#(griseous orb lustrous orb and adamant orb)
kuroshirosb · 9 months
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Even if there was no way to escape being haunted by this impurity, I didn’t want to let you go, so I kept gripping onto your hand.
Until the day eventually comes where we can choose that unavoidable separation, this light from tens of thousands of years in the past will continue to guide my path. I’ll grieve you, with the lamp lighting my descent to the underworld.
#pokemashe#dawn lyre#trainer dawn#hey y’all it’s that time again (me infodumping about character arcs)#anyways.#girls who don’t really know what they want to do and go along with what the adults want#gets pushed around by the grown ups and because she doesn’t really know of anything else she wants to do#she just. goes along with it.#the only thing she really wants is to be with her beloveds (Lucas and Barry)#collecting pins and cool rocks she finds (put a pin in that second thing)#and just be a child and live out her childhood as a trainer. and if that childhood according to grown ups is to become champion#then she shall do it. she is a talented trainer after all. and if adults say so it must be true#even if she doesn’t have any strong opinions on being champion.#but anyways as someone who doesn’t have a lot of “willpower it’s questionable while Azelf likes her so much#ignore how she carries a first aid kit on her at all times it doesn’t mean anything (it does)#but then spear pillar happens and Dawn’s real way of conveying willpower comes to light#her desire to protect what she holds dear to her. especially Barry and Lucas#and in her desire to protect them from the harm of the distortion world she uses these rocks she found#(griseous orb lustrous orb and adamant orb)#and exchanges their mortality for the creation trio’s protection from the distortion world ability to live forever#her form of willpower comes from the desire to see others live (especially her most treasured friends)#but even with it she gets so scared that she’ll blink and turn around and Barry or even Lucas will disappear#and hisui for her is coming to terms with fragility of life around her#and finding the willpower in other things and choosing to protect things with her willpower#and also deciding to choose her own path outside of the people surrounding her#sorry if this is a little all over the place again#but please understand the mere concept looking behind is very important to dawn#the will to protect life out of fear of it disappearing when it’s out of her sight#there’s more but grrr tag limit#ashe’s art
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doodledex-project · 1 year
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Doodledex - #483-F2 Origin Dialga
It’s natural that a revisit to Sinnoh (well, Hisui) would add something for the other two members of the Creation Trio who didn’t have alternate forms.... and after BD/SP went for more accurate remakes over doing what OR/AS, Legends: Arceus was the perfect time for it! Both Dialga and Palkia got alternate forms via the Adamant Crystal and Lustrous Globe! (They also added the Griseous Core alongside them and made that Giratina’s form-change item, reducing the Griseous Orb to a stat-buff. Cool...?)
Except, uh..... unlike Giratina’s Origin form, Dialga appears to have twisted itself into a strange facsimile of Arceus. Its dex entry claims that it’s so powerful that this “must be its true form”.... but is it really? This looks (and I’m holding back here, believe me) way too awkward to be the form it was born with! The story events of L:A also lead me to believe this form is unnatural... and perhaps, a sort of “power grab” Dialga attempted in a frenzy. (Origin Palkia’s dex entry backs me up on this theory... but it contradicts Dialga’s. :\)
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pandorias-box · 4 months
While continuing to ascend Dragonspiral, I came across these peculiar stones that were seemingly on the floor of the fourth level of the tower. I know not what they are or what purpose they serve, but they are quite enigmatic… One of these stones shines with a faint glimmer of starlight, but again it may be because it is iridescent. Perhaps I should hold on to these.
[Photo ID: One picture is of the Adamant, Lustrous and Griseous Orbs all clustered together on the old edifices of the tower. Another picture is of the Lustrous Orb in the palm of Pandoria’s hand. It is surprisingly large.]
