#(i'm allergic to one of my cats but not the other)
solidwater05 · 1 day
Big post with a whole bunch of species headcanons! Not every character is here and some headcanons have more detail than others simply because I happened to have more ideas for those
First I want to say that in my headcanon, avians and bird hybrids are different things. While hybrids (in general) are a mix of different species with any combination of traits, avians are pretty uniform in what kind of bird traits they have, and in general avians are genetically more similar to each other than random birds hybrids are to each other. With that out of the way-
Grian is a parrot avian, and he has a ton of vocal stims, from whistling and singing to mimicking noises he hears.
Martyn is a parrot hybrid, and he loooves to do silly voices and mimick creeper hisses
Gem became an anglerfish sea monster of sorts thanks to the water in Hermitcraft. The same happened to Mumbo (catfish) and Grian (cod). And also False but I don't know what kind of fish fits her </3
Pearl is also a fish, but in a different way. She's a salmon that can shapeshift into a human (or any mix between fish and human, like a mermaid)
In Secret Life, Gem had the great idea to replace her eye with an eye of ender. She became some sort of end portal creature. Nobody else has ever seen anything like it and frankly, they're scared. But Gem thinks that it's standard for a universe so full of horror
Skizz is an angel, and angels are soulless! This is why he wasn't in Double Life, the soulbound mechanic didn't work with him.
Another angel is Zedaph, he's a sheep/angel hybrid. He has a weird half-soul thing going on but it's fine really.
Zedaph prefers not to fly long distances if he can avoid it, because long ago he hurt his wings badly and he has chronic pain now
Impulse is a demon, and while demons can usually fly, his wings are underdeveloped and can't get him off the ground. He uses elytra instead.
Scar is another winged elytra user. He's a vex and vexes can fly, but it's painful for him to use his wings
Scar is an actual vex like like the ones evokers summon, and he uses some sort of vex magic to appear hybrid-like. His true form is a little vex guy.
Cub is a human turned vex, and his hybrid-like appearance is his true form. He can look fully human if he wants to, but not fully vex
Xisuma is a voidwalker. Voidwalkers are beings that form very rarely when particles and soul fragments lost to the void come together and become conscious. They're the only beings that can survive in the deepest part of the void
Voidwalkers are so rare that most of them live their whole lives without finding another living being, especially because they don't tend to leave the bottom of the void.
Because voidwalkers spend their whole lives in complete darkness, their eyes aren't super well developed. Xisuma's vision is blurry, he has visual snow, and he's very sensitive to light. His helmet actually filters out a lot of light so it doesn't give him a headache
His helmet also helps him breathe. Voidwalkers are not made for high pressure atmospheres
Etho is a phantom hybrid. He's allergic to cats and also the sun. He needs very little sleep. His silver hair is not a species trait, it's dyed
^that's a Hermitcraft-only headcanon. I see him as a silverfish in the Life series, for no particular reason. The silver hair is a species trait in that case
Bdubs is a glare hybrid, being scared of the dark is part of his glare instincts. The moss coat isn't part of him but I'm sure he could be mossy if he wanted to. He can probably fit inside a moss block
Tango is a blaze hybrid. Or a blazeborn? I imagine it's a similar situation to avians and bird hybrids but I haven't put that much thought into this one. And both blazeborn and blaze hybrid can be shortened to blaze anyways
She can't get burned, and water hurts him. Water breathing negates water damage
His flame naturally burns orange, but it can be other colors depending on what she's using as fuel. For example, the blue Dungeon Master look comes from burning soul sand
Her body temperature also depends on fuel. Normal, orange Tango freezes very easily, but blue Tango's body temperature is so high that he doesn't even feel the cold
He has tritanopia, as do all netherborns. There's only really two colors in the nether so beings from there didn't evolve the ability to see more than that
She can hover, which he uses mostly to break her fall and do big jumps
Because she can't touch water (without potions at least), he takes soul sand baths like a chinchilla. Yes, this makes him blue for a while
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pastafossa · 1 year
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way back when i made a post about how this reminded me of you and smt about the buttening with @wonderlandmind4
and you know you may have never seen this but i think about that possum picture everyday. went to that dollar store again and they dissapeared since then and everyday i regret not getting one...they look so silly and suspicious....
anyway congrats about the cat!!!! getting approved by stranger cats is a sign you have a super cool feline friendly aura
THOSE EYES THOUGH, THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS! 😂😂😂 And absolutely suspicious and narrow-eyed, jesus that one in the back has me dying, major vibes of don't even think about it. I love when toys come out like this, I have no idea if it's intentional or if whoever designed them just had a sense of humor, but 10 stars of 10, would buy both as a Possum Myself (TM) and as someone who loves the idea of dog toys like this! Thank you for coming to show this, I didn't see it the first time around!
AND ALSO THANK YOU ON THE CAT, I was practically vibrating on the couch when the cat came over, like yes, yes, come be friends with me, look I'll hold really still and pretend I don't see you. AND NOW THE CAT IS MY FRIEND. Next goal: go there often enough that the cat upgrades me to EXTRA SPECIAL LAP STATUS.
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jiubilant · 2 years
was wondering whether people in tamriel who are allergic to cats might also be allergic to khajiit but my thought is that thankfully they probably wouldn't be. to my knowledge most people who are allergic to cats are allergic not to fur but to a protein in the cats' saliva that they coat themselves with when they groom. and khajiit in my mind—i know that certain item descriptions in eso suggest otherwise but i don't love the dehumanizing implications of that—care for their fur with assorted brushes rather than by grooming like cats. so no one's sneezing
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museofvoid · 1 year
went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago for an allergy test since i was suspecting i’m allergic to dust mites. turns out i am, though very lightly, not at all as much as i had thought
but they apparently tested for other allergies too and i’m surprisingly allergic to birch pollen :0
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AITA for choosing my cat over my trans friend?
Some background about my cat first.
I (25F) have a pet cat named Max (not real name. It would be too identifiable if I used his real name). Max is a rescue. He had been abandoned by his previous owner because he would meow too loudly. This had happened several times, so he has been in and out of the shelter a lot. None of the previous owners had tried to figure out why he always meows so loudly, so I took him to a vet. It turns out that Max is deaf, so I don't blame him for meowing so loudly. He can't hear himself! He is scared of strangers and tends to hide, so I don't try to force him to come out if he doesn't want to. I also don't usually take pictures of him because the cameras and phones scare him. I just do what I can to respect his boundaries. Max isn't just a cat to me. He is my treasured family who brings a smile to my face everyday. I can't imagine life without him.
My friend, Amelia (22F) is trans. Her folks are transphobic and were not accepting of her when they found out. However, they had not kicked her out of her home right away. They had given her a week to pack her things and find a place to stay. I'm not sure what they were trying to do with that but another friend, Nina (24F) thinks that they did that as a manipulation tactic to get Amelia to retransition and Amelia thinks so too.
But the week had passed and Amelia couldn't find a place to stay. Nina had said she would have offered, but she lives in a small apartment that hardly had enough room for two people. So Amelia had asked out friend Ted (26M) who had also said he couldn't because he was housing his younger siblings since their parents had passed and he was struggling financially.
So that left me. But Amelia said she wouldn't be able to stay unless I got rid of Max. Why? Amelia is highly allergic to cats. Whenever she had come over to my place in the past, she had to take allergy medicine to keep from having severe allergies around Max. The allergies are bad enough that they could trigger an asthmatic attack. I told her that I refuse to get rid of Max because of his past with being abandoned. I do not want to become one of the people he distrusts, not after it took so long to get him to feel comfortable around me.
Amelia is upset with me for this and says that she doesn't want to have to always take allergy medicine. She said that I should get rid of Max because he is just a cat and his needs are not as important as hers when she could become homeless soon. I argued that he wasn't just a cat and was part of my family. Max would be staying no matter what. Amelia ended up renting a motel room, but she couldn't afford to stay for more than 4 nights. Nina ended up taking her in, but that has made her own living situation harder.
Amelia and Nina are calling me an asshole for choosing Max over giving Amelia shelter. They are saying that I am being a horrible ally and friend by valuing an animal over a human life. I don't think I made the wrong choice by choosing Max, but it doesn't feel great that they are starting to tell some other friends that I am being transphobic for not choosing Amelia. A part of me is saying that I should have chosen Amelia, but that same part is also saying I would fee guilty for being one of the people to also abandon Max if I chose to do that. Amelia and Nina barely talk to me aside from saying that I am being a transphobic asshole for "choosing an animal over a trans person's livelihood." I am thinking about just cutting them off now, but I'm afraid that would just lead to more backlash.
AITA for choosing my cat over my trans friend?
What are these acronyms?
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juniperdugong · 2 months
Relationship Quirks 96s ver.
Aka habits I can see the boys doing in a relationship || 95s || 96s || 97s || Maknae line ||
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Avoids foods you don't like or are allergic to
You thought it was weird when after you had mentioned that you were allergic or didn't like a certain food that you would never encounter it when you were with Jun. Of course, you would always avoid it but you knew Jun to not be that picky, in fact, he's quite an adventurous eater. So it just struck you as odd.
That is until you overhear him on the phone with the restaurant you guys were having a date at later tonight asking about the ingredients used in certain dishes and if {insert food here} was used. When you talk to him about this he casually says that he just wants to make sure that you eat well and like what you eat. (THE SWEETEST BOY IN THE WORLD)
Little do you know that he's started to exclude those foods from his diet as well, especially if it's an allergy you have. If it's a food you don't like then he doesn't want you to avoid kissing him if he's eaten it. BUT IF IT'S AN ALLERGY, red alert red alert, he thinks you'll go into anaphylactic shock if he eats something you're allergic to and then he touches/kisses you.
If you're not by his side when he's making decisions then it feels like the balance of the universe is off. Could be halfway across the world from each other and dude is calling you at 3am to ask which magnet he should bring home as a souvenir.
Needs your input on almost every decision he makes
Ooh it's bad, like looking at your parents when the doctor asks what your age is type of bad. He will know exactly what he wants at a restaurant but as soon as the waiter comes he's looking at you like a sheep and you have to mouth what he said he wanted seconds ago as he repeats you blindly. Almost all his decisions must have you're input or else he doesn't know what to do. This might be annoying to some but he values what you have to say so much. And honestly, if you disagree with something he takes it into genuine consideration and thinks about it a lot before making the final call.
His mindset can be summed up like this, "If y/n doesn't think I'll like that pasta then I probably won't like it, they know me very well."
Dude is clingy but not in a physical way... just in the way that he follows you around like a cat that wants your attention but can't say it. He does it unconsciously and to be honest it takes a mutual friend or one of the boys to point it out for either of y'all to notice. Truly it feels like he has to stay within a 30ft. radius of you sometimes.
Follows you everywhere
The reason this behavior even started was because he missed you so much after tours and arduous schedules that he just HAD to be near you but he never wanted to initiate physical contact. (Being near you is enough for him) It's gotten to the point though that he ASSUMES you're taking him everywhere with you. You're upset and need "space"? Good luck! You'll be in another room for max 5mins before he's in there sitting the farthest possible distance he can while keeping you in sight.
"I can't do this right now, Wonwoo." "Fine then." "I'm going to my mom's place for a while." *Magically has both your suitcases and bags packed* "When are we leaving?"
I know I know... it's unexpected but true! The thing that I don't think a ton of carats realize is that this man does not fear affection AT ALL. He just doesn't like it in public displays. So in the privacy of his studio or at either of your homes, he is clingy, 100%.
Needs to feel your touch
Has a computer chair that is specifically for you to be next to him while he's in the studio. If you're in the same room as him or HELL even the same building and there are no cameras or minimal people and you're not next to him then what even is the point? Might as well tell him you hate him or something, at least that's how he treats it.
The crazy part is that he doesn't even ask you for affection! He'll just say things out loud and expect you to get the message or he'll say things directly towards you but won't look in your direction. His number one phrase is, "I miss you..." all while you're feet away from him on the couch in the studio. You can be sitting in your designated chair BUT YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR LEGS DRAPED OVER HIS???? Suddenly, you hear a constant loop of "Damn, I miss my partner sooooo much, right now.", like sir? They're right there?
