#none of them talked to me about anything that I wouldn’t tell my kid sister EVER. and they reminded me to be safe too! they were great!
emblazons · 7 months
I would personally like to thank all the gen x and elder millennials who allowed me to be the “kid” in all of my favorite fandom spaces 15+ years ago because lord knows if I was anything like the youth in some of my newer fandoms I should have been blocked by at least 2/3 of my faves
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phantlvs · 4 months
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Shoto Todoroki | Family Meetings
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You let out a huff while walking through the door, sloppily kicking your shoes off of your sore feet and haphazardly dropping your bag off of your shoulder.
You let out a sigh that leaned into a whine of exhaustion.
You paused however. Usually when getting home, you’d get two little kids running up to you. One jumping up and down telling you about his day, and the other clinging to your leg whining about how she missed you.
But there was nothing.
You moved to walk further into your home, choosing to go to the kitchen first.
You paused, seeing your husband stood in front of the table. His arms crossed and a stern look on his face while he stared at the little boy.
The boy, a stubborn kid with a stubborn pout while he refused to look at his father.
“Sho..” you spoke his name, gaze looking back at him.
He looked over at you. He saw the questioning gaze you gave him.
“It wasn’t me, I told you, papa!” Shion spoke up.
“Quiet, Shion.” You told him, voice soft yet stern.
“Sho.” You looked back to him.
“The school called saying Shion stole something from another kid. The parents are furious.” He told you.
“Wasn’t me!!” Shion announced loudly, voice trailing off into a frustrated groan.
Shoto would never hurt his kids, neither you. He vowed to never become his father. And he was true to his word. You never worried he’d ever go back on that, not once.
“Where’s Himari?” You asked softly.
“Her room.” He told you.
“Alright, you go check on her while I talk to him,” you told her, a gentle hand on his arm.
He looked down at you, the frustrated look in his gaze dwindling. Face softening. You gave him a soft smile, one reassuring him you could deal with the mess Shion might or might not have caused.
Shoto let out a sigh, pulling you into him with an arm around your shoulders and kissing your temple before leaving the kitchen to go check on your daughter.
“Shion,” you spoke his name, moving to sit next to him at the table. “Tell me.”
He broke out into a frustrated rant, one you almost couldn’t understand because of how fast he was talking. “Mama, mama, it wasn’t me! Promise it wasn’t!! That Rin kid, she’s got it out for me. Swear! I saw Hizashi take it, I did!” Your brows furrowed, trying to keep up.
You reached out a hand, smoothing down his unruly red hair. “Okay, okay,” you spoke up, “hey, Shi, calm down.” You shushed him gently. “Take a breath with me, okay?”
You took a moment, waiting for him to calm down a little before getting a curt nod from him.
You took a breath in. He took a breath in.
You held it. He held it.
You let it out. He let it out.
And repeat.
“Okay.” You said, “Calmer?” You questioned, getting a nod from the boy. “Alright, start from the beginning.”
“Okay,” he started, giving a nod, “So, this Rin girl. I swear she’s got it out for me and I don’t know why! I try to be nice but she’s just mean!” He started, hands flailing in the air as he spoke and you listened. “Today, she was going around showing everyone this cool jacket she got! And later, I swear I saw Hizashi swipe it! I did, really I did! I tried to get it back but when I took it from him, Rin saw I had it and started blaming me for stealing it! And I tried to tell the teach but she just wouldn’t believe me! Hizashi even started blaming me too!!” He puffed his cheeks out.
A cute habit the boy had. Whenever he got frustrated or annoyed, he’d puff his cheeks out. You were never sure where he got it from, but it was adorable none the less.
“Alright, okay,” you raised your hand again, smoothing your thumb over his cheek gently. “It’s okay, my love, I believe you.” You spoke softly.
“You do..?” He asked softly, voice shaking a bit. It was like he didn’t believe you.
You gaze softened, lips curling up into a slight smile. “Yes, I do.”
Shion was your perfect boy. He’d never do anything wrong. He’d crouch down with his baby sister, Himari, watching ant trails. Grabbing her wrist with a gentle yet firm hand when she would reach out to touch them. Reprimanding her with a gentle word.
“No, Mari, no touching. Fire ants, they hurt.”
“Go to your room, love,” you told him, “go brush your teeth and change, me and your father will talk to you in a bit, okay?”
He sucked in a breath, looking down for a moment before nodding. “Okay..” his voice was quiet before he stood up, going to his room to do what you told him.
“Your day?” You heard Shoto’s voice from behind you.
You turned to look at him, staring at his features for a moment. “It was.. It was okay.” You said softly, thinking over the busy day for a moment while looking down at your hands and the table. “Didn’t expect to come home to this,” you let out a huff of laughter.
Shoto’s gaze fell from you to the ground for a sec, “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Hm..?” you looked up at him, “What?” You questioned.
“C’mere,” he didn’t elaborate for why he was sorry, only opened an arm out to you.
You got up almost immediately, moving towards him and into his arms. Wrapping your own around his neck and pulling his down into a hug.
One you both needed.
“Shion didn’t do it.” You told him.
“I know.” He responded.
“Rin’s parents?” You inquired.
“Mad.” He answered.
“Hm.” You hummed.
A silence enveloped the both of you. A comfortable one. One you both adored.
“Mama..” You heard a quiet voice from the hall just around the corner Shoto was standing in front of.
You moved back from his arms, peeking around him to see your little girl. She’d gotten your features and your hair.
“Hm,” a smile coming to your face. “My girl,” you hummed. Moving away from Shoto and to her, arms out to swoop her into a loving hug.
“Missed you..” She muttered into your shoulder as you picked her up.
“Really? Cause I missed you more.” You spoke, nuzzling your cheek against hers.
“Nuh-uh!!” She looked at you, brows furrowed.
Shoto stood behind you, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a soft adoring smile set on his lips while he watched the two of you.
“Shion!” You called for the boy, moving to peek into the bathroom to see him brushing his teeth.
“Huh?” He called back to you, it muffled considering the suds in his mouth.
“Come to our room when you’re done,” you told him.
“Kay!” He called out to you after you and Shoto started to move down the hall to your shared room.
“Sleep with mama and papa?” Himari asked softly, voice tired.
“Mhm,” you hummed.
“Shishi too?” She asked, peeking over your shoulder to see Shion come out of the bathroom.
“If he wants.” You told her as you sat on the bed, leaning into Shoto’s embrace when he opened his arms.
“What?” Shion asked when he got to your room. “Am I still in trouble?”
You shook your head, beckoning to come over to the bed. Which he did so without question.
“You’re not in trouble,” you told him.
“Really?” He asked, looking towards Shoto.
“You’re not.” He told him, that soft smile still on his face. “I was just caught up with everything, I wasn’t sure what to think and I was stressed.”
“But Mama saved the day!” Shion announced, jumping onto your lap.
“Hero Mama!” Himari called out from Shoto’s arms after he’d pulled her into them.
“Yeah, Hero Mama always saves the day,” Shoto teased, prompting a laugh out of you.
“Hero Mama, huh?” You questioned, getting a nod from Shion.
“Hero Mama is the best!” He gave you a toothy grin.
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Do you have any Dallas Winston hcs? Either in present day or modern day?
Hi anon! Sure, I can try my best, sorry if they’re not the best Dally is tricky for me to write.
(Sort of) Modern Dallas Winston Headcanons:
-Is not a dog person OR a cat person but a secret third thing: a ferret person. He had two back in New York but sold them when he ran to Tulsa
-Ignores best before dates completely. Unless food is mouldy or smells RANK bro will still eat it
-Has a half sister ten years older than him on his dad’s side who looked after him when he was really little…until she got addicted to heroin. Dally hates her and misses her all at the same time. She was still alive when he ran to Tulsa but he has no idea if she’s still alive now.
-Loves anything cinnamon flavoured. Bro would fuck up a bag of cinnamon hearts.
-He likes to sit near couples who are very obviously nervous on first dates and do stuff to make them awkward/uncomfortable. Sometimes he enlists Two-bit’s help and they chew with their mouths open and tell gross stories really loudly. Once he brought Johnny and loudly gave him the sex talk when some couple was starting to get handsy and Johnny didn’t speak to him for a solid week.
-Jumping middle schoolers is a weird sort of way of getting back at the universe because he got jumped a bunch of times when he was their age and why should they have it better than him?
-Has a favourite horse he jockeys, a pretty, spirited, kind of mean horse called Lullabelle that he plans to steal if he ever has to run from Tulsa the way he ran from new york
-Refuses to ever talk about why he ran from New York
-Modern Dally would hate vapes and think they’re for folks who ‘can’t handle real cigs’
-Is almost as much of a car guy as Soda and Steve
-Couldn’t see him liking much social media. Maybe Snapchat a little bit but in general I think he wouldn’t be super plugged in, mostly because he didn’t have much access to technology as a kid 
-Stole Johnny his Jean jacket which is part of why Johnny likes it so much
-Always smells RANK, hygiene is not his number one priority (or even his number 2)
-Has a bunch of dumb tattoos, like none of them have meaning he just thought they looked cool and WILL regret some of them one day. He’s got a fuckass snake on his calf and it looks SO bad and he knows it but refuses to admit it
-Chipped a tooth once when he lost a fight to Tim Shepard and it’s not SUPER obvious but he whistles a bit when he makes an ‘s’ sound if he’s not paying attention and he hates it
-Often ties his hair back in a ponytail because he doesn’t like the feel of grease in his hair
-He, Ponyboy, and Johnny all tried to outsmoke each other once. Dally lost to both of them, and Pony ‘won’ overall but at what cost? (He got real nic sick and Darry was FURIOUS)
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ponyosmom35 · 10 months
Here for you
Simon Ghost Riley x reader
Liability chapter thirteen!
synopsis: Before MW2, reader had finally gotten Simon to trust her, they were even friends. Both have feelings for each other but neither has said anything about it. Her sister is KIA and Simon finds her outside in the middle of the night with tears in her eyes. He opens up to her.
warnings: angsttttttt, talks about death, simons past, PTSD
Liability masterlist:
strap in, this is a long ass chapter! poor Simon needs a hug.
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She sat with her back pressed against the guard tower, she stared out at the empty base, the calmest she’d ever seen it. Tears stream down her face as she tries to reconcile the truth: her sister was dead. It didn’t feel real, how could Emma be gone, she’d just talked to her earlier that morning. Though she’d long since washed the blood off of her hands, she still felt it. She looks down for the millionth time checking them. She shakes her head and runs her hand through her hair. 
“what are you doing out here?” a familiar deep voice asks 
She whips around to see none other than Simon Riley in his balaclava at the top of the steps. “Simon, you scared me” she says holding a hand to her heart “I couldn’t sleep” 
“me neither” he responds as he moves to sit beside her. “How are you doing?” 
“I’m not really sure yet, I don’t wanna talk about it if that’s okay” she says, looking over at him. He nods, worrying that he wasn’t the right person to be here. He’d always been dreadfully bad at speaking. Never was he a man of many words, he’d use as many as he needed to get his point across and end it there. If he could speak in one-word sentences he would. He knew that any of the others would be able to comfort her, say something that would make her feel better. 
“tell me something” she asks gently 
“what do you want to know?” he responds, shifting uncomfortably, another thing he wasn’t good at; talking about himself. 
“anything about you” she says softly “please” she nearly whispers
Simon looks at her thoughtfully, never feeling more exposed in his life. He swallows the lump in his throat and tries to think of something he could share. He knew she needed this, she needed a distraction. If it were anybody else he wouldn’t have stayed, if this were anyone else he would’ve excused himself instantly. But this was her. The woman who’d somehow melted the ice in his heart. The woman he found himself thinking about at all hours of the day. The only woman he’d ever really trusted. She was the first person to learn his name in years, bringing him back from the ‘ghost’ persona that he’d so carefully crafted. She saw him, and he was terrified. 