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lorebird · 1 year
hi lore hi hi hi you said hisui headcanon lore???? 👀👀👀 hisui hc lore please 👀 ty
HIIIII I was gonna draw some stuff for this but. Alas it is 6 am and god has seen fit to punish me for my hubris (cramps) so I’m just gonna distract myself writing this while I wait for the ibuprofen to kick in
So this is like. Completely out there bc it’s just me cherry-picking the series’ worldbuilding that I enjoy (and also completely changing it) for the sake of self indulgence <3
The Celestica people lived in ancient Hisui and were part of a trade network with the other regions. 3000 years ago, there was a war between Galar and Kalos that resulted in the darkest day and the ultimate weapon, and the news spread all over. A few centuries later, a traveller from Hisui came across the decimated weapon and its story. Idk who this character’s gonna be, probably a new OC bc I can't think of a canon character to throw this backstory onto
A bit of hc lore regarding how the ultimate weapon works: it's powered by infinity energy, the life force of pokemon, which is canon. I elaborate on that by having all infinity energy sourced from Arceus. Every pokemon is tied to it through the infinity energy necessary to live and exist (oh my god I just thought of the implications of this for manmade pokemon holy shit that's so cool I gotta think about this more), but some have more power than others. Legendaries (and maybe some mythicals?? I can't remember them all rn), which have power over nature/reality, have some of Arceus' own creation power tied into their infinity energy. All those mons are some of Arceus' thousand arms. This power can be harnessed by the ultimate weapon, which is how Lysandre intends to make the player immortal by powering it with Xerneas (so if someone powered an ultimate weapon with Kyogre, it could manipulate the oceans; if someone powered it with necrozma, it could manipulate light; etc etc)
So anyways -- the Hisuian came back and began building a new weapon, this time with the intent to create an entirely new world, just like Cyrus and Volo. Instead of a singular body like in Kalos, the three "petals" were placed around the region, equidistant from the temple of Sinnoh in the center. Each third was powered by one of the creation trio's orbs.
But tracking down those orbs was tough work -- the weapon-builder, who I'm just gonna call ZA for ease, reached out to historians and merchants to try and locate them (no one knew what they were up to at this point and what the orbs were intended for). Once all 3 had been found, the finders were told to bring them to a certain location at a specific time. At this point, ZA was at the temple of Sinnoh in the center of a region-wide weapon, and they fired.
Each third of the weapon created a crater, the three lakes. I made this shitty little representation like 3 weeks ago DHFJDKFK it's based off my vague memories of the nationwide transmutation circle from watching fma like 6 years ago
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The weapon tore open a massive rift that kinda threw everything to shit, like having a spacetime distortion covering all of Hisui. This is the threat that the ancient hero mentioned in-game solved (I like the theory that the hero is Alder <3 so he was dragged in by the distortion like Ingo was, just. A couple thousand years earlier)
As for the people who delivered the orbs and were caught up in the blast -- idk who the lustrous globe holder was tbh, maybe I'll make them another oc if I don't find a character to chuck that lore onto. The one who had the griseous core was Volo; Cogita had the adamant crystal. Like AZ, they gained immortality from proximity to the weapon, but also inherited other elements of their respective pokemon's infinity energy. Cogita can see the past and future; Volo can access the distortion world. The theoretical third character could warp space or teleport.
The weapon firing and ensuing chaos killed off a lot of the Celestica people, and the remaining few had no stability in Hisui and so left for other regions. A few centuries before pla, the diamond and pearl clans' ancestors arrived, taking up the title of Celestica and upkeep of the temple of Sinnoh. I'd like to think that Cogita had passed on some of the ancient stories to them, which is how they know about the rift and hero from the past, as well as Dialga and Palkia (even though things got. A little misconstrued there)
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iruludavare · 1 year
{ ooc. Thinking about Zygarde's Chamber in xy...
Thinking about how you can find a set of Adamant, Griseous and Lustrous Orbs here... Thinking about how it's in the same-ish order as Dialga, Giratina and Palkia's spots on the Mystri stage...
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Maybe the placements are coincidence but if not it's a Neat Detail. And it's fitting to have a set of the orbs in Zygarde's chambers given how their role is to maintain balance }
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jeweledstone · 2 years
Creation Trio: Dialga (Electric/Bug), Origin Dialga (Electric/Bug), Palkia (Grass/Bug), Origin Palkia (Grass/Bug), Altered Giratina (Fairy/Bug), and Origin Giratina (Fairy/Bug)
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Dialgrub <-(Adamant Crystal)-> Dialgrub (Origin Forme)
Palkriket <-(Lustrous Globe)-> Palkriket (Origin Forme)
Fluttertina (Altered Form) <-(Griseous Orb/Core)-> Fluttertina (Origin Forme)
Battle Info:
Dialgrub, Dialgrub (Origin Forme)
^ HP
v Defense
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Rock, Fire
Resistant to(x1/2): Fighting, Steel, Grass, Electric
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): N/A
Palkriket, Palkriket (Origin Forme)
^ Sp. Defense
v Speed
Weak to(x4): Flying, Fire
Weak to(x2): Poison, Bug, Rock, Ice
Resistant to(x1/2): Fighting, Water, Electric
Resistant to(x1/4): Ground, Grass
Immune to(x0): N/A
Fluttertina (Altered Forme), Fluttertina (Origin Forme)
^ Speed
v Attack
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Flying, Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire
Resistant to(x1/2): Ground, Bug, Grass, Dark
Resistant to(x1/4): Fighting
Immune to(x0): Dragon
Info: Known as the Creation Trio, these legendary Pokémon have existed since before time itself and assisted in the creation of our world.
