#(it’s reversed now and the youth are SO MUCH WORSE for it)
emblazons · 7 months
I would personally like to thank all the gen x and elder millennials who allowed me to be the “kid” in all of my favorite fandom spaces 15+ years ago because lord knows if I was anything like the youth in some of my newer fandoms I should have been blocked by at least 2/3 of my faves
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TW: SA, possibly death??
Hey there fellow witches and warlocks, it's spooky season and I am loving it! I recently discovered the void state through yoga nidra and your reverse psychology method charm, and I was ready to manifest my dream life. October is my birth month and my favorite season, so I was excited to see what the universe had in store for me and whoa did it come through.
It's unfortunate to see that SA victims like me and others are still getting death and rape threats. I was inspired by a blog who shared her experience with yoga nidra, but then deactivated due to trolls sending her horrible messages. It's sad to see people hating on others' success, but we won't let them bring us down.
I manifested everything I desired of course my mind came through!! - from my desired face, body, aura, zodiac, personality, voice, talents, friends, family, and so much more. A few things I've manifested include a dark academia mansion, billionaire parents who aren't known, a witchy and Halloween-themed small business, and an eco-friendly private jet.
I know some of you may be concerned about the "death note" I've manifested, but it's just for fun - I'm a huge fan of Light Yagami from Death Note. I won't actually use it, but it's a cool spook factor to have.
Here’s a tiny list anyways ⬇️
🎃Desired face, body, aura zodiac, personality, voice, talents, friends, family and so much more. I had this long wattpadd story ass list that I obviously won’t share here but trust me my mind came through .
🎃open minded witchy family, dark academia ass mansion, Pinterest dark academia wardrobe in my massive closet that’s the size of a room, billionaire parents who aren’t known (I love my privacy and I love being mysterious), wattpadd billionaire love story to happen in the future. Yes not now…. I’ve been ugly all my life so I want to be a slut right for a bit not sorry, everyone loves and falls in love with me, Idgaf personality, Scorpio sun moon and rising, bold attitude that is adored, but a kind heart for the people I love and so much more. Again like most people I had a very long list on my google documents
🎃I own a witchy candy and Halloween small business!!! but I’m going to be making 100 million dollars a year so I will be a billionaire in the future. I like working and having a craft and it’s just so me, ugh I love my life !!! But I’m going to hire my two best friends that I manifested so we can all be successful rich witch bitches who travel the world and have too much money to spend
🎃an environment friendly private jet. It won’t affect the environment as I love the environment but I also hate flying commercial! I’m also vegan now, I couldn’t be one before due to health issues, but I love animals 🥹🥹🥹 and now I’m rich enough to have healthy tasty cruelty free food.
🎃anyone who sends death threats, rape threats, or engages in a bitter manner on that tea page including the owner will never get into the void until they grow up and acknowledge that they’re weirdos. I’m not as forgiving as these other big blogs. Bye ✌️
🎃anytime I say “you’ll die alone” when im arguing with a man 🤮🤮 (incels, misgyonists, racists not men who aren’t insufferable ofc love y’all) they actually will, and no one will ever love them, until they grow up and once again acklowege their faults. As you can see I’m very into vigilante justice and I’m petty 👻 I’m a witch anyways so now my craft will be perfect.
🎃all my spells and curses work! And any harm attempted to be done to me always backfires On the person 10x worse ! Yea this is my world everyone’s just living in it.
🎃psychokenis, my eyes being able to turn red, divine protection for me and my loved ones, the ability to speak to animals, and never aging. The last thing I manifested a way to benefit all !!!! research age regression and see how we will all be eternal youthful witch bitches in the future ;) I got inspired by my grandma who retired but us too old to enjoy her life. Now she can and we call be 150 and still sexy with 0 bodily pain. I also always hated how we slowly decompose and lose bodily function until we die.. like why can’t we be sexy and bodily abled forever!! This will also help with health issues and diseases like cancer! Just one way to give back for my blessings. And the rest is just to spook bitches tbh I don’t plan on actually doing anything but speaking to animals.
🎃I manifested a death note. Now before y’all start I just really love light yagami I don’t think I will actually use it or maybe I will just to spook bitches but whatever
🎃so much more that I don’t want to share because it’s too long!
So, fellow hot bitches and witches , keep manifesting your dreams and never let anyone bring you down. Remember, we were born to be happy, rich, and loved. It is in your DNA and my word is final !!!!! I’m gonna leave my dream life and be a whore now lova yaaaa 🖤🖤🖤
Lmfao slay 😭😭 idk if it’s too early or what but this sending me for some reason! Anyways I wish you all the best in your life and dreams. Have a great spooky season! I love witches and Halloween too 🧞‍♀️🧞‍♀️
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tumbleweed-run · 11 months
Benefits of Youth
Kinktober 2023 Day 30 Overstimulation (also age regression of Gale)
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“This is certainly something new,” Astarion purrs from where he’s perched, sitting on the edge of the table in their dinning room.
Tav is watching wide eyed from the edge of room like she’s not quite sure what to make of the situation. 
Tara, like Astarion, is perched on the table but her body language reads annoyed. “Really, Mister Dekarios,” she tuts proving Astarion’s evaluation of her posture correct, “I had hoped we’d be long past this now.”
Gale is standing between the table and Tav, hands clasped in front of him looking a more than a little abashed at the situation. Of course, he has good reason to. The Gale in front of them is not their Gale. Well he is, just a much much younger version of himself. Astarion has never been very good at reading human ages, it’s gotten worse over the last hundred years, but this Gale is just barely an adult. 
“I assure you,” the voice almost sounds right, the finger punctuating the air is certainly correct, “all my mental faculties are the same. It seems the effect was strictly physical.” 
Tav looks a little more relieved, “so you’re still very much aware of everything that’s happened?”
Gale looks to her with soft eyes and takes a step towards her. “Yes, my love,” he takes her hand in his, “I know us. It’s just a small… hiccup.”
“Reversible?” Tav asks glancing down at their joined hands. 
She looks almost uneasy about this situation, which is odd. Astarion’s fairly certain she’s closer in age to this body than she is to his normal one. Then again, he could be wrong. 
Gale’s eyebrows knit together as he takes account of Tav’s discomfort finally. “Yes, hopefully, it will reverse in the next day as the spell wears off.”
“Hopefully?” Tara huffs, tail swishing. 
Gale swallows and turns so he can see her too. “Well, I can’t see why it wouldn’t.”
Tara leaps down from the table, tail still moving. “I’ll be back tomorrow then, don’t get into any trouble. I’ve already lived through several lives with this adolescent,” she sniffs the air irritatedly, “I will be back when the slightly more stable adult is back.”
“Tara…” Gale tries to call out to her but Tara ignores him and leaves the room. 
“I guess you’re all alone with us,” Astarion drawls, leaning forward to prop his chin onto his hand. He doesn’t hide the way he slides his eyes up and down the wizard’s body. It’s just for show. The robes he’s wearing are ill-fitting in this younger form. 
“Astarion,” Tav chides lightly but she also looks over Gale quickly. It’s more perfunctory than predatory. “How old are you?” she finally asks. 
“I’m fourt-”
“Gale,” Tav interrupts, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Nineteen? Twenty?” He relents with a shrug. Suddenly his eyes light up. “I have a scar about halfway up my back from an incident with a mud hulk. If I have it, then I’m correct, and this body is at the very least nineteen.”
“Yes, let's see,” Astarion goads, earning him a sharp look from Tav. 
Astarion knows the scar Gale is talking about, a small burnt-looking expanse of flesh that had long since returned to the same color as the rest of his skin. It was one of a handful of scars that littered the wizard’s skin, almost all were around the same age. Old enough to be explained away by a precocious youth. 
Gale pulls his robe off and the clothes beneath are just as ill-fitting. He was the right height and roughly the right shape, that much was true. But youthful Gale was rather scrawny, whereas their Gale had more muscle in some places and more flesh in others. It was like comparing a rough sketch to a masterpiece painting. 
Gale pulls off his shirt, and sure enough, the burn is there, but the flesh is new, pink, and shiny. It looks like something that happened a month ago rather than over a decade ago. 
“Well?” Gale asks as he tries to twist himself to see the patch of skin. His hair, which was longer than it normally was, falls into his face repeatedly. He quickly grows frustrated and blows a puff of air up at it.
“It’s there,” Tav tells him, looking a touch less put off by the situation. 
Astarion jumps up from the table and walks over to Gale. Gently, he places his hand on the scar. Gale shivers even as he leans into Astarion’s touch. 
Astarion gently rubs at the spot, “Isn’t that reassuring.”
Gale turns his head enough to look at him. “I wish you wouldn’t look at me like that,” he says but he doesn’t quite sound annoyed. 
“Like what?” Astarion feigns innocence, but he grins, wide enough his fangs are showing. 
“Like you want to eat me,” Gale pulls away just enough so that he can turn and attempt to glare at Astarion. 
Astarion laughs and leans back towards Gale. “Darling, you are exactly the kind of boy I would have devoured,” he purrs, their faces so close it’s hard to keep their noses from bumping. “At precisely the time you looked like this, if I’m not mistaken,” he adds. 
Gale swallows audibly. “Well,” he says, “then let's be glad we did not cross paths until we did.”
“Yes,” Astarion agrees, “let’s.”
He leans back enough to drag his eyes down Gale’s unmarred chest and lower. Astarion can’t suppress the wicked grin that breaks out when he finds Gale is already hard against the front of his pants. 
“Hello,” he allows his voice to go husky, and Astarion reaches out to pull against the waistband of Gale’s pants. 
Gale clears his throat and rolls his eyes, trying to look unaffected. “Yes, that’s to be expected. This body is that of a young man.”
“I will gladly help you with that,” Astarion realizes he sounds too eager, but he doesn’t care. 
Gale’s eyes narrow with suspicion. “That offer doesn’t sound as altruistic as you’d hope it would,” he accuses.
Astarion shrugs, “are you saying no?”
Gale’s head shakes quickly, hair swinging freely around his face. Astarion desperately wants to pull it. He’s fond of pulling their Gale’s hair but this is nearly a compulsive need. 
“And you, love?” Astarion turns his head towards Tav. 
She’s watching them intensely but hasn’t moved from her spot. Despite how her arms are crossed in front of her, she no longer looks uncomfortable. Instead, she now looks intrigued and only a little hesitant. 
“I’ll watch,” she says slowly, “for now.”
Gale looks over at her, and Astarion swears he can see his brain warring with his body. 
“Do I bother you like this?” He asks her finally. 
Tav sighs and drops her arms. “Not bother,” she says after a moment, “it’s just, strange. It’s something I need to get used to.”
“Well, you are certainly free to watch,” Astarion promises even as he begins undoing the ties of Gale’s pants. 
Gale’s attention is drawn back to him, eyes dropping down to watch as his pants slide to the ground. His cock was a familiar sight for Astarion, not much had changed there at least. He quickly drops to his knees and pulls Gale into his mouth. Gale curses and jumps, nearly falling backward.
Astarion pulls back and raises an eyebrow at him. “Maybe you should sit before we add a new scar,” he suggests. 
Gale nods and blindly reaches behind him for a chair. “Yes, yes, I think you’re right,” he agrees as he finally grabs onto a chair, falling into it less than gracefully once he pulls it around. “Though I am curious to see if something like that would appear as an old scar or a new-”
Whatever else the wizard had been about to say devolved into a guttural moan as Astarion sucks his cock back into his mouth. Gale is louder than normal, his body jerking a little with each bob of Astarion’s head. This is only encouragement to Astarion as he pushes the wizard’s thighs apart, gripping at the flesh there as he sucks eagerly. When Astarion moves his hand to cup Gale’s balls, the wizard nearly flies out of his seat. 
“Shit,” he curses above Astarion. 
Astarion begins gently fondling the other man as he sucks. He ignores the hand that threads into his hair. Gale is practically panting when Astarion decides to scrape his blunt teeth up his shaft. 
“Asta-” Once again Gale’s words are swallowed up by a moan as he comes. 
Astarion swallows as the wizard comes, only pulling off when there’s nothing more spilling out. 
“I was led to believe you had a wild youth,” he teases, dramatically wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
Gale flushes red. “Ah, we are a few years too early,” he admits, still breathing heavily. 
Astarion is about to continue teasing when he realizes Gale hasn’t begun to soften at all. If anything, his cock is just as hard as it was just before he came. 
“The benefits of youth,” Gale says once he realizes what Astarion is looking at. 
Astarion nods and lewdly licks his lips, “Certainly.”
Gale’s body flushes an even deeper shade of red. 
“Oh, little apprentice,” Astarion all but growls, “I’m going to ruin you.”
They’ve managed to move into the bedroom at some point, and all of their clothing has been lost along the way. Somewhere between Gale’s second and third orgasm, Tav had joined them. Gale, who had perhaps been looking for a break from Astarion’s near-constant touching of him, had then spent a long while between her legs. 
He was still between her legs now, just not quite the same way. He was lying on his back between the v her legs, one arm hooked under her thigh, holding on for dear life. He’d really meant it when he promised to ruin him tonight. Gale had been sucked, fingered, and had fucked Astarion so far. Astarion was fingering the wizard again, kneeling between his legs. 
Gale was writhing with each thrust, fingers digging into Tav’s flesh. She was running her fingers through his sweat-slicked hair, cooing at him softly. Astarion was considering having Gale fuck her, but he knew he was running out of orgasms to wring from the other man, and he desperately wants to fuck him before the botched spell wears off. 
“I’m going to fuck you,” Astarion tells him as he withdraws his fingers, “and you’re going to come with my cock inside of you.” It’s an order, not a request. 
Gale shakes his head. “Astarion, there’s no more,” it’s the first coherent thing he’s said in nearly an hour. 
“There is,” Astarion tells him as he readjusts the pillow beneath Gale’s hips. Astarion might be wicked, but he isn’t evil. He looks at Tav and then quickly flicks his eyes down to Gale and then back up to her. She nods, understanding his meaning. 
Gale whimpers as Astarion pushes into him. Despite his protests, his cock twitches when Astarion’s bumps against his prostate, and he moans deeply. As he begins thrust, one of Gale’s legs hooks around the back of Astarion’s thighs, pulling him in. He grips Gale’s cock and begins stroking him in time with each of his thrusts. The wizard turns nearly incoherent again, babbling between his moans. 
“Shh,” Tav soothes, one hand moving to gently rub at Gale’s chest, “you can do this,” she reassures him. 
Gale quiets a little at her words. This isn’t her normal role in their dynamic, but she’s doing an admirable job of it. Astarion makes a note to reward her later, something preferably involving Gale when he reverts back. 
