#(have studied so much and theres still more to do; courage needed)
cygnusxxii · 1 year
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pandorascrush · 1 year
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PAIRING: jake x neytiri and eventual jake x oc
TW: Mentions of death, mentions of dying planet, and mentions of sadness :(
SUMMARY: Esperanza Chacón is Trudy’s younger sister who finds herself on Pandora after some unexpected news. Who knew that her decision to leave Earth to go find her sister would change her life forever.
WARNINGS: This is sort of a slow burn to begin with, I want Esperanza as a character to have more backstory and depth to her. I also want this for Trudy because all we really got were glimpses of her but I feel like there was so much potential in Trudy as a character. This is eventual Jake x OC. I love me some Neytiri but for this story it’ll be a different route. All the children still exist though! It will go from 1st person to 3rd person POV a lot. Sorry if it starts off a bit slow but I want some depth. Please enjoy and leave some feedback!!!
NOTES: QUICK LITTLE EDIT. After reading this chapter and editing the next I just realized theres a song that would fit perfectly with the emotions that'll be exposed her and the coming chapters. I'll add it in a link below so ya'll can click it and listen to the song at the same time as you read this chapter! The song is On the Nature of Daylight by Max Richter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVN1B-tUpgs ENJOY! <3
My life on Earth was far from perfect, in fact it came with many obstacles along the way. From the planet dying, to people and corporations fighting over natural resources, people would think life on Earth was hell. Many people gave up on fighting for the planet when they realized we didn't have much time left on earth at the rate things were going. But I didn't, every chance I had at seeing Earth’s beauty and resilience I took. It was our planet and home, how could we just give up. But of course not everyone believed or thought the same way I did.
“Okay so what is it that you want to be again, or do?” My sister asks me for what seems to be the hundredth time.
“I already told you, I'm studying plant biology and botanical science along with earth science.” 
“But what is the point of that if Earth is dying?” All I could do was just stare at her in disbelief.
“Damn Trudy, have faith in the fact that there’s people like me trying to find a way to help.”
“Sorry sis, but we’re fucked.” She says while holding in a giggle.
It was moments like these that I cherish, this is the last time we’ll be together before she gets shipped off to Pandora, a whole nother planet, moon actually. I take a moment to muster up the courage to ask the next question that I've been avoiding to ask.
“So…how long are you going to leave me for?” I ask Trudy hesitantly. All she does is look around avoiding my eyes and I do the same. I know the answer will be one I don’t like but I need to hear it in order to try and accept it. Accept the fact that I'll be alone.
“Only for five years, no biggie.” She says trying to alleviate the gravity of the situation.
“Yea five years, with six years to arrive and come back from there. Sure Trudy no biggie.”
“Come on Esperanza don’t do that. Don’t get mad, I want to leave on a good note.” She says while holding my hands in hers. I look at her and any anger I feel gets replaced with sadness.
“I know I'm sorry, but it’s just hard you know. Now I'll really be alone.” And that’s when I see the worry in her eyes and regret. But before she gets the chance to rethink her life choices I interrupt her.
“But it’s okay! Don’t worry I'll be fine, I'm a big girl now. Plus before you know it fifteen years will fly by.” I say while faking a smile.
“More like seventeen.” 
“Doesn't matter as long as you come back.” I tell her while flashing a smile. All we could do was laugh and hug each other until our arms started getting sore from hugging.
“I love you little sis, i’ll ALWAYS come back to you.” She told me reassuringly.
“I know you will.” Is all I can muster up while giving her a smile.
It starts off with a faint buzzing sound in my ears. It’s a steady beat that seems to get stronger as the seconds pass by. I start to hear a strong thumping sound fill my ears and somehow it starts to overwhelm my senses. And that’s when I feel it, the cold air on my skin, and a bright light being forced in front of my eyes. I start to put my hand up to cover them but my body feels as if it was run over by a truck. It feels heavy and like an outer body experience, I'm not entirely sure if it's me moving my body or someone else. My eyes start to squint open and that’s when I see them.
On one side, there is a human man who seems to be dressed as a doctor. He has dark brown curly hair along with a beard and is wearing glasses. On the other side a na’vi man. Of course I knew they were indigenous to Pandora, but I never knew I would get to see one. But he doesn't look like a regular na’vi, his nose resembles that of a human's nose and he has eyebrows. From the small amount of knowledge I learned thanks to Trudy, the na’vi don't have any facial hair, especially eyebrows. The longer I stare the more I seem to notice that the human man seems smaller than the other man. In fact, he seemed smaller than me which is strange given I’m 5’7 and he seems about 6’0.
As I go to shield my eyes, that's when I see it. A giant blue hand, my giant blue hand. I look down at the rest of myself and I feel as if my world has made a complete 180. Gone are the legs of a human woman, now it’s those of a na’vi woman. And that’s when I feel it, a burning in my eyes and a panic in my chest.
I don’t understand anything at all. I start to panic and I feel the room closing in on me. I can hear my heart beat on the monitor going a million beats per minute. I hear the men yelling around and at me but it’s all just a blur. I’m too confused to understand and it feels as if it's the first time being in my body ever. I don’t even notice the moment I get up to stand.
One minute I’m sitting up and looking around panicking and the next I’m running to who knows where. I just needed to get up and go, the only thing on my mind was finding Trudy. It’s the whole reason why I gave up my life on Earth. To come find Trudy and potentially save her from the sickness the RDA told me she had. It’s while I'm running that I finally notice my size. Running on wobbly legs and taking unsure steps, it reminds me of those videos I once saw of baby giraffes getting up to walk as soon as they were born, before they went extinct. Running got easier with each step I took, it was the trying not to step on humans that was hard.
I barely even made it to the door of wherever we were when I was tackled. I look up to see two blue men trying to hold me down all the while yelling at me to calm down. I don’t know where it came from but I feel a hiss work it’s way out of my throat and I bare my teeth as if it was a natural reaction to being grabbed against my will. It’s when I see their panicked faces that it all starts to dawn on me.
I’m no longer me. I’m in a blue body, on a strange planet alone. I came here for my sister but I don’t even see her, I see these strange men who I have no idea who they are or what they want. A million thoughts are running through my head, and none of them are positive or reassuring. I just want my sister. Not seeing her is just filling me up with worry.
That’s when I feel the sharp jab in my arm while I’m thinking. It just felt like a light pinch, but I still felt it either way. The physical pain momentarily distracted me from my emotional and mental pain. I start to feel my body lose consciousness again and now all I feel is anger. Anger at these men holding me down. Anger at the fact that I’m blue for some reason. And anger at the fact that I don’t see my sister.That’s the last thing on my mind as I drift off into the darkness.
Jake walks into the lab and immediately walks towards Norm. He came to the lab as soon as Norm informed him that the last avatar woke up. It was still a mystery to him as to why she just didn't seem to wake up. Or want to wake up for that fact. Norm starts telling him of how you tried running off just like Jake had when he awoke in his avatar body. It felt like dejavú all over again for Norm and Jake. He can only stifle a chuckle before he realizes what this means.
This means that when you wake up again you’ll realize that your life as it was is gone. And that’s when it dawned on him, you were utterly and completely alone on a strange planet just like he was at the beginning. How would they be able to explain to you that Trudy has been dead for nearly seven years. They found out as soon as you had arrived who you were, but not the reason behind why you were there.
“So who’s gonna be the one to tell her?” Norm asks, he too realized what this meant.
“You know I can’t stay here for too long Norm, my duties as a chief won’t allow me to.” At this Norm lets out a groan.
“Fine but if she comes after me or hurts me, I’m coming after you, chief.” Norm called after Jake as he walked away to go back to his family.
All Jake could do was walk away and try not to think about how you’ll react. In the back of his head all he could feel was guilt. He knows it wasn't his fault and that it was Trudy’s decision to join the fight but he couldn’t help it. Ever since becoming a father and chief six years ago, he feels a sense of responsibility for everyone. He’s responsible for his family and clan, and now he feels a sense of responsibility over you. He was the reason as to why when you wake up you’ll have no one to greet you. Your sister won’t be there to reassure you or comfort you. But he had to push that to the back of his mind and go back to his clan. He just knew that he had to prepare Neytiri and Mo’at at least for the coming storm that you would be. If you were anything like Trudy, he knew he had to be ready.
Life as he knows it was about to change for you. 
OKAY THERE IT IS GUYS! Here is the very first chapter of LIFE FINDS A WAY. I can't wait to keep writing the rest. I'll probably upload once a week, twice if I really can't help myself. I'm just in love with the ideas I have for this story and where it's going. Even if only one person decides that this story is worth their time, i'll keep writing. I'll make sure to create a master list as well and organize everything on my page as well. Also that is my face claim for Esperanza, it's literally the face of Neytiri and Trudy morphed because I just found this way the easiest to do. Any feedback ya'll decide to leave will be amazing and appreciated. Love ya, TOODLES <3
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thetrashppl · 8 months
heyo fam i wish i had the courage to ask off anon BUT anyway. How do you get so fast at art other than the fact that you'll die if you spend more than 10 mins?
i dont know tbh, and to be fair my art is like. super sketchy and unrendered and full of lines that dont need to be there lmao
i've just drawn a lot all my life as a form of escapism ig and depending on the season i'll draw more to escape and less to learn or do something 'pretty'. rn im also not doing much of anything else at the moment so i got a lot of time in my hands to just draw and draw
but i think the answer is the same as always, just lots of practice. there's also stuff i draw way faster than other stuff, like smug cartoony faces pfrt cause theres a structure i have memorized and can warp and modify depending on whati need at the moment. i think the best thing u can do is find something that motivates u and draw it a lot cause believe it or not it helps A LOT to loosen ur lines and learn stuff as u go while fully motivated even if it's the same subject. sometimes ill try to jump straight into a full body sketch and it will just not work. if i warm up for an hour or so just drawing busts while listening to music ill suddenly find myself in the zone and i'll be able to get the full body drawing done much easier
i have lost all practice but i rmmbr learning to better draw layered clothes and learning to organize comic pages and studying how to draw robot like shit just because i loved timothy lawrence and wanted to draw a lot of stuff of him and my oc together. it evolved the way i understood faces and still hold that knowledge to this day
hopefully any of this works out for u. also look at other artists' work for inspiration and motivation, never to compare urself! i miss the days i went to art classes cause wow THAT was absolutely motivating. the feedback and fun you can have just drawing stuff with and for other people can also help u see ur art in a much brighter light. makes it fun to learn and evolve
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kageyuji · 3 years
shortening his name except he thinks you called him another guy’s name
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⤷ oikawa, bokuto, atsumu, suna, mattsun ; [gn!reader]
GENRE/WARNINGS: comfort(?), angst if you squint hard enough, mild swearing
NOTES: i will literally offer my hand in marriage if you reblog. and thank you to @/sugawaaras for giving me the idea for mattsun’s <33
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even though he tried to be confident, in reality, his self confidence sat on a throne built from things he told himself in the mirror and compliments he never believed
so its not a surprise that his first reaction just... isn’t one. he’ll stop and replay it over and over again in his head to make sure he’d heard you correctly
and then his heart breaks — it actually hurts him, makes him feel like he can’t breath, and before he even knows it theres tears in his eyes
of course, he knows you’re never supposed to let the reason you’re crying see you crying
so he attempts to act like he’s more annoyed than that he just had his heart just obliterated
it’s not a secret though. through the pain in his eyes, anyone can see the shattered remnants of what was once his heart
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“ru, can you grab my phone for me?” you called to your boyfriend from the couch, remembering that you’d left your phone in the other room.
it was quiet for a moment; not long enough for you to ask if he was okay, but long enough that the silence was odd. you heard heavy footfalls again, then saw oikawa standing just inside the room with a clear look of betrayal on his face.
“what?” you asked him, wondering if he was kidding around. you hadn’t done anything, there was no reason why he’d actually be upset with you.
as he stepped closer to you, you could see the tears whelling up in his eyes, and you were left to wonder what was wrong.
“what’s wrong? tooru, hey, are you ok?” your voice was much softer when you spoke this time. your heart dropped when you saw him step back at your step forward.
“so now you can call me by my name?” you think his voice was meant to be low and hostile, but in his struggle not to cry it came out strangled and cracked.
“what did... do you mean ‘ru?”
“yes! who the hell is that? if you wanted to-“
“no no, babe, your name is tooru. the last syllable of your name is ru. it’s just a shortening of your name, not someone else’s.”
you watched his lips form a smile and he let out something like a laugh, seemingly at his own confusion, and then the tears finally fell.
he’d walked into your arms soon after, with his arms wrapped tightly around you and his face buried in the crook of your neck
“sorry... sorry for not trust- trusting you, i just-” his sentence was cut through with sharp breaths and hiccups, and then finally stopped with your own voice.
“it’s alright, i didn’t mean to scare you. we can cuddle if you want, hm?”
he was already struggling to keep himself from fully breaking down. but when one of your hands came up to pet his hair, a whine left him — you think it was supposed to be an ‘mhm’ to your offer — and his hands gripped tightly at your shirt, his arms around you getting tighter.
he doesn’t miss a beat, immediately looking up at you to wonder if he’d heard you correctly
it’s just a small spike of anxiety at first, but the more he lets the foreign name resonate with him, the more it makes him worry
he has to build up the courage to ask you who the other guy is, because he can’t do it right away, he’s way too nervous
he looks so sad as well, puppy dog eyes looking at you, seemingly just slightly worried
unbeknownst to you, his heart is pounding in is chest and with each passing second, it runs the risk of shattering
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“‘taro!” your voice was a giggle as he left little kisses all over you. they weren’t nearly enough to leave hickeys, just little pecks across your face, your neck, your chest.
as soon as the name left your lips though, he stopped, golden eyes snapping up to look at you with a pain you’d never seen in them before.
you could tell he was definitely upset about something, but you had no idea what it could be. hell, the way he looked at you, it was almost as though you were the reason.
of course, you were unaware that bokuto’s first thoughts went to rintaro, middle blocker from the famed inarizaki. suddenly he was thinking of every time you’d ever spoken about the team, said how many fan girls they had, how many games they’d won.
he wanted to say something. he really wanted to ask what you’d meant. but the words seemed caught in his throat.
it wasn’t long before he couldn’t take it though, and he pushed the words out, despite the alarms going off in his head and his heart immediately jumping to his throat.
“who is ‘taro?” you didnt think you’d ever heard him sound so small. so timid, so close to his voice cracking with the tears he was holding back, so... scared.
“you? who else? i can call you kou if you’d prefer that though. you don’t have to look so upset.”
bokuto smiled then, relaxing the weight on his arms enough so he was on top of you. he supported himself enough not to crush you, but there was nothing more he wanted in the world right now than to be held by you.
he liked to consider himself a tough guy. he liked to.
but there were times whenever his support fell, leaving his world to crumble in his hands, slipping through his fingers no matter how hard he tried to hold it all together
and when thought he heard a guy’s name that isn’t his own come from you, it felt just like one of those times
he was asking what you’d meant before his mind could even properly register your words
and by that point he didn’t care enough to replay the name in his head, his mind already caught up looking for the things he’d done wrong, the things he hadn’t done.
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“oh, ‘umi, if you want to we can go to th-”
“what the hell?”
it surprised you how much venom laced his words, despite the fact that you’d done nothing wrong. the thought that he was being sarcastic or joking with you crossed your mind, but atsumu wasn’t exactly the best actor.
he couldn’t fake the look on his face, couldn’t fake how his heart had seemingly stopped just from the look in his eyes.
“what do you mean?” your voice was soft when you spoke now, no longer so nonchalant.
he lips pressed into a thin line and he set his jaw in frustration. it took him taking a deep breath to finally say, “you called me ‘omi.’ if you like-”
“no, i heard you, you called me omi. if- if theres...” he never finished his sentence. there was already a lump in his throat and he knew that if he were to say anything more, he’d cry.
“no, no. i called you umi. like your name just a little bit different.”
his face was drawn in a look on confusion. his eyes studied you, trying to look for any sign of you lying. but he trusted you, of course he trusted you.
he came over to hug you, his arms wrapped tightly around you. you heard him sniff, but you knew he’d deny crying if you asked him.
“i love you,” his voice made him sound so small, it was a level of weak and vulnerable you’d not seen from him.
“i love you too.”
the words “stay calm” had never been repeated in his head to himself so much
well, it was more like a string of curse words with “stay calm” thrown in occasionally, but he’d never felt so scared
the look on his face is annoyed at first, but it quickly starts to shift into one with a little more worry
he’s terrified, in all honesty. but he’s already told himself he’s not going to let you see that
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“taro, can we stop by a corner store on the way home? i need something.”
your voice had been so calm. so why did it feel like his heart had just been ripped out of his chest?
he knew you hadn’t meant to. but why you’d even slipped and call him by another name in the first place worried him. it took him only a few seconds for his mind to land on bokuto koutarou.
bokuto koutarou, one of the top aces.
