#chelsea really wants to be make me cry all the time!
lunaccult · 2 years
“i bet he’s so tired of me / all the demons in my head are binding me / there’s no wall between myself and who i’m trying to be / now i don’t know how to function in society / one, two, three medication / so i can have a fucking normal conversation / i sleep better when i’ve been sedated / i’m scared of everybody else and i hate it” :(
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russo-woso · 6 months
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How could you? | Alessia Russo
"Baby, stop it. You know we've got training." You said, giggling as your wife pressed kisses all over your face and nose.
"We'll make up an excuse. I just wanna stay with you today." Alessia mumbled into your neck, and you stroked her hair.
It had been harder recently, your relationship had been tested.
Alessia played for Arsenal, and you played for Chelsea.
Both teams were definitely not a good mix, but you and Alessia were.
You had been together for three years.
Both of you had met when Alessia moved to Manchester United. Within just a few weeks of knowing one another, you were already a power couple.
You'd asked her out for dinner after two weeks, and the following week, she asked you to be her girlfriend.
Before long, you became the power couple in women's football.
Everyone you knew would say you have a fairytale romance.
Meeting at perfect times in your life, falling in love with each other after only three weeks, and then getting married. It really was like you were in a fairytale.
Over the summer, you both made the decision to leave Manchester United.
You were offered a place at Chelsea, whilst Alessia was offered a place at Arsenal.
It wasn't ideal, but you wanted to play for Chelsea, and she wanted to play for Arsenal.
You learnt to deal with it though. Yes, you barely saw each other, but you made up for it on days off.
It was hard though, you couldn't deny it.
Sometimes, just like this morning, you wanted to just stay cuddled up to her, being as close as possible.
"Five more minutes. Please." Your wife looked up at you, pleading with her eyes.
"Five more minutes. I need to shower before I go to training so five at max." You tell her, placing a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear.
"Y/N, can I talk to you quickly?" Sam asked you, clearly hesitant.
You looked at your captain, wondering what she wanted to talk to you about.
Sam was like a big sister to you, she had taken you under her wing when you joined Chelsea.
"Of course." You replied, getting up from your seat and following her outside the room, getting a bit more privacy from your teammates. "What's up?"
"Over the international break, I overheard Kyra talking to mini about Alessia. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I wish I didn't have to tell you this." Sam looked down at the ground. It was as if she couldn't look you in the eye.
"Sammy, what is it? You're worrying me." You said, thoughts clouding your mind.
"Kyra said she slept with less. I don't know if it's true or not, but that's what Kyra said. I'm sorry, Y/N/N." Sam revealed, resting a hand on your arm, rubbing it comfortingly.
Tears ran down your face as you stood there in silence.
You didn't know what to do.
How could Alessia, your lessi, your wife, do this to you?
You walked away from Sam, you walked away from your teammates, jumping in your car before driving home.
You were fuming.
Once you arrived home, you entered your house. Your house that already held so many memories of you and Alessia.
In the hallway, was a framed photograph of you and Alessia on your wedding day.
The anger took over your body and you threw your keys at the photo, the glass shattering, just like your heart.
You sat down on the sofa, emotions taking over as tears streamed down your face.
The familiar white merc appeared on the driveway, and the sound of keys in the door echoed through the house.
"Baby, I'm home!" Alessia shouted through, but she was welcomed with silence. "Baby? Where are you? And why is there glass on the floor? Y/N, you're scaring me. Where are you?"
"How could you?" Your voice broke, as you appeared in the hallway, facing Alessia.
"How could I what? What's wrong, love? Why are you crying?" Alessia moved towards you, immediately wrapping you in a hug. You tensed at her touch, hating the fact that you couldn't hug her back.
"Kyra? You said she was like a sister to you. You cheated on me less. You slept with Kyra." You said, realisation appearing on Alessia's face.
"Baby—" Alessia began but you quickly cut her off.
"—Don't call me that."
"Y/N, we didn't mean to. I was drunk, she was drunk. It was a drunken mistake. I regret it so much. Listen to—" Alessia tried to explain but her words went in one ear and came out the other ear.
"—Was this the night you said you stayed at Leah's?" You asked her, curious to see if she had lied to you.
She gently nodded her head, and you shook yourscin disbelief.
"I can't fucking believe this. You didn't think to look down at the wedding ring on your hand. Fuck you, Alessia. Actually, fuck this. This is over. I'm going." You took your wedding ring off, handing to Alessia, who stood there, tears running down her cheeks, and stormed up the stairs.
You began packing bags, before a small knock was heard.
"Y/N, you have to believe me. We were both so drunk." Alessia attempted to justify her actions.
"It's all bullshit, Alessia. If you regret it so much then why did you do it in the first place. I fell in love with you because you were kind, you were generous, you were loyal. I guess I was wrong about that last one. Niamh said I could stay at hers. Have fun with Cooney-Cross." You told her, walking past her, towards the stairs. "Oh, and Alessia, just so you know, you've really fucking hurt me. I just hope the sex was worth it."
"Y/N, please—" Alessia tried to stop you as you opened the door.
"Bye, Alessia."
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 months
Big Boss II
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You're not just Not-Wolfsburg's Big Boss
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You're a very good Big Boss.
You know this because Coach Emma and your mothers tell you so.
Sometimes though, you wish you weren't the Big Boss of Chelsea.
Specifically, now.
You wiggle happily in your seat as you sit in a video review session. The team are playing Arsenal at the weekend and you swing your legs back and forth as some of your favourite players appear on the screen.
"That's Daan!" You tell Jessie and Niamh. "She's so cool!"
Niamh looks at you a little wounded. "Cooler than us?"
You give her a look. "Of course! 'Cause she's Arsenal."
"Maybe tone down the love, princesse," Momma laughs as she moves to sit in your seat, swinging you up into her lap," We're still Chelsea here."
You sigh. "Why? Morsa says that if I love something I should let people know."
"I think she meant someone's cooking or a game, not one of our rivals."
"But why?"
"Well..." Momma has to think for a second. "Because being a good Big Boss means that you have to take into account other people's feelings. Jessie and Niamh might feel sad if you keep talking about Arsenal."
You hadn't thought about that before so you slump in Momma's lap.
"Sorry," You murmur. You shouldn't lie but if it's to save someone's feelings you think it's okay like that time Morsa lied about how your cookies tasted even though you know that you put salt in one of them by accident.
You wiggle on Momma's lap excitedly though at the thought of seeing the Arsenal girls again. Leah and Katie are super cool and Jill's tall so you climb up onto her shoulders so you can be tall too. Beth and Daan are extra special though because every time you see them, they give you a juice box and a snack.
You kick your legs out a little as you wonder what snacks Daan will give you this time.
"That's Leah!" You say before turning around in Momma's lap to peek over her shoulder at Morsa," Is she better than you?"
Morsa chokes a little bit, thumping her chest as she coughs. "What?"
"Cause you and her play the same position," You explain like Morsa's slow," Is she better than you?"
"Princesse," Morsa says in shock," What makes you think she's better than me?"
You shrug. "Dunno. That's why I'm asking."
"Just because she's Arsenal doesn't mean she's better than me," Morsa says," I'm one of the best."
"Was just asking!" You defend, sticking your tongue out," Momma says that if I ever wonder about something it's better to ask!"
When game day rolls around, you're very excited.
You're excited for every match day but especially against Arsenal. You get up extra early and go downstairs to play with your toys while Morsa and Momma wake up. You thought about going to the Big Bed but you know that you would just fall asleep and you want to be awake for the game today.
"Seeing the Arsenal girls," You tell Morsa when she asks what's got you so hyper," They're my favourite!"
She groans like she always does when you proclaim your love for Arsenal.
Momma laughs before going serious. "I know the Arsenal girls are your friends, princesse," She says," But this is very serious, okay? You can't tell them anything about how we're going to be playing, okay?"
Your brow furrows. "Why?"
"Well, because then the match won't be any fun for anyone and we all play football because it's fun, don't we?"
You think about that for a moment. It makes sense. You love playing football. You can't imagine what it would be like for it not to be fun anymore. "Okay, I won't tell."
"You're a good secret keeper," Momma says," I have no doubts you'll do very well."
You puff out your chest in pride as the car comes to a stop and you all get out.
You don't really understand why you all have to check the pitch because it's the same every time but Momma and Morsa make you.
"Daan!" You cry out, immediately detaching yourself from Morsa to run over. You stumble a little bit before crashing into her arms.
"Hey there!" Daan laughs as she swings you around. You settle happily on her hip and she pulls a Freddo Frog out of her pocket that you munch happily on.
She walks you both over to a bigger group of Arsenal girls and you high five everyone.
"That's a nice shirt," Daan says, pulling it down from where it's ridden up," What does it mean?"
"Means I'm the Big Boss!" You boast, puffing out your chest," I'm the best Big Boss 'cause Momma and Morsa tells me so."
"Oh, wow," Daan says with the perfect amount of awe at your status," I wish we had a big boss."
You look around quickly and bite at your lip. Momma and Morsa made you promise not to blab about Not-Wolfsburg tactics to Arsenal but they said nothing about helping them.
"I can be your Big Boss!" You say," But you have to ask my Momma and Morsa 'cause I'm only little and they still make lots of my choices."
Daan laughs but brings you over to where Momma and Morsa are milling about on the other side of the pitch.
"Momma," You say because you know she's more likely to give you what you want," Can I be the Big Boss for Arsenal today?"
She seems to catch on to what you're doing because she shrugs. "I don't know. Why don't you ask your Morsa?"
"Morsa, please?"
"Trying to pinch my daughter, van de Donk?" Morsa says," That's low."
Daan shrugs. "I'll give her back?"
"See that you do." Morsa presses a kiss to your forehead before letting Daan take you away.
You make sure to be just as firm as you always are because Coach Emma always tells you that being firm is the best way to get a team to play good so, just because you love Arsenal, doesn't mean you go easy on them.
"Run! Run! Run!" You order," Hurry up! Stop being slow!"
You cross your arms over your chest firmly and stamp your foot on the ground.
"Faster!" You yell," Or my Morsa's gonna catch you and she's not going to let you win!"
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katiemccabeswife · 9 months
Awesome Parenting
Sam Kerr x Mum!Reader x Daughter || Sam's loss has a bigger impact on your daughter than Sam.
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You were too focused on watching your girlfriend drop her head in disappointment to see the tears build in your daughter's eyes. The London derby was always a good game to watch and being present only amplified the tension you could feel through a screen. The derby had even higher stakes as Arsenal was following closely behind Chelsea in second place and while losing might not make them drop down on the ladder, it was an important game to win.
Sam never likes to lose, no one does really, she's even said herself she hates losing more than she likes winning, so to lose such a game to Chelsea's biggest rivals, you knew she would take it to heart.
It seems that your daughter has picked up on the trait.
Your eyes dart to the floor where your daughter now resides with tears rolling down her face. You crouch down and pull her into a sitting position with a concerned look on your face, "What's up hun? Are you hurt?" You ask confused as to why she had dropped to the floor.
Her hands went to her face as she was wiping her tears and simultaneously hiccuping, "Mama lose," A fresh wave of tears poured over the 2-year-old which, whilst you hated seeing your baby girl cry, brought you relief that she wasn't hurt.
You cooed as you picked her up and rested her on your hip, "Hey, it's ok. I know it can be really upsetting when things don't go our way and I know that we all wanted Mama to win, but it's ok. It happens sometimes and Mama will get them back next time, ok?" You bounced slightly while rubbing her back, trying to prevent a full-blown tantrum in the middle of a very busy stadium.
"But why!?" Your daughter screeched.
"Hey, hey, none of that, please. I understand your upset but we don't yell at Mummy, ok?" When you felt her nod into the crook of your neck you kissed her temple, "Sometimes the other team plays really well, and sometimes our team doesn't play as well as they can and as we know, mistakes happen. There are lots of things that could have happened but that's ok. We can't win all the time, even though we really want to."
"But Mama be sad." Adelia whimpered.
You pouted to yourself at how sweet your kid was, "Well, I know whenever I'm sad, you cheer me up so how about we go see Mama and see if you can cheer her up, yeah?" Adelia perked up at the idea and quickly wiped her tears.
You walked down to the barrier and got Sam's attention who then began to make her way over, "Hey, munchkin," She said as she reached the two of you, "Hey, y/n/n," She greeted you with a quick kiss and pulled Adelia over the barrier.
Adelia took Sam's face between her chubby little hands and gave Sam a kiss on the nose, "Mama, ok?" Sam nudged her nose into Adelia's cheek which brought out a giggle.
"I will be, thank you chicken." You smiled at your girls.
That night after you and Sam had put Adelia to sleep you were cuddling on the couch, "A was really upset when the whistle rang today, think you've rubbed off on her." You looked up at Sam with a little smirk.
"She is her Mama's girl, isn't she?" Sam smirked back.
You groaned into her chest, "It's not a good thing, Sammy," You giggled.
"Well, she seemed pretty happy when she saw me?" Sam accused defensively.
"Yeah, because of my awesome parenting skills," You countered.
Sam kissed the top of your head and sighed, "You are pretty awesome,"
You sighed contently with her, "I know,"
"Oi, cheeky," She laughed and you distracted her by planting a kiss onto her lips, smiling into the kiss.
