#(i need to post more klaine stuff)
datshitrandom · 1 year
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Klaine moments by episode | 3.05 The First Time
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wowbright · 10 months
Fic: Wedding Gifts
Fandom/pairing: Glee, Kurt/Blaine
Event: December Klaine Fanworks Challenge 2023
Words: ~2,400 words                                        
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Blaine has some unconventional wedding ideas.
Notes: This is part of my Mormon!Klaine universe. It takes place after Out of Eden, which I am still in the process of posting to AO3. It’s among the possibilities for their future. The stuff Kurt gets scandalized about is related to LDS wedding/temple ceremonies, which members are not supposed to replicate outside the temple.
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“Oh my gosh, Blaine. We are not doing a presentation at the veil at our public, outdoor wedding.” Kurt spoke firmly, but how was he going to possibly win this argument? Of course Blaine would bring it up when they were naked in bed, Blaine’s legs sprawled over Kurt's thighs, his head on Kurt's chest, and Kurt an absolute pool of jelly, his brain and body spent from the things Blaine had done to him.
Let's try a new position, Blaine had said. But it hadn't just been a position. It had been a revelation: Blaine hovering over him, praising his cock and demanding things of it that Kurt wasn't sure it could deliver, not letting him come and not letting him come when Blaine was riding him past all sanity, their hands clasped together at the side of Kurt’ head and Blaine using them for leverage, pushing against them as he lifted himself up and then plunged himself back down onto Kurt's erection, over and over again, and stammering and moaning and bossy in a way that he never was outside of bed and that he had only recently begun to let himself be in it, and Kurt really did like it when Blaine got that way, because it meant that all his reservations were gone, he was afraid of nothing, and so when Blaine told him No, not yet Kurt, you can’t come yet, I still need you inside me, I need you to fuck me so slowly, I need your cock filling me up and oh stretching me and you’re oh yes you’re so big give it to me oh yes like that Kurt yeah Kurt fuck me like that give it to me give it to me I love your cock I love you oh yes— Well. It was Kurt’s pleasure to oblige.
“It's not public,” Blaine said innocently, running his thumb back and forth over Kurt’s nipple. “We sent out invitations.”
“You know what I mean. There will be non-members there. And what about the members. Are you trying to give them heart attacks?”
Blaine propped himself up on one elbow and looked down on Kurt with a seductive smile. “You mean, like I gave your member a heart attack?”
“Don't you dare bring up that mind-blowing sex when we’re talking about our relatives.”
Blaine smirked. “It was pretty mind blowing, though, wasn't it? Kurt, the things you do with your—"
“Ahem.” Kurt cleared his throat. How was he getting hard again already? When he'd orgasmed, it had felt like Blaine was pulling every last ounce of delight from the center of his body and out onto the surface, out into Blaine. But apparently his body had some secret stores Kurt didn’t know about—or, more likely, Blaine had spilled his own pleasure back into Kurt, and was doing so again now, recharging him body and soul. “You will not use orgasms as a bargaining chip in our wedding planning.”
“It wasn't just the orgasms that made it mind-blowing, though, was it?” Blaine said, and Kurt almost answered but then decided not to, because he refused to let Blaine distract him into agreeing with his cockamamie wedding ideas. He made a face at Blaine that he hoped approximated a glare.
“Oh, fine. Be that way,” Blaine said, flopping onto his back. “But who cares what they think? This wedding is for us, not them.”
“Um, technically it is for them, Blaine. Given that we're already legally married.”
“Yeah, but that was in a courthouse in front of two people we didn't even know, and this is our public declaration of love. And I want us to declare it in our own way. We said this wedding was about celebrating the roles our guests have played in our lives and inviting them to celebrate our relationship. And if people show up and they can't handle how we choose to express our love, they shouldn't come to our wedding.”
“Ah. So it's a big fuck you to your family, huh?”
“No!” Blaine pouted. “My mom would love it. She figures we're going to the celestial kingdom already. She's so bummed we can’t get sealed in the temple. But if we had a veil … and it wouldn't be the whole presentation at the veil, anyway. Just some white curtains. Lots of people have white curtains at their wedding. You have to have a canopy in case it rains, and if you have a canopy, you need to have something on the edges to keep the rain out. I'm just saying we could step through them at the start of the ceremony, instead of going down the aisle.”
In spite of himself, Kurt was becoming intrigued. He rolled on his side toward Blaine. “Together?”
“Well—” Blaine mirrored Kurt’s action. They were almost nose-to-nose. “I was thinking maybe you first, and then you could pull me through?”
Kurt almost burst out with That is not just stepping through curtains, Blaine! That's what grooms do with their brides at the veil! But Blaine looked so hopeful, and his eyes were so wide and eyelashes so long that speaking crossly would be like shooting Bambi. Kurt reached for Blaine's hand. “Are you the bride in this scenario?”
“Sort of?” Blaine said. “I don't know. It's just always the way I pictured it.”
“Well, since I first dreamt about it. In Germany. When I was starting to realize I was in love with you. I had a dream about you pulling me through the veil. And I couldn't explain it, but it felt so right. I guess that dream has never left me.”
“You never told me about that.”
Blaine shrugged. “It never came up. But now we have a wedding where we can do everything the way we want, the way that speaks to us? This speaks to me, Kurt.”
With the way Blaine was looking at him, that tender look that always made Kurt feel like he’d been blessed more than any other human being in the history of human beings, Kurt wanted to say yes. But if he did that, he would be ignoring his own gut. And if Blaine had taught him anything, it was that they didn't have to do that with each other. “I don't know, Blaine. I'll have to think about it. I know my relationship with the temple has changed, but it still feels … I don't know, maybe too bold? Besides, one of us pulling the other through—isn't that a little heteronormative? Just because you like to bottom doesn't make you a bride.”
“Oh, but you see, it's the opposite of heteronormative! It's reclamation. It's a challenge to narrow gender roles and the church’s myopic vision of family.” Blaine’s joyous smile turned sly. “Besides, can you really call what I just did with you bottoming?”
Kurt snickered. “You mean, because you were on top in more ways than one?
Blaine crawled over Kurt. They slotted their hands together on either side of Kurt's head. “I can take charge again for you, if you want. I know how tired you get, how you sometimes need a break from holding the reins.”
“Are you talking about sex or about wedding planning?”
Blaine smirked. “Maybe both.”
“Because next thing you're going to tell me is that you want mirrors at the wedding.”
“No!” Kurt protested, but it came out with a peal of giggles. “We are not doing mirrors. If you need us to stand between two mirrors so that we can see our coupledom infinitely reflected back to us, we can order that for the honeymoon suite.”
“Hmmm.” Blaine lowered himself onto Kurt, pressing the beginnings of his renewed erection onto Kurt’s belly. “That's not a bad idea.”
“You like that?” Kurt said, returning the gift by pressing his own reburgeoning arousal into Blaine’s flesh. “Besides, wouldn’t that be better? To see us naked together, joined in the flesh for eternity, me inside you and, if you want …” In spite of himself and the fact that they were already baring themselves to each other, Kurt felt himself blush. “… you inside me?”
Blaine's eyes went wide, whether from surprise or arousal, Kurt wasn't sure. “You'd want that?”
Kurt shrugged. He could be coy, too. “Only one way to find out.”
“Have you tried …?” Blaine wiggled his fingers against Kurt’s meaningfully.
Kurt wasn't sure whether to nod or shake his head. “Sort of? I mean, I did it in high school a couple times but I would get self-conscious and stop. And I’ve tried it a little when we've been apart, but I've never come from it—not because I don't think I could, but because…” Kurt felt himself flush all the way up to his hairline. “I wanted to save that for you? Which, talking about heteronormative—”
“You want me to do that, now?” Blaine said quietly, with the calm sincerity of reading a scripture verse. “You want me to finger you?”
Kurt nodded.
The initial stretch wasn't as intense as Kurt expected. Maybe that was because of the orgasm he'd had less than an hour ago, or maybe it was thanks to his occasional practice. Still, he let out a guttural moan that would have embarrassed him if it wasn't this and it wasn't with Blaine.
“You okay?” whispered Blaine.
