#(i chose option 2)
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a-kinda-nerdy-girl · 1 year
I miss when my antidepressant made me sleepy, now I'm just AWAKE all night
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eggcats · 1 year
I wish I could write fics, because I DESPERATELY want a fic where like both Bowser and King Boo decide to break in to kidnap Luigi one night, but they accidentally do it the same night.
So Luigi just wakes up to them fighting in his room and he just assumes he's still asleep so he doesn't really react much, because this is the weirdest dream he's ever had.
And then both of them are yelling at Luigi to ask which one he PREFERS kidnapping him, like a competition, and keep being like "WELL MY CASTLE HAS LAVA SO HE CAN BE WARM IN THE CAGE!!!" "HE WILL DECORATE MY MANSION IN THE PAINTING ON THE MANTELPIECE!!!" Etc etc.
And Luigi, assuming he is asleep because this is too weird to be reality, just goes "I don't even WANT-a to know what my subconscious is-a trying to tell me." And lays down to go back to sleep, confounding both Bowser and King Boo.
It would also be hilarious if they both decide to just stay the night, because neither of them want to be the first to leave and let the other one win. And so when Luigi wakes up and they're still there he's like "THAT WASN'T A DREAM???!"
Cue both Bowser and King Boo trying to out-rizz each other to Luigi, like "Do you regularly dream about me?" "CLEARLY HE MEANS ME!"
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valentjin · 8 months
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bad end.png (cw: blood)
*Within the ball you see Raphael, broken and bloody, dangling above the maw of the archdevil Mephistopheles who is preparing to devour him.*
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canonicaly-ace · 7 months
the implications of all of kalaya's descendants looking like suvi is fascinating to me
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sovonight · 10 months
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world's saddest chosen
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darcyolsson · 5 months
reading lolita and I know the entire coquette aesthetic is kind of wild as a concept anyway but finding how the word "nymphet" (which many of those girls use to describe themselves/as a synonym for coquette) is used in its original context is absolutely insane lmao basically every time that word is used in this book the context makes my skin crawl 😭
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sin-cognito · 6 months
For the outfit meme how about kustard boys with these combos (you pick who wears which combo):
1st combo: outfit D2 + accessory B1
2nd combo: outfit D3 + accessory C1
Thank you! <3
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Okay so. They had a date planned today, and Red got all handsome and all, bought roses and shit, and went to pick up Sans... who had forgotten about it and was sleeping in. -_- Red doesn't much care, he told Sans he could just go on the date in his pj. 🤦🤦🤦
I couldn't choose which glasses to give Sans so have an alternate version under the cut 👇
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minrathous · 3 months
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uploading my predictions before any more news gets announced
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starfish-comics · 5 months
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In today's comic, Artemisia makes an upsetting discovery.
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successionable · 1 year
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not tom choosing to sleep in the same bedroom they used as a cloak room for the party that mondale was earlier shown to be caged in
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vahloksekelle · 7 months
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someone draw this or i will
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I love how Shio never explicitly state wanting to kill Hibaru. Like sure, we understand it pretty clearly he doesn't have to say it (and 'I was hoping to shoot right through Gido to you too' is pretty straightforward), we see that he's trying to, but.
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So far, when death and Hibaru are mentioned together he either asks to tell Hibaru died (and then afterward the goons went to say to kill Hibaru and everyone who sides with him - but it's Satsuki who passed the message so who knows how faithful he has been to Shio's wording) or he includes himself next to the mention of death - they've just seen their astros could compete with one another and they were no saying who would be the winner, both being incredibly destructive even when they hold back, but why would Shio with a 'show no weakness' mentality feel the need to share he has as much chance as Hibaru to die? He's trapping Hibaru here too, in the sense that he's prophesying him to become his executioner despite Hibaru's unwillingness to reciprocate this fratricide. And of course, since Shio doesn't explicitly states that he may die by Hibaru's hands, nor that Hibaru may die by his own, (and it is the most obvious option, there's no need for it to be explicit if that's what it is) is them dying because of one another truly the only option they'd have to die? 'One of us will die', that's an affirmation, there's no other outcome possible but this one - either Shio succeeds at what he has to do which includes getting rid of Hibaru or he'll die because the only way to stop him is to kill him, because Shio won't stop no matter what as long as he can do what he has to do.
But he never says 'I want to kill you', 'I will kill you'. There's 'I was hoping to shoot right through Gido to you too' and 'I always hated those naive eyes of yours, maybe the death of your friends will darken them' but there's never 'you and you only' - why go through Gido? Because that was the best way to be unseen and launch a surprise attack? Why bother to darken Hibaru's eyes and target Terasu, Kinpa and Kuran and not kill him straightaway when he could have (ofc it's to see these naive eyes disappear, but then it raises the issue again of: does Shio really wants Hibaru dead (I think he attempted it enough for the answer to be yes) or would he be okay just shattering his will? (and to that, the answer only becomes a strict 'no' after Shio gets to witness how powerful Hibaru's astro can be - only then does he implies himself being killed is an option, one Hibaru would be forced to take if he wants to protect himself and his loved-ones. If he does have the most powerful astro like Satsuki said in chapter 2, Hibaru can compete.))
Satsuki tells to 'stop playing games' in chapter 19 - implying Shio getting to the roof to confront Hibaru Faction was.. useless? They have other goals after all, and it seems he could have retrieved the Daybreak ore no matter what
Where was I going with all of this. don't remember. oh well
I'll keep an eye on how Wakui keeps wording Shio's sentences when it comes to Hibaru (and by that I want to say that it'd be by the intermediary of translation and I hope that not too many nuances etc would be loss)
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masked-alien-lesbian · 9 months
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Oh that was epic!!!
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starsarehere · 4 months
Due to me completing begins youth yesterday I find myself in a state of utter despair and helplessness
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