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lucy90712 · 3 months
Heyy could you write a Marc guiu one where the reader is insecure about her stretch marks and Marc walks in on her trying to cover them with foundation and he wipes it of kissing them telling her he loves them and she’s beautiful .. x
a/n this is awful I’m sorry "It's so nice out we should go to the beach" Marc said 
"Yeah that sounds like fun" I said slightly hesitantly 
"Lets go then I'll pack everything" he said running off 
I love the beach I do but I hate wearing a bikini or any form of swimsuit they always expose far too much and I don't want anyone to look at my body. That being said Marc seemed so excited about going to the beach that I couldn't say no, he's finally finished his season and this is his last summer in Barcelona before he moves to Chelsea so I can't be a downer just because I'm insecure. Once Marc had packed everything from upstairs I went to get changed and put on the bikini that has the most coverage and then I put on some shorts and a shirt as a coverup which I don't plan to take off. 
We made it to the beach and because it's a nice day it was really busy we did manage to find a quieter spot but the amount of people around made me nervous. My plan was to just sit and read but Marc had other ideas he kept bugging me to go swimming with him and there's only so many good excuses I can come up with. Eventually I exhausted all of my excuses which only took an hour and then I had to agree to going swimming. If I could've worn my shorts in the water I would've but I know that would only result in more eyes on me and a lot of questions from Marc and I'm not in the mood to talk about my insecurities today. 
As I took off my shirt and shorts it felt like I had a million eyes on me which isn't true but even one person looking is far too many for me. Marc took hold of my hand and led me to the water while I tried to use my other hand to cover up as much as possible. Once we were in the water I felt a bit better as no one could see my stretch marks but I know that people are looking at us. Part of me knows that people are only looking because I'm with Marc and so many people here know who he is but the other part of me is scared that people are looking at my body and judging me. For a little while I forgot about all of my worries and just had fun with Marc that was until he got a bit more playful and started picking me up and throwing me back into the sea of course that got us a lot of attention and I know people were taking pictures which will be literally everywhere by the end of the day. Just the thought of that made me want to cry so I made Marc put me down and let me back onto the beach so I could cover up again. 
Since going to the beach a few days ago all I've seen on social media is pictures of me and Marc and all I can see is my stretch marks on my hips and thighs. Some people did point it out and make horrible comments which were definitely the minority but for me it didn't matter one comment is enough to make me even more insecure. What makes it all worse is that Lamine is hosting a pool party and me and Marc are supposed to be going as the rest of his friends going too. Again I'd love to not go or spend the whole time covered up but I know I can't as that will only mean I'm asked more questions which isn't what I want. 
While Marc was at the gym I saw a tiktok of a girl covering up her stretch marks with foundation which sounded like a solution to all my problems. I don't usually use a full coverage foundation but I do have a few so I found them and got changed into my bikini so I could start to cover the parts of my body that I don't like. After putting some on I could still see the lines on my thighs so I started putting on more so that they were completely covered. I was so engrossed in making sure I was happy with the coverage and that you couldn't tell that I'd put foundation on that I didn't hear Marc come home nor did I hear him call my name and then I didn't hear him enter the room until he made a noise that alerted me to his presence. 
"What are you doing amor?" He asked voice laced with sadness as he already knew what I was doing 
"I-I'm" I stuttered not able to say what I was doing 
"It's ok let's just put this down" he said taking the foundation bottle out my hand 
"I'm sorry I'm so sorry" I said breaking down in tears 
"No apologising it's ok I'm not mad at you I promise I just want to help you but I need you to talk to me" he said 
I couldn't say anything I just cried all of the insecurities I've been feeling just became too much and I realised that what I was doing is so stupid. Marc held me close to his chest and rubbed my back to help calm me down which took a little while but he knows exactly what to do to help make me feel better. Once I stopped crying he led me to the bathroom and grabbed a cloth to wipe off the foundation I had put on which he did incredibly gently and while constantly complimenting me. 
"You are so pretty I love every single part of you" he said 
"All of these marks are so beautiful every single one of them they make you who you are and I love you every single part of you" he said 
"But they're ugly everyone else thinks so and your friends will too which I why I wanted to cover them" I said 
"I don't think they're ugly and neither should you the people that hate them are stupid they are either childish men or people who are jealous of how beautiful you are so they have to find something to tear you down" Marc said 
"And my friends are neither of those things they probably won't even notice and if they do they certainly won't say anything to me or you and if they did they wouldn't be my friends anymore" he added 
Hearing his words made me feel a lot better about myself because I know he's being truthful as Marc wouldn't lie to me ever especially not about something like this. He knew that as much as I wasn't crying anymore I wasn't in the right frame of mind to sit in a bikini surrounded by his friends so he cancelled on them so we could spend the day together. He told me to go and get changed then come downstairs so that's what I did and when I walked into the living room he's set up loads of blankets and snacks for a movie marathon. For the rest of the day we hardly left the sofa we watched movie after movie while cuddling and Marc made sure to make me feel loved for the entire day which is exactly what I needed. 
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iinsertblognamee · 1 year
matildas; the world at our feet ft Y/N
summary ― clips from the docuseries
pairing ― sam kerr x arnold!reader
warning/s ― fluff, character injury, mentions of IVF, pregnancy
based off this request
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UNKNOWN MALE VOICE: We need to know if she is ready to play for the world cup. We can’t waste spots on someone who isn’t game ready, especially not after the hit she took a couple months back. 
TONY GUSTAVSSON: I know she’ll be ready. I want her on my team - and help us win that world cup. 
Y/N ARNOLD: I know how much I want this, how much I want to be apart of the girls taking us to the world cup and I know i’ll do anything to get there. 
Y/N ARNOLD: As a young girl I knew I always wanted to play sport - I would watch men play at such high levels and wished that could be me. 
Y/N ARNOLD: And now that I’m here, I’m not going to let anything stop me. 
SAM KERR: It think one of the toughest things i’ve had to do so far is admit to Macca that I was dating her little sister (Y/N LAUGHS, THROWING HER HEAD BACK) 
Y/N ARNOLD: That can’t be true! Mac isn’t that - (SAM GIVES HER A SHOCKED LOOK, Y/N LAUGHS AGAIN) - Okay, so she’s a little protective! 
SAM KERR: She threaten to break my legs so I would never be able to score another goal again. 
MACKENZIE ARNOLD: Yeah, told her she’d never be able to score another goal if she hurt my little sister. 
Y/N ARNOLD: but you aren’t scared of her anymore are you? I mean she’s a lot better now
Y/N ARNOLD: I think as important as this world cup is for us, it’s a million times more important for the fans and the future fans. Like my heart beats faster just thinking about all those little girls who are going to be at home watching us on screen and realise that this is a possibility for them. 
SAM KERR: I am so increbiley proud of the team we’ve become, you know. I feel like this is the team that’s gonna win it and in twenty years time i’ll know I was apart of the team that made history. 
11th MARCH 2022 
COMMENTATOR: The atmosphere inside this stadium is electric. 
Y/N ARNOLD: It’s really exciting getting to play these kind of games you know? Having my sister on field, even if it is for the opposite side. 
Y/N ARNOLD: I don’t remember much of the game really but yeah. 
COMMENTATOR: Something’s happened - Y/N Arnold has not gotten up after that brutal hit. 
COMMENTATOR: Y/N Arnold still down. This doesn’t look good. 
MACKENZIE ARNOLD: I think that was probably the scariest moment of my career. 
MACKENZIE ARNOLD: I saw her go down, but you know growing up in our household you would always get up. And I remember watching my teammates walk off, so I turned my attention back to the ball. 
MACKENZIE ARNOLD: it probably wasn’t for another couple of seconds when I heard yelling did I look back and saw Y/N still on the ground. 
SAM KERR: I remember her going down, and next thing I know Millie is running towards her with some of the other girls screaming at the ref. (pauses.) By the time I had gotten over there, she still hadn’t moved or woken up and my heart just stopped y’know? 
MACKENZIE ARNOLD: She’s never been the one to stay down - and I think that was the scariest part. Like I know my sister and I know that she can come back from just about anything. But this - this was scary. 
Y/N ARNOLD: I’ve seen the clips, watched it over and over again. And like I know it’s me, I watch myself hit the ground but I just don’t remember any of it. 
Y/N ARNOLD: I had a grade three concussion, a dislocated shoulder and had split my eyebrow open, to which i needed to get stitches for. 
SAM KERR: I still remember the second that final whistle blew, Mac and I were off that field and running towards the medic room. They were still doing examinations on her, and I still remember them asking Y/N for her full name and she couldn’t answer. That - I can’t even. (pauses.) I don’t ever want to go through that again. 
MACKENZIE ARNOLD: It was just so scary you know, (sniffling, as she shakes her head) the look on her face when Sam and I walked in that room - like she didn’t recognise who we were. 
Y/N ARNOLD: I honestly don’t remember much of what happened even a few days later, but I remember just thinking about the world cup and just believing that I’d lost my chance. There was no way I was ever going to be able to play again, not with these injuries. 
Y/N ARNOLD: As a kid I always had two dreams, to become a famous athlete and to become a mother. 
Y/N ARNOLD: As my soccer got more serious, I kinda pushed the whole kids dream in the back of my mind y’know. It was like you could either be a soccer star or be a mother. You can’t have both. 
Y/N ARNOLD: After the whole injury drama, I had been benched for minimum three months. Appointment after appointment, I wasn’t allowed back to training - couldn’t drive myself anywhere and I just found myself at home looking at photos of babies and watching my nieces over facetimes. (SAM LOOKING OVER TO Y/N, SMILING) 
SAM KERR: We had definitely talked about kids before, but soccer was always more important i think - and neither of us wanted to give it up just yet. (Y/N NODDING ALONG) but suddenly Y/N had a lot more time on her hands and after many conversations with ourselves, our families and our coaches. Researching IVF and you know all the options within that we decided to start our family. 
SAM KERR: It was such a surreal experience, watching the person you love bring in your child into the world. (SAM BRINGING Y/N’S HAND TO HER LIPS AND GIVING THEM A KISS) 
Y/N ARNOLD: Having delilah was just so eye-opening I think for both of us. And the second they put her in my arms, my whole world had shifted. 
SAM KERR: I couldn’t love anyone or anything as much as I love my two girls. 
Y/N ARNOLD: (WATCHING SAM AND DELILAH INTERACT) I remember throughout the whole pregnancy I wanted to create a legacy for her, y’know? Something she could look up to and know that she could reach whatever dreams she wanted. I think that was my tipping point like this was the moment I realised I wanted to be back in the game. I want to play in the world cup. I want to win that world cup for her. (LOOKING ONCE MORE AT SAM BEFORE BACK TO THE CAMERA) 
Y/N ARNOLD: That’s that exactly what I intend to do. 
MACKENZIE ARNOLD: Who’s your favourite D? (DELILAH GIGGLING) That’s right Aunty Mac’s is your favourite and I always will be (KISSING DELILAH ON THE CHEEK, DELILAH GIGGLING AGAIN) 
SAM KERR: Who’s torturing my daughter? (SAM COMING INTO THE FRAME, ARMS OUT TO TAKE DELILAH OFF MACKENZIE) It’s okay baby, mama will save you! I’ll always save you. (KISSING HER ON THE CHEEK OVER AND OVER AGAIN) 
ELLIE CARPENTER: Our own little mascot! 
Y/N ARNOLD: So many of my dreams have come true in this journey, I joined the matildas, I got signed on to play for Chelsea. I met the love of my life. Married the love of my life and had our daughter. Like I just can’t believe how my life has turned out. If little Y/N could see us now. 
VOICE FROM BEHIND THE CAMERA: What else do you want to achieve? 
Y/N ARNOLD: I want to take that world cup trophy home.
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bueckerrss · 7 months
Oneshot idea:
Chris or Matt and you are in a relationship. They don’t stick up for you when a celeb girl hits on them in public to “keep the peace” but this leads to ANGST.
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was it worth it? - m. sturniolo
warnings: cursing, fighting, angst
basically the request but with my own little twist.
here i was at yet another stupid influencer party that my boyfriend dragged me to, he knows this isn’t really my thing, you see matt and i have been together for nearly a year but we’ve decided to keep our relationship a secret from the public just a few friends knowing.
matt was currently talking to group of people potentially talking about collaborating or something similar to that, i was a few feet behind him giving him the space he needed.
i looked at him from the kitchen seeing how he was laughing and joking around with his friends until a girl came touching him in ways i didn’t like, leaning into his ear whispering things with a smile on her face even making her punch him in a flirting way she turned around and i finally got a good look at her. my heart dropped.
chelsea monroe an instagram model with blonde hair and blue eyes— knowing who she is and not in a good way— was now flirting with my boyfriend what hurt more was that he flirted back.
i was less than six feet away witnessing my boyfriend cheating on me like i wasn’t even there trying to distract myself from the heartbreak i started speaking to madi.
nick and chris had ubered back to their house an hour ago i would’ve gone with them but matt had told me he wanted to drive me home and that’s what he did.
“are you hungry?” he asked as we got into his car “no” i responded looking forward he started the car his hand finding its way on my thigh making me push it off making him put it back i pushed it off again.
“y/n are you okay?” he asked as he looked towards the road and back to me “yup.” i responded “are you sure?” he urged “definitely” i replied. “y/n” he stated “matthew” i said looking at him with a straight face “okay, what the fuck is wrong you never refer to me as matthew unless something is wrong” he said looking at me for a spilt second before turning back at the road.