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A/N: I am clinically insane over the 96 line. ALSO EVERYONE SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WONWOO!!!! (Even though it's literally 10pm and his day is nearly over) I'll try to have the next 2 parts out sometime tmrw. Stay sweet lovelies!! Reblogs and comments are like power surges for my writing so they are much appreciated!
TAGLIST (open): @bemybabiibish
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lazycats-stuff · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a part two where they meet kindergarten(y/n)’s “boyfriend” 
have a good day/night 
Yes and my apologies for a late reply. And yes, it's the same GIF. Why? I'm lazy to look for anything else.
Part 1 everyone - Batfamily x male!reader
Summary: Bruce wants to meet the supposed boyfriend and the parents.
Warnings: fluff, no one wants (Y/N) to grow up
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The revelation of (Y/N) having a boyfriend sent everyone into a spiral. Everyone. Bruce still couldn't believe and when reflecting back on (Y/N)'s adorable revelation, Bruce was glad to be sitting down. And yes, him and Alfred had that scotch. How could they not? The baby of the family, not even a double digit age, has a boyfriend.
Dick still can't come to terms with it. He refuses to believe it. His baby brother... Having a boyfriend... No.
The rest were in almost the same mindset, but not so severe as Dick.
Either way, they were slowly, but surely, accepting the fact that (Y/N) has a boyfriend. Bruce has decided to set up a playdate with the supposed boyfriend. He needs to meet the boy and the boy's parents. He was going to make sure that the boy is worthy of dating (Y/N).
Hold on... (Y/N) is not a teen yet... He is still a toddler. Bruce sighed as he sipped his scotch slowly in his study, while (Y/N) was napping in his room. Why is Bruce in a mindset that (Y/N) is a teen? Probably because he has 4 teenage boys and those 4 do love testing his patience.
So, Bruce went on a solo pick up trip. He prohibited the boys from coming because none of them would be able to be calm. Damian would be him scary self, Jason would join him, Tim would look like he didn't sleep for days and it would look like Bruce abused him or something. And Dick? An emotional mess to say it lightly.
So Bruce waited patiently, watching as (Y/N) interacted with a boy... Holding hands... So there it is... The boyfriend. Bruce crossed his arms as he watched, trying to pinpoint the parents of the boy. And he found them.
A gay couple, one tall and one smaller. Adorable. (Y/N) noticed Bruce and ran to him, making Bruce smile. Bruce picked him up with ease.
" Hey (Y/N). How was your day? " Bruce asked as he adjusted (Y/N) in his arms.
" It was great. " (Y/N) said as he yawned, leaning his head on Bruce's chest, making Bruce chuckle.
" Someone's tired. Is that the boyfriend you were telling me about? " Bruce asked as he turned to look at the couple and their son. (Y/N) nodded, yawning in the process.
" I'm Bruce Wayne, nice to meet you. I would shake your hands, but they are full. " Bruce introduced himself to the couple, making them chuckle.
" No problem. I'm Theodore and this is my husband James. And this little boy is Dylan. " The taller one introduced the family and Bruce nodded.
" It seems our sons... Are dating. " Bruce said, rather hesitantly. He didn't know how he could approach this, how the other parent's feel about it.
" We know... James nearly passed out once he heard the excited, ' Dad, papa, I have a boyfriend. "
" My oldest wept once he heard it. One thought he was hallucinating since he is an insomniac. One who is usually stoic nearly lost it. And one is holding on by a thread. And I had to open up a bottle of scotch... So that's how we have been doing. " Bruce said, glancing down at his son, whose eyes were still closed.
" I did the exact same thing. " Theodore said picking Dylan up, adjusting his son in his arms.
" I was thinking about inviting you two to the manor, for a playdate. If our kids our... It's weird to say in a relationship, but you get my gist. " Bruce explained and the couple laughed.
" We'll be honored to come. " James said and Bruce reached into his pocket to give them a business card.
" My number's on it. Also, is Dylan allergic to animals? Cat and a dog? " Bruce inquired and both shook their heads.
" My second youngest has animals so I need to check. Just send me a text later and we'll go from there. " Bruce stated and the pair nodded.
" We'll do that. "
And the day finally came. Theodore and James came over with little Dylan and the two boys wasted no time in the big garden. Running, playing, Titus joining in, but being gentle... Bruce watched with Theodore and James, all of them sipping something. Bruce sipped some scotch, while they drank some red wine that Bruce pulled out of nowhere.
" So, if you don't mind me asking, what do you two do for a living? " Bruce asked, leaning back in his chair, crossing one of his legs over another.
" I'm a tattoo artist. " Theodore started and Bruce nodded. " I own my own shop. You might have heard about it, it's called, Majestic Ink. "
Bruce tilted his head as he thought about. " I have heard about it. Only nice things about it. " He said and Theodore smiled.
" And you James? "
" I own a chain of restaurants. " James explained and Bruce nodded.
" So we are all business owners. " Bruce noted and the two nodded. " Not an easy one. Especially bigger ones. " James laughed as he heard it and nodded.
" Tell me about it. I have to look after several restaurants and he looks after one shop. I envy him. " James admitted, playing with the stem of his wine glass.
" I envy small businesses. You don't have to worry about so many employees, you don't worry about your reputation, unless you are in a small town... I envy you Theodore. " Bruce admitted and Theodore chuckled at that.
" I don't envy you. All eyes are on you and if you mess up, everyone shits on you. Also, a quick question, how do you manage 4 teen boys? " Theodore inquired and Bruce laughed.
" That's the best part. You don't. You simply need patience and they need their daily dose of bickering. I bicker with them and they bicker with each other. I only tell them if they fight that they don't kill one another and no broken bones. I'm not driving them to the hospital. But, once (Y/N) into our lives, they became much more calmer, for his sake. " Bruce explained. " So I don't really worry about them fighting anymore. Physically at least. Verbally, they can throw it. " Bruce admitted, raising his glass of scotch up to his lips.
" We are just asking. We need to be prepared for Dylan. He is a sassy child already... I'm dreading the teen stage. " James rubbed his temple, laughing to himself.
" They are all going to put us in our early graves. " Theodore said, clearly referencing both (Y/N) and Dylan and the revelation of their... Relationship...
" You know, you know we love them and that they are doing what the rest of the kids do... They try to put us into our graves. " James concluded and Bruce let out a quiet amen.
" To our kids that are going to put us into their graves, " Bruce raised his glass, Theodore and James following his lead.
" And giving us gray hairs. " James added and the trio of fathers laughed, letting out a cheerful hear hear and then sipped their drinks.
" Dad! " (Y/N) yelled, running towards him. Bruce got prepared to pick him up as he had done this before. Bruce picked (Y/N) up, propping him up on his lap.
" Yes? "
" I want to marry Dylan! " (Y/N) said with a smile on his little face.
Bruce raised his glass again, nodding to Theodore and James before downing his scotch.
Kids do put you in your grave and give you gray hairs.
" Where are my brothers? " (Y/N) asked all of a sudden. Bruce might have gave them money to go shopping for the day so they leave the manor and not scare the poor boy.
" They have some plans, but they'll be back soon. "
Thank God scotch has managed soften the blow the wedding revelation.
Thank God that Dick isn't around to hear it.
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thetaleoflevi · 3 months
You don’t remember being encased by something so warm a few minutes ago. There’s suddenly more fabric on you than what you know you’re wearing. When did you develop another pair of lungs that aren’t synced with the ones you know of?
“Levi,” you say, beneath your breath. It’s not enough to wake him, so you try again. “Levi," you grunt, softly, attempting to free your arm, to no avail. "I can’t feel my arm.”
This wakes him up instantly, and he quickly moves away, allowing blood to flow through the veins in your arm again.
“It’s late. Why don’t you just stay over?" you ask.
He shakes his head before looking up at the scene on the screen. Two lovers kissing each other goodbye as the husband heads off to work. You wonder if life with Levi would be like that.
“How about you take the spare room? Nobody ever stays over, anyway, so it’s spotless," you insist.
“I don’t have anything here. If you would have told me ahead of time, I would have prepared an overnight bag.” He looks over at the wall where his shoes sit neatly before ambling over to them. “I have to feed the cat, too," he rasps, putting his shoes on one by one.
“Reno’s a pain," you say, rolling your heavy eyes.
“Yeah, he is,” Levi agrees. “But, I tolerate him enough." He grunts quietly as he stands, heading towards the front door.
What happens next is what you hate most about hanging out alone with Levi.
“Thank you for dinner tonight,” he says, standing outside your door.
“It’s always a pleasure having you over, Levi. You know that," you respond, smiling as you lean on the doorframe.
“I’ll cook for you next time. I know you’re allergic to certain ingredients, but, list them for me incase I miss one.”
Your heart flutters at his thoughtfulness. He doesn’t want you to die, how lovely.
“Okay, I'm looking forward to it." You smile, softly. “Well…”
“Well…” he repeats, which lures a laugh from you.
You take one step outside, one step closer to him.
“Well...” you start again. “...I want you to know that I like spending time with you, Levi. I wish it were like this more often.”
He knows your intentions, and he's having trouble stopping you.
You take one more step towards him and your hands start reaching for his. Strangely, he doesn't pull his hands away when you start interlacing your fingers with his.
“Just this time, please," you whisper, sounding desperate, like you're saying goodbye forever rather than just for the night.
“I should really get going," he says, matching your volume. He doesn’t step away as you diminish the distance between you and him.
“Please,” you beg, admiring the shiny effect the moonlight casts on his eyes.
He squeezes your hands a little, preventing you from putting him in an inescapable embrace, and leans in close. He purposely misses your lips by a couple centimeters, instead pressing his lips against your cheek. This left you a unsatisfied, flustered mess, when you looked at him again.
“I’ll say hi to Reno for you.”
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strawberrynightmere · 3 months
Bad Cats!!! [Yandere Andrew Graves x female reader]
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Warning ⚠️: yandere tendencies, alternate universe, ruining dates, will add more latter, this is short.
A/n: to those who harassed the creator of the intentionally disturbing and grosse horror game, I wish a big ol' FUCK YOU.
If you were honest with yourself, this was your fault. Though you shouldn't beat yourself up about it, you should be surprised by the other hand.
From either of your cats, you expected this from Ashley, but Andrew attacking your date? Makes you really think.
Your date didn't like it one bit and stormed out of your apartment. You obviously did chase after them to check if they were okay, and then got rejected in a hurtful way, too. Calling you a future cat lady who's gonna die old and alone.
To say your attraction for them instantly dropped to a -1000 was an understatement. You'd understand if they left because they were allergic or something, but insulting any cat lady and saying you were gonna die old and alone simply because you have two cats was just a jackass thing to do.
Flopping on your couch face first, you groan into the cushions in frustration. It's been so long since you had a date that went well, and a good fuck too.
You lift your head up to see Andrew sitting in front of you. The cat leans down and licks your face. Sitting up, you lift Andrew to your eye level.
"I should be mad at you. However, you did save me from what possibly could've been." Andrew just rubs his face on yours just for some more affection.
"Hehe! That's enough. Let's get you something to eat." Those words were like some form of a summon because Ashley appeared on your shoulder without any sound.
You went into the kitchen and poured some food into their bowls, and went to grab something for yourself from the fridge.
While sitting at the dining table, you contemplate if you should make a phone call or not.
Oh, what the hell you planned to sleep in anyway.
You immediately call your friend to tell her how it went.
"It didn't go good, did it?"
"Well gee, Nina! What do you think about how it went?!" Irritated with her instant and correct assumption, you use a sarcastic reply.
"Alright! Tell me what happened."
Much better.
"It was going well at first. I was feeling it. They were feeling it, too."
"Get to the point."
"Getting there. But when we got to my place, Andrew wasn't feeling it." You hear her laughing in amusement over the phone.