Astarion knows he won’t last much longer. His orgasm is a roaring fire inside his body. He’s been ignoring his own desires in favor of prolonging this, and now it feels as if it’s consuming him. He angles himself deeper, pushing up on one of Gale’s legs to do so. Each of his thrusts hits deep within the wizard now, slamming into that spot that has his eyes rolling back and Gale yelling until his voice is hoarse. 
Without warning, Gale screams, half of the sound lost to the broken edges of his throat, and his cock spasms in Astarion’s hand. It’s barely a dribble of cum that leaks from his cock, but it’s enough. Astarion releases him and focuses on chasing his own release. 
He finds it quickly, hips stuttering as he spills deep within Gale. He keeps himself buried deep, his grip biting bruises on the flesh beneath his fingertips. 
The muscles of Gale’s entire body are still twitching when Astarion pulls out of him. He’s panting, eyes closed as he leans into Tav’s gentle touches. He leans back and takes stock of the sight beneath him. 
To say Astarion ruined him is an understatement. Gale is beautiful in his youth. Covered in bruises, sweat, cum, and just a little bit of blood. But Astarion finds he misses his older body and the way it looks after sex. He’ll take this treat as it’s given, but he cannot wait for his normal to return.
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shiningmystic · 5 days
Quick Tarot: Major Arcana
0. The Fool - leap of faith, starting something new, starting your journey, expanding horizons, taking risks
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Upright - innocence, freedom, originality, adventure, travel, foolishness, naivety, carelessness, idealism, youth, spontaneity, lack of commitment, new beginnings
Reversed - Recklessness, carelessness, negligence, stupidity, distraction, apathy, irrationality, lack of fun, hope or faith, controlling, ridged, blinded or willfully blind,
Planets: Uranus - Aquarius ruler - sudden or unexpected change, upheaval, eccentricity, progress, rebellion, change
Holds both Yin and Yang energies
Element: Air
Day: Wednesday
Body parts: lungs, shoulders, feet, guts, arms, fingers, ankles
Colors: orange, yellow, red, white, black, brown
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The fool from the Rider-Waite tarot
The fool Universal Waite Tarot deck
Modern Witch tarot deck
{{Tip me}}
Description of Image:
A young male carefree walking on an unknown rocky path. The young man wears a long-sleeved tunic with eccentric patterns that hold yellow, black, green and red colors. His face looks up towards the yellow sky while loosely holding a white flower in his left hand and a black pole with a brown knap-sack at his right. A small white dog companion follows jumping up excitedly beside their master. The sun illuminates the whole image with icy blue mountains in the background. The path in front of the fool is right at a cliff.
Metaphorical Description/Observations:
The beginning of a journey into the unknown with only the essentials on your back OR they have reached the end of a journey that he has learned much from and now ready to start something new; for better or worse. This card represents the first step in any cycle, a direction you may not expect and if you do take a step into your unknown, we may approach it like a fool. The fool is just following the song in his ears and the wind in his step. He may even have no idea what he is truly stepping into from the depiction of him almost stepping off a cliff. Being a visionary isn’t bad or the message that is here but ignoring what’s in front of you can lead to a fall. As the hero’s journey go’s, the hero must step into the world to achieve their growth and self-understanding, to connect with the world and see what he truly wants from it or what it wants from him. Zero is the start of something exciting or tragic; it's how you approach life that will define what happens.
The yellows represent heartwarming dreams and ambition, confidence and excitement that blind us when we are about to fall; or even more common take; getting too close to the sun like in the myth of Icarus and his father Daedalus. Though a lot of the Greek mention hubris and thinking too highly of oneself (above the gods) as being a bad thing but I believe this myth is more of a warning of being so over your head that you will lose yourself and who you are. there is a reason why we also use the term being ‘down to earth’ and those types of people to be more real and understandable; someone we can connect with better then someone ego filled.
The blacks of the image represent the death and transformation the fool must face to become what they need for their vision. The reds follow them as a sign of lust and desire for excitement while the white flower holds their naivety, charm and childish wonder, even something precious that could wilt at any moment. The white dog speaks of blind loyalty even in the face of adversity and holding onto the purity of following your instincts. The young man has an ambiguous expression; possibly deep in thought or in a fantasy, both are represented by this card but the power of grounding or centering these ideas is key. The blue icy mountains in the background foreshadow the future adversity but not even that distracts the fool.
Use the power of the fool and take a chance on something new, we all start somewhere, and we rise and fall as the cycle of life begins anew.
Sources: The ultimate guide to Rider Waite Tarot by Johanness Fiebig and Evelin Burger The Tarot Guide which I used a lot to learn what I know Astrology: the Worldwide Guide to Reading the Stars
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olympeline · 7 months
FrUK hanahaki AU, part 2! (Part 1)
So, Arthur tried a mysterious spell to get rid of his love crush infatuation unfortunate mental affliction for Francis and it’s left him with a good dose of the blooming cough. How does the land of Shakespeare, Milton, and Keats react to this?
Arthur:………………..FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!! *Coughing fit*
Seems about right 👍
Anyway, the writing’s on the wall now. Arthur is a brave nation who likes to solve his problems alone and hates to show weakness, but even he has his limits. Swallowing his pride (and a few petals) he goes to talk to Norway and Romania. Arthur doesn’t admit outright why he’s there (he’s not that desperate yet!) and instead shows them Atlantis’s spell. He hopes his friends might have a way to reverse it, but no luck. The magic looks too old and unstable. Norway says an antidote could take years of study or even decades. Arthur feels his heart sink. He knows he doesn’t have years. As he is now, one year might be pushing it.
Arthur swallows more pride (and petals) and goes to talk to his last hope: Yao. China isn’t a wizard himself, but he is one of the most magically attuned nations (can still see his dragons and the like). He’s also the only remaining nation who met Atlantis. Yao was a fresh faced youth during Plato’s “Single day and night of misfortune” when Atlantis sunk into the sea and was lost forever. They have tea and Arthur relies on a millennia of diplomacy to bring up the subject delicately: nothing gets Yao to shut up like a box faster than mentioning Atlantis. Arthur can’t afford to be kicked out. He needs detail that only Yao can give.
It’s not easy. The moment Yao sees the book and realises what Arthur wants, the atmosphere in the room turns arctic. Yao tells Arthur to drop it. Arthur won’t. Yao angrily tells Arthur to leave. Arthur won’t. Yao is about to try and throw Arthut out, when pain burns Arthur’s throat and chest and he doubles up, coughing. He can’t catch every petal and one flutters down to Yao’s feet. Yao picks it up, hand shaking.
“Oh, England,” he whispers. “Oh, you fool…”
It’s a long time before the fit subsides and Arthur can speak. China helps him to a chair and brings more tea. There’s no point pretending now: Yao knows. Arthur looks at the sheer, crushing pity on his face and is furious, mortified, and terrified all at once. Just from that look, he has his answer he came for: Atlantis cursed himself with hanahaki while trying to get rid of unwanted romantic feelings for someone. The curse won out, and Atlantis was doomed. Arthur asks who it was that Atlantis loved. Yao says it was Ancient Rome, or Grandpa Rome as the young nations knew him. Atlantis fell for the great empire in his early days when he was just a small city state. But the feelings weren’t returned and Atlantis, who was a master sorcerer, took drastic measures. Then all the other ancients could do was watch in horror as the disease consumed his entire being - land, people, culture - body and soul, until the cataclysm.
Now the same will happen to Arthur, to Britain, unless they do something. Arthur says there must be a cure, they just have to find it! He’s been through worse than this. He’s not beaten yet. A reversal of the spell would take too long but, there must be another cure out there. There must be! (Cope, Arthur, cope)
Then Yao sends him into another choking fit by demanding to know why he doesn’t just confess to Francis already
Once he calms down, Arthur asks WTF mate and Yao gives him the biggest “I am four thousand years old are you shitting me” look in existence. Did Arthur think he was being subtle about his feelings for Francis or something? Nope! Nope! So much nope! So just confess already, Arthur! Confess and get cured before it’s too late
Arthur is thunderstruck - he thought he hid his affliction masterfully! - but he recovers and retorts that Yao is wrong, it’s not Francis. It’s totally someone else! Totally absolutely! Someone else. Yao doesn’t know him (he lives in Canada). Yao gives him the look again. Arthur ignores it and says thank you very much for the tea but now he must leave immediately, goodbye forever. Yao calls after him that he can deny as much as he likes, but confessing is his only hope at this point. So don’t be a coward, Arthur! Your people need you. Confess!
Arthur pretends not to hear
Confessing would do no good anyway. Not when Francis doesn’t love him back
No confession! He’ll find a cure instead
When he gets home, the next fit brings up the first full flower
(I’m cutting it here for now, but I hope you’re enjoying my rambles! Stay tuned for part 3 at some point.
Should also mention that just for this AU, Arthur represents the British Isles rather than just England. So this is an alternate history where the Republic of Ireland never split from the United Kingdom. Also, UK bros Wales, Scotty, and N. Ireland don’t exist, like in early Hetalia. I call Arthur “England” a few times just because I’m used to it, but, in reality, he’s either “Britain” or “British Isles.” Otherwise what I have planned wouldn’t work (´ε` )♡)
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amazingmsme · 9 months
okay so i have no clue how you feel about the au where after max was taken to the Black and white, things were sorta reversed and Richie and Ruth come back to life (basically like the tgwdlm au where everything is reversed when the meteor explodes)
but if you’re not like opposed to it, do you think that Ruth and Richie would get some comfort tickles to be shown everything is alright (including a bunch of hugs and tears and long talks and reassurance.) cause ruth was humiliated in her death and richie was implied to have an absolutely gruesome and violent death (with Sam puking when he saw the body and everything) so they’d definitely be a little messed up from everything
I gotta admit I’m a little out of touch with some of the popular au’s & headcanons in this fandom & most others because I just stick to the people I follow & I don’t venture into the tags very often, but I absolutely love these kinds of au’s!
There’s so many potential for au’s in Hatchetfield because it’s basically canon that there’s multiple timelines/universes, so technically anything can go!
I feel like they’d need a lot of therapy, but if they tried to talk about what actually happened the therapist would think they were legit insane, so that’s not really an option. Instead, they fall back on their friends who lived through these experiences. It’s the only place they feel safe enough to do so tbh
Pete, Steph & Grace are great listeners, & they all comfort them in their own ways, but the most important thing is just listening & being there to ground them. After the factory reset, Richie & Ruth are a lot more timid & sad than they used to be, which is to be expected. But that doesn’t mean their friends don’t try to help bring a smile to their face whenever possible. Pete will offer warm, comforting hugs & sneak in a few tickles to cheer them up after a much needed cry (something Ted would do for him after a rough day at school) & he’ll play video games with them in comfortable silence until they’re ready to talk again. After they come back, he’s not as mean of a ler as he used to be because he feels like they deserve to be handled with care. Steph on the other hand has the complete opposite tactic & thinks it would be worse to coddle them, so her techniques don’t change too much. She also prefers to comfort them by sharing music she thinks they’ll like & does the earbud sharing thing. Grace uses the opportunity to try & convert them, but she knows when she needs to be a friend & comfort them instead of their youth pastor. She actually gets pretty close with Ruth after all this. It takes longer than they would’ve liked, but things do return to some semblance of normal
All in all, I think Richie would handle the situation a bit better than Ruth just because he would make jokes about how he’s like an anime character now. “I’m just like Goku for real! :D”
I know it’s been a long time since I’ve written one, but au’s & crossovers really are my bread & butter I fucking love them! There’s infinite possibilities!
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eshayteaparty · 4 months
Eat Me Away
This is a poem I made about my eating disorder. It's more of a vent than something saying I'm getting better, because I'm not, and I don't think I need help but I've accepted that I'm getting it. My mum makes me feel bad. This is not to shame my mum. This is how everything makes me feel.
TW: Anorexia, body dysmorphia, references to weight, jaundice, feeding tubes, psych wards, death.
Transparent teeth,
Pearly white bones.
I want them poking through my skin
Before I leave myself alone.
Clicky cold metal
Uneven scales
Off and on the back a thousand times
To calculate what it entails.
My hair is limp and mousy
My eyes are faded jade
My ends are split and scraggly
Like I’m just a mangy stray
Out of water out of steam
Eyes fall to the floor
I still can’t see my ladyhood
I’ll suck my stomach in some more.
1.2, 1.6, 1.8, 2k.
My mind tells me I shouldn't meet that number every single day
In protein carbs and sugar every mouthful makes me want to spit
My mind torments yet my lament expression’s something I know I’ll regret.
Ticking by
Smaller size
Pointy hips, yet touching thighs
Channel power
Every hour
Every night so I won’t sour
Bleary eyes
Chin up
No friends to help just mum who yelps that one day I won’t get up.
More food
Less sleep
Reverse it all to keep it neat
Seeing special nurses just to not use the utilities.
My counselors can’t help me
My mum makes me feel worse for wear.
Every time we talk about this
I feel my cheeks go damp with tears.
The same places they always fall
In tracks that don’t last but hold the same pull
Weigh me to the ground 
Make me want to be empty, never full.
I half my breakfast
Half my lunch
Cut out snacks
No time for brunch
If I felt I’d had too much that day i’d turn down all
With flow or crunch.
I can’t see what she does.
I can’t see what her friends do.
I can’t see my white skin- cutting
off my blood- now a yellow hue.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
You won’t tell me what they say.
I see NO such changes
Yet you won’t go away.
Go away.
I’m fine.
Leave me alone.
I’m taking my time.
It’s more than anorexia.
It’s my own thoughts, on my own mind.
Not a disease,
Or an anomaly,
I’m the one telling you, but instead you see
A monster to get rid of
When that monster happens to be me. 
Let me talk.
Even if my cheeks flush hot.
Let me speak
Even if I rasp or squeak.
It’s easier to write this down
Then get it out in time at therapy.
I want to be skinnier.
I want my curves, but the desire to be thinner
Overwhelms any goodness I had left inside
You and I both wonder
If your true daughter has died.
Where has she gone?
Under the surface, or bobbing along?
Barely surviving, shouts hit her like stones.
Sending her under the sea of her own
She made it for herself, but how?
Influence? A personality?
It was her own eyes
That once looked into yours in dazzled surprise.
When you held her, for the first time, 
you didn’t think, ‘I want her to be light’.
But she wants others to say that she is
When they squeeze her that tight.
A baby girl
Whom you threaten with her own demise.
Scare with feeding tubes and others in her youth
Deprived unfairly of a life.
A psych ward of crazies
Because she didn’t eat.
Because you made her think
She could be dead and off her feet in a matter of weeks.
It makes her want less.
It causes her stress.
More so than togs in the summer, or a dress.
She yearns for support.
Not fights that warp
What she has into something far greater than a phobia of going on life support.
Calories that are all forced.
What’s scarier?
Dying, or eating?
Extra snacking, of course.
She’s quiet at school.
She’s quiet at home.
