#(i am simply Built Different bro)
zorionbbq · 8 months
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sujimon, subzero sonata, redraws, etc!
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occamstfs · 5 months
Chauffeur Swap
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Another epistolary TF ! Cocky office worker to an equally cocky gym bro, trait swap + IQ Drain aplenty -Occam
Monday May 6th
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I’m beyond thrilled that I’m finally being looked at for a promotion. I’ve worked my ass off for this company ever since I graduated and I am not going to let this chance slip through my fingers. It’s such a good gig, in the week leading up to them filling the position they’re letting us use the company’s chauffeurs as just one little hint of the luxury this promotion will afford us.
At least, that’s what I thought before my driver arrived to pick me up and I saw what a slob of a man my driver was! I mean my word! I thought it was a prank or something else untoward! I’m sure he could tell too, I could not muster even a shy smile, nothing to do but grimace. God and that was before I got in! He must have just been an Uber hired or something because it smelled like a locker room in there! Truly vile!
God willing this is a one off occurrence, hate to get the oaf in trouble. Though judging by the state of his hygiene though he clearly needs to be taught a lesson somehow! I mean even with this job I couldn't afford to buy cologne enough to hide that stink- perhaps some dog-strength febreze- Ha!
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Godddd fuck! The last thing I needed after such a stressful day was to be greeted by that animal’s face- worse yet, his SCENT! I underestimated just how grueling this interview charade would be. It is just one final hurdle to the big leagues though. I will leave petty contrivances like suffering through this unpleasant car ride behind.
Just to make the time pass with greater speed I put forth some small talk. Not like I could hold my breath near long enough to make a difference, and it couldn’t hurt to vent about what a hassle the day had been hm? After this though he started talking about himself and fwoh- could I not care less about whatever surely protein-fart based drivel or beer-brained diatribe he launched into. 
Perhaps this is unfair, I did not deign to listen to him. So perhaps he’s better than he seems. But who could blame me, sitting in that car was punishment enough to earn me tuning him out. And! And! For him to have the benefit of the doubt surely he could at least wear deodorant! Hm. Unless he is trying? God that would be depressing, to be so, ugh- I continue to hold out hope I never see him again
Tuesday May 7th
Mm, I simply must develop a better poker face if I am to continue to suffer in this odor for the week, god forbid even longer- I have prepared accordingly however, yesterday no one mentioned it at work but I swear I kept smelling it, him, all day? Same when I got home, just everytime I calmed down from work bam! I smelled this horrid car ride. I am bringing my cologne to work with me, I plan to put it at lest once more when I arrive at work.
It’s just, Why is this my problem right! I don’t know what his problem is, but I don’t see why I have to suffer because of it right? I should not have to deal with someone like this, he’s supposed to be working for me. I uh, it’s not like I think I’m better than him I just, well I am better than him. Hm, I lost my train of thought. 
Ugh, I keep spacing out today- I’m sure it has to do with my twice-daily rides with, hm. I don’t even know his name. It’s? You know I don’t care. I just need to take it easy, I’m not letting this fucking dude-bro pitstain of a man bother me this much! I’m getting my bag and he is not worth a second further of my, uh, attention.
I have a headache and I don’t know how it is his fault but it has to be. This whole thing is setting me on edge, I need to chill about Ben. That’s right Ben! I got his name, I actually told him about my headache and he told me that he usually meditates to clear his mind- which crazy that someone so, despite all appearances, mindful treats his body like a sty but- Well not a sty I suppose, or at the very least a well built one- 
Ah, that’s not quite appropriate is it. God he is hot though. Honestly sitting there just breathing in his, uh, scent, helped with the headache. Wait no, it was the meditation, God, why can I not stop thinking of his fucking B.o. My headache was gone but now I feel I’m beginning to run a fever, or at the very least I need to turn down the AC or something-
Better not affect my work tomorrow.
Wednesday May 8th
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Not gonna be a good one. I fucking woke up late which ive literally never done before! I barely got myself up and ready in time and didn’t realize until the car but I didn’t bring my cologne with me. It turned out to be the least of my problems however as when I got in his car I fully spilled my coffee all over the backseat. Hopefully this will mask his putridity because I now have to sit in the front with him for the ride.
He must know. He has to know it has to be some kinda sick, uh, fetish or something. Its untendable untenable. god get your shit together Jacob. Its so hard to focus on anything else now that Im sitting right by him. I need to talk to someone about this, fuck its like hes exposing his pits on purpose. He wants me to stare at him, i bet. Bet he gets some sort of sick rise out of me. Im sure him and all the other chauffeurs probably get together and jack off about how repulsive and, uh, strong they all are.
God Fuck! Get me out of this car im losing my mind! Need to, ill just get some work done on the commute, should help i think. God its getting hot in here again or something, so help me if this fucker starts actively sweating im gonna lose it
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i just couldnt get anything done today i dont know what was fucking up dude? it was just so hot in there and i mustve forgotten to put deodorant on this morning, people kept complaining but i didnt even notice? i guess i was sweating more than usual, but like, it was so hot in that office and my clothes felt weird, tight almost. As if tho, lol im sure no one even really noticed that i was off.
OH speaking of, Ben really put himself together on the ride home today. He was wearing a button up and everything, must have seen how nice im living and got his shit together! Maybe ive been to hard on the douche? nah car still smelled like shit haha! Or i think it did? didnt really notice it until like halfway thru?
Fuck my clothes are so tight all of a sudden, godd its so hot actually. I look fucking huge in this tiny little monkey suit- almost like Benjamin ha- as if id stoop so low, even if i started getting massive not like id be dum enough to be on his level lol
Thursday May 9th
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Fuckin couldnt find ANYTHING this morning dude! it was like someone came in and took or hid everything i need for work today. ended up having to just fuckin leave for the car without a suit jacket- pretty sure ive got an extra in my office tho so were chill there. mm probably shouldve shaved tho lol
Oh yeah the files! i had some reports that i needed to bring in but totally couldnt find them! Turns out benjamin had them the whole time it was weird, guess i left them last night. but he was like such an ass about it, like he knows anything though the uh, jock, jerk uh. hes actually dressed better than me rn isnt he. Finally threw on a dress shirt, surely inspired by me haha- pulling it off quite well too, his chest hair peaking up through mm-
Fuckkk dude my cocks kinda getting hard looking at him, starting to smell musty in the car too, wait oh shit i didnt even notice that it didnt reek when i got in! weird that its starting to stink now tho whats up with that, looks like hes finally noticing tho ha! its nice to see him finally react to how bad my uh, no how I GOD, how bad fuckin’ he stinks obviously. whatever, ive got more important stuff to think about.
