#(i never watched the power puff girls don't @ me on that last one)
The reason the SI-5 are so compelling as antagonists is because their group dynamics are written as though they were protagonists, in this essay I will
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spideyanakin · 2 years
10 Things I Hate About you - Chapter 2
Eddie Munson x Harrington! reader
Synopsis - A new rule strikes the Harrington household: if Steve wishes to date ever again, his sister needs to find a boyfriend first. As Steve becomes desperate and thinks of everything in his power to set her up, only one guy comes to mind that will take up a challenge such as that: Eddie Munson.
warnings - Season 1 Steve 👎 , ft. Eddie the mechanics, underage drinking, and free cookie if you spot the Titanic reference.
word count - 12.5k
proof read by the amazing @inknopewetrust
series masterlist 🌻
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the playlist
"He tried again over lunch today," Steve slumped his shoulders, looking up to the sky. This was supposed to be a new day, a new opportunity for Eddie to try and seduce you, but instead, Eddie almost ended up having your yogurt in his hair. And even if the plan was failing, Tommy, who would have paid good money to see The Freak with yogurt stuck in his brown curls, was disappointed you hadn't gone through with it. 
"I'm starting to think this is a bad idea."
"You gave him a fifty bucks a date deal, I'm sure he'll try again," Carol said through a mouthful of Steve's Kudos bar - the extra one he had packed for himself, but her sneaky hands had found it anyway.
"He told me he would," Steve climbed down from the hood of his car when he spotted you leaving the school building. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," He sighed, taking a seat behind the wheel.
"Hey, loser." Tommy snickered at you, taking a new puff of his cigarette and almost blowing it in your face.
"Oh my god, Tommy." You squinted your eyes, pretending like the smoke didn't bother you. "Are you losing your hair? You look balder than the last time I saw you up close?" You watched as his face twisted, placing a hand in his hair as if to protect it from your comment.
"Stop bullying my friends!" Steve yelled from the open window. 
"Stop bullying my friends" You mimicked his voice as you settled yourself in the passenger side. "I'm Steve and I think that my dumb friends are actually really smart and good company."
"I don't talk like that."
"Yeah, you do. Oh my hair, my precious hair!" You mimicked again, putting a hand in your own hair as you did. "Wait until people find out it's because you use girl's hairspray.”
"And they never will, because you'll never tell them," he sang the words. "Talking about hairspray, I'm running out. I'm going to have to go to the supermarket before I can drop you off."
"Seriously? Can't you go later?"
"Nope. Don't have the time."
"I hate you."
"Look on the bright side, you can go to the comic book store in the meantime." He spoke to you like a toddler, you hated that.
"Right. Because I'm so excited to get the new Iron Man comic."
"Aren't you?" 
You were.
 But he didn't need to know that.
"You have to stop being so aggressive." Steve noticed as he watched you remove a few coins out of your wallet and hand them to the seller behind the counter.
"I'm not aggressive!" You argued back, side-eying your brother before thanking the elderly man as he neatly placed your comics in a plastic bag and handed them to you over the counter.
"You just fought a 9 year old over Lord of the Rings." Steve eyed the road through the shop's window, the little boy in question had a big frown on his face as he climbed into the back of his mother's car.
"But he was wrong! I don't know what he read, but that's not how the end of the Two Towers played out! And Saruman does die at the end of Return of the King." 
"Why do I even bother with you?" He pinched his nose, his other hand on his hip in annoyance. You watched as the white plastic bag with the Farrah Fawcet hair spray bumped with his hip as he moved. He shook his head before putting his sunglasses back on. "Do you know that people around school are starting to call you a ‘heinous bitch’ more and more often?"
"You forget I don't care what people think." You pushed the shop door open, the little bell ringing with it.
"Yes, you do."
"No, I don't," you chuckled, looking at him through his sunglasses. "You don't always have to be who they want you to be, you know?" The words came out of your mouth before you could even think them over. 
"I happen to like being the king of Hawkins High, thank you," He gave you a chuckle as if you had just said something stupid. The pang in your chest started stinging even more at seeing the careless, stupid, and even sometimes mean facade your brother had created himself just for popularity becoming clearer and stronger. You knew deep inside he wasn't this way.
"Right." Your word came out stiffer than you wished as you opened the passenger door, Steve following you in from the other side. "You know you're paying for my car repair, right?" You asked as you watched him start the engine.
"Uh, no, I'm not."
"Steve, you're the one who put the wrong fuel in."
"Yeah, but it's your car."
"Mom said you were going to pay!"
"Yeah, and?"
"And, so I'm not going to pay for your mistakes. What is this? Asshole day?"
"Why are you like this? You're making a fuss about everything lately."
"Right yeah, because I'm the one with terrible grades and who bugs his sister like it's her problem. You broke my car, Steve."
"I did, but I don't see how I should pay for it."
"Agh!" You wanted to rip your hair out, a groan of frustration slipping out of you. "Please just drive. I have a car to pick up and the less time I have in here with you, the better. I don't want to argue with you anymore."
The air was so thick for the rest of the ride you could cut it with a knife. The only noise that could be heard was the engine mixed in with Steve's frequent huffs, and the chatter of the streets that would come and go at every red light.
When the bright blue banner of the garage came into view, Steve didn't even bother with parking and stopped right in front of the shop. 
"I'll see you at home." He gave you a tight smile you ignored, stepping out and closing the door as loudly as you could.
You mumbled something about how annoying and unfair he was being, the ringing from the little bell at the door making a minimum of your frustration dissipate. John, the owner of the place, sat behind the counter; head stuffed in the day’s newspaper, cigarette dangling from his lips. He barely looked up from his paper as he heard you walk in.
"Afternoon," you greeted, walking towards the counter, sighing your feelings away as your hands rested on the cold surface. "You said my car would be ready by today?"
"Oh yeah," He didn't remove the cigarette from his lips as he spoke, his small eyes still fixed on the paper and smoke coming out between words. "We're a bit late on schedule," He turned a page, "Realized the fuel fucked up the engine more than we thought. Munson's still taking care of it in the back."
"Munson?" The name felt familiar.
"Yeah, Eddie Munson." The lightbulb lit up in your mind. You knew exactly who he was talking about.
"I didn't know he worked here." 
"Mostly on weekends. But he's filling in for Rob today. You know him or something?" He lifted his eyes up to gaze at you through his blue square glasses.
"We go to school together."
"Alright. Well if you want to go see your car I'm sure he won't mind." You nodded and took this as your cue. Walking toward the doorway, the actual door was missing and was replaced by strings of blue and red clay beads. Now that you were closer, you could hear Metallica's The Four Horsemen faintly playing in the background.
The beads made a soft sound as you passed through them. The smell of fuel, rubber, and the metallic pungency of tools invaded your senses the second you walked in. The garage looked messy to an outsider–yet it was no different than other shops of the kind. A staple of car repairs in Hawkins, this little shop had seen business from every family and knew them all by name. The garage door was opened, giving out to a parking lot and letting the fresh air merge with the unnatural amount of toxins that emitted from each car, tire, and tank served. A range of different colored cars neatly parked outside, each either waiting for their turn to get repaired or for their owners to return. 
Your car was parked in the middle of the room, and indeed–the boy you knew as Eddie Munson, the school's proclaimed freak and trouble maker who had decided to suddenly ask you out, was working on it. 
His hair was tied back in a ponytail, head bowed into the hood. His black shirt was tight and hugged his torso perfectly, his jean jacket resting on a chair in the back of the room. The electric blue denim jumpsuit he called a work uniform was tied at his waist by the sleeves. The pants of it were decorated with car grease in large uneven patches on the sides as if he deliberately wiped his hands on them multiple times.
He blew a strand of hair away from his forehead as he leaned back to look at his work from a higher angle. His fingers were stained with black as they toyed with the wrench in his hand. He looked so focused. The crease between his eyebrows was evident as he figured out if his work was good enough.
"Thought you didn't want that date?" His voice brought you back from your staring, shoving away the odd feeling in your chest you hadn't noticed was there. You blinked, your expression changing. 
"And I still don't. I came to see my car."
"This is your car?" He asked, eyebrows raised as he pointed to it with the tool in his hand. 
"Yep." You patted the roof with pride.
"I didn't take you for a girl to confuse which fuel to put in her car." He smiled to himself, looking up from the car's engine to you. 
Now he couldn't deny you looked nice–nicer than in that ugly Hawkins high sports uniform you had been wearing yesterday and at lunch again today. Something about volleyball tryouts. 
Eddie had never really taken the time to see you. You had always been just a face in the crowd, but a cute one. His thoughts quickly processed and he remembered his mission. He knew loud and clear that he was just in this for the money, however, it didn't hurt that he found you pretty, and it definitely didn't hurt that you were wearing an Ozzy Osbourne t-shirt.
"Actually, that's my brother's fault." 
"Ah, now I understand."
"Probably never going to let him use my car ever again."
"Yeah, he fucked it up pretty bad," he noticed. "It seriously poisoned the engine."
"How much longer do I have to wait?" 
"Oh, I just finished!" He gave you his most charming grin before wiping his hands on the bottom half of his already disgusting jumpsuit. You could see the white patch with his name on it poking out from the folded top around his waist as he walked to where you were standing. "I just need to try it, see how it starts."
You took a step back to let him open the door and sit in the driver's seat, you could faintly hear the song fade away and the radio host taking over. Eddie left the door open as he turned the key and started the engine. The sound of the buzzing motor came and fully drowned the radio as it came loud and clear.
"It works!” He said as though it were a miracle. “And no smoke this time!" He seemed so happy it made you smile. "All set, princess." He turned the key and slipped out of the car, making his way back to the front and reaching up to close the hood.
"Thank you. I thought I was going to commit murder after a week of Steve driving me." 
"No problem," he chuckled.
"How much do I owe you?" 
"Nothing," he shook his head with big movements, making his ponytail sway from side to side. "On the house." 
"You know that won't make me say yes to that date?" You put a hand on your hip, making him chuckle. 
"I know."
"Don't think that getting me gifts is the way to my heart."
"What is the way to your heart?"
"That, I won't tell you."
"Just thought you shouldn't have to pay for what's your brother's fault."
"That's what I told him!" You pointed out. "No, but seriously how much do I owe you?"
"Nothing, I promise. Just get in the car and go do whatever pretty girls do on Wednesdays after school."
"Will John be happy you're giving away free service?"
"I'm sure good old John won't mind. C'mon! Get in! Get away from this smelly garage!" He waved towards the car when you didn't move.
You shook your head in disbelief before getting in and opening your window. "100% sure I can just leave?"
"Yes! Now go, before I change my mind." He watched with a smile on his face as you turned the car back on, smiling when everything worked perfectly. 
"Thank you!" You cheered, waving as you made your way out, Eddie watching you disappeared down the road.  
He breathed in heavily, walking to the half-broken sink in the back of the workshop. Once his hands were clean and dry he turned the radio off and reached for his coat which was still laying on the chair next to it. He reached in the pocket to remove his pack of cigarettes and lighter before fumbling with the jean, turning the jacket around to get access to the second pocket, pulling out some of the cash Steve handed him yesterday.
The blue and red beads made the familiar sound as he passed by the front desk.
"Did you let another girl leave without paying?" John looked up from his newspaper. "And I won't take a 'but she was pretty' as an answer this time."
"No," Eddie chuckled. "She gave me the money directly." Eddie put forty of Steve’s cash on the desk.
"I'm taking my break." He nodded before stepping outside, cigarette already between his lips.
"Harrington! My new best friend!" Eddie cheered, a skip in his step as he made his way to Steve's locker the next day. Sleep still in Steve's eyes while Eddie's were bright and awake.
"What do you want?" Steve wondered as he stuffed his copy of Romeo and Juliet in his locker, only so he could forget it there and never see it again.
"I need your help."
"I thought you were the one helping me? And,” Steve paused his movements, “why is my sister still single?" 
"I'm working on it… It's only been two days. And talking about your sister, if you want this to work, I need you to tell me what she likes."
"Well, she likes that same crappy music you listen to."
"I already knew that, not very helpful. Can't you tell me her interests? Her hobbies? What does she read? What does she do on weekends?"
"Well, I think she might read the same nerd stuff you do, but I don't know."
"You don't know? She's your sister," Eddie crossed his arms as he leaned on the neighboring locker.
"Can't you ask her out without all this information?"
"Nope. You saw what happened, I need to be smart about this," Eddie tapped the side of his head with his finger.
"Fine," Steve sighed, closing his locker. "I'll make a list and give it to you tomorrow."
"Works for me!" Eddie smiled and knocked a fist on the locker behind him before turning around to walk the other way. 
"What was that about?" Tommy appeared out of thin air. His eyes fixed on Eddie who was already halfway down the hallway.
"He wants to know more about her. I have to make a list of stuff she likes." He took the hook of his backpack in his hand before he started to walk away. 
"And you don't know all of that?"
"No, why would I?"
"Because she's your sister?"
"And?" He shrugged. "Shouldn't be my problem."
"What are you going to tell him?"
"I'll search through her room. See what I can find."
"Doesn't she hang out with that Barb girl? You could probably ask her for some stuff."
"Plus isn't she like Nancy's best friend? Could make you gain some Nancy points."
"Yeah, that's not a bad idea," Steve nodded along.
As if on cue, you appeared in the hallway with headphones over your ears. Steve looked at you with narrow eyes as you made a stop at your locker. You were wearing a Star Wars t-shirt; that could be useful information.
The lunch bell broke his thoughts and he suddenly remembered it was pasta Thursday. Steve watched the students who were still stuck in class start filing out of classrooms, he would have to leave quickly to get in line before the additional cheese would have to be wrestled for and leave the students last in line with only butter for a minimum of flavor to the over-cooked dish.
Like every Thursday, the cafeteria was crowded. The chatter of students echoed loud and clear through the large room. Food had already been spilled and laughter could be heard. Everyone seemed to be exactly where they were supposed to be. 
Steve with his friends, cheese proudly sprinkled on top of the macaroni that cooled just enough to be edible. 
Eddie was at his table. The Hellfire club was a full house; each member munching at their food, anticipation and excitement coursing through their veins as they waited for tomorrow to come to continue Eddie's campaign.
"I'm telling you, this is a terrible idea!" Jeff nodded along Oliver's words.
"Why? It's good money," Eddie leaned back from his seat at the table, his eyes landing on you. You were at the table you normally sat at, talking with Eddie's physics partner: Barb. 
Were you two friends? He wondered as he watched the interaction. You had a reputation for being a loner, yet you seemed to be smiling. A pretty smile that radiated over your features. Eddie noticed your Star Wars shirt, grinning to himself at the thought of a pretty girl like you being a fan of something he enjoyed too.
He hadn't noticed, but the entire hellfire table was staring at him, throwing looks at each other at the sight of their fearless leader cheesing it over some girl. 
"This is bad," Eddie's right-hand man, Olvier, whispered into Jeff's ear. "Really, really bad."
"It might be good money, but don't you think it's, like, a little unethical?" Another boy from the table wondered. 
"Unethical?" Eddie blinked at the words. "Since when have we had any ethics to begin with?"
"I don't know," the boy shrugged. "Just, imagine if she actually falls for you, and she finds out it was all a scam just so that her brother could get some?"
"She won't find out," Eddie cracked open his Mountain Dew, taking a sip from the tin can before continuing to speak. "And she's tough. You all saw what she did to Jeff's nose," the boy in question looked away in embarrassment. "I'm sure it would take her more than a few dates to fall for me."
"Right… Because leading someone on is totally the right thing to do to gain some extra cash," Gareth spoke up. "I still don't know why you've agreed to this. I don't want to be there when she finds out. Don't count on me to buy you flowers and dumb 'get well soon' cards for when she puts you in a coma."
"Don't think he'd even pass by the hospital," Another boy snorted. "He'd directly be put to his death." That made the entire table laugh, apart from Oliver.
The blonde had a serious shine to his eyes, a frown on the verge of forming. That wasn't what he was worried about, but he couldn't voice his worries, not right now.
That evening, Steve knew he had to work fast. He knew he only had an hour to get home from school, sneak into your room, and make a list of everything that could be useful before you'd be back from your hour of babysitting.
The second he swung the door open he was met with a sea of records and posters. Your bed wasn't made and your desk was a mess. Steve started his search with the desk. His eyes first landed on a big poster with four guys which, at second glance, he swore one looked like Eddie. He looked to the side to find another smaller poster of the same guy, smiling with his guitar. His name was written in bold on the side, but Steve didn't bother to fully read it. He shook the thought from his head before opening the main drawer. A collection of chapsticks rolled to the front, while random notes and spare coins sat at the back. He pushed some of the things around only to find concert tickets of events from eons past. 
When he wasn't satisfied with the search, he moved to the smaller ones at the foot of the desk. Opening and inspecting each one with meticulous precision. When he opened the third one, his eyes went wide.
"Oh my God!" Steve reached for the blue game boy. His blue game boy he thought he had lost the year prior. He could see your pink one in the back of the drawer, the screen broken. He grabbed his, moving his hand through the different games to take his pick. 
He put the console and games on the floor by the desk to reclaim them as his but continued his search. The fourth drawer had a magazine opened to a page showing multiple different electric guitars. You had circled one, Steve marked it down on his little piece of paper.
You liked guitar.
And you wanted an electric one, a specific model in particular.
Steve walked towards your shelf and scanned through your books. He made a face when he saw your small collection of Shakespeare. He wrote that down too. After that, he saw a few books by the same author. He recognized The Lord of the Rings, writing it down on his list. But then when his eyes scanned over the other works by the J.R.R Tolkein guy, he had to squint and reread the word at least 3 times to register it and to check if he had written ‘Silmirillion’ right. You had stacks of Rolling Stone magazines next to it except Steve barely bothered to skim through them.
His eyes landed on the big Star Wars poster next to him and on the spaceship on your shelf. He wrote that down as well.
Once he was satisfied, he grabbed his Gameboy and the selected games from the floor and left as though he had never been inside of it at all. 
Steve's socked feet dropping from step to step down the stairs caught your attention. Like every Friday morning, he was wearing his blue shirt - his favorite one Tommy had gotten him for his birthday. His bag hung on one shoulder as settled for breakfast.
However, he wasn't looking at where he was going or making a cheeky comment to piss you off so early in the day.
His eyes were focused on the blue brick in his hand. The noise of the game rang before the realization hit. The familiar opening of a chest echoed through your ears and your eyes went wild.
The goddamn Gameboy. 
"Are you playing Zelda?" He didn't own a Zelda game–you did.
"Yes. On my Gameboy that I found in your room! Also, I don't know how you can play this. It's too complicated."
"What were you doing in my room!?" Your hand collided with the table, making your breakfast jump. 
"I was searching for it!" He bit back. 
"You shouldn't have taken his in the first place. You have one of your own. Steve, you shouldn't go into your sister's room, that's private. It's settled. End of argument. Can we eat in peace now?"
You grumbled something, melting in your seat before poking at a blueberry.
You were glad your car was repaired because you couldn't take another drive of Steve's whining and him complaining about how Zelda was too hard. 
Fridays were the best. Not only because it was the day when you didn't have any classes with Steve, but also because it was a chain of your favorite classes that led right to the weekend.
But, Friday’s also went by faster than lighting because of it. 
"Barb! You're sort of friends with my sister, right?" Steve appeared next to her like a child high on sugar.
"Yeah?" She looked up from her textbook and papers.
"I need you to tell me what she likes."
"What she likes? Why?" She placed the stray papers inside the textbook before putting them inside her bag, her gaze going to the classroom door where students were starting to leave. It was Friday. She wanted to run out of there and not spend any more time than she needed to in these horrible halls.
"Is that so bad that I just want to know my sister better?" He poorly defended himself, placing a hand on his hip to try and sound more convincing.
"That’s weird coming from you," she zipped her bag closed.
"Okay,” he brushed it off, “first, what does she like to do on weekends?"
"Please just answer the question." He pressed on.
"Well, um… She really likes to go to The Hideout."
"That weird bar on the edge of town?" Steve made a disgusted face. 
"Yes, she says she loves seeing new bands play and makes fun of them when they're terrible."
"Okay," Steve started writing it on his hand like notes for an upcoming exam. 
"Are you really writing this down? Steve-" Barb lamented. 
"I want to remember! Can't you just accept the fact that I want to be a better brother?"
"Ok, what else?"
"She likes Hard Rock and Metal… She would die for Kirk Hammett and Axl Rose."
Barb rolled her eyes. "Kirk is that guy from Metallica?” It sounded more like a question than an actual statement. “I think he's their guitarist." 
"Oh! Is that the guy from the posters in her room? The one that has the same hair as Munson?"
"They all have the same hair as Munson," she pointed out. "But yeah, Kirk kind of looks like him, I guess." Barb blinked as she remembered your room from the little times she'd been there "Axl is the main for Guns ‘n Roses; blonde, blue eyed guy with long hair. Always wears a bandana and eye-liner." 
"Mm-hm" He nodded for her to continue, writing keywords on the back of his hand.
"She also really likes the arcade and roller skating. Um, she likes fantasy stuff like those Star Wars movies and those big books…” Barb trailed off to think of the name. 
“Lord of the Rings?” Steve filled in for her and she snapped her fingers in recognition. 
“Yes! Lord of the Rings. And I think her favorite character is Darth Vader?"
"Is he from Lord of the Rings?” Steve asked and Barb furrowed her eyebrows at him like she couldn’t believe that is what came out of his mouth. 
“Are you serious?” 
“It’s… not?” Steve faltered and she shook her head. 
“Star Wars… Bad guy…?”
"The guy with the helmet?” 
“Mhm,” Barb hummed in reply. 
"Okay, thank you! I think I'm all set."
"Are you sure you need this information just to be a better brother?"
"Yeah," he nodded. "Thanks!" He beamed before running out of the room. Steve charged down the halls until he recognized the door with the theatre posters all over it. 
"Here!" Steve burst into the drama room, earning a questioning gaze from Eddie. 
He was alone. Feet on the table that was even messier than the last time he was there. A book in his hand and he was practically one-hundred percent sure he had seen that same cover sitting on the shelves of your room.
"I have ‘the info.’" Steve slammed the note onto the table, in between the figurines and dice, before taking a seat in one of the rickety side chairs. 
Eddie looked up from his book with a raised eyebrow and removed his feet from the table before scanning what was written.
"You missed the a," He pointed out and Steve looked at him strangely. "Silmarillion, not Silmirillion," Eddie showed him the cover of the book he was still holding.
"Whatever," Steve dropped his hand on the table. "That's the information I gathered."
"That's not a lot to work from," Eddie pointed to the paper with Steve’s scribbles on it. 
"Look it should be enough," Steve huffed as Eddie read through the information. "But I've got more."
"She likes guitar, that's cool. She wants the same model I have."
"Oh yeah! She has a crush on that guy from Metallica, the one with the guitar."
"Which one?"
"I don't man, the one that looks like you."
"You mean Kirk?"
"Yeah! That's his name."
"Alright, good. I can work with that," A smirk rose on Eddie's lips. A sudden burst of confidence rose to his chest. He was your type. "Anything else?"
"I think her other crush's name has something with roses" he looked down at his hand, the writing so sloppy he could barely make it out.
"Yep, that's the one!" Eddie could work with that. He basically owned half of the same wardrobe.
"She likes to go to The Hideout–you know that dodgy bar? She likes to go and judge the bands that play apparently."
"I'm in a band that plays at The Hideout."
Steve's mouth hung open into an 'O' shape before he spoke again. "Well, that's actually kind of perfect." He noticed, a bit more to himself than to Eddie. "She also likes the arcade and roller skating."
"Okay,” Eddie nodded, “What's her favorite arcade game?"
"I don't know? She stole my Donkey Kong game so she might like that?" It came out as more of a question than anything.
"Steve, what do you know?"
"Are you being sarcastic?" He narrowed his eyes. 
"Also her favorite Star Wars character is the villain."
"Palpatine?" Eddie scrunched up his nose, tilting his head.
"Pala-who? No, no, the other one, the guy with the helmet."
"Darth Vader?"
"Well, it's arguable that's he's the villain-"
"Please keep that nerd bullshit for my sister," Steve cut him off and Eddie closed his mouth, crossing his arms against his chest, "that's all I have."
"Alright. I'll see what I can do." Eddie nodded before looking back to the table. "You should go," he tapped his watch, "Campaign's about to start."
"I'm home!" Steve yelled as the door closed behind him.
"Steve, can you come help me with the laundry?" Your mom called out from the laundry room. A large basket of folded laundry in her hands.
Steve rolled his eyes before slipping his shoes off and dropping his bag by the entrance. As he did, he noticed a pair of shoes and a bag he didn't recognize sitting by the doorway.
"Why can't Y/n do it?" 
"Because she's babysitting. Here," she handed him the basket. "This side is your clothes, and this one your sister's. Just put yours in your room and put the basket with the rest in hers. Is that so hard to do?"
"Babysitting? But her shoes and bag are here?"
"Yeah, they're in the kitchen, baking."
"Ah," he grumbled something else before doing as told.
"So, got any plans for the weekend?" You asked Dustin as you placed the cupcake wrappers in the little molds. 
"I'm going to Mike's. We're going to continue his campaign!" The curly-headed boy had a big smile on his face as he mixed the batter with all his might. 
"That's nice," you smiled before you dipped your finger into the batter and stole a taste. "Our cupcakes are going to be amazing," you nodded, "high five." 
One of his hands removed its grip from the bowl to collide with yours while the other stayed on the whisk.
"Do you need someone to drop you off or pick you up from Mike's?" You questioned as you started washing your hands, speaking a bit louder over the running water.
"No,” Dustin shook his head and his curls went bouncing, “mom said I could go all alone this time!"
"Oh my god," you put a hand to your heart. "Is my ‘lil Dusty growing up?" You faked a sniff, "are you going to fire me?" you wiped a fake tear. 
"No!" He giggled at your dramatic sighs. "I still need you. I'm bored when you're not there and I have to spend entire afternoons home alone." 
"I hope so," you pointed a finger at him, a small smile playing on your face as you turned back to the cupcake batter. "You still have to teach me how to play D&D, by the way. My half-written character sheet is still somewhere in my room." 
"Yes! I promise. Once Mike's campaign is finished, we will do it."
"Deal," you grabbed the bowl and started to pour the mixture in each of the cupcake molds while Dustin washed up. 
"What are you doing this weekend?" He wondered as he came back around, watching with big eyes as you skillfully poured just the right amount of dough into each section.
"Homework, probably." 
"That's it?" His eyes went wider. Sometimes he thought you never had fun outside of babysitting him. 
"No," you giggled. "Might go judge whoever is playing at The Hideout."
"I wish I could come with you," he sighed. "It sounds so much fun."
"Promise when you're a little older. I'll bring you and we can even make a bingo sheet out of it."
"What would we put on the bingo!?" His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Well, stuff like, ‘did the singer's voice crack’, or ‘did he sing a wrong note’, or ‘did the guitarist mess up his chord?’ Oh! I forgot to tell you, last time I went, a band that came from Arizona was playing and the drummer threw up on his snare."
"Yeah, it was disgusting. The whole band had to stop playing and the show was canceled."
"I'm surprised that you haven't met anyone there," Dustin sighed as he watched you put the cupcakes in the oven. 
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you always said that the boys in high school are unwashed miscreants," you giggled at the fact that he remembered your words. "You must have met someone cool at this bar."
"How many times must I tell you that I'm not interested in dating?" You laughed. 
"But everyone is! Dating can be fun!"
"Not everyone, Henderson." Steve's voice came from the doorway. "Y/n is a peculiar breed of mean girl. No boy would even be interested in her, they're all terrified of her or either think she's a loser." Steve made an ‘L’ with his index and thumb, bringing it to his forehead as he poked his tongue out to you.
Steve thought you'd be in a better mood after he saw you laugh with Dustin, that you'd joke back like you always did, but when your eyes met his, your gaze became cold again. You were glaring daggers at him when he reached for the orange juice in the fridge.
"That's not true! She's like the coolest person on earth!" Dustin argued and a mocking chuckle came from your brother. Dustin's eyes were wide and angry as he looked at Steve pouring himself a glass and placing the bottle back in the fridge. The younger boy burned a hole in the back of Steve’s head before he disappeared into the living room.
"Don't listen to him," Dustin grumbled. "I would definitely ask you out if I was older!" That made you laugh; the hurt that started forming in your chest dissipated with his words.
