#(i am not here to get into how aziraphale n crowley treat each other in ways that are unintentionally hurtful id be here forever lmao)
bullagit · 8 months
due to personal reasons i am now firmly on team “i hope aziraphale does change heaven for the better actually (going on the assumption that his return is as straightforward as it seemed etc” 
like if the alternative is just this ohhh he’s so NAIVE and SOFT and so WRONG and he’ll have to LEARN A TOUGH LESSON etc etc nonsense then yeah 1000% go for it babe knock it out of the park
i hope choosing hope and kindness pays dividends. i hope the soft traits that made other characters continually disparage and underestimate him and his intelligence turn out to be his greatest assets bc i kinda don’t give a shit about a “toughen up it’s the only way everyone else knows better” life lesson for this character
(which like honestly a lot of the rhetoric is dismissive of the fact that persistent goodness in the face of an existence of disparagement takes great strength and that at the end of the day aziraphale has always been able to stand up in his own way)
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pearlsephoni · 4 years
When Immortal Meets Ineffable
Can also be read on AO3 
Rating: G 
Fandoms: Good Omens, The Old Guard
Pairings: Joe/Nicky, Aziraphale/Crowley (ofc)
Summary: Nicky's love for books has introduced him to many wonders, but he never anticipated meeting a pair of men whose existence seems just as impossible as his own. Or: a gay, immortal couple walks into an old bookshop owned by a gay, angel/demon couple. 
A/N:  The sign on Aziraphale's bookshop door is real, I copied the text from here lol And I owe my life to this 3D recreation of the shop Also this is my first time attempting to publish a fic on here, so pardon any formatting weirdness. More author’s notes can be found on the AO3 page!
Immortality was exhausting. It was impossible to build a normal life and settle down without sparking suspicion, so no single place could be “home” for very long. They couldn’t build a family, or climb the ladder of a career, or even build many friendships outside of their core group. 
Without the more…“standard” goals available to them, each member of the Old Guard ended up setting their own personal quests. Andy learned every language and style of martial arts she could. Booker challenged himself to try a new whiskey at every bar they visited. Joe was close to completing his goal of visiting every possible art museum in Eurasia, and would soon be expanding his scope to the world. And Nicky was determined to read as many of the world’s books as possible. 
But that wasn’t the only reason why he and Joe ended up seemingly visiting every bookshop in Europe. Living forever meant you had an infinite amount of time to lose and find things, and unfortunately for Nicky, his list of lost items included a near-first edition copy of Dante’s Divine Comedy. 
Books didn’t hold the same appeal for Joe, but he was still always willing to join his life partner in his visits to bookshops. What caused him chagrin wasn’t the visits, but the seemingly futile quest to find such a rare copy of a classic book. So when Nicky immediately tugged his jacket back on to head into London, Joe was a bit more reluctant than usual. 
“Hayati, wouldn’t we have better luck looking in museums for something so rare?” 
“I’m not just looking for La Commedia, my heart,” Nicky reminded him with a small smile. “I need a new book to read, too.” 
“Of course, and that’s why you are going to Waterstones and not another small, old bookshop?” That small smile turned guilty, and Joe couldn’t help letting out a sigh. “Do you have a destination in mind, or will you be wandering again?” 
“Why don’t you come with me and find out?” 
It wasn’t fair of Nicky to use his rare, broad smiles to win their smaller bickers, he knew it. But even a relationship with the love of his life wouldn’t have lasted almost a millennium without the occasional cheap trick. And it was so hard to feel guilty when his little tricks resulted in Joe’s hand warmly wrapped around his as they walked through London. 
As it so happened, he did have a destination in mind: A.Z. Fell & Co., an old bookshop that he remembered seeing on a random street corner in London. It had been closed the first (and last) time he tried to pay it a visit, all those years ago, and the sign on the door detailing the store hours simply raised more questions than answers for Nicky: 
Bookshop Opening Hours: 
I open the shop on most weekdays about 9:30 or perhaps 10am. While occasionally I open the shop as early as 8, I have been known not to open until 1, except on Tuesday. I tend to close about 3:30pm, or earlier if something needs tending to. However, I might occasionally keep the shop open until 8 or 9 at night, you never know when you might need some light reading. On days that I am not in, the shop will remain closed. On weekends, I will open the shop during normal hours unless I am elsewhere. Bank holidays will be treated in the usual fashion, with early closing on Wednesdays, or sometimes Fridays. (For Sundays see Tuesdays.) 
-A.Z. Fell, Bookseller 
“It’s a miracle this place is still running,” Joe muttered now, squinting at the wordy sign. Nicky was more interested in the sign hanging next to it, blissfully simpler and blessedly flipped to read, “Open.” The door was unlocked, and rang with a cheerful jingle as the immortals pushed it open. 
“Hello there! Welcome to A.Z. Fell & Co!” 
Nicky had barely been able to fully take in the warm, crowded space of the bookshop before his attention was pulled to a small, pale man dressed in a white suit. He seemingly appeared out of thin air from behind a small desk next to a bookshelf to the left. He had a bright, welcoming smile, and looked positively cherubic with his light blonde curls and rosy cheeks. “How may I help you today?” 
“Oh, I-” 
“We’re just looking,” Joe cut in, giving Nicky a gentle nudge. It was a reminder enough not to draw attention with their unusual search. “Wanted to see what we could find in such a unique shop.” 
“Lovely! Well, if you need any help at all, don’t hesitate to ask!” 
“Thank you,” Nicky replied with a smile, before wandering over to the cluster of bookshelves on their right, pulling Joe with him. 
He always lost track of time in bookshops. Even Joe, for all he insisted that Nicky was the reader, could get lost in the trinkets and random findings to be seen in an old shop. Maybe that was why, for all their battle-honed instincts and attention to detail, they didn’t realize someone else had entered the store until a new voice broke the comfortable silence.
“Ah, Crowley! What a pleasant surprise! What’re you doing here?” 
“Just wanted to see what you’ve got in stock.” 
“No, of course not, I was going to ask you to lunch.” 
“Oh! Well...that’s very kind of you, but I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I can’t just close my shop in the middle of the day!”
“Yes you can, it’s your shop, if anyone can, it’s you.” 
“But I have customers! Like...like these young men!” 
Nicky, with a thousand years of life behind him, never thought of himself nor Joe as “young.” No matter how ageless they were, every year weighed on them, a burden that was only bearable because they didn’t have to weather it alone. So it didn’t occur to him that they were the “young men” the shop owner referred to, until the small, pale man suddenly appeared at his elbow. “Hello there! May I help you with anything?” 
A Genovese curse flew from his lips, followed by a grunt after Joe gently pinched him. Nicky smiled apologetically at the owner. “Sorry, ah...we’re alright, just looking.” 
“Yes, well…” The shop owner had a confused tilt to his eyebrows, at odds with his kind smile. “I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to be nosy, but...was that Old Genovese you were speaking?”
“You recognize it?” Nicky blurted out before he could stop himself. It had been centuries since either of the immortals had met someone else who knew the language. 
“Oh, I don’t know, it’s been a while since I’ve heard it.” A pink tint had risen to the small blonde’s cheeks, and his eyes now had a proud glint to them. “That’s very impressive, I didn’t think anyone spoke it anymore!”  
“No...neither did we.” He glanced at Joe, and was met with eyes that looked as disconcerted as he felt. 
“Well, I’ll leave you to it. Please let me know if you need help with anything!” The shop owner cheerfully strolled back to the counter, where his friend - Crowley, Nicky remembered - was staring at him and Joe with what felt like suspicion, even through his sunglasses. The redhead murmured something to the blonde that made the latter glance back at them with another smile, one that Nicky returned before he quietly urged Joe behind another bookshelf. 
“What the hell?” Joe hissed as soon as they were out of eyeline of the shop owner. 
“Language, tesoro mio.” 
Joe’s words switched to old Maghrebi, but remained just as confused and indignant. “Nico, we haven’t met anyone else who speaks Genovese in decades, maybe even centuries, if we don’t count linguists.”
“I know.” 
“So how does an owner of an old bookshop recognize it?” 
“We’ve seen some books that are much older than what we usually see in a shop like this. Maybe he recognized it from a book?” Even as he uttered the words, Nicky knew the explanation was pathetic. The look of disbelief he received from his lover let him know he wasn’t alone in thinking that. 
“He said it’s been a while since he’s heard it,” Joe reminded him. “And he recognized it as it was spoken, not written down somewhere.” 
“What are you trying to say? That he’s another immortal? One we somehow haven’t dreamed of in all this time?” 
“No, of course not...but…” Joe peered at the shop owner and his friend through a gap in the books. “Maybe there’s something different about him. Maybe immortals aren’t the only strange people in the world.” 
“Even if that were true, Yusuf, don’t you think we would have run into one before? Our abilities have been noticed before, by people who didn’t know what to look for. We of all people would have noticed if there were other powers out there.” 
“Unless they do as much as we do to stay out of notice.” 
It was Nicky’s turn to peer at the odd couple through the books, except this time, the redhead, Crowley, was looking right at him. Or at least, in their direction. He jerked away from the bookshelf and immediately moved deeper into the shop, tugging Joe with him. “We can talk with the others about it later. For now, let’s buy something and leave.”
“Still determined to find your book?”
Nicky offered a sweet smile to Joe, but didn’t bother hiding the mirth in his eyes. “Of course, my heart.” 
He didn’t end up finding the book he was looking for, much to his disappointment and Joe’s quiet amusement. But he did find an old, old Italian Bible that stirred distant memories of a classroom reciting verses, and that was enough to justify the visit. 
