#(like that post showing the difference between a million and a billion seconds)
aldor-der-wear · 4 months
Ok so hypothetical story that I might pick up, probably not. But what if "titan" was a family of species, each of witch had their "domain". (Art inspired by this SS) MINOR GORE WARNING!!!!
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(ignore the fact I bring up some points you probably won't have context to, you will later in the post) This is "king" (not his actual name) and he is the last of his species, moon titans. There is war between the different titans, and a genocide going on (basically imagine if the archivists were descendents of a common ancestor of three titan species, not exactly titans but cousins, and there is war between all the species and boom, targeting species blah blah blah). This is "king" getting separated from his allies, assumedly to die. Oh yeah fun fact he has minor brain damage because of that wound in the picture and is partially blind in that eye!
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So this is a combination of alot of aus I've made throughout the years, and a bunch of my titan speculation, and inspired by old toh theories. But what if there were many kinds of titans just like how there were many kinds of humans. Only gonna focus on three right now, the last three alive before their near extinction.
All three live for thousands to millions or even billions of years depending on the species. This will feature SSs from the show that I'm baseing appearance on. Ignore the characters of said corpses, its just a comparison because I don't want to draw anymore concept art.
Ariel titans, also known as star titans; they are the smallest species, can fly, and are human like in appearance, they have skin, more like blubber actually. They are the longest lived, living for billions of years. They are capable of flight, and their bile (magic) is strongest around the stars. They are not capable of creating life nor harboring it.
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Sea titans, or sun titans; they create their bile from a photosynthesis like process. They are the second longest living species and obviously live in the sea, although some have adapted to live in freshwater, however the two can still interbreed so not a separate species. They are the largest. They are synapsis/reptile like, and when they die their bodys turn to a stone like substance. Their flesh will not create life, but can harbor life if in the right circumstances. They have no skull face.
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Last but not least, the terrestrial titans, or the moon titans. They are the shortest lived, and are medium sized compared to the others. Their bile is strongest during the full moon, when the tide is high. They have fur and a skulled face. Their bodies range from fully bipedal to fully quadraped, most landing between the two. Their flesh is capable of forming life. Although their bodies rot significantly faster, if one forms an "island" most likely it's body will rot before any advanced life forms, and therefore drowning everything on it.
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any tips for writing (Grammar, english, etc)? You one of the best writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading and I want to learn from the best!
(also, lots of love your the best!! ❤️)
thank you!! and YES i have tips omg.
1. read. all the time. whenever you can. i’ve always been pretty decent at writing, but i also spent most of my childhood desperately devouring any words i could. i read a million different genres, for a billion different topics. non fiction textbooks, graphic novels, field journals, novels, anything! even films work, especially if you’re looking at dialogue.
2. just write stuff down. the best way to learn is by doing, and this goes especially for writing. your first drafts are going to have a lot of issues, and even the first things you post are going to be meh compared to what you will do in the future. but that’s okay! i’m sure if you directly compare some of the dialogue and paragraph spacing in my old stuff compared to now you’ll se a world of difference, and that just came from months and months of daily practice.
3. read more, but this time analytically. when you read something now, look critically at how it’s written. how are they dividing up their paragraphs? are they longer or shorter? is it for every new idea, or is it more than that? do their paragraphs flow well enough that i barely notice? why? and what about their dialogue? can i speak it out loud and make it sound natural? does this sound like real things people would say? how are they using punctuation to mimic nonverbal speaking cues? how can i imitate that? how is the character reflected in the way they speak? and finally, what about their pacing? does this story make sense from a time standpoint? do i feel like things are happening too slowly or too quickly, or does the timing feel real? why? how could i slow things down?
4. keep an eye out for writers giving some advice. i follow the ‘writing advice’ tag on here, as well as some published writers like @neil-gaiman . they often have a plethora of excellent advice. i read once on here (i can’t remember where) that the best way to show pauses in dialogue is to cater your stories so it takes your reader longer to read — like, for example, showing what your character is doing between pauses or stretches of dialogue, or describing what they’re thinking, or even just using spacing effectively. it was very helpful!
5. edit, edit, edit! go over your work with a kind and critical eye. if you were reading this, what parts would you enjoy best? why are these parts so good? in contrast, what parts might not be as interesting? can you make these more interesting, or are they part of the story the way they are? if you read your story out loud, does it make sense? can you picture other characters doing this? why is your character doing the thing that they are doing — does it make sense?
6. lastly — have fun! write for yourself. i have chosen several dumb and silly headcanons that i don’t see enough in the fandom, so i write them so i can read them. i love all my silly headcanons. whenever i think to myself “oh, i wish i could read more of [specific thing],” i remember that hey, wait i second, i could write that right now if i wanted to! and then i do.
good luck! enjoy yourself! i can’t wait to see what you create :D
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krunal-vyas · 11 days
Why Hire Dedicated Developers in India for Outsourcing
In today’s fast-changing tech world, many businesses need skilled developers. But hiring full-time developers can be expensive and tough, especially for small businesses and startups. That’s where outsourcing comes in, and India is a great place to find dedicated developers. In this blog post, I will explain why hire dedicated developers in India can help you to save money, find talent quickly, and get high-quality work done.
Let’s dive in!
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Why Should Businesses Hire Dedicated Developers in India for Outsourcing?
1. India’s Strong IT Industry and Global Reputation
Overview of India’s IT Market:
India has a booming IT industry that is expected to grow to $350 billion by 2025. Big companies like Microsoft, IBM, and Google are outsourcing their projects to India. This shows that India is a trusted partner for tech projects.
Abundant Talent Pool:
Finding developers with the right skills can be hard. Luckily, India has over 5 million software developers, making it the second-largest group of developers in the world. This means you can easily find the right talent for your projects.
Education and Innovation:
India focuses a lot on education in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). This means there are many skilled graduates ready to work in tech. They are trained to use the latest technologies, which is great for businesses needing modern solutions.
2. Cost-Effectiveness of Hiring Developers in India
Lower Labor Costs:
High development costs can hurt your budget. In India, developers charge between $15 to $25 per hour, while in the U.S. or Europe, it can be $100 to $150 per hour. This means you can get high-quality work for a lot less money.
Reduced Operational Expenses:
Outsourcing to India can save you more than just salary costs. You won’t have to spend as much on hiring, office space, or training. With different hiring options like full-time, part-time, or project-based, you can save even more.
3. Access to a Wide Range of Technical Expertise
Expertise in Cutting-Edge Technologies:
In the tech world, you need developers who know the latest programming languages and tools. Indian developers are skilled in popular languages like Python, Java, and React. They also know about specialized areas like data science and DevOps, making them a good choice for any project.
Proven Track Record in Multiple Industries:
You might worry about the quality of work when outsourcing. However, Indian developers have successfully worked on projects in industries like finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and gaming. Their track record shows they can deliver excellent results.
4. Time Zone Advantage and 24/7 Productivity
Beneficial Time Zone Differences:
Meeting deadlines can be tough, especially if you’re launching a new product. One big advantage of outsourcing to India is the time zone difference. While you sleep, your Indian team can work on your project. This means work gets done faster, helping you stay on schedule.
Flexibility and Adaptability:
Indian developers can work flexible hours, which means they can adjust to your time zone and project needs. This flexibility helps you keep projects on track without the hassle of managing a team in different time zones.
5. High-Quality Work and Adherence to International Standards
Quality Assurance:
Quality is a big concern when outsourcing. Indian developers focus on producing high-quality work. They follow strict coding standards and conduct thorough testing to make sure your project is bug-free. Many use well-known project management methods like Agile and Scrum to keep everything organized.
Compliance with Global Regulations:
When you outsource, you need to follow important rules, like GDPR and HIPAA. Indian companies understand these rules and are ready to help you meet them. This means your data and information are safe and secure.
6. Strong Communication and Collaboration Skills
Proficiency in English:
Language barriers can cause problems in communication. Luckily, many Indian developers speak English well, which helps avoid misunderstandings. This clear communication means everyone is on the same page and projects run smoothly.
Collaborative Tools and Agile Methodologies:
Indian developers are familiar with tools like JIRA, Slack, and GitHub. They also know how to work in Agile teams, which is essential for project managers who want reliable talent. This familiarity helps ensure good teamwork, even when working remotely.
7. Flexibility in Scaling Your Team
Easily Scalable Teams:
Sometimes you need more developers for a project and sometimes you need fewer. Hiring dedicated developers in India lets you quickly adjust your team size based on your needs. This flexibility is helpful for small businesses and startups that might have changing project demands.