“nothing is wrong.” i mumbled with a straight face “y/n don’t be fucking immature and tell me what the fuck is wrong!” he argued “nothing is fucking wrong now drop it!” i slightly yelled.
the rest of the ride was quiet the only sound being the radio playing faintly, as we arrived at my house i quickly unbuckled my belt and started to open my door when matt spoke again.
“i’m sorry for what i said but if you need anything just call me okay?” he says softly “okay.” i said before i fully got out of the car “i love you” he stated before i slammed the car door and made my way into my house quickly locking it.
not even five seconds after i got in i get a phone call pulling it out and looking at the caller id
“what matt?” i sighed “you didn’t say ‘i love you’ back” he mumbled “yea and?” “you never not say it back” he sighed “yea well i’m tired bye” i replied hanging up.
that was the last time i spoke to him, that was friday night now it’s sunday i’ve spent all weekend crying ignoring all his texts and calls only keeping contact with chris and nick.
i kept the no contact thing all week and before i knew it it was friday again knowing the triplets had another party to go to i decided to have a night to myself and rewatch ‘supernatural’ while eating ice cream or any other snacks i could get my hands on.
i was three hours into the show when my phone lit up with a notification ‘matthew.sturniolo just posted on their story.’
clicking on the notification my heart drops i couldn’t believe it he was posing with chelsea she was leaning into him his hand on her waist a perfect view of his neck— hickies covering his neck and lipstick slightly smudge on his lips her lipstick.
that was my breaking point i paused my tv walking towards my room pulling out his duffel bag and a box in the duffel i put all the clothes he’s left here over the time and in the box all the the gifts he’s given me. i was done and i wasn’t going to let him hurt me.
i don’t remember falling asleep but i woke up on the couch with a few missed calls from matt, i didn’t answer but i instead texted chris and nick in the group chat we had without matt
could yall come over? i have a few things i need you guys to pick up.
yea let me just order an uber we’ll be there in like 10 minutes or so
we’re on our way.
after a few minutes i hear a knock on my door already opening the door i let the boys in and made my way to my room to pick up the duffel taking it back to the living room and handing it to a very confused nick.
“give that to matthew” i said with a straight face “matthew? full name that can’t be good what’d he do” asked nick “he cheated” i stated calmly “he what?!” the both replied nearly yelling “yea you guys didn’t see the photo?” i pulled out my phone to show them the picture “that son of a bitch!” exclaimed chris “well good you’re breaking up with him” chimed in nick “wait i thought you’d be more heartbroken about this” question nick “well i was the first time it happened but i realized that if he really loved me he wouldn’t be a two timing bitch” i scoffed
“good for you!” praised chris as he smiled at me with that nicks phone rang “speaking of the devil” he sighed “what’s up matt? what? no we haven’t heard from her” he smiled winking at me signaling that he was asking about me after a while they hang up “well we have to go but we’re in your side no matter what!” nick said as he got up and gave me a side hug then picked up the duffel heading outside.
“if you ever need anything or something don’t hesitate to call or text me or nick okay?” he mumbled into my hair as we hugged “okay thank you so much i love you guys so much” i mumbled back letting go of the hug.
ring ring
i picked up my phone to matt calling i hung up and turned back around to go to sleep but my phone kept buzzing not letting me.
“hello?” i responded groggily “what the actual fuck y/n!” matt’s voice boomed through my phone’s speakers making me pull it away a bit “huh what are you talking about?” “why did chris and nick just bring me a duffel with my things in it?” he angrily asked “because i’m breaking up with you” i stated “what?” he laughed “i’m. breaking up. with. you. understand?” i broke down each word like if i was speaking to a baby “why are you breaking up with me?” he scoffed “hmmm i don’t know maybe because you cheated on me with chelsea?” i asked “what? i didn’t cheat on you!” “don’t make me laugh matthew i have proof from text messages to the story you posted last night”
“look im sorry i made a mistake but baby please don’t do this i-i love you!” he begged into the phone “maybe you should’ve thought about that before you cheated bye matthew and by the way i hope she was worth it.” i spoke before i hung up the phone.
okay this is not as good as i wanted it to be but hopefully you like it pookie 😰
tags: @sturnioloslurps @hearts4chris @patscorner
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Hey!! I was just finish reading George weasley "Mum?" That you write, I think its awesome and I hope you can make a part 2 if you like! Thank you :D
Pairings: Single-dad!George weasley x Fem!reader Summary: you go on a date with George, and he's nervous Warnings: mention of the war and death
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you knocked on the door, waiting for George to answer it
you had stayed for dinner that night with George and Chelsea and ate the cookies that you had made and you still took the opportunity to go on a date with him, so here you were, dressed in your best casual wear, you didn't expect the date to be anything fancy.
you heard rushing from the other side of the door, into their flat
the door opened and you were met with nothing, until you looked down the see Chelsea smiling widely up at you
"he's still getting ready" she giggled, reaching for your hand and pulling you into the flat, closing the door behind you
George came out, holding two jackets in his hands, looking down at them with a frown
"hey, Chelsea, what jacket should I-" he looked up, finding you there
"oh- hi, sorry just give me a minute" he blinked, not expecting you here so early
but when he looked at his watch he noticed that you weren't early at all, in fact, you were a few minutes late, and he still didn't even have his shoes on
"it's ok, take all the time you need" you smiled, letting him walk back into his room, Chelsea trailing after him.
you stood there for a while, looking at the mantle that was decorated with a vase of flowers and photos in frames
you walked closer and took a closer look
the picture on the far left was a picture of the Weasley family before the war, the movement showed them all laughing and George next to Fred, nudging him and hitting his arm
the one to the far right was a picture of Fred and George in front of the Shop, the date written in black ink at the bottom, to remember the day they opened.
Fred was smiling proudly as George had his arm around Fred, trying not to laugh
and in the middle stood a picture of George and Chelsea when she was a baby.
he was cradling softly, crying with a big smile on his face as he held out his finger for her hand that grasped the tip of his pinky
you admired all the pictures before you heard the door open again
"ok, I'm ready, shall we go?" you heard George say
you turned and looked at him, smiling
you were about to nod your head to say yes but realised that no one was there to mind Chelsea
"who's looking after Chels?" you asked
"oh, merlin! crap, I forgot to ask my mum if she could mind her" he smacked his head, cursing at himself for his mistake
"it's fine. she can come along or we can do this another night if you want?" you reassured him, walking up to them
"no, that's not fair to you. merlin, I'm such an idiot" he sighed to himself
"it's ok, really, I don't mind. we can just do this another time" you insisted but he he shook his head
"no, let's go, c'mon, Chels" he said, taking Chelsea's hand
"am I going?" she asked.
"no, we're going to take you to go see Linda" he replied with a smile
he looked at you and waited for you to come along
you smiled awkwardly and walked with them
you exited the shop and began walking to a small little cottage that was where the alley ended
he knocked on the door and took a deep breath when it eventually opened
a middle aged woman stood there, she didn't seem to be related to him at all but they seemed familiar with each other
"oh, hello dear, what can I help you with?" she beamed at George
"would you mind Chelsea? I have something to do and I forgot to get someone to look after her because I'm an absolute Git" he huffed
she looked down at Chelsea and smiled
she looked back at George and noticed you, who stood behind his tall figure, she tilted her head to get a better look and smirked at George
"you go on then, my little girl loves spending time with Chelsea, go get out of here and have fun" she ushered you away
Chelsea ran in the house after kissing George on the cheek as he bent down
Linda turned to you both and grinned
"go on then, get out of here" she rolled her eyes sarcastically, waiting for you both to leave before shutting the door
you and George walked side by side, him leading the way to your destination
you arrived at a restaurant, not a fancy want but a casual one, perfect for the both of you
he let you walk in first and led you to the front desk
the man looked up at him from his computer, a small smile on his face
"I'm sorry but we have no space, we're completely booked out
"oh, uh, I have a reservation" George responded
"what is it under?" the man questioned, looking back at the computer
"uh- Weasley" George fixed his shirt, seeming nervous
the man typed the name up and frowned
"you're twenty minutes late, we gave your table away" the man informed
George quickly looked down at his watch and cursed under his breath
George stayed silent, seeming mad at himself and the man left to help out somewhere else
George walked you both out and stood outside for a while, him still cursing at himself
"George, it's fine, Please don't beat yourself up about it" you tried comforting him
"I'm really sorry, I was so nervous because- well I haven't been out on a date for so long, I was trying to make it nice but I've completely ruined it, I'm sorry, I can't do this, I just- I'm sorry" he rambled, his breathing was getting heavy and he was tugging at his hair
"it's ok, we can take you home and just forget this happened if you want, I understand, it must be hard" you rested a hand on his arm, furrowing your eyebrows
"no, we're not leaving, I'll figure something out, Just give me a second" he stepped away from you, turning around and you heard his deep breathes and hitches in his throat as you waited for him
"George, let's just get you home, if you're not ready you shouldn't push yourself to be" you spoke gently
"I am ready! I am so ready, ok? so let's go" he defended himself
"where are we going to go?" you asked, watching as he took your hand at led your through the alleys
you got to a small little diner and he got you both settled in a booth
you looked around, it looked like those places you'd see in the muggle world, and you didn't entirely mind it
"it's not how I pictured it, but it's not nothing" he gulped, sitting across from you
it wasn't crowded but there were quite a bit of people there
"it's perfect" you smiled
he picked up one of the menu's and gave it to you before getting his own
"I think I'll just get spaghetti Bolognese, you?" he looked up from the laminated paper to you
"I reckon the cheeseburger will do" you answered, putting your menu down, looking at him before looking around again
the waitress came up and asked what you wanted, George ordered your food and asked for milkshakes for your drink
you told him what flavour you wanted and he got the same one
you both talked about your interests and he told you more about himself.
he started asking a lot about you and you opened up to him
and eventually, the topic of the war came up all of a sudden, he told you it was a dark time for him and the struggles he went through. you told him that you couldn't imagine doing the things he did as you didn't fight in the war
he wanted to share his experience more but you told him that it could wait, that instead of saying it all, that he should tell you another time, that he's opened up enough and that he didn't have to tell you everything just yet
the waitress brought out your food and you began eating
George stabbed his fork into his food and took the little black ovals on the side.
you tilted your head at him and he went on eating, still picking them out when he found another
he noticed that you were looking at them and smiled
"do you like olives?" he questioned
"yeah, why don't you?" you frowned with a chuckle
"the taste is gross, do you want them?" he picked them up with his fork and held them out for you
"sure" you shrugged, letting him drop them onto your plate
you grinned and you picked one up and put it in your mouth
usually when he had olives in his meals, Chelsea would take them because for some reason, unlike her own father, she loved them.
so for some reason, it made his heart flutter when you happily ate them
he opened the door for you and let you walk out the diner, the both of you laughing at something he had told you
he slowly held your hand and smiled at the warmth of your palm, it calmed him down
to George, it seemed like forever since he's been with someone, to have a woman in his arms, to love and care for.
even if he had Chelsea to care for, he wished he had someone to help him, comfort him, love him
George believed that you could be that woman, because not only did he have to love you, but Chelsea had to too.
he would never get with anybody if them and Chelsea didn't get along, because he would choose his daughter every time.
but if Chelsea loved her too than it would be ok, if she treated his little girl like her own, then he'd make it work
the only thing George wanted growing up other than the shop was to start a family, and he was almost complete.
even if they were a family on their own, George still felt like there was something missing, that Chelsea deserved to grow up with a mother.
and he wanted more than anything for it to be you
as you both walked down the alley, hand in hand, George stopped in front of an ice cream shop
"want ice cream?" he turned to you
you giggled at his question
"we literally had a milkshake 10 minutes ago, that's like, half ice cream" you squeezed his hand gently
"yeah but when did a little more hurt anybody?" he raised his eyebrows, pulling you in the shop
he turned to you "what do you want?"
"what are you getting?" you questioned
"the pistachio" he answered happily
"who the hell likes that flavour?!" you fake gagged
"me" he whispered awkwardly
"you're weird" you grimaced
"what are you getting?" he frowned at you
"probably cookies and cream" you answered him
"that's so basic!" he argued playfully
"it's popular because it's good" you smiled
"it's so boring" he scoffed
"you're boring" you smirked
"oh am I?" he tilted his head
you hummed in response, crossing your shoulders
"yeah, you are" you teased
"I'll show you boring" he glared you
he ordered you your ice creams and brought you to the shop, he ran upstairs telling you to stay out there and wait for him
it was a pretty cold night and you wish you would've brought a jacket
a few minutes later, he came back, a jacket in one hand and his other hand stuffed in his pocket
"it's pretty cold, though you could use a jumper" he held it out for you.
you smiled at him, taking at and put it on, feeling warm
you started walking again, side by side
you began to smell the sweater as you brought the sleeve up to your face, scratching your nose, you got dizzy with the smell of George
you dropped your hand to your side and lightly swung your hand to reach for George's hand, lightly grazing it
he looked down at your hands and reached to take it.
he held your hands and interlocked your fingers
he brought you to a grass field and made you sat down as he went a little away from you. he ran back as something flew into the sky
he sat down next to you and looked at you as the thing exploded in the sky, the bright colours cascading across the dark void that surrounded the earth.
"fireworks?" you turned to him, noticing his gaze was directed to your lips
"that's a little boring for you, isn't it? seen as though you do it so often" you joked.