Satisfied in his choice, he moved towards the cashier register, only to be pulled up short by Joe. Nicky furrowed his brows in confusion - for someone who had been so reluctant to come, Joe suddenly seemed very keen on staying. He glanced back at him to find those dark eyes trained on the men behind the counter, one finger to his lips. Battle instincts kicked in, and he obediently trained his hearing to the low muttering coming from the other men. 
“Now really, Crowley, it’s simply not possible! Even if the Almighty really did send spies after us, I would at least recognize them. I’ve never seen those men in my life!” 
“Then maybe they’re demons. We’ve always had better corporeal disguises anyway. Would explain why we don’t recognize them.” 
“Have you ever seen demons behave like that with each other?” 
“Like what?” 
“Oh come now, you must have felt it. The energy around them is downright bursting with love! It’s just like…”
“...Angel, like what?”
“W-well...like two people in love. Nothing at all like you demons behave.”
“‘You demons’? Might I remind you of who saved the most valuable books here, Aziraphale?” 
It could’ve been just another argument between an old couple, especially an old married couple. There was no mistaking the love and pure affection that drenched every bickering phrase between them. But where Nicky had thought “Angel” was a sweet nickname, the casual use of terms like “demons” and “the Almighty” stirred a deeper sense of suspicion awake in him...and a rush of exhilaration. The sensible majority of his mind told him there was no earthly way he was staring at an angel and a demon. Even if angels and demons were real, they wouldn’t own an old bookshop, or walk around dressed like a dandy or an aged member of a rock band. 
But a small part of him, the part of him that had him wandering to a church on calm Sundays and uttering panicked prayers over Joe’s body in the middle of battle, felt a thrill at the idea that he was staring at proof. Proof that his centuries of faith, his short-lived livelihood in the church, wasn’t in vain. When he finally tore his eyes away from the odd couple to look at Joe, he was met with a small smile of understanding under an unsure gaze. Of course his love understood what was running through his mind, even without a single word uttered between them. 
Nicky took a steadying breath before he finally nodded at Joe, giving his hand a light squeeze. The shop owner and his...friend (partner?) were still bickering when they approached the cashier, and Nicky caught snippets of something about a church, a bomb, a satchel of books, before the argument was cut short by their arrival at the counter. 
“Ah, gentlemen, hello again! Did you find everything alright?” the small blonde man - Azira...phale..? - greeted them with a wide smile, while Crowley simply stared at them with an unnervingly straight face. His gaze prickled at Nicky’s awareness, despite his best attempts to ignore him and return Aziraphale’s smile. 
“I didn’t find the book I was looking for, but you have many rare gems here.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry you couldn’t find it!” 
“Don’t be. We have visited almost every bookshop in Europe in search of it,” Joe snorted with a grin. “At this point it’ll take a miracle to find it.” 
Aziraphale perked up at Joe’s response, and glanced eagerly at Crowley...who returned the blonde’s hopeful smile with a stony stare. A moment of silence passed before the redhead finally muttered, “Sounds like you won’t be finding it any time soon.” 
“No, but that’s alright. Seeing all these wonderful little shops offers a special kind of joy,” Nicky murmured with a reassuring smile to Aziraphale. “You should be proud of this shop. It’s a lovely refuge in this city.” 
The owner looked a bit crestfallen, but brightened at Nicky’s smile and words. “That’s very kind of you to say! I’ve had it for quite a while, so it’s turned into a home of sorts for me. I’m so glad it feels that way to my patrons as well!” 
Crowley’s attention was back on Nicky, and even though he couldn’t see the redhead’s eyes, he didn’t feel as burdened by the scrutiny anymore. It felt somehow softer now, more of a mild annoyance as the transaction was carried out. Crowley had been so quiet throughout their visit that when he suddenly spoke up, the surprise nearly made Nicky drop the small paper bag containing his book. “Just out of curiosity...what book were you looking for?” 
“Ah...an early edition of The Divine Comedy in the original Italian. First edition, if possible.” 
“...Dante’s Divine Comedy?” Crowley repeated, skepticism practically dripping off his words. “You’re looking for a first edition from the late Middle Ages?” 
Nicky could hear the rustle of Joe straightening just behind him, ready to defend his admittedly-futile quest. He shifted just enough to hook their pinkies together in reassurance while he shot a small smile at Crowley. “More just seeing if it’s possible to find outside of a museum.” 
Crowley nodded, but he still had a small frown of disbelief on his lips as he wandered towards the bookshelves at the very back of the shop. Aziraphale watched him meander away with wariness and hope lining his eyes, a combination of emotions that made Nicky wonder what kind of history the odd couple shared to prompt that kind of response. 
“Nicolo,” Joe murmured, pulling him out of his idle curiosity. “We should be going. Andy will wonder what happened to us.” 
“Right...yes, of course.” Nicky smiled again at Aziraphale, who suddenly looked panicked at their impending departure. “Thank you again.” 
“Oh, are you leaving so soon? A-are you sure I can’t help you find anything else? I have other first editions that might interest you!” 
“Really, it’s alright-” 
“Here we are.” Crowley was suddenly back at Aziraphale’s side, tossing a book onto the countertop with a carelessness that became alarming when Nicky realized what he was staring at: an old, worn volume, the cover made of what used to be red leather, but was now faded into a dull brown. Pressed into the leather, and traced with gold flakes, were the words “La Commedia.” Nicky reached out to brush the worn cover, gingerly lifting it to reveal the title page, where he could read the publication date: 1438. “This...this is…” 
“Not quite first edition, but about as good as you’re gonna get outside of a museum.” Crowley’s voice was casual, as if he had simply found any old book. But his smirk was smug, the gravity of his achievement definitely not lost on him, especially when Aziraphale was staring at him in what could only be described as adoration. 
“How...how did you find this?” 
“Call it a little miracle. How much does a little miracle cost, angel?” 
“Oh, ah...well, the best miracles are priceless, wouldn’t you say?” 
Nicky’s gaze jerked away from the book to stare at Aziraphale in shock. “No, I’m sorry, I cannot in good faith take this without paying you.” 
“No, really-”
“Please, I insist-” 
The shopowner was strangely reluctant to give Nicky a price, but with Joe’s help, they were able to settle on an amount. By the time they left the bookshop, it was even later than they had planned on leaving, but Nicky was in such a daze of disbelief over his luck, Joe ended up being the one to call Andy. 
“Boss, we know, we’re sorry, but you’ll never believe- no, trust me, even Booker will get excited over this. We’ll be there soon, it will be worth the wait, I promise.” He laughed as he tucked his phone away, shaking his head fondly at Nicky. “Well, my heart, I hope this find is worth Andy’s wrath. She is not happy with us.” 
“Yusuf...who were those men?” Nicky was staring numbly into the bag, still not believing the impossibly old book he held in his hands. 
“What do you mean?” 
He finally looked away from his new treasure to meet Joe’s eyes. “Do you think...that maybe…” 
“What? That an angel and demon helped us find a book?” 
“Stranger things have been true.” 
“Perhaps…” Joe’s arm wrapped around Nicky’s waist, tucking him against his body to drop a kiss to his temple. “Whatever those men were, they were kind. I hope the bookshop continues to do well.” 
“Mm...thank you for coming with me.” Nicky’s smile was full of adoration, and earned him another kiss, this time on his lips. 
“Of course, hayati. Anything for you.” 
“Anything? Well, there’s another book I’ve been looking for-” 
“Buuuuut Andy and Booker might not approve.” 
After almost 1000 years, he should have been able to better resist the effect of Joe’s cheeky smile. But after almost 1000 years, Nicky wasn’t in the habit of denying himself the little joys to be found in life, especially when they came from this impossible man. 
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sam-writesstuff · 5 years
Family (Crowley x reader x Aziraphale)
Requested: Hey! I was wondering if you could write a fic with a teen!reader where she spends a lot of time with Crowley and Aziraphale, they're like protective dads over her. One day the angels/demons take her to try and get information about Crowley and Aziraphale, obviously they rescue her and they don't want her to bother with them anymore because they don't want her to get hurt so she yells at them?? Very angsty with a lovely fluffy ending xo
Warnings: Ignorant family, Slight child abuse. 
Word Count: 1899
A/N: I know I said I will post a fic last weekend, but due to some technical issues with my computer, I wasn’t able to finish this ‘til today... I’m sorry🥺School’s kind of dragging me behind with literally everything I enjoy doing;( Learning is important, but I miss the days I can just go anywhere and do anything whenever I wanted to😩 I didn't expect this to be turned into a series... But I guess it is? I hope you guys enjoy reading this!
Life wasn't fair. 
You learned this way to young. Your mother hated you, specifically because her own life was ruined in the result of your birth. Your father was selfish and ignorant; an arsehole. Weird enough, you couldn't bring yourself to blame either of them. Your mom was a poor victim of society, and your father was a victim to his father. Not enough reason to abandon a child, but the world you lived in taught you things that most people learn in their thirties. When they got divorced, you were handed to your grandmother. When she died, you were handed to your aunt. Handed, like an object. Like a hot potato, keep being passed on and on until the music stopped playing. When you realized that you can decide when to stop your music, you didn't linger longer. You were around thirteen when you first tried to escape from your aunt. 
It was freezing that night. The night was so, so cold. Everything moved slowly, but you kept walking. You didn't have much on you, and you weren't sure what you needed to do now. You were lost. You thought walking might lead you to somewhere. Anywhere. It was devastating. London was huge. Even so, not a single place in this city had a room for you. You once saw the news on the tv inside a store use the word 'overpopulation,' and how the world was so crowded. You wondered if that is why there wasn't any place for you. 
'God created everyone for a reason, there is a place for everyone in this world.' 