Rapid Onboarding Process:
Getting new developers up to speed can take time. Fortunately, Indian developers are known for their quick onboarding process. They can integrate into your existing workflows, which helps keep your project moving forward.
8. Government Support and Policies for Outsourcing
Favorable Policies for IT Outsourcing:
The Indian government supports the IT industry with special programs and tax benefits. These initiatives make it easier for businesses to outsource work to India, making it a smart choice for many companies.
Legal Framework for Outsourcing:
When you outsource, it’s important to understand the legal side. India has strong laws to protect your contracts and intellectual property. This means you can feel secure when working with Indian developers.
9. Cultural Compatibility and Strong Work Ethic
Cultural Adaptability:
Working with teams from different cultures can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. Indian developers are known for their ability to adapt to different work styles. This adaptability helps create strong working relationships with international clients.
Dedication and Commitment:
Indian developers are known for their commitment to meeting deadlines and delivering quality work. This strong work ethic ensures that they are dedicated to achieving your project goals.
Businesses should hire dedicated developers in India for outsourcing due to cost savings, access to a vast talent pool, high-quality work standards, and flexibility in scaling teams based on project demands. This makes it an ideal solution for small to medium enterprises and startups.
If you’re ready to hire dedicated developers in India, contact iQlance Solutions today. Our dedicated team is here to help you with your projects and make your business thrive. Don’t let high development costs or tight deadlines hold you back — reach out to us now and discover how we can support your success!
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market-news-24 · 4 months
In a battle of the blockchains, Tron and Solana go head-to-head as TRX's 2 million daily users face off against SOL. But how do these two popular cryptocurrencies stack up against each other? Let's break it down in simple terms to see which platform comes out on top. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Tron has seen a surge in daily active addresses, surpassing other platforms like Solana. In fact, Tron's daily active address volume exceeded 2 million, while Solana's remained below 1 million. This trend indicates that TRX is showing a more favorable trend compared to SOL. Recent data from Coin98 Analytics shows that Tron Dao has taken the lead as the platform with the most daily active users for the month. With over 2.4 million daily active users, Tron has experienced a significant 50% increase compared to the previous month. On the other hand, Solana ranked fifth with a user count below 1 million, despite a notable volume of NFT activities. When looking at their Total Value Locked metrics, Tron boasts a TVL of $8.3 billion, nearly double that of Solana at $4.3 billion. However, Solana's TVL trend has been more positive recently, indicating a stronger recovery compared to Tron. Analyzing the price trends of Tron and Solana over the last six days reveals contrasting patterns. TRX has shown consecutive uptrends, with a minor decline on May 11th, leading to an increase in price from $0.120 to $0.126. Meanwhile, SOL experienced declines on May 7th and 8th, with subsequent fluctuations in price. In conclusion, the positive price trend of TRX could lead to an increase in daily active addresses, while the fluctuating price of SOL may impact the platform's user count. It will be interesting to see how these two cryptocurrencies continue to perform in the Market. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. How many daily users does TRON have compared to Solana? TRON has approximately 2 million daily users, while Solana's user base is smaller. 2. Is TRON or Solana more popular among users? TRON has a larger daily user base compared to Solana. 3. How do TRON and Solana compare in terms of daily user numbers? TRON has significantly more daily users, with about 2 million compared to Solana's lower user numbers. 4. Which cryptocurrency platform is more widely used by users, TRON or Solana? TRON is more widely used by users with its larger daily user base compared to Solana. 5. Are there significant differences in daily user numbers between TRON and Solana? Yes, TRON has a much larger daily user base of around 2 million compared to Solana. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block';
let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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increae · 5 months
Selling on Social Networks on Black Friday - 5 Points of Attention
If you think of selling through social networks this holiday season, it is important that you are eyeing on Black Friday. The annual and traditional event of the United States of America has already spread worldwide, being a fever here too. The date refers to the last Thursday of November, the Day of Thanksgiving.
In the USA, it is a holiday and the next day, Friday - was when many people went to the streets to shop, anticipating the coming Christmas. The date gradually became more popular, and traders began to make specific promotions for the occasion.
Australia is not left out of this sales spectacle, having the participation of 0.6 billion AUD only in the Black Friday of last year, 2019. In relation to 2018, this value represents a 23% increase in profits, which were left with a ticket - an average of $ 208.00. The expressive result gains volume with multichannel services, with social networks being one of them.
Want to make better use of your social networks to sell more on Black Friday? Arrived at the right place and time, enjoy our post!
Why do increase social networks help with Black Friday strategy?
An annual report by We Are Social shows that uk has strong participation in the use of social networks. We are about 26 million Australians, with more than 19 million using their social media accounts. That means 70% of the population.
This means that, when using social networks, your business gains the ability to reach this audience. Furthermore, this is a slice of the increase market that can still expand and be exploited in the future. As proof, we can see these other data brought by the same research.
There was an increase of 2 million users on the Internet, between January 2018 and January 2019. Note that the same number of people also started to be actively involved in social networks, using mobile access (via smartphone) as the main means.
In addition, Australia likes YouTube more as its favourite social network, followed by Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.
However, popularity is not the only factor that must be considered when realizing the share of social networks in sales over the Internet. See these other data that show the social networks with the highest number of audiences for ads.
Instagram, despite being the 2nd favourite social network of Australia, ends up standing out in second place as one of the most profitable to work its sales. In addition, note that the platform was also the one that had the most audience growth for ads, in which Facebook did not grow and Snapchat with -10% engagement.
How to enjoy Black Friday and sell through social networks?
Now you understand the importance that social media has for Black Friday Deals . However, that alone is not enough. It is necessary to prepare and anticipate so that your customers leave satisfied and your store with profits. Let's go to the tips? Follow!
1. Understand your virtual audience
In the previous topic, you followed some statistics on the main social networks in Australia. You may have noticed that there are different percentages for female and male audiences. Data analysis is very important when it comes to understanding your digital customer.
The choice of the social network depends on the morphology of the consumer group, as well as the language used in the content. This alignment between the different platforms and what your audience wants is important to achieve it. In addition to drawing more attention to exactly the people you want: those who will buy from you.
This means that, if you work with teachings, tips and steps, for example, YouTube can be interesting. Your audience will look for videos to follow in real-time what you say, doing the same way without errors. However, in addition, it is important to cross different platforms, as long as they add value to the consumer.
Snapchat is not like Instagram, but it has similar features and less reach. For the example mentioned above, where YouTube will be used as the main social network, it is interesting to add faster videos with Instagram, reaching more users and people interested in the brand.
2. Prepare your profile on social networks
It is a good marketing practice that you align your visual identity on all the platforms you work on. Especially when selling on the Internet during Black Friday. Your consumer needs to know right away that you are participating in the promotion. Furthermore, the strategy serves to attract people only interested in the promotional Friday.
What they want today are discounts and cheap ads, but with a good job done in your store, it is possible to win over this consumer for the rest of the year. In other words, social networks are not only excellent sales options for Black Friday but loyalty and enchantment to reach a wider audience for the business.
Other tips to get your profile calibrated to sell well on social networks:
•                                                         put a photo on the account, which may be the store's own logo;
•                                                         use colors, fonts and the name Black Friday to make it easier to identify;
•                                                         place a link to the website and online store in the biography of the page or profile;
•                                                         in the case of Instagram, it is important to use hashtags and Stories so that the public will find your store easier.
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ncisfranchise-source · 6 months
Just days before its debut, Fallout looks to be assured a second season thanks to a $25 million tax credit from California.
Officially, Amazon has not said yet that the Prime Video series is coming back, but, with some hints from executive producers Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan recently, it is pretty clear the money is doing the talking here. Receiving one of the largest allocations ever from the program for a relocating series, the post-apocalyptic drama is among a dozen shows awarded $152 million in incentives.
Primetime prequel NCIS: Origins, the Noah Wyle starring The Pitt, plus the Ryan Murphy executive produced Dr. Odyssey starring Joshua Jackson, and Grotesquerie starring Emmy winner Niecy Nash also were awarded credits through the California Film Commission run $330 million annual program – as you can see below.
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Set to premiere on April 11, Fallout, based on the best-selling video game franchise, is almost as big a get for the CFC as it is a swing for Amazon Prime Video. Ever since the Golden State’s  tax incentive imitative was revamped in 2014 to be competitive with the lucrative likes of Georgia, New York state and the likes of British Columbia and Quebec up in Canada, snagging series from other jurisdictions has been the jewel in the crown for the program.
Big budget Fallout, which filmed its first season in the Empire State, Utah, New Jersey and Namibia, is the 33rd series to relocate to California in the last decade thanks to the tax credit program. This latest round of TV projects unveiled this morning includes one relocating series, three recurring television series, and eight new television series, according to the CFC.
