#(or it could be pre-death but idk if i wanna do that for a few reasons)
autistic-katara · 2 months
u ever think of a ship u like one-sidedly and wonder why tf u didn’t project onto them when suffering from a bad one sided crush
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azrakaban · 7 days
Masked pt 1 - Draco Malfoy
This is a 5 part mini fic, hope you enjoy <3
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Summary: Draco attends a masked ball... but leaves with more than he anticipated.
A/N; If you can't tell, this is based off of the classic Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet! Idk when and how this came to my brain but I hope you guys enjoy it. Also: NO PANSY SLANDER IS TOLERATED IN MY COMMENTS. PANSY IS BAE AND I LOVE HER SO KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT PLEASE <3
Key info: This is set in Draco's sixth year, so when Voldemort was actively back. Also in this one shot, Theodore and Draco hate each other, whereas in other one shots they're friends
The plot of Deathly Hallows happens after the golden trio's year leaves Hogwarts, so basically the equivalent of their 'eighth' year. The seventh year is just Voldy doing his thing.
Mini Playlist for you guys:
-Love Story (Taylor's version) - Taylor Swift
- Wanna be yours - Arctic Monkeys
- Line without a hook - Ricky Montgomery
- My Blood - Ellie Goulding
- Set fire to the rain - Adele
- Don't blame me - Taylor Swift
- Hits Different - Taylor Swift
- I'm yours - Isabel LaRosa
- Love me or leave me - Little mix
- Only love can hurt like this - Paloma Faith
- Shameless - Camilla Cabello
- Daddy issues - The Neighbourhood
- Total eclipse of the heart - Bonnie Tyler
- Wildest Dreams (Taylor's version) - Taylor Swift
Third person POV:
The Malfoys and the Notts hated each other. It was a rivalry that ran deep and long since both families could remember. It was rumoured that the dispute had started with Cantankerus Nott's publishing of 'The Pure Blood Directory' in the 1630's, which featured a small jab at the Malfoy family. The Malfoys, indignant, retaliated, leading to a fourty year dispute.
Needless to say, the only reason the families were ever civil to each other was for the sake of the dark lord. Although even this was strained, and the families tended to go out of their way to avoid each other.
So you can imagine the reaction when the Malfoys turned up to The Dark Lord's ball at The Nott Estate.
It was a dark November Saturday night and the few Death Eaters that that had re-emerged when The Dark Lord rose once again were gathered at a masked ball, hosted by Nikovos and Helyre Nott, accompanied by their son and daughter, Theodore and y/n, twins.
your pov:
As you entered the hall, you pulled the mask down over your eyes, standing to survey the guests before your parents made a beeline for the dark lord and Theodore headed for his friend from Hogwarts. Having been home schooled for your safety, you had never experienced Hogwarts. Your understanding of people your age came from forced 'playdates' with other Pure-Bloods.
It had taught you to be nice to the right people, but you yearned for a true friend. One your parents hadn't pre-approved, a genuine friend.
Unfortunately, you didn't see an end to the monotonous life your parents forced upon you from a young age. You were stuck attending the balls, feigning interest in every new idea presented the Death Eater Meetings you rarely attended. You were usually the only teen there. In reality, you didn't remember a single meeting, having either fallen asleep, zoned out or excused yourself.
Pulling out of the memory with a shudder, you walked through the people filling the hall, heading straight for the drinks table. You grabbed a drink quickly. Non-alcoholic of course. You couldn't stand the substance, having an extreme intolerance to it.
You sank down onto a seat with a view of the drinks and leaned back against the wall, sipping your drink. You zoned out entirely and didn't notice the atmosphere tighten when three masked figures walked in. They spread out and vanished from view, dispersing through the crowd. The atmosphere relaxed and the crowds babble resumed, conversations resuming and turning back to their companions.
It was as you came back to reality that you noticed the blonde haired boy standing by the drinks table throwing back a glass of some liquid. As you watched, he sighed and refilled his glass, downing half his glass in one gulp. You couldn't see the rest of his face, just his mouth, set into a hard line. The mask covered the rest of it.
"You know, if you keep staring, I'll start to be self-conscious." He said, looking over to you and quirking his mouth up a little. "Not staring, just wondering if I've seen you before." You said.
He smirked. "You haven't, I can tell you that Princess." He said, coming over to sit beside you. "Or do you prefer Miss Nott?"
You flipped him off, not giving him the satisfaction of a serious response. "Actually, I prefer Princess." You said, matching the smirk on his face. "And shouldn't I know your name if you know mine?" You said, actually turning to look at him.
"I'd really rather you didn't. " He replied, watching the people dance. You looked to them and your eyes softened, watching the couples dance. He looked to you. "Beautiful." You turned and smiled at him. "Yeah, they are."
"I wasn't talking about the dancing."
You blushed, thankful for the mask covering your cheeks. He stood, setting his glass on a nearby table and outstretching a hand to you.
"May I have this dance?" You calmed your sudden blush and took it.
"You may."
He gently tugged you to your feet and brought you into the circle of dancing couples. His hands rested on your hips and your arms went around his neck, gently swaying to the music. You moved through the motions of the dance, him spinning you at the right times, you moving your feet in time with the beat.
The dance ended and you found your faces close to each others, mere inches apart. You could see the pale blue colour of his eyes, the dark lashes surrounding them and his lips... oh god, his lips. He swallowed and his eyes flickered to your lips for a second. Your faces moved closer, the distance between you growing shorter...
"Y/N!" Yours and mystery guy's eyes snapped up to the source of the yell. Your father came running towards you, his expression thunderous. Your mother came running after him. "Nikovos, calm down, I'm sure its a misunderstanding!" she said. Mystery guy looked back to you and locked eyes with you.
"Tonight, midnight, west balcony." He said. You were instantly confused. "Wha-?"
"Y/N!" Your father yelled again, finally reaching you and pulling the two of you apart. "What in the Salazar do you think you're doing dancing with the Malfoy boy?" he spat, eyeing mystery guy with a glare.
The Malfoy boy. Oh hell.
You looked back to mystery guy. "You're Draco Malfoy?" You said, although you already knew the answer.
"Yes princess. This seems to be new information to you though... perhaps your parents are keeping you too isolated from the real world?" He drawled, smirking at your parents. Your father seemed to be seeing red. (Little inappropriate, given it was a Slytherin ball, but okay Mr Nott - that was an author comment, not part of the story lol x)
"Move yourself far away from her before I make you. And I won't hesitate to snap each of your fingers while doing so." Said Theodore, appearing at your side. You turned, seeing an expression of stone set into your brother's face.
"Ah, but you see Nott, I'd rather keep my fingers for doing other things." Said Draco, rolling his tongue in his cheek. He winked at you from under the mask and you nearly died.
"YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" Your father whisper yelled, a few onlookers starting to watch.
"Were you talking to me or your son, Nr Nott?" Said Draco, smirking once again.
You met Draco's eyes and they had had a glint to them that matched the mocking smile aimed at your father. He was enjoying this, you could tell, and it was nearly frustrating. Nearly. It was more fun watching Nikovos get mad. Your mother's feeble attempts to get him to calm down had done nothing, so she resorted to a different tactic.
"NIKOVOS! You will calm down this instant! We are in the presence of the dark lord, and this sort of behavior is unacceptable. Theodore, go find your friends again, and do not grace me with your presence unless you have something useful to contribute. Nikovos, Yaxley is looking for you, go speak with him. Y/N, go dance with Mattheo, you need the distraction. And you boy..." She finished, turning to Draco. "... You stay away from my family." She said, glaring at him from behind her feathered mask.
"Oh don't worry Madam, I'll stay far away from your husband and son. Be sure of that." Said Draco, turning to walk away.
"I assume your father will be hearing about this?" Said Helyre, almost taunting him. Draco lifted his head a little and halted, but didn't turn.
"No, I don't think he will. I think I'll keep this our little secret." He said, before resuming his walk and being lost from sight. If you were honest, you weren't sure if that was directed at your mother or you.