“well fuck you too i guess.” his tone may have been confused with one of anger at first, but you could tell that wasnt it. anger is a secondary emotion, you knew in reality he was hurt.
the only problem is, you didn’t know what. from his words you knew it was something you’d done. but there was nothing that came to mind.
“sorry? what did i do?”
suna hesitated for only a second before asking why you’d called him by another name. he took a deep breath immediately after speaking, your silence only breaking his heart more. as though it wasn’t already destroyed.
but your silence was born from shock and confusion, not being caught like suna had assumed.
“taro. like rintarou. like your name. who else would i be talking about?”
“uhm. koutarou? i don’t know, forget about it.” he’d never felt like a bigger jackass before; he never swore at you.
you smiled a little at his words and walked over to hug him. he hummed at that and pressed a small kiss to your temple, then buried his face into the crook of your neck.
“i didn’t mean to-”
“it’s ok, rin.”
he had to stop for a moment to let it sink in before he could react
after that there were too many emotions rushing through him to do anything for another few moments
in fact, his silence coupled with the distant, betrayed look on his face was somewhat unsettling
it takes him longer than he would like to question you, but it’s because he’s already preparing to collect his shattered heart after one of his worst fears becomes true
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“why are you here?” mattsun heard iwaizumi’s voice and he smiled a little to himself, knowing that he must have been talking to you.
he’d been waiting for you all day, it seemed like forever since he’d last seen you. the only thing he wanted right now was to hold you.
“oh, i’m here to see ‘kawa!” you said happily. mattsun could hear the smile in your voice without even seeing you.
you were here for oikawa. of course you were here for starboy oikawa tooru, of course your boyfriend was just a stepping stone.
he was still frozen when you rounded the corner. the look on his face was concerning, you couldn’t remember the last time — if there ever was one — he’d looked absolutely terrified, the last time he looked so hurt.
“mattsun... are you ok?”
he didn’t answer you. it took him a few moments before he could finally speak, and even then his voice was different than it usually was. it was... pained? betrayed? whatever it was, you knew it wasn’t mattsun.
“did you really come here just to see oikawa? what happened to me being your boyfriend?”
it took you a few moments to try and understand what he was talking about. you’d never said that. hell, you always came for mattsun, not once had you ever spared oikawa a thought.
“no, babe. i said ‘kawa’, as in matsukawa.”
he seemed to melt at your words. that expression disappeared from his face, his body untensing. he moved to pull you into his arms, holding you close to himself with a desperation he’d not had before.
him thumb rubbed soothing circles on your back. you could tell he wanted to say something. but then he stopped right before the words left him, instead opting to make a joke to lift the mood.
“good, i was about to kick oikawa’s ass.”
“...we were having a moment.”
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mqnasluvr · 3 years
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skinship headcanons | genshin impact
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pairings; jean x gn!reader, amber x gn!reader, albedo x gn!reader
mentioned; kaeya, lisa, huffman, sucrose
warnings; suggestive themes ( jean ), all lowercase, not proofread
word count; 1.7k but half of it is albedo
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jean is not the touchiest person out there, but she does enjoy holding you. not too big on pda either; the most you’ll get out of her in public is maybe a quick smooch on the cheek and hand holding🛐 other than that, shes quite reserved.
her hugs are very comforting, but the first couple of times it was awkward on her part. she was used to giving barbara and klee hugs, but this was different. she wasn’t sure where to put her arms, and if anything she got more frustrated the more she hesitated.
once she grows accustomed to it, she’ll be fine. she enjoys the warmth and innocence of hugs, especially if you’re taller than her.
like i said, in public she isnt very touchy. while running errands she does keep you close though, and enjoys holding your hand more and anything.
behind closed doors shes a little bit bolder, but still shy overall. she’s not sure if she’s moving too fast for you so she waits until you initiate any type of physical contact, then takes it from there herself. it took her a long time before she managed to get the courage to kiss you tbh
one time when you two were in her office, amber walked in on you “distracting” jean from her work.
“y/n, i have to get back to work, please,” jean adverted her eyes from your gaze, embarrassed. she kept looking at the door, mentally asking herself if the door was locked or not and getting more nervous as the seconds passed.
you sat straddled on the young womans lap, her hands loosely placed on your hips. holding her face in your hands, you guided her face back to yours. “you work for way too long,” you frowned. “and i’m bored. there’s nothing to do in here.”
“the library is just across the hall—“
“if i read another book my brain will implode.” jean sighed and shook her head.
“please indulge in me just this once? please jean?” she stared at you blankly, her resolve quickly deteriorating. a couple of kisses couldn’t hurt, could it? she looked up at the clock in the corner of the room, then back at you.
sighing for the umpteenth time that day, she nodded. “just for a little while-“
before she could finish speaking, you pressed your lips to hers hurriedly, not wanting to waste any time. jean barely ever separated herself from her work, and refused to accept help from anyone else. you almost never had time alone with the acting grand master— you weren’t going to miss your chance now.
the kiss was not heated whatsoever, just very.. clumsy. and needy. on your part, at least. jean tried her best to slow you down, gripping your hips as her face heated up.
“jean, lisa needs you for somethi- oh,” amber nearly dropped the papers in her hands, immediately covering her eyes with it instead. you whipped your head around and stared at the girl wide-eyed before she spoke up again. “d-did i come at a bad time? i am so sorry, i’ll um. i’ll go now.”
jean couldnt look her in the eyes for WEEKS
it was painful
but overall, she likes physical affection, shes just nervous :,)
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amber LOVES touching you!! she’s 100% okay with pda. she isnt as forward as maybe kaeya or lisa, but she’s still rather bold. sometimes she forgets youre in public too, which ends up drawing a lot of attention to the both of you.
when you two go out on dates she is always touching you. hand in hand, arm around waist, whatever. theres always some type of physical contact, no matter what.
it’s so PAINFULLY obvious that you two are dating but for some reason she didn’t think that anyone knew ?? one time huffman saw yall kissing in an alleyway u really aren’t slick🤨
she loves cheek and forehead kisses, but likes receiving them more than giving really. shes a hyper one, and these kisses fluster her enough to make her quiet down. ( it’s so cute )
she often picks you up to hug you, spinning you both around in circles in an almost bone crushing hug. other than those times her hugs are really soft, but the energy is still there. ^^
have i mentioned that she is affectionate?? because she really is. she does respect your boundaries though, but if you feel uncomfortable you’re going to have to speak up on it because she won’t notice.
in private her clinginess is amplified by 10.
“i’m trying to cook, amber,” you mumbled, struggling to stir the paste sauce in the pot. all you were trying to do was make dinner for the two of you, but around 5 minutes ago she came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your arms and torso. you could feel her bury her face further into your back.
“mhm, and it smells really good too,” she hummed. you groaned, and she just giggled.
“i’ll be done in like, 20 minutes, amber. you can hug barron bunny in the meantime,” you tried to pry her arms off of you but she started whining.
“that’s too long.”
“no, it isnt,” you turned around with a spoonful of pasta sauce, motioning for her to open her mouth. she slurped the sauce and gave you a thumbs up.
“see? its good, right? well it wont get much better if you keep clinging to me so much,” she stayed quiet, but at least loosened her arms around you so that it was easier to move. you lightly patted her hand. “thank you.”
“whateverrr,” she drawled, and you couldnt help but laugh.
the pasta was in fact very good
in the end, shes the exact opposite of jean, and youll need to slow her down a lot :,)
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as far as physical contact goes, it’s literally the last thing you will ever find on his mind. he’s too caught up with other things to think about physical affection
he does love you yes, but he doesnt show it through physical means. he does more gift giving, like when he sees a pretty flower that reminds him of you while going out to find starsilver shards.
if you want a hug or anything out of him you’re going to have to initiate it first— it’s foreign territory, and it’s not something he’s particularly interested in, so he doesnt feel the need to indulge in it
however the first time you two cuddle you can tell that he’s hooked. and he does a terrible job at hiding it.
now, he insists that you sit in his lap while he is taking notes because it “helps him focus better” and because “he’s so lonely”
we all know that aint true lmfao
he also really likes it when you play with his hair. please play with his hair, especially when you want him to get away from his studies. physical contact is completely foreign to him so something as simple as a scalp massage will make him melt 🛐
whenever he refuses to get away from his work, sucrose always asks you to step in because he wont listen to her
“y/n,” sucrose quietly approached you as you conversed with kaeya. you turned to her and nodded, albiet a bit concerned. sucrose never really needed you for anything, what did she need now that she couldn’t do herself?
kaeya took this as his sign to leave, but not before giving you a quick pat on the head. “yes, sucrose?” you said. “did something happen?”
she nodded meekly, watching kaeya walk off. a little bubble of guilt formed in her stomach from interrupting. “ah, i need your help with something. you see, mr albedo has been doing research non-stop on a new thing that has caught his eye since yesterday afternoon. i’ve tried to get him to put his research on pause, but,” she adjusted her glasses. “he doesn’t listen to me. i was hoping if you could maybe convince him to take care of himself?”
you pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. he was doing it again. but you couldnt really blame him, he was terrible at keeping his hyperfixations under control. “i’ll take care of him, sucrose. don’t worry.”
she visibly relaxed at your words. sucrose flashed you a smile of gratitude, then waved and walked off to finish her errands in mondstadt.
it didn’t take him very long to notice your presence behind him. you were practically glaring at him, but there was no true anger behind it. wordlessly, albedo turned around in his chair and looked up at you.
you crossed your arms. “albedo,” you started, and it took everything in him not to sigh at the inevitable lecture.
“sucrose sent you, did she not?” he propped his arm up on the armrest of his chair, leaning his face into his hand as he gazed at you nonchalantly.
“of course she did. why aren’t you taking breaks?” he turned his chair back around, but you sat on the desk he was working at. you placed your hand on top of his papers and he shot a glare at you. it didnt phase you in the slightest.
“i have work to do. it’s much easier to do it all at once than stop inbetween.”
“have you at least been taking care of your basic needs? when was the last time you ate, or drank water?”
your eyes softened when he looked away.
hopping off of the desk, you grabbed his hand and pulled him away from his work ( gently, of course ). he barely protested.
you started muttering about how he needs to take better care of himself while pouring him a cup of water and making him a simple sandwich. he was a bit disappointed in himself for making you worry, and ate the food you gave him guiltily.
you pinched his cheek as he ate, giving it a light tug. he slapped your hand away playfully and a bit of the guilt he felt lifted when he heard your laugh. “i’m sorry you have to go through this for me.”
you shook your head. “you just need to learn how to stop yourself. you’re smart albedo, i’m sure you’ll figure it out in no time.”
he finished eating his food and, uncharacteristically, pulled you in for a hug. albedo rested his forehead against your shoulder, relaxing even further when you weaved your fingers through his hair.
“...i’m sorry, y/n.”
“stop apologizing.”
“okay. sorry. oh-”
you laughed.
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
So I saw the post where you said send in requests and i havent seen anything negating that, so uh, do you think you could write something (when you have the time and motivation of course please dont feel obligated (unless you want to) ) where people start noticing the way Draco flinches whenever someone makes a sudden movement and then all of the sudden one day he comes back to the castle after holiday and its so much worse and people start kinda trying to help and make his days better?
okay, here we go. And no one can convince me that no one at Hogwarts noticed that Draco was a victim of abuse but since Harry has the attention span of a goldfish, it wasn’t added that and JKR is a terrible person.
Also warning: this does talk about physical emotional and mental abuse. I want you all to know that you NEVER deserve it and never believe that your abuse situation “isn’t that bad.” You are cherished and loved and worthy and valuable. 
okay, so the first year wasn’t too bad not that it wasn’t bad but, well Draco was innocent to any other way so he thought it was normal for his father to do what he did
Then things start to dawn on him that maybe no... this isn’t how it’s supposed to go. Yet, whenever he asks a question against his father... things don’t end well for him. “But why are muggle-born so bad?” “What’s wrong with the Weasleys?” “Why are you so mean to the house-elves?”  It never ends well, so he stops asking but now boy does he have a lot of questions and internal conflict that grows.
back to the point so someone drops a book/cauldron/glass something and Draco jumps and begins to panic “is his father mad? What did he do? How can he do better?” because he’s convinced that his father is on another rampage, but Crabbe just nudges his arm and he’s brought back to the present and that he’s not in trouble or danger
Snape is the first to notice because he knows what to look for in a child that has been abused at home, from personal experience, so he scolds the student who dropped the thing harshly
Our darling Hufflepuffs take note very quickly. In fact, there’s a support group at Hogwarts for kids who come from not so safe homes. Magical abuse or not, it's a group to just come and feel safe and like you’re not alone lead by Sprout and McGonagall
In Herbology with Draco, the Hufflepuff tells Momma Sprout about what they think is going on and boy is Sprout a momma bear looking out for Draco at every turn and looking into any records she can get her hands on
These kids from the support group start to become very worried about Draco because they’ve seen it all before and they hate seeing anyone else go through what they went through
They start to send him anonymous letters so that he’ll get mail in the mornings, and sneak sweets/snacks into his bag when they notice he’s not eating, or volunteer to be his partner in class
Boy is Draco confused
Which means he snaps a lot more and is rude and scared because he doesn’t understand why they’re being so nice to him
Alone is what I have, alone is what protects me
When Buckbeak attacks him, of course, he breaks down into tears because it’s all too familiar and he’s terrified that if he blinks he might open his eyes and it’ll be his father coming at him, not Buckbeak
and maybe he keeps the bandages and brace on longer for more than he needs it because it was a reminder that someone cared for him and mended his wounds and he didn’t have to do it himself
You think he just like Potions? Oh no, he’s had to make his own healing Potions all his life for the sake of keeping up the family appearance.
Luna Lovegood, the precious child sees right through all of it. Easily. And is a lot more confrontational about it than the support group, who did things more on the down-low. She takes all of his ridicule and taunts and snaps and lets him yell at her because she knows he needs to vent to someone
When Hermione pulls her wand out to attack him, sure, he could be a drama queen with all bark and no bite but maybe again it's too familiar and whenever there’s a wand in his face like that it ends with him in pain 
That night Luna finds Draco in the Astronomy tower alone and just sits next to him. 
He scoffs but after a while asks how can she deal with living alone with her father. She tells him that her father is the kindest person she knows and it finally gets through to Draco that how he grew up was not normal.  
Luna tells him about the Support Group and he gets notes here and there as invitations, and maybe he decides to go one night
He’s surprised to see a lot of kids he knows. Luna goes and sits by some of her friends, Neville is there, and quite a few older Slytherins, and the Hufflepuff from his Herbology class who smiles and waves at him. 
He realizes that these are all the kids who have been nice to him
He doesn’t share at all during the meeting (it’s sort of like AA where kids just go through and talk about what happens to them, if they’ve grown or made progress, what scared them still. The older kids offer advice and comfort and tissues because everyone cries) 
He doesn’t share for a few weeks of meetings that he attends, but he doesn’t feel so hopeless anymore
Maybe now he doesn’t snap so much and maybe he’s not as scared anymore to let people in because he’s not alone and he realizes that everyone has their own inner demons and struggles
Fifth-year is the worst for him. With No Nose back, his father is vicious and ruthless and takes his pain and anger out on Draco. 
It’s after easter break that he finally shares. “My... my father...” 
Before he can say another word there are arms wrapped around him and hands on his shoulders and soft encouragements and consoles. 
“He... he used the cruatious curse on me... and said that if I didn’t do it on someone else that he’d...” And Draco just breaks down into tears because he feels wicked and broken and ashamed. 
He cries harder when no one judges him or yells at him or treats him differently. He’s still just Draco to them. The same thing happens when he tells them about the Dark Mark,
When he starts to slip through the cracks, the group vividly helps him like they’ve helped kids before him for generations. 
