#(guess i have a type pfft)
crown-ov-horns · 3 months
I do wonder whether underappreciating Adriel x Lilith is just the fandom being boring in rejecting m/f (sorry not sorry, no hate from this bi girl, but nothing will surpass the Satan and Lilith dynamic), or, is it because the ship is so underdeveloped.
We see Adriel "tempt" Lilith, I talk about it here. I'ts great, I loved it.
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Then, there's the final battle. We see them be an evil villain power couple together.
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We even see Lilith be soft towards Adriel for a moment.
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But, that's it. She turns on him, without us even understanding why. It wasn't because he's evil and crazy, she knew he was evil and crazy. Also, I refuse to believe she woke from his spell, I refuse to believe she was under a spell at all. He offered her what the OCS couldn't (and by that, I don't mean his rod). That's why she chose him. Maybe Reya played with her head, I don't know, but that would be insulting to her arc.
There's a gaping chasm between Lilith turning to Adriel, and the final battle. What were they doing during their time together? Drinking brandy and scheming? Performing blood rituals? Going on dates? What did they talk about, how did they bond (more)? It would have been great, to see the situation from their angle, at least a bit. To find out what they're thinking. Lorena and William portrayed great chemistry, why not use it? Also, their interactions could've revealed more about the Other side to us.
Warrior Nun did a lot of things brilliantly. Adriel is a wonderful villain, he's one of my favorite characters in the world. But, his dynamic with Lilith was left barebones. They both deserved more screentime in general, it's such a shame the season was shorter. Some things seem rushed because of it. I would've loved to see Lilidriel fleshed out more.
Also, I'm still bitter the creators screwed with the Satan and Lilith pairing by having her ditch him. You don't sUbVeRt that pair. I forgive a lot in the name of an author's license, I don't forgive that. At least she went away on her own path.
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lunaccult · 1 year
“i bet he’s so tired of me / all the demons in my head are binding me / there’s no wall between myself and who i’m trying to be / now i don’t know how to function in society / one, two, three medication / so i can have a fucking normal conversation / i sleep better when i’ve been sedated / i’m scared of everybody else and i hate it” :(
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soyoursoulisgreen · 8 months
3, 4, 19, 20!
3. What ideas come from when you were little
I have two OCs that have really stood the test of time: Akane and Kin - though their names have changed over time haha ♪ They were the first ever queer couple I made, long long loooong before I was out even to myself and shock among shocks, they're angels lol ♥ I remember I even wrote a short story about them from like - middle school probably?? as part of an assignment haha. They've been with me for a loooong time, and I'm still very fond of them 💕
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
GLaDOS is so beautiful and I am so bad at drawing machine parts jfdklsasdf. I'm determined to draw her from both games now tho! Her design in Portal 1 is so weird!! <3
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
Plushies, no contest. Drawings the seams and darts and stitches and wear and fluff and fabric vs. fur I just ugh it's all so satisfying! The way the cloth folds over itself or stands firm on its own over well-stuffed filling! I love plushies!! Funny enough, I rarely use them as props tho haha - that's usually things like books, cups, pencils, etc.
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
I haven't heard the complaint in earnest in a while, just in a jokey fashion, but I really really enjoy drawing hands :) Hand expressions are so fun to me! They're just as expressive as faces - especially masked characters haha - and they're so versatile! Come in so many shapes, some hard, some rubberhose wiggly, some sharp and Shaped, but they still all emote similarly. Even just slight position changing can change the temperature of how it reads! It's a challenge for sure but it's just so satisfying >:3c
#Woah an original post#Ask#Ask me#Thank you! :D Fun fun!!#I always love talking about my own lads hehe <3 <3#If I had to guess a year to put to Akane and Kin oh gosh hmm...#Somewhere around 2008/9 if I had to guess?? It's hard to keep track from before I was online haha and I joined kind of late#I've had them for a heck-while! I love them ♥ It's not shown in their tag I linked but I also made some Aarakocran versions of them haha#I still have a lot of the journals and stuff from when I was a kid but none of them have been as long-lasting#I think it's probably because I was very ''inspired'' by what I was reading at that time - which was mostly high school romance lol#Aya and Haruka are almost more like self-parody of that haha - not many characters survived from that time#But Akane and Kin were always in that vague sort of adults sort of teens haze that lets them convert over easily#Their problems weren't related to school or anything so it makes them more versatile :)#I wonder if I still have their short stories anywhere - I also cried while writing one of them lol I've always been the sensitive type haha#Sorry if GLaDOS is the obvious answer lol but it's true! I'm slowly improving but she really is difficult to pin down#Any kind of machinery my brain just blanks out lol. ''It is shaped'' ''How?'' ''Yes'' Pfft#Also rude to imply nature is inanimate! I almost mistakenly said tree but they are animate! They're very alive!#But that's alright - I like drawing trees but I don't very often haha#I really do love drawing plushies tho I lose my mind about them they're so cute <3 Send me pictures of your plushies I will love them /gen#And for hands I mean - I've been enjoying drawing them for so long that it almost feels like the Curse of Knowledge lol#Do people genuinely struggle with hands?? I mean I still do at times - especially closed fists or certain angles#But in general? When they're just hanging out and being silly fruity little appendages?#Or with ASL or the like ♥ They're so fun! My latests have been working with more knuckles than usual haha it feels weird#I never have to worry about same face syndrome with hands! They really feel so intuitively individual haha
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san8ny · 2 months
Honestly, GeekSquad! Ellie
GeekSquad! Ellie who’s really got nothing going on for her other than updating her LinkedIn picture here and there, alternating between her college ID photo and a the default flower.
GeekSquad! Ellie who spends her days sitting in uncomfortable swivel chairs, and having to tiredly explain over and over again to elderly women that the promotional sign outside does NOT mean ‘hand in your old phones and get free smart ones!’
‘No ma’am, we don’t take Nokias.’
‘But the sign said give one, get one free!’
GeekSquad! Ellie who’s eyes squint in confusion when she sees you enter from the slide doors, arms crossed as you curiously look around for any standby employees. She doesn’t really ever see hot girls at her location.
GeekSquad! Ellie who practically knocks over some USB stand in her pursuit of getting to you first, which is uncommon since she’s all the way in the back.
GeekSquad! Ellie who notices your pursed lips and teary eyes as you show her your broken laptop.
GeekSquad! Ellie who takes you over to the little stand-by bar, setting your device down, which, let’s be honest, was a lost cause from the start.
‘W-will you be able to fix it? I have my senior thesis on there!’ You practically choke up, the mere thought of months of hard work going down the drain making you tremble.
GeekSquad! Ellie who’s suppose to give you the generic capitalistic answering of, ‘Well, you can always make a membership with us and get 20% off a future purch—
“I’ll fix it.”
GeekSquad! Ellie who’s now being held in a warm embrace by you, your tears now soaking her blue polo workshirt. It’s bad enough you’re pretty, but a pretty crier?
“Thank you so much! God, you don’t even know how much trouble you’ve saved me!” You stumble over words, disoriented as you begin to let go of the lanky girl.
GeekSquad! Ellie who waves a hand in dismissal, scoffing as she leans on the counter, “That thing? Pfft, i’ve done harder things.”
GeekSquad! Ellie who’s lied, and has likely lied to also get this job—but that’s beyond things!
“I just,” You say breathlessly, looking around, “I went to the other branch? Downtown? They said it was over!” You whisper to her, all doe eyed, “you really are amazing.”
GeekSquad! Ellie who blankly stares down at you, she’s always had a thing for frazzled girls such as yourself; the ones who just say the very shit Ellie only watches in cheesy movies.
‘Right..guess you’re in-luck you came here?” She probes, typing your name and number into the system to get you all checked in for an appointment.
‘So lucky.’
GeekSquad! Ellie who after her shift, goes home and makes a bee-line for her room, slamming it shut and shedding her clothes, needing to fuck herself to you while the interaction is still fresh, and the night is still young.
‘S-she said she’s—mm, lucky! f-for me..’ She whimpers, pumping 2 fingers in her drenched pussy, and her other hand busying her perky tits. Her eyes are furrowed, and her teeth threaten to break the skin of her lips from the way she’s biting them; Her messy cunt squelches from the speed she’s going at, cum trailing down her thighs in a sluggish matter.
GeekSquad! Ellie who switches on over to her tummy, raising her ass up as she relentlessly slaps at her swollen pearl through her plethora of orgasms— she thinks you’d do it like this, giving yourself something to cry about. It makes sense to her. She wants to practice on herself to perfect it for you.
GeekSquad! Ellie who, once tired out, realizes how fucked up this just is. I mean, she’s so..perverse. So nasty.. so..so..
so GeekSquad! Ellie
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rikiislvr · 3 months
💜party - nishimura riki
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pairing: nishimura riki x afab!reader
summary: the two of you happened to be forced to a party by the convincing of your friends, just to have found each other ditching the party. only problem is, you hate him.
warnings: cursing
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“dudeee! you suck.” your friend pouted her lip, “karina..” you groan as you two stood outside the party house where you could hear the mumbled music and the talkings of others.
“pleaseee? we don’t even have to stay for longgg!” she whined and shook your arm, you sighed, you hated parties. you’d just rather do or be somewhere else.
“you’re lucky i love you.” you pointed at her, she giggled and squealed and pulled you towards the house, and as you two were entering, another two were arriving.
“hell no.” niki shook his head and jake turned to him with a confused expression, “bro? cmon why not?” he crossed his arms, “you know i don’t.. like stuff like this.” niki stared at him.
“just one time yeah? besides— what basketball player doesn’t come to parties?! it’ll be fun i promise.” jake put his arm around niki and guided him into the house after niki let out a long groan.
“i already hate this!” you shout over the music to your friend who was dancing with a cup in her hand, you furrowed your eyebrows at the cup and snatched it away making her turn to you confused.
you smelled the liquid, “water.” you giggled, she smiled and shushed you, “i don’t drink silly.” she says and grabbed the cup back, “oh! i see him!” she gasped eyes glued on a specific person.
“go on!” you nudge her, she turned to you and frowned, “you’ll be okay?”
you giggled, “i’m fine karina, go on, i’ll.. go somewhere else but just text me if you need me.” you nudge her again, she smiled softly at you and kissed your cheek before walking away,
you sighed and looked around for anywhere that looked more quiet.. you decided to go upstairs to the rooms, checking room after room, seeing couples hooking up or doing some game of truth or dare.
you winced your eyes as the music began to hurt your head.
not only was it hurting yours, it was hurting nikis as well.
he rubbed his temples, “im gonna go look for someone.” he says to jake just to excuse himself away, jake nods and niki took off to the stairs, he needed to find somewhere quiet before his head exploded.
every room he went into was filled, except one..
it was a bathroom where no one was in, he walked in and shut the door behind him, the music muffling into some type of better silence than before.
he took a deep breathe as he felt his headache fading off,
“what are you doing?” you cross your arms as you sat on the counter beside him, he jumped slightly and turned to you,
“what are YOU doing? why are you in here?” he sighed, he was really wishing to be alone, but he wasn’t really mad at that.
he was mad that he got caught skipping a party by a pretty girl. especially with his popularity— you’d expect him to be out there with everyone else.
“why aren’t you partying? number 10?” you giggled, “seems like someone remembers my jersey number— number 7.” he shot back to you, damnit.. you forgot you do soccer.
“fine.” you sat up and crossed your legs, “so why are you here?“ you ask, niki sighed and leaned against the wall across from you, “too loud.” he chuckled staring at the ground.
“pfft. all you are is loud, walking through the hallways screaming as if you have no sense niki.” you shake your head, “okay? and why are you here?“ he crossed his arms.
“same reason.” you say, “exactly so you cant blame me.” he shrugged. you just stared at him.
you never realized how handsome he was, the owner of this house changed the bathroom light bulbs to purple, so the purple reflected beautifully on his features.
“i guess we’re both losers, skipping a party.” you giggled, “i guess so.” he nods. you guys shared a quiet tension, but it was comforting.
“you know i hate you right?” you tell him, “not the first.” he shrugged again, you knew him. he was such an idiot and was so full of himself, treated everyone in his way like shit.
he says it’s just jokes, but you honestly think it’s because of the people he surrounds himself with.
before you could say anything the door swung open, a girl ran in and straight to the toilet, throwing up immediately. you shut your eyes before slowly opening them,
she was basically falling apart in the toilet, niki looked up at you in panic, you widened your eyes and tilt your head her way, basically saying to help her.
niki sighed and walked over to her, and since he has sisters, and pretty long hair, he knew how to do ponytails, since it’s what he does to his hair for basketball.
so he had hair ties on his wrist, he leaned down and pulled her hair back into a ponytail as she continue to throw up.
“th-thanks im fine.. just p- privacy please..” she waved her arms back, you sighed and jumped off the counter, placing down a water bottle you held with you beside the toilet, you and niki left the bathroom and the music filled your ears again, making you wince.
niki noticed this, he didn’t like it either, he grabbed your hand and pulled you through the hall and down the stairs, confused on where he was bringing you, you let him do it.
he then shoved past people and to the back door of the house, where people were in the pool but he walked past them and around the house to the front, the music finally leaving your ears.
“where are we going?” you ask him, “we’re ditching. text your friends if you came with anyone.” he says as you two walked down the street,
you pulled out your phone to text karina but she has already texted you.
rina <3: i seen u leave!! with niki??! he’s cute, have fun b safe & txt me when ure home :)
you giggled at the message and put your phone back into your back pocket.