End of Part 1! If you enjoyed please leave a like, reblog or comment <3
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meteor752 · 1 year
Meteor looking through the Starkid songs and pairing them up with mcyt as much as they can wow this title sucks
I’m bad at shit
Anyways, a few weeks ago I realized while listening to the Black Friday soundtrack that “Wow, this is a goldmine for MCYT animatics”, but like I can’t really draw so I’m stuck doing this
If ur fave Starkid song didn’t make it then it’s cause it didn’t fit well enough
Also if you have anything I missed then please inform me, lol
We will be going in order just to simplify things
Different as can be (AVPM) Desert Duo in third life, Scar as Quirrel and Grian as Voldy
Different as can be (reprise) (AVPM) - Desert duo in Double life, same casting
Granger Danger (AVPM) - Empires s2 fWhip as Ron, Joel as Draco, Jimmy as Hermione
To dance again (AVPM) - Xornoth’s release in Empires s1, with Xorny as Voldy and Joey as Quirrel (Scott as Harry)
Not over yet (AVPS) - The eggpire after the banquet, Bad as Lucious
Stutter (AVPS) - Scar, Ren, Martyn, and Pearl in Double life. Roles are interchangeable 
Kick it up a notch (Starship) - Dream convincing Eret to betray L’Manburg, with Punz, George, and Sapnap as the mosquitos
Kick it up a notch (Reprise) (Starship) - Eret actually betraying L’Manburg
Rogues are we (HMB) Some of the villains of Dream SMP, with Wilbur as Riddler, Quackity as Penguin, Techno as Scarecrow, Philza as Catwoman, Niki as Poison Ivy, and Jack as Mr Freeze
The American Way (HMB) - The HC s9 king arc, with Soup Group as Superman, Grian as Batman, and Ren as Sweet Tooth
Sidekick (AVPSY) Tubbo after Ranboo’s death, though could take place like at any point
Everything ends (AVPSY) This one is just, Tommy surrounded by everyone of the SMP. Could be changed to Dream. I’m not Sure yet.
Dream a little harder (Twisted) King Ren, the rest of HC as the backing score. Impulse as Robert’s role tho, and Gem as the main lady
If I believed (Twisted) A Xornoth song honestly. Idk, maybe like pre-corruption.
When the world’s at stake (TTO) I can’t even explain how many people this could fit. Any character that has like, some familial role to anyone, boom the song fits. Personally I’d say my top picks are either Dadschlatt, or Older brother Grian with Jimmy
Wagon on fire (TTO) Double life, Scar burning the ranch down. Jimmy and Tango as the family members (The horse is the daughter)
The Night belongs to Snarl (Firebringer) Third life, Joel as the main singer though Ren sing in the chorus. Snarl is replaced by Scar, right after he became the first red
Cup of Roasted Coffee (TGWDLM) Joey and Sausage, post-corruption, fWhip is Emma
Cup of Poisoned Coffee (TGWDLM) -´´-
Join us (And die) (TGWDLM) Hannah and Antfrost (Or possibly Punz), after being corrupted by the egg
Let it out (TGWDLM) Empires s1 au where everyone is corrupted except Joel. Joel takes the place of Paul
What do you say (BF) Empires s2 Jizzie right at the start, recollecting their time in s1. The rest of the server are the background characters
Our doors are open (BF) Joel at the toy barn, featuring Hermes
Feast or Famine (BF) The emperors fighting for the crown (I have a rewritten version of this, click read more if you wanna check it out)
Take me back (BF) Either Desert Duo or Treebark in Double Life, singing about third life. Scar/Ren is Tom, Grian/Martyn is Becky
Adore me (BF) Joey, empires s1. ‘nuff said
Made in America (BF) The eggpire finale, Velvet (as the egg) singing to Bad
If I fail you (BF) Very self indulgent, but Mumbo singing about Grumbot
Wiggle (BF) Joey during the release of Xornoth
What if Tomorrow comes (BF) The end of the dsmp as the nukes are about to strike down, Aimsey as the main singer
This took me an hour. Anyways
Jimmy:It's mine, it's mine
It's certainly mine, it belongs to my land!
Joey: It's mine, it's mine
It's certainly mine, it belongs in my hand!
Joel & Lizzie: It's mine, it's mine (it's mine, it's mine)
It's certainly mine, it's my path to glory
Katherine & Pearl: It's mine, it's mine (it's mine, it's mine)
It's certainly mine
All: It’s my turn to change history
You never should settle for the title that you are born into
There's always some line to be cut, and someone to marry too
And if you should find that you're about to get the short of the stick
Take what you want, kill what you don’t get
Gem & fWhip & Sausage: Let go, let go (let go, let go)
Just let go!
Do you have a death wish?
Scott & Shubble: Just die, just die (you die, you die)
It's time to die
You made it on my list
Joey: I got it!
Pearl: I got it!
Lizzie: You got it!
Pixl: They got it!
Jimmy: What a relief
Joey: it's mine
All: My people will love me
Joel: Now take it
Shubble: Wear it
Pixl: Love it
Gem: Steal it
All: Grab it!
It's metal so shiny
You never should settle for the title that you are born into
Sausage: are born into
There's always some line to be cut, and someone to marry to
Sausage: someone to marry to
And if you should find that you're about to get the short of the stick
Sausage: short of the stick
Take what you want, kill what you don’t get
It’s all I need and all I came for
A feeling I just can’t explain
A new law that you all should live for
That crown will make my empire long remain
I wont hesitate to just kill you
To get what rightfully is mine
My rule will be so legendary
Amongst you I will be so fucking Devine
fWhip: You never should settle
Scott: You never should settle
Shubble: You never should settle
Pearl:For the title
Pixl: For the title
Lizzie: For the title
That you are
Born into
Sausage: take what you want!
Rags or riches!
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thunderpounce-inc · 11 months
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Rough draft ref for Cloudy & Orange, my two dumb TFA OCs who still need actual names
Cloudy is actually the transformer in my icon, making the ridiculous facial expression!
There IS a story to go with these guys, though idk if I will ever write it or anything. Said story mostly explores a pre-war spot on the timeline, actually, so there isn't much interaction with cannon characters.
It goes about like this:
Cybertron has a semi-functionist caste system, and Cloudy is a 'war-frame' transformer literally manufactured BY the military, like a soldier ant. Cloudy is an experimental model from a line of attempts at biomimicry, to make soldiers that were even more effective, ferocious, and resourceful than normal
Cloudy is kind of like if the MILITARY commissioned a much more real, much more genetically engineered (which, I would like to note, I headcannon that basically all TFA transformers are genetically engineered; they come in different 'models' and 'upgrades'; and that just sounds a lot like 'we are genetically engineering ourselves and are at the brink of outright cladization' to me) 'cat' 'catboy' than one normally thinks of. Less 'cute NYAH!', more 'scary TIGERboy who could bite your arm off'
also, uh WARNING! (robot) cannibalism is touched on below a bit
Cloudy serves in the Cybertronian military (he was BORN there,,,), during which he is stranded on a ship after a battle goes pretty Bad. Cloudy is the sole survivor of this, and pulled through by drinking fuel from the corpses of enemies (MAYBE fallen allies too, dunno how dark I wanna go). I DO know that even just doing that to DEAD non-transformer enemies would be a big deal, since transformers normally live entirely on inanimate fuels like energon, oil, ect- so I imagine even drinking BLOOD would be indistinguishable from cannibalism to them. Cloudy is literally intentionally programmed to like the taste of blood and this stuff distresses even him (arguably even more so BECAUSE of that)
Eventually the war Cloudy was forged for (most likely conflict with the Quintessons) is won, and he gets to go planet-side while on stand-by. Cloudy tries to do that Civilan Life, but its kind of tough when everybody is smaller than AND and kinda scared of you. He makes friends with this more open-minded motorbike (Orange) while he's there.
(they meet when a disaster of some kind causes a building to collapse, and Cloudy lunges at the nearest way-too-tiny-to-survive-this bot (Orange) to shield them. They get split up after that since Cloudy gets knocked unconscious, and first responders drag everyone off the scene for medical attention. But when Orange next bumps into Cloudy, he's determined to actually talk to him and find out what this 'scary war-frame's' deal is. Which is good, because Cloudy is way too shy to initiate conversation like that, haha)
Cloudy's secret eventually gets out when investigations of the stranding reveal that all corpses had been exsanguinated and gnawed on, all rations exhausted, and Cloudy came back weirdly healthy for a guy who should have starved to death. He's then sentenced to 'you die fighting in the gladiator pits, OR you die right now!' Cloudy gets immediately shipped out to the pits on the spot, and then Orange follows him there because he is a stubborn, loyal little mother fucker.
From there the story is less defined, BUT I know both of them become Decepticons when THAT war breaks out, seeing as both have become quite sympathetic to 'yo the current situation on Cybertron is FUCKED!'
I would also like to note, by 'reptile handler trust-bond', I mean some kind of wacky queer platonic(?) relationship defined primarily by it's foundation of carefully earned trust. I'm not very good in the social department, gonna be honest, but I like animals a lot, so that was the best analogy I had. Cloudy and Orange's relationship isn't romantic, I wouldn't say? It's based primarily in how Orange is one of the very few people Cloudy, who is very distrustful, is willing to trust closely.