Of course, being awarded the tax credits, even big bucks like what Fallout has reaped, is no guarantee a project will go forward. The allocations are conditional on certain timelines being met, and a number of films and shows, like Season 2 of Amazon’s spy saga Citadel, have dropped out of the program after getting a green light.
Still, the credits can make the difference between a show going ahead or not — and that’s vital in an industry where work remains scant right now and in a state with a heavy budget deficit. The 2024 revised program centered its criteria on job creation and economic growth, an endgame that seems even more poignant than ever right now.
To that end, Fallout is estimated by the CFC to employ around 170 cast and crew for its second season and contribute approximately $153 million in qualified expenditures to the state. Overall, the 12 projects awarded in this round are expected to spend about $1.1 billion in the state during production. Besides the immediate tax revenues and support to local vendors, the projects are anticipated to provide jobs to 2,300 crew, 2,200 cast, and 50,000 background performers, says the Colleen Bell-run CFC.
“We’ve had the immense privilege to create stories with the talented crews and individuals in California for years,” said NCIS: Origins EPs Mark Harmon, Sean Harmon, Gina Lucita Monreal, and David J. North. in a statement accompanying this morning’s announcement for the home of Hollywood. “With the support of the California Film Commission, we are thrilled to film NCIS: Origins in Los Angeles, utilizing all of the fantastic resources, locations and most importantly, the talented people in this city we love and call home.”
With that, the application period for the next round of TV projects is June 3 – 5, with allocations made public around July 8. For the big screen, the next online application period is open from July 29-31, with projects announced on September 2.
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jcmarchi · 9 months
Space Oddity: Uncovering the Origin of the Universe’s Rare Radio Circles - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/space-oddity-uncovering-the-origin-of-the-universes-rare-radio-circles-technology-org/
Space Oddity: Uncovering the Origin of the Universe’s Rare Radio Circles - Technology Org
Outflowing galactic winds from exploding stars may explain the enormous rings.
It’s not every day astronomers say, “What is that?” After all, most observed astronomical phenomena are known: stars, planets, black holes and galaxies. But in 2019 the newly completed ASKAP (Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder) telescope picked up something no one had ever seen before: radio wave circles so large they contained entire galaxies in their centers.
Odd radio circles, like ORC 1 pictured above, are large enough to contain galaxies in their centers and reach hundreds of thousands of light years across. Image credit: Jayanne English / University of Manitoba
As the astrophysics community tried to determine what these circles were, they also wanted to know why the circles were. Now a team led by University of California San Diego Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Alison Coil believes they may have found the answer: the circles are shells formed by outflowing galactic winds, possibly from massive exploding stars known as supernovae. Their work is published in Nature.
Coil and her collaborators have been studying massive “starburst” galaxies that can drive these ultra-fast outflowing winds. Starburst galaxies have an exceptionally high rate of star formation. When stars die and explode, they expel gas from the star and its surroundings back into interstellar space.
If enough stars explode near each other at the same time, the force of these explosions can push the gas out of the galaxy itself into outflowing winds, which can travel at up to 2,000 kilometers/second.
“These galaxies are really interesting,” said Coil, who is also chair of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics. “They occur when two big galaxies collide. The merger pushes all the gas into a very small region, which causes an intense burst of star formation. Massive stars burn out quickly and when they die, they expel their gas as outflowing winds.”
A simulation of starburst-driven winds at three different time periods, starting at 181 million years. The top half of each image shows gas temperature, while the lower half shows the radial velocity. Image credit: Cassandra Lochhaas / Space Telescope Science Institute
Massive, rare and of unknown origin
Technological developments allowed ASKAP to scan large portions of the sky at very faint limits which made odd radio circles (ORCs) detectable for the first time in 2019. The ORCs were enormous — hundreds of kiloparsecs across, where a kiloparsec is equal to 3,260 light years (for reference, the Milky Way galaxy is about 30 kiloparsecs across).
Multiple theories were proposed to explain the origin of ORCs, including planetary nebulae and black hole mergers, but radio data alone could not discriminate between the theories. Coil and her collaborators were intrigued and thought it was possible the radio rings were a development from the later stages of the starburst galaxies they had been studying. They began looking into ORC 4 — the first ORC discovered that is observable from the Northern Hemisphere.
Up until then, ORCs had only been observed through their radio emissions, without any optical data. Coil’s team used an integral field spectrograph at the W.M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea, Hawaii, to look at ORC 4, which revealed a tremendous amount of highly luminous, heated, compressed gas — far more than is seen in the average galaxy.
With more questions than answers, the team got down to detective work. Using optical and infrared imaging data, they determined the stars inside ORC 4 galaxy were around 6 billion years old. “There was a burst of star formation in this galaxy, but it ended roughly a billion years ago,” stated Coil.
Cassandra Lochhaas, a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics specializing in the theoretical side of galactic winds and a co-author on the paper, ran a suite of numerical computer simulations to replicate the size and properties of the large-scale radio ring, including the large amount of shocked, cool gas in the central galaxy. 
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Her simulations showed outflowing galactic winds blowing for 200 million years before they shut off. When the wind stopped, a forward-moving shock continued to propel high-temperature gas out of the galaxy and created a radio ring, while a reverse shock sent cooler gas falling back onto the galaxy. The simulation played out over 750 million years — within the ballpark of the estimated one-billion-year stellar age of ORC 4.
“To make this work you need a high-mass outflow rate, meaning it’s ejecting a lot of material very quickly. And the surrounding gas just outside the galaxy has to be low density, otherwise the shock stalls. These are the two key factors,” stated Coil. “It turns out the galaxies we’ve been studying have these high-mass outflow rates. They’re rare, but they do exist. I really do think this points to ORCs originating from some kind of outflowing galactic winds.”
Not only can outflowing winds help astronomers understand ORCs, but ORCs can help astronomers understand outflowing winds as well. “ORCs provide a way for us to ‘see’ the winds through radio data and spectroscopy,” said Coil. “This can help us determine how common these extreme outflowing galactic winds are and what the wind life cycle is. They can also help us learn more about galactic evolution: do all massive galaxies go through an ORC phase? Do spiral galaxies turn elliptical when they are no longer forming stars? I think there is a lot we can learn about ORCs and learn from ORCs.”
Source: UCSD
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uaeskytrust · 1 year
How to Increase Followers on Snapchat?
How to Increase Followers on Snapchat?
Sharing your life’s precious moments on various social media platforms has been a decade-long practice. With the enhancement of digitalization, brands, especially in the US, have started utilizing social media power to get followers and build their digital presence.
As we talk about creating a digital presence in the US market, we cannot ignore the importance of Snapchat. Snapchat was launched in 2011 and continues to be one of the top 15 most-used social media platforms in the world. Building a brand on Snapchat is considered to be a smart move. However, the content style and type differ in comparison to other platforms.
Snapchat is the sixth-largest social media network that can be easily accessed via android or iOS mobile devices. In this article, we will delve deep into Snapchat content preparation techniques, marketing strategy, and growth-building techniques.
How is Snapchat booming the social media marketing industry in the US?
Snapchat has successfully transformed the social media business from just a common social media platform to share photos to a powerful money-making social media tool that allows businesses to expand their visibility online. Marketers predict revenue growth from approximately $2 billion in 2020 to $5 billion by 2025 for this social media giant. Below are some of the common reasons why Snapchat is helping brands.
It lets you stay updated – Unlike other social media platforms, Snapchat users have to regularly open their app to stay up-to-date with their friends’ content. It creates a sense of urgency for users to post, monitor and respond. Here, users can view the 10-second ‘snaps’ only of their chosen friends, and content shared to the story vanishes after 24 hours. Hence, you have to open the app on a daily basis to stay updated on the trends and snaps.
It offers multiple features – Instead of just sharing small 10-second story snaps, its multiple filters, like hyper-lapse, geofilter, etc., allow users to add up to their single 10-second highlights and share a full day’s story.
Share live news with fewer ads – The Snapchat Discover tab allows users to interact with an audience of up to 40 million people in just a 24-hour window. You can access editorial articles, live footage of global news, festivals, foreign countries, award shows, movie screenings, global crises, events, etc. Unlike other social media apps, these have a limited number of ads in-between that can also be skipped after specific seconds.
It offers a creative and interactive experience – The Snapchat app offers a gamifying and creative experience to users by allowing them to create funny and scary face filters. You can also purchase the Geofilter feature and put filters that complement your brand type. The snap-sending score, fun emojis for achievements, front camera snaps, etc, give gamification incentives to users. However, as a Snapchat marketing agency, you should never forget that everything requires a strategy. It is the key!