“so, where are we ditching too exactly?” you ask, “pancakes.” he simply says, you raised an eyebrow, “i didn’t bring any-
“my treat, since you hate me so much hopefully this’ll change your mind.” he turned to you as you walked side by side, you turned away and smiled to yourself.
cute. you BOTH thought.
he thought your smile cute, and you thought his action was cute.
maybe you could get used to this?
a/n: getting my new phones tmr!! so maybe i’ll be more active , lmk if i should do a part 2 to this :)
tl : @certified-ni-ki-lover @noblub-4ulolz @yourmyst4r @vixialuvs @ni-ki-ismyluv @judeduartewannabe @soobs-things @en-chantedtomeetyou @definitelynotherr @heyniki @wntersm @geniejunn @pkjay @baevsxii
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pettydollie · 2 months
♡.˚ ୨୧ 。˚ ♡.˚ boyfriend best friend - bsf!chris x reader
a/n: @sydneysturniolooo, sorry for getting this out so late :c and a special thank you to @imtalkinnonsense and @thebottledwatersupplier for beta reading :)
summary: your best friend chris doesn't understand boundaries, but neither do you. sometimes he feels more like a boyfriend than your actual bf.
warnings/notes: cursing, established relationship with an oc (steve), bsf!chris, ur kinda oblivious, lowercase intended, mentions of sex wc: 1.3k
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this party bites. you stand next to your boyfriend in the kitchen, holding an almost empty red cup. his arm is wrapped around your shoulders as he converses with some friends. you boredly swish your drink around in the cup awkwardly. the music playing isn't your taste and you'd much rather be at home with your boyfriend, steve, in your bed where you're comfortable.
your empty hand fidgets with the bottom of your pink skirt, waiting for the trite conversation to wrap up. your disinterested stare picks up from the floor when you hear your name being called by the one voice you can have true fun with. your eyes brighten almost immediately, a toothy smile forming on your face. a dopey grin plastered on his, he waves his hand as he makes his way over to where you stood.
steve's discussion comes to halt when he scoffs at the boy's appearance. chris doesn't even spare him a glance. instead, he gives you a kiss on the cheek as greeting, swatting away steve's arm from where it was resting. you kiss back, your lipgloss leaving a small sticky stain on his left cheek. "hey chris! uh, you remember steve." you smile and turn to your boyfriend who simply nods in greeting. chris' smile falters a little, just a little. he chuckles, "yeah, hey big guy."
his eyes turn back to you, then down to your cup. he grabs it from you, holding it out to steve. "her drink's almost done. go get her a refill, man." steve lets out a small exasperated sigh, taking the cup and muttering, "i'll be right back." chris gives a fake smile as he watches him leave with his buddies. "take as long as you need." he exclaims, winking.
you lean against the kitchen counter. "sooo, i thought you weren't coming..?"
he coughs, scratching the back of his head, the bottom of his black tank lifting up with his arm. "err- well, matt told me you were going. and we haven't hung out in like a week so yknow.." you nod along. he chuckles, shaking his head before continuing. "you looked like you were fucking dead anyhow. thought i'd be your knight in shining armor." he jokes, casually ruffling your hair.
you groan, "ugh, yes, thank you. steve's friends aren't exactly my type of people, i guess." you laugh dryly. he nods along, looking at you up and down. "well, princess, you look fabulous, as always." he compliments your simple look with a soft boyish smile. you sweetly return his smile and reply, "thank you" in a shy tone.
"yknow," chris leans against the counter so he's right next to you, his shoulder just barely brushing against yours. your head turns, watching him as he looks down at his dirty sneakers. "it's been like what- a week since you and i hung out? what're you doin' after the party?" he lifts his head to look into your shameful eyes.
"'m goin' on a date with steve.. 'm sorry."
chris chuckles in response with his eyes widening curiously. ”a date?? oh sweet, are you guys finally going somewhere besides Denny’s?” he smirks. you purse your lips, seeing steve walking towards you guys. you turn back to chris' waiting eyes. you shrug, mildly embarrassed. "we're just going for ice cream." pfft, as if it's any better than denny's.
he lets out a clearly not surprised "oh" as soon as your boyfriend stops right infront of you. he holds out the red cup to you. "here, babe." you take it and thank him before looking into the cup unsuspectingly. you clear your throat. "oh um.. this isn't punch?" you look up with a confused frown, in search of an explanation.
he nods slowly. "yeah.. i just thought maybe you'd like to try-"
chris' laugh cuts him off. steve turns with a raised eyebrow. before he can even ask what's so funny, chris holds up his hand. "try? she doesn't drink, moron." he snatches the cup out of your hand, not breaking eye contact with your boyfriend. you swallow hard. "it's okay.. really it is, but yeah, i don't think i wanna.."
steve rolls his eyes. chris scoffs, pouring the drink out into the sink next to him. your boyfriend simply folds his arms, unfazed. "fine, whatever." he grabs your chin. "they're setting up the kegs in the back. come watch me, kay?" he kisses your lips gently, not even giving you time to respond. he smiles and walks to the backyard.
"that shit is so immature." your best friend giggles, his small silver hoops swinging from his ears as he laughs. you let out a small sigh. he hums, "hey." he gets off the counter, bringing his hands up to cup your face. you giggle against his veiny hands. "how are you, peach? you good?" he asks in a serious voice, not playing around about your well-being. you blink slowly, your eyelashes prettily fluttering. "'m good." you whisper.
he raises both eyebrows. "this baboo- uh, is he making you happy? and no horseshit."
"yeah." you blandly respond with squished lips from the pressure. he drops one of his hands to his side. you lean into the one left on your face, your eyes shutting tiredly. he stares at you for a few seconds like you're an angel sent from heaven just for him. he's fighting the urge to kiss your glossy pout because he then remembers steve's waiting for you.
"ya guy's waitin', ma." he reminds you, tapping your cheek. you open your eyes and nod quickly. you grab your hand and begin walking to the backyard, pushing past the people with a quiet "excuse us" as you drag chris through the house.
minutes later, you're sitting on the grass criss crossed next to chris. your boyfriend stands in front of one of the kegs as he gets hyped up by his group of friends. someone yells out, "remember the rules, boys," and explains the rules quickly. "alright, 3... 2... 1!"
you don't really pay attention to who's winning as you rest your head sleepily against chris' shoulder. his arm wraps around you, his fingers playing with your gorgeous hair. you blink slowly, trying to stay awake. but it's hard since you're so comfortable in chris' embrace. you wanted to mention something that's been on your mind before drifting off.
"yesterday he told me to have sex with him." you mumble loud enough so only chris could hear. he can't help but let out a chuckle. he readjusts himself to look down at you. "so.. was he good?" he wiggles his eyebrows teasingly, though he knows you wouldn't. not his precious angel.
you roll your eyes with a grin. "i told him i wasn't ready. then he got all upset. i dunno why, i've told him multiple times that i'm not ready. he's just so impatient." you whine at the end. you look ahead as people cheer and smack steve's opponent on the back. clearly your boyfriend lost, anyone could see by the annoyed look on his face. you scrunch up your nose at the sweat and beer dripping from his mouth down to his chest.
chris hums, still twirling a piece of your hair with his long fingers. "he just has to deal with it. tell him to watch porn or somethin'."
you laugh, but it stops when steve glares your way. or more so, chris' way. you cough and sit up, brushing some grass of your skirt. chris turns his head towards him and rolls his eyes. "dunno why he gets so pressed all the time. you and i've been friends for years so what the fuck is his deal?"
you hum quietly, shrugging carelessly. chris sucks in a breath for a moment, hesitating on asking you a question. he sees steve walk back inside with his group, probably going to get even more shitfaced. but thats not his problem. a few seconds of silence pass before chris decides to speak up. "well, if you like.. weren't totally comfortable doing it with him, you could with me?"
your eyebrows raise as your eyes widen. he raises his hands up in defense, "nonono, not like in a weird way." he chuckles dryly. "it'd just be so you're prepared, yknow? and anyhow, he doesn't know you're a virgin soo.."
he does raise a good point, you must admit. you twirl a piece of your hair in your manicured fingers, biting your lip softly. he is an experienced guy, you know from all the stories he told you at your sleepovers. but what if you don't wanna have sex with chris just for steve's benefit? you innocently lick your lips before looking into your best friend's stunning blue eyes.
tags!! <3 @leah-loves-lilies @imtalkinnonsense @stargirlsturniololover @junnniiieee07 @mattsneezing @freshloveee @freshsturns @emma4eva @r6diosturns @matthasmywholeheart @donthugmeimhot @blahbel668
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bloodybreakupscene · 1 year
I wanted to request maybe a 1610! Miles morales drabble, where the reader has selective mutism and is really quiet around Miles for awhile. But they get put in a group project together and Miles hears their voice for the first time when they laugh at something he said!! ^^
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miles morales x reader
-> miles and you get partnered for a project and u laugh and hes like wowza and falls in love (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
-> omg tysm for the request!! this idea was too cute i love it sm for realsies (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)!! and another tysm for everyone else who liked my other miles post! the amount of likes and reblogs was overwhelming sweet i love u guys sm ☆ (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) ☆
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"alright, with that lesson out of the way let's practice what we've learned with your table partner!" the teacher exclaimed, some students groaned and some laughed, both reactions at the direction of working with each other's desk partners.
art was one of the two subjects you actually enjoyed during school, the work wasn't a hassle and it also didn't force you to speak to others, you never did well with certain settings, however in those that you were actually familiar with you did fine. your partner, one of your newer friends, miles morales, turned towards you.
"what do you think we should do?" he asks, you shrugged your shoulders, the canvas paper that lie on the table remained untouched.
"hmm, i'm terrible at realism, so maybe we can do somethin' simple. . . like buildings!" he leans his head on his hand, awaiting your reaction. you nod your head, and grab your guys' shared painting supplies.
as you guys are painting, miles steals a few glances at your relaxed face. he admired many of your facial features and habits, the way your shoulders raised a bit when you were focused, how the shine in your eyes seemed to brighten when you saw or noticed something that peaked your interest. he's never heard your voice, he figured it was something personal so he never asked—
you laughed. miles, suddenly, broken out of this odd trance, looked at you covering your mouth, laughing. "what?" he questioned, laughing a bit as well, your giggling must be contagious.
"nothing! you just looked, really, focused. i thought it was funny." you spoke, explaining yourself, putting the brush down.
"excuse you." he glared, no malicious intent behind it, "art just so happens to be one of my many expertises."
"pfft, as if. you have more paint on your hand than on the canvas." he looks down at his right hand and you were right, different colors of paint were all over his hand.
"just means i'm a part of the canvas." he jokes, and thank god he did because it made you laugh again. a big smile covers his face and he can't help but replicate your reaction as well.
"you're funny i guess." you rolled your eyes, looking down at the painting you guys made.
"you guess? i didn't even have to do anything to make you laugh the first time." he playfully teases you.
"sure sure whatever." you respond, acting annoyed at his little joke.
miles can't help the huge smile that's still plastered on face, your voice is so sweet, it's got him kicking his feet and blushing, you don't even know the kind of effect that you have on him. he never thought that he was the hopeless romantic type until this very moment, but he can't help it! he's already fallen head over heels in love with you.
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stubz · 3 months
Pollix lazed on the beanbag in the reading area. The passing sun shining just so perfectly on the young tighalax. He rolled onto his stomach and kneaded the carpet below when he spotted something or rather someone.
Nova. The ship Captain's daughter and fellow tighalax is currently stalking something.
'It's like watching a newborn cub walking for the first time. She'd be the runt of any tighalax pack in the galaxy.'
Pollix really had nothing against the smaller cub but he just couldn't help himself from teasing and poking fun at her every now and then.
'She's 6 moons older than me but half my size! She's like one of those stuffies we have in the toy bin.' he giggled to himself.
Intrigued by what she was doing he looks to see what her target is.
His ears perk as does his posture.
Kim. One of their human caretakers/teachers. Currently cleaning up some blocks on the ground. Completely unaware of the small feline-like creature.
She pounces. The prey is caught. Sent tumbling to it's side, shrieking with laughter.
A successful hunt shrieks Athea also watching the "hunt".
'A successful hunt? Pfft, I get that they're comrades but how could Athea call that a hunt?' for Nova's hunt was something to be expected of when one was a fresh cub. To celebrate a hunt like this when you were 7 summers old? Unheard of.
But runts do take longer since they're often too weak for some summers to do this type of thing, he concluded.
Still, at their age they should be hunting prey that's much bigger than Kim. Something around Max's size.
"Pollix! I caught Kim, did you see?"
"I saw...you were very quiet. But remember to use what's around you. Like you could have hide behind the bookshelf to get even closer."
"Oh. That's so smart! Thanks Pollix, I'm going to practice on Kim again."
"Mmmm." he curled back onto the bean bag.
"Not impressed?"
"Your blocking the sun Athea," he whined looking up at the orc. "But no not really. I mean Kim is strong I guess but she's a human."
"What. Humans are strong, sometimes stronger than other apex species like us." Pollix scoffs
"Yeah but I knocked her down like a million times when we wrestled! So Nova's probably going to be able to knock her over at least once, or maybe Kim just let her." he finished as an afterthought.
"...Okay so maybe she let Nova knock her over but what if she also let you knock her over?"
<If there's one thing many know about Tighalaxes it's that they are very prideful of their hunts and wins. And to diminish said hunts and wins is to question their skills as a hunter. The fastest and easiest way to tick them off>
The cub puffs his fur and flicks his tail around angrily.
"No. I knocked her over because I'm stronger than her!"
"And so did Nova. So I guess Nova is also strong." she stares at him.
<Now for Orcs, what they're known for is their undying loyalty. Should you belittle or badmouth an Orc's friend within earshot of them be prepared for an argument or a swift blow to the face. Depends on the situation>
The young orc straightens to her full height while keeping her gaze with the tighalax cub. Who in return get's up and rises to his full height as well.
Standing at 5 feet tall both are easily larger than most other youngling species their age. Only 5 inches shy of their teacher Kim.
Only at the age 6.
"Why don't you try to tackle her?"
Startled they stop sizing each other up and turn to the human who managed sneak up on them.
Jasper. A human child their age. Almost a foot smaller than them.
"I do it all the time. It's fun and I get to see how strong I am by how much I can make Kim move!" he exclaims, "One time I managed to make her take a step."
"That could work."
"If you can tackle Kim then I'll apologize and take it back. If you can't then that means that Nova is strong too."
"Alright. But I'm doing it the proper way. Not when she's crouched down. That'd be too easy."
'A real hunter should rely on their strength and instincts. Not just hiding and sneak attacks.'
He stalks towards Kim who's standing in the middle of the room doing a head count.
He picks up the pace. Her back is still to him.
He's broken into a run now. Normally he should wait till he's closer but he's just trying to tackle her so it's fine. She hears him.
He's at full speed and mere seconds away. Athea will be saying sorry to him very soon. She turns sideways and widens her feet.
He lunges. She's smiling.
To Athea and everyone else watching it was like watching a bouncy ball hit a wall. The cub made impact only to bounce off the human onto the floor.
"OH SHOOT!" Kim picks him and sets him on his back paws. "Are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't think you'd bounce like that."
"..." could she always pick him up that easily?
"You look okay, Pollix are you hurt anywhere?" he shakes his head.
"Well that's good. Sorry about that buddy," she chuckles. "I thought since your a lot bigger than Jasper and Nova that you'd be fine. Here, let me go get you a starburst for the great effort."
"Wow Pollix! You made her actually get ready for it. I never did that. You really are strong." exclaims Nova. Eyes sparkling with awe.
"I, I just bounced off her. Like a bug."
"Yep." Athea pats her friend on the shoulder.
"...Nova you did a great job with your hunt. It was awesome."
"Aw, thanks Pol."
"I wonder if I could tackle her? I am heavier than you."
