#(is lying to herself. shes in denial give her some time)
caitlinsclark · 2 months
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CASUAL caitlin clark ¹ 𝘤𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘭𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 | summary: it was always casual for Caitlin. based on casual by chappell roan. ✰ bree's notes: Couldn’t get myself to fully write smut bc I feel like I’d tank at that  ✰ No ACTUAL smut but alludes/briefly talks about it so, read at your own discretion!
part two wc: 3.1k masterlist and tag list
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“I just don’t get why you keep doing this to yourself,” Kate was the voice of reason that you didn’t wanna face in the midst of your recklessness. And it sucked that you knew if you should be listening to anyone, it was her. She was Caitlin’s best friend and she only wanted the best for you as a teammate.
But she’d caught you in the act and had to give you tough love, “You’re going to go see her, aren’t you?” And you didn’t have the heart to lie anymore, though the shame building up in your stomach was far worse than the guilt of lying.
“You don’t have to tell me, Kate, I know,” You pleaded in attempt to get out of the repetitive conversation. It still brought up the sick feeling each time you faced it, the truth always hurts.
As a genuine friend, she tried to push harder, “She’s not that commitment person, and she doesn’t see you anymore than the physical things you two have been doing.” In a few months you knew you would thank her for the brutality of her words, but you couldn’t now when all you craved was the brunette that didn’t want you back.
“I don’t believe that.” The words were defiant, childish, and simply an act of denial and not even you believed them. But you so desperately wanted to believe that Caitlin saw you as more than that, you were teammates, you were friends. You always believed at some point the lines would blur for her the same way that they did for you.
But Kate, the guiding light that tried to wake you up from your Caitlin induced daydream, reminded you of the words from the direct source, “It’s casual, remember?” She said your name afterward with such sympathy, hating to be the bearer of bad news.
Embarrassment floods your veins as you remember the scene Kate had witnessed herself yesterday when you had been getting ready to head out with Caitlin.
You were balancing on one foot near the doorway as you tried to put on one of your shoes. You were surprised by a warm graze against your waist, until Caitlin’s hands slide down and settled to firmly hold your hips. She’d squeezed you when you murmured a small thank you and continued putting your shoes on.
“Cute,” Kate quipped as she passed by the door and the two of you, heading up the stairs. You didn’t think anything much of it and continued to put your sneaker on.
Caitlin abruptly released your middle, leaving you hitting somewhat aggressively against the wall next to you. You couldn’t stop the way your eyes glued to her, you wouldn’t believe it if you didn’t see her reaction for yourself.
The laugh that Caitlin let out was dismissive and light, “We’re not together.” She was able to look right at you, the amused expression remaining on her face all while you felt your resolve crumbling. You felt like a fucking fool, all that just to wish you’d looked away.
The assertive correction felt like a jab to the heart, but the quick realization that she was right cut through deeper for a second time. Sadly, you were quick to forget the slight offense. At least a slight offense is what you  tried to tell yourself it was, when you were lead outside by Caitlin.
Her hands were everywhere on your skin as soon as you got into the comfort of her car, trailing tenderly up every inch of your body to rest on your neck. 
“Someone could see, Cait,” You tried to stop her hand as it fought to go lower, breaking at the way her eyes stared down at your connected bodies.
You expected her to agree, considering the recent insistence on your casual nature. What you didn’t expect was for her to slide onto her knees, considering it was slightly difficult and crammed due to her stature, but she wasn’t deterred.
Minutes later, you were left gasping with a bruising grip in her hair. A sheen on both of your skins as the windows of the car fogged up and hid you both from the secrecy of your rendezvous. 
The way she caressed your leg, a loving gaze glued onto you as she tried to slowly bring you down from the intense feeling, “You alright, baby?” She kissed the skin of your thigh, maintaining eye contact as she did so.
It didn’t feel casual. The way she gently and carefully pushed herself up to kiss you with a tenderness you’d never experienced didn’t feel casual. But all you could do was nod, breathless for more reasons than one.
You’d slipped out the door of your dorm with nothing more to say, because Kate wasn’t incorrect and you had to give her that. Caitlin wasn’t the right choice by any means and you would be the one getting burned eventually. But the thought of being burned in the end was less harrowing than the thought of letting go of Caitlin completely.
On the short stride over to her dorm, you began reminiscing over the last few months that you’d been playing this game of cat and mouse. 
The first time was a punch to the gut that you always fought to push to the back your mind. It was midday and you’d felt a certain pull toward the kitchen, maybe hunger, maybe just intuition. Whatever got you there was looking out for you when you caught a brief mention of your name before entering the doorway.
You paused with purpose, leaning against the wall to hear better.
“Jada, it’s casual.” Caitlin’s voice was full of exasperation and you swallowed down the emotion threatening to push out when she sighed. She was right, you were casual.
So you took a deep breath, pretending it would make the scene disappear in your mind and trailed back upstairs. At least you knew where the two of you stood, that helped.
But that fact didn’t stop you from letting yourself fall further and further. Though ‘letting yourself’ was a generous way to put it considering there was never a choice.
The second memory was a beginning catalyst into an area of intimacy the two of you had never reached before. You swore the whole ‘no attachments’ thing had been thrown out the window. Caitlin had brought you home to her family, using an excuse that you had to try her mom’s famous chocolate chip cookies. The ones that inspired her to play a better game, not dramatic at all.
Apparently they weren’t at their full potential unless they were fresh and you just had to understand the hype she had around them.
You weren’t in any mood to oppose when Caitlin had her pretty brown eyes glimmering at you hopefully, the smallest of pouts forming on her lips at the thought of your denial.
She could get just about anything she wanted out of that face. And sadly she knew it for sure when you agreed embarrasingly fast.
When you guys had arrived at the beautiful home, she carried your bags with a loud protest of, “pretty people can’t do labor, silly.” You wanted to let the compliment soar through you and ignite a spark, but you were scared to let it get that far. Scared to read into this when she had clearly said something so different to some of your friends.
But upon being in the comfortable environment of her home, you got a glimpse at the goofy side of her personality coming out. It had made you see her in her full light, painting a beautiful image of the well rounded girl you had the honor of meeting the parents of.
Brent and Anne had welcomed you with open arms, something that Caitlin stood directly by your side for. She was almost glued to you once her parents let you go, greedily holding your waist to keep you close to her in a protective manor.
Her parents shared a specific look, one you’d seen too many times recently when you spent time with Caitlin. Ones she always somehow ignored, but you indulged in, some toxic part of you that held onto the idea that she could reciprocate.
The third time was a final push that not even your wildest dreams would’ve predicted as a possibility. Caitlin, the same girl who most definitely seemed offended at the insinuation of any relationship with you, eagerly showed your face when her mother FaceTimed her. 
The excitement in Caitlin’s voice had you wanting to jump on her right there, “Here she is!” She leaned her entire body weight onto you in order to fit you both in the frame but you would never complain. Even if it did restrict your breathing.
Her mom grinned at the adorable picture of her daughter beaming in your presence, going as far as to take a screenshot to later send to Caitlin. The brunette had saved it to her phone immediately upon receiving but only hearted the message in response.
“I wanted to ask if the two of you wanted to come to the house on Long Beach for a few days,” She proposed with an air of charisma just like her daughter, “Everyone wanted to see you guys again, especially me.” If she had a hidden agenda of pestering you two about making it official that was nobody’s business but her own.
You had hesitated, glancing over at Caitlin for a reason to decline and were almost heart warmed to find her staring back at you with an encouraging smile.
You tried to find the most diplomatic answer there was, “Uh, if Caitlin wants me there. Of course, I’d love to.” You felt like you were completely failing to hide your nervousness as you shifted but still felt utterly distracted by Caitlin’s body heat encompassing you.
“Why wouldn’t I want you there?” The words came out so smooth, natural like she didn’t even have to think about them. You began to feel more flustered as she started rubbing your hand affectionately to soothe the intensity of the question.
You two had spent most of the trip hidden up in the comfort of your room, basking in the rare privacy of Long Beach. But you were brutally awaken with a cold return once you got back to Indiana, probably one that should’ve been expected.
This game of cat and mouse would never end. A light misting blurred your eyes when you started to realize that you were both toxically chasing one another, but not for the same reasons.
A hopeful part of you had built Caitlin up to an unreachable image in your mind. Not an unattainable one, but by her choice it was unreachable.
The resentment in your heart built rapidly as you turned things over and over in your head. Resentment for her or yourself, you really couldn’t tell.
It took a few long minutes to work up the courage to approach her door, but maybe something was looking out for you again. If you’d gone any earlier you were sure your heart might’ve just left your chest in agony.
The scene before you was bad enough when you only caught the end of it.
You’d watched as the door of her dorm room opened in front of you only an inch, a slight startle as another girl exited, adjusting her askew skirt and hair haphazardly. It was like looking in a brutally honest mirror as shock covered her features at being in caught.
“Oh, sorry!” She blushed, and you hated that you got a sense of deja vu, “I was just leaving.”
Awe couldn’t keep itself off your face, was any part of what you did meaningful? Even an ounce? Your eyes squeeze shut, wishing that it would take away the current resentment building up in you.
A pained laugh left your lips and you nodded, “Yeah, me too.” You had turned to walk in the direction you’d come in from when the door swung back open.
Caitlin had heard your voice from inside her dorm, a small drop in her stomach as she saw you practically ready to run away and knew you hoped she hadn’t seen you.
The brunette looked in between the two of you, an annoyingly calm persona that had you seething as you breathed out slowly. 
A nod was exchanged between the two, a subtle hint toward what had just went down. God, you needed a bucket if this was gonna continue. The walking image of your regrets disappeared down the hallway, leaving you and Caitlin alone.
You continued to walk toward the exit but she grabbed your wrist gently, overpowering you slightly but not aggressively.
“Let go,” you breathed out in exhaustion, this mental game feeling like such a loss now. You had no more fouls left in you, game over.
“Nothing’s wrong, can’t we just have a good night?” The words of a smooth talker, the ones you always fell for. And you started to fall for it as you let her lead you back into her dorm.
“That doesn’t sit right with me, Cait.” You tried to assert yourself weakly but the grip your hands had on her arms didn’t do much to sway her. The power left your body the second she entered your proximity.
Her hands slowly reached out for your cheeks and you didn’t pull away, though your head screamed at you to. You couldn’t find it in you to pull away as she slowly leaned toward your lips. 
With more than enough chances to tear yourself away, make her work harder for it, you still welcomed the feeling as you melted into her.
“I’m sorry,” She whispered against your lips, a sweet promise that almost had your mind willingly bringing her back in. There had to be something in the air that poisoned you like a drug every time she came around.
But the apology only made the last few minutes painfully real in your mind. The arm around your waist suddenly made you feel trapped instead of protected, the hand on your face feeling repetitive instead of breathtakingly new. How much had she reused on these other girls?
You pushed back slowly from her hold, the usual warmth she caused feeling like a brutal wake up call. Knowing that she was doing the same thing just moments before in this exact position made you want to fall over into a ball.
“You’re making this difficult.” Caitlin bluntly addressed your issue, crossed her arms over her chest to close herself off, “You’re making this really difficult, actually.”
“Cait, I’m not trying to,” The immediate crack in your voice that you’d been holding in for the last few months now made you wince as you stared up at the ceiling. The tears building up in your waterline made you feel so disgusted with yourself. 
“Baby,” She’d addressed you absentmindedly, hitting another cord in you, “I said no attachments.” She reiterated like clockwork, a now robotic response to your emotional one. You wanted to scream at her to acknowledge anything, show the littlest ounce of empathy. 
“I know,” but the gnawing feeling that stopped you from even looking in her direction right now felt a lot like an unhealthy attachment.
Caitlin stared hard at you, eyes tracing over your features but not in the usual adoring way you currently craved. This was where it finally blew up and you both knew it.
The room stayed quiet and you tried to calm the rapid beat of your heart, knowing this was ending only one way.
“Then what’s going on here?” Caitlin spoke like you were a nuisance and maybe you were, at least these feelings sure felt like it. But there was no world in which you wanted to carry this burden anymore.
She stared at you expectantly, making you shrink back and wipe under your eyes in a moment of insecurity. 
You rubbed the skin of your forehead and croaked in a small voice, “You picked the wrong person to say no attachments too.” A small shrugged followed your words, already embarrassed at the thought of vocalizing your idiocy. What else did you have to lose?
“God,” Caitlin groaned as she took in your overly distraught figure, “I knew this was happening.” She tossed her headband with frustration, as if this was some inconvenience.
Oh, so that’s what you had to lose. The one pitiful ounce of you that believed Caitlin had any sort of care for you, even as little as the bond of teammates.
“What?” It was tiny in comparison to the booming voice the athlete in front of you talked with, full of insecurity and lacking the annoyance as well.
“I knew, I just didn’t wanna talk about it, okay?” She finally revealed, her hands finding home in her pockets. You could tell it was a way to shield herself from the conflict but you were already in too deep.
With a desperate noise you shook your head, trying to find the words, “That’s even worse, Caitlin.” Your breathing picked up and you ran your hands over to sweep your own hair back, trying to ground yourself in the overwhelming sensation of rejection.
“We’re teammates, I said I didn’t want attachments for a reason.” The nonchalance was evident in how she raised her eyebrows at you, challenging the thought of her having any fault.
“I thought we were at least friends first,” You scoffed and threw your arms up in a moment of agonizing heartbreak, “I thought that you’d at least value my feelings over a meaningless, convenient fuck. But that’s your definition of friendship.” The palms of your hands dug into your eyes, wishing for the tears to stop building. You refused to keep falling apart in comparison to her stoic reaction.
With quick hands you straightened yourself up and took a deep breath to gather your own mind. You turned to look at the brunette one last time who looked like a fish out of water at your change in pace.
“I hate that I let this drag on so long,” You whispered into the fragile environment, knowing that you probably wouldn’t return to it ever again. Caitlin couldn’t bear to look at you now, conveniently, and the final straw was her taking a step back from you.
You continued, “But it’s over and we’re not even going to address this again.” The firm and emotionless tone was a stark contrast to your previous one.
“I,” Her words stopped short, dying in between your now separating bodies. With a staggered step back, you gave her a half hearted smile.
“I’ll see you around, Clark,” You nodded like the words were easy, “casually.” The tiny jab was necessary and fulfilled a petty part of you.
The part of you that knew none of it had been casual.
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TAGLIST! @lovermcres @glorioushamsterqueen @miedmead @blueagle45 @pbloverr @cavillary @elizabethkitley @1-800-fantasy
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natashaismylove · 1 year
As a fic request, I was thinking maybe g!p dom!Wanda is a camgirl, and sub!reader has been acting bratty all day so Wanda decides to punish reader on a livestream?
Maybe some breeding kink, Wanda making reader suck her off and stuff with some mommy kink?
In front of the camera |W. Maximoff
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Summary: Wanda decides to have you on her live stream after you’d had an attitude towards her all day.
Pairing: G!p Dom!Camgirl!Wanda x Sub!AFAB!Reader
Warnings: Smut, NSFW live streaming, Unprotected sex, Vaginal sex, Fingering, Breeding kink, Squirting, Humiliation kink, Exhibitionism, Degradation, Orgasm denial, Begging, Vibrators, Praise, Mommy kink, Hair pulling, Face fucking, Oral (Wanda receiving), Bondage, Overstimulation. 18+ Minors DNI
Word count: 1.8K
A/n: I tried to keep the readers pronouns gender neutral, but some of the petnames and stuff are more feminine.
Wanda adjusted the camera so that only she would be in the frame before smiling. “Hey guys, today I have a special little something for you all…” she trailed off before moving the camera to the side, revealing that you were lying on the bed next to her. 
“My baby has been a bad girl today.” she made a fake pout at the camera. “So they need to be put in their place.” 
She stepped away, getting onto the bed before reaching for a pair of handcuffs lying next to you. “Someone needs a little punishment,” she said before grabbing your hands, handcuffing them to the headboard above you which caused you to wince.
“Too tight?” she asked, earning a nod from you. “Good.”
She looked back at the camera. “I need to make sure my little darling here knows who’s in charge.”
She got on top of you, positioning herself to sit on your chest. “Baby decided to talk back to me all day so let's see if we can put that mouth of theirs to some actual good use.” 
She grabbed your face with one hand, dragging your bottom lip down with her thumb. She wrapped her other hand around her dick, giving it a few strokes before she placed the tip against your lips. “Open up.”
You did as you were told, opening up your mouth enough for her to slide herself in. You gagged as she hit the back of your throat, but she didn't budge.
“What? Is something stopping you from talking?” she asked mockingly. “Hm, how odd.”
She pulled back a little before inserting herself deeper into your throat. She let out a groan as she found a rhythm, slowly dragging her cock against your tongue. “See how quickly we got rid of that bratty attitude of yours? This is how good girls act, always ready to make their mommy feel good.”
She placed her hands on your cheeks before moving them to hold onto the back of your head. She sped up her thrusts, starting to fuck your throat. “Such a nice and warm little mouth you’ve got baby, so perfect to fuck.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as spit dripped down your chin. Your throat hurt at the constant intrusion of Wanda’s cock, her grip on your hair had your scalp stinging. She moaned as she fucked your face as quickly as she could, seeming desperate to get herself off by using you.
“Look how pretty you are like this,” she said breathlessly, moving one of her hands to cup your cheek to wipe your tears away with her thumb. “God, I love ruining you. I love seeing your pretty makeup all smudged and running down your cheeks.”
Her head fell back as she began to lose her pace, just desperately forcing herself into your mouth. “Fuck, you gonna swallow? You gonna swallow all the cum mommy gives you?”
You could only moan in reply as you were prohibited from replying verbally. She gripped your hair harshly, hitting the back of your throat a few more times before stopping, spilling herself into your mouth.
She stayed still for a minute before pulling out of your mouth, chuckling as you gasped for air. “There you go, breath baby.”
She placed her thumb on your cheek, wiping some of her cum that was running down your lips before pushing her thumb into your mouth. “I don’t want to see you let a single drop go to waste.”
She got off of your chest, reaching for something on the bedside table before moving down to settle in between your legs. She ran her middle and ring finger through your folds, collecting some of your wetness and rubbing it onto your clit. “God, you’re so wet. You got off on me using your mouth, huh?”
You stayed quiet, looking away to focus on a wall to hide your embarrassment.
“Answer me.”
You bit down on your bottom lip, holding back a moan. “Yes…”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Mommy…”
She leaned down, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. “Good girl.”
She picked up the object she had grabbed earlier. You tried to look down once you felt something against your clit, but the restraints kept you from seeing. You looked up at the ceiling, waiting for something to happen.
