#(my mutual is aro and hes so cool)
ixesese · 5 months
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aroaceleovaldez · 6 months
thoughts on leo valdez? headcdanons? i
[stares at own url] ...I'll give you one for free, lol
Aro/ace Leo.... listen. He explicitly states that he plays up his false persona in aspects that he feels are lacking in his actual personality in an effort to make people like him more, and in his POVs we get a lot of him doing acknowledged-as-nonserious joke-flirting as part of his false persona. Guy who doesn't realize he's aspec trying to overcompensate for his lack of attraction by excessively hitting on people to hide that he doesn't feel attraction towards anyone? Him wondering if he's broken in a whole bunch of ways and trying to make up for it externally while having an identity crisis about that? Something something metaphor about him wondering if cause he's a Hephaestus kid he's a little too much like a machine/robot and can't feel love or The Right Emotions In General™ because of that cause he doesn't know about aspec stuff yet (or that he's autistic)? Can anyone hear me.
Related to that: Leo landing on Ogygia (island of unreciprocated love) and meeting Calypso, who (probably through love magic) actually seems to be attracted to him? And him trying to force himself to reciprocate because he figures that's just how it's supposed to go and maybe for once he's actually experiencing romantic love? And he's so desperate for someone to like him and to feel useful to someone (re: 7th wheel)? But it fizzles out almost immediately after they leave the island, because the heart-eyes wear off for Calypso, especially once she technically no longer needs him, and Leo can't keep up trying to make himself reciprocate (and can't keep up trying to put his mask back up for her, especially now that Calypso seems to actually care about it). I am literally always thinking about this.
Short king,,, I don't care what anybody says he is NOT 5'6" that is way too tall for him. My guy is 5'5" absolute maximum. I usually place him at 5'3". Tiny guy. Made of pipecleaners. Built like Bilbo Baggins...
I've mentioned it before in a couple of places (i know [here] at least) but I did not like his fake-out death in BoO. Also I'm just mad about his dropped character arc(s) in general. My ideal substitute is that instead of dying and being revived, Festus just crashes in the woods nearby and Leo has overexerted his powers too much a la Nico's shadow stuff and is nearly dead but once they get him to the infirmary he recovers and can start working on recovering from his whole depression arc too. Also maybe he loses a leg in the crash so he can match his dad just for funsies, and so that there's some amount of consequence to his sacrifice to make up for him not dying (not like in canon there were any consequences to him dying and being revived anyways...). Also something something accidental Hiccup HTTYD joke. Leo with a prosthetic is always fun. More Hephaestus kids with prosthetics.
I am very amused by the concept of Leo never having any romantic attraction to Hazel at all, possibly even negative romantic attraction once he finds out she dated his great-grandpa (especially since in canon like 90% of his thoughts about Hazel are just kind of appreciative and genuinely thinking she's really cool, if a little confusing at first), and Hazel pretty quickly gets over her side of things once she gets used to the fact that this is Definitely Not Sammy, he just Looks Like Sammy (and does not actually act like Sammy, that's just a fake persona that is eerily similar by coincidence. Real Leo is actually quite reserved and not so much of a vocal goofball most of the time). So they're just besties after their mutual weird Sammy vision and understanding the deeper sides to each other and are each other's person they're most comfortable letting their guard down around cause they've formed that level of trust. Except Frank's over in the corner seething cause he thinks this is a love triangle but he's the only one who thinks that. Leo just thinks Frank hates him for the general reasons he thinks everybody hates him (which is just an assumption he's kind of used to and expects from people, so he does not question it at all). Hazel knows Frank thinks Leo is trying to steal her from him but she's having trouble trying to keep the two of them from nearly killing each other. It's a very homestuck auspistice dynamic.
Leo and Frank eventually work out their stuff and become very good friends to meeee... let them bond over their mutual fear of fire and dead mom trauma! they have so many parallels and I want the two of them and Hazel to be a funky cute little trio!
Dragonkin Leo! That boy is a dragon!!!! I usually say his stuff is kind of spiritual origin (he doesn't really know how to explain it other than his soul is just a dragon) versus like Jason being a wolf therian with a more psychological origin (being raised by an immortal wolf pack rubbed off on him) (rip Piper being the only non-alterhuman in their trio LMAO). I imagine whatever type of dragon he is probably is very similar to Festus, which is part of why Leo clicks with Festus so quickly - he just sees himself in Festus and it's very comforting to him. He definitely makes himself some fun 'kin gear, like a nice weighted tail and wings and claws to try and help his phantom shifts feel a lil less wonky. Also him having dragon talon weapons just sounds cool. He also totally makes gear for any other alterhuman demigods.
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youdlovemetodeath · 6 months
heyyyyyy Ozzy do you know any cool people I could follow...
I'm tryna get more mutuals. Just one more. But I'm running out of places to find them.
Please I really want to do a freaking hunger games like rose or raynie and I am literally so friggin close PLEASE GIVE ME COOL PEOPLE TO FOLLOW
i have like over a hundred mutuals-
fuck ok. there’s dew i-fucked-both-your-parents (husband) noah listen-i-love-men (never active but he’s my husband and i love him) finley ademonfromhell (my girlfriend) hauntedaether/originsradio + transdogday (qpps) goldenskies48 (my father /j)
tomscryingcorner icefireanimates phosphorus-noodles gumy-shark blvd-sys neohood if-loki-was-a-fox rhyme-draws-stuff cloverstellar possuminnit crimeboys cquackity aro-throughyourchest maybe0rdinary wiiwarechronicles wormsinsdirt transfemzedaph oil-bh bronzetomatoes ch3rry-drywall cupcraft epicaxolotls its-arson-time sunshinetrinket waddei polyamquackity phantoids apileofmoss ratedc transbeeduo girlboyzone boygirlctommy bouquetofalliums jamsiies 1wn8ure tjodity indigo-flightly-falls batterbees/batteryneutral
this is nowhere NEAR all of them there are so many cool people i’ve definitely missed (and i’m so sorry) but yeah. there’s a few
also i removed all the @s but the links stayed??? so if anyone here gets notified first off hi it’s sage second off i’m so fucking sorry
edit Ah it’s notifying people. hi everyone you’re really cool and if we’re mutuals and i forgot to put you on this list i’m so so so sorry. i forgor
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our-aroace-experience · 5 months
Foreword, TW mention of harassment and namecalling.