"I'm serious! He attacked them, and then they said some real out of pocket stuff to me."
She's still laughing.
"I'm sorry, Andrew? Are you sure it wasn't Ashley?"
Alright, just because they were both black cats, it didn't mean you couldn't tell the difference between them. You told her that a million times.
"If you're just gonna laugh, then I'll hang up."
"Sorry! Sorry. I just didn't expect it."
You sigh. "Whatever."
"Listen, let's talk tomorrow, I'm going to bed early."
"Alright." You hang up.
"Should've called Julia instead."
You jolt in surprise when you see Andrew sitting on the table, staring at you. "We talked about this." Actually, you talked, were either of them listening or not was a mystery. You place him on the floor and put your empty dishes in the dishwasher and decide you should call it a night and head to bed.
Once, Andrew was sure you were deep asleep. He changed into his human form and crawled in bed with you.
"You should've seen your face, Andy, I was so sure you were gonna claw their eyes out." Ashley, who was still in her cat form, spoke.
"Why are you still here?" Andrew whispered irritatedly.
"Oh, come on, I'm living the life of luxury. Why should I leave?" Andrew just rolled his eyes at his sister's excuse, but he knew she'd rather eat glass than admit that she got attached to you.
Deciding to ignore her, Andrew continued to cuddle up to you.
"Aww, you stiw angwy youw giwfwiend bwout someone ewse home?" Now that wasn't needed.
"Shut up."
A/n: it wasn't that good, but it wasn't that bad.
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alottiegoingon · 4 months
hc! enemies to friends
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natalie scatorccio x fem!reader
summary: going from enemies to friends with nat
warnings: golden retriever x black cat dynamic, very brief drinking mention, cursing, not proofread pls ignore any mistakes
the request was enemies to lovers but i didnt want to sound repetitive so this could be considered a prequel for this if you ignore a few changes :)
𖧊 nat thought you were an excruciating pain in her ass
𖧊 when you joined the yellowjackets, she couldn’t be any more frustrated by your constant overwhelming happiness or your endless chatter
𖧊 “do you ever think about how aliens may think that we are the real aliens?” you and misty were in a heated argument about the topic while warming before practice and natalie was really trying to ignore you until she couldn’t anymore
𖧊 “oh my goood!” nat growled, hands covering her face as she was one step away from murdering you with her bare hands. “do you ever stop talking?”
𖧊 “maybe,” you reply to her snarky comment, stopping stretching your legs to cross your arms. “if you say please.”
𖧊 “i’d rather throw myself in front of a bus, actually,” she retorts, jaw clenching
𖧊 “and how exactly do you plan to play soccer with a broken leg or arm?”
𖧊 “no, that’s not-”nat tries to explain that, first of all, she didn’t actually mean it in a literal way but, second, if she did then playing soccer would be the least of her worries. but then she realized how stupid it was
𖧊 “just forget it,” she muttered, storming away with heavy steps, seeking solace in a quiet corner to warm up
𖧊 you were everywhere. yes, you went to the same school and the same soccer team but still, nat was always hoping to get a break from you
𖧊 it wasn’t very difficult for the other girls to notice that nat wasn’t exactly the happiest around you and that’s exactly why jackie paired you two, trying to make you get along
𖧊 “it looks like we are partners,” you said with a grin, heading towards nat. her narrowed eyes and tense posture were a stark contrast to yours
𖧊 “let’s just get over with it,” she couldn’t care less about small talk and she surely didn't wanna hear shit about fucking aliens
𖧊 passing the ball to each other was a very stupid idea, nat was sure of it. it was for kids, for beginners. and she wasn’t either of those. you, on the other hand, seemed pretty content with the fun and light training
𖧊 “did you know that smoking isn’t good for you?” you simply let your bold words fall from your lips, still focused on the exercise
𖧊 “how do you know i smoke?” nat can’t believe how annoying you were. she didn’t need advices
𖧊 “i saw you smoking behind school this morning. i tried to say hi but you didn’t see me”
𖧊 “oh. was that you?” she squints at the memory of a louder version of yourself was screaming her name from the open window of a passing car
𖧊 “yes, didn’t you hear me?”
𖧊 “sorry, i thought you were screaming bats”, nat explains, trying to hide a hint of a possible smirk appearing in her face by compressing her lips
𖧊 “why would i scream bats? i was saying nat!”
𖧊 “hm, no,” she nods. “it was definitely bats”
𖧊 bickering over small things was something that the yellowjackets were very tired of, especially if it happened in the locker room after practice when everyone was exhausted
𖧊 “are you filling my water bottle?” nat approached when you were by the drinking fountain, struggling to hold at least five other bottles on your arms while filling nat's
𖧊 "no, nat. i'm holding it for fun," you snort, eyes pierced on the running water so it wouldn't overflow
𖧊 "i didn't ask you to do that!"
𖧊 "the girls asked me to do theirs and yours was empty. you're welcome" as soon as you're done with it, you close the lid and practically shoves her bottle on her chest, barely giving her any time to hold it
𖧊 "it was empty because i wanted to! the water tastes like shit here," she digs her fingers into the plastic so hard that they were turning white
𖧊 "are you allergic to saying thank you or just rude?" you exhale, now facing nat with, for the first time ever, impatience in your eyes
𖧊 "fuck off, princess," she forces a laugh out, "i'm allergic to annoying and bubbly girls stealing my stuff, yes!" nat steps forward and you thought you were allucinating when you caught her eyes on your mouth
𖧊 “just kiss already, i'm so tired of your shit,” tai groans before you could tease her about it and right by her side there's van smirking at the very gay situation
𖧊 “in her dreams, maybe," you mock nat just to have the pleasure of watch her whole face going red
𖧊 after being completely humilliated by you (you made her blush) in front of everyone, nat was furious. that until she found you hidden in the spot she would usually go to smoke with her friends before school
𖧊 she was about to leave as soon as she laid her eyes on you, not wanting to get envolved in any drama. besides, she didn't like you and she didn't care. but she couldn't just leave you there
𖧊 "what's up, princess? someone stole your gel pens?" nat wasn't good when it came to comfort someone, and definitely not you. so, maybe, being funny would help
𖧊 you didn't bother to look up at her. sitting on the floor hugging your knees against your chest and burying your head onto your legs, you weren't in the mood to listen to her taunts. "not now, nat."
𖧊 nat wasn't sure of what to do. sitting by your side and mirroring your position, she pondered for a while and decided that the best thing to do was to wait. it's not like she cared about being late for school anyway
𖧊 "coach martinez wants to replace me. he said i don't kick strong enough," you slowly lif your head from your knees in order to face natalie, who was attentively listening to your first words after some solid ten minutes
𖧊 "this is crazy. what does he know about soccer anyway?"
𖧊 "he's the coach, nat," you frown at her strange way of reassuring you, despite finding it kind of cute
𖧊 "well, there's that," she rubs her temples, "but we still have time until the nationals. maybe we could practice together"
𖧊 "like you and me?" your confusion only gets worse. natalie scatorccio wanted to help you?
𖧊 "it can't be that bad, right? and it would suck to have you replaced by some other loud and irritating girl when i'm already used to you"
𖧊 this could go terribly wrong and end up with nat having your head in a stick but you were willing to take the risk if it meant that you had a chance to stay in the team
𖧊 "alright, i'm in" shaking your head, you extend your hand for nat to shake it and seal the deal. "i always knew you didn't actually hate me."
𖧊 "don't make me regret it, princess."
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divijohm · 6 months
Headcanons for Toby, Jeff, Nina and slendy with a reader that lovesss animals? (and is good with them) :D like every time they return from a mission, reader has brought back a puppy or kitty? (bonus points if once she accidentally brought a wolf in the house mistaking it for a dog)
Pastas with a s/o that's good with animals!
Toby, Jeff, Nina and Slenderman
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A/n: I LOVE ANIMALS! ALL ARE SUPER CUTE but sadly I'm not very good with them lolol I have a cat and a dog though they're my babyss hope you enjoy!
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🐾 He does not get along well with animals, at all. He scares most them away just by standing there, problems of being a eldritch horror but once one warms up to him he actually is very gentle with them.
🐾 finds it cute and fascinating how well you can interact with the lil fellas, might even find a way to you to use them in missions. Not a fan of you bringing them to the mansion though, most pastas aren't a fan and may be allergic, and he does not enjoy when animals/wildlife are being mistreated so for everyone's sake, he'll ask you not to.
🐾 If you manage to convince him to have a pet, other than smile dog that is, he would like a cat, probably a black or tuxedo one, because it would be easier to hide the fur that will be all over his clothes
🐾 He's a tidy man, animals that make much mess are not his type, he also don't like the high maintenance ones (i.e hamsters) heck he barely takes care of his proxies, leaving most of them to survive on their own only giving the best ones a somewhat stable life. A high maintenance thing that's not even useful?? Hell no
🐾 Overall, he likes animals but he does not like to take care of them nor have them in his house, he doesn't need more little, bratty, short life-span beings to take care of, he already has the proxys
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🐾 Adores animals as long as they're far away from him, he's scared of most of them at first but find them cute
🐾 Have a strong cat allergy poor thing can't be near one without a mask or he'll start sneezing
🐾 Will help you take care of them despite his fear and allergies, mostly by being on your side handing you stuff but he'll hold the animal still if you need to apply a vaccine or something
🐾 Sometimes his tics will be saying an animal name, because he's spending so much time listening to you talk about them, you find it cute
🐾 He's besties with the mansion permanent pets and will let them stay in his room if needed
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🐾 BIG ANIMAL FAN, especially big ones
🐾 WILL pamper all the pets you bring home, to a point where you have to hide the treats from her otherwise she'll give them nonstop
🐾 Begs Slenderman to let you make a zoo with all the pets, he refuses of course but lets her keep a parrot
🐾 She named the parrot Willy, is a blue one and he's very talkative (much like his owner) surprisingly he can roam free and don't run away/get lost.
🐾Willy will attack on command, Nina did not teach him how to do that but one day she said to another proxy "I'll make willy take your eyes out!" And the birb was near and he just attacked going for the eyes. A moment of laughter and panic later, Willy was safe and the poor victim just had his eyelids slightly clawed, nothing major but Slenderman made Nina promise that she would never command willy to attack a proxy to a degree that can compromise their performance. So now she just makes him poop on people's foods and/or in them
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🐾 He only likes dogs, not much of a fan of any other species, he will tolerate birds and most of the wild life thought
🐾 He's afraid of cats, whenever you bring one to the house he'll try to act cool but the slightest movement towards him will make him flinch
🐾 Will act uninterested when you bring a dog but the moment you turn your back he WILL gush over them specially if they get along with Smiley
🐾 Fights everyone who criticizes your actions, because "at least animals are better than humans" bedsides you do all the work to care for them and keep the mansion permanent pets safe if they don't get along with the strays
🐾 will complain if you spend more time with the pets than with him, and will throw a tantrum if you tell him to wait because you have to take care of the lil ones before giving him attention
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Sebastian Michaelis x Male Reader
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It was oddly quiet at the Phantomhive Manor. Sebastian walked around the estate making sure the workers weren't destroying the Manor...again. It was suspiciously quiet. It was never good when the workers were this quiet.
After searching for the them he finally found them in the garden. Surrounding something. "Ah. There you are. Do you have any idea what time it is? The iung master has a guest coming in less then 2 hours." They didn't move. Sebastian sighed and walked towards the group. When he saw it. An injured kitten.
He felt his heart break. Of course it had to be a cat. His greatest weakness. "May-rin get a bowl of warm water and a wash cloth. Bard look for the animal that did this. It seems like it was a large animal and we don't need that here. Finny check the gardens and see if there are anymore injured creatures."
The trio nodded and did as they were told. Sebastian slowly picked up the (color) furred animal and held it close to him. When he caught the sent and he eyes widened. An omega cat Demon. Here? Something was terribly wrong. Sebastian quickly cleaned and wrapped the injuries before hading to his masters office.
