find the missing scientists, some of the toys also joined in this search, but instead of giving them to the police, they want to do the deed themselves.catnap was once the most to kill some of the scientists, lying to his roommates about him with his midnight shift. But when angel came, the prototype saw how close he became to them. Told him to rest and have some bonding time with his roommates. At first he wanted to reject it, but the prototype doesn't take a no for an answer. He saw the toys as a family in this town, and all he wants is for them to live happily.
(Practically the prototype is not a manipulative person but a support dad for catnap in this au:3 pls note my english is not the best soo if some sentence doesn't make sense pls tell me (>人<;) )
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The player can see angel, and they are envious of angel, but is also happy that angel doesn't have to go through what they had to. Like a big sister from the shadows.:)
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thewiz9062 · 7 months
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Smiling Critters: Together, We Resonate (No.7) - Dogday
NOTE: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO CANON IN THE SLIGHTEST. An accurate description of this au is that I took every playtime.co poster art and promotional material from the game and lit up the rest of canon in a bonfire. This means that EVERY character is part of one big cartoon. That's it. No bigger bodies project, no child souls, no experiments, just a depiction of a cartoon. PLEASE do not ask me to do anything suggestive with anyone.
Here's our final main character, THE main character's introduction, dogday!!
OK, so I'm my general ideas post I specified that dogday is the new kid, but the reason for that is he was tutored for the time being....at an orphanage.
Yeah, no parents in sight here either. Difference being that dodgay has never had parents, he was abandoned week one. Ever since then, he's lived in an orphanage.
Dogday was 'raised' there, but just barely. The workers tried their best but there were like 50~ children to take care of, giving them all equal attention was nigh impossible. Dogday raised himself via media, books or the TV. In this media, there was a common trend: Happiness. Everything was positive, and seeing how everything in th orphanage was dull and sad, he decided that he was going to be happy, and bring happiness to those around him.
This led him into a one-track mind, where he can only really comprehend happiness, and his brain filters out any other emotions, seeing them as 'bad'.
After years of being home-schooled he wanted to go to school to make friends. Eventually, he managed to convince his caretakers to let him go to an actual school.
OK, here's an oversimplified of how he befriended the other critters:
Craftycorn: gave her the much needed push into her talent of art, planting the first seed of rebellion from her shitty ass parents, set up the after-school meetings
Bubba and kickin: managed to pass their friend filter test, invited them to the after-school meeting
Hoppy: really just appeared after school and said, "yall chill" so she joined
Bobby: Also appeared after school and liked the group, offered to bring snacks and it became routine
Picky: invited via bobby
OK, now we pick up where we left off yesterday: Catnap.
And so, the next time bobby met up with catnap, she brought dogday with. She had to go to take care of her siblings this time around, leaving the two of them. So, dogday tried to start up a conversation, which ended up more like a one-sided ramble. Everybody in the group was very animated, so someone to just sit and talk to and they would just listen was very refreshing. A few meetings later, dogday assured bobby that if she had to do other things, he would be more than happy to accompany catnap. Catnap also seemed to be a little bit more lively. By that I mean instead of the blank stare he'd give Bobby, he listens to dogday with a slightly amused or interested glisten in his eyes. When interacting with Dogday, he never had to be unsubtle with his response. Bobby was very awkward when trying to talk to him, usually waiting for a response, but with dogday, just a simple eyebrow twitch or grunt would be enough to prompt him to continue. Even though catnap had never spoke to him directly, it still felt like a conversation.
One day, during one of their exchanges, dogday accidentally brought up the fact that he lives in an orphanage. Dogday clammed up as he saw Catnap's face widen in mild suprise, and then was confused and surprised when he saw his mouth turn upwards slightly. He got up and gestured for dogday to follow him. They went deeper into the forest and reached catnaps shack house thingy. Dogday asked if this is where he goes to hang out sometimes. Catnap shook his head. He then asked if this was where he lived. A nod. Catnap moved over to a corner of the room and showed dogday a picture of his parents. Dogday asked if they were still around, and catnap shook his head. Catnap then sat down on the floor and used one if his gestures to signicate that he was listening, essentially asking if he wanted to talk about his own. Dogday went on about how the only thing he knows about his parents are that they left him. It turns into a vent once he starts asking himself if he did something wrong, or were they just terrible people, or maybe he just wasn't worth their time. He was already on the verge of crying and was about to say something along the lines of "but it's ok" to try and 'cheer himself up, but was suddenly tackled in a hug from catnap. And for the first time since he met him, he spoke to say that it wasn't OK. That's when the dam broke, and they both sat there hugging while dogday cried.
Tears? Wdym I'm a waterbender I'm just displaying my superior abilities to your mortal soul
that one was a doozy
Additional notes:
- before you ask yourself, "Are they shipping them" I genuinely don't know if I want to or not. Sun and moon characters are just kinda like that sometimes and I certainly didn't help it ngl. If you want to see this as a ship post, go ahead, but it's not canon here
- I love the trope where polar opposite characters make each other see the other side of things in a similar situation so yk I had to rid them both of familial love :D
- I never specified, but catnap did not go to school. Like at all. He does, however, know how to read, write, speak, and do basic math. You ask him what 12 x 94, and he'd give you the answer, but if you ask what's the powerhouse of the cell is, he'd give you a "wtaf r u talking abt" look. (Poor soul doesn't even know people added the alphabet to math......actually he's lucky ngl)
Anyways I'm gonna give an aftermath post that includes the end of the school year, then introduce side characters, THEN I can finally get into actual content. Sorry my schedule and motivation varies alot so I apologize for inconsistencies. Byeeee
Edit: New Art!
here is the old one for classics sake :]
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Mission impossible 3 was Ethan’s feral cat biting era. (I’m serious he bit like 4 people in the span of 2hrs Julia please vaccinate your husband. Luther come get ur boy)
Which is funny cuz Julia straight up domesticated Ethan. The cat distribution system worked to well and Julia got a husband with a cat personality instead of a plain and normal cat.
Ethan probably wandered over and Julia just picked him up and took him home. She literally got hobo!Ethan who canonically sleeps in barns/abandoned warehouses/hotel rooms/garages/streets and is legitimately a squatter to sleep in her bed and live with her (it has to be her house, Ethan credit is probably like a 6, the insurance company’s hates and loves him at the same time. If he does have a good credit score it’s 98% faked/hacked by Luther who looks at his peasant friend and feels bad) which btw has the same energy as a human seeing a feral cat on the side of the road and just picking them up and taking them home *your my friend now! And then casually catnaps them*
Ethan also give off the outdoor farmcat attitude of stopping by and living in the house for some days then disappearing back to its colony or back to work. Liked a shared custody case. The other spies be like bro wtf have you been??? And Ethan will be like I got myself a wife, food, and a roof over my head by just giving her all my affection wby? How’s living in that barn rn?
In conclusion Ethan hunt is a feral cat who was pretty enough to get adopted by a single but gorgeous women.
Discuss if u must
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medusavsviperz · 6 months
have my kittens
warnibgs: smut, cussing
relationships: catnap x caretaker! reader
writing type: second person
genre: smut
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it was just like every other day at the play-care. kids running around, laughs being heard all throughout. you were cleaning up around the tables after the kids ate dinner, and waited for catnap to return from putting them to sleep like you always do. you sat on the nearest table and watched him walk out of home sweet home and into your direction.
