#(my Wilford will always try to do what he can if he can make his beloved smile. Trust me on this)
krirebr · 8 months
I Know I Should Know Better 4
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Pairing: Curtis Everett x Female Reader, references to past Colin Shea x Female Reader & past Johnny Storm x Female Reader
Word Count: ~3.5k
Summary: Curtis has been working as your body guard for almost two years now. Standing by and watching you work and party your life away is becoming more and more difficult, but is there anything he can do about it?
Warnings: Angst, adult themes, complicated power dynamics, minor age difference (not explicit in this part, but reader is mid-twenties and Curtis is early thirties), drinking & implied drug use, explicit language, bad boyfriend (Colin continues to be awful, even though we haven't actually seen him since part 2), self-destructive behavior, anxiety, negative self-talk. She's still having a bad time, you guys. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist
A/N: Well, here it is! As I currently have it planned, this will be seven parts, so we're officially past the halfway point now. This part's a little shorter, but I'm hoping you'll think it's worth it.
Big thanks to @drabblewithfrannybarnes for helping me nail down the new character here! (If you don't remember doing that Carly, it's because it was ages ago 🤣)
Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think will be greatly appreciated. Even if it's just screaming at me. 😄 As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
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The drive to the restaurant was uncomfortable. Or maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it was just you. Sitting in the backseat alone, while Curtis and Jensen quietly conversed in the front, you felt ridiculous. You should learn how to drive. You were a grown woman who couldn’t even get herself anywhere—just another way you didn’t know how to be responsible for yourself.
You stared at Curtis in the front seat. It’d been a few weeks since your boundaries conversation. You hadn’t spoken to him much since. He was right. It was better. Cleaner. But you missed being able to talk to him.
Something had changed about the way he watched you though. You would swear that it was more intense now, the way his eyes followed you around the room. And it always seemed like he had something to say, he’d just never say it. He didn’t make any sense.
You took a breath. You were nervous about this lunch. You weren’t entirely sure what the purpose of it was, aside from the fact that Marnie Reynolds had wanted to meet. You hadn’t seen her in years and then she just texted you out of the blue two days ago, asking if you wanted to have lunch. You assumed she was going to pitch you something. Why else would she want to talk? You hoped it’d be something easy to agree to. It would make Wilford and Tanya feel better if someone actively wanted to work with you, at the very least. 
The restaurant wasn’t the kind of place you normally went to. It was nice, but tucked away, not designed for those who wanted to see and be seen. Marnie had chosen it. She was waiting for you at a small table in the back, even more private. She stood as you approached and enveloped you in a warm hug. She was just as glamorous as you remembered, suddenly hit by memories of sitting in her trailer while she let you try on her jewelry. She’d always been so nice to you. “Oh, honey, it’s so good to see you,” she said as you both sat down. 
You smiled and nodded. “It’s good to see you, too. How are you?” 
“Oh, good, good,” she said with a big smile. “Just got back from a shoot in Greece. Happy to be home.” Her eyes lost a little of their luster as she asked, “How are you, darling?”
“Oh, I’m fine,” you said. You could tell she wanted you to say more, but you just nodded and shrugged.
“Well,” she looked at you carefully, “I can’t get over how grown up you are. I know it’s silly, but I think I’ll always see you as the sixteen-year-old I met at the table read ten years ago.”
 “You and all of America,” you said dryly before you could think better of it.
Instead of chastising you, she just nodded. “I’m very grateful I didn’t have to grow up so publicly and then have to make that transition to being an adult. I can’t imagine how hard that is.”
You shrugged again. You didn’t really know what to say to her.
“Which, speaking of, I owe you an apology.”
Panic rose in your chest. Oh, god. Had she sold a story about you? Said something private in an interview? Blocked you from a new role? You weren’t sure you could handle one more thing right now. “Oh?” you asked shakily.
She nodded, seriously. “I should have done a better job of keeping in touch with you after we’d finished the movie. I owed you that much. I’m sorry.”
You furrowed your brow, confused.  “That’s fine. You’ve been so busy. I didn’t really expect you to remember me. I mean, you won an Oscar. I know how much work that takes.”
“Mmm,” she said, “and you sent me flowers.”
You shrugged. You just kept shrugging. “Well, you were always kind to me, and I was so happy for you. It seemed like the least I should do.”
 “You were always so sweet. I’m so happy to see that hasn’t changed.”
At the sincerity on her face, you looked down at your menu. You didn’t know what to say to that. 
“How’s your mom?” she asked, her tone strangely cautious. “Is she still your manager?”
“Oh, no. Wilford helped me get a new one when I turned 18. He thought I needed someone more experienced.”
She let out a breath, almost like she was relieved. “I have to admit, I’m happy to hear that.” You gave her a confused look and she continued softly, “She was always so hard on you. It was part of why I always invited you to my trailer. It seemed like you could really use a break from her.” She gave you another impossibly warm smile. “Plus, you were such great company. I loved making that movie with you.”
You couldn’t hide your relief when the server chose that moment to take your orders. You didn’t know what to do with the fondness in Marnie’s eyes. 
Once you were both done ordering, you decided you were ready to talk business. “So, what’s the project?” you asked.
She looked confused. “Project?”
“Uh, yeah. Whatever you wanted to pitch me? The reason you asked me here.”
“Oh, honey, no, I’m sorry. There’s no project. I just wanted to see you.”
That didn’t make sense. That she didn’t want to work with you again made sense. No one did, so of course she didn’t either. But then why else were you here? “I don’t understand,” you said quietly.
She let out a sad little sigh. “I’ve seen some of what’s been going on with you, online, and it just seems like you need a friend. I want to be that for you. I think about you more than you know.”
“Oh,” was all you managed to say.
She grabbed your hand over the table. “There’s so much going on for you right now. I can’t imagine how hard it must be, and then to have to deal with it in public too.”
You didn’t say anything, just looked at your joined hands on the table. Then, finally, still looking down, “Uh, yeah. I’m having a pretty hard time.”
She squeezed your hand. “I’m so sorry. I’m here to listen if you ever want to talk about it.” 
You finally looked up and nodded, but didn’t say anything else. You weren’t sure you could.
She looked at you carefully. “Have you thought about taking a break at all?”
You were reminded of Curtis, sitting on your couch, looking at you so earnestly, talking about taking a year off. You shook the image out of your head. “No,” you said. “It isn’t a good time. My reputation isn’t great right now, so I need to get back out there and show people that I can do the work. I need to fix it.”
“Mmm,” she hummed, “that sounds like agent speak.”
“Well,” you shrugged, “he’s right.”
“Remember, though,” she said, slowly, “that you’re a person, too. Not just a career.”
You just looked at her, blankly. Your career had been the most important thing about you since you were nine years old. You didn’t know how to separate the two. Luckily, that was when the server returned with your food, and Marnie graciously took it as a sign to take over the conversation for the rest of your meal. She talked about the movie she’d just finished, how her kids were doing, and the large garden she was planting at home. It was nice. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d had a meal out with a friend like this.
Still, you left the restaurant feeling raw and restless. You weren’t sure what to do with that conversation, the hard parts of it. The way she looked at you like she actually saw you. There was an itch in you now that just made you want to run.
Instead, as soon as you got home, you poured yourself a glass of sangria from the pitcher your housekeeper kept in your fridge and took the latest script Wilford had sent you onto your deck. You could feel Curtis watching you as you moved through the glass doors. That was his job, you told yourself. It was just his job.
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The script fucking sucked. It was awful. The opposite of what you wanted to do. But you knew what Wilford would say. Beggars can’t be choosers. This was your fault. You were the one who’d destroyed your reputation. You had to be the one to fix it. And if making shit like this would fix it, then that’s what you had to do. Too many people relied on you for you not to do whatever you could, take whatever paychecks you could get. You hated it. You hated it so much. But you would do it.
You picked up your phone. You hadn’t realized how much time had passed. It was well into the evening now. There was a text from Michelle an hour ago, letting you know she’d left. And a few minutes ago, one from Nikki, a girl you partied with sometimes, that just said ‘Fuck them both!’
What the hell did that mean? Panic began to crawl up your throat and your hands started to shake as you typed your name into Google and clicked on News. Your stomach dropped.  Johnny Storm, that snowboarder you’d barely dated over a year ago, apparently had a podcast now. And the latest episode, posted that day, featured Colin Shea as its guest. Shit. Fuck. You couldn’t even look at what they’d said. There was no point. It was all just the same old bullshit.
You felt tears start to prick at your eyes. Why couldn’t everyone just leave you the fuck alone? You weren’t even that interesting. How could they possibly have anything to talk about?
Fuck that, you thought, as you stormed back into your house. You distantly registered Curtis calling after you, but you didn’t pay any attention. You were too focused. You headed straight up to your bedroom. They wanted something to talk about? You’d fucking give it to them! You charged into your closet and grabbed the sluttiest, shiniest dress you had. Fuck yeah. You could do this. You would be exactly who they wanted you to be. If they wanted a show so fucking badly, you’d give them one.
You ran back downstairs, looking for a particular pair of earrings that a costar had given you as a wrap gift a couple of years ago – huge dangly ones that said Fuck on one ear and You on the other. There was nothing subtle about what you were going for tonight. 
You’d have to think of someone to call, too. Someone suitable for the kind of scene you wanted to make, the kind of big mistake you wanted to fall into. You were so fucking tired of holding it all together. You were done. Your mind immediately landed on Lucas Lee, your costar in that dumb action movie last year. He was awful but so hot. Nothing but trouble and always up for whatever. Perfect.
