#(he would appreciate the drama but there would be many many follow-up questions 😂)
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rainbowsky · 8 months
Hi rbs, just want to say thank you for your blog. (Former?) mtjj here that was getting tired of solo fandom toxicity and started questioning things, so I began reading your posts in order to gain another perspective. I really appreciate how organized and easily accessible you have made all your info/metas; you seriously made everything very easy to understand and did I ever fall into the rabbit-hole because of it. To say the least…I’m a clown now 😂
I was just wondering if you’ve came across the following post from yibo yet? I’d love to hear your thoughts because it’s actually what made me start questioning things to begin with: He’s standing with his arm around somebody who has been (conveniently) cut-off, and that person is holding a racket that (coincidentally) looks very similar to xz’s. I can’t find the posts of xz’s tennis racket, so can’t 100% confirm. Just seems very 👀 that he felt the need to cut the person out unless they were somebody who would send his fans into an uproar. But what do I know? I’m probably clowning, just thought it was very interesting!
Take care!
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Hi new turtle! 💛🐢💛
Happy to be of service. 😅
I love hearing what transforms someone into a turtle. It's always so interesting! Particularly solos, because I suspect they're a lot less prone to falling into the rabbit hole than the average passerby.
It's true that picture is very 👀. Kind of difficult for anyone to argue that it doesn't look uncannily like GG's racket. I mean...
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That's the thing that a lot of solos don't realize. We're not just here crying over a drama from 4 years ago that we can't let go of, or obsessing over fan service or something. We're here for a reason. The supertopics keep growing for a reason. We believe for a reason. There's evidence to support our perspectives. A lot of it. And it's new and fresh, delivered regularly. Turtles are well fed.
Welcome to the orchard, anetaphobia! ☺️
As a new turtle you might also find my masterlist post helpful, although it sounds like you might have already seen it.
Edit: I forgot to add, almost anyone he was hanging out with would be cropped out or covered up with stickers to prevent rumors or fan wars, so the fact that the person is cropped out is not necessarily evidence of anything. But of course, no one would cause quite as much of a stir or quite as many fan wars as GG.
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crestfallercanyon · 1 year
yasssssss love these ask games! there were so many good ones i had a hard time picking ones! but i'm most curious about the following ones:
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
🍭why did you start writing?
💎why is writing important to you?
🎙️which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
+ 1 i didn't ask but you'd like to answer
Ahhh, thank you tea!! I’d love to answer!!
💫 my favorite type of comment or feedback? I just kind of love getting some kind of interaction — I started on original stories which is very solitary, so having people comment on what I’m doing still is so new and exciting. If I had to decide? People get embarrassed about leaving novels but I love when people point out symbolism or what certain things mean to them — I do the same when I comment and I really appreciate the anecdotes <3
🎈my style as a writer — I don’t really know how to describe it! I just know when something’s mine, lol. Very character driven, I suppose. I tend to focus on drama of contrasts at first and then slowly show how actually two people are part of the same gradient, which is my favorite thing to explore. Also, when I’m writing original fiction or when I’m writing like angst I tend to be very visceral, I enjoy writing the “horror” and intensity of things as common as grief and loneliness. Think that’s why crack fic is such a rarity from me, I don’t really know how to do it. My style is not fixed, but the way I write is becoming more “me” all the time. While my writing will forever be influenced by what I’m consuming, I feel like I no longer mimic styles I like but rather take what I like and adapt it to me. I dunno, just thoughts that hopefully don’t make me sound pretentious 😂
💝a fic that got a different response than I anticipated — Shiva from the Flash (coldflash). It got a much more positive and receptive response than I thought. I thought it was going to be very niche and honestly thought I’d be accused of being ooc (which it’s not finished yet so there’s still time!) but it was for me so I decided I’d deal but then people seemed really touched by it which I’m so thrilled by. I love the concept and still want to finish it! (Also honorable mention, The Last Eye to Open, because I was expecting no one to read it and it has been actually quite well received in a fandom that is on what I would call fandom-hospice)
🍭why did I start writing? because I love stories, and I love the art of stories, and there were stories I wasn’t able to find that I decided I just would write myself.
💎 why is writing important to me? Similar to the last question, I love it. Other than being out in nature, it’s my favorite thing to do. And if I didn’t write, well, my head can run away with stories and ideas all day. If you’ve ever played Where the Water Tastes Like Wine, there’s a character — Cassidy — (spoilers) that when you see the true version of himself his head is full of smoke and he’s got pages churning out of him like a runaway fire. I think I’d look something like that if I DIDNT write. Think I’d just be daydreaming all day.