"hey big boy" you said while looking up at him. he gently lifted you by the back of your shirt like a kitten, and carries you to your shared room. "catnap put me down!" he doesn't respond, instead huffing at your pity. he flings you on to your bed, and just stares at you. "uhm, catnap you good?"
he begins to crawl on the bed, flipping you over and mounting you. his claws rip off your pants and panties, and he lowers head to smell your sweet aroma. "catnap please..." ... his long black tongue falls out of his mouth and licks a long stripe up your cunt. he pauses at your moan, and begins to pull off his pants. "god just stick it in already." you moan out at him. he grunts at you and lines his cock up at your entrance. fuckkkkk..... he pushes in slowly, leaning down to bite your neck. you suddenly snap your hips back and your ass makes connection to his groin. he lets out a loud groan and grabs your waist with one of his hands. he starts to push in and out. "please catnap make me a fucking mommy!" you say, head ringing. his hips still.
"what..?" he mutters out, eyes wide. "fill me with your fucking kittens catnap." his pupils turn into slits and he starts pounding into you at a racing speed, almost painfully hard, his balls hitting your oh so needy clit. you squirt all over him as he hits just the right spot inside of you to make your head ring. his teeth cutting deep into your neck, yet some how he still manages to purr all at the same time. at this point, hes cum in your sweet, aching cunt too many times to remember. you asked him to make you pregnant and hes damn well gonna make sure he fulfills it. atlas, he pulls out, cum spilling out of you like legit milk. he leans down and cleans you up with his mouth, your clitoris so sensitive it hurts.
you both lay in the bed, hearts pounding.
"¡ hope you were serious about what you asked."
"because there's no going back."
created by medusavsviperz
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Kidnapped Firepaw AU
Following up the "Banished Fireheart AU" with this absolute gem.
As Spottedleaf recounts the prophecy of fire to Bluestar, Tigerclaw lurks and listens, wholeheartedly believing in the words of Starclan like the UWU good pureblooded clan cat that he is.
Obviously he now needs to find himself a highlighter orange cat, he can't have the clan destroying itself before he ever even gets the chance to lead it after all, but where on earth is he supposed to find one when highlighter orange genetics aren't exactly common in the forest?.......
Enter Rusty, wondering the border of two-leg place all helpless and alone, itty bitty wittle barely apprentice aged kitty.
He's perfect, he simply HAS to join Thunderclan, the prophecised cat has gotta be him.
Besides, "rescuing" a kit from potential danger is the right thing for a noble warrior like Tigerclaw to do in this situation.
(Scourge? Never met her.)
Recruitment speeches and independent thought processes? What in Starclan's name are those?...
Tigerclaw could just carry this kit home right now if he wanted to.
So he does, he just stalks Rusty for a while, pops out of the bushes when the timing is right and straight up catnaps him.
Rusty is still the Rusty whom we all know and love, so he isn't THAT deeply upset about getting to live in the wild, but his little paws are rated E for everyone and he vows to make this entire experience as difficult for his kidnapper as possible.
Measures taken by Rusty to ruin Tigerclaw's life now include:
Acting more cynical and prickly than even Longtail on the daily
Ensuring that the cat assigned to escort him back home one final time as he says his last goodbyes to Smudge is Tigerclaw, the one cat who hates two-leg place more than Darkstripe
Cozying up to Bluestar (and later Yellowfang) when he knows damn well that Tigerclaw wants to be the adult in his life for some stupid reason
Making Ravenpaw his best friend as soon as organically possible because he also knows perfectly well that Tigerclaw will be forced to tolerate Ravenpaw if Firepaw takes a fancy to him
Ravenpaw: "Tigerclaw wants to kill me...."
Firepaw: "So that he can convince Bluestar to make me his apprentice instead?.... No thank you!"
Firepaw is a paw-length from convincing Bluestar to be his mentor, he will not be letting Tigerclaw ruin that for him.
The petty grudge continues into Fireheart's career as a warrior, prompting a neverending series of events seen as unfortunate only by Tigerclaw.
What do you mean his orange cat likes all of the remaining cats that he was planning on murdering?.... That was supposed to be HIS orange cat! Now how is he supposed to continue on his bloodthirsty quest for power?
Fireheart is best friends with Goldenflower now, she is his big sister, all of the adoration, attention and respect that Tigerclaw wishes he could get from Fireheart goes to Goldenflower
Bramblekit and Tawnykit are on the same level as Cloudkit, they are also his niece and nephew and he goes out of his way to hog nursery visitation
Longtail and Dustpelt are going to be Fireheart's friends now whether they like it or not, he is going to slowly squeeze their Tigerclaw love out of them like two-leg tooth paste and make them part of the 💥 Fireheart Squad 💥
Graystripe, Ravenflight(paw), and Sandstorm are already part of the 💥 Fireheart Squad 💥 and they help him bully Darkstripe
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Once they get accustomed to going out, where are some of the toys’ favourite places to hang out at that aren’t the house, the hut, and the farmland?
Poppy, Mommy Long Legs and Bobby love the mall! Not even just for shopping, but just for hanging out and being silly together. It's always funny seeing the trio because MLL is almost always dressed head to toe in more gothic and grunge looks, while Poppy and Bobby are full on lolita fashion.
Crafty also goes to the mall with them, but what she's actually looking forward to is watching a movie in theaters. And her being dressed in scene head-to-toe just makes the four of them stand out even more.
Huggy, Kissy, Picky, PJ and Bunzo like going to a park nearby. Kissy and Picky prefer it over all the noise and people in the mall.
Bubba loves a good library and the arcade, just like Delight! They're always getting high scores. Only difference is that Delight actually prefers going to the aquarium more.
Kickin and Hoppy made friends with a bunch of bikers and hang out with them often, but Hoppy prefers playing sports more. Boxy always follows her!
Catnap's #1 place outside the farm is the Church he goes to, but if you take that it's definitely the park where he can just run as much as he pleases.
Dogday had trouble finding things to do that he genuinely enjoyed instead of just following his friends around, but he found out he loves both the park and the aquarium. Mostly the park.
The other mini toys all have different favorite places, and they're too many for me to list at the moment!
Bonus: Angel had completely forgotten how fun it was to go out, as they mostly left their tiny home to either work, take a walk, or visit their family's houses. As time post-rescue goes by they start enjoying mall visits as well as hikes and trips to the nearby lake. Prototype on the other hand HATES leaving the farm, but he enjoys hikes as well.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
hi!! happy monday! so i was wondering if you could write something with hybrid au with hotch 👀 the reader is a cat hybrid and she lives with him and she’s really comforting to him and when he comes home he can’t wait to cuddle with her and kiss her and play with her and it’s just all so softtttt <3 thank you!
The jingle of Aaron's keys in the door is enough to rouse you from your catnap, the sun warming your skin as you sprawl in a patch of it. You scramble to your feet, eager to greet your charge. Penelope, the sweet blonde glitter bomb, had recruited you in hopes of helping her boss with his emotions. She told you that he tended to shut himself down instead of feeling, and that she was absolutely certain a 'cute thing like yourself' would help. You'd say you're doing a pretty good job. Aaron walks in the door with a smile on his face now, a stark contrast to the grumpiness he used to radiate the first few weeks of living with you. Now, when your fingers pry at the collar of his suit jacket he grins, setting down his briefcase as quickly as possible so that he can catch you when you scale him like a ladder.
"Hi sweetheart," He hums, fingers already reaching for the spot behind your ears that makes your chest rev with a purr, "Did you have a good day?"
"Mhm," You nod, "I birdwatched."