"fireworks never get boring," he replied softly, looking at the fireworks that never seemed to stop "they get more and more beautiful each time"
you chuckled at his response before looking back at them
"I guess they do"
he looked back at you again, seeming nervous
"so do you" he spoke quietly
you scrunched your nose as the cooment
"now you've just gotten cheesy" you laughed
"I'd rather be cheesy than boring" he shrugged
silence grew between the two of you, comfortable silence as you both stared off to the explosions of colour
after a while you decided to speak up
you turned to George, who was laid down on the grass, his hands behind his head
"I admire you, George" you began.
your words made him confused
"how? why?" he asked
"I admire the way you take care of Chelsea, I can't imagine it would be anything but hard or you, to do that by yourself. I really respect the way you work to provide for her, I know how much it would've been hard to open up the shop after...you know. I just want you to know that I admire you" you answered
he sat up and looked at you carefully
George had never heard something like that from anyone, it made him feel appreciated, like he was loved and valued.
"you do?" he raised his eyebrows
"yeah, and you should know I'm here if you need anything, if you need someone to talk to, help you, anything" you blinked
George felt himself go hot in the cheeks
he knew that he was going to love you for the rest of his life, even if you aren't together, he knew you would have a special place in his heart
but he knew he didn't want you to leave, he knew he wanted you in his life, in Chelsea's
he leaned in and placed a kiss on your lips.
the kiss was gentle but passionate, like he didn't know how to do it but he has been longing to for so long
you broke apart to breath as he still had his eyes closed, like he was still in the moment
you reached up and cupped his cheek, rubbing his pale skin with your thumb.
he had a lazy smile planted on his face
you leaned in and kissed his shortly, making him chase your lips for more
"i guess you're not that boring" you teased
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wosowrites · 1 year
Starting a New Streak (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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warnings: ⚠️swearing⚠️
a/n: I don’t think ive ever written a fic so fast and so emotional. i decided to write this now because the issue of the hate Leah is getting is really making me emotional so I want to get this fic out while im all high up on my emotions and love for Leah. Based off this request here
prompt: in which the reader and Leah have been best friends since they were 15 and are both secretly hiding feelings for each other that get revealed after the australia v england game.
11 years of knowing Leah. 11. Nine of those years you were withholding your feelings for the blonde. You had tried dating other people, other footballers, just others. But no one was Leah. No one was her.
You were all riding high on the Finalissima win going into the Australian friendly, you felt light and happy. 30 game winning streak. Let’s go England.
But everyone makes mistakes… right? You had made a fair few yourself, and you were especially good at beating yourself up about them. An own goal in the first Euros game had you crying in the changing room, even though it all worked out. A complete giveaway during an Arsenal v Chelsea game that lead to Manu having to make a bad tackle and get a red. The gunners lost that game 3-2. You felt as though it was your fault… and it was… but your teammates were by your side. And Leah didn’t leave you along for a minute, didn’t leave you a second to think that you were anything else than… well… human.
The lineup was interesting, Esme starting in defence with you, Jess and Leah instead of Leah, Lucy and you. You felt weird about that, but wanted to be happy for the young defender.
From kickoff, the lionesses were dominating. You had gotten a few shots off and were making good plays, so the fact that nothing was coming out of them angered you to no end. That was the first problem. The team wasn’t connecting. And then, as she always does, Sam Kerr happened.
A good ball was made from the australian defence. And then, it was Sam versus Leah.
Leah got to it first, but it just wasn’t enough. She tried her best to get her head on the ball to secure it into Mary’s hands, and she did. But it was missing that extra power.
The australian striker was fast, and incredibly talented. Kerr just needed a little chip over Mary, and she delivered.
Leah threw her head back in annoyance as Mary watched the ball go in the net from her knees. Nothing to be done.
You jogged up to her, putting your hands on Leah’s shoulder. "Look at me, Lee. It’s okay. It happens I should have been there to support you more. Team mistake," you said to her.
She nodded absentmindedly and apologized to Mary who clapped her on the back and told her to keep going.
Bur it wasn’t a team mistake. It was a Leah mistake. But Leah was part of the team, she was your skipper, your best friend, your teammate, your world. And so it was a team mistake.
You kept going. As a defender, you shockingly got a few opportunities on net, but you weren’t able to conceive a goal. "FUCK!" you yelled, throwing your head back in anger and sighing loudly as the ball you had just shot grazed the outside of the post. "It’s all good! We got this!" Georgia said, tapping you on the back and letting you jog back to your defensive role.
The first half ended 1-0.
You all walked back into the changing room, Sarina telling you to think of the game as goalless to take the pressure off. "Let’s capitalize on our opportunities girls!" Sarina said, clapping her hands and sending all of you off.
You slung your arm around Leah, holding her a little to close for friends. "Brush it off, love. Brush it off," you told her, kissing her cheek gently before parting with her as you got into the view of the cameras.
Time was a blur, it was like it was non existent. It passed, but you didn’t notice. All you could think was that opportunity after opportunity was being missed, and wasted, and you wanted to yell at yourself more than anything.
And then the 66th minute came.
You didn’t even notice who shot the ball. All you noticed was the deflection off of Leah’s arm, and that Mary went right as the ball went left. You heard the scream of joy, the kind of scream that only happened when a player scored their first goal for their country. You knew it well. You had let out that scream three times. Once for U-15, another for U-17, and the loudest one of all, for the senior team.
Leah looked like she was on the verge of tears and then and there you wished for nothing more than to wrap her in bubble wrap and protect her from the world. You were scared of what people would say.
You were scared of the bad fans. And you knew Leah was too.
The final whistle marked the end of an era. 30 games unbeaten. Gone.
"Leah!" you said, rushing up to her and trying to hug her as she walked into the tunnel. "Get away from me! I don’t need you telling me it’s not my fault, okay?! I don’t want you right now. Just let me be," she yelled.
You froze. Everyone heard. Lucy looked shocked. Keira looked uncomfortable. Sam looked hurt for you. And everyone else looked like they just wanted to run.
"Leah! I don’t want to do this but they want you for media," Sarina said. Leah looked broken at those words. "Tell them she’s not available. I’ll go," you said. "Wait- y/n. I’m-" Leah tried to apologize, her heart breaking as she processed the words she had said to you. "Don’t. Go," and with that, you walked away.
You shook hands with the interviewer and camera man. "Leah’s not available. I’ll be here instead. Can we do this quickly please?" you asked, not caring that you were already on live TV.
The crew nodded.
"How do you feel after this loss? Ending a streak, ending an era. What’s it like?" the woman asked. "I’m scared. Genuinely that’s the only feeling I can stomach right now. Obviously I’m aware that the disappointment and anger will settle in later but right now I’m just scared. Obviously mistakes were made. Yes, by Leah. The most obvious ones were but not only from her. From all of us. Um…" you sniffled, pinching your nose and biting your cheek. "Yeah. When you get to the level where everyone is watching you it’s great but it’s also scary. Loosing is scary because of what people say. I want to just… wrap Leah in bubble wrap because I’m so scared of what people will say about her online. She’s amazing and i’ve known her for forever. She’s led us to four trophies and a wonderful streak. But everything comes to an end. But i’m making it clear here and now that Leah’s talent is not ended. Our confidence hasn’t faltered," you admitted.
Never had you been so raw on love TV. There was no editing on live TV, no tweaking, no clipping, no editing. Just your words for everyone to hear.
"Is this a setback for the World Cup?" she asked.
"No. Not at all. I think this may be a blessing in disguise. Going into the world cup beaten humbles us. We understand that we are beatable. Tonight was easily my hardest night in an England shirt and I felt as though I wanted to scream the whole game but a setback? The Lionesses don’t have setbacks," you told her, and the world as a matter of fact. "One last thing. If you could say anything to the fans, what would it be?"
You took a second to think. "Thank you for standing with us through all our wins, all our trophies. The cups and awards and championships in our trophy cabinet are just as much yours as they are ours. I hope, that if you are a real fan, that you will stick by us through this loss. I hope you stand by us because we love you all very much. Also, any hate comments on my posts, and you’re blocked."
You took off your headphones, smiled gently at the interviewer and walked away.
The walk back to the changing room was silent other than the sound of your heart beating out of your chest. Had you said too much? Had your feelings for Leah taken over your words? Maybe. Probably.
You pushed open the door of the changing room and walked inside, finding the whole team sitting in silence, still in their kits.
They all looked up as you walked in, some of the younger girls who had played were red eye’d.
Their looks on you sent your heart into overdrive. You took a gasping, shaky breath as your throat closed and leaned your head against the wall, palms pressed to the cool tile as though if you pushed on the wall hard enough, it would take back the words you had said on live TV. "If you write hate comments i’ll block you? What the fuck was that." you thought.
Lucy and Mary were by your side quickly, concerned by your shaky sobs. "Shh. It’s okay. What is it?" Lucy said, gently grabbing you and letting your head rest on her shoulder as Mary rubbed your back. "The interview… I said too much. And Leah’s mad at me. And we- Im scared of what people will say about her. I’m in love with her," you said.
The last part was nothing but a whisper for only Mary and Lucy to hear. The two seniors looked into each others eyes, a silent demonstration of shock. "Where is Leah?" you asked, pulling away from Lucy and wiping your face with your sweaty, muddy, and grass covered jersey. "Washroom. Hasn’t come out in ten," Mary said.
You nodded and then walked deeper into the changing room towards the door connecting the guest locker room to the washroom.
You pushed open the door gently, seeing Leah sitting on the floor, her head in her hands, her body shaking with sobs.
"Leah…" you cried gently, tears steaming down your own cheeks again. She looked up quickly, her face more broke than you had ever seen it before. "I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you. I didn’t. I’m sorry," Leah cried, her voice trembling and getting caught in her throat. "It’s okay. It’s okay," you said, quickly heading over to her.
You let your body slip down the wall. You put your arms around Leah and she did the same to you. For the time your bodies pressed together, you didn’t care how the other stentched of sweat, and mud… and fear and pain and disappointment. You only cared about each other.
"Leah this couldn’t be worse timing but-"
"I’m in love with you," Leah said, cutting you off. Your eyes widened as you pulled away from her. "You cut me off," you said, not realizing you were in a little bit of shock. "What?" she said, sniffling. "You interrupted me! I was going to say. Leah. This couldn’t be worse timing but I am in love with you," you said.
It sunk in how stupid your words had been, considering Leah had just said the same thing. "Really?" she said. "Yes. And don’t watch the interview they made me do because it’s embarrassing and sad," you told her.
She let out a small laugh and leaned her forehead against yours. "30 games unbeaten streak broken," she said. Somehow, her breath smelled sweet. "Well we have another streak. 11 years of friendship. That’s a good streak. And I say we start another one," you told her. "Yeah?"
"Yeah? One minute of you being my girlfriend and… counting."
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chelseachilly · 1 year
THIS LOVE - chapter four | you can hear it in the silence
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pairing: ben chilwell x reader
rating: T
word count: 2.2k
summary: you try to keep your distance from ben after italy, but after a terrible day, there's no one else you'd rather be with. i wonder why that is...
A/N: sorry it took longer than usual to update guys, it's been a very busy week for me! this one's a bit short as well but the next will be longer. i'm so happy the prem is back and we're getting so much good ben content though, the chelsea media team is keeping us well fed (and inspired one line of this chapter lol). title is from you are in love by taylor swift 🙈
previous chapter | view all chapters
Your plan when you got back to London seemed almost foolproof at the time.
You picked up a bunch of shifts at work, more than you would ever normally take on in one week. If you’re constantly working, then that gives you 1) an excuse not to attend any more events with Ben and 2) a good distraction from the developing feelings you’re experiencing for him.
The facts are simple.
He is your best friend in the world. He most certainly doesn’t return whatever weird feelings you’re having. Nothing is going to happen.
You’re sure it’s just a weird side-effect of this fake dating you’ve been doing, but that’s just playing pretend. 
Seeing him return to his usual ways - that perhaps he never left - of sleeping with beautiful models, firmly planted you back in the real world. 
And there’s nothing that can help you snap out of your fantasy life than a double shift in an East London emergency department. 
By the end of the week, you’re burnt out, exhausted, and you’re coming off what might be the worst shift you’ve ever had. Everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong, and it takes all your energy just to make it home on the tube and get yourself up the stairs to your flat afterward.
You don’t know whether you want to cry, scream, sleep, eat, or something else entirely when you finally make it to your couch and collapse into it. 
Some time passes - you’re not sure if it’s minutes or hours - without you moving a muscle, your face buried in a pillow as you try to forget about your nightmare day. You’re snapped out of it when there’s a knock on your door. 
You’re not expecting anyone, but you reluctantly force yourself off the couch and trudge your way over to open it. 
And there stands Ben, who you haven’t seen or really spoken to except a few texts in a week and a half. Perfect.
“Ben, what are you doing here?” 
You’re aware it’s not the most polite greeting, but you don’t really have much more than that in you. 
“Are you alright?” Ben asks as soon as he has a moment to take you in, his eyes scanning your face. “You didn’t answer my call yesterday or my texts this morning, I was worried.”
Although you missed the texts because your phone was off at work and haven’t had the energy to check your messages since, you did dodge his call. 
“I’m fine, I just had a long day at work and I-“ You pause as it dawns on you what day it is, as well as the fact that Ben is dressed a bit more smartly than usual, in black trousers and a nice leather jacket. “Oh, shit. The Nike thing. I completely forgot.”