Your grandmother was very forgetful. She sometimes forgot that its morning and tried to put you back into bed. Or wake you up in the middle of the night thinking its morning. She sometimes forgot how to use the bathroom. She sometimes thought she was in someplace else and kept screaming. The rare amount of times when she wasn't, she always told you that God created everyone for a reason, and there is a place for everyone in this world. You never took her word for it, but you truly wished for it to be true at this moment. If it was true, now was the time to prove it.
The bookshop across the street was the only place that had lights on. Every other store on the street was closed. You could've gone over to a cafe that was a few blocks away, but you didn't. It was as if you were possessed by something. You were like the little girl that sold matches and the bookshop was what lit up at your sight. That should be the place. That had to be the place. You entered the bookshop and a gentleman with golden hair came out. 
"Hello, I'm afraid we are quite definitely clo- oh, dear. Are you all right?" 
"I-I'm sorry. The lights were on and I - Ah, achoo!" 
"No, it's not a problem. Please, you can sit here." 
The man offered you a sit on a chair. Honestly, you didn't know what else you could do but to sit. There was nowhere else for you to go. Nowhere else for you sit. This was at least somewhere. 
"Tell me, my child. Where are your parents?" 
You hesitated. If you tell him the truth, will he let you stay? Will he care? He might call the police. What will happen to you then?
You were foolish. You thought escaping would help, only to lead you nowhere but to leave you to freeze to death. 
"Do you have nowhere to go?"
He asked softly. Soft enough to get an unwanted child talking.  No matter how high your walls were, that was all it took to collapse. But you knew this. You tried to avoid a direct answer, still, you couldn't resist the tears that formed in your eyes. 
You expected more questioning from him, but he asked you none. Instead, he let you stay in the store for the night. The next morning, he made you promise to come back. 
"Angels will watch over you," he said. 
You didn't say anything back. Not a typical phrase you think you'd hear from a stranger. What a weird man, you thought. But then you came back because you were desperate. And every time he welcomed you with a warm heart. He seemed glad to see you again. You talked, he listened. He helped you, he took care of you. 
"What is your name, my dear?" 
"Y/N," you didn't say your last name on purpose. You didn't like it. Those people weren't even your family. 
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I'm Aziraphale." 
Aziraphale. You saw the name before. Yes, you saw it and not heard it. In the bible. In the dirty, old, dark room you and your grandmother lived, she kept a bible. She'd sometimes read it out loud to you. You were too hungry to care. However, to your curiosity, you had opened it before. 
Not long after you met Aziraphale, you met Crowley. You were terrified of him at first. You swore you saw him yelling at plants once. 
Then one day, Crowley came to your school to see the Christmas play you starred in. You have been working on it for months, and although you weren't the main character, you enjoyed playing your role. You didn't even bother to tell your aunt about it. Instead, you asked Aziraphale if he could come and watch. He said yes, of course. Sadly, on the day of your play, a very important customer to Aziraphale came to the bookshop. Having to deal with him, Aziaraphale couldn't make it to your play. Not knowing that, you waited for him to enter through the door. Your eyes searched among the crowds, but he was nowhere to be seen. Nowhere.
More parents entered, each time waving at their kid on the stage. Some held flowers, probably to give them afterward. 
"Uh, my mum is holding a camera," Harry, who stood beside you, grumbled at the sight. 
"What's wrong with a camera?" You asked. You couldn't understand. What was wrong with a mum trying to savior a memory of her child?
"It is embarrassing. She'll show it to everyone at the Christmas dinner," Harry stated annoyingly. Almost like asking for sympathy. As if you are supposed to feel the same way. As if you too, had such a caring mother who would come to watch your play and record it for showing off purposes. 
"Where is your mum?" Harry asked. It is these simple questions that hurt you the most. All of the assumptions, all of the conditions to be defined as a normal kid. What you hated, even more, is yourself wishing for your mother to enter from that door any moment now, and apologize. 
"I-" You hear a large creek when you opened your mouth to answer. The door swung opened and entered a very familiar-looking person. Crowley.  
Besides the dramatic entrance, he was a very unlike figure to be seen at a school play.  Flaming red hair, wearing entirely black with usual sunglasses; his posture, in general, had a weird aurora. Parents stared at him with questioning eyes and so did you. You queried why he was there, he didn't appear like a parent. He marched over to you, one hand in his pocket, the other holding a large bouquet.
"I am not late, am I?" Crowley said as he looked around the room, "Is the play already over?" 
"No," you took a moment before answering him. You were confused. "It hasn't even started yet. Where is Azi?" 
"Aziraphale couldn't make it, had an important customer to deal with. Wanted me to tell you how sorry he was." 
Disappointed look spread on your face. It wasn't his fault, you knew that. Though, that didn't stop you from being upset. You'll just leave as fast as you can after the play. Your friends will want to take pictures with you but... Well, you didn't have anyone to take the photo for you. If you leave fast enough, you'll be able to avoid all the questions. 
"Don't be so gloomy about it. I'm here."
You looked up at Crowley with unbelieving eyes. "You are not going to leave?"
"What? No. Why do you think I came here in the first place?"
Your teacher announced that the play was starting soon, and Crowley went to find a seat. When he did found a sit, he took his phone out. You expected him to be on his phone instead of focusing on your play, but to your surprise, his camera lens landed on you. Later, himself joined other crowds of parents who scooched in the front row as quietly as possible trying to get the best shot of their children. 
When the play ended, he whistled loudly. It was the loudest whistle you've ever heard in your life. He had a bright smile onㅡalmost grinningㅡand you've never seen him smile so widely. A proud smile. A kind of smile you've never gotten it before. You ran down the stairs after the final bow, towards Crowley and you hugged him tightly. He seemed stunned by your sudden action since you always hid behind Aziraphale whenever you saw him, but he patted on your shoulder in return. 
"This is for you, by the way," he said, handing you the bouquet. Your smile widened at it. The flowers were beautiful. 
Your friends ran over to you, wanting to take pictures with you. Their parents followed with their cameras. You looked up nervously at Crowley, but he was already taking his phone out. When all the picture fiasco was done, he took your hand and led you out to his car. 
"I know my way home. I can walk home," you said but then hopped onto his car. 
"Aziraphale is treating us dinner," Crowley answered fastening your seatbelt. 
"Really?" Your face lightened up in excitement. A family dinner. Something you've never experienced before. 
"Yes. Do you know your aunt's number? I'll call her," he handed you his phone from the driver's seat. 
"I do, but I don't think you need to. Don't worry, she won't care," you didn't take his phone, knowing that she wouldn't care either way. She didn't the day you ran out of the house. She didn't when you came back, so why would she start caring now? 
However, Crowley looked rather disturbed. He didn't say anything, and with his sunglasses, it was almost impossible to read him. You were greeted with Aziraphale when you arrived. 
"Oh, hello, my dear. I deeply apologize for not being able to-" 
"It's okay. Look! Crowley gave me flowers!" 
"They look wonderful," he smiled at you softly before turning to Crowley. His face expression changed quickly and his voice deepened in a serious tone. "Did you film her as I asked you to?"
"Yes, yes. I did. Now come on, she must be starving." 
After this day, you considered Crowley as your family along with Aziraphale. 
You promised to yourself every single day, that one day, you'll give it all back to them. All the kindness they showed, all the things they gave you. You'll pay them back. 
You never thought that your existence would endanger them, or that their existence would endanger you.
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Not Alone (Crowley x Fem! Reader) - Ch. 4/?
Previous / Next
Characters: Reader, Crowley, Aziraphale, Gabriel and likely more once we get into the thick of it.
Relationships: Crowley x Reader, Aziraphale x Reader, Aziraphale x Crowley
POV: First-person
Warnings: Family estrangement, otherwise n/a
Tags: @curse-brekker​, @oopstheregoesmysoul13​, @ellaorelizabeth​
*gif is not mine and neither are any of the characters or source material!
Y/N = your name
Y/N/N = your nickname
Y/L/N = your last name
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
F/C = Favorite color
A/N: YOOOOOO!! I am so sorry its been so long since an update. I think the pandemic kicked everyone in the face. But here is chapter four. It may be a bit short, but I’m getting back into the swing of things. I promise I WILL finish this fic dammit.
Lots of love! - TQD
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Two Weeks Later
It had not surpassed my notice that all our conversations up to this point had been solely focused on me. Aziraphale choicely avoided talking about his family or friends. Honestly, I was the only friend of his I knew, and seeing as I visited him several times a week it was surprising that I had never encountered anyone else that seemed remotely acquainted with him – save for the violet-eyed creep that had taken far too many liberties with my left hand. I had resolved to ask him about it today. After the deep dive we took into my memories a few weeks ago, I found it only fair.
And it was with this determination I strode into the shop. I had brought two scrumptious looking cinnamon rolls from a bakery down the block as a treat. I had a lot of work to do on my case study and he had been called into meetings uptown more than usual, so it seemed necessary.  I was greeted by a small sigh and a shout from the back: “We’re closed for the day. Business will resume tomorrow. Please see yourself out!” With a giggle I retorted, “Alright, but then I would have to eat these cinnamon rolls all by myself!” Then there was a sound of recognition, the creak of a ladder, a crash, and a thud.
“Aziraphale! Are you alright?!” I shouted as I tossed the pastries and my bag on the counter, running towards the clatter.
“Oh dear, Y/N, I’m just fine. You surprised me is all. I didn’t realize the hour. Perhaps the mention of cinnamon rolls got me too excited to look down before attempting my descent.” He spoke with a small smile and a huff as I helped him out of a dusty heap of books. “Oh, blast it!” He sighed, analyzing his mess, “I had these all laid out in order and now I’ve gone and mixed them up. It’ll take me a dog’s age to get them shelved properly.”
“Well, maybe I could help, if you would accept assistance from the girl who led to your downfall in the first place.” I smiled, picking up a few volumes of Dostoyevsky that appeared to be first additions, but that was impossible.