okay work was like, not fuckin chill today. idk what was up but like, every little thing i did today just wasnt good enough apparently like okay?? you know me, if something seems off clearly, fucking OBVIOUSLY it uh, i? god my head just keeps going blank i dont get it, im just. Huh, kinda smells like Ben all of a sudden, oh fuck lol my pits have completely sweat through my shirt-
None of this matters anyway though bro! Because i just had the BEST sesh with Ben after work!! honestly the work shit doesnt even bother me, shouldve seen me its like i am a natural at this shit i was getting a pump like ive done it a hundred times. im sure it smelled like a locker room on the ride home lol
OH! I didnt even say, it was all ben’s idea!!! he said the gym always helps him when uh, things get too hard to think about and fuckk bro hes so right. hes so, lol i almost said hes so smart- he definitely knows how to work out though, he kept helping me with my technique but im prety sure he just wanted an excuse to touch me- 
not that im complaining LMAO- every time he did it was like i felt myself getting stronger, and less worried about all those yes-man suit fuckers! hed adjust my arms and i would feel my biceps just suddenly pump larger, hed bump his hands into my pecs while spotting me and theyd just force the bar up even faster, wish hed just go ahead and grab my cock lol
theres time yet too- gonna crash at his place tonight! hopefully ill get to see him put his magic fingers and tight body to use cause fuck bro idk if it was the pump or what but i dont think my balls have ever been this blue, like any time i try to think about, oh ughh, work i just. mm everything in my body just begs me to fucking blow a load- 
Friday May 10th
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fucker just went to bed early- got me all riled up and then i had to jack off alone. felt way better than usual tho, my cock seems bigger to lol, dk whats up with that. wanted to try again this morning but ben was just on my fucking ass trying to get me out the door 
i didnt have any of my clothes, duh, so i just threw on some of his, crazy how much they fit me? they even kinda already smell like me lol. he actually put a suit on which seems wild, funny that i look like a slob and he looks like some uh, fancy guy. Like i should right? uhh is my headache coming back? lol idk but looking at him in that fucking suit sure is making it hard to focus-
ben said i can just change n stuff when we got to the office, its why hes dressed up. ill go ahead and drive us and then hell just run up and get my clothes, idk if theyll fit tho? feel like im larger than i was for some reason- oh yeah my massive fucking pump lol- 
mh speaking of pump, maybe while hes up there ill have time to jack another one out, not like anyonell see or care ya? like its a problem im about to be the fuckin alpha of this company or uh, something. itll be done before hes back, only evidence will be cum stains on his clothes lol. ugh it smells so fucking dank in here i might just cum without touching it lol
shit man, dont know what i was doing? i feel like i was supposed to go into work today but ben says from now on im just his driver. which easy gig right lol? doesnt even care that i dont shower huhuh-
he got his big promotion today!!! he looked so smug and hot when he came down to tell me, and he promised wed have some fun about it when he got home tonight- just gotta drop him off at some stupid fancy dinner ill probably hit the gym while hes there. gotta keep it up or ill look like some fucking dweeb
plus that means ill get the car totaly filled with my bo- hell fuckin love that, after he gets a good whiff no way wil he not want to fuck then and there huhuh fuck, kinda needs to get that exercise in now that hes doing whatever bitchass shit they do all they day up there needs to give in and just fuck me finally its been so, ugh long and my balls feel so full, and im sweating so much god im fogging up the windows loli better be careful i need to keep it together until then urgh- 
god i just smell so fucken hot
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graceofagodswrath · 8 months
Omg your Humans are space orcs/deathworlders + Transformers is just *d e l i c i o u s*. My complaints are pretty much the same, it seems that most humans on the franchise are just manufactured to be hated or simply annoying for being so useless. I want transformers to realize just how hard we have to work to simply stay alive *in our own planet*, with the sheer amount of diseases and poisonous animals and predators and weather and so much more, I want them to wonder how such seemingly fragile beings became the dominant species, how can we be so resilient yet so delicate... I'd like a transformer that particularly hates/is disgusted by humans to swap places with us for like a day or so, the first one that comes to mind is Starscream, I want him to get a glimpse at the daily fight for survival here on Earth and can't help but develop a tiny speck of respect for humans, not that he would ever admit it, even to himself, that he's secretly more mindful of where he steps when there are humans around ever since.
I literally just gave a rundown about this to a friend in a drunken rant the other night, so I am so ready for this.
Starscream wouldn’t be my first pick, based solely on the fact that I haven’t psycho-analyzed him the same way I have others, but imma do my best ~
For situation-sake so my writer brain doesn’t kill itself over context, imma do this in the form of Headcannons. Let’s say Starscream gets stuck in a human body and has to exist as such until he magically gets put back. Until then, he’s stuck with a human who is aware of what he is (vague gn oc/reader, up to whoever. Writing from the viewpoint of “one of us”).
(Also y’all can input any Starscream here cause imma write him in his basic form: whiney, stuck-up, clever little cunt).
- Bro is flabbergasted. Disgusted. Horrified. Out-of-his-mind losing it. Keeps praying to primus it’s a drug-induced hallucination or a dream.
- Wakes up on the soft cushions of a… couch? The word pops up in his head. He knew the basics from his overviews when their war traveled to earth. He brought his servos- No. Hands, up to his face, inspected his new honey, fleshy digits. The detail was too vivid to be a hallucination. Colors were both muted and bright. Starscream found himself automatically trying to adjust his optic intake. But nothing happened. Of course. Because fleshy organics can’t manually adjust their own sensory inputs.
- He curls his lips, and is instantly hit with the feeling of muscle contorting. Skin and flesh was an entirely different sensation from mesh and plating. It made his plating- damnit no, skin crawl. Another sensation trailed up the center of his back, spine and shiver popping up in his mind.
- Even the way his psyche worked was different. Like a new plane of existence. Thoughts were unorganized, uncalculated. Like something that squirmed out of his grasp as he tried to keep hold. Everything felt simplified, yet the awareness and sensations were overwhelming. His entire presence felt… hypocritical.
- Sounds distracted him from his insightful, yet horrific reverie. His gaze drifted to another area of the room, half-built walls sectioning it off, but with flat slabs atop. Counters. A face pops from behind the half-wall. Human eyes catch his, and the creature pulls its lips back to bare its teeth. To smile. Even though humans and cybertronians had similar facial anatomy, the little creatures were so ugly that it was hard to recognize similar expressions.
- “You good bud?” The thing asks. Starscream felt his new face twist into his casual sneer, one laced with aggravation and disgust.
- “Good? Is such a thing possible when you’re a skin bag of flesh and bones?” The humans only response was to broaden their grin.
-“Glad you haven’t lost the attitude. Means you’ll make it out alive.” The nonchalance threw the ex-cybertronian for a loop.
- “You… know me?” That grin turned into a smirk that made the non-energon in his lines boil.
- “You’re Starscream, second-in-command to Megatron, lord of the deceptions, yada yada yada… yeah I know who you are.” They leaned back against the wall, eyes boring into the deception. Starscream found himself wondering if human eyes were always so disturbingly piercing.
- “Wonderful.” He shoved the unsettled feeling to the back of his head, determined to figure out a solution and still be in control. “Then you can explain how and why I am in this disgusting organic form.”
- The smirk disappeared into an odd expression Starscream had never seen before. The human flattened their lips and pursed their… cheeks. It looked entirely stupid. But something in the back of his head whispered apologetic.
- “I’m not sure on the exact details, but I can tell you it won’t last long. I’m basically your caretaker until it wears off.”
- Instinctually, Starscream’s brows raised. “That’s it? Is this some new human weapon, cruel imprisonment within one your fleshy bodies?”
- The human tilted their head back and laughed, once again taking Starscream off guard. Their casual presence was so different from the fight-or-die everyday lifestyle that gripped his species.
- “Nope. Just a random accident that you’re the unfortunate victim of.” At the con’s bewildered stare, the human pushed their mouth outwards, changing the pitch of their voice as they said, “aww, poor baby. Don’t worry, you’re safe with me.” Then they whirled around and walked into the other room.
- Man is flabbergasted. Is out of his element and cannot function. Cue him trying to stand and do normal things, and bust his ass because the different sensations hitting him all at once. Organic nervous systems feel very different from techno ones.
- First thing he starts doing is eating and drinking. It takes a couple hours, but his “babysitter” eventually gets him to try something. Water first, of course (he refused any organic foods). The con is disgusted, but moderately pleased that the tasteless liquid isn’t slimy or thicker like he expected. It’s actually rather soothing to his human body.