“Yeah, yeah,” Kurt panted. “Keep—” A spark ignited deep in Kurt’s groin. “Oh!” He had liked this in high school. He’d enjoyed it in each of his practice sessions. But here, with Blaine on top of him, kissing him and moving his finger carefully inside him, it was beyond enjoyment. Because it was them—their bodies moving together, serving each other. Because with Blaine, Kurt could be himself, free and unashamed.
Blaine slid his finger in and out, whispering to him softly, asking him what he liked and what he wanted and what felt good, “because I want you to feel good, Kurt, I want you to feel so good.”
And Kurt tried to be snarky, but it came out as, “Not so—oh—not so—yes. Blaine.—not so bossy—oh God oh God oh God—not so bo—ahhhh—ssy now, a-are you?”
“You want more of that?” Blaine asked tenderly. “Another finger?”
And Kurt didn't even have to think about it, the words just came out of his mouth, pleading, “Yes. Oh, yes.”
Now Kurt was starting to feel the stretch, and he liked this, too, liked the way his body could open for and accommodate Blaine, liked that he'd been designed to experience pleasure in multiple ways, and now was not the time to analyze if he liked this better or the same or less or if it was just different, a different way to love Blaine and draw closer to him, a different way to experience his body and the goodness of his physicality and his desire.
“Do you want me to suck your cock?” Blaine asked like he was whispering a special request to Kurt at sacrament meeting.
Kurt shook his head. “Kiss me.”
They kissed, and kissed, and kissed—the way they used to on their little loveseat in Germany, back when they had rules about shirts on and buttoned and no making out in the bedroom and every touch was a sacred shock to the system, and they would kiss each other into fervors of passion that only more kissing could quench—only now Kurt was splayed on the bed, Blaine inside him and their dicks twitching against each other’s flesh, and it felt good, truly good, in Kurt's body and in his soul, and Blaine experimented with different ways of stroking and different speeds and “would you like another finger, Kurt? Do you think you can take three?” and everything went blurry but also exquisitely in focus: the thrum of Blaine’s body in time with his; the need inside Kurt, growing like life itself; the soft grunts and groans they each made, so that Kurt sometimes didn't know if he was moaning his own pleasure or in response to Blaine’s—not that it mattered, it all felt the same—and Kurt found himself thrusting back on Blaine's fingers as much as Blaine was thrusting into him, found himself delirious with the pleasure of it, found himself calling out yes yes yes yes yes yes oh Blaine yes and when Blaine asked, “Do you want to come?” Kurt couldn’t answer because he wanted to but also he didn’t want this feeling to stop and so he spread his thighs out as far as he could and took Blaine’s fingers just a fraction deeper and that—oh, that, oh, Blaine, you’re inside me Blaine, fuck me, Blaine, you’re—
“Oh, Kurt, you’re so hot, you’re so beautiful, I want you so much Kurt, oh Kurt, oh Kurt, I can’t help it, I think I’m gonna come—"
And Kurt held Blaine’s face as he came, watched his mouth drop open and his eyes go wide but never losing their focus on Kurt, making Kurt feel like he was some sort of miracle, and maybe he was, because they were, they were a miracle when they moved together like this and when they loved each other, and Blaine’s semen fell warm upon Kurt’s belly and yes, yes Blaine, I want to come, I want to come for you.
It was like an earthquake and a blessing and a thousand metaphors that Kurt would never have the language for, because Kurt never had the language to describe the level of ecstasy that Blaine kept bringing him to, for the depth of love that existed between them.
“That was okay?” Blaine said a few minutes later, when they’d caught their breath and the faculty for forming complete sentences had returned to them.
Kurt burst into laughter. “Yeah, Blaine, it was okay.”
“You want to try it again sometime?”
“If you're amenable.”
Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt's cheek. “You want me to deflower you?”
“You mean, more than you already have?”
Blaine nodded knowingly.
“I was thinking …” Again, Kurt felt the familiar heat return to his face. “Maybe on our wedding night? Or on our honeymoon?”
“Hmmmm,” Blaine said with a teasing look. “That's not too heteronormative?”
Kurt bit his lower lip as he shook his head. “Nope. It’s a wedding gift.”
“For you or me?”
Kurt rolled onto Blaine and kissed his chin, his cheek, his forehead. “That’s the beauty of it. We’ll find out together.”
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perryavenue · 11 months
rainjoy Has A New Post. It's Personal
rainjoy is one of my favorite Klaine fanfic authors. Their first Klaine fanfic was published on LiveJournal in 2011, their last in 2021. Health issues have become more intense over time. Their most famous works, All The Other Ghosts and Grey, were published in 2012 and 2013. So those who've joined the fandom fairly recently may not even know about their other fics, the most recent one being from 2021. rainjoy has written Klaine in every genre: high school!Klaine, college!Klaine, married!Klaine, supernatural!Klaine, fantasy!Klaine, and even superhero!Klaine.
Here is a link to rainjoy's works on Live Journal
Here's a link for Dreamwidth
I hope that you'll help boost it by re-blogging. Thanks in advance, @klaineccfanficlibrary and @todaydreambelieversfic
This is rainjoy's post from today (October 27, 2023).
"Hello, I’m still alive.
Hello, I do mean it, hello anybody around to see this, I really hope you’ve been well, I’m sorry I haven’t been around, I *haven’t* been well. But I have, over a course of fucking months, actually written something, so I’m writing *this* here so I don’t need to leave a novel-length author’s note on it, as some kind of explanation of where I’ve been.
Largely, I’ve been in bed, I’m likely going there again after posting this, they need to invent new words for how tired I am so much of the time, my upgraded wheelchair is worth about as much as my *laptop*, my life revolves around Can I? Probably not. and lots and lots and lots of ‘resting’. I’ve not been well, but please don’t worry, I’ve not been unhappy. This is the golden age of being ill, the sheer quantity of stuff out there to amuse the bedbound – I have books and podcasts, all of Netflix, I practically live on Sky: Children of the Light, when I’m too dopey even for that I have Animal Crossing, when I am genuinely such a puddle of not-human lethargy that all I need is for time to pass until I feel just slightly better again I have videos of other people playing video games on YouTube and I’m sorry my darling baby moths I will pick you up and help you every single time but it will never not be funny watching someone go through Eden for the first time on YouTube, it just never will not make me laugh, oh my gods I’m so *sorry* my loves <3
So anyway, there’s all that, that’s where I’ve been, life really does not work out the way you planned it to, huh? Because outside of my bed, I know I have messages and emails and someone got a tattoo?? You got a tattoo and I’m just really sorry I haven’t been in touch, my energy has to be paid out like a miser, if I want to wash my hair then wow the world is really not getting anything else out of me, you know? But I am still here, and I do still love the things I love. I still think all of it is worth it. I think the world is a *lot* of fun, though I bear in mind that still, and always, we live through very frightening and distressing times. Which actually makes me think we need to cling to the things we love *more*, not less, love makes better people of us, when we let it.
So I did watch the new season of Good Omens when it came out, and safe to say I was not impressed, but it did jog in me the memory that didn’t I write a sequel to it? Yes I did, and it involved *all* that blood. But I reread it – it’s like reading a stranger’s writing after so long – and that jogged the memory: Didn’t you start a sequel to *this*?
Yes I did! Two thirds written, actually, hurrah for my past self. The last third took, I don’t know, when did the new season come out, it took that long. I used to sneeze out this sort of thing. This, now, is getting at my arms, it’ll be another lie down soon. But anyway, the point of all this: I live yet. In the next few days I *hope* I will be formatting and posting a sequel to But Thou Readst Black because of course everyone wants *that* back in their heads again, my gods. And I hope hope hope you’ve been well, I do think of people while I’m stuck doing nothing but pooling my brain out of my ears on YouTube. Look after yourselves, take care of each other, my gods you tattooed yourself I mean more power to you but it alarms me when things I make turn out to be *permanent*, you know? It feels like I barely touch the world anymore, my circumference has become so small, but it makes the world seem only more precious. Take good care of it, and of yourself as part of it. And very, very much love, to anyone remaining to see this, much love <3"
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spaceorphan18 · 1 month
What is a plot line you wish the Glee writers had added for Kurt, and for Blaine?