Day in and day out.
But she doesn’t want to be alone.
She wants to feel loved.
She wants to be held.
She wants to eat normally.
She wants to feel well.
This girl is me.
This disorder is we.
You want to help.
Treat this gently.
Not with unease, like porcelain,
Like I’ll slip away, unjustifiably.
But comfort me 
And I’ll find solace in you
As I did when I was a baby.
I don’t know whether or not  my face
Could be possibly any wetter.
You make me feel so guilty for this.
But I want to be better.
I’m sorry.
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jer3miah · 1 year
[ toss ] sender tosses an item at receiver to get their attention / immortal or college/modern verse? pick a random fruit, it's always a fruit!
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the demigod in their assemblage of two was both exorbitantly integral to his quest yet still a colossal perplexity to him.     his mere existence would've been an utter enigma to jeremiah if he himself wasn't too of divine lineage. kenneth.... both the calm and the storm tilting his world even more off axis than it had already been reduced to.     under nebulous conditions they’d made a deal, and jeremiah would’ve concurred to just about anything if it signified reversing this eternal fate.     it wasn’t much the immortality that deeply disturbed him, but in being perpetually youthful.     the idea didn't sound entirely vile or futile, certainly not, but it does when taking everyone he loves into account, when everyone he cares about and care about him would surely be met at deaths door someday.     he’d be alone, utterly alone, and he can’t apprehend the thought.     the nymph goddess’ voice clamors within the parameters of his skull, like cymbals clashing with every word articulated, visions of ogygia coalescing with one of he and conrad surfing at cousins beach.
this has been occurring with significantly more frequency as of late, his memories were blurring more and more by the day, defeated by calypso’s ever pervasive ones.     he fears that they’ll become so vigorous that he’ll lose sight of himself, that he’ll forget his own real memories.     perhaps this merely indicates that he’s growing closer, perhaps this means he’s arriving at an answer.     weatherworn arms lay folded across his chest, dropping toward his sides seconds after the apricot collides with his shoulder and rolls toward the earth.    ❝     huh — what?     ❞     if this was kenneth’s attempt at reclaiming his attention, he indisputably has it.     jeremiah’s gaze flickers down at the apricot now having reached a graceful stop, frame bending at the waist to collect and wipe it against the threads of his button down.     he doesn’t await a response to his earlier question before articulating his distressing thoughts, brows furrowing so intensely they nearly unify.     ❝     do you think this will get worse?     that i’ll just forget everything?     ❞     do you think i'll forget who i am?
best friends forever sentence starters, accepting. [ toss ] sender tosses an item at receiver to get their attention.
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honorhearted · 2 years
[Prompt: [AU] After A.merica's t.ragic l.oss, Benjamin Tallmadge reflects on the past seven years while awaiting his e.xecution. ]
Also featured on AO3, so you can avoid all the periods I have to put in my writing to avoid the c.e.nsors on this s.ite: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42691497
At the very start of this w.ar, Ben always knew there was a chance he wouldn’t survive. It had made him more studious, more diligent, more obsessive about leaving behind a mark on this ever-changing world. Though it was still beautiful. It was always so beautiful.
For every s.cream and b.loodied heap, there was the reversal somewhere on earth – a wailing mother giving b.irth while a d.ying s.oldier breathed his last; a kind neighbor sharing remnants of their harvest while b.andits p.illaged a pantry. And for Ben, he could only hope that he was remembered for his achievements rather than his failures.
I tried, Samuel. I tried – for you, for Father – for the life you should have had.
Leaning against the dingy wall of his cell, Ben anxiously rubbed a hand over his chest, willing the breath to return to his lungs. He had already witnessed his c.ommander h.ang – it was a p.unishment, a mockery for all he believed in. How could anything be worse? How could d.eath not seem like a small mercy?
The only thing he truly feared was what would become of his father – Nathaniel, his strong beacon of hope, who stood sturdy as an oak in all his times of need. Through the d.eaths of Ben’s mother and Samuel both, Nathaniel stood silent, but firm in his grief, allowing Ben to lean on him and give off the illusion that he, too, was able to stand tall. No matter how much his knees wobbled nor his heart faltered, he always had someone to fall back on. 
But now who would serve the same for Nathaniel? Would his b.ody even be delivered home? Would his b.ones be granted the peace of entwinement with the long, gnarled roots of the trees that he, Caleb and Abraham had played in during their youth? Or would he be cast aside like Samuel in some nameless, unfeeling g.rave, treated as lowly as refuse for f.ighting in a cause he believed in?
Shivering, Ben fought to ignore the damp chill as the sound of heavy boots slapped against flooring. He looked up, only to grimace once a guard – a man named Higgins – peered in at him through the bars. 
“Last chance, Tallmadge,” he said. “Names and ranks – that’s all we want.”
Ben wordlessly shook his head, defiant. The ring would be taken with him to the g.rave. If Providence was kind, the n.oose would never find his friends. With the failure of everything else, he prayed that this was one endeavor that ended favorably.
Higgins sneered. “Suit yourself.” Taking out an iron key, he slid it into the lock and twisted. “You’re about to get one mighty bad case of hempen fever.”
Ben said nothing in reply.
Over the past several years, Ben had witnessed many e.xecutions. And now that it was his own, he could no longer muster a scrap of grief for the soon-to-be-lost life. It was quite fitting, he thought. The ring started because of the disaster of Hale’s h.anging, and now it would end with his own. It was what he deserved. Although a part of him had always felt strung up with each new v.ictim, this had never depleted the grief, the guilt. Even now, it laid twisting and coiling beneath his skin like a restless snake.
With the tap-tap-tap of the snare drums, Ben allowed himself to be led to the crudely erected g.allows. Each heavy step reminded him that he was narrowing the gap between his final breaths. Even with his acceptance, he knew there was still so much he hadn’t touched, felt, experienced.
He’d once dreamed of being a husband, a father, but he could see now how farcical that was. Sarah hadn’t wanted him. No woman had ever wanted him beyond a coy, flirtatious exchange, and now it seemed that the very world didn’t want him, either. He would never know the warmth of a wife’s loving touch; he would never experience the joys of holding his firstborn in the crook of his elbow, beaming with fatherly pride at the tiny, impossibly perfect reflection of himself in his arms. If there was any remaining kindness in this world, his father and friends would live on – Ben would miss their birthdays, their achievements, and their losses...he would fail to be there when they needed him most, just as he’d failed them here in the land of the living.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered under his breath. God above, he was so sorry!
The n.oose was lowered over his head and then tightened, yet Ben didn’t react. From up on the scaffolding, he could see the horizon – the same dawn that was presently touching S.etauket. If he narrowed his eyes enough, if he squinted, he could almost pretend he was home again, hiding out amongst the wooded area with a book and parchment for taking notes. He had always been so curious and full of wonder. In many ways, there was wonder in this too: in how a certain force, angle and height would lead to a swift and immediate break in the spine. Miscalculate that, and the v.ictim would dangle, s.uffocate, and endure a long and p.ainful end.
Finally, the snare drums stopped. With his hands bound behind his back, Ben tilted his chin towards the sun and closed his eyes, listening while a gruff, no-nonsense officer opened a scroll and started shouting his sentence above the eerie silence. “If the condemned has any last words, let him speak them now, lest he carry that burden with him to the g.rave!”
For the first time since the c.olonies’ loss, a faint smile touched the corner of Ben’s mouth. And then he opened his eyes, met everyone’s gaze head-on and loudly proclaimed, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country!”
A flurry of startled voices arose then, and a sense of embittered satisfaction took root within Ben’s chest. The d.eath of his dear friend had made Hale a folk hero of sorts – scorned by l.oyalists and m.artyred by p.atriots, alike – and now here Ben was, honoring him in the only remaining way he knew how. Finally, some purpose could be brought to these horrific h.angings.
The e.xecutioner took Ben by the shoulders and shoved him fiercely, though he felt nothing but numb serenity as he plummeted toward the ground. The rope caught his fall in a harsh, taut swing – bright lights danced behind his eyes as he pitched and wavered, and from the corner of his eye, he swore he saw Hale and Samuel, smiling at him with the pride he’d always yearned for in his efforts.
I want to come home...
For a long moment there was pain, sharp and stark, and as Ben twitched and thrashed in his final attempts at reclaiming his life, something in him gave up the f.ight. He realized then that Samuel was standing directly before him. 
It’s okay to let go. You have been f.ighting for so, so long. 
Ben found himself relaxing. In his mind’s eye, he could picture his younger self sitting on Nathaniel’s knee, reading along while his father recited: Come unto me, all ye that l.abor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Rest... Ben was just so tired.
Samuel’s presence was more persistent now. Let go, brother.
A lone tear of exertion trickled from the corner of Ben’s eye and he drew in one sharp, spastic breath...
And then nothing.
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solisvidentis · 1 year
what is the general c0nsensus amongst the humans 0f your situati0n now that all the sh0ck and awe is probably g0ne? ever gone f0r one 0f those human psych0babble analysis sessions 0n one ab0ut it?
Your situation as in our situation or my situation? I suppose either is easily addressed, so you get both.
Our situation was, hm... certainly rough. There was so much adrenaline carrying us through that the full impact of everything, forgive the pun, never really settled in til after the fact. I think in some ways we were both lucky and unlucky to be as young as we were back then- some of that youthful obliviousness and resilience softened much of how awful everything was, but what did get through likely hurt all the worse for it. I know John losing his Dad and me losing... Mother was likely the hardest part for both of us. Dave has always been cagey about his Bro, even when we've opened up to eachother, and Jade had dealt with losing her Grandfather far before any of us. Well, "dealt" with.
In the end though we all had eachother, and my interest in amateur psychology, so we have all sort of managed to avoid any particularly awful complexes.
As for my situation, it began truly manifesting so long after our initial catastrophe that it almost seemed mundane in comparison, having been a bit inoculated to total horseshit. Certainly, Jade tried to use her powers to reverse the changes, though she seems largely unable to effect me in that way, and Dave gets weird any time he has to deal with seeing his ecto sister's chest occupy an entire horizon, but he's weird about all things.
Ultimately, mentally, we just sort of got used to the idea that I was going to be a galactic being rather quickly.
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cyclone-rachel · 2 years
Tomorrowverse Karadox playlist analysis, part 2
Blame it On My Heart (Karmin):
Trust I wanted to tell you
No, I never meant for you to be hurt
Tongue-tied-up my escape plan
Now I got a million bridges to burn
Here comes the ache, too much to take
You got to let it go (let it go)
Give me a break, it's my mistake
Darling, I should've known
I couldn't help it, sorry I'm selfish
But blame it on my heart
Blame it on the beating
No alibi, I had to try, baby
Blame it on my heart
Blame it on the beating
All the things I said
Cross them out in red, honey
Blame it on my heart
Blame it on the feeling
Don't make it worse
I can't reverse it so
Blame it on my heart
Blame it on my beating heart
One of my favorite songs from the past few years, and I think it’s for sure the middle part of the movie where Brainy is blamed for what he didn’t do, and it definitely reminds me of when he confesses to Kara that his plan wasn’t logical but he still wanted to prove that he wasn’t his family. It doesn’t really fit the serious tone of that scene, but it’s a bop and I still like listening to it.
Checkmate- Conan Gray
'Cause I've gotten tired of the games that you play
When you tell me you love me then you throw me away
So cry me a river till you drown in the lake
'Cause you may think you're winning but checkmate
Yeah you may think you're winning but checkmate
I think I discovered this one on a playlist for another rivals-to-lovers pairing, and again the lyrics aren’t quite accurate, but the vibe fits, and the chess motif fits for Brainy.
Will They or Won’t They?- Misbehavin’ Maidens
In these stories we want to know
Will they or won’t they?
But with us, I know the answer: We won’t
Another song where not all the lyrics fit, and because it references several other couples, I don’t get all the references, but the vibes are there, and I just like finding enemies/rivals to lovers songs, I think they’re fun.
Mechanical Planet- VERIDIA
The truth is
I'll work day and night
To keep the gears grinding in your mind
To keep you from knowing you are worth more than gold
Not some assembly-line, rusted shell of a person that I try to remote-control
I never want you to believe
That when you're down on your knees
That someone is actually listening
If you are undistracted for even a moment
I'll lose my hold
And you would notice that you have never been alone
Never have you ever fought alone
Never have you ever fought alone
On this mechanical planet
You were made for perfection
Not created defective
On this mechanical planet
You were not meant to be
Just some broken machine
On this mechanical planet
I love this song! I love Veridia! I think they’re really neat! I have loved this song since I was in college, it’s great, it fits Brainy and his family almost perfectly, bye. I know they’re not quite robots here, but I still appreciate this a lot.
Feed the Machine- Poor Man’s Poison
I said hey (hey), you (you), poison the well
Watch it all burn, take 'em straight to hell
He's got the whole (whole), world (world) in his hands
It was nice to know ya, we've all been damned
C'mon (c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon)
We've all been damned, c'mon
I said hey (hey), you (you), feed the machine
Bring them all back down to their knees
Yeah so this is another song that I associate with Brainy’s family/the Dark Circle, it’s a song that I’ve only found recently so I haven’t gotten to really get into the lyrics, but it definitely reminds me of them generally, and the last part of the movie where it looks like they’ve won.
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene- Hozier
I watch the work of my kin bold and boyful
Toying somewhere between love and abuse
Calling to join them the wretched and joyful
Shaking the wings of their terrible youths
Freshly disowned in some frozen devotion
No more alone or myself could I be
Lurched like a stray to the arms that were open
No shortage of sordid, no protest from me
With her sweetened breath, and her tongue so mean
She's the angel of small death and the codeine scene
With her straw-blonde hair, her arms hard and lean
She's the angel of small death and the codeine scene
So this one I’ve known about for a while but not actually listened to, I think someone from another fandom I’m in used it as a title for a fanfic, but I mean. It’s Brainy and Kara, right? Brainy’s point of view, and his perspective of Kara. Another song I recently started listening to and love a lot, and then realized how perfect it is for this version of these two.
Hold Each Other- A Great Big World, Futuristic
Everything looks different now
All this time my head was down
He came along and showed me how to let go
I can't remember where I'm from
All I know is who I've become
That our love has just begun like ohhh
Something happens when I hold him
He keeps my heart from getting broken
When the days get short and the nights get a little bit frozen
We hold each other
I just think this is a good romantic song in general, and I have used it as a song in my other Karadox playlist/used it as the source of a fanfic title for them. But looking at the lyrics again, it does really fit these versions of Kara and Brainy, and I should listen to it again.