- The first food he willingly tries is melon. Honeydew to be precise. Refused to touch meat, as the idea of eating actual organic flesh was unfathomable. He was pleasantly surprised to find the flavor of the fruit likable. Humans don’t taste things the same way cybertronians do. Whereas energon has a more electrical charge to it (to put it in human words), Earth flavors were smoother. Discovers he has a huge sweet tooth (as his “babysitter” put it).
- His human guardian took this opportunity to drag him out of their home and go shopping for more consumables. Let him pick things he found somewhat pleasing, but chose most others. Lots of fruit to try and other non-meats. Went in to try the other types of fruit. Has a preference for honeydew, strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, and grapes. Really likes (loves but won’t admit) pineapple and raspberries. The sour/sweetness is similar to energon. Citruses like oranges and mandarin are also similar, but he prefers more sweetness than straight sour. Kiwi is also a treat.
- (I headcannon that energon is similar to sour patch kids and skittles, super sweet and sour with an electric tang and texture. So all transformers would be immediate sweet lovers as humans because of the similarity).
- Hates anything dull or flavorless. Don’t try to feed this man spinach, he’ll call you grass-eating fleshbag.
- Drinks water only because he has too (stupid human body), but once he discovers those liquid flavors he can put in, it’s all he uses. Tried juices when he found out they were liquids derived from the fruit he likes. Got excited when it tasted almost like energon and tried to only consume juice from then on. His guardian explained that humans couldn’t only exist on juice, but of course he tried to argue that all he needed was nutrients in liquid. He then discovered smoothies. Nearly did the same thing until he actually tried them. Hated the thickness and gritty texture.
- A couple days go by and his guardian decides it’s time to get him tf out properly. Man is lounging around all the time. If he’s not on the couch making fun of human entertainment and politics, he’s following his guardian meatbag around and demanding answers for his current predicament.
- So his guardian starts small. Hauls his ass outside for a jog. This is where things really get interesting. Starscream is unaware of how human bodies work. When his guardian begins a slow run, he gets confused. Why would you run when you can walk fine? Where were they going? Leads to an explaination of exercise, which results in the con doing his usual snide shit of “you force yourselves to go through training otherwise your bodies become slow and unusable? How unsurprising.” And they’re like “yes and nooo, it’s so we can stay strong and get stronger as time goes on. Staying strong allows us to do cool things.”
- Cool things like what? Well his guardian gets an evil idea in their head. Starscream hates running. Hates using his legs and having nothing to do with his arms. Don’t even get them started on the tantrum he threw when he started sweating (fluids exiting one’s body? Horrifying).
- So his guardian introduces him to swimming. The con is a jet in his natural form, and the closest he’ll get to that as a human without a shit ton of equipment will be the water.
- Problem is the man has to learn to swim first. And willingly get in the water. Stays on the edge of the lap pool the first few times, watching with his nose turned up at the humans swimming.
- However, he starts to slowly dip his toes in the water. The sensation is… interesting. It’s not dislikable on human skin. In fact, on the hotter days it’s very soothing, like when he drinks water (finds out he can’t drink this kind tho, chemicals and bodies in it and such).
- Eventually he gets in, staying in the shallow area. His guardian helps him learn how to swim. It feels humiliating, learning to kick and tread water, while watching human children do it with relative ease. It feels strange to use his body in such ways. But with his guardian constantly reminding that none of his cybertronian peers knew or will know of his situation, AND their constant praise, he finds it in himself to continue.
- The praise he receives from his guardian is also something he’s not used to. As well as other humans willing to help him learn. It apparently wasn’t uncommon for many adult humans to not know how to swim or do other things, and gave him more confidence to learn. He’d never admit it, but he tried harder to learn just to hear the praise from others. It felt nice to be treated kindly. Better than nice. But again, he’d never admit it. He’d just respond with a clever quip. Never did anyone hear a thanks (but most quickly figured out he was grateful from the obvious burning red on his copper-toned neck and ears).
- Weeks drag on, and to distract himself from the impatience of going back to his normal, Starscream becomes an excellent swimmer. He finds it is like flying, the way the water holds up his body. When he holds his breath and dips under the surface, he can almost imagine his rocket boosters on his pedestal holding him aloft in the sky.
- From the work it took, he gained a slight appreciated for how his human body worked. At first he thought it was a hindrance. But as he worked with the others, he began to have an understanding that unsettled the cybertronian part of him.
- Humans were incredibly versatile. After he began to improve greatly at swimming, he asked about other activities humans did for exercise. The resulted in learning that humans didn’t always “exercise” to become strong. Many did it for fun. It was a hobby to them, and the exercise was a great benefit. It kept their minds clear, it kept their bodies healthy, and it satisfies a part of them that he was only beginning to discover.
- Starscream was aware of human creativity. It’s what had made their species a slight hindrance when they aided the autobots in the war, but because of their size, they were seen as nothing but bugs. Pests at the most. But as the con experienced this small bit of human life, he began to understand there was more to them than he’d like to admit. There was this drive to do things, to push themselves beyond their current capabilities.
- He learned of skills that human no longer needed but still learned to take pride in for fun. Swimming was only a base skill. There were humans that attempted to swim across the oceans just to see if they could, even with the high chance of death. Beyond swimming, there was running across land for days on end, jumping off cliffs and diving in spectacular ways, gliding across the sky’s on flimsy metal pipes and fabric, and so much more. Their adaptability to any environment was envious.
- It nearly terrified him, the thought of what if humans were the same size as cybertronians. What if they could acutally measure up to other species of their universe? They could do anything. They would be a real threat. Or the greatest ally any race could ask for.
- His lid has been flipped.
- Eventually he wakes up back in his habsuite in his normal body. The euphoria that rushes through him at the familiarity his nothing he’s ever experienced before. Checking his info screens, he discovers no time passed. As if he had dreamed all of it. But when he looks to his desk in the room, he sees it.
- Starscream picks the item up, inspecting it, and feels his spark skip a pulse. It’s a small ring and chain, attached to two metal objects. Both in the shape and color of a pineapple and raspberry.
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changedbandito · 23 days
Us. (characters introduction)
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Hello, I am the middle man, named Stevebrine. That is my persona or self insert so to say. My online presence/appearance is him but you can still just call me Steve in conversations. He is meant to be such a basic looking guy, its intentional.
The other 2 around me are personified, generalised and representative of my different thoughts and emotion.
On my right, your left, is representative of my negative thoughts emotions, actions and more. He's name is Negative (i know, how original)
On my left, your right, is basically the polar opposite, basically representing all my positive things, named Positive (I know, how original)
As you can clearly tell the generic devil and angel designs, they are very obvious what they represent. Black and red colours, white and blue colours... yea its simple. Its meant to be simple.
They are very real in my head. They are the voices I hear, creatures that lead me. I created them since I was 10, and they have been growing with me. They are presentative of my unstable mental state, my mental health and much deeper problems. My emotions are mostly driven and controlled by Negative while my understanding of things in logical ways are more of what Positive could at least control. I created them to allow me to understand myself more, to express myself and to explain myself through art. I mostly draw them fighting, representing this constraint endless quiet battles I've had to deal for a looooong time. Its all in my head, yea. And me, being Stevebrine, is caught in the crossfire, constantly controlled and tortured by Negative while fighting his claws to help Positive while he tries his best to save me.