“Oh love, I would never refuse anything from you,” He smiled, brushing dust from his waistcoat. “How about we clear up this mess, and then I’ll put on some tea and we can enjoy those cinnamon rolls?”
“I couldn’t have planned a better afternoon if I tried!”
 And it was a wonderful afternoon. With his direction, I shelved the books where he liked. His system didn’t have a rhyme or reason I could make sense of, but if he was happy, I was happy. The work went must faster with one person on the ladder and one handing off the books. After that, we settled down on the couch in the back room with hot tea and the pastries. I was sure they’d be stale, but miraculously they still tasted oven-fresh. It was curious, but Aziraphale didn’t seem to notice.
We did our usual routine of bouncing between idle chatter and reading. Occasionally a remark on the text would spiral into a tangent on philosophy and the greater good. Finally, when my homework was finished, I got up the courage to say what I’d been thinking.
“Tell me about your family, Aziraphale.”
“Oh, goodness, why ever do you want to know about all that?” He asked. Seeming genuinely alarmed by the question.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to poke a sore subject. It’s just… I have told you so much about myself and my childhood, and I feel like I barely know anything about you. The only person I know of any connection to you is Gabriel, and I hope to God he’s not the only other person in your life.”
He snickered at this and let out a resigned breath. “You’re right, Y/N, it isn’t fair of me to know every detail about your life and not share anything about myself. I find myself, um – estranged from the majority of my family. They don’t particularly agree with the way I live my life,” he began. He didn’t elaborate, but you took it to mean they were ultra-conservative, or something of the like. What other reason could they not want to be around Aziraphale? He was the most delightful person you’d ever met. “And God is good, Gabriel isn’t my only point of contact. I wouldn’t say I have many friends to speak of. I am more of a solitary observer myself. Mostly books and cocoa. But I do have one person I’d say is both my only family and best friend. His name is Crowley.”
“Crowley, huh? Tell me about him!” I was genuinely interested. Who could be the one being to capture this much of Aziraphale’s attention. And tell me he did. He talked about how long they’d known each other. The spats they’d been in. Their stark differences in music and fashion taste. He told me about Crowley’s unsavory colleagues. Occasionally he referred to him as a devil or wiley serpent. Things that would be reviling to call someone if it hadn’t been said with so much fondness. I could tell that, though they seemed polar opposites, Aziraphale cared for Crowley very much.
“He sounds wonderful Aziraphale, I hope I get to meet him some day. Him being your best friend, and all, I’m sure he’s fantastic.”
Aziraphale’s eyes glinted with recognition “Actually, I amend my previous statement. I would say he is one of my best friends.” His smile dimpled his cheeks as he reached out to squeeze my hand. I took his warmly, happy to know he felt the same way I did. “He’s a bit rough around the edges, and work keeps him away most of the time, but maybe someday you two can meet.”
“I look forward to it,” I yawned, checking the clock. I t was nearly midnight and I had class the next morning. “Alright, my darling, I need to head home. Penelope is likely upset that I haven’t turned down the bed for her.”
He chuckled and rose to his feet following me to the door and holding out his arm, “Well then we best start walking, hm?” I took his arm again, ever the gentleman, he rarely let me walk home alone if it was dark out. This was one of the many things I loved about him.
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z0rdic · 5 years
Demons Embrace
Sum: Crowley doesn’t want to accept his feelings towards the reader, and is denying it till one day, where the reader has an anxiety attack due to past trauma. is when he realizes he fucked up.
Warnings: Angst, Anxiety mention, Trauma, Abuse Status: Angsty Fluff Theme: x Reader - They pronounce.
Authors note my spelling and grammar sucks. sorry about that, English isn’t my native language and this is probably very out of character, but I wanted to do something different, and I haven’ written in a long time. so here you go <3
This day, fucked him up.. Badly. Crowley pasted back and forth in his flat, unsure of everything. Angry, passionated- all these emotions he’s used to. but the feeling of “loving” someone makes his blood boil. He’s a DEMON, he can’t love!?.. “Fuck Me...” -He sighed bitterly as he slummed down in his throne-like chair, unable to make sense of when and how he fell in love with [Y/N].
Was it when they looked at him like he was something.. someone? was it when he noticed their eyes sparkle when he spoke to them? or was it the first time they hugged him, impulsively due to them being scared of losing him and Aziraphale when armageddon was about to happen.? Crowley honestly didn’t know. and he was oh so annoyed with the feelings he had.
Crowley smashed a pot against the wall and groaned loudly. “what the FUCK is wrong with me?? why a HUMAN, a HUMAN for crying out loud.” and then his phone rang. Crowley composed himself again, in his smug facade and picked up the phone “Speak to me, Angel” “Crowley, I- Uh, oh dear, We have a problem..” Aziraphale's voice said, nearly in a whisper making Crowley’s brows furrow slightly “What? why- what’s happening?” Crowley gripped his jacket, and as soon as his hands curled around the tight leader he heard sobbing in the background. “..it’s [Y/N] Something happened...and I- I don’t know, Oh goodness hurry” With that everything sunk for Crowley, his pupils almost retracted into thinner slits behind the tinted shades resting on his nose. worried.. he felt.. worries build inside him. and with that, he slammed the door to his flat and hurried to the bookshop. He usually drove fast, it’s Crowley after all. but this very day, things were just a little slower for his liking. ... You sobbed, and sobbed and sobbed, tears streaming down your face- your breath hitch in the back of your throat as you hugged yourself, rocking back and forth looking at the floor, just feeling like an absolute wreck.
you weren't supposed to see HIM, your Ex. the Man who abused you, kicked you, hit you. He was a MONSTER- if anyone was the embodiment of the devil himself, it was this guy. And you had just seen him, after weeks of freedom, you trapped yourself again. in your mind. You could still feel the last bruises he gave you. You knew it was all done. That he wouldn’t hurt you anymore. But the haunting of him still compelled you to fear.
The angel placed a hand on your back, slowly rubbing your shoulder blades on the outside of your tank top. he cooed your name softly, trying his very best to make you stop. But you couldn’t. The anxiety inside you made you shake and the sobbing got hoars as your voice caved in- still rocking your body for the comfort. You sat there, wishing you had never survived all of the abuse. “[Y/N] You can’t let him control your life like this. Crowley and I did assure you that you could always be with us if anything happened- you know this dear” Aziraphale did everything he could, and with each comforting sentence, you felt a little less scared, but as soon as you heard the door fling open to the shop with a crash you screamed in your mind and jumped to hide your face in your arms.  “I’m here!” you heard Crowley shout.. angrily. It sent shivers down your spine and made you even the more scared. You kept your arms up, so shun him from your red eyes, wet cheeks and pale face. You didn’t want Crowley to yell, or shout, or anything remotely like it. After all the Demon usually did make you feel safe and at home.
You didn’t know when, but you grew to like him.. a lot. Yes, Aziraphale was, a literal angel but the demon always seemed to catch you just a snatch more. He didn’t want to admit it, but he treated you like he treated Aziraphale, if not better.  he didn’t have to smile at you directly, but when you got a smirk out of him from a witty comment or made him laugh your heart fluttered and your stomach grew a knot of joy. Though, at this very moment, he scared you.
“[Y/N] What the fuck happened?!” Crowley did sound worried he truly did but the anger in his voice overpowered due to your status of mind. and you curled up, flinched even, which made Crowley so much madder. “Did that jerk do this? Huh!? is this why you curl up like a cat scared of everything. ?? didn’t we assure you that you were alright??? isn’t that enough for you??? aren’t WE enough for you!??” his questions made you whimper, and you asked him to stop. your voice shaking and you didn’t know what to say. Of course, they were enough.. they meant so much to you. Hell, HE meant so much to you. Why was he so aggressive all of a sudden? “C-Crowley I’m sorry. I’m so- so sorry I didn’t- I just” Your voice got caught up in your thoughts and sobs, you just kept shaking “I didn’t want to bother you and Azi’ with my p-problems. I didn’t want to make you feel like I’m a burden... I’m so scared”  Your last sentence sounded so broken it almost made Crowley go straight for you in an embrace, but he didn’t. He didn’t want to accept this feeling of longing to make everything okay. He was chaos, the Servant of Sin. He just stood there, clenched his fists in anger, and worry. and after your sobbing dimmed down, Crowley looked at you, and simply said “I’m going to kill him, he’s not worthy of the earth anyway, I could send him to where he belongs” His voice emotionless. “Crowley. please don’t I - I just” Your body sought closure, so without thinking you stood up, even if your legs denied to burden you. “He didn’t do anything this time, He simply w-walked past me I just had a-” Crowley cut you off  “Listen, If you want to protect this asshole of a man, then FINE I’m DONE with this, and I’m Done with YOU. Humans annoy me to no end, they’re Selfish, they’re so emotion-filled it’s SICK, YOU MAKE ME SICK!” You stood there. mouth slightly agape. Did he really mean that?... Tears started to roll again and you just couldn’t handle it anymore the constant contrast between love and hate from this man, this rollercoaster of fear and adore. If he wanted you out of his life, Fine he’s got it now. Aziraphale tried to speak up but you simply burst. You’ve never yelled before so you didn’t plan to but for the first time ever in your entire life, you stood up for yourself. Your tears rolled but your voice didn’t hitch, I didn’t soak in sobs. You looked at the man you thought you loved, hell the man you DO love and you simply said “Fine.” the coldest tone you’ve ever mustered to use, the deadest glare you’ve ever sent someone. And you could see Crowley regretting everything. But this time he had to come to apologize if he wanted you in his life. you didn’t do the chasing and you didn’t plan to start. with that, you dried your eyes and gave Aziraphale a small smile of sadness and walked out the door. ... “Well done Crowley.” Aziraphale breathed as the door slammed shut. “ I thought you might’ve been a help, yet here I am, wrong for once” The angel sat down again as if he just fell from heaven. He just might’ve lost a friend, because Crowley had to wear big boy pants and act like a hissy. “We don’t need them anyway. we’re celestials. we’ll make it without. Better to not get attached.” Crowley breathed out as he sat in the chair, acting un phased. Aziraphale cleared his throat “ You mean it’s better YOU don’t get attached dear friend” That sent Crowley to sit straight up in the chair, eyes glued to his angelic friend. “Now, why would you say that?” Aziraphale rolled his eyes for once in a century at the demons oblivious behaviour and explained to him that he’s seen how Crowley looks at you, the way he speaks to you when he’s not on a hissy fit run. The way he miracles you things just to make your life easier. and Crowley with each explanation dreaded his decision to yell at you. “Crowley. I’ve known you for 6000 years. Don’t you think I know you just a smidge? If you want to admit it or not, you have feelings for this human. And it’s fine and jolly if you do not wish to act upon them, but I do think you owe them an apology for your misbehaviour. I think you really did indeed hurt them more than you realize” The angel said all this with a furrowed sigh and stood up to go take customers or at least order the books that were left around from people. Crowley, on the other hand, slummed again. Thinking about how he ever could fix this fuck up. And when. ... You did everything you could from falling apart over the next week or so. You tried to comfort yourself with movies, series. anything that could distract you from Crowley, the words he used. Did you really make him feel sick? How? by treating him with affection? How could that make someone feel so sick they had to blow up like that? your feeling where messier than regularly- Mind fuzzy. Probably because of all the pills you had to take to calm your nerves. and On the Friday of the week, you decided that you’ve had enough of this way of living. you needed some comfort, if not from the man you loved, then at least for a night. So you dressed up and texted a friend of yours to tell her that you had a free night and you wanted to go get drunk. You put on a black outfit and some cool accessories that fit elegantly with your outfit. As you had everything ready you smacked your door, locking it and got on your way, for once in weeks without fear in your body. If you could be cold to a demon, you could do anything.. or so you thought.