As you entered your living room, your eyes landed on one of your jewelry boxes on the coffee table. There they were! As you picked up the box, you realized Curtis was sitting by himself on the couch. You saw him take in your short, sparkly dress and grimace. You weren’t in the mood to analyze it. “I’m going out,” you announced. “Have Jensen get the car ready.” 
You were already moving through, headed back upstairs when you heard Curtis rasp, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
You turned on a dime. “Excuse me?”
“I think,” he said slowly, so calmly you wanted to break something, “that going out right now, in the sort of mood you’re clearly in, would be a very bad idea.”
What the actual fuck? “Since when,” you asked, your voice quiet with seething anger, “is it your job to tell me what to do?”
He shook his head and you didn’t know how to react to how sad he looked. “I’m not telling you to do anything. I’m asking you to stay home tonight. For your own safety, which very much is my job.”
You just stared at him, dumbfounded. You didn’t understand him. He told you you weren’t friends. He was the one who said he was just your bodyguard. So what the hell was he doing now? 
In the moment you stood frozen, just staring at him, he took a cautious step forward. “Did something happen?” he asked barely above a whisper.
You shook your head furiously. You felt like you could barely form words. You were so angry and lost, and scared, and sad, and confused. You were feeling more than you thought your body could contain. And you knew, you knew, the only way to get these feelings out would be to go out and get as wild as you could. And here Curtis was, not letting you. You were afraid you were going to explode. “That’s fine,” you finally got out, ignoring his question. “You don’t have to come with me. Jake neither. I’ll get a fucking Uber.” You took a step towards the opening of the room. “Go home Jake!” you shouted through the house. “I won’t need you tonight!”
Curtis sighed your name. “I’m not going to let you go out by yourself,” he said firmly.
You threw your hands in the air. “Then make up your goddamn mind!” 
Jake appeared in the doorway, looking confused and Curtis turned to him. You took the opportunity to get back to the safety of your room, leaving your security detail to figure their shit out. Once back in your room, you dug through the jewelry box until you found the earrings you were looking for. You heard your back door open and close. Good. Jake, at least, was gone. You knew Curtis would be harder, but you were fucking determined. 
Just as you were opening Uber on your phone, Curtis appeared in your doorway. “What,” you growled.
“Would you just listen to me for a minute?!” He said, not quite a yell, but not not that either, as he barged into your room. All of his practiced calm from downstairs was completely gone. “Something bad is going to happen if you go out tonight! It is, I know it is. And I know you can feel it too!”
“Why do you care?!” You shouted at him. “No one else does! Why do you care so much?!”
“You know why!” he shouted back, and took another step toward you, but then suddenly stopped. Much, much quieter, much softer, and with eyes so pleading, he said “You must know.”
You didn’t. You really don’t think you knew until that moment, when the realization slammed into you. Every look, every sigh, all of the moments of him that hadn’t made sense. You took a step back. “What?” you breathed, barely realizing that you were shaking.
He took a step forward to follow you, then stopped. He opened his mouth to say something, but you shook your head at him. “No,” you said. “You can’t.”
“I can’t?!” he asked, incredulous and upset again.
“No!” you shouted, but it was so much weaker now. “I just– Why would– I’m such a fucking mess!” You were starting to cry, the adrenaline of the last half-hour finally leaking out of you, replaced by that same bone-deep exhaustion that you’d had for too long. “I barely have a high school education. I don’t know how to do anything for myself. No one wants to work with me. I am barely keeping it together and everyone knows it. I’m a trainwreck! Why would you–” You couldn’t bring yourself to say the words that you knew he meant. “Why would you have feelings for someone like that?”
 The sadness was back in his face. You looked away, unable to bear it. In your periphery, you saw him take a cautious step forward, then pause. When you made no move to run, he eliminated the distance between you, standing directly in front of you. He slowly, gently, carefully brought one hand up to touch your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb. “I know,” he said, voice barely above a whisper. “I know all that and I still love you. Because I also know that somehow, despite everything, you are one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. You are so kind. And thoughtful. You let everyone see your soft spots, even when all they do is hurt you. You have every reason to be awful or bitter or mean or any of a thousand things. But you aren’t. It’s all of it, it’s all of those things and the ones you said too. All of it together, that’s why I love you. I love you because you’re you.”
You wanted to sob. No one had ever said anything remotely like that to you before. Not anyone in your family, or a single one of your exes. No one had ever cared enough to say any of that. Except for Curtis. He’d always cared, hadn’t he? Since that first day he’d showed up, when you’d been so scared about the possibility of a stalker, he’d taken such care with you. He was the most caring, thoughtful, beautiful person you knew. You took a deep breath and looked into his eyes.  You could see his worry, but also the deep conviction with which he’d just said all that to you. You couldn’t help yourself anymore. You surged forward and you kissed him. 
He made a noise of surprise—you didn’t know how he could possibly be surprised after all that—but after just a moment he was kissing you back, bringing both hands up to cradle your head. You were getting your tears all over him, but he didn’t seem to care. He was soft and gentle and passionate. You needed more. You needed all of him.
You took a step back, breaking the kiss. You did what you could to brush the tears off your face. You grabbed the bottom of your dress and pulled it over your head, then tossed it on the floor. You stood in front of him in the lingerie you’d picked out to fuck Lucas Lee of all people and couldn’t understand how you’d ever been able to think about anyone but Curtis. But you did know how when you stopped to think about it. You’d never been able to fathom that you might deserve this man. That he might actually want you.
He stared at you. “Fuck,” he whispered. “You’re–” you braced yourself for what might come next. So hot or fucking sexy. You’d even gotten beautiful once or twice. He only took a second before he finished his sentence “–incredible,” with such awe on his face that you actually felt your knees go weak. You had to look away. He was too much.
He took your face in his hands again and placed a soft, short kiss on your lips. “But would it be ok if we slowed down?” he asked.
You couldn’t keep the disappointment out of your voice. “Why?” 
“This is real for me,” he said. “And if we do this, I want it to be real for you too. I want you to be sure. And for now,” he stroked one thumb over your cheekbone, “right now I just want to hold you. Is that alright? If I just hold you tonight?”  
You didn’t know how to respond to that. Sex had always been the best, most important part of any of your relationships. It’d been the biggest thing that any of your previous partners had wanted from you. You weren’t sure you knew how to do it any other way. But he was holding you so gently, looking at you so softly, all you could do was nod. 
He kissed you once more. Then stepped back and started to take off his clothes. You made your way to your bed and got in, watching him as he shed his clothes. He really was the most beautiful man you’d ever seen. Nothing on any movie set you’d ever been on, any party you’d ever been to could compare to him. 
Once he was down to just his boxers, he crawled in next to you and pulled you close. Your lips touched his shoulder as you asked, barely audible, “You really love me?”
He kissed your forehead. “Yes,” he whispered. “I really love you.”
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Taglist is open
@stargazingfangirl18 @drabblewithfrannybarnes @thezombieprostitute @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @bval-1 @km-ffluv @texmexdarling @ladyvenera @before-we-get-started @veltana @andydrysdalerogers @royalwriteroftheuniverse @whosana-maria @dancer3205 @ijustneedpopcorn @mrsevans90 @pekusofixus @i-can-do-this-all-dayy @jamneuromain @kmc1989 @geminiflanagansblog @stcrrjoon @blogbog710 @blackhawkfanatic
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effloradox · 10 months
Do you still write for Mark’s characters? If so could you write for Wilford with the prompt ‘you okay? caught you staring off into space again’?
it’s been a hot minute but i do still write for those characters!
As much as you adore Wilford, some days it's difficult to be around him. The moustachioed man is one of your favourite people to be around in the manor, but it's been clear since you first bumped into him before breakfast that this is going to be one of his bad days.
They're less frequent than they used to be and that brings you some comfort, but it's still hard going for breakfast and him rushing past you without even acknowledging you and know that it's because he doesn't recognise you.
Dark is always quick to notice when Wilford is having a bad day, but there's no such thing as privacy in the manor when it comes to this. You don't have to look towards the dining table to see the other egos exchanging glances. Wilford usually takes great delight in welcoming you downstairs for breakfast, your coffee in his hand, and ideas spilling from his lips for how the two of you could spend the day. For him to ignore you completely is almost unheard of unless he's having a bad day.
The morning sun always seems duller without him by your side, though Dark is quick to approach you, two coffees in his hands. He offers one to you with a carefully constructed expression on his face.
"Give him time. You know what he's like." You nod and try to smile at your oldest friend, but it feels like all the muscles in your face are betraying you, and your smile falls flat. You're sure Dark notices but he doesn't comment, making his way out of the dining room presumably to his office. You offer quick pleasantries to the others in the room as you gather your usual breakfast and make your way outside. It takes time but you manage to put the mornings events out of your mind.
"You okay? Caught you staring off into space again." The voice from behind you jolts you from your thoughts and you flinch back involuntarily.
Wilford has always had an uncanny ability to sneak up on you, he's one of the few people that can actually do so. He gestures to the empty seat across from you, and you nod, waiting for him to settle himself before you reply to his question.
"Yeah, I'm okay. How are you?" The man across from you shrugs lightly, though you can't discern what that means.
"I missed you at breakfast."
"Wil, you saw me at breakfast." Your tone is soft as you speak, careful not to spark an argument with your friend.
"No I didn't. I had your coffee all ready to go and you never showed!"
"Dark gave me my coffee this morning. You walked past me as I was coming down for breakfast."