“What do you think you deserve after today?” she asked.
You, looked down at her, shrugging your shoulders the best you could.
Wanda looked at the camera. “What do you guys think, should baby be punished or rewarded for being a brat?”
She looked at her computer screen next to the camera, watching as a bunch of replies flooded the chat. “Punished, huh? Well, I agree…”
She pressed the vibrator she had picked up back against your clit. “You don’t cum unless I tell you to, got it?”
You nodded. “Yes, Mommy.”
She turned the device on to the highest setting. The vibration was almost painful against your clit, but at the same time it felt so good now that you were finally getting some much-needed attention on your pussy. Your body twitched as she kept it directly on your clit, not allowing you a moment of relief from the harsh vibration.
“Do you like that, baby? Is your pussy finally feeling good?” she rubbed your thigh with her thumb.
You nodded rapidly. “So good, feel so good!”
“Look at me, my darling.” she squeezed your thigh until you looked up at her. “That’s it, keep your eyes on me.”
You bit down hard on your lip. You would probably draw blood if you bit any harder. You pulled a little against the restraints as your back arched, your body feeling the need to come already.
“Please!” you begged.
“Please what?” she asked. You whined at the fact that you had to explain. You knew very well that she knew what you were talking about.
“Please let me come!”
She hummed. “Do you think you deserve to come?”
“Yes, please Mommy, I want It so badly!”
You cried as she turned off the vibrator, your body still convulsing as you were so damn close.
She moved up, grabbing your face in a harsh grip. “Oh baby, I thought you had finally learned your lesson, but you’re still acting like a spoiled little brat. You really think you deserve any reward after today?” she asked angrily.
You pouted with a whine before letting out a meek little “no…”
“That’s right. You don’t deserve to come. All you deserve is to be used like a little toy for Mommy.” she said as she lined her dick up with your hole. “You gonna be a good little fucktoy for me now?”
You nodded as tears ran down your cheeks. “Yes.”
She entered you in one swift stroke, burying herself as deep as she could inside of you. “Fuck…” she groaned.
You whimpered. “It’s too big.”
“You can take it,” she grunted as she began to thrust into you. “Let’s see if we can fuck the bratty attitude out of you, shall we?”
You kept your mouth shut and tried your best to stay silent and hold back any moans.
“Nuh uh, no staying quiet, princess. Let our audience hear you,” she smirked.
Her thrusts rocked your entire body and you could feel the handcuffs digging into your wrists. She gripped your thighs, her nails nearly piercing your skin. 
“Are you a little whore for Mommy?” she asked with a mocking tone.
She thrusted harder. “Say it.”
“I’m a little whore for Mommy.” you said quietly, pleasurable humiliation filled you at the thought of people watching you be degraded and fucked like this.
“Louder. Let me hear you,” she ordered.
“I’m a little whore for Mommy!” you cried out.
“That’s more like it,” she said, finally satisfied. “Is someone getting close?”
“Yes, so close! So close, Mommy, please let me come! I’ll be so good for you, I promise!” you begged.
She hummed. “No more brat?”
You shook your head. “No more, I swear! I won’t be bratty!”
“There we go, finally a nice little submissive princess.” she grinned before lifting your hips a little higher up and looking at the camera. “Let's see just how hard we can make the little princess cum, huh?”
She grabbed the vibrator, turning it on before placing it onto your clit once more. She continued to hit that one euphoric spot inside of you over and over again as she knew your body perfectly, inside and out.
“You think we can make them squirt?” she chuckled to the camera. “Wouldn’t that be so hot, seeing my baby come all over me?”
“Oh fuck!” you moaned, tugging against the handcuffs.
“Come on, baby, let go for me, I know how badly you want to.” 
Your back was arched and your head fell back as she thrusted faster into you. “Fuck, I’m gonna-” You let out a high-pitched sound as you came, covering Wanda’s lower stomach and thighs in your wetness.
“There we go, just like that.” she cooed but didn't slow down. She kept thrusting into you through your orgasm and only increased her pace after you’d come down from your high. 
“I’m gonna fill that pretty pussy of yours with my cum.” she moaned as she slightly lost her rhythm. “I’m gonna breed you so well, princess. Fuck, I’ll fill you up until you’re leaking.”
The overstimulating was getting to you, and your entire body felt on fire. She kept relentlessly bucking her hips into you, chasing her own orgasm. You finally felt your body relax after she stilled and came inside of you.
She took a minute to breathe before pulling out, watching as her cum trickled down your pussy. She collected it with her fingers before pushing it back into you, making sure you got every last drop of it in you.
“Fuck…” she groaned quietly as she listened to the sloppy sounds it made as she fucked her cum back into you with her fingers.
She got up once she was satisfied with her work and walked over to her computer. “Thank you guys so much for being such a great audience, and thank you for all your donations.” she blew a kiss to the camera. “We’ll be back another day.”
Taglist: @carnagewidow @sayah13 @aflopmop @abeillesurlalunerose @thenazwife @shayzulia @jadechasesworld @elenaguarnieri @mrsromanovaa @therealwanda @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @meshuganna @luccyland @alwaysgoodnight @olsensnpm @sheneonromanoff @mrromanoff @lesbean-slut @alwaysharmony @peggycarter-steverogers @wizardofstories @i-loveyoubutyourenotmine @the-night-owl-blr @riveramorylunar @wandaspropertyonly @inluvwithfictionalwomen @arabellaolsen @lovelyy-moonlight @wandsmxmff @nclgsticore @madelinelcl @justemiris @natashamaximoff69 @kwisjnfjke
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yujinnieswifeu · 3 months
HI HI HI I WAS WONDERING WHETHER YOU COULD DO doctor! ahn yujin x patient! reader smut & at the end of the fic, you reveal that they've actually been dating for awhile? thank youu
Pairings: sub!fem patient x dom!ahn yujin
Warnings: lots of smut ofc😋, orgasm denial
a/n: Omg anon you have such a creative mind😭😭 that’s so hot like imagine Yujin fucking you in her doctor outfit OMGGG😵‍💫, and the ending i interpreted it as they were having a role-play and then they kinda break out of character?? Hope that is what u meant anon!! 😭 anyws, kinda got overboard w this ask well, enjoy!🤭
It was your off day today and while you were at home, you realised you were feeling under the weather. You decided to take a visit to the nearest clinic which was within walking distance.
When you arrived, you walked to the counter, realising that it was a new receptionist. “Hi, i need to see the doctor since i’m feeling feverish.” You told her, and she nodded her head, keying some stuff in the computer before she looked back at you, giving you a soft smile. “I will call your name when it is your turn, please take a seat in the meantime.” You thanked her, before sitting at an empty seat.
Observing your surroundings, you took note of the various people here, there was only one other patient here and they were sitting near the doctor’s door. “You can go in now Mr Park.” The sound coming from the receptionist as she nodded to the male patient. Within seconds, he was in. After a few minutes of waiting, you saw that the patient came out, and after a while, it was your turn. “You can go in now Ms y/s/n.” You nodded your head, thanking her before knocking at the door.
You turned to knob, opening the door before closing it, and looking up at the doctor. You could feel your breath hitch when you laid eyes on her, how can someone be this handsome and pretty at the same time?
“So…Ms y/s/n, you said you were feeling feverish? Can you elaborate more?” You did not know why, but you felt like there was a lump forming at the back of your throat, and your heart only raced when she talked.
The doctor, Yujin (i have to add her name here if not it would just be doctor the entire time😭) just stared at you, waiting for a response as she raise a brow instead. “Hm….Ms y/s/n?” Her voice ringing out causes you to snap out of your haze, as you blinked at her a few times. “O-oh i’m sorry, would you mind to repeat your question?” You were sure your cheeks were red at this point. She only giggles, before repeating herself. This time, you hear her question and simply nod your head. “Yes, i’ve been feeling under the weather you see, and even experiencing some difficulty breathing.” You explained, and you could see her brows furrow in concern.
“I see. Since you mentioned that you are feeling feverish, have you checked your temperature yet?” You nodded your head yes at her question, unbeknowned to her, you actually haven’t, but you were sure you had no fever. “Yes and it came out as no fever.”
She nodded her head at your response. “I see, would you mind to go on that bed and lie down for me? I will have to check your pulse to know the cause.” She says, taking her stethoscope as she places it over her ears. You could only feel your heart race when she did so, never in your life had you seen a doctor looking this hot while doing that and it makes you gulp, getting up as you head to the bed, lying down as she instructed. Soon, she was next to you, and you felt her placing the chest piece where your heart was at, you prayed that she could not hear your heart beating instead, because you knew for a fact that it was beating fast.
You looked up at her, watching her brow furrow instead, before taking the chest piece away from the area. “Hm..for one, it seems your heart is beating pretty fast Ms y/s/n.” She looks down at you, her eyes locks on yours. You gulped slightly, watching her bite her lip, her eyes that was once focused now trailed down to your lips, before going back to your eyes. Did you see wrong? She just stared at your lips? The thoughts in your head was getting too much to handle as you sat up instead. “I-is that a problem?” You stutter out, and for a second, you thought you saw her smirking.
“Hm..yes, if you don’t mind to just lie back down, and i’ll have to check your pulse once more just to double confirm.” She said, her left hand on your shoulder as she helped you down on the bed again. Her small action causes your breathing to hitch once more, feeling nervous at this point. “If you don’t mind, would it be fine if you remove just your top two buttons? It will be more accurate to check your pulse with no interference.” She asked so innocently, it almost makes you shiver as you unbutton your top two buttons, and she smiled comfortingly, watching you unbutton, her eyes losing focus for a second before she regained her composure. “I’ll just check your pulse now.” She says, placing the chest piece now on your bare skin, the feeling of a cool object against your skin causes a shiver to run down your spine, your heart was racing even faster and you were sure she could hear it.
Instead of pulling away after a while, you felt the cool piece going lower, the feeling of the metal against the top of your nipple causes your breath to quicken. Yujin only smirks, through her ears, the sound of your heart beat was only increasing. She started to move the cool object around your nipple, and you let out a small moan. She took the object away, her eyes on yours now. “D-doctor, why did you do that?” You feign innocence, panting a little and she only inch closer to your face. “Maybe someone was being a tease when they stepped into this room.” She whispers, her hands now either side of your face as she traps you. “It’s not my fault..you look so good with your doctor outfit.” You mutter, biting your bottom lip nervously, and she notices it.
“You know my name right? I want to hear you call me by that.” Yujin rasps out, and you looked at her name tag, your eyes looking back up into hers, nodding your head, the flush apparent on your cheeks. “Yes Dr. Ahn.” You reply back and she smirks, her eyes look down at your lips, before looking back into your dark orbs. With an understanding look, she kisses you with need, her fingers now in your hair as she massages your scalp. You moan into her lips, feeling her tongue against yours, fighting for dominance and she wins easily, her tongue roams your mouth, the feeling only makes the area between your thighs throb with need.
Pulling away, Yujin looks at you, her eyes now full blown with lust as she stares at your disheveled form. “You’re so fucking bad huh, coming in, staring at me like that, you think i can’t see that in your eyes? The need?” Her voice comes out husky, her fingers wraps over your chin as she makes you look at her, and you only whimper. “Sit up.” It was an order, and one that you didn’t need to be told twice as you sat up on the bed, her hands now at your thighs as she spreads your legs apart, her body between them. She stares down, realising you were wearing nothing under your skirt which if you stood up, no one could tell, but when you bent, it would be obvious.
Fuck, it was making her go crazy. “What a slut..nothing underneath? No bra too? Don’t think i didn’t catch that.” She whispers against your ear, and your body trembles, moaning instead as her breath tickles your ears. “I-i just thought since it’s nearby i can just come here without them.” You thought of an excuse, squeaking out instead when you felt her squeeze harshly at your ass cheeks. “Don’t ever try that again when you come here, unless you want to get punished.” She growls, and you could feel a shiver running down your spine. Soon, she started to nip at your neck, your fingers instinctively go to the back of her head, arching your neck as you push her closer against your skin. She nips at the area, sucking on your sensitive spot which makes you arch your back, biting your lips to not make any noise.
Her head goes lower, her fingers clumsily undoing your buttons, finding purchase on your breasts as she fondled them. You gasp softly, and she kisses you to silence your moans, tugging harshly at your nipples as you whimper against her lips. Her fingers slides lower down your back, under your skirt, feeling your bare ass as she squeezes the skin there. Yujin had to hold herself back, squeezing harshly on the skin there instead, enough to leave a red mark. That would make up for not being able to land a slap on your ass since she knew she could not as people outside could hear the sound if she lands one. It makes you moan against her lips this time, your hands over her shoulders as you pull her body closer to yours.
Pulling away from the kiss, she lets you catch your breath. “I’m going to make this quick, and you better not make a sound, understand slut?” Her voice filled with desire and lust making you shiver, nodding your head desperately. “Y-yes Dr. Ahn.” She only smirked at your response, content with how you were being so good for her. She spreads your legs wider, and without a warning, plunges her 2 fingers into your heat. Your lips parts almost instantly at the feeling, gripping her shoulders tight as she moves her fingers mercilessly into your cunt. “D-Dr. Ahn, please slow d— nnnmmp!” You cry out instead, feeling another finger enter your hole as she speeds her movements.
Yujin fucks into you even faster, curling her fingers each time she plunges her fingers back in, hitting your sweet spot, making you roll your eyes back in pleasure. It was getting harder to control yourself to not let a single noise escape your lips and she grins, proud that she made you into this state. “You feel so fucking tight slut, you must be close hm?” She says, her free hand goes to take a fistful of your hair, pulling it as she litters your neck with kisses and hickies, one that you would need to worry about later. Instead of replying her, you were too focused on trying not to moan, a hand over your mouth instead as you try to keep the sounds in, Yujin was making you feel too good.
She starts to move even faster, her head now dips down now as she licks at your clit, knowing this will send you over the edge as she looks up at your form, her eyes dark with lust. This was what she wanted, to see you lose control over yourself, to test if you can be quiet even when she brings you to the edge. “Y-yujin i’m going to cum!” You gasped, her name falling past your lips instead of the one that she wanted to hear, but she will let that slide this time.
Instead of continuing, she pulls away all together, it makes you whimper. “W-wait no! Yujin you can’t!” You groaned, and she giggles at your state, a grin on her lips. “Only good girls deserve to come.” She says, taking a swipe of your juices mixed with her saliva from your pussy, it makes your body twitch a little, before she licks them off her fingers teasingly. You pout, closing your thighs to try to stop the feeling of being denied but it was useless. “Please? I’ll be a good girl for you.” You continue to whine, which she ignores, instead, helping you clean up to make you look presentable enough.
“Please Yujin?” You tried one last time, which she stares domineeringly back at you. “Prove it then, get home and not touch yourself before i get back, if i see that you did which i can..” she swipes her phone out from the pocket of her white blazer, showing you the cctv of your shared apartment, something that you and her had agreed on a few years back, “then i’ll let you cum later on.” She finishes her sentence, and you could only pout in response, which she found cute, giggling. “Be a good girl okay? I know you can hm?” Her finger now under your chin forcing you to look up at her, before giving you a small peck on the lips.
*knock knock* “opps, we might have taken too long baby, you need to head out now to get your medicine huh?” She teases and you roll your eyes, she straightens your hair and helps you button up your blouse, before you stood up. “And what about these hickies?” You groan, now only realising that you had hickies around your neck that she left, knowing she lost control earlier and planted them. “I want you to not hide them of course.” She grins, making you roll your eyes again and she giggles. “See you at home baby, and thanks for visiting me at work, needed that.” She pecks your cheek one more time before opening the door for you.
True to her words, she lets you cum countless times for being her good girl until you can’t walk the next few days 🤤.
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To hunt or be hunted #3
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: The Vee's had the audacity to try to ransack the Hotel, Angel gets some tea and biscuits, the Terror makes herself present after 30 years of absence. Warnings: Blood, torture, sadism, Valentino's sick ass.
Hazbin Taglist: @sakuraluna2468 @boogiemansbitch @mysterypotatoink
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“Who is she? The demon living in between the walls?” his severe tone made Charlie’s legs quiver, Alastor’s smile widened when he noticed. “Dad, what are you talking about?” she still tried to remain calm and cheery, “You know, I thought I was going crazy, but then she delivered tea to my room” ‘Fast, think Charlie’ she encouraged herself, her thoughts going through your bond straight into your ears.
“There’s someone living in the walls?” Angel asked at the same time as Vaggie and Husk, intensifying the princess’s panic, “Dad it’s just a spell I managed to learn, after the extermination I been working on my powers” a half-lie half-truth, but that seemed to do the trick.
Not because Charlie was any good at lying, but because the rest decided not to question her, why would them? Specially her father, who relied on denial, incapable to willingly accept his daughter’s lies, rather a consequence of isolation and desperation to have a good relationship with her, even if that meant that he would have to be lied to.
Meaning, a deep part of him was aware it was a lie, but the rest, decided to let it slide, painfully so.
“Yeah? Well your ‘spell’ needs work, it’s snappy” he joked, his mask better than his fake optimism. “I’ll see to it, dad” then she excuse herself to the kitchen, being followed by a dark figure.
“My dad saw you” she busted inside, closing the door and sealing the noise inside. You accidentally dropped the spoon you were using to sample the salt level of the broth, giving the startle, which the princess earned a grimace in return.
“Technically no, I was using my veil” she huffed, her horns growing on her head, “Did you tell him anything?” she was desperate to know, giving how much her hands trembled, “Only that he looked anemic, which it’s true, then he asked for who I am, twice” There was no point in neglecting lunch simply because Charlie was suffering from a tantrum due to lack of control over her own emotions, and a lie that was eating her soul.
“What did you respond?” she slammed her fist against the kitchen island, breaking the marble underneath, causing one or another shard to bury itself into her soft skin. “Just that it was none of his business” you lowered the heat under the pot, then turned to see the princess attempting to take the little pieces of stone out of her hand.
“This is bad” referring to the situation, she kept hurting herself, until you took her wrist and levitated the shards off and threw them in the garbage. “If you like them so much, why you keep lying? You’ve seen the worst of everyone, I don’t think they will judge you, they can’t anyway” the first aid kit levitated off the cupboard, eagerly opening its lid to reveal alcohol, povidone, cotton and bandages.
“How do you confess such a thing? I have two years left to convince you, and I still haven’t made progress” she spoke as she hissed from moment to moment, feeling the sting of the alcohol cleaning her cuts, then she watched as the bandages snaked from her wrist to wrap itself around her hand, then mimicked with the color of her skin, completely invisible.