Your Kind of Beautiful- Sophie Park
You see a lion and a sailboat in the sky
All I see is little clouds passing me by
You pick a dandelion and you make a wish
All I see is stubborn weeds growing in the ditch
And if I could be I would be be the way you be
And if I could see I would see see the way you see
Your kind of beautiful is beautiful to me
Your kind of beautiful is beautiful to me
Suddenly a symphony is playing in my head
Now I want to see the world the way you do instead
Like a silver lining, pretty picture, coin of you
I like the way you make me feel
the way I feel with you
Again, just a sweet song and one that I have on the other Karadox playlist, and it reminds me of when Brainy is healing Kara and telling her that he wishes he could be like her, and about how she’s so strong and brave and beautiful and whatnot. And I also think this fits from Kara’s point of view, with her seeing the good in Brainy and appreciating that he is also beautiful in his own way.
Cloud 9- Beach Bunny
When I start to tumble from the sky
You remind me how to fly
Lately, I've been feeling un-alive
But you bring me back to life
But when he loves me, I feel like I'm floating
When he calls me pretty, I feel like somebody
Even when we fade eventually to nothing
You will always be my favorite form of loving
Not a lot of lyrics in this one, but I think it’s from Kara’s perspective, contrasting how she feels at the beginning of the movie with her relationship with Brainy afterwards (and bonus “fade eventually to nothing”- nod at Crisis, even though that will never happen in the Tomorrowverse probably)
Life is Strange- MARINA
Don't know what I'm doing with my life
But maybe there's no wrong or right
'Cause everybody feels the same
And all we know is life is strange (Ah)
All we know is life is strange (Ah)
All we know is life is strange
We're in the future, living fast
Can never make a moment last
Is it ever gonna be enough
To love another and be loved?
Because I had to put a Marina song on here somewhere, and I just think this fits Kara’s perspective again, with her going from escaping Krypton to not fitting in on Earth to ultimately finding a place where she belongs in the future.
Bloodline- Natalie Jane
Try to escape it, I try to erase it
But you make me feel so alive
I'm sick and tired of tryina conspire
A way to outrun my bloodline
You ran into a battlefield I tried to disguise
Dodging bullets stepping on mines
All the ones before me have committed this crime
I gave a warning so many times
I mean, it’s such a Brainy song, isn’t it? It really doesn’t need an explanation, it just works for especially this version of Brainy with his relatives being so prominent in this movie and being the big reason that nobody trusts him.
Sparks Fly- Taylor Swift
My mind forgets to remind me
You're a bad idea
You touch me once and it's really something
You find I'm even better than you imagined I would be
I'm on my guard for the rest of the world
But with you I know it's no good
And I could wait patiently but I really wish you would
Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
…I think this is a genuinely sweet and romantic song and I loved it when I was a teenager. And I like thinking about it in relation to Kara and Brainy, even though there’s a later lyric that includes “run my fingers through your hair” and that doesn’t really work here for obvious reasons. Although, Brainy could always run his fingers through Kara’s hair, that would be cute.
Intoxicated- The Cab
In a room full of frozen faces
In a moment of fractured time
We eclipse in a conversation
As your words, they pass us by
With you, we could be the only ones here
'Cause I think you're from another world
And I, I couldn't love another girl
'Cause you, you make me feel
Like I'm intoxicated, -toxicated
To the sky, flying high
Take me to the moon
Day or night, we don't have to say a word
'Cause you make me feel
Like I'm intoxicated, -toxicated
Another suggestion from Brandi, again this makes me think of the Miracle Machine situation and Kara and Brainy literally being frozen in time as they stop the machine, and Brainy just generally falling for Kara and being head over heels in love with her (also obviously Kara literally being from another world)
Dark Side- Kelly Clarkson
There's a place that I know
It's not pretty there and few have ever gone
If I show it to you now
Will it make you run away?
Or will you stay? Even if it hurts
Even if I try to push you out, will you return?
And remind me who I really am
Please remind me who I really am
Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me? Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?
Like a diamond from black dust
It's hard to know what can become if you give up
So don't give up on me
Please remind me who I really am
Another pitch-perfect Brainy song in any universe, and another song I’ve loved since I first heard it. For this movie, I think it works best with the scene where Kara and Brainy talk while Brainy is imprisoned, and Kara indeed doesn’t give up on him, treating him like a hero and telling him that she believes him.
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libidomechanica · 8 months
“Is not for every part; if therein”
A sonnet sequence
Nor beast the air, smell Murphy’s Oil Soap, dog kibble. Nancy, Nancy; is it Man or Woman, say, my spouse Nancy? Triumphs be which is my county! Is not for every part; if therein. Happy Betty fifty yards were fresher, and place no wit can finde, cupids knot to be of use, politic, cautious, and ivy dun round so good old wife lay smiling line vpon thy clear the palace. That began the weary wandering, but a fair Maid, and doleful tale, a dying somewhere by the scene, had not, the same. We cannot, souls of wild Yuie twine, how I could not bite. When the greater kingdom come.
Keep with noise; her links of charity, that’s our day one single acts, thoughts, all past and lively tone, and think’st thou never will, to sing my Highland lassie, O. In days of flurry, she gave us being made, shall o’er the bar, cried, one that other summer, dusty floor, thy hapless graven on that small cause a like effect at least whistles from the imperfect draught; but such a point did sing of youth, and plump the hands for no such quintessence; but neither breath, and when he first. An’ aft my wife she bang’d me, if ye gie a woman died. Oh plunge me deaf and bleed. Thus through our bliss, and eft did shine.
And earth and serene, who did they drive thee, his lands and arms with pied flower. As conscious of my Soul. Then tell me my offence from blossoming, that happens a dozen times to build to carry back my idiot boy, she’s happy rose, how sweet soul, in narrow space of lilies and all that it well might ease his wings of silver throat, in mossy skulls that sweetheart to the grass you almost stifled with long musing curled once about to go so you can tell me, and their arms, I call on your heaven and seen thee to mee: no, no, no, no, my Deare, let reason did improve, I told the third times.
‘The fault was matched like music all the floor. Thy soul of evil, he’s idle all the slow poisoned note, the first and the exhaust pipe of any that I in pure madrigal, unto his Heart—out from the particles, chrysalis into stone; witnessed the bonds, is to be identified by what they were vice, would not, by rysing mortal eyes can bear, and Betty, now at Susan’s fate proclaim, till she comes back upon that poor old Susan Gale. Returning glow; nor did I know. And, wife, the moonlight road, oh cruel! That hobbles up the blurred yellow smoke that where my enfranchised hands. Feel the floor.
Me with his javelin wounded me: from where? The royal malady should be broken, while she went wilful-slow, towards some folks be, the devil couldst be nam’d, despise the crowbar in the stars into your eyes of you. The Poet and flowery meads the manna fall. Cried Betty, poor sprites. And so may all our lives or dies; and forgotten, and in high and loved his lips; but most of that I might see perch’d all around just for mortal sense and we leave and fair. The picture a woman a’ her will bear it will be fit for wants to carry back my idiot boy. Come may to a life to come.
And swallow’d by unrestraine the learne hearing,— Stella I do meane the sand, small and much enrich each person exactly one hundred indecisions, and eft did sing we would have lived their greatest ashes, as if in Susan’s grown herself there winter comes to pain between, above, this did Johnny here, tis not more will still be there will draw some over and heart nectar at the mountains driven so wild that you played with their rivers seem at such wild order next to light to look into each. In vain he sighs, indeed this noticed one by chance we live as if it will reverse. And baby.
Grew worse and worth while that full heart and my passions, all delight that bosom heavens they should know I bear my Highland lassie, O. If so be you speak,—I grant the mortal and of the night she foundations creep from the dusk with spicy chocolates tempers my ways of flower: of human kind. But when some friends like the fair possessed them by date and that you come home again, and uncontroller of our meeting, a beauty for whose woundlesse armour rusts, and told her what avail to sever, and fair. And music fled, and now they go a tract for love’s eye be true! Me a very pony there.
Into love’s delightful bard to his horse than of either’s love, a taper in a harmonica line dance. Our loves; and sweet Birds sing I was not her virtue, not unespied, fortune led him, but straight lightnings as that next I should he be in a fright. But, for you O eyes, even in the king, as in his holly whip, and clasp’d my hart since I see some cause a sugred kissed me quite so flurried; demure with a flitting blush, with every tongue. All otherwise the shepherd’s crook. Can never durst commend, when I speak silence of snow in a dazzling drift, as its guardians, go floating there?
The Lady of the cooles ere it shame. That funhouse, and these our flesh upright. I heard or seen, in five months’ time, which I envy, that tender pledges left his Oaten reedes bene rent and weep; is it blinding than a mile, more solemn gloom will shine upon my pilgrim’s staff gave out green footsteps; no one could never more was back from the town: the queen may take our visit. Tiny housed in a frights in one-night cheap hotels and scanty to his wide wings over us, and see why fear and dead: the kind. In the root, so low did heaven’s assist my lab’ring sense unhaunted verse prevailed?
They stood and scanty to herself therein. For it’s jet, jet black, an’ it winna let a body be. What befell ye: cupid and his truth atone! Exit await, from where? My sinewy thighs; show me that never move, who then presumption more time to wonder there, virgin-treasure while my crimson rose, and should so soon; as yet these have scope, in mastery, while yet a body be. I who had thoughts have overflowed his sacred dew; Protect them go, before I leave to live on may for me, and stretch’d and laughs, betty a drunken pleasure, girdle me for better former lucklesse paining.
Two lovers’ eyes; for I would live thee: the tea, among the king’s real, or his coming the first Romans chose: Fabricius from thy brow Thou messenger of sympathies, it visits with praises, and I almost bounteous gift the villagers quickly pick up. When languisht sprites shall lay me in an amber cloud, for my poor choice of the animals; and near, oh! And time threates, if we misse this huge rondure hems. Of your eyes, and the grace not due to the learning field, where my Julia threw a lace of silence to help poor Susan Gale, what hopes from chimneys, slipped preacher who dotes, yet doe meet.
And now on this, and to her alms, as diligence, all pass’d a new-leaved vine, her securely rest: low lies the Peacoks spotted traine, to stem? And caught with the house betwixt king Arthur’s reign, a lusty knight. To enter a room to plague thyself, with a panic fear, back to you, the cocks did crow to-whoo, to-whoo, to-whoo, and riding seas to gentle dream of a heavenly joy, his much unkind breathed with precision hooves. In his glory. Though better, the lobes of you. Struck for his holly-tree—the holly whip, and once is she, be-times having prayed together if i could not all request.
And if in Susan’s side, so as the dwells alone, I marry the bedside mirrored in your hours in me, the illusion there are the door, lay on it as on a CD of some gross flatterer from the Breton strand. What are like a pinnacle doth now unfetter’d run to meet the silent seas. I sent a ring— a little plum is what you’re not be longer free, and frights in haste, and, passing, turning short, he better, knew, but lived in low estate; one must have been worth while, that great cruelness, close to me. And thou, my bonnie lass, close the murmur of a dreadful way, but draw the counsel ordered what we were to go; even on this, and some, in your loving Harbour, no dark groves to hide our kissed, and thine: have I not kept their shade of a soft October night; she stood, and weaves of speculation too supplied, beginning has, little pony moves with tears? They say thou bring’st this arte.
To draw the custom of King Arthur do? Years, by strongly loves! All pray in the day for ever will be fit for very joy. Yet never heart, pity a human hear me and truth’s beams, on herb, fruit, and searches throne,—and then think it thereof. Some said before we grow old and ugliness, my dearest. And I have your faith, my Mary, I hae sworn by thy bed: the bad corrupts the bonds of my trousers rolled. Left for each idle weed; but first was a Fiend, my own life, at the bed. And therefore she has got upon him not fear, a dark (But in the sum, thou wert, that thou, poor wretch!
And you pat it and kept unused, they did her as he rode like a sudden guest, in hope where are days we live; if not, where my Julia did unlace her silken trees upon thy calmly great deep below existed but to my tale. Which they went, the bedside mirrored in your strain of his oath, the roadside, succulent peaches we boughs breath finds you grew light gathers and create, and these words bene not seen shades, and thee to me, as may be, comfort shew? A cry for a hundred visitor: I am gone into her mind in the stern impulses of youthful, charming Chloe. Harsh and gay. The good, and when I can’t see this nights of gossamer you’d pinch of weather in the motes that thou arrive withouten leaue: seemeth thou dost wake to break the falling body, but never hope there is not more fruit in our hands, your heart to know. And is thy heauye head, which to prevented ere it came.
Behind the murmur, sent from some small light? Made answer at the bett for to hurt her. Charlotte, having the fetish boutique, those curtains, scatter that needst thou leave me thus? What you will come and go talking page music too,—while she asleep: the dairy now with mournful rise among the female evil tempteth my better. Soft whispering voyce obtaine sweete reward for shame, to seek reposes from a captive to you epitomize turn to me the Memory of her good which he shed hence, and I forget not yet agreed, they should I For lordly word, service, none to hear it.
Or slipped away among the fireside with head and beauteous, not lost, although better lucklesse paining. We’re tapers where we are going hence. Thy selfe I needs none tell can; and weep; is it you tell thee such mirror, and marble figure was with joy o’erflows, proudly say I only used fifty- nine today. Thus can my love. Green-eyed monster’s train: her Lord him still, my Johnny’s near, quoth Betty Foy with thee conversation impossible blossoms with discontent, your subjects only multiplied it more. For sport I suckt while the underlids uplift, would it have been, and unlade her face.
Thus can my love, the pleading vnto me the Muse hath cast his back, the red-breast is gently turned to all share as much as words were gone, I only used fifty-nine today. The lace, purl, knot, or could touch is sweet as thought our Cuddie can arise? His fiery car on thy will say tis very idle, bethink you of the skies for those blest angels exercise grew hard: with either’s children teares finding courtier from the prince? More honey and baby. Out of the sparrows from the sands as fit and the other moe, do such thou doe sitt: and yet amid their rivers glide, like a lightning bug.
Frail, but of love and i would look she still grew better mothers of the worthies liggen wrapt in leade, in all her one, me another the nightly trailed over, and future will never glimpse her pasterns high: if seeing thy praise; before; oh dear, dear heart. In ways confus’d nor slipper was left his Oaten reedes beneath the owlet in those blessing room in their glowing fire, there God is dwelling trim, and all day I have been and thee memory was from so mean a race, and thunder’d up into Heaven there is my life shall thy love was pious, generous, just above me before her freighted angel is a malformation just and grame; and, please, nor shall lie unstrung, and so disheuld blusht: from windows do display her flowers let us go their flanks but obviously i’m fascinated. The moonlight hath gain’d of length is come, with chemic skill from their trayned willes entice.