Ravenclaws helped him study and find motivation when he started to fail his classes, Hufflepuffs show him how to have fun and take breaks and self-care, Slytherins are there in the common room on sleepless nights with tea and blankets, Gryffindors are there  as a defense squad against anyone who wants to get to Draco and boy do they rip on Harry
But maybe Draco sees in Harry what the others saw in him. A kid who’s very fast with reflexes and has the same sort of anger and defense mechanisms that he did
Draco defends Harry from a Slytherin and Harry is confused and the Slytherin is confused but they back down
Harry just glares and walks away and Draco rolls his eyes and sighs
He sends Harry invitations to the Support Group but the golden boy never shows
When the Death Eaters kidnap Luna, Draco about loses it because Luna was one of the first ones who helped him grow
So he goes down to the dungeon and they still have their own little support group. Luna sees first hand what it’s like to be Draco especially when his father makes Draco use the cruatious curse on her
He cries and begs for Luna’s forgiveness and of course, he has it, she knows he never wanted to hurt anyone
At Hogwarts seventh year, he and the Slytherins who were a part of the support group are now also apart of the rebellion and Draco is livid about the punishments that Snape allows because how dare he allow physical abuse as a punishment and he gets an earful from Draco about it
Snape explains that it’s to keep him safe and Voldemort from suspecting anything and Draco just “I don’t give a damn about me or you! Stop hurting these kids! They’ve done nothing to deserve it!” And he’s in tears
Snape pulls back on his regimen a bit
Of course, Draco lies to his father about not knowing who Harry is. Why would he let his father win when Draco held the cards? 
When Draco’s father calls him back to the side of the Death Eaters, he’s about to go because he is still afraid of his father but Luna takes his hand and so does the Hufflepuff from Herbology, and soon there are hands on his shoulders and arms, reminding him that he’s not alone and that he’s not the scared little kid anymore and he stands with Hogwarts
He and Harry eventually have a talk about growing up and the abuse they both suffered and Harry and Draco both grow as people and stop being so childish and put away the grudge and hatred for another
He takes a Slytherin girl under his wing in eighth year who’s two years younger than him and jumping at her own shadow. He brings her into the Support Group and helps her find some courage and self-worth
That girl is Astoria Greengrass
Tags: @coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87@artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522  @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @dietkiwi @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen @mccloudchloe @hxneybgb @justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms @howdycharlie @xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @braelynn-j @jiggllyy @honeymarvel @darcypottah @atomicpunkrock @thiccheerioss @lottie289 @boredashaeck @beautiful-pegasus @tceedlmao @deadlynyghtshayde @iconjuresnapeingrandmaclothes @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @lunna-does-real-doodle @dragonsandbread @atomicwonderlandmentality @okaydraco @the–queen-of-hell @langdonzvoid @cmxreader @alienmotel @oh-itsnothing​ @tulippings​ @thestressedprincess​ @sunflowerxsadnessw​ @caps-wilsonn​ @fattycooter​ @angelotakunerd08​ @thisisahugemistake​ @fanficsigottaread​ @gweaslvy​ @okaydraco​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @ughjjloveme​ @honeymarvel​  @gaysludge​ @cleopatera​ @ray-of-sunrise​ @artist-bby​ @shadowsingeraxolotl​ @peters-legos​ @quillsareforwriting​ @ghostlytoadalmondhairdo​ @wollymalfoy​ @lilpieceoftoast @monimillion @howdycharlie @gnf847
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huearmy · 4 years
The Smell of Truth - II
Summary: After years being forced to fight in clandestine hybrid ring, Jungkook is now living in shelter, but life remains bad, the place is abusive, and nobody seems to want adopt him. Until one night a pro-hybrid activist group invades the shelter, and a woman in black smelling like truth promises that things will get better, and he decides to follow her wherever she goes.
Pairing: pitbull!Jungkook x human!Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut maybe.
Words: 3291
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: N/A.  Jungkook continues to be just a cute pie here ok dont touch me.
Chapter I  -  Chapter III  Chapter IV  Chapter V  Chapter VI Chapter VII
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You have always been enchanted by hybrids. You grew up surrounded by them, they were friends and family. Literally. For exemple, your favorite uncle adopted your cousin, a cat hybrid, when you were five and she was three, he and his wife wanted a second child but could't have one biologically anymore, and you got a friend as a gift. You never saw your cous being treated diferently from her older sister, indeed they were equaly loved by the whole family. You two would run and play for hours together. 
You learned some diferences between you and hybrids when living with your cousin in childhood. The first one was that you, unfortunately, don't have fluffy beautiful ears and tail like they do, more than once your mother needed to comfort you before going to sleep cuz you were crying, wanting to be cute too. The second was that you were always at a disadvantage in games like hide and seek and tag you it, but you still had fun. The third is that hybrids can't go to school like normal kids. Until a certain age you were home schooled, taking classes with a tutor, when you turned eleven things changed a little bit, and you started studying at an elite college. Your world expanded, you started to study more hours a day and met new people, new teachers, classmates, you made new friends that gradually showed you a cruel world that you didn't know. Most of your friends were also daughters of politicians and entrepreneurs, just like you, and just like you, they grew up surrounded by hybrids. But while they were family to you, to your classmates they were butlers, maids, pets. Soon you started to understand the injustice of it all, of why you were bullied when you talked about your cousin, why you didn't like to go to some friends' house where you would see them treating their hybrids coldly. 
The last straw came when you were fourteen, more specifically your birthday. Until then you kept your friends from meeting your cousin, for fear that the situation would be strang, but it was you birthday, you wanted all your friends in your sleepover, including her. At the beginning of the night you were apprehensive, but your friends did nothing but find your cousin cute and be kind to her, so you relaxed. Everything was going well until one of her best friends decided that she liked your cousin so much that she was going to "ask her father to buy her".Your cousing didn't understand at the time, it was the first time that she was treated as something and not as a person. You were so angry that the party ended right there, most girls left, even though it was two-thirty in the morning. Days later you were expelled from school for getting involved in a fight and assaulting one of the girls who used the wrong word to define your family. You went back to school at home, with the best private tutors, and the world outside was no longer so beautiful. That's how you, already in college, joined a radical activist group for the sake of hybrids.
The concept of owning someone was disgusting for you, that's why you never adopted any hybrid, just fought to free them, in and out of law.That's why you don't recognizes yourself in the decision of getting Jungkook home. But here are you, driving your SUV with him sitting next to you in the passenger's seat. You want the best for each hybrid you have ever rescued, but never before have you been so involved that you are directly responsible for one as you are now doing with him. 
Jungkook have followed you to your car, where you gave him a oversized hoodie of yours to wear - the nigth got cold - and snacks that you had prepared for your trip back home. He was really entertained comparing flavors of three diferent chips, that he didn't even noticed when your black outlaw clothes are gone, replaced by a summer dress in a cardigan. Well, he couldn't remember the last time he had a chance to eat chips, it was probably when he was a kid, and there weren't that many flavors. Of couse, he was refraining from asking you too many questions, that were filling your head like: How is house? Will it be long before we arrive? Do you live with someone else? Do you have other hybrids? Do you do these jobs every night? ... But he kept silent, like a good boy.You said the drive to your city would take about two hours, that he could sleep, but he wanted to keep awake and looking out the window at the landscape, the trees he had never seen so many together and other cars, once in a while passing by with their lights on. It would be beautiful during the day too, he thought. The music playing softly on the radio is also cool.
"Ok." You brake the silence. "We have sometime before we get home, we can talk and get to know each other until then."
Jungkook took a sip of his soda before answering. 
"To know each other?"
"Yeah. Like a  game where we tell things about ourselves and ask each other something..."
"Got it. How do I win this game?" Jungkook got excited.
"It wasn't supposed to be a competition." You laughed, and then got thoughtful. "If you make a question you got one point. If you tell a fact about yourself without being asked you got two points..."
"Whoever has the most points wins. Ok." Jungkook softly clapped his hands with a happy soud coming from his mouth, the gesture doesn't go unnoticed by you. You showd him where to find paper and pen in the glove compartment for him to write down the points. In one side of the page he writed your initials and in the other, his - JK.
"I go first. Hummm... My full name is Y/N Y/L/N and I'm twenty-three. And you, what' is your age?"
"Woaaaa, Y/N! You already have five points, you are good at it." Jungkook excitedly wrote down your points, already thinking about what to say. "I'm twenty-two, but not for long, my birthday is in september. I'm a virgo. What's your sign?"
"Y/S." You responds. "You are into zodiac?"
"Not exactly. But it was a fact about me." Jungkook smile to you making you look away from the road for a moment longer than insurance so you can look at the dimples under his eyes. "Among these three chip flavors, which is your favorite?" "Both cheddar and bacon, I can't choose between them" You answered without hesitation. "Actually I love cheddar and bacon in any context. Did you decided wich one you like the most?"
Jungkook thoughtfully compared the chip packs.
"Nope. I like them all together. I like sweets more. Do you live with someone else?" Jungkook took the courage to ask something that was really on his mind.
"No, is just me in my apartament. But theres always a friend or relative visiting me, almost everyday. " 
Jungkook he felt a confusion of feelings, he did not know if he should be happy or disappointed that you lived alone, and as a result, that he will live only with you. It would be nice if you live with siblings or your parents if they are good like you, but at same time if they are bad he prefers to be with just you.
"How is your family?" He asked before you could make your next question.
"They are great." You said, your tone of voice and eyes ligthing up with affection. "I'm single child, but my family is quite big. We are all focused on progressive thinking of liberating hybrids. That's why I'm part of activist groups ... Of course, only I do this more clandestine work, and my mother doesn't even know. She would be crazy worry. You will like them I think. I have like six cousins, two girls and four guys... Oh my God, they will tease me so much for bringing a boy to live with me..."
Clearly your family is a trigger for you to talk non-stop. Jungkook concluded that your family must be really cool, for you to like them so much, making him wanting to know them too. It got him a little nervous. What would them think about him? Your talking makes your family look amazing, while he’s no big deal. Worse than being uninteresting is not being liked, and there are really bad things about him ... More bad than good things actually. Your family not liking him is scary, and thinking that you might know about his bad past and not liking him any longer suddenly made him anxious. 
You were bragging about your great-aunt's cooking skills when noticed Jungkook got too quiet.
"You are ok, Jungkook?"
He looked at you awkwardly, eyes round like a deer caught in the headlights.
"Sorry I talked too much." You let a weak laugh out, feeling embarrassed. "Is your turn now. Go ahead."
Jungkook looked through the window, avoiding looking to you.
"I don't know what else I have to say... You already won anyway." He showed you the score, your inicials with no space left to write down points. 
"Oh I bet you have a lot of things to say."
"Not good things." Jungkook dared to say, already regretting it as soon as the words left his mouth.Your voice softned.
"You don't need to tell me anything you are not ready to tell. Even if you're never ready. But I know that you are a person, and people are made up of many things, not just bad things." A moment of silence followed, you thinking about the next thing to say. "If you don't want to talk about past things... Lets talk about the future. What do you want to have for lunch tomorrow?"
At some point Jungkook finally fell asleep. You drove an entire hour alone, slowly sipping an energy drink, his soft snores beside you not letting you forget about his presence. Everything you want is to sleep too, your eyes heavy, your body numb. You were thinking of it an how you would be in your bed about time, in your fluffy pijamas and warm socks, when blue and red lights appeared in your rear view mirror.
 You pulled over and waited to the cop to come closer to lower the window
."Good nigth, officer." 
You greeted in a low voice.The man just nodded writing down your license plate. 
"Do you know why I made you pull over?" He said, louder than you.
"No, sir." You calmly answered, shrugging. "I was not above the speed limit and my tail lights are ok."
He made an approving sound.
"Papers please."
You turned on the light and reached out to get your documents from the glove compartment, making Jungkook open his sleepy eyes with a groan.
"Y/N?" He called with a pout. The ultimate pout."Shhh. Keep sleeping, babe. We didn't arrived yet."
He obeyed immediately, leaning his head on the window, and you can tell he didn't really wake up in the first place. He was with his cap and hoodie on, so the cop couldn't see his ears and know he is a hybrid. And theis way is better, you thought. 
"Your boyfriend?" The cop asked while analyzing your driver's license.Time to improvise with your acting skills.
"Kind of." You timidly put a lock of hair behind your ear.He scanned the trash in the car."Any alcohol?"
"No, sir. Just energy drink and soda." You smiled.
He did the breathalyzer test on you anyway. 
Since it didn't point to guilty results, you were released to continue your journey.
 You took a deep breath, glad he didn't asked to inspect the car, he would surely find something that would link you to the terrorist act against the shelter, as the newspapers would for sure report the next day.
The good part is that forging Jungkook's adoption document in your name with a date prior to the rescue will be super easy, as the shelter's records blew up in the explosion. That thought made you relax and start driving normally. ________________________________________________________________
"Jungkook. Jungkook wake up." You shook his shoulder, his sleep too heavy. His head fell forward, making him jump in his spot, blinking heavily, the ultimate pout making another appearance. "We arrived, Jungkook."
Jungkook slowly regained consciousness, seeing you standing outside the car, beside him, holding the door open for him to get out.
"We're at home?." His face got bright.
"Yeah. Come."
It was a courtyard at the back of a small old building, it was still early in the morning, the sky was still dark and no one in town was awake. You turned on the car alarm, and guided a still sleepy but very attentive to the details of the new place, Jungkook, to the back door of the building, taking the bunch of keys out of his pocket - of your hoodie that he was wearing. He liked the proximity, the soud of the keys and the smell of the place. Actually the smell was pretty amazing, specially when you opened the door and everything inside got your smell, and others good things.
 You noticed his nose working in the air and laughed.
"Is a flower shop. Do you like it?" You asked.
Something made sense to Jungkook, it's not that the place smelled like you, you smelled like flowers because of the place.
"Yeah. Is pretty good." He said still sniffing the air.
"On the first floor we have the shop, on the second the shop office and a photo studio that I rent to a friend... And on the third and fourth is our home." You tell him as you go up the stairs, he following you closely. "Early on, both the store and the office are open, but this should not be a problem if you want to sleep till late."
You two whispered up to the third floor, a small corridor with two doors on one side and windows on the other. You stepped forward to the first door, the entrance to the living room and struggled to fide the rigth key in the dark. 
Jungkook noticed a faint light coming from under the door and a murmur inside. There was someone in there. He got alert and slightly apprehensive.
You finally oppened the door and got inside, dropping your heavy bag on the floor, the keys in the corner table, kicking off your boots. Jungkook got inside with short steps, looking around cautiously, looking for the person who would ambush you both. The light was the TV... He smelled a cat. 
"Y/n?" A sweet and sleepy voice reached your ears, a little form lifted on the couch. A sniffing soud and the sweet voice got hostile. "Who is this?"
"Yeri, you are here." You smiled, not really caring for the mood changing of her. Jungkook stepped behind you a little. "This is Jungkook. Jungkook, this is Yeri, my cousin."
"Hi." Jungkook tryied.
"What's he doing here? You never brought anyone home ..."
And by anyone she meant hybrids, and Jungkook knows it. He couldn't see her face in the dark, just her luminous cat eyes with vertical pupils, the dominant presence of those who had their territory invaded radiating from her. 
"There is always a first time I guess." You say, still ignoring the awkward atmosphere, taking off your cardigan and hanging it on the rack behind the front door. "Are you in the guest room?"
Yeri got up and turned off the TV.
"No. I'm sleeping with you."Clearly she didn't trust Jungkook yet. If you bet, she was ready to sleep in the guest room, but now she decided to sleep with you to protect you from the stranger. 
"Ok." You said.
"Ok." She said. 
She turned on the light in the corridor, taking a few steps to the top floor, with bare feet and cute pijamas, and then stopped looking at Jungkook. Now he could see her face. The scariest cat he has ever seen. "Welcome to the family." And than she disappeared up the stairs.
Jungkook gulped, not sure what to think about it.
"She liked you." You told him, putting a hand in the small of his back.
"How do you know?" He asked you with round eyes.
"She didn't say she disliked you." You smiled. "Yeri is pretty honest about her feelings."
You took him to a room in the hall, with a messy cat-smelling bed in the middle, an empty desk and an armchair close to the window, and an empty closet. Beside the bed on the floor was an open handbag , with women's clothing showing up.
"She said she wasn't going to sleep here..." Jungkook pointed.
"Yeah, she lied about it. She wouldn't let me put you to sleep on the couch, though..." You went down the hall and came back with another blanket. "Aaaand, this will be your room. You'd better get used to it."
You fixed the sheets and changed the blanket and pillowcases, probably to help with the cat smell, odorless bedding help to make the bed more of him.
"That's what I can offer you for now, after all I wasan't expecting to adopt you. We can fix it later." You tiredly said, picking Yeri's bag from the floor.
"Ah... Don't worry.". Jungkook wanted to say he was already happy with what he got, that being adopted in firts place was more than he expected, that he was greatfull of your caring so far. But he couldn't find the words to put in on.
"Good, bucause I'm dead tired... I need to sleep, and you do too." You gave him a pat in his back, and went to the door. "If you need it, theres a bathroom in the end of the corridor. Good night." And than you closed the door behind you.