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bregee13 · 2 years
The 5 Hour Spamton Playlist
It's been many months, and it's finally complete enough to share (though I might add more later). And yup, you read that right, it's just over 5 hours long.
I even decided to order it for some reason. So if you're able to listen to the whole thing in order, that's appreciated! Though it's not required of course.
But either way, I hope this playlist drives you up the wall as much as it did to me.
Anyway I'm gonna put a bunch of commentary under the read more. (This thing has been sitting around in my library for almost a year, since a week or two after the chapter 2 release!!!, I have every right to be annoying about it)
(I was originally going to comment on every other thing on the playlist, but then I got overwhelmed lol. Still keeping some of what I wrote. Might elaborate more on some things later idk. )
(Hope y'all like it!)
I tried to keep the Spamton songs in the same order as the soundtrack. In fact, the whole playlist is roughly organized based on those songs! I guess you could say each section has its own themes.
Imagine. You start the playlist eager to hear what bs was added to it. You listen to HEY EVERY !, and then it ends. Everything's quiet. And then "BWAH BWAH WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT-"
I've seen people add Mamma Mia and Dancing Queen to Spamton playlists, which is neat, but ngl Ring Ring and I'm a Marionette fit way better. And they're both really good.
I like to think I Get Around and Outside represent the very beginning of the bigshot era
But Telephone by Red Vox feels like it'd be from a lot later than that. Like someone looking back at the past with regret. And seeing a loss of independence and control.
Y'know, with the perspective constantly changing between different points in Spamtons story, it sorta reminds me of Death of a Salesman. Except not as good.
Anyway Spamton brings us back to the present. Even if it's just for a moment.
GAS GAS GAS I'M GONNA STEP ON THE GAS (surprised how few playlists used these tbh)
Ok ok I know Business Man has nothing to do with Spamton aside from the title, but it's goofy and gives levels of suspicion that felt relevant >:)
I Really, Really, Really Like This Image comes off as a convo between Spamton and Gaster for some reason, and I really really really like that image in my head. Also Jevil is there at the end (ps the image is an image of an egg 😊)
I'm not sure if I can properly explain It's Still Rock and Roll To Me. Pre-bigshot era? Early bigshot era? Idk. It just feels like Spamton to me. Actually Billy Joel music in general seems to fit imo. Can't explain why. Just does.
Haha All Star hehehe!!! Oh DAng it's a cool place and they say it gets colder??? Snowgrave reference??????
I hope when you hear Doin it Right, you know what I WANTED to put there...
At first Baby Hotline felt like me inserting it for the heck of it, but the more I listen to it in the context of Spamton, it fits more. Being put on hold (literally as well as metaphorically), the implications of suicide/suicidal thoughts. There's also kind of an implication of someone rooting for Spamton to improve. (Which would probably be the player, but who knows)
Ngl Promised You A Miracle is a song I stole from my Mirror Man playlist. And it's not the only one. They both share themes of religion/heaven, changing your appearance to be perfect, becoming god/superior to others, and being seen and respected.
Easy Money is a late addition. I couldn't not add it. It's good.
Temporary Secretary
(But seriously, can we agree that Temporary Secretary is definitely a Spamton song? It feels scummy, unsafe, DESPERATE, and dare I say unhinged. )
Cars by Gary Numan. That's all I have to say. It's cars. Spam man likes cars!
When adding Hanging On The Telephone, I had to choose between the Blondie version and the one by The Nerves. I chose the Blondie version. It was gayer.
OuiOui's First Crime was added because Peepy's Theme didn't fully capture how much people wanna baby this middle aged puppet. Also It's OuiOuis First Crime specifically to still show that as much as people love this guy, he isn't as innocent/nice as we sometimes want to make him out to be. He's scamming and killing people! Good for him!!!
Don't You Want Me is another song stolen from the Mirror Man playlist. I like to think in perspective of Spamton, this song has multiple layers. It's about Spamton actually being seen as someone important for once, him asking for reassurance that people want him, and threatening them if they don't. It's about Spamton getting more successful because of Gaster/Mike and wanting independence from them, causing his downfall. It's about teaming up with Kris to become BIG at the expense of Kris and potentially everyone in cybercity. It's about Spamton wanting the player to like and pity him. There's probably more connections that could be made than that even!
I'm too overwhelmed to comment too much more atm, but please know that at a certain point of making this and listening to it over and over trying get the order right, I momentarily mentally turned into Chris McLean from Total Drama. I will not elaborate lmao
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i-love-you-all · 2 years
HI im very VERY starved for tremorbolt content but since ur The tremorbolt person do u have any songs that remind u of them? I'm making a playlist to feed my hunger and i wanna get a buncha sova x breach vibe of songs on it OKAY THATS ALL
- fishy
Ooh song association :)) Yeah, I like to use music to give me inspiration for stories/events and I like using them to get me in a certain mood sometimes. Idk how many of them give off the tremorbolt vibe tho lol. I listed like 20 songs and how/why I used them (bc not all of them fit perfectly). It's p long tho so under the keep reading.
Eyes Blue Like the Atlantic by Sista Prod, Subvrbs - Because I imagine that Breach has nice eyes when he's not pissed or anything. Blue stands out well w his red hair too, so I like to use this as the backdrop when I want fluff from Sova's POV about Breach.
ocean eyes by Billie Eilish - Same deal as above but for angsty/conflict heavy scenes.
R U Mine? by Arctic Monkeys - Used for inspo for Tangled in Red, esp Breach's inner conflict. "And satisfaction feels like a distant memory" and "Are you mine tomorrow or just mine tonight" were great starting points for Breach's doubts.
Weak by AJR - Again for Tangled in Red, I used this song as inspiration for the theme of being unable to say no because you're just too weak to do so and the temptation is just too great. So in the beginning of the story obv, this comes into play many times lol.
Boy Like Me by New Medicine - The singer is singing abt a girl, but just switch a few things around and I could see this being from Breach's POV pre any relationship with Sova since it's all about this girl being uninterested in the singer, yet she's the only one the singer wants.
Death of a Bachelor by P!ATD - I think in every story so far, I've had Breach and Sova in a contentious relationship that turns into a sexual relationship before they start to actually like each other as people. So I think the lyrics and the message fit well from either side of just falling for someone and not really wanting to? At least that's how I see it.
3AM by Mads Langer - Just holding onto someone and wanting them so much that nothing else matters as long as you're w the other person. This theme works for a lot of ships but given the... possibly explicit nature of the lyrics, I associate it w breach/sova the most.
Sight of the Sun by fun. - Another song about transitioning into love. It's cute and a good backdrop for when I wanna write some fluff. "For once, there is nothing up my sleeve. Just some scars from a life that used to trouble me. I used to run at first sight of the sun, but now I lay here waiting for you to wake up."
Dixie Boy by April Smith and the Great Picture Show - It's a song about jealousy and possessiveness? Basically warding off other potential suitors of the love interest. I used this for inspo for a bit of writing that hasn't been published yet... So... semi spoilers? I won't give away for what story. Maybe one day it'll be clear.
Young God by Halsey - I know the song is probably deeper than what I took it ask, but it played into how I imagined their fwb era would be because they aren't really friends, just two people using the other. The line, "And if you wanna go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight" particularly makes me think darker reasons behind otherwise consensual actions and it reminds me when I write that these two don't start off liking each other.
Bad Word by Panicland - Probably the closest song to just making me think of Breach/Sova. Just a bit of pain for every bit of passion. Bc i love pain in stories and fanfic :))
Body Talks by The Struts - Back to just liking each other physically stuff. it's about reading body language and feeling like the other person is interested even if they're trying not to show it. I like to imagine Breach teasing a stone-faced Sova until he finally gives in and admits that he's wanted Breach too.
Guillotine by Jon Bellion - it's about loving someone despite all their issues. I used this for an old original story I may restart one day, but I've been reusing the main characters so if you've read all my stuff the names and ppl are familiar. But yeah this song I like to see as a promise between Breach and Sova to have each other's backs.
Just My Type by The Vamps - "Cause I need this more than just a one night stance... times like this call for true romance." Basically driving each other crazy but still liking them. So, with how Breach and Sova differ in how they play/plan/work, they don't get along well. However, they still find things about each other that make it impossible to leave no matter how bad it can get. Yes, this is kinda inspo for a story so again, no spoilers?
Kiss With A Fist by Florence +The Machine - How I see the two of them pre any relationship or just at the start of one. Not much more other than it's fun to write to when thinking about arguments between them.
Never Saw It Coming by The Federal Empire - Just being fine on your own until something just flips the switch and you fall in love. Neither of them saw it coming, but Breach and Sova are start to get closer to each other despite the supposed conflict.