Simon takes a deep breath, knowing that there was no going back now.  “Well, um... when I was a kid, my parents took me out to a cabin in the woods a lot. We’d go fishing and swim in the lake during the summertime” 
“sounds wonderful” she smiles, imagining the scenery and a little Simon running around with a fishing pool in hand. 
“it was” he says, staring down at his gloved hands. “sometimes I think about how different my life would have been if I had just stayed there… would’ve been so simple... maybe I would have even met someone, and started a family of my own, had some semblance of a life outside of this” 
Both are shocked at his confession, she was certain that this was the most he’d ever spoken at once. Her heart swells as she notices his behavior shift. He was sad. 
“so there is no Mrs. Riley back home then?”
“no, no there isn't” he responds, not an ounce of emotion in his voice, she could tell he was trying to pull away. She was losing him. 
“what do you do when you're not here? How does Simon spend his days off?” she asks, trying to lighten the mood. Her heart leaps when he chuckles softly. 
“I'm out on missions or back at base waiting for the next one” he shrugs 
“So you’re telling me you have no hobbies?” she asks
“what, you mean like knitting?” he asks sarcastically 
“Sure” she giggles
“I'm going to tell you something I've told very few people. this stays between you and me, alright?”
“my lips are sealed” she promises
“I like to read” he pauses, thinking about how strange it is to tell her this. To anybody else, it wouldn’t be such a crazy admission. He looks over at her, noticing the happiness in her eyes and the smile on her lips, so he continues. “ I've always been a fairly quiet and reserved person. Never been able to find the words you know? I didn't have too many friends to talk to when I was growing up, so I could always rely on books”
“I love to read also” she responds “I feel the same, sometimes it’s nice to escape the world for a bit”
“that's exactly why I do it” his voice is soft and vulnerable, something he’d never heard from him before. For the first time in years, he’s relaxed.  He didn’t feel the need to maintain a serious facade. “ it's a nice feeling to get lost in an endless world of wonder and excitement. and for a little while at least. You just get to exist in this universe where you're completely in control. it's... freeing”
“You can be anyone you want” she agrees 
“Yeah” he murmurs
“thanks for trusting me with that Simon, I promise I won't tell anyone”
Simon nods and looks over at her, noticing the way she rubs her hands together as a light breeze hit them. He takes his gloves off quickly and hands them over to her wordlessly. She looks up at him with a smile on her face. “Thank you”
“Don’t mention it” he says gruffly, she snorts, there’s the man she knew. 
“can I tell you something?” she asks, watching as he nods
“I'm awful at cooking, I was banned from the kitchen at my parent’s house growing up” 
“oh yeah? what, do you burn everything you touch or something?” he asks playfully, his voice lighter now. He tries to imagine her in the kitchen. 
“guess you could say that” she laughs 
“I love cooking. It's therapeutic. There is something very calming about kneading dough, chopping up vegetables, and getting your hands dirty in the process”
“I knew there was more to you than meets the eye” she teases  “seriously though I can see it, for some reason it actually kinda makes sense to me that you can cook”
what's that supposed to mean?” he raises his eyebrows
“It suits you” she shrugs “can I ask you a really personal question?”
“Go on” he says
“what's your favorite color?” 
He chuckles loudly “you're really pushing it now darling”
“seriously though what is it?”
He pauses for a few seconds before answering “green... I like trees, grass, leaves... the color of nature in general. And you? What’s your favorite color?”
“Green” she smiles 
“Fucking hell” he nods, surprised how much they had in common. Amazed that he’d stayed for so long, he’d opened himself up so easily, that being with her made him want to keep talking.
“Yeah” she says pushing her sleeve up to show him the green moss agate bracelet he noticed that she would wear on her constantly. The only time he’d seen her without it was when she was working with a patient. 
“I like it”
“It’s moss agate, supposed to give you emotional balance” she responds, dropping her hand back to her lap as they fall into a comfortable silence. Simon wonders why she would need emotional balance, she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders. Never had he seen her lose her cool (except for when they fought - which he tried to forget). Simon moves his body, pushing himself against the railing so he could face her, his foot bruises against her leg and he drops his hands in between his thighs. He was so interested in her, he wanted to know everything. 
“So, how did you end up...here? It's a big world, and you could've landed in any number of places, yet you ended up in the middle of nowhere”
“I always wanted to help people, that much I knew growing up. It wasn't until after Emma left to join the service that I was stuck at home with my parents, I know they meant well but they constantly compared the two of us. nothing I did could ever measure up to her” she pauses as she takes off her bracelet, tracing the stones lightly. 
“go on... I'm listening” he encourages 
“my grandma had an accident, she needed CPR and I don't know what came over me, I just started compressions without a second thought. I was able to save her, and I guess from then on I knew that I was meant to be a medic. To answer your question, I'm here because of Emma. I wanted to be closer to her and when Laswell offered me the job I accepted. Now I'm here with the legendary Simon Riley” 
He laughs lightly “sounds like your destiny” 
“how did you end up here?”
“you wanna know how I got here?” he asks, unsure if he was ready to discuss that. Part of him wanted to tell her everything he’d been through, the other part was terrified of letting her in. He looks over at her with a soft expression. 
“Had a shitty childhood, enlisted as soon as I could. Worked my way up the ranks, turns out I was really good at my job. About ten years ago, give or take... I was leading a team on a mission. We were tasked with apprehending a terrorist leader who had been responsible for many attacks. The mission wasn't exactly sanctioned, however. It was sort of a personal favor to me from my CO, General Shepherd. He knew I wanted this guy, so he gave me the go-ahead to conduct the mission” he pauses, she could tell that he was reliving it all in his mind “after crossing the border and deep into enemy territory, we finally made it to the terrorist's hideout. We were able to gain the upper hand, and captured him and a few other members of the group who were working under him, but things didn't quite go to plan” 
He stops again, trying hard not to say the words that are forming in the back of of head. He stares off into space. Memories plaguing him.  
“I lost them. All of them, except... “ More emotions cloud his voice until he can barely understand what he was saying. His heart started beating so fast that he could hear it pounding in his ears.
“you don't have to tell me Simon” she says gently, noticing the visible distress he was going through. As the seconds pass, he slowly regains his composure and looks back up at her. His voice is much calmer as he speaks again.
 “doesn't matter. The mission failed. We failed. We did everything right... everything” he says, she doesn’t hesitate and gently grabs his hand in her own. 
He looks at her hand on his own and let out a sigh, a smile forming on his face underneath the mask. 
“I'm not used to people touching me” he admits, looking at her, finding the moment oddly intimate. His voice is soft and quiet, and he looks at their hands, the moment suddenly feeling so important to him. “I've never been the type for affection or physical contact, not my thing”
“Oh god I'm so sorry!” she exclaims as she drops his hand. Simon looks at her and gently takes her small hand in his own. His actions saying the words he couldn’t. He looks back up at her, noticing your flustered face, and finds himself unable to look away. Her cheeks, glowing in the moonlight, her green eyes, filled with light and curiosity, and her face, slightly flushed with embarrassment. 
He felt himself drawn to her in an almost primal way. He could swim in her eyes, and he wanted nothing more than to hold her close.
“We were outnumbered, we fought to the fucking death. But we lost. I was taken the leader and tortured for information” he says placing his free hand on his ribs as he closes his eyes, remembering the pain. She squeezes his hand, showing him that she was there. 
“I was able to escape but I lost them all, I lost a part of myself. I gained a higher ranking. Lieutenant Simon Riley. Fucking sicking”
“what about your family?” she asks 
“They were collateral damage…” he says as he drops her hand, noticing the sun rising, a small glow lighting her face. “The leader warned me if I came after him that it would happen. He killed em’ all. My mum, my little brother, my nephew, his wife, even my son of a bitch father, dead cuz of me” 
She raises a hand to her mouth in horror, tears fill her eyes as she starts to piece it all together. It made so much sense now, why he was this way. “god Simon, I'm so sorry, I don't even know what to say”
“Ain’t nothin to say” he says emotionally 
“What happened to the leader? Did you catch him?”
“I hunted down each and every one of em’. Took some time but I got the fucker. I killed him and whatever remained of Simon Riley that day. Wasn’t long until Price found me, and recruited me for the task force” 
“How do you live with it all?” she asks
“I’m not the person to ask” he says honestly, watching as her face falls in disappointment. 
“I know it's hard” he sighs putting his elbows on his knees. He closed his eyes and leaned back, his hand resting on his head. “Sometimes I wish things didn't go the way they did... but life has a funny way of showing you who you are” 
He pauses, thinking about how to say this last part. “I’m the last person you should be taking advice from, but one thing I do believe is that shit happens for a reason. It fucked but now I’m here, doin’ the best I can, bloody hell I’ve saved some people along the way. That’s what matters”
“you're saying that I'm gonna have this big revelation about myself now?” she asks 
“there's a chance” he murmurs, sitting up and looking at her. “do you want to know how I know things will get better for you?”
“Enlighten me”
“because you already have everything you need to survive, it seems to me that people are so afraid to fail to the point that they don't even try. everyone wants to blame something else for their problems because it's easier than accepting fault, right? But in the end, it's all about perspective. You're a bright person, and the fact that you're here right now shows that you're strong enough to make it to the next day. you're a survivor, and that's something to be proud of. And one day, you’ll look back on this time in your life, and you'll realize it was all about perspective” He pauses for a moment, wondering how that sounded. He looks over at her and finds a small, genuine smile. “It’s not gonna be easy, you’re gonna miss her every day, but that pain is gonna be what drives you, live your life, for you and for her”
“I don’t know how to do this without her, I’m scared to go home, knowing that it’ll never be the same” she admits 
“No it won’t” he agrees, knowing that she didn’t want a bullshit answer that would make her feel better. 
“do you take your own advice? or are you just saying this to make me feel better?” she asks 
“I have a lot of demons inside of me. And I still have a lot to work on” He looks over at her, expecting a smart remark or a joke, but she doesn’t say anything, just giving him a subtle nod. “but even I can admit that what I said was truthful, as cheeky as that sounds”
“I appreciate it nonetheless”
“look, let's be honest here. I'm just trying to distract you long enough so I can steal that bracelet you're wearing” he jokes, trying to lighten the mood
“here, take it” she says handing it over to him without hesitation. 
“No I couldn’t” 
“I wouldn't have offered if I didn’t want you to have it, take it so you have something to remember me by” 
Simon takes the bracelet, noticing the beauty and simplicity of it. The moss agate stone glints in the light, its color a symbol of their connection. He puts it on his right wrist, the stone warm to the touch from how she’d been holding it. 
“I'll remember this forever”
“don't get sappy on me now Simon!” she exclaims, pushing him gently as a smile crosses her face. He laughs. 
“I'm a soldier, not a poet, alright? what do you say we get back inside?”
Simon stands and offers his hand to her, helping her up, she gingerly takes his hand and stands to her feet. He gestures for her to go ahead of him, letting her take the last step before he closes the distance between them and grabs the door handle to open it for her. 
“thank you for sitting with me, and for letting me talk. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you trusted me with your story. You are truly one of a kind, and I can’t tell you how much I respect you. I don't know how you did it but I feel like I might actually be okay, so thank you for that”
“you're welcome, love” the words come out quietly but sincerely, almost a whisper.  We're slowly nearing the doorway and hear talking from inside the trailer. As we walk in, we see Gaz, Price, and Soap leaning against the wall and talking amongst each other. The three of them look over at us for a second, with Price and Soap glancing at him and smiling. He gives them a nod, and the three of them turn back around and continue talking.
“they're up early” she comments 
“we have a mission today”
“that's right” she muses
Simon walks her to her room, a comfortable silence falling between them as they both realize that this may be the last time they see each other. She’d be flying back to Washington the next morning, unsure if she’d ever be back. 