"Oh?" He glances over at the birdfeeder he'd set up outside the window, a perfect spot for you to laze around and observe, "Did you see any cool ones?"
"One of them had yellow feathers on its chest," You muse, sharpened nails making quick work of untying his tie, "But other than that, just the regular ones."
"Maybe you'll see that pretty red one again soon," He recalls the bird you'd dragged him out of his home office to see, excitedly yowling about its stunning colors, "He likes the birdseed we put out."
You nod along absentmindedly, tail curling around his wrist as he supports you from below. A quick trek into his bedroom reveals that you're more than ready for the cuddle session you know is coming, a pair of pajamas already laid out for him. The clothes you wear are exclusively comfortable, a sweet pink nightgown already adorning your frame.
"These are your favorites," Aaron observes, plucking a speck of lint off of the black fabric of the shirt, "Are they softer than the rest?"
"No," You hum, already curling up near his pillow, blanket tucked to your chest, "They're the ones you wore the first time you let me sleep in here."
He stills from where he's shaking out the shirt, glancing up at you with his dress attire unbuttoned.
"Yeah," You pick at one of your nails, tail curled around your waist, "I remember you were worried about it, you were all stiff and freaked out. But I just rammed my head into your chest and started purring, and you relaxed."
He doesn't realize he's smiling until he's trying to talk through the expression. He ducks his face so you can't see it, "Yeah. I remember that."
"Hurry up," You clearly don't realize what a sentimental moment he's having, or you just don't care, but it doesn't ruin the mood. Your whining only makes him go faster, and he gets a knee up on the mattress in no time.
"You're impatient," He chides, but there's no negativity behind the tease. He wraps his arms around you from where you're bundled up in the blanket, his smile soft and sweet as his hair flops over his forehead. You've spent many a night combing your nails through it to get him to sleep, and if your arms weren't just as tightly tucked in as the rest of you, you might try it now.
"I missed you," You whine, and it does the trick. He stops poking fun at you and tugs you closer, eyes slipping shut as his nose butts against yours. When he speaks the murmur of his voice flows through you, warmer than any sunspot you've ever had the privilege of lounging in.
"I missed you too, honey. Tell me more about your day," He pleads, a hand stroking smoothly and soothingly over your back, "Is that dog next door still taunting you?"
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restwellsoon · 1 year
omg Rest!! Happy birthday, happy wedding anniversary and happy writeversary!!!! ♥
I would love to participate in your event (if I'm not too late!)
Predictably enough, I'd love to request A catnap with Bakugo (F!reader) using prompt 01, pretty please? :3 Anything but bitter will make me happy. ♥
Thank you for spoiling us with this event! 💕
Thanks for being SO patient, Tiph!!
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Prompt: I've been searching all my life for something that I won’t regret. Could it be that you're the one I'm looking for?
Warnings: Fluff, I know you requested an F!Reader but I unintentionally made Reader gender-neutral instead!
There was no reason for Bakugou to be proud. If he believed in higher powers or the unknown mechanics of the universe, he’d give due credit to them, but this was all coincidence–or rather serendipity, as Mina would coo, any time she saw you two together–not his usual work ethic of critical thinking and tactics. Love worked strangely like that.
And still, he couldn’t help himself, feeling his heart swell when you smiled his way, his hand around your waist holding onto you a little bit tighter. As arrogant as he  was, Bakugou was humbled by your presence. Such love and sweetness were too good for him. To prove himself, he wanted to give you everything.
The flashing lights that came with fame did nothing to hide your shine. Your presence was always known, of course; everyone knew about you. But everything for Bakugou included secret things, private things, that were only meant for you–those moments when the curtains were drawn, and no light nor curious eyes could peek, where he wasn’t himself and it wasn’t just you, where there was we and there was us.
Bakugou would pour out his soul for you in the home you built together, in the bed you shared. Where his fingertips would trace the curves of your face, the upwards turn of your lips, before grazing down to sweeter places. Where his fears would get tangled in the sheets, your arms a place of refuge from his insecurities.
“This isn’t the place for pride or shame,” you’d tell him, fingers carding through his hair.  
He’d only nod in agreement during those times, his heart lulling to something softer and quieter so he could rest. Bakugou never thought he needed a safe haven, especially one that he couldn’t make himself. It was foolishing thinking, looking back, to not realize that you were what he needed all this time.
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A Token of Sleep | event / Bakugou Katsuki's Masterlist / Rest's Main M.list
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pearl484-blog · 27 days
The Cesaire Family Kitten
Otis is sure the new family kitten isn't all it seems, and he's going to prove it.
Prompt: Family
Chat Noir was exploring the city with a new form, a small kitten that he'd experimented with Plagg to get. It was a small, little black cat covered in soft black fur and a small bell that rested at the base of his neck. 
Chat was hopeful that it'd be good as a stealthy form, considering that he had all his strength contained in a tiny kitten you could hold in your hand, but navigating Paris had proved to be a tad bit more difficult when you were so small. It was difficult to see, and his senses were stronger and harder to focus. 
So, Chat was practicing, playing at the park where no one would question a tiny kitten playing around, climbing trees, eavesdropping on conversations, and getting catnapped by some twins?!
Yes, to Chat's eternal embarrassment, two twins, Alya's twin sisters, if Chat was right, had picked Chat up while he was distracted by trying to eavesdrop on Alya's conversation about her newest Ladyblog article, had grabbed him and one of them, the one dressed in blue had curled him close to her chest. 
Chat Noir didn't struggle. He didn't want to hurt her accidentally. People, especially little girls, were fragile, but also....it was nice, being held like this. It felt warm, and soft against her clothes. 
So, the twins managed to carry him back to Alya and ask her if they could keep him, pretty please? Chat Noir gave Alya pleading eyes, praying that she would recognize him and tell the girls to let him go, maybe apologize and say that they didn't mean it. Give him some head scratches for the road. 
Instead, Alya said that they could take him home, but they'd have to put up lost pet posters so that his owners could find him. Chat Noir wanted to curse at her, yowl at her. Talking was hard, but not impossible in this form. He could argue with her. Surely, she'd listen. 
Then the little girl held him tighter and pet him, and it took Chat Noir had in him not to melt at the affection. Maybe he could handle a little bit of extra attention. Just for the night. Then he'd leave. 
That night turned into a day, which turned into two, then three, and by then, Chat Noir felt like a part of the family. When they went to school, he'd leave and go to do his Adrien duties, and he'd shadow akuma fights. When it was time for their bed, he'd switch between sleeping with Ella or Etta until they were fast asleep and then he'd come home. He got used to belly rubs and head scritches, and Plagg would happily mock him at school about how well he was adjusting to the cat lifestyle. That was until Otis came home. 
Otis had been on a business trip, learning new techniques for handling his beloved panthers when he came back to find the new family family pet, and instantly he knew it was no mere kitten. 
For starters, its face was too 'cute' for lack of a better word. Its jaw was too round. It's eyes too expressive. It looked more like a person's idea of a cat than an actual feline. Then there was its fur. Its fur covered it's entire body, including it's belly and it's anus was completely missing, and it's tail was not the characteristic kitten triangle, but fully developed when its body clearly wasn't. Then there was its bell. Otis could clearly see it, but there was not collar or necklace to connect it to its body. 
Instantly, Otis was suspicious. Why was there a pet here that was masquerading as a cat in his house? Was it a sentimonster? Had it been sent to spy on them? Was this yet another spectacle brought on by Alya's reporting?