Clear My Head by Daði Freyr - Post fight music for the two of them. It was useful for when I was writing for Tangled in Red. The more recent ch and stuff.
Let Go by Jay Joseph - "I don't really wanna break your heart. How do people ever get this far? Just know that I might stray." Another song I write breakup/angst to for Tangled in Red so I think of tremorbolt now when I listen to it.
Symptoms by The Bad Haircuts - Another "maybe this is bad for me" kinda relationship song, but I like the doubts in the song.
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wordstro · 2 years
yo i’ve really been thinking about hongjoong these past few days 😞 my toxic trait is that i always sympathize with the Unhinged Villain™️ characters bc most of the time, they’ve been done wrong so much in life that they snap and go ballistic
like ik we all joke and akekeke but hj is mostly the way he is now bc he mentally and emotionally couldn’t handle the death of his sister and the betrayal of the people closest to him. like one of the previous asks said, he just wanted to avenge her unfair death caused by someone he trusted’s cowardice and for what. like the fact that he still gets furious when he remembers is bc he still cares for and loves her so much and that’s redemption material if you ask me, but i don’t think charyeoung agrees considering she didn’t save him from falling the way y/n’s mom did dkskskkw mOVING ON—
also thank you for going more in depth about the remnants concept !! i love when authors have those details and explanations set aside from the explicit plot bc it shows how much thought you put in your work !! i had a feeling there’d be more “sanctuaries” with possessed leaders (and i get that this is all just a lil fictional story conjured by your beautiful brain for funsies) but one question:
if the ‘99 could find out about the aliens + them being able to functionally possess someone by amateur snooping … and y/n could figure out how to break the alien’s “hold” by taking a shot in the dark out of pure adrenaline with the bare minimum of first year pre-med knowledge …
is the gov/military even trying to do anything to restore the world ?? like all the military resources and top notch scientists/researchers with advanced technology in their fail-safe protected facilities and you’re telling me this is all still going on without a “cure” being broadcasted to the remaining public—
@ itpfol’s world government, i just wanna have a friendly chat rq 🤨
unless they’re pretending not to see it and saving their own skin which i wouldn’t put past them tbh djkdkd
okay SAME I LOVE UNHINGED VILLAINS. i’ve been a sasuke and itachi appreciator for too long to hate unhinged villains lmfao.
regarding joong: it’s one thing, i think, to survive the apocalypse alone but it’s another to go through an apocalypse with your little sister AND the love of your life. like you have more responsibility than ever to find the only ppl you have left even a modicum of safety and stability in a world that is anything but. and then you find two more people, one who you’d consider your best friend, and the other two brothers. sure, the path to safety and stability is Not Good, especially with the sacrifices you’ve started to make, and you know it, but your sister??? mingi??? you need to keep them safe! but then you wake up one day to the place you call home blowing up because of two people you considered your brothers, and when you find your sister, her throat is slit and the love of your life is holding the bloody knife. like idk man that would be villain origin story SO fast. and the worst part is, in his last moments, he learned that the best friend he thought was on his side was the one who did it. that his vendetta against mingi was never real, and that his anger towards jongho was unwarranted. in his last moments, he didn’t even get to avenge his sister. i’d LOSE IT. also chaeyoung said no redemption arc for you 😭😭😭😭
tbh the gov/military is as useless as they are irl. and i’d like to think they tried, but the govt wouldn’t have prioritized regularly ppl until the alien invasion was too late. somewhere out there there are higher ranked govt officials in a high security bunker, but eventually the aliens will find a way to infiltrate it, and the military is too scattered and divided to really do anything against it other than kill anyone they think is possessed (which i do not think is a good way to stop the aliens and get rid of them lol)
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bisluthq · 2 years
I hate Harry for… believing that he wasn’t a virgin when he was 16? Huh? I’m very much no an anti. I love this man to death and I’m going to multiple shows in the next few weeks. It’s just bizarre to me that a blog that I frequent (for different reasons than Harry, I love Taylor too), talks so confidently about one of my favorite artists while also saying so much rubbish (with love, but you say a lot of rubbish and pass it as fact 😭)
I have nothing against you or your anons. You guys are genuinely funny and entertaining I love your takes and discussions and I love reading back when I have some time off, but you’re often way off about Harry, which is normal because you don’t have the level of knowledge you do with, for instance, Taylor or even Karlie. But you guys, you can ask! Pls the assumptions sometimes cjencnannfnsg
I don’t think Harry was a stud at 15 😆 (or even now fksnfnang). I just think he was popular, good at sports, and had sex because he and his friends/family said so. I’m actually against the whole notion of Harry as a womanizer, I think he’s very tame considering he could be fucking everything that moves. I think most of the stuff pedalled by the media is rubbish. I don’t think he ever cheated on anyone, that he can’t keep it in his pants, or that he’s defined by sex.
I don’t wanna be shady but it feels low key slut shamey that you’re talking about 15/16 year olds having sex as if it was an insult. I lost my virginity at 14 and I’m a fully functional adult with a healthy sex life who’s only slutty for her boyfriend of 2 years.
Perhaps culture is slightly different? Harry is from a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. I identify (I’m from the east of England but similarly my town was also very small). Alcohol and sex become more normalized at a younger age because… there’s nothing else to do rip. It doesn’t become promiscuous (some do but those are outliers) or like, unhealthy. Typically everyone dates everyone because the dating pool is so small, and then longish relationships end up in sex perhaps more often than they do in bigger towns (my comparison point is my friends so it’s not a scientific study). By the time you go to Uni you fall into step with everyone else more or less, but you tend to have more (fumbly) experience than others.
It’s why statements like “they looked like kids and probably weren’t fucking” are so bizarre to me. We all looked like kids and most of us were fucking at that age 😭 He grew up in the early 2000s in England not in the 1950s.
I’ll more readily believe Taylor didn’t have that experience growing up since both Pennsylvania and Tennessee, at least from a pop culture standpoint, seem a bit more “uptight” in that sense.
With that said, Caroline Flack was a perv, and whatever Harry’s experience was when he met Taylor didn’t make the relationship any less… weird, to say the least. I’m not arguing that whatsoever.
Okay so I think we agree. Maybe he had sex with his girlfriend. Maybe he had had two girlfriends even by the time he was 16 that he’d had sex with. He didn’t have a ton of them because his girlfriends have kinda been outed or come forward, even that baby girlfriend. He wasn’t the coolest guy in his town pre X Factor (that’s pretty obvious tbh).
He was legit just some guy, Caroline was a perv, he wasn’t sexually experienced at 16 (neither were you at 16 even though you’d been sexually actively for 2 years like because no one is tbh in that period unless they were very abused), and like both the pregnancy shit and the virginity shit were jokey points made with an element of truth to them and idk what else to say lmao.
Like we agree dude.
We don’t know exactly when Harry had sex because we aren’t him (and his family and friends aren’t good indicators because boys that age LIE dude like that’s a hallmark of that age).
Kids are just kids man, barring really radical cultural differences (East v West vibes) it’s all the same tbh factoring in yeah size of town and whatnot.
Also at a certain point, we know he lies about sex because he said like 3 sexual partners to GQ and he either has a weird definition of sex or is lying or could’ve been lying before like we don’t KNOW which is my point. Teenage boys LIE about this shit and they exaggerate for the most part.
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kolsmikaelson · 2 years
i love you
AG!Peter Parker x Reader
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Summary- you’re comforting peter after bens death and accidentally tell him you love him for the first time. (pre-established relationship)
word count- 1065 | join taglist | warnings- hurt to comfort?? angsty?? (idk i dont write angst well) the word god is used once ‘thank god’. shooting mention.
a/n: this is my first peter fic (+ it isn’t proofread) so i hope you enjoy it!! idk how i feel about this so show her some love! reblogs are highly highly encouraged!!
A knock on your window is what wakes you up, but seeing Peter sitting on the fire escape with tears running down his face is what gets you going. You quickly unlock your window to let the brunette into your room. “Peter? What’re you doing here?”
This makes his sobs grow louder. You rush to his side and pull him into your chest trying to comfort him. Soon after, you gently pick his head up in your hands and question him again. He takes a deep breath before speaking for the first time since he’d arrived. Rubbing your hand on his shoulder he begins.
“Ben he– he got shot.” before you’re able to say anything he continues, “ He got shot and there was nothing I could do to help him.” the news breaks your heart, you were always close to Ben. The two of you got along from the moment Peter introduced you to him and May. 
“Peter, baby it isn’t your fault.” knowing what he must be thinking was difficult, he was staring at the wall and he had stopped crying, a blank look now adorning his face. It was minutes before either of you spoke again, you choosing to speak up. “Baby? Do you want to stay here? If not, can I go back to yours with you so that May isn’t alone tonight?” At this he nods his head murmuring a thank you while you gather an overnight bag.