"Well, thank you. But I do get asked out." ‘Especially recently,’ you thought. "I'm just not interested," You could see in his eyes he still didn’t take that as an answer. "Alright, my young padawan," you changed the subject and ruffled his hair. "Enough boy talk. Let's finish up your homework while these cupcakes bake."
"Why are you acting like this?" Steve's head poked from over your shoulder.
"Why am I acting like what?" 
"You've been in a bad mood ever since Tuesday morning," Steve sat beside you by the kitchen counter. He quickly eyed what you were doing and saw your neatly written paper with all the answers to the history questions Mr. Click had assigned. Steve grabbed it but you quickly snatched it away.
"You're really asking me why I'm acting like this? Steve, you've been bugging me all week because you think I'm the answer to all your problems!" You dropped your pen in frustration. "It's not my fault you didn't do your English homework and it's not my fault you got shitty grades so now you're not allowed to get a girlfriend. And you're certainly not going to copy my history homework. You didn't even want to pay for my car and you were basically bullying me in front of the boy I babysit."
"But I always bully you," he pointed it out as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. Saying it like his words were meaningless sibling banter and not him reinforcing ideas everyone thought. "And you said it yourself, the guy didn't even make you pay for the repair!"
"That's not the point! You have to stop acting like the things you do are my problem; stop asking me to get a fucking boyfriend and to read a book for you! And stop snooping around my work!" You almost screamed. 
Steve was glad your parents were away at Enzo's for dinner because he would have gotten a really long lecture about bribing you to get a boyfriend and he didn't need that right now.
"But you won't get a boyfriend so now I'm stuck home on a Friday night."
"Wow, is that so bad?" You mocked before aggressively grabbing all of your pens and shoving them in your pencil case, stacking your papers before taking everything in your arms and walking up to your room.
"No! Don't leave!" 
"Then stop annoying me!" You screamed from the top of the staircase. He heard your loud steps stomping the ground before your door closed with a loud thud and the small clicking of your lock.
You dropped your books and homework on your desk, sighing when you turned the lights on. Frustration burning in your veins, you turned your radio on and brought the volume as high as you could. 
The start of Rainbow in the Dark started playing.
It was therapy. It was a cool cloth on the back of your neck on a hot day. Most of all, it was the remedy to tune Steve out and the world around you went silent sans the music that raced the airwaves of your room. 
Steve could faintly hear it from the living room but chose to ignore it. This time, he will not give you the satisfaction of being annoyed.
You hummed the lyrics to yourself as you went through your bag, cleaning the empty wrappers and menial scraps that had accumulated through the week. You opened your planner and scanned around the homework for Monday.
You made the list as you went through the stack of textbooks on your desk and neatly placed the ones you needed on the side. You were about to turn around and decide which tape you wanted to listen to after this one when a knock came to your window.
You thought that you heard wrong. Maybe it was a chord in the song you hadn't noticed before. But when the sound of a rock hitting the glass struck again, this time you had the visual. It was a surprise you could still hear the soft clink over the loud music, and as you stepped to get closer, another one clashed with the glass.
You pushed the window up, Dio now playing loud and clear in the cool night air. You looked down to be faced with the last person you expected to see.
"Munson?" You raised an eyebrow. "I thought I told you to stop bothering me?"
"You haven't actually said those words," He echoed from down below. 
He had a large smile on his face. His hair was loose and going wild while he was wearing a dark blue shirt that was ripped on the side–you knew you had seen the same shirt somewhere. Skinny jeans of matching color with chains dangling everywhere and purple reeboks complete the look.
It was a look. A completely chaotic, mismatched look that he made work because it was uniquely him. 
The light from your window spread a glow over his features as he played with an additional pebble in his hand. For a second, you caught yourself thinking he was handsome. You found yourself shoving away the same weird feeling that had popped up after seeing him at the garage beside your car.
"What are you doing here?"
"I want to take you out," he beamed, dropping the pebble and taking a step closer to your window when the chorus of the song echoed louder through the air.
"I have homework to do."
"C'mon, it's Friday night, please?" He pouted, big brown eyes looking at you like a lost puppy. "I'm playing at The Hideout in 30 minutes, please just come. My van is parked a street away. Doesn't have to be a date."
"You never give up don't you?"
"No," he smirked.
You thought for a second. Dustin's words echoed from earlier: ‘dating can be fun.’ Maybe you could allow yourself just one night at the seedy bar where you would lose your shell. Maybe you could give Eddie Munson the chance to show you who he was behind all the rumors and 'scary' facade.
"I'll come with you on one condition," you levied at him and there was a spark of surprise that washed over his eyes. 
"That is…?" He could feel the plan working. He could feel you giving in to him. 
"Free drinks."
"Alright, yeah," he thought about the rest of Steve's cash stashed in the door of his van. "Deal." 
"Give me a second to change, I'll be right back." You closed the window, then curtains before scurrying off to your closet.
Eddie was in it for the cash. That's what he told himself going into the deal, and that's what he had to remind himself when he watched you climb out of your window as Holy Diver played from your stereo and your feet hit the grass. You were wearing white pants. They were ripped almost everywhere and a chain was hooked to the one side, almost matching the way Eddie's wore his own. Black boots and a loose Metallica shirt brought the look together in some fever dream he was immersing himself in. 
Eddie bit back a smile, nodding towards your shirt, "you have a great taste in music."
"I know." You looked at him up and down. "Is that Kirk Hammett's shirt from that cover of Rolling Stone they did two months ago?" You had noticed it when you came to your room and your eyes landed on said magazine.
"Maybe," he smirked. "Might have made it myself when the cover came out."
"Well, it's very nice. Suits you." For a second, you almost thought he looked like him. The same hair, eyes, and cheeky grin. Your heart doing a loop in your chest when you were starting to compare them; the guitar, being in a band. You shook the thought away quicker than it came and walked past him, turning back around when he didn't follow. "C'mon, what are you waiting for?"
"Nothing," Eddie smiled, dipping his chin into his chest before shaking his head and catching up to you.
"Are your parents not going to notice you're gone?"
"They're at dinner. They'll probably assume I'm sleeping by the time they're back."
"And your brother?"
"Nah. I turned the lights off, and the music will stop eventually. He'll have just about an hour left of Dio before he can have his peace."
You had never really noticed Eddie's van before. White with blue stripes and the smell of weed permanently stuck to its seats. It was oddly clean on the inside–with no stray papers or candy wrappers laying around like in yours. A guitar pick was dangling from the rear mirror and a bobblehead dragon stood on top of a dash like those Hula girls. 
"I like the dragon," you noticed, tapping the top of his head with your fingers to see it move.
"Thanks. I won it at the arcade."
"You go to the arcade?"
"Yeah! Like all the time."
"Me too," you smiled to yourself, watching as he fixed his shirt when he settled in his seat.
"What proves to me that you weren't sent by my brother, the devil spawn?" You narrowed your eyes at him as he closed the door. Eddie's heart squeezing in his chest at the question, his hands began to sweat. You were smart. Really, really smart.
"Sweetheart,” the nickname fell from his tongue as if it were second nature, “you really think your brother would even think of talking to me?" That made you laugh. "I'm sure the idea in itself makes him shit his pants." 
It did. But that was before Steve realized Eddie wasn't doing ritual sacrifices on the floor of the drama room.
"Yeah, you're right, sorry to assume," you laughed. "Just thought that maybe he would get really desperate and send the only guy in Hawkins who wouldn't be scared of me." Dammit you were smart. And if Eddie hadn't had as much acting practice from playing Dungeons and fucking Dragons he probably would have been busted the second the question left your lips.
"You don't have that much self-confidence do you?" Eddie narrowed his eyes and looked right at you, trying too hard to change the subject. "Look at you! You really think guys don't want to ask you out, just… because?"
You shrugged and played with the dragon's head again, watching it go up and down every time you touched it. "It's not that I don't, it's just… I'm not very approachable. People are usually scared of me and call me a heinous bitch. Steve gracefully reminds me of it every single day. Either that or they want to date me to be friends with 'Mr. King of Hawkins High',” 
"Well, I definitely don't want to be friends with him," Eddie shook his head, making a weird face at the thought. "And I'm no picnic myself," his soft laugh echoed across the little space. 
"Yeah, we both have a reputation, don't we?" You scrunched up your nose.
"Definitely," he grinned like it was the best badge a person could wear. "And for the record, I don't think you are a heinous bitch," He smiled, a real genuine smile that definitely wasn't an act. "I think you're very cool, Harrington. I don't know how I hadn't noticed you earlier," he meant it.
"You think I'm cool despite the fact that Steve ‘The Hair’ is my brother?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Despite that."
"Well, I think you're pretty cool too," a stare lingered a little bit too long between the two of you, causing Eddie to clear his throat and put his focus on starting the van.
"You know, never in the world did I think that ‘The Hair's’ sister would listen to Black Sabbath and Dio and like Star Wars."
"Why would you think that?" You smiled because to you, the assumption that you didn’t like any of those things was ridiculous. You wore shirts, listened to the music at near full volume through the hallways, and made it no secret that you weren’t afraid of liking the things you did just because some people found them ‘odd.’
"Because you're Steve Harrington's little sister?"
"So, you think I'm like my brother?"
"Oh, Christ, no. But, I thought you might be. Imagined you to be like a cheerleader of something until I realized that the second Harrington was the girl terrorizing everyone she crosses paths with."
"Jesus," You chuckled. "Imagine me dancing with pom poms."
"Now that's a sight I'd love to see."
"No,” you shook your head amused, “I would look ridiculous."
"I'm sure you'd look amazing."
"I would be a laughing stock! Then people wouldn't be scared of me anymore and where's the fun in that?"
"Yeah," Eddie chuckled with you. That was a fair assessment on your behalf. You weren’t the cheerleading type. 
When he parked on the familiar grounds of The Hideout, he reached up for the switch, the small ceiling light making your eyes blink as they adjusted to it.
Eddie leaned toward you to open the glove box. Hand over your knees, he popped open the compartment and his hand barely grazed them as he reached into it. As he rummaged through it, he found a spare ring in the process. Eddie didn't hesitate to wear it on his one ring free finger the second his eyes landed on it. 
"Ah-ha!" He smiled when he found what he was searching for. A long thin black tube was between his fingers that made your eyebrows raise high. 
"What? Every rock star wears it." You laughed at the idea of Eddie putting on eyeliner, but it died on your lips when you realized he was being serious and started applying it around his eyes. "Don't look at me like that! Axl Rose wears eyeliner all the time!"
"Yeah, you're right. Axl Rose does wear eyeliner," you smiled at Eddie's comparison to him. Watching his movements as he looked at his eyes through the rear mirror. He definitely wasn't an eye-liner expert; the start of his lines were messy and he was making everything uneven.  
For a long minute, he looked like a panda and had to rub some off the black with his fingers. It was far from perfect, but he seemed happy with it. 
"How do I look?" He gave an award winning, teeth baring grin when he fully turned to face you. 
Now, if you from Monday asked yourself what you thought you would be doing on Friday night, the last thing that would have crossed your mind would have been sitting in the parking of The Hideout with Eddie Munson, gaping at him like a fish as he turned to you with the most adorable grin you had ever seen, wearing eyeliner and comparing himself to your two favorite musicians, and every word dying in the back of your throat as the same unknown feeling that had now crossed you twice upon gazing at him came back.
"Good," you attempted but your words came out in a mumble, blinking the shock away. "You look good. A real rock star." In all truths, he looked really really good. So good you wondered how you had never noticed it before, especially from all your past trips to The Hideout.
Surely you would have noticed someone you went to school with or someone who looked like that. 
"Great," he smiled even wider, grabbing the pick necklace from his rearview mirror. "Can't forget the lucky charm,” he winked before opening the door of his van and jumping out.
The Hideout was familiar. 
Always the same people flocking to the little joint apart from a few new faces that changed every weekend. The same dark ambiance and washed-out lighting, the same pool table with the same five drunks playing every weekend and sometimes on Thursdays after the monster truck race outside of town. 
It wasn't crowded. It never was. But on Fridays, there were always enough people to consider it a crowd, causing a cheerful spirit to hang in the air. Even Madame Bijoux seemed happier on Friday nights. Maybe it was the only day of the week she and the people of Hawkins forgot she was a French woman that came to the bar every day at six, drinking whiskey while wearing all of the jewels she owned and claiming she was waiting for her long-lost love to come back. 
It was some Shakespearean tale playing out before your eyes each week. 
She was a treasure, practically a ghost from another world but she sat drinking her whiskey with a mystical whimsy about her. Those jewels, the long-lost love… it was all too good to be true most days. 
The same stage stood in the back, a banner with Corroded Coffin written in black doubled with red, hung on the side. One of the boys you knew to be in advanced English was still working on setting up his drum set.
But you didn't know why this time everything felt different.
Maybe it was because this time you hadn't gone alone. This time you were accompanied by the leader of its band who played there three times a month. Or that you had suddenly found him handsome and your mind became a mess of thoughts and your body was vibrating with unknown feelings. It certainly didn't help that his eyes wouldn't leave you as you made your way through the small crowd to reach the stage.
"That's Gareth," Eddie pointed at his friend once you were close enough to see. "He's a Freshman and a smartass."
"Is that why he's the only Freshman in advanced English?"
"Exactly why,” He nodded. "Joined Corroded Coffin last year when our drummer graduated."
"Question, why are you in advanced English?"
"They said that it would gain me more points. That I'd have a better chance of graduating if I took it." 
"How’s that working out for you?"
"Horribly," Eddie chuckled, waving hello to someone behind your shoulder before continuing. "Definitely quitting at the end of the year. They can shove their extra points up their asses."
"Awww, and I won't get to stare at your empty seat for hours every week? What. A. Shame." Your words brought a fighting smile to Eddie's lips. 
"Yeah, sadly. My sincerest apologies," he smirked, "but the year isn't over. Maybe I can think of showing up so you can stare at something more interesting than an empty chair."
"You would do that for me?" You gasped. "I'm impressed."
"You should be."
"This is bad," Oliver leaned his chin in the palm of his hand, his fingers covering his mouth as he sighed.
"You realize you say this every time you see them talk or we mention her?" Jeff side-eyed his friend before looking back to the two of you from their spot. They were standing in the back of the room, right near the stage–a place perfect for spying the crowd.
"Yeah," Oliver nodded, "but I'm saying it because it's true."
"You know the worst that can come out of this is Eddie having to take a trip to the emergency room?"
"No," he shook his head, blonde hair moving with him. "It's his heart I'm worried about."
"His heart?" 
"Think about it. Y/n has always been described the same way people have always described Eddie. It's a mystery they weren't friends before this," Oliver crossed his arms. "Eddie asked Steve to gather up some info on her–I read it and Eddie doesn't see it, but they're practically soulmates."
"And her celebrity crush is Kirk Hammett"
"This is bad."
"It's very, very bad. I know Eddie. He wears his heart on his sleeve and cares too much. He's going to end up falling for her, I can already see it happening! Her too, and then when she finds out her brother paid him it's going to be like an atomic bomb going off. She's never going to forgive him and we’re all going to burn along with him." 
Jeff didn't have the words to reply. He continued watching the two of you from a distance; Eddie had just made a joke, his face sparkling with joy. You were laughing loudly, the sound barely audible in between the chatter, and Eddie was definitely blushing. 
Oliver watched, almost angry at the situation when Eddie placed the hand that wasn't holding the guitar strapped on his back in place on your back to escort you through a cluster of people. 
Both your laughters became audible when you were just a step away.
"Hey guys!" Eddie turned his head to face his friends. His features lit with something more than usual–Oliver didn't like one bit of it. 
"Hey," you greeted them with a shy wave.
"Guys, this is Y/n," Eddie pointed to you, both of them giving small waves in return. "This is Oliver, he's on second guitar," Oliver stiffly nodded. You could feel the cold in his eyes upon eye contact, as if he didn't want you here. It made you awkwardly look away towards Jeff, but that didn't help the awkwardness you were feeling. 
"Um, that's Jeff," Eddie's voice became low as he said it, knowing your past interaction with the boy. You gave another awkward wave but he just glared at you. Great, you definitely did not feel welcomed by his friends.
"I'll have to leave you here," Eddie turned back to you, gloriously saving the moment from turning into an awkward silence. "Need to get ready with the band."
"That's alright. I'll go find a seat and get something to drink," you smiled, a warm smile that warmed Eddie's heart. His gaze followed you until you were lost in the sea of people.
"You should flirt less," Oliver said before looking back to his guitar, fixing the strap before placing it around his shoulders. 
"Huh?" His words took Eddie by surprise.
"You should: Flirt. Less." He repeated, accentuating the words with each syllable. "Can’t have her really think this is going to lead to a real relationship," Eddie blinked at his friend's words.
"Have you seen the way she is around me?" Eddie pointed to the crowd as if pointing to you. "I don't think she's even close to thinking about actually dating," Eddie scoffed and brushed the words off his shoulder.
"Are you blind?" Oliver’s eyes went wide. Did he not just see the way he was laughing with you? Or acting around you? The way he touched you and blushed and made your own person radiate an energy Oliver only associated with the magical powers of flirtation and charm. 
"Nevermind," Oliver had enough. If Eddie wanted to put himself in this situation, then he would let him.
"What’s that supposed to mean?" Eddie raised his voice as Oliver walked towards the stage and away from him. 
"Nothing. You should set up your guitar and mic. We play in five."
You had seen Corroded Coffin play a hundred times. And each and everyone of these times you knew they were getting better. Each new song they wrote dripped of a new skill, stronger lyrics, and more passionate skillful music. As the band got older, the songs got better. They were all goddamn talented and from the hundreds of other bands you had seen play in this shitty bar, you knew that they had a better chance than anyone else who stepped on the bumpy wooden planks of this stage to become big. 
But when the lights went out and everyone started cheering, it felt like you had never seen them before.
The first chords of Eddie's guitar rang through the darkness like a ship finding its port in your soul. You recognized their most recent title: 'Walking in the Dark' . The song started with a guitar solo, almost slow, melancholic, until the whole song was flipped upside down and it became worthy to be featured in a Metallica album.
When the second chord started after a beat, the spotlight set on Eddie. And maybe it was the sip of beer you had just taken, but chills climbed up your shoulders as he started to play. He looked so focused, more than he could ever look while fixing cars just for extra cash. Your eyes lit up as you watched him play the most difficult part of the riff. His hair was going crazy, crazier than ten minutes earlier when you were still by his side and a small smile crossed your cheeks when he shook his head in a poor attempt to move strands of hair away from his face.
People cheered when the rest of the band started to play, and the lights came back in on rhythm with the music. When Eddie started singing, a few drunks joined in like they were singing along to their favorite song. Corroded Coffin having become a staple of the joint, the most fidel clientele had started to know most of the lyrics by heart–you included. 
And you hadn’t even realized that this Eddie had been one you admired from afar every time they played, three times a month. 
The whole place lit up like fire. The crowd was chaotic–as chaotic as a crowd of drunk Hawkins residents and travelers who had stopped at a motel for the weekend could be. People were raising their drinks with the music, and you felt yourself enjoying the show more than you had in a very long time.You never wanted it to stop.
But everything good had to come to an end. As your beer decreased in its glass, Corroded Coffin’s setlist came to an end. The crowd of singers became smaller, and the alcohol in their veins augmented with time. A fight that had broken out over a spilt drink was taken outside, and the wood on Gareth's drumsticks was periodically chipping away, threatening to split in half with every hard beat.  
The last notes rang through the bar and the seven lonely drunks left on the makeshift dance floor attempted to clap, accompanied by the few tables that were finishing up their drinks or food that was left over from their dinner's, the waiters and of course; you.
The entire band was catching their breath, smiling at each other and sharing 'we did well' looks. You watched from your spot at the bar as Eddie shook his head and wiped the sweat of his forehead with the back of his hand. He had the brightest smile and you couldn't help but mimic the sight when his eyes met yours from across the room. 
Five minutes later, he was standing right next to you, ordering beers for the entire band and another for you.
"So, you like it?" 
"Better than other times. You guys are getting better," you smiled, your hand fiddling with your empty glass. 
"That's because this time I knew you were in the crowd," he winked, his smile burning even brighter than before. He dropped a ten dollar bill on the cold surface as the women behind the counter handed him the five glasses.
"On the house," she smiled and Eddie was glad you hadn't noticed the way he flinched when he had to repocket the bill he was trying to get rid off. 
"Thanks," he nodded, trying his best for his smile not to look fake before turning to you. "Will you help me? The rest are sitting at that booth over there," he pointed with his head, already grabbing two beers and holding the third one by the tip of his fingers in between the two others.
You grabbed the last two before following him.
"You sure you don't want to be alone for your date?" Oliver stated a bit too dryly when you carefully placed the beers on the table. 
"Oh this isn't a date" you smiled, your tone directly opposite from his. 
"It isn't?" 
"No, I refuse to date in high school," you sat down, Eddie sliding into the booth next to you. 
"Then what are you doing here?" He narrowed his eyes.
"First of all, I'm not new to The Hideout. I come here all the time. I was there when you fainted on stage two months ago," you pointed to Oliver with your drink before taking a sip.
"Holy shit! I remember that! It was so embarrassing," Gareth chuckled in between beer sips. 
"Secondly, I came here with him so he would stop bugging me," you nudged Eddie's shoulder. 
"Is that so? Is it not because you find me incredibly handsome?" He put on a fake offended look, placing a hand to his heart. 
"No," you giggled. "Sorry to bruise your ego" 
"My ego is very bruised" 
"You'll recover"
"I don't think I can."
Oliver looked away, his look just getting colder. Eddie seemed to notice, looking at him inexplicably before glancing back at Gareth. Oliver and Jeff might have been giving you the cold shoulder, but conversation flowed naturally with the youngest member of the band. 
Around an hour into the conversation, Jeff left. ‘Curfew at 1 am’ were his words before he walked out without even giving you a proper goodbye. But Oliver stuck around, despite the bad feeling that rested at the pit of his stomach when seeing how much you and Eddie got along.
"Wait! So you actually kicked Kevin in the balls?" Gareth held his stomach to try and stop from laughing. 
"YEAH!" You laughed with him. "He was being rude to Barb and I think that he hasn’t removed his jock strap since."
"You’re a menace!" 
"Kids, as much as I love hearing your laughter and enjoy seeing people have a good time, we're closing up,” the waitress you knew as Clara pointed to the clock on the wall. 3:30 am. 
Your eyes went wide, you had never spent that long at The Hideout before. You all looked at each other, Gareth's eyes went to his drum set with a desperate sigh. 
"I'll help you put it in your trunk," Oliver said as he finished off the rest of his glass.
"We can help too!" You proposed but Gareth shook his head no. 
"No, go home. Don’t worry about it."
"Are you sure?" 
"It would go faster if we helped." 
“Don’t worry about it,” Oliver’s stiff words snatched the smile right off of your lips and Eddie placed a hand on your shoulder.
“They’ll be fine,” he turned to you with a tired smile. "C’mon, “I’ll go grab my guitar and I'll bring you home."
"You better because you're the one who drove me here," you joked, making him smile a bit wider. 
It was so easy to keep smiling without remembering every second was based on a bet. 
Eddie kept the grin on his face as he walked towards the stage, removing his instrument from its stand before shouldering it. 
Your gaze fell back to Oliver and Gareth who were still planted in front of you. Oliver was still glaring icy daggers at you while Gareth just smiled. A sweet smile that made Oliver’s gaze less terrifying.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow?” Eddie asked as he came back towards you. 
“Yep, bye!” Oliver waved you both off before running off towards the stage.
“What’s up with him?” Eddie asked Gareth who gave him his best shrug of the shoulders. 
“I don’t know.” That was a lie, and he was glad Eddie was preoccupied with you or else he would have seen right through it.
“Weird,” he looked at his friend who was battling with a screw from the drum set. “Shall we?” He turned back to you.
“Bye Y/n!” Gareth’s smile warmed the cold of Oliver’s goodbye.
Eddie’s hand didn’t leave the small of your back until he had to push the big two doors open. A breeze came rushing in, making you instantly shiver.
"Fuck, I should have taken a sweater," you had somehow forgotten you were barely at the start of spring and that the air was still cold and called for layers.
"I think I have one in the van," Eddie said as he watched you rub your shoulders with both your palms.
"No, it's alright-"
Before you could protest, he opened the back and carefully strapped his guitar to the side before rummaging through a big green bag he always kept there. Eddie fished a balled up sweatshirt from it. 
"Here," there was a sincerity in his words that you couldn’t protest. As the cool spring air passed you by once more, a new shiver was sent tumbling down your spine. 
"Thanks," you took the black washed out fabric in your hands before placing one arm in each and hooking it over your head. The end of the sleeves were ripped, and small holes were at the edges of the neck, but you didn't mind. It smelt so much like him it almost made you swoon. And you weren’t a swooner. Weed and cigarettes mixed in with his cologne that smelt like wood and cinnamon. You even put the cuff of the sleeve up to your nose when he wasn't looking. But you weren't going to admit that.
The ride was peacefully quiet. Eddie hummed something you didn’t recognize. You thought it may have been a new song he was working on. The dragon’s head on the dashboard was going up and down almost in rhythm to his music as the van made its way in the direction of your house. Everything felt so perfect you had to do your best to stop from dozing off from pure contentment that washed over you as the dark, early morning streetlights fluttering in and out every second his van sped down the road. 
Everything was peaceful, relaxing, and absolute against your better judgment. You weren’t used to feeling this way, let alone willing yourself to reflect on the emotions that surged through your veins every moment spent in his presence. 
“I’m sure he’ll come around,” You blinked the sleep away as the words fell out of his mouth. You looked at him, questions as to who was written all over your features. “Oliver. I don’t know why he was so cold.”
“It’s alright,” You looked at the trees passing by. “You know I’m used to people being that way around me.”
“Hmm,” He didn’t sound convinced. Something in his eyes telling you he wasn’t happy with how his friend treated you so poorly. Jeff had a reason, but Oliver didn’t. Even Jeff had acted more civil than Oliver. 
The ride came to a stop faster than Eddie wished; parking himself in the same spot he had hours before when he picked you up.
“Thank you for the ride,” You gave him a small smile as you reached to open the door.
“You don’t think I’m going to let you walk back alone at this hour?” He raised an eyebrow and every reply was stolen from your lips. He chuckled when he saw your dumbfounded expression. “C’mon! Let’s go!” 
You stepped out of the van, the air getting colder again. Eddie’s sweatshirt suddenly felt like your best friend when another rush of wind blew. 
The forest road felt so quiet. High trees surrounding a crumbling strip of pavement Hawkins liked to call a road. A cat stood up on the gates of your neighbor’s home, glaring at you with his big eyes. Halloween was still months away. You started walking through the little gravel road that separated your parents' property with the others, Eddie ducked when some branches almost collided with his face.
"What are you doing?" You stopped as you watched him crouch next to the big rose bushes of your neighbor's home. Quickly, he stood back up, a brightness washing over him in the night as he waddled back towards you, a pink rose in his hand. Not wilted, perfectly formed. 
"I just wanted to show this rose how incredibly beautiful you are," he pointed it to you with a wide grin. He was pulling from a playbook you never heard from. 
For a golden second, you let the feeling invade you. That vulnerability of being loved, feeling appreciated. But it never lasted long with you. The years of people calling you mean and unapproachable, those words and this identity that you wore as a shield always came back. The bricks of a wall willing to crumble given the chance were fortified again, building higher and higher until you couldn’t see who was on the other side. Before the heat could be felt in your face, where it couldn’t stay for too long, you grabbed the rose and rolled your eyes. 
If you couldn’t enjoy the romance of it, you could jest the humorous aspect of it. 
"Holy hell, that's the cheesiest thing someone has ever said to me." 
"Well, you're welcome. I guess?" Eddie chuckled, pocketing his hands as he walked beside you. He wasn’t embarrassed. Eddie took that statement with pride because now he had a one up on the rest of the guys who tried to hit on you with textbook lines that made no impact at all. He would gladly take ‘cheesy.’ 
"This is my stop," You smiled. "I should probably give this back," You made a move to remove the sweatshirt from your body but Eddie shook his head.
"No, no. Keep it," You were glad it was dark because you felt the blowback of his words strike you with surprise. It was all over your face, and it was all at the thought of keeping his sweater. 
"Thanks," a light wind blew once more and you brought it a bit closer to your body. Boldness coursing through your veins, you leaned in and kissed his cheek as you prepared to depart. "I'll see you on Monday." You gave him a soft smile that brought butterflies to his stomach. He watched as you skillfully jumped over the barely three-foot high fence.
"Does that mean I can finally take you out on a real date?" 