But I know, even if we somehow "defeat" Negative, I could never escape, as there are traces of both of them in me as they literally made up who I am (just look at the eyes). I am shaped by them but they are still my won creation that I've lost control. They were meant to be under my control, I was meant to be the king of this kingdom but i was just too̸̳̖̍͝ ̵̨̀̿͂͜f̸̛̥͔̮̀͗Ŭ̴̗͍Ć̷̞̋K̸̨͚̆I̶̹̤͋͝N̷͈͒̈G̴͇͎͍̽ ̸̢̒W̴̞͉̔̔̚E̶͚̍Ą̷̱͙̅͑K̷̛̖̀......but I was just a child, how would I have known.
Anyways, this was just meant to be a simple surface level of introduction. I aint gonna dump 10 years worth of lore on here. I will simply tell you we live in a metaphorical forest, where every tree is a memory and every blade of grass is time passed. I, Stevebrine, has a treehouse built on the tallest and strongest tree with Positive's help. But there is a constraint and raging forest fire that engulfed at least half of the forest already, and Negative is spreading it. And whenever their battles gets too intense, the whole forest turns into a void but will return when it gets less intense.
*Also, they aren't all serious at times, sometimes the treat me like their bros. We do goof around, I mean with been stuck together for life.
These are all metaphors. I been growing this world since I was 7. Even before forest came out, which is why that's my favourite Twenty One Pilots song.
If you are curious about whatever that's going on in this head of mine, ask away, I will try to answer them.
Thank you for reading :)
i will remake a reference sheet for them soon
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acequinz · 2 months
I am once again wondering why people expect post time skip Lan Xichen to trust WWX or even like him...
Like I love WWX but he did not give anyone any reason to trust him over anyone who shit talked him. Do I partly blame the resentful energy and trauma fucking him up enough to not going about certain things in a smarter way instead of the impulsivity he showed??? Sure.
Hell even Lan Wangji pre WWX death was constantly trying to fix him or help him instead of trying to understand him- which is also due to WWX not trusting him enough to open up(but that is also due to the way their relationship was built up and trauma!!!).
And even then Lan Xichen worriedly watched over his brother cause he cares.
Lan Xichen cares the most for Lan Wangji. (Even more than his sworn bros) That's his little brother.
And if anyone's little brother grieved for fucking 16 years over a man who at least in front of Lan Xichen constantly disrespected or pushed him away, would get super worried for him too.
Like which sibling wouldn't dislike the other person. Because to Lan Xichen WWX at first had been a good kid with different values and thoughts and he encouraged Lan Wangji to seek him out and open his horizons and thoughts instead of sticking to the rules rigidly.
Post war WWX??? Unstable and very much dangerous, pretty fucking untamable too. Jiang Yanli was the only one who had any power on him and then he went and defected from the Jiang sect as well? So he wasn't loyal either.
What reason has WWX given Lan Xichen to trust him any sort of way especially when it comes to Lan Wangji.
And then people are like oh Lan Xichen just sat by the side and watched Lan Wangji be whipped... What was he supposed to do?
You know the gusu lan sect rules apply to him as well right???
And Wangji did fight his clan elders, especially in those times Lan Wangji and Jiang Yanli were the only two people who still trusted WWX.
But WWX was dead and all Lan Wangji could do was grieve.
And all Lan Xichen could do was watch Lan Wangji grieve.
As much as I love WWX and wished he didn't suffer the way he did and blame the Jin clan for his demise.
He didn't exactly make it hard for others to denounce him, if he had trusted people or depended on others more, things could have turned out different.
But they didn't because he couldn't do it, his trauma wouldn't allow it.
And guess what??? He wasn't the only traumatized bitch in the room, everyone went through the war and lost a lot.
They just overthrew a tyrant why wouldn't they fear someone who seemed to be walking a similar path and refused to be more amicable or work with them as a whole.
Wei Wuxian through those actions can only be seen as a threat. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT TRAUMA DOES TO PEOPLE!!!!
Lan Xichen had his sect burned down, his father killed, almost lost his brother as well and in none of these scenarios or post these scenarios did WWX seem trustable, he even constantly refused Wangji's help.
In which of these actions should Lan Xichen find any reason to trust WWX?
But of course Lan Xichen cares for Lan Wangji and so he still does, but he makes it clear to WWX that he's doing this for Wangji because he worries for him, worries because he saw Wangji suffer because of WWX.
(Do not turn this into a whole me victim blaming WWX it is simply, actions have consequences and the reasoning for actions rarely matters because there are no mind readers in the narrative and people very rarely communicated their fucking reasons explicitly)
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diabolik-boys · 11 months
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sᵖᵉᵃᵏᵉʳ ★ 「クロン」⁣⁣⁣
꧁𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝔂𝓸𝓾….⁣⁣
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“Happy Birthday——Belated Birthday Azusa~Sorry that I only just managed to catch up to your birthday that I missed today...But hey, I got you some very special gifts as a way to compensate~”
[From his back, he pulls out a dark cyan colored medium sized gift box, then open up the lid to show what's inside of it—]
[—There inside, sit two more different looking boxes: a smaller sized silver box encarved with beautiful looking patterns on the top and edge ; and another brown wooden built box, both placed neatly beside each other.]
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“—So! Do let me do some respective introductions—”
[he picks up the miniature silver box, opening it—to reveal a unique looking necklace resting inside, with a glamorous cyan colored crystal, pocket within the cage of silver thorns and spikes, as the entire thing was shaped in somewhat like a bullet with a specifically sharp pointed end.]
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“...This thing right here—Its a necklace, obviously~ I got it for you for the mere reason of it's color, cyan, your favorite— but if you like~It can even work as a portable mini knife or dagger, hanged around your neck or stored conveniently in your pocket. Heheh, cool right?~”
[After finished explaining the first gift, he then proceeded to move on the next one—simply lifting up the wooden lid of the box to show what's inside—There in the box, laid three bottles of spices—ones that do not seem like they came from Japan, and such are titled in interesting names—]
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“...I actually have these stored for some time, having them storaged since the day I got them until I am to hand them to you as one of the gifts on your special day~”
“These are spices— And by spices I mean the very very spicy kind~ They've got pretty interesting names huh? Something for an occasional change instead of your usual go to Shichimi. I think I had a sample of them respectively and I can promise to you—These things are good~”
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“....Sorry I couldn't get you anything more—But, maybe to compensate—”
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“I can bake you some spicy cupcakes, a recipe that I learnt and experimented—”
“—All for the sake to celebrate my spice loving lil bro's birthday?~”
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“Oh, Kuron... These are all so wonderful. Thank you...”
[Azusa sniffles, going to gently take the necklace and box of spices within his hands. Looking over the spices, he inspects the necklace next, amazed by its beauty.]
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“I'm just... happy you thought of me. I know you... are very busy, and... sometimes it's hard... to find motivation. But just knowing that... you wanted to get me some... things... It means a lot. You mean... a lot to me, Kuron...”
[Azusa carefully touches along the necklace, before putting it on.]
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“I... want to bake the cupcakes with you. Can we...? I wish to... spend more time with you... Thank you for... such wonderful gifts. I... I wish to spend the rest... of the day today with... you. I will feel less... lonely with you.”
[Azusa gently takes Kuron's hand. He leads him to the kitchen, and gets out the supplies for cupcakes.]