“Is it really so hard for you to understand that I don’t need to be saved?” she lifted her sight from her hands to your eyes, “I can’t just give up on you” it’s funny how you understood her urge, but simply couldn’t put up with her selflessness (obsession) sometimes.
“You can, you just don’t want to” you looked over your arm, admiring the reminiscing of your deal tattooed to your skin, like a vine threatening to tear you apart. “Anyways, quit stirring your oatmeal around, you have to eat it” Charlie gave you a pout, you knew she hated it, but since you became aware of her habit, you made sure to give her a heavy breakfast, “But the texture” she whined, getting no reaction from you, “I don’t care”.
When she left, you noticed the deer demon’s shadow attached to the princess’s, you made sure to step on it to avoid an escape on its part.
It gave you a guttural whine giving the strength of your hold, “Tell Alastor that I’ll give him roasted venison’s heart as a treat if he holds his peace” he made a thinking face, then materialized words in the air, saying “My lips are sealed up tight as a drum, chérie” then your ominous buddy slithered under the door and out of sight.
Later in the evening, around tea time, while you were cutting the heart into bite size pieces, you heard a thundering  crash, a yell and things breaking. You let your nerves ease, Lucifer was in the building so he could handle things if they escalate to a mortal edge, so instead of worrying you let the meat marinate in a mixture of buttermilk, salt, lemon juice, various herbs, and spices.
“Y/n!” you heard the summon, “Valentino is in the hotel, please…handle the situation” you set the knife down, turned off the stove, “I’m on it” with that you disappeared from the kitchen in a swirl of smoke.  
The scene in the lobby was horrible, the moth demon had Angel in his grasp in any way possible, one hand on his chain, two hands handling all his arms, and the remaining one fondling him with the tip of a gun.
The star’s body was bruised up to no end, mouth coughing blood, and had cigarette burns along his hands and arms. Since he had a gun, there wasn’t much the crew could do, approaching Valentino would cause Angel’s death, no matter the strategy any of the present could think of.
In between Charlie’s pleas, Vaggie and Husk’s threats, and Vox’s amused laugh, the hotel’s phone rang. The sound drawing everyone’s attention, Niffty took the old looking phone off its base, “Hello? Oh hi! Yes, he’s here, It’s for you” Vox took a few steps forward, took the phone reaching it to his ear level.
What he heard froze every liter of blood in his body, his hands, the only skin visible, paled as the voice in the other side of the line, was one he thought no longer walked this earth.
“Child” you smiled, he could feel it, “Mistress” a crawling sensation invaded Valentino´s spine, nearly cracked his neck as he violently turned his head towards his friend, “There’s a total of three thousand five hundred and seventy-five employers inside the V tower” he tried accessing his tower security camera system, but there was no connection, there was a complete blackout inside the building.
“Truly the role of overlord turned into a joke” Vox felt a pang in his side and a nauseating sensation,
“Please, please, please, don’t-” begged a voice that turned into drowned screams, “The last time we had a conversation, I taught you a lesson, recite it for me, every word that you get wrong will result into the number lowering 10 employers each” Vox swallowed a lump of saliva, as he felt the cold traveling from his toes to his neck, every bolt in his body fighting to flow correctly as he tried to re formulate a speech from thirty years ago.
“The job of an Overlord-”he lost his words, on the phone he heard it, ten times a crunching sound ten times in a row, “Again” your voice brought him back, “The role of an Overlord sovereign, is not only to torment the souls he possesses. He must be disciplined, sane, cold headed, and have the will to care for those who grant him his position and power” of 37 words he had 6 mistakes, which resulted in seventy deaths, counting in the first ten.
“Do you or Valentino enter in such description?” his ego killed himself when he had to answer, “No”, that made you smile, “What are you now and what you’ll always be?” you had to admit, the view from the top of the tower was exquisite, the warm light from the city reflected on your figure, your axe glowing in the darkness drenched in tears, blood and saliva.
“An overpowered pest” Vox answered, being seen by his nemesis Alastor such a state of shame, being ridiculed in front of the king of hell himself, and what’s worse, his drone was angled in a way his little stunt was streamed live all over hell, that was truly a delicious sight.
“Good boy” Valentino felt sick hearing you take a different modus operandi, usually you were one to jump from nowhere and strike, not to sacrifice ‘innocents’ as a way of extortion.
“Let’s make it fun, mmh? Leave the star be, and maybe I’ll consider not paying your other V a visit” Angel heard most of everything giving that Vox made sure the phone was in between him and the moth, Angel was still on Valentino´s grasp so he was being obligated to hear the slaughter.  
“Val” the two overlord exchanged a look, Valentino groaned adding strength to the hold, making Angel cry in pain, “If I hear another sound of his throat I’ll knock down Velvette’s door” the two Vee’s heard their team mate voice at the distance, right in between your warning.
It all fell onto Valentino’s shoulders, but even him wasn’t that dumb, he walked forward with Angel, placing him at arms reach from Charlie, then he let go, “It’s done” you walked far from the door as you heard the bitterness in his voice, “Lovely, now, put Alastor on the line, please” he did as told, as the smiling demon hit him with an amused look on his face.  
“Vox” he placed the phone near himself, “I better don’t catch you lurking around in the district” when you wanted to, your voice could be as warm as a fireplace in winter, but also as cold as being buried alive under a snow avalanche. “Understood” he passed the phone to Alastor, shakily so.  
“Hello?” Charlie was stunned, Alastor’s mannerisms shifted, she wasn’t sure how, but they did. “Let me know when they leave” he heard the lack of amusement in your voice, the same you had back at his old studio. “They’re out” he said as soon as the door closed.
“Good, you’ll get your reward when I come back” You lowered the trinket that could be called a telephone, however the static of his voice caught your attention, “Vais-je m'entendre avec votre compagnie, ou me laisserez-vous manger tout seul ?” (Will I get it along with your company, or will you let me to eat all by myself?), Alastor caught Charlie then Lucifer’s stare, both surprised at the new voice he used when speaking French, smooth, velvety even.
“Will it make you happy if I joined you?” he wasn’t expecting you to understand him, but it pleased him to no end, “Oui chérie” (Yes darling), his antics made you miss the old times, “Maybe some other time, I am running late for dinner preparations” his smile didn’t faltered, but he was disappointed, “I’ll make sure to leave a glass of wine waiting for you in your studio, maybe in exchange of another song?” Charlie would have your head on the wrong end of her trident if you were to neglect your job.
“Merci chérie, which will that be?” you took a moment to process how attractive his voice sounded, before answering, “Surprise me” then you hang up.
Later that evening, Charlie repeated the way she wished to talk with you, busting the door open and sealing the noise, “What’s going on with you and Alastor?” ‘Straight to the point I see’ you thought while stirring the pesto sauce to fully combine it with the pasta.  
“Nothing, merely sympathy towards a comrade” perhaps that wasn’t the right term, but it was what you could think of, “You two had met already?” she made her way to the cupboard, taking out a few plates, “Not directly, but I like to think we both were aware of the other, but simply decided not to engage” it would’ve been deadly to have done so, perhaps for both Alastor and yourself.  
“Dinner’s ready, since I am not to be seen, I guess you can take it from here, make sure Angel eats it all” you left her even more confused than when she walked in.
Alastor made his way to his studio after dinner, finding the cooked little bits of venison carefully plated, next to a glass of Pinot Noir wine. He would never utter noises that would degrade his so beloved reputation, but at the first bite, he couldn’t resist letting a small moan escape his throat.
At 3 am, the so called ‘Devils hour’, a knock interrupted Angel’s poor attempt to patch his wounds up, “Charlie, it’s late for ya’ to be…who are you?” he opened the door, finding you, fresh from the shower, it may have been a bit insulting to show up in your ruined working attire all drenched in blood, so you thought best to freshen up before making an appearance.
“I believe you already know that” he recognized your voice, it made his breath hitch, “What are you doing ‘ere?” his courage faltered giving his wounds, but if he was going to die by your hand, he wasn´t going to go quietly.
“I been in your place before” Angel’s eyes fell upon the red tin box, then scoffed, “Yeah sure” his strength faltered, laid his side against the door frame, trying to make it look cool, but failing.
“Whether you believe me or not it’s not my concern, however, those wounds will get infected if not treated correctly, giving your line of work that would be a tragedy” Angel pondered for a second, in defeat he pushed the door to open it completely, granting you access.
“Exactly how you’ve been in my place before?” he asked, watching you take a seat in his bed, taking multiple things out of the box, “You are one of four demons with powers to the level of royalty, you own thousands if not millions of souls, you dared to challenge the fucking Goetia clan and won! I doubt you were ever in pain before” he sat next to you, your image above the rest popping into his head like an epic cinematic of a great villain arc.
He then had to snap out of it due to a sound, “You fucking laughin’ at me?” you held your laughter against the inside of your clothed elbow, making the spider feel embarrassed and a little scared. “I apologize, but your ignorance astounds me” you signaled him to wait, with a snap of your fingers there was a bowl of warm water and a cotton rag, applying an antiseptic to the water before starting to palp softly on Angel’s wounds.
“The correct terminology is ‘were’ dearest, I used to be that kind of demon, now, I’m just here to aid you” Angel found that hard to believe, but didn’t questioned you, rather enjoyed your care.
“Is it true?” after a long time of you washing him, he broke the silence, making you look up from the cigar burns on his hands, “Did you really murdered three Goetia?” that brought you memories, when you were young and hungry for power, almost nostalgic.
“What would make you believe me? Their severed heads or the scars on my body? Because I can only offer the latter” he hissed when the rubbing alcohol touched the cut on his eyebrow, “People say you had their heads hanged on your wall as trophies” you laughed again, people’s bad mouthing can get to be really impressive, imaginative even.
“I would truly be a monster if I didn’t offered my fallen opponents a dignified burial, don’t you agree?” You had challenged three lesser lords to duel, to death of course, which they had agreed to, spoken and in paper, you would never be as foolish as just bust the door open and kill whomever.
“Please don’t speak of my presence here, if you are good, I’ll make cannoli for tea time” he could see that you were in a similar situation as his, being owed, as well as your subtle urgency. “Sure toots, I won’t”.
“Hey, can I ask, why Axe-man?” he spoke, when you were finishing to brush alcohol on the cuts on his back, “The local paper and the New Orleans police named me that, I just didn't want to change it when I got here, and people respect a man killer more than a woman, or that’s how it used to be” he didn’t needed stitching, if Valentino wanted to really hurt him, you’d probably would have to sew limbs together.
“That’s it? I mean…I thought it was somethin a bit more dramatic” you despised (understatement) the Italian new York accent he spoke with, but he was nothing like the Italian mobsters of yesteryear, he walked with the grace of a runway model, proud of his looks, his fame, himself, but masked all his pain and self-loathing within. You felt as if you were staring at a younger version of yourself, so full of life, yet lacking purpose.
“Well at the time no one could think a woman was smart enough to participate in politics, much less kill someone, I embraced that alter-ego over time, it became a second skin…so to speak" it was wise to believe that last statement.
Angel hummed in agreement, getting a good look at you. Yellow-beige skin; the heel of your hand was hard and rough probably because of your lion looking appearance, big fluffy yellow ears on each top side of your head almost disappearing into your hair. Taking out the ears, the long heavy tail, and the black cat nose you have, you could pass for a human, or almost looking similar to Charlie.
He was so tempted to touch your tail, color that matched your skin and the ears, but you got up before he could reach.
“Now, take those pills, every six to eight hours should help with the pain and the swelling, I suggest you take it at a much appropriate time” he watched you as you gracefully poured tea into a white and pink tea cup, leaving it on his night stand along with a little biscuit.
“Thank you” your ears twitched happily, “My pleasure, dear, rest” never, not to any living soul, would you admit that you enjoyed being useful, but it made you feel lighter, like breathing fresh air for the first time.
“By the way, the butler aesthetic suits you, ya’ look hot”
“Thank you, I have to look the part, don’t I?”
Author note: No matter what type of body you have, you would slay in that outfit!
Part 4
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fategoflatass · 8 months
I used to be so against the slow burn trope. Not because I thought it was shit; it's just, I usually don't have the patience to wait whatever-amount-superior-to-three damn chapters for my dear ship to finally be able to look at each other without blushing and/or hold hands. Thus why you often times see me reading oneshots or fics with the "Established Relationship" tag on them.
So you can imagine just how surprised—or maybe not, maybe I just didn't think enough about it—I was when I realized my newest fixation's main pairing is—canonically—the embodiment of slow burn. Because holy shit they're taking their time.
Nothing against how Kusuriya develops its love story—quite the opposite, actually. The relationship between Jinshi and Maomao, two characters that are written as beautifully as their romance, is a rather realistic approach as to how the same or a similar dynamic would developed in real life. In such a complicated situation, with such complex feelings about emotions—both external and their own—and attachment, makes sense that it takes so long for the relationship to finally sail.
The problem is, I didn't know I was signing with the Devil the moment I decided to pick up the light novel. Ten volumes and nothing has happened. Nothing.
And you can say that technically things have happened, because they have. I mean, Jinshi is just so desperate for Maomao to give him the time of day, you know what I mean? And even that isn't enough anymore and thus he has committed some of the craziest shit I've seen in any romance. Which okay, I don't usually read these type of romances but still.
What I mean by "nothing" is just, their relationship hasn't changed status. I could also say that it seems to go nowhere, but that'd be lying. Since, you know, it has changed quite a lot—just not in the way my impatient ass wanted it to. Because he can be as honest with his feelings as he pleases, and those around them might be heavely conscious of the tension and thus constantly tease those lovebirds (as they should), but babygirl's not helping, you know?
And I get it, Maomao's not the best at expressing and understanding herself, and she's also way too busy worrying about going as unnoticed as possible (she should give up on that one already, tbh) while keeping her head where it should be. But like, I can't help feeling frustrated over it like ‼‼
But she won't. She'll take her sweet ass time being in denial about both Jinshi's and her own feelings, then maybe she'll proceed to analize herself and find out that maybe, just maybe, that affection that she'd been feeling for that loser became something else. Did said affection also become something more complicated? Absolutely. Does she know how to deal with it? Hell no, but fuck it. If I learned something from school is that you always leave the hardest parts for later.
Now you see why I was so against reading slow burn?
And you wanna know the worst part? I loved it—I loved every second of it, every word, every page. Every scene that seemed to help the relationship advance, only for Maomao to say nope and leave like she owns the place, which at this point she fucking might.
It feels like I, as the reader, am in the middle of a heatwave and some sadistic bastard won't stop teasing me with ice cream—they put it in front of my face, close enough that I can smell the cold. Then take a spoon and eat little by little while staring directly to my eyes. At times they seem to show mercy and feed me a spoon, only for it to be a rather small quantity of serving—serving that tastes so damn good at first, only for it to have such a bitter aftertaste. But if I gotta have something in common with Jinshi is that I'll never be able to beat the masochist allegations, so I'll wait patiently for the next spoon and its corresponding and seemingly enless teasing from that faceless being.
So yeah, I'm still against it, only that now I understand the appeal—even if I have yet to find out about the whereabouts of my sanity while still mananing with the little I've left.
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sophswritingthings · 10 months
omg i'm so happy to have found your blog!! all your mizu content has been incredible so far. so i wanted to share a soft pining mizu idea i had here: i saw this one tumblr post once that said something along the lines of "i had a dream where i came home to you and you came home to me, and all the hardships suddenly were worth it" that with mizu. towards the reader, she acts the same way she does with everyone else since she's in denial of her feelings. but one day after being in your company for so long, she has a dream about you with some very romantic vibes. it's the first time in a long time she sleeps well sort of dream, you know? i just. love to see mizu being the one pining and having soft feelings
pairing: mizu x fem!reader
warning(s): swearing because mizu is an angsty fucker
a/n: stop…… that’s so cute??? how did I not answer this request like…. IMMEDIATELY???? 
summary: mizu is cold and blunt with everyone. everyone, even you. she has feelings for you; even if she denies it to hell and back. one night, she has a dream of you—of you and her, happy. It was the first time she'd slept well in so long..
word count: 676 words / 3,575 characters 
she was in denial about a lot of things.
specifically about her feelings for you.
she knew she felt something for you the minute she met you; the way your silky hair fell on your shoulders or the way the sun lit up your fair skin made her blush.
she knew that; she knew it somewhere in her heart, she just didn’t want to accept it as truth.
“mizu?” you rubbed your eyes, looking as if you’d just woken up. yet, it was the middle of the night.
she was still awake. she hadn’t slept yet; not that even if she did, she’d sleep well.
“what?” she hissed, glancing up at you.
“sorry,” you whisper, “I.. just—heard something outside.”
you looked spooked. terrified, even, if she wanted to go that far. and despite wanting to uphold that cold demeanor; she didn’t want you to be scared.
“I’ll look,” she murmured, getting to her feet. she slipped outside into the cold, keeping a hand on her sword as she did so. It had stopped snowing, for the night, making the cold a bit more bearable.
she looked around. she saw no sign of human movement. a few prints of snow stuck out to her, though. but they looked like animal tracks; not human feet.
she than saw a small fox kit scurrying around. It was just a fox, and probably her other kits, too.
she turned back inside the cabin, shutting the door behind her.
“It’s only a fox,” she murmured, lying back down with her back facing you. “go back to sleep.”
she hears a mumbled “thank you” from you before you shift back into your own bed. she squeezes her eyes shut, desperately trying to drag herself to sleep—clear her thoughts of you.
not that sleeping was going to help her.
before she knew it; she shifted into a dream.
the dream was… warm. it felt—nice.
the colors were bright and beautiful. she was settled in a house, a fireplace roaring in the background. it was decorated nicely—with pictures of—
—you. and her.
but for some reason, she didn’t feel weird about it. her mind told her it was normal.
that’s when the door sprung open, revealing you on the other side. your beautiful smiling face looking up at her, a face that made her blush.
you were so nice to her; you were so nice to everyone.