"No, I walked past one of the interns. If it had been you I would've..." Wilford's voice trails off as he replays the mornings events in his mind. He takes a moment to come to terms with the situation. "It's one of those days then." Something changes in his face, and you're reminded all at once how old Wilford is, how old you both are. How much he's been through. There's something so horribly sad about the introspective look that settles on his brows that you can't resist the temptation to lean over and take his hand in yours. He tangles his fingers through yours without hesitation.
"I'm sorry dear."
"One day at a time, Wil. We just need to take it one day at a time."
"I think I better go and have a chat with our esteemed leader. Would you be so good as to join me?" He's on his feet and extending his arm to you in the time it takes you to blink, and you allow him to pull you to your feet. He slots your arm into the crook of his as the two of you make your way inside, your coffee all but forgotten.
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thezombieprostitute · 4 months
Mace? and a kiss...passionately?
Thank you, so much, for your patience! This ended up being the first installment of Mace x DC's second arc for the Garbage Men AU.
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Summary: There are so many new things happening in your life that the only two things you can count on are your boyfriend, Mace, and that your life is almost always in danger. 
A/N: Reader is female. No physical descriptors used.
Word Count: ~1k
Warnings: Implied violence, Talk of guns. Please let me know if I missed any!
Part 2
Series Masterlist
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Mace hangs up the phone after Curtis tells him the news. He’d suspected Franco would be doing his own thing. After all, Wilford & Gilliam was crumbling from the lawsuits and they couldn’t afford to keep him paid, let alone under their thumb. At least there was one thing they could easily predict: he was targeting you. 
Even though Franco the Younger’s body had never been found, and never would be, he’d last been seen at your trial and the wrong people knew the Family was protecting you. Franco the Elder couldn’t do anything to the Garbage Men or their Family, but he could hurt you. As much as Jake had tried to hide your new job and address there was only so much he could do. It wasn’t likely Franco would find you, but it was still a possibility. And Mace was careful to do everything he could to help you hide. 
Part of that was dropping you off at work in the morning and picking you up in the evening. It wasn’t a long drive but he felt better keeping you out of the open air. He’d also helped you get some training with guns. You’d wanted a stun gun but you had to go through gun safety certification courses to get one. Mace had argued that practice with both wouldn’t be a bad thing. The giant brick of a stun gun was now safely secured in your purse, along with your license for it.
You and Mace had adopted the same check-in method as Curtis and Teach. It was nice to send and receive cute, loving text messages throughout the day. Especially when work was frustrating, which it often was. A text, heavy with heart emojis, from you has kept Mace from bashing a malfunctioning A/C unit. A pun from Mace made you laugh so hard you forgot what was angering you before reading it. 
By the end of your work day you are exhausted. You’ve been working on the machinery and helping admin with their terminology for grant proposals to get upgraded medical supplies. The work was tiring but at least it was also rewarding. Given the number of people the free clinic helped, you wonder if there should be at least one more in the area. Maybe you’ll bring it up with Mace or Teach. 
Mace’s work truck pulls up to the clinic and you enter the passenger seat. You smile at the bag of your favorite takeout.
“Working late I take it,” you comment.
“Unfortunately,” Mace nods. “But we got some suspicious activity from Franco and I wanted to make sure to relay it to you before going back to work.” You nod as you grab some comfort fries. Mace tells you about how they’ve confirmed Franco is stocking up on small arms munition. The current idea is that he’s going to be supplying a group to distract while he goes after his real target. 
“I know this is a lot,” Mace says. “But I also know you. The more information you have about a situation the better you’re able to process it.” 
You nod your thanks, your mind processing everything with the help of the french fries. “Thank you for that, by the way. You’re not trying to ‘protect’ me by withholding information. I’m really grateful for that.”
“Forewarned is forearmed, right?”
“I don’t know what my arms have to do with it,” you say innocently while giving him a grin.
He chuckles as he pulls the truck up to your apartment building. “If you need me before I get back you call me, okay?”
“Of course,” you say as you lean over the divider and kiss him on the cheek. You give him a wave as you enter the building. 
As soon as you’re out of sight Mace’s smile turns sad. He’s supposed to be making up for lost time but his work is getting in the way. The only solace he has is that work also keeps you safe. 
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“I can’t thank you enough, Mr. Mace,” the resident says as Mace finishes up. “I feel kinda bad for calling you up for an emergency.”
“We’re looking at an upcoming heatwave and your A/C unit isn’t working,” Mace sums up. “Sounds like an emergency situation to me.”
“Thank you for seeing it like that,” she replies. “This has to be the best apartment complex I’ve ever lived in. And I’ve lived in a lot of them over the years.”
“I hear that a lot. I’m glad we can be so good for our residents.”
“Just promise me you’re keeping safe, Mr. Mace?”
“Always,” he affirms. 
“I’ve just been hearing such awful rumors from Mrs. Chen, at the corner-store?” Mace nods that he knows who she’s talking about and she continues. “She swears she’s been seeing more people in the area walking around with handguns. Whenever anyone asks they spout some ‘dangerous times’ nonsense. I mean, I know it’s not completely nonsense but still. It just feels like more guns equals more danger, you know?”
“That I do, ma’am.”
As Mace heads back to his truck and gets ready to go home to you, a thought hits him. He texts his idea to Curtis to see if there’s anything there. He’s not expecting an immediate answer so he focuses on getting back to you.
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When Mace gets home he smiles at the sight before him. You’re on the couch, watching a show, wearing one of his favorite shirts and a pair of pajama shorts. You smile at him and sit up, holding out your arms, eager to hold him. 
As soon as he’s in reach, he grabs your arms, pulling you up, and gives you a most passionate kiss. It’s intense yet gentle in a way that makes your legs weak. His strong arms keep you pressed tight against his muscular chest and you manage to wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. He moans in pleasure as you return his kiss with the same fervor. 
Unfortunately, you need air so you break the kiss, chuckling as his face follows yours, seeking more kissing. 
“What brought that on,” you ask.
“Missed you,” he mumbles. “And you look so damn beautiful.”
“You’re completely whipped, you know that?”
“And I missed you, too,” you admit before you kiss again.
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Part 2
Series Masterlist
Tagging everyone who had asked to be tagged in Sparks Fly. Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the list.
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yuckie-obsessive · 2 years
Double Trouble
Uh-oh… been thinking about a double possessive x reader 👀
So been thinking about if you got both of the boys in the same room and they only barely tolerate each other because you’re there. I’ll try to make it gn
Tw: brief talk of Anti’s “neck incident” and swearing
Darkiplier x Reader (gender neutral) x Antisepticeye
Set up: you are just chilling with Anti (just imagine a living room) and Dark arrives because he wants to talk with you about something and Anti gets real defensive and clingy.
“They aren’t your prisoner, you know. They can talk with whomever they wish,” Dark was already irritated with Anti’s shenanigans.
“Yeah, well you’re in my home, my fucking territory. You don’t have a fucking say here!” Anti was getting angry a lot faster than the other alter- as per usual. Dark sighed, “Does this really need to be an issue every time I wish to see them? They already stay with you, why do you insist on being selfish?”
“Cause I know what’s safe for them, and they don’t need to be around you or any other insane ego in your little group.”
The iplier egos were never all that harmful towards you, though. Only Dark and Wilford ever seemed to have interest, to which Dark would always ward off Wilford’s more… extreme tendencies.
Dark sneered in response, “You know what’s safe? The one who brought a knife to their own neck for entertainment-?”
Things were growing heated fast. You decided to quietly step away to let them work it out (in their own special way).
“Dollface, hey,” arms wrapped around your torso, making you stop, “where are ya going? I was just messing around…” Anti mumbled as his face brushed up beside yours.
“Just a minor spat is all,” Dark stepped in front of you and took your hand, “takes more than a couple harsh words to send me away.” He placed a soft kiss to your knuckles.
Anti growled and his hold possessively tightened, “would certainly make my life a lot easier… I think they prefer me anyways,” he chuckled a bit and started a trail of kisses along your neck.
Dark’s expression twitched only slightly at this, but remained overall neutral. He brought his free hand to your face and maneuvered yours to rest on his shoulder. “They just need to see what I can offer…” his chest pressed up against yours, now pinning you between the two extremely dangerous beings, “I can entirely rewrite reality at your command.”
His lips connected with yours in a rather soft display of affection, catching you off guard with how gentle he was being. He separated for a breath, “say the word my dear, and I will give you the world.” He captured your lips once again.
Anti huffed. “Darlin’ you already have the world with me,” he whispered into your ear, making you shiver only for Dark to deepen the kiss to bring your attention back to him. “What could he possibly have that I don’t, hm?” Anti placed a small kiss behind your ear.
Dark separated to glare down at him. “Humility and grace certainly comes to mind.”
With that, they were at it again. Attempting to one-up each other for your attention.
You, at their mercy, had one hand clutching at Anti’s arms and the other clawing into Dark’s suit jacket, there was hardly anything you could do to stop them. Your mind, being as flustered as it was, probably wouldn’t let you do much of anything if you could.
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ardenwritesegos · 3 months
The Seer and the Engineer
Dark was used to people barging into their office. Wilford did it all the time. Honestly, it would be strange if someone didn’t. Still, of all egos, they didn’t expect a certain engineer. 
“You got a minute?” Gin asked, head poking through the open door. He almost looked like a child asking for their father. Dark hated when Wilford called the other egos their collective children. Moments like this did nothing to dissuade those comments. 
“Come in,” the creature let out a sigh. They had been working on papers for…who knows how long. They needed a change of pace, even if they wouldn’t admit it. 
“What has brought you in?” Dark could feel the blue soul roll his eyes from within them. He was always frustrated at the entity for treating the others like a business all the time. But that wasn’t the point of this endeavor. The engineer needed something. 