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supermaks · 1 year
I wanna hear all of ur thoughts on 3344!!! Please tell us everything!!!! my only addition is that that copse crash changed the trajectory of their lives immediately like they could be fighting for p15 and would be all up in each others business. there is a special kind of distrust and contempt and anger for the other that no one else recives bc they reserve it all for each other and this is why they’re best f1 rivalry of all time 😋 sorry alain
omfg yes lets go a lil crazy🌷🌷🌷🌷
My 4433/441 thoughts are always all over the place like I truly havent been able to pin them down since l started watching f1 because these 2 are both like super weird in very different ways and they have zero bridges u can cross between them except for this unreal fucking level of on sight hating that makes a rivalry soooo good u feel it in ur tummy
When I tell u in Austria the moment I heard Lewis impeded Max I knew the baddie was gonna unleash the wrath of an old testament god upon this incredibly inconsequential fl0p vehicle number 44 like. Sorry to the haters and losers but its very funny to ME 😭😭 Inspector Hamilton didnt even make much noise about this which is even funnier because either he knows he'll catch a stray for impeding first or he just cannot handle Max and his Raytheon hamilton sensors anymore like he's tired and his own tp is telling him to shut up like leave him alone. ((I doubt its the last we'll hear of it tho))
And yes 2021 like u said prolly changed the trajectory of their lives forever not just copse but like monza, brazil, Jeddah. Whats so fascinating about Max and Lewis is that for such enormously talented drivers they simply cannot let each other race normal. They leave each other more space and will still fumble because they want to pass so bad. As u put it, its distrust, but its also just racing. Its the purest form of racing there is lmfao these are both karting prodigies and they still revert back to that when they race each other. I said this once they're like 2 maddies from euphoria in 1 show. But this whole dynamic of uneasiness between them started way before 2021 tbh.
Even when Max was a teenager wid a cap and a dream and the rawest dawg inside that literally bit people and Lewis was settling back into the record books wid a glass of wine and an established, tamed dawg, he still made a point not to rate Max ever. Max was taboo. Didnt even call him by name sometimes like to his face literally called him 'guy' which is such an Hamilton ass old school way of acknowledging an Opp like look at this
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F1 drivers are so insane. Anyway I think Max still feels some type of way about all that. A job will have u 19 years old getting bullied by a 33 year old that refuses to say ur name. Max pissed everybody off those days. He just wanted to do the lil debrief and the old heads truly did not give a fuck they were so mean to him. Lewis went thru a divorce too so this was all wrong person wrong place wrong time wrong car wrong team wrong wrong wrong. All wrong.
They were doomed from the start like they were set on a collision course since Max was born that was as inevitable as he is. And the noise around them has always been too loud. But they do try which I find very charming and kind of sad. Like one thing about Max and Lewis they're gonna have a lil giggle together about something dumb and that hasn’t changed
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((I am convinced whatvr lewis showed him on his phone here was like deeply illegal))
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((this presser is soooo like at some point Lewis leans over and whispers that theres a lot of girls there for the weekend and Max is like umm and Lewis is like oh u have a girlfriend right ew 🙄))
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🫠🌷this was so cute pls
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They share sm history together in the one thing that matters the most to both of them which is racing. Like the way Abu Dhabi happened bro, all that led to it, the amount of new eyeballs on the sport just thru sheer force of narrative and hubris. They built that together. Nobody else cud have done it. Like they share thirty five 1-2s in F1. 35 times one of them was first and the other was second. I think 3 more times on the podium and they break a record for most podiums shared oat. Thats not unimportant it’s not meaningless especially not to these 2 in particular. They’re special. They’re both so special and mercurial and they save the worst parts of themselves. the best part of themselves. to each other . Everybody else takes scraps. The spray aligns
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Yeah. Like yk. the spray aligns
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compacflt · 2 years
I have an anecdote about when I worked for a company and a co-worker left to work in a different state on military aircraft. He had to get a TS clearance and because we had worked for several years together he asked if I would be okay with being interviewed for his clearance. I said sure and an interviewer w the gov, arranged to come to my place of work and conduct the interview there. I was asked questions about him like how well did I know him, and whatever answer I gave led to more specific questions like if I answered a question about knowing his wife, they would ask if I thought his marriage sounded secure etc.
This memory of that experience was on my mind while I read your story and I wondered who Iceman would choose for his TS clearance interviews (and who the gov would choose for him) and what would they say? I feel like their "secret" would be uncovered in even a low level clearance (years later I had to submit names for a low level Public Trust clearance for my job) It was so embarrassing because I did not have many friends I was comfortable submitting for that as I kept my work and home life very separate.
Anyway, that is my "cool story, bro"
Thank you for such a great and well researched story!
this is indeed a cool story bro and touches on what is literally my story’s fatal flaw, which is: Yeah, a shitload of people would’ve known about it. I am going to hijack your question to talk about that, so my apologies, though i will get around to your question by the end. This is gonna be a really long post. I have a lot to say and a lot of ground to cover.
So I wanna start out by talking about the structure of this story and its core conflict, because while I’d like to say this story is rooted in an accurate depiction of the US military, obviously that’s not true; it’s rooted in the dynamic of the story that i wanted to tell, which is the story of a guy coming to realize the truth behind a Big Lie—him passing as straight. And that’s a pretty universal story, but it’s made more specific by the fact that a) the guy canonically wants to be the best in an institution that enforces the Big Lie and b) the guy canonically is so successful because he follows the rules/orders of that institution. So, for character growth, to put it simply, the guy (Ice) has to come to the conclusion that the Big Lie is a lie by himself. He can’t be told/ordered that the Big Lie is a lie, otherwise he hasn’t grown out of “just following orders.” (I’ll get to the Big Lie in a second. I made charts and story structure graphs below.)
The only other story about a Big Lie I can think of off the top of my head right now is Passing (1929) by Nella Larsen, which is about a Black woman in Chicago trying to pass as both white and straight. It’s a great book and I’ll try not to spoil it, you should really read it for yourself, but the terminology I’m going to use in this post comes from an analysis of it, so just to bring you up to speed—Clare, the woman trying to pass as white, is recognized by a friend, another Black-but-passing woman, Irene, who is shocked that Clare has abandoned her heritage (the truth of her, that is) and married a hyper-racist white man who doesn’t even know that she’s Black. So the book sets up a dynamic of the Big Lie that I’ve outlined here (hopefully it makes sense):
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I built on this dynamic for my fic. Ice is both a “dupe” and a “passing figure,” in that he believes the lie that he is straight and also passes for straight—but it’s also more complicated than that because he’s not actually straight (getting to that). Mav is an “in-group clairvoyant” and can recognize Ice as passing because he is also straight-passing. The Navy are a bunch of “dupes.” But…what is Slider, for instance, or your question’s hypothetical government official who, yes, will 100% find out because people always find out?
In comes my ginormous-and-overly-wordy WWGATTAI Plot and Character Dynamic Summary Graph. You don’t really have to read it all, the only important bits for this discussion are the leftmost column (“plot”) and the green quadrant (“out-group clairvoyants”).
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To summarize—people who know the truth can’t actually act on it, because for Ice’s character growth to make sense, he has to come to the truth himself. This forecloses the possibility of any outwardly homophobic action (by which I mean someone like a govt official or one of my lame OCs actually challenging him on his illegal relationship) in the plot, because for 90% of the story Ice is so fragile that he would probably just cave immediately and double down on the internalized homophobia. So, for plot purposes, everyone—including Mav, as it happens—has to sort of tiptoe around Ice’s obvious not-straightness and give him an unreasonable amount of grace so he can figure it out for himself. 
And therein lies the fatal flaw of this story. It is, like, not conceptually viable. Of course people would find out, of course the government would interrogate him about it, of course he’d have to confront the truth much sooner than TWENTY-FIVE years after he first starts messing around with Mav.  Which literally breaks my heart because I didn’t realize it was a fundamentally busted story until long after I had finished writing the base plot & couldn’t fix the overarching problems 😭 The thing is, it had to be this way, because there is at least a thirty-year gap between TG86 and TGM22, and TGM is obviously the emotional climax of the series and my story had to match that. So—fanfic and its canon constraints, everyone. 