“Pete? I’m gonna go grab you some water okay? I’ll be right back.” you said, noticing his heavy breathing. Peter nods and lies back on your bed waiting for you to come back with the glass of water.
When you’re back in your room you place the glass in his hand and get closer to him so that you’re standing in between his legs. You push your fingers through his hair, letting him get his breathing under control again. He sits the empty glass on the floor beside your feet, before letting his head fall onto your chest.
“You want me to drive us or do you wanna walk back?”
“Could you drive? Please?” he says, burying his head into your chest, the exhaustion of the day he had setting in finally.
“ ‘Course baby, let's go.”
A short twenty minute drive later, you’re pulling up in front of Peter's home. The lights inside flicker on quickly, and even quicker you can see Aunt May looking through the front door at you.
“Peter? Y/n? Is that you?” she calls squinting at your parked car. 
“Hey May,” you call out, voice thick with sadness. “How’re you?” you say, cringing at yourself. 
‘Dumb question y/n.’ you think to yourself.
“I’ll be okay.” she shrugs as you and Peter walk up the steps to her. You pull her into a hug whispering a quick  ‘ I’m so sorry.’ in her ear. When you pull away you see the tears filling her eyes, “Do you want me to make you kids some tea or something?” she asks, as sweet as ever. 
“Oh no, May let me do it, you go sit down with Peter okay?” you shake your head, walking into the house. She mutters a thank you, taking Peter's hand and leading him to the living area. Quickly you head to the kitchen and begin to prepare the hot drink. You hear the soft talking of the brunette and the older woman, as quiet as they are makes you unconsciously lean closer, hiding behind the wall. You can hear Peter rambling trying to comfort his aunt.
This goes on for a few short minutes before you hear the tea kettle squealing. Before you know it you’re done making the cups of tea and you are heading into the living room. 
You hand May her cup of tea before sitting beside Peter and handing his cup over. “Be careful, it’s hot.” you rush out seeing him immediately bring the cup to his lips. 
Half an hour later you’re in Peter's room laying in his bed beside him. He has his head on your chest with his eyes closed, not sleeping yet, just enjoying your warmth. Knowing May is sleeping in the next room you begin quietly speaking.
“Peter, angel?” 
He hums in acknowledgment, “I know tonight was rough, and it’ll be rough for a while but I’m here for you every step of the way okay?” you blurt, kissing the top of his head, wanting him to know he won’t be alone during this process.
Peter takes a deep breath before answering you, “Thanks darling, you’ve always been so good to me.'' he says in your chest before looking into your eyes with a teary smile.
“It’s because I love you Peter. I always have and I always will.”  you blurt out without thinking, looking down into his eyes. Your eyes widened in shock of the words that tumbled out of your mouth so suddenly. His jaw drops the slightest amount sending you into rambles, “Oh…this was the wrong time for that. I’m so sorry baby. Don’t feel like you have to say it back if you aren’t sure—“ before you can finish your sentence he’s pressing a hard kiss on your lips.
Pulling away breathlessly, he gazes into your eyes, “I love you too darling, I’ve never been so sure about something in my entire life.” Happy tears burn your eyes, muttering a soft ‘thank god’ before leaning your forehead against his, looking in his eyes, “ I’m so lucky to have you Peter, so so lucky to be in your life.” you murmur into his lips. You feel him smile into the kiss, “If anyone is lucky in this relationship it’s me darling, you are the best thing to ever happen to me.”
Smiling once again, you pull his head back onto your chest running one hand up and down his back and the other tracing random shapes into the bare skin of his arm. Next thing you know he is shooting a web at his light-switch to turn it off for the night. Laughing at his antics you kiss his dark hair for the millionth time that day.
“I love you my angel.” you whisper into his hair. “ And I love you too darling.” he said, peppering your chest with kisses before lying his head down to get a peaceful night's rest.
taglist- @bords @tysonjost-taylorsversion @2manytabsopen @savagejane1 @ilyasorokinn
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Summary: it’s the day after Christmas and you still needed to give Chris his present.
Pairing: husband!Chris Evans x Black!Wife!Reader
Warnings: smut, anal, blowjob, squirting, doggy style, Daddy kink, swearing
(A/N: so... yeah. Idk what made me want to write anal, but... it happened. I’m so weird about anal personally, but the idea was hot so. Sue me. Anyway I have not edited this thing in the slightest. Reblog always 💜 ✌🏾)
Tagging: @titty-teetee @blackmissfrizzle @olyvoyl @liquorlaughslove @harrysthiccthighss @mariahthelioness29 @whiskey-cokenfanfic @olyvoyl @hqneyyincc @queenoftheworldisdead @iam-laiya @donutloverxo @slytherinandoutasgard @zaddychris @brattycherubwrites @love-more122
You had been struggling to figure out what to get Chris for Christmas. He’d spent so much time taking care of you and buying you anything you could ask for. So you wanted to give him something back. Except what do you give a man that has almost everything.
You felt a little bad about having to give him his present so late. Christmas Eve had been so busy. You’d had to wrap presents and prepare dinner because as your first year as his wife you wanted to host. Which meant on Christmas Day the two of you were too busy and then too exhausted for you to give it then, too. So it was the day after Christmas and you were finally giving him his gift.
It was a little self centered sure. Giving your husband you for Christmas, but there was something you’d never given him that he desperately wanted. He’d been such a good boy that you finally decided to give him the gift he’d been wanting.
You pranced down the stairs in the little red number you’d purchased. The pair of red bottom heels he’d gifted you for your birthday on your feet. He was more focused on whatever show he was watching. Didn’t even notice you until you came up behind him to start kissing along his neck.
“Mmm, someone’s a li-“ he was saying until he turned his head to see what you were wearing. You bit your lip as he looked you up and down. “Fuck.”
“Merry Christmas, Daddy,” you cooed. As you kissed his cheek before moving to his neck. He seemed at a loss for words as you went around to the other side of face him so you could straddle his lap putting your Loboutain clad feet on either side of his legs.
His jaw was still dropped as his eyes trailed to your clevage. His hands went to your ass, squeezing at your flesh. “Damn,” he said.
“Like it?” You asked as your lips went to his neck.
“Oh I love it. You naughty little slut,” he said, smacking your ass.
You giggled, but kept kissing along his skin up to his earlobe that you nibbled into making him groan. Your fingers played with the hem of his shirt. You moved your hips, grinding into him. “If you’re good maybe you can make it on my naughty list.”
You got down on your knees. “Fuck you’re gonna be the death of me,” he said with a groan. You placed your chin on his thigh. He rubbed your cheek with his thumb. “You gonna suck my dick?”
You nodded with a pout trying to make your eyes look all big and innocent. Even though deep down you just wanted him to stuff your mouth with his cock. “Please, Daddy,” you begged with your mouth wide open.
He groaned softly because fuck was this a sight to behold. He pushed his sweats down his thighs and as soon as his dick came into view, it was like you’d lost your mind. It wasn’t very different than what you usually did. You liked when he used you as his own personal sex toy. That’s kind of what was going to happen right now.
You started licking the underside of his dick. Using the tip of your tongue to lick over his slit. “Oh, fuck,” he groaned. He was staring down at you working his dick. Going to his balls so you could show them attention to.
You loved having your mouth on him. It didn’t matter if it was his lips, his cock, or his fingers, or even when you’d bite his arm as he fucked you from behind while you were flat on your stomach. So as you let him fuck your mouth you were pretty much in heaven. Moaning around him as you sucked and slurped.
He watched as you made a mess on his dick. Your spit coating his cock as you tasted his pre-cum. As good as it felt he didn’t want to cum yet, so he pulled you off because he wanted to fuck you properly.
He took his sweats off fully before picking you up to throw you over his shoulder. He smacked your ass then started jerking himself off as he walked upstairs. You knew you were in it for it and you were so giddy just thinking about it.
You bounced as he threw you on the bed. He took off his shirt and your mouth watered from seeing your man naked. You’d never get sick of seeing him like this.
He climbed on the bed, bringing his lips to yours. You kissed back with fervor taking his cock into your hand so you could start stroking him. Damn he was so thick your hand felt so little against him
“You gonna be my slut tonight?” He asked, slipping his fingers into the crotch of your outfit. “Let me fuck you however I want?”
“Uh huh,” you breathed.
“No, no, little bitch. Use your words. Tell me you want to be Daddy’s cockwhore.”
You bit your lip at his words. “I wanna be Daddy’s cockwhore.”