“hi, darling,” you smiled up at her.
darling? what in—
“.. hi.” she whispered, raising an eyebrow. you walked toward her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. her face lit up in surprise. you, kissing her..
you giggled, “you're face is all red,” you turn her head to look at you, your hands on either side of your face. “you're cute when you're like that.”
and now you were calling her cute. holy shit—what kind of dream had she stumbled into? and… why did she have to like it so much?
without giving her a chance to say a word, you grab her hands, leading her over to the kitchen. you settled yourself in front of the pot. you were going to make what she assumed to be dinner, seeing that it was dark outside.
she watched you from behind for a moment.
than she stepped toward you, her arms weakly wrapping around your waist. they tightened, a little, like she didn’t want to let go. 
she pressed her lips against your neck, feeling you twitch under your touch, yet you were smiling. you liked it.
and she liked this.
she liked you, she liked the idea of being with you.
maybe it was time for her to just admit it to herself.
but before she could come to that conclusion; she was sprung awake, slowly opening her eyes. she was now on her other side, facing you.
you were still asleep. you looked so peaceful when you were asleep. the way the early morning sun streamed onto your face, your silky hair falling against the pillow.
she loved it.
and… she think she loved you.
a/n: mizu being soft and pining…. my favorite
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bon2bonn · 3 months
Light A Flame
Kimi Räikkönen x female!reader
P.1 of : Firefighter!Kimi X teacher!reader au!👨🏼‍🚒🚒
Words count : 1.7k
Warnings : fire 🔥 , smoke, blood, injury, hospitals , unedited.
*🤷🏻‍♀️ , me 😩🤝🏼🧊👨🏼‍🚒🧎🏻‍♀️ .
° P.t 2 👈🏼
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" Marko ! " Came through the smoke filled and overheating hallway followed by two claps , then again with increasing distress as she tried to listen to any response over the cracking fire and the sirens blaring from outside . She somehow managed to swallow her panic and started looking for James, one of her brilliant students who have the habit of hiding in the art workshop where he spent most of his time during recess and after school, either to hide away from the loud crowd of kids or to run away from the older kids who tried to tease him every once in a while, and when she couldn't find him when they start the evacuation she knew he was there , alone , and he was scared out of his mind , so after telling Debbie who worked at registration who shook her head immediately " maybe he got out with the others" , she shook her head in denial " he gets too scared of crowds , he won't get out if there's so much noise, I'll be quick and see if there's anyone else in there " and sprinted back in before anyone could stop her over the still blaring alarm.
" Marko! " She called again through the deserted room which is slowly filling with smoke and when she was about to turn around and look through the nearby classrooms a small faint voice called out " polo ! " She almost relaxed at finally finding him but didn't waste time running over to the stacked foam boards by the wall and kneeled before them meeting the face of a crying James who was hiding with his arms tightly wrapped around his knees , " Jamie? " she called out and he snapped his head at her voice , hiccuping as he asked " miss Y/N ? " " yes Jamie , honey come on we need to get out of here " he shook his head and moved back away from her screaming " No!! , please , I'm too scared, I can't go ! " She called gently trying to get him to calm down but still in a hurry to get him out to safety as the smoke moved in through the door and the air vents , " but Jaime, you got me , I'll be with you the whole way out and won't let anything happen to you " he cried louder and screamed " No , you're lying " , she called him assuring " I'm not, I swear, I promise you, and when I give a promise I never break it , have i ever broken any promise I gave you ? " He took a moment before tearfully shaking his head making her reach out her hand with her pinky out " then let me promise you now that I'll get you out of here safe and that I'll be with you the whole way out " he looked at her hand the at her face before reaching hesitantly and linked his pinky with hers and she then took hold of his hand tightly, helping him out and up to his feet before checking him all over for any injuries asking him " Jamie, are you hurt anywhere? " , he shook his head as his tears kept falling " no , but I'm scared" crying harder at the sight of the building smoke making her turn his head her way instructing in a firm yet soft voice " listen to me Jamie, we need to get out , but we can't just go out because there's a lot of smoke in the hallway so we'll do some work to be able to go out safe ok ? " He managed to nod watching as she ran to the supply cabinet where she took the biggest piece of fabric she could find which wasn't much and ran to the sinks on the other side, praying for it to still run , and cheered silently when it does then she ran the fabric under water and made sure it was wet all the way through before turning to James and beckoned him over , taking a discard cup and filled it before pouring it all over him and repeated the process a couple of times before doing the same to herself , then she spoke to him after kneeling down and covered his head with the wet cloth " ok Jaime, we'll head out now , hold on to me tightly and make sure to breathe slowly ok ? , the wet cloth will help with the smoke and don't let go no matter what you understand " he nodded with a fearful look and braced himself when she covered him with the dripping cloth and lifted him up making him wrap his arms and legs around her in a tight hold with her arm around his back and the other protecting his head .
She pushed her door open with her foot and quickly stepped out into the smoke , the heat was very high for her to stand in place so she make her way to the closest exit, relying on memory to avoid running into walls or stumbling into deadened hallways , but as she moved ahead she heard a loud cracking from above, and seconds later a big chunk fell right before her , startling her back as the burning flames rose up the walls on each side , with a step back she turned the other way and started looking for another way out , and couple of steps away she heard a voice calling out " hey ! Is there anyone here !? , can you hear me?! " She called back " we are here! , help ! " And seconds later heavy footsteps made their way over , a firefighter with full gear walked up to them and stopped at their sight , looking her over for injuries and then at the bundle in her arms before asking in a haste " are you L/N? " She nodded and he sighed in relief, gesturing for her to move quickly as the flames got bigger as they moved on , " we need to hurry out, this place is falling apart and you're the last ones here ! Everyone else is already out ! " She nods in understanding, thanking God and Debbie for informing someone about them still being inside , knowing it'd have been harder for them to get out with no help in their situation.
Another familiar cracking sound made her snap her head up , and before she could think she pushed the firefighter aside and fell to the other on her back earning a loud scream from James who was still clinging to her . The hit made her head spin and the world started to tilt sideways as the back of her head took most of the impact with the cement wall she was now leaning on . The firefighter was startled for a moment, looking at her slumped figure then at the big chunk on the ground between them in shock , realising that ' that could've took him out , and that she saved his life ' and quickly collected himself and rushed towards her " hey ! Lady , can you hear me! , hey! Open your eyes ! come on! " when she didn't respond he growled in frustration at the still raging fire around them and pushed the thought of taking trips getting them out , so he called out for the bundle still attached to her " listen kid ! " When he saw the kid's head move his way he carried on " you gotta hold on tighter alright!? , your teacher is a bit hurt so I'll carry you both out quickly to get her help ok ?! " He took the upward movement as his qué and moved to lift her limb body up and he cursed at the sight of blood on the wall where her head must hit , which pushed him to move faster to get them the hell out of there .
Once out her rushed to the nearest ambulance and called out to paramedics moving their way with a ready stretcher " head injury and smoke inhalation " they loaded them up trying to remove the still clinging kid out of her hold but he cried out and refused to budge , making Kimi climb in and called out " hey kid ! " James stilled and turn his head to where Kim's voice came from, stiffening as he reached out to take the cloth still covering his head making him squint his eyes at the harsh light then looked around at the strange faces before looking down at his favourite teacher still form her closed eyes made him tear up again as he called out " miss Y/N ? " When she didn't respond he started sobbing before anyone could console him , his head turned to Kimi's familiar voice "hey now , no need to cry , being this brave you got to stay strong for her to be alright " he then pointed at the waiting paramedics " my friends here needs to check on both of you so they could help " James gave it a thought before nodding, making Kimi smile at him then picked him up to set him on the bench on the side for one of the paramedics to check on him leaving the rest to tend to the unconscious woman and then he turned and went back out to check on the team and how's everything going . The fire is halfway out and the remaining areas are where they where , the flames devoured everything on it's way and left the side of the building completely unrecognisable .
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cycle-hit · 3 months
muu and kotoko timeline breakdown
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i love this timeline its one of my favourites i think. and while its very funny theres a lot here. so.
1. "it's not my fault" vs "i think it's kotoko's fault, after all"
muu is trying not to think of herself. she is trying to shift the blame onto other people as much as possible. anything to not have to perceive herself. even for something just as simple as "people not paying attention to her"
2. "did you come all the way here just to tell me something like that?
what? what do you mean "all the way here" kotoko??? how far away is she from the other prisoners at the current moment?? shes still isolated from the other prisoners- even if its just in her cell.
3. "aren't you scared of me? next time, i might turn my fangs on you."
because muu was scared of kotoko at the beginning of milgram- and now muu isnt. what an interesting thing to say on kotokos part. this isnt even a threat. she even sounds like shes trying to warn muu, like shes trying to give muu a reason to be scared of her and avoid her. she doesnt understand why muu isnt scared anymore- because everyone should be scared of her, right? why isnt muu scared of her?
4. "why? you punish bad people, right? you're not bad."
5. "I mean, haha, you're talking like you're fine, but maybe kotoko-san is the one who shouldnt be forgiven?"
MUU YOURE GOING TO KILL HER. SHES GOING TO DIE. interesting to note that she says "youre talking like youre fine"- muu knows that kotokos in the fucking trenches, doesnt she? shes just fully going for kotokos throat here. this is going to be muu's second murder. the last part of this is also interesting, because it means that muu might not be aware of kotokos verdict- OR she fully knows and is using it against her. its. really hard to tell which makes a later part of this analysis inconvenient.
6. "are you going to bite yourself?"
foreshadowing? a lot of people think kotokos probably going to end up hurting herself between trials somehow- i wonder if this is something meant to point to it
7. "...you're good at provoking people. I hope you're not forgiven. If that happens, i'll completely crush you."
kotoko is dodging every single question muu asked her here. incredible. and also somehow admitting that everything muu has said is close enough to the truth in some amount to bury under her skin. thats devastating. what do you mean EVERYTHING muu just said is true or at least close to it.
secondly, this "threat" sucks. this is dogwater. look at the times shes threatened mikoto or kazui. theres no bite here- also, shes lying. she promised to haruka that she isnt going to hurt muu. and theres the earbud line that she blatantly states shes going to let muu off the hook, just this once.
this timeline marks the first outright lie of kotoko's that we can blatantly disprove! with evidence! the only reason she said she was going to "crush" muu was for muu to leave her alone, to try and make muu scared of her again. also kotokos just pathetic in this entire timeline in general, holy shit. i wonder if its the guilty verdict weighing down on her or if its just because shes too "weak" towards the younger members of milgram like muu
third- does kotoko...not know muu's verdict? what does she mean if muu isnt forgiven? she was easily aware of everyones verdict in trial 1, and she should know muu's t2 verdict based off of her conversation with haruka. is she just feigning ignorance here? why? is she in denial of muu's verdict? concealing muu's verdict for muu's sake?
or- do kotoko and muu really not know each others verdicts? interesting!
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cloudlessly-light · 5 months
I wwas wondering if I could give you a request. I totally understabd if you don't want to do it but I was hoping you could make is a very spicy scene
So basically I can totally imagine Hotch stuffing a remote control vibrator into Emily, and then making her perform household tasks (Dishes, laundry) while dening her of cummin,but bringing her to egde each time.
A/N: Hi Anon! Thanks for this idea and I hope it's spicy enough for you!
Title: When all else fails Summary: Emily knew she shouldn’t have teased him. But really, was it her fault that they couldn’t find a moment alone? She didn’t think so. Word count: 2,7k Rating: Explicit   Warnings: Smut, oral sex, sex toys, edging, orgasm control/denial
She knew she had it coming, that teasing her husband for the entire day yesterday could only end up in one of two ways. One way was her sneaking into his office and there would definitely be more than teasing going on behind that closed door. Or the other way would be something happening that forced them to not find some time alone. Unfortunately that’s exactly what happened.
But, it wasn’t her fault the team wouldn’t stop running in and out of his office. And it wasn’t her fault that Jessica had a last minute emergency at work so she couldn’t pick up Jack that night like planned and by the time they finally got to bed they were both too exhausted for anything else than a quick kiss goodnight. So really, Emily thought her husband was being unreasonable. She had always planned for them both to enjoy some time alone, so could anybody really blame her for touching him in all the ways she shouldn’t at work? Was she really to blame that he was just so incredibly sexy that sometimes it was hard to keep the dirty thoughts to herself?
Emily didn’t think so. But Aaron did.
His revenge came in the most delicious form of torture. It was Saturday and Jack decided to go to Jessicas since he hadn’t the night before. It leaves them alone, something that’s rare and when Aaron came home from dropping Jack off with dark eyes and that special smirk that was only reserved for their playtime, Emily knew she was in trouble.
He hadn’t said anything as he kissed her on the cheek before disappearing up the stairs towards their bedroom. When he still hadn’t come back down almost ten minutes later, she had gone up to find him.
She shouldn’t have been surprised when she saw the black, silky slip and the small remote-controlled vibrator lying on the bed. But she was.
“You had a lot of fun yesterday, didn’t you?” He was suddenly right behind her, speaking against her ear as he pulled her back against his strong frame.
“I didn’t mean-”
“No no, sweetheart.” He interrupted her before she could make an excuse up, his voice low and graveled and it made the fine hairs in the back of her neck rise. “You had your fun yesterday, you were pleased with yourself.” His fingers tightened around her hips and his lips curled into a smirk. “Now it’s my turn to have some fun.”
So that’s how Emily finds herself with a buzzing vibrator inside of her as she vacuums the living room. He was sitting on the couch, one leg crossed over the other as he watched her closely, never letting her fall off the edge, never giving her the release she needed. He had denied her twice already, but she was stubborn, more stubborn than anyone he knew and she wasn’t going to make it easy for him.
She bites back a low moan when he ups the vibrations as she bends to vacuum under one of the plush chairs. When she does the short slip moves up her thighs, showing the soaked underwear and he palms his erection at the sight. Her slick was already shiny on her inner thighs and he licked his lips in anticipation. He presses the button on the remote in his hand again and he chuckles at the way her legs squeeze shut as her muscles tense in pleasure.
“You okay sweetheart?” He knows he looks smug when she turns to look at him with hazy eyes and cheeks flushed pink but he couldn’t help himself. Yesterday had been hours of teasing from her, it was only fair that he had some fun today.
“Mhm.” She quips, eyes shooting daggers at him as he continues to watch her, his grin only getting bigger as he lowers the intensity of the buzzing inside of her. She can feel the way her slick walls clench around the toy as her hand grips the handle of the vacuum tight enough for her knuckles to whiten. “Vacuuming is all done.” The way her voice comes out only slightly strained is a win in her book.
“That’s good.” He stands up from the couch and pulls her against his chest. When he kisses her it’s slow and teasing and as Emily sighs into his mouth he lets his hands wander over the familiar curves. Her nipples are hard as he strokes over her chest, her skin hot and slightly sweaty and he can’t help but to push his hard cock against her. She moans softly at the feel of him, hard as steel inside his sweats, but before she can get her hand between them he pulls away.
“I think the dishwasher needs to be unloaded, go do that and I’ll put on the laundry.” He wants to laugh at the way her mouth drops open and eyes narrow but he settles for a poorly hidden grin. As he walks toward the laundry room he turns on the vibrator again and this time she can’t contain the gasp that falls from her lips.
Emily can barely focus as she walks on unsteady legs to the kitchen. She could feel the tension in her entire body, the pressure between her legs only getting more intense as the seconds ticked by. She can feel his eyes on her before she can hear the sound of one of the kitchen chairs being pulled back and he sits down to watch her again.
“Something the matter, Em?” He raises an eyebrow at the way her entire back tenses at his question and he knows that she’s forcing herself to not react to his teasing.
“Everything’s perfect.” She gets out through slightly gritted teeth as she grabs plates from the dishwasher and puts them one by one into the cabinet above. When he suddenly turns the vibrator to the highest setting she drops the glass she’s holding and grips the counter in a vain attempt to ground herself. The vibration doesn’t let up this time and she can feel the pleasure build fast as her legs tremble and she leans more of her weight against the counter. She’s so close, only seconds from coming and she lets her head fall back in pleasure.
And then the vibration stops, and she wants to scream. But she still doesn’t want to give in to him and instead she tries to calm herself, takes a steadying breath and turns just enough to see his face of amusement. One of his eyebrows is arched, his eyes blown black by lust and still, he doesn’t make a move. Once he can tell that she’s calmed down some, he turns on the toy again and lets it buzz inside of her on one of the lowest settings as she finishes unloading the dishwasher.
“You know I’ll get you back for this.” She mutters after she’s done, her back leaning against the counter as she squeezes her thighs tightly.
“No sweetheart, because we both know that out of the two of us, you’re the one with the least self-control. And after today I don’t think you’ll want to tease me like you did yesterday.” He can see the way she wants to argue, stuck somewhere in between her stubbornness and her need for release. “Come here.” He tells her and she walks slowly towards him.
Emily watches as he pulls his sweatpants down and she whimpers at the sight of his cock, hard and leaking precum when he pulls it out through the flap of his boxers. She already knows what he wants and she falls to her knees in front of him. If she got him off, he would take pity on her, she was sure of it.
The first swipe of her tongue against the underside of his cock causes him to bite back a grunt and he holds the remote tighter in his hand. He watches through heavy lidded eyes as she sucks the tip of him between her lips and he thrusts up in response to the pleasure.
“God, I’ll never get tired of your mouth.” He mutters as he continues to watch her as she bobs her head, her tongue moving in lazy patterns against the underside of his shaft the entire time. When he presses the button of the remote, her moan is muffled as she chokes on him and her eyelids flutter shut for a moment.
She wants to touch herself, needs to come and as her hips grind against nothing and he ups the power of the vibration again she can’t help the way she whines around the tip of him.
“Please.” She gasps and she sees the look of surprise on his face, he clearly didn’t think she’d give in already. But it was too much, having the intensive vibrations inside of her, having been denied release multiple times already, the taste of him on her tongue, it was too much and she couldn’t think straight.
“No baby, not yet.” He strokes her cheek and she whimpers as he lowers the power slightly. “Suck me off and maybe you’ll get to come.”
She takes him back in her mouth in moments, her lips tight around him as her hand wraps around his shaft. She twists her wrist and when she hears him groan her name above her she clenches around the toy that’s barely a hum inside of her now that he’s put in on the lowest setting. Her mouth and hand work in tandem and when his fingers move through her hair to gently grasp at the strands she knows he’s getting close.
“Don’t stop, just like that.” He groans, hips barely keeping from thrusting as the muscles in his thighs tense by each swipe of her tongue and twist of her wrist. Her mouth is hot and wet around him, he can see the way her eyes are shiny from when she chokes on him, always wanting more, always wanting to please. When he turns the power on the vibrator up again, his fingers grasp her hair tighter and he revels at the way her moan vibrates around his cock.
“Fuck, yes.” He hisses at the way she desperately swallows around him, her hand moving faster, mouth more insistent around him and he knows that she tries to get him off before she falls over the edge.
She can barely hear anything besides the ringing in her ears, her orgasm back with a vengeance and she knows she must be a mess of spit as she keeps moaning around his cock. The first spurt of his release is coupled by a loud groan from him, his fingers tightening in her hair as he comes on her tongue. Her eyes flitter up to watch him as he comes, and she flushes at the sight of pure bliss on his face. The toy continues to buzz inside of her, continues to push her towards her own release and for a moment she thinks he’s going to let her, but as she swallows down his cum, the vibrations come to a complete stop and she groans in frustration.