Hmmm, interesting question, nonny! :)
I think there are some general things that would have been neat to see...
How about a beach episode? Glee never really did summer related things, which is a shame. I feel like it was always eternally winter at McKinley.
I would have liked to have seen a better alternative Christmas episode if they were really forced into doing one for Season 5. Like, c'mon, go bonkers wild with it. PUC just.... well, I think most of you know how I feel about it.
How was there never an episode that takes place all in one night where they're all up for whatever reason.
I get production stuff limited things, but the school felt claustrophobic after a while -- outside of going to New York and back, there weren't road trips, or just things that happened outside.
Send Klaine and Brittana on a double date - that would have been fun. Or, I mean, just put them them on anything together, and it would have been interesting.
I think, in general, Glee had a tendency to stick to dynamics and pairings that they thought worked well, and missed opportunities to wild and crazy things. What's a Mercedes and Blaine story line look like? What happens when Kurt and Artie spend time together?
I think for Kurt and Blaine, there are moments I'd have seen over arcs or plot lines?
Let Blaine have an actual conversation with his mother.
More Cooper -- he needed to come back for an episode
I'd have rewritten a lot of the wedding episode
Blaine's journey back to going to school (college)
Any kind of reflective conversation post any of their big milestones
Idk, I think that's all I got for now
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Welcome to To Daydream Believers : A Community Klaine FanWorks Blog
Hello Everyone!
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Welcome and Re-Welcome to To Daydream Believers!!
I know the blog has been around forever, but with the influx of new people I thought I'd refresh the blog and welcome everyone again! I've been wanting to give the blog a facelift for a while, and it seems now is as good a time as any to reintroduce and reinvigorate the blog.
What is TDBFic?
I originally started the blog as the fanfiction reblogging sideblog to my original Glee/Klaine rewatch, fun&games, and podcasting blog - @todaydreambelievers. TDB isn't being run any more, but I've always maintained that as long as there is interest - I'd keep the blog going.
The intention of the blog was to be a safe space where fans of Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson could read works (about them individually or as a couple) without fear of running into bashing of either character. It was also meant to be a community blog where anyone could choose to participate on their own terms.
Becoming a Member -
Whether you're an author who would like a place to showcase their works or just a fan who'd like to recommend their favorite fics, anyone is allowed to be a member. All you need to do is shoot me -- @spaceorphan18 -- a message, and I'll make you a member. All I ask is that you follow (my relatively few) guidelines.
Also - even if you become a member, there's no obligation to reblog content, but the option is always open!
Guidelines -
So what are the guidelines?
All fanworks must be Kurt Hummel friendly and Blaine Anderson friendly. While that doesn't mean bad things can't happen to them - it does mean that a fan of either character can read a work and not feel like their favorite character is being intentionally bashed.
Be respectful of other users.
A couple of smaller items such as - please reblog, don't post and don't spam. Some basic common curtesy things.
That's really it. I'll have some more details on a main page when I get that up. But really, it boils down to play nice.
What about tagging?
You don't have to tag - but it is encouraged so people can find your works if they click on one of our links. I'm working on cleaning up the tagging page so that the tagging system is clear and easy to use.
What about all the old stuff?
It's not going anywhere - though please bear with me as I try to clean up the main page. You should be able to find all of the old content, as I don't plan on taking anything down.
Anything new to the blog?
Why yes! I have some ideas for ways to keep the activity up on the blog...
Author Spotlights -- Every week we would highlight a author or artist - featuring their works on the blog. I'd like to do this again! I'll get more details out soon - but anyone is welcome to participate, even if they've done it already!
Prompts & Tropes -- I'm not sure how I'd like to implement these, but I thought it'd be fun if we occasionally did prompts or trope weeks to inspire you to create new things.
Events -- We haven't been event heavy, but @snarkyhag and I are already thinking of something fun to do for this summer!
Polls -- Okay, so this isn't entirely creation focused, but back in the day, TDB did polls every Tuesday. Now that tumblr has a fun, new polling system, I thought I'd bring these back - because why not?
Questions, Comments, Concerns?
I'm really open to anything you guys might have to say! Please drop a line any time you like -- I'm always happy to hear from you!
I do encourage you to come join and be a member! The more the merrier!
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Happy Creating!
Xoxo- Spaceorphan18 :)
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klainepornytourney · 8 months
Monthly Recap Post: January (with a touch of December’s butt) 
We asked the important questions, and you voted! Many of you had much to say, so we took a look at the results and crunched some numbers (jk, us gays don’t math), and put together this fun post!
“Do you like Klaine smut?”:
92 brave souls told us that, yes, they really do love them some dirty, nasty PWP starring those irresistible Glee boys–though 4 people now have an imprint of pearls in their one palm from so much clutching, while the other was…scrolling and definitely not reading porn. 😏
“How often do they have sex of any kind?”:
84 lovely people voted, and we seem to mainly think that Kurt and Blaine, especially at their current age with at least one child, are getting it on at least once per week. Good for them, we say!
“When did you first start reading Klaine smut?”:
with 75 votes, the majority began reading (and possibly writing) the good stuff in 2010-2013. On average that’s 12.5 years of the same cocks; call that dedication. Are your hands tired yet? Ya know, from all the scrolling and typing.
“most embarrassing sex moment” parts 1-4:
with 57, 43, 36, and 46 votes respectively, there was definitely a theme with the winners🧐: “caught by Burt”, “interrupted by any member of the New Directions”, “fell asleep”, and ‘“Daddies, what are you doing?”. We only do things behind very secure closed doors I guess. How scandalous for others to know people, gasp, have *whispers* sex. 
“Is Blaine a size queen?”:
66% say yes, and Kurt has a huge dick too! (obvs) 
“Suck it or Fuck it? (aka lick it or stick it)” series: 
Blaine’s mouth is the most fuckable
Blaine loves to use that perfect mouth on Kurt’s mouth
Kurt fellates Blaine’s fingers and might just have a hand fetish
Blaine loves Kurt’s soft af hands and fingers wrapped around his dick
Blaine loves the taste of Kurt’s thighs, teasing them with licks and sucks and kisses before he…lets Kurt (ab)use that perfectly fuckable mouth with his cock
Whoa! A tie! In the words of @fairy-tale-mom, “Blaine's doing all the things to his boy.” That is to say, using his mouth to get Blaine’s muscular thighs nice and slick before going to town with his cock between them
Blaine just wants to lick, lick, lick Kurt's abs
Kurt also wants to put his mouth all over Blaine's belly
Okay, okay...you guys think Blaine needs a taste of Kurt's ass before fucking him, and that's fair
But y'all definitely are a fan of Kurt topping and just going to town on that ass--or maybe Blaine is just greedy and impatient when he wants his ass filled
“more likely to have a wank in the shower”: overwhelmingly Blaine
“more likely to wank off to a video of the other performing”: also overwhelmingly Blaine
So, basically Blaine’s a horndog and has absolutely no issue taking care of himself when Kurt’s not around. That’s why they invented masturbation, eh?
“What's the best part of shower sex?”: “Nah man, showers aren't for sex. That shit's dangerous.” (boo! hiss! where’s the fun in that?)
“Has Kurt ever had a sex dream about Cooper?”: “Yes, and Blaine can never know.”
😏😏😏 The day may come when Blaine opens up Kurt’s laptop only to find an incognito window open to FreeCreditRatingToday(dot)com, slash—wait a sec, are these keys sticky? *sniffs fingers* *hesitantly, lick fingers* Blaine’s probably already halfway to the shower to jerk off. 
"Has Blaine ever had a sex dream about Finn?": "No dude, Finn is gross (seriously, change your underwear daily, it's not hard)" And to that, we say, "no comment".
Fuck, Marry, Kill series
The Chrises: Pine, Hemsworth, Evans – Kurt would...definitely fuck Hemsworth, though it was too close a call with the other two.
The Toms: Hardy, Holland, Hiddleston – Blaine would...undoubtedly fuck Hardy and maybe possibly marry Hiddleston, though this was a close call too. 
The Taylors: Lautner, Hanson, Zakhar Perez – Kurt would...Fuck Lautner, Marry Zakhar Perez, Kill Hanson. No real contest here. 