You had agreed weeks ago to attend a big flashy party for Nike as Ben’s date tonight, but as you focused all your energy on work this week it completely slipped your mind. 
“I’m sorry, just give me a few minutes to get changed and I’ll-“
“Hey, hey,” Ben says softly, stepping into your flat and closing the door behind him. “Forget about the party, is something wrong?”
You shake your head. “I just had a rough day at work.”
Ben nods, gesturing for you to go on, and something about the sincere worry in his eyes makes it impossible for you to remain closed off from him.
“We were really understaffed, and it was just one thing after another and then I lost a patient and I just-“ 
You cut yourself off as you feel that you’re about to cry, the sheer weight of your awful day and week catching up with you, but Ben can see it in the way your lip is trembling slightly and you’re avoiding eye contact with him.
“It’s alright, come here,” he says, stepping closer and pulling you into his arms before you can insist that you don’t need to be comforted. You definitely do, and there’s no better comfort on earth than Ben’s hugs. 
He holds you close against him, letting you hide your face in his chest, and you can’t resist letting out a few sobs now that he’s opened the emotional floodgates. 
“Shh, you’re okay,” Ben says so softly that it almost makes you cry harder. “I’ve got you.”
Slowly, and never breaking contact, Ben shuffles you both backward until the back of your legs hits the couch and eases you both into a seated position. He pulls you even closer so your legs are draped over his lap and your face rests in the crook of his neck, his hands slowly rubbing your back as your sobs taper off into quiet whimpers.
You can feel everything bad and stressful about today slowly leave your body with every soothing murmur and stroke of Ben’s warm hand against your back. 
He’s like an instant cure for everything wrong with the world, and it occurs to you that a big part of your terrible mood is probably the result of not seeing him for longer than usual. 
Now that you’re back in his presence, in the strong arms that have held you when you were eight and you scraped your knee falling off a bike and when you were sixteen and a boy broke your heart for the first time, you never want to leave. 
You’re no longer crying when you finally find the strength to pull away from him and look him in the eye. 
Ben releases you but keeps his hands firmly on your arms as he examines your face with worried eyes and a creased brow. 
“Are you alright?” he asks barely above a whisper. 
You nod, wiping the tears from your cheeks. “Sorry, I guess this week was just a bit overwhelming.”
“You’ve been working a lot lately, yeah?”
“Yeah, well, have to pay the bills,” you shrug, as if that’s the only reason you’ve been drowning yourself in shifts on purpose. 
You do regret the comment slightly as Ben’s mouth opens and you know what he’s going to say before he even says it. 
“Y/N, if you ever need money, you know-“
“Ben,” you interrupt. “I don’t need money, I’m fine. It was just a stressful week, but I’ve got a few days off now.”
You’ve had this dispute before, with Ben freaking out whenever you seem overworked and insisting on covering some of your expenses. You never take him up on it, obviously. You do mostly love your job and helping people, and Ben knows that. He just worries about you. 
“Alright, fine,” Ben accepts. “Now why don’t we order some food and pick something to watch?”
You blink at him in confusion. “What? What about the Nike thing?”
Ben shrugs. “I’ll skip it. No big deal.”
“Y/N, you had a shit day, you’re not going to some dumb party, and I’m not leaving you alone.”
He says it so matter-of-factly, like it’s his job to take care of you when you’re sad. Like he’s more than just your friend.
You can’t help but smile at his sincere expression, and how he’s gently rubbing your calf that’s still draped over his lap, as if you touch each other like this in private all the time. 
“I thought you said it would be a fun party?” you raise an eyebrow. “Or were you just trying to trick me into it?”
Ben laughs. “Well, it might be alright. A couple of the boys are gonna be there. But not as fun as watching a film with you.”
There it is again - that damn fluttering in your chest that is equal parts exciting and terrifying. 
Suddenly, doing anything with Ben sounds pretty good. Even a dumb party. 
“You know what, let’s go,” you say, wiping any remaining tears from your cheeks. “There’s no point in this whole fake dating thing if we don’t commit, right?”
“Are you sure?” Ben asks, frowning a bit. “We really don’t have to.”
“I’m sure. Let me go get changed.”
You get ready fairly quickly, putting on your go-to little black dress and comfiest heels, because you did just work a 12-hour day. You make your hair look presentable and apply a bit of makeup.
It’s nothing special, but the look on Ben’s face when you walk out of your bedroom says otherwise. 
The stress of your day continues to fade away to nothing as you and Ben make your way over to the party. Ben drives as they have a match Sunday so he won’t be drinking anything, and he loudly sings along to the Taylor Swift song on the radio in a clear attempt to cheer you up. It’s definitely working.
The party is a cool, lively affair at the Nike HQ. There are loads of athletes there, some that you recognize from television and some that you know through Ben. 
As you navigate the party, chatting with some Nike execs and some of Ben’s past and present teammates, Ben maintains some kind of physical touch with you. His fingers intertwined with yours as you walk in; his arm around your waist as you talk to his mates; his hand rubbing gentle circles on your lower back as you order a drink. 
You don’t know if it’s the fact that this is an event hosted by one of his biggest sponsors and he wants to play up the “man in love” thing or if he’s still trying to comfort you, but you can’t help hoping it’s the latter. 
After a while, Ben is approached by someone from Nike asking if he can do a short interview for social media. 
“Your girlfriend is welcome to join too,” the woman says nicely, flashing you a smile.
“You don’t have to,” Ben whispers in your ear, but you just shrug. 
Normally you would shy away from any press, but maybe a part of you doesn’t mind being called his girlfriend tonight.
“I’ll do it,” you say with a small smile at the interviewer. 
Ben keeps his arm protectively around your waist as the interview begins, glancing at you from time to time to make sure you’re alright.
They ask him a few questions about football before diving into the personal stuff, which you know is juicer for social media. 
“So, Ben, we see you’ve brought your lovely girlfriend Y/N here tonight,” the interviewer says. “How does she keep you grounded during the hectic football season?”
You tense a bit as you wonder what Ben is going to say, or if he’s going to be able to come up with anything on the spot, but he barely takes a second to respond.
“She’s such a calming presence in my life, really,” Ben says, squeezing your waist slightly. “She’s a nurse, so her job is infinitely harder than mine, and she still supports me emotionally whenever I hit a low point with my career. She’s…just the best person I know.”
Your heart is beating so wildly that you’re worried Ben is going to be able to tell, but you don’t have much time to stop being flustered before she’s directing a question at you.
“Y/N, I’ve heard that you two have known each other for quite some time before your relationship began,” she says. “What’s your favourite thing about Ben?”
There are a million things that come to mind right away, most of which feel too personal to share. 
You love how he takes care of the people in his life without expecting anything in return. You love how he cries every time you watch Marley and Me together, even though he’s seen it a thousand times.  You love close he is with his family and how he calls his mum every Sunday night just to chat. 
You love…
“I love how positive he is,” you say after a moment when you realize it’s taking you too long to answer. “He’s overcome a lot of adversity in his career, but he always has a smile on his face and makes everyone around him feel better by being in his presence.”
While you try to keep your answer somewhat football-related, since this is a work function, it’s also completely true.
And when Ben looks at you with that same bright smile, you think he knows that.
“Well, it seems love is in the air at Nike HQ tonight,” the interviewer swoons. “I hope you both have a nice evening, and we wish you all the best this season, Ben.”
As she leaves you standing there alone with Ben, trying to process the weight of your feelings, he turns to smile at you and tightens his grip on your waist.
When you meet his gaze and your stomach churns, you know two things for certain.
The first is that you’re in love with your best friend. It’s absolutely terrifying, due in part to the fact that you think you may have been in love with him without realizing it for a long time, but there’s no disputing it anymore.
The second is that you’re going to have to end this fake relationship before someone gets hurt. 
You just hope it’s not too late.
a/n: let me know what you thought, predictions, etc!! love chatting with all of you and your comments/asks make my day! <3 tag list: @lunamelona @kathb59 @captainwans​ @amandaaa1025 @bbygrlllllll @cinderellawithashoe​ @batmansb1tch​ @ncentic​ @myheartgoesvroom @chillymountsjess @babygirlbenji @delicateearthquakellama @joyfullyswimmingface @xxenia14 @chaotic-taco-collector-blog (let me know if you would like to be added or if i missed you!)
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mxsonxmountx · 1 year
MM x Exam Season
Word count: 804
Requested: Yes/No
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Requests: Open/Close
Bold: Mason
Italics: you
AN: I don’t go to uni so i had to look at the grades online, pls forgive me. I had this all typed out on my laptop which was supposed to be longer, then it all got deleted 🙃😭
You’ve had exams every other day for the past 2 weeks. 2 weeks you haven’t seen your boyfriend Mason, 2 weeks you haven’t seen your family. Being known as masons’ girlfriend had its pros and cons, being in the family and friends area at Chelsea every other week was the best part. Cons? Not seeing him as much as you’d like and the hate. But with both having busy schedules you both came to terms with it eventually. You had your last exam in a weeks’ time, you agreed that Mason could stay for the week since the football season is over. You was in your garden with your books and he was kick his ball up and down on the concrete, you never had an issue with it but the sound was beginning to irritate you more than you thought.
“Mase please can you stop? Just for two hours? Please? I really need to concentrate.” “But you don’t give me attention when you study. I haven’t seen my girlfriend in weeks and all she does is study when I’m around” and with that his ball smashes your laptop “y/n I’m sorry. Please forgive me” you didn’t even stay to accept his apology, you went straight to your study room, locked yourself in and screamed. You had books that you could study from, but all your notes was on your laptop... every single note you made was on there, and now it’s gone. Because of your boyfriend couldn’t wait for a couple of hours for your attention.
Before you knew it, it’s was approaching 7pm and you could smell the freshness of something cooking but you hadn’t done any shopping in weeks due to stressing over your exams. “Why have you done this? I told you I’d be okay on a coffee and red bull” “I made it because I can tell that’s all what you’ve had for the past two weeks, I’ve made you a proper home cooked stew. Just like when we was kids, what my mum used to make us both” “I’ll eat it, but after I need to study” “not until I’ve given you a bath, you need to relax. I can tell that your stress levels are through the roof. You don’t need to stress too much you’ve got the final exam and I know that you will pass it without a doubt” just those words made you cry, yes all the stress and build-up of the anxiety hasn’t helped but that just topped it off and you needed a good cry. “I know I know but it’s just all too much for me right now. I’m sorry that I haven’t been replying to your calls, or seeing you properly in the last two weeks but this is the big exam Mase” he hugged you even tighter than before “listen its okay. Once this final exam is over with, we’ll go on holiday. Just you and me. We need some time together we’ve both been stressed and struggling at the moment. We deserve it” you both stay there for a little while longer before deciding to eat.
A week later you was awake at 5am, going over your notes that you made, ready to leave for uni at 8am, for the exam to start at 9:15. You was nervous but you could just about keep your nerves to a limit. Going into the hall you felt your phone vibrate and it was a message from mason:
Mase: good luck today angel, we’re all behind you. Go make us all proud. See you soon. Love you xxxxx
You didn’t have enough time to reply but he was definitely your good luck charm. All the weeks of studying is now down to this final exam.
Roughly a month later, it was results day. You wanted everyone to be there with you but it wasn’t possible, so you and Mase decided to set up both laptops (he brought you a new one) and have a zoom call so your family, his family and the Chelsea boys could celebrate with you all at once. You would be getting the results via email, time was going slow, slower than before. Your anxiety was skyrocketing and so was your blood pressure. You kept refreshing your emails from 8:58, you was too nervous to read them out for yourself so Mason read them out for everyone.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the results are in…” “Hurry up Mase please this isn’t helping” “I can proudly say my girlfriend got a…” “It’s not higher than D1 is it?” “A1! You’ve passed baby! You’ve passed!” Everyone cheered, you couldn’t believe it, and you passed all the stress was finally worth it. “I can’t believe I did it, I passed. I’m now officially smarter than my footballer boyfriend” “watch it misses”
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klbwriting · 7 months
Not Romeo, Not Juliet
Chapter 2: Great Stage of Fools
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: bullying
Summary: Jason goes to auditions and at Dick's urging, tries to make friends, it doesn't turn out well
When we are born we cry that we are come / To this great stage of fools
               Jason had hoped to just coast through this theater class.  He would get some side part like Fortinbras or Marcellus, in fact he was auditioning for those parts, not working super hard on getting anything right, just knowing he would be in the show and have a group of people who, so far, weren’t that bad.  The other seniors, two guys and a girl, were alright and made him feel welcome as soon as he joined their row in the auditorium prior to auditions. 
               “You don’t look the theater type,” one of the guys, Jackson, said.  Jason glanced over at him and shrugged as the other guy, Matt, muttered something about Luke Evans.  “Ya, but Luke Evans is British, that’s why does theater.”
               “My guardian signed me up, thought it would help me mellow out,” Jason said, trying to make conversation.  This whole situation sucked but he might as well make the best of it, that’s what his therapist was always telling him anyway.  He was reading over the few lines he was doing for Marcellus, ignoring the eyes of the girl, Chelsea, on him. 
               “What is with the white hair?” she asked finally.  The guys stared at her.  “Do you die it like that?”
               “No, was in an accident over the summer, turned some hair white,” he said, very practiced in that response after the first couple days of school.  He was getting a little tired of it honestly and couldn’t wait until everyone just forgot about him being new.  She nodded and turned back to her book, throwing looks at him as she tried to read her lines. 