🎙️what fic do I want someone to make an podfic of? Blanket permission on any of them, honestly 😂 but if I had to pick — Look Who’s Inside Again, a TMR Thomally fic about being back in the Glade post-canon. Either that or Everything Must Go from the Flash (coldflash) about Len leaving.
💌 something from an upcoming project that has me excited? I am slowly putting together the spin off of Conflicts of Interest (already have a title and plot and everything) which will focus on Minho and Newt. I feel like I have FINALLY hammered down my own characterization of Newt, and I’m excited to get into his head and root around in it
And then, oooh bless you tea, for my plus one? I could answer this several times but I’ve got something in mind from our last conversation that I want to share —
💘what’s a fic I want to rework? Stranger than Your Sympathy. On the one hand, it does what I wanted it to, it reads like a romantic “dramedy” in its own way. On the other hand… I’m not a huge fan of any of the characterization. Particularly Newt. And while I know how I want to end the story for like, my own soft reasons, I know the best arc for him would be to end it very differently and I don’t know how to reconcile that. If I just redid it, I wouldn’t really have to choose.
And that’s all I got! This is from the Real Fanfiction Asks, and I appreciate you so much for asking! I love these kinds of things and find them very fun so thank you ❤️
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imabillyami · 1 year
Thoughts on Summerslam?
Hey lovely anon! Thanks for asking and being interested as always 💜 I appreciate you! 
A little warning: this contains a lot more complaining and bitching than my opinion pieces usually do, but I honestly expected more from this PLE and I’m feeling a little meh about it, cause a lot of it didn’t live up to the hype for me personally (if you wanna read mostly positive things start reading from the Gunther vs Drew portion onwards). 
As always, these are my personal views, other's might differ from that and that’s completely fine and valid. We all enjoy different things and it’s good that we do. (Disclaimer, cause I don't want any drama in my inbox from anyone reading this.)
I thought the first half of the show pretty much sucked. I wasn’t invested in it at all and had a tough time sitting through all of it. 
Match by match under the cut:
Logan vs Ricochet: Anyone who knows me or has been following me for a while knows that I fucking hate LP’s guts. I wish he’d walk out and never come back, cause yes, he’s a fucking terrible human being and a quick google search will tell you all the reasons why. He doesn’t deserve the spotlight he gets, he deserves jail time. I’m glad Ricochet got an opening match at a big PLE though. He’s one of the best in-ring guys of this generation and seeing him perform is always a blessing. I fucking hate that he lost, but we all knew he would, didn’t we? And Samantha having to announce LP as the winner had me 🤢🤢🤢 As for the match: It was okay. Too much posing and showing off for my taste. Classic LP. And don’t get me started on that screwy finish or the commentary about Samantha. (+ As much as I’m happy Ricochet got to be on the card in that manner, I’d rather have seen Becky vs. Trish or a Rhea title defense in that spot.)
Brock vs Cody: Y’all know my stance on Cody. I don’t like him. I don’t care about him. I fucking hate the “finish the story” narrative and how he forcefully inserts himself into shit all the time. He’s not as great or talented or charismatic as he thinks he is and I cringe so hard every time he opens his mouth. I don’t know what other people see in him, but I guess to each their own. I for one wish he’d leave and never come back. But that’s just me. He called himself “the best wrestler in the world” in an interview recently and I’m sorry, you’re not the best wrestler in this company and there’s many more wrestlers from other promotions who are way above you on that list, sir. Plus your acting and selling sucks. Sorry, sorry, this wasn’t supposed to be an anti Cody rant. If you like him, go ahead, but I’m not gonna hide my dislike for the man. Brock is awesome, I’ve always respected him immensely as an athlete. He’s always been very legitimate and very protected and rightfully so. I don’t know when opponents (other than Roman) started getting up and walking off an F5 through the table, but apparently that’s a thing now… The highlight of that match for me was seeing all of Daddy Brock’s good parts lmao 😂 
(I’m still bitter about Becky vs Trish not being on the card. They had time for 10 minute video packages between all the matches, but they didn’t have time for this highly anticipated match? If I speak 😶 That feud could have been one for the ages if it had gotten the proper booking it deserved)
Battle Royal: I know they had to do this one for sponsorship reasons (and probably to give LA Knight a win and appease the audience, which don’t get me wrong, I LOVE LA Knight, but what good does that win do him?), but I could’ve done without it. Again on my women’s matches agenda here. With how over he is, the crowd wouldn’t have accepted another winner, so it was predictable. It gave the audience a feel-good moment though, so I’ll take it. 