For as long as Dialgrub breathes, time shall flow as it always has, though it itself will never grow past its larval phase.
Palkriket can manipulate the fabric of space by rubbing its legs together to produce rippling gamma rays. It’s sharp claws can rip holes in reality itself.
Fluttertina is the mother of the metaphysical realm. It’s mere existence in the physical world can cause reality to crumble.
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timebranded · 3 years
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((One detail about Ghetsis that will probably live in my head rent-free for a while. I know Ghetsis as a character has nothing to do with my Gen IV muse, but hear me out.
In the postgame for BW, you encounter the Shadow Triad. When they’re done talking, they give you the Timespace Orbs (Adamant, Lustrous, and Griseous) on Ghetsis’ orders.
That means Ghetsis had the Timespace Orbs for at least some amount of time during BW.
Why did he have those Orbs in the first place-))
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pfreak-draws · 5 years
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The Lake Guardians
One of my favorite pieces I’ve ever done! This took a majority of an afternoon to do, but I was so excited to do it I couldn’t stop!
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kuroshirosb · 10 months
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(Blasts ur Sinnoh trio with redesigns)
(See alt text for character notes if it’s too hard to read. My handwriting isn’t the neatest.)
Anyways here is the gang!! Idk when I’ll unova post again but I’ve been very obsessed with these three so I thought I’d draw their designs.
Sinnoh’s designs are so good it’s hard to build off of them honestly so my main idea was to just make them look warmer and comfier. It’s cold kiddos bundle up.
Barry only gets a pass because he produces so much heat running around he doesn’t feel the cold. Think of him as those kids at school who wear shorts in -40* weather.
I might draw them post distortion world fuckery because they got a little messed up. (They kind of sort of have the Lustrous orb, Adamant orb, and Griseous orb lodged in their hand, ankle, and neck respectively + some other things after it (fun times))
But that’s for later i hope u like them
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pervorsitas-a · 6 years
//alright, so let’s get to talking about the orbs. i’m going to touch on dialga and palkia’s orbs just a tad, but the griseous orb will be my main focus. so, we already know that arceus created the trio’s orb as read here:
“Arceus creates the Adamant, Lustrous, and Griseous Orbs before falling into a deep slumber.”
this much is true, however, i dont have my arceus go into a slumber like this text says. the reasonings for him creating the orbs are unknown, as he gave them all certain characteristics that have since been scrapped. one thing he had given the orbs was the power to control his children if he needed to. while he can stop his trio with no issues, doing so would take much of his power. if he were able to use the orbs, it would be resolved quicker and without a need for him to expend valuable energy.
this trait was made dormant in the orbs. can a normal human take up the orbs and control the creation trio? no, not at all. it’s an aspect of the orb that lays at rest. arceus can awaken it if need be, but that’s it. 
the orbs are also thought to be connected with the trio’s respective dimensions as well. after creating and toying with the orbs, arceus simply placed them at the heart of each dimension for many millennia. the relationship between the two can be considered symbiotic. if an orb is destroyed, the respective dimension will began to decay and collapse slowly. it’s not instant, and there is enough time to craft another orb without losing the dimension. 
these orbs can also be seen as an “emergency escape” option. if one of the trio is weakened or trapped in their realm somehow, the orb will give them enough power to tear open a portal or access earth’s dimension. this was how giratina was able to get out of the distortion world and essentially “override” the workings of the realm. this is why she cannot go into the distortion world without her orb, or she’ll risk being trapped again.