Never have you ever imagined being this sober with your friend, She was nearly blacked out on the couch in a club with some fancy wall street British wanna be and here you were single and with no one to mingle- and that’s when you saw him. Your heart raced and you felt like running. Your Ex had his eyes glued on you like a piece of meat. WHY THE FUCK WAS HE HERE?!. You sipped your drink anxiously, feeling your throat close up from fear. But He didn’t go closer. and you soon figured out why. A long slender hand grabbed your waist almost as gently as a feather, and you jumped a little looking to whom this hand belonged to. When you where met with Crowley’s shades your heart stopped. your cheeks heated up slightly. He’s never been this close before. and God did he look and smell good.  and That’s when he spoke loudly, enough for your ex to hear it over the music. “Hello, Darling, sorry I am late, It pains me to see you all alone looking so ravishing” His slender hand squeezed your side gently, in a reassuring way and he smirked from the redness on your face. You couldn’t Believe him! he yells at you and then he shows up, basically swooning over you. now it repeats WHY THE FUCK WAS CROWLY HERE?! You couldn’t think of a reply before he spoke again “How ‘bout we go to my flat and have a talk, it’s better than here with these flesh bags” He looked in the direction of your Ex. You understood the memo and nodded softly, Crowley gave a smile. a Real smile, goodness he made you swoon now. And your friend was clearly jealous of your “catch”... She looked at Crowley like a piece of candy and you couldn’t help but feel proud of how attractive your demonic companion was. Crowley took your hand gently and followed you out with you holding his arm like a true gentleman would. Unlike usual gentlemen tho, he subtly showed your Ex a finger on the way out with a shit-eating grin. Which made you giggle softly. ... About twenty mins you stood in his flat crossing your arms, waiting for an explanation to why he picked you up if he truly hated you. Crowley motioned you to sit, and so you did. -He came in with a glass of water for you and sat next to you. “Listen [Y/N] love, I have a confession. I’m not good with apologizing. and I am frankly not good with talks either. So if you don’t want to accept it, it’s quite understandable.” He continued folding his fingers nervously “I-...How do I put this, I have feelings.. for you and It’s a bit unusual for me to feel anything. I’m a demon and I’m not supposed to actually like people- or angels or anyone but I’ve been so hooked on you for so long and it’s killing me.” He took your hands and your face was more than shocked from these news, but he continued “I tried to push you away, to make you hate me. and I don’t know.. I think it worked, and it’s ripping me apart somehow, I’ve pushed many humans away and I’ve never felt like I do now. And I just can’t help to know I’ve fucked up- really bad. As I said if you don’t want to accept the shitty apology I get it, I su-” You’ve shut him up by pressing your lips to his, softly and you cupped his face with your hands. with your eyes closed, you just acted on impulse. and that’s something rare for you. Crowley had to get over his shock and right before you felt like pulling back, he snaked his hand onto your neck and back to deepen the kiss, you ran your fingers through his hair and enjoyed the smell of his cologne. Shit, he kissed well. When you finally pulled back you opened your [E/C] eyes to look at him. He looked so confused and yet so happy, brows sky high and that smirk you loved so much. But you had to be a bit of a brat so you simply said “How do you feel now? Still sick?” It made him laugh and he pulled you into his lap, as you pushed his glasses up, to look at his beautiful eyes. “Oh yes, terribly sick, I could be dying any second now, as of fact” He brushed his nose against yours and you sighed as you placed a small sweet kiss onto his lips again. “I love you”  The words just slipped out of you. You blushed looking away waiting for him to just push you off or something, but you felt a hand on your cheek and a small “ I know, and I love you” escaped him before he stole a kiss again. letting his mind rest on one sentence: what the fuck is wrong with me. But in a more loving manner. and your thoughts had only three words. Best, Friday, Ever. as you straddled the most gorgeous man in the world, to you he was not fallen, not a demon, not an angel, just Crowley and that was all that mattered. .... Next day you had multiple texts from your friend, asking you who the handsome dude was, and you snapped her a picture of Crowley, sleeping partly clothed in his bed with the text “he my man bby girl” with a devil emoji. Oh god Aziraphale was going to burst to laugh when he found out that FINALLY, you guys have made some progress in your relationship. You placed down your phone and crawled back in the arms of a demon, safely and proudly. Authors note: I hope you liked it! I am sorry if it seemed rushed or is very bad again I am super rusty:C ahhh plz don’t kill me xD fellow Omenlovers.
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acedesigns · 5 years
Book of Flowers [Good Omens: Aziraphale X Reader]
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Word Count: 2100
Warnings: Mention of death of a relative, minimal editing
A/N: I love drying flowers, so I wanted to make it into a story. =)
There was a book you held dear to you. It was special, probably far more special than any of the books Aziraphale had collected himself. It told the story of you and him.
The first flowers you ever received from Aziraphale was on your birthday. You had been friends for quite a time before that day. Though you tried to keep your birthday hidden, not wanting to make a big deal of it, Aziraphale somehow found out.
There was a light knocking on your door. When you opened it, Aziraphale was standing there with a bouquet of sunflowers. His smile was just as bright and cheery as the flowers themselves.
“Happy birthday, my dear!” He handed the flowers to a stunned you.
“How did you know?”
“I have my ways!” He gave you a cheeky grin and stepped into your home while you filled a vase with water and trimmed the ends of the flowers. “I was wondering if perhaps you’d like to go out for dinner to celebrate your birthday. It’d be my treat!”
“You don’t have to do that, Aziraphale.”
Aziraphale shook his head. “I want to. I’m happy I’ve gotten to know you and that you’ve become my friend. Therefore, I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t celebrate you being alive.”
There was also the time where you had fallen ill for a couple of weeks. You felt absolutely miserable, even more so due to the fact that you hadn’t been able to see your best friend. However, while you were sleeping, Aziraphale had used the spare key you’ve gifted him to allow himself in your home. He called out your name while looking around the house for you. When he saw you asleep in your bed, he sighed in relief.
The blond went to go fill a vase with cold water and placed a bunch of bright yellow daffodils in it. He slowly made his way back to your bedroom and placed the flowers on your side table. His hand drifted towards your head and moved some strands of hair out of your face.
“[Y/N],” he cooed softly. You began to stir. “Wake up my dear, you need to drink some water.” With a quiet snap, a glass of water instantly appeared next to the vase of flowers with some medication. Though, you were completely ignorant of the miracle he had performed.
You groaned and sat up in bed. “Aziraphale? What are you doing here?” you croaked. There was a stinging in your vocal cords.
“I was worried about you,” Aziraphale said softly. He handed you a glass of water and two ibuprofen pills. “Take this, my dear. It’ll help you feel better.”
You quickly swallowed the pills with two gulps of water. It hurt, but you ignored the pain. You glanced over towards the flower and instantly, your day was brightened. “Did you get those for me?”
“Yes! I thought you might like them and that they might make you feel better.”
You hummed and nodded your head in agreement. “Thank you.”
The next flower was a peach carnation. You wanted to thank Aziraphale for taking care of you. It took you hours in the florist’s shop to decide exactly what you wanted. It needed to be something special. Something that would brighten his day as he brightened yours so many times.
The florist was starting to get annoyed with you, but you ignored them before finally picking one. It had white lilies, the carnations, peach roses, and echeveria succulents. The succulents really added to the bouquet to make it special.
When you handed the bouquet to Aziraphale, his face exploded in color. He kept giggling to himself. No one had ever given him flowers before. He hugged you tightly before proudly displaying them in his shop.
Then, there was the time where a loved one passed away. Aziraphale showed up to escort you to the funeral. He held you as you cried into his chest. One of his hands would play with your hair while the other rubbed circles on your back. He would whisper sweet words to you.