But also… I can explain away these logical inconsistencies with story structure & character dynamic graphs to make the story make sense, sure, but it doesn’t change the truth of the matter, which is that… I hadn’t ever really thought about things like security clearances, and therefore wrote around them because I didn’t even know to consider them. And I know there are a bunch of other details in this story that betray my immaturity (anytime I talk about alcohol, for instance—I still am not legal to drink in this stupid country & have only cheap bad experiences to draw on; THE HOUSE—if i could rewrite this story from the beginning they would not have bought a fucking house together, what was I thinking???) and the lack of thought about the real-life logistics and consequences of secrecy is one of them. 
And it’s exactly what I mean when I say “I look at this story and all I see are its flaws,” which is why I wanted to write this post & get it on record. I have just enough life experience to read my own writing and know that it’s fundamentally unconvincing, and not enough life experience to know how to fix it. :(
But, to answer your original question, you’ve got me brainstorming a scene where Ice is asking Slider to be his character witness & Slider’s like “Look bro do you want me to lie to the federal government under oath for you because I will” and Ice has to be like “Legally I cannot ask that of you but”
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dimalink · 5 months
VideoTron – hatterman and with a blaster rifle
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Pixel art for today based on videogame Batman Return of Joker for game console NES. So, this game I know very good. And my brother also knows this game very good. By version of my brother- it is best Batman. Best Batman game for NES and all around systems. And I think it is one of the best. It is at the first place with videogame Batman Returns for NES. I am still hesitating to say what game is better. Maybe, for me, Batman Returns for NES, is best.
But, anyway, it is a very cool Batman videogame. Action. With cool graphics. Interesting levels by design. And excellent music. It is very mysterious such 8 bit levels. It has its own story. About mad Joker. Who don’t knows – it is excellent 8 bit action game, saying it simple way. I and my bro, we play a lot in this game. And brother listen music from this game, up to these days. And sometimes sings a melody from it!
And this is my drawing about the same theme. I will not touch a Batman. It is another character – hatterman in a suit. So, I do not invent it completely yet. I still don’t know who he is. But like Batman. But with such a hat. Coat and a big hat at this head. It is a feature of visual look.
World of videotron – it is a mix of industrial landscapes with tech from 80s. And also, a space stations with artificial gravity. Hatterman is exploring abandoned planets. Such a big factories. And big computer stations. Here it is possible to create artificial moons. And when they are no required anymore. Simply moves forward and in a new place it is a time to built a new artificial moon. And it will be something at this moon. It can be a factory or computer station. Or even a city. So, there are lots of such abandoned moons in a solar system. So, they have lots of interesting!
First thing it will be there – it will be, all the time, there will be mutants. And other mutated species. It is a growing problem in a solar system. It is a point, that every abandoned moon has a mutants. And biohazard it is hard to control. Mutants can be very various, and hard to say how they can looks at certain place. But all the time it can help a blaster rifle. A strong weapon against mutants.
Some abandoned moons are getting dangerous. And then it is good idea to invite mercenary to clear mutant problems. You take a part and decide to explore one of the moons. Here it can be a big octopuses in the dark. A huge hunting plants. And very different scale of mutated species.
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/ GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games
BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/
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duskodair · 9 months
hello. it is very late at night and I am tired, which means it is the perfect time to formulate a response to the deep bitterness I feel about the 'the curtains were blue' haha english lit is useless line of japery. I can be very verbose when I'm passionate so I'm going to break this down into three bullet points so let's go
'the curtains were blue'. Ok let's take the joke itself. It's a mockery of the concept of close reading, which is one of the fundamental skills of critical thinking. Let me explain; critical thinking is the ability to read a text and then assess it based on your own knowledge and inferences as to whether it is bullshit or not, and whether it is trying to convince you of something (and whether you agree with that). Close reading is the art of diving into a text and taking note of its constituent parts to see how it has been built. Taking 'the curtains were blue' as an example (it is a shite sentence btw), you can see that it uses 'were' instead of 'are', positioning it in the past tense - from that the curtains are relegated to history. Depending on the context of the sentence, historical blueness to curtains may be significant. For example, if the sentence is pulled into politics and expands to 'with the labour leader's 2023 kiss-arsing to Thatcher's ghost, for all that he claimed his house was red, it was very clear that the curtains were blue'. In this context it becomes satire and the mention of the blue curtains aligns his previous policies with the right wing Tory blue. Close reading is simply the art of pulling intentional and unintentional bits of language from a text and evaluating how they contribute to the function of the overall piece.
Ok. So what. The curtains are blue. What does English lit matter in the real world? this is the piss on the poor website. Every day we read and write shit. If we can all see what the language we are playing with is doing, we will be much better equipped to actually talk to each other. The curtains are a scapegoat for the transferable skills that literature lessons are meant to teach (the birth of English lit is that it is classics in the vernacular, so that commoners who did not speak greek and Latin could still benefit from studying texts (more on this later)). The difference between English lit and English lang is a mirror to methods of mathematics and applications of mathematics. Johnny bought 14 bottles of dish soap, applications tells us, trying to get us to apply the mathematic methods to real world problems - the same for the curtains. They are a training exercise for the real world, wherein you face daily text and what you reblog or tweet or email or post is a representation of your opinion. If you cannot look beyond the surface language, there could be a whole other game in play that you are missing (i.e. dogwhistles, bigoted propaganda, other fucked up assumptions) (it's like counting fingers in images these days).
Fine. Cool. So English lit teaches close reading and critical thinking which can be used to evaluate text in the real world. Why the fuck did they make me read Of Mice and Men and Romeo and Juliet??? Good fucking question (hey exam boards, sort it out bro). Let's talk about the idea of the canon. So English is a baby discipline (came in pretty late as a commoner's alternative to classics, as I said earlier). People hated it (there's one dude who is now only taught on English lit courses who fucking hated it and thought it was worthless (after all, everyone knew that there were no good texts in English because they all wanted to snog homer)). Anyway, it was posited that it was a Worthwhile Subject because it could teach ThE iMpoRtanTesT bOokS fOR bUiLding MoRal ChaRacTer to YoN PleBs (read: books by posh white men). The shakespeare thing is tied into this, but also into English nation building (trying to get the homer snogging gang on board because, hey, the only thing they hated more than poor people was foreigners, so having a homegrown bard really offered some bragging rights (another win for English xenophobia (please note the sarcasm)) (please do not take this as a statement that there is no value in Shakespeare because that is not true and my undergrad tutor would kill me and i like her very much). Anyway the original concept of the canon was that academics would put together a list of Good Books (TM), and those were the good ones to teach. Obviously, that orginal list was Mega Fucked Up. But the purpose of Modern English Academia is to beat the notion of the canon up with boxing gloves. Feminism, Postcolonialism, Queer Theory, Marxism, Ecocritism, the schools go on and on, and their function is to uncover lost texts from history and to bring them to light. For example, Frankenstein was popularised by the study of English literature (because before we were just reading Percy Shelly instead of Mary Shelly and the feminist critics went oi, shut up about the wet lettuce one minute and read this). English Literature is about adding voices to history through literature, about close reading what the texts are saying, and then using critical thinking to assess the impact that they may have on today.