He groaned at the words this time because he really could have cum just from hearing you say that. “Such a nasty girl for me.” He started fingering your pussy. Kissing you again as he spread you right open. “Gonna be my bitch tonight, huh,” he said getting ready to fuck into you.
“Yes, Daddy. I’m always your bitch. My pussy needs you so bad.” You mewled.
“Got dressed up so cute for me,” he curled his fingers so they’d hit your spot. Then he took them out showing them to you all nice and wet from how he stuffed your pussy before pushing them into your mouth so you could lick them clean. “Good girl. Good fucking girl.” He flipped you over so he could smack your ass. That’s when he noticed it. “Wait.” He pushed the crotch to the side seeing the cute jeweled plug in your ass. “Fuck.”
“Merry Christmas, Daddy.” You giggled.
“You sure, Baby?” He asked, rubbing the globe of your ass.
You moaned, nodding your head. “Yes, Daddy. I know it’s a little late, but I want to give you my ass for Christmas.”
He groaned. “Fuck,” he repeated, licking his lips, pushing his fingers back inside your wet cunt. You cried out trying to move back against him. Not being able to wait anymore he pushed inside of you.
Your seat of your panties hugged your ass as he pushed in and out of you from behind. He couldn’t stop himself as he rammed into you. You two had pretty rough sex and yet he couldn’t remember a time where he was going this hard.
He grabbed one of your arms, twisting it behind your back so he could fuck into you even harder. Making your ass bounce back against him. Your eyes were watering. Pussy wrapped tight around his dick as it clenched around him. His cock was invading your cunt in a way you almost couldn’t believe.
He started rubbing your clit from behind. Trying to help you along to your first orgasm and it worked so well because fuck you came so hard. It didn’t stop him except he moved from your clit to the plug in your ass. “F- fuck,” you stuttered out from the force as he pulled it out, only to push it back in again.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you moaned out for him. Taking him so deep you felt it at the top of your stomach. You weren’t sure if maybe your gift was making him want to put a baby in you, but fuck it felt like it.
At the same time it felt like he was fucking you like he hated you. Like you weren’t his wife. Like you were just some girl he needed to get out of his system. Like he may never get this chance again. Like you were someone he shouldn’t have been fucking. Someone he could degrade.
“Oh, Daddy. You fuck me so good,” you whimpered. He grabbed you by your neck to pull you up so he could moan in your ear. His other hand went back to your clit. He switched up his pace now fucking you with faster but more lingering thrusts. Like he’d move his hips all quick to thrust in, then pull out slowly.
He bit at your ear while you fondled your tits. All the sensations you were feeling at once was starting to get to you. You’d already felt so full from the plug.
Your orgasm was intense. A tingling in your stomach spreading through your body. He kept going for a few more thrusts before laying you down on the bed. He pulled out of you to start kissing down your body.
He flipped you over after getting on the bed. He kissed your lips all sweetly. Making you suddenly remember that you were his wife and not his whore. He nuzzled your nose with his. “Where’s your toy?”
You licked your lips trying to gather your thought. It was like he’d fucked you so hard you didn’t have any. “In there,” you said motioning with your head to the nightstand. He kissed your forehead before leaning over to grab it.
He placed it beside you before leaning down to kiss you again. “You sure? There’s no turning back.”
“Yes, Daddy.” You took a deep breath.
You took off your little outfit so he could have better access to you. He’d started prepping you pulling your plug in and out of you to make sure you were perfectly stretched. Then squirted the lube he’d also gotten out of your drawers onto the little hole. You were determined to take it. Wanting to give your man something you’d previously told him was off limits.
When he first started to push into you, he eased in. Your legs spread wide open as he still had you on your back. He leaned over you so he could kiss you again. “How you feeling, Honey?” He asked as he finally managed to get his cock inside of you.
You nodded, biting your lip as you looked up at him. He rocked his hips trying to get you used to it. You started rubbing your clit because even though he was stuffed in your poor swollen pussy was begging for attention.
Chris looked down at you, groaning. He wished he could take a picture. Of you playing with your puffy pussy while he fucked your tight ass. “See I knew you’d like it.”
You nodded because he was hitting this really yummy spot inside of you. You could feel yourself getting close again. Chris was smiling down at you as he watched you take him. Fuck you were such a good little slut.
“Sluts like you always love having all your holes owned.” He moved your hand so that he could start rubbing your clit instead.
“You’re gonna make me...” your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came, juices squirting up. He doesn’t know how he held on after seeing that, but he kept fucking you. Then grabbed your toy to switch it on.
You screamed as he pressed it to your clit. It was on the highest setting and you weren’t sure if you could hold on. It quickly brought you to another orgasm. This one more dramatic, but fuck it felt so good. “Who owns your ass, Baby?”
“You do,” you whined. “It’s yours, Daddy.”
He pulled out so he could flip you onto your stomach. Wanting to make you cum one more time. You went back to rubbing your clit as he worked you from behind.
He smacked your ass while you cried into your pillow. Your body feeling like it was close to giving out. Feeling like he’d fucked you so good and stupid that all you could think about was letting him do what he wants to you.
“I’m gonna cum in you,” he groaned. “Want me to cum in your right little asshole.”
“Yes,” you cried into your pillow.
“You gonna let me fuck your ass whenever I want.”
You nodded. “Fuck, yes.”
“I might not even use your pussy anymore after this. You gonna be my little anal slut if I tell you?”
“I am, Daddy,” you cried. “I am your anal slut.”
“Good fucking girl,” he groaned not being able to stop as he finally came inside of you. You followed quickly. This orgasm a little less intense after those first ones, but it still felt so good.
Chris cleaned everything up before climbing into bed with you. He rubbed your ass, trying soothe any soreness you might have. You curled into him wanting to be as close as you could be.
“Did you like it?” You asked him.
“You kidding me? I’m more in love with you than I was on our wedding night.” He chuckled, kissing your forehead.
You chuckled then hissed because your stomach felt like it was now aching too much from that. “Merry Christmas,” you yawned.
“Merry Christmas.” He sighed with this dopey smile on his face.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Works Like a Charm (USWNT x Baby!Reader)
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Request: reader with the team where r falls asleep any and everywhere and on everyone? just super cute friendship and stuff
Authors’s note: Special thanks to @literaryhedgehog​ cause without her this would not have happened! I hope you enjoy and totally feel free to hit me up with comments and questions or if you just wanna say Hi!
You were the baby of the team, and being the baby came with very special privileges. The team knew of your sleeping issues, and the various methods you and your therapist had implemented (including scheduling yourself to avoid all blue light sources for hours before bed and sleeping with a stuffed animal (the famed stuffed Triceratops, Roary) each night,) to help fall asleep and stay asleep at night. But it had only been a week since you had actually looked for help, so it was too early to expect results, as you told them (and yourself) repeatedly. 
More often than not you found yourself sitting on a couch, Roary cuddled close to your chest, watching the rerun of whatever game had been on, desperately waiting for your brain to turn off so you could sleep. That was the exact scene Ashlyn had stumbled upon. She glanced at the clock, wincing at the bold 2:15 that blinked back at her as she rubbed her eyes. 
“What are you doing awake kid? Thought you weren’t supposed to do blue light after 9?” She asked softly, plopping down beside you, throwing an arm over your shoulder. You shrugged, leaning further into her side. You closed your eyes, burying your head into her warm arm.
“I literally laid awake for three hours. I tried not to focus on anything, or to focus on breathing, but I kept replaying the game in my head. So I thought I would watch it, see if rewatching the ending would help my thoughts, Idk, end too?” You moved so that your head was on her lap and you looked up at her. “Did anything I just said make sense out of my head?”
She nodded sadly down at you, her hands, stroking your hair slowly. You closed your eyes again, enjoying the feeling. You always wanted to be a cat when you were little. Your thoughts became slightly fuzzier, interrupted slightly when Ashlyn spoke. 
“Don’t fall asleep here kid. Ali will kill us both if we sleep on the couch,” The blond keeper 
“Just a few more minutes please?” You asked softly, cracking your eyes open. 
“Alright. Just a few,” she nodded. 
Coincidentally that’s exactly where Ali would find you the next morning. Cuddled into Ashlyn's stomach, snoring softly. From that moment, it became a team rule. It didn’t matter where you slept, as long as you were sleeping. 
You were never going to live this down. Emily took a stealthy photo of you slumped against Alex’s arm, the climax of Black Panther’s fight taking place in the background. Kelley guarded your other side like a pitbull, just daring anyone to try and mess with you. 
“How did you get her to fall asleep Alex? She was so hyped up when we got here!” Emily said way too loudly, shrinking slightly when the veterans shushed her. 