“Hey” he asks as they near her room, she pauses and looks at him.  
“can I ask you... a favor?”
“of course” she says 
“don't let yourself be consumed with anger and regret, its no way to live”
“I won't, as long as you do the same”
“okay. well, I guess that's a deal then”  
“good luck today, if I don't see you before I leave. stay safe, take care of yourself”
He nods in response, taking in every small detail about this moment. Her smile, how her orange hair frames her face and falls down her shoulders in beautiful long waves, the sound of her voice, the glimmer of her eyes in the light.
“Always” he responds 
He watches as she opens her door and slips inside. He says nothing more,  standing there for a moment as it occurs to him that I might not see her again. He takes a deep breath and starts to head back towards his own room, thinking about what just happened.
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jamminvroomvroom · 1 year
Sylvie asking you and George for a sibling
tell the stork
GR63 x journo!reader
a drabble from the george fic universe
thank you for the request! i loved this <3 now if someone could request them actually having another kid… lol
warnings: none! fluff! a bit of suggestiveness here and there but nothing severe, mentions of pregnancy/trying for a baby, minors pls dni with my work!
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“i can’t believe he’s having a boy,” you cooed at the screen of your phone. “a little brother for jack.” tears welled up in your eyes as you saw messages of congratulations fill up the family whatsapp chat, the news of your brothers new baby creating emotional waves.
“i just saw, the family needs another baby to spoil.” george laughed.
he was sat on the floor with sylvie, all of her toys spilled over the rug. the four year old was small but mighty, making sure her dad spent every second of the off season at her side, not that george would have had it any other way.
“why don’t i have a brother?” the little girl huffed, her small arms crossing as her mousy brown tufts of hair fell over her george-blue eyes.
you and george looked at each other. you’d talked about having another kid, but the timing had been awful. you supposed the off season wouldn’t be the worst time to give it a try.
“would you like a baby brother or sister, sylvie?” george asked your daughter, bowing his head down to meet her level.
“yes! i need someone to play with while you and mummy vroom.” she replied, oh so matter of fact, and you couldn’t help but laugh softly. she was so self assured, just like her father.
“well, maybe me and mummy can work on it.” george said, tongue in cheek. you shot him a look of warning. he needed to reign in that kind of humour, sylvie was too smart for her own good.
“we can talk to the stork.” you butted in, george tipping his head back in silent laughter.
“tell the stork i want a sister. boys are icky.” sylvie scrunched up her nose and your heart melted. she was so precious.
“that’s my girl.” george stuck his hand up for a high five, which sylvie enthusiastically reciprocated.
“now, put your toys away, sweetheart, it’s almost dinner time.” your husband clapped his hands together, ruffling sylvie’s hair and she was off, a ball of energy as she hoovered up her teddies.
“so,” george raised an eyebrow, raking his eyes over your frame. “when can we get to work on baby number two?”
“cook dinner and i’ll clear my schedule?” you bargained sweetly.
“anything for you, my love.” he agreed, clutching his chest dramatically.
“i promise i’ll make it worth your while.” you teased.
“do i get to name this baby, too?”
“no! you named the last one! it’s my turn.” you stuck your tongue out at him and he leaned down to kiss you on the forehead, trudging to the fridge in defeat.
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writingforstraykids · 7 months
Addicted to you Chp.21
Pairing: Minchan (mention of OT8)
Word Count: 4613
Summary: Chan and Minho organize a long break for the whole group, knowing they all need one after these troubling times. Five months later, Chan gets a taste of Minho in his best form, and he couldn't be more proud.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, cuddles, smut, min is insecure about his weight gain, small misunderstanding, the boys are in love
Chp. 20 | Back to the beginning
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A/N: Thank you to everyone who made it this far and enjoyed the story. Thank you for the lovely requests and comments, they made the whole process so much more fun. My first Stray Kids project is officially "done". As always, I am open to writing more as long as you have concrete wishes and ideas. I've enjoyed writing this series a lot, delving a little more into the aspects of their hidden relationship, the insecurities and challenges that come with that, and so on. So please, if you'd like more, maybe also about the other pairings in this specific setting, don't hesitate to let me know - Nat🖤
Setting fire to my already tamed feelings Don't make me bad, bad Addicted to you Once we've started, you must be mine Addicted to you - Lee Know, Felix & Hyunjin
“I need a break,” Chan announced to the room. Everyone stared at him, surprised but curious about the sudden confession. Everyone just finished lunch and gathered in the living room to relax. 
“Uh, thanks for the warning?” Felix chuckled.
“We all do,” Chan continued on. The boys began to share confused expressions. “We’ve been working our asses off ever since Minho came back. None of us has had time to rest.”
“That’s true,” Changbin nodded.
“I talked to our management and got us all a month off,” he said and smiled as they all looked at him with a mixture of shock and excitement. “I want you all to go home for a while. Check in with your families, spend some time with them. I’ll be leaving a few days earlier than you all. I promised my mum to stay with them for a while after they found out most of what happened through our recent interviews. If you’d like, we could still go on vacation together during the last week. Maybe you all could come to Australia again.”
“That was quite fun,” Jeongin nodded excitedly. 
“And they approved all of us leaving for a month?” Jisung asked, stunned.
���It took some work,” Minho admitted. “But we’ve told them that the past few months have been too much not only for Chan and myself. I, more or less, let them know that they’d have to deal with more public breakdowns if we wouldn’t get a break soon,” he laughed. 
“Which was quite convincing, apparently,” Chan giggled. “So vacation starts in two days. Felix, you’ll still have to attend that fashion event in four days, but then you’re free to leave.”
“Sounds good to me,” Felix smiled excitedly. He couldn’t wait to go back home for a while. “My parents would love to see you guys again.”
“My mother hasn’t been talking about anything else since I suggested it,” Chan snorted.
“As long as she makes us that amazing dinner from last time again,” Hyunjin grinned.
“I bet she will,” Seungmin laughed.
"Australia it is then," Minho nodded, chuckling at his friends. As everyone continued the conversation, his heart warmed seeing the people he loved most…happy. 
Chan had been gone for a week now. Everyone else, besides Felix and Minho, left for home two days ago. Minho decided to stay with Felix before he flew to Australia so he didn’t have to stay at the house all by himself. 
“How’s Chan?” Felix asked one evening as they sat together on the sofa. 
“He’s having a bit of a hard time, I think,” Minho told him. “His parents are still really worried. His sister was pretty pissed he didn’t tell her how he was feeling instead of having to find out through the interviews.”
“She’ll calm down in a few days,” Felix chuckled. 
“That’s what I told him,” he nodded, but a slight unease still lay in his tone. 
“But?” Felix asked, picking up on it.
“You know Chan, he always gets a little depressed without us there,” he shrugged and leaned back. “He keeps telling me how much he misses me. He never did that before either. It’s not like we haven’t been apart for this long before,” he giggled softly.
“You never meant this much to him before,” he reminded him kindly. 
“Fair point,” Minho sighed, closing his eyes for a moment.
“I have an idea,” he told him excitedly. “You’ve just visited home, and you always visit your parents after therapy. I bet they wouldn’t mind if you’d come with me instead.”
“To Australia? So early?” he asked, opening his eyes to give Felix a confused look. 
“Yeah. I always book two seats to have some peace during the flight so I can take you with me easily,” he told him. “We could surprise Chan with you just showing up at the front door.”
Minho giggled softly. “That would actually be fun.”
“Come on, call your mum. I’m sure she’d agree,” he laughed.
Minho quickly grabbed his phone, calling his mother. “Hi, mum,” he said cheerfully. “I have a question,” he got straight to the point, putting her on speaker. But there was no response, to Minho’s disbelief. “Mum?” he called out with a small whine, a cute pout beginning to rest on his lips.
“You’ll be leaving for Australia early?” she asked, laughing as Minho gasped.
“How the hell did you guess that?” he asked, stunned. Felix started laughing at him in the background.
“Oh please! You were talking about your boyfriend nonstop when you came over last week. Also, you’ve been visiting here so often now that I knew you wouldn’t feel bad not coming to stay with us for a few weeks,” she laughed. “I bet he really misses you, Min.”
“He does,” Minho nodded.
“You should go,” she told him kindly. “Felix?” she asked, quickly identifying him by his cheerful laugh. 
“Yes?” he asked politely. 
“Take care of him on that flight, yeah?” she asked. 
“Of course I will,” he promised. “I’ll bring him back to you safely.” Minho’s mom gave her goodbyes and ended the call. 
Minho smiled widely and pulled Felix into a warm, gentle hug. “Thank you, Felix.”
Felix nodded and hugged Minho, squeezing him tightly. “Of course, Minho.”
Chan was still lying in bed, scrolling through his phone and trying to stay awake. He tossed and turned all night, and the lack of sleep was trying to lure him back into a deep slumber. He yawned softly and stretched his tired body. He began smiling as he heard the small patter of his dog coming down the hallway and into his room, hopping on the bed. “Hi Berry,” he said softly.
“Chris?” his mother called out for him from downstairs.
“Yes mom?” he shouted back, not really feeling like moving. 
“Someone’s here to see you,” she said. “Can you come down here for a moment?”
He groaned softly. If his mother asked in that tone, he was sure it was a friend of theirs wanting to see how their idol son was doing, maybe even collecting a few autographs on the way. “Fine,” he groaned, quickly pulling a sweater over his head to cover his naked chest. He walked down the stairs, not noticing the person standing next to his sister with a grumble to himself. “I swear if this is another - Minho?!” he asked, his jaw dropping as he finally looked up at the visitor in question. 
“Surprise?” he asked gently. Before he knew it, Chan was in his arms, lifting and spinning him around. “Channie, nooo” he giggled, wrapping his legs around his waist. “I just stepped off the plane, go easy on me!”
“What the hell? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I could’ve picked you up from the airport,” he pouted, a whine can be heard through his tone. 
“Hannah did,” Minho said gently. Chan looked at her surprised, not believing she was in on the surprise. “Felix had an extra seat, and we decided to surprise you.”
“When do you leave?” he asked.
“Whenever you leave,” he told him. Chan’s smile widened. Minho laughed as he put him back down on the ground and hugged him tightly. 
“And where will you be staying?” he asked, still not fully grasping that he was actually there.
“Here, you dumbass,” Hannah told him, rolling her eyes at him.
“Your mum said it would be alright,” Minho said gently.
“Of course it is!” she assured him with a bright smile. “You’re always welcome here, Minho.”
“Thank you,” he smiled at her. Chan couldn’t help himself anymore and kissed him passionately, pulling him in close. Minho grunted softly, but returned the kiss happily. He pulled back and stared at him, a bit dazed. “I suppose you told them about us?” 
“Obviously,” Chan laughed.
“I told him fighting to get you back to the group was the one thing he did right the past few weeks,” Hannah said teasingly. 
Minho giggled softly and pulled her into a hug. “I missed you too, little sister,” he said fondly. “But don’t be too hard on him, alright? I wasn’t exactly easy to be around either.”
“Fine,” she rolled her eyes, but they knew she meant well. Minho was always fond of Hannah since the day they met. 
Minho smiled at Chan and reached out for him, grabbing his hand. “I think I need a nap.”
“That’s the jetlag,” he chuckled. “I had another shitty night myself, let’s go.” Minho followed him upstairs to his room, giggling as Chan threw the door closed and kissed him needily. “Fuck, I missed you, baby.”
“I missed you too, love,” he said softly, wrapping his arms around his neck. “So, so much.” Chan buried his face in his shoulder, hugging him even tighter. “Are you okay?” his voice laced with care and warmth, fondling his hair. 
“Yeah,” he whispered, hot tears burning in his eyes. 
“Channie?” he asked gently, pulling back a little and lifting his face. “Oh, angel,” he whispered.