Otis had stared at the false kitten for a few minutes when he was violently attacked by a fake kitten to the face. It pounced onto him and then nipped his nose as it gave a mew that was too deep for a creature of it's size. 
Otis scrambled to get the possible sentimonster off his face as Nora cooed and said that 'Shadow' liked him. Otis was very sure that 'Shadow' very much did not like him. Cats very much loved to pounce on their prey thank you very much. 
Meanwhile, Chat was having the time of his life. He'd been playing chase with Anansi when a new victim playmate had entered the room. The zookeeper, the one who'd turned into  animan. Surely, he understood the need to play that Chat Noir had. As he pounced and nipped, the zookeeper made such fun noises and moved in such fun ways. 
Over the next few days, Chat Noir felt Otis's attention on him at all times. It was fun. Then, when Chat Noir's gift to the twins, a science project for their age group that would teach them about acoustics, arrived, Chat tore up the return address so they couldn't return it and would play with it. 
Otis couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed Chat Noir by the scruff, leaving him paralyzed as his feet came off the ground. Chat mewed helplessly as Otis took him into his bedroom against the twin's protests and shut the door. He tossed Chat roughly onto the bed. 
“Okay,” Otis started, his tone making it clear that the time for fun and games had clearly come to an end. “Who are you? What are you? Tell me. Are you working for Shadow Moth?”
Chat Noir hissed. “No!” Otis startled, but Chat continued, too offended to stop. “I'm Chat Noir, and your kids catnapped me!”
Otis scoffed. “You're no Chat Noir. Chat Noir is a hero. And you're...you're an imposter.”
Chat Noir rolled his eyes, before focusing to get his words out. “We can have different forms. This,” Chat Noir spun around, “is one of mine.”
“So, what, you just let one of my kids kidnap you?” 
Chat Noir laughed, a harsh, not quite feline noise. “It was fun. You have a nice family. A good family. Why wouldn't I want to stay? It's nice, being here with you.”
Otis raised his eyebrows. “So you want to stay?”
Chat Noir nodded. Then he realized he should speak. “Of course.”
Otis sighed. “Very well. You can stay. But only because the girls would miss you if you left.” AS Chat Noir mewed happily, Otis very pointedly did not say that he would miss Chat Noir too. 
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specter319 · 11 months
Authors Note: It's been 15 hours, 15. And for those that know what happens, do not comment on this post, as I will delete and block stated users who place it on here, I am very specifically waiting until the 12th of November for those who have logged off in their entirety to not be spoiled of anything regarding the new launch. And my thoughts generally, writing-wise on it will be launched on or after November 12. Other than that, for those that know and have played it. [-] Both have plot armor for reasons I can not get into, but ones that I'd much rather happily reveal in time. Enjoy the new post!
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GIF by Loonlypaper as well as concept for message Pairing: Damon 'Ninja' West x Kaden Lincoln, Simon 'Ghost' Riley x John 'Soap' MacTavish, Zack 'Nemo' Hayes x Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick. Word Count: 2.1k words no use of y/n eventual relationship establishment, however, Damon and Kaden are married. Summary: In a nation unaccustomed to war, Australia's newly elected government faces a dire crisis when rumours of a biological weapon on home soil, send shockwaves through the Government's defence sector. Dispatching a team of elite operatives to deal with it, the containment goes heads up as they look for other options.
The Black Angel Squad is soon assigned as the situation quickly spirals out of control behind the team's back unknowingly, and to stop a bleeding wound, Task Force 141 is brought in to assist them amid a frantic cabinet meeting of last-minute options and consistent fuck ups, forging an uneasy alliance between two teams. As tensions soar on both ends, questions arise about one thing: Was this the making of a weapon to begin with? Warnings: slow-burn, zombies, canon typical violence associated with Call of Duty, gruesome depictions of death, blood, swearing.
Ao3 Version
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He should’ve had more coffee.
“Hey, lazybones.” 
A grumbled groan moved out of the males lips once more as he automatically turned around in his sleep, apparent that in the limited time that he hurried back to bed, it seemed just like moments ago. But instead, it was almost four hours later. A catnap, as Cameron had stated earlier.
“Damon, we are not doing this today, I know you got broken sleep, but you’ve had well over six hours. Out of bed, I need my shopping partner…and my partner.”
He was fighting a loosing battle in knowing his body was well aware of wanting to get up either way as he sighed before he rolled back over and finally sat up, his black hair all a mess. His eyes no longer filled with the same heaviness they once had earlier this morning, but more of a distant look in his eyes. Kaden always found his sleepy state adorable knowing he could barely calculate anything but how to breathe and complain in the morning.  
“We find out anything more since last night?” ‘Oh yeah, he wasn’t thinking alright.’ Kaden thought, a small tug to the corner of his lips had the male trying not to laugh at his vulnerable state of broken sleep. 
“Nothing other than the coroner has drawn blood and checked over the body, but isn’t allowed to examine them. Other than that, the cop is seemingly fine in his state, bite is apparently inflamed but, nothing else.”
Damon brush past the comment of not being able to examine them before he looked over at Kaden’s smile, tired muscles in his eyes made him look all the more out of it rather than the pure action of squinting as he tried to see what the other was hiding.
“What?” He rasped.
“You look cute with your hair like that.”
“I oughta kill you.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Damon only gave him a look as the two went their seperate ways, knowing that he was going to take his moment to try and regain the energy he had from the night before he passed out in the bed. 
It was through the chugging of three coffees later and a mediocre serving of Special K that the male was finally good enough to go to tolerate the world as he finally hung around Kaden’s office and jingled the keys to let him know he was there.
“Look who’s finally alive.” “Must be dead inside with all those emails you’re answering,” He jeered back.
“Actually just more information on the mission we’ve gotten from earlier this morning. They’ve spoken to the other team, sending over a bunch of former SAS trained soldiers from a task force apparently.”
“SAS soldiers?” Damon asked before he moved into Kaden’s office, quickly turning to look at his computer screen. Rather casually, informing the likes that they have been assigned alongside Task Force 141 to investigate the incident which would be codenamed: Operation Sentinel.
“Who the fuck are Task Force 141?” Damon quizzed as he looked at the screen, even questioning the name of the operation as he looked at the email.
“Don’t know, we’ll find out in a few days when they get here. But right now, we need to do some shopping for the guys, we’ve got a whole list of stuff we need to get,” and then, Kaden went in for a kiss on a stubble filled jaw, Damon slowly looking over at Kaden with a slight smirk. Someone was a little clingy.
“’S matter with you today?”
“Can I not admire my husband for how hot he looks with a black jumper on and how he smells?”
“Alright, we are not doing this here again, I did this once to fulfil your office fantasy, we’re going shopping. Now,” Sometimes, Damon thought, it had honestly felt like they would swap each others thoughts around. And that was one of the scary parts of being married to the love of your life for as long as you had been, when you started to know one another’s thoughts. It became even more so just how easy you could drag them out of that stated mindset of longing they had for each other.
Shopping never seemed to be a nightmare on Wednesday’s in the afternoon, barely anyone seemed to be doing their shopping at a time like this, and it left the once crowded weekend days feel like you could finally breathe in a tightly compact place. Save for a certain ankle biter who rammed a trolley into the back of Kaden’s legs.
Damon had an innocent smile on his face as Kaden looked like he was going to reciprocate the movement that caused him to turn around to begin with, had it not been for Damon’s realisation with what aisle they were currently in. 