“I literally just wrapped my arms around her while Kelley braided with her hair,” Alex whispered, glancing down to see that you weren’t moving before she continued, “she kept moving too much for Kelley to get the braid straight, so I just held her still like I do with my niece for family pictures. Once she stopped struggling, it was instant.” 
“Works like a charm every time. Who knew the world’s most feared striker could be turned into a puppy with some cuddles and pets?”  Megan laughed softly. 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s hilarious. Now shush and watch the movie,” Kelley said, flicking Megan playfully. More softly she added, “you’ll wake her.”
That shut the group up quickly. No one wanted to get in trouble for interrupting the little amount of sleep you got. 
You were sitting next to Alyssa on the bench during practice, bouncing your leg you waited for your turn to run. It had been a stressful week. Everyone was preparing for the first real game of the season and even the usual pre-practice locker room chat had been tenser than usual. 
Stress usually meant one thing for you. No sleep. It was like your brain had a death wish and just wanted to make itself more miserable. The dark circles didn’t go unnoticed by your teammates, hence why you had been regulated to the bench with the keeper when you weren’t running drills. 
Alyssa started humming absentmindedly. You looked over at her. She was biting the edge of her lip, watching Becky run drills. She stopped and looked over, seemingly realizing that she was making noise. 
“Sorry,” she said sheepishly.
“No, it’s really pretty! Please don’t stop on my account,” You said smiling and looking back towards the team as Alyssa started singing under her breath. “MmmhummmM, mmmhummM, So this is love. So this is what makes life Divine.” 
You swayed to the tune, closing your eyes, once. You opened them again, more slowly. Then you felt yourself blink twice more, more slowly this time. It took slightly more effort to open them again. You stared hard at the field, not noticing Alyssa scootch closer to you on the bench. Then you blinked again. 
 “Alright Naeher, you’re up,” AD called jogging over to the bench from where the rest of the keepers were practicing. She stopped short at the glare Alyssa sent her way. 
“Don’t think I’m going to be practicing PK’s today,” She said softly, gesturing to you with her free arm. The other arm was wrapped around you, keeping you from falling off the bench like you had almost done when you fell asleep. AD smiled, but then ran back to the group, unwilling to disturb you either. 
Maybe the pitch wasn’t the best place to fall asleep, but with the soft looks the team was sending you, they all knew it wouldn’t be the last time. Your health was important and they would help however they could. 
It was like a rule on the bus. One didn’t fall asleep unless they wanted to get mustaches drawn on their face, or their cleats stolen. The bus ride to the practice field was long and supposed to be a time for team bonding, though it almost always ended up with Alex and Kelley sharing earbuds to listen to Hosier or Haley Kiyoko, Krashlyn watching some weird reality show, Megan Christen and Tobin discussing Re-ink stuff and the youngins causing havoc on the back, while Becky and Alyssa did their crosswords and Carli watched the road, trying not to get car sick. 
You and Sam had seats across the aisle from each other but would sit next to each other on trips like these, playing hangman or Super Mario bros on switch. Today was one of those days where you slid across the aisle, pen in hand, looking for entertainment to keep the boredom away. 
“That’s not fair. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is not an acceptable word to describe winning the World Cup,” Sam snorted, shaking her head as you finished the hangman. 
“You’re one to talk. Last time you gave me “jazzy” as a word to describe how it would feel to meet Mia Hamm. You realize that J and Z are like, some of the least commonly used letters in the alphabet?” You exclaimed, your hands waving wildly as you tried to prove your point. 
“It was a response to the fact that you picked a word that doesn’t exist,” Sam rolled her eyes. 
“Wacknut is totally a word,” you huffed crossing your arms. 
“You know what ducky, I think,”  Sam paused, covering her mouth as a giant yawn split her face, “You’re a wacknut.” She finished, exhaling and wiping a tear from one of her eyes. 
“Stop that, I didn’t sleep last night,” you said, yawning unintentionally yourself.
“Told you not to watch that last episode of Game of Thrones,” Sam said, stretching her arms slightly in front of her. 
“You were right, it was a terrible ending, and a disgrace to television, but I had to know” You mumbled, your voice growing soft, and trailing off towards the end.  
“I know, we were all let down by that one,” Sam said, leaning her head on top of yours, comfortingly. “I should take my own advice more often, 6 hours of sleep is just not enough.”
“Hmm, I know why they call you the tower of power, you’re soooo warm,” You nuzzled into her shoulder, her heartbeat soothing you. 
“Did anyone ever tell you the story of how I got that name?” Sam asked, stifling another yawn.
“No,” you echoed her yawn. 
“Good, they never tell it right. Once upon a time, there was a badass named me. The end.”
“So I know that we’re never supposed to wake Y/N up unless there’s an emergency, but we have practice and there aren’t any rules pertaining to Sammy,” Emily said too loudly, staring at where you were cuddled into Sam’s chest. The bus had stopped a few minutes ago and had slowly unloaded. 
“Yeah, they’re kind of impossible to separate without waking both of them up,” Lindsey nodded, showing Alex a picture she had gotten from above you. Not only was Sam’s head on you, the two of you were holding hands in your sleep, and your other hand was tangled on the end of her shirt like your dreaming mind had mistaken it for a blanket and tried to pull it up. 
“I have no problem carrying ducky, but I’m not tall enough to get Sam too,” Kelley said, scratching her head. 
Behind them, Dawn walked back onto the bus. “What’s the holdup people? We have a practice to get to! I’m not defending you to Vlatko if you’re late again Sonnett.”
You jumped at the noise, jostling Sam awake too. You blinked at the woman, eyes wide and suddenly alert, searching for danger. “What happened!” 
“Whoa, slow down killer. You fell asleep on Sam and she fell asleep on you,” Emily smirked as your cheeks turned blood red. 
“We just arrived to practice. You’re not late yet,” Lindsey said, punching Sam lightly in the shoulder and turning to grab her bag. “You’re lucky Sam that you had a sleeping meep meep to protect you, otherwise you totally would have been pranked for napping on the bus. 
“There’s no way in hell that meep meep fell asleep before our favorite tower of power.” Emily bantered back, shoving Lindsey off of the bus. 
“We better go,” You said softly, playing with the hand that was still intertwined with Sams. 
“Yeah, probably. Remind me to sleep with you again sometime. That was the best nap I had in ages,” Sam said absentmindedly stretching her neck to each side. Your eyes went wide. Then she froze, realizing what she had said. “Wait. That came out wrong.”
“It’s fine Sammie, I know what you meant, and I’d love that,” you bumped her shoulder with yours, then grabbed your bag. “Race you to the pitch!” 
Sam shook her head as if to clear it as you launched yourself off the bus. Then she grabbed her bag and followed you, sprinting to try and catch up. 
 Yep, the team would do everything they could to make sure their little meep meep got the best sleep she could. 
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
The AU where Anakin doesn’t dramatically die on the second Death Star, right?
Luke is like, well, medical treatment is a thing. Comes in hand-y, get it dad? Hand-y?
Luke ~sneaks about getting Anakin medical treatment, some nonsense about “Hey, so. How does one treat electrocution? Asking for a friend,” and other such things.
Some doctor somewhere being, “Oh, well, if it’s for a friend...” and then gives Luke all the information and whatnot he’ll need, and also does this friend of his need life support equipment???
For Plot Reasons Anakin doesn’t die over Endor and Luke is trying to get supplies - he just got this rad new shuttle to fly - the Emperor won’t mind if he borrows it - oh, man. Is it too soon?
One of the Rebels who was on the mission to destroy the shield generator is like, “Vader’s dead, is he?”
Because Luke said so, and also the funeral pyre with his armor and hahaha, why would he ask that?
Weird, right?
Friend I found on the Death Star being held a a prisoner for many years who I then rescued because hero, don’t you think that’s a weird question to ask?
Anakin who is hooked up to many life-saving machines until Luke can get him somewhere to get replacements for the Vader suit as what the Emperor fried while trying to kill them is just.
“Hello, Rex.”
And Luke being, omg, DAD, at least pretend to go along with Luke’s terrible ruse for like. A whole minute, pls.
This fraught moment where Luke isn’t sure what’s going to happen because clearly these two know one another and there’s so much anger and hurt and betrayal in Rex and his dad is this sucking pit of shame and guilt and misery, self-loathing and -
“OKAY, WELL. Unless you’re about to kill him - us - we have places to be. Specifically not here.”
Because everything is celebrations and relief and so on? But also Imperial ships and forces and Alliance forces and so much could go wrong so fast and Luke would like to get his dad somewhere safe before people figure out his deception and brand him as a traitor or whatever and anyway
Does Rex wanna come with?
He gets looks from Anakin and Rex at that and shrugs because hey, no one’s dead yet.