“I was wondering if you could do a…” Gin paused, searching for the right words. 
“Y’know…future-lookey thing,” the words stumbled out of the engineer’s mouth.
“The Host is more equipped for that kind of request,” Dark responded matter-of-factly. 
“Yeah, I know,” Engineer Mark started. 
“That’s why I went to him first,” Dark paused at that. The Host didn’t typically reject a look into the future, no matter his condition. 
“He said ‘it is imperative that the engineer look to Dark for assistance,’” Gin closed his eyes, doing a good impression of the Host’s emotionless narrations. Dark couldn’t resist a laugh through their nose. The amusement vanished in seconds, though, as it typically did. 
“He said you used to be some kind of fortune teller or something,” Dark froze upon hearing this, the red in their aura becoming more prominent. 
“Yes, I was once a seer,” the entity explained. Their hands folded behind their back, a typical method of reigning in emotions. 
“But I haven’t practiced with visions in nearly a century,” the ambient ringing in the room became slightly louder, more noticeable. 
“I would be, what you call, rusty.” 
“I’m sort of desperate, here,” the engineer started. 
“I’ll take whatever I can get,” Dark stared at Gin, silently asking him what he wants to know. 
“I want to find my dad,” Gin responded to the silent question.
“I never knew him, and…” his voice faded for a moment as he looked sadly below him. His mother never spoke about his father, always either changing the subject or dropping the conversation altogether. It’s one thing he envied about his sister, Celci. She actually knew her father. 
“You want a grasp of your identity,” Dark finished.
“Who you truly came from.” the red soul could heavily relate to that feeling. While she knew both her parents, her mother’s magical past was heavily hidden by a strict father who cared for nothing but reputation. 
“Yeah,” Gin nodded. For the first time ever, there was emotion to the being’s voice. 
“All I’m asking is that you try,” he said. 
“If it doesn’t work, I can always bug the Host again,” Gin shrugged, half-jokingly. Something about that eagerness–that willingness to do anything to find the truth–was familiar to Dark. Or rather, it was familiar to the red soul within them. There were only a few seconds of hesitation. 
“Alright, I will make an attempt,” the entity could see the internal celebration in the engineer’s eyes. 
“To start, we will need something transparent.” 
“Right,” Gin replied as he manically rifled through his pockets. 
“Uh, I have it right…” he reached into the final pocket he had, moving his fingers around it until he felt a smooth, glass-like object. 
“Here!” Gin picked up a small, marble-sized orb. 
“Host said this would help.” He handed the sphere to the creature, who took it with a gentle hand. 
“This will do,” the being kept their usual flat face as they held out their hands, palm up. The object sat on top of Dark’s right hand. 
“Now, take my hands,” as they said this, Gin could have sworn he heard a feminine voice layered with the being’s. He followed Dark’s instructions, lightly grabbing the other’s hands. The second their joined hands touched, Gin felt… something. He didn’t really know how to describe it, aside from a strange, tingling sensation going up his arms. 
“That’s strange,” Dark looked curiously at their linked hands. 
“What?” GIn wanted to be concerned, but the only thing he seemed to feel was relief. They felt this feeling too. That at least meant he wasn’t fully nuts. 
“The connection is typically slowly built,” the being explained. 
“But this one…it took seconds,” while this fact frightened Dark, they couldn’t help but be interested in this. They- no, she was intrigued by the difference and wanted to delve deeper into it. 
“Is that bad?” Dark’s answers only served to confuse Gin further. He was tempted to let go of his hand-hold, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave the creature’s cold hands. It felt as if they were grounding him, holding down and lowering his anxieties. He found his breaths were strangely even, despite the circumstances. 
“No, it’s simply…different,” the creature reassured. To be honest, they didn’t know if it was bad or good, but Gin needed comfort in that moment. 
“Give me a moment to concentrate,” they ordered softly before closing their eyes. They took deep breaths, silently beckoning the truth forward. It came slowly closer, like a scared child, from Gin’s arms. The engineer was more fragile inside than they expected. They could feel the cocky nature of the red soul becoming more prominent. Good, they were in their element. Or at least they felt like they were. Within seconds, Dark felt a jolt in their arms and in their mind. Gin could see their eyes lightly scrunch up. 
“Are you seeing something?” he asked, curious. He wanted to be worried, but that feeling was still being numbed. 
“There is an hourglass, with white sand,” the being’s voice reverberated louder than ever. The feminine voice could be heard clearer than before. 
“But the sand sits still at the top,” they described. 
“It’s not going down, stuck…dormant…” their voice drifted a bit. Gin only got more confused. 
“What does that mean, exactly?” he asked. 
“Make the sand fall and the truth will come to you,” Dark echoed cryptically. Just as fast as it started, the being’s eyes flew open. They quickly settled, releasing their hold on Gin’s hands. 
“What the hell was that?” Gin exclaimed. 
“That made no fucking sense!” 
“Visions tend to be that way,” Dark responded, aura coated in red.
“Especially with a rusty practitioner.” the being could see the panic in the engineer’s eyes, could feel his aura shifting sporadically, could see his breaths getting quicker. It reminded the red soul of her when she started with her practice. 
“Gin,” the entity grasped the frightened man’s shoulders. 
“We will figure this out,” they reassured, warm and nurturing. Their-her aura washed over the engineer. His breaths, once again, were steady and even. 
“How do you do that?” Gin asked, voice soft, drowsy. 
“A matter for another time,” the being’s mouth lifted, slightly amused. 
“Right now, you need some rest,” the two of them walked together to Gin’s room. The red soul kept her attention solely on the engineer until he fell asleep. 
‘Maybe they’re more family than I thought.’ 
Once again, it seemed like the Host knew what he was doing. 
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imverycunfuzed · 2 months
Who killed markiplier :3
(As always I'm sorry for anything I misspelled or something that doesn't make sense)
(Chapter 1)
We are invited to Markiplier manor for a poker night. After a night of heavy drinking we wake up to the new that Mark has been murdered. The Detective quickly makes you his partner to figure out who killed markiplier. After talking to guests we return to the 'crime scene' to find Mark's body missing.
- Actor brings everyone to celebrate but he never tells them what it is that they are celebrating, putting the pieces together; They are there for his plan of killing himself
(Chapter 2)
Not much happens in chapter two except we talk to The colonel to find out it seems there is more to his past with Mark than we first thought. Once back into the manor a fight breaks out between The colonel and The Detective this is when Celine bursts through the doors.
-Celine learns that Mark is dead and starts to try and help
(Chapter 3)
Celine Informs us that she is very versed ( highly experienced; very skilled) in the arcane arts, and with our help she can contact Mark from the beyond. After our session with Celine we see and man with a hat and a shovel. She doesn't seem to like what we saw and demands more information. The Detective has plans of his own to go find this man. After talking to the chef we find out that he is the grounds keeper and his name is George; He doesn't seem to care or know anything about Mark's death, but he does state that he won't go into the manor unless a specific event. A flash of light from the manor sends the groundskeeper rushing into the manor. Once inside we find Celine in some kind of arcane state; helping the groundskeeper shut her into a room.
-The flash of light is what I'm assuming to be Actor taking Damien's body
(Chapter 4)
This is where things start to go very wrong. The groundskeeper states that Celine and Damien are gone before leaving. The chef and butlers say it's time for them to go and that we should do the same. Colonel frustrated; rushes out of the room. Celine has contacted us from the beyond, she leads us to where The Detective has been doing his research. Once we reach the office Colonel greets us at the door. When The Colonel sees all the evidence The Detective has collected he becomes angry and blames him for the murder. The colonel rushes over to Find the Detective, after a short argument with him, he shoots The Detective in the heart who falls to the ground. We try to take the gun from him which ends up with us getting shot and falling over the railings and off the second floor. In the darkness we see Celine (outlined/blurred red) and Damien (outlined/blurred blue/cyan) They tell you that Actor has been walking around in Damien's body. They propose that they bring it back with Damien's spirit and Celine's powers as they fade to black. We awake to The Colonel who says "I didn't kill you.. " and comes to the conclusion that it was all a joke. He wanders off looking for the other guests in a made haste. We turn and pick up Damien's cane (AS WE DO A LIGHT FLASHES; in the flash the video DAMIEN happens. You can see our hand switch from feminine hand to a masculine hand. It is control switching from Celine to Damien) and look into the mirror that was above it to see Darkiplier. He walks away with the cane after cracking the mirror.
- in the end Damien and Actor switch bodies and Celine gets stuck with Damien in Actor's. The colonel/William starts to lose his mind which leads to the events of 'MOTHERLOVING'.
-Wilford starts to lose mind because he sat watching over our body all night, he regrets his actions but watching us get up after hours of lying there pushes him over the edge.
I'm not going to lie I struggled a little bit with this so it's not going to be my best work and I'm not 100% positive on all of that but that's what I understand out of it. I'm going to do either 'MOTHERLOVING' or DAMIEN next buh bye<3
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iamvegorott · 5 months
Laser Guns and Streamers
@bookwormscififan shared an idea of Chase celebrating his birthday with the Egos taking Chase to laser tag and I got a liiiiitle carried away XD
Laser Guns and Streamers
Chase was already buzzing with excitement as he slipped the thick, black vest over his head, watching the others around him do the same with their own vests. His smile somehow got even bigger as Marvin went up to him and helped make sure the vest was on him properly.
“I still can’t believe that everyone agreed to do this,” Chase said, playing with some of the colorful streamers that were tucked into Marvin’s ponytail. 