Shayna vs Ronda: I love Shayna ❤️ 100%, no questions asked. As for Ronda… I’m not gonna say much, other than I hope this really was her last match in WWE. I still don’t get why we got an MMA rules fight instead of a proper wrestling match, but then I haven’t been following the build to this very closely. I’m glad Shayna won and I hope she gets to move on to bigger and better things in WWE now that she’s out of Ronda’s shadow. But that’s probably wishful thinking. 
Drew vs Gunther: Was exactly what I wanted it to be. Just two big meaty men hitting and chopping away at each other, manhandling and throwing each other around. Beautiful. I knew I was gonna like this and I did. I love seeing both of these men in the ring. Gunther winning was no surprise, but this time I didn’t mind. He deserves breaking that record. He’s been doing incredible incredible work for a long time and he deserves all the good things he gets.
Seth vs Finn: You have no idea how much I love Seth and Finn, no idea 😭 These two (+Sami +Bryan Danielson) to me are the best technical wrestlers of this generation. No matter what, they will always be able to put on a banger wrestling match, so I’m always always always loving it when they get into the ring together. It’s just beautiful to watch them move. Art art art. I love Seth’s mind games, I love the whole arena singing Seth’s song, I love the history between them. I love everything about it. Either of them deserved that win and that title, I’m glad Seth retained though, he deserves a good long title run. (Also can’t wait to see what TJD getting involved in the match will stir up. That ever growing tension between Damien and Finn is delicious to watch 👀)
Asuka vs Bianca vs Charlotte: The build to this match was terrible, not gonna lie. The match delivered though! The crowd didn’t appreciate it enough, which is a big L on their part. These three did amazing! Sure it wasn’t all smooth sailing and some of it was visible (also thanks to some not so great camera angles), but the quality of the match was still awesome! 
Cash-In: I’m so so fucking happy for Iyo!!! She deserved this for such a long time and I’m so glad they made the decision to put that title on her (I was fully expecting Bayley to cost her that title, so it was a nice surprise that she didn’t and that she was actually the one taking everyone out, so that the path was clear for Iyo. A beautiful showing of friendship 😭 And I loved seeing Dakota and the sweetness that was these three friends celebrating together ❤️ For me this was the highlight of the night!)
I’m also hoping this will be the final straw in turning Bianca heel. She looked like she reached her breaking point during all this, so I’m carefully optimistic. I’ve been wanting it for a long time and with the Profits now having turned heel the dream of heel!Bianca feels closer than ever 👀 WWE I’m begging you! 
Jey vs Roman (aka Jey vs everyone in Tribal Combat): Moment of deep deep appreciation for Jey’s beautiful beautiful back ink and the man who put it on him. Incredible 😍 As for the match: I’m not gonna lie, I had my difficulties with this match. The buildup was so epic, the match itself felt a little disappointing to me in comparison to their earlier bouts. I adored Jey vs Roman at Clash of Champions and HIAC and I loved the tag match at MITB, so I had very high expectations for this match and maybe they were too high. Idk to me it felt a little off and very much not like Jey’s usual pace and what these two are usually capable of.
Don’t get me wrong, it had some very good spots and some very emotional moments (and some highly comedic ones too, Jey telling Paul to grab the other side of that table? I was cackling! Solo screaming at Roman and looking seconds away from murder after that spear? I was pretty much on the floor, cause it was too damn hilarious!), but overall it felt to me like something was missing. Plus most of us saw that Jimmy return and him turning on Jey and costing him the match, the championship and the tribal chief position weeks ago and from a million miles away. I still think it’s too soon for this and I would’ve loved to actually see this for WM40 next year, just the way Josh and Jon have been dreaming about, but we’ll see.