The Adams: Levine, Lambert, Brody – Blaine would...Fuck Levine, Marry Lambert, Kill Brody. That’s fair, especially since we know Maroon 5 helps Kurt get (cyber) lucky. What doesn’t turn Blaine on though?
The Hughs: Grant, Jackman, Dancy – Kurt would…Well would you look at that! It’s a tie! Kurt gets to get his polyamorous game on and marry both Jackman and Grant (it’s the accent, right?), though Jackman is his go to fuckhubby. He’s also screwing Dancy on the side before killing him. What a lucky, lucky boy…
The Georges: Clooney, Lucas, Michael – Blaine would…Fuck Michael, Marry Clooney, Kill Lucas…?! You guys do know that George Lucas is the creator of Star Wars, right? Forget about killing him, we believe Blaine would happily play a human doormat and let him walk all over him (literally in a fetish kinda way) if it meant he got to live at the Skywalker Ranch…😉 
Fuck, Marry, Kill - The Latino/Hispanic Singers: Enrique Iglesias, Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony - Kurt would…Fuck Enrique, Marry Ricky, Kill Marc. We get it. Marry Ricky for the (legally bound) daily man candy and ongoing fucking.
Fuck, Marry, Kill - The Lukes: Skywalker, Duke, Danes - Blaine would…Fuck Danes, Marry Skywalker, Kill Duke. This one was kinda close too, though you guys definitely agree he'd kill Duke. We like to think marrying Danes and thus securing an endless supply of coffee is on brand for Blaine-"If he and I got married, the Gap would give me a 50% discount"-Anderson. But hey, he does love himself some Star Wars.
Threesome Mini Tourney: Klaine + Glee Guys!
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Final Thoughts/Thanks: Whew, it’s been a long, busy month of Kurt and Blaine getting very busy with their long—polls. We want to thank everyone who played along and hope you all had as much fun as we did. We look forward to the new month, especially the start of the official porny tourney. More info to come very soon!
-- xoxo, The KlainePornyTourney mods
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kirakiwiwrites · 1 year
Hi friends! So it’s been a minute lol. Why? A whole slew of reasons like migraines, a new job, traveling, carpal tunnel, and good old fashioned writer’s block. Are we still working on a one shot for Obsidian Castle and another new multi chapter story? Yes. Three actually. We will be posting new stuff soon. Thanks so much for all the love from Obsidian Castle too. So happy everyone has enjoyed it!
Anyway, we thought to get out of the little rut, we would participate in the @klaine-word-scramble. It looks like so much fun and if you haven’t checked it out you should! So here is our first one, just a very short one shot full of cute fluff. The theme for most of these will probably be future fics like this one. We will also post these to FF.net and A03
Thank you to all who organized it and come up with all the fun scrambles!
Disclaimer: We do not own Glee, the characters, or quotations from the show.
(Aug 1 scramble - 979 words)
Craft day:
“Do we need more glue?”
Blaine scratched at his head before grimacing as he realized his hands were covered in glue. now his hair was also covered in glue. The stuff was everywhere. “No, I don’t think that’s it.” He scanned the directions while he wiped at his head. “If we add more glue, things could get worse.”
His eight year old son Michael huffed a sigh and poked at the goopy substance in the bowl. “What about more glitter?”
Blaine shook his head slowly as he tried to make sense of the mess they had made. “Oh god no. No more glitter.”
It looked as though a glitter bomb had exploded in their kitchen. There was glitter on everything: the floor, the cabinets, them. Glitter had even somehow ascended to the top of the fridge and landed amongst the mousetraps they stored up there. It was quite a mess.
Michael blew the dark curls he inherited from his father out of his eyes and glitter puffed out and slowly and floated down. “Did we put enough activator in?” He spread his fingers and purple glittery glue gunk made strings across them. “I don’t think it’s supposed to be so sticky.”
Blaine made a noise of agreement before he realized two of the pages were stuck together. Carefully, he peeled them apart and saw they had missed a step.
“Okay, kiddo. I figured it out. Grab that spatula and stir until you think your arms are gonna fall off.”
Michael did as his father told him and stirred, the tip of his tongue peeking out from the corner of his mouth. “What do I do if my arms do fall off?”
“Use some of the glue and stick them back on. I’m going to clean up a bit before—“
“What did you two do to my kitchen!” Kurt exclaimed as he clutched his face in horror. He stood in the doorway, his keys and a brown paper bag in one hand. “Did you blow up a disco ball?”
Blaine winced. “Oh, hey honey.” He gave his husband his most charming smile. He cleaned faster. “You’re home early!”
A little giggle came from their six year old daughter who had spent the morning with Kurt. Her bright blue eyes sparkled as she took in the mess. “Mikey looks like the shiny troll from that movie!” She set down a matching brown paper bag and skipped over to the counter where her brother was stirring vigorously. “I want to do it too!”
Kurt set his bag down quickly beside his daughter’s and gingerly picked his way through the disaster zone. “Tracy! Wait! At least change your clothes first!” He sighed and accepted a kiss on the cheek from his husband. She was already elbow deep in the concoction and chuckling maniacally.
“Don’t worry, Kurt,” Blaine said brightly. “I’m going to have all this cleaned up before dinner. How did it go making candles?”
Kurt leaned tiredly on the counter, then remembered it was covered in slime and stood upright. “We actually had fun until Tracy decided things were too calm. She decided she didn’t want a normal cat shaped candle, but she wanted a headless cat shaped candle that would bleed when she burned it.”
“Jesus Christ,” Blaine mumbled as he picked out some sparkley glue from his arm hair. “Has she been watching Wednesday again?”
Kurt rolled his eyes and grabbed a dish towel. After wetting it, he began to carefully wipe the glue off of Blaine’s arm. “I don’t know but I’m having a hell of a time encouraging her to express her creativity while also not making the other children around her cry.”
Blaine thanked him for the glue and eyed the room with another grimace. “It’s a precarious dance for sure. You do a wonderful job.”
Kurt smiled and kissed him just as their children screamed in triumph.
“Dad! Papa! Look! We made slime!” Michael held up a blob of purple goo studded with glitter.
“Can I eat it?” Tracy asked as she squeezed some through her fingers.
“No!” Blaine yelled in alarm at the same time Kurt yelled, “Absolutely not! Don’t you dare put that in your mouth!”
Tracy glared at them for ruining her fun, but then got distracted by the shiny slime. Michael gave her a very brotherly look that said he considered her only a step above an animal.
“Why are you so weird?”
“Am not! You’re weird!”
“You’re the one trying to eat slime!”
“I just asked! I wasn’t gonna do it!”
Kurt took a deep breath and released it as Blaine continued to clean the kitchen. “Kids! Enough!” Kurt interjected, hands on his hips. “Mikey, don’t call your sister weird. Tracy, don’t ever eat anything unless you know it’s food. I will not have fighting on craft day!”
Blaine nodded solemnly in silent support as he scrubbed at a dried pile of goop. He accidentally upset a pile of glitter that puffed out in a cloud and caused him to sneeze.
Michael shrugged and continued to stretch the slime out and whirl it like a jump rope between his hands. Tracy stared down at the small bit in her hand. “I wasn’t gonna eat it,” she grumbled.
Kurt pinched the bridge of his nose in an effort to stay calm. “Alright. Help me and Papa clean up the kitchen and we will all go out for pizza. Deal?”
This was met with cheers of agreement from the two children who took wet paper towels offered to them by Kurt and set to work wiping up glitter. Kurt smiled at how determined they were and grabbed the broom and dustpan.
“Thank you,” Blaine said with a grateful smile.
“You’re welcome,” Kurt replied as he started sweeping. “But buckle up because next craft day is painting and Tracy had me take her by the cemetery for ‘inspiration’.”
“Of course she did. But it’s fine because in the Hummel-Anderson house, we support weird.”
*words used from the scramble:
Candles (pretty sure this is the unscrambled word but shhh don’t tell lol)
scan (scanned)
land (landed)
ascend (ascended)
dances (dance)
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klaineadvent · 2 years
Klaine Advent is Nearly Here!!