Robbie and Blank had decorated the others at the House before they left. Streamers, glitter, and washable markers were almost like weapons and no one was safe. Chase had some green lines across his cheeks, almost looking like the kind of ‘war paint’ one would see with football players. There was also some glitter in his hair that he’d already accepted as being part of him for a while since glitter always stuck around. 
“It’s for your birthday, they’re willing to do whatever it takes to make sure it’s a perfect, happy day for you.” Marvin kissed Chase’s cheek. “But that doesn’t mean they’ll go easy on you when the game starts.” He added with a wink. 
“Are you ready for battle!?” Jackie asked in a shout as he went over to Chase. He had streamers tied around his head like a sweatband, green lines on his cheeks like Chase, and patches of glitter on his arms.
“Hell yeah!” Chase matched Jackie’s energy and the two ran off, leaving Marvin to smile and roll his eyes. 
“Septiceyes verses Ipliers!” Wilford joined in the excited yelling, he was covered almost the same as Jackie but with a lot more glitter. 
“I’m not a Septiceye nor an Iplier so I should be allowed to sit out with Host,” Mad stated, having a few streamers tied around his wrists and the green lines were on his face, too. 
“We’re honorary Septiceyes today,” Phantom said, several streamers around his neck tied into a loose bow. He had green on his cheeks but Blank had insisted that Phantom’s had to be swirls and not straight lines. “Plus I like the idea of being able to shoot my brother without consequences.” 
“It’s just a laser, don’t get too excited.” Mare had a smirk with his scoff, arms lined with tied streamers and glitter.
“If Mad wishes to sit out, I can do the same so the teams remain even,” Google said. 
“Don’t be boring, Googs!” Bing nudged Google with his elbow, grin bright while Google breathed heavily through his nose. Both androids had their arms covered in glitter and some braided streamers were around their necks, hanging down like ties.
“Birthday boy says it’s time to go!” Anti shouted from the chair he stood on, any exposed skin on him was covered in green marker and glitter, and streamers looped around his legs to make a crossing pattern. 
He had dozed off when Blank and Robbie were getting him ready and the two got a little carried away. 
“I give it fifteen seconds before the match is over,” Henrik stated, standing next to Edward. They matched with streamers wrapped around their torsos like they were mummies. 
“If some of us try cheatin’ with powers, it only gonna be like ten,” Yancy stated. He had a thick collection of streamers tied around both upper arms. 
“If even that.” Illinois chuckled, his arms having the same collection of streamers. 
“We can have as many rounds as we want.” JJ silently giggled as he had the words appear in Yancy and Illinois’ heads. He also had a thick collection of streamers, but his were tied around his waist. 
“Let’s get this over with,” Dark said as he guided Yancy and Illinois off to join the other Ipliers and Mare to the back set of doors. Dark had planned just to have a few streamers on his wrist to keep the peace, but after Anti got covered he was held down and got himself matching Anti’s level of mess. And he was still grumpy about it.
“Ready to show them what we can do?” Chase asked his team, bouncing on his feet as he held the ‘gun’ one of the workers had given him. 
“I don’t really have a-ow!” Mad didn’t get to finish before Marvin was elbowing him. “Totally ready!” He said that instead and then cringed at how weird that felt and sounded.
“Totally ready.” Phantom echoed in a teasing tone that turned into a laugh when Mad glared at him. 
“Let’s go!” Chase cheered and sprinted into a game room first. 
He blinked fast, getting his eyes adjusted to the different lighting. He loved the fun colors, could hear the music playing from speakers above, songs that he knew all too well and he felt like he was in an action film. All eyes were on him as he ducked through the foam walls that turned the room into a maze. He was the protagonist who would save the day by taking out anyone in his way.
This was so cool!
Chase leaped over a short foam wall and with the biggest grin and the tip of his tongue sticking out, he quickly ‘shot’ Google in the back. Google looked down at the red light on his chest, shrugged, and walked off. Chase turned and saw Henrik chasing after Edward, both laughing and Henrik suddenly stopped, the light on his chest going red and a cheer from Wilford giving away that he had been the one to take him out.
“You made it to twenty seconds.” Edward chuckled.
“And you made it to twenty-five.” Henrik pointed at Edwad’s chest, light now red as well. 
“Gotcha!” Chase called out, smiling as both doctors laughed some more and waved at him as they went to the side with Google. 
“Doube-team!? Really!?” Marvin’s voice huffed from behind a foam wall that reached the ceiling. Chase looked around and saw Yancy and Illinois with Marvin. 
“Most of yous got magic, we can use tag team.” Yancy chuckled. 
“Maybe you’ll get us next-” Illinois stopped when his light went red.
“Wait, how-” Yancy stopped as well and his own light also went red. 
“You two got too cocky.” Chase grinned as he stepped out of his hiding spot. He then went to Marvin and bowed. “You’ve been avenged.”
“I’ll be sure to reward you for that later.” Marvin giggled, slipping off Chase’s hat to kiss the top of his head. 
“Gross.” Yancy stuck his tongue out.
“Gross? I could be so much blunter. I’m going to suck-”
“Nope, nope, nope. I hear nothing!” Yancy covered his ears and walked away. 
“Have fun, but don’t hurt yourself,” Marvin said to Chase, giving him one more quick kiss on the cheek before heading off with Illinois.
“I’m shocked you don’t already have something planned for tonight,” Illinois commented.
“Oh, I do~” 
“Sorry blueberry.” Wilford’s voice behind Chase told him that JJ’s was out. His team was still ahead, but only by one. 
“Shit, shit, shit.” Bing was scrambling past Chase, not seeing him. “Shit!” His last curse was one of disappointment at his light going red. 
“I hide in the shadows.” Chase played up his voice and Bing laughed. 
“I’ll get ya next round, dude.” Bing saluted and went off to sit with Google. 
“That leaves Wil, Dark, and Mare.” Chase listed off. 
“Does it just vibrate or does it make a noise?” Mad’s voice sounded worried but Chase had learned the difference between his actual worry and the exaggerated worried voice Anti and Marvin taught him to use when it came to Mare. 
Meaning that Mare was with Mad. 
Chase snuck around the foam walls and saw Mad and Mare. Even though Mare knew the worry in Mad’s voice wasn’t real, he still couldn’t help but fall for it every time. Chase found it sweet how Mare’s first thought was Mad’s safety and comfort, knowing he was the same way with Marvin. He also knew that Mad only ever used that voice with Mare when someone else told him to. Phantom was likely-
“Oh, you shit!” Mare turned when his light went red, glaring over at Phantom who was laughing. “That’s a cheap move!” 
“Sorry.” Mad gave Mare an apology kiss. 
“I did not want to see that.” Phantom covered his eyes with a hand. “Not worth-” He paused and his jaw dropped at seeing his red light. “Who the fuck-Mad!” 
“Oh.” Mad’s light was now red as well. 
Chase slipped away, knowing that it meant either Dark or Wilford was hiding somewhere and had gotten Mad and Phantom. He still had Jackie and Anti running around, or at least he assumed so since if one of them had gotten out, he would have heard them. 
“Mother fucker!”
And there goes Anti. 
Chase was wondering how he hadn’t seen Jackie yet. He wasn’t the most…stealthy Septiceye with how much he likes to run and jump and climb around. 
At the thought of climbing, Chase looked up and chuckled. He found Jackie sitting on top of one of the foam walls and the way his head was tilted meant he had eyes on one of the remaining Ipliers. 
“Got’cha Dark!” Jackie laughed in victory. “Ah, damn it!” Chase didn’t need to see anything to know that Wilford got Jackie.
It was now a showdown between Chase and Wilford. 
“Oh, Chase~” Wilford sang with a chuckle. 
“So not creepy,” Chase said to himself and sank down, sneaking between some of the tighter spaces between foam chunks, knowing Wilford wouldn’t be able to do the same. He had to slap a hand over his mouth to stop the sound of surprise from coming out when Wilford was suddenly on top of one of the foam blocks beside him. 
“Where are you?” Wilford was singing again as he looked around. 
“Right here!” Chase laughed and shot Wilford.
“Green team wins.” A voice said through the speaker and cheers broke out from most of the other Egos. 
“I did even think you’d go for low.” Wilford helped Chase out of the space and hoisted him up, sitting him on his shoulder. “Round one goes to Chase!” 
“Chase! Chase! Chase!” The chant from his teammates had Chase feeling bright and warm. 
He really loved the chaotic family he had. 
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lounaticm · 9 months
Of course Damien would offer up his blood the sweet beloved boi-
Also. That last bullet point?
Oh. OH.
Brainworms are running.
Hear me out. The D.A. is immortal, right? As in, can't die. Their skin is tough and practically impenetrable (pure silver notwithstanding). So, what effect does that have on the original events of the party?
Think about it: unless that bullet was silver, that shot from the Colonel would have no effect on them. The impact might still send them over the railing, but not to their death, and certainly not to the Upside Down to Celine and Damien. Which would mean the D.A. would have no opportunity to "let Damien in" to take their body and trap them in the mirror-
And let's go back to the idea of Vampire!Damien for a moment. If he's immortal and virtually indestructible, what does that mean for the original story? Would Mark, not knowing what his childhood best friend was, run into unforseen issues trying to steal Damien's body? Would he even be able to do it? And in an AU where both Damien and the D.A. are vampires, what does their survival mean, both for themselves and the aftermath?
Brainworms have me in a vice grip-
(Of course, this is all assuming I've got the vampire lore part right. You seem to be very knowledgeable about it.)