He knocked and waited for an answer. "What is it?" "My lord we have a small problem." Sebastian heard movement within the office before the door opened. Showing the Earl of the Manor. Ciel sneezed and glared at Sebastian. "You brought a bloody cat?! You know how allergic I am!" Ciel went to slam the door shut when Sebastian caught it.
His face was serious letting Ciel know this wasn't a situation. Ciel left the door open and walked back to his desk. Opening the window and sitting in his chair. "Go on." Sebastian shut the door and walked toward the center of the room. Stopped far enough so the fur from the Demon wouldn't bother his master. "My lord it seems another Demon happened to appear on the estate."
Ciel jumped from his chair and slammed his hands kn his desk. Eyes filled with annoyance. "Where?" Sebastian held out the kitten in his hands. "This sir is an Omegan Cat Demon. Their extremely rare and powerful. But he's been injured greatly. I happen to know this Demon. His name is (Name)." Sebastian let the information set.
"You know this Demon how?" Sebastian held back a groan. He really doesn't like answering these questions. "(Name) is my mate. Has been for almost a century." Ciel's eyes widened. "YOUR MATE?!" Sebastian nodded. "Young Master if it isn't too much to ask could he stay here until he's healed? I don't want him roaming while being this injured."
Ciel thought for a moment. "Wait. How did he even get injured?! He's a bloody demon!" Sebastian glared. "That I'm unsure of. The others found him in the garden. Barely breathing surrounded in his own blood. I have them searching for whatever creature did this, because it must be powerful to do this to one of his kind." Ciel nodded. A creature that could almost kill a Demon? Sonds extremely dangerous.
"He can stay. But he must stay away from me in that form cause I'm deadly allergic to him like that!" Sebastian nodded and smiled softly. "Yes my lord." As Sebastian left the office he felt movement in his hand. He looked down. Scarlet met (color). "Ah~ Hello little kitten. Didn't expect to see you just yet." The glare Sebastian got made him smirk. Then Sebastians face turned serious. "What are you doing here (Name)? You know you aren't supposed to leave the castle."
(Name) straightened up and jumped from Sebastians hands. Landing on two legs instead of four. He pushed his long (color) hair out of his face and fixed the corset he wore. "Sebastian. There was an attack on the castle. That's why I was so injured. After the battle I came straight here to inform you. We were betrayed."
Sebastian growled lowly. Eyes glowly with anger. "Betrayed? What do you mean kitten?" (Name) huffed at the nickname and crossed his arms. "I mean your most trusted servant, (servant name), let Angel's into our castle." (Name) leaned against the wall and stared at his mate. The Crow demons eyed brightened more.
Sebastian grabbed (Name)'s wrist and dragged him through the manor. Once reaching Sebastians room they entered and Sebastian shut and locked the door. The click of (Name)'s heeled boots lead him to the unused bed. He plopped down groaning feeling he injuries move. "Explain." (Name) knew it was an order and a shiver went down his spine.
"It started a week ago. (S.Name) was being oddly weird. Like weirded then usual. I tried talking to him but he kept brushing me off. Until 2 days ago. He was late to the castle. I thought maybe his was going through something. But I didn't expect him to come in 3 hours late and with nearly 50 Angel's with him. It was a tough battle. Especially since he killed so many of the other servants. I tried calling for you but I didnt receive an answer. So even with my powers I had a hard time fighting them. I used some of your powers and was able to survive the battle."
Sebastian stared forward. Eyes filled with guilt. He felt something was amiss a few days ago but brushed it off. He ignored the feeling and continued on with his day. He ignored his mate calling for him. For him to help save him. He almost lost his mate and home and he did nothing. Sebastian released a breath he didn't know he held.
"I had a bad feeling but brushed it off. I figured the workers were going to do something bad. I didn't know it was you calling for me." (Name) huffed again his ears and tail coming out. Looking very fluffed and Sebastian knew why. (Name) was upset with him. Sebastian sighed and slowly sat next to him and pet his head softly. (Name) froze then slowly leaned against Sebastians shoulder.
"Promise me if I call for you again. You'll come. I'm worried I won't be able to win next time..." Sebastian hugged his mate close to him and kissed his head. "Of course my love. I'd do anything for you." (Name) purred softly and layer his legs across Sebastians lap getting comfortable. Sebastian raised an eyebrow but smirked.
"Getting comfy?" (Name) rolled his eyes and snuggled into Sebastians chest. "I just fought Angel's single handingly and came to earth. My power is drained and I'm extremely tired. If you wake me up so help me. You'll be in the dog house for the next century. LATERALLY!" Sebastian shivered and chuckled. "Yes my love. I know."
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madhatterbri · 1 year
Where You Belong | K.M.
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Summary: Kol doesn't like the two of being broken up. He reminds you where you belong.
You looked at your watch and sighed. Another date had no showed. You cursed under your breath. All the secret meet ups you had with him seemed like a waste now. This guy was one of the good ones. He was a lawyer with a love for animals and history. Importantly, his family was nowhere near New Orleans.
"Kol got another one?" Your friend asked while wiping the bar down. They were closing for the night. After another no show, you decided to hang out with her and walk her home.
"Yeah. I thought I had outsmarted him but he has spies all over," you whined while rubbing your temples in frustration. You turned to see a man staring at you from outside the closed bar. He looked away when your eyes locked on to his. "Perfect example but at least that one sticks out like a sore thumb. I can't imagine how many are participating in my tours,"
Your tour guide career is how you met Kol Mikaelson. At first, he was sweet and constantly flirted with you. He would take your tours once a day no matter the weather. At the end of one tour he asked you out. You said yes and the rest led you here.
"Have you tried talking to him?" Your friend asked over her shoulder while counting the money in the register.
Your eyes widened at her in disbelief. Talk to the man that wants to ensure you are a spinster once you are old. The same man that acts before thinking and loves to cause mayhem. You would have a better conversation with a wall.
"Talk to the man that will go hours covered in blood? The same man that has caused my dates to either leave town, never talk to me again, or go missing?" You asked while using your fingers to count. "Sure let me just walk over to his family's place and speak to him,"
"I think you should. You have to set up boundaries with him," she replied. Boundaries. That is something he knows nothing about. "You are allergic to cats so being a crazy old cat lady isn't in your future. Let's get out of here,"
The walk to your friend's place consisted if her hyping you up to talk to him. The guy from earlier followed you. At least you knew the two of you would be safe. Some of the tourists around here could be a little aggressive when drunk.
You started asking the guy questions about your current situation. You felt it would be rude to not include him. He must not have been much of a talker because he didn't answer.
"Have a good night. Talk to him. Maybe you two can come to some sort of agreement,"
"Yeah, sure, come on Bob. I'm not dating this one so please don't report her to Kol," you shouted at him.
Your friend snorted and walked inside her apartment complex.
Thoughts zoomed through your mind on how to deal with the jealous ex-boyfriend. During your time together he was always so possessive.
You should have known you would never date another person in New Orleans again. No. There was no way you were going to think like that. He had to let you go once and for all.
"Come on, Bob. We are going to your boss," you announced and made your way to the Mikaelson home.
"Kol Mikaelson!" You yelled while looking for him. You walked down hallways until you saw him at his favorite place. He sat at a desk in his room. An opened book and alcohol in his hand to busy himself on the Friday night.
"Darling, must you be so loud? Hope is sleeping," he groaned in annoyance. Another night of babysitting duties while the others go on another killing spree adventure. You walked to him and immediately saw the blood on his collar.
"Wonderful. Blood on your shirt. I guess this one gave you some hassle about wanting to date me," you wondered. "He had a family you know,"
"The bloody fool still has a family. He isn't dead," he countered while feeling insulted. The man had given Kol some trouble before a broken nose cleared up their misunderstanding. "Besides he couldn't even win a fight,"
"A mortal couldn't win a fight against a thousand year old vampire? The shame that man has brought on all mortals,"
"You belong here, my love. I am never going to stop. Even if I have to kill one hundred men,"
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littlebitsalt · 8 months
Hello can i request yandere catboy x reader, so the yandere is reader's cat (in cat form) but in school yandere is also reader's classmates (in his human form (so he can change his form to cat and something perfect human even human with ears & tail)) so automatically the knew each other as classmate (they're not close in school) but reader didnt know that their classmate is their cat too, the yandere its so obsessed with reader inside school and house, but he more clingy when he in his cat form because he can get patted and cuddled with reader, but one day when they're cudding together the cat turn into human which make reader shocked, the reader keep trying to get rid of him even start to ignore him in school where he suddenly being clingy ans touchy, the rest of the story i let you continue (≡^∇^≡)
Yandere catboy x reader
Note: longest fic I've written It got longer than I expected 😙
Summary: you find out your cat is actually your classmate.
drawing of yandere catboy 1
drawing of yandere catboy 2
Your friend stopped walking as an orange cat came into view.
"Oh- There's a cat over there!"
Before you could react, your friend dashed over to the cat.
"Aww... so cute."
"Come on, let's go home."
You said, standing beside your friend who is taking pictures of the cat.
"Wait- she's purring. I need to take a photo of this."
You sigh. Your friend was obsessed with cats and never missed any chances to watch them, take pictures of them and touch them. She also took photos of this orange cat just outside the school gate everyday.
"I don't have anything to feed you today.. but I'll buy some tomorrow, okay? Bye, Chesse."
After one last pat, your friend stood up.
"That cat has a name?"
You asked.
"Of course she does! Everyone in school calls her Cheese. Her soft fur is just like cheese."
Your friend proceeded to show you pictures on her social media. You had no choice but to look at her social media that is filled with pictures of cats.
You didn't hate cats, but you weren't a fan of them either. You've taken a few pictures of cats in the past, but admiring cats all day was not that interesting to you.
After saying goodbye to your friend, you went to your home.
"Mom, I'm home."
You shouted loud enough for your mom to hear.
Your mom was in the kitchen, preparing dinner.
"Hey mom- huh?"
You felt something cling to your leg. You immediately looked down to find a black and white cat.
"What is this?"
You said, confused. You tried to back away from the cat, but it was still clinging on to you. You turned to your mom to hear some kind of explanation.
"It's a cat from my office. I'm sure you've seen this cat a few times."
Your mom replied. Now that you think about it, you could remember this cat from a few days ago when you visited your mother's office.
"Is this cat the one staying at the back of your office building?"
"Yes it is! I made a simple bed for it to stay.. and I decided to just take it home-"
"What? Does dad know about this? What about my brother?"
"They seem pretty chill about it. Your brother liked the idea. You know the drawing he drew in his kindergarten? That kid likes cats."
"What if this cat already has an owner?"
"I checked it, and everyone around my office said this cat was alone for a few years. So it's fine, (y/n), don't worry."
"You could have asked if I'm fine though."
You looked back at the tuxedo cat. You didn't want to blame the cat, but getting a cat without your opinion was not the best feeling.
You patted the cat's head while it curled around your leg. This cat was acting like it's smart enough to comprehend your feelings. You felt the cat clinging to you more as you touched it.
"I'm sorry (y/n). I should've told you sooner, but I was busy. Plus, the person using the second floor starting next week is allergic to cat fur, so I had no choice to take the cat to home."
Your mom said. You nodded as a reply and looked at the cat again.
"Look, the cat likes you the most. That cat never warmed up to me like that. Why don't you name the cat, (y/n)?"
Your mother was true. You visited your mother's office a few times, and this cat only liked it when you touch it.
"I'm bad with names, and why don't you name it? It's you that brought it here anyway."
"Oh come on, (y/n). Don't be so harsh on the cat."
You ignored your mom and tried to go inside your room, but the black and white cat followed you inside your room without any presence.
"You really do like me.."
You murmured to yourself.
The cat still curled up to you between your legs. You had to pick up the cat and move it to your bed to unpack your school bag and change into comfortable clothes.
You crawled into your blankets and got your phone ready to watch videos before dinner. The black and white cat also crawled beside you, using your right arm as a pillow.
"Oh right.. I need to think of a name for you.."