the griseous orb has proved to be much more volatile and parasitic than the other two, perhaps because giratina stores it in her body for prolonged amounts of time. she keeps her orb where her heart used to be. instead of being in the heart of the distortion world, it’s where her heart should be. giratina is essentially the griseous orb’s host at this point, whereas its host before was the distortion world.
as stated, the effects of the orbs give a boost in power to each respective typings of the creation trio. that being said, the griseous orb boosts giratina’s ghost and dragon type moves by 20%, as stated by bulbapedia. these conditions can be considered as passive, actively working as long as she has her orb (and can be assumed for dialga and palkia as well). 
this power boost is all well and good, however, in moments of extreme peril, the orbs may pour more power into their holder as means of self-preservation, such as the holder being in grave danger, or if the orb is going to be destroyed through some means. 
in giratina’s case, since the orb is resting where her heart was, it was able to properly outpour energy into her body and also control her, in a way, to avoid being destroyed. as i said before, her orb is much more volatile and strange than the other two. being exposed to giratina on a constant basis has made a sort of bond or link between the two. even her arteries and veins will connect to or wrap around the griseous orb in extreme situations, surrendering her will to the orb and it’s power. the controlling aspect arceus had suppressed in the three orbs seemed to mutate and grow on its own in the griseous orb.
while the orb wishes to keep itself safe, it also needs to keep its host safe. the output of power it gives is for its own preservation, but for giratina too. if she’s in grave danger, the orb will consider itself to be in danger and react accordingly. there are rare instances where the orb has stored too much power, and may release it all at once. this doesnt happen very often, though when it does, giratina has no memory of anything she may have done in that time. when the orb gives her power in dire situations, she can usually piece together what happened, though her memory of it may be slightly fuzzy. 
when giratina takes out her griseous orb for too long, her body begins to feel weak and even ill, as if she’s going through some sort of withdrawal. she likes to take her orb out every now and then, but she usually can’t have it out of her body for more than a week. if she has it out for more than that, she gets very anxious and antsy. no matter where she is, close or far from the orb, she can feel it whispering to her and beckoning her. the relationship between her and the griseous orb is borderline parasitic. it does provide her with something in return at times, but the orb overall cares more for self preservation. it’s weirdly sentient, in it’s own odd way. other than the quiet whispers from it when it’s been away from giratina for too long, it usually doesn’t speak into her mind unless it’s giving her power.
as for the other two orbs, the effect they have on their respective holders is unknown. arceus has been observing the orbs as much as he can, and it both baffles and interests him how the griseous orb has developed. it’s seemingly developed a mind of it’s own, a strange sort of sentience that he hasn’t seen in the other orbs. 
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luckynatured · 4 years
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((Absolutely nobody:
Me: What was Ghetsis doing with the Adamant and Lustrous Orbs, and why did the Shadow Trio give them to Hilbert. Like, with how my hc is that they were hidden in Mt. Coronet, how would they have found it-))
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transgenderer · 3 years
the adamant and lustrous orbs are kind of cool, theyre the titular diamond and pearl, their names make sense (pearls are lustrous plus it sort of sounds like oyster, adamant is an archaic term for a mythical stone associated with diamond, as well as meaning hard/strong), but the griseous orb is so frustrating because like
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okay, so griseous means mottled gray. this is not gray! this is yellow! nor is it mottled, NOR is it an orb. but it gets worse, because in the original japanese, its called the platinum orb! even though platinum is grey, and not yellow! why is it yellow!!
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Inteleon anon here! Things went WACK in my hometown I literally can't even tell you everything omg...but apparently this criminal group got ahold of the Azure Flute and used it and yeah...thankfully authorities got to them but we all had to evacuate in case the flute actually worked :)))) I still don't know if it did or not. Some people are swearing they saw Arceus but I didn't see anything and I'm too afraid to find out. I'd rather deal with an angry Lugia parent than with Arceus
Oh dear, that...that doesn’t sound good. Isn’t the Azure Flute supposed to be locked up with the Adamant, Lustrous, and Griseous Orbs at the Eterna Historical Museum??? How in the world did it get stolen????