My experience is theres this guy in my block who kept flirting me even if he had a girl friend. The problem is
i wasnt aware that we were flirting until my friends pointed it out.
i enjoyed the time i spent with him but i honestly didn't see any of it as flirting. I thought he was trying to make friends so i was like, cool, okay. Besides, who am I to deny hugs and pets when I'm pretty much touch starved from the damned covid lockdown? If anything i feel thankful that he's being friendly to me. But then i guess what looks friendly to me isnt friendly to others.
Then, months later my friends were like... Saying this:
"the guy is a fuckboy"
"girl, everyone had weird stares at you when you were hugging"
"i think he likes you"
"are you nuts he's literally harassing you"
And all that kind of stuff. But the entire time we were 'flirting' i didn't feel romance or anything. If anything all the hugging and head patting felt platonic, and i definitely don't intend to snatch him off from his girl friend. I mean i don't even initiate any of the stuff he does. He literally walks up to me and gives me hugs from behind. But aside from all that touchy stuff, we don't even have a deep relationship. We just know each other, and we're in the same class. And i think we have a mutual understanding that neither of us wants to be in a romantic relationship with the other, and yet we both permit the hugging and stuff.
it's quite unfortunate that people branded us with nicknames like "fuckboy" and "slut" just because we have the capacity to be touchy. We didn't even do things together alone. It's legit just hugging and hand holding in broad daylight. Other than that there is literally nothing like AAHH WHY Is it so hard to explain,, like i never even told anyone about it in fear that I'll just further make myself look like a fugitive or something
On a lighter note—while he never told me that he's aro, I really get the feeling that he is, if he could do all that and have no feelings for me. And I'm a wee bit happy to see someone else other than myself who is willing to be sweet without getting all romancey and stuff :)
Anyway thank you for this blog... I don't feel alone around here because of these aspec safe blogs. Thank you... I hope that wasn't too vent-y.. Hehe
i hope that situation has worked out for you!
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midnightstargazer · 10 months
why I, as a Regulus stan, don't ship Jegulus
With the disclaimer upfront that I'm not saying nobody should. I know I have mutuals who do. Y'all are cool. We can ship and let ship. But I don't ship them, and here's why.
I don't care for how Regulus is usually characterized in the context of Jegulus. I prefer him redeemable, but morally gray; someone who was influenced by family and peer pressure but ultimately made his own bad choices and later changed his mind, not someone who was forced into every bad thing he ever did. I'm sure there are Jegulus fics out there where he is more morally gray. But from what I've seen, he's often a bit too sanitized for my taste.
I don't care for how James is usually characterized, either. Sunshine boy who wants to believe the best of everyone? I don't see it. In canon he's very loyal and caring towards his friends, but there's no evidence he would have a nuanced point of view towards someone like Regulus, particularly during their late teenage years when Regulus is actively espousing blood supremacist ideology and working for the Death Eaters.
(Which doesn't mean I think Regulus is unworthy of love. I just don't think it's likely James, specifically, would have liked him very much during the time period when they would have known each other in canon)
Because of this, I can only imagine Jegulus in a context very far removed from canon: either a Muggle AU, a no Voldemort AU, an AU where Regulus runs away with Sirius, etc. None of those are very interesting to me. It could also work if Regulus survives and ends up in the Order, which is a favorite trope of mine, but I'd just as soon see that with a different ship or no ship for Regulus and keep Jily together.
I ship Jily. Which isn't necessarily an obstacle, because I'm willing to multi-ship basically anybody except Tedromeda. I can totally get on board with the idea that one or both of them had another relationship before they got together, or that in a canon divergence story where one of them survives, they might eventually move on with someone else. But because I do ship Jily, I'm not really looking for someone else to ship with James.
Who Regulus ends up with romantically, if anybody, is the least interesting thing about him imo. I'll read fics where he's paired up romantically, and I've written a few of them - although I also have a long ongoing series where he's aro-ace. Having a romance arc for Regulus at all is 100% optional as far as I'm concerned.
The "best friend's brother" thing - I think it mischaracterizes Sirius's relationships with both of them to assume he would be overprotective of Regulus and suspicious of James if they were to get together. I love fics where the Black brothers reconcile, but still, I doubt they'd ever have such a stereotypically normal sibling relationship. And that's not even getting started on how it undermines Sirius's friendship with James.
Its sheer overwhelming popularity annoys me. No offense intended to anyone who likes it. Your personal preference is valid. It's the expectation for everyone to share that preference that I don't love. A lot of the time in the Marauders fandom the pairing is simply taken for granted as the default. So that does make me dig my heels in a bit.
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cursed-princess-club · 9 months
if you don't mind me asking, could you rank these "couples" from most to least likely to end up together in the final?
Maria and Blaine
Lorena and Lance
Gwen and Frederick
Nell and Jolie
Jamie and Leopold
Whitney and Prez
Saffron and Syrah (I'm helpless with names i'm pretty sure that's not how it's written)
7am for me on a weekend just woke up im still in bed and yeah sure why not lol
story-wise, i don't feel like any plaid/pastel ships will necessarily end up together. their mutual crushes are very canon and a plot point with gwen's self image slowly becoming dependent on how frederick sees her, and frederick learning how to care about himself and fight for what he believes in. gwen is kind of one of his first friends i'd say, they do like each other a lot, but my intuition tells me it'd be left ambiguous or with them taking time off deciding to be friends for now, and i would honestly love that. 1. Friendship is AWESOME and doesn't mean less than a romantic relationship!! so 2. just think it'd be cool... Frederick's whole arc is motivated by Gwen, and the message of him doing all this just for the fact he cares about her and NOT just to get with her, and him being just as happy that they're friends as much as he'd be happy if they kissed at the end of the fight or something. Epic
the farthest i could see their relationship going is some future flash forward where they're just casually together, or one of them approaches each other and is like "could we try this again?" otherwise i see gwen and frederick taking their relationship slow ever since the gala incident. Could also be completely wrong. 6/10 chance in my book
after the Gala Shebang, i think any infatuation maria felt for blaine has wiped away and i just can't see them ending up together together in the story, and having it make sense. Maybe like. 30 years in the future?? cause i could see maria dating around. Never text your ex when you're drunk type situation.
lorance: ...maybe.? I'll have to watch a little more and see what my brain tells me. so far im feeling they end up friends bc adore their friendship tbh. I'll have to see till after the siege, they very much so care about each other though!
jellie: Yes (just a hunch)
syron: ambiguous. a specific scenario suited towards their relationship . i feel it in my bones. epilogue where saff confesses and sy's just like haha. WAIT WHAT??? 7/10
leomie: Yes. their confession is in my top 3 for cpc. No words. Undescribed. I. I cannot express,
calwhit: feel like it'd stay unrequited on whitney's end but they'd be a great qpr! prez being romance avoidant and such 😎 (aro lore tbh)
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
Happy @tmaappreciationweek day 1! I drew something, but it’s kinda ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, so… fic recs! Jon-centric ones, because he’s my favourite major character to precisely no one’s surprise.