This is a bit of a ramble and I'm not saying English is always taught well in schools (I have issues with syllabuses etc. ( particularly as the notion of the canon is inherently problematic)). But what I am saying is that English Literature (or as a more Postcolonial approach posits it, Literature in English), is a valuable subject. The application of language to both art and the everyday is inescapable. It is vital that we have the tools to understand and interpret what language is doing and how literature functions. Because once you start deconstructing every sentence you read, you start wanting to fist fight every journalist on the planet for the way that they frame their articles. You start noticing how language is used around you to make people respond in certain ways. You start evaluating the significance of the language you use. You start noticing that you're not immune to propaganda (taps the sign).
And it just makes me so sad when people talk about english lit as if it is worthless, because that kind of language cuts funding, cuts interest, cuts our ability to dismantle propaganda, and to enable others to dismantle propaganda. My specialism is Ecocritism and my academic work has largely centred on how language is weaponised against the environment in both colonialism and capitalism, and ohhh buddy, those curtains are blue
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tiffinsgirl · 10 months
you know with someone when the vibe is so off you can feel it? like you can feel that person not wanting to talk to you, not wanting to look at you. not wanting to engage. just acknowledging you, that you're there and it's not an empty space.
I'll never be confident. someimes I feel like I'm not afraid to speak what I think , however, I'm taken for a young girl with hardly any credibility still.
or I don't want to speak or most of all, I don't want to play the game. like I really, really, really don't want to play the game. the pretending game, the fake interest game, the politeness game, the bros are bros game, the lack of women game... we were 3 women today for 15? people.
you can feel the fakiness. you can feel the fake bonhomie that the person is exuding. you can feel they're ruthless when they need to be. you can feel they're maybe not an asshole, but maybe not a nice person neither. I don't know. whether anyone is really ever nice.
is anyone really ever nice? that' such a sad thought though.
it takes a confident person to remain yourself and be unbothered with not being liked. with not being accepted as part of the group, part of the gang, part of the culture. with just saying "I am what I am. I'm here but I'm not trying to be your friend".
The thing is I can see deeply in people. I can see fakiness in people. I can smell it. I can smell when they're putting on a show. I can just get a drift of it in the air. Also not all people are that good actors. Most aren't prenomenal at pretending they like someone. They're bound to slip somewhere.
And also the more grown up I am, the less I pretend. There's this directness in me, this nakedness, which comes out of me sometimes and I don't care to stop it. It comes down to values at the end. It comes down to beliefs.
Also this week felt a bit like I've been extracted out of my shell. I'm being extracted of what I've built for myself. I'm extracting myself, in a certain sense. Like I cry more, I'm emotional, I think bizarre thoughts. I meet different people whom I've never met before, I talk to people until I'm hoarse, I don't know. I feel like I'm out of my own head a lot, and this is unusual. And it feels like time whizzes by, but also stretches. And I can't help thinking - was this because I was too in my head for too long? Was it because I kept being stuck in there? Is this the origin of the problem? That I was simply in my head too much?
Was I lost in that world, and lost track of the real one ? Like it is necessary just more people, more events, more meeting someone, more listening. more everything - to get myself on a happier path in life? Then again, wtf is the happier path in life.
but I don't know. there's something about this week that is highly./. I don't know. unnerving. which gets people on their sides, on their toes, on their edges. on their pressure points. like it's not routine. but also I'm getting tired of looking up at people. I don't wanna look up at anyone. I don't. and I don't want to be looked at like that as well.
I wanna be looked at like an equal. not like a minion and not like a boss. this game is just not for me, I'm realizing. the game of trying to please, to impress, to whatever.
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colourmeastonished · 3 years
The way this site talks about orpheus and eurydice as though looking back is the most powerful expression of love... I don't get it, like, maybe I'm built different but enduring the excruciating pain of uncertainty and denying yourself the reassurance of their safety in order to ensure it?? Seems more romantic to me...
Feel free to change my mind, but honestly maybe I'm just not on yalls wavelength here
#orpheus and eurydice#my thoughts#I would simply not look back... it's called unhealthy self-effacement with left martyr complex 💅#but also I feel like they were very clear on the terms... don't look back and she'll be saved... so like... don't?#am I callous and heartless?? I don't think so!!! I'm the biggest simp for tragic romance but I don't get it!!!#I don't feel sad and wistful about this at all I feel mad at orpheus and I have since I first encountered the myth as a child#develop some fortitude bro... develop some object permanence... endure the test bitch!!!#and that bit from portrait of a lady on fire where its like... he chooses the memory of her... she's a person though!!!#you're trying to save a person from the underworld!!! she can't breathe the beauty of a memory... she can't eat artistic merit...#if I was eurydice I'd be so damn mad like bitch your love is worth jack if you'd rather gaze upon me than suck it up and save me#I can see it as a bittersweet 'you have to let your loved ones go' but the way all analysis of it is like#'this is so romantic... eurydice obvs forgive him bc he loved her so much so he can't be blamed' like...???#I only accept this if eurydice convinced him to look back and let her go or something like that#also keep seeing quotes from talk by hozier taken as a romantic ideal but didn't he literally say that song is from the perspective#of a pretentious academic trying to woo someone and its supposed to be over the top and wanky??#anyway I'm pressed about this#rip to orpheus but I'm built different#also just to expand real quick: I like it as an allegory for coming to terms with the loss of a loved one but if its love in general#I always think its more romantic to fight for it and to endure hardship out of the strength of ur love rather than to succumb#if turning ur back on ur loved one is what's best for them then Do That 🔪 be strong for them bitch!!!#but that's just my opinion 🐸☕#and legit if anybody tries to tell me I don't understand metaphor or allegory I will beat them to death with my undergrad thesis#also getting in ahead of ppl trying to put words in my mouth: I'm not saying YOU can't enjoy your own interpretation I'm just saying#I personally Don't Get It 😘#live ur life live ur truth live ur dreams whatever babey
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
universe no longer on its homophobic arc, i finally got to be gay with my friends again today
#its literally been 3 days where we didnt see each other and all of us were just so unreasonably excited to get to hang out lmao#bc like this is probably the longest we've gone w/o seeing each other in a while n one of them brought that up when we were at this#coffee shop and we're joking about how we're all so clingy and i just go i mean we're gay and have attachment issues are we really surprised#and both of them were like we know but heyyyyyyyy#but yeah we hung out for a bit n then went to friemds house n just chilled out n were gay for a while it was very swag#also i love sm... we all are really flirty with each other n kiss a lot but me n friemd do the least probably but what we do the most is#like... have comradery moments so the running joke now is we're literally homies like we're homies *does a bro hug*#like we literally share a brain cell so we decided we're homies#(i kinda adore that thats our thing now lmao i would die for her)#also dear audience im proud to announce that i successfully got pretty boy to gay panic again today and i am so proud#(he has yet to get any sort of large [outward] reaction out of me though he has tried)(dont think i ended up posting about it but the#audacity of this man the other day last week we were at my house and my mom yelled downstairs to like ask me how my day#went n stuff and this bitch leans over n kisses my neck to try to trip me up while im taling to my mom-)(he didnt succeed tho)#(i am simply Built Different bro)#frogs down bad#lmao also just remembered a moment from at the coffee shop#friemd just pulls a penny out of their backback n hands it to me n goes ''compensation'' and i go ''for?'' and she just#goes ''for.'' and nods#i just started dying laughing bc like what
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canismajors · 4 years
and i have to say coming from star wars no WONDER i hyperfixated so hard on the untamed. tragedy & tragic sibling relationships & so many different types of love and devotion and affection no WONDER
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caroldantops · 3 years
inspired by the ask game i just did, here’s a little compilation of my favorite and the funniest comments ive received on my fics this year, from both tumblr and ao3 
is this bragging? no, im simply posting reviews as if i am making a trailer for my blog.
i could be your favorite girl 
“this was so freaking good. and i think it’s become one of my favourite wanda fics ever. the way it was written was just so incredible, especially with how you built up the sexual tension. i also enjoyed how the tension was attempted to be alleviated by darcy’s quips too. truly amazing”
“Fuck, I’m in love with Milf!Wanda...”