(Also, it did post the first time you answered. I saw it but couldn't respond until now since I'm finally off work 🙃)
Continuation of this. ~~~ You know, in any of my imaginings of the DA (or Damien) being inhuman and the events of WKM still happening, I've always imagined them still playing out pretty much how they do in canon. Maybe a slightly altered detail here or there, but the twins and the DA still end up dead, the DA still ends up trapped in the mirror, the Actor still walks off with Damien's body, etc. But that does get me thinking.
It's not so much that vampire skin is all that impenetrable, simply that it is harder to do so than for a human. A bullet would still tear through their flesh, but the damage would be lesser and wouldn't necessarily be deadly - unless it was pure silver, which a bullet would not really be able to be fashioned from, considering the whole 'soft and malleable' aspect of the material. A vampire can be hurt, and even bleed, but they heal exceptionally quickly from any wounds they sustain.
In prior thoughts I've had about the DA being a vampire, I imagined the House Entity to manipulate even more things to work around this. Swapping the bullets in the Colonel's gun to ones with silver tips, futzing with the laws of reality to make them actually work, and what-not. (After all, it led the DA to that room, to find Abe's evidence and investigations and accusations pinpointing William as the one to blame for the murder. And why would the Colonel's gun have been just sitting in there if not placed there by the Entity? He's always had it on him before then, I can't imagine him letting it out of his sight.) So the DA still dies.
However, if the Entity was not capable of doing that (or even just going with the fact that the DA was not shot in the heart, but rather middle-to-lower abdomen - no one is going to try to pull a gun away at chest height) then yes, the DA would still have possibly fallen over the railing from pain shock, and potentially still broken their neck. They would not, however, have died from it, though they would undoubtedly still seem the part considering vampires are undead. Cold skin, not breathing, no pulse, and a fall like that? The Colonel clearly had checked on the DA, considering he sat there and stared at their corpse for over 8 hours in canon. I doubt he'd be able to tell the difference between a dead person and an undead person who was unconscious from traumatic injuries. So the Colonel losing his grip on reality upon seeing a 'corpse' get back up would still occur, just a bit... different.
Because there would be no reuniting with an old friend. And Wilford never 'finding' his friends could end up affecting him in several different ways. It could make him spiral further, or it could make him have to face the reality that death is, in fact, permanent (dark and/or magical forces notwithstanding). And the DA themself can either try to bring him back down to earth, or placate him with half-truths and let him continue to live in delusion, though either course of action may or may not work in the way intended. Regardless, I can imagine the DA going off to investigate what happened at the manor further, possibly uncovering the Actor's plot on their own... or from Mark himself coming around to make the DA his 'villain'.
So, in a way, it would be similar to a role reversal. Damien and Celine would be stuck in the Abyss that exists parallel to the manor (assuming Celine didn't find a way to get them out, considering she had the means of sending three souls back to inhabit one body) and the DA would be trying to track down the Actor to make him pay for what he did. The main difference being that the DA doesn't know Damien and Celine are still there, nor do they know that some Other force had made Mark do any of that in the first place.
Now, on to the possibility of the DA asking Damien about turning him before they went to the party...
Damien, of course, would agree. Even with the warning from the DA that he'd have to watch his family and friends grow old and die while he stayed the same, that the lack of aging would doubtlessly become all too noticeable to the public sooner or later, he agrees. Even knowing that it would hurt to watch his loved ones age and die - unless he or the DA turned any of them, as well - he says yes. Because, "I'll still have you. And you won't have to face an eternity alone."
Weeks before the invitations to the party arrived, the DA turns him. It's not as quick and simple as some media would portray, but not as gruesome or painful as others have said. The DA feeds Damien their own blood while draining him of his own, replacing human with vampire. He's unconscious for a few hours, and then dazed and weak for another few after waking up. He's rather unsteady on his feet for the next several days, wracked with bouts of shivering as his body temperature plummets. Recalling their own time after being turned, the DA made sure to have Damien call out sick for the next week, but was sure to drop by his office to collect and deliver anything that needed the mayor's attention.
The DA gorges themself on animal blood to then go back and let Damien feed on them. But once Damien has recovered, he then-after joins them whenever they go out to feed.
At the party, things mostly go as they do in canon... at first. Because, though vampires can still get something akin to drunk - and therefore, be too out of it to have smelled blood upon Mark being shot - that's about as far as Mark's plan went. Celine arrives, same as in canon, and the DA has their 'vision' of the Groundskeeper and heads out to talk to him. But because Damien isn't human anymore, Mark's attempt to kill him and take his body completely backfires. In his attempt to do so, Damien learns about what Mark was doing, and some of his supposed reasons for why - though still neither of them are aware of the Entity's existence or it influencing the Actor.
Mark is forced to go back into his old corpse and flee, realizing that Damien is 'something else' and his plan has been revealed. The Colonel may or may not still lose his marbles, this time more for the guilt of what he'd done (what he'd been tricked into doing) unless he somehow saw the Actor walk out - in which case it'd be more along the 'death is a joke' reason that we see in canon.
Celine likely still dies, and Damien... well, he wasn't ready to lose her just yet, especially not like this. When the DA and the Detective come back inside and find Damien kneeling beside her, crying, Abe's immediate reaction is obvious for what this looks like, but the DA stops. Especially when Damien then looks towards them and asks, "What do I do?"
Cue the creation of another vampire, and therefore explanations about vampires even existing to both Abe and William. Celine is, as we see in canon, vengeful, and pursues the Actor relentlessly. Damien, while also angry with their old friend, is much more levelheaded about it.
The Actor now has three 'villains'. Ones that will live forever.
Tumblr media
I maaay have a bit of a special interest around vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural creatures and do quite a bit of research on them, both for writing and for fun. Just a little bit of one, lol.
(Sorry for such a delay on this. The issue with the last ask was that it didn't even show up on my own dashboard timeline after posting - or in the tags, which also happened with the repost - so I've been a liiittle paranoid about something similar happening here.)
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julesnichols · 9 months
Mel/Ben and 36 pleeeeeeeease
From here. Under the cut.
36. things you said but didn't mean
It was the one year anniversary since departure, and Melanie Cavill sat at the helm late at night. She'd slipped out of the celebrations she'd been forced to attend, making her way back to her engine and its soothing hum. She idly watched the frozen ruins outside whiz by, and tried not to think about her parents and Alex frozen somewhere in the wasteland of their planet.
"Hey," Melanie stiffened at the sound of Ben's voice.
"Hey," she returned, voice as stiff as her posture as she turned to look at him.
He leaned casually against one of the dividers, a soft, cautious smile on his face. Anger roiled in her gut once more. She'd spent the year in a state of wavering between loathing him and clinging to him like a life raft. They'd told each other Before that they'd seize any opportunity to take the train from Wilford, and they had. He, too, was somewhere out in the frozen waste and Melanie found a small, hidden part of herself that she loathed aching somewhat at it. It'd been the right thing to do. It didn't make the losses any easier to bear.
Ben nodded at the window, "I always hate this stretch of track."
Melanie bristled at his clear attempt at trying to get her to talk to him. She'd vaguely considered fucking him until she'd forgotten everything else-- at least for five minutes. But if he was going to try to make her confront this-- what they'd done, what he'd done--
"You should have let me get off the train, Ben," she grit out.
"What?" his brow furrowed in confusion and concern, and it only fueled her anger.
"I left my daughter to die out there," Melanie swallowed, voice quivering with rage and grief, "I should've died with her."
Ben shook his head, "The train needed you, Mel."
Melanie scoffed, "The train didn't need Wilford. It didn't matter who else ran her as long as it wasn't him. You should've let me be with her. It was selfish of you to stop me."
Ben straightened, face hardening at her outburst. Eventually, his voice even, he replied, "You're right, Mel, it was selfish. I needed you."
Melanie laughed bitterly, "I know that you do. It's good to hear you finally admit that it wasn't the train that needed me."
Ben's jaw clenched, "I wouldn't have lasted a day running her, and we both know it. You're the only one who could've possibly kept her going. And I'm sorry, Mel, but we also both know that I wouldn't have stopped you if you'd tried to leave again."
"Fuck you, Ben," Melanie sneered.
Ben deflated, nodding more to himself than her. He swallowed, and she felt a small flicker of guilt at the tears he was blinking back. She'd never let him, or anyone, become very close to Alex-- even though he'd been in their lives since Alex was a toddler. But he'd been the only person outside of her immediate family she'd let even remotely let become close to her daughter. She knew it'd broken him almost as much as it'd broken her. And right now, she hated him for it.
"I'll be back in a few hours so you can get some rest," he informed her.
"Whatever," Melanie dismissed him, turning to face forwards again.
She felt his presence behind her for a little while longer, and then heard him shuffle out of the engine. She longed to call him back. To let him hold her. To scream at him that she should be outside now, too.
But she didn't.
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elenavr13 · 1 year
Hypnotizing Music
Darkiplier x Reader
Warning: None
Y/n is exploring the ego’s mansion when a haunting tune catches their ears.
The pink sun, setting in the distance, shines through the widows as I walk down the hall. I love this place. Everywhere I look is a beautiful display of gothic architecture & nature.
A faint melody reaches my ears. It entrances me so I follow it. It leads me to a door that is slightly ajar. When I peak in, I see shadows dancing around the room while the flames on top of candles twirl their red & orange ruffled skirts. A small speaker, sitting next to a stack of books on the corner of the desk, emits the alluring tune. The song is what I can best describe as dark instrumental. The notes are relaxing but at the same time, eerie. 
My mind wanders to an old graveyard overgrown with vines as I stand in the doorway slightly swaying back & forth, hypnotized by the music. The cool wind rustles my hair as I brush my fingertips against the smooth stone embedded in the grass next to me.
