#(old news)
2kcore · 2 years
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he's just like me fr
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vintagenews · 10 months
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starrynightsxo · 3 months
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THEY'RE HERE (finally)
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dickloeb · 8 months
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petty beyond pettiness
Chicago Tribune. June 2, 1924.
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halukturgutmenguc · 6 months
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©all rights reserved / htm.studios/2023/457
Old news....!
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demonger · 21 hours
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the amazing 80s... when even dressing was magical... long live rock/metal
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anntickwittee · 3 months
Found this old Reddit post from 10 years ago.
Is this Eragon or Star Wars?
"Orphan farmboy raised by his uncle discovers a secret item that the evil empire is searching for. Orphan finds an old hermit mentor who teaches him about an old order of knights who protected the world, and gives him a colored sword that was the weapon of those knights. Old man teaches him how to use magical ability on their way to join the rebellion fighting against the evil empire. Old man dies on the way. Orphan meets Princess, who's one of the leaders of the rebellion." |x|
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frog707 · 9 months
(from June 2023)
Note: In runtime formulas, computer scientists don't ignore the constant term because it "doesn't have a big effect". They ignore it because they're trying to establish an upper bound for problems of every size. (This is a common misconception about the big-O notation used in computer science.)
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swedebeast · 1 year
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imkeepinit · 1 year
February 13, 2018 As NPR notes, rightwing fiscal responsibility types have made it nearly impossible to restore lost revenue after taxes get cut: Thanks to a ballot initiative passed in the 1990s, any revenue increase has to be passed by a three-quarters super-SUPER-majority in the Legislature. Impressive -- tax hikes in Oklahoma require a bigger majority than the US Constitution demands to remove a president by impeachment.
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ruvi-muffin · 10 days
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seagreenstardust · 1 year
It matters so much to me that Katsuki mellowed out significantly after Deku tried to save him from the slime villain. And honestly, useless Izuku wasn’t useless at all in that moment, because he clawed the slime away from Katsuki’s nose and mouth so he could breathe. “Useless” Izuku kept Katsuki alive long enough for All Might to step in and take out the villain.
While Katsuki still believed Deku was Quirkless, he was able to chill on the abuse and vitriol. He didn’t see Deku as a threat or an equal, so he could acknowledge that he had successfully acted to save his life and he was able to tone down his own insecurities enough to leave Deku alone.
It’s not until he realizes that there’s more to the story than what he’s always known that he really starts to lose it. Because a Quirkless Deku is maybe okay in a useless kind of way. A Deku with a massively overpowered quirk who chose not to retaliate to Katsuki’s bullying is a huge slap to the face.
I know there is more to Katsuki’s extreme reaction to finding out Izuku Midoriya has a quirk, but I think at least part of it on some subconscious level has to be tied to how villainous he looks in comparison.
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daydadahlias · 5 months
The way I just saw a recent YouTube video, posted roughly a week ago, hashing out the 5sos drama from several years ago, including The Rolling Stones article.
some people got too much time on they hands
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etakeh · 3 months
Shitposting, circa 1922
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Galena Weekly Republican
Fri, Jan 06, 1922 ·Page 2
It seems to be a paraphrase? misquote? of this
"Lost, yesterday between sunrise and sun­ set, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward offered, for they arc gone forever."
But there is also a play called "Lost, Strayed or Stolen".
In any case, it's quite a mood.
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dickloeb · 3 days
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100 years ago today Leopold and Loeb confessed to the murder of Bobby Franks. The Chicago Tribune’s newspaper that came out June 1, 1924 (revealing the confessions, photos, and other interesting information) supplied some quotes and supposed reactions from family and friends. This was, in my opinion, the beginning of the extraordinary coverage and media frenzy for what would later become known as the “Crime/trial of the century.”
“Utter disbelief in the confessions has been expressed by the families of both boys. Nathan Leopold, aged millionaire, and invalid for several years stood on the front porch of his home yesterday and cried and said his boy could not have done the things he is declared to have confessed. The father said again and again, “Impossible, ridiculous, Nathan - my boy - my boy- I can’t believe it - I won’t believe it.” And he tried to smile, through his tears, at reporters who gathered around him.” Nathan Leopold Sr.
“He (Loeb) couldn’t have done it. We know he’s innocent.” …. A confession which the family still refuse to believe. Mr Loeb, confined to his bed, his wife weeping alone, and two brothers hurrying from their homes. “He is innocent,” they say, “and confessed merely to get sleep. It can be refudiated when he comes to trial.” The Loeb family.
““It’s a damned lie.” Said Richard Rubel hysterically. “I’m Dick Loeb’s best friend and he couldn’t have done it. For a ransom-” He looked about at the magnificent home of his millionaire friend, at the garage stocked with limousine, sedan, coupe, traveling car; at the tennis court where they so often played. “Why those boys could have had all the money in the world! Why should they do that?” Richard Rubel.
“Young Leopold has said he is an atheist,” commented Jacob Franks. Now, perhaps, he will realize that there is a God - that God alone could have caused him to drop those glasses and lead the way to my boy’s murderer.” ….. “These youths are victims of themselves,” he said quietly. “A mind cannot be sane which holds thoughts of murder, and if they are unbalanced the place for them is an asylum. But the law must take its own course.” Jacob Franks.
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chucksbest · 3 months
My first brush with fame...
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