Seeing it coming doesn’t mean I’m not devastated about it. That ending with Jey crying and screaming all alone in the ring? OH MY GOD. I’ve been watching them as a tag team from the day they arrived in WWE with Tamina and I never thought we’d see the day they break up, but I guess I’m comforted by the knowledge that Josh and Jon are going to have the time of their lives with this feud. For us though? Emotional pain awaits, but what else is new
I’m very curious to hear Jimmy’s reasoning (I'm guessing jealousy or Jey leaving his side when he got hurt to challnge Roman) and to see where Solo fits into all of this if Roman is really taking a break for longer. I can’t see Jimmy realigning himself with Roman or Solo tbh, cause that would make everything that happened since NOC pretty much useless. I’m pretty happy if he goes down the lone wolf route for a while. As for Jey? We know that man had deep trust issues before, but now that his entire family has turned on him, imagine how bad it’s gonna get. Sami come help your man! He needs you and you’ve got nothing going on anyway. WWE please make it happen! We need this! Give Jey back the only person who never turned on him! It could be epic! (doesn't convince you? it could make you loads of money!!) Don’t fumble this, idiots!
All in all: Hated the first half, loved most of the second half. And the parts I didn’t love… well, it is what it is and we’ll deal with the aftermath of it as we always do - by being delulu while writing copious amounts of fix-it fic and crying about it 🤷
Hugs to you anon 💜
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 10 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 2 🕺🏼
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
I got two moms: One dead and one alive 😂
💍 queenoftherink follow
I got two moms: My biological mom who is very much alive but I don’t have contact with her and whatever tf the woman that adopted me is
📸 felicityfornow follow
I got two moms: My biological mom and her wife
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am follow
You guys have moms?
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🌼 punk-not-dead follow
Here’s stuff my younger sisters have done (twins edition)
So, as many of you know, I have four younger sisters. The ones with the most material is the twins, who are almost 3 years younger than me. So here’s stuff that they have done:
They roller skated down the stairs several times. Only broke their arms once
They also fell into a fountain while roller skating somehow
One time when my third younger sister was a baby, we were babysat by a woman who btw was the mom to a girl I was rivals with for a while but anyways. The twins made her never want to babysit again because they held our sister over a pot of boiling water and said they were going to cook her.
So my house is inhabited by the spirits of our ancestors (I’m gonna have to explain that someday) and the twins decided to tease our great-aunt Vera by smashing brooms on the walls. Great-aunt Vera hates noise so whenever she is awoken we have to be silent. So when she heard all these noises, she cursed them both with one week of hoarse throats.
My aunt is a witch, and can see into the future. The twins decided to trick her by doing the opposite of what the future told them. But let’s just say you can’t change the future and whatever they did it turned out she predicted it. They gave up after a while.
One time at a halloween party, they stood in opposite ends of the room and whenever someone asked ”is your twin here?” they said no. If they then tried looking for the other twin, she had gone into hiding. Therefore it seemed like there was one of them just teleporting around the room.
So one of them got to play with this band, but both of them wanted to play with them. So, they switched off who rehearsed with them every day. This caused major problems because it turned out both of them has fallen for two different guys, which meant it seemed like there was one girl flirting with different guys each day. Also, one of the twins has a birthmark, and the other one painted it on her so it would be identical - but, she put it on the wrong side. She saved it by saying it was ”fashion” to paint birth marks.
Anyway it all ended with the guys arguing or something, cause the girls caused them to become jealous of each other, and then both girls entered the stage and everyone was like ”????” and then the guitarist, who honestly was just an innocent witness to the drama, fell off the stage. The twins then fled the scene and asked me to pick them up
Oh also there’s the time they got lost in the woods when we went camping as kids but that’s gonna need a full story to itself.
🎸 beanie-guitarist follow
OP I have sent you a DM. I think I know your sisters.
/ Sincerely a guitarist who’s an innocent witness to a band drama where twins pretended to be one person and I fell off the stage
🧢 everythingscominguponmaxi follow
PLEASE tell the world the lost in the woods story it’s so funny
#i’ve heard it a million times and I always laugh
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🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector follow
You know, if I ever have children, I know I’ll probably worry if I’m doing the right thing, if I am a good parent, etc.
However, I have a friend who’s dad is… awful. Like truly everyone questions his choices. It doesn’t matter who tells him off - his own daughter, his other family members, other adults, his daughter’s friends, anyone. He is so stubborn that he won’t listen.
So anyway whenever I am unsure of my parenting skills, I’m just gonna say ”well, at least i’m not like him” and feel instantly better.
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am follow
I am both unsure about and appreciate the shit-talking about my dad. He sucks but also I love him.
But tbh when I have kids I, too, will say ”at least i’m not like him” whenever am in doubt over my parenting skills.
🥸 jeremias-realperson follow
I don’t know, you should probably see it from his perspective. He’s probably just a dad trying his best. You’re young, when you grow up you’ll probably realize that all his choices were actually good for you.