“They knew how much you loved them,” he would say. “They loved you so much. It’s okay to cry. You will get through this and you will be okay.”
After the funeral was over, he took out a handkerchief and wiped your tears. His hand lingered for a moment or two before he took it back to his side. He gave you a sad smile, one filled with sympathy.
“How about a magic trick to help cheer you up, my dear?”
You looked at him with curiosity. It was enough to ease your sobs into silence. He waved his hands around. Then, one hand reached past your ear. When he pulled back, there was a singular white rose.
“How?” you asked slightly stunned. Aziraphale was always garbage at magic, but what he just did was extraordinary.
Then was the first time you realized you were utterly in love with him.
The two of you were sitting in a park. He was sitting on a bench with his straight posture, gazing out at the water where ducks were circling around. You were sitting in the grass next to him, picking the dandelions that the government workers had yet to weed. Though, you were happy that these yellow-maned flowers were there. It gave you an excuse to weave a crown. Each stem got braided into the next until you had finished the circle.
You glanced up at Aziraphale who was busy thinking about something. Slowly, you stood up while cradling the crown in your hands. In an instant, you plopped the crown on his head and staggered backward to get a good look at him. He looked up towards the crown with a slightly confused face. A bright blush spread across your cheeks at how cute he looked.
‘Oh no,’ you thought to yourself. ‘I’m in love with him.’
The next page had a rainbow of tulips.
The carpet in your home had seen better days. You had paced back and forth in a spot repeatedly. There must have been a way for you to get over your feelings for him or for you to tell him. Either way, you had to preserve the friendship you had with him.
A knock on your door interrupted you. Much like when it was your birthday, Aziraphale was standing there with the flowers. Though, he looked nervous and unsure of himself.
“Hello, [Y/N],” he swallowed down some fear. “Mind if I come in?”
You stepped aside and shut the door behind him. He looked around your home nervously and straightened his tie. He looked at you and he felt his face growing warm. Yours mirrored his as you both just stared at each other in an uncomfortable, heavy silence.
“Right, I should tell you why I’m here,” Aziraphale started and then handed you the flowers. “For you. Though, I don’t think they could ever…” He choked on his words. “Ever…Ever match your beauty.”
“O-Oh,” you stammered and put the tulips to your face. You inhaled their scent in an attempt to hide the hot blush on your face. “Thank you.”
“Sorry if that was too forward. Crowley…Well, he told me to say that.”
“He did?”
“Yes, you see…I,” he paused. “I have fallen for you. Quite hard, I might add. I am totally and completely in love with you.”
The air in your lungs escaped you. Your heart skipped multiple beats. For a moment, your mind went blank. Then, you took one step towards him. Then, another. Finally, you lunged towards him and gripped him in a tight embrace.
“I love you, too.”
There were pages of roses, lilies, and lilacs. Each held a specific memory. Some were dates, anniversaries, just because, and whatnot. There was then a very painful page. Dark crimson roses were on it. It was when Aziraphale nearly left you.
“I haven’t been honest with you, [Y/N].” Aziraphale looked frightened. He had given you the crimson roses. They were for mourning. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this. I can’t hurt you.”
“What do you mean?” You were confused and scared. He was acting strange, has been for the past few weeks. “Aziraphale, what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Aziraphale,” you pleaded and grabbed the sleeve to his coat. You felt tears streaming down your face. “Aziraphale, please talk to me. What’s going on? Please tell me what I did. I can fix this.”
Aziraphale looked at you. It looked as though his heart was breaking. “You didn’t do anything, my dear. It’s all me, I promise you.”
“Please, just explain it,” you started to sob. “I’ll try to fix it, please. Please, I’m begging you. I love you so much.”
Aziraphale sighed and wiped a tear from your face. He leaned forward and placed a peck on your forehead. His lips lingered there. You leaned into his touch, terrified that when he pulled away, he would leave you forever.
“I’m not a human,” Aziraphale finally said.
Aziraphale took a couple of steps backward. His hands were placed behind his back. It was almost as though if they were in front of him, he would reach out towards you and never let go. But he had to let go, that’s what he was telling himself.
“I’m an angel,” he whispered with sorrow. “I’m sorry I haven’t told you. I didn’t know how to.”
“You’re an angel?”
You looked down at the flowers you were holding and then back at him. Slowly, you placed the flowers on the chair next to you and took several steps towards the angel. Your arms wrapped around him. You gripped him tightly and didn’t want to let go.
“You’re an angel. But you’re also Aziraphale. I love you, no matter what.”
Aziraphale fought with himself. He didn’t know if being with you would place a target on you because of Heaven’s vendetta against you. But he also wanted to be selfish. He knew he’d always love you, no matter of whether or not you were together. Either way, you’d become a target.
“You’re not angry?”
“I’m mad that you thought that this could break us up!” you looked up at him with a scowl. “But I’m not mad that you didn’t tell me that you’re an angel.”
“Right, you’re right. I’m sorry. I should have known you wouldn’t let this get between us,” he ran a hand along your cheek and to your chin. Cupping your head, he leaned down and pecked your lips. “I love you more than anything on this Earth or in Heaven.”
You smiled at him. “I love you, too.”
The book was filled with flowers that told your story. Petals of various colors were sealed in the pages with dates and small captions of what happened. It was the most special book you’ve ever possessed. Now, you were hoping it’d be the most special book Aziraphale would ever have.
You clutched the leather binding close to your chest as you walked down the steps from Aziraphale’s flat to his bookshop. He was sipping some hot cocoa while reading over a new book he acquired. You paused for a moment to take this image in. He was always adorable wearing those glasses that you were certain he didn’t need. Did angels did need glasses? Every time he took a sip of his sweet drink, he’d get that little smile of pure bliss.
“Aziraphale,” you called and finished walking down the steps. He put his mug down and turned towards you with a warm smile.
“Hello, [Y/N],” he greeted. His eyes glanced towards the book in your arms. “What do you have there?”
"A book for you.”
The book made its way from your hands over towards his. He examined it and opened the cover. The angel was silent while looking over through the pages. A single hand went up to his mouth. He sniffed a couple of times and dabbed away a few tears. He looked over at you with a smile as tears continued to fall from his eyes. He tried to say something, but only a couple of sounds came out. He paused and with a chuckle tried to keep the tears from falling.
“It’s beautiful, [Y/N]. Thank you.” He opened his arms and brought you in for a tight embrace. He kissed the top of your head and continued to weep happy tears. “This is the most wonderful gift I’ve ever received, thank you.”
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angelicspaceprince · 5 years
Broken Promises
Author: Ama
Title: Broken Promises
Pairing: Poly!Aziraphale x Reader x Crowley
Character/s: Crowley/Raphael, Aziraphale, Reader, Gabriel
Word Count: 1, 626 words
Warnings: Is sad, mentions of falling, Gabriel being a dick, sad!Crowley, mentions of Crowley's past, the whole thing about nearly being murdered by Heaven
Prompt: After the whole ordeal with Heaven, Crowley finds his past revisiting him as he tries to sleep. His partner's try and help comfort him and reminding him that, through it all, they still have them.
Notes: So, I lied. I wrote this at 4 in the morning rather than sleeping because I found THIS AMAZING PIECE OF ART WORK BY @philiasperanzart and I simply had to share! Sorry if its OOC and shit but its 4 am and I can't help it when inspiration hits.
Italics – clashing of memories, italics will always be the Heaven scene where normal text (with context) will be memories of before Crowley’s fall.
Also – so I am of the opinion that Gabriel cares very much but after centuries of seeing his brothers and sisters fall and being emotionally unavailable (specifically after this fic) he just doesn’t know how to make himself vulnerable, so he hides it behind crack shots and remarks that he doesn’t know are shitty, yet they are. And when he tells ‘Aziraphale’ to just die already, he’s angry. Because he has seen siblings of his fall over everything and surely Aziraphale would know by now? Not to fraternize with demons. They can’t risk him falling, so they have to kill him and I think he’s putting up a brave front because he doesn’t want Aziraphale’s death. Also, the fact that Aziraphale was friends (at a very bare minimum, lets face it, they’re married) with Crowley made it 10x worse, as this fic will explore slightly. Additionally (final notes) I made this a poly!Aziraphale x reader x Crowley fic because we don’t have enough of these fics in our lives. You are all very very welcome.
Buy Me a Coffee
 Broken Promises
The words still rung clear in Crowley’s head.
“Please just shut your stupid mouth and die already.”
They still stung, possibly more than anything else that Gabriel has ever said directly or indirectly to the demon.
His body had moved on, but his mind was still back there.
It was very bright when he first opened his eyes, and the small angel in front of him just seemed to radiate love and happiness. “You must be Raphael! I’ve been waiting for you!”
“Shut your stupid mouth-”
“I’m Gabriel! I am your brother, I’ll be your companion!”
“-and die already.”
“I’ll be by your side no matter what!”
The heat didn’t even hurt Crowley as he approached the flames. But the words?
“I’ll protect you from all the bad things!”
The words burnt more than the flames ever would.
When Crowley first attempted to fly, Gabriel was there. “Don’t worry, Raphael! We all fall down sometimes, I’ll always be here to pick you up!”
“Just shut your stupid mouth-”
But he wasn’t.
“-and die already.”
His first cock-up with a miracle. Gabriel was there. “It’s ok, Raphael, I can fix it! Next time, we can practice on something smaller and work up to something this big!”