“Hello doll,” Dark purrs from behind me. The corners of my mouth turn up. He always brings a smile to my face whether he is spending time with me or I am just thinking of him. Suddenly I realized that I did not just imagine Dark’s voice & I am still lingering in the doorway of the mysterious, enchanting room. I turn around to face Dark but end up hitting my forehead on the door frame because of my disorientation from reality crashing into me.
“Ow,” I place my hand over my left eyebrow where I banged my head, instinctively. Dark’s head is slightly cocked to the side as he observes me. I begin laughing a little. “Sorry, lost in thought.” His face expression relaxes & his lips form a small smile.
“Don’t worry about it.” My brain registers that he is standing about a foot away from me which causes me to become self-conscious yet again. I am even aware of my breathing. Because I am unable to read whether he is annoyed at me for sneaking around or not, I attempt to distract him just to be safe.
“I didn’t see you in the library today. Where were you?” After those words leave my mouth, I secretly cuss myself out. Why would he tell me that? God, I wish I could turn invisible & run away right now. If I was having this encounter with Wilford or really anyone else, I would be able to easily make up an excuse & leave but for some reason, my mind is malfunctioning. Why can’t I think properly when around him?
“I had a bunch of work to finish & didn’t have time to read.”
“That’s alright. I should probably go now. I have a…uh…Wilford asked me to help him with something so I should go. It was nice to see you.” I try shuffling around him but he grabs my arm & leans down to my height. Holy shit, if he doesn’t kill me, I’m going to have a heart attack & die anyway.
“You don’t really have anywhere to be right now, do you?” I hesitate before slightly shaking my head no. His hypnotic, onyx eyes glance down for a second before finding mine. “Come on.” He tilts his head towards the door I was previously admiring before he lets go of me & enters the room. My feet follow his footsteps inside.
Once I walk to the center of the room, Dark outstretches his hand to me. He remains silent as I stand there looking at his open palm. I watch as my own hand places itself in his & as his fingers gently close around the dorsal of my hand. His right hand slithers around my back, settling right below my shoulder blade, & pulls me close to him. I realize that he just asked me to dance with him & I accepted. My heart rate spikes but I ignore it as I place my free hand on his shoulder, compelling him to begin leading me around the room.
The orange light in the room sways with us as we dance. Occasionally he spins me around & my skirt twirls in the air. He is a phenomenal dancer & an excellent leader. I haven’t really danced with anyone before yet the steps come naturally to me with his lead. I have never felt so alive before; it is exhilarating. The awkward situation only moments before has escaped my mind & I am filled with bliss & delight.
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r0ttente3th · 1 year
hey if anyone wants the Who Killed Markiplier and a bit of Wilford Motherluvin Warfstache lore, heres all of it! (that i know of!)
have fun!! also please have watched WKM and maybe WMLW before reading
so damien, mark, and will have been friends since they were young. there is a woman named celine in all of this, who is damiens twin sister. mark dates celine because he loves her, but she cheats on him with will. so mark of course is beyond fucking angry at will, even though it was actively celines choice to cheat on him. so mark invites them all over for a dinner, all of them being damien, will, abe the detective (not an ego), anddd i think thats it?? other than us, the viewer, the district attorney, who happens to look a LOT like damien. mark dies. will doesnt care too much because he understands mark was angry at him, and damien gets upset with will because yknow, their friend just died and hes kinda nonchalant. so with abe, we start to try and find clues of who killed markiplier, of which will is always a bit suspicious. All the sudden, celine knocks on the door, and lets everyone know that something is happening that involves black/ evil magic.
everyones kinda like, woah, huh? and she just kinda, forces everyone to do some stuff? she does something with a crystal ball in a room, upon another character (forget his name) says "hey, ive prepped for this, we gotta get out of here or youll all die". damien says no, goes in to try and help his sister, and will and abe fight because will is sus. will accidentally shoots abe through the heart, and while we're trying to wrestle the gun away from him, he shoots us, and we canonically die. we wake up in a black void, where damien and celine are there. they explain to us that actor mark has actively possessed damiens body (through the crystal ball thing celine i did i guess??) and has the ability to basically warp time and space, and create his own personal timeline in a way. but before we "died", damien had an encounter with mark (where he learned this info, celine already knew and was trying to protect him ig), and this is where actor mark tells him "im going to make my own story, the one where shit goes my way, but every story needs a villain" and he actively pushes damien to be said villain. anyways, we meet in the void, get informed, and celine tells us she can do something (i cant remember), but whatever happens, whatever she does, results in all three of us, damien, celine, and us, repossessing the district attorneys body. but considering i think it involves black magic, damien, or the body, now known as darkipier, has dark powers as well and is a little bit goofy! anyways, dark decides to be actors villain, but in the way he doesnt want him to be.
Darks entire personality to me is ironic because his main goal is to literally be as fucking annoying as possible, fuck up all of actors storylines and basically just be a pain in his fucking ass throughout the stories he creates
anyways, we wake up to will sitting on a nearby bench, clutching damiens little staff (because he had one), and we can see hes yknow..... fucking shocked! is beyond happy that we arent dead, and proceeds to be delusional, think its all just some funny sick joke, and stumbles off screen calling for damien. and this is where it gets kinda complicated??? so, think of like, each of marks videos as well,,, a video, or a comic book! actor can create videos of his own, and proceed to crawl into the white space of the comic books. dark and wilford (who becomes wilford after the WKM incident, william J barnum quite literally no longer exists) can also do that. each character has their own story, which is obviously written! but william was pushed out of his character because he ran into a scenario that wasnt scripted for him, which is where he becomes wilford warfstache. so what he does, is he spends years hopping into other peoples storylnies, trying to break them out of character because hes the only one who is truly aware. and then "wilford motherloving warfstache happens", where abe comes back (because he wasnt supposed to die), and is actively hunting him down because he killed us, the district attorney.
all he remembers is, the stuff that his character needs to know. he doesnt know where hes been ig, hes just the classic detective noir character. he knows hes hunting down warf, doesnt need to know the specifics bc his CHARACTER already knows it. but, he encounters warfstache! manages to capture him, which im presuming wasnt meant to happen, because this is where he realizes: 'wait.. i dont know anything about where youve been, i dont know any of the specifics, i dont actually have all the places youve supposedly been'. and warfstache manages to break him out of character. abe ofc is freaking the fuck out because that technically means none of this is real, and none of it makes sense. so warf technically presses pause on abes youtube video, and says 'hey, you need to destress, lets have some fun before you have to go back to your story'. because in a sense, wills story already ended, so warf has to create his own story line. he has no destined future. so they dance and have fun because inevitably, abe will have to resume his own story, and warf is gonna be left alone with nobody bc nobody is sentient! which is why hes constantly trying to fuck shit up too! breaks in suddenly in the middle of videos, causes havoc, because hes trying to create a scenario that breaks the person out of their character, so theyre aware like him. anyways, he inevitably starts to go insane and desperate, which is why hes known for 'haha shooty shooty bang bang!' because hes just, kinda fucked in the head i think. anyways we havent had a continuation in awhile really, but thats where they all kinda are atm!!
have fun!!
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iamfruitie · 1 year
I would love to see Wilford lusting after Jameson crushed the watermelon
“So I just squeeze my legs together?” JJ asked as Anti handed him a watermelon. He sat on the grass in the yard, wearing a pair of Anti’s shorts since he didn’t have any short enough for this game, but he still had on his sweater vest and bowtie. 
“Yeah. You’re trying to see if you can snap that little bitch in half.” Anti explained. 
“What if I can’t?” JJ tucked the watermelon between his thighs. 
“It’d be one hell of a surprise if you can’t at least crack it.” Anti giggled and went over to where Dark and Wilford were, standing next to Dark but leaning over to speak to Wilford. “I bet you’re excited to see this, bubblegum~” He teased.
“I’m having a blast just seeing Jamesy in those shorts.” Wilford chuckled. “He’s always had some nice-looking legs.” 
“Do I go at a certain time?” JJ was posed and ready to go.
“Whenever you’re ready.” Anti held up both thumbs. 
“Okay.” JJ flashed an innocent smile and then took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, legs tightening around the fruit. After some grunts, one of the few sounds JJ could make, the watermelon made a strange squeaking sound before it eventually cracked. JJ gasped, and then he clenched again, needing a few moments before getting the watermelon in half. “I did it!” His voice squealed happily in everyone’s heads. 
“He did it~” Wilford echoed in a deeper tone, eyes watching the juice on JJ’s legs drip down, and he licked at his lips. 
“That was a lot harder than I thought it’d be.” JJ silently giggled. 
“Speaking of hard things.” Anti was also giggling when he saw the look in Wilford’s eyes.
“Golly, I’ll need to take a bath. This stuff is all sticky.” JJ stood up and looked down at himself. “Maybe two baths.” He added with a little laugh as he walked over to Wilford. “Did you see that?” 
“Oh, I did. I saw it all, and it was delicious.” Wilford placed his hands on JJ’s waist and pulled him in close.  
“Th-Thank you?” JJ’s cheeks flushed pink as he caught what Wilford’s tone meant. 
“I’d love to see more~” Wilford nearly growled before kissing JJ, hands immediately going down and squeezing his ass, getting a sharp inhale from JJ. 
“Get a room!” Chase called from the other side of the yard. 
“Glady.” Wilford chuckled and sent himself and JJ away.
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drebur123 · 2 years
Holiday Traditions | Wilford Warfstache X Reader
Holiday Traditions | Wilford Warfstache X Reader
Prompt: Traditions
Day: 5/25
"Hey Wil, what are you up to?" You ask walking into the kitchen. Wilford was never one to bake considering that he was always doing something else. "Hm? Oh, yes. I am making bread," Wilford replies. 