“I really fucking missed you, that’s all,” he assured him.
“You’re so cute,” he told him, pressing their foreheads together. “I’m here now. I won’t stop getting on your nerves for a whole month,” he smirked. “There’s no staff to stop us either. And the others get here in three weeks.”
“Sounds perfect,” he smiled and brushed their noses together. “Just you and me.”
“Mhm, just you and me, Channie,” he smiled softly, cupping his face and kissing him gently. The two almost got lost in their embrace, until Minho pulled back to speak. “Uh, before I forget, my therapist asked if you’d like to join the next session?”
Chan frowned softly at the request. “Why?”
“She thinks it’ll be easier to work through certain things that happened with you there. Like collapsing on stage and getting to the hospital after. I don't have many memories of that night,” he shrugged. 
“Alright, sure thing,” he nodded. “Now let’s get some sleep.”
Five months later
Minho looked at himself in the mirror, carefully fixing his hair. He was wearing a perfectly fitted dark suit that hugged him in all the right places, the vest painted with blue stripes. A delicate necklace rested on his skin, and a ring on each hand completed the look. The one on his right ring finger being a present from his boyfriend. The color definitely complimented his dark hair. He crouched down a little, testing his trousers, which were a little tight. 
"Minho hyung, what are you doing?" Felix laughed at him, leaning against the vanity not too far from him. He was walking around looking for his friend, just to make sure he was doing okay. 
Minho met his eyes through the mirror and started to laugh as well. "I'm scared I'll rip them. They're not the best fit for this dance." 
Hyunjin looked up from his phone, sitting comfortably on a nearby couch. "I bet Chan wouldn't agree with you on that." 
Felix grinned and made his way over, taking a closer look. "I think you look stunning. Time to tease your boyfriend." 
Minho chuckled at them and playfully rolled his eyes. "Don't think Changbin won't drool over you either," he winked at him, making the younger one blush. "Oh wait, we have another style expert right here. Doesn't our sunshine look handsome, Hyunjin?" he asked the younger male and turned Felix in his direction. 
Hyunjin smirked and put his phone aside. "What do you think made him blush so hard a minute ago?" 
"Oh, I see," Minho chuckled. Hyunjin got up and made his way over, gently grabbing Felix's chin and looking deep into his eyes. The shiteating grin on his face not leaving for a second as his gaze devoured Felix. Minho sensed it and took note. "That's my que to leave. Remember, we have to be on stage in ten minutes. I don't want either one of you to go out there hard."
Felix quickly grabbed Minho's hand and held him back. "If you leave, he won't stop being a tease. I’ll definitely be in trouble then." Felix pleaded with the cutest pout on his lips.
Minho giggled softly and stayed where he was, taking out his phone. With a chuckle, Hyunjin decided to have mercy on Felix and gave him a sweet, loving kiss. Meanwhile, Minho saw a few messages from Chan pop up and smiled stupidly, reading them. 
I’m so proud of you, baby! You’re gonna be amazing out there. Good luck!
Minho texted a few hearts back and chuckled as Chan asked for a picture. He told him he had to see his reaction live, which made Chan send a bunch of emojis. "Alright, let's go," he said, putting his phone aside. 
The three of them made their way to the side-stage and looked into the audience. "That's a lot of people out there," Felix whispered. The older two took his hands, squeezing them encouragingly. 
"Perfect audience to perform this song for, for the first time ever," Hyunjin told him, winking cheekily at him. 
"Look, there’s Channie and the boys," Minho said, pointing at the first row a little to the right. Chan and Changbin were sitting next to each other, almost placed perfectly in his opinion, to watch Felix and himself. Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin were sitting next to Chan, all waiting curiously for their friends to come on stage. They began to walk out on stage as their names were announced and smirked at the screams, combined with Chan's eyes widening seeing his outfit. They both knew Chan was a sucker for him in blue. The lights only increased the effect. 
As they waited for the music to start, Minho met Chan's eyes and teasingly opened his suit jacket with a winning smirk, putting the ring on display. He had trouble holding back a grin as Chan licked his lips. The fans started cheering at his action, and Minho turned his attention to the audience. He chuckled into the microphone and did it again, this time for the audience, before getting shy at the screams and smiling brightly, looking down at the floor. Felix and Hyunjin giggled at his antics, trying to stay serious themselves. 
Changbin and Chan exchanged a look, knowing the other probably had the same impure thoughts about his boyfriend. "Fuck me," Chan breathed out quietly, and Changbin chuckled at him. 
"I'm sure he would if you'd ask nicely," he grinned and earned a punch in his arm. The others laughed at them, not needing to hear them to know what they were talking about. 
The music started, and Minho locked in, starting to move to the beat. It was kind of funny that not even their members knew what they were in for. The moment Felix's beautiful, deep voice rang through the air, the fans started shouting, and honestly, he didn't blame them. Minho started his verse, and to his surprise, he got about the same reaction to his smooth, soft voice. A rush of adrenaline filled him, and he knew he was performing well, judging by the looks of his members as he danced during Hyunjin's part. Minho took a deep breath and casually strolled to the side before starting to sing the higher notes, hitting them all beautifully making the crowd go wild once more. Chan beamed at him proudly, knowing how hard he had worked to perfect that part. 
Chan was mesmerized, looking up at his boyfriend on stage in awe. He looked beautiful in this outfit, and his heart warmed seeing him wearing the ring he bought him. His voice sounded amazing tonight, and his stage presence was undeniable. Thinking about it, Chan couldn't remember ever seeing him so in his element like this, which meant a lot, considering Minho was their main dancer. 
What didn't help was watching the way his body moved in front of thousands of people and knowing how he looked beneath the many layers of fabric. Chan did, in fact, appreciate the tight suit pants, and his jaw dropped as he got down on the floor, rolling his hips with his hand placed dangerously close to his crotch. Jisung nudged him gently, and he quickly closed his mouth again, shifting a little in his seat. 
Minho moved into a sitting position, continuing his dance movements. His intense gaze locked into Chan’s, captivating him as he continued singing. "Don't make me bad, make me bad, I'm addicted to you….Don't make me bad, bad, addicted to you." 
Chan's eyes clouded with desire the longer he watched him. He couldn't help himself feeling like Minho put on a perfectly balanced show for him and their fans. 
The performance came to an end, and they took their ending pose. Minho panted softly before meeting eyes with Chan and smirking succeedingly, knowing exactly how much he had just worked him up. He exchanged a look with Felix and Hyunjin before they all left the stage, waving at their cheering fans and friends. 
They made their way back to their room and weren't even able to sit down as their friends and boyfriends stepped inside. Minho's eyes widened at how loud the room suddenly was, and laughed at their friends, telling them how amazing their performance was. Locking eyes with Chan made him shiver with anticipation. Chan simply nodded at the door before leaving again. Minho slipped outside as the others were busy and frowned softly when Chan was nowhere to be seen. He walked down the hallway, and a door to his left opened. Chan grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside, throwing the door closed again. Minho found himself pressed against the door within seconds, and a low moan fell from his lips as Chan braced himself next to his head, looking down at him with nothing but desire in his eyes. "Hi there," he said innocently. "You liked the performance?" 
Chan grabbed his chin and searched his eyes. "You think it's funny making me hard in front of I don't know how many people?" 
"You…wow," he grinned proudly. 
"Don't look so smug," Chan giggled and groaned softly, pressing their foreheads together. "Fuck, you looked hot up there, baby."
"Thank you," he smiled sweetly and nudged his nose. "What's the secret room reserved for you only about?" he asked, spotting the name sign on the desk right in front of the mirror. Catching his reflection, he had to admit he was looking great tonight, even now that his hair was a bit of a mess. 
"So I can kiss you without anyone seeing, of course," Chan answered casually. 
"Oh," he nodded and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. 
"You sound like that's a bad idea," he commented, frowning at him. He almost looked a little disappointed. "Did you think we'd - Minho!" 
"What?" he asked, slightly offended, and ducked down, taking a step to the side and away from him. "I'm sorry. I thought that was your intention, leading me away from everyone. You could've kissed me in our room." 
"You can't possibly think I wanted to have sex right here? With so many people passing by that door at all times?" he was a little in shock, and Minho rolled his eyes at him before sitting on the desk. 
"Why not? When did that ever bother you before, huh?" he asked and started fiddling with the necklace to take it off. "Forget it. This was a stupid idea," he said and took off the necklace, slamming it down on the table. 
"Baby, are you okay?" he asked softly. 
"No, obviously not. I'm making a fool out of myself here hoping this-," he gestured at himself. "-would finally make me attractive enough in your eyes again to go further than a kiss." 
"Wait, what?" he asked truly shocked now. His eyes widened at what he thought Minho was insinuating. 
"Two months ago, you would've gotten into my pants before I properly locked the door. You've been locking yourself up with Hannie and Changbin lately. And it's starting to piss Felix off, but I guess it makes me question myself. I don't know when the last you actually touched me and…is it because I gained weight again?" he asked, a flare of insecurity igniting in his brain as he glanced down at how his form-fitting. "Or-," he stopped as Chan was suddenly in front of him, cupping his face. 
"Baby, take a deep breath," he said kindly, and Minho glared at him, huffing softly but doing it anyways. "I'm so sorry for neglecting your needs. We've just been creating so much for the group and working on new stuff. I didn't know it was making you question yourself." 
"Well, of course it does," he pouted and nervously played with his ring, looking down at it. "Just forget it, Channie. I'm being stupid, this whole idea was stupid from the beginning." 
"What idea?" he chuckled softly. 
"All of this," he said grumpily as Chan seemed to find it amusing. 
"A warning would've been nice, kitten," he said, his voice growing smooth and low. 
Minho blinked at him, and his stomach flipped at the desire dancing in Chan's pupils. "About what? The outfit, the flirting, the dance..the intention behind all of it?" he asked innocently. 
Chan fondled up his thighs. "All of it?" he asked quietly and leaned in closer. 
"Well, where's the fun in that?" Minho asked and sank deep into his eyes. 
"I would've come prepared," he told him. 
"Check my pockets," he smirked and hopped off the table. 
Chan frowned softly before reaching into the pocket at the back. He couldn't help himself, teasingly squeezing his ass before pulling out two condoms. "Did you..?"
"No, I didn't carry them around on stage, you dumbass. I had them stored away in the waiting room," he protested, taking out the small bottle of lube from his jacket. 
"Fuck Min. Are you sure we can do this now?" he asked, checking his phone for the time. 
"Seriously? There are twenty performances before ours, which gives us at least an hour," he groaned impatiently. "But if you keep wasting time, we can't do this."
"You really came prepared, huh," Chan giggled, watching Minho impatiently unbuckling his belt. "You're in a rush?" 
"Whatever you plan on doing, these trousers come off," he told him. 
"That's a bummer. Your ass and thighs look really great in it," Chan pouted playfully. 
"They look even better when I’m straddling your dick, now move or I'll do it myself," he gave back smoothly with a hint of sassiness. Chan pulled him into a very passionate kiss, intoxicating enough to keep him dazed. His hands grabbed his ass, pulling him close as their lips met. "That's more like it," Minho smiled as he pulled back.
Chan hummed gently and unbuttoned the blue-striped vest, kissing down his torso as more skin slowly revealed itself. "By the way, you look beautiful as always, and I don't mind you gaining weight one bit," he assured him before planting a loving kiss right on the scar on his stomach. 
Minho smiled gently and brushed his hair back, looking down at him. "I know…you know how I get sometimes." 
"I do," he smiled and squeezed his hips before coming back up and kissing him on the mouth instead. "I think after delivering such a show, you deserve to see how stunning you look when you fall apart."
Minho gasped softly and looked at him with wide eyes, darkening with passion. "Just be careful and don't leave a mark in places people will see with the new outfit." 
"I'll be careful," he promised before turning him around so he was facing the mirror. 