“Aaron I-” She starts but he quickly interrupt her.
“Shh,” He says as he pulls her up to kiss her, his tongue quickly finding hers and moaning at the taste of himself on her tongue. When he pulls away that same smug look is back on his face. “Go finish up the laundry, would you?”
For a second she thinks about smacking him, but she settles for an annoyed huff. She knows that it’s a part of their game, that if she really wanted to stop that they would, but there was something about the slightly demeaning tone in his voice, something about the confidence that radiated from him, that only made her want him more.
Still, she muttered curses under her breath as she stood back on her feet, her entire body feeling the strain of not getting to come as she padded towards the laundry room.
He turns the toy back on just as she opens the washing machine, lets it buzz on one of the lower settings until he can tell that she’s getting used to it and then ups the power. It continues like that until she’s on the verge of coming again, her body tense as she leans over the dryer to keep from falling down.
“Please, baby please let me come.” She whines as he sets the toy on the highest setting and she cries out.
“Do you think you deserve it?” He comes to stand right behind her and his proximity only gets her closer.
“I- I don’t know.” She can’t think, all she can feel the pleasure spreading and her eyes shut tightly as her knees buckle.
“Not yet.” He bites down on her neck as he turns the toy off again. The cry of frustration from her goes straight to his groin, knowing that she was driven crazy by him an ego boost unlike any other.
“I’m going to kill you.” She whispers, her body trembling as he keeps her trapped between the dryer and his body, his hands moving over her, teasing her nipples and down to her clit, making her buckle into him.
“I told you, finish the laundry.” He moves away with a smack to her ass and she throws a wet shirt at him in annoyance. But he only laughs at her and throws it back for her to put in the dryer. “You’re almost there, Em.”
The vibrations are back in seconds and Emily doesn’t think she’s ever finished putting clothes in the dryer and folding laundry that was already dry that fast in her life. By the time she’s finished he’s denied her two more times and she felt like every nerve ending was set on fire. The need to come was all she could think about, she was barely able to string a full sentence together.
Aaron had left her in the laundry room just as she finished folding the last couple of towels, and she finds him on the couch.
“Come sit on my lap.” He tells her and she walks on legs that feel like jelly towards him. She straddles his lap and he’s quick to grab the back of her neck to pull her into a kiss. “What do you want, sweetheart?” He whispers as he pulls the remote from his pocket.
“I- I want you, I want to come, I need to come.” She pleads, her voice breathy and needy and nothing like she normally sounds and Aaron smiles at her.
“You’re going to come, just like this.” He turns the toy onto high and her hips buckles wildly in response. “And then I’m fucking you, and you’re going to come again.” His words are whispered in between kisses to her collarbone, neck, jaw and lips, everywhere he can reach as Emily nods in between heaving breaths.
“Yes, yes God, I need to feel you.” She gasps as he tugs one of her nipples, her slip clinging to her sweaty body. She squeezes around the toy and his large hands comes to hold her as she continues to buckle and shake on his lap. He’s hard again, straining inside his sweats and she pushes down against the bulge.
“Come on Em, come for me.” He urges her and it’s the last push she needs. When she finally comes it’s with such intensity that she’s sure she’s going to black out. Her body tenses as she cries out loudly, the pleasure bordering on painful as her eyesight whitens out. The vibrations doesn’t stop, keeping her orgasm going until she’s whimpering and twitching, still so far into ecstasy that she barely hears his soothing voice in her ear as she comes down.
“That’s it baby, you did so good, look at you, gorgeous thing.” He continues to mumble praise and love against her ear until she’s slumped over on his lap and her breathing has returned to normal. “Emily?” He asks, one hand rubbing soothingly up and down her back.
“Mhm?” She lifts her head enough to look at him.
“Are you alright?” He cups her cheek, lets his thumb brush over her cheekbone gently.
“I’m so fucking good.” She grins and he smiles at the flush on her cheeks.
“Good think we’re not even close to done yet.”
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jyndor · 2 years
what’s fascinating to see is the juxtaposition of cassian as a recruiter (as an axis or a fulcrum) and luthen as a recruiter.
the show has been playing on chirrut’s words in rogue one: there’s more than one kind of prison.
so you’ve got luthen who every episode gives me more and more former jedi vibes - and say he is actually a former jedi in hiding, say it’s not just a similarity. he has made his mind a ‘sunless space’ and thinks of himself as damned because he is using his enemy’s (the sith’s) tools against them - anger, ego, unwillingness to yield, eagerness to fight. “they’ve set me down a path from which there is no escape.” i mean im not ready to pound the gavel yet but he’s definitely a jedi in hiding who has felt a need to use the very tools that he doesn’t believe in. that are antithetical to his very belief system. even if he’s not a jedi, he’s trapped in a world that he loathes, selling the pieces of cultures that have been marginalized and oppressed to fund a rebellion, a rebellion he believes in but cannot serve without selling his soul. that is a horrifying thing.
you’ve got mon mothma who lives in luxury and affluence but has locked her truth away to protect herself and to protect the rebellion - and is in a traditional marriage that began when she was a teenager, a child. for all of her privilege and she does have that in spades, that is something the show is saying - that mon is in a prison of sorts too. vel as well - though she has her freedom when she is with the rebels and with cinta.
you’ve got jung who has been undercover in the isb for six years, who now has to live with the guilt of kreegyr’s rebels likely being massacred so that the isb doesn’t find out there’s a spy in their midst. man luthen that was cold.
but those are metaphorical prisons. and that’s important to remember because ultimately while they are at risk, they’re also not in literal prison. they’re not enslaved like cassian and the others on narkina-5, or tortured like bix.
and a metaphorical prison IS easier to survive, no matter what mon says. the irony is that while cassian has been in many ways lying to the audience and to everyone else in the show until narkina, he’s always known what he’s against. to borrow saw’s words, cassian has clarity of purpose from the moment he is imprisoned. we don’t see him worn down although he surely is exhausted, we don’t see him disillusioned like melshi or in denial like kino loy (who andy serkis says was put in prison for organizing his workplace. fun fact).
he is at serious risk of torture and death but cassian is more alive and more himself than he’s seemed in the show until this arc. he’s organizing, he’s being a leader, he’s recruiting - and he seems like he’s free in some ways. because he knows the enemy intimately like luthen, but in different ways. the fact that he knows the empire thinks they’re not even worth listening to because he’s lived that his whole life, that liberates him to openly rebel in a way that seems counterintuitive. but he’s right. and it works.
but unfortunately recruits don’t always live. shit goes wrong or someone doesn’t get the help they need when they’re at their weakest - kino loy - sometimes someone has to die - like tivik, like kreegyr’s rebels - to get a message to people who can do something with it. like cassian and jyn and the rest of rogue one.
that’s where cassian is when we meet him in rogue one. back in prison, but more of a metaphorical prison (i mean saw’s cell aside lol) as chirrut notes. a mental prison, like luthen’s. like lonni jung’s.
kino loy says that “if we can fight half as hard as we’ve been working, we will be home in no time.”
rogue one is when he can finally liberate himself again and go home.
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vxnillite · 2 years
[part 1] shameless recoms Z-Dog and Walker x AFAB reader smut
NSFW (minors dni)
here's part 2 (i'll also link it at the end)
I was already insane over Z-Dog, now get ready for wave two of that ft. Walker, and I'm starting off with a bang. I feel like I have been pushed beyond the true point of no return, so I'm gonna drag everyone down with me.
Friend said there is no heterosexual energy around these women and I totally agree
I tried my best to keep it gender-neutral despite reader being portrayed as AFAB, and my friend said the neutrality is pretty good, so I hope that this works for others, too.
tags: AFAB reader, gender-neutral, threesome, fingerfucking, fingersucking, nipple play, daddy kink, cunnilingus, orgasm denial, degradation (they call you a slut) Word count: 2393
(you just can't look at them then tell me they're not into women; unless you give me proof they aren't, keep arguing with the wall)
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You were lying in bed, reading info logs on your data pad, when you heard the door hiss open. You swiftly turned your head towards it, then your shoulders dropped and you sighed in relief when you saw that it was just Z and Walker, your roommates. Judging by their glistening, blue skin, they'd just come back from the showers.
The two went to throw their dirty clothes in the laundry chute. "We didn't hear you leave the shower room," Z said casually, one brow slightly raised as she looked at you.
"Uh, yeah… I kinda just slipped out of there," you said, watching as they walked over to your bunk. Z loudly plopped herself down on your legs and Walker sat quietly on the edge of the bed next to you. "I was dead tired from all that recom body training," you added.
You noticed Z glancing at Walker's direction. You could only assume that Walker had looked back with the same knowing look on her face because Z's lips clicked into a grin.
Z then shifted her gaze onto you as she ghosted her long, slender, blue fingers up your leg, a playful smirk on her thin lips. "Too tired to have some fun, (Y/N)?"
Oh, no, you thought. The way she emphasised the word 'fun' sent your nerves thrumming with excitement and anticipation. Without thinking, you pressed your thighs together. You were late to realise what you'd done. Z was already revelling in the reaction she'd caused, staring back at you with hubris all over her face.
"C'mon, guys," you tried to reason, tone sheepish as Z changed to a firm hand slowly caressing your leg. You swallowed nervously. "It's really late, and training starts ea—"
Walker put a hand on your cheek and pushed your face towards her, her touch soft yet assertive. "Turning us down? You never did that before," she teased, a more subtle smirk on her lips. "Daddy misses having lots of fun with you, sugar~"
Z got on her hands and knees and stalked her way up to your face. She pressed her weight down half your body, draped her arm over your stomach, held your waist firmly, and whispered in your ear, "I know you want it, too, doll~"
She wedged her knee right up your crotch and your breath hitched reflexively. Heat instantly crawled up your face, but before you could do or say anything else, Walker grabbed your data pad and put it up on the top bunk, never once breaking eye contact with you. Her eyes pierced you with a ravenous hunger burning behind her glowing irises. Then she got closer to you and lightly kissed your jaw, dragging her tongue on your skin for a brief moment. A chill ran up your spine.
Z sensed it, and she wasted no time to start riling you up, too. You felt her press her tongue against your neck. She licked down to the base of it, leaving wet kisses and playful bites all over you. Meanwhile, the hand on your waist had snuck up under your tank top to rest on the bare small of your back, and Z pulled you closer to her. You felt her warm thigh against your mound.
You couldn't help keep a tiny moan from slipping out of you, and Walker was quick to take advantage of your agape lips, pushing her tongue in between them as she kissed you while her hands slowly roamed over whatever part of you that she could reach. Her touch left your skin tingling, as if tiny lightning bolts were shooting out of her fingertips.
Succumbing to your own carnal desire, you licked Walker's tongue as you kissed her back, pulling her in by the neck with your left hand. At the same time, you placed your other hand firmly on Z's chest, then you felt her grab it. She licked your fingers, the hollow of your palm, then started trailing kisses up your arm. When she reached your jaw, you broke away from Walker, and Z pulled you in for a searing kiss of her own.
"Told you they'd be down for it," Walker smirked, chuckling. Then she lowered herself down on your neck. It stung when she sank her canines into the crook, but it excited you just as much. You felt your clothed sex throb excitedly, and your thighs tightened around the knee that was still pressed up against you. 
Walker began to pull your tank top off you, and because you had already prepped to go to sleep, you had nothing else underneath it. Z pulled away to let Walker finish stripping you of your top, only to pounce back with a tugging bite on your lower lip. You licked her lips and closed the distance between the two of you once more.
You moaned into Z's mouth as you felt Walker doing away with your chest, fondling, kissing, licking, sucking, and biting wherever she pleased. She did all that while her other hand caressed your thigh. Then she dragged her hot tongue further down your stomach, leaving light kisses on the way and down your exposed v-line. She pulled on the waistband of your shorts and underwear, but only to expose your mound, licking and kissing it briefly before continuing down to your thighs. Z moved her own knee out of the way as Walker knelt between your legs. She kept kissing you all over.
Meanwhile, Z had been playing with you the entire time. She was more intense and rougher than Walker normally was—their duality worked perfectly to drive you insane every time. Z tugged lightly on your queue braid while she kissed you senseless. It felt weirdly pleasurable. As you two alternated between sloppy kissing and tongue rolling, Z's hand roamed all over your top half, then eventually settled to squeezing and playing with your tits. You were grabbing and fondling hers, too, from under her tank top.
Then, finally, Walker pulled your shorts and underwear down completely. Z immediately cupped your hot, wet pussy, pulling away just in time to let you gasp and moan out loud. You didn't mean to, but Z loved hearing it, anyway. She slid her fingers up between your folds, collecting that slick fluid on her fingertips, then brought those fingers up to her mouth. Watching her do it made you feel weak—the good kind, of course.
"Tongue out, doll."
You instantly obeyed, wantonly looking up at Z as she placed her fingers—wet with her saliva and your slick—on your broadened tongue. You licked, sucked, and nibbled lightly on her digits. 
"Yeah, just like that," she smirked, "Keep being good for us and maybe we'll give you something to suck on other than just fingers."
Your mind went immediately to something specific. Something long, girthy, and hidden in the drawers by the head of your bunk. You spiralled at your wild imagination, panting shamelessly on Z's fingers.
Your breathing became more laboured as you felt Walker getting closer and closer to your sex. She kissed around it, teasing you. Running out of patience, you bucked your hips upward at the air and mewled stubbornly.
"And to think you were turning us down earlier," Z snickered. She took her fingers out your mouth and slowly moved them down your stomach, her touch as light as a feather, yet as hot as burning coal.
You were helpless and at their absolute mercy—just as you always were. You tried your best to muffle your moans with the back of your hand, which was quickly replaced by Z with her fingers again. Oh, she just loved putting anything in your mouth. You shamelessly sucked on her long, slender digits as you felt both women inching closer to your sex. But Z stopped with her fingers on your mound, Walker on the crevice between your thigh and pussy.
You squirmed and whimpered. The two chuckled evilly.
Z pulled her fingers out your mouth and pushed away the stray hair that clung to your face. "You want us, doll?"
"Fuck, yes, I want you."
Walker blew subtly on your pussy. "Beg for it."
You groaned. Why the hell were they stalling like they didn't want this just as bad? Still, you had nothing against them. You were putty in their hands.
"Please, please make a mess of me."
Walker and Z looked at each other smugly. Good enough, they agreed.
Z pushed her fingers back into your mouth, letting you suck them more fervently than before at the same time as she finally touched your clit and Walker kissed your lower lips. The former rubbed your sensitive nub of nerves, and the latter licked your folds in circles. You twitched and grinded your hips, moaning and panting loudly with Z's fingers still on your tongue.
"Just like old times," Z snickered. She drummed her fingers on your clit. "Such a fucking slut~"
"Our slut," Walker added before hungrily lapping up your wet cunt, slurping and sucking loudly. "Moan for us, sugar~"
Oh, you wanted to hate their scheming, conspiring, horny asses so badly. They knew you all had training tomorrow. But they just couldn't wait for an off-day, could they.
Yet you moaned anyway, letting go of whatever modesty you still had left clinging onto you. The thought that someone might hear you outside your door had been long buried by your desire for both women. Your hips pushed themselves up against Walker's face, and she grabbed your ass, striking one cheek with her palm as she ate you out like a starving beast. Z was busy playing with your hard, perked nipples, flicking her tongue over one and pinching the other with her fingers. She chuckled as she did so, aware of how close to bursting that ball of heat in your crotch was. 
But then Walker pulled away, leaving only a broadened tongue pressed against your throbbing pussy. You felt her hot breath on your folds as she chuckled. How fucking evil. But you didn't have the time or coherence to curse her. Desperate for release, you grinded your pussy against her tongue.
Z pulled away from your chest, too. She sat back up and watched you. It turned her on to watch how your expressions twisted with frustration and ecstasy, how erratic your hips moved as you chased your orgasm in futility.
She laughed mockingly. "Oh, Walker, now that's just mean."
"It's more fun this way, and you know it," Walker answered as she moved further away from your crotch and sat up.
You whimpered at her absence, then at her grabbing and squeezing your ass cheeks. She teased, "You wanna cum, sugar?"
You looked her in the eyes and nodded eagerly. "Yes, please…"
Walker slapped your ass. It stung bad, but you wanted her to do it again. "Surely, you can do better than that," she said sternly.
Z clamped her hand down on your throat and licked your cheek. "If you want it that bad," she whispered, biting your ear, "You gotta use your words, baby~" 
You looked back into Z's eyes. Her gaze alone made you shiver. "Do anything you want to me," you quivered, "Just let me cum, please, daddy~"
The grips on your throat and ass tightened in sync. "Again."
"Absolutely anything—please, daddy~"
Z pulled you up in the blink of an eye, locking your lips in an intense yet chaste kiss before she settled to sit behind you. She had your arms tangled up behind your back, which kept you in place. Meanwhile, Walker stalked over and pushed your thighs as far apart as possible. She pushed two fingers into your slick, dripping hole—an erotic squelch resounded as she did—and Z flicked and rubbed your clit. They both started at a fast pace, motivated by the wanton sounds that came from your mouth.
You were seeing stars within seconds. Your vision went hazy as euphoria came in waves. You threw your head back on Z's shoulder, staring open-mouthed at the top bunk's underside, tongue lolling as you moaned and called them their favourite nickname. Your almost-instantaneous orgasm rocked your entire body; you were twitching violently between the two women.
But that only motivated them to keep up the merciless pace. Even as your walls convulsed around her fingers, Walker kept drilling into your pussy. Then Z's fingers drifted down towards your entrance, and she joined in on Walker's fun at an alternating pace. God, the noises you made from both sets of lips were absolutely gonna land you an HR summon in the morning.
Walker then leaned forward and licked your lips. You caught her tongue and started sucking on it, locking eyes with her as you did.
"That's it~ Be a good little ragdoll bitch for your daddies tonight," Z rasped as she nibbled on your ear. "I promise you'll still be walking tomorrow."
"Hah," Walker smirked, kissing the corner of your lips, "Just barely."
You grinded your hips faster as the two kept fucking you, each with two fingers up your hole. You cummed a second time, your whole body tensing and twitching between them. Z bit down on your neck, while Walker kissed you hungrily. You rolled your tongue over hers as you moaned into her mouth.
It took minutes for your body to finally relax, and only then did they pull their fingers out of you. They took their sweet time licking your juices off their fingers. You tried to gather your wits about you as they did. Panting, you slumped back against Z as you felt her unlock your arms from behind you. They felt sore, given that Z was really holding you back so tightly. With your eyes closed, you tilted your head towards Z, and she leaned down to kiss you, hands slowly roaming your body.