It gives an insight into unseen places – There are many events or places across the globe that you have not seen or visited but dream of doing. Well, Snapchat is one of the best platforms to let you sneak peek at your dreamy destinations and know the international perspectives of any story.
Marketing content types for Snapchat
Snapchat is all about encouraging engagement and business making. Below is a list of some common marketing content types that can help increase followers and views on your snaps.
Upcoming launches – If a new product or service launch is to be hyped about on Snapchat, you can create images or short videos of ‘It’s here…’ or ‘Get ready…,’ etc. It creates hype amongst people waiting for its launch and increases engagement and awareness of your brand.
Rewarding content – One of the best ways to increase your Snapchat followers is to create content relating to giveaways, contests, quizzes, etc., where winners will be rewarded with something beneficial.
Behind the scenes – There are times when the audience is much more interested in seeing the content relating to the process of any fruitful outcome. For example – Instead of looking at a picture of a delicious cake, people want to know how it was made. Snapchat provides this content authenticity by making the audience feel connected to it.
Testimonials – Ask your followers or clients to create short videos of how and why they are happy to use your products and services and post them on your snap. Happy client videos are always a good way to get more customers on board.
Interactivity content – Create engaging activities or tasks for your followers to take part in. Ask them to send snaps of them using your products or services, or you may interact with them through other kinds of fun and engaging tasks and reward the winners or early birds with prizes.
Coupons – Create exclusive offer pages for your audience, and redirect them to those pages as they check out your snaps offering digital coupons or QR codes for certain activities.
Snapchat marketing strategies
There never exists a formula for ‘one size fits all’ in social media. Digital marketing is all about change and strategy. Every social media platform requires a different strategy to grow your business. But before preparing Snapchat marketing strategies, one should know their target customers, their online activities, and ways you can influence your customers. Once done with this, you can go ahead with your marketing strategies. Experts at SkyTrust have listed strategies that can help you get Snapchat followers.
Establish your brand – The first and foremost way is to establish your brand’s vision and mission and prepare its logo, website interface, activities, etc, in complement to that. Snapchat is based on creativity and uniqueness in advertising, designing, and repurposing. Some common Snapchat tools, like Snap Publisher and Instant Create, help users create engaging and creative ads without additional design resources.
Know your target audience – Marketing is all about connecting with your customers effectively. Knowing your audience helps you make good connections with your current and potential customers and aptly fulfill their needs and expectations. Snapchat’s Audience Insights tool is the best way to analyze the engagement and reach of your ads. It lets you know the accurate metrics of your ads.
Online presence – Building your online presence on the Snapchat social media platform is one of the essential tasks to get quickly discovered by potential customers.
Tracking user behavior – One of the best ways to track online traffic and behavior on Snapchat is through Snap Pixel. It helps you to retarget your website visitors, captures data on how people browse your website, etc.
Performance measure – Reporting and measurement are easy on Snapchat. Here, marketers can optimize their ad performance and analyze the results. The Snapchat ads manager helps run A/B testing on ad campaigns to make data-driven decisions.
Showcase unique selling points – When you are attracting people to opt for your services or purchase your products, you should showcase your unique selling point in the creatives or videos, along with relevant offers or discounts to drive consideration.
Testimonials and word of mouth – Including testimonials in your snaps help your potential customers to have a better clarification of your products and services. They can relate it to themselves or their brand and see how it adds value for them.
Retargeting – Retargeting is the best way to increase your Snapchat story views. Marketing is all about building awareness, educating potential customers, and converting them into loyal ones. Retargeting helps move potential customers from awareness to consideration and, lastly, into the purchase phase.
Think of it as an investment – Increasing your snap story views, getting more followers, building brand awareness, etc., are integral parts of digital marketing, which ensures turn your business into a big brand. Instead of taking it as an expenditure, consider it an investment to help you reach a maximum number of followers and make a name.
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How to Increase Followers on Snapchat?
How to Increase Followers on Snapchat?
Sharing your life’s precious moments on various social media platforms has been a decade-long practice. With the enhancement of digitalization, brands, especially in the US, have started utilizing social media power to get followers and build their digital presence.
As we talk about creating a digital presence in the US market, we cannot ignore the importance of Snapchat. Snapchat was launched in 2011 and continues to be one of the top 15 most-used social media platforms in the world. Building a brand on Snapchat is considered to be a smart move. However, the content style and type differ in comparison to other platforms.
Snapchat is the sixth-largest social media network that can be easily accessed via android or iOS mobile devices. In this article, we will delve deep into Snapchat content preparation techniques, marketing strategy, and growth-building techniques.
How is Snapchat booming the social media marketing industry in the US?
Snapchat has successfully transformed the social media business from just a common social media platform to share photos to a powerful money-making social media tool that allows businesses to expand their visibility online. Marketers predict revenue growth from approximately $2 billion in 2020 to $5 billion by 2025 for this social media giant. Below are some of the common reasons why Snapchat is helping brands.
It lets you stay updated – Unlike other social media platforms, Snapchat users have to regularly open their app to stay up-to-date with their friends’ content. It creates a sense of urgency for users to post, monitor and respond. Here, users can view the 10-second ‘snaps’ only of their chosen friends, and content shared to the story vanishes after 24 hours. Hence, you have to open the app on a daily basis to stay updated on the trends and snaps.
It offers multiple features – Instead of just sharing small 10-second story snaps, its multiple filters, like hyper-lapse, geofilter, etc., allow users to add up to their single 10-second highlights and share a full day’s story.
Share live news with fewer ads – The Snapchat Discover tab allows users to interact with an audience of up to 40 million people in just a 24-hour window. You can access editorial articles, live footage of global news, festivals, foreign countries, award shows, movie screenings, global crises, events, etc. Unlike other social media apps, these have a limited number of ads in-between that can also be skipped after specific seconds.
It offers a creative and interactive experience – The Snapchat app offers a gamifying and creative experience to users by allowing them to create funny and scary face filters. You can also purchase the Geofilter feature and put filters that complement your brand type. The snap-sending score, fun emojis for achievements, front camera snaps, etc, give gamification incentives to users. However, as a Snapchat marketing agency, you should never forget that everything requires a strategy. It is the key!
It gives an insight into unseen places – There are many events or places across the globe that you have not seen or visited but dream of doing. Well, Snapchat is one of the best platforms to let you sneak peek at your dreamy destinations and know the international perspectives of any story.
Marketing content types for Snapchat
Snapchat is all about encouraging engagement and business making. Below is a list of some common marketing content types that can help increase followers and views on your snaps.
Upcoming launches – If a new product or service launch is to be hyped about on Snapchat, you can create images or short videos of ‘It’s here…’ or ‘Get ready…,’ etc. It creates hype amongst people waiting for its launch and increases engagement and awareness of your brand.
Rewarding content – One of the best ways to increase your Snapchat followers is to create content relating to giveaways, contests, quizzes, etc., where winners will be rewarded with something beneficial.
Behind the scenes – There are times when the audience is much more interested in seeing the content relating to the process of any fruitful outcome. For example – Instead of looking at a picture of a delicious cake, people want to know how it was made. Snapchat provides this content authenticity by making the audience feel connected to it.
Testimonials – Ask your followers or clients to create short videos of how and why they are happy to use your products and services and post them on your snap. Happy client videos are always a good way to get more customers on board.
Interactivity content – Create engaging activities or tasks for your followers to take part in. Ask them to send snaps of them using your products or services, or you may interact with them through other kinds of fun and engaging tasks and reward the winners or early birds with prizes.
Coupons – Create exclusive offer pages for your audience, and redirect them to those pages as they check out your snaps offering digital coupons or QR codes for certain activities.
Snapchat marketing strategies
There never exists a formula for ‘one size fits all’ in social media. Digital marketing is all about change and strategy. Every social media platform requires a different strategy to grow your business. But before preparing Snapchat marketing strategies, one should know their target customers, their online activities, and ways you can influence your customers. Once done with this, you can go ahead with your marketing strategies. Experts at SkyTrust have listed strategies that can help you get Snapchat followers.
Establish your brand – The first and foremost way is to establish your brand’s vision and mission and prepare its logo, website interface, activities, etc, in complement to that. Snapchat is based on creativity and uniqueness in advertising, designing, and repurposing. Some common Snapchat tools, like Snap Publisher and Instant Create, help users create engaging and creative ads without additional design resources.