You said as you scratched the cat.
"What about.. just Tux? That's pretty easy to pronounce."
You said as the cat digged into your chest.
"Do cats like their owners this much..?"
You mumbled.
"So Tux it is? Or do you want another name?"
Your cat ignored your mumbling and rubbed its face onto you.
"... okay then. Your name is Tux from now on."
Your cat, now named Tux, reacted to its new name, and it seemed quite pleased.
You spent time scrolling down social media with your cat beside you before your mother called for dinner. As you got up and walked to the kitchen, Tux followed you. At the kitchen, you found your little brother and your dad talking about their experience today in the playground.
"Where have you been?"
You asked your brother.
"In the playground with my friends... wait- that's the cat mom's talking about-!"
Your brother's attention darted to Tux immediately as he touched the cat. Tux didn't avoid the touch either.
"That cat's name is Tux. I named it."
You said, sitting on your chair and eating food your mom prepared.
"That's a.. intuitive name."
Your dad said, looking at Tux.
"... Anyways, why did you agree to raise a pet?"
You asked. Looking at your brother's wide smile, your dad answered,
"Didn't your mother tell you? Uh.. your brother likes cats, and why not?"
"... yeah whatever."
You ate dinner listening to your little brother talking about Tux. You felt good that your brother got a pet that he wanted. However, at the same time, you felt uncomfortable... having a pet all of a sudden. It felt like having a new family member without your permission.
You know that having a pet will feel like having a family member as time passes. Your friends told you about how their pets meant the world to them... But there was this uncomfortable feeling about Tux.
Maybe you were just mad about your family and wanted to leash your anger to Tux. You didn't know.
When you woke up the next day, you found Tux right beside you.
"How did you get in here..."
You went to sleep alone last night. You remembered that you closed the door before Tux gets in.
You shrugged it off since you had little time before you go to school. You walked around, brushing your hair and wearing your uniform.
"Where is it? Ugh.."
You mumbled as you searched for your earphones. You put them on last night, and the right one was missing.
"Hey- don't distract me."
You lifted up Tux from the bed sheets and searched to see if the bed sheets were covering your right earphone. You rummaged through your bed sheets but you couldn't find it. While you were busy lifting up bed sheets, Tux crawled under your bed.
"What are you doing?"
You also looked under the bed.
"Oh- You found it!"
Tux was playing with the right earphone you were desperately searching for. You grabbed your right earphone and put in the case as your cat tossed it to you.
You sighed in relief and looked at Tux.
"Thanks for your help... I would've died for boredom in school without your help."
You smiled at Tux and left your room, ready to go to school.
In your classroom, you talked about your new cat to your friend. As expected, your friend was excited about it, asking dozens of questions.
"How can you not have a picture of it?"
Your friend said.
"I didn't think of it. I'll send you a picture when I go back home."
Your friend rambled about how her mother would not allow her to have a pet. You listened to your friend quietly.
Someone poked your shoulder. You looked back to see who it was, and one of your classmates was standing right behind you.
"You're sitting on my seat."
Your classmate said.
"Oh- sorry-!"
You stood up right after.
"Don't you think you and him have a lot of connections lately?"
Your friend said, eating a chocolate bar she bought in free time.
"Who are you talking about?"
"You sat in his seat in lunch time. How could you not remember?"
"Oh- are you talking about Blake?"
"Of course I am! Don't you think he likes you?"
You knew your friend loves setting people up and likes searching for possible couples, but this time, she's talking nonsense.
"I didn't even talk to him that much."
Your friend was eager to tell you what she has found.
"That's not the point- The important part is that he's constantly gazing at you during class. Also, how can you not notice that it's you he talks to!"
"He talks to plenty of people."
"Oh no, you're clueless. If you observe further, you'll definitely realize he only talks to certain people, or friends, and they all knew Blake even before highschool."
"How do you know that?"
"My eyes and ears are open."
Blake and you? That's such a confusing match.
"Your observations can't be the reason."
"See for yourself then. I'm sure. Blake has interest in you."
You didn't believe a word your friend said before Blake asked if he can join you on the way home.
It was awkward, walking with a classmate who you've barely talked to.  Blake was quiet, and you didn't know how to start a conversation.
"I thought you go home with your friends."
You said.
"Oh- I moved recently. It seemed like you go home this way too, so... I thought it could be great having another friend to go home with."
Blake said. You could see he was a bit nervous... but why?
Not much conversation went by, and you waved goodbye to Blake in front of your house. You went into your house, throwing your book bag onto the bed and taking off your jacket.
You looked around to see if Tux was around, but you couldn't find it anywhere. You went into every room in your house but Tux wasn't in any of them. You went back to your room, wondering where that sneaky cat hid himself. You were unpacking your bag when you noticed something jumping over the fence. You looked at it to realize that it was your cat that was jumping over the fence and into your home.
You quickly opened the window facing the garden Tux was walking across and let it in your room.
This was strange. The doors were all locked, and you went out of the front door in the morning, so there's no way for Tux to get out. Your mother took your little brother to kindergarten and your father went to work after you left for school.. but they wouldn't have left Tux leave the house.
"Do you get out of the house when no one is watching?"
You said, in a surprised tone.
Was this cat extra smart, or were you mistaken about all the doors being closed?
Tux didn't seem to care that it got out of the house when everyone was outside.
You were skeptical but decided to ignore it and kept on unpacking your bag and organizing your clothes.
After a few hours, your mom came home with your brother.
"We're going to have dinner after an hour when your dad comes back from work-"
Your mom said loudly enough for you to hear.
In your room, you were studying while Tux was watching. You studied until your mother called you to eat dinner.
Your little brother was talking about his day in kindergarten like always, and your mother was setting food plates on the table.
You ate quietly as your brother went on about how his friend and him played some kind of game.
"Mom, today a classmate wanted go home together with me. The funny thing is.."
You said to your mom when your brother cooled down.
"Are you listening?"
You asked your mom.
"Oh- I am listening. Go on."
"The funny thing is that.. I've never talked to him properly yet."
You went on.
"And I beat Anthony- so I got a prize-!"
Your words were blocked with your brother's babbling.
You sighed. Everytime your brother blocked your words, it felt so frustrating.
"Can't you wait when I'm talking?"
You would've heard what your brother needed to say, but this time, you felt like speaking up.
Your brother looked at you.
"I mean.. I want to talk too."
"Your brother is thrilled he got a present today in kindergarten. Let him talk, he's feeling good today."
Your dad said.
"I think he talked enough though."
"You talked a lot more when you were young too."
Your mother said, smiling.
You were annoyed. Why was she smiling?
Your family wouldn't listen to you, and it was so frustrating to you.
"I ate a lot, I'm going back to my room."
You said.
"You haven't eaten half of it, why?"
Your mother asked.
"My stomach hurts today."
You stood up and walked to your room. Tux follwed you.
You couldn't understand it. You wanted to talk about your new friend too. You wanted to talk about how Blake suggested to go home with you.
You turned to your cat that was cuddling you, covered in your bed sheet. You scratched its fur as it purred.
You noticed that Tux followed you everywhere in the house. You also noticed that Tux only cuddled with you. That actually felt heart warming.
Tux jumped off the bed and crawled to a shelf you collected all your goods like  small stuffed animals, and some figures you collected from before. It was usually goods from a few years ago.
"Is there something interesting?"
You looked at the shelf, confused.
"I don't see anything interesting... wait-"
The shelf was missing something.
Now you searched through all your goods to find there was a figure missing. And you also found some of your markers missing. You actually needed those markers for art class tomorrow.
The first thing that came up to your mind was your brother.
You thanked Tux and went out of your room, to the table where your family was eating dessert.
"Where's my figure and markers?"
You asked your mother.
"What do you mean by markers and a figure? The ones on your shelf?"
Your mother replied.
"Yes- where are they?"
"I gave it to your brother."
With your mother's answer, you went straight into your brother's room to find your figure on the corner of his shelf. You grabbed it and put it back on your shelf. Your mom watched with a confused expression.
But you couldn't find your marker still.
"Where's my marker?"
You asked your mother again. Your brother was quiet, staring at you now that he realized how irritated your voice was.
"I said multiple times that I needed my markers for my art project-"
You were shouting now.
"I gave it your brother because he had a drawing competition today, and your brother left it in kindergarten because it got damaged. You can draw with something else for your art project, right?"
Your mother said, annoyed too.
You tried to calm down, but this was too much. How can your whole family ignore your words?
"That's not the point here- why would you take my stuff without my permission?"
Your mother said nothing, but she was definitely baffled from your statement.
When your mother said nothing and your brother kept whining, you went into your room again, shutting the door roughly.
The next day, you were silent the whole time getting ready for school. You didn't have your marker, and you couldn't finish the art project how you wanted to because of that.
You walked to school with heavy footsteps.
Art class was after lunch, so you still had time to think about how to do your art project. But you didn't have good ideas on your mind. Also you have already done the sketch for the drawing, which makes it harder to think of other good ideas.
Time flew by fast and it was time for art. Unfortunately your friend didn't have markers, so she couldn't help you out.
The uneasy feeling went on. You had to decide whether to switch the concept of the drawing or find usable markers one way or another.
"You'll do good with or without markers..."
Your friend comforted you.
You decided to use watercolor the school had and walked over to the sink with a small yellow bucket.
You felt a poke on your shoulder.
It was Blake.
"Oh- hi."
".. I have markers.. if you want to use it."
"... wait- really?"
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling.
"Yeah.. you can take them and use it at your table. I use watercolor anyway."
"Thanks- you're a lifesaver."
Blake was a lifesaver, and that went on for a few weeks. He gave you stuff you really needed, which made your friend more invested in your relationship with Blake.
Your relationship with your family recovered a bit over a few weeks, but you were still in some kind of a cold war, and you were still angry at them. You didn't talk very much either, so it really didn't matter.
You went home with Blake a few times a week. Blake wasn't the funniest person to talk to, but Blake was sure a great listener. Just like Tux.
Blake listened to you, occasionally talking about how he thought. He was not like your family who ignored how your life was in school, and everytime Blake helped you out, you thought of your friend's words. Maybe your friend was an expert at reading people's feelings.
If Blake helped you out in school, Tux was your company in your home. When you went home alone, Tux was waiting for you behind the front door.
You felt uncomfortable around Tux at first, but now you warmed up to Tux. You spent all your days with Tux telling your worries and secrets that you wouldn't tell anyone.
Tux stayed right beside you curling its body into your arms.
Spending your time with Tux felt soothing, and you thought this would go on for sure.
However, despite your wish, it didn't last long.
It was Friday, and you walked home alone. You went home fast to see your cat waiting for you.
"I'm home-"
You shouted.
You didn't see your cat behind the front door, so you walked into your room to find your cat lying down on the bed.
It was unusual for you cat to be like this. Tux always tried to rub itself on you if it had the chance.
You sat beside Tux, worried if the cat is sick.
"Are you ok?"
You asked. You knew Tux won't understand what you're saying, but you wanted your cat to know you're worried by your tone.
You lay down on your bed with your school uniform on. There was no one in the house, so there was no one to scold you for not changing clothes.
You turned to your cat. Tux seemed to be struggling with something, and you didn't know why. You thought about calling your mom, but you knew she wouldn't answer when she's busy with some project of hers.
What if Tux needs to go to the hospital?
Several thoughts went by your head.
Tux was still in a bad state and you didn't know what to do.
You got your phone out and searched through the internet to find some clue after you messaged your father(hoping for him to message you back).
As you searched with your phone, you felt Tux slipping away.
Tux was slowly crawling away from you. It seemed he wanted to head out of your room.
"Hey, where are you going?"
You put one arm around your cat, confused.
"Do you need something? Where are you going all of a sudden?"
But your cat was desperate to get out.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
That was the moment you saw something so unbelievable.
With a blink of an eye, Tux was gone, replaced with a boy your age.
".... Blake?"
You couldn't believe what you just saw.