"Yeah you are pretty fat."
"Fat so I can crush you."
"You two are weird friends." sighs Nova.
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mylittlesecrethaven · 22 days
Facts About the TWST Boys You Might Not Know: Diasomnia
It's the last post for this series.
So let's go I guess.
I'm sure we all know this, but Malleus has a sweet little Tamagotchi pet names Roaring Draco. (In Japanese, it's Gao-Gao Dragon-kun, which is just adorable)
Whenever he appears or disappears, firefly-like lights appear.
Poor guy needs special pillows cause of his horns.
His first time being called for a housewarden meeting was in the first chapter of the Fairy Gala Event. (this is just sad now)
Malleus is so freaking strong that it'd be easier for him to break a large rock with his hands than crack an egg without making a mess.
His first time in a car was during the Scalding Sands event.
Also during that event, he mentions his parents. (and the wiki doesn't say why this is there, but I'm pretty sure it's cause he doesn't talk about them much.)
He's a terrible fucking cook. (basically twst's Solomon)
Lilia's portrait is actually in a textbook in NRC.
He's good with instruments.
Lilia says he's so good at singing lullabies that children go to sleep in a fraction of a second after hearing them. (Idk if that's cause he's really that good of a singer or if he's using magic.)
I'm sure this is well known, but his bangs were burned once by Malleus breathing fire.
Lilia likes the taste of potions deemed rotten tasting by others. (maybe that's why he thinks he's a good cook)
He says he knew Sam's great great great grandfather.
He doesn't just dye his hair pink, he sometimes does other colors.
He cuts his own hair.
He likes sweets.
And I didn't want to type this out cause it's funny the way it is "Sometimes, Lilia randomly picks his nose even when he's in public."
He's the only named student to not have a last name.
He, Azul, and Cater are all 5'7". (??? why is that just in the wiki?)
According to Ruggie, he and Kalim are "mad-free" people. (???)
Small animals are attracted to him. (probably well known, but whatever)
He thinks MC/Yuu has a talent for the sword. (??? What is with Silver's wiki? I'm so confused)
What is this wiki holy fuck. "According to Lilia, he and Sebek used to be scaredy cats, due to that Lilia had quite a bit of laundry to do after Halloween." (??? (a few weeks later: ohhhhhh. I get it now)
He got his name from his hair color, says Lilia.
And either he or Lilia cuts his hair.
He's really good with objective classes, but struggles with subjective classes.
He likes reading.
He was a late bloomer with his magic. (I wonder if that's a sore spot for him.)
He likes warmer and more humid places. (crocodile)
Horses get scared of him for some reason. (crocodile, also, how's he able to do anything in his club then?)
Pfft- "According to Grim, whenever Malleus is brought up he gets really exhausting."
He's jealous of Kalim and Jamil's relationship (as Jamil being Kalim's "servant," as he says) and is also jealous that they've known each other since birth.
He's usually in charge of heavy lifting in Diasomnia.
He can lift 8 chairs at once with ease.
Holy fucking shit Sebek's is so freaking funny "He has a portrait of Malleus in his room, which he greets every single time he leaves or comes back." (I fucking can't..... I'm laughing so hard making this post)
Sebek's really close to his grandfather.
Ok, so Diasomnia's wiki was really confusing and really funny.
And you can also tell they get a lot of love like Heartslabyul.
But every other dorm doesn't get shit.
So.... maybe I'll do the side characters?
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hheartlee · 26 days
Tumblr media
cherrisnake fanfic!!
tw: tickling, light swearing
ler!cherri & lee!sirpentious
please enjoy!
it was a boring day at the hazbin hotel, cherri was visiting and since angel was too busy flirting with husk.. she decided why not go annoy pentious? that’ll be fun
cherri made her way to the hotel lobby where surprisingly only sir pentious was(along with keekee on his lap), cherri walked over and poked sir pentious’s side to get his attention, only for sir pentious to jump and quickly look behind at cherri, the jump making keekee get off his lap and walk off
“o-oh! hello misss bo-bomb.!” - he said nervously, trying to switch subjects
cherri smirked and walked around the couch, infront of sir pentious, cocking her head to the side and putting her hand on her hip
“what was that?” - she smirked, teasing sir pentious about the jump he did.
“I- I don’t know what your talking about..” - he smiled awkwardly
“ya jumped when I poked ya.” - she pointed out the obvious
“y-you ssstartled me! th-that’s all..” - he said, hoping she believed it.
but ofc, cherri isnt stupid. she walked closer to sir pentious, standing right infront of him, her legs touching his tail
“so, if I do it again, ya won’t flinch?” - she grinned slightly, then leaned forward and poked his side again
“pfft- ch-cherri-!” - he let out a small snicker, biting his lip
“ohoho! are ya ticklish, old man?” - she grinned, teasing him once more
“what?! no! ofc not! that’s preposterous!” - he snapped back at cherri, clearly panicking
“then why are ya so anxious all of a sudden?” - she replied
sir pentious didn’t know how to reply.. so instead, he quickly jumped off the couch and slithered away as fast as he could
cherri watched him run off than quickly ran after him
“aye! I ain’t done with you, coward!” - she snickered
sir pentious didn’t reply, he slithered quickly up the stairs and took a sharp turn down a random hallway, not really thinking
cherri followed along, it was kinda hard to catch up since he was a snake.. but luckily the hallway had a dead end
sir pentious quickly stopped before he hit the wall, then slowly turn to see cherri at the other end
“ch-cherri- w-we can talk about thisss!” - he sounded panicked, putting his hands on the wall
cherri slowly got closer and closer till she was right infront of him
“sure you can talk!” - she put her hands to his sides
“I’ll tickle.” - she grinned before her fingers started dancing on his sides
“cheheherri!- wahahahaait!-“ - he began snickering, but surprisingly not falling into a fit of laughter yet.
“damn.. for someone who’s “not ticklish” ya sure are giggly!” - she smirked
“dohont tehehease mehe- KYAHAHAHAHHA!!-“
sir pentious then bursted into a fit of laughter when cherri moved her hands to his stomach, causing his back to arch
“hoholy shit!- ya really are ticklish huh?”
despite his fit of laughter, he still denied it.
“hm, then I guess I’ll just have to keep goin!”
cherri’s hands slid down to his hip’s, causing him to hiss, but also squeal
his laugh was certainly not the normal type.. though cherri found it amusing
“hah! nice laugh ya got there, snickers!” - she mocked him
“DOHONT CALL ME THAHAHAT!-“ - he tried to argue, but his clap back formed into giggles
“what? snickers? whadda bout, giggles? or.. cackles?” - she kept listing off laughing related nicknames just to piss him off.
“NOHOHONE!- CHEHEHERRIIII PLEHEHEASE!-“ - he pleaded, not exactly telling her to get off
“hmm, let’s see.. what other places could ya be ticklish in..”
she took her hands off of him for a second to think
“I- Ihihim nohot tic- KYAKAHAHA!-“
sir pentious hissed and squeaked both at once as cherris hands met his snake tail, which was oddly sensitive.
“what were ya saying, snickers?” - she teased
“STAHAH- STAHAP CALLING ME THAHAHAT- SHIHIHIHIT-“ - he was practically loosing his shit.
“awhh but it’s fun! don’t ya think?” - she tilted her head to the side, acting innocent
“SHUHUSH- KYAKAAHAHA!-“ - he cocked his head back
“oh calm down I ain’t killin ya” - she rolled her eyes playfully at his “dramatic” act
“YOHOHOU AHAHAREE!-“ - his eyes welted up with tears form laughing to hard.
“well ya sure aren’t stoppin me, it’s almost like your enjoying this~” - she teased him once more, which just added onto the whole situation
“SHUHUT UHUHUP!-“ - he didn’t deny it..
cherri smirked then after a few more minutes, she let go, giving him a chance to breathe
“hah.. eugh.. ugh.. y-your.. evil.!” - he fell down to the floor, just sitting there
“I try my hardest!~” - she smirked down at him
sir pentious blushed slightly, looking away to avoid eye contact with cherri.
cherri noticed but didn’t comment on it, after a moment of sir pentious being non verbal.. Cherri felt the slightest bit of concern, though she’d never admit it.
cherri knelt down to where sir pentious was and tapped on his shoulder
“are ya dead?” - she raised her eyebrow
“phisically? yess. mentally? no.” - he answered dramatically
“pfft- drama queen.” - she snickered
“oh silence you!” - he rolled his eyes, laying on the floor
cherri sat down beside sir pentious, and out of curiosity she reached over and placed her hand on the inside of his hood, causing him to jump up and hit her hand out of reflex
“woah- bad spot, huh?” - she smirked at his reaction
sir pentious blushed again, and glared at her
“n-no! I just- dohont want you touching me ahat the moment.” - he came up with a lame excuse
cherri scoffed, then crawled a bit closer to him
“why are ya already giggling? I haven’t touched ya!” - she pointed out the obvious
“I just- uh- I-Iss it hohot in here?? hah..” - he tried changing subjects, blushing even more
“we’re in hell dumbass, it’s gonna be hot.” - she rolled her eyes, not fazed by his sorry ass excuses
cherri then grabbed sir pentious’s wrist and yanked him closer, just making him even more flustered and/or nervous
“ch-cherri?- whahat are you-“ - he was cut off by the sound of his own laughter when he felt her start to scribble her fingers on his hood
“dahaammn.. your hood thing is sensitive as shit!” - she snickered
“STAAHAHAP!- CHEHEHERRI PLEHEHEASSSSE I CAHAHNT-“ - his tail squirmed around and his eyes watered up again
“chill out it’s just tickling! dramatic much?” - she teased, knowing she was driving him insane
cherri’s hand slid down to pentious’s armpit which made him squeal in the highest pitch he could, bursting into loud laughter
“WHAHAHAIT!- KYAKAKAHAHA!-“ - tears rolled down his rosey red cheeks
“wait? for what? hm?” - she lifted her chin and raised her eyebrow while smirking
cherri then slider her hand up and lightly rubs the crook of pentious’s neck
“yeah.. I thought this would get ya goin”
she then scrambled her fingers on his neck, her free hands fingers began tracing up and down his tail, making him begin basically wheezing
after about 2 more minutes she finally stopped for good, sitting beside him, watching him recover
“hah- hehe.. huh.. that- wasn’t.. terrible..” - he was panting repeatedly, looking at the floor while blushing like hell
“oh yeah? ya into that shit?” - she raised her eyebrow and snickered
“what- n-no!!” - his head snapped towards cherri and his blush got brighter by the second
cherri put her hands up
“cahalm down! I’m just fuckin with ya!” - she laughed at him
“yohou shohould see yahah fahace!” - she fell over and kicked her feet while laughing
“it- it isn’t funny!” - he yelled in embarrassment
“ya were sure as hell laughing a second ago!” - she teased
“shut up!” - he covered his face
“hah.. what a silly discovery..” - she shook her head and snickered
(Sorry if it’s bad, this is my first fan fic😰😰)
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bebe-writes-stuff · 8 months
Baji x Reader - Part 2 with smut
Go read part 1
You groan, slamming your head onto the wall in front of you, as you reminisced about what happened last night,
"Regarding your last letter. Yeah, I'd love to go out with you. <3"
And that's what brought you here, trying to pick an outfit, for your date with Baji. You were simply losing your mind, should you wear a cool outfit, or a cute preppy one. You pulled out your phone, quickly scrolling down in your contacts to find your best friend, Emma.
"Oh, hey Y/n! What's up?"
You heard her cute voice, which calmed you a little,
"Uhhhh, help me please, Em."
You whined in a childish tone
"Oh-no, what did you do this time?"
She already sounded disappointed
"NOTHING!...I have a date and I'm not sure what to wear...please help me."
"Pfft, are you serious? You always look good though, I never thought you'd have the I-don't-know-what-to-wear type problem. Hmm, just wear whatever makes you comfortable, where are you going?"
"The mall, I heard there's a haunted house there. I wanted to check it out."
"Yeah, so just wear something comfortable."
You both kept chatting, as you put on and took off clothes. But then, there it was at the back of your closet. It was a short, white, dress you had bought a couple weeks ago. It was one of those neat and classy dresses. That hugged your body and it curves beautifully. You ran a hand down your body as you stared in the mirror.
"Damnn, who is that babe."
You finished off the look with a few stylish accessories, a new pair of sneakers, and finally a cute small handbag with a few mandatory things: deodorant, perfume, lip-gloss, napkins, earbuds, and some snacks for you and Baji. It was perfect. You did a little twirl in the mirror, before you heard the small ringtone of a notification on your phone.
Baji : Hey? I'm here, are you ready yet, beautiful?"
You smiled, already knowing he was here, because of the sound of his bike's engine. Peeking out your window, you saw him, he was leaning on his bike staring at his phone, waiting for you to respond, you guessed. You quickly snatched your phone as you sprinted downstairs and right out the front door.
"Hey Keisuke! Sorry if I kept you waiting, I was getting ready."
You said as you stood in front of him, catching your breath. Baji's eyes widened. He never really stared at girls, he knew they were pretty, but you, you exemplified a novel vision of absolute beauty. He got flustered, what does he do, a hug, a kiss maybe. His brain was going all over the place, his hand shot out...a handshake.
"Oh, a handshake. I mean, that's good too, haha."
You laugh nervously as you grasp his hand and shake it. Wow, he was strong, you could tell. The way he seems so big, compared to you, he could probably just engulf you fully with his presence.
"S-should we get going?"
He wanted the ground to split open, and swallow him whole. First, the handshake, and now, he stuttered.
"Sure, Let's go!"
You said, enthusiastically, hopping into the bike after him, wrapping your arms around him. He swallowed hard, as he felt the way you gently wrapped your hands around his midsection. No one was ever soft with him the way you were. His heart was racing. The ride was nice and peaceful. You rested your head on his back, while running your hand up and down his chest.
"Keisuke, you're so warm. Hmm, I just wanna stay in your arms."
You dozed off but you were brought back when Baji parked his bike, He gave you a helping hand off the bike.
"I already paid for the tickets online, we just need to make it in line first."
He quickly added as you jumped off his bike
He thought.
You were both shocked when you already saw how many people were in the line,
"Woah, and here I thought, we were going first."
You muttered, quickly taking a spot in the line, Baji next to you. No one said anything as you and Baji waited patiently for your turn. Baji glanced down at your hand, it looked so soft, you had a few rings around your fingers. He quickly wiped his hand on his pants before courage kicked in, and he grabbed your hand nonchalantly. You peered towards him, staring at him for a little before he noticed and looked at you.
"What's up-"
You cut him off when you stood on the tippy toes before landing a tender peck on his lips he wasn't expecting which made his face explode with red. you grinned at his adorable reaction, little did you know what Baji had in mind.