Minho leaned back against him, inspected their reflection, and met his eyes through the mirror. "Don't we look good together?" 
"I think we fit together perfectly," Chan hummed, agreeing, and reached down into his pants, stroking his dick gently. Minho's eyes fluttered, lips parting with a gasp. Chan growled lowly and buried his nose in his neck. "Fuck Min, please tell me you're keeping this outfit. I need to fuck you properly in it tonight." 
Minho blinked at him through the mirror. "Shit, is this one of your kinks, hyung?" 
Chan pressed himself against him and gently wrapped his hand around his neck, careful not to leave any marks. "Call it whatever you want, kitten." 
Minho shivered at the contact and melted against him. "I mean, I can ask if I can keep it," he said and chuckled as Chan let go of him, dropping down to his knees in front of him. 
"You're right, I haven't been appreciating what I come home to every night enough," he tells him and fondles up his thighs. "Let me make it up to you," he said, taking the band of his boxers between his teeth and pulling them down, along with his pants. 
"Where's Chan hyung?" Changbin asked, confused. 
"Probably fucking Minho hyung's brains out, why?" Jeongin gave back dryly. The painfully loud silence called him to look up from his phone. "What?!" 
"Sometimes it scares me how grown-up you are now," Hyunjin said with wide eyes. His words were rewarded with him sticking his tongue out at him. 
"Maybe it's the other way around," Seungmin suggested with a shrug, casually scrolling through his phone. 
"The suit might work," Jisung hummed, agreeing. 
"I hate you all," Changbin groaned. 
"Loosen up, babe," Felix smirked. "We all know he's right." 
"Exactly," Jeongin grinned before squinting his eyes at Felix and Changbin. "Also, weren't you doing the same thing just minutes ago?" 
"Darling, that's enough," Seungmin said softly. 
"At this point, we should be allowed to do it on the sofa. Everyone knows anyway," he shrugged. 
"Minho hyung, help!" Hyunjin shouted in shock, making everyone laugh. "He'd kick your ass for that." 
"I'll go and get some coffee. Let's hope they're back to collect their kids after," Changbin sighed, and Felix giggled softly. 
"You're their kid too, dumbass," Jisung pointed out. 
"Yeah, fuck you too," he laughed. 
Minho pulled up the zipper of his pants, smirking at Chan, fixing his messed-up hair. Their eyes met through the mirror, and Chan turned, again dropping to his knees. He hugged him tight, burying his face in his stomach for a moment before looking up at him with dreamy eyes. Minho beamed at him, gently brushing back his hair. He hadn't been this happy in a while, being on stage without thinking about his knee anymore. He had his friends there, a very supportive boyfriend, and gosh, he loved him. All that stupid drama, those many lows and equal ups in between had made them grow much closer than before. He wouldn't want it any different now. Minho was finally truly happy, ready to face whatever was coming with Chan right by his side. This time, he was sure he'd have his back. "Channie hyung?" 
"Yes?" he asked sweetly. 
"I love you," he said. "Never forget that." 
"I think I'm addicted to you," Chan breathed out, and his eyes grew incredibly soft. "I love you more than anything else." 
"You'd die for those kids out there. Don't put me first," he giggled softly. 
"I'd die for you too," he told him. Minho believed him, truly. 
"Stay alive for me, baby boy," Minho shook his head, crouching down and kissing him hard on the mouth as tears brimmed Chan's eyes. 
"I love you too," he whispered and took his hand, kissing the ring. He got up and held up his pinky finger. “You and me against the world?”
“Forever,” Minho answered smiling, sealing the deal.
Chp. 20 | Back to the beginning
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tarantulaluv · 3 months
tw r4pe mention tw sui mention
maybe ignore?
while i was at summer camp, everything was going great. until two of my friends began acting strange around me, and while it was just the three of us walking together away from our group, one of them mentioned how they needed to tell me something. i prompted for them to continue, i was curious to know what was so important. “well, at that event we all went ti a few months ago, remember?” i nodded in response. “i was sitting at the same table as ____ and one of our friends made a suggestive joke and we were laughing about how we were lucky ____ didn’t catch that on camera. (i’ll just say it know ____ makes a lot of jokes but if he ever takes them to far he WILL APOLOGIZE IMMEDIATELY.) that’s when another kid walked up and said “lmao yeah, speaking of that, i’d totally r4pe [my brother’s name] sister, [my name].” their table went silent, and then began they all began yelling at him about how those “jokes” are not funny and they are disgusting. the kid who made the “joke” then tried to pin the blame on ____ by claiming that he said it first, but they knew that he would never say ANYTHING like that. i was absolutely shocked. i was feeling so much disgust — not only towards the kid who said that but also towards myself. i was shocked. all i could say was: “that’s absolutely disgusting and weird — thank you for telling me.” we continued on like nothing happened.
the next day at one of my classes one of my friends turned to me (who was in the same troop as ____ and the kid who made the joke, my brother too) and asked if i knew about all the drama happening in their troop. i said i did, but didn’t have all the information. me and him bonded over that and would always talk about it, it was horrible for the both of us. he’s extremely good friends with ____ and has had similar experiences.
a few days later he pulls me aside during free time. “____ is not doing well. he said he might commit because of how horrible that kid is making his life, and i don’t think he was joking, me and my three other friends cried for hours after he told us. ____ has already gone through do much with the fat jokes, r4pe jokes, and the constant drama he’s in. he’s one of the sweetest and most supportive people i’ve ever met and it’s horrible for him to feel this way. we made the decision to tell the adults and he left camp.” he told me. i was shocked, and felt like i might cry too. i immediately asked if ____ was on watch or anything, to which he said that he might be.
i know none of this is my fault. but i feel like it’s my fault. why do i have to be me? why did this have to happen? of course if this didn’t happen i wouldn’t have made an incredible friend who has helped me through so much and learn so much about myself but i feel so guilty for that. i might take this post down later. i feel like im not allowed to talk about this. i’m probably overreacting. i’m just using this is a way to think to myself.
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abyssruler · 2 years
The traveler is sick of those horny immortals lol. Imagine one quest being babysitting the kids just so these archons can bang their hot milf wife. Would Xiao count as Zhongli’s kid, too? Oh, and Scara being all uwu with his scarier sister is just *chef’s kiss*
Liyue legit going bonkers after each dragon baby???? Yes. Birthdays? National holidays. And then Zhongli fakes his death and there’s talk about maybe one of the kids taking on geo daddy’s position or something. So much potential for drama! How would they make the kids keep the secret? With a lot of struggles. The adepti showing up to bestow gifts on each dragon baby like the three good fairies from Sleeping Beauty.
Ei just vibing with her wife. Chilling while fondling each other and making out. So fun. So cool. Nothing to stress about here. Occasionally taking out their kids on a family outing with Scara being the cutest eldest child that he is. Like. Let them be happy!!!
Venti literally sobbing in Angel’s Share because he was NTR’d by two archons and Diluc just goes ????? every single time until Venti shows up with the rest of them and their kids. (Venti can recognize Reader anywhere anytime because he knows that ass better than anyone.)
I just mhmmmhhnnnngg this AU HAS ME BY THE THROAT
zhongli’s kids would definitely have their eyes on the geo archon seat after he fakes his death. they can’t have scara getting all the glory of being the only sibling who’s an archon. zhongli suggests they make a tournament - whoever manages to stay awake until zhongli ends his lecture about the responsibilities of ruling liyue and going through its entire history and culture wins. none of them last an hour. the seat of the geo archon remains empty up to this day. fun little fact tho! zhongli didn’t tell them his plans to fake his death so they all thought he actually died. they were on the verge of tearing down liyue until you appeared and said ‘it’s a prank!’ they also help the adepti and the qixing in fighting osial!!
xiao is the honorary brother that scara refuses to acknowledge bc it would mean he’s not the eldest anymore. he half-raised those kids bc god knows their parents were too busy banging each other and spawning more of them. scara is actually a really good ruler!! the raiden shogun balances his softer side. xiao, scara, and raiden shogun basically half-raised their siblings. they bonded over it <3
AND VENTI LMAOO he would lament to diluc and the traveler about those two archons who “seduced his beloved priestess.” at windrise when venti’s telling traveler abt morax, he says something along the lines of “oh, and don’t trust that old geezer too much he’s a backstabbing little bitch who stole my wife.” traveler actually has a very different experience in this au. mostly bc traveler has to be the mediator whenever the three archons start complaining about the other ‘hogging you all to themself’.
venti arrives in mondstadt during the windblume festival with three other people and a boatload of other people who suspiciously look like a mix of their features. it’s better to not ask anything. jean didn’t ask to host that year’s festival with two additional gods and the high priestess herself who’s been quiet for centuries until now. oh, and now the electro archon is here in a grumpy mood, asking why they didn’t invite him over. um, probably because you have a whole country to rule? jean thinks it’s time for a vacation.
on a more serious note tho, their decisions could create a huge succession war on liyue. each kid fighting to become the geo archon. it could replace the inazuma archon quest since the traveler wouldn’t really encounter much problems there with scara as the electro archon. maybe scara gets involved at the succession war at some point as the eldest and the traveler gets dragged along. reader, ei, zhongli, and venti are all just watching and enjoying their retirement. it’s only a matter of time before the succession for the anemo archon’s position was put into question. luckily for them, venti doesn’t have kids with you. yet.
traveler: your kids are killing each other!
them: oh, they’re play fighting how cute :)
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atxxzist · 1 year
broken | c.s (final) preview
series m.list
pairing: choi san x reader
word count: 1.4k
dear y/n,
i am finally writing this letter. i’ve sat down many times attempting to do so, sometimes barely able to get through the first line and sometimes i’ll read the first paragraph i wrote only to throw it away, completely unsatisfied. but it’s been four years–at least at the time that i’m writing this–that i’ve last seen you. four years since we saw each other and we probably won’t for a very long time, if ever.
it would be a miracle for me if i was to ever cross paths with you even just one more time, but it would be a tragedy for you because i’d like to think fate wouldn’t be so cruel to put you through that. so i write this letter with the thought that you would most likely never see it, but i did promise myself that if fate really is that cruel and we were to cross paths again, i would give it to you. it’s a bit selfish of me, but it’s because i know the chance of ever seeing you again is close to none. but it’s also everything i’ve ever wanted to tell you; say to you. i want to apologize sincerely, even though it’s a little too late. in a way, this letter is also an outlet for me and my thoughts.
it’s been about a year since i’ve graduated and around this time of the year, i always get a little sentimental. could be because i’m so far away from home so it’s only natural, but i know it’s because it’s summer and i tend to associate the season with you. we did a lot together and you opened some parts of me i couldn’t say or admit at the time.
you would always used to tell me to just try whenever i didn’t see the worth in doing something and i honestly just dismissed it because it sounded silly and quite cliche. i thought it was ironic coming from someone so shy and timid who always looked at the world with so much fear in her eyes. now, i’m starting to understand the amount of courage it must've taken you to even go out of your comfort zone. i realized, i was so much of a coward in comparison despite thinking i was the hottest shit at the time.
i always ran, but you never did. i was so scared of anything new and unfamiliar but you always faced them even when there's a likely chance of failure. i treated you like shit and you still wanted to love me. i think about it often... why are you this way? but i won't ever know because i never put in the efforts to get to know you beyond what you could offer me. you always asked about me but i never did the same in return.
if i could redo everything, i would want to hear your story. i would love to read anything you write. i said i would, but i never did.
i'm in the states, i'm sure somewhat and somehow you probably already know that (or you probably don't because you don't care anymore, which is fair). i left right before the start of the second semester during sophomore year. it was a big decision for sure, but i needed the change. things were already getting stale and repetitive, and you know me... i am not one to stick in one place for too long. i will always run, and so i ran to the states to live with my sister.