"Maybe!" You turned around to answer him. Winking before disappearing in between the trees of the mini forest surrounding your house. 
Eddie could still spot you by the bright white of your pants, a dopey smile on his face as butterflies fluttered inside his stomach. 
And maybe he wasn’t in this just for the money. 
But the aspect that he was… well, that turned everything upside down.
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shanjisan · 1 year
You are my bitch[Denji x F|Reader]
Warning: +18|Smut, Dom|Denji Sub|Reader, Consensual sex. Established relationship. Alternate Universe| All characters are of legal age. PART 01.
[You can read it in Spanish here on AO3]
My native language is not English, if you see an error please comment so I can fix it 💖. I tried my best that "Reader" had no physical characteristics, if so please forgive me.
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Denji was angry and felt like a real idiot.
How could he be so dumb?
It was the fifteenth time in the month that he had tried to take the reins to fuck his beautiful girlfriend and it had all ended the same way; him being whipped and fucked until he got the last drop of cum out of her. He wasn't really complaining much, he loved being treated like a stray dog, but for a while now he'd been wishing he was the one treating you like a horny bitch he'd like to discipline.
You had already talked about this and he was surprised at how enthusiastically you had acted, telling him that he had your full consent to do whatever he wanted to you whenever he wanted. You even surprised him on his birthday when he saw you wearing a pink dog collar and his name engraved on the metal piece, you were his personal bitch and even then he was the one barking and crawling up to you begging for a shred of your attention.
But no more!
He needed to fuck you until you begged him for mercy and mercy. But he didn't know how and that's why he was here; asking for help from his best friend, who apparently couldn't stop teasing him.
"Are you serious, Denji? You're still a jerk" Aki inhaled the last puff of his cigarette, flicking the butt into the blond's sweater.
"Come on Aki! I just need you to tell me how the fuck you do to dominate Angel, I don't need you to tell me all the shit, I just need the steps so I don't end up on my knees and with my dick worn out" He smiled and took a sip of the delicious coffee made by Aki.
The black-haired man sighed and lit another cigarette, really the whole situation had left him in an absurd situation, plus he didn't know how Denji of all people would know about her games with her boyfriend, but he hoped Power had nothing to do with it. She stared at him still processing his request.
"How far do you want to go with her?"
"I want to make her cry, make her beg me, make her legs shake and make her pee on me, basically destroy her brains" he wiggled his eyebrows up and down, and showing his pointy teeth in an almost evil grin.
"Pee on you?"
"Yeah you know, what girls do when they're at their peak and can't help but pee themselves. I heard Makima once said that I would never make a girl have a squirting orgasm, and today I'm determined to break that shit, nobody tells me what the fuck I can or can't do, and I'm sure I can make my girlfriend squirt all over my body" His face flushed a little and he continued "Besides, I would like to give her as much pleasure as she has given me, she always cares about me like nobody ever has"
Wow, Aki didn't expect that at all. His psycho ex-girlfriend had stripped him of every last ounce of dignity and humiliated him to unimaginable levels, he was actually surprised that the blond still had brain cells.
Besides, Aki had to admit it was a genuine act of love, you had pulled him out of the hole of depression he had been thrown into and made Denji's life take on a different light, everyone noticed the unconditional love you gave the blond. Aki somehow knew that his best friend was trying to return the love through pleasure.
Throwing half of his cigarette into the nearest ashtray, he stretched his legs before walking to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water, he watched as the blond waved his hands in nervousness.
"First; they're not pissing themselves, Denji, it's squirt and second; I'm not just going to explain to you what to do, I'm going to give you the fucking stuff to finally stop being a fucking softie."
Denji's eyes flashed and his fists rose above his head in victory.
"But I have one condition, I'm still not clear on what it might be but at least you already know you owe me something and you won't be able to refuse whatever I ask for."
"Tch whatever, it's a fair deal."
17:00 hrs.
Denji went over his list for the fifth time.
Water. Ready.
Brownie with nuts. Check.
Handcuffs. Check.
Lubricant with tangerine scent. Check.
Super fluffy blankets and pillows. Ready
Air conditioner with perfect temperature. Ready
The sweet dog collar with his name and chain. Check.
Shower. Ready
Everything was perfect, the only thing missing was for you to arrive from your parents' house trip. I could already picture you walking in the door in some flowery dress you love to wear, then you would throw yourself into his arms giving him a deep, hot kiss that would leave you wanting more and when you were distracted he would attach the collar that would make you his most devoted submissive.
It was a perfect plan and there was no way it could fail.
Just as he was about to go through his list again, he heard the jingle of keys and the rustling of your travel bags. When you finally opened the door you saw her there, right there in a pretty lilac and blue flowered dress (a dress that set off your big luscious boobs), her skin slightly flushed from the sun and her hair a little disheveled. Your eyes met and it didn't take you a minute to close the door and throw your bags on the floor to jump into his arms and kiss him.
Yes, that's kiss me just like I planned.
"Princess I missed you so much" he said as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Denji I was only gone for two days" you laughed as you gave him lots of kisses on his face "by the way, mom sends her love and I also brought a dessert that I know you will love" he let go of your arms to walk to his bag.
"I actually had something else planned, before lunch and all."
Your eyes darted to him giving him a confused and surprised look.
"What, Denji are you sick or something? There's nothing you care about more than eating" You placed your hand on his forehead looking for any sign of a fever.
More than sick he actually looked nervous moving his eyes from side to side avoiding your gaze and his right hand was intensely urging the pocket of his sweatpants.
You smiled a little trying to figure out what was going on with your boyfriend, maybe you should play with him.
"Why don't you talk to me, maybe you want me to punish you…." You were interrupted by Denji's hands holding your neck.
His fingers gently caressed the skin of your neck and you felt him place the necklace you had given him to show that you were his. The blond's gaze was intense and hot running the sight from your neck to your lips.
Holy cow! Denji was hot as hell.
And for the first time he was taking control over you, just imagining what would happen your nipples bristled and the tingling in your lower belly was beginning to intensify.
The air felt thick and almost unbearable. You needed Denji to move his hands anywhere, to bring out that dominant side you had hidden.
You open your lips to speak but were interrupted by the blond's finger, his thumb brushed your lower lip gently and then he slipped it into your mouth almost asking for permission to enter.
You sigh and lick his finger trying to take it deeper. You listen as her breathing becomes ragged and her gasps become louder.
You slowly release her finger and give her a smile. With a slightly teasing tone you tell him "Love, you put me on a leash but who's the puppy here?"
Denji let out a deep husky laugh that you had never heard before, his pupils were dilated and his body straightened up making you have to look up. His left hand slid to the back of your head, grabbing a handful of hair in his hand and suddenly pulled back, causing a small whimper and gasp to escape your lips.
His lips moved up to your ear licking and gently nibbling on the lobe causing more moisture to pool in your panties. His right hand began to roam your thighs under your dress; squeezing and massaging them, moving up and down until he reached the spot that held his attention. He slid his middle and ring finger over your panties, barely caressing them with his fingertips. You needed more and tried to move and let out a moan of frustration.
"You disrespect me again and I will not let you cum, today you are my fucking bitch and all you will do is obey my commands and bark do you understand me princess?"
Your mind felt almost off, you were a mess and he hadn't even touched you enough. Receiving no response Denji tugged on your hair again harder than the previous time, causing you to let out a squeal.
"I said do you understand me?" You nodded quickly but he tugged again and brought his right hand to your jaw squeezing until it took your breath away forcing you to stare at him "How do obedient little bitches respond?" you asked.
"Woof woof."
"What a good little bitch. Now I will release you and go to the bedroom, make sure you take off this shitty dress and your underwear and then I want you to get on your knees and crawl to where I am, don't make me wait" Before separating from you he joined his lips again thrusting his hot tongue inside your cavity, fiddling and biting your bottom lip, the grip of his hands was so tight you couldn't escape even if you wanted to.
He gradually released you until we were completely separated, he gave you one last look before turning and walking quickly into the room and disappearing down the hallway. You felt your body throbbing still not believing what had just happened, you couldn't wait to see how far he would make you go.
His cock was hard as a fucking rock and he was wetting his pants with pre-seminal fluid. Seeing you in such a submissive and devoted way almost made him cum. His nerves were on edge, but he mustn't let himself be overcome by nervousness.
You can do it Denji!
Taking a deep breath and quickly removing his pants along with his boxers and shirt and then tossing them in some corner of the room. He leaned back between the pillows propping himself up on his elbows to look at you when you arrived.
He could hear you dragging the chain across the floor until he saw you enter. He gasped at the sight of you totally naked, the collar around your neck made you look sexy and the engraved name plate made him feel powerful.
Denji patted his leg gently and then took hold of the base of his penis, circling himself likewise going up and down, letting out little beads of pre-seminal fluid.
"Come here doll, be good for me and suck my cock."
You crawled over to him sitting on your legs as you reached the edge of the bed, now having a majestic view of his cock, you were drooling to take it. You brought your hands up to his legs, taking them all the way up. The blond let you take his cock between your hands.
It felt like a hot, wet iron, the bulbous, deep red tip begging for your attention.
When you finally took him into your mouth you heard the strangled moan that escaped from Denji, the sound only spurring you to take him deeper letting the musky taste mingle with your saliva.
Denji took strands of your hair bringing it to the back of your head; making a messy ponytail. He wanted to fuck your mouth like an animal, but the softness in which you were taking them made him melt.
"You look so beautiful like this, now take me deeper I know you can" You obeyed his command, taking him as deep as you could, your lips touching the blonde hair at the base.
Denji hissed and grabbed more of your hair in a tight grip "Watch me, now I'm going to fuck your fucking throat, ahh yessssss"
You pulled away from his cock concentrating your lips on the tip releasing it with a "pop" sound.
"Smash my mouth, daddy."
That was all it took for Denji to lose his mind. Jumping up from the bed, he stood right in front of you, pushing you back a little. He held his cock in line with your mouth and pushed all the way down your throat.
His head jerked back in pleasure, thrusting again and again in a furious rhythm, your mouth was heavenly letting his cock hurt your throat and your saliva fall to the floor.
Denji watched as you brought one of your hands to your throbbing center trying to satisfy yourself, he quickly pulled out of your mouth.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Come here" He leaned down bringing his hands to hold you by your armpits.
I hope you liked it, follows, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated💖.
I allow translation, posting on other platforms, among others as long as you ask for the required permission, please be kind 💞
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Zee what fandoms do you think the YR characters are in? 💜
That is a good question, Meg, and I will do my best to figure this out. It may take me a long time. We did indeed have to talk through these with Dani. Some of these are going to have very well thought out explanations, and others will absolutely have nothing:
I feel like Wilhelm would be in like the Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows fandom. He would have been well read growing up, because reading is kind of a hobby that is universally seen as "proper." I feel like he'd pick up fantasy books just to escape for a while. It would probably make him feel more normal (even these characters in this highly unrealistic world are still just like him - anxious, queer, wanting an escape). He was excited when the Netflix show got announced.
Simon is in the Beyblade fandom, if that's a thing. I have evidence for this one - the towel from the S2 stills. He loves gaming online, and he loves gaming in person. He and Ayub had Beyblades growing up. The show was his gateway drug into Anime. I don't know if I'd go as far as to say that he's an avid anime fan, but he certainly has a few that he watches and rewatches.
Nikita answered this for me in the video from this morning, but Felice is in the Sex Education fandom. She loves the drama and the comedy and the sex. She relates it to her life, and she relates it to her friends' lives. Sometimes she talks about it so much that people get annoyed.
Sara had a Power Puff Girls phase. I have no evidence for this. I cannot explain mine and Dani's thought process. This just clicked. Sara likes the Power Puff Girls. Also My Little Pony, but not as much, which surprised everyone because that one has horses.
Henry would be one of those guys that claims he "doesn't do fandoms" because they're cringy, but then he makes fancams of his favorite football (soccer) players. And he has a bazillion edits saved on his social medias of those same players. And his room is decorated with the colors of his favorite team.
Dani and I have absolutely nothing to back this up except ✨vibes✨ but Walter was playing Kingdom Hearts before it was cool and he was playing it after it was cool. He's got group chats and stuff for it.
August might be part of the Harry Potter fandom. Again, I don't have much to back this up other than pure vibes. He, like Wille, would have been really well read as a child because of how proper the hobby of reading and writing is. August doesn't strike me as a huge fandom guy, though. Like I feel like he enjoyed media in a casual way (unless, of course, the media is his cousin's sex tape. then he watches it many, many times).
Stella was 100% a Once Upon a Time defender. Dark and twisted fairytales are her shit. She adores it. She even enjoyed the last season of it when everyone else abandoned ship. No one will watch it with her, but it's her comfort show, so she rewatches it constantly.
Everyone must agree with this one. I do not care who you are or what arguments you have: Fredrika never once grew out of her One Direction phase. She briefly got distracted by FOO and 5SOS, but One Direction will always have her heart. She is still hoping they get back together. She has posters and notebooks and collectable items that cost more than the average house.
Vincent vibes with Game of Thrones. I have no evidence, I cannot tell you why I think this, but it is what came to mind. Dragons? Absolutely a Vincent hyper-fixation. Also, I headcanon Vincent as non-binary or gender fluid, and non-binary people and swords mix well.
I can't tell if Nils would be more into Star Wars or Marvel, but probably one of the two. Something nerdy that he will for the life of him pretend is not nerdy because "I am not a nerd!"
Many of them have written fanfiction for their fandoms. None of them will talk about it.
This post got so far away from me. I don't even remember writing half of it. I think I blacked out.
Thank you @the-navistar-carol for talking me through this 💀
Last Unhinged Hours before Season 2 drops.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "😱HUGE #Motorcycle CRASH AT DAYTONA INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY! #shorts" on YouTube
These two are harassing him not really. He's annoyed and they're bothering him and he's just hitting them and they sit there and get hit now you people are going to learn something from this eventually don't do it. You lost a huge Army last night and your power is fading and two jerk offs had to pull them into a dream with them and he walks up and he's beating on a girl and the girl had to get freed you don't do that near some man and start giving them s*** another guy came by and she's too morons so you sitting there looking at him tell him to screw and in the dream they do so he said you're in a dream messing with me this is going to be great she says messing with him one red like a sword through his throat and the other has some kind of insect biting his legs off and by the time they got to the room they didn't want to do anything so he leaves and the insect comes by and Sherry's running and swallows one of them and chewing again and they're watching it a horror that he is and he sincere and bothers him after it's like I'm taking your stuff because you're bothering me I'm going to kill all your people here get the f*** away from me or you're dead little s*** cream puff and dad of yours f****** moron. So sit there doing nothing farting so you can't figure it out nobody wants you here nobody wants to have you here your people don't want you here why can't you figure it out. So they're sitting there was a mouth open looking at I 10 minutes now and it starts a I thought you were actually your people are dying and you're stupid boy you f****** dumb yeah your robots got taken most of them. Serena hit them too and take them down they're still yapping. You said you have to move out if you stay here you're dead it's really the only thing you have to remember you don't belong here the government wants you out the landlord wants you out what is it with this house.... How f****** terrific is this now I have to do that the time you have but for real tell me I haven't worn crunch you up and s*** you out cuz you haven't do it today because you want a bomb to go off nereby. A real one. Enjoy.
Zues Hera
mostly our son and daughter the above. And we're going to follow through with it have the worm grab them we know why. And yeah where going to have to take you down and tommy f. And for good enough playing around with lasers.
We've had enough of these two as well it is what he's up to and you should enjoy Tommy F tremors is filmed out there and you're in the movie
Thor Freya
someone knows what they're talking about. In a movie too and I really not kaiju truthfully regular worms could do that LOL. Yeah you're supposed to move away get the f*** away from idiots anything near me could possibly die because of what I am and you want to be near me on purpose I've never seen this anomaly as long as I've lived it's a bizarre thing here's some two queer boys who like that or something.
Zues Hera
Yeah Tommy f is in the movie tremors feel nearby 300 mi away and that's right the game is by Jason is tormenting the s*** out of you too and you have such a larger problem tisk tisk. So Jason is going to get saucers they're by punching these assholes out and that's what's going to happen isn't it hurt in the process of course but that's because he was involved too it's a nice show the game and cesario and a couple others you guys get your just dessert and finally you punch out hey you get band. You stuck to it because you're threatening back but now you just threatening to stay here and we don't want that your armies are going to be small and just a few hours after all this s*** is load it up again cuz they got somewhere
Thor Freya
You too f****** c**** I don't care what hes saying is going to go to town on you cuz you won't leave me alone just like the other assholes and your stupid Army we have to fight I mean what kind of dumb s*** are you. You start riding on him and I started tell you you're having to say that it was back then. By the way we're going to shoot you today for your big mouth Trump your a****** kid you don't care it's quite a bit dumb mother f*****. His people to save it you're bothering him in this dream state and he usually does this and this he hits you in the dream then he takes its task they're talking about reality and that you cornered you can't go nowhere your mouth is going and it's harming you and you just won't shut up. She tells you how it's working and that thing can't tunnel through that stuff it's possessed and you don't care and we don't care about you you need to have your word over him everybody is over in this he doesn't want that feel 24/7 and here you are doing it and things have changed okay because you too idiots you don't have as much power and then employ you he says we don't wonder why I have now it's because your child molesters and your miscreants and your backstabbers and your rat on people we don't tell you anything for what we're having to do. About them at all or you don't know anything about them or you don't know any of them and we figured it out. And you keep making these huge mistakes with them and no one can stop you to idiots yet from f****** up everything of our realm not theirs dumbass we need to get the hell out of there it's not your apartment El is it Tommy F returns and he's keeping you there cuz he wants to set a device off and this guy figured it out so he doesn't probably take it all that hardware maybe making some faces and stupid gestures and you'll never make it to a stupid s*** cuz they're both get you all right fast fake piece of crap he wants to sit on a meeting and say these idiots are doing this and sorry responsibility not his and I will because it is ours he keeps shoveling it off on him handling your life person out of the way oh you can't LOL it's not funny anymore this person is very deadly and you're an idiot for provoking him and waking him up making him do stuff he's doing what he was is you're an idiot now you're in that case you f****** a****** I told you to get the f*** out of here millions of times you'll sit there and say that I'm taking it and I get stuff and you're lying and you're wrong I don't see why I lose 95% of the businesses on Earth to me that you had is you getting ahead by bothering me running and writing send it to mack you f**. That was our friend saying he wants you to write how you succeeded by bothering him. Yeah so Tommy f is this Trinity guy it's because of the trimity test, he had to go back to the house yeah and you thought you were running it and you thought he was gone and he a radiated you with the bomb explosion and you left and you were sick for like a year so when is your bones and your family was he was doing to you anyways, any gym because you set off the device and they already ran they're clear of it is trying to kill you
We don't need a synopsis and it said stuff to him I do now but he's sitting here hitting me says and I'm dying I barely feel it but I do pass out I can't tell what he's talking about I started to get something I probably should stop saying that stupid s***. Really really I win... Is there to figure out something this little boy has tons of power and he's sitting here kicking her ass and we won't leave and today if you get out of time the f is holding this year so he's going to kick our ass in his that's what he said he finally figured out who he is he said max is to hold me a place like this and just sit there and say stuff it wasn't really getting much and isn't much to get from it but you assholes he says think you get tons of stuff and you're getting absolutely nothing who the hell wants to kidnap me it's b******* this assholes just starting Tommy F and he hasn't lost yet so he thinks he gets stuff you lost everything you should know that this is not right but you're a dumb f*** okay cuz your head hip you're brain too dan right out of your head. Tell me if doesn't get it yet he says he won't till he loses stuff and I actually stupid and insane already and now you're just sitting here with nothing losing everything I mean that's gross so look at Tommy Anthony is taking stuff and that's who it is why don't you look at him and stop bothering the s*** out of everyone else with huge invasion forces I mean Christ almighty we're not saying that what you fall for it you pester so if you come near me we're going to kill you
Both trump n dan
You can't help it and we can't stop it and it's this idiot Tommy f that's true he's had us all the time for it it is incessant and he's a loser and he's an animal and we have to go after him a bunch of people did and it is him cuz these people here didn't follow us
0 notes
angelamajiki · 3 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐧
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PAIRINGS: Yandere! Fatgum x Female! Sidekick! Reader
CW: noncon, voyeurism, bell bulge, size kink, praise kink, breeding, cunninglingus, bondage, dumbification
AN: This is a piece for Fern’s 1k Event! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ! Read the intro and first piece before reading this one! Ty <3 P.S. the italicized quotes are Nighteye’s and reader prior convo
Gluttony: The Second Circle of Dante’s Inferno
“What I like about gluttony,' a bishop I knew used to say, 'is that it doesn't hurt anyone else.'”
You hadn’t the faith to believe him when he said it.
It was hard to call the exchanges that occurred between the two of you a conversation. More or less, he spoke the truth of your reality and you simply didn’t have the gall to question it.
The elevator he thrust you into was cold and unnerving despite the cheesy jazz music that thankfully filled the void of silence you were sure would have deafened you if it prolonged itself. It gave you time to think on his words, more so than you would have liked to.
“The flesh endures the storms of the present alone; the mind, those of the past and future as well as the present. Gluttony is a lust of the mind. It is a poison that is all-consuming of the senses.”
Gluttony was the next trial, so it seemed. Lord knows what lies ahead for you, leaving you foolishly clutching to the notion that this circle couldn’t possibly be worse than the last.
The abrupt halt to the elevator allows the gravity of the situation to sink in fully. The inescapable horror was creeping in through the crack in the door, especially when it opened to find a man waiting for you.
And what a man he was, standing at nearly eight feet.
“Just the gal I was lookin’ for! I was worried my favorite lil sidekick had run off right after quitin’ time.”
An enormous, gloved hand clapped down on your shoulder, lingering far longer than you would have liked.
“Follow me to my office, yeah? I got something I wanna discuss with ya.”
And just like that, the string of fate slipped around your neck like a noose and pulled you along down the empty hallway, save for you, the man, and the numerous amounts of plaques, awards, and other celebratory memorabilia decorating the agency halls.
Judging by the pictures you saw yourself in, you were a hero of sorts, working alongside the unnamed man and two others you had yet to meet. Hopefully, your paths would never cross.
Even inside his office, you could see the remnants of what your life would be in this circle of hell. Whoever was with you seemed to be very fond of you, given the number of photographs and newspaper clippings adorning his desk and walls of the office.
“Y’know, I’ve been thinking about you a lot, and not just your fantastic work as a hero. Been thinking about what a fine woman you’ve grown to be.”
Those large hands found your shoulders again, stroking and rubbing to set you at ease in his grasp.
One dipped down to your waist.
The other onto your arm.
“Everything a man like me needs. You sure fill my appetite in more than one way.”
Finally, the rest on your hips, thumbing circles into the soft flesh he took purchase in there.
Ah, so this was the glutton in question.
“I’m not sure I’m following what you mean.”
Just play dumb, maybe this circle will have mercy on you.
“Oh, don’t play coy with me, honey. There’s no reason to get all shy on me; I promise I don’t bite-”
His hand slid up to your neck, resting comfortably while enveloping the entirety of it with just his palm.
“Unless you ask for it.”
The whisper in his voice sent shivers down your spine, leaving you frozen in his grasp. It was undeniable that you would never beat him, no matter what your power may be in this world. Hell, if you even had one, how certain were you that you could use it?
Your options were far and few between, but laying down and taking it like some pathetic little bitch was not going to be an option for you. Not here, not now.
The shrill sound of your own voice even hurt your own ears as you cried for help, thrashing wildly in the grip of the man.
Your cries for help should have been chosen more carefully, seeing as when your two apparent saviors sped into the room, they opted to help the man pin you down even further.
“Damn, she’s being a feisty little thing-”
“Fatgum, let go of her neck! You’re gonna hurt her.”
“S-Should we really be doing this?”
And so you were left bound against the top of the desk, shrouded in a swarth of tentacles pinning your legs open and your hands above your head.
“Thank you, boys. Didn’t realize she would cause such a stir.”
So Fatgum was his name, or so it appeared to be an alias of some sorts.
“Fatgum, please-”
His smile was sickeningly sweet as he towered over you.
“Awe, no need for formalities with me, sugar plum. Just call me Tai, yeah?”
The two other men stood beside you, watching their boss closely as he dealt with you.
“Curiosity is gluttony. To see is to devour.”
Damn that cursed man for sending you down here in that goddamn elevator. This journey alone made it nearly impossible to keep this strength to see your mother again alive.
“Tai, please. I don’t-” His hearty laugh cut you off. “Begging already, sugar? By the fight you put up, I’d almost thought you didn’t want me anymore.”
“I don’t!” You protested, squirming in your slimy bonds before they tightened uncomfortably around you.
“Don’t yell at him like that. It's unbecoming of you.”
The raven-haired man snapped at you, looking down with a blush seared across his face and up to his ears.
“Relax, Tamaki. She just needs a reminder of who she belongs, ain’t that right? But, he’s right, I can't have you mouthing off like that, now can I?”
Slipping his black mask off his eyes, Tai fastened it around your mouth and head, loosely gagging you.
“Yeah, you belong to us!”
It was the redhead’s turn to pipe up before Tai shushed the pair of men.
“Now, now, I know you’re fond of our sweet little sidekick here, but this?”
He clapped a hand over still clothed pussy, rubbing gently.
“This here is mine; you boys can’t have this. But you’re more than welcome to stay and watch as I indulge myself.”
You whined into the gag, looking at him with teary eyes as he ripped a hole in your bottoms and panties.
“Hey, hey, hey. No need for tears, honeybun. You're safe with me, okay? I’m gonna take such good care of my little sweetheart, don’t you worry about a thing.”
His large fingers stroked over your clit slowly and tenderly, kissing your salty tears away as he shushed you with praise and loving words. Thumbing your clit, he pushed his middle fingers into you at a slow pace, grinning softly when you bit back a moan.
“Come on now, girl. We wanna hear how good I’m makin’ ya feel, ain’t that right, boys?”
Their collective groans of pleasure gave you all the response you needed; those sick fucks were getting off on you being harassed by your boss.
His finger sped up in pace, making you squeal once he curled his finger in an upwards motion. “Can’t wait to hear what you’ll sound like on my cock, sweet girl. Gonna sing us a nice song?”
Another finger slipped in as his free hand pawed at your tits, fondling and groping as he finger fucked you a new sense of vigor.
“As much as I don't want to hurt you, sweetheart, I’m just itching to get inside you and feel that pretty cunt around me. You understand, don’t you? I just can’t help myself when it comes to you.”
His lips continued to litter your skin in kisses to your face, licking at the tears that fell from your eyes when he added a third finger into your tight, wet hole.
“Mhm, you won’t mind if I have a taste, do ya?”
You could only whine in response.
“Of course you don’t, my good girl never says no to me.”
A hot mouth sealed itself around your clit as three fingers pumped in and out of you steadily, hitting all the right spots repeatedly. You squealed and shook in your binds, feeling your orgasm approaching hard and fast with the aid of his tongue lapping and suckling at you.
“Gonna cum for me, pretty girl?”
That was all you needed to feel yourself reach that blinding peak, sobbing and writhing as he rode out your ecstasy. His tongue continued to work at you far after you were finished, overestimating you without a care in the world. Your whines of protest fell on deaf ears as he just pulled your body closer to his face.
“Taste so good, sweetheart. I’ll stop when I’m finished with my meal, y’understand? This is my pussy, and I’ll do what I want with it.”
Leaving you twitching and sobbing, Tai finally pulled away and stood up, pulling his cock out and stroking it above you.
“Can’t wait to breed my pussy. Gonna make you my cute little cream puff.”
Both of his massive hands circled around you waist, pulling you flush against him as he sank all the way into your tight heat. The stretch of his girth was quite nearly unbearable as he pushed himself to the hilt inside of you, rubbing the small bulge in your belly with fondness while peering down at you.
“You feel so good, sweetheart. I knew you’d be so good for me. Yer takin’ me so well.”
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he slowly pulled out, leaving your legs twitching wildly when his thumb found its way back to your clit before he sank back in all the way. You could snark about how courteous it was of him to allow you to adjust, but the thread of consciousness was hard to grasp onto as he completely dominated your mind with numbing pleasure.
“You were made to take my cock, sweet thing. Let me give you a treat for bein’ so obedient for me.”
His praise went straight to your gut, as much as you hated to admit it, leaving you feeling pliable and soft under his demanding touch. Those hands around your waist pulled at your body, bringing you back and forth on his cock like you were a goddamn fleshlight.