"Ohhhh, it's our turn! c'mon let's go Keisuke!"
You were jumping with excitement, you've never been to a haunted house before. You went through a door, that seemed like a door for a dungeon, it was super dark inside. You grabbed his arm,
"Baji, you here?"
"Yeah, where are you though?"
Your heart dropped,
"What do you mean, I'm literally holding your arm-"
The light suddenly turned on, making you flinch and rub your eyes. You turn and look to your side, and a scream of pure horror leaves your throat. The person you thought was Baji, was instead, a very tall man, his face was wrapped with bloody bandages and a black clock around his body. You instantly felt regret, you wanted to leave, you couldn't do this. You took a few steps back, stumbling over something. You looked down, only for your blood to go cold. It was a person's head. However, before you fully fell, a strong pair of hands caught you.
"PFFT-C'mon Y/n, I thought you were brave. It's all fake anyway."
He laughed as he kicked the fake human head away, tears threatened to fall from the corners of your eyes, as you gripped onto Baji, shaking.
"Hey, don't worry, you're safe. I wouldn't let any of those ugly, busted up fuckers touch you. Okay?"
You quickly nodded, sniffling, and holding onto his arm for dear life. Baji would be straight up lying if he said he didn't enjoy you like this. Holding onto him for dear, being all over him. He was in heaven, now he understood why most couples choose to see horror movies. But he'd also be lying if he didn't admit that all of the adrenaline from the haunted house and you being basically attached to him didn't affect his dick. He'd always thought he had good control over his urges but you continue to prove him wrong, your soft skin, your scent, they way your hands reach and grab anything on him so you don't fall, it all went to his dick, that was, oh so painfully hard. He was glad it was dark, or else how would you react.
"Keisuke, please, I wanna get out of here. This was actually a mistake."
You were out of breath as you tried to talk, Baji was smirking as he held you close to his chest, he felt how fast your heart was racing. It continued to feed his twisted pleasure, you were so small, like a prey.
"Shhh, it's okay. We're almost there, pretty."
He whispered. A chill ran down your spine, not expecting him to be so close to your ears but at the same time, you didn't realize how Baji was basically caging you in his arms. You felt your mind go mushy as you started to realize what's going around you with Baji. Suddenly, you felt a gust of fresh air that brought you out of your trance. You were breathing hard.
"Woah, you were seriously scared of that, it wasn't even that scary. Also, you didn't have to kick that poor lady, she was only doing her job."
He was holding back laughter, your reactions were super funny. You kicked and punched anyone that popped out at you and Baji, he totally recorded the whole thing.
You sighed before you cringed when you pulled out your phone and opened the camera app. You looked messy and sweaty.
"OH.MY.GOSH. I'll be right back, I need to go fix this mess!"
You were gonna run to the nearest bathroom before you felt Baji grab your wrist,
"Wait don't, you look...good."
He cupped your face, moving his thumb against your bottom lip. There it came again, that sudden heat that only Baji sparked inside you. You got closer to him, reaching up to kiss him. He pulled you even closer. He was rough, it only made you melt even further into his touch. It was a deep kiss, that made you both forget how both of you were still in the middle of the mall.
"Here, let's go in here."
You whispered, pulling him into a photo booth and closing the curtains. You were both moving fast and risky, considering you both were still at the mall, but neither of you could resist the other, considering the constant tension building up between you two. He sat on the small bench and you straddled his waist, feeling his hard-on under you. You pulled him in by the collar, his breath fanning your lips as you sunk your lips into his, melting in his arms. Moaning when you felt his hips moving up and down, thrusting at your clothed pussy. You felt his hand hike up your dress, exposing your wet panties.
"Thought it was just me, but after seeing how wet that pussy is, you want me just as I want you."
You whimpered at his word of choice, he was blunt, so honest it turned you on even more, you were wet, wet for him, and the need of wanting to get full with cock only grew and grew until you were shamelessly humping his dick through his pants, just like a needy little slut, like a bitch in heat, waiting to be stuffed full of cock and cum.
"You're so fucking needy, I could tell you to do anything right now, and you wouldn't say no, right? You're my good little slut aren't you?"
tears formed in the corners of your eyes and your mouth slowly fell open as you felt his fingers pushing your panties to the side, the only thing keeping your dignity protected. Feeling his fingers pump in and out of your pussy, tightening every time you heard how wet and gushy your cunt became when he kept pumping, harder, and harder, and harder. You were holding back, and no way he was gonna let that happen. You threw your head back when you felt the fast and small circles directly on that throbbing little clit. You gasped at the wave of pleasure and euphoria that shot through you body, that had you shaking on Baji's lap,
"That's it, yeah, feel that orgasm baby."
After coming down from your high, and taking some deep breaths, you sunk down to your knees. You caught Baji off guard when you started pulling down his pants,
"I can't be the only one feeling good, that be selfish, right?"
You looked up at him with your pretty doe-eyes. Excitement ran through your veins when you saw the way his length shot up waiting for your dearest attention.
"Ngh, yeah, just like that. Oh fuck, yeah, just keep moving your hands like that, FUUUCK."
He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pressed your cheek right up against his rock hard cock.
"You use your mouth, and don't get messy. Don't you dare drop a spec of cum out of the dirty little mouth."
You nodded obediently, as you parted your lips, taking his hard red tip tight into your mouth as your hands continued with their up and down motion. Twisting your head and taking more and more of him until he was reaching the back of your throat making you gag on his dick. Forcing your head down as he started thrusting deeper and deeper into your throat,
"Ahhh, fucking hell, your mouth feels so damn good. Fuck, this mouth is mine, you hear me? All of you is mine, you're mine. O-oh shit, I'm close. Don't you fucking dare drop anything, ugh, fuck, fuck!"
He tugged your hair harshly as you felt the spurts and ropes of cum that covered your throat as you swallowed every drop. Finally, you gasped for air once he let his iron grip of your hair, his hand patting your head and brushing your hair back,
"God, I love you so fucking much."
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razorblade180 · 3 months
Potion Practice
Bonus to this <-
Amber:Aether! Pfft, Nice outfit.
Aether:*in Lisa’s clothes* They’re helping me make better potions. This has been a little hard. *stirs pot*
Amber:Oh yeah? Alchemy does seem complicated. I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it.
Aether:Did you want me to make something or stare at the slit in this outfit.
Amber:I just can’t believe she had one in your size. What’s the likelihood you’d mess up if I held your waist?
Aether:Fairly high.
Amber:Then I will settle for a vigor and stamina potion that’s good for long patrols. Lightly I’ve been pulling expedition alongside my normal routine while other knights are training new recruits.
Aether:Did Ellin and Noelle pass?
Amber:Not yet unfortunately.
Aether:One day. Welp…I could attempt a potion for you.
Amber:You’ll do great! I heard business was fine.
Aether:Last time I messed with vigor and stamina I made an aphrodisiac.
Aether:That was my expression when Lisa told me. Thankfully, she took Sumeru Rose stems away.
Amber:Why were they there in the first place if-
Aether:Because Lisa is chaos. *adds three Rainbow Rose leaves* Now let’s add some Asters and…done.
Potion turns red
Aether:Well it isn’t pink this time, so that’s good. Although maybe I should dip it first?
Amber:No it’s fine. I trust your skills. Besides, it would be bad it something made you have to shut down the shop.
Aether:You have work though.
Amber:Worst case scenario, Kaeya fills in for me after taking care of his nonexistent Calvary. *sips potion*
Amber:Taste good. My sinuses are open, like a rush of fresh mint. Guess it works for vigor! Coffee wasn’t really doing it anymore.
Aether:That’s awesome! Glad I can help.
Amber:When is your next break by the way? I’m sure you’re allowed lunch soon?
Aether:All the other potions have been properly prepared and stocked. We can catch up now. Just let me change.
Amber:You’re not walking into town like this?
Aether:I’m not wearing these heels longer than I feel necessary.
Amber:That’s fair. I’m glad I caught you when I did then. Hehe, especially cause this is definitely another type of love potion.
Aether:…Come again?
Amber:This potion. Definitely an aphrodisiac.
Aether:Please say sike.
Amber:*fans face* I wanna, however…
Aether:There’s no fuckin way- *grabs potion book*….. Lisa!!
The witch casually walks over. She doesn’t even need to be asked for her to smell the brew.
Lisa:Ah you used the Rainbow Rose leaves raw. That’s pretty overwhelming at times unless you only add two or ground them up for extract. This is pretty low grade so just add chill water before selling it. *leaves*
Aether:Why the hell is the line between vigor and horny one leaf? Amber, how exactly are you feeling?
Amber:I’ve never had an aphrodisiac before so on a scale from one to ten… I’m sitting at a six. Maybe a six and an half?
Aether:Hold on. I’ve gotten good at stabilizers for obvious reasons. Give me five minutes.
Amber:….Or, I can get our lunch to go and meet you at my place? You need a place to change anyway.
Amber:… *sips potion*
Paimon:*counting mora* The shop is in good hands! Just come back with snacks!
Amber:Consider it done! *takes Aether’s hand*
Aether: I don’t know how to feel about being on the menu while in this.
Amber:Consider it dessert.
Aether:There’s no way Lisa said that stuff was low grade.
Lisa:*in the distance* I can show you high grade!
Aether:Please don’t!
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Ok, so, i might be the only one to find this funny but...could i request part 3 dio with a savage darling? Like packgod HD and groucho marx level of savagery. My mans dio is gonna be flammed hotter than back in the mansion. Wit meets wit. You don't have to, of course.
This is actually kind of funny, let’s pretend I’d be good at writing this type of darling.
Almost every other sentence that left those fragile lips of yours were snark. Oh, he’d crush anyone else’s windpipes in an instant for such dreck leaving their lips. You mention his outfit is essentially tacky, not worth a single human taking him seriously let alone any of his followers.
“I never understood being gaudy, those shoes look like they belong in some sideshow in the circus…scary vampire..pfft..” you’d say out loud.
”Your words are so cruel but meaningless in their entirety darling, vapid, superficial even, but if my garments aren’t up to your standards I’m afraid you’ll have to swallow your pride and continue tolerating it”
“Guess missing out on fashion for so long does make you lose taste” You hummed casually.
You heard a slight tsk come from the blonde’s mouth. It wasn’t out of annoyance from his inflection, but you could tell you made him think on it.
“It’s fine if you don’t understand my personal choices in what I wear, perhaps I should have you match…which I suppose would be a personal hell have such a garment fitted for your size”
“if it would set me on fire and release me from this mortal coil for your bad taste, then maybe”
There was a smirk plastered on his face, “You’d never be granted such mercy I’m afraid, for I have a way to bring you back again, and again…for you to witness what you’d call an abomination to fashion”
“Geez, you’re decent at twisting yourself into a pretzel to justify your wardrobe” You clicked your tongue. “Can’t fix delusional I suppose”
“I commend your efforts at insulting me, Once I conquer the joestar bloodline, perhaps I can conquer your audacity to pick apart my appearance down to a more acceptable level”
For a moment you saw his sharp nailed hands trail down his chest. The way he was staring at you with that sharp grin, left your eyes widening in shock for a moment. There were more insults and tear downs just bubbling beneath the surface, but you decided not to say anything. He still creeped you out but if you were going to suffer at least you could attempt to annoy this monster.
….. ……
I was going to go for some kind of goofy gen z kind of humor just so Dio would be way out of his depth with trying to decipher what any of it means. While getting back handed with retorts and disses. But nah went for whatever this was. I’m trying to not be too rusty with my writing right now.
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quinnkasih · 2 years
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Kitty Cat
chapter 3 - "the internet cafe's loyal customers"
cat!scara x collegestudent!fem!reader
You are just an ordinary college student, having friends, hard projects and surviving on a low budget. Every week, or saturday to be specific, you would come by your favorite cafe in town, Fatui Cat Cafe. It is such a calming and lively place for you after a busy week as a student. In the cafe, there's one cat that despises everyone, except you.
A/N :
i add a little change to the story. Before, it was Teyvat's Cat Cafe. But I changed it into Fatui's Cat Cafe, due to some stuff. Who knows? Maybe you'll know the story if you match it with the harbingers' actual lore..~
MASTERLIST - previous | next
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It was dark outside. All shops were closed, some of the are still open. But only a few. The scenery was lonely. Lonely streets were lighted by street lights that light up during the night time.
Next to Fatui Cat Cafe was a dark alleyway, they throw out their garbage and leftovers there.
It was quiet, too quiet. Until there was the sound of a door opening from the dark alleyway.
There was a male coming outside the door. He looked fishy, wearing a cap and is hooded with a black hoodie and is wearing jeans. He has indigo colored hair.
He was busy fixing his attire. When he was about to leave, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey comrade! What are you doing outside at such a late time?" Taunted a guy with ginger colored hair.
"Back off, dont call me that. And dont be so stupid, you know what im outside for" Said the hooded man coldly, not bother turning to look at him.
"Hmm? Let me guess..~"
"It's neither you going to the internet cafe you usually go to or the 24 hour convenient store" Guessed the guy.
"What? Who told you about this?" Asked the hooded man furiously, turning to look the other man.
"Ahaha! Dont act all surprised Scara, everyone literally knows you leave the cafe every night. Signora saw you walking out of the door" Explained the ginger man, giggling.
Scara just glared at Childe harshly, not answering.
"So? What brings you here then?" Asked Scara again, hands crossed against his chest.
"Hm? Whats wrong with me being outside? I mean, you are even outside yourself" Childe answered and scoffed.
Scara just answered with a "ok" and started to leave him.
"H-hey!! Wait for me!!" Childe shouted from afar as he ran towards Scara.
They stopped by an internet cafe, it was usually crowded. But since it was midnight, of course it isnt.
"Its up to you whether you want to rent or not. Also, Im not paying your bill." Scara exclaimed, opening the door.
"Huh??! What do you mean?? I thought you are paying me?? How do even have money??!" Childe asked, surprised.
"I stole it from the cashier" Scara confessed, not feeling any guilty of doing it.
"Hey! You stole it?! I'll report you to master Tsaritsa!!" Childe warned.
"Pfft why should I care? Go on and report it to her, I really dont care. And also, you sound stupid calling her master Tsaritsa." Scara mentioned as he payed for the billing, 1 hour.
As Scara was heading towards the computer he always used, Childe kept on complaining.
"Hufff, what do you even need to rent a computer anyways?" Childe sighed and stretched in his seat.
Scara did not answered anything. He countinued on to type on the keyboard for something. On his screen, showed a search bar. He was searching his own name, his intend was to know his reputation on the internet.