other than the fact i was born there and half of my family resides there, at that point, there was nothing left for me in korea. i didn't have much to lose if i were to fly across an ocean and start anew.
wooyoung had already cut contact with me by then and any friends close to genuine i've ever had were all from associations with him. soon after, i realized anyone i still talked to were all phonies who i only hung around during parties and stupid rendezvous, with the exception of jongho. he got into yonsei, by the way. if you didn't see him pestering you on campus, you probably already picked that up. he sent me a message a few months ago to come back and attend his graduation but i told him to fuck off because he didn't attend mine either. good for him, though. he's a smart kid.
but yeah. wooyoung's a good person even if he grew up privileged. it's what makes him such a people magnet. he was the most genuine friend i've ever had and the one who stuck by me for the longest. i really took him for granted and it only hit me when i lost him.
you are fortunate to have someone like mingi and yunho who seems very protective. i was a little scared when wooyoung warned me about mingi because he threatened to knock me out if he ever sees me. he's much taller than me, so i don't doubt it.
i know i sound miserable so far, but i am actually doing pretty okay... unfortunately. you probably don't want to hear that and wish i was suffering, but i've suffered for maybe two and a half years before i finally felt somewhat content and okay, if that will make you feel any better.
the states is different and the people are as well. i've got to experience a lot of new things for a change.
when i transferred, i still didn't know what to do. the clock was ticking and there was only so little time before i had to pick a field. i ended up going into dance performance, and of course i thought of you. when i found a passion for it again, i thought of you. and when i graduated last year with a fine arts degree, i thought of you... all because i knew you would be the happiest to hear about it.
whenever anyone asked me why i don't want to come back home, i would always tell them what i told you: because there's nothing left there for me. but one of the biggest reasons why i didn't want to come back was because it reminded me of you too much. that, coupled with other factors, just makes it so much harder for me to want to return. it feels like reopening old emotional wounds that i have no one else to blame for but myself.
but my junior year, i met someone named yeonjun because we shared the same major. i get nostalgic sometimes because he often reminded me of wooyoung. speaking of wooyoung again, i sent him a similar letter but in email form a while ago, though not as long, and he said he was happy to hear from me again. i wasn't sure if he was going to reply at all because it was an old email and i assumed he probably wanted nothing to do with me and that was official. but he replied pretty fast and said if i ever returned to korea, he doesn't mind catching up. he went into business and said it's something he actually really enjoys.
yeonjun is cool though, and like a less annoying version of wooyoung. he was also a transfer but had been here longer than i have. he met his girlfriend online who's living in south korea and so after he graduated, he went back right away and said he was going to attempt to open his own studio. just about a month ago, he called me and said it's almost done and he would be recruiting. he wants me to come back and help him and i've been giving it some consideration because i'm not doing much here back at the states either.
i was hesitant at first, of course. all for the reasons i've already stated, but all i ever do i run and even i'm growing tired of it. no matter how many bad memories the place holds, it is still home and my motherland after all.
anyways, i apologize for rambling. the letter is getting way too long, but my point is, i might've started liking you at one point. not in the casual way that our relationship was, but actually really like you. i don't know. now that i'm older, it's true that the love you've given me was something i was not ready for at that time and age. and now, it's everything i wish i have. funny how time really does change a person.
i hope you are doing good for yourself, and i'm so sorry if you ever get the chance to read this letter.
-- choi san
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garciaasfluffypen · 2 years
Tumblr media
bright beginnings pt 8.
pairing: single dad!joseph quinn x fem!reader  wc: 1.4k  warnings: i don’t think there’s any!! let me know if i missed them tho. ALSO this part is still in joe’s pov
part seven • part nine
“so hold on.”
“holding.” joe took a sip of his tea.
“so in the last few months you’ve gained control of a daycare, started divorcing the witch and realized that you’re in love with your employee.”
joe practically choked on his tea. “i’m not- i’m not in love with her.”
“mmhmm…” grace chuckled. “sure joe.”
“don’t look at me like that!” joe playfully hit her on the arm while the kids weren’t looking. “i’ll admit, y/n is beautiful-“
“thats a really pretty name.”
“yes, but-”
“-you literally own the daycare, joe, i don’t think it's gonna matter in the long run.” grace took a sip from her cup. “and you haven’t had a chance to date since julia took over your life so this is basically a fresh start for you.”
joe sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. “you do have a very valid point. but-”
“nope. don’t wanna hear it. you’re gonna flirt and your gonna feel good doing it.”
“what if she doesn’t like me back?”
“from what i heard from wes, she’s got her eye on you. joe she invited you out for drinks on girls night. girls don’t do that unless they’re whipped.”
“th-there’s no way she’s whipped for me.”
grace looked at joe over her mug. “joseph. wesley told me everything about girls night. and from context clues, i can tell she’s into you.” a beat. “don’t huff at me! you know i’m right and you’re only thinking this way because julia is a-”
“choose your next words very carefully vandien, there are children around.”
“you know what i want to say and that i will say it as soon as the kids go to bed.”
joe sighed, “do you think she likes me?”
“i don’t even know her but i know she likes you back. wes told me she spent like almost forty minutes talking to you two at the bar the other night, yeah? to be honest joe, most girls don’t do that kinda shiii…uff. that kinda stuff. we tend to stick to our groups and don’t go out of the way for men. you guys kinda suck, no offense.”
“none taken.” joe shrugged. “i just… i dunno, it feels weird i guess? to think anyone would actually like me.”
“well why don’t you take it slow? just try and… dip your toe in the water?” grace raised her eyebrows. “and besides, you don’t have to do anything until you’re ready. don’t force something that could potentially backfire if julia finds out.”
joe was quiet for a moment. “do you think she would use it against me?”
“honestly?” grace was quiet for a moment. “she wants to turn your life upside down. now i’m only hearing all of this second hand since i work with her sister at lamda, but from what i heard she really wants the kids.”
“the kids she subjects to sitting in the same room for hours on end with no enrichment and barely takes care of? the ones who get learning from their father and not their mother?”
grace nodded. “i don’t know what she has against you but…”
“i can’t believe her.” joe set his mug down on the side table. “i actually can’t-”
“daddy?” riley padded over to joe, climbing up into his lap. “daddy sad?”
joe’s heart melted. “a bit sad, yes bubby. your mummy isn’t being very nice to daddy.”
“mummy being mad?”
“you could say that, yes. mummy is trying to get daddy to do things he normally wouldn’t do. so mummy is being a bit mean.”
“dat’s not nice, mummy no be mean.” riley pouted. “mummy need be nice. like you daddy. you nice.” joe rubbed up and down her back. “daddy?”
“yes my princess?”
“thomas and me stay tonight?”
“yes, you get to stay with daddy for seven extra days! maybe longer if mummy decides to be nice.”
“wot about y/n? do we getted to play with her?”
grace had to force herself not to burst out laughing as she covered her mouth with her hands, watching joe’s expression turn from mortified to amused. it did make him chuckle a bit seeing how much they loved y/n, but it honestly could be because they didn’t have a solid female presence in their home lives. julia was not meant to be a mother, but for some reason she forced the idea of being parents on him pretty early into their marriage. it could have been because her own parents were determined to pass on the bloodline, and they fully thought that joe was going to make it big. from what grace had heard, originally he was interested in her sister, lucia, but that fell through pretty quickly when her mother basically shoved him into a relationship with julia.
julia, from the small amount of time that grace had spent in the same room as her, was a major bitch. you couldn’t do anything right for that girl, and it showed. julia refused to talk to grace, even though she and joe were pretty close since she was jealous of their friendship. at least, thats what wesley had told her. if there was anything she wanted in life, it was for julia to take a goddamn hike. she never liked julia, if she were being completely honest. it was definitely so ething that made her feel so bad, especially for joe, but she knew things were goung to be turning around now that the bitch was going down.
shs bad helped joe find some of the best lawyer he could afford, and he was able to help work out the custody plan. it was a shitty one, but it was so worth it. the kids would get roughly two weeks at each parent’s house, and spend more time at joe’s when julia decided iut of the bkue she was going to travel. grace and lucia had their suspicions that julia had a boy on the side, but nothing had been confirmed yet. it could potentially explain why she was traveling so much, but nobody would know for sure until it became facebook official. grace hadn’t blocked her simply for that reason- she needed to know exactly when julia would potentially post this guy she potentially had been seeing so they could take it straight to the lawyer and make the claim that she was prioritizing herself over the kids. lucia already sent over tons of photos of the kids sitting alone in a room with a handful of toys and a tv blasting that horrid steve and maggie show that julia insisted they watch. their case was getting better and better by the second, but she wasn’t sure how much longer it would last.
“is gracie stay too?” riley perked up. “gracie bedtime story?”
“i can totally stay for bedtime tonight. we can do all the silly voices!” grace leaned over to tickle riley’s tummy. “for now though, let’s decide what movie to torture daddy with during dinner time.”
“grace… no screens during dinner.” joe gave grace a pointed look.
“but joe, auntie grace is here. they totally deserve screen time during dinner. when was the last time they got to watch a movie during dinner?”
“the answer is no. they do that too much at julia’s and i want them to actually foxus on their food and not the movie.”
“how about a movie after dinner?” grace smiled sheepishly at joe. “then we can open the guiness you’ve been hiding in the back of your pantry.”
“you’re cheeky.”
“that i am, but you love me.”
“yes, i do.” joe lovingly rolled his eyes as he stood up to go make dinner. “but i also hate you. and you owe me big time.”
“i’ll be your babysitter when you finally get the guts to ask y/n on a date!”
joe definitely did not subtly flip her off as he walked to the kitchen.
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theunavenged · 1 year
Mommy Dearest
As the president of the Catherine Todd Protection Squad, and Founder of the AK!Jason Needs All of the Hugs organization, I am hereby giving Cathy a small bit of redemption from how she was portrayed in Arkham Knight: Genesis, therefore allowing Jason to get lots and lots of hugs and kisses as a kid ❤️ (Abusive Willis gets no redemption. Sorry bud.)
Also on AO3 (please comment & kudos if you enjoy!)
cw: domestic violence, child neglect, drug use/addiction, swearing
It was crying again. More like shrieking. Cathy rolled over in bed and wrapped a pillow around her head. She could fucking geld Willis for this. How hard was it to just pull his dick out and come on her back for a couple of weeks until she could get back on the pill? Too hard for her imbecile husband, apparently. 
As soon as she realized she was pregnant she wanted to get rid of it but Willis wouldn’t let her. That was when he hatched his idiotic scheme to sell a fucking newborn to a bunch of mobsters to pay off their drug debts. Dumbass. Now they were stuck with this 12 pound nightmare that never, ever shut the fuck up.
Willis kicked her in the side, so hard that she almost tumbled off the bed. He grabbed the pillow off of her head, yanking it out of her hands. “If you don’t shut that goddamn baby up then I will,” he growled before slamming the pillow back down in her face and rolling back over in bed.
He always threatened this. Last time she told him to go for it and he’d backhanded her so hard he knocked her to the floor. “Do I look like a fucking nanny? Deal with it!” She still had that bruise on her cheek.
She sat up on the side of the bed and rubbed her sunken bloodshot eyes, trying to find the willpower to stand up. It was December in Gotham and their gas was shut off because they’d smoked up the last payment (and the payment before that, and the payment before that, etcetera, etcetera…) Now they were making do with a couple of space heaters, but she was still freezing her ass off. The absolute last thing she wanted to do right now was crawl out of the warmth of her blankets to go beg a damn baby to stop crying.