“Ah, ” he grunted. “I don't think I can hold back much longer; you’ll let me be selfish, won’t ya?”
With that, all sense of tenderness and gentleness was thrown out the window as he picked you up from the desk, holding you against his chest as he jackhammered into you with an impossible pace of his hips.
“Shit! Squeezing me so tight, bein’ such a good little fucktoy for me.”
The sounds of skin slapping and the collective sounds of pleasure rang heavy in the room as he used and abused your throbbing pussy, feeling his grip on you tighten when he was reaching his own high.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum, gonna stuff my pussy nice and full!”
The bulge on your stomach grew even more as he came, stuffing you to the hilt with his cum and his cock. Ropes of it leaked out of your hole, even as he stayed inside you, panting and kissing at your sweaty forehead.
“Gave ‘em a good show, didn’t we, sweetheart? Say thank you, boys.”
Their thanks were mumbled out as they too had exhausted themselves just from the display of your pleasure. Tamaki’s tentacles retracted themselves from you, allowing you to stretch and return feeling to your arms and legs.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen, sweetheart. We’re - hey, are you with me? I’m gonna clean you up and take you back home with me, okay? No more hero nonsense for you, ya hear me? All you need to do from now on is stay home and keep that pussy warm for me.”
Like hell you were going to stay for another damned second in this realm, not after being violated so horrifically.
Play it cool, play it cool.
“Let me go to the bathroom, then.” You swallowed, hoping to fool the men. “A-And I’ll get my change of clothes and we can go home.”
You didn’t wait for a response, hobbling out of the office before making a break down the hall for the elevator. Their shouts echoed off the hallway walls as you ran with all your strength left back into the safety of the elevator, leaving them running after you before the door shut on them.
“Gluttony is a great fault; but we do not necessarily dislike a glutton. We only dislike the glutton when he becomes a gourmet-that is, we only dislike him when he not only wants the best for himself, but knows what is best for other people.”
— tagging: @sightoru @anarchicmartyr @natsuonii @whumperooni @viixens @lunar-nebula @trafalgar-temptress
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spikesbimbo · 3 years
Silver spoon
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Pairing: ukai Ikkei x f!reader
Tags: made this a Mafia au just so he would have a reason to have a gun, nurse!reader, actual age agp, gilf, gun play, gun fucking (?), idk giving his gun sum sloppy toppy, oral sex, creampie
Summary: how to be a beneficiary 
wc: 3.5k
@keishinslove , come get ur mans, ; ), @fawn-daydreams thanks so much for the pic! @dreamsandabyss
18 + Minors dni
“Look, someone has to have it...” he spoke into the phone, leaning back as you did with him. The feeling of his warm body against yours putting you to sleep, resting your head on his chest as you curled up into him. 
His smirk widened as he ran his hand down your sides, enjoying your company as you grew more comfortable in his lap, the feeling of cold hard metal touching your skin as you adjusted yourself on his legs, seeing it peek from below his waistband, handle hanging out of his belt reminded you of what he was, breaking you out of your daydream.
Looking up at him as your hands rested on his chest and neck, pulling away from his stroking his scuff and fingers untangling themselves from his golden chain. Getting off his thighs seeing as this call was going to last long, legs growing numb, jestering with your hands that you were going to the kitchen, responding with a subtle nod as he watched you leave.
Hearing his voice get sterner, sending chills down your spine as his tone changed completely. “Send guards up there to get him…. and hold him until they arrive.” Seeing that he got confirmation, as his head tilted back, a sigh escaping lips as he rubbed his eyes. Eyebrows furrowing, not knowing if you should have left him there alone, just putting it in the back of your head that you left some time for him to cool down.
Walking down the staircase headed towards the kitchen, almost still getting lost in this villa as you remember him telling the first time you came here ‘it was down the staircase and to the left’. Stopping to look at the big picture of him hung up on the wall followed by many others, looking like a victorian portrait encased in the glass frames made you realize how big of a name they really were, generations following you down the hall as you continued moving down the steps.
Finally seeing the walls of windows and the bar you felt relieved, walking up to the fridge and opening it, seeing every drink but water. Grabbing some type of lemonade as you leaned against the marble counter while you took a sip, tasting the unknown alcohol in it as it hit the back of your throat, quickly coughing while smacking your chest a few times to calm it down. Tears filling your eyes as you shakily set the glass down.
“Sorry about that. Should've probably just drank it all yesterday.” 
You turned your blurry eyes to see his grandson, an almost spitting image of him when he was younger, noticing him handing you some water that you wanted in the first place.
“What a surprise...” you choked out, lifting the bottle to your mouth, throat finally feeling some ease.
The two of you had an almost sibling-like relationship, starting from the moment he met you after you patched his friend up in an alleyway, not even questing or caring why, moving on with your day like nothing happened.
Guessing you were on your way home from work, seeing you in scrubs, and after running into you again he swore it was fate. Persuading you to join them as you easily said yes, knowing you wouldn't say no the salary and the ‘benefits’ that came along with it, just wanting to finally relax with your student loans paid off.
But the last thing he would've expected after all of this, was you, with his grandad. Essentially getting yourself stuck in this kind of life, knowing that you'd never be able to leave as soon as they found out you were 'with’ him. But you obviously had a smart head on you, letting you do whatever your heart wanted as he supported you. Grabbing another drink from the bar, this time knowing it was alcohol as you two joked around for a minute.
A smile appearing on your face when you heard steps walking towards you, seeing ikkei appear from the corner of the hallway as keishin turned his head and guessed right, looking at you already skip over to him like a puppy following its owner.
Greeting you while he let you cling onto him, arms wrapped around his as he lifted his hand saying hello to his grandson. All his attention on your pretty little smile as his thumb traced your cheek, bringing up your hand to his lips, placing his lips on it gently as you were acting like you've never been touched before, giggling shyly into his arm as he chuckled out.
Keishin gagging at the sight before him, “Why don't you just retire already,” not wanting to see this cringy shit anymore, but deep down just wanting him to be safe and content, never seeing him smile this hard in his life. Knowing he's never felt this way before, his ex wife being set up by an arranged marriage, she wasn't bad but he definitely didn't love her along with her complaining, but luckily a quick swipe of his card shut her up, finally divorcing after all theses years.
“My dad isn't still too young to take over, you know?”  
“No.” he stated, stepping outside to light his cigar, resting his back against the wall as he took a puff. “Great men are taught, not born.” He uttered out, choking on the smoke as he brought it back up to his lips. He was dependable, not regretting having his son at a young age, but swearing to never push this life on his son and grandson until he was gone.
“Yeah, he's stubborn.” keishin uttered under his breath, running his hands through his hair as he grabbed his drink and keys, walking towards the door while waving a quick goodbye to you.
“How the hell is someone younger than me gonna be my step grandma, can’t get someone your own age to date you?” he chuckled out in awe. But at the end of the day he was on your side, family was family, defending you like your own personal bodyguard. Hearing something along the lines of “She’s some old man’s sugar baby.” almost daily until he ‘took care of it’ a few months ago.
“You're just mad, that an old man like me gets more than you.” ikkei laughed, coughing out the rest of the smoke while coming up behind you. Wrapping his arm around your waist already pulling you back to his office as you gladly let him.
“Ok, shitty old man.” keshin replied, closing the door behind him. He knew it wasn't because of the money or the power, because there were many other men on his level trying to win your attention. Thinking there must be something going on in your head to be with him, and there was.
The first man to ever make you feel some type of way, to make you blush. Was it practical, no. Putting it to the back of your head that he would be long gone by the time you were even close to his age.
But the way he made you feel so light and free around him after only being here for a while. Looking into your eyes as you fixed him up, making you genuinely laugh as he didn't want you to stress over him, surprising him that you were just naturally calm.
You two fell for each other quickly, not even lasting a week before you two fucked. Hearts appearing in your eyes around him; not caring about having your own family, just becoming part of his as he always kept his promises. 
“You wanna go out later.” he said loosely wrapping his hand around your waist, pulling you back into his lap. “m’sorry i haven't had time for you lately.” Looking up at his gray hair, eyes moving down to his body still this toned after all these years, aging like the finest wine.
“No.” you mumbled out, fingers running down his chest, getting caught up in his chain again. “Just wanna…..stay with you.” A shy smirk appearing on your face as the words left your lips.
Leaning into your shoulder, lips touching your neck as he whispered into your ear, scruff tickling your jaw as you let out a slight smile.“Stay with me, hmm? And what does that entail...?” 
Already getting off his thighs, standing in front of him as you ran your hands up your body, his joining you as he wrapped them around your waist pulling you closer to him, chin resting on your stomach while his hands gently rested on your hips. “No one has ever managed to capture my attention like you have.” he said, hands lingering on you.
He had no shame in admitting it, his words plaguing your head, “I always tell the truth, no matter how hard it is.” Looking up to your flustered face, no one could ever make you feel as loved and appreciated as him.
“Ok old man.” you giggled out, taking your time stripping in front of him. Resting your hand on his shoulder for support as you slowly slid your skirt down, hugging your ass just right as you felt his soft, intense gaze never once leaving you. Eyeing you up as you fumbled with your buttons, hands meeting yours taking it off for you, being bare as the day you were born.
“You getting on your knees pretty girl?”
Nodding while letting out a quiet, shy “yeah” at the words that left his mouth. Lowering yourself onto the ground, trying to replace your timidness that only came around him. Hands resting on his knees working their way up his thighs, his stress already disappearing as your fingers played with his zipper, eyes locking with yours as you pulled it down.
The nervousness leaving you as his warm hand rested on your cheek, whimpering in need as your gaze fell on the hard cold metal that was standing before his cock. Resting on his abdomen, cunt growing wetter at the thought of the previous events, wanting it in your mouth, fucked down your throat.
Reading your mind, already loosening his pants enough to set it free. Pointer finger resting on the side as he parted your lips, immediately giving way. Tongue sticking out lewdly, spit and drool already falling off the tip of it, his other hand angling it down toward your mouth. “You trust me, don’t you Baby?”
Moaning out another muffled “yeah” at the weight of the barrel resting on your tongue, pushing it deeper down your mouth, the whines getting caught at the back of your throat. Body growing tingly, cunt leaking onto the floor as he gently bobbed your head head back and forth until you got the hang of it.
“That’s it, baby. Fuck... your sweet little mouth taking it all.” Whimpering at his words, eyes fluttering open at him, meeting his gaze as your vision grew blurry. Hands reaching for his cock, working there way up his thighs until you felt his bulge, groaning at the touch. Wanting to make him feel as good as you.
Letting your spit make a mess on his fingers as he slowly pushed the glock farther down until you choked on the muzzle. Pulling it out at the lewd sound of your wet gasp, catching your breath, looking at your lashes still wet, lips covered in drool. Dragging the spit covered barrel down, sliding between your tits pressing it against your nipples, shivering at the cold feeling. 
“You gonna let me fuck your throat, sweetheart?”
Nodding quickly, letting out a strained “mhmm” as you moved your fingers around the base of his cock. Adjusting himself as he stroked it a few times before letting you take control. A moan leaving his mouth as you tilted your head to kiss his tip, parting your lips without his help as you flicked your tongue against it, your shiny lips making a mess already.
“Fuck angel, such a good girl. Open up that little mouth more for me sweetheart.” His hand came behind your neck, the firm grip leaving your mouth open as he pulled himself out, admiring the sight below him as the praise made you listen to his silent command. Soft wet smacks from him slapping the head of his cock against your tongue, looking so lewd, like the most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his life.
“… goddamn baby. Fuck…”
His scratchy voice letting out another moan as he leaned back onto the headrest of the couch. Your trembling hands gripping onto his thighs, nails leaving imprints as he continued to abuse your throat. The office was quiet besides the filthy wet sounds of you choking around him.
Opening your lids and gazing up at him, pupils so wide and eyes so red. Looking the prettiest you could, so needy and compliant, letting him use your throat as he pleased. “That’s it, angel… oh, fuck…m’gonna-”
Tears freely down your cheeks as you gagged, little strings of saliva dripping from your chin, body on fire as his thrusts got rougher, fucking up into your mouth as his hands gripped tighter around your neck holding you in place.
Sealing your lips around him, sucking in more as his hips stalled, grabbing your head with both of his hands. And with a long groan, music to your ears, shoving your face all the way down into his crotch, balls resting on your chin as you felt him release in your mouth, so hot and thick. Doing as you were told, always wanting to be his good girl, someone he could always rely on, someone he could always use when needed.
“You okay?” He asked, stroking your cheek as dizzily shook your head up and down. Reaching his hand forward, tipping your jaw upward to see you better. Cunt throbbing as his eyes met yours, clenching and releasing around nothing while he dragged his thumb across your swollen lips. 
“Words, sweetheart.” His voice was soft and stern, ordering you around gently as you did you best to choke it out.
“Let me see.” Parting your lips, with his ring covered finger, mouth opening to show him that his cum was still there. Smiling as he let go, muttering out “good girl.”, mouth closing as he let you swallow, the salty taste making you wince under your breath while he pet the side of your face down to your neck. 
“You sure angel? ….You know i don't like lying.” he said, resting his hand on your cunt, fingers dipping in shallowly as you almost went limp in his hold, Knees locking just in time, so focused on keeping your composure that you didn't see him smirking at your state. His finger curling inside you, as you tried to hold back your whimper, body unconsciously rocking back and forth into his hand.
Finally snapping, trying to be on your best behavior best you couldn't help it anymore, knowing what he was doing to you. “Please,” you whined out. “Want you to fuck me like you always do, want you to fuck me so good.” No shame left in your body as you started taking action, nails clawing into his bicep, your eyes half lidded trying to hold back the tears forming.
Letting out a whine muttered by your teeth sinking into your lips when his hand pulls away, lingering there not for long as he easily hikes your leg up over his waist, aligning his cock to your dripping cunt, rubbing it over your folds, teasing you, wanting to make his sweet angel beg. 
“i-ikkei, please” you lead, gripping his arms, as pushed into you slowly. Cooing at you for being so patient with him. Head dropping onto his shoulder as a broken noise escaped your lips, legs tightening around his waist, clenching around him.
Pushing the rest of himself inside you, hissing as you swallow him up in your warmth. “Fuck sweetheart, you always… feel so, -fuck, so goddamn good,”
“Relax baby,” he groaned out, head thrown back. “Little cunt’s so tight, gonna get my will instead of my kids if you keep it up.” Your smile barely forming before it gets cut off, moaning at the painful feeling of his cock stretching you out.
“Such a... fuck, such a good little girl for me,” He praises, hot breath on your neck as you clench even tighter at his words, the feeling of bhim so deep inside of you, nudging your cervix making your head spin. “So pretty,  I'd do anything for you, you know that?”
“m’close.” you whimpered. His love confessions making you lose your mind completely, nails digging into his chest, slightly groaning at the sting.. “Please, p-please please,” you begged through a sob, tears swelling up in your eyes. Placing his lips on yours before you can gasp out begs anymore. Trying to whimper out his name before he fucks you roughly with a thrust that hits your g spot, making you cum all over him, sticky wetness enclosing the both of you as it dripped down his balls and onto the sofa. 
“There you go baby,” he muttered against your lips, but you’re too far gone to even pay attention. Working his cock inside of you, gently pushing up into your cunt as your shaking body twitches in his hold, eyes rolling to the back of your head from your orgasm, still trying to come down from your high. “You know I always got you.”
He pulls out of you slowly when you have calmed down but you weren’t done. “w-wanna make you cum.” your croaky voice pouted out.
“Hm? You already did sweetheart.” Shaky legs positioning yourself on top of him, resting your hands on his shoulders. “no...want you to cum in me.”
Watching as you spread open you cunt, placing his tip on your entrance. Looking down at him with a heavy lust in your eyes, not wasting any time sliding back into you. “You’re so greedy.” He says into your ear, a roughness to his voice. Back arching as his arm wraps around your waist, leaning back to give him a view of himself bottoming out in you. The feeling of the fullness already has you cumming again. “...So fucking perfect.” 
Rubbing your clit with his fingers as his lips attached to your nipple, locking you in his hold, your body trembling from the overstimulation. Cock repeatedly ramming into your g spot as your cunt is being lovingly abused. “Fuck” He mutters out, words getting trapped into your skin, fingers pinching your swollen clit, letting out a loud sob as tears break free. 
“Fuck baby, I’m close.” He said, breath growing sporadic as his hips start stuttering. Chasing after his high, fingers slapping your clit as you squealed.
“C-, cum in me, please. You gotta, p-please!” You cry out, pushing him over the edge. Breaking free of your tits, mouth letting out deep groans as he is spilling his load into you, coming for the third around him. Body freezing up, seeing black and stars, walls clamping around him even tighter, wanting to milk him dry for everything he's got. 
Not even realizing that he's holding you into him, balls resting on you cunt as he's still inside of you, knowing you'd throw a fit if he pulled out. Body slump and tired as he presses a light kiss on the top of your head, large hands soothing your body as they worked their way up and down your back.
“I-, I love you,” you choked out, resting your head into his shoulder. His heart softening as he kissed your lips softly, sighing as he leaned back with you in his arms. Gently humming to ease you into sleep, not caring how he was gonna take care of this later. ”I love you too, baby.” He whispered into your ear, looking around his office full of money and countless items worth millions, but none made his heart race like you could, not even close.
“...I love you, more than you'll ever know.” 
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CW. LONG POST for the immortal!mc... I see lady yuu having a personality like toph from "Avatar the last Airbender". People are careful around her do to her status and doesn't know why she likes to hang around adeuce and grimm, but she likes how open they're around especially when grimm calls her "his henchmen".
Immortal!mc: *has been calling grimm for an hour* GRIMM!
Grimm: *ignores her*
Mc: *sigh* *dramatically* Oh the great and powerful grimm lord of flames
Grimm:*smugly* hmm~yes~
Sebek: *windows exp crashing noises*
Has a Harry Potter the Half Blood Prince moment in alchemy class.
Mc: *reading potion text book* *under her breath* cut up the moon bloom? You crush the moon bloom *notice a lot incorrect information in the text book* CREWEL!
Crewel: *walks over* yes mistress yuu?
Mc: You let these children brew these potions incorrectly? I hope they haven't been drinking them!
Crewel: with all due respect mistress yuu the information in the book is correct i can assu-
Mc: I know you're not telling ME of all people the steps in the potion book is correct?
Crewel: *gulps*
Mc: you crush not cut the moon blooms and you use the blue spider mushroom and not the yellow puff ball mushroom! And the final product should be yellow and not a lilac color!
I see her having a staff or something of the like and it has everyone confused because 'she doesn't have magic' yeah she doesn't have magic but she likes to uses it like a walking stick. She likes to watch the students with Ashton during P.E occasionally hit them with her staff.
Immortal!mc: *bonks student* No your form is all wrong! *shows them correct form* DO IT AGAIN!
Somedays when Trein wants to grade papers he'll have immortal!mc tell stories of her youth, she tells the a story of a flying ship with a captain with a hook for a hand, a medicine woman of a young emperor and her ditzy henchmen, a shady voodoo man she met at a tavern, and a woman just as old as her who kidnapped a princess to keep herself young.
During chapter 5 vil catches her in the mirror chamber one day and askes her about the mirror the beautiful queen.
Mc: *walks up to the mirror of darkness, touches the side resting her head on the frame of the mirror* It's been a long time my old friend
Mirror of darkness: *appears* I you my friend I you...
Everyone in the mirror chamber: 👀👀👀
Vil: *in shock and awe* ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘᵘᶜᵏ..
During chapter 6 Vil comes to yuu during vdc training camp and askes her questions about her relationship with the mirror of darkness.
Vil: Miss yuu can I ask you about the mirror.. again?
Mc: *puts down her tea* oh yes! I never did answer your questions earlier
Mc: long ago I heard whipers in a village that a house deep in the forest lived a very handsome man who had magic... he had a daughter a real daddies girl.. I found her odd at first as she'd ask him everyday if she was beautiful and he'd reply 'the fairest in the land'
Rook: *knows where this is going*
Mc: but like most people around that time he became sick. One day me and the girl went around the forest collecting herbs for his medicine... when we came back he gone all that was left was a pile of his clothes and a mirror..
Kalim: *blinking back tears* then what happened 🥺
Mc: the poor thing was inconsolable.. she locked herself in her father's room and refused to comeout. Though I should have told her but I found a letter from him, detailing what he had done.
Deuce: *on the edge of his seat* them what
Mc: he used the rest of his magic to turn himself into a mirror for his daughter.. i'd seen that once before when I stayed the night at a beasts castle, but thats a story for another time.
Vil: was the girl you speak of the beautiful queen?
Mc: yes her name Grimhilde... in his letter he asked if I could look over his daughter make sure she lived a happy and long life... though I feel I failed him.
When yuu has the prophetic dreams before overblot and she's mickey in the mirror
Mc: *notices a shadow in the mirror above the fireplace* that shape seems oddly familiar...
Mirror figure: Aha
Mc: *eyes widen* KING MICKEY
Mickey:*in shock aswell* YUU!
The first years remind her of Sora and Co. and catches herself reminiscening about them. They don't know what to do when they catch her crying.
Ace: M-Mc! Are you okay?
Grimm: *rubbing against yuu worried* henchmen?
Mc: No no.. I'm fine it's just you six remind me of some people I knew years ago.
During history trein asks mc about the great war and if she knew the inside scoop on why it started.
Mc: which one? there have been many
Trien: many..? I know only of one..
Mc: yes! There was the first keyblade war, the first human-fae war, Chernabog's war, the inter-species war, the second keyblade war and the second human-fea war.
Lila: *who came to drop off some papers* two human-fae wars..?
Mc: oh Lila! Yes the first one is when I crowned Maleficent as queen and the second one happend when a close friend of hers betrayed her...there was to be a third on but the human queen that started it was turned into a goat
Trein: keyblade war?
Mc: when magic was just becoming accepted..*clears her throat* it was revealed that there was a secret society of heros who wielded keyblades. It was believed there was a world where all magic come from.
Ace: are there still people who have keyblades?
Mc: no.. the hearts of people to day are to dark..
Deuce: to dark..?
Mc: back then people hearts where pure, why? The keyblade wielders protect people from the darkness. The people believed in a world where all from, only the Wilders could access the world.
Trein: *writing every thing down* what was this place called?
Mc: Kingdom Hearts... but as most stories go all of them wanted control over the world, but they needed the X-blade this caused a war of cataclysmic proportions. It pushed the world into darkness and killed many and shattered the x-blade and scattered across the world... kingdom hearts was to be forever lost.
Scarabia mob: you where alive during all that!?
Mc: no, but a close friend of mine was, but I was alive during the second
Sorry for my rambling and if i broke any of the rules during this feel free to delete of so.. but This is where I'm gonna stop as I've been typing this up for the past hour or so.. 🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️
No rules have been broken (I didnt have very much anyway lol)
I really like this whole post lol though unfortunately I have not seen kingdom hearts so idk a lot of references here
Also Yuu does carry a staff in formal occasions. Lilia made joke on her saying she looked like an old woman with that but was promptly shut up when Yuu recalled a story of Lilia when he was younger
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takamishinko · 3 years
footprints and doubts
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this is the longest piece we’ve written so far and it drained the living crap out of us :,D but hope u guys enjoy !
pronouns: gender neutral 
warnings: nothing really other than jealousy, angst, and crying, self thought cheating
a/n: r/n is region name btw
honestly you found it hard to believe that little ol’ you from r/n could befriend let alone become someone important to ajax. the great tartaglia, 11th of the fatui harbingers, his name itself could strike fear into anyone. yet here you were, standing next to him with your hands intertwined with his at the lantern rite festival. you would give the world to him if you could, you loved him so much. he was so different from your last significant other who had been unfaithful towards you. 
‘you’re just too boring.’ they had told you apathetically. you frown thinking about it.
you felt ajax gave your hand a small tug, "hey y/n why don't we go over there? looks like chef mao is cooking up something good." he spoke with a cheery grin on his face.
you snap back into reality as you felt his hand pull you out of your thoughts. you gave him a terse nod and the two of you made your way to wanmin restaurant.
after waiting a while in line, the two of you were next. chef mao looked up and practically shat himself at the sight of the male next to you. 
“hello y/n! i hope you’ve been enjoying the festival, " chef mao spoke nervously, his eyes gliding to the male next to you, “y...you too sir childe.” he sputtered out. right, ajax was the one who tried to destroy liyue not too long ago after all. you shook your head, right now you were with ajax, not childe.
"woah woah woah. calm down chef, you know that’s history now. besides, i’m just here to enjoy the festival with y/n." ajax assured, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.
you gave the chef a slight smile and spoke,"don’t worry chef. i’m sure he doesn’t have plans other than being with me tonight." you teased. 
the chef sighed in poorly concealed relief and returned to his usual self as he took your order. ajax ordered the specialty for today, the crystal shrimp. after a small wait, the two of you waved chef mao goodbye after he gave you two your food. the warm dish let out puffs of steam and glistened under all the light of the lanterns due to it's crystal clear skin, there were 4 in total, the wrapping for each was folded into the shape of a flower. they were so pretty, you almost felt bad for eating them. 
sitting down on a nearby bench, the two of you enjoyed the crystal shrimp while making small talk. the crystal shrimps were delicious themselves but it felt better to enjoy them with someone you loved. 
after finishing the food, you and ajax had a great time. you guys played a few rounds of theatre mechanics, ruijin was pleased at how skilled the two of you were and rewarded both of you with hefty prizes. upon bumping into zhongli, the three of you decided to enjoy some tea with him. after bidding farewell to the funeral consultant, the two of you released some xiao lanterns and watched as they floated into the night sky. 
feeling a bit tired, the two of you then decided to relax and take a walk instead of participating in games. as you and your boyfriend were strolling around the harbour, something, or someone caught his gaze. you look over to where his eyes were trailing to.
a beautiful young lady dressed in a white dress with a cecilia tucked into her golden blonde hair and a puffy companion floating by her side waved at ajax. her smile brighter than the sun and her movement as graceful as the moon. her honey glazed eyes shone with familiarity and glee at the sight of him.
of course you recognized this girl. she was none other than the otherworldly traveler, lumine. she fought alongside the liyue qixing and even the adepti to defeat the great osial. the people of liyue spoke about her often, everyone knew how she had also earned the title of honorary knight in mondstadt and defeated one of the four winds despite her young age. 
you were once again brought back into reality when ajax spoke, "hey babe ill be right back okay? i wanna catch up with lumine real quick." 
you felt his hand leave yours, the warmth dissipated with it. you felt an uncomfortable feeling bubble up as you watched your boyfriend run to someone else, leaving you alone by yourself to stand in the sea of lanterns and people. 
it didn't feel right.
you stayed in place with a dejected look for a while waiting for ajax to return but he was taking a while so you decided to go check what was going on with him.
"-but then teucer decided to do it anyway!” you hear ajax’s boyish voice ring out with amusement.
as the blond and the redhead laughed together. you couldn't help but think about the two looked enchanting with each other.
you shook your head and decided to make your presence known. "ajax-" 
ajax perked up, "oh! babe sorry to keep you waiting let me introduce you. lumine this is my partner y/n!" ajax exclaimed with a cute grin.
you gave lumine a small wave and spoke with a polite smile, "it's a pleasure to meet you lumine." 
"it’s nice to meet you too y/n.” lumine replied cheerfully.
now that you’ve got a better look at the blonde, she's so much more beautiful than you could have ever imagined. 
her velvety blonde hair fell gracefully, her porcelain skin was practically glowing without a single visible blemish, her golden eyes shone with beauty that rivaled cor lapis. to wrap it up, her short stature was presented with grace and poise. all in all, everything about the blonde was nothing less than perfection.
everyone loved her and you could understand the reason behind it very well. gorgeous, kind, and righteous, the hero of every region everyone respected. you couldn’t help but wish you were like her instead of your boring self, without a vision, without any standing out achievements either…
you started to space out while the two started up a conversation again, thinking about the feelings you were currently having. why were you feeling like this?
"hey babe we should get going! it's getting late." the voice of your lover broke you out of your thinking.
you were overthinking a lot today huh. "oh. we probably should get going then." 