Just -
When Lucifer fell, it was the first time Crowley saw Gabriel snap. “Don’t cry, Raphael! It’s all a part of our Mother’s plan. It’s ineffable! Surely She knew this was going to happen!”
shut –
“What if it happens to me? To the rest of us?” Gabriel simply took a calming breath and smiled as he brought his brother in close. “It won’t! We just have to love God more than anything else and obey all Her commands without question. We won’t fall, Raphael, we know better.”
your –
Then more angels fell, taking after Lucifer’s example. Gabriel was there after every single one. “Does it hurt?” “I don’t know, Raphael. I hope not. I don’t want them to feel pain as they fall.”
stupid –
The more angels who fell, the more closed off Gabriel became. “Gabriel? What did Anna do to fall?” “I don’t know Raphael, he must have done something.”
mouth –
“Gabriel, will you still talk to me if I fall?” “Why would I?” “Because we are brothers.” “Raphael, if you fall, we will never talk again. It’s just the way things are.”
and –
And then Crowley fell. Gabriel was there when it happened. His eyes were cold as he watched Crowley begin his descent into Hell.
die –
Gabriel was wrong.
Crowley burned.
But even the pain from falling was nothing compared to hearing those words from his once dear brother’s mouth.
Crowley fights back tears as he tries to process what happened in Heaven when he feels two arms start to snake their way around him. Too warm to be Aziraphale. Y/N.
“Crow, it’s 4 in the morning, what’s going on?” Your tired voice murmurs into his ear, resting on your side as you try to bring him in closer.
“It’s nothing pet, go back to sleep.” You mumble before bringing yourself closer, ignoring Aziraphale’s tired whimpers when you leave his grip.
“Don’t lie to me, love.” Crowley rolls his eyes. “It may be what demons do, but it’s not what you do.” Silence rings between the two of you before the sound of shuffling fills the room as Crowley moves his body to be able to curl up against your chest, your head moving automatically to rest against his hair. “Is it about what happened when you went upstairs?” He nods slightly. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”
“Not really.”
“Do you need to tell me?”
You wait for Crowley to start talking, not wanting to push him until he felt uncomfortable talking to you. “There wasn’t even a trial.”
You hum. “What do you mean?”
“I got a trial. Yes, it was a sham of a trial, just to showcase off how cruel Beelzebub can be and how my behaviour wouldn’t be tolerated. But it was a trial. Heaven didn’t even try. They just…..sentenced Aziraphale to death.” You wait.
“There’s more, isn’t there.” It’s not a question, a statement. You know he’s holding back.
“Just something Gabriel said, it doesn’t matter.”
“Evidently, it does.”
“Would you drop it?”
“No.” Crowley sighs, your voice clear. You weren’t dropping it until you knew the whole truth.
“Being in Heaven reminded me of the times before I fell. That, coupled with just the whole stress of the situation? Wasn’t really that nice for me.”
“I thought you don’t do nice.”
“I don’t, Heaven’s s’pposed to though.”
“True.” You move your hand to play with his hair in a small form of comfort. “Why did you fall?”
“I asked too many questions.”
“Too many?”
“Which was?”
“Why can’t we love God as much as we love each other.” You hum. “Heaven didn’t like that very much.”
“I can tell.” You swear Crowley is purring as you continue to massage his scalp, but you definitely don’t tell him that. Not when you are slowly getting him to open up. “Do you miss Heaven?” Crowley shrugs.
“Not particularly. Too bright. Too ‘do as your told and not as you think’.”
“I thought Heaven would be more loving.”
“Trust me, its not.” You sigh, bringing your lips to his forehead. “I miss the way Gabriel treated me before I fell.” He finally admits before opening up about how Gabriel was his mentor, his guide through everything angelic. How they made the stars together, how Gabriel was there through every tumble and fall. Except for his last one. “I miss the comradery.”
You pause for a minute, feeling Aziraphale come up behind you, clearly still asleep. A rare commodity for him. “I think Gabriel misses it too.” Crowley’s eyes meet yours, seemingly confused. “Well, he hates the fact Aziraphale is friends with you. Possibly because he feels bad that he couldn’t save you from falling when all you did was ask a question. He probably was upset when you fell because he couldn’t save you, but also, the two of you were close. And he couldn’t talk to you about it or question anyone else about it because, after all, it was in God’s plan. And Her plan is ineffable. But, I think there is something Gabriel didn’t take into account. You didn’t fall. At least not all the way. Your body made it to Hell, but your soul stayed on Earth. You have never been fully an angel or fully a demon, you’ve always been something different, something in between. But what makes you special is that you think outside the box, you’re creative, you don’t stick to the rules, you bend them until they are close to breaking and then hope that they’re made of rubber as you bend them some more. That’s not a demonic or angelic quality. That’s a human quality. And that’s why Heaven and Hell are so scared of you. Because what they see as bad, humans see as good. And I think that’s important for you to know.”
Crowley thinks over your words for a minute before rolling his eyes. “Oh yes, of course, that’s totally what they are afraid of. Not the fact that I tempted an angel and got away with it.”
“You’re being sarcastic because you know I have a valid point.” You retort. “Would you rather have not fallen, stayed chummy with Gabriel who is, as kind as I’m sure he was in the past, a bit of a prat or would you rather have fallen and have met Aziraphale, fallen in love with him and lived your life with him?”
“What about you?”
“I’m human, I’m only temporary.”
“You are just as important, Y/N.” Aziraphale’s voice chimes in. You roll your eyes.
“This is about cheering Crowley up, angel, not me.” Aziraphale places his chin on your side as he peers over you to look down at his other partner.
“What’s upsetting him?”
“Nothing, angel.”
“Heaven didn’t give you a trial and being in Heaven reminded him of like pre-snake eyes.” Aziraphale’s mouth forms an ‘o’ of shock before he places an arm over you and Crowley.
“Heaven’s Heaven, my dear. No need to waste time thinking about them when we have our own little haven here – that’s what matters now.” Crowley seems to sulk under Aziraphale’s words, most likely because you had worded him out.
“We also don’t know that this wasn’t a part of God’s plan, ya know.” You say gently. “For all we know, She’s up there playing matchmaker and that’s why things have gone tits up. Heaven don’t talk to Her much anymore, that’s why they acted drastically.”
“It’s not part of Her plan.”
“But we don’t know that. At the end of it all, Crowley, we don’t know. We love you, we will always be here for you and if you fall, we’ll be here to pick you back up. It’s ok to think of the past and reminisce but not if it affects you in this way.” Aziraphale nods as his eyes flicker between the two of you. “We aren’t leaving you any time soon, Crowley.”
“Promise?” His voice sounds tired, weak. As if he has heard that promise before only for it to be broken.
“Promise.” The two of you state at the same time.
Crowley seems content with that as he burrows in closer. He mumbles something that you can’t make out, but you get the gist. “We love you too Crow. Sleep?”
Crowley simply nods.
The memories of Gabriel never leave Crowley, nor the hurt of his words, and his actions. But when he’s with you and Aziraphale, those memories always seem to become a little less bitter.
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chiroyu · 5 years
Losing Many
Chapter 1- Protecting Your Love
Aziraphale is in the bookshop reading his books as he normally does, crowley had left not too long ago to go home, and the night was fresh with rain. There upon the door comes a knock. “We’re closed.” aziraphale says loudly for the visitor to hear. But a few seconds later another knock is upon the door. “We’re closed.” aziraphale says again, and bit louder and more stern. But another knock echoes through the night.
Aziraphale huffs and sets his book down roughly, mentally apologizing to it as he gets up and matches to the door. He swings it open. “I said we’re closed, now please be as kind as to-” he stops. “O-oh my, I’m sorry! I didn’t know it was you!” He exclaims in worry. “Please come in, Gabriel.”
So aziraphale invites Gabriel in. They had been on… better terms since the switch he and crowley did. Gabriel was coming to terms that he could no longer control aziraphale and they were even seeing eye to eye on few things. Very few things, but some nonetheless. So they sit in the back, each with a cup of fresh brewed tea in their hands.
The conversation starts out civil. They exchange pleasantries and small talk before soon enough Gabriel clears his throat and sets his cup down, getting down to business. “Aziraphale, return with me to heaven” he says simply, causing aziraphale to nearly choke on his tea.
“W-what? Gabriel, I though we had come to terms on this! I would stay on earth and you would let me!” He says frantically, hoping beyond all hope that Gabriel hadn’t found out about the switch. And if he had, surely he told hell, which meant crowley might be facing a similar conversation that very moment. The thought filled home with dread.
“Yes, I remember.” Gabriel replied. “However, we have come to find out about some… well, interesting news.” Gabriel’s says simply. Aziraphale gulps.
“W-what news?” He asks, receiving a wave of Gabriel’s hand as he dismisses the question.
“None of your concern, I’m afraid. Though I will put, it would be in your best interest to return to heaven quietly and without fuss. ”
aziraphale gulps once more. Surely they didn’t know about the switch, they had planned so carefully. He would just have to take a chance he supposes “n-no.” He says determined. “I am not afraid of you anymore Gabriel, you can not treat me as you have in the past and expect me to sit here and take it! Now leave, I believe we ate quiet done here!” he says with a stern face as he sets his cup down with a loud jangle as he stands to stare down at Gabriel.
You could see Gabriel’s eyes widen and his blood vessels burst in anger as he stands abruptly, towering over aziraphale with a growl. “Do you not understand?! Hellfire Might not have worked on you, but we’ve done some research of our own, aziraphale. Don’t think for a second we haven’t found a way to rid us of you and your Boyfriend” he says angrily, saying the word boyfriend like it was poison on his tongue.
Aziraphale stumbles back in shock. What could they possibly have found? He worried for crowley, afraid that perhaps  hell was going after him as well.
“S-so?!” Aziraphale says loudly. Louder than Gabriel has ever heard him speak. “Just because you might have a way to kill us, you think we’ll back down and cower for you! W-we are sick of following orders! We would find a way to fight back!” Aziraphale yells, watching as Gabriel’s face darkens with more anger. He suddenly feels like hes gone too far as Gabriel stomps closer to him, towering over him menacingly with a smirk and a much too devilish face to be on an angel.