“Holy shit, that was smoking! I really love your writing style, second person perspective isn't easy and you frickin kill it.”
“God I am so deep into the mommy kink it’s not even funny”
please don’t go (i’ll eat you whole)
“To be fair, anyone who's reading this fic needs therapy, so we're all in this together at the very least.”
“I love how this progressed and how you didn’t make it seem like anything wrong was happening until Monica said something. Honestly that’s how I felt despite knowing how this was going to end darkly, there weren’t any serious line crossing red flags that came up until she said something. And it was a shocker when things changed so abruptly. I loved this.”
“also,, is it bad that i really want agatha as my therapist now? 😰 she seems everything i’ve ever wanted in a therapist (and I don’t mean her different..... methods....., i promise)”
“okay... WOW. i loved this. i have a therapist, she’s lovely, but if agatha was offering therapy lessons... phew, i may have to switch!"
“maybe i should take my friends advice and see a therapist....”  
“haha funny i commented this cause my mom put me in therapy. i hope my therapist is hot?😭”
“As excellent as it is fucked up. Five stars.”
hot milfs in your area
“how did i know it was you caroldantops.”
“YES THE GENDER NEUTRAL PRONOUNS IM DROOLING. but also the good girl? only hot milfs can misgender me and ONLY when they’re railing the absolute SHIT out of me.”
“hey silver what’s it like to own my entire ass asking for a friend”
“don’t mind me just suddenly gaining handywoman abilities to service these women to the best of my ability 🤧”
“pornhub bout to be bankrupt after this”
girls on film
“Who needs pornhub when this is happening. Well done.”
“Cheese and fuckin' rice”
“bitches bros and non-binary hoes we have a new winner for the hottest content on this website”
lemonade stand
“This title is definitely GOLDEN”
“I don't have a piss kink, but this was still hot.”
“I am literally going to punch you in the face for giving me a piss kink. Fuck you.” 
“someones getting scalped. Not gonna say who, but we all know it’s the person who gave me a piss kink.”
“Im really dramatic- i dont mean any of it!“
infect me with your lovin’, fill me with your poison
“This is not nasty - this is a GEM! Sweet and sexy, you made an extreme tag somewhat romantic - I mean, what even! So good!!! And I can hear her voice as I read and just... shivers! I never imagined I'd read a kidnapped reader breeding fic and actually wish that would happen to me! I mean, Agatha is so kind and caring, and reader is living the life!“
“ummmm ummmmm ummmmmm ummmmm”
“maybe i WILL let aliens experiment on me....”
“touching some grass won't help me anymore”
“I think you might have an Agatha-in-office-chairs kink?“
this isnt even close to covering all the comments in tags and in my inbox that ive gotten that i love as well ❤ all of your comments make me laugh or make my heart grow 3 sizes and going thru all these again made me so happy. thank u all for supporting me thru the year i hope i can write more fics that send u all to therapy in 2022 💕💕
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It's not a headcanon, but a theory of mine involving the reader, my head doesn't accept that there are religions involving the reader without having grandiose reasons behind it.
But let's get started soon, because this idea is long at the same time it's crazy.
I believe the reader could be mistaken for the being who shaped The Great Seven to be what they are, like Disney's weird sisters. Teaching and introducing The Great Seven to the subjects that today's students in their dorms master. This being promised them everything they could ever want: power, wealth, greatness... and his love.
But that came at a price, obviously, and what would it be?
The Great Seven were supposed to do great deeds or achievements in his honor. And that was done, although it wasn't long-lasting due to the good guys who stopped them from completing their plans.
And this being ended up not being satisfied with that, he left and never came back. The Great Seven then continued doing great acts in his honor and even built temples for this being to be worshiped, thus giving rise to religions.
Boys are attracted and obsessed with the reader because they mistake him that being. And just like the big seven did in the past, they will do great deeds and achievements to prove they are worthy of your presence and love.
If I have more facts to add to this theory, I'll be sending it to you. This universe you created is amazing and I hope to see more of it in the future.
You all are such smart cookies! What have I done to deserve you all?
But this is actually a very interesting take on the self-aware au. I mean, it's pretty easy to point someone out as a God if you are watching and controlling them.
Especially that part with them being stopped. If we look at all the Disney classics we can actually see that the main characters are also very flawed. Sleeping Beauty? Parents just leave her alone when she is supposed to fall asleep for a long while. Snow White? Dear king of the kingdom, my bro, why you not doing anything? I have never seen the Disney animation but I know the story very well. (Even the original. I mean, it's not that different but dancing to death? Mhm I can see why they didn't put that part in.) If we look at these two examples then we can say that this is actually somehow pretty passable lore.
I think you also theorize about the universe I build up and if that is the case then I say yes, 50% right and no, 50% wrong.
Yes bc you actually were a inspiration and much more for them but also no because it's actually you and not some other being that did all of that. Also not all see you as God and only the island of woe and briar valley. Now, I am not going to deep into the lore I have in my head simply because I can't. Idias chapter is currently changing a lot of things in TWSTs world so I still need to be flexible when it comes to changes and Malleus hasn't even been released until now and who knows what happens there. *looks nervously at cheaper 6*
But my main thought was Hades, Greek God, uh... there isn't much he would admire so let's make you an even higher God than himself. Looking at him I can see, despite him being more or less an outcast, a lot of pride. So much in fact that he would do anything than admitting defeat. I do believe that he and Hercules could have been friends since we can also see more goofy sides of him but his ambitions and pride just get in his way. (If he had the chance, uncle of the year award would go to him.)
Now, I have never seen Disney's sleeping beauty but I do know the Märchen (and the original. And oh God, no wonder it's not shown to kids) I think it's a story of a very lonely woman if we focus on the “villain”. There isn't much background about her but if I puzzle together of what I can see then I do pity her. I feel like, if there was more lore, this wouldn't be the first time she wasn't invited to something. Imagine someone doesn't invite you bc of a plate. A plate! The guy probably doesn't invite her for the smallest things. If we also take into account that Malleus mentioned somewhere something about people with great power being lonely then that adds to my view on her. You can disagree with me but that screams of decades living in loneliness. And as I said in an analysis about Lilia, I think fae and humans might have different bodies but the mind is the same. For those that don't want spoilers: Malleus actively says that time passes faster with us which means that his ordinary spare time must be agonizing slow for him. Now put immortality in that mix and you have pure despair. Imagine being always lonely. Some of you might be like “ok more time for me” but living beings search for company. Even if it's not direct like talking to someone but just knowing that someone is in the room besides you. (I am not a psychologist, correct me if I'm wrong) Just knowing that someone is there soothes immensely. And since faes and humans share the same mind they probably do the same as we do: do anything to escape from that even if it means lying to ourselves. So the Witch of Thorns was so desperate that she saw you as someone great. Someone great watching from the sky? For a immortal being that must seem like someone godlike. So over her reign things got pretty obsessive. Since when is analyzing side character that have at most two appearances a thing?
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! Please do share more if you have a idea about more lore. Yes, I do have one for the self-aware au but I think I will let you figure that one out by yourself and posts like these.
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