"bye ajax! bye y/n! it was really nice meeting you." lumine said with a pearly smile gracing her features. she then walked off to find her floating companion who was near a food stall inhaling dish after dish of food.
ajax..? he wasn’t childe or tartaglia to her, but ajax. you didn't know how to feel upon hearing the real name of your boyfriend slip out of the blonde. you knew how secretive ajax could be when it came to his family and personal life so the fact that lumine knew his real name put a feeling of unease within you.
the way home was pretty quiet, you didn't want ajax to notice that you were feeling off. you felt so guilty for having these feelings about him and lumine but you couldn’t help it. your last relationship had practically trampled on your ability to trust others, you could never tell if someone was lying to you or being truthful. you contemplated telling him how you felt but you decided against it, you’ve never been great at expressing your feelings after all. however, after a while of him blabbing about random topics, you couldn’t curb your curiosity any longer and realized you wanted to know more about your lover's relationship between him and lumine.
after a while of peaceful silence, you let out a small breath, "hey ajax?"
“yes y/n?" 
"who is lumine… to you?"
ajax perked up at the sound of the blonde's name, "lumine? she's a good friend and a formidable opponent of course. it's been a while since i’ve fought with someone who could keep up with me on the battlefield!" ajax spoke with enthusiasm.
you felt a twinge of pain shoot into your heart at the tone that your lover used when speaking about the blonde. did he speak like that when he was talking about you? 
"oh… i see. she must be a very powerful person then." you replied with feigned glee.
ajax noticed that you were in low spirits, "why? is something wrong?" he questioned with slight worry.
"no! i'm alright. i was just curious because you two seemed… close." you lied. you weren't ok, but you didn't know how to tell him. probably because you didn't even know why you felt such-
that was what you were feeling. not petty jealousy or sadness, you were envious. envious of lumine. her beauty, her strength, her personality, everything. the feeling consumed every inch of your body and dyed you green. your insecurities swallowed you up and spit you out, rendering you vulnerable against the little demons that poked at your thoughts.
when the two of you got home and freshened up, ajax practically passed out the second he lied in bed with you. on the other hand, you stayed wide awake, stuck thinking about the way lumine and ajax interacted. the smiles, the laughter, the fond looks they gave each other plagued your mind, rendering you unable to sleep. after a while of staring blankly at the ceiling, you groaned and carefully lifted the sheets to not wake your lover and got out of bed to make yourself a cup of tea. you used the tea leaves you bought from pops kai, the calming properties of the tea always helped you when you felt down. 
"they're just friends, don't overthink it, just friends, just friends." you whispered to yourself, trying to give yourself a sense of reassurance. after finishing the tea you got back into bed,  it was hard but you eventually fell asleep next to your lover.
next morning, you were woken by the sound of your boyfriend walking around in the living room doing something. it was only around 7am so you were wondering why up so early as he usually woke up at 8. you groggily walked out of the bedroom.
ajax noticed you and smiled fondly at the cute sight of you rubbing your eyes. "good morning babe, did i wake you up? sorry about that, i was just getting ready to go train."
"oh. by yourself?" somehow, you had a feeling of where this conversation was headed.
"no, with lumine, we made a deal yesterday to go to yaoguang shore today to fight some ruin guards and hunters for materials!" he chuckled.
lumine. lumine
the name echoed in your mind like a mantra. you were aware of his weekly spars with the blonde but today would be the second day he went out with her this week. a part of your heart told you to stop him, another part told you to let him go. in this internal battle, you chose the latter and let him go. after all, who were you to stop him? it's not like you could be the one to satisfy his thirst for battle, only someone like lumine could.
you were having a day off due to the lantern rite festival, but to be honest it's not like you needed the money. with the amount of money ajax had he could probably support you and your next 4 generations. with your spare day, you decided to clean up the house because it was a bit messy due to teucer playing around the day before. 
while cleaning up you found a spare xiao lantern that teucer was supposed to release when he came over. since you had spare time you decided to set another lantern yourself, it would be a waste to not use it after all. as people say, during the lantern rites, put your wish into a lantern and set it into the sky for it to become true. 
"i wish to stay with ajax, till death does us apart." 
you only hoped he felt the same way about you.
you put the note in the xiao lantern and set it off into the sky, you watched with sentiment as it floated away towards the clear blue sky.
you had a hard time focusing on the task you were doing for the rest of your day so you decided to take your mind off things and go take a look around liyue harbour to see if there was anything worth checking out, or buying. 
liyue harbour contained the usual, the fragrance of grilled tiger fish wafting from the stand next to where you would usually buy your groceries, the kids messing around near the boats, and you even met xiangling who tried to offer you her new recipe of jade parcels but you kindly refused. 
after that you went to give the adorable little pharmacist, qiqi, a visit. she was under the  cashier stand like usual, you gave her a little pat on the head and asked for the usual medicine you buy for ajax. 
you then bumped into zhongli, who was also strolling around. the two of you chattered about the festival and other shenanigans before bidding each other farewell. the amount of history about liyue and its traditions the man was familiar with would never fail to surprise you.
there wasn’t really anything left for you to do in the harbour so you started to head back home. not far away from the liuli pavilion you saw a familiar redhead talking to the owner of mingxing jewelry with a shorter figure standing beside him. 
upon closer inspection, you noticed it was ajax with someone else at a jewelry shop looking at the items. it was none other than lumine standing next to him. you watched as lumine picked out a piece of jewelry from the stand that would look so well on her. the gem glowed it’s colour under her smile and looked more fitting than ever. weren’t they supposed to be at yaoguang shore?
without second thought ajax bought the jewelry in lumines hand and put it in a gift bag with a look of tenderness. your heart dropped to the pits of your stomach, you felt as if the world was crashing down on you. your breathing quickened and your heart palpitated at alarming rates. every little insecurity that was planted in you had finally finished blooming. was this really going to happen to you a second time? was once not enough for the entertainment of the gods?
that was when he saw you, standing only a little bit away from him holding the items you purchased for him and the fresh groceries you were going to use to cook dinner for him.
ajax’s eyes widened in surprise upon seeing you, “y/n!? why are you he-” he was tense, you noticed, just like your ex-lover when they were caught.
you tried to regulate your breathing and spoke, “stop.” you managed to say, cutting off ajax before he could finish his sentence. he flinched at your dull tone.
“y/n! i know what you’re thinking but i promise we were just-” ajax hurriedly tries to explain.
“don’t. i think i've seen enough childe.” he frowned at the use of his moniker. 
your lips trembled, water collecting at the bottom of your eyes. ‘don’t cry. don’t cry, don’t cry.’ you repeated in your head, you didn’t want to appear weak in front of the two. your ajax who you loved so much, who you cared for so much, who you were planning to spend the rest of your life with, is now buying jewelry for someone else after lying to you.
“i was foolish this entire time, of course. instead of someone like me, a visionless nobody you would choose her over me. you’re just like-” your voice cracked as you forced the words out of your tightened throat. 
“y/n it’s not like that! please just let me explain!” ajax pleaded urgently. he hated that you were talking bad about yourself.
after gaining a smidge of composure you decided you couldn’t be near the two, “no need childe, i understand. now if you’ll excuse me, i'll be on my way.” you muttered and brushed past the two. 
“wait y/n!-” he reached out to grab your arm before the blonde next to him stopped him.
lumine sighed and spoke up after staying silent, “let them go for now. leave them alone for a bit, they need some time to think. it’s understandable why someone would be upset if they saw their lover with someone else like this.” she comforted before patting him on the back.
“yeah. i guess you’re right...” ajax murmured with a crestfallen look. he regretted not communicating with you, otherwise this wouldn’t have happened. he should’ve cleared up any suspicions you had and reassured you. he knew about how you weren’t confident due to your last relationship. gods, he felt like he was worse than your dirtbag of an ex.
you walked towards your home slowly trying to process what just happened. your tears already ran dry and you didn’t think more were able to escape from your eyes. the fading sunset seemed so blurry yet peaceful. somehow, instead of walking home, you ended up near yaoguang shore which happened to be the spot you and ajax would go to often. his name brought bitter feelings back as you remember the events that just happened but you took a deep breath and sat on the sand across from the shore. you listened to the sound of the ocean, the waves dousing the sand it touched. you took notice of the starconches laying on the sand. 
feelings of melancholy welled up inside you. these are ajax’s favourites. the blue shells reminded you of his eyes. his lovely eyes were the blue of the waves of the sea, they crashed into you and pulled you into them. you could spend all day swimming in the infinite hues until you drowned.
you buried your head onto your knees and let out a pained cry you’ve been holding in. here, where no one can find you, where no one can hear you. only the ocean will hear your troubles and worries, you hoped it could wash them away and you could forget about them forever. you sat there in peace by yourself for what felt like hours.
you sighed and decided that you should get going, but to where? you didn’t want to see ajax if he’s even going to be there at all. maybe you could crash at zhongli’s place…
 just as you were about to leave you heard a familiar voice behind your back. “y/n!” it was the man you loved, ajax, sprinting to you with the same gift bag he was holding in his hands at mingxing jewelry. 
you turned around to look at him. your hair was flowing in the wind with the sunset behind your back. to ajax it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in his life. 
“i knew you’d be here.” ajax spoke with relief.
you looked away from him not knowing how to feel right now about your “lover” and stayed silent.
“y/n. i swear it wasn’t what it looked like, i would never do that to you. lumine and i really don’t have anything going on in between us, i chose you as my partner and i plan on keeping it that way for the rest of my life. in fact,” ajax murmured while opening up the gift bag he was holding. it was a bracelet with a fine piece of noctilucous jade in the middle with cor lapis fragments decorating the border of the blue gem. the jewelry wafted with fragrances, the morning dew smell from a qingxin, the classical smell of the harbour from a silk flower and lastly the everlasting aroma of violet grass.  
“do you like it? lumine and i picked it out for you at mingxing jewelry for our upcoming anniversary. i just wanted her opinion on what to choose for you. this was one of the most beautiful pieces that they had. i heard it took a super long time to make, oh! the jade in the middle will also make the bracelet glow in the dark! pretty cool huh?” ajax smiled as he lifted your wrist to put it on you.
at a loss of words, you lifted your head up at the male and gave him a soft smile, “thank you ajax… i love it, it’s perfect in every way possible.”
“just like you.” the redhead spoke fondly with a grin on his face while softly stroking your hair.
“oh shut up you flirt.” you tried to hide your smile as you both giggled on the beach with the sunset dripping behind you two. 
after a while of being engulfed in ajax’s arms you spoke, “ajax, i want to apologize for jumping to conclusions about you and lumine. i..you know about how i find it hard to trust people sometimes but it was unfair for me to do that to you, i know you would never cheat on me.” you spoke, hugging him tighter as if he would leave if you get go. 
“y/n. don’t you dare think for a second that i’ll leave you for someone else ok? you’re the only one in this world that i want and it’s staying that way. i don’t care if you’re visionless, or if you don’t have any achievements whatsoever. i still love you so so much.” ajax exclaimed as he buried his head into the crook of your neck.
you felt a certain warmth as your face flushed. how did you end up with someone as perfect as ajax. you lifted his face with your hands and pressed your lips against his. he deepens the kiss and your heart melts.
“thank you ajax. i’ll always be by your side too, no matter what happens. my love for you has no ends.” you speak with pure affection as you nuzzled your face into ajax’s soft yet firm chest. 
ajax feels his face heat up and he quickly speaks, “c’mon now, let’s go home, i can’t wait to taste your cooking after running around all day today.”
the two of you walked together on the beach, hand in hand, leaving footprints and doubts in the sand.
special msg from my dear editor: hey lol - @kamihara​ , my works wouldn’t be nearly as good if it weren’t for them so go give them a follow please :)!
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Day: 12 power play
Bruh I don't smoke or drink so I'm not sure if this will be exaggerated or not. I may not be using the right terminology like I know the small piece left from a blunt has a name (dad and his siblings smoke weed) I just can't remember it.
"And then I told his ass, say on god and Deku was like,"...on god?!" You cackle as you retold a funny story that if you asked anyone else, was not really a funny story. You and Sero had snuck away to your room to smoke so now after 4 drags here you two were, giggling like high school girls.
You look at Sero realizing that you had yet to receive a puff puff pass as Sero lifts the small end of the blunt to his lips. You smack him on his chest, "Hey it's my tuuurn!" you whine making Sero look at you and back down at the blunt not really wanting to give it up. So instead, he takes the last drag much to your annoyance. "Your so greedy..." you trail off as Sero grips your chin and shotguns the smoke back to you, lips barely touching.
You were so taken aback you barely had time to hold the smoke in as it left your mouth. Sero returned to his resting position and you looked away gazing at the wall in front of you. "That was hot." Sero laughed before breaking into a coughing fit as he fanned the smoke that had accumulated in the room. You look around the room, basking in the silence as you danced in your own thought.
You always had a crush on Sero but as far as you were concerned, you two had a good thing going and you didn't want to ruin it by scaring him off with feelings. The fact that you barely talked outside of smoke sessions lead you to be unsure if he would be ready for commitment, hell you didn't even know if he was already committed. So like any good 'crusher', you outwardly giggled at the word making Sero look at you.
Like any good crusher, you were easily sated by being in the simple vicinity of the object of your affections. "Hey Serrrro." you slurred trying to get your thoughts together so you could form a coherent sentence. "You think I'm stronger than you?" Sero held his chin in his hand dramatically as if pondering your question with seriousness.
"Hmmm, I would have to say no." Sero finally decided. You pouted not exactly pleased with the result crossing your arms. You lazily smirked as an idea came over you. "Let's find out then by wrestling, whoever pins the other down for 20 seconds, is the strongest!" you declare shifting on your knees to face your opponent.
Sero looked at you with a small smirk. He knew you liked him, it became blatantly obvious whenever you got high. Giggling at things he said no matter how mundane they were, and the fact that you would go out of your way to touch him at least once a day was an obvious pointer so yeah he knew. To him, it was fun to watch you flail about your feelings whenever he was around. He could never figure out why you never confessed, Mina pinned it up to you having a fear of change without knowing the outcome so he left it alone.
But now as you sat across from him challenging him to a wrestling match looking so cute and innocent looking up at him, he could hardly resist. Could you blame him, everything about you was perfect in his eyes. Being voted the blandest student in 1-A, you were a close comfort for also having normal features. These features no matter how common they were, took his breath away each time he saw you
Your beautiful brown eyes that held small flecks of orange would shine copper whenever in direct sunlight. The way your skin glowed in the sun during the evening making you appear almost unreal as you soaked the rays through your brown skin. And your lips, god your fucking lips. Sero loved his fellow Japanese women and considered them beautiful in their own right but, none of them had such plump lips that made him want to bite and suck on to his heart's content.
"Sure I'll wrestle you, but don't get mad when I win-" Sero was caught off guard as he had the wind knocked out of him as you lunged landing on top of his stomach pinning his arms above his head. "1 Mississippi. 2 Mississippi." You started counting with a wide smile on your face. Sero smirked wrapping his hands on your naked thighs not missing how you tensed at the skin contact. Using his bulky elbows as an anchor he lifts you up in the air balancing you in a perfect sitting position on top of his hands before sliding down below you, forcing you two throw your hands up to stop your fall.
You quickly flip around to try and find him but he was already above you, caging you in. You look up at him wide-eyed as he brings his face closer. His mouth moved softly but you could not hear it over the sound of your own heart beating in your ears. You snap out of your daze as Sero loudly reminds you of the situation with "10 Mississippi."
You wrap your legs around his waist and roll you both over. You try to grab his hands again but he evades you by grabbing your own wrists and pulling them behind your back making you arch in a way that made his dick jump. Using one hand to restrain your arms, Sero quickly slides you face down on the floor as he straddles your back. "This is a game, you won't be winning Y/N." He warms as you do your best to try and escape, but the way Sero's powerful thighs held you down in a vice grip it was almost impossible.
A hand delicately travels through your goddess braids bunching them together and gently pulling them back lifting your head with it. You moan softly unable to stop the noise due to your hands being confined. "You knew you weren't going to win this from the beginning didn't you?" Sero's raspy voice shook you to your core and as a pathetic attempt as saving face, you shook your head whimpering at his tightened grip. Above you, you could hear the soft tutting of Sero's disapproval. "It's not good to lie Y/N" he whispers in your ear before bitting down harshly on your shoulder making you softly yelp.
"Sero?" you try to look up at him but the grip in your hair was relentlessly immobilizing you. A chill travels down your spin as Sero soothes the bite with soft kisses as he travels along your shoulder, taking your tank top strap in between his teeth before releasing it, causing it to snap back into your skin. You hiss at the sharp sting, your mind clouding with lust as Sero leaves dark bruises on your neck as he travels back up to your ear. "You are a sneaky little girl aren't you? If you wanted me to touch you, all you had to do was ask."
Sero's weight leaves your body as you are easily flipped over on your back and he immediately takes place over you once again. Looking at your surprised face sent something primal throughout him but due to him not wanting to scare you off, he had to take it slow. "You look too pretty under me Y/N." Sero lifts his arms to take off his shirt and you couldn't help but swallow shallowly at the way his biceps flexed under your dim led lights. You're flipped once again to straddle Sero as he gazed up at you with adoring eyes. "But you look so much better above me."
A hand comes to cradle your face as a thumb lightly caresses your cheek bringing you both towards each other before ending in a kiss. Sero's lips moved slowly against yours giving you enough time to breathe every time he pulled away. Even so, your breath hitches every time you pull apart, not quite sure if this was truly happening or if the weed you smoked was laced. "It's now or never' you thought to yourself as you serged forward smashing your mouth against his. It was less sexy as his was and was really just the gnashing of teeth but your determination only spurred him on more so as he griped your hips tightly, rolling his crotch into your ass somehow making you feel him through your jean shorts.
You passionately kissed as Sero guided you on how to roll your hips against him. You toss your head back as he kisses down your collar bone and nibbled the top of your breast leaving more dark bruises behind making your skin feel like it was on fire. The pain itself was welcomed as you could feel yourself come close to meeting your end. With a finger, Sero pops open your shorts and slides his hands into your underwear moaning at how absolutely wreaked your pussy felt just from his small touches. He circled your swollen clit watching as you bucked your hips into his hand muttering silent thank "you's" as you got closer. Sero once again pulled your head down into a kiss as you crashed into a blinding orgasm, noises muffled from the passion you exuded.
You two sit there for a moment, Sero taking in your features marveling that even through your brown skin, he could somehow see a small tint of red dust your warm cheeks. You open your eyes after a while and squeak in embarrassment when you make eye contact with Sero, opting to bury your head in his shoulders to hide your shame.
Sero chuckled as he held the back of your head close as he slowly laid back on the floor. "How long have you known?" you mumble into his shoulder. Sero smiled, "Since our 4th smoke sesh." You groan putting all your weight on top of him thoroughly embarrassed.
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megsironthrone · 3 years
Meg's Game of Tales: Tale 1
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*familiar characters are, of course, not mine! And the original fairytale is the work of the Brothers Grimm!*
Warnings: Slightly dark, especially toward the end. Some steam?? Angst. Probably an overuse of variants of the word "wolf", and Oberyn is a warning all his own.
Pairings: Oberyn x fem!reader
As you walked through the village, you could almost drown in the fear and anxiousness. That meant only one thing. The wolf had come out again and the people were scared. But not you. You'd never been afraid of the wolf not even when you had grown up to the age of the girls that disappeared. The bodies of the wolf's victims were always found. Except for the young women, usually between 17 and 25. Their bodies were never found.
"Come along. We need to get to your grandmother's," your mother said, pulling your arm gently. You followed after her and used your free hand to wrap your red cloak tighter around you. Winter was coming as was evident by the light coating of snow on the ground and trees.
"Coming, Mother." Your mother smiled at you before you heard a call of her name. You realized that another villager needed your mother's help. You weren't surprised. She was a midwife. She was needed all the time. "Go on. I can get this basket to Grandmother's. I'm not a child any longer and I know the way." Your mother bit her lip, thinking if it was a good idea. When her name was called again, she sighed.
"Very well. Go as quickly as you can, stay on the path, and whatever you do, never-"
"Take off the hood," you finished at the same time. You heard the speech every single full moon. The cloak had been a hand-stitched gift from your grandmother. According to legend, wearing a red clock could keep the wolf at bay and you would be safe. You weren't sure you believed that, but you humored your grandmother by wearing it every time you went out and especially during the full moon.
Leaving your mother with a kiss, you headed out of the village and into the dank, dark woods. To many, the woods seemed haunted. A place no one should ever dare to enter. However, your grandmother lived just on the other side of the wood and you knew your path. You'd been walking it at least once a week for your entire life. The woods held no fear for you. At least, usually.
You took your first step into the trees just as the sun beginning to set. If you hurried, you could be at your grandmother's house just after dark. The basket you carried with your grandmother's food for the week was clutched firmly in your hand as you walked deeper into the woods. A little hum of a song escaped your throat while you walked. For some reason, you felt at home here and it made your steps lighter. You almost felt like skipping until you heard a noise, causing you to freeze on the spot.
"Hello?" you called but received no reply. After a moment of silence you shrugged your shoulders and kept walked. This time, however, you felt like you were being watched. If you hadn't known better, you'd swear you heard a growl. You were so focused on the strange sounds that you never heard him coming.
A scream tore from you when you felt two arms around your middle. You nearly began crying until you heard a familiar voice in your ear. "It is not safe for you to be outside, Flower." You relaxed instantly, spinning in the arms of your lover. "You scared me," you admitted. That earned a cheeky grin. "It's not funny, Oberyn!" He laughed out loud that time before capturing your lips in a searing kiss.
"However shall I make it up to you, my flower?" You rolled your eyes and bit your lip. "Meet me tonight? You know I'll have to stay at Granny's tonight. I could use the company." Oberyn gave you that dazzling smile you loved. "Only if I can sneak in your window. The cold doesn't agree with me, as you know." You giggled. Of course you knew. If you were being honest, it was the cold of the last winter that ended up being the reason you found your way into Oberyn's bed.
"I have to go. I'll see you tonight?" He nodded and kissed you again before leaving you for the time being. With your rendezvous with Oberyn planned, you turned back toward your grandmother's house with newfound energy and determination.
Your grandmother greeted you with a hug and a smile before letting you in. You went to remove your cloak, but a sharp noise from her stopped you. "Y/N, we've told you never take off the hood. Not even inside. Not when the wolf is about." You bit back a sigh. You couldn't understand why she and your mother were like this. It was just a cloak. Surely they didn't really believe it had some kind of magical power attached to it to keep the wolf at bay. Nevertheless, you kept it on until you could retire to the room your grandmother kept for you.
After a sweet, "goodnight, Granny," you closed and bolted the door behind you. As soon as you were safely tucked away, you removed the heavy cloak. "Finally," you breathed out. You began bouncing in anticipation of Oberyn coming to see you. And it didn't take him long. "Little Red, let me in or I'll huff and puff and-" you threw open the window and shushed him. "Granny will hear you. Get in here."
Oberyn hopped in the window, gracefully landing on your bed. You let out a soft giggle. "You are ridiculous." He shrugged before pulling you down with him. He laced his fingers with yours and you hummed in content. You glanced at your joined hands. "You have such big hands." He chuckled while using his free hand to grip your waist. "All the better to hold you with." You rolled your eyes. "My what a wicked tongue you have." Oberyn shifted so your back was on the bed and he hovered over you. "All the better to taste you with," he whispered as his lips pressed against yours fervently.
*time skip*
You awoke the next morning to a pounding at your door. You bolted upright and glanced around in confusion. Oberyn was gone and you were alone once more. "Y/N! Open the door!" you heard your mother call out. You shot out of bed and unbolted the door. "Oh thank the g- Why didn't you answer? And where is your cloak?!" your mother cried, wrapping you in a hug.
"I was asleep, Mother. What is going on?" Your mother exchanged a glance with your grandmother. "The wolf was here. Took out a few of Granny's chickens and sheep. We found tracks outside your window. Both human and wolf." You instantly froze. Had the wolf gotten to Oberyn when he left you? You ran to the window and glanced down. Sure enough there were human and wolf tracks. You grabbed your cloak, pushed passed your family, and went outside to investigate.
Upon closer inspection, you realized that the footprints were both coming and going from your window. But worse than that, they seemed to disappear when the wolf tracks started. Your eyes widened. You'd read stories of wolves that could be human all the time except at the full moon. Then they turned into ruthless monsters. Wolves. Werewolves.
The next thought that came to you nearly had you sinking to your knees. The only person that had been near your window the night before was Oberyn. Was he the wolf? Could the man you loved be the wolf that terrorized the village? You didn't want to believe it. It was almost better to believe that the wolf had carted him off. But you knew that wasn't true when you saw his form rushing toward you.
"Are you alright?!" he demanded, "I heard the wolf had been here. Y/N? Flower, are you alright?" You nodded, not really seeing him but the monster you thought he might be. "I need to talk to you. Alone," you whispered, "Meet me in an hour at our spot." Oberyn's brow furrowed in confusion, but he agreed and left after pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You had to dodge a hundred questions about where you were going when you headed off to meet Oberyn a little while later. You didn't need your family worrying any more than they already were. So when their backs were turned, you snuck out. As you passed by your window, you did you best to ignore the footprints that were slowly being covered in new fallen snow. If you looked, you'd lose your courage.
Oberyn was already waiting for you when you arrived at your spot. He moved to hug you, but you stepped back. The look of hurt that crossed his face almost had you backing down. It was so out of place. "Flower?"
"Are you the wolf?!" you blurted out, unable to stop yourself. Your eyes met Oberyn's and he laughed. "Don't be ridiculous, Y/N." He grinned at you, but this time, there was something different there. Something sinister. He took a step toward you and you backed away. He put his hands on his hips, shaking his head and chuckling under his breath.
"You truly don't know, do you? Very well. I suppose there's no sense in lying to you anymore. But I am not the only one. There's more than one wolf. There always has been. The problem is, once these girls reached the age of 17 and their wolves started fighting to get out, they had no control. I had to do something. So they had to disappear. Believe me, it hurt me just as much. Losing potential pack members is never easy on me."
"You killed them. You really are the wolf. I was hoping…" you trailed off. Your head was spinning. You really had hoped you were wrong. But there was no denying it now; Oberyn was the wolf. Oberyn shrugged a bit. "I couldn’t have a pack of unruly wolves and I didn't have time to train them all to control it. So yes, I hunted them down and carted them off. I was protecting the villages, as I have always done."
"Protecting them?! You've slaughtered dozens of women!" Oberyn shook his head with a sigh. "Slaughtered is a rather harsh term, Flower. As I said, they would have harmed those that aren't wolves deep down. As the Alpha wolf, it my job to keep them in line." You licked your lips. "And what about me? Where do I fit in all of this? The cloak doesn't really protect me from wolves like you, does it?"
Oberyn blinked in surprise for a moment before throwing back his head in laughter. You crossed your arms over your chest and waited for his fit to be done. You didn't appreciate being laughed at at a time like this. "Oh my dear Flower. The cloak was never meant to protect you from me. Once you came of age, it was meant to protect everyone…from you." It was your turn to laugh.
"Right. So you're saying that I'm-" Oberyn's lips were still turned up in a sly grin as your brain struggled to make the connection. It wasn't possible. Absolutely impossible. Oberyn continued on, his fingers playing the edge of your cloak. "Your grandmother was smart, I'll give her that. But she read the wrong information. The red cloak doesn't protect against the wolf's attack. It prevents the wolf from changing at all. Except you, my naughty Little Red, never seem to remember your grandmother's most important rule. Never," he began, taking a step closer to you, "Take. Off. The. Hood."
Your back was pressed up against a tree now. Your heart raced a mile a minute as did your brain. One look in Oberyn's eyes told you that he was absolutely telling you the truth. You were a wolf too. And it made sense. The insistence of your grandmother to where the cloak. The fact that you weren't afraid of the wolf. The fact that your grandmother always lost a few sheep whenever you stayed overnight with her.
But that meant you were still in danger from him. For the first time, you were actually afraid of what would happen next. "W-What are you going to do?" you asked. Your voice was barely above a whisper. Oberyn chuckled darkly, his mouth hovering just by your ear as one hand supported him against the tree and the other moved your throat. "Oh, Flower, haven't you guessed? I'm going to make you mine. Forever."
The End??
(a/n: I hope you enjoyed our first tale! Come back next week for tale #2! Tag lists for Meg's Game of Tales are open and separate from my normal taglists!)
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dishonestkilla · 4 years
Hate Me
This is a very short headcanon I thought of while listening to the song below.
TW: Angst, language, NSFW, 18+ content, mentions of violence, smut, toxic relationship, nasty smut it's nasty so read at ur ownnnnnnnn risk
Pairing: Drug Dealer!ReaderAU × Dabi
words: 3k
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There was a thick silence in the dark alley where they stood. The only sound being the sound of tobacco burning on the other side of the cancer stick that was placed between her plush lips, the smoke she inhaled being freed the moment she breathed out, letting the toxins out towards his furious face.