               “Jason Todd, Matt Peters,” called the theater director.  Jason and Matt stood, going to the stage.  “Ready for Marcellus and Horatio, Act 1, Scene 1, lines 70-90.”  Jason brought the script up, checked where that was and put it down.  He already knew the lines, had read Hamlet quite a few times, and didn’t want to bother holding the book.  Matt started to look nervous, still holding up the script to read.  As the scene started Jason felt himself slipping away.  He was someone else, he didn’t have to be weird, zombie, ex-vigilante Jason keeping a lid on his emotions and his anger.  He could be this guard, seeing ghosts and just trying to get by without losing him mind.  Ya, he could do that. 
               “Good now, sit down, and tell, he that knows, Why this same strict and most observant watch…” he started.  The words flowed out of him, and he found himself really getting into it.  When the scene was stopped, he stood quietly, watching Matt eye him curiously.
               “Where did you come from?” he whispered to him as they walked off the stage.  Jason shrugged.
               “Homeschool,” he answered.  He sat back in his chair, pulling out Frankenstein, and starting to read that.  He could hear the others discussing him but tried to ignore it.  Then he heard them mention someone named YN and he stilled, thinking back to the alley and her bandaging his hand.  Not the same person probably, but the name just sprung her face into his mind, and he had to shake himself to get back to the present. Weird. 
               “Hey Jason,” Chelsea called.  He looked over and saw them all facing him.  Great, ganging up on him, lovely.  “So this show is going to be in the citywide high school Shakespeare competition in December, and we were thinking of going to check out the competition, Gotham Academy is having an open mic night fundraiser for their theater program on Friday night, how about you come with us?”  Jason was about to say that sounds terrible when he thought about Dick that morning.
               “You should make some friends, it wouldn’t be so bad to have to hang out here if you invited people over,” he had said over breakfast.  “Plus, you’ve never really been allowed to have friends since you were like 10, why not make some now?”  Jason had to admit he was right, once you became Robin it was hard to be friends with anyone, you just worried about them finding out, or them getting hurt.  He wasn’t Robin anymore, he was just Jason, and that thought, being just Jason with no friends, did kind of suck.  So fine, why not?
               “Sure, what time and where we meeting?” he asked.  Matt handed him a crumbled flyer that read Gotham Academy café, Friday night, 8PM.  “Just meet you guys there?”
               “Yes, it’ll be very fun,” Chelsea said.  They were dismissed, the roles would be posted on Monday.  The other seniors walked him out where he saw Dick waiting for him at the car.  “Is that your dad?”
               “No, that’s my older brother,” he said, heading over to meet him.  Dick let him in the car and then joined him to drive.  “Keeping tabs on me, mom?”
               “Yes, I am,” Dick said honestly.  “How did auditions go?”
               “Fine, met a couple people, we’re going to some open mic night at Gotham Academy.  Something about a Shakespeare competition?” Jason said, leaning his head back to the chair. 
               “Good, friends, friends will keep you out of fights clubs,” Dick mumbled.
               “Not likely.”
               Friday rolled around and Jason was heading out when Dick handed him a tracking device.  He glared and snapped it to his leather jacket.  If he didn’t Dick would just have one implanted anyway.
               “You know that’s fucked up right?  I’m not a puppy,” Jason said, grabbing his book and wallet. 
               “I know, but you’re also prone to not being where you say you’ll be,” he said.  Jason grunted.  One time he sneaks out and suddenly he’s never going to be trustworthy again. 
               “You know, sometimes I wonder if Bruce wouldn’t be better at this,” Jason snapped.  Dick sighed, not saying anything.  Jason knew he should take it back, but he was annoyed now so he just left instead, taking the bike from the other night and heading over to Gotham Academy.  It was still warm in the late August evening and Jason didn’t really want to be inside at some café, so he was pleasantly surprised when he parked and saw chairs set up on a grassy lawn next to the school.  There was a staging area on raised pallets and several people were already seated with coolers and bags of food from local restaurants.  He felt more relaxed knowing that he wasn’t going to be confined to a closed in area with people he didn’t know and probably wouldn’t like. 
               He paid for a ticket and moved among the folding chairs, finding the others from school.  They had two coolers and pulled a water bottle for him from one.  He sat down, not sure what he actually expected.  Seeing YN walk on stage at the beginning of the show wasn’t it though. 
               “Hello everyone, and thank you for coming to our open mic night fundraiser to help fund this year’s Shakespeare competition show ‘MacBeth’,” she said and a round of applause sounded.  He looked around, seeing a decent size crowd there, more than he thought would show up for a theater program.  He clapped at first, then noticed the others weren’t.  He frowned as they shook their heads at him. 
               “What?” he asked as the first act started.  They leaned in close so no one would hear.
               “That is YN, she was runner up for best actress last year for her role in The Tempest, she lost to Amber, she graduated last year, but she also caught Amber screwing one of the judges at the afterparty and told the Gotham City theater council.  Got the award taken away.  I mean, so what if Amber wanted to make sure she would win?  She was winning anyway, YN is not talented,” Jackson explained, glaring over at YN who was sitting off the side of the stage, watching the show, checking her notes every now and then.  Jason just nodded and looked back at them. 
               “Ya, we have a great surprise for her after the show, she’s going to regret being such a bitch last year,” Chelsea said.  Jason frowned but didn’t say anything, just sat back to watch the rest of the show.  Maybe these guys were not who he wanted to be friends with after all.  He sat quietly as they headed for the final act, which was YN.
               “Thank you everyone again for coming, as MC I have the honor of the final performance and I’m taking a request from one of our freshmen ladies who really just wanted some Taylor Swift tonight,” she said.  There was a keyboard setup and she sat down at it, playing some chords to a song Jason didn’t know.  Then she was singing, and Jason wasn’t sure if he ever wanted her to stop.
He was sunshine I was midnight rain
He wanted comfortable
I wanted that pain
               Jason listened, staring at her.  He had never heard this song before, but he doubted anyone sounded as good as YN at it.  She felt these words, felt this heartbreak and Jason could feel it through her.  It was intoxicating and he wanted to talk to her, wanted to know her, wanted to make this heartbreak stop.  He didn’t realize that something was placed in his hand until he saw what the other seniors were doing.
It came like a postcard
Picture perfect, shiny family…
               The water balloon hit her square in the face, breaking and dousing her in Koolaid, the red staining the soft purple shirt she was wearing.  Two more went flying and landed on her body as she stood, eyes focusing on the group from Bludhaven Prep, narrowing at the sight of the water balloon Jason had just realized was in his hand.  He looked down at it and then at her.
               “O shit…” Matt said as YN launched off the stage, giving chase.  Jason was slow to react, diving over people as he followed the other three towards the parking lot.  She caught up to him, tackling him from behind, forearm around his throat.  He ran couple more steps before falling to his knees so he could flip her over his head as gently as he could.  She landed on the grass with an ‘oof’ and stared up at him.  She growled, turning around and getting on her knees.
               “Listen…” he said before the fist hit his face.  He reeled and grabbed her fists before she could throw another.  “Hey!  I didn’t know they were going to do that!”  She glared, looking at the bandage on his hand, the cut on his palm healing slowly, and recognition dawned on her.
               “Jason?  Really?  You’re with those assholes?” she asked.  He shook his head.  “O so you don’t go to Bludhaven prep?”
               “Well ya, I go there now,” he said.
               “And you’re in the theater program?” she asked.
               “Yes, I just auditioned a couple days ago…” he said.
               “And the first thing you do when joining them is all decide to come here and ruin my open mic night?” she asked.  Then she stared at him, remembering where he had seen her, where they met.  “Did you tell them where I live?”  He made a face, confused. 
               “No, I didn’t even know you went to Gotham Academy, I was just here because they said they wanted to check out the competition and I was trying to make friends,” he explained.  You looked around, there was a crowd slowly gathering around you two. 
               “Get out of here, and I never want to see you again,” she said, shoving him back.  He stared at her for a moment, seeing her looking around, her face shifting from humiliated, to hurt, and then, her eyes falling back on him, rage.  “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!”  In that moment he wished Dick had left him in the ground.  He knew from her eyes that he had made an enemy for life.  He ran to the parking lot, got on his bike and drove back to the penthouse, unable to get her hurt expression out of his head.    
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nicolesainz · 2 years
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Sweet Nothing (MM19)
Mason Mount x reader
Summary : Y/N is Ben Chilwell’s younger sister and they are on vacation with some of the England boys and their girlfriends. In the meantime, Y/N, will be faced with a big heartbreak, which only one man can heal
Warnings: Angst, bit swearing, and a lot bit of fluff (Author’s note : I DONT HATE MAX VERSTAPPEN. Everything is for the sake of the story)
“Okay, who wants to go clubbing?” Declan asks everyone on the group. Lauren, himself, Jack, Kai, Sophia and Ben all raise their hands.
Y/N doesn’t raise her hand, as she’s been feeling quite sick the whole day. The group is being understanding towards her.
“Y/N, should stay here and rest. If something happens, me and Lauren will come back and take care of her” Sophia says while Lauren and the boys nod in agreement
“I’m so sorry to be the buzzkill guys. I promise it’s only for tonight” she apologizes to her friends and brother for not joining their plans.
“Please don’t, we’d all do the same if we were in your position” Grealish replies giving her a sympathetic smile.
“What bout you Mase? Gonna join?” Ben asks his teammate who hadn’t replied to the vote, being too engrossed on his phone. 
Mason still didn't reply and had a blunt look on his face. 
“Earth to Mason!” Declan snapped his fingers and Mason removed his eyes from the screen, looking around to all of his friends and Y/N, who was sitting all curled up in pain. 
“What? What are we voting for?” 
“Will you come with us at the club or stay here with Y/N?” Kai asks him and his eyes immediately fall on Y/N once again. Oh his heart was aching with what he had just read and seen. 
“Not feeling like going out. I will take care of your sister, Ben. If anything happens, I will alert you” the footballer replies to all of his friends, standing up and crossing his arms.
“Sure mate? You doing alright? Seemed too worried with what you may have seen on your phone” Jack asks worryingly 
“Oh yes sorry. No, it wasn't anything. I just blacked out for a moment” he replies with a faint smile
“Alright then. Everyone go get dressed. We will meet downstairs in 45 minutes” Declan says and everyone goes back to their room. 
Before Y/N could reach her door knob, she grabs Mason by the arm firmly. She knew that something was troubling him and wanted to help however she could. 
Ever since Ben joined Chelsea, Mason had been one of the teammates that she grew really close with. They were both in a relationship by the time they met, although when Mason broke up with his girlfriend, his feelings towards Ben’s sister changed drastically. 
Whenever she would show up at the games alone, he wouldn't miss a chance of talking to her or simply be around her presence. Although when her boyfriend was with her, he solely greeted the both of them and then left. He respected that she was in a relationship and didn't want to make a move. 
“Mase, are you okay? I know you said to Jack that everything was alright, but I know you. If something is up, you can tell me. I will help you no matter what”
If he could cry at the moment, he would have. She didn't deserve what had happened to her and Mason wanted to wrap her around him and hold her forever. 
“Thank you Y/N, but I am alright. Just tired and exhausted from all the jet lag. That's all. How are you feeling? Should I bring you something?” the kind footballer replied, inching closer to her
“My stomach aches, but nothing I can't handle. I will try not to disturb you, while we are here” 
“Nonsense, you can come at me, if you need anything. Just name it and I will give it to you” he meant the last phrase both figuratively and literally. He’d do anything to make her happy. 
She gave Mason a tight hug and a soft kiss on the cheek. Sometimes she even questioned herself, why she was in a relationship with a guy that barely paid attention to her, in comparison with a guy who always makes time to check on her. 
After everyone had left, Mason was sitting in his room, reading a book, when he heard Y/N, yelling and screaming. His worst fear, had come alive.
“You’re a fucking dick Max! I gave you space and didn't attend all the races like you asked me to! Did I do anything wrong? tell me!” her eyes were full of tears and that's the first thing Mason was faced with when he burst into her room. 
Mason, a few hours ago, had seen the pictures of Max and Kelly Piquet attending the Monaco Grand Prix together and kissing in the garage. He wanted to throw up, knowing that Y/N, was in a completely different country and being cheated on by her boyfriend of 4 years. 
“It was always Red Bull first and I wasn't even a simple thought to you! I understand that work comes first, but you barely called whenever you were away!”
He didn't even want to think how long this was going on behind Y/N’s back. He knew Max had a reputation but didn't cross his mind that he'd be a cheater as well. Max had the kindest, most generous and loving girlfriend, Mason thought, and he didn't even appreciate her. 
“Go fuck around with whoever you want! I don't care anymore. Hope you enjoy your new girlfriend” she hung up and threw her phone on the bed. She turned around to look at Mason, who was speechless with what he had just witnessed. 
“What that it?” Y/N asked him still crying 
Mason couldn't reply. The words wouldn't come out of his mouth 
“That was it. What you saw on your phone. And you didn't bother to tell me anything! Wow Mase, I thought I could trust you!”
Y/N is about to leave the room when Mason slams the door close and blocks the entrance.