Jungkook waited for the sound your staps desapeard to start moving and breathing again. He was in his room! He ran to the window and opened the curtains a little to see outside, it seemed to be a main street in a small town, but Jungkook had never stepped in a small town before to have reference. He tryied the armchair and conclued it was confortable enouth to take a nap on it. The closet was big enough for him to fit in - he tested it - another possible place for good naps. With leaps of joy he imagined all the things he could kept there, the clothes and shoes he didn't have yet but dream of having. Fantasizing about when you were going to take him to shopping, he put the hat on one of the top shelves and closed the double doors carefully, to make any noise. And then threw himself on the bed, scenting the sheets, sighing contentedly. He took off his shoes and placed beside the bad, his wallet in the nigthstand - open like a picture frame, showing the photo of two hybrid little boys embracing and smiling - , and the suffed bunny lying next to him with it's own pillow.
All in this room felt so real to him, as much as your smell. If you said it will be his room so it's true, because se believe in you, and he is so happy.With the thought of a bright future with you Jungkook finally fell asleep again.
Tag list: @stayunderthelights​ ​  @deolly​ @panconte​
Thakyou!!! Let me know if you liked it... <3 <3 <3 This is a sub blog so I wont respond coments, but I read it all.
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wordsandshawn · 4 years
The Platonic Series ~ Two Weeks Later 
A/n: this is super short and i wrote it pretty quickly yesterday. I thought about saving this and waiting until i had something 6k-7k written to post it as a longer piece, but honestly i just felt like posting this now, so here ya go. its about 1k. 
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(2026) ~two weeks after frantic calls
You know that Ella absolutely adores Shawn. There’s not even a shadow of a doubt about that, however, what you’re not so sure about is how she would feel about you and Shawn together. For as long as Ella can remember, you and Shawn have been best friends, co-parents in a way, but never romantically linked. 
The last even remotely romantic thing you did with Shawn was that kiss you shared when you were fifteen and even that kiss felt platonic. 
If you’re being honest with yourself, you’ve felt this way for a long time, but you didn’t want to admit it, not to yourself, and certainly not to Shawn. The truth is,  it was nearly impossible for you not to fall for him. From watching him calm Ella down in the middle of the night when she was a newborn to noticing the way he always made sure he had a carseat in his car just in case she needed to be picked up from somewhere, his love for Ella made you love him. Even though you’ve always known this, you really convinced yourself that’s all it was. Shawn, as your best friend, loved Ella, and you loved him for it. 
The truth is, you loved Shawn before Ella was even born, and you’ll love him long after she grows up and moves out. You’ll never not love Shawn Mendes. 
But falling in love with him could possibly ruin everything you’ve come to love about your friendship with him and that terrifies you to your very core. That’s what has stopped you from even entertaining the idea before this. 
Shawn has been basically living with you and Ella for the past two weeks. Katie came home last week, and Shawn and Katie broke up. Even though Shawn’s resolve to break up with her had only further solidified between the time he spoke to you about it and when Katie arrived back home from Tennessee, you were still a little shocked that afternoon when he returned to your apartment, announcing it was over. 
Shawn told Katie she could stay at his place until she found her own place to rent, which also meant Shawn moved in with you and Ella during the interim, although he never really left after Ella’s accident. It just became more official once he told Katie she could stay at his place. Shawn mostly camps out on the couch, except for the time he fell asleep on the little beanbag by Ella’s bed when he was supposed to be reading her a bedtime story, or the times he fell asleep in your bed after a late night horror movie after Ella went to bed.
During these last two weeks, you’ve fallen into a surprisngly easy routine with Shawn. You take Ella to school every morning, and Shawn has been picking her up after school, so she doesn’t have to stay at the afterschool care she normally does. He’ll usually either make her a snack or buy her one on the way home and then he’ll help her with her homework. You’ve been taking turns with cooking dinner, although Shawn normally lets Ella pick a restaurant and he’ll order out when it’s his turn. 
It’s been nice having Shawn around. He’s been keeping an eye on Ella, and helping you watch her because you’ve been extra paranoid since the accident, wanting to know that she’s okay and theres nothing wrong that you might be missing. Another perk is that you don’t have to listen to Ella complain about wanting to go over to Shawn’s now that he’s always at your place. And you’re not drinking wine alone after Ella goes to bed because Shawn’s there. 
“So what?” You question after one too many glasses of wine on a thursday night. “Are you gonna get a new girlfriend?”
He chuckles, signaling he heard you, but he doesn’t tear his gaze away from the tv to even entertain your question. However, you persist, the liquid courage causing you to press into your best friends dating life, not that it’s abnormal for you to do so, but it feels different this time. For a reason you can’t quite pinpoint, everything feels different this time. “Seriously, are you going to start dating someone new now?” You ask. 
Shawn turns slightly, angling his body so he’s facing you, studying you for a second before responding, “No. Why?” 
You shrug, “I just need a warning, that’s all.”
“A warning? What kind of warning?”
“A warning before you introduce my daughter to a random girl.” You respond, backtracking. That was not the reason you were originally questioning, but the feel in the room turned serious for a moment, and it caused you to rethink your reasoning. 
Shawn raises an eyebrow at you. “When have I ever introduced Ella to a random girl I was dating?” He questions. 
Again, you just shrug becaue he’s right. He and Katie dated for at least a few months before he introduced her to Ella. Just like how you were cautious about any guys you brought around, making sure it was serious before you introduced them to Ella, Shawn did the same. 
“Well, just in case.” You say, making a conscious effort to move your eyes away from Shawn’s questioning gaze and staring at the tv instead. 
“Y/n.” Shawn lets your name hang in the air between you two. When you provide no response, he repeats himself, “Y/n.” Then he pokes your shoulder. “Hey, are you feeling okay?” 
This time you answer, “Yeah. I’m fine. Just had a little too much wine.” 
He smiles now, at the sight of tipsy you. “Okay, well, I will definitely warn you before bringing any--” He holds up his fingers mockingly in the air doing air quotes, “Random girls -- home.” 
“Wait, you mean home here? Because you don’t even have a bedroom so you’re not hooking up with anyone here.” You respond forcefully. 
Shawn, knowing you’re not entirely thinking straight, just responds, “I won’t bring anyone home here.”
“Okay good.” You say, leaning over to rest your head against his shoulder as you turn your attention back to the tv, unable to stop the flutter you feel in your stomach focusing on the fact that Shawn called this home, even though you were the one who called it home first. 
Shawn shifts you a bit, moving his arm around your shoulder, so you’re resting more against his chest, “Good.” He says, as you cuddle a little closer to him. 
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issasama · 3 years
Anon: Bakugo,Sero,Hawks, + Mirio react to accidental confession
SideNote: This is my first ask!! Thank you thank you thank you!! And I would love to do this!! Hopefully it’s good for your liking!!💓
-Accidental Confessions-
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Warnings: Fluff!! Angst, Fem’Reader!! Aged Up(18+)
Characters: Bakugo, Sero, Hawks, Mirio
Code Words: Y/N=Your Name, E/C=Eye Color, S/C=Skin Color, etc.
Bakugo Katsuki
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As harsh as he seems he’d be frozen. Just standing there like “🧍🏼”
Oh that’s when that shit eating grin pops up/You just boosted his ego by A LOT
So now he’s gonna get back at you or such an “abrupt” confession
He secretly liked you too anyway-
The only thing snapping him into reality was you ready to dash off
It started with You, Mina, and Asui
You were outside in the common room Friday evening talking to Mina and Asui while laying on the couch. “So you do like someone huh?” Mina started teasing..”Ribbit, it’s obviously someone from our school~”Tsu adding on. “Yeah..maybe-“ you looked away trying to think of a way to change the subject when Denki had walked into his dorm. Mina and Tsu looked at each other before looking back at you, “DENKI!?” They shout in unison, the howl making you whip your head back around with a confused look, “What about him?” You ask innocently, “You like Denki-“ Mina whispered, your face began to heat up. “N..no, not even close.” The stammering didn’t help jus ugh your case...”Oooooh Denki!!” They shout out to him, enjoying your reaction. Bakugo was walking down the hallway into the common room, turns out he forgot an assignment on his way out of your dorm while you two studied. “UGH I DONT LIKE DENKI I LIKE BAKUGO!!” Everyone froze, dead quiet..crickets. Bakugo frozen, Mina and Tsu just paralyzed. “Run that by me again?” You hear a voice behind you making you jump. You roll your eyes thinking it was someone messing with you. “I said I like Ba-“ words cut off. You were in absolute shock. Every nerve you held onto just exploded. You immediately turn back around and got up..”Kill me now-“ you mumble under your breath. Looking down and speed walking towards your dorm. A warm hand stopping you as it pulls you in from your waist. “You said my name? Now I’m here. What is it y/n?” Bakugou’s voice neutral for the first time, you pause sucking in the last bit of courage you have left and letting it all out. “I like you..a lot. I have for a while.” You bite your lip afraid of what was next to come when suddenly your body was lifted up in the air. “Well why didn’t you just say so earlier, I’ve been wanting to take you on since we first met” Bakugou’s words soft against your ears as his hands met your thighs holding you tight. “Katsuki-“ you mumble, “She’ll be right back guys, that’s if she can still walk” you shot your head up your body getting goosebumps from the thought of his words.”Katsuki!!” You scream down the hall, Mina and Tsu looking at each other. “It was obvious she liked him, I just wanted to hear her admit it” their laughs fill up the room and the night falls over..💛
Sero Hanta
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Unlike Bakugo he’s more..mm shy about it that’s until he sees how embarrassed you are.
Mans saw you stand up and run off had him activate his quirk real quick
Now you were face-to-face with your crush
And no way was he gonna let that get past him
All started when he borrowed your number to meet up for a group party after school. You had it at the bottom of your contacts, assuming you wouldn’t ever need it but hey..it’s your crush why not keep it. To be fair many people were unsaved numbers, so one day your walking down the hallway during lunch ready to meet up with Momo and Toru, you were texting them on the way. “What!? You like someone!?” The ding from the notif sending vibrations to your phone seeing it from Toru in the group chat. “Since when!? And who!!” Momo follows, “Omg we must know him right?”..more texts snd texts follow as your phone dings repeatedly. Texts from others too, you got sick of it and just decided to confess..only to the wrong person-You clicked Sero’s name cause he texted you for an assignment and his was at the top you open it not even paying kind to the text and quickly going “I like Sero!! I have since school started!! Happy now!?” The aggressive text sent, you sigh hoping that would end the notifications only to here one more. “What now?” You scoff, you nearly dropped your phone when you read the text-“Damn that’s one way to confess, usually it ends with a kiss” your hearty DROPPED. Fear ran through you, how could you have been so stupid you quickly turned around trying to make a run for it when you turned around and rammed into Sero. Him off all people why now? You got up apologizing before turning back the other way when he grabbed you with his quirk and had you inches away from his face. “You like me?” He asks, subtle. You walking died right then and there..”Yeah.” The shakiness in your voice from one word unbearable to hear..you were so ready to end it all before he said..”Then I’ll make it worth your while mi amor~” followed by a kiss on the cheek and him holding your hand. Your phone dinging again, “Where are you?!!” Momo asks but you left the chat open forgetting your worries and following along with Sero, a smile piercing your face...🖤
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
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You two worked at the same agency so it was bound to happen
But sheesh his reaction was worth the way you confessed
You were talking to yourself (which doesn’t even help the situation chile-😭)
Man...The expectation vs reality never ever gets old especially with Hawks
It was 7am Wednesday morning when you decided to get to work early. Usually your the only person there but you never mind having the place to yourself. You always made everyone coffee and made a special one for Hawks, not that he minded. It was sweet and cute if you to do for him, even if it wasn’t intentional. So as usual you made his coffee and went to go set it down in his workspace. You walk in as you normal but this time you notice a big pile of papers, “Um what the fu-“ you let out a loud sigh placing the coffee on his window sill before gathering up all the papers. “This is so unexpected of him..” you say aloud, “Usually his workspace is so tidy and spotless, what do I see in him sometimes?” That’s when you were met with a dark room, you thought the lights went out when you turn over only to see your winged lover next to the window. “See in who birdie?” He coos, you dropped the paper you were holding ready to shut the window before he quickly got in. Oh shit..A million and one thought cross your mind. “What are you stalking me for?!” Your only reply since you had nowhere to flee too, “I don’t know, why are you in my office?” He asks, inching closer and closer your heart threatening to pop out of your chest before he placed a hand to your waist and the other grabbing your wrist pulling you in. Leaning down he whispers to you “If you like me so much, come stop by my place around 8pm.” That’s when his door opened to one of your co-worker. “O..oh sorry I’ll go-“ he murmurs out of embarrassment, “Ah no it’s okay kid, come on in what did you need?” Hawks quickly replies, “It was about those files you wanted?” The co-worker responded. “Yes yes, thank you..I owe you one I’ll get right with you once I’m done with my baby bird here” his voice cocky. My. The word imprinted in your mind, you scoff a slight smile covering your face. “You are really a mystery, Keigo.” 🧡
Mirio Togata
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Oh if you felt shy already be prepared
He would totally tease you about it at first
Don’t get me wrong he’s shy too but he loves seeing you try and hide from him it’s cute
I guess you didn’t learn the first time from Bakugo but you shouted it out with your friends
Oh man oh man, what great timing since he appeared right through the wall nearly giving you a heart attack
You and your friends were on top of the school roof during lunch break. (One could teleport, although theres a door that leads up there) “What’s new with you guys?” One of your friends asks. “Not much, I just got a job” your other friend replies and you both congratulate her. “How about you y/n?”..”Me? Same not much I just have a crush on someone” there food dropped. “A CRUSH!?? WHO!!?” They shout in unison. “Uh—I would rather not say” the butterflies in your stomach cause you to set your food down on the plate. “Aww come on!! Can I guess?” Your friend perks up, “Definitely not!! You’re the worst with guessing.” You bark back. “Fine then tell us” they both tease you. “I like Mirio.” Jaws dropped. “Repeat that y/n?” “I LIKE MIRIOOOOO!!” You shout sick of their child play and that’s only the beginning of your issues. “Y/n?” A soft spoken voice behind you. “Oh shit-“ you groan looking over to see Mirio. “That’s our cue-“ your friend says before grabbing the other one and getting away. Now it was just you and Mirio..and the thought of his name being screamed at on the top of a building. It lasted about 5 seconds before you tried to make your way off the building ready to just sacrifice yourself-.”Hey wait!!” You pause turning around and meeting his intense gaze. “I like you too.” His voice is so delicate it makes your stomach flip, he walks over to you and takes you off the ledge. “You do?” You ask him..”Of course, who wouldn’t fall in love with someone so gorgeous.” You smile, eyes lit up with joy..”But next time..try not screaming that from a building but maybe in my room.” You slap the back of his head playfully before grunting at his statement. “I’m kidding!! Sort of-“ as you two walked back downstairs..he placed a kiss on your cheek. “Cute”💛
Hope you enjoyed love!! Thanks again so much for requesting I hope it’s what you were looking for!!🥺💜💜
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lancermylove · 4 years
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Qu x GN!Reader
Warning: Contains slight angst, past relationship trauma
Requested by: Anon
Prompt:  Hi, i C that the requests are still open? is it alright if i request a oneshot of gender neutral reader × qu where both of them are mutually pining but reader is afraid to confess & get rejected 'cos he seems emotionally unavailable while qu is still afraid of getting too attached & feel at home w/ someone only 4 them to leave him alone again (& that theres some strong competition 4 that) 'till mokuren broke the ice to him cause his thoughts hinders him from dancing well during their reha?
A/N: I’m so sorry for taking so long to write your request. TYSM for your patience!!! ❤️️❤️️  I’m going to blame the BSTS hell event for the delay. 
Word Count: 1,351
"Finally, we can rest." Hari plopped onto the red sofa in the rest area, Kasumi following him. 
"Hey, you guys deserve a break," you chuckled, taking a seat beside the energyless green-head. "Mokuren drilled all of you more than usual." 
While you were busy chatting with Kasumi and Hari, a pair of golden eyes stared nervously at you. 
'Should I join them?' Qu fiddled with the cap of his water bottle, twisting the lid clockwise and counterclockwise. He stole another glance at you but quickly lowered his eyes. 'Why...?'
Team C's second sighed and closed his eyes to escape reality. Images of your first meeting flashed through his mind; he still remembered your sweet smile and kind words as clear as day. I am a fan of Team C and will always support all of you. 
Qu slowly opened his eyes and glimpsed at you. ‘You said you will always support all of us, but what changed? Why did you start avoiding me?' 
No matter how many times he tried, Qu couldn't understand your behavior. He wanted an answer -desperately- but couldn't gather enough courage to approach you. 'What if they don't want to talk to me? Did I do something to hurt them? What if...they say they hate me?'