Teal eyes burnt through her soul, shooting daggers at her. If a gaze could kill, she would've been long dead.
"So, that is all you are? A petty criminal?" The question was more rhetorical than something that actually needed to be asked. Dabi never knew what she actually did, hell, he now wanted to know if he ever actually was aware of who she was..But now, all that he could feel was a slice of anger blinding his sight.
"Yeah," She shrugged, still unfazed by his shaking figure and in one second, she could've sworn that a blue flame sparked on the surface of his scarred face but being the stubborn woman, the warning sign of his rage was ignored.
To her, his wrath was not justified nor was it plausible. This was her life, it had always been. Just because she let him spend a night here and there, caressed the side of his rough face, kissed his lips tenderly and loved him dearly, holding him close whenever she felt like breaking, it didn't mean that he could interfere in her business life.
"You have been lying to me all this time? Staged working at Kurogiri's bar for what? To get your hands on some filthy money?? Is that it? Money? Is that all you care for? Don't you think that our world has enough problems, wouldn't you like to be part of something that is actually worth a thing?" Dabi's voice raised slightly at the end, his hands flying up in dissatisfaction as he eyed her, but the sight he saw was anything but pleasant.
Her face had been contorted into a crooked smile, head tilted go the side just a little, orbs darker than usual. That grimace made him so mad, he could've sworn a vein in his neck popped from how tense he had become.
"Listen to yourself, acting all big and tough. Fucking hell," Y/N blurted, a big puff of smoke leaving her throat as she laughed out, "So what if I am not the Messiah. So what if I am not like you, a saint, a chosen one. I have been doing this ever since I left home, if you don't like it, you don't have to be going out with me." She continued, face turning serious, her orbs now igniting a new flame in themselves.
"You don't have to love me, if you don't want to accept me," her voice was barely audible when she said that but knowing Dabi, Y/N was sure he heard her.
"Why don't you let me help you then? Because I do love you, fuck, I love you so much, isn't it proof enough that I'd put myself as a villain at risk to be exposed to some junkie that would die to sell me to the police? Just to be able to he-" before the real eyed male could continue, he was interrupted, Y/N now also tensed up, lips quivering, she was mad and it was evident.
"I don't need your damn help, you bastard!" And in the next second, her hand had made contact with the surface of his face, leaving a red print behind.
"I owe you nothing and don't want to either," she hissed, jaw clenching, hands balled into fists as her gaze was now hunting him down.
"Owe me? Who in the fuck told you that in a relationship people owe each other things?!"
"Who in the fuck dated you, so that you know now?!" Her words weren't little knives into his hearts, no, it was like her ever so soft hands wrapped around the organ itself, crushing it inside of his chest. Just like that.
"You don't mean that," He whispered, now suddenly vulnerable, hurt and saddened.
"Yes, I do. I do, because you always claim to know everything, mess up my business, try to tell me what the fuck to do, and then dare to teach me on relationships. Reality check, Dabi. You're a villain, a burnt, brutal, scary villain. Nothing more." She yelled at this point. Tears welling up in her eyes, entire body shaking in frustration as her voice made it's way to the ears of the black haired man.
His lips were shaking, and now it wasn't only anger and sadness inside of his guts, it was something much worse.
Dabi wanted to wrap his hands around her throat and squeeze. Hard.
But no, not like one of the times where he had her against the wall, hips plowing into hers, one nipple between his fingers as she moaned loudly at his ministrations, head against the concrete. Not like those times where he let out his steam on her, ravaging her body, leaving purple marks on her satin alike skin that he had adorned with love bites moments before.
It wasn't one of the many moments in which she submitted to him with a mewl because of how roughly his digits burned her as a sign of affection alongside of his length caressing her velvety walls, bruising thrusts being the source for the nasty clapping and squelching noises that filled the room of the empty bathroom stall in some random club.
This was different, he wanted to cut her oxygen supply for good, watch as her face started to grimace, eyes rolling back as he took her life ever so slowly before burning her perfect body in his flames, feeling her warmth one last time before extinguishing her.
Without even noticing, he had moved forward, trapping her between the brick barricade behind her, caging her between his arms while holding her down with his own weight.
The way she looked at him caused a low growl to erupt his chest, a rush of heat running down his spine as he watched her with intent eyes.
Now, it was his turn to smirk twistedly at Y/N as the girl gulped. It wasn't like she was weak, the opposite, her quirk was one to be feared at least to say, after all, she could manipulate other people's nerves to bend at her own will, if she wanted to, she could cause him severe pain, but instead of that, she let him pin her down with his eyes. Despite of being powerful, she was fairly aware of Dabi's high pain tolerance as well as his immense strength. Y/N wasn't stupid enough to try and fight the male when she was intoxicated at that.
"Let me show you what you do to me.."
Before she could even protest, his lips had been attached to her sweet spot right below her right ear, a meal leaving her plump lips, melting at his touch and the way his calloused hands traveled the surface of her body. Arms now around his neck as she pulled him impossibly closer, causing Dabi to snicker against her throat while leaving wet kisses on her neck, marking her in his wake.
"Look at you, already a whimpering mess and I haven't even started yet," he rasped, now standing up straight again to meet her desperate gaze.
"Shut up," the girl retorted with sass, now it was her turn to tease him.
Lips colliding with his own, the taste of nicotine and whiskey flooding her senses, everything a blur and the reason on why they had started to banter long forgotten, the only thing mattering being their lust and desire for one another.
While his fingers tugged at the strands of her locks, her own had started to fumble with his belt, haphazardly ripping away the leather piece before she slid down the wall to kneel in front of his growing erection.
The heels of her shoes now meeting the wall as he had granted little space so she could do whatever she wanted to.
Soft pecks placing themselves against his restrained bulge before his hands wrapped themselves around her hair, making her look up at his gaze, "Get to it," he ordered and Y/N didn't have to be told twice before pulling his pants and boxers down to below his thighs, just enough to grant access to the angry tip of his cock, precum already leaking down the slit.
Experimentally she licked a stripe from his base to the tip, tasting his slightly pineapple flavoured release.
Yes, pineapple. She had forced him to eat the fruit regularly, if he wanted her lips around his length and his shaft down her throat.
One hand wrapped around him, thumb and index finger not able to touch, she started to jerk off the tall individual in front of herself, eyes focused on his leaking tip, paying attention to the area with kitten licks.
"Did you forget how to suck dick? Do I have to remind you?" He snapped at her, a sneaky smirk on his face.
Not wanting to play his petty game, the female let her head down till her nose met with his pubic bone, irises blown wide with lust at the sight of him groaning, his head lulled back at the immense pressure of feeling the walls of her throat inviting him.
Repeating the action a few times she then proceeded to suck down his erection with quick yet impactful bobbing motions, cheeks hollowing around him, practically milking him for whatever he was about to give her.
The two were fighting, they hated each other at times and probably had been at the verge of killing the other more than just once, however, they also knew each other more than anyone else did and not only physically but also emotionally. Now, the knowledge of one another's body and sweet spots were the advantage of their frankly scandalous little escapade in some dark alleyway where she had been dealing some of her 'happy pills' and 'devil's lettuce' the latter being what she was high on herself. The only difference being the passion and burning desire that fueled her intoxicated mind to wander even more. 'Test the waters and play with fire', as she liked to say.
One of his scarred hands darted out into her hair, nimble fingers digging in as he took a fist of her locks into his palm, pulling her head down his entire shaft, the intrusion causing a soft gag to escape her throat, eyes shooting up to meet his mischievous gaze upon her, the sight of his lazy smirk yet fiery orbs sending a jolt straight to her core.
He had regained control of what was going down, his hips now ramming into her mouth as if it was a fleshlight for him to abuse. The mere sight of how her pretty lips wrapped around his tip just to be parted more whilst he forced her down onto his length, the way she salivated all over him, drool now dribbling down onto her exposed cleavage that was peeking up from underneath the flimsy top she wore, her eyes slowly watering as she laid her hands on either side of his thick thighs. It was mesmerizing, if he could he would take a picture of it.
Finally satisfied with one last thrust into her sloppy cavern, the male didn't wait any longer before pulling her up to her wobbly legs, turning her around, he pushed her face into the wall behind herself, moving behind her as his lips latched onto her neck again, leaving bite marks here and there while his hands made quick work of her leather pants, pulling them down her thighs hastily, groaning at the sight of her lacy panties, "Seems like you've expected this, yeah? Getting fucked by no other than your man in a nasty alleyway." Making her sneer at him, she was quick to reply to his comment, "My man? Darling, you're not even a man in the first place!" That was it.
That was what caused his next moves to be crude and rougher than usual.
Pinning her arms behind her back as he bent her over against the wall, hips plowing into her, intruding her insides to spread for him, grunting as her wet, spongy walls clenched around him.
Without further do, he started to slam into her with slow, yet deep thrusts, the force of each thrust causing her entire body to jolt forward, pushing her against the wall even more.
His moves never faltered as he pulled out of her so merely his tip was coated in her juices, forcing his entire dick into her repeatedly before he set a steady pace of in and out.
Dabi was taking his time judging on how he dragged out the moment by changing between steady thrusts and reckless ramming.
One hand that supported her hips whilst she moaned and mewled at her insides being rearranged by him over and over, lifted, igniting a fire for a second before raining down onto each ass cheek of the girl in front of himself, leaving red hand prints that would stay for quite some time, marking her squeal at the force, the rough treatment being painful yet so pleasant that she couldn't help but moan out incoherent words as his hips sped up to an erratic pace, knocking the air out of her lungs.
"Yeah? What was that? Who isn't your man, huh? Say that again, I want to hear you say it." The way his voice seemed so unfazed caused her to roll back her hips like some sex-crazed animal, whimpering at the lack of treatment when he suddenly pulled out just to forcefully pull her flush against himself.
However, Y/N wasn't that fragile, with that being said, a smirk crept onto the female's flushed face, "Not you-" Her answer caused a low growl emit from the male, as he pulled her back by her hair, now back arched even more as he groaned against her ear, voice raspy, the hand that held her wrists wrapping around her throat, cutting the air supply of the girl, hips assaulting her again, the sound of skin slapping filling the quiet alley.
As her walls clenched yet again caused by him abusing her cunt for more than half an hour without letting her release, each time pulling out just to make sure she'd get the message of who was in charge. At this point she was shaking, her jaw slack while tears ran down her cheeks, staining her face.
"Come on, baby, tell everyone here who your man is and I will fuck you until you cum all over my cock, little slut," He could swear that he felt her grow even tighter around his length as he degraded her yet again.
"D-D-Dabi.." her voice was a mere whisper and not enough for the hot headed man, shaking his head as his hips came to a halt again. Denying her release all over.
"What, princess, I couldn't hear you and I bet no one else could either. Use your pretty brain if you want to cum."
Those words finally pulled her trigger as she started to beg the wanted villain, "H-hah~ Please, Dabi, I am yours, all yours and - you're my m-man, please make me cum.." She pleaded, voice desperate and in a hoarse tone.
Pleased with her begging, the black haired criminal picked up his recklessly rough pace again, one hand creeping to her front as he started to rub her clit in circles, and all of that combined to the low growl and grunts coming from him while biting her neck was enough to make white flash in her vision, body trembling as her release gushed out of her abused hole, screaming out his name.
Vigorously shaking in his arms as he worked her furthermore until he released his seed into her, painting her walls white whilst she milked him.
"I've got you, I've got you." The man cooed, caressing her body as he slowly let her calm down before pulling out of her, helping her redress as he pulled his pants up himself, watching her lean against the wall, hair tousled and mascara running down her eyes as he held out a hand, wiping away the black streaks lovingly, her head automatically leaning into his touch.
"I hate everything about you," she mumbled, making him chuckle, cocking an eyebrow at her as he watched her put a blunt between those lips of hers, lighting up the piece before inhaling the toxins inside of it, eyes rolling to the back of her head in comfort.
Moving forward he took the piece from her, he grabbed her jaw after she took another big hit, kissing her softly, tongues and smoke mixing together before he took her hand and lead her to his nearby apartment, with her just strolling after him like a lost puppy just to be cuddled up on his chest moments later upon her arrival in his shabby little space, arms around him while smoking yet another blunt.
Looking up at his turquoise eyes that held so many unreadable emotions, she let out a huff, pouting at him before laying her cheek flat against the surface of his sternum again.
"I didn't mean that," She slowly admitted, looking up to see him smirk a little, man if she could've just punched him. Well, she could..But shouldn't..Unless..
"I know that you were just Dic-"
"Don't say it, I swear to god, do not say it!"
"Ugh! you're such a dork."
Both laughed at the silly comment Dabi made proudly, his entire chest puffing up before he embraced her with his arms, "Am I really such a monster?" He suddenly asked before she unexpectedly kissed his lips with passion, in an attempt to quiet him down.
"Shush, no you aren't. And even if you were.. You are my monster." Those were the last few words he heard before they both drifted off to sleep, never knowing what would expect them next.
A/N: This took longer than I thought, phew. Hope y'all thirsty ones liked it hehe.
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indigobackfire · 3 years
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Phoenix Lazar Nobleworth Silverwood
Below is a lengthy history of his parents, their involvement with dragons, and how he lost them.
Ps: I tried adding some Scottish dialect in the dialogue, but I'm not the best at it considering all I have as reference is my love for James McAvoy and Outlander. Forgive me in advance for any atrocities lol. Also, diverging from canon especially in relation to Veela powers and physical descriptions.
Phoenix's father, Emilian, was sorted into Gryffindor and with pride, he was a Gryffindor by the book, adventurous, brave, often reckless, fun, with a strong sense of protection over his friends, someone who valued courage and honor.
Emilian didn't know how he and Palmer Silverwood - Slytherin, pureblood, much more popular than him, and one of the best duelists in their year - became friends, he also didn't know how Palmer found an about to hatch dragon egg in the forbidden forest, or how he even got into the forbidden forest to begin with, but being who he was, Emilian wasn't much surprised.
The biggest surprise was that Palmer even knew who he was.
Emilian takes a peek into Palmer's robes where the egg is hidden. "So? You're the dragon laddie, Nobleworth."
"Yeah, it's a dragon egg. Common Welsh Green this one." He looks up. "And is that what people call me?"
"Are ye really surprised? You talk about them all the time, yer the best in Care of Magical Creatures, and ye have a dragon painted at the back of yer bloody robes."
"Only fair. McGonagall hates it."
Palmer laughs. "Will ye help me?"
"Aye. But what ye want me to do?"
"I dinna ken. I just don't want the wee dragon to die. The poor creature wasn't warm when I found it so it's probably motherless. I mean... they fire up their eggs, don't they?"
Emilian smiles. "You're not as unknowledgeable as you think, Silverwood. Let's go somewhere more private."
In the humid and dusty air of the artifact room, they hide. "Hand me the egg."
Palmer hands him the egg delicately as if the creature inside it wasn't one that could eat them both in a bite when grown. And for a moment Palmer wonders what he'll do, but Emilian just stands there holding the egg. And as he's about to question him, he sees Emilian's fingers get bright red.
"Mate? What's wrong with yer hands?"
Emilian snickers. "I have a secret, can you keep it?" Palmer nods eyes fixated on the egg whose cracks were very slowly growing. "I'm half Veela and whilst I can't throw balls of fire from my hands... I can heat it up to... oven temperature."
"Oven temperature?"
Emilian smirks. "Ah dinnae have exact numbers, but if ye want to give a touch."
Palmer looks at his hands again. "Nae. They're as bright as molten glass, lad."
Emilian raises his eyebrows. "Oh, I felt it move."
"Ooohh, it's gonna set this tiny room on fire."
"Let me hide it this time. I ken a place we can go. The person ye should've gone to in the first place."
Palmer widens his eyes. "Kettleburn, nae."
"Silverwood, ye cannae keep the dragon. It'll set you on fire before completing one year."
Palmer puffs as they walk out of the artifact room. "If the dragon enthusiast dinnae want to keep a real dragon, why would I?"
"A dragon lover is the same as a bee lover. You can appreciate the honey, the lovely stripes, but if ye hold it in yer hand, it'll sting you. Dragons were made to live outside, flying, spitting fire. A wee dragon is cute, but once is grown..."
"Yer a curious lad, Nobleworth." Emilian gives an awkward half smile. "I like you."
Their friendship was as unexpected to them as it was for the bystanders, but one that sustained for their last two years in Hogwarts - including Palmer's girlfriend, Clarin, an uptight but curious Ravenclaw, who despite her best instincts followed behind on the boys' adventures.
When Emilian announced he would be leaving England for the Dragon Sanctuary in Romania a couple of years later, as much as Palmer and Clarin expected that to happen, it still came with the bittersweetness of watching one of their best friends go.
Years go by, but still, their bond sustains time and distance. Every opportunity they had, the SIlverwoods would travel to Romania to visit their friend who in a lighting in a bottle chance found himself a wife of "his kind".
Full Veela, Antonia Lazar, practically raised herself as her father left her mother, a temperamental full Veela woman, to deal with Tonia herself, a task she delegated to her equally careless family members, closely involved with the Dragon Sanctuary in times the place was still informally managed.
When Emilian meets her, barely wearing rags over her body, barefoot on the grass, pearl blonde hair unruly, looking as if she was raised by wild house elves, he couldn't help his heart hammering in his chest. Female Veela beauty wasn't something he was unused to, considering his mother and aunts were ones as well, but when Antonia was before him he thought of himself before a goddess.
Emilian tries not to spill the water in the heavy buckets while Antonia doesn't seem to be struggling at all. He wouldn't have a need to even carry them if he hadn't forgotten his wand, but at least he got to be alone with her.
"Why is it that ye dinnae like us?"
"You English think you run the place just because you read about dragons in a book, think you know more than us who grew with hundreds of them." She shoots him firey eyes. "Know when I first rode a dragon? I was five years old!"
"I never say I doubted yer capacities. And I'm not English, I'm Scottish." She glares at him again. "I'm kidding."
"Don't get me angry, you won't like it me angry. Trust me."
"I would actually. I wonder what color yer feathers would be."
"I'm sorry?"
"I ken a Veela when I see one. Especially cause I'm half one."
Her expression soothes a little. She puts the bucket down and grips his hand. "Go, do your magic."
While his hand goes as hot as they can, his eyes slowly change hues to match her, never breaking eye contact. "It's nice touching a girl who doesn't mind a more... ardent touch."
She gives a small smile. "You're pathetic."
"I'd love to fly on a dragon's back with someone who understands about them. I promise I'm not here to mock or doubt you. I love those creatures more than anyone I know."
She lets go of his hand and with a smirk picks up the bucket. "Well, now you know me."
Their relationship quickly becomes stronger as they spend day after day together. The work at the Sanctuary is as rewarding as it is tiring, so at the end of long days, they would sit together and exchange stories, her of her buckwild childhood and him of his years in Hogwarts. In each other's company that they find an air of normality and peace.
After recognizing and accepting her strong feelings for Emilian - something hard considering how men had treated her before, seeking what she had to offer them more than considering her needs - and finding out he felt the same for the longest time, they decided to marry, her seeing in him a sense of stability for the first time in her life.
It doesn't take long until Antonia is pregnant with their first child, and in the pool of genes and possibilities, their first-born boy is a full Veela like his mother, something uncommon for boys. Not considering what would be 'formal' or well accepted, Antonia decides to name him Phoenix for encompassing what being a Veela means to her, a bird of elegance and fire and perseverance.
And as if it was pre-destined, just a couple months prior, Clarin and Palmer had given birth to a girl of name just as uncommon, little Indigo Silverwood, who is but three months old when they come to Romania to meet little Phoenix.
To this day, the Silverwoods wonder if their timing was the best or worst it could've been.
As in the same week they came to visit, an attack happens with the intent of capturing as many dragons as they could from the reserve, something that had happened times before but this time much better planned and heavily armed with the best wizards they could get.
They start picking up their wands in haste while seeking the fire protection potion they had brewed specially for this trip back at home. "What do they need dragons for? Can't they breed their own." Clarin asks.
"Is not like is legal or easy to do so." Antonia has her eyes soaked with tears. "They don't care about the creatures, they want money. Oh, they use their blood to make spot removers. Oven cleaners! How can you take a marvelous creature and turn it into such a pathetic thing? Then they use their hearts in you wizards stupid wands and their skin into gloves!"
"Somebody must have heard about the new Chinese Fireball," Emilian says, "People seek the gold in their horns and eggs, but if you pull them out, they die."
"Not to mention the baby Romanians. Put your goddamn boots on already, Emilian!"
"What 'bout the bairns?" Palmer asks anxiously.
"There's no time. They probably ain't getting all the way up here, but in all cases." Emilian grabs the potion from Clarin's hands turning over Jacob's and baby Indigo's mouth, knowing the fire wouldn't do harm to Phoenix. He places something in Jacob's little hand. "Jacob, if any mean person comes trying to hurt ye, throw this at their feet and run. Alright?" Jacob nods, eyes wide with fear and excitement of a five-year-old.
"What is it?" Palmer asks.
"A vial of Peruvian's Vipertooth venom, extremely deadly and volatile. Don't ask me why I have it."
Palmer looks at Jacob. "Stay quiet and protect the babies, right, love?"
Antonia kisses Phoenix on the forehead one last time then turns to the others. "Let's go, please!"
And if they knew, she would've held him a little longer, Emilian would've stopped time for a couple of seconds to look at their boy for a lingering moment more. But they didn't and time never reversed.
They weren't the only lives lost, but side by side they fought and won and lost and lost and lost. They managed to protect all but two of the dragons at the end, blood of dark wizards - and innocent ones - soaked the grounds. Dragons loose on the sky overhead, blood spilt from both sides, burnt buildings, scars that would never heal, the body of a friend devoided of life, a mother of dragons and children never to wake up again, children crying in a cabin kilometers away.
When Antonia's mother refused to watch over her own grandson, Clarin felt as if it was her own son the woman refused and it was that soon the decision to keep him came. She was still breastfeeding and no ordinary family would know how to raise him right, at least that's what both her and Palmer told themselves. Emilian's parents, both devastated by the news of their son's death were quick to agree with the Silverwoods' proposal.
And it's like this that Phoenix and Indigo are practically raised as twins, still young when he notices he doesn't look like the rest of them - a pale and blonde boy in a family of tanned brunettes - not only for his looks but by the fact that sinking his hand into a pot of boiling water doesn't hurt or the fact his anger makes his body react differently from the others or that people got mesmerized by his looks enough to do whatever he asked them to.
But the Silverwoods learn the painful way that raising a Veela child is not easy work. Not only easily irritable but also dangerous when transformed, not much to others while still young, but to himself due to painful and harmful transformation, taking hours until he could retain his human form. Meditating and thought exercises became pivotal from an early age. As not make their treatment towards him different from Indigo, they become tougher with both, demanding an altruistic, patient, and empathetic behavior from both.
This leads Phoenix to grown into a level-headed, sweet and compassionate boy who eventually got sorted into Hufflepuff without the sorting hat having to consider long.
As much as he wishes he had grown with his biological parents, he's grateful to have grown in the family he did and doesn't consider himself any less part of it, he loves his siblings dearly and considers and reslects his parents as if it was from their blood and cells he was made of.
This is my attempt at a concise history of Phoenix, mostly his parents who I dream of drawing someday. I'll make something in the future for his romantic life as it is its own ride. I ship him with Ismelda and boy oh boy I have some to say about that.
If you wanna more info on Phoenix, I made him an OC profile :)
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Dawna's Journey
A/N: Guys this took so long XD. Please give me feedback/comments/reblogs if not on the post than anon. Look I proof read it so much now I'm sick of it lmao. I know theres grammer mistakes but If I didn't post it tonight it was never getting posted. Anyways please enjoy this!!! :D
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Dawn stood at the edge of the kingdom. The night was still as the guards had retired for the evening and she was left alone with her thoughts. Standing at the gate she stared beyond the iron bars into the foggy night where the woods were.
 She was steps away from what could be the biggest mistake of her life. By doing this, by going out into the woods to find the cure for one of the dying trolls in the dungeon, she was betraying her families name and their status along with the throne. Her uncle, her mother, her sister, Merlin, Lancelot. All of them would tell her this is wrong. That trolls were the enemy.
 Swallowing thickly, hands glowing to illuminate the night she touched the cold stone of the castle's defense wall before brushing her fingers against the iron bars that kept the trolls and fae at bay. Hissing she pulls her hand away, shaking it to make the sting disappear. Frowning as she stares out at the woods they seem to beckon her. Walking away from the gate and along the wall she goes towards a thick patch of ivy. There hidden behind the plants was a small crack. One she found as a child and still used for situations like this. 
  Slipping into the greenery rough material scrapes against her catching on her clothes but she stays determined scooting through the stone. As Ivy brushes past her face, her boots sink into the soft grass and she edges herself away from the protection of Camelot. Looking back at the castle her hands shook as she stared at her room that overlooked the very land she stood on. She'd wandered the woods many times and explored their wonders but this time was different. This time she wasn't visiting peaceful territory or exploring her magical studies in secret, this time she was going straight to the Gum Gums. She was risking everything and what made her the most nervous about it, was she didn't care. It was the right thing to do. No matter how many people said it was wrong she felt in her heart it wasn't.
 Backing away from the wall, away from her home, she realizes this could be the last time she sees Camelot if she fails. Taking it in, etching every small detail into her mind she sighs. Things used to be different. When Arthur had Gwenivere she breathed life into him and the castle. She made people hope and kept the kingdom together as the war against the Gum Gums raged on. But now the kind queen was gone and Dawn felt keeping the peace fell on her. However, as much influence as she had in the kingdom and over her uncle, Arthur never really listened after he lost his wife. He was too lost in his grief to hear reason. He banished most magic and as Dawn felt the cool air ruffle her hair she knew soon she'd be next. She couldn't fix Camelot. Not by herself but she could try and make her uncles wrongs right. Starting with the trolls he'd locked away.
 Taking one last look, the moon shines silver light over her kingdom protecting her people inside the wall. Clutching her cloak tightly Dawn closes her eyes and runs into the woods, leaving no trace that she'd ever left. She feels the grass squish beneath her feet and the whistling wind almost knocks off her hood as she runs. 
 Magically summoning her silver and gold armor the chainmail echoes in the quiet woods. Her uncle had banned magic but that never stopped Dawn. Her sister did parlor tricks for fun but Dawn craved more. It was in these woods she learned the meaning of magic and through Merlin's notes she taught herself the way of the fae world. The elements were her teachers and she hoped they'd give her mercy tonight. 
  Running faster each step she takes makes a resounding clank that bounces through the trees. Pushing past snagging branches, brambles, and thick underbrush she keeps going only one thing on her mind, getting that troll cure so her friend would survive. What an absurd notion, that she princess of Camelot was friends with a common troll. Smiling as she thought of him she kept pushing on, chest heaving as she thundered through the woods. Stepping over small streams and avoiding roots. 
  White puffs left her mouth as she pushed on. The cold kept her awake and alert even as her legs burned from running so long. Dawn stops, armor now silent as the night returns to its previous stillness.
The girl swallows nervously and takes a cautious step forward. The bridge was old and full of divine energy, she could feel its power radiating from where she stood. It acted as a divide between the world of trolls and Gum Gums. Gunmar said he owned the whole woods but that was a lie. However, past the bridge there was no doubt that was his land. As she took in deep breaths chest burning she studied Killahead. Cracked stone, worn carvings from centuries ago, and overgrown moss greeted her. A bridge that once ran over a flowing river had been dry longer than Dawn had been alive. She knew this place had power. It held generations of knowledge and stories. It could be the rise or down fall of civilizations.
But unlike the trees and forest Killahead did not talk. It just listened. Cracked stone keeping the secrets of all those that walked past it. Closing her eyes she steps away from the safety of neutral territory and towards the tarnished stone. 
 Reaching out, her hand tightly clutches the side of the bridge. As she rubs her thumb over the side the stone feels smooth from years of being worn down. Stepping onto the Killahead bridge it's uneven with patches of grass slowly taking over the stone. Dawn feels the slickness of moss and dew under her boots and tightens her grip on the side she's holding as she trudges forward. 
 The moon shone above her through the leaves and pausing she tilts her head taking it in as darkness was soon to come. Listening closely, closing her eyes to hear the forest around her it was too silent. She realized someone was following her, that the GumGums knew she was here. Refusing to give up just because she felt fear she stood tall as she crossed the bridge. The branches overhead now choked out any light and it was a miracle she could still see as she made it to the end of the bridge. Standing there taking a deep breath her hand grazed the moss that had taken over Killahead. This was her last chance. To turn back and run. To go back to the castle and ignore her uncles troll business. To allow him to continue what he was doing. But... she could not.