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Hi Everyone!
Me again, your friendly neighborhood advent host!
First thing: We’re going to stick with the Klaine Advent moniker for this year, in no small part because COVID has taken down my household one by one over the past few weeks, and the amount of work necessary to rebrand the Advent as something else was just out of reach in my limited time. The poll did offer up some good, more inclusive alternatives, so I’ll be revisiting a renaming of the challenge in the new year. 
On to the good stuff….
The Dates. December 1 - December 24 
The Words. Every day around 6am, US Eastern Standard Time, a fresh new word will pop out of the Klaine Advent queue. This year the words are not alphabetical, and were chosen by a random word generator, and the wonderful @caramelcoffeeaddict did all of the artwork again this year!
How to participate. Anyone can contribute, no need to sign up! There will be a single word prompt post each day for 24 days (December 1-24) and you can write a drabble (or a sentence or a novel, if you like), create an art piece, make fresh gifs based on the prompt - whatever inspires you! This year the tag will be: “klaine advent 2022” and “klaine advent: [WORD]” (so make sure all of your contributions are tagged so we can find them!). 
Contribute however works best for you. You can do something every day, every 4th day, once a week, altogether at the end, whatever works for you and your schedule. Use all the prompts or pick and choose what speaks to you. Set your own challenges. The only requirements for the Klaine Advent are that it be Klaine centered, and that it references or uses one of the word prompt in some way.
Volunteers will be reblogging fics to the @todaydreambelieversfic blog, so you can always go scroll the blog to find the latest entries.  Of course everyone (especially the authors!) would be delighted if people reblogged to their own blog - the more people who reblog something the wider the potential viewing audience. We want to encourage everyone to reblog as many fics as they like all throughout the month!!
Partnership. This year again we’ll be partnering with @todaydreambelieversfic.  Authors and other creators for Klaine Advent who would like an additional place to promote their works are welcome to join as members. Just send a private message to @todaydreambelieversfic with your email address and they’ll add you to the blog membership.
Archive of Our Own. We have created a collection on AO3 for those people who don’t post to tumblr, and where those folks who do post to tumblr can share their advent works if you like! You can find this collection here!
Want to Volunteer? @1908jmd will be covering a lot of the reblogging work, but can always use people to help with the daily reblogs!  If you can spare one or two days please signup here!! 
“But what if I don’t write or make art and don’t have time to volunteer?”  You are the most important person in the Advent!! Read the fics, look at the art, let the authors and artists know how much you appreciate their work by reblogging and commenting and liking and all those things creators like. Nothing helps a writer or artist losing steam get motivated more than a nice comment from someone. 
Look for a follow up post on December 1 to kick things off, and add anything I may have forgotten here.
Happy Writing Everyone!
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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Happy Out of Touch Thursday and remember the 21st of September yada yada. Thank you @artsyunderstudy, @larkral and @wellbelesbian for the tags yesterday. I didn't have time yesterday to post since I am super busy with my new degree and it's Not Going Well, but I do have something to say (partially regarding my degree, but more on that later.)
Remember my myosotis plant? The one who was thriving, but suddenly started dying? Well, a while ago I got rid of the dead parts so that the plant could focus on the new ones and this is her now:
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It's nowhere as grandiose as before (the plants don't even grow that high so I had to make a photo from a bird's perspective), but she's alive and that's all that matters!
NOW. FIC STUFF. MY DEGREE. WHAT DO THEY HAVE IN COMMON? Time After Time, my MCD Snowbaz fic where Simon dies in the White Chapel and where an immortal Baz only sees him every 20 years when the Veil is lifted. I started a new philosophy master and again if we ignore the fact that I am terrible at it (so far), I actually have something that's on my mind and I have a question for people who've read it.
Spoilers for the ENDING of Time After Time under the cut. Do not read it if you haven't read Time After Time.
So first, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @chen-chen-chen-again-chen​ @cutestkilla ​ ​ @martsonmars​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather
Okay, I am not sure how many people will read this, but if you're here, hi! And if you're here, you know that Time After Time ends with the end of the universe.
Or maybe you didn't know that and you're just here for the philosophical ride, which is fine.
So, Baz is immortal, but again, without an universe to exist in, he perishes as well. But OH? What is this? The chapter continues with Baz... being somewhere.
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I wrote all of this with only a very basic idea of Descartes' cogito (which is the fancy word for the "I think, therefore I am" quote). In fact, I mostly knew it from a Klaine fic, which isn't surprising, and this was a very, very obscure homage to a fic that has nothing to do with this one. But now that I am actually delving into Descartes' philosophy on substance dualism, I am looking at this passage in a complete new way.
A basic bitch explanation of (substance) dualism is that it's the philosophical belief that there's a separation between body and mind. Descartes questions everything, including the existence of reality, which includes his own existence. He realises that he has, in his opinion, reasons to doubt whether his physical body exists, but the fact that he doubts means that he has a mind, and therefore, he cannot doubt that his mind exists. Get it? Hence, "I think, therefore I am" refers to him being able to rationalise his thoughts about existence, whatever they might be.
The relation between his body and mind is causal. If he has a mind, he can imagine having a body. They are separate entities, hence the whole dualism thing, but they co-exist. But since it's causal, you can say that you need to be able to understand the existence of your body by thinking about it. After all, your body moves according to what you mentally want it to do. Or that is what Descartes says. Full disclosure, dualism no longer holds up due to neuroscience, but whatever. The idea still stands and philosophy is all about ideas!
If you wish, you can reread the passage I just added above. Freaky, right?
Given that Descartes was trying to rationalise existence in general, and I wrote into the fic that Baz thinks of the existence of his body... my question for readers is this: Do you think Baz and Simon still exist?
I have thought a lot about this second ending, and I asked a previous question. I didn't mean to write some philosophical shit, but here we are. Descartes would argue that Baz exists, since he thinks. Because what is existence? After all, Baz is very well aware of the fact that there's nothing.
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If this is non-existence, then what does non-existence even entail? He and Simon can spend the rest of whatever this is wherever they are, but what are they?
But then again, isn't his awareness of nothing proof that there is something? Isn't his perception of non-existence the proof of existence? Or is this the perfect "proof" that dualism is real in the Carry On universe, namely that the mind can continue to exist as a separate entity? But then how does that relate to Baz "feeling" corporeal? He has shoulders, because he wants to have them? Or does he even have shoulders? Maybe he's just under the impression that he has them.
(For the story's sake, let's say that he does have them. Otherwise we can argue that Simon actually doesn't show up at the end, since nothing is real, and that makes me upsetti spaghetti. I mean, Baz says it at the end. He doesn't have time to ponder whether this is real.) (But for philosophy's sake: is Simon even real???? And if nothing is real, then how can Baz no have time???? PHILOSOPHY!)
I am aware I am going all over the place and I am also aware there might not be a clear cut answer. That is how philosophy works. I admit, I don't even know if Simon and Baz exist at that point. I purposefully left it up in the air. The idea of them reuniting is cathartic, but it is indeed just an idea. But all this dualism shit did make me appreciate this chapter more and I think I am free to appreciate my own stuff, so I am asking the question.
So: do you think Simon and Baz exist at the end of the fic? And follow-up question: does it even matter?
As an extra, this is Simon's POV from the last three chapters of Time After Time. I did come up with that while writing the fic, but I never found space to add it: basically, as Simon said before, time passes weirdly. So for him, no time has passed. He moved on. He disappeared from Baz's flat, where they danced and said goodbye, and the next thing he knows, he's at the spot where the second epilogue takes place. He's a bit confused, because "is this the next step?" and stuff, but then he sees Baz. Baz is there with him, so he reaches out and smiles when Baz turns towards him. The implication here is that whatever is next after the Veil is supposed to be paradise or whatever you want to call it. It's supposed to be the thing you want. And what Simon ultimately wants is to be with Baz. Awwww!