You felt Walker leave the bed, heard her footsteps headed towards the drawers. No need to look to know which one she'd opened. "Hey, Z-Dog, you wanna use one, too?" she asked.
When Z pulled away, you turned to lazily kissing her neck. "'Course I do," she smirked, "Dibs on the ribbed one."
"Fine," Walker dragged jokingly as she kicked the drawer shut. The metal clanged like a bell at a boxing match.
The next round was just about to begin.
part 2
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ikeromantic · 1 year
Wicked Deeds
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Clavis does his best to distract Emma during an important event. Smut. Very spicy. Approx. 2700 words.
Emma felt a flutter of nerves in her belly. She forced herself to ignore the sensation. Today was important and she wasn’t going to let her smile slip for anything. 
“You’re looking resolute,”Sariel commented, giving her a wry smile. “That’s good because today’s guests are going to require every ounce of determination you have. And likely a good bit more.”
She swallowed. “I am sure a group of merchants can’t be that bad.”
“Good. That’s the spirit.” Sariel showed her to the receiving room. A large wood table took up the center space, set with rose wine and water, a tray of crystal goblets, and another of Rhodolitian pastries. “I’m going to check to see if our guests have arrived. I’ll be back in a moment.”
Emma watched the door close behind him and when she was alone, took a deep breath. “It’s going to be fine. I can do this. I have to do this.” She bent toward the table and poured herself a glass of wine.
“That’s the spirit.”  
She spun at the familiar voice, her eyes going wide. “Clavis! What are you doing here?”
He smirked and slid the door silently shut behind him. “Is that anyway to greet your fiance?”
“I am pretty sure I greeted you this morning. Before and after breakfast. Quite thoroughly.” She blushed at her own forwardness, but honestly it was his own fault. Always teasing and - and -
His eyes went wide and his smile spread even wider. “That was a proper greeting. But it was several hours ago . . .” Clavis closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms. 
Emma wanted to tell him he was wrinkling her gown, but it felt so good to be held. And then he started kissing her, his lips and teeth and tongue on the sensitive skin of her neck. The sharp, sweet touches burned a trail to her lips and she couldn’t think at all. 
His eager hands tugged her skirt up until he could touch the bare skin of her thigh above the lacy edge of her stockings. Clavis made a soft, hungry gasp. 
“W-wait - Clavis - I” Emma struggled to remember she was here for a reason and this wasn’t it. “The merchants. Sariel . . . any minute . . .” 
He groaned, a sound of pure frustration and disappointment. “Surely there’s time for a quick -” But he cut himself off, turning slightly at the sound of hurried footsteps. He couldn’t get out the way he’d come in and they were two stories up so the windows weren’t a good option. 
Worse, Emma didn’t see anywhere for him to hide. The table had only a lace runner down the middle and anyone walking in would see him if he tried to hide beneath it. The potted rosebush in the corner was much too small. “M-maybe you can just say you were checking on me?”
Clavis held a mischievous look in his eye as he leaned in to give her one last kiss. Then he ducked under her skirt and pulled it down around him like a little tent. 
The door opened and a perturbed looking Sariel glanced around the room. “I thought I glimpsed the hellcat turning down this hallway. Have you seen him?”
Emma didn’t like lying to Sariel. For one, it felt as if he always knew she was lying, and for another, she couldn’t help but want his respect. So she didn’t say anything, just pretended to look around the room as if she was searching for him. Unfortunately, she couldn’t put him off forever. Sariel was waiting for an answer, his piercing gaze now trained on her. 
“Erm, he doesn’t seem to - to be in this room.” The denial felt silly on her lips as she could feel the tickle of his hair against her thighs, and his warm touch caresses her calf through the thin silk of her stockings. 
“No. I suppose he does not.” Sariel scowled. “I hope he isn’t planning some ridiculous prank. These are some of Rhodolite’s most prestigious merchants. I will devise the worst punishment if he interferes.”
Emma nodded. “I - I’ll let him know if I should see him. But I’m sure he understands how important this meeting is.” She grimaced and pointedly did not look down at her skirt. Clavis was nipping the skin at the edge of her stocking and it was distracting. 
Sariel turned to look out into the hall. “It appears your hound is bringing the first of the guests. Steady yourself. It will be a long afternoon.”
“Of course.” Emma tried to keep her voice steady as she felt Clavis lick a little line of heat alongside the strap of her garter belt. He was evil, she decided. Purely evil. She gave him a little kick. 
If Clavis took any lesson from her nudge, it was to try harder to distract her. He drew the line all the way up to the laced edge of her panties. 
Emma clamped her thighs around his head in a bid to stop him. For a moment, it even worked. But then she realized her mistake. Now she’d pinned him right in place, where he could reach all her most sensitive places. And he was reaching. 
“Mistress, may I introduce today’s visitors?” Rio entered the room and then held the door for a gaggle of well-dressed men and women. 
For a moment, Emma struggled to fix an appropriate smile to her face. Her voice wavered as she greeted them and all she could think was damn you, Clavis. His tongue drew hot lines over the thin fabric of her panties and her hips were trying to arch toward that infuriating touch. Too much and not enough, all at once. 
Thankfully, after greeting them, she wasn’t expected to say much. This was Nokto’s merchant mixer, not a presentation or some other serious and formal event. Of course, the prince showed up fashionably late. His smile quirked curiously as he took her hand. “Emma, you look flushed.” His tone was proper but the look in his eyes hinted at all the salacious reasons he could imagine for her countenance. 
She hoped to all the gods there might be that he would not guess the real reason. “I’m fine,” she managed, though even she could hear the slight strain in her voice.
“If you’re not feeling well, I can escort you to another room to rest,” Rio offered.
“N-no. I’m alright. Just . . . give me a - a moment. To myself.” Emma was taking shallow breaths now, as she felt Clavis push the lace and silk aside. That divine bastard. His tongue slipped between the fold of her skin, taunting her. His hands reached around the backs of her thighs, caressing her, nudging her legs open to allow him to reach.
She looked down and self-consciously smoothed her skirts. Thankfully the season’s fashion was voluminous, with so many layers of fabric that she could probably hide two grown men beneath them. If anyone noticed Clavis - or indeed noticed anything - she was fairly sure she would die of embarrassment where she stood. But her lover wasn’t making this easy. Oh no. Not for him to sit quietly until the merchants left. 
Nokto whisked himself away to make the rounds while Rio took a few respectful steps away and turned to give her the requested moment alone. 
The problem was, Clavis’ touches were not lessening. If anything, he took the quiver of her legs and her uneven breathing as encouragement to do more. This moment to herself wasn’t enough. Not nearly. 
Emma tried to give him another kick, in the hopes he would knock it off. But the motion of her leg only freed him up to move more. And he took advantage. He knew what she liked and toyed now with her expectations. Almost touching, his breath ghosting over her heated skin. Then touching, his tongue so light it might have been air, the tip just brushing. His fingers stroking her inner thigh.
“Ah, and you must be the Lelouch fiancée!” A hearty older man with a well-groomed beard approached. He had a glass of wine in his hand, and a small notebook in the other. 
“Mmm. Hmmm. Y-yes.” Emma tried to make the words sound normal but they came out breathy, as if she’d just had a run. Well. Better that than the moan that wanted to escape her throat. “A-and you are?”
“Fornier. Charles Fornier. I run a small import shop. We do quite a good business with Prince Lelouch.” 
Emma nodded politely. In other circumstances, she might have been able to recall the man and the business. But right now, Clavis was rolling her clit across his lips as his fingers followed the path so recently left by his tongue and she really couldn’t think of anything coherent to say.
“I was rather hoping he might drop in today, but I expect he hates these sorts of events. A bit of a wild card, isn’t he?” Charles was looking at her hopefully, as if she might confirm he would, in fact, drop by, or that he was a wild card or - 
“Oh. Yes,” she gasped, her face going completely hot. “Yes. He’s a - a wild ca-ah! -rd.” Emma bit her lip in an attempt to keep the rest of her feelings to herself. She wasn’t entirely sure she could continue to stand. Her legs were trembling under her dress, and Clavis was half-supporting her on his shoulders now. 
Rio turned, a look of worry on his face. “Mistress, do you need some water or -”
“Water. Yes.” She managed to keep smiling through sheer bloody determination. 
Charles smiled a little uncertainly. “Well . . . if you see him, do pass on my greetings and well-wishes.”
Emma nodded. “I - I will?” She couldn’t help the way her voice rose, turning the affirmation into a question. 
The merchant wandered away with a nod, as Rio hurried over with a glass of water. “Her, mistress.” He handed it to her and then hovered. “You look very flushed. Perhaps you need to retire for a moment?” Rio reached to touch her forehead and she slapped his hand away.
Clavis took that exact moment to freeze, and the sudden stop made her feel just as desperate as the teasing had.
“Not. Now. Please.” Emma tried to give him a meaningful look, one that said ‘I’m embarrassed’, and also, ‘this is not a good time to mother-hen.’ She wasn’t sure he picked up on either, but after a moment, he nodded.
“Alright. I’m going to check the guests to make sure everyone has what they need. But if you need anything, anything at all -”
“Yes! I know!” She waved him off, and he reluctantly left her side. Which left her with no distraction from the slow, pleasurable torture beneath her skirts. 
Clavis resumed his slow exploration of her with his tongue and questing hands. Maddeningly slow and tormentingly thorough. She felt his fingers play at her opening, teasing the edges. And then his tongue slid into her and she felt herself clamp down on him - though she wasn’t sure if it was to hold him out or in. She couldn’t think. Not with the feel of him pressing in and then the slow, curling, lapping egress. 
She wanted to either grind her hips into his waiting mouth and let him devour her or make it stop. Halfway was hell, and she was stuck in it. 
Emma knew she was meant to be walking around the room and making conversation, but there was no way she could manage it. Her legs were quivering and even if they hadn't been - she couldn't have gone far with Clavis hiding under her skirt.
Nokto and Sariel kept throwing her looks from their positions across the room. Nokto's expression was expectant and Sariel's - unreadable. Then the counselor crossed the room in her direction.
“You seem to be holding up.” Sariel’s voice sounded further away than he stood. A slight, wry smile turning up the corners of his lips. 
“Yeah. G-great!” Emma tried for a stately nod, but felt as if she was flailing. Her body was near to trembling and it took every ounce of will to just stand there and endure. 
Sariel raised an eyebrow, his gaze falling for a moment to her billowing skirt before flitting back to her face. “It seems even the hellcat couldn’t spoil this event. I do wonder where he ran off to?”
She bit the inside of her cheek and forced herself to hold her smile. “Wh-hooo knows? H-he’s so uhh-unpredictable!” Emma knew her voice was wavering and there wasn’t much she could do about it. 
Clavis, challenged by the taunt, now lapped eagerly at her pearl, and the strum of his fingers took on an intentional rhythm. He played her like an instrument, calling pleasure from every touch. And she wasn’t sure if she wanted to murder him or marry him in this instant.
“So he is,” the counselor nodded. He gave her an almost sympathetic look. “Nokto mentioned taking the merchants out to the garden for some music and a tour of the legendary Rhodolitian Roses. I thought you might stay here and . . . collect yourself.”
“O-ohhh, yes. Th-thank yo-oooh!” Emma clenched her jaw on the rest of the sound. 
Sariel’s brow lifted higher. After a moment, he gave another nod and turned away. 
“I am going to kill you,” Emma whispered. She didn’t think Clavis could hear her, but just in case. Despite the words, her body sunk further onto him, her legs spreading further to give him more reach. She closed her eyes for a moment and tried to take a normal breath.
When she opened them, Nokto was leading the merchants out and Sariel had Rio’s arm. 
Emma gave them all a polite goodbye, waving with a shaking hand. Her face was plastered with a forced grin, teeth clamped on the sounds that threatened to come from her regardless.
When the last one left and the door shut behind them, she felt Clavis pause. “Oh no, no you don’t.” Her voice was hoarse and low and desperate. 
Her skirts started to move as if he might duck back out from under them. But she was still resting on his shoulders, and it took only a shift to press him back and down. All the way to the floor. Emma sat with her legs askew, thighs clamped around the sides of his head. Could he breathe? She thought so, because he understood exactly what she wanted. Needed.
She could feel the chuff of his laughter and then the velvet of his tongue. Free from prying eyes, she rocked her hips against his face, arching with each plunge of his skilled fingers, each playful flick of his tongue. When her peak came, it almost surprised her with the intensity. She shook, arching back to press him ever deeper into her. 
The feel of it washed away every thought. There was only the feel of his lips and tongue and those clever hands. Waves of pleasure rolled over her and Emma cried out with them in breathy exhilaration.
Clavis tapped the side of her leg, at first gently and then with more urgency. 
Emma realized all at once how tightly she had him clamped between her thighs, and how much of her rested against his face. Embarrassed, she stumbled to her feet, her legs barely steady.
The prince slid out from under the layers of fabric and stood, a satisfied grin on his face. He went to the table and picked up a napkin, dabbing at his chin. “What a lovely reception,” he chuckled. "You've got practically a tent under there. I never thought I'd like this season's style but I see the use now. Hm."
“Y-you . . .”
Whatever she was about to say, she stopped as the door opened slowly. Rio poked his head in, his expression one of alarm. “I thought I heard you shout . . .” His gaze slid to Clavis and his brows lowered. “What are you doing here?”
Clavis grinned and answered at the same time as Emma. “Wicked deeds.” 
Rio wisely retreated, looking no less confused. 
Emma sighed. “You are the worst.”
“Oh, I very much doubt that. I assure you, I can think of even more terrible things.” Clavis crossed the space between them and put his arms around her waist. “Let me show you.”
And she knew she would say yes. How could she not, when he looked at her like that? So much desire and love in his gaze. “Not here,” she whispered. And he laughed and lifted her up. “Of course not. I need more space. And rope.” And then Clavis carried her out for a most unrestful afternoon, which she very much enjoyed.
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woogigi · 1 year
Bad Day
Soyeon helps Yuqi feel better after a bad day
Dom Soyeon x sub Yuqi
Warnings: orgasm denial, strap-on, vibrator
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"Are you okay?"
The first thing Yuqi did upon coming home was falling face first into their bed. Although Soyeon already knew she would come storming in from when the apartment door's bang was followed by the all too familiar stomps. She was barely responsive to anything going on around her. Soyeon could just imagine what happened.
"Bad day?"
Yuqi grunted, "the worst."
Soyeon sat next to her, poking at her sides hoping to at least get a giggle out of her. But nothing. Soyeon frowned at the unusually unhappy girl.
"What happened?" She eventually asked.
Yuqi turned over so she was lying on her back, "too much. I don't want to talk about it, I'm just going to get ready for bed."
"You look exhausted," Soyeon looked over Yuqi's closed eyes and the pink in her cheeks.
Yuqi hummed but sat up, "yeah."
Soyeon watched as Yuqi grabbed some pyjamas before going to the bathroom without another word. She rolled her eyes, annoyed at the others short temper. Yuqi barely had bad days but when she did it was never easy to talk or do anything with her really. Soyeon needed to get her to relax. She smirked as she thought of a plan.
"S- Soyeon please!"
Soyeon smirked at Yuqi. On all fours with her ass up and face pressed into a pillow. She used it to try to muffle her screams but it didn't help. She was pretty sure the neighbor had already banged against the wall to tell them to shut up. She couldn't remember though, all she could focus on was her ruined girlfriend.
"I don't know... I think you can take a few more can't you?"
She probably couldn't but getting Yuqi to beg now would be far more fun than giving it to her so easily. Especially since she was still riled up from her bad day.
When Yuqi came back from the bathroom it was far too easy for Soyeon to take control. As soon as she got into bed Soyeon set her plan in motion. Getting on top of the younger girl and kissing her to try calm her down a little. But Yuqi also couldn't stop talking and trying to take control. So Soyeon placed a vibrator over the youngers clit and it was all it took for her to fall back and actually relax. Let Soyeon take control.
Now she had been edged nearly four times and Soyeon was enjoying it far too much. Watching as Yuqi helplessly tried to push back onto her girlfriends strap, trying to reach that point of ecstacy but not being allowed to get there yet.
Yuqi shook her head, "p-please So-Soyeon~ I'll do anyth-"
She cut herself off as Soyeon pushed into her cunt again. Watching as the dildo slip in easily while Yuqi whined. She thrusted slowly watching the way Yuqi's hands gripped the sheets and her eyes shut tight as she moaned. It was the most beautiful sight she'd ever seen.
"Do you want to cum baby?"
Yuqi nodded desperately and bit her lip when Soyeon started moving faster. She tried to contain her moans but couldn't help the groan as Soyeon moved to bite her shoulder, just where her tattoo was. 
"I'm so close... Soyeonie please!"
Soyeon smiled as she watched Yuqi's knuckles nearly turn white from her grip on the sheets and her moans grew loader. Soyeon could tell she was nearly there and fucked her harder until Yuqi screamed so loudly she kew she'd have to deal with the neighbour's later on.
The orgasm ripped through Yuqi as she spasmed a little. Soyeon only stopped moving inside her when Yuqi's arm touched hers. Soyeon pulled out slowly and moved off the bed while Yuqi fell.
When Soyeon came back after cleaning up in the bathroom she brought a damp towel to wipe Yuqi with at least. Cleaning her up while she lay unmoving from the exhaustion. She dropped the towel next to the bed and climbed up next to Yuqi.
Yuqi smiled lazily at her as she brought Soyeon into a sweet kiss.
"Are you feeling better now?" Soyeon asked.
Yuqi just shook her head but her smile didn't grow any dimmer, "much better."
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technicallywrite · 2 months
Hello, I’m currently rereading My Cosmos is Yours and during the first two karaoke dinners Kate gives Osgood quite a few unreadable looks. We are in Osgood point of view so I was wondering if you could tell me what those looks meant? Just like one or two so I could kinda understand where Kate’s head was at at the time. Loving the story even more on the second read though!
Hi, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story that much!
In that first arc of the story, Kate is unaware of the attraction she’s developing for Osgood, as we later find out.
During the first dinner, she’s mostly just enjoying seeing a different side of Osgood. By this point, she has clearly already had some opportunity to appreciate Osgood as a person, in addition to being really impressed by what she knows of her abilities from work, even though we haven’t seen it ourselves. But she has only seen her in their shared work setting. Now she’s discovering Osgood in a very different environment, and she likes what she sees, in the sense of “hey she’s really cool and fun” (though Kate wouldn’t use those specific words). She feels a pull, like she wants to get closer to Osgood, and her conscious mind translates that into a desire for friendship, because that’s a reasonable explanation that doesn’t jeopardize her strong sense of duty and ethics.