Know your target audience – Marketing is all about connecting with your customers effectively. Knowing your audience helps you make good connections with your current and potential customers and aptly fulfill their needs and expectations. Snapchat’s Audience Insights tool is the best way to analyze the engagement and reach of your ads. It lets you know the accurate metrics of your ads.
Online presence – Building your online presence on the Snapchat social media platform is one of the essential tasks to get quickly discovered by potential customers.
Tracking user behavior – One of the best ways to track online traffic and behavior on Snapchat is through Snap Pixel. It helps you to retarget your website visitors, captures data on how people browse your website, etc.
Performance measure – Reporting and measurement are easy on Snapchat. Here, marketers can optimize their ad performance and analyze the results. The Snapchat ads manager helps run A/B testing on ad campaigns to make data-driven decisions.
Showcase unique selling points – When you are attracting people to opt for your services or purchase your products, you should showcase your unique selling point in the creatives or videos, along with relevant offers or discounts to drive consideration.
Testimonials and word of mouth – Including testimonials in your snaps help your potential customers to have a better clarification of your products and services. They can relate it to themselves or their brand and see how it adds value for them.
Retargeting – Retargeting is the best way to increase your Snapchat story views. Marketing is all about building awareness, educating potential customers, and converting them into loyal ones. Retargeting helps move potential customers from awareness to consideration and, lastly, into the purchase phase.
Think of it as an investment – Increasing your snap story views, getting more followers, building brand awareness, etc., are integral parts of digital marketing, which ensures turn your business into a big brand. Instead of taking it as an expenditure, consider it an investment to help you reach a maximum number of followers and make a name.
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skytrust0099 · 1 year
How to Increase Followers on Snapchat?
How to Increase Followers on Snapchat?
Sharing your life’s precious moments on various social media platforms has been a decade-long practice. With the enhancement of digitalization, brands, especially in the US, have started utilizing social media power to get followers and build their digital presence.
As we talk about creating a digital presence in the US market, we cannot ignore the importance of Snapchat. Snapchat was launched in 2011 and continues to be one of the top 15 most-used social media platforms in the world. Building a brand on Snapchat is considered to be a smart move. However, the content style and type differ in comparison to other platforms.
Snapchat is the sixth-largest social media network that can be easily accessed via android or iOS mobile devices. In this article, we will delve deep into Snapchat content preparation techniques, marketing strategy, and growth-building techniques.
How is Snapchat booming the social media marketing industry in the US?
Snapchat has successfully transformed the social media business from just a common social media platform to share photos to a powerful money-making social media tool that allows businesses to expand their visibility online. Marketers predict revenue growth from approximately $2 billion in 2020 to $5 billion by 2025 for this social media giant. Below are some of the common reasons why Snapchat is helping brands.
It lets you stay updated – Unlike other social media platforms, Snapchat users have to regularly open their app to stay up-to-date with their friends’ content. It creates a sense of urgency for users to post, monitor and respond. Here, users can view the 10-second ‘snaps’ only of their chosen friends, and content shared to the story vanishes after 24 hours. Hence, you have to open the app on a daily basis to stay updated on the trends and snaps.
It offers multiple features – Instead of just sharing small 10-second story snaps, its multiple filters, like hyper-lapse, geofilter, etc., allow users to add up to their single 10-second highlights and share a full day’s story.
Share live news with fewer ads – The Snapchat Discover tab allows users to interact with an audience of up to 40 million people in just a 24-hour window. You can access editorial articles, live footage of global news, festivals, foreign countries, award shows, movie screenings, global crises, events, etc. Unlike other social media apps, these have a limited number of ads in-between that can also be skipped after specific seconds.
It offers a creative and interactive experience – The Snapchat app offers a gamifying and creative experience to users by allowing them to create funny and scary face filters. You can also purchase the Geofilter feature and put filters that complement your brand type. The snap-sending score, fun emojis for achievements, front camera snaps, etc, give gamification incentives to users. However, as a Snapchat marketing agency, you should never forget that everything requires a strategy. It is the key!
It gives an insight into unseen places – There are many events or places across the globe that you have not seen or visited but dream of doing. Well, Snapchat is one of the best platforms to let you sneak peek at your dreamy destinations and know the international perspectives of any story.
Marketing content types for Snapchat
Snapchat is all about encouraging engagement and business making. Below is a list of some common marketing content types that can help increase followers and views on your snaps.
Upcoming launches – If a new product or service launch is to be hyped about on Snapchat, you can create images or short videos of ‘It’s here…’ or ‘Get ready…,’ etc. It creates hype amongst people waiting for its launch and increases engagement and awareness of your brand.
Rewarding content – One of the best ways to increase your Snapchat followers is to create content relating to giveaways, contests, quizzes, etc., where winners will be rewarded with something beneficial.
Behind the scenes – There are times when the audience is much more interested in seeing the content relating to the process of any fruitful outcome. For example – Instead of looking at a picture of a delicious cake, people want to know how it was made. Snapchat provides this content authenticity by making the audience feel connected to it.
Testimonials – Ask your followers or clients to create short videos of how and why they are happy to use your products and services and post them on your snap. Happy client videos are always a good way to get more customers on board.
Interactivity content – Create engaging activities or tasks for your followers to take part in. Ask them to send snaps of them using your products or services, or you may interact with them through other kinds of fun and engaging tasks and reward the winners or early birds with prizes.
Coupons – Create exclusive offer pages for your audience, and redirect them to those pages as they check out your snaps offering digital coupons or QR codes for certain activities.
Snapchat marketing strategies
There never exists a formula for ‘one size fits all’ in social media. Digital marketing is all about change and strategy. Every social media platform requires a different strategy to grow your business. But before preparing Snapchat marketing strategies, one should know their target customers, their online activities, and ways you can influence your customers. Once done with this, you can go ahead with your marketing strategies. Experts at SkyTrust have listed strategies that can help you get Snapchat followers.
Establish your brand – The first and foremost way is to establish your brand’s vision and mission and prepare its logo, website interface, activities, etc, in complement to that. Snapchat is based on creativity and uniqueness in advertising, designing, and repurposing. Some common Snapchat tools, like Snap Publisher and Instant Create, help users create engaging and creative ads without additional design resources.
Know your target audience – Marketing is all about connecting with your customers effectively. Knowing your audience helps you make good connections with your current and potential customers and aptly fulfill their needs and expectations. Snapchat’s Audience Insights tool is the best way to analyze the engagement and reach of your ads. It lets you know the accurate metrics of your ads.
Online presence – Building your online presence on the Snapchat social media platform is one of the essential tasks to get quickly discovered by potential customers.
Tracking user behavior – One of the best ways to track online traffic and behavior on Snapchat is through Snap Pixel. It helps you to retarget your website visitors, captures data on how people browse your website, etc.
Performance measure – Reporting and measurement are easy on Snapchat. Here, marketers can optimize their ad performance and analyze the results. The Snapchat ads manager helps run A/B testing on ad campaigns to make data-driven decisions.
Showcase unique selling points – When you are attracting people to opt for your services or purchase your products, you should showcase your unique selling point in the creatives or videos, along with relevant offers or discounts to drive consideration.
Testimonials and word of mouth – Including testimonials in your snaps help your potential customers to have a better clarification of your products and services. They can relate it to themselves or their brand and see how it adds value for them.
Retargeting – Retargeting is the best way to increase your Snapchat story views. Marketing is all about building awareness, educating potential customers, and converting them into loyal ones. Retargeting helps move potential customers from awareness to consideration and, lastly, into the purchase phase.
Think of it as an investment – Increasing your snap story views, getting more followers, building brand awareness, etc., are integral parts of digital marketing, which ensures turn your business into a big brand. Instead of taking it as an expenditure, consider it an investment to help you reach a maximum number of followers and make a name.
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skytrustit09 · 1 year
How to Increase Followers on Snapchat?
How to Increase Followers on Snapchat?
Sharing your life’s precious moments on various social media platforms has been a decade-long practice. With the enhancement of digitalization, brands, especially in the US, have started utilizing social media power to get followers and build their digital presence.
As we talk about creating a digital presence in the US market, we cannot ignore the importance of Snapchat. Snapchat was launched in 2011 and continues to be one of the top 15 most-used social media platforms in the world. Building a brand on Snapchat is considered to be a smart move. However, the content style and type differ in comparison to other platforms.
Snapchat is the sixth-largest social media network that can be easily accessed via android or iOS mobile devices. In this article, we will delve deep into Snapchat content preparation techniques, marketing strategy, and growth-building techniques.
How is Snapchat booming the social media marketing industry in the US?