The loading took awhile, but it had finished anyways. He clicked his own hashtag, #scaracat.
The very first post on the top, which is the most popular and recently post, was a video. He hovered the cursor to the play button and clicked.
The video started, it was a video of a girl crouching to a black purple-ish cat, she is stroking the cat slowly. The place was familiar, it was the Fatui Cat Cafe.
After a moment of watching he finally realised its him, in his cat form.
He was surprised. Since when did he started to be gentle to someone? Why is he so calm and enjoying the girls touch in the video?
At the end of the video, he woke up suddenly and bit the girl's hand that was stroking him and the video was cutted off.
"Oohh, thats the video from yesterday's feeding with customers event" Childe commented as he saw the screen.
He remembered again the warmth and affection he received in his sleep yesterday afternoon. He thought it was just him feeling things. Well, it sure isnt him.
He scrolled down to the comments and checked, it was all positive comments.
The comments were just dry, like "aww cute!! 🥰🥰🥰😍" or "aww🥺🥺". He expected to meet a comment or two like, "man wish that was me" or "hey women move‼️‼️ my turn❗" or basically just simp comments. But who would simp for a cat??
He still expects like a comment like so, he countinued to scroll down the comments.
He the came across a comment, saying "the girl in the video is @/y/nn". He clicked the tagged user and the page loaded.
Childe on the other hand who was watching the same thing as Scara, is very interested in this girl.
@/y/nn is actually just a normal typical girl who does dance videos or vlogged her day with her friends, nothing special.
Her latest video has many views than her usually views on other videos, maybe because she recently got famous due to being one of the persons to calm him.
The video that got most views was a video of her dancing the newest trend, Casey dance. She isnt like most girls that really showed off their curves with the dance, she still kept her image well and kept her curves covered with baggy and oversized clothing despite the slight explicit dance.
(For those of you who dont know the dance, here's the video)
"Mannn, y/n is pretty~" Teased Childe beside Scara.
Scara only kept on looking on the screen with a slight blush on his cheeks. His cat ears which are hidden and blocked by his cap and hood were twitching to rise up, a sign of him being flustered. His tail was also itching to wag a little.
Childe only looked at him with a smug smile plastered on his face.
Eventually their rent time for the computer has ended so they left.
Childe insisted on buying some snack or stuff at the 24 hour convenient store with some money he found on the computer desk he was sitting on, Scara agreed.
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@dee-zbignuts @cr4ftingtable @lxry-chxn @cherricoladrink @scrmgf @ember-is-clueless @butterandbeans @lilias-spouse @wisteriaflowersss @sukunasin @nemesis1ofdark @crinklypink @louise-rosita-leroux @thetwinkims @koi-chairowo @grimreapersscythe @eimuros @kaoyamamegami @meowlumi @crazypriestess @g0re-h0und @ssilentblackyt @blurr3db3rry @blvdmrcnry @toriiee @lycheemouse @valiryyz @nejibot @pheebbbs @lovely-scaramouchie
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 (Tickle) Fight Club
Panda's Notes: Hello, hi, yes, I have been slightly obsessing over this AU for the past few months, and I finally finished...a part. >w< Buckle in, kids, this is a lot longer than I first thought it would be. You can once again thank the lovely @rosileeduckie for facilitating my nonsense.
...What? No, I totally don't have recent commitments that have an encroaching deadline. What are you talking about?!
[Ao3] || [Commissions] || [Ko-fi]
Warning: ~10K words about Miles brutalizing some folks. Enjoy. >w<
Miles had a terrible habit of getting drawn in by Ganke’s nonsense.
“Hey, that character looks sick; you make that?” turned into binging episodes of an anime every night through junior year. He wasn’t complaining, but somewhere between the third movie and the 700th episode, it was a miracle his grades hadn’t completely tanked.
“Dude, nice shirt! Do those, like, spell something, or…?” became an entirely different binge through half of senior year. And Miles maybe fudged the truth a bit with one of his art teachers when he submitted a project that was only loosely inspired. Again, not complaining!
“Oh, nice mash-up, man; I loved that song when I was a kid, but I don’t know where it’s from.” You’ll never guess what happened after that. Those games were fire, though, and at least this time, he could move at his own pace, even if Ganke was nagging him over text every few days while he was away at college to geek out.
When Freshman year ended—finally, thank the gods—and Miles returned to New York, he was met at the train station by Ganke and immediately dragged to the apartment he was sharing with—
“You moved in with my brother?!” He asked in disbelief. “Wait, I didn’t even know he left home!”
“Well, technically… Your parents don’t entirely know yet—”
“—And he hasn’t actually moved out. I did. We just split rent here. Both of us have jobs and projects going pretty well, and he kinda just tells them he’s hanging out at my place, which is technically still true; they just don’t know my parents aren’t here—”
“Hold up, wait—” Miles flailed a bit to interrupt Ganke’s rambling. “Gross; is this like ya’ll’s love nest or something?”
Ganke’s arms dropped to his sides, a bright blush coloring his pouting face as he glared at Miles. Miles just snickered and crossed his arms tauntingly. “I’m not hearing a no, Mr. Lee~”
“Y’know, when he tossed out the idea of letting you borrow his room while he’s at school—just, like, use it as an extra little art room or whatever—I thought ‘wow, just like when we were roommates at Visions; how funny!’. But now, I’m gonna tell him you’re banned.”
“Pfft, what?!” Miles giggled, following Ganke toward the back of the apartment.
“Yep, calling him right now…” Ganke pulled his phone out of his pocket all dramatically, pretending to scroll through it.
“Ooh, I bet you have him saved under something dorky~” Miles had lunged forward, hands squeezing playfully at Ganke’s sides as he made obviously fake efforts to peek at his phone. He had a sort of squawking-type laugh whenever he was caught off guard, and Miles loved it. Even when they first met back in high school, Miles had made a habit of sneaking up and prodding him. They liked to get into little fights, usually ending in Miles wrestling Ganke into an easy pin while sneaking scribbles up his sides.
This is important information, because today, and today alone, Ganke suddenly wrenched his arm out from under his own weight, hooking Miles by the arm and rolling both of them into a reversed position. He sat heavily on Miles’ waist, his hands quickly moving to try and worm fingers into his armpits. Miles’ legs kicked as he hugged his arms tight to his sides, and his voice was tangled in nervous squeaks and giggles.
“Someone’s awfully squeaky for starting a fight with the one who knows your weak spots.” Ganke sneered, pressing lightly along the edges of Miles’ ribs to try and slip through his defenses.
“W-When did you get good at wrestling?” He asked through clenched teeth, trying to twist to one side.
“Hm, probably around the time you started sucking at it.” Ganke taunted, raising his hands slightly and wiggling his fingers.
“I do not!” Miles argued with a laugh, his leg kicking out when a few fingers traced along his neck. There was a jarring thump, and despite Miles apparently not feeling pain all of a sudden, both of them were concerned when a few things fell off of the dresser he’d kicked.
“Goddamn, you have been here for ten minutes, and you’re destroying the place!” Ganke teased, pushing himself up off of his poor guest.
“That was not my fault, and you know it.” Miles giggled as he sat up, picking up the picture frame that had fallen beside him. He glanced at it as he stood up, curiosity taking over his face as he realized something.
“Hey, wait a second; I’ve never seen you wear this!” He noted with a laugh as he got to his feet. Ganke peeked over his shoulder, and a chuckle slipped out as he remembered the photo. He was in some costume, mostly purple and some bright green. Looked like a cut-off t-shirt under a biker jacket. There was a paw print drawn on his stomach and whiskers drawn on his cheeks, and he was grinning like a champion as he held up what looked like a gold medal. If it was the same medal dangling from a hook next to the mirror, it was definitely plastic.
“Haven’t worn it in a while either.” Ganke shrugged, taking the frame and setting it just so under where the medal hung. “I should probably bring it home and wash it, actually.” He reached up and pulled the medal off the hook, smiling fondly as he ran his thumb over the feathers embossed in the plastic. He smirked slightly as he caught Miles staring at it in that all-too-familiar way.
“You wanna know how I got it~?” He asked almost tauntingly, and he laughed as Miles slapped his arm and pouted.
He seemed to be physically struggling with himself, crossing his arms as he kicked childishly at the carpet. “…Yeah.” He admitted, smiling in defeat.
“Okay, so, final checklist: the safe word is Blackout.” Ganke explained as he led Miles down the hall from the changing room. “It’s the real deal though; we basically shut the whole thing down. Very different from tapping out. Do not confuse the two. What’s the safe word?”
“Blackout.” Miles said firmly, wrapping the last loop of tape around his hand and cracking his knuckles softly.
Miles was wearing a slightly loose t-shirt—kindly loaned by Ganke—and some old basketball shorts. Ganke had been pretty coy about what all this was supposed to be. He seemed to struggle with what to tell Miles without giving the whole thing away. He eventually settled on saying it was somewhere between wrestling and improv club. And, coincidentally, there was an “open tournament” coming up. It was one of the ways they invited new members; the “hands-on” way, so to speak.
“Let me see your nails…” Ganke murmured, taking each of Miles’ hands for a moment as they walked. “Okay, so, we have a little side room you’ll be waiting in. You’ll know the signal when you hear it. You’re still cool with the audience, right? It’s just the theater dorks from the other side of the building; twenty people, max.”
“I’m fine with a little crowd.” Miles chuckled, shifting closer to elbow him gently. “You still haven’t told me what’s going to happen though.”
Ganke laughed lightly and shrugged. “What’s to know? You either pin your opponent for ten seconds or you tap out if you can’t handle it. Nothing else at all~”
“You are awful.”
They chuckled with each other for a moment before quick footsteps suddenly approached from behind them. Two people jogged past them with hoods up, laughing casually as they waved at Ganke and kept running.
“Hey, you guys are late!” Ganke scolded playfully as they disappeared through a door.
“Oh, we’re late?” Miles almost flinched at the sound of a third, heavily accented voice, and someone purposefully shouldered past him. More like elbowed past him, really, which Miles realized when he turned to see a man at least a head taller than him sauntering by. “Shouldn’t you be in the booth then, mate?” His hair was done up in thick locs, and those were tied back behind his head. The man’s dark eyes fell on Miles like a weight, but he smirked as he lifted a hand from his pocket and lightly tapped Miles’ shoulder with the back of it. “Ey, you brought a new fish. Looks like he won’t last a minute.”
Miles scoffed silently, managing to contain his offended face as the man sneered and stepped away. “What’s his problem?” He asked Ganke, trying not to smile.
Ganke shrugged and snickered. “We wonder that every day, man.”
“He thinks he’s the final boss or something?” Miles asked just a bit louder than necessary, a grin pulling his lips as the man stopped and looked pointedly back at them.
Ganke looked between them for a moment, grinning a bit himself as he moved to block them. “Okay, I see where this is going. Save it for the ring, you nerds!” He teased, pressing his palm to Miles’ chest and shooing the other man away. “On ya bike, then!”
The tall man snorted, throwing his hands up as he turned and went through the door the others had used. Ganke smirked as he nudged Miles to a different door.
“You go in through here. There’s an exit on the other side. Like I said: you’ll know the signal when you hear it.” He instructed, giving his shoulder a squeeze. “Good luck! You know I’m rooting for you—Oh! Real quick, uh…” He pulled his hand back with an apologetic wince after grabbing Miles’ arm. “Since this is just a trial thing, we usually don’t use challengers’ real names. Privacy; just in case. You, uh, got a name in mind?”
“Geez, put me on the spot, why don’t you?” Miles wrung his hands a bit, looking away as he itched the side of his head. “I…I kinda like New Fish…” He admitted a bit hesitantly.
Ganke snorted, almost giggling. “Seriously?”
“Shut up…”
“Hey, I’m not judging~ Much.” He taunted, shoving Miles playfully before starting to pull the door closed. “What’s your safeword?”
“Blackout.” Miles spoke with an audible pout as Ganke still smirked at him.
“This is going to be great.” He snickered, motioning to Miles with one hand. “No shoes in the ring, man. See you out there.”
Miles rolled his eyes, pulling his sneakers off as he sat on a bench to wait for this supposedly obvious signal.
There was always something about the ring. Okay, look, it’s not actually a real fighting ring or anything, but just—Here, try to imagine:
There’s the timbre of the crowd: the rhythm of applause and little echoes of folks calling out their favorite cheers. When Ganke jogged into the room and the cheers redoubled, he couldn’t stop himself from basking with a grin before continuing his rush to the “Commentators’ Booth”. Frankly, they owed the theater club a lot for being such good sports; it almost felt like it was grander than eighteen chairs situated around a large square arrangement of blue gym mats.
“Little late, aren’t we, Mr. Lee~?” The young lady in the chair beside him taunted as Ganke slid into the booth. “I almost wanted to start without you.”
“Very funny, Margo.” He chuckled, leaning under their table to fiddle with the volume knob on the boombox their microphones were plugged into. “I wouldn’t miss tonight for the world; not with this turnout either!”
The audience cheered in response. They knew their roles well for not being around in a while.
“Ooh, I do love a good crowd.” Margo readjusted the cat ears clipped into her braids. “More importantly, though, we finally have a challenger again. Feels like it’s been forever.”
“Hasn’t it been, though?” Ganke sighed dramatically, resting the back of his hand on his forehead. “Reminds me of our time in the ring; those were the days.”
“Ganke, that was only, like, four months ago.”
He leaned back in his chair, draping his whole arm across his face as he pulled his microphone closer with the other hand. “An eternity in my heart, Margie.”
Margo rolled her eyes and snuck a poke at his exposed side. “Anyway, I hear this one’s a friend of yours. Any details you can sneak us?”
Ganke snickered and bat her hand away. “Nah, you’re not getting anything out of me that easily. Just know I’m betting on him. Honestly, I can’t believe he didn’t join sooner.”
“Only thing I can’t believe is that he actually let himself be called New Fish.” Margo murmured intentionally into the microphone, earning chuckles from the crowd. She blinked as her watch buzzed against her wrist. “Ooh, the gang is getting restless. Make noise; make noise!” She hit the table with open palms, signaling the audience to clap and stomp while she stood from her chair. “Yeah, get hype! And let’s welcome our newest challenger!”
Right on cue, the “challengers’” locker room door opened, and the audience cheered as Miles walked out into the small gym. He seemed just a bit nervous, but he smiled as he walked, fidgeting with his hands while he approached the mat.
“Ooh, you didn’t tell me he was cute!” Margo giggled as she sat back down. “Looks a bit familiar though, doesn’t he~?” She’d placed her hand slightly over the microphone, sneering at Ganke as she elbowed his side.