Tux was no where to be seen, and Blake, who said he was going home with his friends, was exactly in Tux's place, facing you.
Surprised and confused, you quicky removed your arm on Blake's body. Then you jumped out of bed before Blake could react.
"W.. wait-"
Blake grabbed your arm and yanked you back into the bed. You lost balance and fell back first to the bed while Blake grabbed your arms still.
"What the- what are you doing??"
You said as Blake's grip got stronger.
Blake was on top of you, facing you with his face red.
"I'll explain-"
You didn't want to believe it, but from the looks of it, Tux was actually Blake.
Blake's face came closer to yours, and you could hear Blake's heart beating fast.
You pushed off Blake and ran out of your room before Blake came any more closer. Blake followed you without hesitation, desperate to explain himself.
You maintained certain space between you as Blake tried to take a step closer to you.
"I can explain-"
Blake protested.
"Get out of my house.. I'll listen to your explanation later.."
"No- no- I didn't do anything wrong.. I just.. wanted to get closer and help you out."
"I messaged my dad and he'll come home soon. I'll tell him about you if you don't get out."
You said in a harsh tone. You wouldn't tell your dad that Tux is human, but you had to threaten Blake..
Blake's face clearly showed that he was not satisfied, but he left.
When your dad came home, you told him Tux was somehow escaped. Your little brother was upset. But you didn't care to notice him because Tux being Blake was the most important topic in your head for hours.
You've done some pretty embarrassing stuff in front of Blake in his cat form. You told him all your cringey moments, you showed him your true personality.. and you even changed clothes in front of his cat form. You basically showed every aspect of you.
You went to bed imagining how it will be meeting Blake in school again. You imagine yourself being awkward in front of Blake.
You hoped not, but the thought that Blake came to your house just to be beside you made you feel a bit frightened.
The whole situation was weird. Blake was weird. His actions only tell you that he's creepy.
Instead of confronting Blake, you avoided Blake in every was possible. You ran straight to home after school, hoping for Blake to lose sight of you.
"I'm home-"
You said. You find your mom sitting on the couch.
"(y/n)-! Tux came back!"
"Why, aren't you glad Tux came back without a scratch?"
"Can we just let him be a stray cat again?
You blurted out.
"How can you say that, (y/n)? We brought Tux here, so we have to take care of it."
"It was your choice- you brought him here- then don't let him in my room, okay?
"Why are you acting sensitive lately? Don't you think this is too much?"
You ignored your mother and walked back to your room. Blake tried to follow you, but you shut the door at his face.
Your mother noticed this right away. Irritated herself, she opened the door to your room and let the cat inside.
"Don't vent out your frustration on Tux, (y/n)."
With that, your mom closed the door and headed to the livingroom again.
You glared at the person pretending to be a stray cat. With the frustration that built up past few weeks, you couldn't stand someone deceiving you.
"Get out."
You said.
Blake was still in his cat form, standing still.
"Are you listening..?"
You said. Blake just stood there, staring at you.
"... I'll just go out then."
At that moment, Blake went back to his human form, grabbing your wrists.
"Don't go out."
Blake said.
"....why don't we cuddle like we always did?"
"Are you serious? Why would I-"
You tried to get his hand off your wrist, but he's grip only got stronger.
"You can't even force me out of your room."
"Can you at least let go of my wrist?"
Blake let go of your wrist, but he didn't move away from you.
Both you and Blake got quiet after. Your mother shouting from the livingroom broke the silence.
"Stay here."
You said, looking at Blake. Then you went to the livingroom.
"Why did you call me?"
You asked.
"Actually, I didn't buy eggs since I was busy with work. Can you buy them now? You didn't even change to comfortable clothes yet."
"I'm keeping the change."
"Okay. Just come back before I prepare dinner. Oh and we need something else too. I'll send you a list."
You got money from your mother and walked back to your room. Blake was waiting for you, sitting on your bed.
"Where are you going?"
"To buy groceries."
You looked away from Blake and picked up a bag to carry groceries.
You felt someone following you while you were walking to the supermarket.
You knew it was Blake.
"I know you're following me."
You said.
As expected, Blake came out of his cover. He was in his human form.
"I just wanted to see if.."
You ignored him and kept walking. Blake followed suit.
"I like you a lot.. I'm sure you know by now..."
You stayed silent. The whole situation was strange and you didn't quite process it.
"I actually liked you way before you knew me. I can move around more freely as a cat, you know?"
Blake held your hand and walked right beside you.
"It was hard for me to keep my distance from you in school... that's why I tried to be a stray cat. To get closer..."
"That's... uh..."
Blake suddenly wrapped his arms around you out of nowhere.
"What are you doing??"
You said, trying to push him away. Unfortunately Blake didn't budge. Instead he only got closer, which made your head spinning.
"What if someone sees us?? Stop-"
"Does that mean I can hug you in your room?"
"That's not what I meant.."
Blake laughed as you panicked and didn't know what to do.
"You should stop ignoring me in school. You liked Tux, why not treat me like it too?"
Blake said, holding your hand again.
Blake didn't do anything that would attract glances while buying groceries. He kept holding your hand, but he didn't do anything other than that.
You quickly bought the things your mother asked and went home with Blake. Blake transformed into Tux by the time you arrived home and everything went smoothly after that, like a normal day. Blake, in his cat form, watched you from afar as you ate dinner.
You went back inside your room and Blake quickly made his way inside before you could lock the door.
Blake changed back to his human self as soon as he closed the door to your room. Then he lead you to your bed, wrapping his arms from the back.
"I waited for this."
He said while digging into your neck.
"Hey- don't rub your face onto my neck-"
There was no use resisting because Blake had no intention of letting you go.
"I have to study. Let me go."
You said firmly.
"I know you don't study right away after dinner. Let's watch something together. Or we can just lay on bed together and sleep."
"What if my family finds out??"
"Then you should be quiet."
Blake smiled.
You were annoyed, but you kept quiet.
Blake pestered you so you couldn't do much of anything. It was soon late at night and all your family members went to sleep.
"I'm going to sleep."
You said, organizing your desk before bed.
"Really? Then we can sleep side by side. Cuddling each other."
"I'll get you bed sheets. You can sleep on the floor."
"What do you mean-"
"Or you can turn into a cat again."
"I- I'll turn into a cat."
Blake, in his cat form crawled beside you when you lay in bed, covered with blankets.
You heard the alarm and slowly opened your eyes to see Blake's face right in front of you. You screamed right that moment.
Your mother heard your scream and opened the door to check if anything's wrong.
"What's wrong here?"
Your mom asked.
You quickly hid Blake under your blankets, covering his face with your arms.
"Nothing- just a bad.. dream."
"Well, ok. Come eat breakfast in 10 minutes."
Your mom walked out of your room, still suspicious of your actions.
"What were you doing? We could've been caught-!"
You jumped up pushing Blake away.
"Are you going to change into your uniform?"
Blake asked, still lying down on the bed.
"I mean.. uh..."
You grabbed your school uniform and changed your clothes in the bathroom.
"I can't believe you watched me all the time."
You said, leaving the house. Blake already prepared for school and waited for you at the front door.
"Aren't you hungry? You haven't ate since yesterday lunch."
"I go back to my house in night and stay there until it's time for you to wake up. I do regular things I missed at daytime."
"That explains why you're sleeping all day at school."
"Then will you let me sleep in your room with you? I want to beside you all day."
"All day? That's exhausting."
"It's not exhausting for me. I want to be beside you whether it's in school or home."
"I'll think about it.."
Blake held your hand.
"I know you'll accept it at some point."
Blake said with confidence.
Blake's words were oddly convincing to you.
He was beside you when you fought with your family and got upset. He listened to your words and helped you.
It's true that you liked Tux in your home, and Blake at school as well.
You like Blake's warm touch, but you'll have to think about Blake staying with you all day.
Part 2 here
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steviewashere · 3 months
hmmm i think for a prompt i will sayyy steve/eddie for not actually unrequited with steve scared of defining their relationship bexause he doesn’t want to be rejected but their friendship is super affectionate and closer than his previous friendships <3
Okay, finally getting around to doing some of the prompts in my inbox. But I gotta admit, I may not have gone the way that this was supposed to. It's still good, but I'm unsure. Thank you for the prompt!! <3
Tags: Getting Together, Love Confessions, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Mutual Pining, Yearning, Domestic, Bisexual Eddie Munson, Friends to Lovers, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington Loves Eddie Munson, Insecure Steve Harrington, First Kiss, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Hand Holding, Back of Hand Kisses (My Love)
💕—————💕 He brushes away a stray hair from Eddie’s face and wonders, not for the first time, when they got so close on the couch.
Steve knows that he’s doomed. There’s something in his relationship with Eddie that’s new, unspoken, treacherous. And he suspects that it started with the gentle touches. The way his fingers move over the frizz on Eddie’s curls and how he can map all the scars on their torsos. He’s aware of all the noises Eddie makes in his sleep and how their legs lock into each other under his comforter. He knows where Eddie is, based solely on the echoing steps his feet make. If they move soft, he’s in his socks, moving through the hallways to avoid waking Steve up.
There a lot of things he knows about Eddie, in fact.
Coffee with three teaspoons of sugar and a splash of milk. All laundry dried, except for his jeans; and he’s allergic to the Tide, but not Gain. He brushes his teeth with Arm & Hammer, flosses twice a day, and uses spearmint mouthwash only at night. Every Tuesday between 7pm-9pm, he allots time in his schedule just for campaign planning; he needs to be reminded to eat dinner on those days, so Steve always makes something and sits with him until he’s done. Sometimes they hold each other’s hands, a reminder, Steve supposes. Eddie enjoys pepperoni and olives on his pizza, and will gladly take Steve’s olives. He takes his eggs scrambled with cheese, but colby jack, not the Kraft American slices. Bees are his mortal enemy and just one sting would upend him in the hospital. His skin burns easy in the summer, so he applies double the sunscreen, and Steve has done this all before. He has freckles on his back, over his shoulders, up the sides of his neck, on his face. Steve likes to try and count them, but loses track the moment Eddie giggles or smiles.
When he comes over to watch a movie, he always slouches on the right cushion and lets Steve wrap around his left side. He prefers sci-fi over action, but action over romance, but romance over sad dramas. His favorite animals are cats and will adamantly refuse to watch or listen to anything involving that said animal dying. If silences stretch for too long, Eddie taps his fingers over the shapes of his rings, though never slides them off his fingers. He tapes his rings because they’re too big to fit naturally—they were hand-me-downs from his grandpa on his mom’s side, a last gift given before he passed. His mom smelt like Love’s Baby Soft, so when he’s having a particularly bad day, he sprays his pillows with an old bottle he kept. (It’s almost empty and Steve already bought a new one for when it runs out, he just has to have the gall to give it to him.)
Eddie runs cold. Eddie wears three layers all the time—at least. Eddie speaks softly when it’s just the two of them. Eddie always looks at him. Eddie listens to him. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
That’s all Steve’s brain is.
And he knows that it’s too much for them to just be friends. But that’s all they are.
He doesn’t want that to be the case, but when he gets the chance to open his mouth and finally say something, it’s like the words die half-way out of his chest. Because Eddie’s like him, in some ways, trying to find the right person, not finding that person, going out and trying again. He hooks-up with girls on the weekdays and goes out to seedy bars on the weekends. His collarbones are sometimes riddled with hickeys; when Steve chances a glance at him, when he’s shirtless and getting ready to share the bed, before he gets in the pool, when he’s a little too warm, when he wants Steve to apply the sunscreen, when he wants fingers tracing the edges of his scars—when he wants to talk about something that went wrong with the girl.
Like tonight.
Eddie’s on his couch. Hair in his face. Shirt off.
He leans too far into Steve’s side, even if it means nothing. He laughs and places a palm on the center of Steve’s back. He shoves his cheek against the side of Steve’s face and whispers hot and harsh on his ear, wet and warm and soothing, all too close—and Steve can smell him. Musk and sweat and Love’s Baby Soft and citrus and Irish Spring and a little like marijuana. He laughs again and stumbles into Steve’s side and places his head on the nook of his shoulder. He calls Steve sweetheart and squeezes his hand.