Snapchat has successfully transformed the social media business from just a common social media platform to share photos to a powerful money-making social media tool that allows businesses to expand their visibility online. Marketers predict revenue growth from approximately $2 billion in 2020 to $5 billion by 2025 for this social media giant. Below are some of the common reasons why Snapchat is helping brands.
It lets you stay updated – Unlike other social media platforms, Snapchat users have to regularly open their app to stay up-to-date with their friends’ content. It creates a sense of urgency for users to post, monitor and respond. Here, users can view the 10-second ‘snaps’ only of their chosen friends, and content shared to the story vanishes after 24 hours. Hence, you have to open the app on a daily basis to stay updated on the trends and snaps.
It offers multiple features – Instead of just sharing small 10-second story snaps, its multiple filters, like hyper-lapse, geofilter, etc., allow users to add up to their single 10-second highlights and share a full day’s story.
Share live news with fewer ads – The Snapchat Discover tab allows users to interact with an audience of up to 40 million people in just a 24-hour window. You can access editorial articles, live footage of global news, festivals, foreign countries, award shows, movie screenings, global crises, events, etc. Unlike other social media apps, these have a limited number of ads in-between that can also be skipped after specific seconds.
It offers a creative and interactive experience – The Snapchat app offers a gamifying and creative experience to users by allowing them to create funny and scary face filters. You can also purchase the Geofilter feature and put filters that complement your brand type. The snap-sending score, fun emojis for achievements, front camera snaps, etc, give gamification incentives to users. However, as a Snapchat marketing agency, you should never forget that everything requires a strategy. It is the key!
It gives an insight into unseen places – There are many events or places across the globe that you have not seen or visited but dream of doing. Well, Snapchat is one of the best platforms to let you sneak peek at your dreamy destinations and know the international perspectives of any story.
Marketing content types for Snapchat
Snapchat is all about encouraging engagement and business making. Below is a list of some common marketing content types that can help increase followers and views on your snaps.
Upcoming launches – If a new product or service launch is to be hyped about on Snapchat, you can create images or short videos of ‘It’s here…’ or ‘Get ready…,’ etc. It creates hype amongst people waiting for its launch and increases engagement and awareness of your brand.
Rewarding content – One of the best ways to increase your Snapchat followers is to create content relating to giveaways, contests, quizzes, etc., where winners will be rewarded with something beneficial.
Behind the scenes – There are times when the audience is much more interested in seeing the content relating to the process of any fruitful outcome. For example – Instead of looking at a picture of a delicious cake, people want to know how it was made. Snapchat provides this content authenticity by making the audience feel connected to it.
Testimonials – Ask your followers or clients to create short videos of how and why they are happy to use your products and services and post them on your snap. Happy client videos are always a good way to get more customers on board.
Interactivity content – Create engaging activities or tasks for your followers to take part in. Ask them to send snaps of them using your products or services, or you may interact with them through other kinds of fun and engaging tasks and reward the winners or early birds with prizes.
Coupons – Create exclusive offer pages for your audience, and redirect them to those pages as they check out your snaps offering digital coupons or QR codes for certain activities.
Snapchat marketing strategies
There never exists a formula for ‘one size fits all’ in social media. Digital marketing is all about change and strategy. Every social media platform requires a different strategy to grow your business. But before preparing Snapchat marketing strategies, one should know their target customers, their online activities, and ways you can influence your customers. Once done with this, you can go ahead with your marketing strategies. Experts at SkyTrust have listed strategies that can help you get Snapchat followers.
Establish your brand – The first and foremost way is to establish your brand’s vision and mission and prepare its logo, website interface, activities, etc, in complement to that. Snapchat is based on creativity and uniqueness in advertising, designing, and repurposing. Some common Snapchat tools, like Snap Publisher and Instant Create, help users create engaging and creative ads without additional design resources.
Know your target audience – Marketing is all about connecting with your customers effectively. Knowing your audience helps you make good connections with your current and potential customers and aptly fulfill their needs and expectations. Snapchat’s Audience Insights tool is the best way to analyze the engagement and reach of your ads. It lets you know the accurate metrics of your ads.
Online presence – Building your online presence on the Snapchat social media platform is one of the essential tasks to get quickly discovered by potential customers.
Tracking user behavior – One of the best ways to track online traffic and behavior on Snapchat is through Snap Pixel. It helps you to retarget your website visitors, captures data on how people browse your website, etc.
Performance measure – Reporting and measurement are easy on Snapchat. Here, marketers can optimize their ad performance and analyze the results. The Snapchat ads manager helps run A/B testing on ad campaigns to make data-driven decisions.
Showcase unique selling points – When you are attracting people to opt for your services or purchase your products, you should showcase your unique selling point in the creatives or videos, along with relevant offers or discounts to drive consideration.
Testimonials and word of mouth – Including testimonials in your snaps help your potential customers to have a better clarification of your products and services. They can relate it to themselves or their brand and see how it adds value for them.
Retargeting – Retargeting is the best way to increase your Snapchat story views. Marketing is all about building awareness, educating potential customers, and converting them into loyal ones. Retargeting helps move potential customers from awareness to consideration and, lastly, into the purchase phase.
Think of it as an investment – Increasing your snap story views, getting more followers, building brand awareness, etc., are integral parts of digital marketing, which ensures turn your business into a big brand. Instead of taking it as an expenditure, consider it an investment to help you reach a maximum number of followers and make a name.
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wininfluencer · 2 years
Influencer Marketing: YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, which platform should you choose for marketing?
Besides advertising on Google and Facebook, influencer marketing is also an important way for brands to get more exposure and increase sales.
But sometimes it could be hard for brands to make a decision when they need to choose social media platforms for the promotion. If you are one of them, scroll down to get a complete analysis of the major social media platforms in the world.
Instagram ranks among the top five social media platforms in the world in terms of the number of users, and it is the most used social media platform for influencer marketing by brands. According to a survey, 68% of brands choose IG for influencer marketing activities.
Demographics of Users
Most of the users are young, and the highest proportion of users is 25–34 years old.
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Source: Statista
Content on Instagram
Users can post pictures and videos on this platform, and most content is aesthetic. Plus, users can @ another IG account on their posts, which is a common practice in brands’ campaigns, and it helps the brand’s official account to get more followers.
Products suitable for this platform
If your products are very simple or their features can be displayed easily in the form of pictures or short videos, such as clothing, beauty products, jewelry, handicrafts, and more, you can consider promoting your brands on Instagram.
According to statistics, TikTok has become the social media platform with the most downloads in 2020. With the rapid development in recent years, TikTok now has more than 700 million active users.
Demographics of Users
The young group accounts for a large proportion, and 60% of users are between 16–24 years old.
Content on TikTok
Users can post videos on TikTok. The length of TikTok videos is really short at the beginning, and currently, TikTok has expanded the maximum video length to 10 minutes. But the short videos are still the popular ones, and they are often entertaining and eye-catching.
Products suitable for this platform
TikTok users are more likely to be attracted by trendy and interesting products, so if your products are funny or entertaining, TikTok may be your first choice.
As the world’s second-largest social media platform, YouTube have more than 1.8 billion users worldwide in 2021.
Demographics of Users
Compared with Instagram and TikTok, YouTube can reach a wider range of users.
Content on YouTube
Different from TikTok, which is famous for short videos, YouTube is well-known for long videos. YouTube users can upload videos up to 15 minutes by default, and if the YouTube account is verified, the users can upload longer videos.
With these long YouTube videos, influencers can show products in more detail to let the audience have an in-depth understanding of the brand and products.
Products suitable for this platform
Products with high value or complex functions, such as electronic products, and household products, are more suitable to be promoted on YouTube.
Grow your business with influencer marketing using WinInfluencer. You can find the right influencers easily and reach out to them for cooperation on this influencer marketing platform. Try it free today!
Discover influencers precisely
WinInfluencer provides brands with up to 20 million data of global influencers on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram. And you can find the right influencers precisely with the help of 16 types of filters and a detailed analysis of influencers on this platform.
Reach influencers efficiently
You can reach influencers for collaboration efficiently by sending emails in bulk on WinInfluencer and improve your email-sending strategies according to the data such as email open rate. Have no idea how to write an email? You can use the email templates which cover the whole process of collaboration with influencers to communicate with influencers.
Publish campaigns easily
You can attract more content creators to apply for collaboration by publishing campaigns on WinInfluencer. The campaign will be exposed to suitable influencers according to the requirements, and you will receive influencers’ applications for collaboration soon.
Try WinInfluencer for free now to make influencer marketing easier!