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Preview: setting fire to our insides for fun
a three-part skank!fic series, by me
well hi hello, happy wip wednesday, it's been a hot minute, but I finally have some fic that's not just drabbles to share!
so, I give you a three-part skank!fic series. because I love skank!fic. and I've been trying to write the main multi-chapter fic of this for somewhere around a year, but the pieces didn't want to fall into place until much more recently. anyway, I'll give you some info about the contents of this series:
no sweet dream (but a hell of a nightmare)
a (roughly) 1,250 one shot, from Quinn Fabray's perspective, exploring how and why Quinn, and in this series, Kurt too, become skanks.
Summary: Quinn was tired of Lima and the face she'd put on for years. Kurt felt the same. It only made sense for them to reinvent themselves.
physical fatality
(roughly) 5,500 words; Kurtbastian; what primarily happens during Kurt’s smoky, sexy, skanky summer
Summary: A mid-summer house party led Kurt into a summer fling filled with fire: desire and anger, equally. But fire meant that someone could get burned.
knife with your heart up your sleeve
as of time of writing this, still a work-in-progress multi-chapter; Klaine
Summary: Kurt just wanted to finish senior year unbothered and get the hell out of Lima. What he didn’t need was to get attached to someone new. And then Blaine Anderson walked into his life.
and finally, I give you my carefully-curated spotify playlist I made for this series to listen to while writing and also to get the right vibes for the series. series and fic titles are all lyrics from songs on this playlist
here it is, if you want to listen to it
and I think that's all for now! I'll probably talk more about this whole series later once I start posting it (posting date unsure, stay tuned!), but don't be afraid to come ask me stuff if you're curious already by any chance.
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angelhummel · 2 years
Blaine isn’t liked as much as Kurt.Kurt had a huge fandom in season 1, rightly so as he was the golden boy, an iconic gay figure on tb, along with the brilliance of Chris Colfer.
He was alresdy shipped with others, including a huge push for Hevans in season 3, so many had opinions what a boyfriend should be liked. Then Blaine/Darren joined and many adored him, but they toyed around with how they were developing Blaine:Klaine and many were put off that he didn’t fall for Kurt straight away. And wanted Kurt with someone who truly appreciated him (and maybe wasn’t as talented?) such as cough cough Karofsky?
Season 3 onwards we had the criticism that Blaine sung and got more screen time than others, Blee, the better boyfriend issues, people thinking Kurt isn’t getting what he deserved because he’s tied to the Klaine plot, the real life stuff, cc/ popularity of actors etc etc.
By 6 many were calling him toxic and wanted Kurt with an old man rather than married to Blaine. Plus the rushed wedding also put people off.
It’s really only in the last six months that there’s been a growth in Blaine’s popularity that he now pretty much equals Kurt’s. Why ? Kurt stans leaving the fandom, or not writing or producing as much art as Blaine fans and also Darren being more in public eye than Chris and still with a huge following. But as a character, I think Kurt still is loved more than Blaine and people still belittle the contribution Blaine had played in the lgbtq story on tv.
That’s my view of it!
Oh trust me babe, it's all known to me <3 But I'm posting it for a history lesson for the newbies alksfjdslk
And of course like I've said before, it probably doesn't hurt that I've done better lately at blocking people who post dumb shit lol. Plus it's nice to see new Blaine stans popping up, and I make sure to follow them. But if those weird Kurt stans have left the fandom, fine by me. I won't miss them uwu
But yeah these people just needed any excuse to hate Blaine. And they only needed to look at any other man to know he was automatically a better romantic/sexual match for Kurt. Including, but not limited to: a minor when Kurt is an adult, an old man who lured him on a date under false pretenses, or his actual stepbrother. OTPs!!
Whatever the case is, I'm glad things have mellowed out. Blaine never deserved the hate and I'm glad he's getting the love he deserves now
But also fr these people just have brain rot??? Kurt was one of my faves from the start and I was still so so happy when Blaine came along, I was here for all of it. Idk maybe it's bc I binged s1? Maybe watching it week by week is what altered their brain chemistry and made them decide Kurt would be better off romantically and sexually linked with Rachel over Blaine. I guess we'll never know. Probably for the best
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datshitrandom · 1 year
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Klaine moments by episode | 5.01 Love, Love, Love
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ramblingaboutglee · 2 years
Should Kurt have been with Karofsky, Adam, Sam Blaine, Sebastian or Chandler? Which is the most interesting relationship? Which is the healthiest?
Ooh, interesting.
See, Sebastian interests me because the impression I get is that if you watched Glee at the time, the Warblers just have a whole subculture? Sebastian feels like such a minor character to me, the equivalent of let's say an S6 newbie or Sunshine, and yet he has a huge presence that feels more down to fandom than, like, anything in the show.
So with my usual 'I am weird and engage with Glee incorrectly' disclaimer noted, let's go! Overanalysis!
Karofsky - Romantically, no, honestly. I love the idea of them having a more solid friendship, especially with their past, but honestly I find that friendship stronger than a romance? Like, they definitely feel like they have different wants in a romantic relationship, so I don't know if they'd necessarily be compatible, but I like their dynamic.
Adam - Okay yes the rights issues with the song are gross, but also. look, guy sees a cute twink, invites him to watch his show choir, and attempts to seduce him via acoustic "I like big butts." It's a crime he's not more recognised that is just pure Glee right there. I do have a soft spot for his arc tbh, so much of S4 definitely felt rushed and like it didn't have the time it needed, but that vibe of the NYADA equivalent of Glee Club being something Rachel was paranoid of, there's some fun stuff there. Navigating adult life was always one of the interesting things to see, and I can see the draw. (Then again I also like Brody so I might just be wrong about S4 relationships)
Sam - Huh, I never really thought about them, outside of the very start? If what I heard about Sam originally being intended to be gay is right, I could see something interesting developing way back then. Maybe being more open at his last school, and needing to find new friends at McKinley. That angle I like, but I don’t necessarily know that I see Kurt with Sam after he got more fleshing out. Unless we go poly with Blam anyway. 
Blaine - Who’d ship Kurt and Blaine? Weird.  Okay, seriously. I answered an ask on Blaine a while back, but the short version is, yeah, they have great chemistry and help push one another which is kinda what you want from a relationship. Blaine presenting himself as more put-together than he is, Kurt getting to know him, and them figuring everything out. Obviously, great stuff. 
Sebastian - As above, I wouldn't have called Sebastian as, like, in the running? I could see it, but that's with the caveat that part of what I like with Sebastian is his development, the "It's funny until it's real," which is. so much of Glee in a nutshell. I think pairing Kurt with someone who's more of a cynic could make for something interesting.
Chandler - ...unironically thought they were cute that episode whoops. Like, clearly just Kurt unused to meeting other queer people, but was sweet, if. Kurt baby no.
So, all in all:
Healthiest - are people going to be made if I say Adam? Like, no slight on any of the other ships, but it was generally a pretty healthy, comforting relationship. Adam wanted Kurt to find something he liked, Kurt seemed to find him fun, and it gave Kurt something solid in New York to lean on. Compare to say, Klaine, they have way more friction because Blaine can be a bit of a hopeless romantic and sometimes sees things differently to Kurt, while Adam and Kurt seemed to generally be on the same page.  Which, Klaine is just how relationships can be, it’s something people have to work through. But as far as Kurt and Adam go, it’s... simpler, and sweet. I’d liken them to Sam and Rachel (...which feels like another controversial opinion but hey), they’re cosy, if maybe not the stuff of epic love stories. 
Most interesting - huh. I'm tempted to say Kurt/Sebastian despite barely thinking about them before making this post. They definitely seem like they'd play off each other well. Plus, realistically, non-canon ships are always going to be more interesting than canon ones because there’s so much more ‘What if?’  Kurt seems to be someone that has a paranoid streak himself, so pairing him with someone that can be as cutting as Sebastian would make for a new angle. (Plus Kurt/Warbler means you get the scene of the Warbler having abysmal fashion sense because they’re used to only ever wearing blazers) 
Should have been with - Chandler I mean, gotta say Klaine. Maybe they have friction sometimes, but that’s just what happens in good stories, and where development comes from. The fact they don’t stay the same, the fact they’re comfortable enough to be completely open with each other in order to find the points where they clash, and they have the willingness to try and grow. They complement one another so damn well, even if they never quite seem to be what the other expected.  Like, comparing to the above - Adam is cosy, but the storyline with him has nothing to do with the romance. And Sebastian, post-development sees him turn into Blaine anyway, and pre-development needs to go through a heck of a lot before I can see him and Kurt being in the same room without attempted murder.  As far as ships that feel like they have a shot of being endgame - ones where, if a show ended on them together, I wouldn’t be sat around with the feeling that it wasn’t enough of a journey, or it didn’t feel like it would last - Klaine win out. 