It’s in order of vaguely when they take place.
nature has taught her creatures to hate (words 183,928) by thepolysyndetonaddictsupportgroup
Jon goes to the Magnus Institute to give a statement about Mr. Spider when he’s 8 years old, but is kidnapped and made to become a child avatar. It… really hurts. So much. 100% recommend. Good luck.
Merry-Go-Round (words 20,744) by Prim_the_Amazing
Jon becomes a stranger avatar, in like this horrifying way, and it’s like, it’s almost appealing, like MAG 152, but also you’re like oh god. Ohhhh god. Dont. Dont do that. And yeah, it’s really good.
you appear familiar, dear— you look just like my bathroom mirror (words 3,340) by takethebreadsticksandRUN
One of those one shots that take a theme and then run with it through canon (and in this case, pre-canon). It’s about identity issues related to your body, about gender dysphoria and the Issues that come with having your bodily autonomy repeatedly violated and also religion. Catholicism, to be specific. It’s really good, and the religious imagery is neat, and it’s so good. It’s really gender, it gets the gender feelings.
Jon focused, introspection. I love Jon focused introspection.
all your scars are looking more like scales (words 2,827) by ceaselesswatchers
Another one of those one shots. This time the theme is Jon being a dragon (in an Otherkin way). It’s really good.
but you just don’t feel the same (words 2,825) by ceaselesswatchers
Yet another one of those one shots. This one focuses on soulmates, how they’re actually body horror if you think about it, and how that would interact with being aro. Jon’s aromantic in this fic.
Also, I won’t spoil it, but it’s got a moment near the end that I love so much, and it’s just… this fic really tackles a lot of things in TMA and a lot of things with soulmate AUs and makes me Very Horrified.
terror management theory (words 36,587) by prismatical
It’s half crack half oh my god. oh my fucking god. Where Jon was killed by Mr. Spider as a kid and now he keeps coming back to life. Prismatical writes really good… moments that stick in your brain.
There is a Wasp’s Nest in my Archives (words 7,525) by ineverwritebutwhatever
One of the first fics I bookmarked, like even before finishing season 2? Had no idea what the corruption was, but then, but then, I revisited it, and it’s… phenomenal? It really does a good job of tackling both the metaphorical and literal aspects of the corruption.
of broken tables and stained kitchen sinks (words 2,114) by ocaptain_mycaptain
Everyone’s favourite… Jongeorgie angst! Platonic. It’s set in season 3, Jon’s all like “I’ll keep all of my problems right here, and then one day, I’ll die” and Georgie’s like “hey, jon, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me anything. Please tell me something” and meanwhile they’re having issues that are symbolised through Georgie’s home and furniture being in need of repairs.
Not (words 1,767) by DaFlangstLairde
A really cool fic beginning in season 3 (but it’s one of Those one shots), focusing on what it means to be a person and even real. Can confirm, feels a lot like depersonalisation, lol. Anyway, it’s so cool, also it’s something I can use to say Stranger!Jon rights.
So, for realistic depictions of depersonalisation, Jon themed musings on humanity, and Stranger!Jon propaganda… this is the fic for you!
The Bird of Paradise (comic, 47 chapters) by lady_libertine
This was required reading for a different fic. It’s about Jon meeting Odin, Dionysus, and Lucifer during the Unknowing, and getting slightly magical therapy that helps him fix his problems. It’s actually pretty good. Very long, though. And not described (unless it is through alt text).
Cry For Me (words 4,827) by BusinessCasualAura
(who is apparently my mutual, i keep forgetting this)
Okay, so this series is like, so sad. It’s so bloody sad. It starts between s3 and s4 (getting off to a Sad Start), continues through s4 and s5, ends in like, the worst way (for the characters). It’s so bloody good, and the Upton House portion is like… top 2 Upton House fics.
can’t be helped (words 5,308) and rituals (words 8,492) by doomcountry
The first fic is set in season 4, but canon diverges, and both Martin and Jon fall fully to their patrons (i.e. Jon becomes a lot more evil and inhuman, Martin fulfils more of the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder).
The second fic is set after the first fic, with Martin (less lonely) trying to see if there’s any Jon left in the Archivist. First fic focuses pretty equally on Jon and Martin, but in separate storylines, second fic is from the Archivist’s POV, but focuses on Jmart.
stopgap prophecy (words 16,686) by prismatical
It’s about humanity and monsterhood and “is it right to die bc living will hurt people” and change, and I love it. It’s so good. And Jon’s narration is wonderful, and the climax is just, it’s amazing to read, it plays out in my head all the time. Set in season 4, post-MAG 146.
the best policy (words 20,094) by BlueGirl22
Jon reads a truth telling Leitner during season 4, and then people have heart to hearts with him. It goes. It certainly goes.
For he will not do destruction, if he is well fed (words 15,127) by greevianguy
Jon projects on a cat for 15,127 words. No but, like, set in season 4, Jon sees a cat at the institute, and then he sees it again with Daisy, and he wonders if he can help, and he thinks about the cat Daisy had and how it was let go by someone who was supposed to help it and yes jon go on, no, im not taking notes.
It’s just, argjhhh it’s so painful. Might be my favourite tma fic. Go read it. Right now.
Out of My Head (words 15,641) by buildoblivionthenwewilltalk
This is a really good post-MAG 154 fic, and it’s got this cool original character, and it’s got this absolute BANGER of an ending that never gets elaborated on, it’s fine i’m fine and yeah. Favourite post-MAG 154, easily.
in the chillest land and on the strangest sea (words 19,632) by imperfectcircle and raven (singlecrow)
I’m pretty sure this is one of those fandom classics. Based on the amount of comments, it’s pretty well known, but I enjoyed it, so… it’s about Hope as an entity. It’s in the format of Daisy telling Jon a story while the latter is staying at the Scottish Safehouse. The story is from season 1 onward but the framing device is post-MAG 159 pre-MAG 160. It’s got great moments that live in my mind rent free.
john 19:41 (words 1,142) by tkkarno
Set immediately after MAG 160, Jon reflects on his humanity, the loss of it, and the relation of that to Jane Prentiss, and also biblical themes. The title is the bible quote: “Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid.”
Pretty much exclusively focuses on Jon. Stream of consciousness ramble, yknow.