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datascience12course · 2 years
7 Ways to Use Big Data in Social Media
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Nowadays, social media marketing gets more significance from business insights than from being only a communication tool. Social media has greatly changed since it was first created to establish connections between individuals. Additionally, social media marketers should mix crucial roles often performed by technicians and businessmen. The exciting numbers are revealed in Domo's Data Never Sleeps Report 8.0, which also shows how quickly the volume of their labor is increasing.
How Is Social Media Being Affected by Big Data?
The extensive use of these big data tactics is clearly demonstrated by the influx of posts, comments, likes, dislikes, followings, and followers from social media sources, such as the top 3 leaders - Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram. Facebook is not going away, as evidenced by Statista's estimate that it had 2.38 billion active monthly users in the first quarter of 2019. This shows the value of big data analytics techniques which can be mastered with the best data analytics course available online. 
Operating these massive amounts of information created every single second is crucial. Successful firms pay attention to what their consumers say because both positive and bad comments can affect their ability to attract new customers and maintain their good name.
Big data is essential to marketing analytics' ability to forecast future customer behavior without exaggeration. Many businesses invest in big data solution technologies to track customers' experiences in social media in real-time.
Advantages of Using Big Data in Social Media:
Let's take a quick look at the top 7 advantages of big data analytics for social media marketing.
Channels of communication:
AI strategies enable the processing of data from various channels, particularly when synchronization and a widely used log-in technology are used. Many business websites encourage users to sign up using Google or Facebook accounts, allowing marketers to access data from social media activity, browser history, desktop and mobile applications, cloud storage, and other sources to learn more about their customers.
Real-time communication:
The key to a successful market study is user behavior on social media, such as advertising clicked, pages visited and followed, comments left, links saved, and friends added. No other source can provide a more accurate and current picture of market demand. The most important thing is to take advantage of the circumstance earlier than competitors because it changes so quickly.
Intended audience:
Similar to other company endeavors, social media marketing aims to boost sales, but it serves no use in feeding vegan meat. Knowing your intended audience is crucial, therefore. The breadth of ML solutions allows for extracting useful insights from various social network activities, including millions of photographs, music preferences, locations, and many other activities.
Future forecasts:
Using big data strategy and predictive analytics in the media allows for better decision-making based on historical data. Data-driven businesses frequently achieve great success because computers can predict future customer preferences. Even if they evolve over time, habits and interests generally stay connected. Following a purchase on social media, there is a strong likelihood that the consumer will select related goods.
Security concerns:
Private information is extremely important to customers due to the rise of social media and the public presentation of personal information, weird as it may sound. Although there is still much need for improvement in this area, most businesses give security concerns a top priority. Data vendors, marketers, and business owners must provide data security against leaks to unauthorized third parties. Different forms of protection are suggested by big data solutions, such as voice and facial recognition, authorization, check-in notifications, etc.
Campaign analysis:
The seesaw dynamics of ROI indicators may be properly tracked thanks to big data analytics. Marketers can learn more about a social media campaign's success. Predictive analytics tools excel when it comes to predicting the goods and services that customers will demand. Measuring user interactions and responses to online advertisements across various social media platforms can reveal much about consumer behavior and purchasing habits. Overall, the success or failure of a campaign can be predicted based on past customer behavior gathered from social media, historical website data, email subscriptions, and other forms of digital contact.
Affordable costs:
Because so many elements must be considered, pricing selections can occasionally be difficult. Typically, it begins with product costs, problems with competition, market demand, positive revenue, levels of currency and inflation, and finishes with a global economic scenario. In order to fully understand how much your loyal customers are willing to spend on your products, a solid Big Data strategy on social media should not only involve lavish payments to your Instagram influencers. It should also involve regular communication with these customers, perhaps through A/B testing or online surveys. All of this can assist marketers in making more precise and flexible price adjustments to meet client expectations.
Innovation potential:
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sideqi · 2 years
Top 11 Business Consulting Firms in the U.S.A (Updated 2023)
The demand for business consultants is on the rise; leading to the establishment of business consulting companies all over the world.
This high demand stems from the strong desire for growth from business owners and CEOs.
Statistics show that in the United States alone, business consultants receive more than $2 billion for their services.
Although that amount is not a large enough sum given the type of services they provide. These services range from effective diagnostics and in-depth analysis to continuous improvement of business efficiency.
But a problem arises with questions like:
“Which business consulting firm should I hire?”
"How do I know this business consulting company is trustworthy?"
Take a deep breath, because you are about to get answers to these indecisive questions.
This post covers the top 10 business consulting companies to hire if you ever feel confused.
In addition, I ranked these companies on the following criteria:
. Income
. Prestige
. employee satisfaction
. for workers
. Advantage
However, let's start with the basics...
What makes the top business consulting firms rank as one?
Yes, MBB firms have the most prestige, but there may be other firms that are a better fit for your unique career path. Do you have a plan for what you want to do after a consultation? Are you going to choose the consulting organization with the most clients? If that's the case, you might be surprised to learn that neither McKinsey, BCG, nor Bain is in the top ten revenue-generating consulting firms.
Some consulting organizations require almost all of their employees to travel, while others require much less. Some charge by the hour, while others charge by the project – there is a huge cultural difference between being rewarded for completing work quickly and racking up billable hours. You may want to join a specific diversity organization or live in a specific city. All of these factors should be considered when narrowing down your list of target companies.
Top 11 Business Consulting Firms in America.
#1. Check Business Profitability
With so many years of experience, Consult Profitability provides world-class business consulting services. His expert assistance has helped thousands of companies around the world gain a competitive advantage in their market space.
Their focus is on building long-term relationships with clients, as well as being responsive and relevant to their needs through continuous development and the provision of exceptional value. Its services range from consulting to financial advice, risk management, tax, digital, and associated services.
Business Yield Consult ranks #1 in terms of employee satisfaction and prestige, making it one of the highest-rated companies in the consulting world.
#2. McKinsey and Company
McKinsey & Company is a US-based business consulting firm founded in 1926 by James O. McKinsey and Marvin Bower. Its headquarters are in New York City, with more than 27,000 employees in its network and more than 127 offices around the world.
McKinsey & Company generated a total of $10 billion in 2017 with annual revenue of $8.8 billion.
So, this would be a great place to start when you get lost in the shuffle.
#3. Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
Boston Consulting Group is a private business consulting company founded by Bruce Henderson in the year 1963. It has more than 90 offices worldwide and more than 16,000 employees worldwide.
BCG generates revenue of $6.3 billion annually and is ranked fourth on the student fortune list in the year 2018.
In addition, it ranks second in prestige and employee satisfaction.
#4. Bain & Company
Bain & Company ranks third in the world for Business Consulting. William W. Bain and Patrick F. founded it in year 3, based in Boston.
Its growth has been rapid since the 1980s, generating revenue of $3.7 to $4.5 million in 2017 and annual revenue of $3.87 million.
In addition, the company has a workforce of more than 8,000 employees in more than 59 locations around the world.
#5. Deloitte Consulting
This business consulting company has always maintained its position as the 5th most prestigious consulting firm.
Deloitte specializes in audit, financial, legal, tax, management consulting, and risk advisory with the largest operating locations.
William Welch Deloitte founded the company in 1845.
In addition, the company generates annual revenues of 13.4 million dollars, which makes it the leader in market share.
#6. PWC Consulting
Price Waterhouse Coopers is the second largest business professional services company. It provides financial advisory services, management consulting, data and analysis, strategic consulting, tax advice, tax, and legal controversy.
This business consulting company generates revenues of $12.3 billion a year, ranking as the number 6 most prestigious consulting company.
Additionally, PWC has a network of companies in 158 countries with 250,930 employees in 743 locations.
#7. Booz Allen Hamilton
Edwin G. Booz, James L. Allen, and Carl L. Hamilton founded the company in 1914. This company is an American company located in Virginia, Greater Washington.
Hamilton specializes in information technology and management consulting, generating revenues of $6.1 billion annually.
It also ranks as the number 7 most prestigious business consulting firm.
#8. Ernest & Young Consulting
EY is a business consulting firm with a primary focus on performance improvement, risk, IT risk, and assurance. It is ranked No. 8 in the consulting world and generates annual revenues of approximately $11.6 billion.
Ernest & Young was founded in the year 1989. Its headquarters are located in London, UK, with a workforce of 260,000 in 150 countries at 700 locations.
#9. Accent
Accenture is a business consulting company that specializes in providing professional services such as strategy, technology, and operations. It was founded in 1989 and was formally called Anderson Consulting.
Accenture generates revenue of $17.3 million a year with a workforce of 459,000 employees in 200 locations around the world.