Thank you! I, er, hope overanalysis is what you want because if not boy did you choose the wrong blog. 
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spaceorphan18 · 9 months
Okay. The Kevin and Jenna thing.
Let's talk about it. Mostly, I'm going to repeat a lot of what I said : HERE. After listening to the clip, my thoughts are exactly what they were originally...
I'm going to guess, after the box scene stuff kinda was the straw that broke the camel's back, the producers finally went, hey guys -- we have a lot of unhappy Klaine fans, you need to address this. (And/or - probably and - they did get a lot of email about it.) So, they addressed the Klaine thing.
(As an aside - the transcript, for me, was exactly how I thought they'd sound, and listening to it confirmed it? Just putting that in the fwiw category.)
but anyway, like I said in my original thoughts on the whole thing -- I think I was correct in saying that Kevin and Jenna have been latching on to things they were a part of and they remember and kind of glossing over the rest of it. Layer into that -- they have a strong affection for Naya (and to Cory) who are both no longer with us, and even though we may think that Santana is terrible or Finn makes dumb decisions, that actor/character bleed does happen for them.
And I've always found that fair.
I've said it before, but, I think it's like when Darren decided to rewatch Never Been Kissed -- and he literally ended up fastfowarding through things that weren't related to the Kurt/Blaine story line. And he expressed fondness for Dot, etc, etc, but his memories were about his story line, and that's what he focused on.
And I think that's what Kevin and Jenna are doing, too.
Now, I will ding them with the fact that they are supposed to be being a little more professional about it (Darren was just doing it for fun) but from what I could tell based on my own experiences -- they only have 'x' amount of time in the studio, and just are not organized and proficient in the same way as -- say The Office Ladies or Pod Meets World are. So things are going to get glossed over -- and those things are things they have no emotional attachment to.
I don't think they realized they were doing it -- which is why they are finding it so funny now. I don't think there was any conspiracy behind it. And I don't think it was deliberate. I do think they're going to be ever so slightly asshole-ish about it going forward because they are more aware of it now. But I think everything they said on the podcast kind of goes back to what I said in my original post way back when.
That's my two cents.
(Also, another minor aside nitpick - they claimed that Ryan himself edited the box scene out of the episode which I find unlikely. I think the editor edited out because of time and... that's it. Kind of like they did with Santa Baby. I just think Kevin and Jenna were being salty about being called out on about a beloved deleted scene and wanted to dig in their heels a little there. But again, they weren't there on the fandom side, and they don't know.)
Alright I'll shut up now.
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justgleekout · 2 years
Top 5 pieces of Klaine art (apart from your own)
oh BOY! this is literally impossible. a really fun but extremely hard ask anon! help. hold up, let me pull up @suitfer's entire repertoire
I'm gonna do one artwork per artist because I want to showcase as many artists as possible! I however don’t think any of these artists are still active in the fandom but I do want to thank them for their services.
I am gonna go and put links to the artworks in this post so please give the creators some love and reblog from their original posts (when possible)!!
this might be cheating because it's basically a whole comic, but @lilienwolf on tumblr and yu-oka on devientart made this comic, "santana's guide to sexiness" and it was one of my first introductions to the fandom and I vividly remember dying because of it. here is a screencap from one of the panels but please PLEASE!!!! go follow this link to read the whole thing!!! it changed my life. it's got like 8 parts or something. it's sadly not on tumblr but every klaine fan needs to have read this.
2. it is literally Impossible for me to pick a favourite of @suitfer's artworks. but this has always been one of my favourites:
3. again, a comic. this one is NSFW! but I love it so so so much! its sweet funny aND sexy! what more could you want?? I absolutely adore @rocketssurgery aka @ishouldntwantyoubutido so please check out their blogs!
(of course this is the panel it uses as a thumbnail lmao)
4. it is so hard to pick favourites from your favourites. so again, @tacogrande has so many immaculate klaine artworks. her style is so unique and playful. her lines AH colours AAHHH. just go and reblog all of her stuff
5. this next creator sadly removed all their klaine art from their blog.. but it brought me so much joy back in the day! their little comics and drawings were always so funny and cracked me up every single time!
this one might be my favourite of their's (a link to the original post but reblogged to my blog) we know them as @unfortunateplottwist but that blog has been turned into @claymangoes
also! if you like looking at fanart, make sure you follow @klainefanartarchive!!! you can find all of your favourite artists there ♡
send me a top 5! <;33
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wowbright · 3 years
Fic: All This Change
Klaine/CC Valentine's Challenge: Day 11 prompt song, Only You by The Platters.
Words: ~2200 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: You wouldn't think a visit to the dentist's office would lead to so many doctrinal insights. But where Kurt, a Mormon dentist, and Elder Nixon are involved, you'd be wrong.
A vignette in my Mormon!Klaine universe. This one takes place on “Day of Splits” (see Masterpost) after Perfection in Future Tense and simultaneously with some of the Blaine stuff.
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost.
Notes: (1) Karl Högel is Carl Howell (John Stamos’s dentist character) from Glee season 2. (2) I’m not an expert in speech patterns after full anesthesia. If you are and want a more realistic portrayal, please volunteer as my anesthesiology beta for when I post to AO3.  (3) Elder Nixon is Trent Warbler. (4) As always, I welcome questions, typo identification, feedback on German spelling/grammar, and encouragement!
Only you can make all this world seem right
Only you can make the darkness bright
The music piped in softly from the ceiling’s loudspeakers in the dental office waiting room. Kurt was maxed out on sending text messages—he'd contacted every single investigator he'd ever talked to Ingolstadt with a friendly note about English group or an inspirational verse (“Men are, that they might have joy” was a reliable fall back), plus a few he’d never met but whose names he’d found in the records kept by previous Ingolstadt missionaries. A few investigators had answered back, and he’d managed to make a couple of appointments, but eventually the phone had stopped buzzing and he needed to look for something else to do.
Kurt opened his phone to the Gospel Library and skipped through For the Strength of Youth to the part about sexual purity:
Never do anything that could lead to sexual transgression. Treat others with respect, not as objects used to satisfy lustful and selfish desires. … Do not arouse those emotions in your own body. …
Elder Anderson was right. The counsel was against arousing lusts, not against relieving involuntary arousal. But more important than that was the promise of what would happen to individuals who broke the law of chastity:
The Spirit of the Lord will withdraw from one who is in sexual transgression.
That was Kurt’s answer right there, wasn't it? He could sift for ages through the scriptures and general authority talks for the specifics of sexual purity, and it would always be possible, from one day to the next, to interpret their words with more stringency or with more grace.
But the withdrawal of the Spirit was inarguable. It was evidenced in the way a person behaved, the way they thought, and the way they loved.
The Spirit had never withdrawn from Elder Anderson. Kurt felt its presence with his companion the way he'd felt it nowhere else. The gift of the Holy Ghost was perhaps the most important privilege of membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Once a person received baptism and the laying on of hands, he was supposed to have continual guidance and inspiration from the Holy Ghost. But Kurt hadn’t always felt its presence.
With Elder Anderson in his life, it had become consistent and reliable, testifying to Kurt of his companion’s faith and trustworthiness, leading Kurt into deeper relationship with God.
Only you can make all this change in me
Kurt had become gentler, more patient, more open to the Spirit since he’d met Elder Anderson. He still had a problem with judging people, but he was slower to do it. He hadn't let go of his self-righteous streak, but he was starting to recognize it for what it was—defensiveness and insecurity, a fear that God didn't actually love him as much as his own spiritual experiences had testified.
The Spirit of the Lord was clearly with Elder Anderson. His habit of self-release had done nothing to dampen its power.