I’m glad nobody was hurt, things could’ve ended very badly if that group hadn’t gotten caught (and I definitely agree with you, I’d take an angry Lugia parent over a criminal-controlled Arceus any day)
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jeweledstone · 2 years
Creation Trio: Dialga (Rock/Flying), Origin Dialga (Rock/Flying), Palkia (Fire/Flying), Origin Palkia (Fire/Flying), Altered Giratina (Normal/Flying), and Origin Giratina (Normal/Flying)
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Dialagmite <-(Adamant Crystal)-> Dialagmite (Origin Forme)
Palkonflict <-( Lustrous Globe)-> Palkonflict (Origin Forme)
Giratrauma (Altered Forme) <-(Griseous Orb/Core)-> Giratrauma (Origin Forme)
(Partially based off the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from Christian mythology)
Battle Info:
Dialagmite, Dialagmite (Origin Forme)
^ Defense
v Speed
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Rock, Steel, Water, Electric, Ice
Resistant to(x1/2): Normal, Poison, Flying, Bug, Fire
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): Ground
Palkonflict, Palkonflict (Origin Forme)
^ Attack
v Sp. Defense
Weak to(x4): Rock
Weak to(x2): Water, Electric
Resistant to(x1/2): Fighting, Steel, Fire, Fairy
Resistant to(x1/4): Bug, Grass
Immune to(x0): Ground
Giratrauma (Altered Forme), Giratrauma (Origin Forme)
^ Sp. Attack
v HP
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Rock, Electric
Resistant to(x1/2): Bug, Grass
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): Ground, Ghost
Info: Known as the Rebirth Trio, these three Pokémon assisted in the creation of the world, and it’s inevitable destruction.
Dialagmite has been given the role of controlling the flow of time. It seeks a powerful trainer to ride it when our time runs out.
Palkonflict controls the fabric of space itself. It seeks a passionate trainer to ride it to the ends of the universe.
Giratrauma is responsible for the balance of positive and negative energy in our world. It seeks a hard-hearted trainer to ride it when the darkness wins.
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doodledex-project · 5 years
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Doodledex - #487 Giratina
Perhaps the reason for the final member of the creation trio being two spaces away from the other two is explainable in-universe... apparently Giratina did something incredibly violent while it resided in our universe, resulting in it living in the Distortion World, far away from everything. Even then it can choose to emerge from reflections, as the dimension itself is said to be a reflection of our world.
Interestingly, Giratina is currently the only member of its trio to have a second form! While it is in our world, it takes on its six-legged “Altered Form”, but when it’s in the Distortion World it reverts to its true “Origin Form”! This switch is also achievable by having Giratina hold its signature held item, the Griseous Orb. (Dialga and Palkia also have orbs, but the Adamant and Lustrous Orbs simply provide them with stat boosts.)
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guzmas-buggy-boi · 5 years
What does Cyrus, Giovanni, Lusamine and Guzma think about Ghetsis? Especially about Ghetsis as an abusive and manipulative father?
Admin Guzma here to answer this one!
- Surprisingly, Giovanni broke off an alliance when both N and Silver were young because of the disturbing ways Ghetsis treated his family.
- The man may be the King of the Underground, but that doesn’t mean he condones child abuse.
- Emotional dissonance, yeah… but not neglect
- Besides that, he saw Ghetsis as a powerful and knowledgeable ally for a very short while.
- Now this one threw me in for a curveball…
- I feel like Cyrus is indifferent to Ghetsis: he neither loves nor hates him.
- Hell, I’m sure the two would have never interacted if it wasn’t for the USUM AU where they’re a part of Rainbow Rocket.
- When you transcend the physical realm, why would you care about petty people?
- However, instead of focusing on Ghetsis, I believe Cyrus has had some sort of interaction with the Shadow Triad, given the fact that they come to possess the TimeSpace Orbs (Adamant, Lustrous, and Griseous).
- Lusamine, to me…. is a mixed bag.
- One side of me says that she would agree that children need to be completely dependant on their parents in order to be considered a part of the family.
- But another side of me wonders if deep down if… 
- She truly feels uncomfortable in the presence of Ghetsis?
- especially since he’s using N and the others for personal gain rather than trying to rear them…
- Out of the group, he’d have the most negative reaction, especially if he figured out what he did to N, Anthea, Concordia, and the others.
- like flipping a table angry, I’m sure
- If it wasn’t for the Shadow Triad, I’m sure he’d straight up punch the old geezer.
- Also, like the BigBro™ that he is, I’m sure he’d adopt N and his adoptive sisters into his abundant family.
- That or at least angrily reassure them that Ghetsis is the true monster, not N.
- A lot of cussing would accompany the rant as well
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