His head began to spin as his deepest fears started to resurface. Touching the side of his head, he sighed and turned around, dragging his heavy body towards the rehearsal room.
As Qu left the area, you slightly turned your head in his direction. The entire time you had felt his stare, but not knowing how to react to it, you decided to avoid meeting his eyes. 'I am sorry, Qu. I just...I can't bring myself to tell you how I feel about you.'
"What's wrong?" Hari asked in a concerned voice.
"Hm?" Snapping out of your thoughts, you looked at him and shook your head. "Nothing."
Kasumi and Hari quickly glanced at each other before returning their attention to you. Both of them knowing well that you were lying.
Qu couldn't bring himself to focus as he was preoccupied with the heavy thoughts of the previous day. He even got lost on the way to Starless, his workplace that he visits nearly every day.
Team C’s leader stopped the music and sighed, “Qu, focus! I will not tolerate any mishaps on the stage, so stop zoning out.”
A quiet sorry was all Qu could muster up before the music resumed. 
"Stop!" Mokuren's irritated voice rang out through the practice room. "What is-" He snapped his head in Qu's direction but grew silent when he saw his team member's expressions.
The silver-haired man stared blankly at the wooden floors, lost in thought. His tightly curled fists shaking ever so slightly.
Qu woke up, drenched in sweat, his body trembling and heart racing. He tightly gripped his head with both of his hands, trying hard to restrain his thoughts. Despite his best efforts, the words of his ex-lovers echoed in his ears. We are through. I don't care how much you like me, I can't stay in this relationship any longer. 
He firmly pressed the palms of his hands on his ears. Sorry but this relationship is not working out. Tears started running down his drained face. I found someone better. Goodbye. 
These nightmares were not new, and normally, Qu would have been able to brush them aside. This time, though, his current fears had manifested in his dark dream. Qu, I can't be with you anymore. I thought I liked you, but I was wrong. 
“Qu, are you okay?” Mokuren shook him once again with a little more force.
He snapped out of his trance and shook his head, “Sorry, Moku.”
Sighing, the raven-haired man looked at his teammates, “Let’s take a break. Qu, follow me.” 
Without asking a single question, he followed his agitated leader out to the back alley. To Qu's surprise, you were sitting on the steps as if waiting for them.
"Hey Moku, you called-" you turned your head to look at him but froze when you saw him.
Mokuren shifted his eyes between the two of you and sighed audibly, "Might I remind you that you are adults, so stop behaving like children. Talk about your feelings like mature adults." Mokuren crossed his arms and glanced at his teammate, "I will not let anything interfere with our team practice, so sort out what you need to right here."
Team C's leader shifted his eyes to you, "You need to stop ignoring Qu. It's obvious that you two like each other. Now, talk." Even though his words were sharp, his voice held an unexpected warmth. Mokuren patted Qu's back before making his way back to the rehearsal room.
The tension in the air was evident. After a few minutes of silence, Qu finally spoke, "I apologize for putting you in this situation." Averting his eyes from you, he continued, "If you don't mind me asking, why are you ignoring me?"
You choose to keep your lips sealed as you played with the bracelet adorning your right wrist. 
A sigh escaped his pink, shimmering lips, "Do you hate me?"
You gawked at him, not expecting to hear such a straightforward question. Qu frantically studied your expressions as he restlessly tapped his foot on the concrete stair.
Realizing that your silence could send the wrong message, you lowered your eyes and spoke, "I don't hate you, Qu. W-why did you also start ignoring me?"
The silver-haired man bit his lower lip and shook his head, "I wasn't ignoring you, I...didn't want my nightmare to come true."
"Yes," a dejected sigh escaped his lips, "I had a nightmare, where you said, I thought I liked you, but I was wrong."
Once more, you resorted to silence, causing Qu to immediately regret sharing his fear with you. Countless dark thoughts began to race through his mind, causing a sharp pain to reverberate through his chest.
"For-give me," he said in a breathless voice before turning on his heel to walk away. His downcast eyes were wet, blurring his vision completely.
"Qu, wait." You gripping the back of his black tank top to stop him from leaving. Taking a deep breath, you began, "I don't hate you- I could never hate you."
You took a step closer to him and rested your forehead on his back, "I am afraid...afraid of confessing and getting rejected. To most people, I seem emotionally unavailable, and they're not completely wrong."
Qu silently listened with one hand covering his mouth to prevent sobs from escaping. His heart was wildly pounding against his aching chest, making it difficult for him to breathe.
"It's difficult to trust people," tears raced down your flushed face, "especially with my feelings. People have hurt me before, and the pain was too much to bear. I am sorry for hurting you...I'm very sorry."
Though he was afraid, Qu knew it was now or never; he pushed aside all the negative thoughts in his mind and gathered every ounce of courage within him, "Will you give me a chance then?
"Chance?" You lifted your head and stared at the back of his head, confused.
Qu slowly faced you and gently placed his hand on your cheek, "Will you give me a chance to be with you? I can relate to your fears as I have faced rejection many times. Each time I trust someone and grow comfortable with them, they end up breaking my heart."
He took a slight pause and started stroking your cheek with his thumb, "All I ask for is a little space in your world. If I can win your trust, then please allow me to become part of your heart."
You remained still as a lump formed in your throat, forcing your breath to become ragged. After a moment of hesitation, you lifted your eyes to his golden ones and nodded slowly.
A bright smile appeared on his lips as he delicately wiped your tears, "Thank you." Qu encircled his arms around and held you in a gentle embrace.
The dark clouds within your hearts gave away to light as the weight of the world lifted off your shoulders.  
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
P-please talk about your Rito OC, please... ramble without any context, please... I have one too... please make me feel less alone...
Ok ok let me just *unloads all of Illeka’s super angsty self-indulgent backstory*
I technically have two backstories, one for botw that I’m gonna use for my fic Where Time Takes Us, and another I use for my dnd campaign. My dnd one is more fleshed out (thanks to my amazing GM) so I’ll probably just share that one. 
Warning for super duper long post that is barely coherent and I haven’t checked for typos and also rip to ADHD folks because I have no pictures to ease your brain with. Anyhow prepare for like thousands of words worth of rambles this is not edited at all
This is just a copy paste of the random incoherent shit I sent to my poor DM. Anyhow, I technically have 3 ocs here, but Illeka is the one I play
A weird Rito, that one is. I hear they’ve only cried at birth...
- Illeka was born on the Day of Living Fire, its a celebration of the dead essentially, where you mourn and remember your loved ones and ancestors and all that. It’s superstition to be *born* on this day, because your life/creation takes away from the day that’s supposed to honor the dead, and some people on birb island believe these things, that if you let the kid live it’s a curse. But most people are like no wtf you boomers it’s fine there’s no such thing you crazy old people are weird, which to be fair is kinda true.
- When Talako is around 6, his single mom dies. He’s adopted by a new family, Kala (also around 6 years old) and her parents.
- Illeka meets Talako after he kinda follows her around, because he’s an innocent cinnamon bun that admires Illeka’s calm and stoic demeanor after they help him with some bullies. Through this, Talako, Illeka, and Kala all become best friends.
- The events in Illeka’s life aren’t really helping their whole curse case. Every bad event, from their dad getting injured and having the slightest limp, to their brother, Zekk nearly setting himself on fire— it’s all a supposed punishment for not killing them when they were bored. But at this point most people brush it off as coincidence, besides, nothing THAT bad has happened yet.
- the trio of friends grow strong, becoming some of the best in their arts on the island. And their relationship is seemingly adorable. The serious ~~cursed~~ one, the optimistic sunshine one, and the sarcastic firey one. Prides of their village, set to protect their people from harm.
- Illeka is the best in the village when it comes to physical fights. Trusty halberd, and a keen shot with a bow, they’ve never lost a sparring match on that front. Their personality is offputting to some, there’s a rumour that they’ve never cried. The easiest of jokes, and the vilest of insults don’t spark much reaction from them— except in the presence and topic of their family, Kala, and Talako. But otherwise, the story goes that the cursed kid doesn’t have a soul, and hence, no morality or emotions.
- When they train with Talako and Kala, they never back down, if only out of respect, Illeka wouldn’t want to embarrass them with pity. Talako always laughs at his inevitable defeat, though he tries nonetheless. He promises that one day he’ll be strong enough to beat them.
- Talako is a pleasant soul, but has an nack for adventure and a hint of chaos. He prefers to dual wield daggers, and on occasion a short sword or two. He’s great with the blade, loves the thrill of the fight, but is more skilled with cooking and physical healing and remedies. He’s always the one encouraging fun celebratory hang outs at the tavern, with his two closest friends after a day of guarding the village. Kala always sides with him, and Illeka typical gives in after at least putting on a show of reluctance. He humble and happy and loved by most of the village, if only things would last
- Kala is of wit and cunning, she’s typically the first to speak. She’s headstrong and not afraid to insult whoever she displeases, and a bit too arrogant in her abilities. She laughs at all of Talako’s jokes, if perhaps only to spite Illeka’s groans. She’s also the most strategic of her friends, being the “one with a plan” in battle. While she’s a decent wield of two khopesh, Kala’s mostly gifted with magic. She’s got a knack for conjuring, though is well researched in other types as well. Illeka and her are an even match, with decent win ratios on either end. Illeka doesn’t take it that personally, they suck/hate magic after all. Kala’s a bit more competitive tho.. While her power in magic is certainly the best on all of the island, she can’t help but feel salty/jealous for always being overshadowed by Illeka’s feats, since the people prefer/understand the physical over the magic.
- Oh, and she was born on day after the Day of Living Fire, according to her parents. How lucky.
- In a sense, they’re all a bit of an outcast. Kala the fiery independent one, a bit sidecasted for prefering magic over steel. Talako the weird orphan, for being a chirpy, happy boi, which is a bit annoying for some. And Illeka…well lets just say their situation isn’t going to be improving
- One year, Illeka’s family is expecting more kids, twin sisters at that! It’s the most excited anyone’s ever seen Illeka, thought perhaps that’s not the right word… They’ve still got their usual demeanor, but they did spend nearly a week crocheting little baby hats and tunics and scarves. They threatened to kill their brother if they told anyone, although Zekk was allowed to let it slip to Tal and Kala
- [They are absurdly good at crochet btw. They never do it anymore to try and maintain their “reputation,” but their family will never forget the time they crafted matching blankets and hats to win a little competition in their home town.]
- Then the Day of Living Fire arrives for that year. Theres a little celebration for Illeka’s birthday, before moving on to other activities.
- The twins die that night.
- The village was in a bit of shock…and rumours grow considering the timing of it. The mysterious circumstance of it…well it does turn the heads of even some of the less-superstitious. The rumours, the death, the silent thought that perhaps that cursed bird caused some babies’ death, Illeka endured it.
- Years later would it get worse.
- Illeka is still publically respected at this point, weird rumours sure, but try telling that to the edge of her halberd. Their mother had made the twin’s shrine, but they say Illeka didn’t visit that often. Talako was always by their side, trying to help them, which was always appreciated, even when they tried to hide it.
- Kala was busy in the library these days.
- Zekk had started a family by now, a little baby birb named Mili hatched into the world.  Illeka would often steal her away for little cuddles when they (thought) no one was looking. Zekk would jest that they had to fight for the right to hold his own kid. Kala would also occasionally tease them about it, though Tal was mostly happy to see them in better spirits
- Then, another Day of Living Fire.
- Talako and Illeka were usually on guard duty together, the northern patrol by the village edge. But tal was still a bit worried about his friend’s state of mind, he’s not sure he’d even seen them mourn. He pushes for Illeka to take the day off, it’s technically their birthday after all, plus they can pay their respected at the shrines and attend the festivities and do the ceremonies and all that. Illeka denies it, brushing it off like they always do.
- Soon, their nightly patrol begins, and Illeka is about to set off to met up with Talako, but Kala intercepts. She has a talk with them, similar to that of Talako’s, but with…more well crafted and laced words. It’s nearly the same message that Talako tried to tell them, “It’ll be healthy for you, visit the shrines, be with your family, maybe brush off some rumours in the process.” Illeka nearly denies again, joking that Talako would get afraid of the dark if they didn’t show up. But Kala interjects, stating that she’s already made plans to take the patrol that nigth with Tal. Trusting their friends to be safe in each others care, Illeka relents and takes the day off.
- …yeah. so
- perhaps you can see where this is going.
- Kala’s jealousy had been growing over the years. Not only was she being shadowed by Illeka and their non magic ways, but it was irritating even more that all the talk about magic in the town was not of her exceptional abilties, but of stupid rumours and non-existent evil curses. If the people wanted show, she’d give them a show
- This mindset made her spars with Illeka a bit more personal as of late, getting it in her head that she needed to get stronger, strong enough to best Illeka with ease. Strong enough so that there would be no question who was the best warrior on the island, magic, bows, halberds, or no.
- The library had many forgotten books that she had been studying. Conjuring, rituals, illusions, necromancy. It was all…beautiful. Kala soaked in every word, sometimes berating the bookkeeper offhandedly for not keeping them in the best condition
- In her research she eventually found a beast. A..thing, a demon? A monster, the specifics weren’t there, but the gist of it was, if you had the courage to summon it, it would grant you the knowledge for attaining anything you desired. All it asked in return was…to eat some people.
- But not just any people mind you! Supposedly the ritual only worked for the people with the greatest of ambitions, willing to sacrifice the lives of people they might care about. The sacrifices had to be of someone with great trust and bond with the person.
- Kala’s parents disappeared that day, a few feathers laid about, but there was no blood.
- Near the northern border, by a open field, a weird circle dripped the grass red
- Talako waited by the village edge, ready to fly off with their patrol partner when they arrived. When Kala greeted him, he was a bit surprised, but happy when she explained that Illeka had gone off back to town.
- Indeed Illeka was with their family now, as the sun started to set. Occasionally, a passerby would give them a weird glance before walking swiftly away.
- Somewhere in the northern border, a warrior is knocked unconcious, and dragged upon a blood red pattern
- Illeka is by her sisters’ shrine. For the sliver of a moment, they contemplate crying.
- Then an explosion is heard off in the distance
- Talako was wide awake at this point, although his wings being pinned to his sides wasn’t that helpful considering there was a giant, *giant* dark monster in front of him.
- Kala lets off a final remark, saying it was for his own good. The death would be swifter if he didn’t squirm.
- He whipped back at her, glaring with a fire she hasn’t seen before. He calls her a coward for tricking Illeka, a coward for kill their parents, a coward for not even giving him the decency to fight for his life.
- She nearly smiles at the last remark. “Fine.” She tosses him his blades. “You were never much of a warrior anyway.”
- Illeka was flying towards the booming sound at full speed, nearly knocking over their family and other mourning, people in the process. A few others had tried to slow them down, claiming they should suit of better first, before confronting whatever had been the source of the explosion. Illeka didn’t listen.
- They barely had time to grab a weapon, before approaching the northern border. After gracing the crests of the hill tops, they finally saw it. A giant demonic beast, snapping it’s jaws against a flying dash of black feathers, Talako.
- Illeka called out to him, nearly dashing off into the air again, but they stopped when they spotted Kala, standing idlely by next to her.
- Before they could even speak, before they could even question why she was acting so nonchalantly while their best friend was fighting for their life against an evil monstrosity, Kala shook her head and spoke. “You always have to ruin my fun, don’t you?” She struck a magic blow and Illeka, square in the chest.
- It knocked them to the ground, but they got up, setting their halberd and pointing it at them.
- Then insert some dramatic scene where Kala is like “you’re so selfish, hogging all the attention, thinking you’re better than me, but today I’m gonna finally best you mwahaha” and Illeka is like “wtf why did you do this? I thought we were friends? I trusted you?? the fuck? also talako is our friend!!?” and then its “yeah thats right I manipulated your stupid feelings to gain the upperhand. you’re super pathetic honestly for falling for it. anyhow yeah talako will probably die, i tried to give him the luxary of a swift death but he wouldn’t listen, so now he’s probably gonna get brutally slayed lol” and illeka is all “I’ll kill you” and kala is “no u. This whole thing is gonna give me so much power no ones gonna question me again” and then they fight each other
- The duel is nearly a draw, Kala’s magical ability is certainly is certainly stronger, but she’s not as all powerful without that knowledge from the demon monster guy that needs to eat his meal. Illeka is fighting with all theyve got, but all they brought was a halberd, but they are very fueled by rage and spite so it’s still an even match. Illeka eventually lands a blow that’s got Kala bleeding severely, but Kala pretty much almost kills them with a direct attack. Kala’s too weak to finish the job, plus those other guards have finally started to fly and approach in the distance, so she flys off. Illeka finally slips into unconsciousness.