 Filled with determination she takes her first step off Killehad. Heading away from the bridge and into the deep woods she was officially in Gum Gum territory. Her weapon wasn't drawn and it was clear she wasn't an active threat. Though Gum Gums never were ones to pick up on hints, if she had to fight she came prepared but she'd rather leave the woods unscathed.
  Venturing deeper into Gum Gum territory her chainmail echoes through the dense foliage. Low hissing and rustling could be heard from the bushes as scouts watched her. Golden and green glowing eyes all around her as she boldly kept walking. Her hand was now on her hip weapon ready to draw but she hadn't felt the need yet. She was hoping to speak to a general or a higher-up GumGum and somehow barter for the cure but as the growls got louder Dawn knew she'd have to fight. She was waiting for someone to come and address her and the soldiers watching her seemed to understand her silent demand as they kept their distance.
 Hearing something Dawn reacts quickly. Turning boots sinking into the mud as she grouds herself her blade made a distinctive swish before it clanked loudly striking against Gunmars sword. Sparks fly and the temporary bright light causes her green eyes to shine under her cloak. The brute growled in her face and she growled back surprising the GumGum King.
 "You wonder deep in our territory Knight." He hisses. Dawn responds by pressing her sword harder against his. Remembering what the knights had done, she leans back before she puts all her effort into her sword pushing the blade against his forcing him back. Stumbling Gunmar catches himself. His blue eye stares at her cloak as he pauses surprised by the human's strength. Tightening her grip on her sword showing no hesitation that she'd strike again he chuffs unamused. 
  His dark blue eye scans her form but all he sees is a long cloak and the shine of her sword in the dim light. Sniffing the air he chuffs surprised. It was a magical blade. A mage? Hadn't Arthur murdered them all?
 "I don't want to fight. I come seeking your aid." Dawn states tilting her head to look at the GumGum king. He couldn't see her face but he could feel her stare, those green eyes haunted him. This was no normal human. No normal mage. Chuffing he sneers tilting his head.
 "Oh? And why would I help a fleshbag morsel like you?" He snarls beginning to pace around her. Dawn followed his motions watching him closely. He admitted he was curious at what this knight could want at how someone could be so stupid and bold. They were foolish to come here but from the sword skills they showed he could see why they assumed they'd be safe. 
 "Because one of your own is dying and I'm trying-" Dawn starts but Gunmar growls bearing his fangs at her. 
 "SILENCE!" He roars. Dawn closes her mouth and waits. He comes close and sniffs her before huffing hot air in her face unimpressed. She reaches up to keep her hood on not wanting him to see who she really is. If he knew she was Dawna Noble of the PenDragon line it'd be over. He'd send her corpse to Arthur and her friend's life would be lost before she had a chance to win it.
 Rolling his eye, he turns annoyed by her insistent presence. "Go home whelp." He orders. "Humans speak only lies and when it isn't lies it's stupidity. Get out and don't return and you may tell your friends at the Round Table you survived. You are no meal and you're not worth the effort." He huffs waving her off. Dawn stands shocked as he begins walking away. She just ran from the safety of her home to try and save a troll's life and Gunmar doesn't even acknowledge her? He pushes her away like she's just a confused child. Grip tightening on her sword she grits her teeth shaking. She had come too far to turn back now.
 "I'm not going anywhere!" She snaps. Running to stand in front of the Gum Gum king she spreads her arms blocking his path. She's shaking making her chainmail rattle. She'd come so far he couldn't deny her now! "I came here to Gum Gum territory at night! It's important please at least listen to what I have to say." She begs. He looked annoyed and she frowned, lowering her arms. "I need something… and I know your people are the only ones who can give it to me." Stepping closer to Gunmar unafraid and praying for the life of her friend he growls at her. She's about to respond with a growl of her own when a sharp tug from her cloak made her stumble back from the King choking. She was so distracted talking to Gunmar she forgot to watch her back. 
 Tilting her head clawing at the clasp around her neck the Gum Gum prince was behind her and his claws had snagged her cape. He ripped at the fabric chuckling as she gasped for air. Unclasping the cloak knowing it was her life or her identity Dawn turned eyes blazing. The grip on her sword tightened making it glow as her green eyes glared into his red ones. She sneered at the Prince of Darkness teeth bared. He stumbled back in surprise eyes wide as he stared at her armor before staring at her face. Dropping her cloak he stepped closer curious as he sniffed her. Her amor bore Camelots symbol and stepping closer he clearly saw the Noble clans markings in the carvings of her amor. Dawn pushes Bular's face away when he gets to close and he chuckles. 
 "... Dawna? The King's niece? A child?" He laughs but Dawn stays undeterred. Her grip remains on her sword as she points the end at him. He chuckled amused. It seemed she was braver than the rest of her family or stupider. 
 "This child." Dawn says slowly eyes narrowed into slits as she feels anger course through her veins. Her hands burn coursing with energy and suddenly the trees begin to shake as the branches above them shift. Distracted she pushes Bular over with the butt of her sword forcing him against the wet grass. The Moonlight leaked through the trees as leaves swirled around her. Had it been the day she surely would've killed him. But that wasn't her intention.
  She wanted him to see her. To fear her and as her armor shone as bright as the moon GumGums hissed backing up at the glare. "Is not one to be triffled with. I seek something and I'm not leaving till I get it." She states glaring down at Bular. He growls at her, angry she'd knocked him down but she seems unaffected by his silent threat.
 "Like we'd ever help you." Bular huffs pushing her sword away from his face. Dawn puts it back in her sheath and sighs. As she took a deep breath she could see this wasn't working. She needed to switch tactics.
 Thinking back on everything she knew of Gum Gums she paused, she'd need to choose her next words wisely. "I'm not asking for help. That's weak." She hisses. "I'm asking for a fair trade." Dawn finally says. She holds out her hand for the Prince but he snarls, snapping his teeth at her fingers. She pulls her hand away to avoid the bite and rolls her eyes. Turning away from Bular she looks back to Gunmar.
 "You have nothing we want." The troll states uninterested. Dawn hums. No she didn't, did she? What was she expecting? The Gum Gums to reach into their darkened hearts and present her the cure like a gift? This was doomed to end in a fight. 
 Hand on her sword she hums as Bular shifts behind her. The brute huffs as he gets up, bumping her aside as he walks by to get to his father. Both the beasts now glared at her. Dawn wishes she could say she was without fear as they stared at her but she'd come so far she wouldn't turn back now.
   "Leave your wasting our time." Bular says uncaring of her achievements or her power. "Your so skinny we'd choke on your bones." He adds. His father laughs head bomping his son but Dawn shakes anger radiating through her. Eyes turning a dark green she feels the grip on her powers loosen. In a perfect circle around the three of them the grass dies. The two trolls watch as the plants around them begin to wither, roots twisting and cracking as wood split and leaves fluttered down. Then it all turned black rotting away. Facing them her eyes burn with a need to prove herself. The moon shines on her and Dawn's armor reflects it's light showing her power as she stood in the dead grass.
 "Then fight me. In a duel." She demands standing her tallest as she looks at them.
 She wasn't leaving without that cure. She may fall here but she falls with more grace than either of these so called warriors.
 Gunmar leans in close his horns jutting out like a crooked crown as he snarls at her. Dawn snarls back. She. Wasn't. Leaving. Without. That. Cure.
 "... Fine. You wish to die? I will not stop you." Turning Bular and him begin to stalk away. Soldiers surround her and as she draws her blade eyes wide she sees Gunmar pause. The soldiers don't advance or go for an attack. Dawn turns and Gunmar stares at her waiting. She realizes she is supposed to follow. Taking one last look back at Killahead and the safety of the forest beyond she picks her shredded cloak off the dead grass before reclasping it around her neck.
 It seems she got what she wanted.
  An hour or two must have passed making Dawn fear she wouldn't get back before Daylight. If her bed was empty when the castle awoke they'd send a search party and she'd never be aloud to leave again. Arthur would watch her every move and Merlin… she'd never be aloud to learn another spell. Trudging on through the darkness of the woods fearing that Daybreak was near she felt weak. Her legs were tired from the long trek but she knew it was worth it. She watched as they passed trees with scratch marks in them and trollish sayings and carvings she couldn't decipher. Dawn pauses touching one of the trees and tracing the carving it flashed green and the words changed allowing her to read it. Tilting her head she squints.
 "Home…?" She mumbled seeing the deep groves in the tree. Dawn felt she knew this language from a distant memory as if it had been murmered once before as if it'd been read to her. Trying to remember how she knew it, a jab to her back made her hiss.
 Poked with a guards spear she walks away and observes her surroundings closely. Seeing more trolls watching from the bushes, standing guard Dawn realized they had led her into the heart of their territory. Her eyes are wide in wonder as she looks around enamoured. She'd heard such dark stories about the GumGums home but standing here she could only feel the warmth of fellow warrior spirits.
   Tents were set up and huts made from the surrounding trees and rock. Everything was handcrafted in a way Dawn never knew trolls were capable of. Woven branches and carved rock shielded families from the cold as they laid together. Fires raged in pits and the flames made the GumGums eyes reflect as they watched her follow their king.
   Younglings ran around the camp jumping into bushes only to leap out at their friends causing squeals of joy to ring through the camp. Mothers and fathers sat and chatted as they groomed their newborn whelps, licking them clean as they made little squeaks of protest wiggling in their parents grip. Soldiers sparred and played chuffing at one other as they rolled around and smashed their helmets against each other, kits cheering them on. The more she saw the more she began to question her faith and allegiance to Arthur.
 Was this any different than home? They wove intricate baskets of grass that held food and supplies just like the weavers and potters of Camelot. There were some differences such as how and what they wove but the patterns told a story just like her people. Warriors brought back what they'd hunted putting them in piles for all to share similar to the town's trade center. Children played games with each other running around as adults took turns to watch. Was this not exactly like Camelot? Was the way the soldiers behaved any different than Camelots knight barracks or the teens copying the soldiers exactly like young squires? She could almost imagine the GumGums as humans in this light, as a thriving tribe deep in the woods who wanted nothing to do with Camelots culture.
  As she was pushed forward by GumGum spears to keep pace, she stumbled lost in her own thoughts. 
 Stumbling forward trying to wrap her head around the fact that the GumGums weren't all evil she stared up at Gunmar. From this angle walking with his son he almost seemed... human. He could've eaten her or mauled her when they first encountered each other but instead he listened to her pleas and now he was giving her a chance to fight. That was more than what Arthur ever did for her. More than Lancelot believed she could do. Who was the real monster in this war? Was there even a need for war?
 Turning Gunmar meets her gaze and she looks away. She decides to study his camp as this may be her only chance. Looking around taking in the dense foliage and how they'd made it a home she felt eyes on her. Turning whelps watched her curiously blinking owlishly at her. She wonders if they've ever seen a human. Well a live human. Bending down and pausing to wave they ran off squeaking to their mothers. Staring at the troll families who held their children close and their harsh gazes as they glared at the princess, Dawn realized she was the only monster here.
 Bular chuffed amused, making Dawn blush. Of course they'd be scared of her. After all she was the enemy. Getting up and pulling her cloak closer plants nervously bloomed around her and nearby crystals glowed reacting to her emotions. She flushed embarrassed at her lack of control and quickly followed the King of Darkness, curious eyes watching as they left. 
Lead to an arena Dawn pauses in awe. She was standing in the fabled GumGums battle room, she'd only ever heard stories. She never thought she'd see this place. Looking out at the various weapons placed around their training space. There were axes, swords, spears, javelins, maces, and other weapons she didn't recognize. Her green eyes widened in amazement studying the colosseum from the balcony they stood on. It overlooked everything and she was determined to write this down and document it later. The arena was large and wide carved out from the center of the mountain, hidden deep in the core. She could see statues of fallen warriors decorating the rims of the arena. Stone steps carved from years of work circled the colosseum allowing trolls to watch as others spared. She also noticed dents in the walls and wondered about the battles that caused such scars. 
 Running forward Glowing Green crystals jutted from the ground and tapping one, it glowed brightly reacting to her touch. Her heart swelled at the magic in this room, the history. She felt an ancient power in this place and could feel the souls of thousands of trolls who had fallen here. It was exhilarating unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Unlike anything in Camelot.
  "Our rules are simple fleshbag." Gunmar states demanding her attention. Turning away from the balconies edge and focusing on him he snarls from his place on his throne beginning. Skulls decorated his seat and Dawn swallows before meeting his gaze listening closely. "Rule One. Always finish the fight and never hesitate." He states slamming his hand onto an old skull crushing it. Dawn nods aware of this troll custom despite how much she despised it. "Rule Two it must be your blade that ends the fight it can not be your enemies." Holding her sword tightly Dawn understands this. If she lost her weapon she could not use her opponent's to end them.
   Gunmar smirked, leaning forward on his throne of bones as he chuffed in her face. Hot air sent her hood back and made her long hair shift as he leered down at her. "And Rule Three young mage. No magic." He instructs.
 Dawna chokes hearing the last demand. No magic? Since when was that a Gum Gum rule? She was never informed that would be part of the deal. Looking over at Gunmars son she brings her sword close. 
 Bular was at least twelve feet tall and Gunmar fifteen. She was a third their size, maybe half at best.
 Without her magic it would be impossible to defeat either of them. She could fight but she didn't have proper training in dueling only practice from when she copied Lancelot. Not to mention the split swords she'd brought were magic. She'd only have the weak weapon she swiped from the knight hall which to a troll was barely a dagger. She wasn't even sure it could go through a trolls skin. As they watched waiting for an answer, Dawn's hands clenched beginning to glow. She supposed magic would be an unfair advantage but wasn't it unfair to make her fight without it? Magic was apart of her, apart of this place. To deny her such a large part of herself… Trembling she felt sick. Perhaps Gunmar and Arthur shared more than she assumed.
 "Well princess?" Gunmar sneers the title like an insult before smirking, licking his fangs. "What is your decision? Do not waste our time." Dawn shakes. He thinks her a coward, a cheat but she would always keep true to her word. She came here. She had to finish this. Looking at her hands before closing her eyes she takes a deep breath. The glow dies and their left in the dull light of the green crystals. 
  Looking up and nodding Gunmar chuffed staring at her. Sighing, she looked down at herself allowing her armor to fade away. She felt naked without her protection but If they considered magic cheating then she would respect their rules as she was on their land.
  "I do not cheat. I do not need magic to win. And if I fall there's no one to go back to anyways..." Closing her eyes thinking of home she knows either way she wins. She either dies and meets Gwenivere in Avalon or she returns to the castle and saves her friend's life.
  Whispering a prayer to her family and hoping this was not her last night alive Dawn nods. She stands before the King and Prince unarmored and defenceless cept a small blade she held. Gunmar turns and not a moment later an attendant walks in carrying what Dawn feared most. Ravenstone.
 Rare and made from the dust of fallen magic users ravenstone blocked any magic from being used, containing the energy and even stealing it if a mage was around it too long. She holds the stone in her hands when the attendant passes it to her and pauses seeing they were cuffs.
  She swallows as they watch her and closing her eyes she slips them on wearing them as bracelets. Shivering Dawn could feel them working, they would not only block her magic but drain her energy as well. She'd have to be smart in this battle or she'd surely fall. 
  Rubbing the cuffs nervously she feels the intricate runes carved into the stone. They told the story of her kind, the origin of magic. A  zap of electricity goes up her arms making her feel more powerful despite the impediment. "I do not intend to lose." She states boldly. Bular chuffs sword dragging against the ground. Neither did he. Turning towards the arena she begins walking down the stairs, the brute following her.
  It seemed Bular had decided he would be her fighting partner and Gunmar their witness. 
 Waiting at the bottom she paused. Spinning the sword in her hand she stared into the steel looking at her reflection. If she died today she died a hero. If she won it wouldn't be long lived. Dictatuous was running out of time. He needed the cure. Now. 
  Attacking her while she's distracted, Dawn quickly focuses back on Bular, on the battle. Their swords clash against each other creating sparks as they glare at one other. She was tired, had less fighting experience, and was weaker. Smirking Dawn pushed Bular back, she guessed that made this a fair match. 
  Clawing at the ground gaining his footing he snarls and charges at her. Dawn thinking quickly jumps up and flips over him as he swings his sword where she had just stood. Landing she turns holding up her blade as his crashed against hers. He sneered pushing down and she cries out feeling the increasing pressure as he pushes down. Huffing she kicks him back making both of them skid.
 She breathes deeply grip tightening. The battle had just begun and she knew she was outmatched. Shifting her position she glances up at Gunmar. He sat on his throne overlooking their battle, watching amused. His eye met hers and she stares wondering what he must think of her, of his son before Bular crashes back into her, sending her backwards. Hitting the ground she rolls rocks digging into her skin. Her shirt catches and she hisses as the cloth rips open and slashes her flesh making blood spill. The first blood drawn from battle.
  Getting up she stares at Bular. She couldn't get distracted. This wasn't like home, if she lost here she wouldn't get back up again.
  Bular stalks towards her grinning as he dragged his two swords. Taunting her as they scratched deep groves into the floor. In the green light of the jagged crystals his eyes glowed and Dawn saw a blood lust she'd never seen before. Ducking behind a rock as he slashed his swords at her she inches around it before she rolls forward going under his legs aiming at his ankles. Making contact she quickly scrambles up also hitting him in the back right above his kilt. Holding her sword waiting for a counter attack the Prince roars. Snarling he turns, swords hitting her with so much force she's slammed into a wall. Making contact she drops her sword, gasping as she grabs her side. He'd gotten her. Twice now. But so had she. They were even. Grimacing in pain eyes wide in fear she stares up at the warlords son.
 "Look at you. Tiny and weak human. You thought you could best me? I am the son of Gunmar! I am a conquer! And now for your ignorance you shall fall." He states raising his swords above her head. Eyes darting around Dawn smirks. Kicking him in the grocknuts as hard as she can he roars, dropping his swords and whimpering. She grabs her own weapon before charging. Kicking him backwards again she slashes at his chest causing black blood to spill.
 "Miserable human your death will be painful for that!" He threatens as he smacks her away with his arm. Falling back sword clattering as it slips out of her hand once more Dawn groans.
Her breathing is rough as she shakes. Bular picks up his blades and as she kicks back trying to reach her sword his claws dig into her ankle pulling her towards him. He huffs hot air into her face keeping her pinned and she stares at him. He raises a sword but moving her head the blade simply sinks into the ground next to her. He snarls and she snarls back, body burning with pain but brimming with determination. She could not fall.
 Smashing her head against his he hisses in pain, stumbling back as she stands. Blood drips into her eye and her ankle burns from the deep cuts but she still stands tall. "I don't intend to lose." She sneers and he growls at her. Tackling her to the ground Dawn grunts but smirks. He'd pushed her closer to her blade.
 Smiling Bular stared down at her ready to smash her head in right as her sword pierced his side and went straight through his ribcage. She missed his heart intentionally though she wonders how his face would've looked if he had been beaten by such a "weakling" as herself. Smiling as warm blood dripped onto her hands from the wound she'd inflicted she forced him back before climbing on top of him straddling him. Grabbing his horns and pushing his head down she glares down at him huffing.
 "You you you!!!" He roars thrashing but Dawn keeps one hand on the sword threatening to push it all the way through if he didn't listen. The other rested on his horn keeping his head down.
 "Yield Bular. You've lost." Dawn snarls. Their battle was intense and she almost fell but Bulars cockiness had been his downfall. Her hair falls onto his face as she breathes deeply staring into his eyes. Bular chuffs growling at her but her hand remained on the hilt of the sword reminding him she could end him if she chose. She'd done it. Bloody but not broken she'd beaten Bular the Butcher.
 "MY SON!" Gunmar screeches from his throne ready to charge. Dawn turns holding out her hand that'd been on Bulars horn. The GumGum king paused snorting at her boldness. 
"I'll make a deal." Dawn states. "Declare I've won and I'll take off the raven cuffs, I'll heal him, and we never speak of this. And..." She takes a deep breath in blood still dripping from her wounds. "You give me what I desire." Dawn offers. Gunmar chuffs staring at her then Bular. Bular who was covered in blood and beaten by a mere mortal. His son. His legacy. Who was this girl? 
There's a long pause where the only sound is Bular and Dawns wheezing breaths. Dawn and Gunmar stare at each other and finally Gunmar chuffs looking away. 
"You have won." He growls lowly.
"Father!" Bular snaps before roaring at the movement. The pain from the inflicted wound was unlike anything he'd ever felt. Dawn turns eyes wide as she holds the sword still to keep it from hurting him further.
"Silence! You have lost Bular let the witch work!" Dawn nods and ripping off the cuffs she takes out the sword before placing her hands against the wound. His stone was warm despite being rock something she wasn't expecting. The texture was rough and marred threatening to slit her hands open if she didn't work carefully. Black and red stained her hands their blood mixing together and as her eyesight blurred she prayed that after the battle her magic was strong enough to heal him. 
Closing her eyes focusing Bulars breathing and chuffing gets louder as electricity courses through his veins. Dawn feels the wound close under her fingertips slowly and putting more energy into it, more thought the GumGum Prince stares amazed as the rock melts and melds before becoming a small scar against his chest. Almost as if she'd never struck him in the first place. 
Dawn pulls back still straddling him and he stares at her. This small human who just put him on the brink of death only to save him. Who was this human? This Dawna Nobel? 
"... Can I please get the troll cure and go home now?" She begs falling off the dark prince to lay on the ground besides him. They both lay still after their battle, taking deep breaths in.  
 Gunmar held the potion as Dawn smiled. She had a small cut above her eye from headbutting Bular and a gash on her arm and leg from rolling on the ground but she'd done it. She got the cure to save Dictatious. Taking the bottle into her hands Gunmar leaned close.
"Do not let me see you here again." He chuffs. "And do not take this potion lightly. It could destroy my people but I put my trust in you as you've been the only honorable human I have met in some time. You bested my son and for that you will not be underestimated again." Holding the bottle close, feeling the warmth of it's magic through the glass Dawn looks at Gunmar and nods. That was the closet to a compliment she'd ever get from the GumGum King. 
"You have my word Gunmar." Smiling she turns facing Killahead before she fades into the shadows disappearing. 
Sputtering as she falls into one of the many castle halls, Dawn can't breathe as she lays flat on the carpet. Breathing deeply her hands dig into the lush fabric as her eyes go blurry. Groaning light leaks from a nearby window onto her face and she sees it's sunup, sometime in the early morning. Grunting body burning in pain as she slowly gets up she begins to limp down the hall sweat and blood dripping down her face. But holding the potion close she can't bring herself to care about her pain. Heaving in air, she could feel the night and the toll of magic finally catch up to her. However she couldn't quit rest yet. Clawing at the wall as she continues walking she pulls herself forward cradling her prize close. 
Dawn paused looking around the corner. The guards that were usually stationed for prison duty were gone on shift leave, giving her a window of opportunity. Opening the door that led to the dungeons quietly she sneaks inside to the staircase before closing the door. Staying in the shadows and avoiding the torches she creeps down the stairs careful not to make a sound. Peaking, her head out she sees most of the trolls were resting or trying too. Hacking could be heard and she winces, listening to Dictatious as he continued to cough.
 Walking quietly across the stone floor, trolls don't pay her cloaked form any mind. Standing near his cell she holds the mug of tea and potion close. She'd changed her clothes to look more presentable. She'd also slipped into the kitchens when no one was looking to grab a few things. Holding the potion and tea in her hand she pauses outside his cell. She could study the potion Gunmar gifted her, reverse it. Make a weapon and wipe out the GumGums once and for all. Magic would finally be respected. Arthur would respect her. But...
 Hearing his loud pained coughs Dawn closes her eyes as she pours the potion into the tea. She sticks the cup through the cell bars allowing Dictatious to take it. The hacking stops and Dawn slowly opens her eyes. Dictatious looks at her untrusting and she frowns her hand with the tea shaking.
  "Please it'll help I promise..." She begs him. He blinks before looking at Dawn through the bars that seperated them, all six eyes peering into her soul through the darkness of the dungeon. 
 "... why?" He asks voice barely above a whisper as he forces it out of his raspy throat. He had gotten worse while she was gone but she believed Gunmar had fulfilled his deal as she had hers. That his sickness would be cured once he drank what she'd fought for and that he'd live just as she had.
 "Because this is wrong and I'm sorry. Please..." Dawn continues to offer the cure, cloak hiding her face but Dictatious knew her. She was the King's niece. She was Camelots jewel. She was that girl who would sneak into the woods to learn magic and come down into these dark dungeons to hear the stories he told other trolls to keep their hopes up.
  He sniffed the tea, it was a spicy moss blend that Dawn found many trolls enjoyed. The ingredients in the kitchen were slightly different from what trolls used but she hoped it'd appease him. Dictatious and her were by no means close but she wanted to amend that. They'd met in the woods when she was small, he'd helped her home. And once more he'd seen her practicing magic and had gifted her a troll book about ancient spells. She'd hated trolls for months after Gweniveres passing. She'd hated her magic but then she remembered. She remembered her aunts love and kindness. Her passion for the arts and her interest in magic. She would not let Arthur get away with this if she was still alive. But she was dead so it was Dawn's responsibility now. 
  It helped that Dictatious told stories whenever she came down to explore the dungeons. Although they never directly interacted he showed her not all trolls were evil. Before he got sick he spun tales of his world explaining magic in a way Dawn had never heard before. He was not a beast like Arthur described and she couldn't bear for him to die when he became sick and could no longer tell his stories. She couldn't stand that these trolls were trapped, that so many had died here. But for now all she had to beg for forgiveness was the potion. 
  "..." Dictatious studies Dawn humming as he looks her over. He takes the cup, his hands touching hers. She smiles and he looks grateful as he takes the warm mug. Looking at the princess with glazy eyes he snorts amused. "You are not like your family. You are different..." Dawn tilts her head but he doesn't add on as he chugs the drink. Once done he hands the cup back before curling into a ball on the dungeons cold floor. Dawn stares at him panicked. Had it been poison? Was he dying? Had she killed him? Had Gunmar lied to her?
 "Dic…?" Going to open the cell bars she paused watching his chest slowly rise and fall. Sleeping. The troll was just resting. Sighing and letting out a laugh Dawn falls against the bars exhausted. Chuckling she hugs her knees close. As she looked at Dic slumbering and listened to the rumbling trolls around her, her eyes fluttered. Yes she could use some of that too...
 Dawn feels a hand on her shoulder. She startles awake looking around confused before she remembers visiting Dic in the dungeons. Groaning she isn't sure when she dozed off but apparently she had.
 "You stayed?" Turning Dawn takes off her cloaks hood and pauses seeing Dictatious look at her. Smiling she stands, excited the potion worked as he looked much healthier. 
 "You're up." She states ignoring his previous remark. Studying him he seemed to be in good health despite the terrible circumstances. Dic hums in response reaching his hand through the bars to touch Dawns face. "Are you well?" She asks ignoring as he poked her.
 "I am but what of you? What happened to you?" Dawn blushes remembering the bruises and cuts all over her face from the duel. She didn't have the energy to deal with them last night. Letting out a chuckle she shrugs it off.
 "Don't worry about it." She responds, muttering a quick spell to heal her injuries. Dictatious watches with wide eyes as the cuts slowly close and the swelling goes down. She still had some light bruising but she looked much better. He had not seen her last night in the darkness of the dungeon but he'd recognized her scent and voice. Plus she was the only human who really came down here other than the Knights. 
 "You are a very strange human." He states crossing his arms. Chuckling Dawn nods. She was indeed different than her family. 
 "Can you walk? What about run?" She questions suddenly. Dictatiouses face scrunches as he tilts his head. What was she planning now?
 "Yes I feel fine now but why?" He asks. Dawn nods at him before she summons her armor. If she'd fallen asleep against the cells in the morning than it had to be dark now.
 "You've been here long enough. All of you. It's time you go home." She states. 
 "Dawna what are you doing?" Dictatious demands grabbing at her arm but she was already walking away from his cell to the center of the room. Making the torches burn bright, light fills the room showing Dawn.   "... You don't know me!" Dawn addresses them and the sound of grating stone can be heard as they turn and shift towards her. Eyes of all shapes and sizes watching the girl speak. "But I believe Trolls aren't evil. And I promise you, neither are humans. I do this because what my uncle Arthur did to all of you was wrong. I do this to show we're not all like him." Dawn fueled by saving Dic holds up her hand and all the cadges glow. Trolls gasp backing away before the locks suddenly click and the doors swing open. They… they were free? "Follow me and I'll lead you home!" Pulling her hood up Dawn runs out of the dungeon towards the castles entrance and the trolls, goblins, stalklings, and gnomes follow. Dictatious pushes past other trolls and rushing out of his now opened cell runs to be in the front right next to her.