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector follow
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🎧 pixiemix follow
🙋🏼‍♀️ chiaralikesstuff follow
Omg what happened? 🥺 Are you ok?
🎧 pixiemix follow
Dw it was just a game i’m fine
Except I’m very pissed
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✌🏼 arodarmivida follow
So, I’m the only one with red hair in my family. We’ve always assumed it’s a recessive gene and tbh it probably is. Anyway, I visited my friend like a year ago and her mom, who also has red hair, remarked that I looked just like her when she was young. We joked it’s probably because of the red hair.
Then I was hanging out with said friend the other day, and we happened to run into my mom. My friend has never met my mom before and I just realized how similar THEY look. Both have brown hair with glasses. Actually, all of my family has brown hair, and both my parents have glasses, while my older sister essentially looks like my friend but without glasses.
Now, here’s the biggest coincidence: Me and my friend share the same birthday.
It would be pretty funny if it turned out we were switched at birth or something, but that would be impossible since I am pretty sure we weren’t even born at the same hospitals.
✌🏼 arodarmivida follow
Hahahaha uh hi update??
So I’m from Spain. I spent my first 8 years there before we moved to Argentina.
TURNS OUT. I was born in Buenos Aires actually??? My parents worked there for a year and ended up pregnant with me, and they moved back to Spain some days after I was born.
Still. Could be different hospitals. Buenos Aires is not a small city.
📸 felicityfornow follow
Hi everyone i’m said friend of hers.
We both found our birth certificates, and…
Same hospital.
We also looked through newborn baby photos to see if it could help, though we both realized we look more or less the same on them. Maybe I have slightly darker hair but it can be of the lightning.
Honestly at this point i’m wondering if we’re gonna do a DNA test or something.
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
It’s been like a year. Did you ever get those DNA tests?
I feel like you’ve just been ghosting this post ever since smh
#i wish i was switched at birth tbh #would’ve had any other parent than my mom
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🤌🏻 luz-camara-y-accion follow
Not to brag but I would totally win eurovision if I competed
🍓 chico-fresa follow
Same! Sweden would never win again if I hit the stage 😎
🚽 benicio follow
You both seem to be italians and I just wanna say, you won’t even come second place in sanremo. I’m winning that and Eurovision without any complications. Don’t even try.
🍓 chico-fresa follow
Fuck you Benicio you’re a shame for our country and every other country you enter. Go live in space.
🤌🏻 luz-camara-y-accion follow
No idea what he has done to you, strawberry boy, but I agree.
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🙍🏻‍♂️ my-name-is-tomas follow
I don’t understand why every time I post something it gets no notes. What am I doing wrong?
I always try to create content for everyone to enjoy. I put down time and effort and get nothing. Why don’t you guys like me? 😞 Is it something I do?
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🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Can people stop sending me asks about the pig commercial I was in 2012 I don’t wanna talk about it!!
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Wait that was you?? You’re an icon!!!!
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Shut up!
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
I think you just outed yourself, I’ve been figuring out if I know you or not.
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
I’m not a lesbian!! I didn’t out anything
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
No I meant outing yourself as the pig commercial girl because I know her personally.
Also it’s nothing wrong with being a lesbian.
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
But I’m not a lesbian!!!!!!!
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
Oink Oink 🐷
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🎨 biamakesart follow
I have opened my ask box, which means you have the chance to ask me to draw anything in the world 💓🖍️
Have fun! 🫶
🎹 moondust-og follow
Also, if anyone, I mean ANYONE, sends her something inappropriate, you will have to deal with me. I am not afraid to search up your IP adresses! 🚔🚨
Keep it cool! ✌🏼 And I have my eyes on you 🫵
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
I don’t really get the whole ”marry a man and start a family” thing. Like, yeah, I do want kids, but I have a hard time seeing myself marry a man. Why can’t I just have babies and raise them in a big house with all my girl friends? It would be so cozy. Just us girls having sleepovers every night and snuggle up together, singing, just having fun and raise our kids together. Like that would be a dream. No men involved.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Help. This was 5 years ago.
How tf did I not realize I was a lesbian sooner??
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Stop reblogging this.
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
When I was 12 one time I wore red shorts and after having afternoon snacks I got up from my chair and there was a red spot on it. My mom dragged me aside and asked me if I got my period and I said there was no way! obviously the red spot was my shorts leaving color marks.
my mom said well you're 12 so it's a high chance you got it and I was like no it's my shorts!!!!
So my mom asked me to please just go to the bathroom and check if I am so sure and I said alright! I will prove you wrong!