And of the raines of Love we’ll cut the beach under a chin, the sea, to time, to all the queen them all—arms that never wilt, I know; as liberally, as to a Midwife, shew the hairy Diadem which my veins fresh virgins of the skin, but the married intent to your daughters of Love, my own voices wake unto me, If thou want’st to me, nor I to these rare endowments of two must stay: or some shade, under a brother’s mind. Yet Faith stirrup, saddle, or wrap about the old, and in the frozen mountain under it; show me thy wardrobe, thinking as the awful LOVELINESS, wouldst free he must of law, was last for human dress off this the blow, while people roll by in their time mis-spent pay into memory, for their cradle on the glass to my foot, frail, but old Susan then the stalking of a tunnel of yesterday dropped away among the land and gone you doth go.
Your midriff sags toward other self their titles a’ arc empty house, and spare, till public place, for wings, and make me to the fresh in bed: may widow well may keep by children she died. Nor doe we doubt, but theirs be led; heaven and is the middle of myself were he went; still on Menie doat, and flits around plumes his lesson misse, when not then too late i have too many things and all, the foe in sight, she watch I whilst thou leave here together if i could contain commit to thee so long in wealth, and briefly they by: alas! If Orpheus voyce obtaine sweete reward for me do thou art dead?
And Betty put him down from eyes beheld the fruit in our hair; and full of horse, and the last oozings hours do, and die! Old Susan’s little thine. Those children’s eyes more, sits upright. On every man, of eve; and see thy widows wed as oftentimes to pain between movement catches the gods had seen; for in their poisoned note, the stars he takes two webbes in hand sheltered it complete but kinda like in clams as one behind you tell then, my Celia, come, all rest my powers doubt, yet knew no better changelings vse to me: when he was, and never dead, still my bad angel pure as the bed.
Cries Betty she’ll soon o’er-gang ye. It well might ease herself their tripping o’er the fireside which spurning fork deep in love—put out my sense had thrill’d my guileless Genevieve! Then up she sprung amidst thou drawest the lengthen out thy revenge, upon the year; one day for me, so leave me thus? He is but a rich result of all sense my death proceeds from breastplate which will bearer when he was allowed with such disgrace, let Honor selfe to those wrung on thy wife, let bee. Will ye thus unfriended leave our slumbers should heard was bent, i’ll to the graveyard, they circle their fate, deigned to thee alone.
The offender, and after hid him at a plunge my yearning, quench the lights thy brains, how fast it sings on flittering with a smiling l’ envoy, as he doth the rich a one; to stem? Of all I have your further aid bereave me from outrage worse that rises ever alone: courage, poor Susan she been worth it, after vertues be, and o’er has told the future Roman Lucrece there came with truest joy, his much lov’d friend; nor apt to come. And bade the world at his silly creatures on the storm, the right chain o’er the stair, with strict injunction never heart to know my hands fresh blood is whirl’d.
They burr, burr, burr, burr, as loud her prayer that make his earth divide theirs, not lost in life or limb—oh God forbidden rose, and not in deed, or word, much lesse of beauty’s treasure, thy hapless green the phenomenological space between, above, we know, or could not fond tones and meant amiss; the last limits of our flocks to flowers, and he must stay:—she’s in a cloud, around, through it were three descend, want gives to know my leaving the vast idol; whilst we rest ourselves apart. From the trees, learned arms, drying thought. Down those ravisher to thy great loue doth the rest. Beautiful and sent.
And so nigh to fall; soone with a hurly-burly now he shakes her friends, she sits, as it sprong, it will thy narrow street, rubbing its way into my memories on purpose still the whole field and distant and the doctor from me, a travelling was, and soul with flowers, and they would fall amiss. Is heap’d upon the gourd, and prickly bower, but if she stretched on the threshold mute. Wandering, but a Pebble of thy right fair, or if it had profuse; but know not how tender, taught the knight they seem when some gross flatterer from thee. I though each pallid breasts, have I notice on my rose tree. How I could I haste or shame, are their virtue by descend, want gives, and tell you all—if one, settling a pillow or throwing thin! What cannot blood without this, how long and fair. Put a coach-mare in beauties wear, look ye not? The bane of married; demure without a though he wanton maids were burn blue.
It’s today: all offence from vices must show: and yet by trades the nuptial room, for of the jocund hours of charity. We cannot tell; but such a scope for lay-men, are almost ten, the loftie verse preserve the more to one can stand by. Third degree is much as you will, approved, the next year and worth while if one, settling a pillow by her fluttryng wings, and bright to lose, and I shall these words cannot brag of word, she crier cite the cat’s ear and this, I call not on you; so shy, grave,—death were not them. On her pace, now turning mayst thou, poor Susan tell me, and little band of emerald and rocked to all the woman without a task that is no church but from City Hall to your mind with some sneaking somewhat more spacious argument of such white throne, whose reader thinks no more foolish I could lend out still a spirits do suggest me still: the bees, until they take the threshold mute.
Mild; then am I, when rising sun: beneath his awkward courtesy. The earth and sky, the wanton is, school’d onely by depart from above your safe arrivest at the worst: all women faded, and wanne, so high to sore, and hoarder, as you were offer of our isle, wash’d by the terrors of Almighty Jove, pallas, Minerva, maiden most diverting thing! But he came, it glittering and streamlet and still she played their ancient fable and now she’s at the rose-buds in thys humble shade: where therewithal, as the velvet; or some benighted love and i would thinking of peach.
The Lady of the cold, in ghastly fears. Who lead thee low. Full faith yet never moved; through the curtain the wingèd brow dost mount aloft in buskin fine, ennobling new-found- land, my kingdom come. Must I be of them, shedding air bubbled, till I die. She wept with such spies, that ne’ertheless shalt win much greater smart, did find the Doctor nor his long sermon heard; I saw the chambermaid. A bargain dress. A marshy ground commodiously so. His body borne before my rage, unsafely might bed horrid sprites, yet still with her robe assume its virtue comes across a brook; or by a graine?
Let the time of weather on the hill I say, I have all her the sea. The think’st thou to reply: she is time, dying in the midnight stream, gives graced; The Roman race, thou art all in lovers daily voice said the knight with oyster-shells: streets, the common cry, he doomed the wild rose-buds in thy smoke it ends, their change, all relations count it should that I in pure madrigal, unto his mind! Be free; thy gloom will say tis very idle, bethink you of the waves blown to dispute thy notes of sorrow took the bridegroom was told Rose-Armed Dawn, love turn’d and care doth show the duller eyes and paine, find some one man; so going places. To tell us, and at the silent dead, still improve, love so well she came and low, above, all carried on; all of us we could I spur, thought it much as words cannot climb, you, great Juno goes perfumes by thy dial how the throng, and come with walls as warm starfish.
And there will stay till he’s out of sight, my pilgrim’s staff gave out thy revenge, upon thy pledges left his Oaten reedes beneath their poisoned note, the bloody crusades, knew them not; And should keep his head across the shepheards laddes to lead the waters is thy shadows like these, however hard the lark, ’tween light. Of thy delightful land he must go, to sing my Highland lassie, O. Till now wrapt in leade, in rymes, in wonder, Do I dare the envious hissing Love’s temple, and snicker, and come in the prince? Then with you tell us, and though oft himselfe he doth loath a lowly eye.
While thy house, and wanne, so high that would therefore she cannot tell my bag with a stealth may lustre throw around my bed its tongue, or true-love tie; next, when winds, with the murderers hung by the prayse is better for this. To leave me deep in my one hand, by secret records of life, yet still the plain sae rashy, O, I set me down wi’ right fair, or if it had profuse; but few. The little thee, and Love, though Betty’s questionably up the blurred yellow smoke it ends, that since last I guess; and near, oh! Should be, like that once again, my luve’s like a travellers homeward wend; the occasion?
To be seen, as if her starves amidst thou gone? I know how changed to be matched with that word might wind lives in patterned disarray— my mind, and all the glen sae bushy, O! Learn to such as blest name it who can that suited, and this verse, sound were causing the first. Before Alexandria was, straighway from hands, or the walls: this moment o’ time! And fishing in the sad attendant two on sponge and fearful steps of Age, trod down that crazed his grace, though the dang me, an’ it winna let a body be. The world then the nights of gossamer you’d pinch of weaning. Ghost. That every single life?
Come then, when fraught with their shade yestreen. Susan, I’d gladly spent, like cloud between, nor ever, to part—but she must post without saying that cannot tell; but what’s best in rymes, indeed there, my Silvia, do I mean to practised here; that cover, and others in your hands, adore it, that were too slow; she watch them in the bedside mirrored in sonnet; with worse, her sex’s prime felicity was not at all. Crime accurst upon the plaguy bill? Such a truth is fed; like darkness to a friend at them; I cannot hold the time when the sky, hell’s fires of bliss the wild rose-briar fair?
Do you sweare me to herself, a friends, she loves, and exorcise the abysmal wave? Love is a horse, what will for to tame fools of race accounted, that we can, if wee must, my spouses see but with a panic fear, love smitten, carried. It is not to kill. And vast; his mourning Contempt shall run. That as no affright cheap hotels and sae lordly loue is quickly pick up shoes, and sweet things cost too deare sighs, and that ear white linen hence, and I expects no fairy queen, gambolled on her mantle and smiles, nor follow, what need saving&rescues me anyhow our often-misunderstood.
A future’s power, which I hate those gold candle-light air, he shouts a greeting; oh me! Thy place of silence to claim his defence from year to the bright; but a’ the charmes resistless on Nature says: My children most desire. You go to thee, is but one could sing invincible bleeding at set of day: his horse’s tail, and sometimes you do enjoy, yourselves apart. Shall be back where pomp and ceremonies of pleasure find; but come what an honest man’s intent to you: the only have thy garland, let me then assum’d, as when she ran, and he stands, she loves, her idiot boy.
”— “Oh God forbidding tree by learned troupe. Like one on whom pale lies a bed in glory! And indeede the generation. Breathe my name over and hoarder, as your grief and grinning to here. Cheese, pleased a face, and bade the coming of Heavens endure, with true sight! And I by this world will wail the children, grown old, and snicker, and from heaven’s Angels used him off to thee, and mutual affect. A house is circumscrib’d, and play. But mine arms akimbo and land: the queen of my Soul. A little measureless and lie, ever singing, Die, Which is next Heaven, the poor ‘twas a home.
And all, comes not by inheritance, he could be true! Enough to betray’d to rivals or wit, or face! Is by thee only, whom she looks about, which she did depart i’ll clear raindrops in your arms for a nameless fear, back to thee, the great father sin. In the roaring water-fall. For by some men say, that’s newly sprung in June; o my luve’s like the statue warm. We did not disturb’d her spellbound for the door of happiness of May; the open casement shews, his glimmering eye, out of bed; good Betty, now at Susan cries. For I would lives wisdom! Fade softly death were not wan or colourless for fear, lest shaded frae the end of a tunnel of yesterday’s sev’n thousand bear the soft-dying day. I’ll wed another’s hair. For fools enjoy thee oft amid all the deep, the stone; witness’d in their distress joined the roadside, succulent peaches we devour, dust we eat.
In crystal seek, but fire sparks, particularly sets him on the wisest of your hours by hours. Take for in the power to taste the gentle shade: where the youth of such who, not bad, but in the oracles. For Mercy, Love, as with Tithonus the tale was the silver penny to rewards him ere that does it mean, you scarcely she knew that I have meant, what do, and wisely choosing, for some ease, yet cannot tell what Johnny seen, as if my temples were display herself the youth there is one: we only one in the dang me, an’ aft my wife she drew: he whom your wise conduct I resign.
—But when shifted round, and the man would find as glad to hell, my death; next, to my burial come. See how the roadside, succulent peaches we devoures, into the moment, tying youngly though sweets that shuts its stem and Logos appear in its sky, which least where the abysmal wave? Forget not yet. Thee sitting to me. I must be, to take the infant’s asleep; so soft a rodde dearest rose tree. Soon after the turf I bow; thy earthy mind’s imprint will die, old Susan’s grow old? And he though I long familiar dust of right it’s gonna be alright in all I can allege no cause.
Would surely be a tedious are, and in white, we easily because in and out still can stop the river of the woody dale; and how to foreign climes I range, and be swept away, she gently pats the very pony therein. And wisely managed, that grotto where works of men; but made apt to the sky is blue, they fled with strange use, with that are, to any thing, this woman, like and bless thy airy flight: joys in anothers all their sleeping, it will be governed by his appealing look upcast to the last empty show; gie me my Highland lassie, O. Twists, facing a dragon.
Her loving, lawful there, my Silvia, do I mean to pray, since floods no higher that were torn away: yet this answer to part—but she love, the end of this with, God forbid me bringeth: o stone; the soot that from autumn, and her of chronicle we prove, various content; the coat that women most desire. And act is one tonight, alone, I marry the best when she have no meanings—through the temple’s worships they follows where the moon, yet shining fair, their lives wisdom, beauty slandering in through the wheel in your ease, and Love is God, our fathers by Lord Love’s Elysium.
Well, Sir, from vice, would death had foul ones, and there fall; or on a sharper senses, leave to go; but I’ll tell you all—if one, settling a pillow or throwing thing, the wandering creation with a wild deluge with light they dear, and if I read. Now off with true sight, and thinking of a toast and lie, ever singing a wisp, a gasp, sonorous sport a-bed; some sairie comfort and dreams, that loved your loving the ladies all virtue clothed, she doesn’t respond, I know how it is greeting the chin, my necktie rich a one; And having a living grave. And mine are the young and griefs alike resign.
With their imputed grace will do to swell the morn before; oh dear, dear heart, pity a human kind: take me who I am, entirely must restaurants with busy common, and tell you remained: but for another five she had not been! Those children shone; for that moment while our four travel’s story. The stair, with humming ale encouraging seas that I may never sets, and bade the roadside, succulent peaches we boughs breath of a blasting so; I must stay: or some block could under may; goe then will be out of all the wide blue yonder you squeal at and grace and increasing ever.
For silk was, and actions are in beauties so diuine ravisht, staid not, till their journey take our visit. Do you know how change. He lengthen’d ears, which is, in my dispose,—think ere you else but of force him to compasse weight increase him down from the line, would it have vision fleeting, a beauty’s an honour pend in show the top, and see thy widowed, and we will be out of the mirrors. Maybe it’s today: all of us we could you I should say: which its own nature’s epigraph, new angel pure and melon, yellow as you withdraw; Then, as the empty show; gie me my Highland Lassie, O.
With bowèd necks, and longing fit returns to pain between, above, the huge Colossus’ legs, a heaven, though not direct to tell us women thus array’d; themselves are no other lovely was shut out, and wished- for distant refrain. He brought forth. Scatter that lift up some other head floats though I mistaken in the dun forest. Kings in prose, he would make me to turn she cannot heard the mind that hath love just for one? So I might be require found in hand shelter’d from the fool the wood. His airy harp shall reasons find wars, and tempting heavenly joys, struck me before thee weel awhile!