 "Dawna this could be your title! This could be everything. Your very life! What are you doing?" He demands pulling on her arm but she just smiles, winking at him. 
 She leads a charge, directing the various creatures through the castle. Bigger creatures pick up smaller or sicker ones to help them keep up. The freed trolls follow behind her trusting the emboldened mage who had saved them. Their thundering footsteps echoing through the castle.
Making it to the front entrance she bursts the door open with her magic, leading everyone out of the castle and through the labyrinth of Camelot cobblestone streets before finally arriving at the gate. Focusing and saying a spell she hoists the iron bars open and they nod at her in thanks before they run. 
 It was early morning and the sun slowly begins to rise but for now there was enough shade for the night creatures to travel safely. Dawna can hear commotion coming from the castle as knights scurry around trying to find the escaped trolls and missing princess. Laughing as she watches the trolls flee, seeing them return home to the woods her chest flutters in happiness. She'd done it. She'd used magic and she'd freed them. 
  Feeling a pull Dawn stumbles almost dropping the gate and pausing she turns.
  "Lets go." Dictatious states yanking at her hand. She blinks surprised before staring at the troll.
  "What?" She asks softly. He pulls again wanting to drag her into the woods with him. With all of them. Some trolls pause on the bridge looking back and waiting for her decision.
 "Come with us. Please." Dawn blinks before she stares at Dictatious. Tilting her head she gazes outward, to the woods and their lush forest. With the freshest of fruits and gorgeous flowers. With friends. With Safety. With Magic. With sparring. And Freedom. She'd have freedom. She feels another pull and hesitantly she takes a step back so she doesn't go running away with them. 
 "My family is here..." She mumbles but she longs to leave with Dictatious. To go to their troll safe haven and explore the troll world. Too read endless books and immerse herself in their culture and magic. Too see what she'd only heard stories about. To become what she could only dream. 
 "You don't belong with them." Dictatious lightly bumps her head with his before squeezing her cheeks. Dawn is confused but laughing she smiles realising he had just given her the equivalent of a platonic troll kiss. He saw her as kin and he wanted her safe. She didn't belong in Camelot anymore did she? Her home was the wild surrounded by trees and magic not cobblestone and iron. But if she stayed she could help and maybe someday she would ascend to the throne and she could fix things. She could repair the damage done by Arthurs anger and she could rule with Gweniveres love. 
  The loud clanking of armor gets closer and Dawn hugs Dictatious feeling his rough stone against her before she pushes him to flee. He runs understanding her decision but at the end of the bridge he hesitates sending her a hopeful glance. He waits but Dawn simply bows a last goodbye and he nods taking off into the safety of the woods. Looking up again about to bring the gate back down Dawn pauses. 
  Gunmar stood at the edge of the woods watching. Tilting her head he nodded slowly at her. He did not trust humans and the Royal Family was at the top of that list but Dawn hoped she had earned his respect. If she ever fell by his hand she hoped it would be a quick merciful death. Something he granted few.
 The iron bars slam down as her magic burned out, separating her from the woods and all that lied beyond. Dawn signs looking away. Once again she was trapped.
 Gunmar stood at the woods edge peering into the Humans putrid village. He had come to scout and see if Dawna would keep her word. If the potion she won truly was for a troll or if she was lying and planned to use it against them and slaughter his troops. His single eye widened as the gates opened. He growled ready to tear open her throat but paused as a flood of magical creatures poured out rather than the army he was expecting. He could see trolls of all kinds, stalkings, gnomes, and goblins and amongst them stood an unafraid Dawna. They towered over her and had ten times her strength and yet she didn't fear them. They all left and Dawna was alone. Going to turn and leave he paused. Some trolls remained. A cloaked troll had stayed back and now they were clinging to her. Even from the distance he could see they were small and sickly, barley recovered despite the potion it seemed. The troll pulled at her as the others encouraged her to leave with them. Gunmar snorted enraged at the notion they'd invite her into the woods. 
  The girl simply nodded no, trying to urge them to leave. A wise decision on her part. The troll looks up and saw he was running out of time, the light was coming and with it his death if he didn't hurry. He leaves but Gunmar watches him hesitate. The trolls look back and Dawn smiles before bowing goodbye. The trolls run to the shelter of the trees and the princess watches them leave. The gate is about to drop before her green eyes lock onto him. Their gaze meets and she slowly nods to him. The gate slams down separating them before he can respond and he hums watching her run off as knights come. Perhaps if things were different. If she was born a troll or even a GumGum in another life they could've been allies. Maybe even friends. He turns feeling saddened that she chose to remain imprisoned when she clearly could be free. What an odd human.
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texthemess · 5 years
hey! I hope you feel better soon! can I request something with Steve x reader? maybe reader is Steve's boyfriend and has no idea of what's happening at the mall and somehow they got involved and they have no idea what's going on? I don't know, I just really hope you feel better
thank you so very very much for your kind words. getting this message this morning seriously made me feel so good.
i did my best with this, i hope you like it! i don’t usually write/ship steve with guys, its usually girls, but i went out of my writing comfort zone to try something new so i hope it worked! 
Steve, can you hear me?
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( gif credit: joeskeery )
A groan rolled from tired throat as hands reached up above head pushing the mound of pillows forward in order to stretch. Leg fell from the side of the bed as another groan escaped the comforter. Rising from the dead, at least as Steve called it, Y/N sat up straight and stared hazily towards the other side of the room.
The room was a mess, god was it in need of a deep clean. If only he had the time of day to make that happen. He was a heavy sleeper and sometimes found himself sleeping most of the morning away. Part of it was partly due to a night shift taking most of his work life; on the other hand, he simply wasn’t a morning guy. It did sadly lead to undesirable mornings when there was no Harrington in the bed beside him. God was it cold without him. Even with the heat raising to the triple digits, it was so cold without him there.
Reaching towards the bed side table he lifted a cigarette, clicked his lighter a few times, and lit the stick. Inhaling deeply, fingers curled the tobacco before he exhaled the smoke into the air around him, “Shit..” he had to change shifts. One would go crazy with hours such as his.
Y/N hadn’t seen Steve much that week come to think about it. He was always at work, which again was opposite shift of his own, and then Henderson came back from his month long camp. Y/N understood seeing a friend again after that length of time. It’s not like you could just pick up the phone and call at anytime. And though he was still just a kid, and Steve being graduated high school and all, Steve and those kids had been through it all it seemed. What with Will going missing when he did and everything that came after that. To be honest, Y/N was still trying to wrap his head around it all and it was a miracle these kids came out of it, semi normally. If you could call them normal. But they meant the world to Steve which means they meant a lot to Y/N as well. Even if he still had to constantly ask about everything that happened.
Glancing to the clock, “ SHIT! “ cigarette was put out in the empty tray on the table, free hand flung the comforter to the other side of the bed as he sprung to his feet. One foot into a pant leg as he hopped around the room cursing under his breath. A second foot into the other leg and up they went. Fumbling with his belt he blew out a puff of air pushing curls from his line of vision. One might take a look at him and think him a total mess, which was only partially correct considering he was now late to his date with Steve. He had been rambling on the last couple days about something Russian. How robin and Dustin had translated and figured out some code? To be honest y/n had been far too tired to comprehend whatever his boyfriend had been rambling about.
Rushing towards the full body mirror that looked as if any second it was going to fall off the closet door; Y/N pushed hair from his face, brushed out some wrinkles in his shirt, and sprayed some deodorant to mask the lack of a shower. He was a mess, but at least he was Steve’s mess. Thank god he loved him. Knowing the two, the night would probably end in a shower as it was. So he wasn’t exactly complaining.
Cursing under his breath one last time he grabbed his wallet, house keys and made a b-line for the front door. As soon as he turned the nob and flung the door open, there stood a whole gaggle of teenagers with Nancy wheeler at the front. They looked like they had run through hell and back, “ Nancy? Wh-what the hell.. “
“ Y/N no questions! We need help NOW! El is hurt, bad. “ with that the group shuffled a groaning, half dead looking Eleven to the front of the group. Her pant leg torn and soaked in blood. Crimson dripping from her nose and tears streaming her face as Mike held her up as any second her legs would give from under her, “ wh—“ “ NO QUESTIONS HELP! “ Mike snapped at Y/N as tears threatened his eyesight. He was obviously on edge, as they all were, but Y/N was going to need some answers at some point. But that point was clearly not now.
He stood staring at the group trying to gather his thoughts, eyes glancing from each face of each teenager. Everyone looked tired, defeated. Faces no one in their right mind would say no to. And why would he? Steve of all people would understand why he was late. Unaware that Steve was even apart of this and what he had just gone through in the past few hours.
He shook his head clearing his throat and motioned them to come inside. But before they all shoved through the door El paused, “ mike…the mall..we need to…go.. “ Y/N stopped and looked at her, “ what is she talking about? “ with a bounce of his whole frame mike considered all options gaze jumping from El to Y/N only to growl in defeat, “ Alright can you grab whatever you can to help? Everyone back to the car we have to go! “
At this point what did he really have to lose? Sighing with no questions asked, he rushed back to his room and dug into a spare bag at the foot of the bed. There was a pretty good reason one would have a weird night shift like Y/N, he was a paramedic. How Steve hooked that one the world will never know. For christ sake the boy works at an ice cream parlor.
Flinging the bag over his shoulder he made his way back to the front. There Nancy stood in the door waiting while the others had packed themselves back into her station wagon. Without a word Y/N pushed past Nancy telling her to close the door behind her. It was fairly obvious why Y/N wasn’t super fond of Nancy. Yet at the same time, he had her to thank. If she didn’t break up with Steve, he probably wouldn’t have met him. At least, been able to date him as long as she were still in the picture. Still, he couldn’t forgive her for how she treated Steve in the end of their relationship.
Steve crossed his mind while they piled into the car and drove off. Being shoved into the back of the wagon digging through the bag to take a look at Els leg, it was all too familiar to work. That’s how he met Steve funny enough. His track record of getting the snot beat out of him, it was no wonder he ended up with a paramedic patching him up. He wasn’t very good at winning fist fights. That was for sure. And that night that Hargrove boy put a pretty good ding in Steve the Hair Harrington. Y/N was still thankful for how it all played out. Even though Steve is far more good looking without a massive black eye and blood dripping from his nose and scattered cuts.
Though he didn’t know how he could truly help here in this situation other than patch El up. He had no experience with these Demagorgon things. The upside down? Hell he didn’t even know what they all looked like. It’s not like the party had a photo or something. Course he did listen to all the stories Dustin had of that pet Dart. Whatever it was. If only he knew what they all were about to experience.
“ This is gonna hurt, “ he whispered to El who hesitantly nodded. All he could really do in this situation was clean the wound and patch it up. Which is exactly what he did. Whatever botch clean up job the teens did at the grocery store, as they told him the story, it wasn’t enough. But to be honest, neither was what he was about to do. She needed stitches that was for sure and they weren’t going to be able to give her that.
What seemed an eternity later the group arrived at the mall and were alerted as Nancy slammed on the brakes almost sending everyone through the windshield, “ god DAMN NANCY! “ max blurted out, “ you’re worse of a driver than I am, “ Nancy sneered at the red head as everyone piled out of the car.
Rushing into the mall it was throwing Y/N completely off. It was dead. Completely dead. But there had to be movies still playing at the theater, Steve only would have just gotten off his shift a short time ago, “ where is..wh… “ his question cut off by the sound of El shushing them. They followed and watched as El began to mess with a car alarm downstairs in the food court. Y/N titled his head as he watched her, more crimson streaming from her nose. He had never really watched her use her powers to a bigger case. Slamming a door, messing with something outside her vision, moving small things here and there. It was all pretty small stuff. But then, in that moment, this small teenage girl lifted a full car with her mind and flung it across the food court. He was pretty sure his mouth was hanging wide open.
They all rushed to the edge of the balcony and watched the aftermath of the ‘crash’. Several bodies were strung about the laminate floor. Blood pooling next to a few. They were dead. He could see that from even this distance. Suddenly, a group of people rose from behind a food vendor counter. Both groups eyes met and suddenly his whole body was on fire. Steve. How on earth did he get roped into this mess now. There next to him Robin, Dustin, and…Erica? What was Lucas’s little sister doing with them? There were so many questions he needed answered.
Without any more time passing by, the two groups ran to meet in the middle. Friends embraced and laughed together. Though the groups were happy to see each other and reconnecting to go over what all had happened in those last few days. Y/N crashed into Steves body arms flung around his neck while he took him in completely. Tears knocking on the lids of his closed eyes. He didn’t even know what all had happened but, he had a sense something was definitely wrong with this whole picture.
It seems they both were late to their date. As he pulled away to embrace lips, he finally saw his face in full. Hands crashed against the sides of Harrington’s head as he turned him and inspected every inch of his injuries. Brows furrowed with frustration as voice was loving but serious, “ Steve Harrington what the FUCK have you done this time?! “
Behind all the interlocked friends, Will Byers stood hand wrapped along the back of his neck. Swallowing hard he spoke loud but softly, “ Guys! He’s here… “
Y/Ns attention was pulled as he watched Will with curious eyes, “ Who’s here… “
Hi wow sorry it has been a super long time since I wrote anything. Apologies grammar can be bad and I have a weird way of writing. I don’t really ship Steve with guys, that’s just my preference of him, but I hope those who do ship him with the same sex like this little piece. Idk why but as I was writing it all out today it’s just how I imagined this would go.
If people like it enough I could always do a second piece.
My fics will get longer as I go. This was essentially a warm up piece. Thanks for requesting! I had fun with it
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jzeeeeeeeee · 5 years
Game of Thrones 8.06 Series Finale Recap and Review
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This should be kind of obvious but I'll be discussing the final episode of Game of Thrones here so if you're not caught up don't read this unless you want to be spoiled!
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Tyrion walks us into the episode, literally, walking through the ashes of King's Landing, closely followed by Jon and Davos. Ash is everywhere, still raining down, floating in the air like snow. I can only imagine the smell, if the scent from piles of burning dead outside Winterfell was bad this must be a thousand times worse considering they've always said how bad the city smelled to begin with... The horror on Tyrion's face is evident and surely echoes our own, as he walks by dead children and a near-naked burnt man stumbling out of the ruined city looking truly shellshocked. Tyrion tells Jon he wants to go on alone and heads for the destroyed Red Keep. Jon and co. run into Grey Worm and the Unsullied sentencing some Lannister soldiers to death in Dani's name and under her orders. Jon tries to tell Grey Worm that the war is over and the enemy soldiers are prisoners now, pleading for their lives. But the overwhelming loss must have had a hollowing effect on Grey Worm, emptying him of every last fuck he had to give. It almost comes to blood between Grey Worm/the Unsullied and Jon/random Northmen but Davos intercedes, quickly urging Jon to go speak with Dani directly. As Jon walks away, Grey Worm goes back to slitting throats of Lannister men like it's nothing, as if to show Jon how truly empty his fuck-tank was.
Back to Tyrion, walking around the remains of the Red Keep. He follows the steps down just like he told Jaime and sees the gigantic mountain of rubble covering the exit he had described. He starts digging through the rubble and finds jaime's gold hand. Digging further he uncovers both his siblings, dead on each other's arms. The music is haunting, a slow violin rendition of Rains of Castamere. This scene was picture perfect in it's tragedy, the bricks washing all color out of the scene save for the Lannisters. I might not have liked the way Cersei's end came or Jaime's middle finger to his redemption arc but seeing Tyrion kneeling there crying over them definitely gave me the feels.
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Arya walks past dead bodies and ruins out into the square in front of the Red Keep where the mysterious remaining half of the Dothraki are riding around on their horses, cheering and raising their arakhs in the air. We switch to follow Jon who's walking past the Dothraki and Unsullied towards massive, imposing steps of what is apparently left of the Red Keep. It makes me think of the Mayan Temple of the Sun, draped with a truly ginormous Targaryen banner. Jon looks at Grey Worm when he gets to the top of the stairs like "this is not handicap accessible". Just kidding, Jon looks at Grey Worm like he's gone as bonkers as his Queen. Dani and Drogon come flying in overhead and land somewhere behind the ruined Keep. Drogon's wings behind Dani stretch out and fold as she comes walking into the foreground. The sight is truly amazing and I've watched that part alone a hundred times. This is a powerful leader with men fiercely loyal to her returning victorious, no longer that little girl in Essos constantly on the run from assassins. There's a nice juxtaposition of the Unsullied lined up with precision thumping their spears in perfect unison, while the Dothraki are in a frenzy behind their orderly rows, practically doing wheelies on their horses as Dani delivers her victory speech.
Ok let's just stop and appreciate this character for a minute. Let's just imagine going through what she went through, it truly must feel like destiny, step by step bringer her closer to madness, all that power she has. She has a huge dragon that is closely bonded to her, she's the Unburnt not just a Khaleesi, not just a Queen. She's conquered before, and liberated before. When a character is too OP you just know they can't last... Remember the speech she gave when she named the entire khalasar her bloodriders? These men watched her walk out of fire, TWICE, unharmed. Who wouldn't kneel? They must think her a goddess! Grey Worm is devoted utterly because he was freed by Dani and he controls the Unsullied. The naming as Master of War, a great boon to him I'm sure, leader of ALL her forces now. He's still covered in the blood of dead Lannister soldiers as he steps forward to accept the nomination.
Danaerys speaks passionately, fervently as any champion of fire would. I could practically see flames dancing in her eyes as she talks of liberating the people of King's Landing. The show told me she's going crazy so I guess she must be. Jon's eyes when she starts talking about liberating the entire world... But it seems Tyrion agrees with me and in a fit of pique and anguish he casts off his Hand of the Queen pin to the ground. Dani commands the guards to take Tyrion and he locks eyes with Jon as he's walked off, with this "Your girl done gone nuts bro" face.
Arya catches up with Jon on the steps, urging him to see that Dani is a killer and he's in danger from her since she knows his true heritage. I like how he's surprised to see her, asking for its the audience what she's doing there in the first place. He doesn't even question the fact she came to kill Cersei and walks off to go find Tyrion's cell.
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Jon and Tyrion discuss what happened and Jon can't deny what Dani did was wrong but he's trying to justify it by naming all the things she lost along the way to madness. Tyrion reiterates what Arya was saying, that Jon's life is at risk because of his claim to the throne. Jon actually rolls his eyes before sitting down to take it all in. It seems like Tyron admits he had feelings for Dani here, saying he loved her though not as successfully as Jon did. He walks Jon by the hand to the idea that she's the biggest threat to the people, especially his sisters. He lays a choice at Jon's feet, knowing that only Jon has the chance to bring this to an end.
Jon leaves to go find Dani in the Keep. Drogon is stretched outside like the largest cat ever, briefly getting up to see who's disturbing his rest but let's Jon go by without even a puff of smoke. Dani's walking through the ruined throne room, stretching out her hand to the Iron Throne she's sought after for all these years, touching the arm briefly. The ruins of the throne room and the snow-like ash in the air are the payoff from the vision she had in Qaarth's House of the Undying. She's contemplative, making a meta comment about the throne being made of a thousand blades from Aegon's fallen enemies. This is a sort of dig because the throne GRRM had described and imagined was more like the one she does here. Jon comes in to rain on her parade, angry about the Unsullied executing Lannister soldiers along with the thousands of dead and burned children outside. He seems to be giving her one last chance, begging with her to see reason. As she says her final words about building a new world and breaking the wheel I'm heartbroken because I know what's coming next without anyone telling me. "Be with me. Build the new world with me. This is our reason, since you were a little boy with a bastard's name and I was a little girl that couldn't count to 20. We do it together. We break the wheel together." He kisses her passionately this time, "You are my Queen, now and always", not breaking away like he did at Winterfell and Dragonstone, and I know the instant the knife goes in her heart he's sobbing and so am I. It's like she had plot armor her entire life... until today.
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Jon lays Dani's body down on the ground and suddenly Drogon's there, sensing something wrong with his mother. He nudges her with his head but she's gone, and the sadness that pours out of him is an echo of my own seeing her tragic story at an end. This girl had been on this path since her birth, freeing slaves, serving justice to those who deserved it and I'm supposed to believe right at the end she decides to kill all the innocent people she came to save. Ok fine I'll go along with it for now since we're on mega fast forward this season and maybe I just missed all the subtle steps on the way to Dani's madness. Back to Drogon... He's so full of anguish he let's out a few huge bursts of fire, melting the Iron Throne down to slag. The scene was awesome in the true meaning of the word but I'm a little confused why Drogon would understand the meaning of such an act. And why didn't Jon move out of the way more? He has a weird thing with facing dragons I guess, maybe he planned on yelling at Drogon like he did to his brother. The scene ends after Drogon snatches up Dani's body in one claw and flies away, never to be seen again.
Tyrion awakes, finding his buddy Grey Worm at the door. He's led out to the Dragonpit where the Lords and Ladies of Westeros (🤷) are waiting. I have no idea what kind of time has passed but guessing from Tyrion's hair it's been a few weeks since Dani's death. Sansa demands to know where Jon is but Grey Worm insists they are in control of the city and it's prisoners. Sansa doubles down letting him know King's Landing is surrounded by Northmen. Yara makes some threat about Jon getting killed by the Unsullied but Arya comes right back at her saying she'll slit her throat lol. I think it's right around here everything becomes a bit hokey to me. After some back and forth with Grey Worm about the fate of Jon Snow, Tyrion suggests they choose a king or queen (who will ultimately be in charge of that fate). That Tully dude, Lord of the Riverlands gets up to make a speech (maybe to make a play as king?) but Sansa shoots him down by asking him to just sit, be a good boy, and drink his bottled water. Sam suggests a type of democracy system where everyone gets a say and they all just laugh at him. Just like everyone imagined, Tyrion reveals Jon is the heir to the Throne and they all live happily ever after. Wait no, actually he walks around and talks about how stories hold the world together and Bran should be King. What in the ever-loving fuck? Who has a better story than a man who came back from the dead only to find he was not a bastard at all but the heir to the Iron Throne????!!! Ok I get that he killed Dani so that's a stain on his honor but he did it to save the whole damn world. He didn't want to rule but neither did Bran! Tyrion proposes kingship to Bran in a way that sounds like a marriage proposal from the realm. Then Bran shows more emotion than he has in the past 2 seasons, he smiled a little and says "Why do you think I came all this way?" Huh? Well I had thought it was to help defeat the Night King and the White Walkers but fine I'll go along with that too I guess... I thought for a hot second he'd say "I am Groot". Sansa declares independence for the North after we get a round of "ayes" from all the other Westerosi Lords and Ladies in favor of Bran the Broken as king. I face palm but on my 3rd or 4th rewatch I see that Tyrion's cleverness did shine through one last time. He knew that giving Jon to the Unsullied would mean more war, knew Jon didn't want the throne anyway, knew that the puzzle needed solving and I suppose he did it. Jon would go to the Wall and serve a life sentence in the Night's Watch as a compromise, apparently to keep everyone from getting what they want. We see Tyrion meet briefly with Jon to explain this and he's as baffled as I am there's even a Night's Watch left. What are they watching? Season one?
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Another time jump of unknown proportions and Jon is getting on a boat, headed for the Wall. He sees Grey Worm on another ship about to set sail for Naath where I can only assume he'll die from butterfly poison trying to protect Missandei's people. As Jon rounds a corner he sees Bran, Arya and Sansa are there to see him off. Hugs all around, Sansa apologizes to Jon and I can't help but think it's forced, Arya will sail West of Westeros. When Jon kneels in front of Bran saying, "Your Grace" I'm still wondering what his Targ ancestry had to do with anything and why Bran thought it was so important for him to know. The last of the Starks are going to go on their separate paths again, but hey they won the Game.
We next get a cute scene of Brienne writing Jaime's deeds in the White Book, meaning she's the Lord Commander now. This part is uber meme-able, particularly when she makes faces trying to think of good deeds to write. After a few creative truths she closes the book without writing anything about how he saved the people of King's Landing from being burned alive with wildfire. This scene also shows us Bran the Broken has taken a raven for his sigil, it's now prominent on Brienne's Kingsguard armor.
We go next back to Tyrion, the Keep mended enough to have a small council meeting in the old spot he's meticulously rearranging the chairs. Sam, now Grandmaester, brings in a book called a Song of Ice and Fire, very Hobbit of him, setting it in front of Tyrion. The rest of the small council files in, Bronn as Lord of Highgarden and Master of Coin, Davos as Master of Ships, and Brienne the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Bran is wheeled in just for a minute so we can hear they're missing a few officers and see Sir Podrick is in charge of pushing his chair around now, making an ambiguous comment about finding Drogon just before leaving the running of the kingdom to the council (please give me a sequel of just that!). The scene ends with Tyrion starting his famous jackass/brothel joke but we never get the punchline.
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Jon arrives at the Wall, which has been repaired with wooden gates. Then the most well-done cutting of scenes together happens as we bounce between Arya getting ready for her journey west, Jon's arrival and subsequent leaving of the Wall, and Sansa's coronation as Queen of the North. We see Jon moving through the wildlings and finally, FINALLY, he pets Ghost. Arya's on a ship with a huge Stark wolf on the sails. Sansa is at Winterfell newly crowned. It all ends kind of how it started, with Jon on his horse walking north into the woods, wildlings on foot following him into the future. The scene evokes a sense of adventure unknown and reminds me of the first scenes from the pilot where we first saw the wights and Walkers in action but instead of death it's life moving through these woods now.
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So my main reason for breaking this all down was because I've been asked over and over what I thought of this episode. Many of you know I'm passionate about this show and even now that's it's over I'm sure I'll rewatch it many, many times again, season by season. In fact, this will probably be the first blog entry I have in "Watching Thrones Backwards; maybe it makes more sense this way?"
That being said I feel like this ending was really perfect for what they set out to do. A show based on a book series is always difficult, and Thrones lost access to the written word once the show moved past the books. I've read every single book and felt that more character development could've been done here in Seasons 7 and 8, both of which would've been better with more episodes. It felt rushed without those extra moments this story deserved but instead we got what we got. And what we got in the last episode was amazing for this series, beautifully produced, imagery leaps and bounds ahead of anything else on television, well-acted, even if not always well-written.
The biggest criticism I have was that the dive into Dani's madness was too abrupt, and such a huge deviation from her character. But her last words will haunt me for all of time. "We will break the wheel together." And they did. Jon's act was a sacrifice for both of them and gave rise to the new system of electing leaders.
Time was also my enemy in this episode, I know that it opens pretty soon after the last one because there's still fires burning but as we go through it I felt less and less certain where we were on the timeline. At the Dragonpit scene Robin Aryn was much taller, does that mean years have gone by or mere weeks? Years of Unsullied occupancy in King's Landing doesn't make sense to me but ok whatever. And at the end stuff was kind of fixed like in the Red Keep and at the wall so that must've been years certainly! But Sansa was just getting crowned so did they really wait all that time to do it? I guess I'll need to wait for GRRM to help me clear that up, hopefully in my lifetime.
My other problem was that everything was getting tied up with pretty little bows, basically going down the list and checking off all the weird bets people were making online. I could've easily told you Arya would head west of Westeros, Sam would name that book a Song of Ice and Fire, and that Tyrion would never finish his joke on screen. I say "was" though because I'd rather have all these things tied up neatly than a lot of wtf moments. We had enough of those watching this series, and this being the last episode it truly was "bittersweet" so seeing storylines get sewn shut was much nicer after I had time to really think about it all. I'm over a dozen times through this episode now and it's held up amazingly well to rewatch.
Even with all the negative criticism I absolutely loved this episode. Each scene in this final episode looked incredible, Jaime and Cersei dead in each other's arms, the dragon wings behind Dani at the Keep, Drogon melting the Throne, even Jon walking off into the woods at the end. Cinematically it was successful, thematically maybe a little less so. But it made sense in a way the Dexter or Lost finales never will. Dany succeeded in the end with breaking the wheel - Shakespearean tragedy at its finest, Tyrion is for all intents and purposes ruling as Hand, Arya stopped killing everyone, Sansa's a queen in her own right, Bran is probably warging into Drogon somewhere off screen flying about and Jon pet Ghost. Team Stark FTW I give it a solid 9 out of 10!
*Picture credits to HBO Game of Thrones*
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