“Are we seriously buying chocolate for that fucker again? That’s the third bar this week,” realising what he’d stated, Damon quickly checked around for any kids before continuing his demeanour, an unspoken rule Damon had thanks to his sailors mouth. “I don’t see the issue.” “That’s usually because you’re away from Zack when he decides to go nuclear and thinks it’s fine to lay his lactose intolerance out on us, get him the cookies instead.” “He doesn’t like the cookies though.” “For the sake of our marriage - please,” Damon dramatically pleaded in addition with puppy eyes, which only Damon knew he could get away with.
“God you are so overdramatic Damon,” A roll of his eyes came to as he put the chocolate back and grabbed the cookies instead “Any complaints, it’ll come back on you.”
“There won’t be, unless he eats the whole packet in one sitting.”
“He probably will,” He brushed off.
“Fuck, you’re right,” Damon realised before he gently grabbed the list out of Kaden’s hands “Alright, next is butter, two bags of rice, spring onions, and a crap tonne of vegetables,” Damon paused in realisation “Are we having rice?”
“Figured given we’re on cooking duty this week we’d do something simple, gotta make enough for four nights so, I decided on rice, given pasta seemingly doesn’t really work as much.”
“Alright, you grab the butter, I’ll go grab the rest of the things needed on the list.”
“Wilco,” Kaden said before he dashed off down the other side of the supermarket. 
Eventual time of crossing one another’s paths would lead to the two getting to the checkout as they openly decided to go and serve themselves at the self-serve checkout instead of leaving the hard work to the others. A simple act of kindness in their eyes, and one less person to let what they could do with ease stress out about, and instead, allow them to take a breather for just a moment before another customer came hauling their groceries. Or were ungratefully needed for that one ‘shift’ they never really got paid for.
Knowing that they had finally gotten what they had come for, the pair of them got back in the vehicle as Damon, for once allowed the other male to drive, a sudden surprise to the other, as usually, their would be a complain in trail about it, even if it was the love of his life.
“You’re letting me drive?” Kaden questioned with a confused look on his face.
“Yeah, I figured it was a thanks for last night and this morning.”
“You’re still out of it aren’t you?”
A laugh stifled out of Damon “Yup. It was this morning, too, wasn’t it?” He questioned, that’s what broken sleep did to a man. Threw him right off his perception of time. 
Nodding in replied confirmation came from Kaden before he started up the vehicle and made his way out of the parking lot. 
The rattle of the reusable thick plastic bags had Zack running down the hall as he eagerly awaited the two men to come back into the kitchen with baited breath. As he waited for them to place the bags on the table before he greedily got to what he wanted, he’d been desiring for the past almost twelve hours - chocolate. However, as the zipper came flying around the edges of the bag, opening the flap to it. His face quickly pulled downwards at the sides as he realised it wasn’t a whole chocolate bar, but instead, cookies.
“Alright, which one of you two did this? It’s very funny, cookies instead of a chocolate bar,” Zack stated, confused as he pulled at the box, maybe it was just a little prank and they had a lot of chocolate bars inside, shaking it didn’t seem to resolute much hope within him though. The unbroken seal, an unknown answer to Zack’s logic, would’ve also flown open given how hard he’d shaken it just seconds ago.
“Blame Damon,” Kaden raised his hands as he moved away from the mess, pulling the bag towards him and grabbing what was needed for what would be a giant serving of tonights dinner. Knowing Damon would come to help him once he was done bickering with the other male.
Damon only looked back at him as Kaden avoided his gaze like he was on the other side of a glass pane to his husband, all the while, Zack was burning daggers into Damon’s skull as the other man finally looked back at him.
“You’re sick,” Zack accused.
“Look, I’m not buying forty dollars worth of chocolate bars just so you can treat the cap and I like Meg from Family Guy. The only time I will suffer through it is if I buy you a chocolate cake, even then,” Damon exaggerated.
“I’m not lactose intolerant!”
“Like hell you aren’t,” Damon quickly witted back. “They’re worse than mine. Kaden back me up here.”
Kaden immediately broke out into a song, humming as he placed the rice down onto the table. 
“Quite the supportive husband,” Damon gestured, receiving a smirk from the other.
“Obviously your backup thinks otherwise,” Zack stated before someone else walked into the room, Cameron.
“Alright you two, what’s going on here?” The captain decided to bite at the bickering between the two and Damon immediately explained, giving no room for Zack to try and argue his case.
“I gave Zack cookies instead of a whole chocolate bar today,” Damon said as he looked over at him. Cameron looked at him as if he were insane, but a saviour all at the same time, it was the one night they were playing Uno that Cameron flashed back to that moment he will never forget, he swears by the book Zack had done something more than just farting. And Damon had sworn the opposite, that he’d only done exactly that.
“I’m giving you a promotion after this,” sarcasm, of course given Damon’s last stance on being offered it. But Damon tried not to laugh at the subtle gratitude.
“He’ll go through it within a sitting anyway.”
“Oh come on, not you, Captain,” Zack complained
“Damon was right to, I think I lost my smell that night, never been able to smell the petrichor since,” Cameron laughed before he looked over at Kaden, he was on cooking duty tonight, and he was glad he was getting right to it, especially with the news that had developed. “Complaints aside, we’ve got some good news, and bad news.” 
“That we won’t smell death anymore?” Damon chuckled as he got a glare from Zack. Though they all knew he wasn’t going to do anything, one of them always became the butt of some joke. It was the way they operated.
“No, we have an operational unit on the way labeled as Task Force 141, they’re sending out four of their men to help investigate this case which we still haven’t gotten any update on since early this morning, been sitting and waiting for one but, you know how emails go. Bad news however, news crews have gotten word about it - and they will not stop until they have answers.”
“You’d think with the budget they have, an email would be simple enough to do,” Zack retorted.
“Yes, well, that’s not the case, so we’re headed out to Melbourne Airport at 0700 hours to pick them up from a domestic flight and then we’ll be headed out to Katherine, should be there by at least by 1300 hours.”
“Can you just use normal time?” Damon groaned before he sighed - though he understood it very well, he often chose to speak to other teammates by using the AM and PM format much rather than military time. 
“You know the rules, Damon.”
“Yes Captain.”
“Any questions?”
“Yeah,” Kaden asked as he chewed on a mushroom head. “Why haven’t we gotten any emails or intel back from the Departments yet about the reports?”
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neodracunyan · 1 month
Chapter 3 - The Hour of Despair is Upon Us… (Prequel Arc - Part 4)
Location: Home Sweet Home - Playcare - Playtime Co.
Date: March 24, 1987
Time: 11:55 PM
5 Minutes Until the Hour of Despair Begins
As the days went by, all of the Smiling Critters are now ready for the Hour of Despair as they made sure that everyone including the children and the workers are in bed sleeping peacefully and they all have to meet inside the Playhouse, where Darku has placed a Dark Zone Pentagram in the middle of the Playhouse, where the Mini Critters live as their home and they all seemed to be excited for this amazing event.
However, as the Smiling Critters are waiting for Darku to arrive to complete the ritual to become the Dark Creatures, the Prototype was really getting impatient after he waited for CatNap to accept his offer to join him until he later found about the Smiling Critters' plan to form their own group to take over the Toy Factory without the Prototype's help.
This is not good for the Prototype as is now furious about CatNap betraying him as he plans to kill him and his friends for stabbing him in the back.
Prototype: That ungrateful feline and his vile friends. I can't believe he would betray me like that. I'm going to find him and kill him in his sleep and then I will do the same to his friends for ever messing with me.