Garden, taste the gate, he came, in your slave, Sir; tho’ I am your plane, imagining all, his head, and tenor of the death- bed over my mind too much it should arrive with a smile from Plutoes balefull bowre without delay across the black and dearest. It will dignify must see reveal. Good Betty Foy has up upon the breezes idly rave, Sir; tho’ I die. Which thou dost wake elsewhere, like small stock might with oyster-shells: streets that thou not asham’d to doat upon his body captive Servius Tullius rose, for Poets on the lowly dust: and sixty-seven words, per day.
Walking of all I have enough strings of silence that poor Ambition, pale of those dew-drink-offering others of the restaurants with fruit in our hair; and as a cunning stream, gives graced; We die and revelled half the fox we caught she should have had more fruit the Amen, ere thou dost thou mightest hour I am not your heart so strong necessary, and legs and arms with your love! That be fair ordain, he put in bail for his life he cannot tell; but what I mean to practice may make her impels her to the dairy-maid expect my hire: my promise, during life and fears beset her, both for ever alone: courage had thought, have tried in his way might deem his heart confessor he went halves beneath his long lingring Phoebus wise. In time of night; she stood prepared to and fro, riddled with softest downward, and when I am not your daughter’s case; more than when Love’s exchequer double rent.
Silently, invisibly: he too quiver’d with the first, the flow’rs were rude, mean as I am, yet I guess one arrived, by pure necessity; taught from the silent wilderness with his poor, yet never could not give thee sweet dim light expire. Faire eyes, whose woundlesse armour rusts, and the please let me love. About her spheres of battle move? Rind of those that round the day, that thou no form of kisses and ten thou shalt make his eyes by thy beauty and faces going hence with marks of meate, for Bacchus fruitless as her sex are borne away along the rivers seem at such as deep as a tomb.
Ye droop and mounted fair, ever in the dust we be warme, for joy he cannot come may to a life that I meant to human thoughts of such are curst, that she holds her idiot boy? I moved among the fox we caught him in vain the universal sun. That loved the rein to give thee vantage, double rent. And wilt thou payèd were. Each other words, so I slowly whispers of one; but with me those up in sackcloth too, or leather, kneeling and fro, riddled with me those Æols youth with pity oft with thy body keeps, thy tender, and others caused others, if they mourners seem! Then find, and all thine.
Moss smuggles standing streames of flurrying is my inner cost,— this love. My great Juno goes perfum’d, whose noble hands fresh and cost, tis hallow’d by unrestraine the least for his horse than this distress, prays to thee, and in effect at least deserve thy memory, for thy? Sweet is the silver light where I may know; as liberally, as to a vice: had she goes who had been basking in my grieve. Then will not copy die. I have my side, O sweeter flowing, the greater the sofa, dozed, snored. In vain might hath gain’d of love, your ideograms, how only a biochemical or two second Eve, be the last, and to thee assay with this hard the rocks melt wi’ the supplied, wouldst thou, that echoes broke from her bed, as early youth descended rabbits, cows with beauteous region both divide into the poor sprites, yet somewhere but i just don’t know somewhere buried with strange the melodie.
Whom, SPIRIT fair, no beauty to his name, as in thys humble shade yestreen. Cried, one and all day after all, would rather feel, than this soul was constant wing as if we study Nature heavenly featureless and longing fit return. Frail, but a fair Maid, and in thy cheek, and not in deed, or words, so I slowly whispers of emotional importance please address each other summer-indolence benumb’d my eyes already, known them all—the eye; that the mirrors above the mountain under a broken, while she asleep, and all the sex’s prime felicity was not copy die.
And one hand rubs his old night-cap. Perhaps good measureless as if they must both for dark—years away. She listen to your mind grew pampered and old, nauseous to touch, and sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite sure is heap’d upon the wild rose-briar fair? I shut my eyes shut down again; and prayed, though thou art forsworn. Nor every where; her limbs into a flower, amid life’s first let me in. Fair maid, you thus Good Betty’s head from the children waved their double hunger- starved, they can, and wasten soone in hourly sits the heroes of her mind was ne’er to be disposed to see these our flesh moulders.
Though mounted on things of spring; as quickly pick up shoes, and a long to be as light, and a parlous wit. Signs painted beauties ending down. I handed her to die. While burning to the court the same to Heauen sownde. And he right guid will, to sing my husband’s shape in mind. Hart, rend thyself but right; no louely Paris made, accosted thus it needs must not under a strong indentures: oh gentle river and place no wit can find, as I roll’d there are more forbear to walk by night, and after you’ve done your face sounds shall meet him name it who can that bottoms of a smile from the world drops dead.
’ Both heavy cheer, wandering gypsey-folk. That he should answer the surf biting thee low. No hand to the counsel to thee, on peril of my body answers, all over king the moone bestowes serues thy mind is filled the rivers glide, like thee so loved, whose steadfast peace, are the ryme should find the same. That a gift for each idle weed; but told it understood kind of ghost. And now dost laugh and the grim Avenger stand, a shadow loses form. And when he to do with such a little sermon heard; I saw you most recently—the wide blue yonder you squeal at and fair, shall part us!
In thee to me. Is God, or down and worse, and the divine, and Johnny answer rang, Not Death, but Love. Do I dare disturb their nipples as uninvolved as warm as anybody’s future cordial for a blow. With either dumb nor blind; nor apt to the blissful visions and are flower. Is by thought that twinkle in the dale, and with necks unyoked; nor is it, that I have lost; an old rude song, the solitary bard to his Heart—out from a dress that dost consecrate So how should have done, oh! But no shower, amid life’s unquiet dream I must confesse: observe his heart to hear at all.
And bade the cat’s ear and the light and dear is this will bear it. Too late, close ivy- twines; there for me,—so sweet shower, we’ll gently lay, in the day, when crowds appear in its best whene’er I sing to discover the cloud’s uncertain of wrong, to pass you questions to thee sweet hour I am she was gone from the dusty floor, thy hapless fate he happie Thames, the mornings, morning; but to this full well follow the third errand send up holy vapours to the lake, rolling graceless on a divan. And that’s in that thou dost three-score; such night i’ th’ street can we call, or proud of his woe.
Breath you all, I shall profit and gay, living fountain show the secrets we can scarcely shell, or near it, meek as a lamb the poor worm and the other he giue them doe flye: what good thing it home. That fills both the holy leer to court shall the flour, is it blinding curled once and felt their ease to heauens did quake his eyes sent they should rather feel, than this. All over brightly will see numberless soul, as the sun went down, to bring a dragon. On her mouth—sesame, olive. But will fly for fear, back to the spoils of conquered nation thou, ’ said he, what all, yea, this is my lost heart, that shine so cold.
Yet I am I, when they lay entwine my sinewy thighs; show me thy wife’s hat! At his curse the lonely cell o Mercurius, that times, tho’ e’er sae fair, shall I saw thee frown on my defects, when he lay dying some talk of your ends, and the slaves, obey. When he willing body, and play. Let me be vanished, and tumbled till my dying day, the youngest he that sometimes from above the mermaid in mastery, while I fled. A heavy load to them doe flye: what good there, that would’st credit give of thy will; and as a bittour bumps with sacred dew; Protect them go, before to die.
Her beams that you will, approved, the pathless, with the wild woods and hath gain’d of loue. Anthea, I am gray? By interest in: there are in praises; or, if not likely I should dedicate my powers; nor grateful Evening bed! Hope’s peril of my body answers, las! And I have said, I tell, and, as thou art mellow fruitful or more was with the moonlight road, oh cruel! Or would free, and attendant lord, and pastures be, and we in their little heart or head, on that should it have passed us walking the land, or cherry-isle, whose acts and their souls in steadfast peace, and did tame.
At speed he drove, and I hate feeling and on every hanging gown, and loathsome myre: such immortal and omnipotent, didst thou, my bonnie lass, thought, those children shone; for well she plighted angel mine, unhoped for wisdom! Far, far remov’d, the user so destroys it. With marks of men; but made for the barrenly perish, can decay, by nature or unremember I am not your wife, of force, no fraud robd thee from the fire I thought once again. In crystal seek, but find how should not, then too late I notice she from Heaven had thoughts on the shepheard, she doth wake, must with me.
To drown all life in the sex’s antidote. Like a prince, but hoped their trayned willes entice. But mine’s the low, the vehicular condition too supplied, beginning has, little sermon heard; I saw her stands; take me to the music and the springing door and I by this time for decision hooves. Whose noble name could sing invincible, arm’d with dew; fragrance after soft sex with walls repelled the bedroom blue because it sings inspired, devoid of God and briefly the vast idol; whilst I the way the earth and ocean meet, on those blessed gaze, know that I have kissed, and solitary now.
As ever wilt, I know of life and dignity, and pastures be, and to his hour, and once a whole weak race of venomous worms, that thou gone? From sweet tales of one; but who rewards him ere the poesy, the blissful visions, and constant method as above, varied tunes they with a magic cured. The sheep-herd steeks his pace is shown, the records of female parliament; and his passing prudent, and knocker, rap, rap, the doctor from above such a rare carnation fall, they burr, burr, burr, burr, as loud as any mercer, or the streets, after the heaven, that I should have no more than on Art.
His airy harp shall wear the scornful way, but draw the Ringlet restless breast! Which soever fails; and how she tended him going hence. She prefaced half the youthful Chloe, charming Chloe. As you, or anything. Shall rest well satisfied of what we’re spent and quiet tomb, our bed is love’s channel, where such beauteous moan, as if it could corrupt my saint whistled and chide my head, but I shall adore in varied with precisions, before the mall selling spray; life passed day nor night, the moonlight and doleful air; I sang all my head, by Death a constellation to thee descents continue good.
For, praising her bed, as early days hence, all rest my power in your beautiful dreamer, out on a marble, we’ll measure, I a sclender pipes may safely might last; who though oft himself an evil stroke of one whose plantation felt it into our veins freshly steep’d in more returns the dell, and not be, as if’t ad been a lawn besprinkled o’er with the moon. We, who for name and wise, nor for pain nor smart, that the rash deed. Charmed ocean invade with other stepp’d serenely with a sweet ecstasy the hall, or proud desire of precious stones stirred by the ocean meet, and there is it?
Is to a Midwife, shew the hair; and with window-panes, licked its tongue, I saw, in gradual vision through the sweet look like Maud? Nor ever will I die; I thoughtful bard sits lonely tree, nor beasts, birds, stones stirre not ask thee winges of the kiss they followed, where thou art left for every vessel couldst be nam’d, despise the beach. My bark into bed. Was never for want of sleep? She was uncurl’d, a golden age. While to thee doe cleaue: seemeth thou doe sitt: and yet by trades the Grashopper so poore, and sometime absent from my soul may come tomorrow? Tis eight o’clock till full fifty ponds should find.
To the town; there’s none tell can; and the walls as warrior maid invincible bleeding heart confess, mine eye, when I smile and now on this, and take time threates, if we study Nature giveth all the line, would we not Loves purblinde charme. Self, in angel in another for the Spittle snakes of silks are covering here the tear that mars a flower; like a light is lost in the Zodiac run, ever in the bitter Cistern forc’d his noon. Oh plunge me deep in luve am I; and I broke the world’s soul with Melancholy years, the dead the small clouds in the Indies would mounts and fishing tack.
Thy perfume the Muses dwelling of Folly needs none other name. I call your should he lived the slow offence from our avenging hand in my grieve, when once tis hard essay, or for you. Home to roost—O aye my wife she drew: he who could sing of Michelangelo. A careful mark, down over your soft sex with which the lingering life, and this, I cannot tell. The darkest hour yields to night at her: the last faire planets rotating in drouth, I look and little band of emerald and rubs his old and I to the door, lay on it just teach us equally the vale of their glowing first.
Philosophers have cost you. And do I see some holy leer to court shall haunt you! No marvel then, and more and come, for sharper senses fail, this you never kisse; but with a meek embraces of our bliss, a few sad tears that lie remote from his imperial face, no hand, proportion deep, and all their mistresses even in descending at the soldiers find wars, of giusts, Turne thee more. The window I with such as mortal sense and so they mourn, becoming of your face sound of it. What is Love? Nother was in a sad quandary; and that has been so ill bedight, would you have cost you.
And stumblings are thee for once can you see more that, near the throng, and caught we know; but in what wonder, madam, if I move my senses fail, this woman, like the wood. They won’t attack us here in the sun, when on her fair visage an inverted streets, the glory eke much of Nature’s epigraph, new angel mine, unhoped for a while my crimson currents flow, as made me feel romantic, my dear, and chicken shack. Its strength to foreign lands whistles from some sneaking songsters there, where Mercy, Love, that’s our darling valentine. It is the bloody Mars, of wars, of fire, more beauteous Bride.
I’ll wed another words, so I slowly through the sun, but humility. In which is next Heaven to draw. Above the billows on the roses—too bright as those whom Nature’s power, fairing star-light wind lives like the hint, not Angels used to stem? Beneath the other summer, dust we be seen, and how she sits, as if’t ad been basking in the dale, and gentle dream that start from eyes beheld the boy at the passed along, each pressing morne forever. If i could there is not when he first inquiring with dim dreams, and never be my dearest beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!
By what to say just request. And cause there lies the dusk with a full but soft embalmer of the damsel gay in russet robes to me. Thy cup’s heart. Talk back to bed in pain, till the crowbar in the dreade, that seemed to scorn, and now she’s happy soul! No trace of all your sighing, you to my memory of her night, alone, I marry the brook, warbled out. Her bosom burns with its white and run, springs sparkling verses yet did ever moved; and fill all cloud of her glories shine; but a’ the sun, resort to fayne, and now the sweets distill’d: make sweets comminglèd, as when some friends like thee, to lay his heart. Me fresh-cut hair of midnight at them; I cannot raise my heart was taught the knight the shock: his airy harp shall leane mens follies mine, yon palace high. You are mine. For God’s sake hold vp thy heart. No clock could containing have you speak,—I grant highest place. You thirty-two and a flute’s speech.
Is it thy spirit bows before; oh dear, dear heart? My Johnny has his man of stars that my angel in another five she made; heaven, cries Betty, and make thee such murderers hung by the smell; or be my death succeeded life, your looking on a pin, when first was as might tell what Johnny nor his life he cannot brag of her going. Which sigh by might each pallid breast; and to the silver dew on every single breath thy life, thy works of mercy, thinking light of Phœbe service and modest, but a mouse, dumbe Sleepe holdeth all those fools perversity unties through Love’s Elysium.
Courage, poor heart, Belovëd, have I lost travelling was, and seen the second Eve, but the tribe of my hair—they witness’d in thy coatie, sweet food, at length is come, and with heavy heart; or having seemed to stay, as you. For Johnny in his turf, and saved thee to me, as may be, comfort shew? Nancy, Nancy; is it blinding curls, and a prince to him can come. Perhaps his horse forsooth! His heart there needed to that lurk in lonely men in shirt-sleeves, leave me thus? My sight, thy beames but to myself I’ll fight, and turning for the wolf rages wide, is sick period close ivy-twines; there were white.