In this harsh world (words 1,132) by CirrusGrey
This is my favourite of the 40 fics Citrus wrote while s5 was coming out. It’s a conversation after Upton House. It’s titled after a line from Hamlet. Frankly I don’t think I need to say any more.
where there’s a will, we make a way (words 305,816) by bubonickitten
Time travel fix it fic, time travel fix it fic! To be completely honest, I don’t really like time travel fix it fics, but this one is an exception. s5!Jon basically replaces season 4 Jon, and still has issues, and they focus on multiple characters, and there’s so much getting angry at Jonah Magnus — if I’m being honest, sometimes I just read this fic and go through the content warnings to see which chapters probably mention Jonah Magnus and read those, because the handling of Jonah Magnus is like, thank you. I love it.
Focuses on multiple characters, but Jon’s the main character. Also, diverges before MAG 187, and it was being written pre-finale. It’s still ongoing.
rewind. play. eject. (words 39,543) by boredshyandbi
Jon’s stuck in a timeloop of MAG 39, and it’s heartbreaking to see him every time try to fix things, try to save Sasha and Martin and Tim, and there are Lines. There are Lines. That stick out in my brain. Do you think I’m ever going to be okay about paperclips again? No! I’m not. It’s another exception to the time travel fix-it rule, but only because it’s got... a different plot. And it’s just that good.
Countdown to Extinction (words 131,464) by starspangledbread
Another exception! Tbf though, it’s another different one.
First fic isn’t quite monster4monster4monster jongerrymart, but it’s got the Vibes. Jon commits petty crimes and also major crimes like Multiple Kidnappings, uh and then the second fic is just. Wow okay that’s a tonal difference. Dealing with repercussions…
ANYWAY I wholeheartedly recommend both :D
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tinukis · 8 months
i may seem to lean in more towards romanticism of zolu but imma be real here
theyre a whole secret third thing to me like— idk how to explain it it other than their love and bond transcends what romance and platonic. yes i will draw them smooching and have hearts flying all around them but it is not exactly romantic/platonic... (i mean honestly i dont mind how ppl interpret zolu whether its my art or in general)
bc i saw this one comic that just... perfectly described zolu and the strawhats to me? it was about law catching zolu and then discussing with the other strawhats about it and they explained that luffy does in fact love everyone equally and the same. for luffy, romantic nor platonic is Not a thing to him. (this is how i view luffy's aroaceness !! love isnt a category for him. love isnt something he could just pick and choose or whatever. love is just... loving someone. love is for the people very dear to him.) and in the comic, the strawhats say that zoro's the one and only guy who could keep up with luffy's energy and antics. so they dont mind the things they do together in privacy or in front of them. they know how much luffy loves them ALL EQUALLY and they all love him back
on topic of zolu and aroace... i've been around spaces and talked to a few zolu shippers (qpr shipping count) and noticed how many of us are at least on the aro/ace spectrum. there's just Something about zolu's special relationship that attracts us, and if you ship them and are aro/ace, im certain you'd agree. (even if you arent, we can mutually agree that they are a third thing, right?) like, theres something so... aroace about their relationship. they can be seen as romantic and they can be seen as platonic, but what can be absolutely certain is that their relationship is definitely queer. bc it's not something you can easily describe or that their relationship is The Norm. theyre insane for each other. luffy's the sun. zoro's the moon. luffy's a good. zoro's the king of hell. they complete each other. they absolutely need each other.
my memory is horrible and i cant say the words properly but basically: zolu's love and relationships transcends romance and platonically. yes you can see it as either, but as an aroace, i Feel it is way beyond that.
and again, will repeat it a million times over (mind you, it's not canon. it's a widely accepted HEADCANON. if you think luffy's sexuality is something else, thats cool): i believe that luffy's aroaceness is way beyond "not interested in attraction/xyz/whatever" like yeah, he doesn't think about it because it doesnt matter much to him. he doesnt apply whats romantic or platonic to HIS relationships. he can recognize romantic, sexual, platonic things. it's just not his thing to really think hard about (he doesnt think much in the first place (affectionage)) he feels love for the people he cares about and if they feel loved by him, however he approaches the love (and if they accept that kind of form) thats all that matters to him. he doesnt label/categorize love because it makes no sense to Him to prioritize someone over the other just bc he loves that someone a different way. he loves everyone equally and treats them as equals.
and when it comes to Any luffy ships, calling his significant other "partner" is what fits best. theyre not just best friends, theyre partners.
this is a mess of a rant but this is just how i feel abt zolu, luffy, his ship pairs, and his aroace hc :]
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"it's been a long time coming, but it's you and me and that's my whole world"
Miss Americana And The Heartbreak Prince
- Taylor Swift
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I'm ASTRA, though that isn't my real name i prefer to use it for my online profiles, you can call me by any name you'd like tbh
My pronouns are he/him, I'm gayy and also demi/aro (I'm not sure tho), minor (16)
Welcome to this disaster of a blog you've stumbled upon <3
I'm Indian, i love to paint a lot, i like to cook sometimes, i love love LOVE the rain, my MBTI is INFP-T, I'm a capricorn, my favourite colour is green 💚
I listen to a lot of Taylor Swift music and besides that some other music I listen to is; Conan Gray, Hozier, Sabrina Carpenter, Troye Sivan, Niall Horan, stray kids
I'm an introvert and i hate social interaction, and i panic over stuff all the time <3
Proud member of the Sad Single Gays Club™ <3
My current pfp is choso from jjk :)
Some things I love with passion:
Heartstopper + anything Osemanverse
Taylor Swift (swifties>>>)
stuffed toys (i have like 25+ and my mom probably hates me at this point)
and literally anything adorable and gay
I love spicy food, donuts and red velvet cake, but my favourite food will have to be momos (dumplings)
Some shows/movies i love:
heartstopper (ofc), young royals, lost in space, she ra and the princesses of power, bridgerton (+queen charlotte), tales of arcadia, the good place, the dragon prince, ultraman rising, jjk, pokemon, fairy tail
I've also watched a lot of anime, kdramas, and other shows but I I'm too lazy to mention more, so that's about it 😭
I also write poetry and i post them all on medium, you can find them here:
Tagging guide:
Random thoughts from my mind:
#ramblings of a wet cat
#my gay dilemmas
#astra being a pathological people pleaser
Cats: #kitty cats
Cool stuff: #omggg #save
Relatable things: #same
Osemanverse tags:
#nick and charlie my babies ilyy.
