#(it’s only Tuesday)
summerwages · 1 year
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moonbow morning..
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halfhissandwich · 3 months
I would like some royality shoved down my throat pls
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I am always prepared to shove royality down peoples’ throats, this ship is so agonizingly underrated
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ovaryacted · 2 months
Somebody needs to remind me not to drink iced coffee on an empty stomach especially if I’m consuming 4 shots because this shit making me tweak fucking hard as hell at my work desk. Gimme my fucking spicy chicken sandwich bro I need that BAD.
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pose4photoml · 7 months
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eddiesxangel · 2 months
Is it just me? or is tumblr dead this week?
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thedeathdeelers · 10 months
i’m at work (derogatory)
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lexithwrites · 1 month
Turning off anon messages since people are starting to actually get concerning lmao
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95fangirl · 3 months
Current mood:
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It’s only Tuesday and it already feels like World War 3 is breaking out among the Elvis fandom. Everyone within this fandom has different opinions, which is to be expected because if we all had the same opinions, we would never have interesting conversations. But it should NEVER get to the point where we have people making death threats because someone doesn’t 100% agree with them!
Elvis wouldn’t want his fans fighting like this. Can’t we all just get along??
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rhysnolastname · 4 months
going to be home this weekend by myself yay peace and quiet
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summerwages · 1 year
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Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
‘til it’s gone.. Joni Mitchell 🎵
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toriisasimp · 1 year
quiet day at work which means getting through 4 chapters of a fanfic!
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velvetporcelain · 6 months
hello fuck bag.
im here to be evil and a bit cunty. I can feel it moving under my skin like a dragon that is only there because he can smell gold inside of me— indirectly prowling my body.
i need a tattoo soon- i think im anchored on something- but i want to be sure — all i know is that i need pain for pleasure for art for the death of an old me.
i am written all over my own body- some still remain alive- some do not- and become a remembrance piece so all versions of me rest peacefully- everything has a story—
i am like a bosch painting — all the detail is at the bottom and objects are mixed with humans and pleasure and life and torture— you could stand there for hours and always find something you’ve never seen before— or- if you have the ability— you can watch me change right in front of your eyes— never knowing what you’re gonna get— is it frustrating? For who? For me ? Yes. There are no new ideologies that come with each- just past wisdom and a receptive mind- teaching myself the ability to notice the signs and shifts -
power stays in the shadow- and that’s why i think im getting eaten every time i seek the fucking sun.
no wonder they thought it was god- every time they stepped into the sun they left themselves visible and vulnerable- blindsided by the fact that they were eaten in broad daylight— ——and they know it’s wrong because they already knows what happens at night— AND THESE FEASTS ARE ONLY SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN AT NIGHT.
— with that said— i need to keep working on taking myself seriously, i need to stay confined within the shadows even though everyone is dancing in the sun- high off delusional dream they were sold. this disturbance i cannot let go of- i am exhausted from forcing myself to be grateful and happy—- i am exhausted from the guilt of it all—
i want to walk the shadows and observe. i want to walk the shows and observe. i want to walk the shadows and observe.
this isn’t little girl shit. this is what the world does to little girls, turns them into beasts, ravenous, raging, beasts.
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zoldyckd · 9 months
eating food makes me wanna vomit, I lose all ability to speak once I’m home, I’m STILL very weepy, and idk if I can keep going until april like. I will def start job hunting late January
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pose4photoml · 7 months
@mlcpopfan - me today!!!
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eoieopda · 11 months
what a year this week has been. am i right, fellas?
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