- When they wake up, it’s almost sunrise. Their mom is shaking them awake, part of the party that was investigating the explosion that summoned the beast. Illeka bolts up, they’re still in the field were they had fought Kala, but she and the beast are no where to be seen.
- They run off, trying to find Talako, and ho boy do they find him alright. His body is crumpled by some rocks, his wing nearly ripped clean off, theres so much blood, even a warrior like Illeka can hardly bare it. Some small bit of hope in their head thinks that he might still be alive, and they listen to his chest to see if he’s still breathing.
- His eyes flicker once at Illeka, his chest rises, then falls for the last time.
- Illeka cries.
- Then, still pretty wounded and tired, they collapse again
- The days following are living hell. Kala hasn’t been found, and their her parent’s [bodies]. The rumours are creeping as ever, at the coincidence of Illeka and this disaster. They spend nearly a weak in bed at home, recovering physically, thought probably not mentally.
- As soon as they’ve fully recovered, Illeka’s mind is set. They are going to leave, no more warrior/village protection for them. They’re going to travel far off, train and hone their skills in combat, and find and kill Kala.
- Their family is opposed to this at first, but in the end nothing they say changes Illeka’s mind.
- In a sense, there was another, unspoken reason Illeka was leaving the islands. They didn’t want to hurt anyone else.
- Hell, the rhetoric is even stronger down the line, concerning the fate of poor Mili. Illeka has given in and accepted it, they are cursed to cause pain to the people they care about. [It’s basically that trope of the character isn’t actually cursed but they believe they’re cursed] Illeka will stay away, and go it alone for as long as they can. Then once the deed is done, once they draw Kala’s corpse across the mud, they’ll probably fly off somewhere far to die, before anyone else gets hurt. It’s probably best for their family never to see them again.
- - - - - - 
Wow you did it, you made it through the super angsty self-indulgent backstory congrats. Illeka is my lil baby and I love them and I’ve gonna send them on a revenge quest and then they were gonna have a cool character arc probably about learning to grieve and have self worth and all that and to actually allow themselves to show emotions for once in their lives. That’s the general plan I had in my head anyhow
But you know what my dm thought?
They were like how about mORE ANGSt
Fucking shit you not, session three of the campaign, I’m heading back to birb island because of circumstances, and I’m getting supplies from my blacksmith dad and showing off this sword that says “fuck” a lot that I got from a dungeon that took a selkie’s soul which they gave up willingly in exchange for fire hair...long story
but THEN I meet up with my bro Zekk and it’s like “wassup bro just passing through” but then I find out that Talako’s shrine thing was DESTORYED by some unknown entity and that’s very not good because spirituality and all that
and also I find Mili and they’re a cute lil toddler birb now aww it’s so great hope nothing happens to them because I sure do have enough emotional traume to burden right now. anyhow due to CIRCUMSTANCES our only lead to the thing that destroyed Talako’s shrine is 1) a delinquent named Chesio [that our party nicknamed cherrio because the GM misspelled it the first time i think] who apparently was Talako’s shitty cousin and his only living relative who could build his shrine and 2) the destruction of the shrine lines up with a period of time where Mili went missing but its ok she came back so her parents were like “chill we gucci”
Our party decides we should go down the Mili lead [because I accidentally knocked Cherrio i mean Chesio to near death with a crit roll with my halberd so they’re in the infirmary now but it’s really not my fault that they triggered my emotional trauma by mentioning how I keep running away from grief and never staying around to confront it it’s fiiiiiiiiiiiiine] so we stop by Zekk’s house and we’re like “hey so remember when you disappeared for like a week where did you go, and then mili was like “oh it’s in this cavern that no one knows about and I can’t really give you the directions but I can lead you there if you take me with you” in which I then glare at the GM for this obvious attempt to force us to take Mili with us to put her in danger and apparently I was the ONLY one who cared about this because everyone else in the party was ready to adopt this birb child, and Zekk was like “sure take the kiddy harness” so here I am, watching my niece run around in a kiddy harness that’s also attached to me, while my Chaotic neutral party someone gets grilled cheese sandwiches in the background
Badabing, badaboom, we come to some crystal caverns. while I, being one of the only members of the party with morals other than one chaotic good dragonborn, am watching the selkie, halfoot, and elf girl steal a bunch of crystals, Mili fucking DISAPPEARS the fucking KIDDY HARNESS fucking NOT GOOD she FCUKING SLIPPED OUT AND SHES GONE AND IM FREAKING OUT 
after about an hour or two of searching through the deeper parts of the cavern and tunnel and also fighting a minotaur and discovering an abandoned arena and a cleric, long story. We find Mili fucking laying on A NECROMANCER’S RITUAL CIRCLE WHAT THE FU- 
I pull a “I don’t hesitate bitch” on the hooded dude that’s hovering and chanting shit. He’s dead, it’s all swell. Saved the day, the evil’s dead. Mili’s fine she can go back to being a cute lil baby who loves shiny rocks and-
oh wAIT actually Mili is still transformed into a demonic monster and the necromancer dude was actually in the middle of completing a ritual to bring her back to life after he killed her a few times
So turns out, necromancer dead dude was hired by a mysterious someone, to steal something from Talako’s shrine, and to destroy any evidence. Turns out, his methodology for doing so was to kidnap some birb kid who had the misfortune of wander too close, killing them, turning them into some demonic monster that does their bidding, using that monster to steal and ruin some shit, and then when the day’s done he turns them back like nothing happened. Sure do wish he was alive to redo that last part
I’m freaking out, the party’s freaking out, that sword from earlier is cursing to high heaven for no apparent reason. Cleric unhelpfully remarks how it was a bad idea that we impulsively killed the evil dude bro, yes wow thank you for the help
Eventually everything’s fine. After a few round of shouting “NO ONE TOUCH MY FUCKING NIECE OR YOU DIE” after said demonic niece is kinda mindlessly attacking everyone, we eventually do some good ol blunt force trauma and a bit of magic and BOOM. Mili’s back. Although they do have permanent black ritual markings on them but its fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinee (its not)
We find a note on necromancer dude bro that his employer was from another island, so that’s a lead yay Find Out Next SessionTM but at this point I really don’t care as I’ve already started tying Mili to my chest and walking back to the village
I go back to Zekk’s house, hand off Mili, explain everything that happened, give a super heart feel apology about how I pretty much killed Mili (even though I really didn’t but also as we all know Illeka is an angsty birb who’s steadfast in the idea that their existence hurts everyone they love so yay <3) and then I leave as fast as I can before anyone can protest sure was nice visiting my family after i’ve been away for a few months sure am glad that my inner thoughts about staying away weren’t justified whatsoever hmmmmmm
A session or two passes. We try to assassinate and elf’s evil parents and fail, we get into a Fake Dating Being Someone’s Children Au with a dragon. The selkie keeps trying to date everyone, even thought they’re already married to a necromancer princess and a boat (long story) and inbetween we head to that island that note i got was talking about and turns out it was to a place where all your inner demons and anxieties manifest into reality and taunt you, until youre slowly broken down to the point where the evil dictator on the island can “magic” away your problems with puppet strings. fun for the whole family!
Anyways, after our party fights out evil neon-blue clones, I get a lead from dictator dude that the employer I’m looking for is a Rito that’s good with magic, and was last seen headed east, in the same direction we just came from. fun.a
So I’m kinda low on leads, other than the fact that theres a magic school in the east, but in between we have to deal with the fact that husboat (again, the boat that is married to the selkie who is also our entire party’s form of transportation across the ocean. wait a sec did I mention that we weren’t in Hyrule? We’re not in Hyrule, this is a flooded land with a bunch of islands. Think wind waker) was being chased by pirates. also these pirates were the ones that raised the selkie, and also they kinda also slaughtered an entire island of halffoots in their time with the pirates, and also that island was the one that the halffoot in our party grew up in. So basically that’s some cool tension and drama. Anyhow, back to moi
One talk about how “no we cannot kidnap aNOTHER priest” to the selkie and elf later... magic school! Magic school is pretentious and I hate it. Everythings glowy, they don’t allow you to fly over the gates. There’s puffy noble middle aged men and children in bedazzled cloaks. There’s magic in the air and I swear I would choke and die on the glitter and rainbows of it all. 
Half the party is off getting into cloak fashion, I head off with my dragonborn friend Ness because highfive! We’re the only one’s with morals in this party! Morality pals! (This is saying something considering I am true neutral and she’s chaotic good but we might as well be clerics in this party...)
My morality pal and I and hanging around, then we catch word that there’s this transfer student that no one has seen in a while and “oh I wonder where she could be” and all that jazz from other students. Mortality pals are like “ok let’s go look for her” so we drag the rest of the party off of their larceny spree and look around.
Eventually, after I spot a tattered cloak roaming the halls that matches the description of the gossip, we find the transfer student.
TURNS OUT (unsurprisingly honestly given the way the dm framed stuff) this transfer student is someone I know. She’s standing there, in the middle of the room, preparing to do some ritual or something. She’s standing there, my life purpose, my one and only goal, literally the only reason I’m still going in life, my arch nemesis, my target, my mortal fucking enemy. It’s Kala.
Ness sees a demon dog in the background and says hi, ruining our element of surprise, but to be fair, she doesn’t know it’s Kala. 
Kala whips around from her table thing. We make eye contact. Her face suddenly shift from confusion to surprise to bewilderment to shock to happiness. 
“Illeka I thought you were dead!” Kala runs towards me, but I’m too shocked to move.
She’s smiling. It’s not sadistic, it’s not...harmful, it’s just genuine joy. For a moment I thought I saw a tear in her eye. 
Kala hugs me for a long moment, before letting go. “So how did you survive?”
In my head I’m thinking, “oh you fuck face”
how about instead, I do the one good thing, the one worthwhile thing I can do in my entire life...just one simple course of action that might hope to make up for the mountain of regret that is my entire existence. 
I am finally going to kill you.
Kala’s staring at me, eyes curious, head tilted as if all she ever did was ask what I had for brunch. 
I blink once, and my neutral expression, faintly coated with shock morphs into determination.
I roll for initiative. 
- - - - - - 
It’s 1am. 
So have a cliffhanger, kinda. 
If anyone bothers to read this far, congrats! Your reward is me being lazy. I’ll tell you what happened sometime tomorrow if anyone really wants to know :P Long story short, it doesn’t end how I, and therefore probably you, would except. 
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theyoontomyjin · 4 years
Is This Fate? - 7
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Pairing: Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook
Summary: There is a God roaming Jeon Jungkook’s college campus - a God with bleach blond hair, sweater paws, and the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. He’ll get the courage to speak to him soon, he swears, and then he’ll build a temple and worship this man’s ass until the end of his days.
There is a wrong number on Jeon Jungkook’s phone - a number belonging to someone named Diminie who is funny and kind, someone that gets him, someone that he can’t stop thinking about.
Warnings: It’s starting to get spicy! Lots of innuendo, dick talk, etc. I think it’s fairly obvious that’s it’s leading towards the next chapter being smutty ;) 
I swear to fuck if your next question is what am I wearing…
I mean, u brought it up ;)
really tho what are u up to
Not much
stress eating everything in my dorm and watching anime
just nervous/excited/i dunno about something and needed a distraction
Entertain me
ure bossy
u have no idea ;)
actually i wanted to ask u something
What do u think of me?
i mean like
do i seem dateable? or am i too dumb?
maybe i tease too much
um from what i know u seem fine
u make me laugh and u don’t mock me too much
and u seem smart
sometimes sweet
wow in love with me much?
I take back the sweet
but am i the kind of person someone could fall in love with
I don’t see why not
You’re easy to like
Easy to talk to
I feel like it would probably be just as easy to love you
yeah i mean i think about you a lot without even really knowing you
I bet you’re impossible to resist for someone that’s right there with you
I think about u a lot too
I thought u were in love with that “God”
Well he’s fucking gorgeous of course
But like, I’ve only spoken maybe three sentences to him?
actually i’m going to tell u something
and if you get creeped out and block me i’ll totally understand
Okay so he came and talked to me right
And i’m pretty sure he was hitting on me
but the way he did it reminded me so much of u 
and then i got really sad because it wasn’t u
And that’s crazy right? 
because we don’t even know what each other looks like
but i’m always wanting to talk to u anyway
And I have to keep reminding myself that when we were watching movies yesterday that it wasn’t a date
And now i’m sounding creeping af and rambling
I’m sorry
Pls don’t hate me
thank god i thought it was just me
yeah i thought i was being weird getting so attached to someone i’ve never met
and i keep catching myself telling u things before i tell them to my own best friend
I keep searching for u on campus 
not in a stalker way but whenever someone walks past me or something i like to study them and be like, “could this be him?” 
i could just send u a selfie
i know 
but i think it would be more romantic to see each other on our first date
did u just ask me out? 
You’re going to ask me out
i asked last time
Last time? 
Oh yeah, i asked ure friend on a date
He didn’t say anything
Why r u telling me after u say you want to date me? 
because i forgot all about him while i was talking to u
That’s how much i like u 
He is hella cute tho
fuck u 
I’m hotter
I dunno. this guy is adorable and hot
I bet he could slam me around a bit
that’s what you’re into?
i don’t mean hitting me or whatever you’re thinking
i mean like picking me, tossing me around a little
Fucking me against a wall
First of all that’s hot
Second of all are we still talking about Yoongi
Min Yoongi? He doesn’t pick up shit
He literally made me open up a water bottle and pour it into his open mouth because he was “too exhausted” to hold it up himself after walking from the kitchen to the living room. That’s literally all he’d done. All day. 
That’s funny
He looks fit tho
I mean i guess
If you’re into that
Getting jealous baby?
I still like u better
Did we just basically confess
I guess we did
Is that bad
i dunno
I guess it’s kinda weird
Too easy
But also feels right? 
It’s not like i said i’m in love with u 
Because theres still that unknown factor going on
But i like the possibility of us?
Tae says I fall easily so maybe i’m just being stupid
I guess we both are
Would u want to actually meet me? 
I think that would be good
Then we can see if this is just us being weird and lonely
Or if maybe this could be something real
we are all going to the kim party tomorrow
We could meet there
Maybe 😉
Tell me who to look for
Ohhhh he’s asking for details
I’m going to be the pretty one in silver
There’s going to be like 20 pretty ones in silver
I guess I can also tell u that I’ve had poems written about my ass
And Ive been told I have dick sucking lips
Oh THAT got your attention
I mean yeah
I have a type it seems
Also uh
I really like your hands
my hands?
oh the beer picture?
They are really cute
Fuck u
small isn’t bad
You know
We’ve discovered a JK kink!!
And what have u been imagining my small hands doing? 
Uh huh
I dunno
The usual thing hands do
I think this convo will be easier if we try another way
What do you mean? 
Can I call you?
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for-ests · 5 years
Always Enough- Peter Parker x Reader
Okay so this imagine was an anon request that I had previously posted, but I accidentally deleted. I didn't mean to, so here’s a re-upload. Happy finals & sorry my dumbass clicked the wrong button on tumblr mobile because im stupid
Summary (bc the request deleted w/ the post): The reader realizes she had been neglecting Peter because she was stressed over school. Peter thinks there might be another reason because she has become distant. Confrontation and angst follows!
Word count: 2, 360
Finals were a killer, especially for a nursing major like yourself. The stress of it all made you want to curl up into a ball and cry. Cry for hours until you couldn't cry no more. 
But that wasn't an option. What you dreamed of becoming, something simple, yet incredibly difficult, was growing out of reach. Your hours of studying had led you nowhere, only to barely tangible grades. Grades that were barely above average. You were disappointed, discouraged, and running out of options.
What else would you do with your life? Becoming a nurse was the only thing you had ever wanted to be, it was all you knew. Ever since aliens rained in the sky, your only motive was to help the ones who couldn't help themselves. But how could you ever hope to do that when you couldn't pass biochem?
What didn't help your anxious mind was the house you had to stress over, and your minimum wage restaurant job that didn't add to your required expertise. Tears welled in your eyes as you remembered you had to lay a payment down on your ever-increasing student loans. Maybe college wasn't for you. Perhaps it was never meant to be. Your summer money was running out and fast.
Just breathe. You repeated. I don't have time to cry.
You could cry after you studied. And right now, you had barely glanced at your flashcards for more than ten minutes. It seemed like you were paralyzed, sitting in bed with your flashcards scattered around you, all of them laid out and waiting for involvement.
Just as you were about to pick up the first card, your phone buzzed beside you. Instinctively, you glanced at it, your heart dropping when you saw Peter's name flash across the screen.
Date. You had a date night, and you forgot.