#tori spring roll
#sprolden shenanigans
Grishaverse: #six of crocs
(here's special appreciation for @nicknelsonblog ILYYY BESTIE:)
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chonnysinferno · 6 months
tumblr deleted my ask :( anyway first n most importantly, could you listen to bopgil https://youtu.be/rORI1sZM-9I?si=wwaYyY82DnO9VLHk
anyway can i send you odd asks more often
anyway anyway i thought that was a completely one sided thing like. yeah. sometimes i just rotate people in my mind for a bit n then stop . pokes you with stick
juke’s towers of hell is a tower styled obby game. while you may be cascading down the social spiral, perhaps you will be able to ascend one of these trauma inducing towers
my head hurts so much but i got fries i think it’s because of malnutrition i don’t eat enough
fuckin like. i made a vaguepost about you. just two star crossed tumblr users. i guess that’s probably weird whatever
at first i saw cjshippers on your dni and i was like ok. goodbye then. and then it’s just like that one time you horribly interpreted my post about aro mind which i definitely said in a way liable to misinterpretation when i maintagged it aka i should’ve known better and then someone i admired at time took your misinterpretation n that was so fear and then i avoided you and now you are just like. oh it’s that person again. in my notes. on occasion. youre a cryptid tawa mi… i spin my pencil sometimes. badly. so sometimes when i am thinking now i get the urge to spin my pencil and i am thinking abt it right now. spinning fry gets fry seasoning in my hands so. i wrote loveless aro heart but it’s in a fic i definitely didn’t intend platinically. it’s this thing right. shipping is so weird because i’m aromantic and when it comes down to it, the difference between romance ala romance just seems like wording. a label. cause friends can do everything that partners can and there’s no depth difference so like wh huh? i call it a shipfic but it could be considered as just thing different than how i usually write thing like. i make them kiss. whatever. i focus on how close an intimate they feel. but i could also do that when romance li lon ala. so. allos are so weird to me. still figuring out what i think of the word love but still. allos……. ? ? ? anyway writing relationships where it not being love ISN’T A FLAW is so so enrichment i should do it more
pokes you with a stick pokes you with a stick pokes you with a stick hiiiii hi hi hi hiii
it’s like the mutual i would usually send writing asks has established it likes ‘weird violence’ and complicated dynamics n such so i can send stuff w/o fear i know it a little bit however i don’t know. what is up. with you. i literally saved something i sent to it so i could just put that here however that feels like cheating and or betrayal. you turn the corner to your kitchen and i’m standing there. consuming ice very loudly and aggressively. recklessly even. ‘so do you think about the transient nature of any positive hms relationship’, i ask. what do you do (also i have plugged my own ice maker in btw)
also i’ve already convinced three (3) mutuals to watch centricide so if you do i will feel even more powerful like ohhhh wawa mi li kama suli…. surprisingly they didn’t eviscerate me very cool
it’s like showing up to the function like oh so you rbed that post you like those types of relationships. writes something down. ok so can i write about [paragraph redacted cause i realized maybe there’s a reason you shouldn’t put gore and cannibalism in someone’s inbox without permission. so can i put gore n cannibalism in your inbox :3]
NEW CENTRICIDE THEORY: radcen is called the ringleader of the centrists cause he
i forgot the joke fuck
i am so sorry im like. drawing funny objects (when im not supposed to0 be but SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH shhshshshshhb) and watching centricide rn sodfsdfkjkljddmklslmk im like. really scatterbrained im sorry HGAHAHGHAS yea im already watching it btw feel more poiwerful in return you should watch hfjone if you havent tho. like a trade of interests i get into yours you get into mine >:-)c sorry for like. misinteruptting that one post that one time. hides away i n shame i think that was like. the time i actually knew you existed. for a negative reason ^_^''''''''''' i try not to think about it cause i dont think ur still mad at me for that. hopefully this is goign to be like not arranged in the order of the ask (aka im not reading this in the way this is written. things are being answered in a way that makes no sense) PLEASE SEND ME ASKS even if they are odd. actually the odder the better im going to be honest with you i do not get much interaction askwise so. it brings me joy it wasnt a one sided thing LMFAO i guess i can see why ud see that. no its weird idk whats going on anymore. hi tho!!! is continously poked with a stick. youch. twitches like a bug uhjhmmhmhmhmh ill try jtoh i rememebr you ranting about it sometime but i dont rmemeber any of it i am so sorry also dont vaguepost about me. coward /JOKE that is funny thjo HAHAHAH also eat more. or i will find you. dont malnourish yourslef /silly idk about the shipping thing. i dont get shipping either im going to be honest with you romance is like. just not understandable to me??????????? i cant comprehend why this happens. what is romance continues to be poked more. stares at you i dotn know whats up with me either maybe someone else knows. i dont know much about myself so ^_^ being called a cryptid is probably the best way to describe me i feel. yeag put anything you want aslong as its not. nsfw or smth. ill smite you also can i have some ice pls ice is great wdym by relationship do you mean like. platonic??? romantic????? what do you mena byt his i think ive answered everything i keep having 2 scroll up LOL also edit (once again i know) i did enjoy the video link u sent thank u
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taliesin-the-bored · 9 months
The back of my Siege Perilous
Tumblr media
Going from left to right and down, the symbols stand for Galahad, Percival, Ragnell, Blanchefleur, the Grail Heroine, the Lady of the Lake who gives Arthur Excalibur, Guinier, Gawain, Dinadan, Ector de Maris, Morgan le Fay, Caradoc Briefbras, Griflet, Isolde, Vivian, Taliesin, Tristan, Brunnisend, the Nine Witches, Laudine, the Three Queens or Morgause, Kay, Dagonet, Merlin, Palamedes, Sebile, Guinevere, Igraine, Melora, Yvain, Mordred, and Arthur.
If you’re confused about some or all of them, here’s my rationale/what the symbols are: 
Galahad and Percival have slightly different Grails. I think Ragnell is found sitting under a tree, and another story has Gawain in a relationship with the queen of Avalon, isle of the apples. Blanchefleur means “white flower”. The square with the spiral in it is the Grail Heroine’s box of hair. The sword under the wave is fairly obvious. That is the drinking horn from Guinier’s chastity test. Gawain’s is a SGatGK reference. Dinadan’s is an aro ring. Ector de Maris, Griflet, Kay, and Palamedes all have symbols or patterns from their attributed arms. Morgan le Fay takes Arthur to Avalon on a boat. Caradoc has to be saved from a serpent which is wound around his arm. The torch is a Wagner reference. Nimue traps Merlin, whose symbol is the bird who shares his name, so she is represented by a birdcage. Taliesin got his wisdom from a cauldron, and there’s a cauldron in the Preideu Annwfn. Tristan plays a harp. The formation of the relationship between Brunnisend and her eventual husband is defined by their dire yet mutually exclusive needs for a good night’s sleep. The Nine Witches’ symbol seemed cool and has a threefold element. Laudine has a magic fountain. The evolution of the nature and deeds of Anna/Morcades/Morgause/etc. seemed to sort of go with the Maiden, Matron, Crone archetype and I really couldn’t think of anything else. Dagonet eventually became a jester. Yblis, who has a magic mantle, is Sybil scrambled, and there is a strong modern association between magic and capes. Guinevere is sometimes given authority over the knights of the vergescu. My justification for Igraine’s is particularly weak and would take too long to explain. Melora wields the Lance of Longinus. Yvain befriends a lion. Mordred has a broken table because he helped break the Round Table. Arthur is King.