It ranks as the #9 most prestigious consulting firm.
#10. KPMG
Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler was founded in 1987. It offers professional services such as tax, audit, and advisory services. Its headquarters are located in Amstelveen, the Netherlands, with a network of 188,982 employees worldwide.
Additionally, KPMG ranks #10 in terms of prestige, with a whopping revenue generation of approximately $10.2 million a year.
#11. AACS Consulting
An international business development firm that specializes in using research, evaluation, & management consulting to promote more prosperous economies & more resilient societies in underdeveloped, fragile states with a particular focus on post-conflict environments.
They collaborate with governments, global aid, and development organizations, & corporations to make international development more effective, efficient, & sustainable – for the people.
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8iunie · 2 years
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Why Måneskin’s New Album Felt Like ‘Going Back to Our Beginning’ After Global Success
The Italian rock stars discuss working with Max Martin, following up a smash hit and the most personal moments on new album 'Rush!' (posted on 20.01.2023)
A key to the success of Måneskin is their musical eclecticism. They can cover a ‘60s tune like the Four Seasons’ “Beggin’” or a 2000s hit like The Killers’ “Somebody Told Me,” and bring each into their own style — while at other times, channeling the White Stripes or Red Hot Chili Peppers. And while the Italian quartet possesses standard rock band qualities that have endeared them to old-school audiences and radio programmers, they also flaunt their individual personalities, gender fluidity and knack for showmanship in a way that encourages young listeners and TikTok users to hop aboard the bandwagon, too.
Måneskin’s exuberant cover of “Beggin’” blew up around the world in 2021, four years after the band first performed the cover. Since then, original tunes like “Supermodel” and “Mammamia” have earned millions of streams, the band opened for The Rolling Stones before headlining in the U.S. last fall, and in a few weeks they might take home the best new artist Grammy. Yet Rush!, their third album out this Friday (Jan. 20), carries the weight of expectation as their first full-length since stepping foot on the global stage.
The contributions of Max Martin on multiple tracks suggests a major pop bid, but Rush! spans the punk energy of “Kool Kids,” the balladry of “The Loneliest” and the groove-ready rock of “Gossip,” which features a guitar solo from Tom Morello. The album revels in the diversity of its four perspectives. As bassist Victoria De Angelis notes, “We don’t have actually similar tastes at all. We all have very different tastes and music backgrounds, so we influence each other in the writing process.”
While color-coordinated in chic brown and tan outfits, the four members of Måneskin – De Angelis, singer Damiano David, guitarist Thomas Raggi and drummer Ethan Torchio – sat down with Billboard for a Zoom discussion on their music, ethos and chemistry. 
While you’ve had a fairly even split between English and Italian lyrics on your past releases, the majority of Rush! is in English, with only three songs being sung in Italian. Is this a strategy to get you to a larger audience?
Damiano: It’s not a strategy. Basically, when we started being a band and writing songs, we started writing in English, because 90% of our influences are not strictly English, but English-sounding. We had to learn how to write music in Italian because we never thought about it. But then we got big in Italy, and we had to start doing it – and also because it’s our language and we want to do it. But now we finally had the chance to make almost the whole album in English, because it’s like going back to our beginning. It’s what we are most used to doing.
Victoria: We really never forced it. It’s always been quite natural and in the moment. We do what we feel. I think also because we wrote most of the record while we were in the U.S., so we were getting inspired and seeing a lot of shows there, meeting artists and stuff.
“Beggin’” has over a billion views on YouTube now. How has its success influenced what you’ve been trying to do since then? Have you felt pressure to follow that up?
Damiano: No, I think that for us we managed to take only the best part out of it, because that song drove behind all the other songs and all the catalog. Fortunately, it was not just that song. It [the success] happened while we were thinking about this new record, so we just thought that drive could only make us our music more open and reach more people. It just gave us more hype to write the album, because we knew that this time, it was going to be different.
On your first album, Damiano wrote nearly all of the songs. The second album was a group effort. And then on Rush! you brought in outside songwriters and producers, like Sly and Rami Yacoub. What was that process like this time?
Damiano: We just wanted to shuffle the cards this time. We have played together for more than eight years. We just got to a point where we thought that we were able to put the band’s signature on every song. But we were also able to embrace not just one direction, but keep it more random, and follow each one’s different tastes and let each one of us lead in different songs. So writing the songs was easier. But then it was harder to pick [a track list], because with this method we wrote many, many more songs. We wrote like 60 songs, so it was very hard to pick these 17.
Ethan: If it were limitless, we would have done a record with 50 tracks.
You worked with Max Martin on four of these tracks. What was that experience like?
Victoria: This thing he’s known for, pop, is what drew us to him, because we want to try something different and to be stimulated in a different way. We’re used to doing music in our vision, and we know how it is to get in the studio and jam, the four of us. We still do it and we’ve done it on a bunch of songs on the record, but we also wanted to try something new.
We were very curious about this match because we love doing covers – “Beggin’” is a pop song. We play them and make them in a completely new flavor and version. So that was the match that we wanted to try with him, to get a bit of his pop sensibility and advice, but then take it and turn into who we are and make it more dirty and sound like us. I think he really understood what we wanted.
The first time we met him was at our show, where it really shines through what kind of band and energy we have and like. It was very easy in the studio, because he got it, and respected our identity and who we are. It was just like a school – understanding a different way of doing stuff. He has years of experience, so he really gave us some good advice.
Ethan: He’s so caring. … Something I really learned from him are the rules in the music writing process. You can follow them, you can not follow them. It’s a choice. But I learned this for him.
What was the most unusual process this time around?
Victoria: Basically, we would always just go in the studio and jam. I think we learned what was very useful was just to record all the jamming. Tom Morello literally jams for five hours, records everything, and then he listens back to five hours of recording and finds all the small, cool parts he has played. Then he picks the best ones and makes the song out of it. That was a really cool way of doing it.
Ethan: You need patience.
Thomas: Exactly. Because if you stay in that moment, really natural, you can take the best part with the best energy.
Your younger fans love how you embrace gender fluidity, at a time where, in both Italy and America, LGBTQ+ rights and protections are still an issue.
Damiano: Yeah, sure. I think [Italy] is still a few years later than USA because, like everything we import in Italy, it takes a few years to start. But things are starting to change. People are starting to build a situation where it’s possible to think about changing things. And there’s always more and more people, especially of our age or slightly older, 20, 30, that are creating communities and groups and are speaking up about things that have not spoken up for too many years. I think we’re in a good place right now.
In 2021, you did a TV performance in Poland, a country that is more religiously conservative. How did the Polish TV censors respond to the kiss between Damiano and Thomas at the end of that performance?
Damiano: You could see all the people of the same age of us were super hyped, and all the parents were like, “Oh, s—t, what’s going on? Do I like it? Should I like it? Should I not like it?” Half and half, as always.
Victoria: I think that moment has a really big meaning for our audience there, from all the people from the community, because there’s really a lack of representation and they face a lot of issues. Even now in Italy, as you said in America, it’s still a s—t situation, where people struggle for their rights and everything. So it’s never to be taken for granted anywhere, but especially there everyone was literally telling us, “It’s so homophobic here, you can’t even walk with your girlfriend or boyfriend or wear what you want.” That’s why we wanted to make a statement about it. I think it meant a lot for fans, so that was the most important thing.
What’s the most personal song on the new album for you?
Thomas: “Gossip,” because I wrote the main riff one day when we went in the studio in L.A., and I remember that we took that main riff on the Dropbox of the old songs. We said, “Okay, this is a really cool riff and good riff,” but after another session, I remember that we just took the main riff that became “Gossip” with Morello and the other stuff. I was very happy at the time.
Victoria: I’d say “Kool Kids,” because it was one of the first songs we wrote, and it was one of the first riffs I came up with, so I’m very proud of that riff. I love that we had the courage to make such a powerful, strong, punk song in a mainstream record nowadays.
Ethan: Victoria stole the one that I want to say. So I’m gonna say another one, “Read Your Diary,” because I love the harmonic progression that Thomas has done. I also like the drums a lot. How they sound in the song is very cool.
Damiano: “Timezone.” I think it’s not the easiest song, but the easiest to read. There’s no metaphors, it’s very clear what I’m saying. I’m not trying to hide behind double meanings. It’s just a circle of thoughts, without any censorship.
Writer: Bryan Reesman for Billboard Magazine
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navree · 2 years
i’m repeating myself but i really like how this series has gone to pains to show the audience exactly how awful order 66 was and to make us feel it, because fictional genocide is an extraordinarily tough beast to write but they’re managing it
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