He always does, though. All of this. He always is this. Too much and too affectionate and too sweet and too ‘Steve’s type.’
Steve can’t take his eyes off of Eddie. Wondering, not for the first time, when he’ll just say what he needs to.
“I think you’re beautiful,” Steve wants to say, “I think you’re kind. I think you’d look good underneath me on my bed. I think I like when you wear my clothes whenever you stay over. I think I’d make you breakfast forever if it meant you’d sit at my table. I think I love you, Eddie. Eddie, god, I think I love you.”
They’re just friends, though. Nothing less.
Nothing more.
And Steve’s afraid of the nuance of this friendship he has. Is it better to never say a thing? Or should he rip the bandaid off and eventually plaster it over his broken heart the moment Eddie rejects him?
Because, as is, all Eddie talks about is girls. Girls with tattoos. Girls with nerd interests. Girls with wild makeup. Girls.
And Steve, noticeably, is not a girl.
He’s none of what Eddie is seeking. Nothing of what he wants. What he desires.
“I don’t know,” Eddie sighs, “she just isn’t the one.”
Steve grunts. “That makes no sense,” he softly exclaims, elbowing Eddie. Washing in the hiss and smirk that Eddie gives him. He’d bathe in whatever Eddie handed to him, if only to have him here, like this, all the time. “It just…You say she’s perfect under you. You say she’s funny and sweet and beautiful. You say all these nice things about this girl, but she isn’t the one? None of that makes sense to me, Eds.”
Eddie’s gaze on him shifts then, something more distant and pained. His fingers splayed over Steve’s thighs, they flex and flatten and tickle. He twists his mouth. And swallows hard, enough to flex the muscles of his neck. “Yeah, I guess I did,” he murmurs. Then, he leans in further. Further, somehow, always further.
And something in Steve wilts. Because, “This isn’t fair.”
“What?” Eddie mutters, brows furrowing. “What’s not fair, Stevie?” He blinks and Steve’s immediately in a daze. His eyelashes are long and dark and creating soft shadow under his eyes. His cheeks are flushed with rosacea pink blush. And has an overwhelming amount of sweet, sugary softness in his stare—enough that Steve’s stomach stirs nauseously.
“This,” Steve whispers. He wrenches his hand away from where it, on an automatic shift, went to trace Eddie’s scars—especially the one closest to him, a wide and silvery one over his left ribs. The one that’s smooth under Steve’s touch.
Nervously, Eddie chuckles. His hand instinctively tightens over Steve’s leg. “Sweetheart, I don’t—“
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Steve exclaims, finally jumping apart. He stands shakily from his couch and faces where he sat, towering over Eddie’s stupidly big, soft eyes and his gentle scowl and the flush of his pale skin. His shadow draws his attention towards the highlights over Eddie, the light yellow on his irises and the glint of scars and that shiny silver of his decade old rings. “This thing you’re doing. The—The—Flirting!”
“Flirting?” Eddie innocently asks. He blinks again, owlishly this time.
“Yes, Eddie! Flirting! You do it all the time…You—You always call me sweetheart and you’re always touching me and…” But he takes in Eddie’s face again. How pretty he is. How stupidly endearing every aspect of him is. And he—
God, Steve can’t do this. He can’t ruin this.
“…Never mind,” he mutters, “don’t worry about it.” And he sits back down. A noticeable gap between them.
He shakes his head. But otherwise remains silent.
“Steve,” Eddie calls again, softly. So small that it could’ve been lost inside the couch cushions. “Do you not like when I do those things?”
“I like them,” Steve can at least admit. “I don’t mind.”
But Eddie doesn’t touch him again. He looks away, Steve can sense it, even with his own eyes facing forward. His t-shirt is put back on, Steve can see every movement Eddie makes and knows exactly what part of his body he’s using and what exactly he’s doing.
And then they’re just silent.
Maybe he’s already ruined it. He always knew that everything would fall through the moment he admitted anything. The moment he made some sort of realization. And it’s not like the crush was unprecedented. It was slow. Small things, at first. Other things, when time gave way to them. He catalogued everything. And he knew, the moment he learned to touch Eddie where it mattered most—over his scalp and the scars and down the slope of his nose—he was already falling in love.
Of course he’s in love with one of his best friends.
He’s always in love with a best friend. Always somebody that becomes unattainable. First, it was Tommy and then Tommy started dating Carol. Then, it was Nancy and they were great, but then she wanted Jonathan. After, it was Robin and he’s fine with not having Robin in that way, thank god not in that way. He should’ve seen it coming when Eddie stuck around.
He should’ve known. Why didn’t he know?
But if he spoke, Eddie would find a reason to not love him back. That was the scary part. Tommy—he couldn’t see it. Nancy—she never loved him, not really. Robin—well, that one goes left unsaid. What would Eddie find? Would he realize how clingy Steve is? Would he become embarrassed by Steve’s romance movie type of love: drive-in dates and sweet kisses on the lips and slow embraces that lasted forever? Would he come to terms with having nothing in common, despite having everything to talk about as friends? Would he get bored? Would he just…fizzle out?
Steve can imagine it all. Becoming boring. Becoming uninteresting. Becoming unlovable.
Not being desirable.
That’s all he wants. To be desired the way he desires. All too much. All at once. Like flames engulfing the world. He wants and he wants and he wants.
But if he spoke, he’d have to continue wanting—though from an arm’s length. Because Eddie would leave, probably. Turn him down. Realize the truth about Steve Harrington.
The boy everybody wants, but nobody loves.
He’d still want Eddie, though, even if he realized.
“I didn’t know—“
“Eddie,” Steve murmurs, “you don’t have to…Don’t do this with me. Just ignore it. Please, Eds, just ignore it.”
Gentle fingers on the back of his hand. Pushing the skin upward, towards his knuckles. “And if I didn’t want to ignore it?” Eddie asks. So soft. So small.
Steve blinks, his eyes wet and his throat burning. “Don’t—“ He takes a shuttering breath as Eddie’s palm wraps around his whole hand. “Eddie, please,” he pleads, “don’t do this if you don’t mean it.”
Eddie’s hand flexes, squeezing. “Steve,” he murmurs, “look at me?”
Hesitantly, and oh so slowly, Steve makes his head move. He catches Eddie’s eyes, the first thing he always notices when they’re together, and melts. They’re like voids, pulling Steve in. A warm void, though. A hot bath. He raises their joined hands to his lips. They’re a little dry, soft and warm over Steve’s skin.
“I want to mean it,” Eddie quietly confesses.
“But,” Steve mutters, “but what about all those girls?”
“They’re not the one,” Eddie says, “they’re not you.”
Eddie gazes at him now. The way love interests do in all the movies Steve’s ever loved. With a softness like that of cat backs, the ones Eddie likes. With warmth like that of Eddie’s dried laundry. With sweetness like that of Eddie’s morning coffee. His lips are pressed into the back of Steve’s hand again.
“They’re not you,” Eddie reiterates. “They aren’t sweet to me, they aren’t gentle or funny in those silent ways you are. And they aren’t handsome with your good hair. Or warm against me. I’m with them and all I can think about is coming back to you, talking to you, holding you, laying next to you. All I think about is you.”
Steve raises his free hand to the right side of Eddie’s face. Cups his cheek, runs his thumb over his cheekbone, tangles his fingers in the hair above his ear. “You’re all I think about, too,” Steve admits. “Even when I’m hanging out with you, I’m still thinking about you.” He smiles back at the received soft one Eddie has. His dimples have never looked this good. And his mouth is plenty kissable. His face is warm and pink under Steve’s hand.
So he leans in, slowly, enough for everything to be taken back. For him to wake up from this possible dream. And when there’s nothing left to do but lean forward that extra millimeter, Steve kisses him.
Eddie tastes like pepperonis and olives and spearmint. He’s focused completely, kissing back with enough force to make Steve nearly fall backwards. His lips move as if devouring. Steve hopes he tastes just as good.
“I love you,” Eddie confesses first. “I’ve loved you for…a fucking long time.”
Steve, the hopelessly hopeful romantic that he is, melts. “I love you, too,” he breathes.
“Boyfriends?” Eddie asks, smirking, but not teasing.
He nods. “Yeah, Eds. Wanna be your boyfriend.” Something more. God, they're something more.
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thehighpriestess1 · 1 year
August : Epilogue
Masterlist ✨ Ask Box
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You pace around the room drawing in quick breaths as you wait for your husband to get home. Technically he is hom. Just working from his office on the other side of the Gojo estate. You fidget with your ring thinking about his reaction. He was not going to like this surprise. You were sure of it. He would accept it because it made you happy but there was going to be a whole lot of whining and pouting. 
You looked over at your barely one year old son who was playing on your bed and occasionally looking at you with his wide blue eyes. You looked at the box near the foot of the bed and sighed. He would just have to live with it. 
"I'm home". Gojo declared as he walked through the door. He smiled and walked over to you immediately wrapping you in his arms. You tiptoed and pecked his lips gently. "Hey". 
"How was your day?". Gojo asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed and leaning back to kiss Keisuke. 
"Good. How was yours?".
"Good". Gojo said, loosening his tie. 
You stood in front of him playing with your ring. 
"Is everything okay?".
"Yes!". You said too soon. 
Gojo hummed and studied your face. You knew you'd be busted soon so you rolled your eyes and decided to go for it. 
"I have something to tell you".
Gojo smirked. "I knew it!".
"Just hear me out".
Gojo held your hand and brought you forward to sit on his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and played with his hair. "I was gardening today and I…found something…".
Gojo frowned. "What did you find?".
You bit your lip nervously. "Before I tell you, you have to promise me that you will not say no".
"How can I ever say no to you?".
You smiled widely. "Really?".
"Yes ma'am. Your wish is my command".
You got off his lap and brought the cardboard box. "I found him playing in the garden and I tried to look for his mother but I couldn't so I have decided to keep him and his name is Miso!". You spoke in one breath.
Gojo looked at you and then at the lidded box. He gently picked up the lips of the box and saw a white kitten sleeping inside. As if on cue, Miso woke up and purred at Gojo.
"It's a …cat". He said, looking at you.
You kept the box down gently and took Miso in your arms. "Isn't he adorable! He's so cute and soft and warm! Just look at him!". 
Gojo stood up and looked at the kitten in your arms. Miso had one blue eye and one slightly green eye. "No …no no no. We are not keeping him".
You had expected this. "But why not?! He's so cute and I love him".
Gojo stepped back and pointed at miso. "Exactly ! You love him! I'm already sharing your love and cuddles with our son and now ….this. No. You want something small, warm arm and soft? I'll give you another kid! But not ….this".
"His name is Miso and I am keeping him". You asserted and gently kissed the top of Miso's head".
Gojo pouted and looked around baffled. "Okay…what about Keisuke? What if he is allergic to cats?".
You shook your head and smiled. "He's not. We had a cat at the farm and it would often cuddle next to Keisuke".
"Y/n!!!". Gojo whined.
"Satoru!!!". You mimicked his tone.
"What about me? I don't want to share you!". 
"You won't have to! I promise you that you'll get extra love if you let me keep him". 
Gojo looked at the kitten and then at you. You looked happy. "You promise?".
"I promise!". 
Gojo sighed reluctantly and reminded himself to ask for details before promising you anything. He watched you pepper kisses over the kitten that he was sure you had given a bath to. Lucky cat. 
It had been two days since Miso joined the family. It was a tough adjustment for Gojo. Miso caught him by surprise many times as she walked in and out of rooms. He even tried to bribe Miso with catnip so that it would go back to where it came from but Miso just stared at him with wide blue green eyes. 
Gojo tapped the edge of the pen on his lower lip as he watched you play with Miso on the leather couch of his office. You had brought lunch for him, like countless other times, but this time, instead of sitting on his lap and asking about the day you were petting that white devil. He swirled his seat and walked around the table picking up his bento box and sat opposite to you. 