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ethossleepy · 2 months
ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐
Personal Stuff:
I’m Ethan/Gill/Etho if you wanna put a proper name to my face! Otherwise, you can just call me Polar/Polaris! None of these names are preferred over the others. Call me any of these, or just use my url :3
My pronouns are He/Him! Please do not refer to me using they/them or she/her tyvm <3
I am a minor! Interact accordingly and please don’t be weird-
I’m autistic, trans & aro/ace !!!
ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐
Blog Stuff:
My main three tags are #polaris reblogs (for anything I’ve reblogged), #polaris doodles (for anything I’ve drawn myself) and #polaris mumbles (for any post that’s only text or consists of high levels of yapping from yours truly)
I reblog/post stuff relating to my interests! Most often it’s Hermitcraft/Life Series, JRWI, TGWDLM/NPMD/Black Friday (or general StarKid stuff!), TMA & a few other things I may have forgotten about…
I post my own art here! As stated before, all of my own drawings are tagged with #polaris doodles (all of my art posts before my tagging system was put in place are tagged with #polaris scribbles along with my regular art tag) All the older reblogged posts are not tagged with my reblog tag, however I don’t intend to go back and tag them because that would take forever…
This blog used to be dedicated to bat facts! While I have virtually stopped sharing bat facts, I will share something new on occasion! If you ever want to look at my bat facts, they’re all tagged with #polaris batposts !!
ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐
Asks & DMs:
I do not mind any asks or DMs from anyone (that’s why they’re set to public), again, just don’t be weird
Sometimes I reblog ask games! This means anyone who sees the post is allowed to participate and send me an ask :D
I will also draw requests if I’m up for it (no nsfw though.. get outta here!), so if you want me to draw something just ask and we’ll see >;3
ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐
Mutual Stuff:
Anyone who’s mutuals with me is allowed to ping me, dm me, etc! I love interacting with you guys <33
I have a tag for when I reblog a friend’s post (usually it’s art) and it’s #reblogging friends !! Go check them out :3
ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐
Other socials:
All of my socials are linked in my carrd, along with more information about me! Thx for taking the time to read this.. and possibly check back for updates? :3
You’re all super cool and I hope you have an awesome day!!
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundup: prompts
Alice reluctantly enters a political marriage with May Riddell Archelot when funds begin to run low and Riddell tries to prevent getting married off to an unwanted suitor. She and Riddell have to keep up the facade of a romantic relationship to keep up their mutual goals despite their mutual dislike and find those feelings slowly becoming more real.
Kara no Kyoukai
With the knowledge that Mikiya is the Ryougi family accountant now, please some boss/employee role play between Shiki/Mikiya
Melty Blood
Considering (as far as I'm aware) we never see it in canon, a fic about Sion and Satsuki meeting and forming the Back Alley Alliance would be cool
Alternate Ending for Fragments: Elza adopts Ayaka, Misaya and Aro, all are a family of choice, Manaka can stay in hell.
Fate/Stay Night
Artoria has an insane head game. Lancelot knows. He kinda wishes he didn’t, but he does.
Sexual assault tw, “Considering they’re the result of my being raped by fraud by own sister and we then fucking killed each other, I’m think I’m being remarkably civil.”
Smut, okay. what if like due to a long time being incarnate and maintaining a less active lifestyle, rider medusa has definitely gained some weight in particular, her already voluptuous body has gained some truly lewd proportions in her fat ass and thick thighs. and sakura is very, VERY appreciative of this. rider is somewhat embarrassed but certainly enjoying the attention from sakura. sakura/rider, lots of ass worship and lascivious description of rider's big, round, plump behind
I would love to read about genderbent Kariya Matou. I think her motives would be the same, but her interactions with the rest of the cast would be different. Her anger about the treatment of Sakura and resentment towards Zouken/Tokiomi would come from a place of how how Magi treat women in their family. It would also be nice to see Berserker Lancelot break from his madness to treat her nicely. (Worms may or may not be included).
Prisma Illya
Gorgon install shirou during heaven's feel. well it's gonna be impossible for dark sakura to do any kind of damage to him while he's currently over 20 stories tall. and to make things worse for rin , shirou's been getting some intrusive thoughts from gorgon herself ; and said intrusive thoughts can be summed up as "just eat those red idiots for mana" and "why not just crush that brat & run off with artoria?"
Gawain is living it up as a swingin’ bachelor…until Dame Ragnell gets summoned. Then he hard switches to “happily married man” and somehow get’s laid MORE. This confuses the hell out of everyone who 1. Doesn’t know them personally, or 2. Never read the story of how they got together, since Ragnell appears ugly as sin (and is at best curt) to anyone she doesn’t completely trust. Loophole; she’s never heard of Barghest, but being “Gawain” she counts and can see past the illusion. Reaction up to u.
Smut, Astolfo being the world’s biggest switch and loving every minute of it. One minute they’re being pegged in a ball gag, the next they’re reaming out an ass write their foot on someone’s head.
so Chloe's whole... thing... is "justified" in-universe as she needs magic to stay stable, so she gets it by doing... that. Ergo, I want to see something where she's summoned in Chaldea and thus hooked up to a stable magic supply, so she doesn't have to do that anymore and gets to actually Process and maybe just Be A Kid instead.
Smut, You know, Mash is horny on main for her queen, nothing special about it. So when they're on the beach and Morgan asks her a little help to put sunscreen on her shoulders, Mash tries. She really really really tries not to think anything dirty but she can't help since she's touching so casually MORGAN'S BARE SKIN AND IT'S SO SOFT AND SMOOTH AND – “Thank you, my knight.” “Oh god please I need you in my pants right now.”