"Why are you doing that?" You ask. "I'm doing this for Christmas. Back when I was a kid my mother made this for our family," Wilford replies, mixing in the flour, "It was always my favorite and ever since I moved out, I haven't had it. It was kind of like a..." 
"Tradition?" You try, leaning on the island a bit. "Yes, yes. It was kind of like a tradition."
"Mind if I help out?" You question, starting towards the sink. "Please do," Wilford says, "I've tried twice to get the dough to rise. It doesn't want to cooperate." After giving your hands a quick wash, you give the recipe card a quick scan. 
"Did you add the eggs?" You inquire. "Eggs?" Wilford repeats, moving to look at the card from behind you. "You see? The writing's a little squished in here." You point at the little bit of the ink in the corner of the card. 
Wilford hums an "oh". "How many eggs do we need per batch?" He asks, opening the refrigerator. "Two," you answer. "Ok. We need four."
After getting the eggs out Wilford adds them to his mixture of stuff. "What's next?" he requests. 
Wilford and you have finished making the dough in about thirty minutes. "Now what?" He asks.
"We have to wait for it rise," you reply, placing some plastic wrap over the bowl and putting it in the refrigerator next to the egg carton. "How long is that going to take?" Wilford questions. "A few hours." 
"Oh. So now what do we do?" You shrug. "Whatever you want to."
Wilford thinks for a moment. "Do you want to watch a movie?" He inquires, rubbing the little bit of flour off his mustache which is now back to it's bright pink color.
"Sure. Which one were you thinking?"
"How about 'Home Alone'? My mother made a point to watch that one every year," he suggests. You agree and you both make your way to the living room.
While watching the movie you were joined by Dark and The Host, whom have just came back from their shopping trip.
After the movie ended Wilford and you return to your spot in the kitchen. "Could you spray the pan, y/n?"
You quickly get out the spray, doing as Wilford asked. Once the pan was sprayed, Wilford plopped the dough in and stuck it in the oven.
"Now that we've completed my bread we can do one of your traditions," Wilford states, waiting for you to give him one.
"I... I don't think my family really had any traditi-" "Nonsense," Wilford interjects, "Surly there is at least one."
You shake your head no. "Not that I can remember." Wilford pauses as he thinks. "Recipes? Movies? Decorations? There has to be something that you remember."
"I guess we made sugar cookies-" "Marvelous!" Wilford exclaims, pulling you along into the kitchen.
That's how you ended up baking the rest of the day away with Wilford.
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lailakotori · 2 years
Headcanons Tomboy reader | Yancy x Tomboy!Fem!reader
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After I write Wilford's headcanons, it makes me want to write more non-stop. This canon makes my brain boom Again, So I start to write the idea on this platform.
Summary: Yancy and Tomboy!Reader some Headcanons meet in jail.
TW: Fluff, some Violence, Friend to Lover.
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Your first meet is in Jail, Yeah…of course…
You and Yancy are roommates, He is the one who welcomes you in this place and both of you are besties on the first day.
He respects you like a female but It’s seems you don’t act lady to him. That’s why he have a crush on you in first place.
He calls you ‘Big (The first letter of your nickname)’ or ‘Small (The first letter of your nickname)’
He is a leader for everyone when it has a dance battle, but when have a fight battle you will be the leader for him, for everyone.
Yancy love to share an idea about The musical with you and want to show you how it’s been.
If you have hair, you will teach him how to cut or braid your hair.
Every time Yancy opens music, He will take your hand and lead a dance with you.
Sometimes you have a nightmare, so he let you sleep in the same bed and give you a hug while humming a song.
When you fight with another, Yancy will be the one who recovers your lesion.
He confuses his love with you by singing a song and have some slow dance with you.
When you both being lovers, Yancy always cares about your safety. Try to protect you as much as he can.
He love to stab another person in this jail but when you came, He stop doing those things and spend time with you.
If you are not a morning person don’t worry about that. Yancy will woke up and take some food from restaurant to your bed.
Yancy will kisses your forehead to make you calm.
Both of you always hold a hand no matter what happens.
He plans the future of you when the two of you got out of this place, Have some dinner, Slow dance in the moonlight or sleep all day no one will be told to get up. Yeah, Just simple dreams he wants to has its one day…
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carnivalofchaos · 1 year
Enzo's been in A Mood recently. Not a bad mood, but a Mood.
He's been a little... excitable as of late. In a way that hard to hide and even more difficult deal with alone. However, he knows he might not have to. He just has to ask first, regardless of hiw nervous he is about doing so. They've never spoken about it before though.
Quietly walking over to Wilford, he wraps his arms around him from behind, resting his head on his shoulder.
"Sweetheart... Can we try somethin'?"
What a pleasant surprise, Enzo coming up to hold him. Leaning his head on top of his, he takes a deep breath. Savoring the warmth of the moment. He had originally been practicing on crocheting (He'd tried picking it up after learning how soft wool could be, and he loved the idea of making stuffed animals with them), but now, he wants to spend time to his lovely partner.
"Hmm? Of course, my dear. You know I'm always up for a little adventure! What is it?" He asks, no judgement in his voice. He wanted Enzo to feel safe in asking.
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rosetintedgunman · 2 years
Buckle up kiddos. Tonight, I'm going to tell you all about Santa!Wilford (or Wilford Warfclaus, etc). First, I shall bribe you with three doodles to show the differences between how he is normally, how he would look in winter if someone knows the secret, and on Christmas Eve/Day before it all starts reverting back.
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No matter how he looks, he's a cutie. Scientific fact.
Now, you may be thinking, "Ash, this is a ridiculous idea that isn't relevant at all". I simply shake my head and tell you to pay more attention. At the end of Markiplier TV, Wilford starts performing an improv scat/performance. One of the lines is "I killed Santa Claus [...] No presents for the children of the world". It's a throwaway joke, sure, but I always remembered it. Plus, it's the only rambling about a cultural/historical figure that made it into the final cut (Mark's bloopers make other references to history).
Then, a few years ago, I was watching the S.anta C.lause movie. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. It's silly and wholesome. But the general plot is this: if you kill Santa Claus and put on the coat, the clause comes into play and makes you take over. And you won't believe what Wilford did.
This meant, in this timeline, Wilford ended up with this HUGE responsibility. And he hated it. He ignored it every year until mid-December when he either had a strong instinct pulling him back, or elves literally kidnapped him. He should have been stuck in the North Pole full-time, but his own reality warping powers trumped that. It's also why he doesn't look the part most of the time. There was an upside to all this: Wilford finally was able to start vaguely keeping track of time.
But then… there was one year, fairly recently, where he put out a statement banning the naughty list for that year. He realised everyone was feeling rotten, and it might be nice to have something good to look forward to. That idea placed a tiny gear in his brain.
(It's said that Christmas was the most magical in a long time)
At some point during the following year, the gear clicked, and Wilford realised the responsibility he had. Somehow, despite everything that had happened, all the blood on his hands and madness in his head, he was in charge of something that brought happiness. He decided, for the first time, to make a proper effort. This included helping with the heavy lifting, and also trying to come up with "You Survived the Year" gimmicks for those that didn't believe in him.
This year has been a curious one. He's regaining more of his memories as William, and he's more aware of the present moment than ever before. He's been hopping between the Roller, the Studio, and the North Pole, and you might think this is far too much for one character in one verse…. But that's exactly what William did.
You see, after the war, William hated downtime. He didn't like sitting around, doing nothing, and thinking about everything that happened. He had a bunch of free time in the trenches and it's not a good place to reflect on life. William began keeping himself as busy as possible. When things were good, he was working as Mark's handyman, covering duties in the barracks, and working on renovating the little cottage he was living in. Thus, the idea of juggling several jobs isn't that far fetched to Wilford. In fact, with how he can teleport and take shortcuts, it's easier to manage them all.
So what of others knowing? By default, your character won't know. At the time of writing this, Wilford would have half-white hair and a white beard. However, he can hide these when he isn't in the North Pole, and he'll do so as much as possible. He doesn't understand why he can't tell anyone he wants, but it's a rule that he begrudgingly has to follow. It won't stop him trying to find out what people are hoping for or try to motivate adults to take part again, for instance.
Saying that, he can tell people. If he's dating someone long-term, he has to let them know. They would notice the long disappearances. Anyone associated with Christmas or other Holidays would see through his illusion. If it's someone he absolutely trusts, he might drop a hint, but it would be dependent on the individual. Otherwise, he'll laugh off any suspicion, admitting that his tubby shape gives off that impression.
It is a gimmick, absolutely, but it also plays a part in my interpretation of Wilford. It's helped him keep track of time - since taking on the role, he has barely fallen out of time, compared to constantly doing so beforehand. It's given him connections unrelated to the other Egos, and a chance to interact with others in a strange way. It's allowed him to have somewhere where he can be childish and silly and be encouraged. It's a place where he physically cannot take out his gun without it disappearing in a puff of glitter to be temporarily confiscated. All in all…. It's done him good. And maybe, one day, he'll tell someone because he thinks spending time in a place like the North Pole would do them some good too, but we'll see how things go. And! After a lot of begging he's been given a suit that is a little more pinkish-red than it ought to be!
At the end of the day, Wilford is the first Santa to already have reality warping powers. When everything else in his life fades away, he'll always have the Santa role. He can't stay dead, after all, so the clause would never pass on to another. With that in mind, he'll try and do what he can to bring a bit of joy.
Especially to his friends. He's a little biased.
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