“You shut up.” He shot back, looking away as he blushed. “Absolutely irrelevant. Although, actually, I don’t really know why he never came until now.”
“Did you tell him what we’re all about?” She glanced between him and their guest waving shyly at some audience members.
Ganke leaned back in the chair, unable to keep the mischief out of his grin. “Oh…I told him enough.”
She laughed softly, giving him a little kick under the table. “Terrible.”
He smirked, letting his chair’s legs thump on the floor as he hopped to his feet. “Alright, Fish!” He called, motioning Miles over to the so-called ring. “Let’s get you in the tank, because we’re bringing out your first opponent!”
The second locker room door was pushed open, and the small crowd cheered excitedly. Miles watched warily as one of the robed figures they’d passed in the hallway casually walked out. Halfway to the mat, they finally lifted their hood off, revealing a young man just about Miles’ height with light brown skin, the brightest, most joyful eyes, and some amazing shiny hair that he started to tie under a gold headband after handing his robe over to Ganke.
He was dressed almost identically to Miles in terms of shirt and shorts style—which he was quick to point out as he stepped onto the mat—but he had several different spider shapes tattooed—or maybe just drawn—up and down his arms in glittery gold ink.
“If I had known we were going to dress the same, I’d have asked Claw to give you a color to match, machhalee.” He spoke with an Indian accent, and he took a few steps slowly to hint Miles to do the same. His eyes seemed to light up as Miles matched his circular movement, but he schooled his expression and casually set his hands behind his back. “Sooo, New Fish, since you’re new, Fish, we’ll be using our names too. They call me Sona here. Well, they call me a lot of things, but Sona’s the one I picked out.”
Miles chuckled softly, resting his hands in his pockets as they circled each other. “Sounds nice. Kinda like it means something when you say it like that.”
“Oh, it does.” Sona grinned playfully. “If you survive, I’ll tell you what it means.”
“Survive?” Miles brought a hand on his chest, letting his face act shocked. “Oh, it’s a death match, eh? I see you.”
Sona paused, giggling as he started to walk again. “He didn’t tell you, did he?”
Miles shrugged with a grin. “Well, I’ve known…Claw?” He glanced over at Ganke, who nodded smugly. “I’ve known him a while. ‘No Spoilers’ is one of his Nerd Laws.”
“Hey!” Ganke called as the audience chuckled. “Pretty sure I didn’t drag you out here to insult me!”
Sona snickered. “Ah, I don’t really know how I feel about them hiding stuff from challengers, buuut, I admit I like a little surprise. So, I guess I’ll give you a hint.” He stopped, and Miles grew wary as he closed a bit of distance with slow steps. “…Tickle fight!” He laughed as he lunged.
Miles flinched, nervous excitement shooting through him at the call before he really processed what had just been said. He planted his feet firmly, catching Sona’s hands in his own and holding him back. “W-Wait; what?!” He asked in disbelief.
“Ooh, subtlety be damned; let’s go!” Ganke called as the audience cheered them on.
“Shine bright, Golden Boy!” The girl beside him—Margo, he was pretty sure—laughed, picking up her microphone.
“You’ve got some reflexes on you, huh?” Sona teased, curling his fingers where they were caught between Miles’.
“Were you actually serious?” He felt like he’d been blindsided, and, well, he had been. “It’s a tickle fight?!”
“Well~ We try not to be too serious around here.” Sona giggled. “But I wasn’t kidding.” He leaned suddenly to one side, and Miles stumbled as he yanked his hands back and shoved them against Miles’ sides. Sona followed him as he fell to the mat, kneeling beside Miles and scribbling across his stomach.
“Little early in the game to be floundering, isn’t it, Fish?” Sona teased, grabbing at Miles’ wrist as he giggled loudly. The audience groaned around sparse snickers, and Sona nearly giggled too.
Miles let out a harder laugh of his own, trying to pull his hand back. “Oho, he’s got jokes, huh? I—Hey!” He squeaked and twisted as Sona’s hand moved to squeeze up and down his flank.
“You what?” Sona smirked a bit as Miles’ free hand caught his wrist, letting his fingers scratch insistently at his hipbone as he squirmed. “You’re ticklish? You still seem a little shellshocked.” Sona walked his hand up Miles’ side, clawing quickly into his ribcage.
Miles tried to glare up at his opponent, but he couldn't fight the grin on his face. Sona was goofy and gentle; he didn’t seem to weigh much—Miles tested with weak pulls on his wrist. Oh, this was definitely going to be fun. In a quick, fluid motion, he let go of Sona’s hand and grabbed ahold of his shirt, pushing off the mat with one foot as he pulled Sona down. The audience cheered excitedly when Miles managed to roll them over, and he boxed his knees firmly against Sona’s shins.
Sona’s eyes were lit up with panic, and his cheeks ran a bit red as he laughed nervously. “Hi…” He giggled, holding his hands close to his chest.
Miles smirked, resting his hands on Sona’s wrists. “Hey.” He pulled the other man up suddenly, wrapping him in a hug and squeezing tight to pin his arms against his ribs.
“Oh, my God.” Ganke snorted, holding the mic away from his face for a moment. “I know this one.”
His cohost sat up straighter, leaning to nudge him with her shoulder. “Yeah? You want to clue us in?”
He started to say something when Sona let out a loud squeak and writhed.
“Aw, seriously?” Miles chuckled just a bit overdramatically, drawing one finger slowly back down Sona’s spine. “You totally seem like the type to have Angel Wings. Hm, maybe…” He shifted both of his hands, scribbling his nails across his shoulder blades and grinning as Sona giggled brightly and seemed to try more not to move.
“Ohh, I see now~” Miles teased right in Sona’s ear, smiling brighter at the way his giggles escalated. “That’s almost a shame.”
“N-No talking!” He whined halfheartedly, just barely managing to twist his hands enough to scribble at Miles’ waist. This quickly backfired when Miles’ flinch made him squeeze Sona closer.
“But if I don’t talk…” Miles nearly bit his tongue as he stifled a squeak. “How am I going to count these ribs of yours?” He pressed circles against the highest bone on his ribcage, sneaking his hand to that spot right under his armpit.
Sona let out a loud laugh, wrenching his arms out of Miles’ hold—almost as if he wasn’t holding him at all, actually—and shoving against Miles’ shoulders. The effort wound up pushing Sona’s back against the mat, and Miles was happy to reward him with all ten fingers digging into his ribs without a hint of mercy. This time, he didn’t even bother to grab at Miles’ hands, his arms wrapping loosely around himself as he laughed loudly.
Miles chuckled and shook his head, kneading along his lowest ribs and smirking when he squealed. “Shine bright, Golden Boy~!” He taunted, grinning brightly at the incredulous noise he heard Margo make behind him.
Sona blushed and put one arm over his face, the other flailing light slaps on Miles’ shoulder.
“That’s a tap!” Ganke called excitedly, standing up as the crowd applauded. “Sona is out!”
Miles blinked, letting his fingers go still as he glanced around the room. They were cheering for him—for both of them, really. Sona smiled up at him as he giggled and caught his breath.
“Don’t clap too hard now,” Margo snarked a bit teasingly while Miles was pulling his opponent to his feet. “Literally everyone beats Sona.”
Ganke scoffed, clearly in disbelief. “Oh, yeah?! Where was that energy when he had you on the mat last week?”
They took their time with their playful argument, and Miles took the opportunity to shake Sona’s hand, which he returned excitedly.
“You were amazing.” He said in a near whisper, his eyes bright as giggles still lined his voice.
“Yeah?” Miles said coolly, leaning a bit closer to him. “Well, next time, I want a real fight.”
Sona visibly prickled, his face running a bit redder before he just…smirked. His eyes had gone from playful to almost devious. “Oh, I don’t know if you’re ready for all that, Fish.”
It gave Miles a bit of pause. He might have just been hooked. Sona grinned again, bright as the sun, and caught Miles in a hug before taking his walk of shame. He grabbed his robe off of Ganke’s chair as he passed it and slung it across his shoulders, speeding up to a jog as he went back through the locker room door he’d originally come from. Miles stood just a bit awkwardly alone on the mat, a slight smirk pulling his lips as he fidgeted with his hands.
“Someone looks proud of himself~” Miles shot a slight glare at Margo, and she sneered back tauntingly. “Hey, keep that attitude, tough guy. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together; because we’re giving up the Ghost!”
The audience was suddenly loud and talkative; Miles could hear playful teases and jabs—particularly some coos about Ghost being adorable—under the clapping as the door opened again. Sure enough, it was the second character he remembered passing in the hallway. Pale-skinned hands came up to pull the hood back and…Miles was definitely not going to survive today unscathed.
“Ghost” was a blonde with bright blue eyes and one side of her head shaved down, and when she grinned over at Miles, he caught the piercing on her eyebrow. He gave an internal pout as he remembered his studs were with his jacket. She seemed to whisper something to Margo before letting the robe drop from her shoulders and handing it off. She was wearing a cropped t-shirt, cut just above her stomach, a loose long-sleeved jacket that stopped under her chest, and, frankly, Miles was pretty sure those were just pajama pants. Something that quickly caught his eye was the spider drawn on one side of her stomach in blue and pink. He couldn’t help but grin as she stepped onto the mat, stepping back slightly as she took a mark and rested her hands in her pants pockets.
“Eyes are up here, thanks.” She teased with a little wave; he could tell she couldn’t resist.
Miles almost laughed too, resting his hand slightly over his mouth as he tore his gaze from her little tattoo. “I’ll have you know I’m actually terrible at eye contact.”
She snickered, shaking her head as they started to circle each other, and Miles already knew he had to hear her laugh.
“Ooh, she’s hooked him.” Miles had a feeling he and Margo would get along.
“That quick? No way.” Ganke snickered.
“That’s Ghost; she’s a cutie!” Margo laughed. “It’s why everyone loves her.”
Miles pouted as he felt his face heat up, and Ghost chuckled, twirling casually as they continued to walk.
“Don’t worry, Li’l Fish,” She called playfully. “You learn to ignore the peanut gallery.”
“Excuse the hell outta you?” Ganke said firmly, causing Ghost to freeze, and Margo and the audience “Ooh~”-ed teasingly.
Ghost cringed and blushed, covering her face with both hands as she giggled.
Miles had kept walking, and he let his shoulder nudge against hers as he spoke. “So…how’s that ignoring thing workin’ out for you?”
She gave him a playful shove as the audience snickered, putting the distance between them again and smirking. “You hush.”
Miles smirked back, resting his hands on his hips. “So, why Ghost? You don’t seem so scary.”
“You think that now, sure.” She fished under her sleeve and pulled a hair tie off of her wrist, pulling her hair up into a ponytail before putting one hand back in her pocket. “But I’m told I can be haunting.” She wiggled her fingers teasingly, showing off brightly painted nails, and Miles chuckled.
“Okay, okay; you’re cute. Is that what you want to hear?”
She nearly froze up again, hints of red filling her cheeks as she smiled shyly. “Am not.”
“You so are, though. And besides, between the two of us, I’m not the one with their weak spot all exposed.”
She eyed him warily, giggles lining her voice. “You’re asking for it, huh?”
“Why don’t you come over and give it to me, then?” Miles was glad his back was to the crowd by now, but he found himself smirking as they shouted playfully. Margo and Ganke watched him with shocked smiles, and she pawed at his shoulder.
“Where were you hiding this guy?! Definitely my new favorite.” She laughed.
Ghost, similarly, had laughed in disbelief, and Miles almost sneered as he shrugged.
 “Hey, if she giggles herself half to death before I even get my hands on her, do I still win?” He snickered as Ghost looked absolutely offended.
“I’m gonna say yes!” Ganke said quickly, grinning as Ghost glared at him.
“You guys can’t just change the rules!”
Ganke looked to Margo. “I think we can.”
Margo nodded with a shrug. “I think we should.”
He smirked back at Ghost. “Just for you. Since we love you so much.”
As they spoke, Miles had inched forward, lifting one hand to aim a poke at her very exposed stomach.
And she sidestepped him easily, her hand clutching tightly on his wrist. She grinned toothily as he looked up at her, and she yanked him off balance as she swept his legs with one foot. Well, this felt familiar. He managed to keep his chin from hitting the mat, and he felt Ghost’s hand press on his back as she leaned over him. He glanced up at her, but as he made eye contact, she smirked and pushed herself away.
He felt her weight settle on his thighs, and before he could try to twist, he burst into loud laughter as her nails snuck under his shirt to scribble against his lower back. He pulled his hands in close to his chest to keep himself from flailing before reaching to grab at one of her wrists. She seemed perfectly fine to let him, and her other hand was quick to zip up his spine and pinch gingerly at the back of his neck. Miles would definitely deny the shriek he let out, but he laughed and tried to push himself over. Ghost chuckled, twisting her wrist to get ahold of his while she stood up again. She pulled him quickly onto his back, straddling his waist this time as she slipped her wrist suddenly out of his hand by pulling it back through her sleeve. She snatched his wrist with her free hand when he tried for her stomach again, and she grinned nervously as he sneered up at her.
“I’m so gonna get you~” He taunted, laughing lightly as her face went red again.
There was a hint of a stalemate, with Miles trying to read her eyes while she watched his face. All of a sudden, her sleeve was yanked out of his grip, and her hand was shooting to scribble her nails against his neck. Instantly, he cracked, laughing loudly and flailing to grab ahold of her wrists. Even when she let go of his wrist to get both hands against his neck, he couldn’t help but focus on trying to block her, and, dammit, she was much stronger than she looked.
He could hear the audience going wild as he tried to struggle, and Ghost giggled softly as she leaned closer to him. “What happened to all that big talk, Li’l Fish~?” She whispered into his ear. “Not so tough now, are we?” She took a breath before blowing gently into his ear, and Miles kicked against the mat as he practically shrieked again. The audience got a bit louder as Ghost looked expectantly at the judges.
“Aw, he kicks; that’s so cute!” Margo laughed, only for a bit of panic to shoot through her expression when Ghost turned to them. “Wait, does kicking count?! We didn’t talk about that.”
Ganke had bit his lip, glancing between the two women and the audience, and he realized he wasn’t containing his smirk very well. “I’m gonna say kicking doesn’t count today!”
“Wha—Since when?!” Ghost’s voice was pretty close to real outrage as her hands suddenly stopped, and a select few audience members backed her up with jeers.
“Since I said so!” He said more firmly, chuckling. “Consider it a perk of being in the peanut gallery.”
The audience laughed, and Ghost rolled her eyes before looking back down at Miles. As she did, he’d moved his hands, managing to land them on her waist and pressing his thumbs into her hips. She squeaked and shoved herself back, stumbling slightly as she scrambled out of his reach.