“Get out of the way” she says quietly
“Let me explain Y/N, please”
“Get out of the fucking way Mount” her tears keep falling but now her voice is angrier than ever
He hates seeing her like this. It pains him that he kept this secret and let her find out for herself.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I saw the way you were looking at me”
“I didn’t know if the rumors were true on not! Most of the tabloids are fake”
“Even if they were fake, which apparently they aren’t, you should have told me!”
“I know, but I didn’t want to interfere in your relationship with Max!” Mason’s voice has gone an octave higher than usual which makes her yell even more
“The problem is I want you to interfere for fucks sake!” she screams at his face
“For what possible reason?” curiosity has kicked in his brain
“Because I’m in love with you!” She blurts out loudly and once she realizes what she’s said, she shuts her mouth close with her palm
Mason stays still, frozen, trying to digest what he’s just heard. He didn’t know whether these words were real or his imagination playing with him.
The girl he’s adored over the last few years, confessed that she was in love with him.
“You love me? How? Why?” That was definitely not the answer he wanted to give her
“It’s simple Mason! I love you because you always care about me and take time to talk to me. I feel like you know me better than my own brother. There’s no how in love. I just realized that you were the person I was looking to find in Max, but failed to”
Her eyes have taken a scarlet shade which surround the green hint. Everything she said was more than true. Her heart couldn’t bare to break up with Max, but at the same time, it beat for Mason.
“The reason why I never interfered in your relationship with Max is because I loved you! I still do. I hated the idea of ruining our friendship if I confessed my feelings, while you were with another man”
Mason Mount, a beloved footballer, her brother’s teammate, and the man who she truly loved, had told her the exact words she needed to hear today.
“Whatever he couldn’t give you, I will! Whether we remain friends or become something more. Love, satisfaction, thoughtfulness, pleasure, happiness. Name it and you will have it”
Mason didn’t let her reply by pulling her body closer to his and connecting their lips into a soft kiss, which let her speechless. His warmth crawled in her heart and her consciousness finally realized that it was Mason since the very first time.
“Please don’t break my heart, Mase. I truly love you”
“I never intended on doing so darling. All I ever wanted was to fill you with happiness”
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
A bonding trip, Part 1 (Mason Mount x Reader)
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*I wrote this little enemies to lovers story for a friend who’s a big Mason fan and she has allowed me to share it with all of you now. I hope you like it as much as she did ❤️*
Part 2
Word count: 2956
“We don’t want to let you go, but we have to. There isn’t that much money invested in the women’s team and this transfer will fund half a season. I’m so sorry”.
Hearing my coach's words, I feel like crying. Why is this happening to me? I don’t want to leave Arsenal. I love this team and always have. And I certainly don’t want to go to play for Chelsea.
But I also understand the team has to sell me. I just wish a miracle could happen to prevent this transfer.
“It’s ok. Thank you for everything. I’ll miss you all”, I tell him, genuinely meaning it.
“Well, we are still in the same city. Don’t be a stranger”.
“Turn to the left…perfect. Now one smiling”.
I have been doing press stuff for Chelsea for the last hour and I’m so done with it. But I still need to do more interviews and videos for social media. 
“Oh, look who it is!”, I hear someone say so I turn to see them. “The new superstar!”
Of course, it’s Mason Mount. God, I hate him. 
“Well, the team clearly needed one. It’s not as if you could fit in that category”.
“Always a pleasure to see you”, he says, flicking my nose and making me move back.
“What are you doing here? I’m busy”.
I then notice everyone has stopped working to look at our interaction. 
“You have to do a photoshoot together”, says one of the media people.
“Why? It’s my presentation”.
Why does he have to be part of everything I do?
Mason and I have been “enemies” for a while. Both of us have always been the poster boy/girl for our clubs and national teams, which means we’ve had to spend a lot of time together in events for brands and whatnot. 
And it was on our very first event together that I realized what a douche he was. He spent the whole time ignoring me and making the whole thing about himself. And to think I had a crush on him before that…my taste needed to improve and it thankfully did.
“It’s not for your presentation, silly”, he says, laughing at me. “It’s for a few campaigns and interviews that’ll come out in a couple of weeks”.
“Amazing”, I say, making the sarcasm very clear.
A few minutes later, I’m standing next to Mason posing for more photos. 
“Blue looks good on you”, he whispers, making me frown.
“Shut up!”
And he does, shaking his head.
“So, is it nice to come to a team where you already have friends? It must be hard leaving Arsenal after so many years”, asks the journalist.
If only you knew how hard it is.
“Yes, absolutely. Some of the girls have played with me for the national team and were making sure I felt welcomed from the minute I stepped foot in Cobham. It’s really nice of them. But it will take a while to get used to picking the blue shirt instead of the red one”, I try to joke. 
“And you have Mason too”, she says.
I look at Mason, who is staring at me with a big smile on his face. He’s loving this.
“Actually, he’s really annoying but thankfully I don’t play with him so I’ll be alright”.
The journalist thinks I’m joking and starts laughing. She’s joined by Mason, but I can tell how fake his laugh is. 
By the time we are done with the interview, I’m desperate to just leave. Today has been way too long. 
“Hey, wait”, I hear Mason say when I’m about to leave to get changed.
“That, exactly that”.
“You make zero sense once again, Mount”.
“Why do you always have to be like this with me?”, he asks, as if he didn’t know. “You’re so nice to everyone but so rude to me. Even during an interview”.
“You were rude to me first”.
“Are you 5?”, he says, rolling his eyes.
Instead of answering, I just leave. It’s impossible to reason with someone like him.
“We are leaving on Monday at 8 am. Please be on time. The boys will hopefully be there by then so we can leave”, tells us Emma, after explaining the trip we’ll be doing alongside the men’s team.
“Why do we have to be on time but for them it’s hoping they are on time?”, I say. I don’t like double standards.
“Oh, they’ve actually been told we leave at 7. That’s why we’re hopeful they’ll be there by the real leaving time”.
Literal children. And…a bonding trip? Why do we behave like it’s summer camp? I just want to train.
“Stop frowning”, says Fran.
“Tell me you also find this trip ridiculous. And if it’s bonding we need to do, why are the men there?”
“I don’t know. It’s always done like this”, she shrugs. “Just don’t make it too obvious how much you hate Mount so you two aren’t paired together for literally every activity”.
The look she gives me says it all. Of course, they’ve all noticed.
8.20 am on Monday and we’re all waiting for Mount and Havertz. What a surprise!
Well, actually Havertz being late is surprising. Aren’t Germans supposed to be very punctual? I guess it’s Mason’s bad influence.
“There they are”, I hear someone say and we all lift our eyes to see the car approaching. 
I just shake my head and roll my eyes. They are still taking their time leaving the car and approaching our bus.
“Hurry up, Mount!”, I tell him when he finally makes it to the bus.
“Good morning to you too, beautiful”.
“It’d be good if I didn’t have to spend it with you”.
The coaches are coming closer to us and I see Mason smiling at me as if he has just listened to the little demon on his shoulder.
“You want to sit with me on the plane? I don’t know. I usually sit with Kai but since we’re supposed to be bonding…”.
“What are you talking…”.
“Oh, that sounds brilliant”, says Potter. Should I tell him I’m a Slytherin?
“No, he’s joking”, I say with a fake laugh. “You know our Mounty. He’s a comedian. But he wants to sit with his bestie, of course. I’ll sit with one of the girls”.
“No no no”, says Mason, putting his arm around my shoulder and making me feel very uncomfortable. “I’ll do anything to make the new star of the team feel at home”.
Will they send me back to Arsenal if I punch him?
“You are going to spend the whole camp fighting, aren’t you?”, asks Pernille when we’re on the bus. But she doesn’t look annoyed. She looks amused.
“I’ll ignore him and hope he ignores me too”.
“I think he likes you”, she says.
“Well, even if he did”, which he doesn’t, “...not interested”.
Thankfully, the conversation is interrupted by others players asking if we want to play Uno to kill some time. And so that’s what we do.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Mason sitting next to Kai and looking at something on their iPad. They keep on laughing every couple of seconds. God knows what childish thing they are watching.
“Emma, honestly. I rather sit with the girls”.
I’m trying really hard to avoid sitting with Mason for two whole hours, but nothing I say is convincing her.
“It’s a bonding trip. If someone needs to bond, it’s you two”.
I guess they all have really noticed what’s going on. Great.
“Hello, travel buddy”.
I close my eyes and sigh when I hear his voice.
“I want a coffee”, I say.
“No one is stopping you from having one”, answers Mason, confused.
“Get me a coffee. If you want to sit next to me, get me a coffee. And a toastie. And a muffin. And maybe a smoothie. Check if they have any with blueberries”.
“You’re serious”.
“I don’t joke when muffins are involved, Mount”, I say, giving him a 20-pound note. “Get yourself some sweeties too”.
I can see him staring at the money in his hand and then he just leaves and walks to the nearest Starbucks. I actually can’t believe he’s going to buy me food. I was just trying to make him uncomfortable so he would leave me alone.
“We’re going to board now. You coming?”
But I don’t know whether I should wait for Mason or not. I can’t believe I feel bad about leaving him behind. 
“Here you go, bestie”, he says, passing me the cup of coffee and putting a bag on the floor next to me.
And because I don’t really know how I’m feeling right now but I do know he’s making me uncomfortable again, I just take the bag and start eating. Even though I’m not really hungry.
After taking a couple of bites of my toastie, I hear a weird noise. What was that?
And then I hear it again.
“Mount? Is that your stomach?”
“Eh…yeah. I didn’t have breakfast today”.
“Why didn’t you get something for you when you were at the coffee place?”
“I don’t know”, he shrugs.
“Here”, I tell him, cutting the toastie in half and giving him the bit I didn’t bite on.
“You don’t have to. It’s your breakfast”.
“I’m not even that hungry”.
“Then why did you make me buy all of that for you?”, he asks.
“I don’t know”, I say, shrugging and copying his expression from before, which makes him smile.
He takes the toastie and devours it in no time. He really was hungry.
So when I take the muffin, I do the same.
"You don't…".
"Just take it", I say, eating my half of the muffin quickly so I can get my Kindle out and do some reading.
Mason eats the muffin just as fast as he ate the toastie and starts to look at what I'm doing.
"What kind of iPad is that?", he asks, moving closer so he can read what's on my screen.
"It's not an iPad, it's a Kindle. You know? To read books".
"I don't read".
"I'm not surprised by that fact", I say under my breath.
"Maybe you can read to me so I fall asleep. You have such a soothing voice".
That makes me choke on the coffee I'm trying to finish.
"I have a what?"
My voice can be described by many adjectives but I don't think soothing is one most people will use.
"Yes", he says, feigning seriousness. "I love it. But I'm still wondering when it's that I like it better. When you call me an asshole or when you order me around?"
I have to turn around so he doesn't see my smile.
"I never called you an asshole", I say.
"You said it with your eyes".
"Oh yeah? Were my eyes soothing too?"
"No, they are just beautiful".
This…I don't know how to do this. Whatever this is.
"Well, I'll use them to read now".
And the conversation is over.
By the time we are about to land in Scotland, I've managed to make a lot of progress with my book. I love a good thriller.
And Mason…well, he did fall asleep. But didn't need me to read to him in order to do that. 
Every time I turned to look to the left, I saw his head getting closer to my shoulder. Until it found its destination. 
I couldn't help but look at him. He was definitely prettier when he was asleep. The less he talks, the better. 
"Sir, we are going to land", tells him a flight attendant and that finally wakes him up.
"Oh, yes. Sorry".
It's then he notices me.
"It's ok. At least you didn't drool".
He laughs and keeps staring at me. I'm not usually a fan of people doing that. And it's especially weirder when Mason does it. The way he looks at people is so…intense.
"You need to fasten your seatbelt", I say and turn to busy myself putting everything back in my bag.
When we reach the place we'll be staying at, I'm lost for words. It really is a camp.
"Is this a joke?", I ask, not being able to stop my shock.
"What? It's fun!", says Azpilicueta.
"I'm actually shocked that you primadonnas can stay in this type of place without throwing a tantrum. I love camping".
“You aren’t worried about Jason coming out of the woods to murder us all?”, laughs Fran.
“No, she’s got enough dealing with Mason. No need for a Jason”, jokes Kai, making everyone laugh.
Everyone but me. I just leave them there and go find my cabin. I’m tired and I want to get changed.
“Ignore them. They just love to always take the piss out of each other”, tells me Emma while she walks towards the cabin with me.
“Oh, I don’t care. I’ll just stay with the girls most of the time anyways, since Connor isn’t here”.
“Are you friends with him? I didn’t know”.
“I am. We actually met years ago and became quite close”.
I was actually hoping to be able to do a bit of catching up with him, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
“He’ll be here in a couple of days”.
“Really?”, I say, happy to know that. “I thought he was missing the whole camp because of his injury”.
“No, he’ll join you soon”.
Once we leave our cabins, I feel the need to explore right away. But the team is allowing some free time for everyone to settle here and no one wants to come with me. So I go by myself.
I don’t dare go inside the woods, since I’m not familiar with this place yet but I go around it, enjoying the stunning views. Wifi doesn’t seem to work well here, or at all, but the camera doesn’t need any Internet to take photos. So that’s what I do. The place is truly breathtaking.
While I’m focusing on getting the right angle for a photo, I notice something moving. Was that an animal? They didn’t tell us about dangerous animals being around but one can never be too sure.
But then the animal gets closer and I see it’s a very dangerous one. One called Mason Mount.
“Are you following me?”, I ask.
“You think too highly of yourself. Why would I follow you?”