"Fuck!" You cursed out loud, the tears you had tried so hard to control seeming to burst over your eyelids. How could you forget?
Peter: I'll be there in 15 minutes :D
You replied immediately, glancing at yourself in the phone's reflection. You looked terrible and distraught beyond compare.
Y/N: Peter…im so sorry I forgot, i'm not ready
Peter: oh
Y/N: i have a huge exam soon, maybe its for the best that we rain check? i'm sorry I know ive done this before but im really stressed about it
Peter: we havent talked for days, y/n, i think theres more going on than what youre telling me
Y/N: what? of course not wtf
Peter: im coming over anyways, ill be there soon
Y/N: why?
Peter: we have to talk.
Your heart dropped down to your stomach. Those words were what you had been dreading, and all focus you had managed to gather vanished into thin air. You knew you had been neglecting Peter's affections. Even if every fiber in your being wanted to make him the single most important thing in your life.
It had been almost a week since you'd seen him, and honestly, it was painful in the most innocent way.
But Peter didn't have to worry like you did. He was gifted and already had his entire life ahead of him, set in the middle of Stark industries. But you never asked for a handout, you never asked for help. Even though you knew he was the smartest young man around. You were proud to be his, and the thought of that disappearing was more detrimental to you that failing your upcoming exam.
Y/N: ok, front door is open
Tears were rolling down your cheeks at this point. You had been with Peter for over a year and had gone without seeing him for longer, but he was right. This time was different. This was the third date you had canceled without wanting to, but sometimes apologizing wasn't enough. Peter deserved a lengthy explanation of what you were really going through.
You were so used to holding back your emotions, that times like this were an occasional reoccurrence. You had always been so afraid of unloading your burdens onto others that you still sometimes forgot that having a boyfriend came with that perk. He was still going to love and cherish you if you asked for help and advice. Hell, you needed to realize that he wanted to.
That was a factor of why you were so in love with Peter. He always listened, and sometimes, even push the truth out of you when he could tell you needed it.
"You're already crying, huh." A sad smile was on Peter's face as he opened the door. His sudden appearance startled you, and you managed to chuckle despite the circumstances.
"You know me." You sniffled, immediately embarrassed by the state he had caught you in. Instinctively, you brushed your hair to the side and dabbed the tears from under your eyes. You could feel the remnants of Make-up drying to your skin.
"I didn't mean to ruin your study-"
"But we need to talk." You finished, shoving your school supplies to the edge of the bed. You made enough room, so he was able to sit comfortably.
Slightly embarrassed, you kept your gaze averted as best as you could. Just Peter's presence made your heart flutter, and a part of you was trying to prepare for the worst. You might really lose him this time. And for what? Yes, school was incredibly important, so, so important. But so was Peter, and you needed to find a balance.
Your silence was enough to beckon Peter's thoughts into the open.
"I just need to make sure you're still serious… about us." His voice was soft as if it was struggling to stay neutral.
Finally, gaining the courage to look at him, you locked eyes. Peter's gaze was heavy and forthcoming, and it took all of your willpower to swallow the knot in your throat.
"Of course, I am." The conviction was entirely evident in your tone. So much so, that Peter fell silent. His accusations seemed to die in his throat, but he knew that if he didn't get them out now, they would creep back to him later.
"It's hard to tell sometimes," Peter muttered, unable to gaze at your confused expression. You looked so hurt.
Your silence beckoned him to continue.
"I haven't properly talked with you in a week. You've canceled our last three dates… it seems like you never want to hang out with me anymore."
Peter winced. He was a grown man, and he sounded like a child. Yet, he had let so many things slide, hoping you would come around, hoping you would make it up to him. Perhaps he had been selfish to only think of himself in the relationship. He failed to realize that maybe in attempts to please him, you were putting your own future on the line. 
"I know you're going through a lot, but you can't even seem to talk about it." Peter's shoulders felt tense, his eyebrows knitting together in an agitated expression. His leg was bouncing up and down uncontrollably. He looked like he was about to burst.
"I'm sorry." You said, trying to swallow the knot in your throat. Pausing, you tried to gather your thoughts into cohesive sentences that would soothe his anxious mind.
"There's nobody else, right?" He suddenly blurted, actually turning his head to look at you. Insecurity was glazed in his eyes for the first time.
"Why would you even think that?" You said, startled. The question felt as if he had shoved your head underwater and held it there just long enough for you to choke on the liquid.
His expression was blank for the first time. Vulnerability at its finest. "My life isn't perfect, you know. I overthink just like you. I need reassurance."
Peter was so calm, so calm that it worried you. Though you were already afraid of how this conversation would go, it hurt you to realize that this conversation was the result of your actions. You failed to make Peter feel special like you had promised. Like he had promised you. Relationships go both ways, and for the last couple of weeks, it had only gone one.
"No, Peter. There will never be anyone else."
He sighed, relaxing slightly. "You've been acting weird. I don't really know what to think."
"I told you a billion times, I'm studying. After work, that's literally all I do. And I need to focus."
"I feel like there's more. It feels weird to not see a text from you when I wake up. It feels weird to not hear your voice. I don't… I don't like it, Y/N. Even if that's selfish."
And selfish it was. Peter expected you to be transparent while he was hiding possibly the biggest secret in the world. Maybe that was why he was so worried about how much you loved him. Peter wanted to be honest with you. He wanted you to know he was spider-man, but right now, he still couldn't bring himself to. Perhaps he was looking for a reason.
"I'm sorry." Your hands were clenched in your lap. "I've never had to deal with this before. Everything is so new, even if we've been together for a year. I've never cared about anyone like this, and I can't manage my time."
Peter paused as if every word in this conversation pained him to no end. His eyes were glossy, his mind unclear. He was desperately trying to understand why you were isolating himself. "You can't make any time for me?"
"That's the thing, I can't focus on anything else when I'm with you." Your lip quivered. "And that's a problem."
"It's not for me." He said quickly. "I make time for you, and you don't for me. And you need to tell me why."
You glanced away, embarrassed. No matter what you said, the reason wouldn't be good enough. You were just a bad girlfriend.
Peter reached his hand out and pulled you to him. You rested your chin upon his shoulder, soothed to feel his warmth once again. "You need to tell me, Y/N. We've made it work for this long, and all of a sudden, it stopped."
Your body started to shake. Trying to muffle your sob, you brought your hand to your mouth. It was all too much.
"-You have your whole life together, Peter. I have nothing, I still have to work for it. I'm not as smart as you, I'm-"and that's when the tears started to flow. It was a literal flood, tear after tear poured over your eyelids until they were bloodshot, until pressure pounded through your head.
Before you could finish, your face was pressed against Peter's chest. He held you tightly, his sweatshirt dabbing up your tears of sorrow. You gripped tightly to him, releasing the stress that had been building up inside of you for the last two weeks.
He did not know what else to do. Showing you that he loved you seemed like the most viable option. Sometimes all you had to do was listen, and that was enough.
"I got a bad grade on my midterm exam, one that I didn't study for because I spent my time with you—I thought-"
"Shh." He stroked your hair, understanding what you meant without a complete explanation.
"I work so hard, and it's never enough-"
"It's always enough, Y/N."
"I got so caught up in it that I neglected you in the process. So much so that you thought I was cheating on you" you inhaled sharply, whimpering against him, so many different emotions swirling through your mind. "You're the best thing in my life, and I put you second…"
"Look at me, Y/N." He cupped your cheeks in a swift movement, forcing you to look at him through tear-filled eyes. "You are enough for me. That's why I bothered to have this conversation with you. That's why I care." He pressed his lips against your forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too, Peter." You tilted your head up to kiss him wholly on the lips. You were a mess, but Peter had always told you that you looked beautiful when you cried.
"Rosy cheeks." He whispered, patting down your hair, inhaling your scent, and appreciating the beauty you constantly radiated.
You chuckled, sniffling loudly. Peter always said that after you had a successful mental break down, your cheeks brandished a rosy shade.
"Shut up." You whispered, tightening your grip around his torso. His back fell against your bed, and you shifted to lay completely on top of him. The firmness of his chest underneath you caused instant relaxation, instant relief. Maybe, just maybe, being in his presence was enough to get rid of the stress from everyday life.
The corners of your eyes were raw and red, yet it complimented your shade. Peter vowed from the moment he had met you, that he would never let any harm come to you. The last thing Peter had ever expected was that he might be the reason, instead of the world.
At least, for now, he had the power to fix it. You were the love of his life, and he had never felt so gratified to be in anyone else's presence.
Peter's fingers traced light, small circles on your back. He could hear your heartbeat slow. The softness of your finger against his was enough to help him close his eyes.
He was at peace, real peace for the first time in weeks.
"We need to remind ourselves to talk about shit more." You mumbled sleepy, almost inaudible. "So this doesn't happen again, because I hate it."
"Me too, babe." He whispered, content with watching you rise and fall in sync with his breathing.
"I couldn't bear to lose you."
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reconnecting · 4 years
been thinking about being disconnected lately.
its mostly a rambling vent, i kind of lost what i was saying for a bit.
years ago, we did this almost same thing. we tried, for years, to reconnect with our Breton people, because the body is part that.
its a dying culture? okay, well lets see what i can find. mostly christianized things, but some other stuff, so lets focus on that. its all in french or breton, okay, let me try to learn some of that so i can read. how do the dances work, what are the instruments, who did we worship before, wheres our music, whats our culture, who am i who am i who am i?? can i learn? can i join? how does it work tell me tell me tell me who i am even though you cant.
the information is almost all gone. the older generations are pretty much the only ones to know about it, and i cant talk to them because they speak breton and nobody speaks breton. okay where can i find out more, how do i find out more? traditional clothes? music? the music is almost only in france because celtic festivals dont include breton normally.
and now?
i work up the courage to work past an abusive grandfather and find out about the other side. puerto rico, okay. things dont fit let me keep looking this doesnt match what we know. taino, okay. that matches things better, but... orphaned family means we were cut off. who knows things? nobody. ill keep asking, new questions, different questions. check a dna test, find relatives on that side, ask them. what do they know? finally find someone who does, has family the same age, same generation as the one we got cut off at, and they look so similar in photos.
okay lets go off this what do you know what can you tell me im sorry to ask im so sorry i have nothing to give you but can you help??
they will, they do. they tell me our tribe doesnt exist anymore, that so few do. that they still practice. they have the clothes, the names, the dances, the music. they have the traditions still and no tribe name because there werent enough to be a tribe a few generations back. i ask if they ever knew the name, they say theyll ask, i hope for the best. their family has dementia in it too. what else can even be done about that? nothing. im sorry for asking, thank you for answering. i have so many more questions.
the elders i speak to have no answers. i ask them the questions and they respond until i say what i know, and they have no answers either. how can they? i hope they still help, i hope theyll teach me, but they cant have all the answers either. i know this. hopefully they have some. hopefully its not too much, too much asking.
i look on my own. i ask others. they offer to help, to find my familys tribe if they can, but if theyre gone... what then? the family says theyre gone. been nameless for too long, will there be anything else to find? i cant ask the person who offered to help, the language barrier confuses both of us, and this issue is too complicated for me to explain to him. i look up information. the things weve been saying for years, the same things, theyre things my ancestors did, things connected to my culture.
i wonder how it is that i got these things, if its coincidence, if a coincidence like that is even possible with how many similarities there are.
i feel like im eating my own tail.
i ask my friends what to do, they have no answers except to learn, hope that itll work out. they tell me it should, its not that uncommon a situation. it should be fine, keep up hope, im not alone, we arent alone, were family, theyll teach us what they know. theyre right but it doesnt stop the knowledge that their nations aren’t mine. ill learn. ill learn whatever im taught but its not Mine to learn, to pass on.
i ask my friends about my grandfather, the other one, if its polite to try and learn about his culture as well if i dont claim it. they say yes, yes, i Should know, I should learn Something about it. i ask, his grandmother was cherokee, they dont know the tribe, the family is all dead already. i dont ask why. the dementia hits hard, he doesnt remember, there are happier things to remember, dont trigger an episode.
connected on so many sides to different cultures, what should be recently. just a few generations away. i met my great great grandmother, i could have met the others, they could have been alive, they could have taught me. it wasnt that long ago and i didnt meet them, i didnt know. nobody knew. nobody connected though.
why did nobody connect? i cant understand that but i have to. i understand one grandfather, he is racist, is abusive. its a tactic. i understand that, even if i hate him. i understand another grandfather, the generational gap, the timing, the ages of them all. i understand that it was probably for safety. i understand my grandmother. it wasnt her interest to ask, past what she grew up with. nobody asked past what they grew up with.
i cant understand why they didnt ask. why do i have to be the one to ask, to do this legwork? it would have been easier for my mother, for my grandparents, to do this. it would have been easier. more recent, more connected, more resources. and they didnt. should i be upset? am i allowed to be?
my friends say i am. ‘youve just found out your family is almost all gone, youre allowed to be upset.’ “its a hard thing to know your culture and not be able to grasp it. its okay.”
my mother doesnt. when i bring it up she looks disappointed. i get it. the family that she connects to it is abusive, ruined her life. i understand. but this isnt them, theres more beyond it. she looks with those eyes. “why would you want to know? you grew up without it, isnt this enough? arent we enough?”
i have no response. how can i explain the feeling of someone standing behind me, shoving, pushing, saying i have to? how can i explain the feeling like if i dont, something will go horribly wrong, that i need to connect now or itll be gone forever? how do i explain that im the last chance we have to connect, to learn? im the last generation that could do this? how do i explain that to people who dont care, who gave that chance up?
my sister doesnt understand. i ask if she wants to learn, wants to try, and she sounds interested until i explain it will take work. shes interested in the claim, but when i say that shed have to study, have to catch up with the knowledge of the people who lived their lives in it, she drops it, stops asking questions. what do i do with that? she should be interested, shouldnt she? why would you not want to know, or only want to know up until i say it takes work? ive put in over a full days worth of work this week alone, just on this topic, on finding out the little that i know now, and could never regret it, but i say it takes works and she leaves the room with a polite dismissal.
i want to connect. i want to know, what are the cultures that should be in my family like? how do i find them? how do i learn, what do i do, who will teach me, will anyone? why is nobody interested in connecting except for me?
why is it only something they care about when its convenient?
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Wow, is the first thing that comes to mind with that episode, it's the first one I enjoyed so much in years. It wasn't like the old Grey's good, but I certainly enjoyed it. Now with that being said, onto the reviews.
The craziest ones first.
Oh boy, where do I start?........ Deluca ran out in a blizzard to have collect a liver WITHOUT GLOVES and ended up with frostbite. He is currently clearly having some mental issues and I hope that they're able to treat that soon before he's fired. Sure, he saved a kid's life and before that he saved Suzanne's life but what happens when his luck runs out? His hands are going to be out of commission for a while and I hope that he gets some help by then because something is definitely up with him and the way he's acting with the people around him is becoming harsh, which means the problem is getting worse.
Meredith/Dr Haynes
Lumping them into one section seeing that were together for most of the night. Haynes is definitely enjoying having conversations with Meredith. In a way if they were to get together this would be the best way to do it. Too many relationships in Grey's start with sex first talk later and it worked for Meredith with Derek but it didn't for pretty much everyone else in the show, not everything is like the Mc Dreamy situation.
Must admit I enjoy the interactions but, I'm still not at shipper level yet. The bonding over their past spouses and raising kids ......☺☺☺. He had me going at first when he said Christina never mentioned Meredith, but turns out she just calls her the twisted sister, fair enough, I wouldn't be surprised if Christina had planned to set him up with Mer since the first time they spoke. On another note his passion for his patients is very admirable, hes not Alex Karev level yet. But I like him.
Meredith is trying with Deluca more than she did for Maggie when she was in her slump🤔🤨. She really has no plot right now, the show at this point might as well be called anatomy. She's trying to help Deluca, but only gets abuse in return, I really am praying that he is sick if not........😡🤬.
Then theres her and Haynes budding friendship. But that's pretty much all for Meredith.
Jo and Alex
WTF, Alex better be dead or I'm going to be disappointed, he never even went to his mother's house and has been ghosting everyone......... excuse me what? I'm not seeing any proper valid excuse for the nonsense that is this plot. Why are they doing this? All of his progress is regressing. Next week is his final episode and it better have a valid explanation.
Jo is understandably a reck, I kind of enjoyed her sass though. I'm honestly confused. (Did he go after Izzie cause that would really be insane.) I understand they wanted to make it as painless as possible for Jo, but how is this better? She's heartbroken, they would have been better off if he'd died instead. I'm curious to know where the hell he is though.
But at least we got to see her have some support even if Link is a wreck as well.