By the very words of For the Strength of Youth, then, the relief Elder Anderson gave to himself was not a sexual transgression. It was something else—maybe a minor trespass like getting distracted in sacrament meeting, or maybe neutral, or maybe, as Elder Anderson seemed to believe, an actual good: an expression of gratitude for the body God had given him, like dancing.
The receptionist got up from behind her desk and walked over to Kurt. “Your friend is just out of surgery,” she said in German. “He'll be awake soon. I understand you want to wait with him?”
“Yes, of course,” answered Kurt, tucking his phone back into his bag and following the receptionist down a hallway and into a small recovery room. The dentist was going over some paperwork, while an unconscious Elder Nixon sat in a recliner with a pulse oximeter and heart rate monitor attached to his body. His left cheek puffed out like a chipmunk’s, presumably from being stuffed with gauze, and a disposable bib was tied over his button-down shirt. His jacket and tie were folded in a neat pile on a side table.
“You must be Elder Hummel. Herr Doktor Högel,” said the dentist in German, pulling off his surgical mask to reveal a surprisingly pleasant face. Despite Dr. Högel being a member of the church, Kurt had never seen him at sacrament meeting. And, boy, had he been missing out. The dentist must have been as old as Kurt’s dad judging from the dates on the degrees and certifications displayed in the waiting room, but he was handsome in a way that made Kurt’s stomach flutter, with a bright smile that made the corners of his eyes crinkle into crow’s feet and wavy, dark brown hair that reminded Kurt a bit of Elder Anderson’s. Dr. Högel stepped forward to shake Kurt’s hand. “But you can call me Karl.”
Kurt thought it would be best to retain more formality, given the butterflies flitting around in his gut. “Let’s compromise. How about Brother Högel?”
Brother Högel didn't exactly grimace, but he didn't look entirely pleased, either. “Sure, elder, that's fine. Your companion will be awake soon. He’ll need to rest for the remainder of the day—that means no proselytizing—and he can't have any hard foods for a few days. When you leave, the receptionist will give instructions for him to follow, but you should take them, because, frankly, he'll be totally strung out for a while. Likewise, don’t expect him to remember anything you say for the next hour or so. And he may be a little bit forgetful over the next week, as well. Don't be hard on him.”
Kurt paused. “Elder Nixon isn't actually my companion. I switched places for the day so his companion could keep working.”
Brother Högel hummed thoughtfully. “Well, then, I'll give the mission president's wife a call to make sure he's properly cared for. Elder Nixon should probably stay in the mission home for a day or two before he gets back to work. As for you, sit wherever you're comfortable. You should still have cell phone reception and Wi-Fi in here. I need to go see my next patient.” He shook Kurt’s hand again and began to leave.
“Brother Högel? May I ask you something?”
Brother Högel turned around, a resigned look on his face.
“Why have I never met you before? I've been in this mission for almost three months.”
“I guess you haven't needed any dental work.” Brother Högel forced a smile in which the whiteness of his teeth became very noticeable.
“No. I mean, in sacrament meeting. Not even on Easter.”
Brother Högel looked at Kurt, and then at Elder Nixon, and then back at Kurt, as if considering a multitude of answers. “I'm gone a lot on weekends,” he finally said. “But also, it's none of your business.”
“But it is. As a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—”
Brother Högel now grimaced without restraint, and somehow managed to continue being handsome even as he did so. “That's the other reason. So many men of all ages who constantly thrust themselves in as an intermediary between me and God. At least with the Catholics, each parishioner has to deal with only one priest. With us, the leadership chain is endless. If it gets frustrating for me, I can't even imagine what it's like for women. Now if you’ll excuse me, I really have to go.”
Kurt’s fortitude deflated as he watched the lost sheep of a dentist exit the room. If Elder Anderson had been here, the interaction would have gone more smoothly. Elder Anderson was so in tune with the Spirit, he surely would have said the right thing. Or, at least, he wouldn't have said the wrong thing and ticked Brother Högel off.
“Cahahaha snack?” Kurt heard from behind him in what appeared to be garbled English. He turned around to see Elder Nixon blinking his eyes open, a little drool forming at the corner of his mouth.
“What?” Kurt answered in German.
“A snack?”
Under the mission rules, Kurt should have steered Elder Nixon into speaking German, but given how hopped up he was on painkillers and how incomprehensible his speech was even in English, Kurt decided this case called for an exception. “I don't think so. Maybe in a bit.”
Elder Nixon said something else. It sounded like “I could really go for some chocolate-covered espresso beans”—but that made no sense for a missionary to say, so surely it was something else.
“Go back to sleep, elder. You need rest.”
“Don’t wanna though. Hate working Eld’ Claring’. Yer nice.”
“Nice?” Kurt laughed. “You must be high. No one has ever described me as nice.”
“I did.”
“You lived with me for six weeks. You know better than that.”
“Strict not mean. You love God. Kind to invesss … invesss …”
“Investitures. Funny, too. Museums an’ parks on P-day. Eld’ Claring’ doesn’ wanna do enthing fun P-Day.”
“You were a good companion, too, Elder Nixon. Sorry if things are difficult with Elder Clarington. But you know what they say. Every discomfort we experience on our mission is a lesson we can apply to enduring unto the end. And in this case, you only need to endure until your next transfer, right?”
“Too long,” said Elder Nixon with a sigh. A bit of spittle dripped from his mouth and onto his bib.
There was a knock at the door, and a nurse came in to check Elder Nixon’s vital signs and ask a few questions in German. Unlike Kurt, she was impressed by how well Elder Nixon was enunciating his words so soon after surgery, and seemed to follow what he was saying even as he bounced back and forth between German and English like a ping pong ball at an Olympic table tennis match.
She left and they were quiet for a few minutes, Elder Nixon appearing to drift in and out of sleep.
Kurt thought about how Brother Högel had said Elder Nixon wouldn’t remember most of their conversation in the recovery room, and decided to ask something he had never dared ask through their entire companionship—or any companionship, for that matter. “Elder Nixon, do you ever think our leaders might be wrong about some things?”
The peal of laughter that shot from Elder Nixon’s cotton-filled mouth made Kurt jump in his chair. Elder Nixon laughed and laughed and laughed, tears streaming out of his eyes and a chunk of gauze dropping out onto his bib.
The nurse came running in, but screeched to a halt when she saw what was happening. “I saw that his heart rate was going up. Presumably you said something funny to him?”
Kurt shook his head. “I didn't think it was funny.”
“Anesthesia humor.” She shrugged and checked Elder Nixon’s mouth, repacking it with fresh gauze, then wiped the tears and drool from Elder Nixon’s face with a damp towel. “No laughing!” she said sternly to both of them as she left.
Kurt wasn't sure if he should repeat the question, after that warning. But given Elder Nixon’s reaction the first time, Kurt was now desperate to know. “Do you remember that question I asked you, Elder Nixon, before the nurse came in?”
“What nurse?”
Apparently Kurt was going to have to repeat it. But that was a good sign. Elder Nixon had no short-term memory at all; they could speak without risk.
“Do you ever think our church leaders are sometimes wrong?”
Oh. Well. Kurt shouldn’t feel disappointed that Elder Nixon’s faith was stronger than his own, but—
“All the time.”
“Sorry?” Kurt said, though he had heard the words clearly enough. Either Elder Nixon was slurring less already, or Kurt was getting better at understanding him.
“They wrong all the time.”
Kurt wasn’t sure what answer he’d been expecting, but it wasn’t that.
“Prophet called Eld’ Claring’ as a missionary. Wrong. Prez Steele calls him to district leader? Wrong. Also, Prop 8. Wrong. Polygamy. Wrong. My old bishop was a secret polygamist and ‘married’ three single sisters in addition to his wife. At the same time as telling youth not to take sacrament for a month every time they masturbated. Wrong. The stake president who called him was wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong, all the way down the line.”
Kurt was stunned. Elder Nixon had never said anything like this in the time they had served together. Except for a couple Instances where he had rolled his eyes at Kurt, he had always appeared to be the epitome of obedience and submission to authority.
“You think they're completely wrong about everything?”
“No. They're wrong all the time and they're right all the time. You have to pray to figure out which is which.” Elder Nixon leaned toward Kurt. “The Holy Ghost,” he said, tapping his chest, “is your friend.”
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