Sitonai is in the Body of Illya as we know, her profile indicating a good relationship with Shirou that is most likely from either the Fate or Heavens Feel route. Archer is a Shirou from a timeline similar to the route where he and Saber bond never developed to the point as the true Fate route, and among all shirous in chaldea he has the best relationship with Illya, given they lived together. All that is to say: Fate Grand Order: Illya Route, i need it pleass
Ishtar doing her best to find a way to cure or suppress Barghest’s curse…for selfish, horny reasons. Barghest is actually right in the overlap point of Ishtar and Rin’s strike zones: adorkable, eager to please, built like a brick supermodel, hung like a bear. It’s just that neither of them are into guro.
Summer Yu Mei Ren and Cu form a deep, entirely platonic bond over shared interests (read: killing things with cursed spears/camping), and Ritsuka has to reassure her that no, having a male friend is not the same thing as cheating on her husband.
Smut, Oberon and Jalter fuck. Everyone calls it the whitest boning anyone's ever seen
Smut, Melusine gets lovingly railed beach side by a group of girls, some have dicks, some don't, all that matters is that Melusine is getting the loving she deserves
Smut, I want to see Medb getting lovingly impregnated by the reader.
Gudako: *sees summer Lancelot's FA* Gudako: *turns to Mash* Gudako: "I'm sorry Mash but I have to fuck your dad"
morgan castoria or oberon get stuck watching a live action 10000000 page slow burn mutual pining fic set in novum chaldea and possibly have to restrain themselves from just going up and telling the two idiots whoever they are that their feelings are fucking mutual moron i can see it with my faerie eyes please just get together so i can live my life without reading your mind as you wax rhapsodic about this bitch's smile and sulk because you think they dont like you
Smut, Gawain/Barghest smut with Gawain fighting for his life to not get eaten for as long as he can while motorboating Baggie’s giant boobs
loli tw, One more inspired by cleaning up old Interludes: in David’s, he confirms he’s “a lure for giants.” Let’s see how this legendary horndog handles being simultaneously pursued by Gorgon, Kingprotea and Bunyan. (He would pick Kingprotea, like a sane person, if he had any choice. Gorgon is involved. He does not have any choice.)
Smut, Guda finally gets used to the fairy eyes Morgan Castoria and Oberon have, proceeds to start using it to telepathically dirty talk
i feel like everyone missed that cnoc/knocknarea and castoria had their fateful first meeting when castoria was 11 years old, i want something about this... i feel its very funny that cnoc basically decided her rival/girlcrush/best friend would be this weird little girl
Smut, unsanitary, Castoria discovering 1) what human periods are and 2) that she has a huge fucking kink for drinking period blood.
Smut, I think that somebody should fuck Goredolf. I don't care who and I don't care how, but it should be done lovingly. The man deserves it, goddammit!
Smut, Gilgamesh fucks Koshyanka up the ass. She then manifests a strap-on that’s also a gun and returns the favor. Somehow, Gil is still topping the second time.
Castoria and Caster Gilgamesh hook up impulsively and click together shockingly well, so they actually start a serious relationship. They keep it secret from everyone primarily because CasGil knows his Archer self would use it as an excuse to harass Saber again, and that would likely domino into disaster. Castoria is sick to the teeth of lying though, and Gil doesn’t like it either; they’re both REALLY good at it, but it still sucks. How will they cope? Will it all end in tears?
Smut, Yakudou trio fucking around engaging in Looney tunes hijinks leading into actual fucking
Shuten reviews various types of alcohol from all over the world.
Nursery Rhyme and Oberon have a discussion about the nature of stories and whether they truly are for the reader or not They don't have to agree, but just… something about the two living stories interacting feels… right. bonus points if, while they cant stand each other they still seem to value each other because of their natures as Living stories.
It's clear that the stress of everyday life is getting to Ritsuka (sleep deprivation, stressed all the time, depressed half the time as well). So some of their closest servants (who is up to the author) barge into Goredolf's room and demand "GIVE MASTER A BREAK!!".
After summoning the Fae of the Round and being asked to give an oral summary of the events of LB6, Guda simply responds with "Fuck Aurora". Without thinking, Melusine shouts "I TRIED DAMN IT" before realizing what she said. What happens next is up to the author but something comedic would be very appreciated.
Paracelsus' potion has an accidental side effect - effect is totally up to the author!
Kadoc, Mash, and Yu Meiren hang out, as the three (debatably) surviving members of Team A currently working for Novum Chaldea.
Gudao constantly lies to everyone around Chaldea, lies about how willing he is to work with evil servants, lies about liking the more annoying servants, etc. all to make sure that Chaldea is kept running. When they finally summon Castoria, they take it as an excuse to tell the truth about how they feel because they know there’s no point in lying to her.
Gudako has weird dreams, thats just how it goes. But lately her dreams have become much weirder, she can't remember much of it, but in them she seems to be talking to someone and recounting some sort of story, she can make out some characteristics, such as orange hair and light skin, but sometimes it seems like they have white hair and dark skin, but no matter what she can never remember their face, or their voice or even what they say, it feels like that person didn't exist and the dream itself is an illusion. So one day she asks da vinci to use one of her inventions to look inside her mind and see whats happening
Smut, Completely heterosexual smut involving Mordred and Hyde. ... I never said it was CIS smut, though - Mordred is a trans man and Hyde is a trans woman.
Concept: Morgan and Aesc(Tonelico?) Kick start Mash's new Saberface Harem. Platonic or smutty doesn't matter.
Guda actually became a beast of humanity awhile ago but it's only come up just now
King Hassan receives head Interpret it however you want
it is revealed via faerie eyes that the seemingly all loving endlessly patient master of chaldea CAN hate but its almost entirely focused towards columbus
Gudako, typically the giver of headpats, now gets to be received headpats for the first time.
the newest summer singularity is going to the beach that makes you old
fran 🤝Baobhan Sith having a younger version of your parent get summoned ,and holy fuck are they dorky.
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fujillamaparadise · 3 months
- ask me things you want to know about me - How are you doing today? <|^_^|>
- what’s on your mind/what you’re thinking about - Fedoras. I really want to wear mine right now. (I took a break and got my fedora, from now on I'm typing with a fedora on.) And my OC, Lucy (and he also has a fedora... With dark purple roses).
- make me choose between two things - Never be able to reblog on [tumblr] again or never be able to have mutuals on [tumblr] again?
- tell me a secret - I found out I was AroAce because of Jaiden Animations, I was like 7 or 8, and when she said "I pretended to have a crush because everyone else had a crush." I felt that in my soul and I knew from then I was AroAce. (Not really a secret but something fun I haven't really told anyone about.)