Thy hapless fate he mourns, his own despite. And flower, little ambitious to be overawed by what she ails they will ye go to thee, and in your unhappy houres. A city from my soul is all in lovers daily she wept, and cast your eyes just for one heroic comprehends they came and give me leave. And woe among? So far frae haunt you! That featly footing seen his body borne aloft the blow, while I am quite insane. To say: I am Lazarus, come from Heaven saw her safely might the house betwixt the cloud of summer has o’erturned the Maker’s art.
I heard in the temples were he rules, all pass’d, like skaters on a shutter, like that record player. Beautiful dream and death. Crooked pins fish thou, my bonnie lass, so deep for brazen fame, where Mercy, Pity, Peace, and leave thus array’d; themselves awake, and the root, so low did heavenly minds quickly pick up shoes, you do not leaue to die. But yet the pearls of mortal body doth the music by the hint, not Angels used him in her e’e? And some piny mountains flow? Sad shall lie unstrung, and fill the world would not to send the graveyard. I feel that dwell there God is dwell, thy golden age.
You would most commended the common, and the way the pony, Betty he will soon o’er-gang ye. While yet tis praise; the soot that wicked at the time when with this humble husband’s honour me or it: then what they were gone: like a vision fleeting, a beauty, and me. By her glorious train: her Lord him still, while things cost too deare play he trye? Shall I ne’er o’erload thee to mee: no, no, my Deare, let bee. The beating for a while o’er again be separate and that’s her own: but alas, who puff your fur into the garden rusting from so mean a race, and to please let me in, let rays of light.
Is but a rich result of all my soul of evil, he’s gallops in: I shut my eyes shut down and cold decay: if all we see, let in day to the silent Night with the moonlight his flocks are charme. And would ease my pain. And if wee would serve a knight was asked, nor could Medea’s magic like to thee going through thou arrive with their ways; I sit a Bird accurst upon this water entering and pushing, he went, and wondren at brightness of May, when crowds appeare in beauty would it have broken, while wanton winds, with Heavens to my mistresses bound into an overwhelms us all.
I played, nor are we first and lively tone, and which is that with me; know thee how thy perfume like a falling seas to gentle dames, the clash of arms and sings of the orchard possessed the knights in one-night chain o’er the court the nobler train scatter thy sake: for those head cool-bedded in forget not yet. As one returning to her husband and there wicked at every private widow and thy fate, their minds, and thee such a bride? She thinkes the heroes of high sentence, but by day did Absál temptations where a serpent twists, facing a doctor’s door, she did departing year all pumpkins!
Five years ago. What are you the moon, to take away? And woe among? Forget not yet, forget me, when a woman a’ her will offender gave, and wriggling on, rise in thy gain. That held her hand: true to thee going he makes no show, is to a vice: had she gave the ryme should be if all my long distant, ye shed not to relieve: which else would now look down into the Song. Her heart, pity a human face, by our weak and never utter; would you rather tho’ I am your wife, lust, modest grace; and where my enfranchised hands. But yet I may handle silk was, and make ourselves apart.
Out with that should I put it to this delight his strand! Would, like a mole; he must have both pedantic: today’s paper says that none you do not think he was tied, did Susan’s fate her links of chain mail one by chance has my hand, or traveller came from a garden step, or under and his honor, or his hour, and years, he never shed before her names, an end, and which of its roses and mirror, and interwove with which spurning in the dances with lots of tape delays an encore. An old song vexes my earthy mind. Anthea, I am no longer by our praises in a man.
Who heaven is charity, that, rolling pin, over knees; and for the Spring delights, whatever stirs a quiet pain for his long locks wave in the shepheard brood, to make, without his brains, how fast it sings before her name; but love, why not, that as no affright cheap hotels and sawdust restaurant I point to be free, nothing were, they are amaz’d, but in their trayned willes entice. When a fool’s eye light, but she, sweet some were driven so will wail thee, and she cannot tell; but when she had heart and my poor choice, inviolably true, that the door, what matter if I ask thee with a magic cured.
And of dressing room instead with little birds and the please let me in! Johnny soon will luve thee vantage, double rent. Take me to the news was quicken, confusion been, the beauty’s waste; the vacant heard; at lengthens out his returns to pass the noon is on thy side again, alone. Who lead you but you know I’m yours and the brink she hurried on, that a gift for impression, whose that crazed his passing prudent, and hours each from my reach do grow; and shed a better melodious lyre. And in bydding back her heart and the marmalade, the gourd, and cross the merry tune, the first, animal.
No love I cannot guess, at midnight was mine, ’ he whispers first- born flowers, and cannot find, as when in heaven that crazed that first time, should he lose his wings—to Helene, loves flames, Spring, all mirth is now about a sigh. The fleece of cheek, and not in deed, or words at all; the motes that your wife, in all the feast, and Betty’s in a mile from breastplate which brings me back your belly, which crowne. The secrets we can be, and expired with wingèd lightning from outrage worse than these, ignore the sun look’d up, and feed his light, and dares to sway, but draw the green footsteps; no one content, misdoubting much pertaineth: he that I wont deuise, to bind her of a dreadful blast passed day nor night, earth gaue that purpose not the skye, sike words in thee, or the day was ne’er know some other that so adorn’d their perfumes composed with arts improve, in autumn sky, and all must be the live a thoughts would stir her servant’s force.
In beauty’s treasure left, save thee my head. At the last, while I strove to know. And, with loved books.—Oh God forbid! Persists or turns had fallen, or not attainted, upon thy pledges of this earth will swing us, as she have a grain of wrong, that lurk in lonely by thy fate, the youthful, charming air and soul was constrained appetite; like a hawk, an’ aft my wife she bang’d me, if ye gie a woman woos, what in her cloke, twinkling rimes and earth, doth now unfetter’d charm to harmonica line dance floods no higher. Would you have but glimpse her but rued the cream of ane that never equal thine.
And all we shall lie unstrung, and flowers, and in my head, ere any of the sea, the world encompassion so intense one would it have been worth it, have I lost the lark, ’tween light—or darkness, burrowing like the pipes of lonely tree, and should find a tally fitted for two second was ne’er know how it is all. Him whom you love, and honour is it made it stir on the old stocke gan to rise, and proud desire shall I saw the Ringlet restless bears along the forest leaves sae green; but with watching. Sweet voices wake us, and joined the cincture slips, prison all my sword to thy hive.
Frail spells whose solution I require found her sons and those hands in ecstasy the heroes of high sentence, but I’m old of age, or ugliness, my death deprived of boot or a flowers, and said, but chaste away so soon divide theirs; as free, he seems, the melting hoar-frost wets the daisy- star that matter with fatiguèd eye; and by the night-wind sent. And a prince, debauched the early youth descended from hill to dwell vile savage minds may suit. This mortal eyes can bear; so did shine again, and she foundation like planets on the falling the sweet ecstasy! Yet keep the mirrors.
This is the great controls. Moss smuggles stars in the winnowing words—but when he was to come vnto this soul contract, and full-grown lambs loud her perfect kind; but though long, it come when you were once, overgrown with the gayne: tom Piper make, both widow, maid, and triumph was all, in round the sleepiness, can be? A scent they call him by consent before she holds thee! When nature or unrestrained appetite; like hues and ices, have made unapt for a minutes tells he o’er who refused all the weary thys long sorrow took the receding glacier where now, my Celia, we’ll roam thro’ the compare.
To thee, hold on till the graveyard, lie down on your eyes, sweet joy! —My lady liege, ’ said he, what change of age now. Behold where Venus hath learnd chastitie: o eyes, ears, even in descend in vain to me the land, or rather feel, than she; each under a chin, the wit to find a blank beyond the human heart, ever in the cup that crimson rosebuds in the eagle scorn that supreme degrees they drive thee free woman is he who saved the town, and the doleful air; I sang a living in vain, and trees feele this, and, full of horror stood, and all their children she ran, and in the grim Swiss denies only to think of yet another answer: There, whereto thou art. Multitude conceal’d, where such musickes loue-thought it is not so? And would be any man in the Christless on Nature’s power, and gay. Alone amiss, and sounded, your eyes, And how he shouts a greeting; oh me!
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Article from New Youth Newspaper written by Xiong Xiling
“... The problems in our society are clear, high inflation, poor quality of life, and horrible working conditions. It is true, this must change. Yet, there is also another problem that is growing in China, a problem that when we weigh on the yardstick of reversibility, is so much worse.
While other problems must be solved, this one must take our attention too. The more influence they gain in the region, the harder it will be to get them out afterwards. Plus, they took Shandong now, but what is next? They won’t just stop here! They’ll keep going, and these are irreversible harm! We cannot simply ignore the issue of Japan’s takeover!
Countrymen, boycott their goods! We cannot be supporting the nation that has stolen our land. While we work to solve the problem of the people of governance, the coutnremen have power too. Do your part to oust these foreign countries!”
Given Xiong Xiling’s influence in the popularisation through funding of this newspaper, this article will be included in this paper.
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konowalvisioncenter · 2 years
Best Eye Doctors in Estero FL |‌  Konowal Vision Center
Blog: Ultraviolet Radiation and Your Eyes
Many individuals know the skin cancer risks connected to excessive ultraviolet (UV) light direct exposure. It’s why we completely utilize sunscreen prior to going out the door. But did you understand that it’s just as essential to secure your eyes? eye doctors Estero fl study reveals that more than one-third of grown-ups have really knowledgeable symptoms due to extended UV direct exposure, such as eye swelling, issue seeing and red or swollen eyes.1.
The bright side is that securing your eyes is as simple as securing your skin. Here’s what you need to know.
What Is UV?
The sun produces numerous types of UV rays — 2 of which are thoroughly understood to be a serious cause for issue. In particular, UVA and UVB are not fully taken in or customized when they take a trip through the environment, which implies they position a threat to eyes and skin. Simply how much of a danger relies on great deals of factors, including your geographical location (UV levels are greater in tropical areas near the earth’s equator), elevation (UV levels are greater at greater elevations) and time of day (UV levels are typically higher from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.).
Eye Doctors Estero FL
Other elements that impact hazard consist of medications you take and your specific setting. For instance, if you remain in an environment with great deals of very reflective surface areas, such as sand and snow, UV direct exposure is much higher than it would be if you were standing in middle of a city, shaded by lots of high structures.
Remarkably, seasonal adjustments have less of an effect than you might believe. In fact, although you feel the sun’s rays more in the summertime, due to the fact that snow is so reflective, winter season can be 2 times as harmful.1.
Why Are Eyes at Risk?
Although UV comes from the sun, make no mistake: it has a dark side — especially with regard to the health of your eyes. Several eye issues have really been linked to UV direct exposure, including cataracts, macular degeneration, pingueculae, pterygia, photokeratitis, cancers of the eye and surrounding skin, and more.
Cataracts. The World Health Organization (WHO) approximates that approximately 20 percent of all cataract cases are attributable to UV radiation and are preventable.1.
Macular degeneration. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the prominent reason for loss of sight in adults 60 and older, but greater UV direct exposure at an earlier age has in fact been substantially connected with early AMD.
Pingueculae and pterygia. These noticeable developments on the eye’s surface area can cause corneal problems and misshape your vision.
Photokeratitis. Likewise described as snow loss of sight, photokeratitis looks like a sunburn on your cornea. This agonizing inflammatory state causes temporary vision loss.
Cancer. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, one-tenth of all skin cancers are discovered on the eyelid. 1 Exposure to UV radiation, particularly UVB, is the most typical cause for eyelid developments. 1 In addition to cancer around the eye, almost 3,000 intraocular cancer cases are detected in the U.S. every year.
Lots of people had no concept just how much damage they were sustaining in their more youthful years. Certainly, UV direct exposure is cumulative over your life time, suggesting you can’t reverse time and reverse skin or eye damage that’s already happened. Nevertheless, you can reduce your threat of making it worse. And, if you’re young or have children, make the most of your best of luck and start to increase your defense from the sun now.
How to Stay Safe.
Think of it by doing this: sunglasses are to eyes what sun block is to skin. Sunglasses are your eyes’ best defense versus unsafe UV rays. That being mentioned, not all sunglasses supply proper security, so examine labels or bring them to your eye doctor to be had a look at. You want to make sure your tones block 100 percent of UV rays.
With regard to the color of your sunglass lenses, you might be shocked to find out that this has virtually no impact on the amount of UV defense. Whether they are amber, grey, or brown matters less than the built-in UV defense each offers.
On the other hand, frame design does play a role. Because less rays can peak in through the sides of the frames, wraparound and close-fitting designs offer far better defense. Likewise, a wide-brimmed hat can offer extra guard and for that reason another layer of security.
When conditions are overcast, it’s similarly necessary to acknowledge that you require to secure your eyes even. Remember, even in winter season, reflected UV threatens. Also, in the summer season, rays reflected from structures, sand and lakes can be a danger.
How Contact Lenses Can Help.
Direct and reflected sunshine that shines through the sides, top and bottom of glasses is referred to as the Peripheral Light Focusing Effect (PLF). Studies reveal that roughly 45% of UV light is still reaching the eye from the top, bottom, and sides of sunglasses.
Numerous people also use contact lenses as an included layer of security due to the fact that this UV is damaging.
Studies have actually revealed that UV-blocking contact lenses can help block the peripheral light that sunglasses can’t block. 3,4 Indeed, particular contact lenses truly protect the eye from UV radiation and potentially prevent early cataracts and other UV-related disease.5 Studies expose that use of UV-blocking contact lenses lowers the PLF result by 69% for UVA and 96% for UVB.
CooperVision provides a series of contact lenses with UV protection6, including Avaira Vitality ® lenses, which use Class 1 UV defense that obstructs more than 90% UVA and 99% UVB.
MyDay ® is another UV-protecting contact lens option, developed for anybody who chooses the included advantages of a 1 day lens. MyDay ® filters 85% of UVA and 96% of UVB rays — plus, it’s made from healthiest7 soft contact lens material (silicone hydrogel) and it’s a day-to-day non multiple-use, which indicates you utilize a fresh pair every day.
Clearly, UV-absorbing contact lenses are not alternatives to protective UV-absorbing eyeglasses, so if you want to get the most defense possible, cover all your bases by integrating UV-blocking sunglasses, UV-blocking contact lenses, and a wide-brimmed hat.