“To murder me?”
“It’s should be me who worries”, he says, sitting next to me. “I don’t hate you. You hate me”.
“I don’t…hate you”.
“You do a pretty good hating me impersonation then”.
I sigh and shake my head. He just doesn’t get it.
“Mason. I just don’t like people like you. When we first met you were so arrogant. Every question we both got was answered by you. You ignored me completely”.
“I did?”, and when he turns to look at him, he seems genuinely confused.
“You don’t remember that day?”
“No, I do remember that day. But I didn’t ignore you. I was…intimidated by you”.
“I was intimidated by you”, I say, annoyed at the misunderstanding that took place.
“Then we are both stupid”.
“Yes, but you are more stupid than me”.
I get up to look at one of the trees in front of us. The leaves are so beautiful.
“Do you want me to take a picture of you?”, asks Mason.
“With the tree. I can take pretty good photos you know”.
I give him my phone and go back to the tree.
“Smile”, he says, and I do. “Look at you smiling at me. Miracles in Scotland!”
When we are walking back to the camp, I feel…strange. It’s nice to sort of have fixed things with Mason but it also confuses me. I’ve always felt conflicted by the mixed feelings I have whenever he is around. 
And even though our attitude has definitely changed, we still are paired together for every single activity, which doesn’t help.
We are taught how to shoot an arrow and I end up pretending I don’t already know how to do it. Mason, of course, thinks he already knows how to because he is Mason Mount and he knows how to do everything. But instead of being snarky, I let him think that. And I let him “teach” me because I guess it’s quite nice to have him so close to me.
When it rains, we are taken inside to do a painting class. And we have to paint a portrait of our partner. My one is actually pretty decent but Mason’s is…it’s a portrait. Of me? I’m not sure. The face he did doesn’t look particularly human but maybe he’s an abstract artist.
What I do know is that by the time I go back to my cabin, I have smudges of paint all over my chin from the times he touched it to move my face and get a better look at it. Judging by the final result, it wasn’t very helpful. But I also let him do it because I guess it was quite nice to feel his fingers caressing my face.
On day 2, we are finally going to the woods. I cannot wait!
Mason is my partner, again. And the girls won’t stop joking during breakfast about how friendly we looked yesterday. 
“Didn’t you want us to get on well? Well, I’m trying”.
“Yes”, says Fran, “you seem to be suffering a lot with the effort made”.
But I just ignore them and get ready for the day, making sure I have my camera with me. Today is going to be such a great day.
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Could you do a Joao angst/fluff where like he comes home after the fanchats he got (look up if u don’t know) and he comes home all sad and reader comforts him and it’s all sappy🤭🤭 Thanks love❤️
WC: 1.8k Life has been tough recently with Joao coming back from loan at Chelsea and not feeling welcome at all back at Atletico. It's been awful watching Joao dread going to training every morning and coming back so upset but there is nothing I can do to change anything which makes things even harder. Throughout preseason Joao hasn't played a single minute and he's been publicly told that he isn't in the teams plan and he needs to earn a spot if he ever wants to play which we both know won't happen. Joao hasn't helped his situation by saying he wants to play at Barcelona which looks unlikely but anything can happen in the transfer window. 
Today brings with it the first match of the season and all day Joao has been moping around the house and I've been trying to cheer him up but nothing seems to be working. We went on a walk with floki this morning which usually helps clear Joao's mind but today it didn't he was just as quiet and downbeat as before. I even tried to get him to bake with me as he loves that but he turned me down straight away so I gave up on trying to distract him and just let him mope around the house. Over the course of the summer Joao has been extra clingy it's like he's been hanging onto me in order to feel some sense of security which makes me want to cry just thinking about it. He's been the exact same way today, since we woke up he's been to touching me in some way which has mostly been cuddling on the sofa which his head on my chest. 
When it came to the time that Joao had to leave he really didn't want to go but we both knew he had to so we said long goodbye to each other before Joao made his way to the stadium. He told me not to go to this game even though the team are playing at home as he's well aware that he's not going to get any minutes and he doesn't want me to be there to watch him just sit on the bench. I considered going anyway as I want to show my support but I chose not to in the end as I want to respect what Joao wants plus I think I'd cry if I had to see him sat there the entire game just wishing he could play. 
Throughout the build up to the game Joao was texting me and sending me pictures with him and his teammates as he still gets on really well with a few of them. In return I was sending him pictures of me cuddled up on the sofa and some of me in his jersey as I know he'll like that. The texts stopped when kick off came around and I turned the tv on to watch as Joao is still part of the team and I like to see them do well. The game went really well with the team scoring 3 goals although they did concede 1 but a win is still a win. 
After the match finished I went to change and do my skincare leaving the tv on while I did so like I always do as they often interview the players after the game and I'm used to waiting to see if they speak to Joao. When I came back they had a camera on the pitch which showed Joao training on the pitch which at first made me smile but then I got closer to the tv and heard what was going on. At first I thought I was hearing things but I quickly realised that the fans were actually chanting those horrible things at him. It made me so mad as he's still human and he's still part of their club but these fans have decided they can say those awful things about him just because they think he no longer belongs. The anger soon dissipated and turned into sadness and worry as I know Joao is going to come back super upset and just feeling incredibly down and I want to be there for him and try and make him feel better. 
The wait for Joao to get home felt like eternity but eventually I saw the headlights of his car come through the windows at the front of the house. As soon as I heard the door begin to open I sprung up from the sofa and ran and jumped into Joao's arms which luckily he saw coming and caught me so I didn't fall on the floor. While I was in his arms I gave him lots of kisses all over his face before kissing his lips to show him lots of love as I know that's what he needs right now. As I went to pull away from the kiss he pulled me right back in for another kiss which I was happy to go along with. When we finally both pulled away Joao walked to the sofa with me still in his arms and got us situated so we were laying next to each other under the blanket I had earlier. Just as I was about to ask Joao how he was doing I looked into his eyes and all of a sudden tears began flowing down his face. 
"Oh baby it's ok let all of your feelings out" I said laying his head on my chest and beginning to wipe his tears 
"No one wants me" he sobs 
"You know thats not true Joao you were loved at Chelsea it just wasn't meant to be and I'm sure Barcelona would love to have you if they had the money plus I very much want you around" I said trying to comfort him
"Even the fans hate me y/n how can I keep going to training knowing they everyone around me doesn't want me there" he said 
"Those people aren't true fans any true fans wouldn't do that no matter what and you know your teammates like you I can see your phone blowing up with texts from them asking if you are doing ok" I said 
"I know things are tough right now but I'm here for you and I will continue to be here no matter what" I added 
"Thank you love I'm sorry for being so miserable having you here has made all of this bearable" he said 
"You don't need to apologise I understand it's hard and I'll do anything I can to help" I told him
This time he didn't say anything else he simply just kissed the part of my neck that he could reach from his position. As much as I loved having him resting on my chest I had an idea of how to cheer him up that required me to get up so I let him cuddle with me a bit more before I told him to get comfy in our bed and I'd meet him there. Once he was gone I headed to the kitchen and to the freezer where I knew we had Joao's favourite ice cream. Usually he won't eat ice cream during the season as he's supposed to stick to his diet but ice cream always makes me feel better and I'm hoping I can convince him that the same will go for him. I got myself some ice cream as well because I think I need some too before heading to the bedroom with my two bowls. 
Joao was waiting for me patiently sat in bed just looking at the door but a slight smile appeared on his face once I entered the room. His expression then turned to confusion when he noticed the bowls in my hands that was until I gave him his bowl which he tried to give back to me straight away telling me he can't break his diet. Eventually I managed to convince him that it was ok to break his diet this once and that I wouldn't tell anyone which was enough for him to decide to enjoy some ice cream with me. While we were eating I put Joao's favourite show on which he's watched a million times before but he is always telling me he could never get sick of it and I thought he would enjoy watching a few episodes. 
He wanted to cuddle with me again so he settled in again with his head on my chest but this time he had his arms fully wrapped around me so we could be as close together as physically possible. Naturally one of my hands went to play with his hair which was a bit of a mess but I absolutely love it like that so it didn't stop me running my hands through it and scratching his scalp which he really enjoys. As we were laying together I couldn't help but let my mind drift to some of my favourite memories I have with Joao including some from recently which was just a reminder that even during hard times life offers beautiful moments. 
"Joao do you remember the first time we went to Portugal together and you showed me the sunset on the beach?" I asked
"Yeah why?" He questioned 
"No real reason I was just reminiscing and I love that memory it was such a lovely day and that just topped it off" I said 
"I loved that day too you looked so pretty in the dimming light I just couldn't get over how I found someone so perfect" he said 
"Little things like that always stick in my mind like the other day when we sat outside together just looking at the stars trying to name them even though we both know nothing about astrology" I laughed 
"I think our names were better anyway" he smiled 
"You know things like that always remind me that even though things are tough right now we still have each other and we can still create good memories which make everything just that little bit better" I said 
"You're right love no matter what's going on and how hard it is having you to help me through it really does make everything so much easier I don't know what I do without you to remind me of what's important in life" he said 
I could tell he was feeling much better about life after that as the light was back in his eyes and the smile on his face was no longer forced. Instead of focusing on all the stress in our lives he was looking at all of the good things instead which is exactly what I was aiming for as Joao just needed a new outlook on things to make life that little bit better. 
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wardingoffevil · 2 years
Bobby McKenzie as a Dad
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Omg this is one of my favorites! Bobby as a dad gives me brain rot. Fatherhood was meant for Bobby. I wanted to save him for last but I couldn’t wait. I finally finished this
Note: Please don’t attack me if we have differing opinions. Be respectful or don’t interact.
🧁 It was a rollercoaster ride for Bobby when his kids were born. He definitely tried to get the mom, nurses, and doctors to laugh while putting on the gown, gloves, mask, and wrapping a stethoscope around his neck. He may have tried to lighten the mood but inside he was a nervous wreck. Bobby’s a crier. He sobbed for each birth. Full on ugly crying.
🧁 Bobby wants a lot of kids, I’d say about 3-4, if not more than that. It doesn’t matter if they’re all girls, all boys, even number of both, odd number of both, he’s happy regardless. A baby around his chest, a toddler wrapped around his left leg, a seven year old putting icing on the fresh cupcakes out of the oven—that sort of chaos is Bobby’s bliss.
🧁 All of Bobby’s kids inherited his pretty freckles.
🧁 There’s no Bobby as a girl dad or a boy dad—he’s the same dad to all his kids: energetic, lovable, silly, and supportive. He’s just happy to be a dad. Period.
🧁 Bobby is the child-at-heart type of father. The type of father that loves to see his kids use their imagination, their creativity. The type of father that doesn’t see “weird” or “eccentric” kids. He sees children being children. He may be an adult, but his childlike sense of wonder and curiosity still flows through his veins.
🧁 Bobby’s eldest daughter’s named Paisley.
🧁 Chelsea designed the nurseries. Bobby helped a lot with ideas and quirks. They’re an amazing interior design team and Bobby thinks he may have a future in it if his bakery fails (it won’t).
🧁 Bobby has no problem at all checking on the baby during the night. He knows the drill. Even if he gets home late, even if he has to be up in three hours. He’s making sure his children are alright.
🧁 He named cupcakes after his children at his bakery.
🧁 Nap time isn’t just for kids in the McKenzie house. Bobby likes to join in because it gives him an excuse to watch cartoons and nap.
🧁 Bobby calls Gary a lot asking him for advice, telling him what curse word he taught his toddler to say, planning their next “dad’s day”, etc. They were best mates in the villa and it remained the same outside the villa. If they’re not texting, they’re FaceTiming.
🧁 You’re insane if you think each of his kids don’t get their own unique boops from him, complete with sounds.
🧁 Bobby makes all the kids’ lunches every day before school. Something different every day, too. Complete with a cupcake/cookie and a smiley face Post-It note from dad.
🧁 There’s always some kind of music playing in this house at all times, the genre varies from day to day.
🧁 Bobby sings “You Are My Sunshine” to his kids. With a guitar or without.
🧁 Bedtime stories are reserved only for Bobby. Sometimes he’ll read their favorite books, sometimes he makes the story up on the spot. But his favorite story to tell is “The Adventures of LongBob Cupcake.” He tells the kids that it’s based on true events.
🧁 The McKenzie’s (including his parents and sister) do go to Jamaica, once a year, to visit Bobby’s nan. Everyone looks forward to it.
🧁 Bobby never gets mad at his kids for throwing parties while he’s gone. All he cares about is the kitchen not getting trashed.
🧁 Bobby’s another loud and proud dad that attends every single activity for his kids. Definitely can hear him shouting over all the other dads, and he’s always front row center when taking videos. His social media accounts are flooded with his kids’ things.
🧁 Gary, Rahim, and Noah still hang out with Bobby. Bobby loves when everyone comes to visit because it gives him an excuse to bake and to try new recipes out on them. Gary eats anything, so really he tests the recipes on Rahim and Noah.
🧁 Bobby is the father that every kid dreams of having. He’s so loving, so accepting, so supportive of his children. He is never NOT proud of them.
There are so many Bobby pages on here that are amazing, but one in particular sticks out the most: @ravenadottir (currently on hiatus), and it can be found here. There’s all sorts of information/route guides/headcanons for Bobby. She even has an amazing fic for him as well (Paisley Cuddle is a must-read if you haven’t yet). 🖤
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