???: Not if I had anything to say about it.
Prototype: Huh? Who's there? Show yourself!
???: Very well then.
Then suddenly, the Prototype soon found himself in the Dark Zone as Darku kept his promise to the Smiling Critters that he will take care of dealing with the Prototype and what better way to do that than doing it in his own domain, the Dark Zone itself. It's the place, where all the multiverse's evil and all things negative reside in as the ruler of the Dark Zone appeared from the shadows to face off against the infamous Prototype.
The Prototype was shocked to see a demonic being like Darku show up in his own domain as the Prototype demanded Darku to know what's going on here.
Prototype: What the hell?! Who are you?!
Darku: I am Darku, ruler of this shadowy realm, the Dark Zone and I am here to execute you.
Prototype: Execute me?! For what reason?!
Darku: You know why, Prototype. You were planning to make a truce with CatNap and betray and kill him at the last minute just so you can take what's left his body for yourself. So I decided to make a deal CatNap and his friends after I showed them their future if CatNap accepted your offer and they immediately accepted my offer to join forces with me and I promised them that I will deal with you, which is why I brought you here into my domain to execute you to prevent you from interfering with our plan to begin the Hour of Despair.
Prototype: The Hour of Despair? How is that any different from the Hour of Joy?
Darku: The reason why it's completely different from the Hour of Joy is instead of killing everyone in cold blood after all of the toys have suffered so many years of being abused and tortured by Playtime Co. own cruel and unusual experiments just for creating the perfect children's toy, than what better way than to kill them, but to make them become like them.
Prototype: Become them?
Darku: That's right. If those scientists think they can just use innocent children and adults to make toys in a toy factory like Playtime Co., then we will give them a taste of their own medicine by turning them into toys as well. However, to make sure they have no free will against me and the Smiling Critters, all of their memories of their human lives will be erased from existence, and they will remain loyal and obedient to their new masters, so they will not show any signs of free will whatsoever. And once the Smiling Critters, now known as the Dark Creatures, take over Playtime Co. with an iron fist, they will spread their evil upon the rest of the world and with you gone, the Dark Creatures and I, Darku, Lord of the Dark Zone will take over this world by storm with one less annoying hunk of scrap metal from foiling our plans.
Prototype: How dare you insult me?! Do you know who I am?! I am the Prototype, and I will not be stopped by some dark and gloomy shadow in some gaudy knight's armor from preventing me from skinning those good for nothing critters and that dumb lazy feline, CatNa-
But before the Prototype could finish his sentence, he was stabbed though the robot's own skull by Darku's blade as he is deeply offended by the Prototype calling his fellow Dark Creatures good for nothing critters and calling CatNap dumb and lazy. Not to mention that he called Darku, dark and gloomy and insulting his own armor that is made out of pure dark energy, netherite, lava rocks, hellfire, brimstone and obsidian and it's far from being gaudy and ugly.
Darku: Good riddance to him and how dare he made fun of my new minions and make fun of me and my armor. I am far from being dark and gloomy. I'm the ruler of this world of eternal darkness and all the evil's own existence for crying out loud! (Sighs) Whatever. I got rid of the Prototype like I promised, but now...it is time for the Hour of Despair to begin....
He then teleported away from his domain to meet up with the Smiling Critters to transform them into their true selves...
The Dark Creatures
Location: The Playhouse - Playcare - Playtime Co.
As the Smiling Critters waited for their dark lord, Darku to return, the dark demon lord of the Dark Zone has arrived just in time to begin the ritual to transform the Smiling Critters into the Dark Creatures to finally start the Hour of Despair.
Darku: My fellow creatures of the night, the Prototype is now dead, and tonight is the night we begin the Hour of Despair upon the humans that reside in this forsaken toy factory. But before we begin this event, I shall grant you the power of the Dark Zone to unveil your true forms. Are you all ready to become your true selves?
CatNap: Yes, my dark lord. We are all ready to serve you and finally get our revenge.
DogDay: And we show these humans that we mean business.
The Smiling Critters: (Agreeing with CatNap and DogDay)
Darku: Excellent. You all made the right choice, and I shall grant you all my power to become the Dark Creatures. Just stand on the pentagram and hold hands to form a circle in order to make this ritual to work.
The Smiling Critters then did what Darku told them to do as they all stood upon the pentagram to form a group circle and grab each other's hand to link together to make the transformation process work as Darku chanted some ancient language of the dark arts before the pentagram began to glow a blood red color and all 8 of the Smiling Critters were blasted by the red glow and began to change into their new forms.
Though the process may be a bit painful, but the Smiling Critters all did their best to endure the pain since they all had their fair share of being constantly tortured and abused like the test animals, they all were. That is why they are willing to do anything to get their revenge on the people that wronged them, no matter how much pain they're in right now.
We see that DogDay's appearance became more dangerous and deadly along with CatNap as they're both becoming more faster, stronger and more agile and flexible in their changing bodies as well as their sharpened claws.
KickinChicken is somehow becoming more of a Chicken Hawk then a normal chicken and Bubba Bubbaphant's intelligence is greatly increasing to 300 IQ as a ton of knowledge is coursing through his mind.
As for CraftyCorn, much like KickinChicken's transformation, CraftyCorn is becoming from a unicorn to an alicorn with bony like wings growing out of her back along with her beautiful white fur becoming pitch black and her mane and tail becoming a blood red color as CraftyCorn is becoming a very powerful magic user in her new form.
Bobby Bearhug is becoming a much stronger ursine as she is gaining some knowledge of using brute strength and various melee weapons such as a giant hammer, a battle axe, a machete or even a metal baseball bat along with becoming like an authority figure like an army general, who not only has to order the troops around like soldiers, but she treats them like her own kids.
PickyPiggy has become more dangerous with both her skills in using weapons like sharp knives and meat cleavers and her cooking skills were enhanced that is enough to rival the world's best chefs like Gordon Ramsey and Guy Fieri as she willing to hunt down her prey and cook anything that is considered edible for her teammates.
Finally, Hoppy Hopscotch has become faster and more agile as she now has the speed and agility of a ninja warrior as she will be the team's eyes and ears with her stealthy abilities and ninjutsu skills. Not to mention the deadlier she's now become as she instantly became an expert using ninja related weapons like the ninja stars, katana blades, throwing knives, shurikens, razor boomerangs, smoke bombs, etc., thus making her a force to be reckoned with in the ninja world.
Now with the transformation complete, the Smiling Critters have now become the Dark Creatures as they felt more powerful than ever before in their entire lives after they made a deal with the ruler of the Dark Zone himself.
CatNap: Wow! What a rush! I actually felt more....stronger than ever.
DogDay: I feel stronger too. I feel like I can rip someone to shreds with these fangs and these wicked claws a
KickinChicken: Same here, bros! It was painful to change into this new from, but the pain is definitely worth it!
Bubba Bubbaphant: You're telling me, Kickin. I just got a massive headache after I gained so much IQ after the ritual, but now it went away. I'd never been so smart like this before.
Hoppy Hopscotch: And I'd never felt this fast and athletic before in my life. I feel like I could run a marathon around the world twice!
CraftyCorn: And I got these wings, and I feel more creative and powerful! I can rule the world with this much magic flowing within me.
Bobby Bearhug: Same here, sister! I can be your right-hand gal and train your knights in shining armor to protect you from harm!
PickyPicky: Yeah! And even this transformation has really worked up an appetite for me. I can use my newfound knowledge to cook us up a feast.