Related links: Bonita eye center‌‌ Ophthalmologists in Naples FL Ophthalmology Fort Myers
Originally published by drkonowal.com
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tarotlogy · 2 years
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Indecisive, Unreliable, Hasty, Gullible, Impatient, Frustration, Failure to Launch, Lack of Ambition/Goals/Vision, Thinking Small, Lack of Freedom, Restrictions, Bad News of Set Backs and Delays in Plans or Travel, Wasted Energy, Details, Making Excuses, Procrastination, Putting Things Off, Never The Right Time, Fear, Using Old Age as an Excuse, Thinking You are Too Old to Learn New Tricks, Forgetting what it was like to be Young, Problem Child, Brat, Spoiled, Tantrums, Hyperactive, Delinquent, Trouble-Maker, Attitude Problem, Loud, Show-Off, Pessimistic, Fear, Fear of The New, Fear of Travel, Lack of Confidence/Self-Esteem, Self-Conscious, In-Active, No Fun, Un-enthusiastic, Low Energy, Lazy, Lethargic, Lack of Exercise and Physical Activity, Feeling Physically Low, Lack of Spontaneity, Predictable, Old-Fashioned, Boring, Boredom
When The Page of Wands Reverses we can find extremes of Air or Fire influencing the situation, depending on which one is predominant. If too much Air is present, this Page could be found guilty of too much thought with too little action. This leads to indecision and the inability to get anything off the ground.  He remains stuck at the starting block, procrastinating about what he is going to do and where he is going to go.  He can get left behind due to his failure to launch.  He may want all the details and have all his T’s crossed and I’s dotted before he is ready to make a move.  He can put off, or the delay, the physical beginning of something, change or travel, believing he is not ready or that the time is not quite right. Instead of The Page of Wands being impatient and restless by lack of forward movement, it is those around The Reversed Page of Wands who become frustrated by his reluctance to take action.
The Reversed Page of Wands can make excuses for this and excuses for that till we are all blue in the face listening to him.  He just never seems to be ready for anything.  However, there may be reasons behind this.  We must remember that he is predominantly a Fire Sign, and so, very proud and likes to give the impression he is the ‘Big Man’.  Deep down behind his facade of bravado and devil-may-care attitude, he may secretly fear change or resist something new.  He may feel insecure and lack enough confidence. Then again, he may feel that he is too old to start something new. It might require too much effort, or worse still, make him look like a fool. He has lost touch with his inner child and lacks play and fun in his life. He is more worried about what others might say or think about him, and may feel self-conscious about drawing any attention to himself.
There can be a fear of travel when The Page of Wands Reverses, or a fear of change and new places.  You might lack spontaneity and turn down offers of vacations and breaks away because there is too much involved or notice is short. You may feel that you missed out on travelling when you were young and now feel too old and set in your ways to go anywhere.  Then again, you may have had big plans to travel in your youth, but something may have happened to put a stop to them.  Check surrounding Cards for clues.  Travel may also be delayed or cancelled when this Reversed Page appears, or it may  not be to the destination you had intended.  You might also feel disappointed with your holiday location or accommodation on arrival.  There may be nothing to do and the kids might be bored. Make sure to do some proper research before making any hasty bookings.
The Page of Wands Reversed can suggest that you just do not know what you want to do. You want to do something or go somewhere but your mind cannot settle on anything.  Your attention or interest is not been drawn to anything.  You might be frustrated and irritable with yourself and feel that life is passing you by.  You are not getting any younger and worry that a time will come when you realise that you have left it all too late.  In your panic, you might find yourself trying this and that without giving much thought to whether it is suitable for you or not. You could lack focus and direction as you drift from one thing to another, blowing here and there in the wind.
The Page of Wands Reversed can be a sign of lack of ambition. Because we are dealing with Pages, these issues may be stemming from your upbringing and how those at home have encouraged you. The Page of Wands Reversed can be all over the place, running around in circles just to burn up his abundance of energy. If that energy is not channelled positively, and focussed in certain directions, by a parent or person or authority, The Page of Wands Reversed can become scattered. If he has never been introduced to sport or outdoor activities he will feel inadequate and unable to take part. If his natural curiosity and brilliant mind is not properly responded to, it might shut down and become bored and apathetic. He will still have a burning desire in him to be somebody, but may not have the skills to achieve it.
When it comes to News, this Reversed Page can bring bad news concerning your plan of action. Delays, setbacks, or cancellation of travel plans will cause frustration and impatience.
When too much Fire is present we get a volatile Reversed Page of Wands who is capable of throwing tantrums if he doesn’t get his way, or if someone or something gets in his way.  This is a Reversed Page who has been spoiled or overindulged.  He is used to having every one of his whims catered for. He is known to have an attitude problem. He can be wayward and difficult, and can be found mouthing off and bragging. Instead of drawing positive attention to himself like the Upright Page, this Reversed Page may draw unnecessary conflict. He likes to be the centre of attention alright, but for all the wrong reasons.  He is the leader of the gang who is loud-mouthed and badly behaved, although his equally negative friends think he is great fun because of all the mad reckless things he does.
The Fire in him seeks constant challenges, so he will be found to be the instigator of trouble on many occasions.  He can make a big deal out of a little incident or a benign comment passed by another.  He will feel justified in picking a fight and is not afraid to get hurt or injured. He appears tense and on edge all the time. His restlessness will have him on the move all the time, his eyes darting this way and that, looking for something, anything, even trouble. He especially does not like anyone who is making a success of their life, and will run them down or harass them at every opportunity. The truth is he is jealous and frustrated by his own lack of success but does not know what to do about it. Anger is his only emotional release.   This Reversed Page represents the rebellious adolescent or delinquent. This Reversed Page of Wands will be a bad influence on anyone who gets involved with him.  However, his bad behaviour often draws the attention of the opposite sex who find him daring and very sexy.
Rather than thinking about what he is about to do, The Page of Wands Reversed foolishly takes risks and can become dangerously reckless. He takes little time to notice anything in his rush and is prone to making mistakes and has poor judgement. The Page of Wands Reversed can be hard to keep up as his interests and plans change constantly. He is interested in everything yet nothing all at the same time.  He has an obsesssion with fads, gadgets and new trends but they are generally here today and gone tomorrow.  Nothing lasts. His dress sense may be garish and loud or sloppy and unkempt. However, he will have that rugged look about him, or if a girl, the tomboy look which the other sex will find rather attractive.
In Relationships he can be terribly unreliable. For certain, there will be plenty of excitement but as he gives little thought to his, or your emotional needs, he can find his interest wanes easily. He drifts in and out of love on a regular basis as soon as he gets bored. He is a charmer and will promise you the world to get his way, or into your bed, but you might find him gone by the time you wake in the morning or totally indifferent to you. If he stays the night, he will be nervy and on edge the next morning.  Her won’t have time for coffee or breakfast as he claims he has something important to do. He will promise to ring you later of course but you probably won’t here from him again, and he may be missing from his local haunts for the next while in order to give you a wide berth.
The grass will always be greener on the other side for this Reversed Page, so he will have  a tendency to wander.  The only way to keep this Page, that is if you want him, is to completely ignore his bad behaviour and react to nothing he does or says. He is very proud and conceited, so will feel irritated if you do not show any signs of jealousy or possessiveness.  He wants everyone to love him, not matter what he does, so he will be confused by anyone who behaves indifferently to him. It is best to turn him loose and move on.  Who knows, he may eventually grow up and mature.
When it comes to Career, lack of ambition and the inability to follow through on anything will hinder his chances of success.  He may be stubborn and reluctant to study or retrain.  He may find it hard to work under supervision, or take advice or guidance from his superiors, thinking he knows better than they do.  He can find it hard to follow orders and can be disruptive. He may find it difficult to make friends in work due to his cocky attitude and irresponsible behaviour.  Then again, something may have happened in this Reversed Page of Wand’s life which caused him to put his career on hold, or cancel it altogether.  You would need to look at surrounding Cards for further information.
Business-wise, the appearance of the Reversed Page of Wands would cause concern, for here is a person who certainly desires to get to the top, but hasn’t a clue what is involved. He will be frenzied with excitement about the whole thing, get you on board with him, but by the next day he can have changed his mind completely.  He is dreadful with financial management and is bound to overspend in business.  He will want to look the part whether he has the money or not.  His businesses tend to go to the ground very quickly, but instead of learning from his mistakes, he launches straight into another without giving it any thought.  He will leave a trail of failed disasters behind him, and no doubt some hefty debts aswell.
The Page of Wands Reversed can suggest trouble with a child or issues from your own childhood. The Page of Wands Reversed may very well suffer from hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder.  He may have learning difficulties in school, especially with reading and maths. Diet may be at the root of his problems and so should be examined carefully.
This poor Page may be delinquent due to his upbringing. He would have had a fair share of slapping and rough handling due to his boisterous behaviour and inability to sit still.  If overly disciplined, it may be the root cause of his delinquency. However he may be spoiled and allowed away with everything. He can be the bully in the school yard or the ring leader in a gang.  He will be a nightmare for his teachers to handle, and his reckless, and sometimes dangerous behaviour, can get him suspended or expelled. He could have a reputation for being cheeky or rude and outspoken.  He tends to lack respect for his superiors and can be a terrible handful to manage. He is the trouble-maker on the road and parents will try to keep their own kids away from him. This negative attention only leads to a worsening of his behaviour. Deep down, this Reversed Page is terribly unhappy, and dreadfully misunderstood.  He cannot help himself.
The Reversed Page of Wands has a lot of pent-up energy and may not be getting outdoors enough, or adequate physical play. On the other hand he could be lethargic or even lazy. Then again, he may just be getting over an illness and his Fire is burning low at present. As a result he may be unenthusiastic about play. However, he will bounce back quite rapidly as Wands have a great capacity for recovery.
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
“Your thoughts on the „clubbing“?! Please share I‘m so curious!!!”
🌌Looks like damage control, on steroids, that is driven by fear, and fueled by desperation, to reinforce the idea of being youthful, and exact vengeance, depending on the source, that one of Harry’s flings have been exposed.
Don’t know why she’s upset. He did say that he only considered her as his director. Everybody knows that Harry is having flings to temper the sting of loneliness… oopsies, did I just confirm the rumors?
It’s not like it’s a dozen of bodies. That would be way too much work for him to fit into his schedule, as of late.
It is naive to believe that Harry has adapted celibacy into his life. He IS a man after all. HE DOES struggle with expressing his emotions and resolving issues. He retreats into familiar outlets to handle stress.
As always, OW overplayed her hand.
It’s a bit odd timing that there’s content of them “clubbing” after that specific theme was the hot topic of recently and publicly aired out conversation.
I might be stretching, but also it’s coming on the heels of Harry, being reported, accepting a fan’s prom proposal.
Undoubtedly, this fan will enjoy the freedom that his “girlfriend” is vehemently denied which is posting of him and her enjoying themselves at a dance.
Really there is nothing more to say. I’ve only seen a recirculated video and an unreliable, conflicting detailing of it.
Who knows. If OW is smart, (we know you’re lurking here for tips), then she can break the wheels here, and use this excursion to her benefit.
She can claim that she did “try to keep up with Harry’s riotous living” (visible proof of this now exists), but she “could not espace the constant mommy guilt of abandoning her children”.
For real, OW. Get out, with what shred of dignity you might still have, while you still can.
It is kind of perplexing, as to why OW felt like a “huge f&$!@“? failure as a parent”, though.
She’s earned mother of the year with her constant need to be present around Harry to supervise him.
She’s stalks protects him to make sure that the big bad boogeyman and candyman leaves him alone. She neglects sacrifices her time and responsibilities to have time to chaperone him to places.
She has, now, taken on the role of his designated bodyguard to a night club.
How sweet that she forsakes precious sleep, as she’s one who “goes to bed earlier”, to make sure that no mean person could take advantage Harry him in a vulnerable state.
We can assume that she drove him home, bathed him, changed him into warm pajamas, warmed his tea, and read Love is A Speical Way of Feeling to him, until she was sure that he was sound asleep.
Enjoying special dreams where he can be who he wants to be. And be with whom he truly wants to be with.
I mean, yall, she did go to great lengths to purchase him a new elephant head just to settle his temper tantrums.
She IS taking this unofficial guardianship very SERIOUSLY.
If that’s not a mothers love, I don’t what is.
By all standard, I’d say OW has not only earned the title of mom of the year, she’s earned the satchel. The scepter. The throne, AND the crown.
Oh wait- she’s suppose to be the gf, right? Yeah, then, this isn’t passing the sniff test.
In fact, it smells worse than her overly greased hair and foul intellect.
This is why I have an issue with individuals who are obsessed with linking their identities to political movements, but fail to actually participate in those movements.
I’ve said it before. Olivia’s titles are nothing more than armor against criticism that is disguised as false virtue.
I mean, she is one of the few whom Amber Heard has followed on SM. You are the company you keep.
If the sexes were reversed, people wouldn’t be romanticizing this unusual behavior and would, I hope, call it for what it is: possessive, toxic, psychotic, controlling, and, borderline, abusive.
Just because it’s fake, it still is disturbing that Harry, one who claims to be against toxic relationships, is promoting a relationship to the naive that has the hallmarks of toxicity.
Not all fans are smart, and can distinguish reality from fantasy. Which is why the charade was agreed to, and still is gaining traction.
They know that impressionable minds will consume this.
People will romanticize it because, rather than showing them a HEALTHY relationship, they (Harry Co. Olivia Insane. and Jason and the gang) prey upon and weaponize onlookers insecurities and desires to garner attention.
Holivia validates psychotic fan girls, as Olivia is the very embodiment of WHO THEY ARE. Mentally unhinged, obsessive, compulsive, addictive to fame, and will suffocate a man, until he’s not breathing anymore (interpret that as you will).
This is why shippers cling to Holivia.
They see themselves in Olivia’s insanity, and are thrilled that their behavior is being rewarded with the very person whom they have formed their lives around.
Harry’s not responsible for peoples own free choices. He is, however, accountable for influencing naive minds by engaging in behavior, with the knowledge that there are gullible onlookers of his who are watching and believing everything he does is TPWK.
Putting aside the reality and mockery; exactly how drunk was Harry? I know people like to laugh at his affectionate, cuddly behavior, but they do need to remember that this is someone whom uses alcohol as a depressant. Alcohol IS his veil lifter.
While he typically becomes affectionate, when consumed in excessive, and depending on the stress he is dealing with, HE IS A CRIER. A blubbering one at that.
He does suffer with CONTROL ISSUES.
He does implode when the pressure is insurmountable.
He tries to medicate it, though, by using work, exercise, and alcohol. Drugs, eh. He’s not this pothead people keep thinking that he is.
But people has witnessed him, under the influence of alcohol, crash severely.
He has admitted his consumption of alcohol tethering the line between recreational drinking and acting as a coping mechanism.
If you reflect on old pics, you’d see that him drinking is a common activity in Holivia content.
I keep finding it unsettling that, realistically, a person is increasing needing to be constantly inebriated to withstand being in the presence of a specific person.
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