She fantasized once again about taking a pillow and smothering it. But as much as she despised the thing she’d never actually do it. She was a good Catholic girl, and she didn’t want to burn in hell for murdering a baby. What does it want from me?? It wasn’t like she knew anything about raising a kid. She was only 19, practically a kid herself. None of her girlfriends who she could’ve turned to for advice even talked to her anymore—they didn’t want to associate with a junkie. Her sister had a brood, but she was on the other side of the country, wrapped up in some evangelical cult her nutjob husband sucked her into, and Cathy would rather suffer with her screaming kid than hear one more time about how she needed to embrace Jesus to be healed of her sinful addictions. She wished she had her mother to help her, but her parents cut her off when she dropped out of high school to run off with the dreamy Willis Todd, who was a decade older than she was, who’d failed out of high school and was too stupid to pass his GED. Worst mistake of my life, and she’d made a lot of them. She also didn’t have the luxury of delivering the baby in an air-conditioned hospital with a nice nurse to send her home with how-to instructions. Nope. She had the thing on a hot roof on a sweltering mid-August night, with Willis telling her to "push," while all she wanted to do was push him and his brat off the building. 
It was somehow shrieking even louder now. How the hell did it have this much energy? She could barely afford to feed herself, much less a kid. And as if everything else she had to deal with wasn’t enough, the damn thing wouldn’t breastfeed. Maybe it could tell that milk was poisoned. She hadn’t changed her lifestyle when she got knocked up or after it was born—why should I when I didn’t want the thing in the first place? Her drawn face softened, smoothing away her angry scowl. For some reason the thought of the baby going hungry made her sad all of a sudden, and for a moment she actually felt sorry for it. The kid didn’t ask to be born. And it certainly didn’t ask to be born to two dirt-poor fuckups. When she stopped by the kitchen to grab her cigarettes and an ashtray she’d make it a bottle. Maybe that would make it happy.
With a sigh, she finally pushed herself off the bed and stood up. She didn’t want to have to deal with Willis if he woke up again—she already had one whining kid to take care of right now. She wandered like a stoned zombie into their tiny kitchen. Their elderly neighbor had shown her how to swaddle the thing—she said it was like being back in the womb or something—but she’d been tweaked out of her mind then and now she couldn’t figure out what the lady had done. Goddamn kid. She’d told Willis over and over that they could dump it at a fire station and be rid of it once and for all, but the idiot was still convinced he could sell it, and there was no talking him out of something when he made his mind up. She’d thought about crawling back home to her parents and begging for a second chance, but she didn’t think she could give up dope for that. And besides, Willis would track her down and beg her to come back to him, and she’d do it. She hated herself for that, but that was how it was. She wasn’t gonna pretend it would be any different than all the other times he’d dragged her back to this shithole apartment.
She lit up a cigarette while she prepared the formula for the bottle. She’d thought all babies had blonde hair, but this one had a head full of black hair, just like her pig of a husband. And its eyes were baby blue now, but she just knew they’d eventually fade to that empty, soulless blue shade of his. You know, the least it could do after I carried it for 9 miserable months was actually look like me. But all she saw when she looked down at it was Willis. A carbon copy of the man. And it would probably grow up to be just like Willis, with his temper and his drugs and his gambling and his whores—another dumbass deadbeat in this godforsaken city. This poor kid was fucked every which way. He’d have no more hope of escaping Gotham’s gravity than she ever had.
She screwed the nipple back onto the bottle, slid the lit cigarette between her lips, and wandered over to the crib and her wailing baby. But… it wasn’t wailing. It had stopped when she entered the living room. Weird. Did the thing drop dead on her or something? That was all she needed right now. A dead baby. She sat the ashtray down with her cigarette, switched on a lamp, and leaned over the crib. 
The chubby little thing was on his back with his stubby arms and legs in the air like a turtle on its shell, and he was smiling up at her, with two huge robin’s egg blue eyes, and although he’d dragged her out of bed at 4 in the morning, she couldn’t help but smile back.
“Aww,” she said gently. “I’ve never seen you smile before.”
She reached in and touched him on his tiny hand and he laughed, and that little laugh was the cutest thing she’d heard or seen in years. She giggled back at him then picked him up and held him against her heart, cradling his head against her shoulder. “Did you just want to be held? Is that it?”
He burbled at her in response, and something cracked inside of her. She suddenly felt like the worst piece of shit human being to ever walk the planet. This was her son, her baby boy. Hers. And for four goddamn months of his short life she had treated him like an unwanted piece of trash. Yet, here he was smiling at her, reaching for her like he knew she was his mommy, knew that she was supposed to protect him and love him unconditionally. He didn’t give a shit that she was a high school dropout, or that she was married to a loser, or that she was a 19 year old jibhead who looked like she was 40, or even that she’d all but neglected him for his entire life—he still wanted her, when the same couldn’t be said of her girlfriends, or her husband, or even her own family. 
The poor thing didn’t even have clothes on, just a diaper. He was probably freezing to death in here. She tugged a ratty blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped herself and her son in it. Tears suddenly welled up in her eyes and she hugged the tiny body against her chest like a teddy bear. “I’m sorry,” she cried as tears rolled down her sunken cheeks, cheeks that were spotted with angry red sores. She felt like a little girl again, and she desperately wanted her own mother to take her in her arms and tell her everything was going to be alright. She wanted her dad to take her away from this hell, to protect her from Willis’ rage. But that was a different life, a life she chose to walk away from so she could play house with a wannabe gangster. Now it was time for her to grow up and become the parent, the protector, the mama bear. She rubbed away the tears from her dark-ringed eyes with the back of her hand.
Her little Jaybird had drifted off to sleep in her arms, and she could feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest, and the soft yet steady beating of his tiny heart. Her own heart felt warm in her chest, warm enough to chase the frigid chill away. She lay her cheek against his soft head. He was such a fragile, helpless little thing, and he would need his mommy to protect him from everything this godforsaken city would throw at him. 
“Mommy’s gonna take care of you now, little one,” she whispered as she rocked him gently. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
And she meant it. It was a promise, an oath. One she hoped she had the strength to keep. For a moment she forgot who she was, who she was married to, where she was forced to live, or who she had become. Right then all that mattered to her was the little life nestled against her breast. Right then she swore that even if she couldn’t escape Gotham’s gravity, she’d do whatever it took to help her baby boy crawl out from beneath its weight.
She gave his black hair a tender kiss, and soon both mother and son were sound asleep.
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jemgirl86 · 4 months
Want to hear my hottest cartoon take while I’m just talking about cartoons for a minute lol… I hate the original Proud Family. Hate it. I think it’s hot garbage. I was just a little too old to care about it when it originally dropped, even though I was still watching some cartoons, I just never watched anything past the theme song when it came to The Proud Family.
HOWEVER, I had the displeasure of watching a good chunk of it a while back, and omg. It’s offensive to me. The Gross Sisters clearly being Blue Black (that’s why they’re drawn like that - not because they’re ashy, and anyone over a certain age would be able to clock that, especially Tommy Davidson). But anyway, being drawn blue-black with a running joke of them being ashy bullies in the most stereotypical ways possible is just too much. Then you have Penny’s best friend Dijonay, with a thousand siblings. She’s overweight in too small clothes and portrayed as “fast,” because I guess the writers just didn’t know which stereotype to run with, so they chose multiple ones… Then the neighbor Lacienega Boulevardez - why is that her name? Why are any of these names anyone’s name. I have a cousin named DeJanay, and it’s spelled like I just spelled it, not like the damn mustard. But back to Lacienega - why is her grandpa, Papi, literally drawn to look like Cesar Romero’s joker??? No, nothings wrong with Cesar Romero, but something feels just a little weird about the choice to clearly make the grandpa him being the Joker, not just him, but again, him being the Joker. It’s actually kinda sad, because I’d probably just think it was an homage to Romero, if literally everything else on this show wasn’t suspect.
Also. Penny is a brat and the worst friend on the planet, which wouldn’t be so bad, if the show didn’t somehow show the audience her being the worst friend on the planet while simultaneously telling us she’s not. Don’t even get me started on The Chang Triplets…
You know, none of this would be so bad, if I was talking about a show I was watching on OG Cartoon Network (lol), instead of a show that came out in the early 2000s. Literally every character is offensive. In fact, I guess if I had to say one positive thing, I guess it would be that the writing was offensive to everyone instead of singling one group out 🤪
But jeez even if I took away all the stereotypes showcased due to colorism and racism, I’d still hate it because Penny is terrible.
Look, I know it’s weird to rant about a cartoon from over 20 years ago (again), but I was genuinely surprised at how bad that show is. I just - watching 6 episodes in a row had me discombobulated. Gotdamn.
This isn’t even me looking at things threw an adult lens. The stuff on this show is as obvious as the way the 2 sisters are written in Coming to America (a movie I like, but come on now 🤨), and I could pick out what was wrong with that as a kid 🤷🏾‍♀️
ETA: I guess the thing is, I expect to see some old wild shit when I watch Jonny Quest, but I was not expecting that from The Proud Family lmao just sayin’
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acti-veg · 2 years
hello!! first things first, i’ve been following your blog for a reaally long time now… your posts helped me A LOT when i was first going vegan and they still do!! i’m especially thankful for your eBook. you are doing a really great job educating others about veganism aand i think you should be proud of yourself 🧡
however, i’m writing this mostly because i need advice. none of my friends are vegan, so i can’t talk to them about this... and i can’t find any useful information online. i would appreciate it veerrry much if you shared your thoughts about my situation.
my younger cousin ivy (7 and a half years old) has been asking me about my food choices a lot. a couple of weeks ago, ivy and my mother had baked biscuits with eggs, cottage cheese, honey and cow’s milk in them. they looked GREAT. i would happily eat them if they were vegan, but i had to refuse :(
this made ivy really sad. she actually cried. later that evening, she came to my room and asked me why didn’t i try their biscuits… so i explained that i just can’t eat eggs, cow’s milk, honey and other animal products. but that made her even more confused! she keeps asking why don’t i eat these things and… honestly, i don’t know how to explain my veganism to her.
i mean, i can explain it to adults, but with children it’s much more complicated. i don’t want to lie or sugarcoat the truth AND i don’t want to push my views on her or be traumatizing! after all, ivy is not even my own sister. her mom would get mad at me if she decided to go vegan too…
so i decided to ask you, do you have any advice about explaining veganism to children? i’ve been avoiding this topic with ivy but this can’t go on forever. however, it’s okay if you don’t know how to help… i think i’ll figure it out eventually.
thanks in advance!
Thank you for the kind words anon; I’m glad my blog has been helpful to you.
I think that you explaining yourself and how you live is not pushing your beliefs on anyone, I know we are all really conscious about that but it’s important for children to understand that other people live and think differently than they and their parents do. Children are more intelligent than adults give them credit for and they appreciate frankness, just tell her exactly why. You shouldn’t go into any graphic details or anything, as you probably wouldn’t with an adult, just put it in very simple terms.
Thank her for the food and make a big deal of how grateful you are, but then you can explain your non-participation with something like: “I am a vegan, which means I don’t eat anything that comes from an animal.” When she questions you on why, tell her you think that animals shouldn’t be used for our food, clothing etc. Kids shouldn’t be traumatised but they also shouldn’t be lied to, she isn’t your kid or your sister, but I think you still owe it to her to be honest and not try to just dismiss her. It’s unlikely she will go off and go vegan, she’ll probably just find it interesting.
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Extra I : At the Sound of their Roar
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!Female!Reader
Warning: none.
An extra of the series. I had an accident and I deleted chapters 2 & 3, this wasn´t part of those chapters at the end, but I kinda like it. I hope chapter 2 can be uploaded this week.
Notes: English is not my first language.
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-This is insulting and unacceptable! Rhaenyra can not do this! We owe an apology. - Johanna roared. -What do you want me to do? Go with Rhaenyra? - Jason had his right arm in the back of Y/N's chair. He had a calm tone, but his green eyes were full of danger. -We cannot demand an apology.- Tyland intervened. -You have no right to speak! We trust you to take care of our daughter! -Johanna!- Jason interrupted her.