By the time we get to the second dinner, Kate’s feelings have been evolving further and she becomes more aware of feeling affection for Osgood, though she doesn’t really consciously realize where those feelings are heading and she categorizes them as feelings of friendship. It’s likely that subconsciously, she’s actively engaging in denial, in part because Osgood is her subordinate and in her value system, it would not be okay to be attracted to her.
There are a few moments where things come into slightly sharper focus for her, like when the kids are looking at the photos and her bisexuality comes up; she notices Osgood reacting a bit oddly, and she’s trying to decipher it, but as we know from her later musings, she’s quite a bit off target because she’s assuming Osgood is straight (or possibly subconsciously not letting herself consider Os might not be). Towards the end of that scene there’s a moment where she wants to say something to put Osgood at ease, but then she dismisses those thoughts, figuring she’s probably just imagining it, and the moment passes. She has a little smile that Osgood thinks is intended for her, but really it’s more Kate smiling to herself like, oh I’m just being silly.
Later, during dinner, there’s the unreadable look Kate gives Osgood when she’s telling the story about Josh kissing her. And keep in mind she’s only telling that story because Kate explicitly brought up the rumors about her and Josh. Which is interesting because Kate isn’t even sure why she did that; it was an impulse, because the thought occurred to her, and it gave her a weird feeling that she couldn’t quite place. She’s self-aware enough to realize she doesn’t like the idea of Os and Josh being together; as we hear later, she doesn’t think he’s right for her, doesn’t feel like he would be a suitable partner who would fully appreciate and complement Osgood’s intelligence and wit. Yet she’s oblivious to the thoughts bubbling in the back of her subconscious hinting at who she feels would be better for Os. So when she asks Os that question, she’s basically looking for the rumor to be disproved —she wants to hear out loud that it’s not a thing— even though she’s lying to herself about why.
When Osgood admits that Josh kissed her, Kate intentionally suppresses her reaction because at that point, things come into closer focus again, and the feelings almost break the surface; but then Osgood confirms she has no interest in Josh so the ‘threat’ goes away and the feelings sink back down. Kate tells herself the relief she’s feeling is just because she’s glad her very good friend isn’t interested in dating that annoying guy who is clearly not a good match for her. As friends do…
All of that leads to very mixed signals for poor Osgood of course, who is left wondering if Kate is trying to tell her something; but Kate herself is only at the stage where her subconscious is trying to tell herself.
At least, that’s what I imagine to be the case! Anything that’s not written in the story is up for interpretation, so feel free to tweak that as you see fit in your own headcanon.
I hope that helps!
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bestaez · 2 years
Strangers (Chapter Ten)
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Strangers from Hell AU
Series Masterlist
pairing: ot7 x reader
genre: yandere, horror/thriller
word count: 6.7k
warnings (lmk if i missed anything!): unreliable narrator, murder, mature themes, minor character death, obsessive/possessive behavior, emotional manipulation, stalking, bullying, violence against women, blood and injuries, mc has some self-deprecating thoughts, mc is lowkey in denial.
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The day stretched on for what felt like hours but in reality was only about two before the sun had finally begun to set. The weather had been so weird, bright and sunny despite the dark clouds looming in the background. Something told you that the storm you sensed coming previously was finally about to arrive - just in time, too.
You had stared out the window of the hotel as Nayeon paced on the floor in front of the bed. She had been mumbling things here and there, reaching for her phone a few times before ultimately changing her mind. She didn’t like to be out of control of the situation, that much you could tell. You had never seen your best friend so stressed - not even during exam week - and you have to admit you didn’t like it. She had always been so sure of herself for as long as you had known her. If anything, this just emphasized the seriousness of the situation.
You’re sure you probably looked too blasé about the situation, a blank expression on your face as you rested your head on your knees. The truth was you just felt numb, having gone through so many emotions these past days already. This past month had taken a tremendous toll on you, the lack of sleep and stress finally catching up to you. You had no idea what the outcome would be after tonight but you found it hard to care. Jail almost sounded better than whatever awaited you both at the residence, but you weren’t exactly ready to go running to the police station right now anyway. Besides, you didn’t want to find out what Namjoon would do if you went against his wishes.
“Fuck it, I’m calling them.” Nayeon finally broke, picking her phone up off the bed and swiping at it.
“Who do you think?”
“You can’t... you heard what he said.” Your voice was quiet as you spoke, eyes fixed on the swirly patterns of the comforter.
“So what, we just go in there completely defenseless? This feels like a trap.” She argued, but you noticed that she had stopped typing as she stared at you. “What if he’s lying and Jihoon’s already gone? Do you think they killed him?”
“I don’t know.” Her face crumbled a bit, forehead creasing in worry. “I think I have an idea, though. It might be risky but it feels like the safest option. Give me my phone.”
She handed it to you wordlessly, watching as you searched for a number. It only took you a few seconds before the message was sent and you pocketed the device. She raised her eyebrows at you, “Well?”
“I met this detective a little while ago who had been looking into the case of a missing woman that used to live at the residence. I didn’t say who or where it was but I figured sending that picture would at least raise some suspicion. Plus, it’s more discreet than just calling the cops.”
“Do you think it will work?”
“No clue but at least now someone else knows.” Glancing back at the darkening sky, you sighed as you moved to stand up. “We should get going.”
“Are you sure?” You had never seen Nayeon look so unsure of anything. This was a beast she didn’t know how to defeat.
“What other choice do we have?”
The storm had descended upon you fast, rain making it hard to see for the taxi driver as he weaved through the streets. You and Nayeon sat in the backseat completely silent, your driver seeming to pick up on the mood as he didn’t bother to make small talk. When you finally arrived at your destination, you could only stare up at the distorted view of the residence. You didn’t think you would be back here so soon and the feeling upon seeing it was difficult to pinpoint.
Nayeon scooted over and gave you a little shove, signaling for you to get out. You opened the door and were instantly flooded with wet droplets, the sound of them hitting the pavement canceling out any other noise. You didn’t turn to see if she had followed you, running into the building for cover.
Once the both of you had made it inside, you looked down to see how utterly drenched your clothes were despite only being outside for a few seconds. The fabric stuck to your body uncomfortably and you pulled your shirt away from your skin to air it out as best you could.
Making for the stairs, a strange sense of deja vu came over you to when you had brought Jihoon here. You didn’t even want to look at Nayeon’s face, scared to see her signature judgemental look upon seeing your residence for the first time. In your peripheral vision, you could see her wide eyes checking out the place cautiously. She remained silent next to you, seemingly on high alert.
The hallway was empty and upon checking the front receptionist window, so was Jimin’s room. You led Nayeon down the hall slowly, her hand gripping your arm as you both watched each closed door you passed for any movement. For some reason, you stopped at your old room - curious to see if anything had been done to it.
You both entered the room, doing a quick perimeter check despite how small the room was. You felt like you could never keep your back facing one direction for too long and Nayeon seemed to have the same sentiments.
“How do we know they’re even here?” As if to answer her question, a heavy thud caused the both of you to jump and turn around to see a tennis ball bouncing down the hallway. The silence, as well as your thundering heartbeat, was deafening.
You didn’t know what to do. The reality of the situation was hitting you that you were back in this place and the result was suffocating. It was like some time away from this place had given you perspective and now that you were here again, you saw it all in a different light. Everything that happened in this past month suddenly hit you with a new meaning.
Soomi’s obvious distaste for this place and then her abrupt departure. The missing woman Detective Lee had been looking for. That feeling like you were always being watched ever since you moved in here. And now, Jihoon’s kidnapping. It all clicked into place and you couldn’t help feeling like a fool for not realizing it sooner.
Everyone had warned you - your mother, the man on the bus, even Soomi - that the one thing you should be scared of most was strangers. You never knew how spot on they were until now. Ever since you had move into this city, you had witnessed a true evil that you had never seen before. And standing here in Eden Residence, you really felt like you were in Hell.
Moving quickly, you shut the door and locked it. You slowly stepped away from it, as if it would burst off the hinges at any loud noise. Nayeon was watching you with wide eyes from where she sat on the bed, gaze flitting back and forth between you and the door.
“What are you-”
The two of you waited, ears tuned for any possible sound. It felt like ages before you finally heard something. Footsteps, but it was hard to tell where they were coming from. Your eyes were trained on the small amount of light seeping under the closed door, feeling your body tense up as a shadow passed by. Whoever it was either didn’t know you were in here or wasn’t concerned with your presence at all.
When the footsteps seemed to be retreating, Nayeon heaved out a sigh as if bored with the situation. She opened her mouth to say something, when another loud thump interrupted the tense silence. You stood there, paralyzed with fear, as the door shook each time something collided with it on the other side. Nayeon shrieked, moving to stand next to you as the two of you watched what looked like an axe start to break through the dark wood of your bedroom door.
Your heart was hammering so fast you briefly wondered if this is what a heart attack felt like, just in time for your youngest roommate’s face to appear in the small opening they had just created. “Noona, you came back!”
You don’t know how to respond, especially when you look over to see the mix of confusion and fear on Nayeon’s face. The two of you could only stand there pressed against each other as a hand reached in and unlocked the door from the outside. Finally, the door swings open to reveal Seokjin, Jungkook, and Yoongi’s smug faces.
“Why are you hiding in here?” Seokjin chided teasingly, a small smirk on his face as the other two snicker quietly.
“The only one who’s hiding is that crazy asshole! Tell him to come out here and show himself,” Nayeon snapped, her loud volume causing you to flinch involuntarily.
“What do you mean? He’s right here,” True to Yoongi’s word, Namjoon popped his head in the doorway next to the others. You tensed up at his arrival, backing further into the desk behind you.
“Oh, don’t look so scared, YN. Tonight’s supposed to be a joyous occasion.” Namjoon smiled, stepping in and reaching a hand out. Both you and Nayeon stared at him like he was crazy, which he was, but he wasn’t deterred. “Come on, don’t you want to see Jihoon?”
At that, Nayeon broke away from your embrace and met him head-on. Despite the obvious height difference between them, she stood her ground and looked as menacing as possible. The sight reminded you of when Soomi tried to confront Taehyung and it gave you an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
Your fingers gripped her wet shirt, pulling her back a bit. Namjoon’s eyes followed the action, watching you curiously. You felt as if you were getting between two wild animals that wanted to fight. “Nay, let’s just go.”
“This is crazy. I don’t know why I let you talk me into this.” Nayeon shakes her head but relents, throwing her hands up in defeat.
The two of you follow him out of the room, eyeing your other roommates warily as they smile at you. Yoongi and Seokjin take the lead, walking towards the stairs as Namjoon ushers you to walk ahead. Shivering uncomfortably, you glance behind you to see Jungkook and Namjoon bringing up the back of the group, their dark gazes already trained on you.
As you ascend the stairs to the mysterious upper floor, you feel a strange sense of satisfaction come over you as you realize there was something going on up here. If only you had followed your intuition back then, maybe you wouldn’t be in the position you are now.
Yoongi and Seokjin push past the plastic curtains, holding them open for the rest of you to step through. You don’t know what you expected to see up here but the sight still surprised you. The interior was much like the rest of the building, but just like Jimin had explained when you first moved in, the walls and floors were terribly burned. You could see in some places where the renovations had just barely started, a few walls with large openings in them to inspect the damage, but it still seemed unsafe to be in this area of the building.
They continued to lead you down the hallway, your suspicion and paranoia rising the longer they dragged this out. You could tell Nayeon was getting frustrated too, her pinched brow and narrowed eyes taking in the surroundings. Finally, they brought you to a room that must have been larger than any of the others. It was a big, open space that reminded you a bit of an empty warehouse with its lack of furniture.
This room, much like all the others on this floor, was poorly-lit and made it a bit hard to make anything out. There was a bright, almost industrial-like light coming from further into the room but was obscured by more clear curtains. It honestly felt like you were on the set of a horror movie.
“Okay, what the fuck is this,” Nayeon snaps, crossing her arms over her chest and rearing back to look at the men leading you into what felt like a trap. It was stupid, you knew it was stupid and yet, here you were.
Before anyone could respond, a pained groan sounded from somewhere in the room. You all turned to where the light was coming from, a tense silence filling the air. You didn’t hesitate to breeze through the curtains, Nayeon hot on your tail. What you saw caused you to freeze in your tracks and bump into her figure behind you.
Even though you had seen him already from the picture, nothing could have prepared you for it in person. You almost didn’t recognize him like this, especially not after seeing him the night before when he was completely fine. The last time you had seen him you screamed at him to leave you alone and then this happens? First Jiwan and now Jihoon, you must have had some kind of strong karma going for you.
“Oh my god, Jihoon,” Nayeon cried, her voice a startling whisper next to you. You just felt numb as you looked from him to her, tears filling her eyes and spilling down her cheeks.
Taehyung ventured out from somewhere else in the room, joining Namjoon and Seokjin where they stood by what looked like medical cabinets off to the side. Your gaze swept around the room, suddenly noticing the make-shift dentist’s office that had been set up back here. Jihoon was sitting in the patient’s chair, his arms and legs bound with thick rope.
You barely caught the subtle nod Namjoon gave to the men behind you before Yoongi suddenly seized Nayeon and lifted her up. She screamed in protest, kicking harshly at one of his shins causing him to hiss in pain.
Strong arms wrapped around you from behind, causing you to immediately gasp and begin to struggle. You felt a nose nuzzle into your neck, sniffing deeply, “It’s okay, noona. We won’t hurt you.”
Jungkook softly deposited you in another type of patient chair - this one more upright so you could face them all more evenly. Your body went stiff as you watched Yoongi do the same with Nayeon, her arms and legs bound as well. She spewed curses at them and you could only sit there, feeling powerless. This all felt like a bad dream. How could any of it be real?
“What do you want?” You dared to ask, your gaze meeting Namjoon’s unwavering one.
“You.” It felt as if someone had knocked the air from you just from the one simple word.
“Truthfully, I had meant for this process to go a lot smoother. I’m- well, we are all pretty good at playing the long game. It’s certainly not the first time,” Namjoon cracked a grin at that, earning a few chuckles around the room. “We had never meant to target your friends, knowing what that would do to you. It got to the point where we had no choice but to involve them. And when we learned what they were doing behind your back, we didn’t feel so bad anymore.”
The sound of Jihoon’s grunt caused your attention to snap back to where he was, now noticing how Taehyung and Yoongi were now hovering over him. Taehyung smiled at you, seemingly innocent if it weren’t for the hand laying on Jihoon’s knee applying pressure.
“Leave him alone!”
At Namjoon’s cue, the elder male was quick to produce a roll of duct tape from somewhere, ripping a piece and spreading it on Nayeon’s lips before she could even realize what was happening. It worked, mostly, as you could now only hear her muffled grumbling behind the tape. You thought they would let it go so you were shocked to see Namjoon take quick strides over to her, calculated hand reaching up and smacking her across the face. She sat there, stunned, with her head turned to the side and breathing heavily.
When Namjoon seemed satisfied with her compliance, he spoke again, “As I was saying, we were willing to wait for you, YN. Because we knew you were special. You see the world differently, just like us.”
“I’m not- I don’t kidnap and murder people.”
“Maybe not. But that rage you feel inside you? The one that made you snap on your co-worker like that? It’s the exact same thing we all feel all the time.” Namjoon spoke clearly, stepping closer to you until he was only a few feet away. “You see, YN, we’ve all come from rough beginnings. I’m sure you’ve already gathered how some of us grew up together because we didn’t have a family or a place to call home. It didn’t take long for us to realize that we only had each other and that was all we really needed. No one else mattered.”
The longer Namjoon talked, the more you felt crazy for not noticing it sooner. He was insane.
“No one took care of us so we quickly decided that we would take care of them. We don’t just murder people - we remove the filth from this world and make it a better place for the rest of us. Which is why we are taking the first step in our future together and purging you of any filth in your world.” You couldn’t even process his words before Yoongi brandished a knife from somewhere and quickly swiped at Jihoon’s throat.
Blood spurted out of his neck, adding to the mess on his clothes and chair. Nayeon’s piercing screams were all you could hear, not even noticing the hands rubbing your neck and shoulders comfortingly. You couldn’t move or breathe, your eyes trained on the now lifeless figure of Jihoon. Your boyfriend, the man you had loved for most of your adult life, was dead. And it was all your fault.
Nayeon began choking from screaming and crying with her mouth covered and to your surprise, Seokjin removed the tape from her mouth to let her breathe. She coughed and spluttered, sobs wracking through her body all the same. It was strangely silent as they all waited for her to recover. Your gaze flickered around the room, observing the quiet anticipation on all their faces. You were shocked to feel someone’s knuckles wiping your cheek catching a tear you hadn’t noticed had fallen, looking up to see Jungkook smiling down at you sadly.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Yoongi spoke finally.
She lifted her head, blotchy eyes glaring at no one in particular. “You sick sons of bitches, you’re gonna-”
“Not about him,” Yoongi rolled his eyes, kicking her chair tauntingly. “We’re talking about why you visited YN today.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, you don’t remember telling the cops you knew who Jiwan’s murderer was before you came over to see her? That wasn’t you trying to get a confession out of her?” Seojin’s tone was condescending, clearly not in the mood for her bullshit.
“Wow, you guys are something else,” Nayeon laughed airily, the kind she usually did when she was bluffing. Her face was red, too, but you couldn’t tell if it was just from the crying. “YN, don’t listen to them. Can’t you see how they’re trying to cut everyone out of your life?”
“Only the people that need to go.” Jungkook’s quick response caused you to jump, not expecting the youngest to join in.
“We already knew you were a bad friend but when we heard how you tried to incriminate YN, we realized you weren’t a friend at all. In fact, after talking to our dearly departed over here, we soon realized you two have had this secret affair going since your college days. Isn’t that right?”
It felt like your world was crumbling before you. Your boyfriend was dead and now you were finding out your best friend had never actually been real with you. Neither of them had actually cared for you. How could they care when they were sneaking around behind your back? Thinking back on all the times you had spent with them looking like a fool made you feel sick.
“They’re lying, YN. We never-” Her voice sounded strained like she was trying to keep it together, red eyes pleading with yours desperately.
She looked at you like you were the only one who could save her but you had no idea how - you were just as helpless here as she was. Nayeon was most likely going to die here and you didn’t think you could do a thing to stop it. You almost suspected they would kill you as well once they realized they couldn’t get what they wanted from you. You didn’t think you had it in you to be what they want.
Jin whipped out a knife of his own, pressing it to her arm and drawing blood. Nayeon hissed in pain as he warned darkly, “Lie again and see where it gets you.”