This story line definitely was the biggest WTF moment I was not expecting that from Teddy and more importantly the stupid Owen, Teddy, Koracick triangle starts again, but this time with a side of Amelia like OMG please stop🙄. Props to Teddy for being able to add up dates or having intuition or whatever her reason was for knowing. Although she could have discussed first instead of having pent up feelings that have now been released in the form of a huge mistake.
Poor Koracick at the end of the day Teddy and Owen will probably patch up the relationship and he'll be left once again heartbroken. I wish he had, had the strength to reject her. He's always the scape goat when her and Owen are having issues.
Owen, actually was being a good spouse and got cheated on but I guess Karma comes back around. He, just saved a baby and mom and asked Teddy If she wanted to ski for this episode. But I'm sure he's going to have a major storyline soon along with the others in this mess.
This love triangle just got even more complicated, especially if Amelia and Owen starts to catch feelings again.
I'm actually perturbed by him tonight. Is he retiring? Better not be if he wants to stop preforming surgery, fair enough but he needs to be the intern director or something I can't have him leaving too after Karev, he can't give up too.
He found inspiration from a new intern. I thought she was going to be the new Dr Bailey for him. But nope she's not even a doctor. Her story was touching, but was she really going to cut into a patient with only barely having been in med school. How did she think that was going to work out? And poor Richard he was finally starting to get that teaching spark in his eyes again, only to find out she wasn't even a registered doctor. At the end he talked to her about never giving up, gives her his sethescop and says he no longer need it, like I said before they better not get rid of Richard as well, and where is Catherine? For someone who fought hard enough to buy a whole hospital for him to have to be around her, she sure is absent.
Miranda Bailey
She spent the whole time helping Joey study for his GED and then took him on a tour of the hospital to see job options and it was just adorable, their banter is hilarious and is it me or is he going to be a surgeon. He was so interested in them saving the baby and the mom.
And as expected she has decided to adopt Joey however it happened like I didn't want it to..... really fast. So fast that she didn't even bother to inform her husband and I know Joey and Tuck were playing video games and getting along but does he understand that he's about to have a new brother?
I knew a Ben and Bailey fight was coming and I guess now it has (they've been too happy and no couple in Grey's stays happy for long. Luckily it seems like an easy fix.)
Link is ultimately depressed and it's sad because that means that he really did truly love Amelia,he should have taken some personal days as well because being depressed at work is never a good idea. I really hope that they aren't trying to set him up to be with Jo, I like their brother sister support system.
Nico and Levi
Now I love my boy Levi, but sometimes I feel like being a surgeon is not for him. He fainted in the OR twice, cried when he had to give the patient bad news and then lost a patient, I hope he gets it together soon before he kills someone.
Now as for his love life Idk what the hell happened. Nico took a 360 turn. Maybe he's bipolar as well, because I am lost. He's being such a douche, sure Levi's almost child like innocence and need to over share can be annoying at times but he deserves an explanation, he ditched his family for you because he pretended to be a fully open gay. The least he could do is give an explanation. Can't believe the way they're relationship is turning. I think this may be the beginning of the end for them. I hope not, they were good together.
Barely raised his head up from carrying on the work of Mark Sloan to fight with his new girlfriend Vic. Which I'm sure is not over they apologized but, that 2nd fight is coming soon.
No plot really besides being salty about no longer being chief, saving 2 lives, then confirming to Teddy that she's not crazy for thinking that Amelia's baby is Owen's and apparently giving her the courage she needed to cheat on Owen with Tom.
Ending notes/ questions
• What's going to happen with the hot mess that is Teddy/Owen/Koracick/Amelia/Link.
• Is Deluca really mentally unstable and becoming like his dad? And is he going to be Ok?
• Is Richard retiring? (He better not be if his hand is shaking then fine stop surgery and teach instead, but you do not get to leave too Richard)
• Will Ben and Bailey come to agreement with adopting Joey? And will they agree to just him or adopt the others as well? (It seems strange that after the whole thing about having to keep them together they would just split them up and leave it like that.)
• What's going to happen with Meredith and her love triangle/not love triangle.
• Will they finally give Maggie's character something to do besides supporting people. She had like one or two 5 minute plot for like the past few seasons.
• What is wrong with Nico, he suddenly changed for the worst in 2.5 seconds and Idk where they're taking his character.
• Is Jo going to fall into the slump again like she did when she met her mother? I hope not. It's her time to shine now.
Excited for next week's episode it's looking like Drama and emotions the whole episode. My favorite types.
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Isn’t It Delicate?
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part One    Part Two    Part Three    Part Four    
Part Five    Part Six    Part Seven    Part Eight
Summary: Will Draco find the courage to ask you out? And what happens when you two have class or lunch together? How will your worlds collide? 
A/N: More of a intermediate chapter but ya know it’s still cute and a bit saucy toward the end. I love you guys so so much! Please don’t stop with your comments likes and reblogs, they mean so much to me you have no idea. Also don’t be afraid to come and chat! I’m mostly always here. Love you guys. Stay safe and creative. 
Tags: @un-limiteddd @geekysimmerthings @coffee-addicti @ilikestuffproductions @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @dolphincommander @bisexualbumblebeesstuff @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg​ @queenfeatherwings​ @fanficflaneuse​ @go-whovian-universe​ @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise​ @dietkiwi​ @katsukink​ @takemetothekingdom​
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I was glad that Hermione was my partner in Herbology. I had forgotten to go over today’s lesson last night and I wasn’t ahead or prepared as I normally was.
“This is the only time I letting you slide on this.” Hermione warned. “Draco or not, you still need to keep up on your studies,”
I nodded and watched as she handled the flutterby bush, pruning it successfully. I followed her suit, mimicking exactly what she did and reaped the same results. Professor Sprout seemed pleased with both of us and awarded Gryffindor ten points for each of us.
I watched Harry and Ron struggle across from us, and giving in, I went over to help. Harry’s eyes met mine and something passed between us: a truce of sorts.
With the end of herbology came lunch: when I would see Draco again. The three seemed to realize that.
“Are you going to sit with him then?” Hermione asked innocently.
“I’m... not entirely sure. I mean we do have Creatures together after so... maybe? If he asks?” I offered. “He could always sit with us,” I commented.
I could tell that both Ron and Harry had something to say about that but refrained from it.
“He’d be more welcome at our table than I would be with the Slytherins,” I pointed out. “And I’d rather not get into it again with Pansy,”
They both muttered agreements and I felt that it was a small step in the right direction. 
“Has he asked you yet?” Ron changed the topic. “To the ball, ya know?”
“No,” I sulked. “I think he tried this morning though,”
“What? Did he chicken out?” Harry snickered.
“Yes, I think he took a page from your book Harry,” I smirked. “Are you ever going to ask anyone?”
Harry and Ron both looked down, grumbling their answers.
We entered the Great Hall that was buzzing with the usual chatter. AS every year, it was decorated for the upcoming holidays that held a certain warmth and excitement to them.
My eyes scanned for Draco, not seeing him. Feeling a bit defeated, I sat at the Gryffindor table, half-heartedly making my way through the warm soup that was served for the chill of the day.
Draco almost stumbled into the Great Hall, his History of Magic class having run late because apparently the goblin uprising was more importing than a time schedule or a bell.
And he saw you, sitting at the Gryffindor table, laughing with your friends as if you didn’t have a care in the world, despite what was hovering over them both. He paused a moment, watching you before your gaze followed Ron’s and your eyes met his, an amused smirk on your face; caught staring.
“Are you okay?” You mouthed.
He nodded and recovered, making his way over to you, his nerves growing with every step. He was determined to ask you to the Yule Ball if it was the last thing that he did today.
He could do this. What were you going to do? Say no?
Well, you could totally do that and well, he’d have to accept it, but you wouldn’t say no would you?
As he neared your table, you stood, untucking yourself from the bench and facing him. 
“Hi,” You breathed out. “You’re late,” There was mischief in your eyes.
“Binns,” It was more than enough of an explanation as your face scrunched up in pity. 
“Sorry,” You sympathized. “Another goblin war then?”
He nodded; words caught on his tongue.
“Do you want to sit with us for lunch?” You looked to him earnestly, eyebrows raised.
“Yes, but... before that.” He grabbed your hand. “I... I wanted to ask this morning but didn’t.”
He took a deep breath, distracted by you catching your bottom lip between your teeth. Did you know you were trying to kill him when you did that?
“Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?”
A laughed bubbled through your lips as you lit up.
“Yes, of course I’ll go with you,” You threw a side glance to Ron and Harry, and he felt as if he was missing something.
You didn’t let go of his hand as the two of you sat at the Gryffindor table and had lunch together. His nerves were eating him on the inside; he didn’t belong at this table... he was hated at this table if anywhere.
Yet, with you by his side, no one said a word to him that had malice intent behind it. Instead the conversation shifted and flowed between classes, and homework, the upcoming Ball, the Triwizard cup.
He didn’t speak up as much as he would have in his group of friends, but he eagerly watched you animate the conversation. It was different, watching you up close, and being a part of your own little world here at school.
Every once in a while, you’d squeeze his hand and pull him from his thoughts, or simply reassure him.
Traitor, his father’s voice hissed.
He had a sinking feeling in his chest when he thought about his father and that no doubt, he already knew about what he had been doing and that he had been with you, defending and choosing you over all else. It was a box of anxiety that he kept locked tight to worry about at a later date.
Walking down to Care for Mythical Creatures, he still held your hand, and, in the snow, you huddled closer to him, fearing the cold around you.
“Afraid of a little chill?” He teased.
You gave him a sharp look, your teeth all but chattering and your nose and cheeks flushed red.
Be a gentleman, His mother scolded.
He stopped you, tugging your hand and momentarily set his bag down and slipped his robe off, draping it around your shoulders, all the while you protested.
“I-I’m okay,” You shivered. “You don’t have t-too.” “Wear it,” He nearly ordered. “I’ll be okay. I’m used to the cold,”
You pouted a moment but gave in, slipping your arms into his Slytherin robe and almost curled up into it. He didn’t want to admit it, but he loved seeing you in Slytherin colors.
“You’re staring,” The quip left your lips as you took his hand wand continued with the rest of the students down to Hagrid’s.
“You look good in Slytherin,” He retorted, smirking when you turned a deeper shade of red. 
In Creatures, I all but huddled into Draco, feeding off of his warmth, now that mid-winter was approaching quickly the weather turned for the worse. His arm was around my shoulders, shielding me from the cold, rubbing now and again when I shivered too much for his liking.
I could see the glances exchanged between the Gryffindor’s and Slytherin’s at the two of us together—and me in his robe no doubt, but I was too keen on listening to Hagrid and trying to get something (anything) useful from it.
Getting nothing from Hagrid’s lesson, my mind drifted to the upcoming exams on Friday and I zoned out, trying to figure out the best study plan on the subjects that I was struggling with, moving Herbology to the top of the list since I had missed today’s lesson’s notes and had to do double tonight. No doubt Potions should be high on the list, next to the dates and people of History of Magic, but I had that subject understood pretty well—save the dates.
“Maybe he isn’t too bad,” Harry muttered as we entered the Gryffindor common room. 
“It was nice of him to give you his robe wasn’t it,” Hermione sighed dreamily.
My cheeks flushed again as I stayed quiet.
The week passed and I honestly don’t remember most of it. It was hell: studying, working on essays, the weather not letting up. I was shivering more than not, and it was hard to concentrate. It left me in the warmth of my room, dreading to go anywhere in the drafty castle other than class and some meals.
You haven’t been to dinner in three days, please come down and eat with me. I’ll meet you outside your common room in ten minutes.
I’m worried about you, 
Draco, ~
The letter came Thursday evening as I was once again reading through the Goblin Revolutions trying to keep the dates straight. I had most of them down but kept mixing up a few of them and no matter what I did, I couldn’t get them straight.
Giving up, I closed the books and ordered my notes before slipping on a sweater and changing my socks before slipping down to the common room where Draco was waiting.
“You need to eat,” He scolded, handing me his scarf, knowing that I’d be cold.
“I’m fine,” I mumbled, wrapping it around my neck, reveling in its warmth and how it smelled strongly of him.
“No, you’re not. Now stop being stubborn. You can’t study all the time. You need breaks Y/n,” He sounded truly concerned, his fingers weaving through mine.
“I can’t fail these tests Draco,” I insisted, feeling warm with the seconds that passed. 
“And you’re not going to. But you have to take care of yourself too.”
I huffed as we entered the Great Hall. It was lulled and almost silent, many students studying or overworked from the exams already taken.
“Hey Malfoy!”
I stiffened as I recognized the voice. It was Pansy.
We both turned, his grip on my hand tightened and I wasn’t sure if it was in reassurance or if he was holding me back. It could have been both.
“Still hanging with her I see,” Pansy sneered. “I don’t see why you bother. We all know how this is going to end. You’ll realize she’s not worth it and this madness will end.”
“I thought I told you to leave her alone,” Draco hissed.
“What? She can’t take a little teasing? Isn’t that what the two of you always did? She didn’t mind it then...” Pansy grinned wickedly. “Why should she care if I do it?
“Because you don’t hold a candle to who Draco is,” I snapped.
“Oh, and you’re so confident that you know who he is?” She laughed something that sounded like a hyena. “You don’t know anything about him princess. Your mommy hid you away from the real world for too long.”
“She took me away from freaks like you. I guess she didn’t want me to grow up to be a bitch,” I sneered, and Draco chuckled beside me, tugging on my hand.
“Let’s go,” He murmured.
My eyes met his and I could see the same fire behind them. He wanted to lash out as much as I did, but something stopped him, and I wasn’t sure what it was...
I took a deep cleansing breath and nodded. She wasn’t worth the time to ruin my night with Draco.
We took our seats at the Gryffindor table, far from Pansy and her posse and had a quiet dinner for once. We only exchanged a few words, talking about our two exams tomorrow. My thoughts resided with what Pansy had said.
After dinner, Draco led me once more to the Astronomy Tower where we watched the stars side by side. I was in his robe again, shielded against the chill that the night brought.
“You know she’s wrong,” Draco piped up. “I’m not going to leave you.”
My eyes didn’t leave the vastness of the sky. Sometimes it was nice to imagine words like that were real, and promises could be kept...
“Y/n,” He pressed.
“What if she’s right?” I mumbled. “I... I didn’t grow up like you did... I don’t know you that well, other than...” I shrugged and gestured vaguely.
“What do you want to know?” He pulled me closer and spun me so that we were face to face.
“I don’t know.” I sighed. “What does it mean to know a person?” My hands wrapped themselves around my midriff.
Draco rolled his eyes and tilted my chin up with his hand. My eyes met his.
“My birthday is June 5th,” He smiled, his face pensive. “I never really had a favorite color... my middle name is Lucius,”
I giggled into the back of my hand, giving into his attempt to cheer me up. 
“What, is that funny?” He raised an eyebrow.
“A little bit.” I admitted. “It must be a pure-blood thing. My middle name is a family name too.”
“Oh? Would you care to tell me?”
“And why not?” He almost pouted. “Am I not allowed to know?” He shifted so that I was pressed against the window ledge and he was a few inches before me, his hands on my waist.
“I mean, sure,” I drawled.
“Well?” He asked, drawing closer to me so that I could feel the warmth of his breath fan across my face; electricity flowed between us again, the same nervous potential energy.
“It’s not Magdalene is it?” He asked, his lips brushing against mine.
It was a good thing that I was leaning against the window ledge, because I was all but putty in his hands.
“No,” I breathed out, my hands running up his arms as my fingers laced themselves together behind his neck.
“Won’t you tell me?” Another soft fleeting kiss. 
I shook my head, my voice gone with his kiss. 
His lips captured mine before I could answer. The kiss lingered and grew to something stronger. One of his hands left my waist and caressed my cheek before sliding into my hair, cradling my head. My hand followed suit, running into his hair, pulling him closer.
A gentle gasp had his hot breath mixing with mine because he used his hand that resided on my waist to pull me flush against him before lifting me so that I was propped up on the ledge. His hand moved to support my back, but I wasn’t afraid to fall with him near. And despite the chill of the air, cold was the last thing that I was in that moment.
As the kiss deepened, I made a soft sound, my hand trailing down his shoulder and chest. He hummed a response, pulling away softly.
“This is coercion,” I murmured into his lips. He was so close; it was hard to find a place in my mind where he didn’t exist.
“Is it?” He mused, pressing his lips back to mine, picking up where we left off.
“Yes,” I breathed out, cupping his face, my thumb stroking his cheek softly.
“Is it working then?” He chuckled.
I pressed my lips back to his, kissing he deeply for a moment more before totally giving up and giving into him.
“Elizabeth,” I whispered.
Part 10
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