Y/N saw the lions roar. She feared lions more than dragons.
-They broke her little nose without consequences. Where was the King or the Queen? -Focused on their son. Prince Aemond lost an eye, and the sons of Rhaynera were publicly accused of being bastards. -They’re bastards! The sooner Rhaenyra accepts the truth, the sooner she can make better decisions.- that made the little lioness curious. -How? - Y/N asked her mother. -Never mind, go to your room. I’ll see you later. - Jason approached his daughter to kiss her on the forehead, and she came out.
She hoped her Uncle Tyland wouldn’t say anything about her encounter with the Rogue Prince.
Along the way, she met his two older brothers: Loreon and Tymond.
-You really fight the Targaryen kids? - Loreon was impressed by her little sister. -To be honest, not really.- she chuckled.- I was beaten and just called the guards. I was a coward. I had to have fought. -The Targaryens believe they are Gods, and I think this crisis can make them more humble.- Loreon scoffed. -Are we going to have a bastard as King?- asked Tymond. -Not on our watch.- the lioness stated. The two brothers smiled. -Did he really lose his eye? - Tymond asked. The Lannister brothers knew very little of the princes, but they knew their little sister liked to be with Prince Aemond. -Yes, but he claimed Vhagar. -A dragon for an eye. It doesn’t sound fair. - Loreon added. -I want revenge. I want the Strong bastards and the Targaryens girls destroyed. -They will hear us roar. - Tymond stated. The second son was looking for battles in which he could prove himself in the future. Only an 11-year-old could wait for battles. -You have to remember that the lions ruled before the dragons conquered.- The lioness felt safe knowing two future golden lions behind her. -They won’t have to worry about the lions, they’d worry about the lioness. - the Lannister brothers knew they had a lioness with them capable of taming dragons.
The cubs came out to play; they were still children. Children playing adults.
-Y/N, we need to talk. - Jason interrupted his cubs playing.- Keep playing for a while; your sister will be back soon. -Can we go riding? - Tymond asked, and his two siblings were excited about the possibility of riding with their father. -We’ll see.
The cub's chambers were larger than the one she had at Red Keep. Jason sat with her on her bed to make her more comfortable, hoping that comfort would encourage her to tell the whole truth.
-You have nothing to worry about. -I need a sapphire.- that wasn’t the answer Jason was expecting. -If you want a sapphire, tomorrow we can… -I don’t want one. I need one.- she interrupted. -Why do you need a sapphire? - her daughter rarely demanded things that way. She knew the world could be hers. -Because I owe an eye.- she confessed. -My little cub, you didn’t take that eye. -If I had fought; if I hadn’t gone for the guards.- the cub regretted that decision. -You couldn’t fight with four children, and we don’t understand why Rhaenyra’s son had a blade. What need does a child have to be armed? - -I hadn’t thought that. Even Aegon does not have a blade on him yet. You’re right. Why do they have blades? -That’s Rhaenyra’s responsibility, not yours. You did the right thing by calling the guards. -I had to take them with me from the beginning. I didn’t think fast, and I have to think better than the rest. -Why do you have to think faster and better than the rest? Do you have something else to tell me? - Jason knew his daughter was hiding something from him. His brother knew, but he did not want to break the trust between the two. -No.- she lied. -Y/N Lannister. -I need the sapphire. -I want the whole truth. Let’s make a deal. Remember that sapphire I have in store. -The one grandfather gave you? -Yeah, the one with the violet dyes. -If you tell me every detail of what happened, I’ll give you that sapphire. - Jason saw his daughter think. -Why would you give it to me? -Because I love you, and I want to know what you’re hiding from me and why you’re hiding it from me.- the great lion -I did something stupid and dangerous. I don’t regret it, but it was irresponsible.- the fear that the lioness had not felt at the time began to feel. She pounced on his father’s arms seeking the shelter she had needed a few days ago. - I insulted the bastards, and Daemon Targaryen wanted my tongue, and I offered it to him.- Jason Lannister had never felt oppression so strong in the chest. He was perplexed his little lioness had roared for the first time and was nothing less than a dragon. -I need you to tell me everything in detail. - the cub sighed and began her story.
Y/N Lannister is a true golden lioness, his father thought after hearing his entire tale.
An extra of the series. I had an accident and I deleted chapters 2 & 3, this wasn´t part of those chapters but I kinda like it. I hope chapter 2 can be uploaded this week.
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Ultra Opposites Sneak Peek from “The Legend Of The Super Shlorpian”: I Will Never Leave You (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
Terry cries into his pillow as Korvo comes in sadly.
Korvo: Terry, are you still there?
Terry: Go the fuck away… you wouldn’t want to talk to me after I lied to you.
Korvo: Oh Terry…
Korvo sat down near the bedside and soothes Terry’s back by rubbing it.
Korvo: I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you all this stuff sooner when we first arrived. I was heartbroken upon believing my sister was dead but really wasn’t. And I couldn’t tell you at the time and I never did told you about this ever since we started to live our lives on Earth.
Terry: sniffles It’s okay. I don’t blame you.
Korvo: And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I was a super Shlorpian. It was because when Janiz and I were still Replicants, our mother died from an unknown reason and our father abandoned us. We fear it because most Shlorpians found out about our bloodline so we had to keep it hidden.
Terry sits up and wipes the tears away from his eyes.
Terry: You did? But why?
Korvo: Because, those people would have seen see us as monsters if we tell them! Our family would be put in danger. And I was afraid that you and the kids would be scared of me.
Terry: Oh no, of course now, well at first I was but, you did look hot in that form. I had to admit, it did look sexy.
Korvo: Really? That’s thoughtful of you Terry. And I am sorry I was pissed off by you using your powers. I should’ve supported you.
Terry: It’s okay. To be honest, none of this would’ve happened if I just told you the truth.
Korvo: I know, but the other main reason why I also didn’t want you to do this, is because I was also scared of losing you. Terry, you’re my everything. And you changed my life. But, I never meant to make you feel like you couldn’t do anything. You’re a wonderful husband and I don’t want to lose the best thing that has ever happened to me!
Terry: Really? You mean it?
Korvo: Of course. And from now on, I’ll tell you everything. No matter what. And I will never leave you. Ever.
Terry: Aw thanks honey.
Korvo: To be honest, I was turned on by your flame powers. And I tell you what, that costume really got me all good.
Terry: What about when I flare up?
Korvo: Drives… me… wild…
Terry: Korvo, take your goddamn clothes off!
Korvo: You don’t have to tell me twice.
Korvo and Terry take off their clothes and started to have a makeup sex.
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maguayans · 2 years
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LETHAL BLOODS | Camp NaNoWriMo ‘22 Update #1
Project Blurb: The Arestas took Camellia in when she was a few months old and abandoned. The family was known for their cut-throat ways and were notorious creature hunters to some. When her parents were reported dead, talks of disowning her began to circulate.
One night, on her way from the cemetery, she was attacked by a rabid figure—baring her throat to their mouth, nails digging into her neck and shoulders. Camellia survived. It made her a curious, potentially valuable asset to the family’s trade as hunters and others lurking in the dark.
Soon, she realizes her family functions more than it seemed, and the only way to keep safe is to ally with the enemies.
Genre: Paranormal-Supernatural Fantasy, Horror, Romance Word Count: 8, 000↑
Excerpt: 500↑ Content Warning/s: None
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Her parents traveled to the southern regions of the country. It’s been about three months since she’d last seen them and heard their voices. Perhaps it was parental yearning that made her feel somehow incomplete, lonely. Whenever she was in their presence or even at the knowledge that they were somewhere inside the house, she always felt at ease. “Old Man Roro better have a good reason for this shit.” Khrysanthe said, creeping behind Camellia, making her flinch. He seemed to have had a quick shower, but the smell of liquor still lingered on his breath and skin. “Grandfather wouldn’t call us if the reason is anything but urgent,” she replied, keeping her eyes gazing at the moon. “Nothing, nothing is more important than sleep. Especially mine, cousin.”
Commentary: Part of Lethal Blood’s opening scene. It’s cliché to open a chapter with characters waking up, but I stand by it for now.
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Soon, towering skyscrapers and commercial buildings turned into smaller establishments. To residential properties, until piled neon-lighted concretes turned sparse; both sides of the road blanketed with darkened greens, scattered dews glittering under Luna’s alluring light, over-viewing the sparkling sea and the distant lights of another city. No doubt creatures loomed in the shadows. Camellia wouldn’t be surprised to get a glimpse of beady red eyes between tree branches, a consecutive rush of movements in the bushes, or even a whiff of fresh blood. No doubt the Arestas and its associates moved along with them somewhere. As hunters, naturally.
Commentary: I love this scene. It’s telling and cool. You will never catch me not mentioning the moon in any of my WIPs. NEVER.
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Rosen turned his head towards her, so did the everyone else. “Our condolences, Camellia.” Something intangibly awful and peculiar weighed on her chest. It’s clawing at her throat, clutching her heart and lungs, crushing and suffocating her being. What was it? Everyone looked at her waiting for some form of response. She attempted to open her mouth, but what could she say? Their faces were painted with sorrow, salted with tears from their eyes. Why? Was she supposed to act similarly? “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Cynthia shouted, leaving the comfort of her seat. Tears smudged her brown eyeliner at the base of her eyes. She wiped them aggressively, making it worse for her appearance. No one cared about appearances this time. “Back off, Cyn—” “Shut up, Khrys!” She stomped towards Camellia, hands curled into fists at her sides. “What? Can't you even shed a tear for your parents? For Aunt Azalea? Did you even love them, you ungrateful bitch? You could’ve at least pretended to feel sad—” “I said fuck off, Cynthia,” Khrysanthe shouted this time, moving in front of Camellia to shield her from whatever his sister intended to do, and stop her.
Commentary: Big Sister Cynthia is pressed. Khrysanthe to the rescue! Soak in the drama, feel it. Honestly, this was a tiring session. I hated myself for making this family so dysfunctional. heLP!
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The two could’ve stayed on the property with the rest of the family. But at some point, it began to feel like a family-business conference. Rosen himself was heard talking about another nature project with another associate, and Khrysanthe, most especially, didn’t love it. Now they felt like being punished for wanting to focus on mourning. “Can we just run over them?” He heard Camellia snicker. “It could be fun, Cam. What do you think? I brought some pretty neat things.” “We kill monsters, Khrys, not humans.” “That’s not entirely true,” he pointed out, shifting closer towards her, grinning. “The monsters were once humans, no?”
Commentary: This is from Chapter 2. (The ones above are excerpts from C1.) Yes. I love how they’re just casually talking about running people over and killing in general. :)
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Banner: Love and Pain (aka Vampire), Edvard Munch
Notes: Hi, hello! I got through my first week. Thank you so much for reading! I didn’t introduce Lethal Bloods (formerly Dead Inside) before starting Camp Nano, so if you have questions you’re very welcome to invade my inbox. (Please.) Have a great day/night!
(More rambling beyond this point…)
This. This is my comeback to writing vampire fiction. Years ago, I swore to myself I will never write about blood-sucking people ever again, with their romances and powerful, peculiar afflictions. And I want to make it clear, it wasn’t because of similar writings/adaptations/anime. *coughs hysterically* It was my undoing, truly. The plot, the writing, the characters—it hurts me physically. Thirteen-year-old me, I’m redeeming you. It’s okay now. Hahaha—
It’s more accurate to describe this as a Vampire-Aswang WIP with semi-literate witches, curses, hunters, and thirst for world domination—ultimately featuring the creatures of Philippine Mythology (some of them.) Interesting right? We’ll see how far I could go this month.
Thank you to my forever partners in writing: thesaurus dot com, imissmycafe dot com, spotify (and their cafe mix playlist), classical and pop music, instant coffee, water, fried rice, egg sandwiches, and vicks inhaler.
*pops confetti*
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