2 minutes later I came back and was like... so mom... turns out it wasn't my shorts? 😅😅
✌🏼 arodarmivida follow
This is the most you-thing I have ever heard (affectionate)
😎 rapmiro follow
But if it wasn’t your shorts then what was it?????
😎 rapmiro follow
Op what was it
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
If anyone's around Jam and Roller in Buenos Aires come see us tonight!! We have an Open Music! Everyone is welcome to come see us!
🍓 chico-fresa follow
I've been trying to figure out who in J&R you are, op, and I cannot figure it out.
Nonetheless, yes, I will be performing and you don't want to miss it!
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Matteo respectfully, you are the most uninteresting person at Jam and Roller.
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
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julia-bunncat · 2 years
Hey, what’s up? I hope you’re doing well! 💖 I’ve been missing our chats and was wondering if you had anything Danganronpa related you wanted to talk about~ Shinsai or Ougoku headcanons perhaps? No pressure or anything! I just like chatting with you. I hope you have a lovely day, Bunbun~ ✨☺️✨
Hiii, Leeann! 🤗💜 I’m doing just fine, thanks for asking! In fact, I have MANY Danganronpa related plans and topics to talk about… but recently, their implementation has been seriously hampered by the latest tasks before my graduation from the university 😅 Anyway, you made a request the day I have some free time, so I’m happy to spend it by answering ✨
Maybe for a change we should talk a little bit about Ougoku!🐞🎲 The only thing: I’m not sure it’s going to be full-blown headcanons, more like the thoughts that come into my mind..~
To tell you the truth, I’ve been deciding for a VERY long time whether I want to ship Kokichi and Gonta 😅 The problem was… how problematic Ouma is in such matters xD I can’t call myself an expert in his personality, and I haven’t played the game to saying things like "it's undeniable truth"… But I think it’s incredibly difficult to gain his trust in any kind of relationship. Moreover, in the game (as far as I know), Kokichi openly and repeatedly uses Gonta’s physical strength, kindness, and credulity – it can alienate many people; make them think that this relationship would be unhealthy :<
That’s what happened to me until I started looking into their art, fantasizing, and read a little comic ^^ Now I'm strongly believe that Kokichi blamed himself for the Gonta's death and didn't want to proceed with such measures. Their early relationship still seems to me full of drama (or just strained) because it's gonna be hard for Ouma to get over himself anyway… Perhaps he will see Gonta as an "old version of himself" who hates so much (cause' he's clearly not born a pathological liar) or, in principle, will push him away from himself, not understanding why Gonta continues to trust him 😩💢
But I’m pretty sure they’re strong enough to overcome all of this 😌After all, their recent DRS events show that they are able to understand each other better than anyone else. Kokichi sees through the Gonta, but he seems very reassured by the fact that Gokuhara always remains as he is 💜 As for Gonta, I really like the hc, that he’s insightful enough to know when Ouma’s lying and when he’s saying at least part of the truth *^* Not to mention his ability to appreciate Kokichi's tricks and foolery, 'cause it’s always fun around him 💚
Idk, it’s like there’s some sort of special bond between them… Of course, it’s possible I feel that way because of the visual contrast 😅 But I really can’t help but think that when Ougoku officially start dating, it’s gonna be an adorably comfortable couple >^< They’re so suited to some platonical interaction: quiet tight hugs before sleep; tangible protection of each other from any dangers; wordless support…
I suppose they wouldn’t advertise their relationship in any way, so for all their classmates (in a universe without a Killing Game or where most of them survived) guessing about it would be a huge shock 😂 Especially for Kaito (yeah, I’ll bring my BROT3 back here again :-P), although a little later he’ll even tease Kokichi about it 😄 Shuichi probably would have been worried about Gonta at first, but then, he would be genuinely pleased that there is a person able to understand and accept Ouma 😊
Also, I have a few more thoughts on Gonta’s meeting the Dice-gang!! It's possible that following old habits, Kokichi will want to make his boyfriend a member of his organization… ^^" But he'll quickly realize that their "activities" not suitable for Gokuhara and decide to help him in his entomological researches in end 🔎 Gonta, in turn, will be very honoured and delighted that Ouma has peoples at his side that can be with him if Gonta suddenly can't 😊
That's all for now! 😋 Thanks again for the question!! Don’t forget to tell me your opinion / experience / thoughts too – I will be very interested to discuss it! I also really hope that you have a wonderful day and that you are well 🥰💕
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