“Is that so, aziraphale? I guess well just have to see.” He says as he snaps a finger and a hefty blade appears in his hand. He holds it carefully. “Do you know what this is, aziraphale?” He asks, to which aziraphale shakes his head, fear and determination fighting in his eyes. “This is a holy blade. Now normally they dont work on angels, but with you being able to survive hell fire, you know, like a demon would, we thought, well, maybe it would work on you somehow. Care to find out?” Gabriel brings the knife to Aziraphale’s throat, placing it there gently as Aziraphale gulps.
Gabriel chuckles, pulling the sword back and up, ready to slash down on azirpahale.
And just as Aziraphale is about to retort with something witty, something he normally would not say, but something happens. They didnt hear when the door opens and footsteps walked toward them. Nor did they hear the demon whispering to himself on what he was going to say when he say his angel.
“Angel, i know  i said i was going home, but we’ve know each other 6000 years, we averted the apocalypse! i think its about time i stayed the night over-” The demon mumbles, pausing as he enters the back room, seeing the situation his angel was in, he instantly switches his demeanor from nervous to exceptionally angry. “YOU- GET AWAY FROM MY ANGEL!” He practically bellows, lurching forward to stand in front of his angel, his arms outstretched to protect his angel from the threat. He protected his angel with his own body, the sword coming down on him.
“AHHH-!” Crowley screams in agony, falling to his knees to clutch his bleeding arm. No, not arm, his arm wasn’t there. it was on the floor in front of him, blood pooling next to him. he chokes on his saliva as he suppresses his scream and his tears.
Gabriel chuckles, his smirk growing ever so on his lips as he glares down at the angel and demon before him. “Well, well, well, who do we have here? None other than the failure of an angel’s boyfriend.” he pointedly looks at Aziraphale as he says failure, wanting to bring him down as much as possible. “Honestly, this just saves me some time. Pity you losing your arm… though, it does give me an idea.” He says, snapping his fingers as his eyes darken with an evil idea. Not even a second later does a few angel grunts appear behind him. “Hold them down for me, would you?” He asks in fake kindness to the angel grunts.
The angel grunts oblige, surging forward to grab each of Crowley’s shoulders and his right arm to hold him back. They purposely bump his bleeding and raw wound, causing him to choke on a yell in his throat. Another two grunts go behind crowley to hold Aziraphale back from stopping them.
Crowley struggled in the grunt’s grip, trying to break free but was unable to. He was slowly losing his focus, his eye sight going blurry, then focused, then blurry again. He growled, glaring up at the grunts before switching his gaze to Gabriel. And grand, now Beelzebub was there to witness the show, smirking down at him like this was their plan all along. And perhaps it was. he groans quietly, looking down to watch the blood pool on the ground below him, entranced by it.
Aziraphale struggled as well, staring in horror at the scene. Normally he wouldn’t bat an eye, crowley would be bale to simply miracle his arm fixed. but that was a holy sword, demons don’t heal from wounds from holy objects! he sobbed, the demon grunts covering his mouth as he was unable to force himself free from their tight grips.
Gabriel and Beelzebub chuckled evilly down at them. They look all too pleased that their plan was coming along so easily.
“Would you look at that.” Beelzebub says, walking over and around crowley. “You are just so nosy, arent you crowley? You weren’t supposed to be here to witness Gabriel punishing your angel, but i guess this will just have to do.” They sigh, though a sick look in their eyes say they think this is much better than what they could have thought up.
Gabriel smirks, holding out the sword towards beelzebub. “Shall i give you the honors?” he  asks, to which Beelzebub just hisses and back away from the holy sword. Gabriel shrugs. “Alright then.” He says simply, stepping forward to stand in front of crowley. he looks over at aziraphale and smirks. “Make sure watch closely, Aziraphale, because this is what will happen to you if you continue to refuse.” he says as he brings the sword up again.
And Aziraphale tries to struggle more, wanting so badly to break free to save Crowley from more pain. But the grunts only gripped and held him back tighter, he could only sob as he watched the out of it crowley slowly look up to watch as the sword came down to cut off his other arm.
And the screams. God, the screams. They were gut wrenching. Crowley was screaming his lungs out, tears rolling down his cheeks. Aziraphale knew how much the demon hated to be seen crying, not even crying when his first arm was cut off showed that. He must be in such pain to be openly sobbing. He sobbed as well, wanting to rush forward and take the demon in his arms and heal him.
Gabriel chuckled, watching with an ugly smirk as he watched the demon sob and scream and writhe in pain below him. he tuts. “Now now, in not done! Disappointing that you have only two arms, maybe ill take a leg too?” he hums in thought before shrugging. “How about i close my eyes and aim randomly?” He suggest, smirking as he sees the horror in Aziraphale’s eyes. “Thats the plan then.” He chuckles, bringing the sword up again as he closes his eyes.
The grunts force Crowley’s back straight from his hunched position as the sword came down again, cutting a long line into his chest. This earned another loud scream from the demon. The cut sizzled slightly form contact with the holy sword.
Aziraphale felt more tears spring to his eyes as he tried to yell and jerk free, only get an arm out to reach towards his love for but a few seconds before its jerked back by the grunts. He sobs in agony as he watches his love suffer more pain than anyone should be forced to. He wanted to beg for Gabriel to stop, to stop hurting his love, to hurt him instead. but the hand over his mouth prevented him form even doing that.
Gabriel opens his eyes and sighs in disappointment. “Only your chest? I was hoping perhaps i’d cut off your head. Oh well, i’m sure you get the point, right, aziraphale?” he says, looking at the crying angel.
The hand over his mouth disappears and he sobs loudly. “You monster! H-how could you, what has he ever done to you?!”  he yells, struggling once more to break free from the grunts tight grips.
“Ah, ah, ah.” he chides. “Me, a monster? I’m just doing whats best, Aziraphale. besides…” he begins, an evil smirk on his face. “I wouldn’t have been allowed to do it if it wasn’t part of Her ineffable plan, right?”
The look on Aziraphale’s face could break someone’s heart. The mere thought that this could be part of Her ineffable plan made him sick to his stomach. How could anyone, even Her, have such a gruesome thing happen to someone who has been nothing but sweet and kind and caring! he sobbed again. “Shut up! S-she wouldnt-”
Gabriel cuts him off. “But how can you be sure?” he asks, before shaking his head. “Enough of that. You’ll be coming back to heaven with us now.”
Beelzebub huffs, finally walking back over as Gabriel miracles the sword from existence. They go over to crowley and pulls his head up by his hair with a smirk. “And he’ll be coming to hell with us.” they spat.
Aziraphale shook his head. “No!” he yells. “W-we aren’t going anywhere!”
Gabriel raises a brow. “Are you sure you should be saying such things, aziraphale? why, i could simply bring the sword back out and end his life here.” Beelzebub sends him a glare at that, they needed crowley alive after all.
Aziraphale sobs, looking like all options he once had are now all gone. If only he had just gone with him when he was first asked, then Crowley would be fine. But he was stubborn, he had wanted to continue to live on earth with his love. He felt something well up inside him in that moment as he thought of how even if they were to continue to live there on earth it would be so much more different. How hard it would be for Crowley, for the both of them to adjust. But he wanted to at least try! He didn’t want to give up and never have that future, even if it was bleak they’d find a way to be happy! That feeling grew inside him, he felt like he was floating. No, he was.
The grunts were trying to pull him back down, but they were unable as he floated out of their grips easily. His eyes glared at Gabriel, not his regular two, no, thousands of them. perhaps even millions. It was like he could see everything. Gabriel looked surprised, even terrified if that was possible. Beelzebub was cowering where he was standing, backing up slowly until he was quite a bit behind Gabriel.
“Wha-” before either of them could utter a single word, Aziraphale’s hand flew up and a bright light encased the room. When the light died down, everyone but him and crowley were gone. He floated back down to the ground. As soon as his feet touched the ground, whatever feeling that had welled up in his chest disappeared and he fell to his knees panting heavily. he looked up and the world spun, he groaned softly. he crawled his way over to Crowley who now lay on the floor in a jumbled mess. His hands and knees were getting soaked in blood and he sobbed, gently picking his demon up in his arms, “C-crowley, dear, p-please open your eyes.” he asked softly.
He got no response, sobbing again. “C-crowley, love, please.” again there was no response. He sobbed again, his hands flying to Crowley’s neck to check for a pulse. he felt nothing and sobbed more. He laid Crowley back down on the floor before gently placing his hands on his chest and doing compression. “L-love, please, please, wake up!” he begs before leaning down and blowing air into the demons mouth. He continued this and the compressions with no result. He sobbed. “Please!” he yells, doing a compression quite hard and hearing a crack. he worriedly back away with a sob. “I-im so sorry, dear, i didn’t mean-” of course there was no response and he stood quickly with another sob, rushing to his old phone and dialing 911 quickly. He needed trained medical professionals right now.
They pick up quickly, and he rattles off his address, the adrenaline from before leaving him as he collapses to his knees with the phone barley in his hands. the operator calls out to him, but he cant reply as he choke son his sobs, staring over at his love laying motionless on the floor. Time passe sin a blur after that, people bursting through the door of the book shop and rushing in. They start compressions on Crowley before switching to a defibrillator. Someone guides Aziraphale out of the bookshop, not without Aziraphale struggling of course, before leading him to another ambulance to take him to a hospital to make sure he was okay. As they are putting him on the gurney, Aziraphale sees them rushing an awake and confused crowley to the other ambulance.  He sobs in relief before letting his tiredness catch up to him, he passes out on the gurney while being driven to the hospital behind Crowley’s ambulance.
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