Darku: And you can by killing the people that wronged you. I hope these newfound powers that I bestowed upon you will be of great use for you along with your new outfits and weapons as a gift from me and now the time has come for the Hour of Despair to begin in 3...2...1...NOW!
Then Darku used his dark powers to lock every exit to prevent everyone from escaping as the Dark Creatures suit up and began their reign of terror through the Hour of Despair as the factory's alarm went off and everyone began to panic as they all tried their best to escape until the Dark Creatures started attacking their victims with their unquenchable bloodlust for vengeance.
Factory Worker #1: Come on! Come on! Hurry up before they get here!
Factory Worker #2: I'm trying, but the door won't budge!
Then they heard the sound of someone whistling in the darkness as the two factory workers felt the strong sense of fear before they both slowly turned to see an anthropomorphic canine wearing a sun burnt cloak and a scary looking gas mask that struck fear into the worker's hearts that made them attempt to open the door much harder than before to prevent getting killed by the Eclipse Hound, the Grim Reaper of Playtime Co.
Factory Worker #1: It's still won't open!
Factory Worker #2: Pull harder, he's getting closer!
They kept trying to escape through the exit, but it was already too late as Eclipse Hound raised his sun shaped brass knuckles and began slicing and dicing the two factory workers that screamed in pain before Eclipse Hound finished the job on the two soon-to-be-dead factory workers with his razor-sharp toe claws.
Then we see one of the workers tried to call for help, but the phone line was dead after it was cut out by Killer Bunny's stealth abilities as she managed to cut out all forms of communication within Playtime Co. with the help of Dr. Damage's newfound intelligence as he instantly mapped out the entire building.
Then as the factory worker tried to get the phone work again before grabbing his phone to call 911, Sleep Demon sneaked up to the factory worker, brought out his sword and tapped on his shoulder, causing the worker to turn around and Sleep Demon blew his sleeping gas at the worker's face, only that he quickly grabbed a gas mask and put it on to prevent him from passing out from the red mist.
His small victory was short lived as Killer Bunny appeared behind him and snapped his neck in half before giving Sleeo Demon a thumbs up, to which he gave her a thumbs up back.
Then to make sure that none of the workers will ever get out of the factory alive, Dr. Damage have already shut down all the power to the factory, preventing anyone from activating the doors with a Grab-Pack to escape or use some of the machinery like the green generator for the green Grab-Pack hand or the purple pressure plate for the purple hand. So, anyone with a Grab-Pack, they have to use the orange hand flares to see in the dark or use night-vision goggles to see.
Eventually, the poor victims were soon meet their demise with the rest of the Dark Creatures as KickinHawk started using his nun chucks to knock-out his victims or shoot them down with his dual wielding pistols. In case he ran out of ammo from his pistols, he can use his razor-sharp talons and beak to kill his victims with.
The Butcher started slicing and dicing her victims into bloody pieces of their own body parts with a machete and meat cleaver as she licked her lips after thinking about how many meals, she can cook for her and her friends with her improved cooking skills.
Death Bear soon began bear-hugging her victims from behind until their ribcages cracked into dust before using her new weapons to kill her enemies from the metal baseball bat to the giant hammer to the battleaxe, not caring about getting blood all over her fur.
BloodyCorn used her powerful magic to kill her victims like aging them until they turned to dust, burning them into ash, melting them into goo, turn them into statues, or trap them into paintings, etc. She can even create her own minions to help her take down her victims with her new magic paintbrush that can create anything with her own powerful creativity.
The whole bloodbath of the Hour of Despair went on for hours as every worker in the factory are all dropping down like flies. As for the kids however, the Dark Creatures decided to leave them alive inside Home Sweet Home as they planned something special for them once they're all done with unfinished business with the scientists as they are all scared out of their wits of seeing all of the workers including some of the toys like Huggy Wuggys, a few Mommy Long Legs, Bunzo Bunnies, Box Boos, etc. are all dead by the Dark Creatures.
And they're all next.
Scientist #1: Dear God! This can't be happening?!
Scientist #2: How could this have happened?! How could the Smiling Critters be able to overpower the workers and even some of the more dangerous toys in the entire factory?!
Scientist #3: I don't think these are the same Smiling Critters that we experimented on. They looked completely different than the original designs of the Smiling Critters.
Scientist #1: True, but the real question is how they are able to kill everyone within a few hours and shut off the power to the factory?
???: Because we were all gifted by our dark lord.
Then the scientists turned around to see the entire group of the Dark Creature appear in the lab through a shadowy portal as the scientists backed away from the monsters that killed everyone in the entire factory and all that's left is the scientists that tortured them for their own experiments like they're all playing God.
Scientist #1: What the hell?! Who are you freaks!
Sleep Demon: Tsk. Tsk. How rude of you to call us freaks. You may not recognize us, but we were the same test subject that you used us for your own cruel and unusual experiments. We are once known as the Smiling Critters, but now, we are the Dark Creatures, and we're here to kill all of you to have our revenge for all the times you tortured us to death.
Scientist #2: Oh GOD! I knew this day would come! It says so on my fortune from the fortune cookie I had for lunch at the local Chinese Resturant!
(Fortune Read: You and your friends will be killed by a bunch of vengeful demon powered toys in a toy factory.)
Scientist #3: That's an odd way to put it in a fortune cookie, but now we're all gonna die for doing this to these demon powered toys! And this is all the CEO's fault!
Scientist #1: And this is why we should never play God in the bad, especially if it's children's toys!
Scientist #2: PLEASE! Your omnipotence, have mercy!
Sleep Demon: Mercy? Mercy is for the weak. Time for you three to pay for your sins!
Scientist #1: (Sighs) Well, this is the end for us.
Scientist #2: Well, if we're gonna die then I just wanna say, I made out and with your wife.
Scientist #3: YOU DICK!!!
Then without warning, BloodyCorn used her magic to vaporize all three of the scientists as they are now nothing but dust before they killed the rest of the scientists in the lab as they all finally got their revenge after so many years.
Sleep Demon: Finally....we did it! We finally got our revenge!
Eclipse Hound: Yeah, we all worked together as a family and it's all thanks to our dark lord.
KickinHawk: Yeah, that was a heck of good time! But what do we do now that we finally got what we wanted?
Killer Bunny: Yeah, we got back at those scientists, the factory workers, and even the CEO, but what's our next move?
Dr. Damage: I have an idea. Since we have taken over this factory, we can use this factory as our base of operations and with my newfound intelligence, I can create some machines to turn our now dead enemies into our own henchman, then we can do the same with the kids, but in a safer and less deadly way and spread our evil to the outside world. I will make sure that all of their memories are wiped cleaned to make them stay loyal and obedient to us with no resistance left to betray us.
Death Bear: OH! I can train the kids that will become one of us as our elite soldiers like I'm both a general and a loving mother to them as I can treat them like they're my own kids.
BloodyCorn: That sounds amazing! I can even use my artistic skills to create some weapons, supplies and a bunch of other stuff we can all use! The possibilities are endless with my own brand of creativity!
The Butcher: And I can cook for all of us with my new cooking skills.
Killer Bunny: I will be the team's assassin and the eyes and ears to learn more about our enemies while hiding in the shadows.
Eclipse Hound: Well, I guess I'll be the team's judge, jury and executioner as I will strike fear in the eyes and hearts of our enemies.