“Okay, okay.” She gulped, clenching her eyes for a moment to ground herself. “Yes, okay. We did it back then, too, but you have to understand, YN. It had started before we had even met you.”
“But he never wanted you as a girlfriend, did he? He wanted YN and you on the side,” Namjoon egged her on, standing between the both of you. “So you continued playing the other woman while secretly loathing YN.”
“And when you saw an opportunity to get rid of her, you jumped.” Taehyung joined in.
“No, no-” Seokjin brought the knife up to her neck, and that’s when she finally broke, “Fuck, fine! Yes. I thought maybe you’d get arrested, go to jail for a little while. I didn’t know if Jihoon would give up on you but it seemed like a good idea at the time.”
“I can’t believe this,” Her lips pressed in a firm line as she stared at you fiercely. “You were really gonna let me go to jail over a guy?”
Out of nowhere, she busted out laughing. You didn’t bother to check but you’re sure everyone else in the room looked just as confused as you did. “I’m sorry, I just think it’s funny. You can’t believe someone would betray you - who would do such a thing to sweet little YN -  but I can’t wrap my head around the fact that I’m here in some psychopath’s evil lair all because of you!”
You stare at her stunned, as the entertained light dies on her face and what is left is only a cold, indifferent mask. In all your years knowing Nayeon, you don’t think you have ever seen such a look of hatred on her face. Not even when other girls whispered about her behind her back at school or when random guys grabbed her ass at parties. She looked like she wanted to wipe you off the planet and you couldn’t for the life of you understand why.
“I wish I’d never met you, YN. You give off these innocent vibes that draw people in and make them want to help you but deep down, you’re just as fucked up as the rest of us - maybe even more so.” She spits angrily. It was like she had been given truth serum and her most honest feelings were all flooding out, every venomous jab she spewed felt like a dagger twisting in your gut. You’re too focused on her to notice the way Jin reaches for the tape again only to be stopped by Namjoon who waves him off, watching on curiously.
“All those times when I went out of my way to help you and for what? Maybe I was just trying to ease my own conscience by helping such a pathetic loser. And then you just fucking stuck to me and it was like I couldn’t get rid of you-“
“Y-you approached me! I didn’t ask for you to come help me,” You argued back weakly, feeling defensive for some reason.
“Yeah, right. You were crying in the bathroom like some attention whore,” she sneered at you, which earned a deep growl from somewhere in the room that gave her pause. She cleared her throat awkwardly, eyes widening like she saw her life flash before her eyes, “I never knew you would attach yourself to me like that and I never could have imagined you and Jihoon would hit it off like that.”
“I had no idea you and Jihoon were together back then.”
“We weren’t,” She admitted bitterly, causing you to frown in confusion. “We were hooking up but he said he didn’t want anything serious. He said I was too much energy for him. Then, next thing you know, you two were dating.”
It was all starting to click together now. You had unknowingly stolen Jihoon from her - although, truthfully, he never really was hers to begin with. And now, it felt like he had never been yours either. But none of it mattered now, the damage had already been done.
“But that didn’t stop him from calling me every other weekend asking for a quick hookup while you were busy studying. And when we both graduated and moved here, he was calling nonstop.” She smirked at you, something truly wicked in her eyes that you don’t know how you missed before. “I never really understood why he kept stringing you along - maybe he just felt bad for you. Well, I guess I did too, seeing as I’m the one that brought you out here.”
“And look where that got us,” she continued, shaking her head in disbelief. “The thing I can’t wrap my head around is how you of all people could cause such destruction. I mean, just what is so fucking special about you? Jihoon couldn’t let you go and now this bullshit... You’re like a virus that we can’t get rid of.”
You’re not sure if it’s her hateful speech or the deep frown on your face that does it but you could feel the energy change in the room. In the corner of your eye, you saw Taehyung walking over fast with a knife in his hand and it was like something switched inside of you. Everything was a blur as commotion fell over the room, voices shouting and chairs being knocked over. There were arms trying to reach for you and bodies trying to block you but your only focus was on intercepting Taehyung. It all happened so fast your mind could barely keep up with it.
Your feet tore out of the room, thundering down the hallway as you made your way to the stairs. Racing down them as fast as possible, you could see the residence opening leading to the outside in your view. The storm was still going strong, rain hitting the ground loudly from outside the entrance.
Just as you were about to make it, a hard body appeared out of nowhere and quite literally knocked the air out of your lungs as you both collided. Long arms reached out and held you, preventing you from falling back on the stairs. You reeled backwards, chest shuddering with how fast you were breathing from running mixed with the shock of the sudden intrusion.
“Woah,” the voice said, and you blinked quickly to refocus. “Where’s the fire?”
Hoseok. You had completely forgotten him staying here amongst all the chaos these past few days. You had left him here with no warning on what these guys were like. It was lucky he was still alive.
“H-Hoseok,” you choked out, still out of breath as your hands gripped onto the ones on your shoulders. “We have to get out of here.”
“What do you mean? What’s wrong?” His usual cheery face was frowning in concern.
“The others- they’re gonna kill,” You clenched your eyes shut as you remembered the sight of her bleeding out and screaming. “Oh god, I think they killed her.”
“Killed who? What are you talking about?” You suddenly notice the police uniform he’s wearing, confusion clouding your thoughts as you look him up and down. You’re pretty sure he never dropped that little detail, only ever telling you that he was an aspiring rapper so this must have been a major career switch.
“You’re a cop? Since when- nevermind, you can explain later. This is good, this is-” Relief flows over you as you realize you’re safe. He’s a cop, he’ll know what to do. You knew sending that text last minute was a good idea, even if coming here was crazy. “They-“
“YN,” Another voice suddenly sang out from upstairs, making your blood run cold. You didn’t want to look and see who it was but Hoseok turned your body to face Jimin standing at the top step. You barely feel a small prick in your neck amongst the shock before black dots begin to form in your view. “You weren’t leaving already, were you?”
Feeling yourself go limp, you’re almost relieved to feel thick muscles wrap around your frame and catch you before you could fall. A sweet whisper in your ear to comfort you before you go under, promising what is to come.
“We’re just getting started.”
You woke up again later, in that room upstairs again but a different section of it this time seated in another dentist’s chair.  They must have done some cleaning if the scent of detergent in the room said anything. Your eyes opened and shut a few times, trying to adjust to the lights. Behind your eyelids, you still saw splotches of red, memories from before flooding back in.That was real, wasn’t it?
You moved to get up, finding it difficult to even raise your head a few inches. Your limbs felt so heavy like they were made of sand. You whimpered, trying once more to move a muscle and flopping back on the seat with a frustrated groan.
“Shh, don’t move,” A soft voice cooed, your gaze snapping over to find Jimin seated next to you with a gentle smile on his face. “You’re too weak right now, baby.”
“W-what did you do to me?” Your tongue felt heavy in your mouth, making it hard to speak.
“I just gave you something to help you relax a little. It will wear off in a few hours,” He answered honestly, reaching out for your hand and rubbing his thumb over the back of it.
“You’re awake,” You looked up at the sound of Hoseok coming in, wiping his hands off on a rag and looking far-too casual to be here than you would have expected. “Are you feeling better?”
“You-” Your head spun as you saw Namjoon follow, his dark eyes settling on you immediately. He was still wearing his work suit and you couldn’t help but notice how pristine it looked, not an ounce of red on it. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that he was steady and skilful with his line of work. “You’re all in on this?”
“In on what?” Seokjin entered, sending you an innocent smile.
“Don’t tease her, Jin,” You don’t know how long Yoongi had been in the room, breezing through one of the curtains with a box of cleaning supplies in hand. “Yes, he’s with us, YN.”
“Sorry I had to knock you out before, YNie. I wasn’t expecting to run into you like that.” Hoseok smiled cheerfully at you, pulling a chair out in front of you and straddling the back of it. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You ignored him, turning to Namjoon. “What are you going to do to me?”
“I asked you a question, babe.” You had never heard Hoseok sound so serious before, your heart stuttering in your chest at the sound of it. Looking over at him in surprise, he shocked you again when a wide grin broke out across his face. “Although, I’ll cut you some slack. You did just come out of it.”
“When did you become a cop?” You don’t know why that was the pressing question on your mind but found that you wanted to know.
“About a year ago,” He responded coolly, leaning back in his chair and leveling you with his gaze. “The rapper gig is a side hustle, I guess you could say.”
“How can you be a cop and partake in this...?” You weren’t sure how to finish the question, hoping they would fill in the blanks for you.
“I’m kind of like a spy,” He winked at you, an amused smile stretching across his face. “I get to have fun here while also keeping tabs on what the police are up to. I make sure they don’t sniff too close around here and find out something they shouldn’t.”
“He also makes sure that no anonymous tips get sent where they shouldn’t,” Seokjin adds, giving you a pointed look.
“Detective Lee,” You whispered in shock, cringing as you realized your plan had been foiled. No one was coming to save you.
“It was a smart move, I’ll give you that.” Yoongi spoke, arms crossed as he glanced over at Seokjin. “Unfortunately, Detective Lee has been out of commission for quite some time.”
“So what is this, like a club for murderers?” You asked bitterly, looking around the room to see some of them let out a few chuckles or crack a grin in response. “Are you going to kill me next?”
The laughter stopped at that, a few of them even looked offended that you would suggest it. “Never. You’re our missing piece, YN.”
“I don’t understand,” You cried helplessly, searching around the room for at least one of them to crack but they maintained a strong front. “Why can’t you just let me go?”
“Do you remember what happened with Nayeon?” It was as if the air had been sucked from the room, somber expressions taking over their features as they all watched you carefully.
“Yes,” You answered confidently, not truly representing how you felt. It honestly had all been a blur of bodies and hands, weapons and blood. You couldn’t really make sense of it. “Taehyung went at her with a knife and I tried to stop him.”
You were shocked to see Taehyung standing in the doorway, fixing you with a dark gaze. The sight of him made you shiver where you sat, trying not to imagine what he was capable of as you looked at him. You couldn’t help but notice how his clothes looked pretty clean too for having just murdered someone, straining to see if you could find any red on his clothes but failing. Maybe they’d changed clothes?
It was then that you looked down at your own clothes, dark red that had already seeped into the material and mostly dried. The same red had stained your hands even down to underneath your fingernails, shock coming over you as you studied them carefully. How?
“It was all you, YN.” You snapped your head up at Seokjin’s voice, his back leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as he looked at you with what looked like pride in his eyes.
“No, I didn’t- I wouldn’t,” You shut them down, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to replay the events in your head clearly. You had jumped out of your chair, went for Taehyung, reached for the knife, and then-
You gasped, fresh hot tears rolling down your cheeks as it finally sunk in. The look of absolute betrayal on Nayeon’s face as she looked up at you, mouth open in pain as you twisted the knife deeper.
“I tried to stop you, noona.” Jungkook sounded small from where he stepped out behind you, his hand rubbing your back soothingly. “I thought you were gonna hurt one of us or even yourself.”
“I knew you had it in you from the first night we met.” You shook your head vehemently, not wanting to believe it. A hand grabbed your chin and tilted your head up, forcing you to face Namjoon head on. His face was blurry before you quickly blinked away your tears.
“I’m nothing like you.”
“Hmm, still so headstrong,” Namjoon chuckled to himself, a thumb coming up to wipe a stray tear on your cheek. “You think you don’t belong with us, don’t you? You’re scared that if you stay here too long, you’ll become just like us. But the truth is, YN, you already are.”
Embarrassment flooded through you at the choked whimper that came out of you as he gave you a small, understanding smile. He stepped away, taking his warm touch with him as he went searching for something in one of the cupboards. He pulled out a leather belt of all things and what looked like a mallet.
“My job is to show people what they’re capable of when they can’t see it themselves. I see the potential in you like I saw in them. I can help you see it, too,” Namjoon explains, reaching for a few supplies that you couldn’t make out. “There’s an animalistic side to you that comes out when you’re under pressure. It’s that side that seeks out the evil in the world and destroys it. Today was the first day I got to see it in action and it was better than I could have ever imagined.”
“It’ll be like before when you were living with us. Only now, you won’t ever have to leave and we won’t have any more secrets!” Jungkook exclaimed, his bright eyes so hopeful they reminded you of a young boy.
You must have looked unconvinced because Jimin quickly amended, “Come on, it won’t be so bad. We may have had some hiccups before but we’re learning to practice better roommate etiquette now. Right, guys?” You heard an awkward cough from somewhere in the room mixed with a few snickers, your brows furrowing as you tried to decipher what he meant.
“Unless of course, you liked it-”
“Taehyung.” Your eyes flitted back and forth from Hoseok’s stern glare to Yoongi’s gaze awkwardly avoiding you before it clicked, your eyes widening in embarrassment. You had nearly forgotten that little spectacle from a few weeks ago, hoping it would never happen again.
Not missing a beat, Taehyung rolled a chair next to you, plopping down in it and leaning onto the side of the bed. He reached for your other hand that Jimin wasn’t holding, bringing up to his cheek and cradling it. “We’re gonna have so much fun, YNie. You still owe me that meal, remember?”
“This next part isn’t gonna be so fun but it has to be done so we can all be stronger together in the long run,” Namjoon explained simply, giving you a small smile that looked more like a grimace. “You’ll grow to understand and eventually, you won’t want to run away anymore.”
You didn’t have time to give them any thought before Seokjin lifted the belt to your mouth and instructed, “Bite down, sweetheart.”
You numbly did as you were told, watching in confusion Namjoon made his way to the front of the bed near your feet. You weren’t sure if your body was tensing for what was to come or if it was just the drugs but you ultimately felt powerless as they all crowded around you. It felt like time was in slow-motion as he lifted the mallet over his head and swung down on your leg hard. White hot pain exploded in your ankle, a feeling so strong you thought you were going to throw up from it. Distantly, you heard screaming before you even realized it was coming from you.
There were hands rubbing your face and hair, voices trying to comfort you but it was as if you had left your body. You shut your eyes, trying to block them out and focus on anything else but the pain. If you thought this past month was rough, you hadn’t realized what true anguish was. Laying there in unimaginable pain, completely powerless and unable to move, all you could think was that this really was Hell. And you didn’t think you would ever be able to truly escape it.
“Don’t cry, baby. It’s gonna be beautiful.”
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taglist: @min-mingii @micheleinumaki @potaetopic @namjinieesope @mageprincess7​ @minshookie29 @outro-kook @nikipedia07 @axniyx @kittykatfey @peaceout97 @kurodach @bex-tk1 @sa7kou @purpuravm @doublebunv @amylouisecullen @rossemayme @unsureofwhathappens @sleepy-time-dreamy @anushaackerman @shyloh-the-cornsnake  @toughbook @urbanbts @carpioassists @millenniumspec @maliyachan @lovely247 @croctears @uarmyhore @shadoweepingscream @inlovewithallmusic​ @jcrml @xmochiloverx​ @whipwhoops​
A/N: wow i can’t believe we made it!! i'm not even sure how to leave this but i just wanted to say thank you all for sticking with me til the end. i am so grateful for all the support and every new friend i’ve made throughout writing this fic!! i hope you enjoyed this last part and pls let me know what you think :)
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multifandomsofficial · 2 months
Hello, could you please do a Headcannon of how the disciples would react if they found out their wife (the reader) was self harming (cutting herself)? Thanks 😊
Trauma dumping time (again, bare with me): I have no idea why I feel comfortable doing this, especially as someone who has done SH, but it's easier for me to write about. I changed the request, since I have two, to be more of like, when/how they find out about it.
Name: What's that?
Parring: Ten disciples (Thomas and Peter not included) x wife!reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: MAJOR READER WARNING ⚠ DO NOT READ IF SENSITIVE TO SELF HARM OR ELEMENTS OF SELF HARM (blood, cuts, etc), reader is sorta different depending on the disciple, uses of you/your
Type: Headcannon
Judas: His eyes widen when he sees the scars on your forearm, and he practically falls to his knees. Why? How? How dare he let this happen! How could he let this happen? What was wrong with him? Judas could slap himself, or throw something, or hug you. Hugging you sounded great right now.
Nathaniel: Was watching you change (this man doesn't know modesty or personal space) when he noticed it. The scars on your leg, way too uniform and perfect to be an accident. How could he have missed that? He feels like slapping himself from how obvious it is! Sure, they may be small....but there's a reason you did it, and he hopes it wasn't because of him, but hope can only get him so far.
Matthew: Literally no thoughts. Literally so confused when he first sees it. Something in him tried to ignore the guilty feeling he had of knowing what it was, but he couldn't help but be in denial. He wanted, no - needed - you to confirm or deny what it actually was.
Big James: Feels like he's dying, or dreaming, or both. He hopes it's both. But, as he clenches his fist, he realizes: this is happening. He's actually going to have to talk to you about this. Maybe Jesus could talk to you instead? But, he knew Jesus would tell him to talk to you instead. You're married after all.
Little James: He's cut before, but not in a million years did he ever think he'd find any scars on you. Not just scars, but fresh ones. Was this his fault? Did he give you the idea? He felt like burying himself in a hole as what ifs and doubts flooded in his mind.
Simon Z: He was lying awake, unable to sleep. He was on edge and didn't know why. You were on edge all day, too, and he was racking his brain trying to figure out why. His calloused hands subconsciously stroked your arm, when he felt something new under his finger tips. His hand slowed to a stop over the spot, knowing what it was just by a touch. It's new.
Andrew: 'This is all my fault.' That's the only thing going through Andrew's mind. How could he be so stupid? How could he not tell? And you'd tell him everything, but why did you hold this back?! He just stared at your shoulder for a second, and a small, strangled sound came out of his throat, before he choked out: "What's that?"
Philip: Stares at it for a few seconds, before his gentle eyes go to yours. It's fresh. Too fresh. He knows you've dealt with it in the past, but....you claimed it was months, maybe years, ago. Tries so hard to not cry, letting you start to ramble about everything. About why you started again. It wasn't him....was it? He hoped not.
Thaddeus: He was watching you pull your hair back and under your head covering, making your sleeve move enough for him to see your wrist a little more. There were so many, and it felt like he just got a bucket of cold water thrown on him. He just stared at your wrist, noticing how it didn't end there and went up your arm. He tried, he really tried, to put on a straight face so you wouldn't know he knows.
John: First thing he notices are some scars on your wrist, but doesn't think much of it. You're a fan of animals, so that's what he thought. An animal scratched you. But once he held your hand, his thumb barely grazed one of the scars. This felt different. It took a little bit before the dots connected, and he looks at you with the most horrified look ever. You both know that he knows, but he never goes right out and says he knows.
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