“Now she wants to run, huh?” Miles snorted, his hand catching around her ankle only for her to slip his hold before he had a full grip. She was quick to return the gesture, yanking his ankles before he could try to get up and kneeling on one of them. He struggled to push himself up onto his hands, only to nearly fall again when she dug all ten fingers into his socked sole. Keeping his hands still now was definitely nearing impossible, but he tried to also keep in mind to not kick her off of him. But, wow, she was merciless.
“So, toes are bad, huh?” She teased over his laughter, scratching under his toes as they curled tightly. “Not your weak spot, but you might get along with—Eek!”
Miles couldn’t tell if she actually didn’t expect it or she just got cocky, but she didn’t duck away this time. He’d pushed himself forward, snatching the back of her hoodie and pulling her into his arms before falling backwards. The audience was loud again as she tried to flail out of his grip, her voice already tangling itself in giggly protests as he fought to wrestle both of her arms against her sides without losing his grip on her.
“Quit that!” He giggled along with her when she kept trying to shove his face. “And what are you laughing about? I haven’t done anything yet!”
“Shut up!” She squeaked, laughing softly as she tried to catch her breath.
“You tired now, li’l fish? Flopping all over the damn place like that.” Miles taunted into her ear, smirking as she cringed and giggled. He spoke a bit louder as he heaved them both upright while keeping her square in his lap. “I’ve figured you out, by the way, they call you Ghost ‘cause you’re slippery, right? You ‘phase through’ grabs like that a lot?”
Ghost turned her head, not that she could really look at him from this angle, but he saw her grin as she shrugged casually. “Well, y’know, it’s what stuck.”
Miles scoffed, squeezing her a bit tighter. “Stuck like you, huh? I’d love to see you slip this one.” Without any more hesitation, he let one of his hands drop to her stomach and skitter across her bare skin, and he was definitely not disappointed. She squealed and immediately started to struggle again, giggles jumping to loud laughter within a fraction of a second.
“No, no; I wasn’t ready!” She whined through her squeals.
“Oh, she’s not ready…” Miles huffed with a roll of his eyes, letting his fingers go still as he dragged his hand slowly.
“You bastard…” She spat in a giggly half-whisper.
“Ghost, be nice!” Margo called down to them.
Miles teasingly blew into her ear again, dragging his nails softly before sneaking a few squeezes on her side. “Tell me when you’re ready for tummy tickles, okay?”
She blushed, shaking her head as she whined and squeaked at each little pinch. “You’re terrible! N-No…”
“Mm-hm?” He curled his fingers and tapped them against her stomach before tracing one slowly around her bellybutton. “If I press this button, will you be ready then?”
She’d had a full-body flinch at the tracing alone, kicking against the floor as she giggled loudly. “Don’t you dare!”
“Aw, c’mon~ You have to work with me here.” Miles poked her a few more times. “You ready now~?”
“Stop teasing!” Her head tipped back on his shoulder, and she yelped when he blew across the side of her neck.
He laughed, smirking softly. “You said you weren’t ready! I do have to tell you, though…” He let his fingers walk to about where he remembered that little drawing on her skin. “You’ve had this spider on you this entire time and it hasn’t moved at—” He suddenly started scribbling his fingers, absolutely relishing in the surprised shriek it got out of her. She kicked hard, knocking them both over, but he didn’t dare let her go. She barely got a chance to protest between her squealy laughs, and Miles could hear her feet flailing against the mat under the cheers of the crowd.
“Think she’s happy we let them keep the kicks now?” Ganke asked playfully, leaning on one hand.
“Yeah, she looks like she’s having fun.” Margo snickered. Both of them flinched a little when Ghost squealed again.
“Hey, do you think he can get one?” Ganke asked with a smirk.
Margo let out a cackle. “If he gets her that bad in his initiation, she will hate him.”
Miles, meanwhile, was starting to have a little bit of pity on the poor Ghost. She seemed to have tired herself out again, having stopped kicking in favor of trying futilely to curl up. She was tough; he could admit that in a heartbeat, but, frankly, his arm was getting tired.
“I’m still wondering what this does, you know.” He mused, and the only bit of mercy he offered her was slowing his fingers down just a little as he finally focused his tickling on her bellybutton.
She absolutely lost it, breaking into loud cackles as she struggled to move her arms. “N-Not there! Please, I-I can’t—!” She squealed, snorts breaking through her laughter as her cheeks ran red. The crowd went wild with cheers and teases, and Miles was pretty sure his heart was melting.
“Tap! I tap! Let go…” She cried out through squeaks, and Miles lifted his hand away and let her go. She curled up beside him, pulling her hood up to hide her face as a few more snorts slipped into her giggles.
“Ghost is out! Make some noise!” Ganke shouted, grinning as they already clapped excitedly. Miles smirked back at him, softly rubbing one hand on Ghost’s back while she caught her breath.
“You good?” He asked quietly, trying not to tease too much. “Need a hand?”
“You’re a natural.” She whispered back, smiling a bit tiredly as she looked up at him. “But you’re not ready for Spider-Punk.”
“Wha—?” He was about to ask, but she started to get up, and he stood quickly to help her.
“And anyway,” She spoke up this time, for the others to hear. “You wouldn’t have won if you weren’t pals with the judges.”
“No, honey,” Margo called back. “You might not have lost if you didn’t run your mouth off.”
Ghost pouted, crossing her arms as she levelled a glare. “Fuck you both.” She huffed, rolling her eyes and smirking.
“Ooh, Swear Jar. Five seconds.” Ganke said quickly. Without being told, Miles grabbed at her sides. He made sure to be gentle this time, barely scribbling with his nails, but she still burst into giggly squeals as she tried to push away from him. It was definitely more like three seconds, but Miles didn’t mind giving her some grace, except for the poke he landed on her bellybutton before pulling his hands back. She didn’t snort this time, but she did punch him in the arm while she grinned at him, and he could settle for that.
“Make nice, you two, let’s get moving.” Margo insisted. Miles offered his hand to Ghost, smirking broadly when she actually hesitated to take it. He might have itched the palm of her hand with one finger when he went to shake it, and she snickered and shook her head.
“You might want to think about whether you want to stick around, because I’m getting you back.” She said softly, grinning.
“Yeah, alright, Tickle Button.” He taunted playfully, laughing as she punched his shoulder again. She squeezed his hand as she turned to do the walk, snatching her robe off of Margo’s chair and flicking the side of Ganke’s glasses.
“I’ll see you in the ring next week, asshole.” She growled with a sneer, and Ganke smirked back at her.
“That’s ten seconds, Ghost.” He chuckled, covering the microphone. “I’ll see you too.”
Her face nearly faltered, but she ruffled his hair, and the audience cheered as she walked back to the locker room.
Margo stretched her arms over her head—Ganke smirked knowingly toward Miles and the audience, but he didn’t do anything—and she shook her hands out with a sigh. “My, oh my, Mr. Lee. Our first challenger in months, and he’s tearing through us. Maybe we should have gotten back in the ring instead of letting these cute little bugs handle it.”
There were claps and murmurs from the crowd, and Miles couldn’t help but be curious about that story.
“At this rate, I think you might be right, Kitty.” Ganke sighed dramatically. “But, then again, if we destroyed him first try, we wouldn’t have anything for this great crowd!” The audience cheered, and Miles couldn’t help but clap along. “And you all really have been wonderful tonight; thank you all so much for coming out—”
“You do know we’re not done, right?” Margo asked playfully.
Ganke pulled a face and pretended to wince. “Are you sure we can’t be done now?” He groaned, resting an arm over his eyes. “You know how he gets.”
Margo smirked, thumping a rhythm on the table that the audience was quick to copy with their hands. “Ladies and Gentlemen—and, of course, our dear New Fish—I want you to give me your best!” The volume grew louder, and Miles felt tingly with the energy swelling. “It’s down to the wire; the last roundup; this one’s for all the marbles! Let’s hear it for Spider-Punk!”
The audience roared—as much as, like, twenty people could compare to a roar—and a good number of them stomped as they clapped. The locker room door opened, and, predictably, Miles saw the tall British man that had inspired his dumb stage name. He bounced a bit on his toes, smiling excitedly as he watched his approach.
Spider-Punk walked confidently, with his robe already thrown over his shoulder instead of being worn. He was also wearing a cropped shirt, funny enough, but it was underneath a battle vest covered in cool patches. He wore a pair of pajama pants too—much more obvious than Ghost’s just by the pattern—and they were cut off just below his knees. He was wearing black lipstick, which he definitely hadn’t been the first time Miles had passed him. He motioned to the crowd with one hand as he purposefully draped the robe over Margo’s head, encouraging them to get louder before he stepped onto the mat.
“Well, well, well…” He practically purred, and Miles felt like a shock ran through him. “Big fish in a small pond, aren’t ya?”
Miles’ eyes lit up, and his hands flapped a bit as his brain failed to process a response.
“You’re doing the thing.” His opponent half-whispered to him, gesturing to his hands, and Miles flinched just a bit nervously. Spider-Punk grinned, chuckling. “Not sayin’ you should stop, love. Ghost’ll get you wound up like that, she’s pretty fun.”
Miles let himself giggle at that and nodded. “I mean, yeah, she’s pretty cool for a ghost.” He said coolly. “Shrieks like one, too.”
Spider-Punk snorted, shaking his head as he smirked. “Fair play, fair play.”
Miles crossed his arms as they started to circle each other. “So, turns out you actually were the final boss, huh? What was that about me not lasting a minute?”
“Oh, you remember that, eh?” He laughed just a bit mockingly, his eyes scanning over Miles before his grin somehow grew even more smug. “I still stand by it.” He asserted with a shrug, resting his hands on his hips.
Miles scoffed, mimicking his little pose and rolling his eyes. “You really want to say that when you know I just wrecked two of your friends?”
Spider-Punk suddenly broke from his path, walking straight toward Miles and spooking him into a half stumble. “Do you really want to ask that when you don't know why they saved me for last?” He reached out quickly to grab Miles by his shirt to stop him from falling, pulling him sharply into a tight hug. Miles flailed slightly, bringing his hands to rest on his opponent’s arms where they squeezed softly around his neck. His own arms were completely free, but his brain also might have been overheating. He could hear the sneer in Spider-Punk’s voice when it tickled his ear. “Your freckles pop up when you blush~”
Miles fell into squeaky giggles, pulling at Spider-Punk’s arms as best he could, and his opponent only hummed casually at the effort, rolling his eyes as he rested his chin on Miles’ head and scribbled gently at his shoulders. Miles quickly switched tactics, digging his fingers into the punk’s armpits. The taller man flinched pretty hard, half a snort slipping out as he let himself laugh. Or, actually, he kind of giggled. It was rough and bass-sounding, almost scratchy, like he was just barely resisting. The crowd behind him murmured softly.
“Oh, not this again.” Miles chuckled teasingly, keeping his voice mostly low this time. “You just want to get tickles, tough guy?” He squirmed just a bit when long fingers trailed down the center of his back.
“Wouldn’t you like to kn—” Spider-Punk’s voice hitched on a louder laugh when Miles dropped his hands to scribble on bare skin and squeeze his sides, and he flinched backwards when Miles pressed his thumbs against his hipbones. Miles grinned a bit smugly as the punk stepped back, and he crossed his arms as he stepped forward.
“I wouldn’t have thought someone so cool would be so cute when he gets a few little scratches.” He taunted before faking a pout. “I expected more fight out of you though, punk.”
Spider-Punk chuckled lightly, making a bit of a show in slightly covering his sides. “You sure know how to make a girl feel special, don’t you?” He teased right back, setting his chin on one hand and batting his eyes. His nail polish matched his lipstick perfectly. “You should watch yourself though~ Could be in bigger trouble than you think.”
 Miles laughed, cracking his knuckles. “Well, the bigger they are…”
“That doesn’t even work for—” Spider-Punk didn’t put up much resistance when Miles hooked his arm and more or less dragged him to the floor, and he laughed brightly Miles tickled across his stomach.
“Ooh, he’s got him on the ropes, huh~?” Margo asked playfully, nudging Ganke with her elbow.
Ganke shot her a sideways glance, pout set on his lips. “Shut up.” He huffed with a chuckle, and she laughed.
Miles’ focus was stuck on Spider-Punk, his grin turning more playful as he let his fingers skitter lightly on his opponent’s back and relished the giggles it brought out of him. He had pulled Spider-Punk’s arm across his shoulders, clutching his wrist in his left hand while he tickled along his back and opposite side.
“Y’know, ‘Spider-Punk’…” Miles mused softly. “If Claw had told me that I’d just be thrown into a fake tournament to tease a bunch of adorable lees to death, I probably wouldn’t have even believed him. I’d say I’m disappointed, but it’s been pretty fun.”
The punk huffed out a laugh, sounding much more derisive than ticklish all of a sudden. “Is that what you think?”
Without any warning, Spider-Punk shifted the hand in Miles’ grip, his fingers managing to scratch along his ribcage and chip some startled giggles out of him. His other hand shot to dig into Miles’ side, completely exposed with how his arm was wrapped around the punk’s back. Miles yelped, immediately letting go of the wrist he held to flee; his opponent snickered, keeping his arm hooked across Miles’ shoulders and holding him close as he pulled some squeaky laughs from his side.
“And there it is.” Ganke fake-pouted as the audience started to get riled up. “Every time with this one.”
Margo was absolutely ecstatic, giggling brightly as she leaned on his shoulder. “If it ain’t broke, y’know? Maybe you should have warned him~”
Miles laughed and tried to flail, but the tickles he landed on the punk’s ribs were hardly distracting him. Instead, Spider-Punk leaned back, pulling his arm from around Miles’ shoulder while his other hand shoved him down to the mat. He was strong. Like, way stronger than Miles expected. When Miles tried to grab at his arm and pull, he couldn’t move an inch, and he wasn’t even sure if Spider-Punk was using his full weight. The giddy sort of panic must have shown in his eyes, because the taller man sneered as he loomed over him.
“Caught in a web, poor thing.” He taunted as he locked his knees around Miles’ legs, ruffling his hair with his free hand before leaning close. “You got a lot to learn, New Fish. For example…” He took a deep breath, and Miles didn’t even get time to panic before he was squealing with laughter as a loud raspberry was blown into the crook of his neck. His legs tried to kick, but his opponent gave him zero leeway. It didn’t help at all when he tried to push him away, only to get scribbling fingers in both of his armpits as another raspberry hit him.
Miles might have broken a little under all that; sue him.
“Oh, yeah, he’s dead.” Margo snickered as their challenger shrieked and writhed under Spider-Punk’s hold.