- things you associate me with - Mangoes (because of the mango-colored bird). Random stranger on the internet who likes my blog a lot.
- anything!!!! - Recycling your question. Do you have any favorite aesthetics, time periods, fashions, architecture, etc.? (Vague, you don't have to answer each one.)
Today was somewhat fine I suppose, got to spend the day in a peaceful environment
hehe well you mention 'oc' now I've got one of my own ocs on my mind, I call her 'Liekki' for some reason even though I haven't had enough drive to draw/write for her lately; also fedoras are cool, glad you like them
compliments for you- love your blog, you're very kind to others, and the fact you sent me an ask is pretty neat
easy, never be able to have mutuals; I have a severe reblogging habit and will always find a way to support and have fun with anyone I care about even if it means not being mutuals, plus some of my 'mutuals' would always interact with each other's blogs but never mine so just being a 'mutual' doesn't necessarily turn you into someone who cares
secret- ok not much of a secret but more like a lesser known fact, one of my most vivid memories as a toddler was bonking my little brother on the head with a maraca then proceeding to try to keep him quiet so I wouldn't get in trouble (no, this memory is not at all significant to my life, why I remember it is beyond me); ooh also I actually didn't even know I was aro/ace until around 17 or 18, thought I was just 'late' to the whole allo thing or something
that's actually pretty funny because I avoid mangoes, convinced they're gross for some reason, but that's a pretty cool takeaway and I like that, plus random stranger who likes random blogs on the internet couldn't be more accurate lol
hmmm this would be a lot, will try to not ramble too much, my aesthetics usually depend on my mood, I like dark gothic things with lots of paranormal or witchy elements I suppose, I was obsessed with the Salem Witch Trials at a young age as well as its time period, I like time periods ranging from the 1600s to the 1940s the most I believe, this includes architecture from those periods or earlier, and in terms of fashion, (I don't have much fashion sense but) I love dresses in general and clothing from my favorite time periods, including but not limited to Edwardian Era clothing
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pr0cyon-lotor · 1 year
Sometimes I'm nervous to talk about someone of my ocs because they're sometimes like canon x oc because "what if my cool mutuals and followers judge me :("
Then I remember... This is Tumblr people that see my art and crazed ramblings will probably end up liking it
I'm tempted to show my Sasaki to Miyano/Hirano to Kagiura OC. He's a fun little guy that thanks to my friend being the living embodiment of my impulsive thoughts is shipped with Hanzawa... (Love you @soapycelery but stop encouraging my half thought out ideas. We need use our braincells :[)
They're an ace4ace thing because I personally headcanon Hanzawa as aro/ace spec and my OC is demisexual :)
It's so unserious just a fun thing I have. Maybe I'll post art about him :D
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chimerickat · 2 years
Hey, do you have/do any platonic writing for Reader and Kaiba? I’m aro ace so I’m not into romance. (And frankly, Kaiba seems aggressively aro ace to me, but I understand that there are tons of girls with crushes who desperately want that to not be true, so obviously there’s a much larger market for romantic stuff.) But SOMEHOW, over the last year, I’ve developed such a squish (platonic crush) on this disaster of a man.
I just want to be friends. I want to help him make virtual reality games, and slowly grow to be friends because we have shared interests, mutually feel protective of Mokuba, and are both needlessly theatrical. Kaiba would show me the cool stuff he’s working on, and I would be suitably impressed and give good feedback like a sensible person, but also, when Kaiba tells me things like he wants to launch Duel Monsters cards into space so if there are aliens they’ll learn how to play his favorite game, I’m like, “That is ridiculous, but I love ridiculous things because I too am ridiculous. Also, that is a dope idea and you should do it immediately.”
I don’t want to fix him, I just want to largely ignore his past and have adventures and become someone he trusts. And we’ll have a great time helping each other out and problem solving for twenty years or so—at which point the Ener-D Reactor will blow up and ruin everything. I don’t know what you headcanon as happening to Kaiba at that point. Personally, I imagine he ends up being the public scapegoat for all the destruction, is bared from using his technological know-how to help the newly formed Satellite, and is found guilty in a kangaroo court. I can’t bring myself to accept that he would probably be executed, so I say he’s sentenced to live in Satellite for the rest of his days, separated from Mokuba and having lost most of his worldly possessions. (Maybe he owns a house in the area that became Satellite, and he gets to keep it and his cards?) And uh, realistically, that event will be my own downfall as well, because everyone knows I’m his friend, and heck, my name is probably in the documentation for the first Ener-D Reactor somewhere. But let’s be real, I knew from the beginning it was dangerous to befriend Seto Kaiba, and I did it anyway. 🤷‍♀️
Hi! *Waves* Thanks for reaching out! :) I can see an aro-ace reading of Kaiba. (Overall I try to be supportive of headcanons for Kaiba but an aro-ace reading is one that I can vibe with.)
First, I’m going to recommend a fic by someone else because I think it’s more what you’re looking for and I am reading and enjoying.
Acquaintances by JoeyTaylor is a reader insert focused on Kaiba and Mokuba that doesn’t have any romance at all.
Now as to me personally…
How to Trick a Sick CEO is a very short one shot that can be read as the reader being an overly meddlesome best friend. The idea was romantic partner but there’s nothing in the actual text that states that.
Maybe Someday has a reader who is Not Interested in Kaiba romantically. However Kaiba is interested in her so you might not vibe with that.
Here’s a link to all of my Kaiba centric work without any romance at all. It’s not Reader insert stuff though:
I also have some recs by other people if Kaiba centric is stuff you enjoy.
If you like my writing, I’m definitely open to writing a reader insert for Kaiba where the relationship is best friends. :)
ALSO, if you’re open to fics where the romance is Not the plot but rather a background that you can ignore, I would like to try to sell you on A Handful Of Bullet Shells. We are 50k into the story and you have to squint real hard for any romance. It’s more about the relationship developing between Kaiba and the reader ( who is working on one of his games). Right now they’ve gotten to a point where they’re friendly (and I don’t mean wink wink friendly). Eventually there will be romance but it’s not going to be the focus. (Disclaimer: I try to sell this fic because I think it’s my best work when it comes to Kaiba’s characterization but I also feel the lack of romance due to that makes it less popular.)
Also, Virtual Remains is a thriller and based on my current plans you can skip the last chapter because that’s the only place any hint of romance will show its face. (I’m not even there yet. I just don’t see any romance featuring in this until like the very very end and even skipped the romance tag because of it.)
Posting this publicly because my followers may have other platonic Kaiba recs?
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