"Satoru, your food will go cold". You smiled at him but continued to pet Miso.
"I don't want to eat". He said, letting his chopsticks clank on the table. 
"Why not? Do you not like it?". You frowned as you stared at the bento. "You didn't even open it".
"You said I won't have to share you". Gojo said, staring at Miso and folding his arms over his chest.
Of course. Your other baby needed his time. You gently put Miso on the couch and walked around the table to sit next to your biggest baby. "Happy now?".
"No". Gojo said, trying hard to retain his pout. 
You pecked his lips once, "Now?".
Gojo shook his head. 
You pecked his lips again, "Now?". 
Gojo stared at you. Bold of you to assume that you could melt him with two tiny pecks when he saw you give thousands to a …cat! 
He hooked his arm under your waist and pulled you on his lap in one swift motion.  "Now ..you may try to make it up to me". He whispered against your lips letting you know what he wanted. 
You smiled and pulled him into a kiss. Gojo's hand settled on your waist and he squeezed your butt letting you know that he wanted more. You gasped for air as Gojo trailed kisses down your jawline. 
"Satoru … you…have work".
"Mmmhmmm and whose fault is it that I don't get my time with my wife?".  Gojo looked at your lips and smirked. 
"I give you time". You said, caressing his cheeks. "I make lunch for you. I kiss you good morning..".
Gojo pouted. "I want more". Gojo leaned for another kiss but his phone rang. He groaned and buried his face in your neck as he pulled you closer. "I hate this!".
You chuckled and kissed the side of his head. "How about you focus on work and I'll see you in the evening?". Gojo's arms dropped by his side and you got off his lap to get his phone. 
"It's Nanami". You said and handed him the phone. 
Gojo stopped out to talk to Nanami while you sat on the couch with Miso. 
"I'll have to go to the office for a while". Gojo said as he grabbed his coat from the stand. 
"What about your lunch?". 
Gojo looked at you apologetically. "Sorry love, it seems urgent".
"Okay…". Gojo kissed you on your forehead and headed out. 
You watched him walk out and put Miso down to grab the bento box and keep it in the bag.  
Miso had a mind of his own and trotted towards Gojo's desk. 
"Miso! Let's go!". You ran after the little cotton ball as it disappeared behind the desk. 
You got down to peep under the desk and found Miso sitting inside a cardboard box full of papers. You sighed and balanced yourself on your heels and pulled the box out. 
"Come on now, let's go!". You tried to pick him up but it clearly didn't want to get off the stack of papers. You tried again with both of your hands but Miso slid out of your hand and jumped on the edge of the box toppling the box and scattering the papers on the floor.
"Oh, look what you've done". You groaned and decided that it's better to gather the mess before catching Miso. You picked up papers after papers and began keeping them inside. You hoped that these were not arranged in any way as you had no idea how to order them. You grabbed a handful of papers to keep in the box but something felt off. You shook the papers and an envelope fell on your lap. You would have kept it back but your name in the center of the white cover caught your eye.
You stared at the envelope for a few seconds, the last time you sneaked around in Gojo's office, things didn't go well. But this one says "for y/n" so it must be for you. But why didn't Gojo give you the letter if it was for you? Who wrote to you? You flipped the envelope and opened the seal. Fuck it, you thought to yourself. You took the contents and kept the envelope in the box. Your jaw dropped when you saw the letter. You were sure it was Gojo's handwriting. You turned the page in your hand and your eyes caught the small text on the bottom right of the page. 'Forever yours, Satoru'. 
Satoru? Why did he write you a letter? When did he write you a letter? You crossed your legs and saw down with your back pressed to the table.
My Y/n,
If you're reading this then it's already too late. Too late for me to come home. Too late for me to apologize.  Too late to tell you all those things I wanted to tell you. 
Maybe you have seen the video by now, if you haven't then please please trust me when I say this, I didn't kill Hiro. I never wanted to Kill Hiro. I just wanted to know where you were. I was scared that Naoya had done something to you and when Hiro told me that you were gone I couldn't think straight. I felt like my life had ended with yours. I searched for you for the entire night, to get some clue that you were still alive, that you survived it all but all I found was the ring. Your last remnant. For one whole year I believed you to be gone. I couldn't tell one day apart from another. At some point I thought it would be better to join you on the other side. But now I am glad that I lived. You gave me the happiness of a lifetime in this one month. I would always be grateful to you for that. 
About Yuri, I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. That video, I have no recollection of it. But I promise you that I didn't do it. I can't think of any other woman who is not you. I know it must be hard for you to believe me but please trust me one last time. I feel disgusted at myself for even letting something like that happen, I am ashamed to face you. But please, I beg of you to trust me.  I'm sorry for hurting you like this, Please forgive me one last time.
I hope you weren't scared when you found out about everything. I wished to be there for you when you opened your eyes but fate has played a cruel joke on us again. But don't you worry about anything. Suguru and Kento will handle everything. You don't have to stay at this estate if you don't want to. You are free to choose any place where you want to raise our son. You and Keisuke will always be protected. You have no reason to believe me on that after all I promised to keep you safe and now you're hurt. I'm sorry I failed to be a good husband to you and I am sorry I failed to be a good father to Keisuke. But please, consider this as my last wish, tell Keisuke about me as he grows up. I want to be remembered by him. I want him to know that I might not be a good father but I loved him for every second since I saw him. I wish I had more time with him, I would have loved to reach him so many things. 
Y/n, I hope you know that I have alway loved you. I have loved you for every second of every day since I met you. You deserved to have a happy family life. You deserved to be safe and carefree. But I got too selfish and dragged you into my cursed life. Please forgive me. You have given me the best days of my life and showed me what it means to truly be alive. There is no life for me without you. Just know that even as I take my last breath I would only be thinking about you. My love. My wife. My y/n.
I know you must be thinking that why did I do all of this? Why couldn't I just show the video to you? It was not that simple. You hide your pain but I see it. I see the fear in your eyes hidden by love. I see how even when you're mad at home you hardly show it because a part of you is scared of getting hurt. I wish you would have fought with me for coming home late, for leaving the towel on the bed, for not holding you enough when you wanted it. But that's not you, you don't fight with me. You suffered in silence and I didn't even have enough time to mend all my mistakes. 
Please don't hold grudges against anyone and start a new life. Get married again. Fall in love again. See the world. But please, always remember me.
I am sorry to leave you alone, I wish I could stay with you and grow old with you. But I'll wait for you on the other side. Maybe in the next life, I'll bump into you again at the bus stop, ask for your name, show up at the park, do everything right this time. I'll always love you. I'll always look over you and Keisuke. Promise me that when we meet in the next life you'll fight with me over the smallest of things. I will bring you flowers and give my sincerest apology then you'll smile in your anger and I'd know that I have your heart again. 
P.s : I know you're hurting. But please stay strong. You can get through this. We can get this. I love you..
Forever yours,
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you finished reading the letter. You tried to hold it in but soon you were sobbing into your hand. Why did he write this? Was he going to …? No…Satoru would never do that. Did he know the risk of confronting Yuri? Why did he go then? Why? You understood that Satoru wrote the letter in case something happened to him. This was his final goodbye. You swallowed painfully as you kept the letter back in the envelope with shaky hands. You picked up Miso and your bag and walked out of the office with your head down.
Did he really think he failed as a husband and that he was not a good father? What kind of inner demons was he fighting with? Yet he puts on a brave face for you and Keisuke every single day. You wished you could scream at him right now, tell him that he didn't fail as a husband. He didn't fail as a father. He was perfect in every way. You took a deep breath as you reached your room and saw Keisuke playing with his new nanny, Mirei. She was older than you and Gojo and you were sure she was also prepared to fight if needed. 
"Are you alright?". She asked as she watched you keep the bag on the ground. 
"Yeah. I am".
As promised, Gojo came home an hour before dinner. He walked in the kitchen first knowing well that that's where he'll find you. He wrapped his arms around your waist like he usually does and gave you a gentle squeeze to let you know he was here. 
"Welcome home". You said sweetly as you stirred the pasta. 
"You're making pasta?".
"What's special today?".
You looked up at him and winked, "Making my third baby feel special".
Gojo raised a brow at you,"Third baby? Darling I'm your first baby!".
You chuckled and turned the flame to low and turned around to finally return his hug. "How was work?".
"Did you eat anything all day?".
Satoru remained silent and groaned in the crook of your neck. 
"Missed me?". You asked playfully.
"A lot". Gojo whispered between the two of you and bent down to press a chaste kiss on your lips.
Keisuke babbled in his seat, drawing Gojo's attention to him. "I'm telling you, he doesn't want me near you". Gojo said as he walked over and picked him up. "Why don't you want me to kiss your mum? You know that's how you were made!". 
"Satoru!". You hit his arm gently. "He's a kid!".
"Exactly! He won't remember! You won't remember would you? Would you?". Gojo tickled Keisuke and the kitchen was filled with giggles. 
You walked towards them and leaned your head on his arm. "Why don't you bathe him and put him to bed today? I'll set the table". 
Gojo studies your face, it wasn't an unusual request but he had a feeling about this. 
"Everything alright?".
"Can you take tomorrow off?". You asked as you watched Gojo keenly.
Gojo kept his fork in the plate and stared blankly at you. "I can. Why?". 
"Do you remember the first movie we watched together?".
Gojo bit his lip and nodded his head. "I do. House of horror. Who goes for a horror movie as their first date?".
"Didn't you go to watch the second part with your fiance?" You teased him, reminding him of the time you bumped into him at the theaters.
Gojo sighed and took your hand in his. "How can I forget you? You were sitting right next to me".
You chuckled and shook your head. "The third part is releasing tomorrow and I got us the tickets. I spoke to Shoko and she was way too excited to look after Keisuke".
Gojo smiled fondly at you. "Alright. I'd be happy to go with you".
"Just promise not to corner me in the bathroom this time".
"That….I cannot promise!". 
Gojo watched you laugh under the dim light of the dining room. He didn't know what was more intoxicating, the wine in his glass or the sound of your laughter. He could drown in both. This was the first time you had asked him to take a day off and though he didn't show it he was filled with a surge of happiness and excitement. 
"Why are you smiling?".  You asked, watching him curiously.
Gojo shrugged his shoulders and rested his chin on his palm. "You asked me to take the day off". 
You smiled, pretending that it was one of his sweet nothings but you knew it was more than that. Now you knew that he had been waiting for this moment. Often hinting it in the morning under the playful whining of not wanting to go to work. He wanted you to deman him for yourself. He wanted you to want him. 
"How about you take a week off then?". You asked, sipping the last of your drinks.
"Okay". Gojo agreed, maintaining the same smile. 
You and Gojo spent the day walking around the mall, playing games in the arcade, watching the disappointing third part of the movie and discussing it over pizza and ice cream. The two of you had been through hell and back, you were married, had a kid together and yet today you felt like you were best friends in love. You saw the side of Gojo that you fell in love with. The playful, annoying, always ready with a comeback side of Gojo that made you laugh till your stomach hurt. 
Something healed inside Gojo as well.he knew that this was going to be one of those days that he would remember for the rest of his life. This was the y/n that he had been missing all this time. The one who scolded him for spilling chocolate ice cream on her white dress, the one who swung his arm with hers as you walked, the one who talked about the miniscule things with so much passion that one would think the balance of the world relied on the flavor of an ice cream. The one with whom he would share a different coloured popsicle and then check the color of your tongue. His best friend for life. His love.
You fell asleep on the car ride home with balloons tied to your wrist. It was Gojo's way of spotting you in the crowd and he knew that as soon as you reached home you would be tying the balloons to Keisuke's crib . The giant stuffed tiger that Gojo had won for you was resting on your lap, the bubble gun that you wanted so badly was now in his pocket and he knew Keisuke was going to enjoy it just as much as you do.Like mother like son.Life was good, he thought to himself as he saw people walk outside. He didn't envy them anymore. He felt grateful and lucky. 
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