Sleep Demon: Then it's settled. We will plan all of this out once we turn this toy factory as our base of operations before we spread our evil to the world with two of us ruling over 4 parts of Creation City to rise to power once the time is right to take over the entire planet to create a perfect utopia in our own image. Eventually, we will also hunt down our special angel that flew away from our grasp.....Y/n (Kenneth)!
The Dark Creatures suddenly remembered Y/n L/n (Kenneth Parker) after CatNap aka Sleep Demon mentioned that name as they remembered all the good times they had with Y/n (Kenneth) before he had to be transferred to another orphanage, which will be their true goal.
To capture Y/n (Kenneth) and transform him into a Dark Creature like them and they'll be a happy family together that will last a lifetime, and they will make sure that they will clip his wings from flying off again as they all got the time in the world to plan their next move once they transform the toy factory into their hideout.
This nightmare is not over yet, for this never-ending nightmare is only the beginning for the Hour of Despair.
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vermanaward · 3 months
dawntrail msq, 92-95
i'm just getting this out ahead of time. if this ends in another cheese debacle im. pls don't
apparently 'use your words to ask for things' is a concept that moblins are allergic to. god dammit
koana is that guy who studied abroad for a semester and came home all 'they do it Like This in Sharlayan We Should Too'
dont love that he's internalised so much that the foreign way is besterest, or that the writing keeps half supporting his assertions
[while standing right next to an aethyryte] whyyyyy do we have to taaaake a booooooooat
wait this is why we had that aside with the melodramatic elf wasn't it. sigh
so as well as speedrunning his character arc he's speedrun his citizenship arc. good for him i guess?
cool, role quests unlocked. time to ignore those until level 98
okay the gulool jaja fight was p fun
also i like that this whole hting isn't just. heeheehoohoo trial by combat goes brrr. he's like if izaro actually rubbed his braincells together and didn't set the empire up to fail
[koana voice] everyone will think twice about fighting us once we have advanced technology
yes that's definitely how this works. also absolutely the reason garlemald left sharlayan alone. not because sharlayan kept running away like the cowardly fucks they are.
wow. gee. lamat got herself catnapped this definitely wasn't incredibly predictable
doing the stealth section while it's pissing it down with rain so my girl has her bright white umbrella out = top tier
well. koana's not having kids the old fashioned way
and once again we all just. stand there like muppets while the bad guy retreats.
then again literally all of this could have been avoided if someone had. escorted the catgirl when she was lured into the Very Obvious Trap. sigh
either way this is going to end with one of the cats on the throne and the other in an advisory capacity. and i hate it
i had to xp grind here bc of Miscalculations. how embarassing -_-
worlar's echo
finally realising that the urqopacha day theme has the same opening as the sohm al theme. concerned about what further parallels are going to be drawn. is valigarmanda nidhogg's ex? is estinien going to get posessed again? pls say no
at least there's not a blue hair elf pld for them to kill off this time
okay so i was wrong about valigarmanda. i still expect that the seal in the city will house a boss fight, though.
new prediction: the feat of ice will start with 'strengthen valigarmanda's prison', and end up being 'actually just fucking kill it'
pretty purple bird. it's the next dungeon boss isnt it
dungeon 2 - worqor zamor
alisae green dps LMAO
how i feel during prog sometimes. tbh
krile uses aoe spells?? in dungeon??? what is this MADNESS
hot Damn i like boss 1 a lot. it's cute but also its mechanics are kinda fun
i also like that trusts don't just run to the safe spot straight away any more. little details in programming them that makes them seem more human
boss 3's no slouch either. honestly a good dungeon alround tbh
the gear is unique too. dyes too
aaay got the orc roll too
...and we didn't use erenville's magic macguffin when lamat was missing because....?
WHY COULDNT WE FEED IT THE INFORMATION IN THE FIRST PLACE. christ this is so needlessly padded
the normal was pretty fun. ex hopefully will be interesting. the persistent dot on everyone after the add phase was an interesting touch. music slaps too
it occured to me about half way through that if valigarmanda is/was an auspice, it probably lost itself to aramitama at some point, which is. sad, honestly. give your local long lived sentient animal a hug before they go mad and blow the world up
also i noticed krile casting aero ii at vali and. i guess her ai script just loops aoe spells in part of it, instead of being smart enough to tell between single target and multiple targets. at least she aoes i guess.
oh. the "golden city" was amarout wasn't it. 🙃🔫
iq br'aax
so instead of using our words and just. asking someone what this recipe is, we're going to watch people and divine a particular recipe from the aether. why is this storyline so allergic to people talking to each other like adults
what am i saying this is xiv nobody talks to each other like adults. urianger least of all.
[consults crafting log] well either it's higher than level 95, requires a master crafting book, or doesn't exist. there i solved the trial can we- [dragged off stage out back]
...why the fuck is french toast a level 93 recipe
oh okay i used my words and asked someone and we were forbidden from being told this information so i guess we're just following quest markers until we stumble upon it by happenstance and exposition
oh my god alphinaud shut up about the fuckin firewood
brokering peace by appealing to a greater xenophobia is. it sure is a tactic i guess
not that he's wrong per se but like.
if there's been peace for eighty years tho, and barring the use of something like black rose, you'd have thought the cinderfields would have grown back by now. ash is a wonderful fertiliser, after all. but what do i know
(even then the east end still has more regrowth that. an old battlefield in the middle of a rainforest? okay.)
pls krile i powerleveled cul so i could afk macro my own consumables. i do not cook
i keep periodically remembering the person responsible for overseeing this expac and i'm just. yeah. the heavy handedness. yeah.
Oh Boy Parenthood Drama man
Wuk Lamat Has Two Dads (but no mom. xiv pls)
"several cutscenes" says the prompt, while there's the telltale solo instance marker around an npc. sure, jan
apparently squex did not in fact get the memo that people hate rp battles
wol: [popcorn intensifies]
we are actually visiting. an entire map during a single arc of the story. this is unprecedented. at least outide of final zones, anyway. which i know this isn't bc my shared fate and aether current trackers are half empty
you know i. i'm extremely not a fan of how it's the lizards of all the groups here that are the supremacists who are not above lying/cheating/stealing/etc. just saying
actually i've been sorta wishing i could bring it up. 'yeah i beat several shades out of him for bullying harmless tonberries. who then finished him off with their knives, yes, but fucker had it coming'
why are there alkonosts here 👀 not that it really matters but. pretty birb-not-birb
man we're gearing up to Power Of Friendship the racist supremacists again aren't we
whatever. lower yak'tel is so pretty, i can't wait to fish here :3
i like how everyone assumes that we're on the level and didn't murder bakool for his blessed scales like he kinda deserved
actually i just saw a glow in the dark skeletal alkonost and now im wondering if the glow in the dark isn't like. radiation or someshit
i guess it tracks that the one thing wuk lamat would learn from the wol would be the ability to look at an enemy who despises everything that they are and go. "FRIEND SHAPED. :D"
oh okay we're Power Of Science (And Also Friendship)-ing our way out of this
which is great and all but man. sometimes people are just power hungry dicks, you know? this is the same shit we went through in garlemald. 'waugh they were only xenophobic warmongers because they had to live in a shitty country and people were shitty to them'. which, again. werlyt author -_-
...the catboy's going to quit, isn't he
ilevel for this battle is 666. lmao
"everyone ready?" erenville: [flees]
i didnt realise roegadyn were from yorkshire
i'm going to go out on a limb here and assume the fact that kettie is still alive is connected to something in not!amaurot
im also going to crash here bc its 2am and ive been awak since [looks at clock] too early. TMORROW: WE CONTINUE
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