“Yeah…” Ganke admitted, but he glanced at Margo with a smirk. “You would know though, wouldn’t you? You have a thing or two in common with him.” He snuck a poke just under her arm, and she nearly whacked him with her microphone with how hard she flinched.
Miles, meanwhile, was trying his best to be tough, his hands gripping Spider-Punk’s sleeves to keep from flailing. Those long fingers drilled right into the center of his hollows, and his head fell back against the mat as he cackled. Spider-Punk chuckled over him, finally pulling away from his neck to whisper in his ear again.
“So, who’s the adorable little lee here again, bruv~? You talk so big, but I break brats like you.”
Miles tried to shove the punk’s face, earning some faster scribbles whenever his arms moved an inch. Spider-Punk sneered and pulled one of his hands back, catching Miles’ wrist and blowing another raspberry against his palm. His reaction was much squeakier than attacks on his weak spots, but Miles more or less collapsed in a slight daze. The punk slowly lifted his hands, chuckling a bit deviously as the poor fish tried to catch his breath.
“I’ll give it to ya, mate; you’re a tough one.” Spider-Punk taunted, slipping his hand into his pocket. “Or you’re a hypocrite. Hopin’ it’s the former, since a funny thing happens to hypocrites around here~” He drew his hand back up, and it was covered by a strange-looking glove.
“Oh, Murder Claw!” Margo shouted, and the audience went wild.
“You actual cheating bastard!” Ganke scolded with a grin. “I told you not to bring that!”
“Murder Claw! Murder Claw!” Half of the audience chanted with Margo leading on her mic.
“Margo, don’t encourage this!”
She elbowed him teasingly before playfully punching his side. “Aw, c’mon, Tiger, where’s that Panther blood?!”
“We're supposed to be behaving!” Ganke couldn't help but laugh as the energy swelled.
Miles watched nervously as Spider-Punk wound a little dial on the wrist of the glove. Something about the sound of the mechanism clicking felt…familiar. Coiling springs? It all happened within a few seconds; Miles tried to grab Spider-Punk’s sleeve, only for him to snatch his wrist and pin it firmly over his head. The pure mischief on his face was going to kill Miles before his hands did.
“Go on and give ‘em a show, lovely.” He whispered, showing off the glove on his hand before pressing one of the fingers to the side of Miles’ neck. He felt a sort of click, instantly followed by rapid vibrations that had him nearly screeching. It was barely more than two seconds, but it was almost worse than the raspberries. When the four other fingers pressed into his armpit all at the same time, Miles knew it was over. Quick as it was, that buzzing sensation had him hysterical, and his free hand flailed against the mat as he tried to writhe.
“The Fish is cooked! It’s all over!” Margo shouted over the roar of the crowd.
Spider-Punk gave him another smirk and a cheeky-bastard wink before pushing himself onto his feet, except Miles caught him gently by his wrist.
“That…was definitely more than a minute.” Miles said softly through quiet breaths.
Spider-Punk seemed to light up, barely stifling an incredulous laugh. “You don’t quit! I like it.” He said softly, taking Miles’ hand in a quick handshake before letting it fall. He grinned smugly as Margo ran to his side and hugged him with one arm.
“Your reigning champion, folks!” She called out to the audience. “Give it up for Spider-Punk!” The tall man raised his hands dramatically as the crowd clapped excitedly, seeming to relish in the attention as they started to get up and talk to him and each other.
Miles was content to stay on the mat for a moment with his tired giggles, and Ganke approached to offer him a hand. He might have gotten a little dizzy when he was heaved to stand up, but he played it off with a smirk. Ganke ruffled his hair and snuck a tickle behind his ear, and Miles shouldered him playfully as he went to do his walk of shame. But Ganke grabbed him by his shirt, pointing him toward the locker room door that his opponents had been entering from. Miles glanced at him for confirmation, getting a quick nod and a shooing motion before Ganke went to stand beside Spider-Punk.
“What a freakin’ upset, huh?” Margo said teasingly, leaning to look at Ganke.
“Yeah, I’m upset!” He insisted exaggeratedly, shaking his head as Spider-Punk hugged him to his side. “Should have known you’d let him cheat again.”
Margo laughed right back. “Well, since you want to be boring all of a sudden, and the crew’s on leave, someone has to keep up the Panther vibe, yeah?!”
Miles let them and the crowd’s chatter fade behind him as he entered the locker room. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous. It wasn’t even any different from the first one. Except, well, this one had a ghost leaning in from the door leading to the hallway. She quickly motioned him to follow her, holding the door open before jogging away.
They wound up at a meeting room upstairs, where Sona opened the door after they knocked.
“Told you so.” Ghost said playfully as they entered the room, and Miles rolled his eyes as Sona laughed. There were six pizza boxes on the tables in the back and a cooler stashed underneath next to what he assumed were their bags and things.
“He cheated, didn’t he?” Sona asked once the door was closed, playfully nudging Miles with his elbow.
“Is it really cheating when we know he’s going to do it though?” Ghost rummaged in the cooler for a juice pouch before also snatching a half-finished water bottle from the edge of the table.
“I feel kind of cheated.” Miles said with a shrug, crossing his arms.
The pair of them looked at him with wary expectation, seemingly worried about him.
“I mean, I had a whole fight with you—” He looked pointedly as Ghost. “—And I didn’t even know raspberries were legal. Seems unfair to me.”
He let a taunting grin spread across his lips as Ghost glared at him with a rising blush. Sona had burst out laughing, patting him on his shoulder.
“I really hope you stick around, Fish; you’re hilarious.” He giggled.
“Yeah, you’ll be laughing, all right.” Ghost pouted for a moment, but she started to laugh along with Sona.
“Oh, that reminds me!” Sona stood in front of him, resting his hands on his hips as if he was a superhero or something. “My name is Pavitr. Forgive me if it’s forward, but you’re Miles, right? It’s so cool to finally meet you!”
Miles was a little surprised, but he quickly realized what had happened. “I take it Ganke talks about me a lot?” He asked with a chuckle.
“Oh, definitely.” Ghost nodded, smiling as she leaned slightly on the circular table in the middle of the room. “And somehow, he neglected to mention that you’re a five-alarm tease.”
“Well, time and place, y’know.” He shrugged, chuckling. “Although, I guess I haven’t teased him in a while~”
“You are something else.” Ghost said, playfully flinging the now empty water bottle at Miles’ head before offering a handshake. “I’m Gwen, by the way.”
Miles accepted it without any mischief this time, and she smiled much more genuinely this time. Pavitr approached him from the side, pressing a cold bottle of water against his arm and giggling as he snatched it from him.
“You can grab a plate, by the way.” He offered, opening his own water bottle to take a drink. “We kind of got them for you. Oh, except those two big ones on the end.”
“Oh, yeah?” Miles chuckled, as if he hadn’t been eying the table since he’d walked in. Of course, he had to have been raised to never take the first plate.
Gwen nodded, pushing herself up to sit on the table. “We haven’t had a tournament in a long time, and it’s been even longer since we had a new challenger. We’re celebrating a little, and since somebody didn’t win, it’s more a little party for all of us.”
“You really do snark a lot for someone in a crop top.” Miles grinned and shook his head.
“Maybe, but at least I’m not the one with spider bites on my neck.” She taunted, and Miles could feel his face heating up as he realized what she meant. She laughed teasingly as he covered the side of his neck with one hand.
The door opened suddenly, and a very loud Spider-Punk burst in with Ganke, Margo, and a couple of faces from the audience in tow. “Oi, oi, what’s up, losers?!”
Gwen sighed loudly. “There goes the neighborhood.” She rolled her eyes and smirked as he approached her first.
“Love you too, Gwendy~” He said playfully, ruffling her hair as he leaned to kiss her forehead. His smile widened as he spotted Miles, and he strode up to him like he could definitely tell Miles’ head was spinning. “You stuck around, huh?” He offered his hand and that stupid wink. “Hobie Brown, at ya service, love.”
Accepting the handshake was apparently the wrong decision, because it ended in Miles being yanked into a tight hug as Hobie laughed a bit mockingly. He wasn’t even doing anything, but Miles couldn’t help laughing with him and trying to squirm away, only for Pavitr and Gwen to pile on the two of them.
Ganke had placed Miles’ shoes and things under the table with the others’ stuff, and Margo had done the same with their boombox and microphones. She grabbed the two set-aside pizza boxes, handing them over to the theater club members along with heaps of gratitude for their presence. They happily accepted both before waving to all of them as they left. As soon as they did, the pair of former hosts turned to the interesting little hug-fight their four friends had gotten into.
“Guys!” Margo called, managing to get their attention. “You were all fantastic out there! Miles, they loved you! Hell, we loved you!” She stepped forward, and Hobie let Miles go so she could grab onto his hands excitedly as she spoke. “I wasn’t even kidding, Ganke, where on Earth were you hiding this one?!”
Ganke shrugged, crossing his arms. “What can I say? I like to have an ace or two up my sleeve.” He said with a smirk. “It has been a while since I’ve seen you go all out like that though, hasn’t it?”
Miles grinned a bit proudly. “You know I like to make a good first impression.”
“I have literally never heard that about you, but go off, I guess.”
Miles pouted a bit as the others laughed.
Within minutes, they were all around the circular table, plates piled with pizza slices and cracking soda cans. Miles leaned on his hand to look Ganke in the eye.
“So, how long has this been going on anyway?” He asked, just a bit incredulously. “You never mentioned it while I was gone.”
Ganke nearly glared at him halfway through a bite of pizza. “I told you I made some new friends after you left! And I definitely remember telling you I joined a club.”
“Yeah, and I thought you meant a robotics club or something, not, like, tickle tournaments! You didn’t think I’d be interested in that part?”
Ganke chuckled. “It’s not that I didn’t think you'd be interested.” He set down the slice and leveled a sneer at him. “I just know you get weak around too many cute people.”
Miles nearly choked on the sip of water he’d taken, and he could feel eyes on him as the table got quiet. They were all smiling, some more smugly than others, and Miles buried his face in his hands.
“Asshole…” He groaned, only to flinch a little when Gwen poked his cheek. He glanced at her, and she giggled, and Hobie smirked, and Pavitr grinned.
“Especially cute lees~” Ganke whispered, blowing across the side of his neck, and he barely stopped himself from jumping out of the chair. The others stifled laughter as Miles felt like he was going to melt from the heat rushing to his face, which he promptly dropped into his arms on the table.
“You’re all rosy, mate.” Yeah, like Hobie really needed to tell him that.
He recognized Ganke’s hand patting him on the back. “Sooo~?”
“’M free on Friday…?” He offered.
“We’ve got an Initiation Day!” Ganke shook him by the shoulder as the whole table cheered, and Miles felt himself smiling as hands ruffled his hair and pat his back.
Panda's Extra Notes: Some minor things for consideration.
*I might go back and retcon it, but I'm considering using one of Hobie's beta designs for this AU. Specifically the one with his long braids.
*Miles falls under the Ace umbrella here, hence the joke Ganke makes toward the end. He is very vulnerable to "tickle-crushes", though. And actual crushes, obviously, but we'll get to that later. >w<
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entertext · 6 months
HGSN Voice Comic: Original Voice Dramas
Translations for the two official voice dramas done by the voice comic team:
Afterschool at the family restaurant
On the way back home from school
Afterschool, at the family restaurant
'Hikaru': (yawns)
Yoshiki: Stop pushing around your cherry tomatoes with a fork, its bad manners
'Hikaru': Aw, but I hate cherry tomatoes... Apologies to the farmers, but every sentient being in the world has a dislike or two
Yoshiki: (sighs) fine, pass them over
'Hikaru': Mn.
Yoshiki: Cherry tomatoes are delicious though
'Hikaru': Yoshiki, you're like... really good at looking after people. A caretaker-type?
Yoshiki: Caretaker? Who's taking care of you?
'Hikaru': 'Cause every time I leave anything on my plate, you're finishing it off for me
Yoshiki: That's just because its bad to waste food, so I have no choice but to eat your leftovers
'Hikaru': Hm? Other than that, whenever there's an important due date or something, you always send me a reminder the day before
yoshiki: hey, apron tomorrow
yoshiki: math quiz tomorrow
yoshiki: dustcloth
'Hikaru': But to be honest, I'm always finding it really helpful, its actually useful
Yoshiki: That's 'cause you always forget so quickly. And even though I send them, you're always leaving me on read...not that it matters
'Hikaru': (laughs) Maybe the reason you're so meddlesome is 'cause you're a big brother
Yoshiki: Ah...well maybe. Come to think of it, my little sister's also a picky eater so I'm always eating her leftovers
'Hikaru': Then I'm also triggering your big-brotherly-ness, huh? Onii-chan~
Yoshiki: Gross... and stop taking advantage of me. You could stand to do things properly on your own instead of relying on me once in a while
'Hikaru': Hmm, that's true. I guess I'm so used to you being around that I'm always depending on you. That's no good now that we're second-years. Gotta become independent soon. By the way, what's the upcoming test supposed to be on again?
Yoshiki: Ah, this guy's a lost cause
On the way home back from school
'Hikaru': Hey, Yoshiki. Let's pretend we're elementary school kids
Yoshiki: What?
'Hikaru': Until we're back home we'll act like we're elementary school kids again
Yoshiki: Hm..like what? ...What are you doing pointing at your feet?
'Hikaru': See this white line? If you step off of it... the world will end!
Yoshiki: Haha..I remember that. Alright, I got it
'Hikaru': Ah! Look, your foot's a little off the line
Yoshiki: Hah? Your foot's already off the line
'Hikaru': It's fine for me, I have 3 lives
Yoshiki: No fair, when'd you say that? What hour, what minute, what second, where was the earth around the sun when you said that?
'Hikaru': (laughs) Wow, you're good. That's got big elementary school energy. Hmm... alright, say "tree" 10 times fast*
Yoshiki: Alright... trel-
'Hikaru': (pfft) What's trel!?
Yoshiki: I tried to say tree and elbow at the same time...
(both laugh)
Yoshiki: Damnit... alright then, 'Hikaru'. Say "black bear" 10 times fast
'Hikaru': Black bear black bear black bear black bear black bear black bear black bear black bear black bear black bear... done!
Yoshiki: What animal lives at the South Pole?
'Hikaru': Huh? The polar bear, duh! You can't trick me with this!
Yoshiki: But there aren't any bears at the South Pole...
'Hikaru': (gasps) Aughhhh, that's truuuue. I've looooost
Yoshiki: ...This was a competition?
* The referenced playground trick in Japanese:
A: Say pizza 10 times fast
B: Pizzapizzapizzapizza...
A: Now, what's this body part called? (points to elbow)
B: Knee (hiza)
A: No, its an elbow (hiji)!
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