And aside from a few notable exceptions dead people can’t answer whatever questions others might have for him, and anyway, anyway.
Rex sighs, this tired little smile on his face as he looks at Anakin. “He’s definitely your kid.”
What? But it gets an equally tired smile from Anakin, this sadness to it but also this flicker of pride and Luke escapes to start the pre-flight before he cries, again, and anyway.
Rex joins him up front and offers up somewhere they can go. Friends of his - might not be glad to see Anakin, but they’ll listen to Rex, and so off they go to, idk, someplace clone troopers set up a place for themselves.
(Because I need there to be more of those bastards out there after the mess of Order 66 and other nonsense okay.)
They get Anakin set up with new life-support suit or whatever, one that’s not horrible and awful and a goddamned gift from the monster who created Darth Vader, and anyway. (I may have feelings on the matter.)
Luke avoids calls from Leia and Han and everyone if he can, and when he can’t tells them he’s fine, really, just. Jedi stuff. Feels guilty as hell but he knows Leia can’t handle he truth of it just yet and technically it kind of is Jedi stuff,because Anakin.
Ben visits every so often and Luke pretends he doesn’t know his father was crying afterwards, but after a while he’s so relieved he could cry when he realizes his father didn’t cry in talking to Ben.
(He does, though. Luke cries so much, but conveniently wherever they ended up is in the rainy season and Rex just pats him on the shoulder when Luke comes in and gives him a solemn nod, and anyway. Yes.)
It’s like. Not Done, this whole Vader Thing of Anakin’s, he’s done so many terrible things and all that? But he finds a way to make peace with that, or whatever the proper term is I don’t even know at this point, okay, just.
You know.
Also, though, also.
All the information he knows, or knows how to get his - or any Alliance Intelligence agents - hands on.
Things he gives to Luke or whoever to pass on to the right hands, help the Alliance, and then the New Republic root out the Imperial remnants before they can pose a threat to the fragile peace being built in the Empire’s fall, and so on.
Luke just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and tells anyone who questions where he got the information it’s from the prisoner he rescued and so forth and so on. (Rex backs him up, and his position in the Alliance’s ranks lends Luke more credibility, and anyway. Yes.)
Eventually though, Luke can’t just hide out for forever with his dad and his dad’s old war friends, and also Leia would hunt him to the end of the galaxy if she doesn’t see him soon, and.
Anakin more or less boots him out of the little homestead or compound or whatever it is where they are, tells him to come visit but really, get out, son.
So Luke does.
Tells Leia he’s fine, he’ll tell her what everything was about and such, but. Later, you know? Later.
She lets it go because other business to deal with and anyway, Luke’s gallivanting about and gets ambushed by a Togruta with twin lightsabers who nearly takes his head off before she asks how Rex is doing and has Anakin gotten over himself yet, and also, Luke might want towork on his form a bit.
Which, you know, hi, hello, who the hell are you? But more politely worded and Luke gives Ahsoka the commlink number? address?? whatever??? to contact Anakin.
Hopefully she understands why he didn’t just give her the coordinates to their location, what with nearly taking off Luke’s head and all.
Ahsoka laughs, and does the shoulder pat thing Rex does to him, says, “You’re your dad’s kid alright,” which.
More adventuring about, Ashoka ambushing him every so often. Payback, she tells him, for everything Anakin ever put her through - before Everything -  she’s quick to clarify, tired smile on her face and Luke understands, but dear God is he so tired of seeing these people who are so important to him looking like that?
Some more adventuring about and then this SOS call through the Force and an Imperial light cruiser and this sad panda Mandalorian and.
“Okay, you? You’re coming with.”
And since Luke doesn’t actually have a spot for his school yet and he doesn’t know where this Mandalorian calls home he’s like. “I know a place.”
Anakin and Rex share this look when the shuttle Luke borrowed lands at their little hideaway and Luke comes out with this tiny green gremlin kid toddling after him and this sad panda Mandalorian trailing behind them, and really, the family resemblance has never been stronger, you know?
Din and Grogu and Luke trying to figure out how to juggle this whole...Thing.
Anakin never feels comfortable giving Luke advice, because talk about bad role models?
Anakin was raised to follow the old Jedi Order’s rules and whatnot and Vader came of it. (Maybe not the sole reason, but the Order was definitely a factor.)
Also, also.
Anakin doting on Grogu and being his best partner in crime - :D smile when Din comes looking for his tiny green gremlin kid and finds him with Luke’s dad and they’ve both been Up To Something but there’s never any proof, and anyway, yes.
(Also, also. Luke and Anakin bonding over working on this old speeder that’s never run right, or Luke’s X-wing - and okay, yes, maybe someone finds an old Y-wing or something and there are “training exercises” in which everyone takes bets on which Skywalker wins this time and Luke actually hears his dad laugh for the first time and it’s pretty awesome okay.)
But also Boba Fett and Fennec and the whanot finding them and Drama and Boba being like, “Always hated Vader anyway,” and Luke being like !!! but also huh, and Din is like NO.
Because the whole reason Boba and Fennec are even there is because of Bo-Katan and the whole Darksaber business and c’mon, dude, you can’t avoid your duties forever, nice as it might seem.
Anakin looking at his kid who is totally in love with the leader of Mandalore and then at Obi-Wan who is off to the side trying so freaking hard not to laugh, and anyway.
(But also, okay, also. Luke trying to tell Leia that hey, their dad’s kind of not dead? And she’s angry - every right to be - and upset and neither of them expect her to do anything, just. They didn’t to keep it from her anymore and more than that she deserved to know, and anyway.
One day, you know. One day she makes a trip out to this hideaway Luke told her about that one time. There’s yelling and crying and not everything is resolved, but. It’s a start and more than Anakin ever thought he’d get and. Yes.)
Also, also.
Anakin and Rex and whoever else going to check out this school Luke is building on Mandalore, Ben beinng like “Oh,” because Luke and Din are like, they found some things he might care to see, and everyone leaves him with old journals or whatever from Duchess Satine and Anakin and Rex wait for him outside, and just, yes.
Basically good, nice things for everyone because I need it today, so yes. /o\
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toraashi · 2 years
ahem. i present to you: zuzu's song rec list.
trivia love - bts (i had a whole character arc through this song, okay.)
the kids aren't alright - fall out boy (idk why this song brings me so much peace but it does)
chicken wings - samm henshaw (i got a thing for horns, i guess? fuckin' love samm's music though, please do explore his discography!)
freezing - bren joy (MEWWWWZIKKKK, DO YOU HEAR ME)
死ぬのがいいわ - fuiji kaze (smth about this one.. yeah)
heaven is a place in my head - bad suns (so much serotonin, not enough time)
cemetery - coin (these songs in this album remind me of the modern!xiao i conjured in my head.. ugh <3)
okay i'll stop, i'm annoying enough as is 🧍🏽
- zuzu('s love language is music, sorry)
ZUZU okay okay don't even apologize you could never be annoying and i love sharing music like this and i just ascend when people send me music recs so lemme take some time to go through these
it’s kinda long so like... hopefully i wasn’t the one being annoying this time 😭 i love music so much too so i just kinda went all in
1.    okay i love this song so much. i heard it when it came out but it's probably my favorite of the "trivia" solos the rap line did in that era 😭. the piano has a death grip on my heart it's just so romantic and so like happy ugh i will be throwing myself at namjoon's feet
2.    i was obsessed with fall out boy and this entire album when i was 15, but this song has just been so timeless to me especially as an adult now. I love the pre-chorus and the bridge so fucking much especially the line "i just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes, and let your dirty sadness fill me up just like a balloon," patrick stump just goes in on that line and it just ends me everytime
3.    okay first impression i love the fullness of the singer's voice and the dynamics in the song! like you can hear tires skidding and then that break between the verse and chorus with the dialogue -- it just has so much character and is so easy to listen to like i have a whole image in my mind about the setting and the colors- ugh this is def going into one of my (89) playlists
4.    okay so i haven't heard this song before, but i am listening to it now, and i am obsessed with the vocals + the lyrics. the extended metaphor with the water is just *chef's kiss*. it's so peppy but in such a catchy way! i love the piano from the beginning hiding in the background of the song too. thank you for giving me a gem to listen to on the way to work!
5.    I’m absolutely seeing a theme with the piano base with r&b vibes and i’m loving it so much and i’m loving that i can see what type of music you’ve been listening to lately through these songs. My favorite part after the beat is just the vocal inflections like it’s just so intricate and melodic i love it! there’s also this one repeating part where it just like starts low and goes up (i don’t know enough about singing to tell you exactly which part 😭) but it’s sooo addictive!
6.    i only know a few songs by bad suns (my fav is maybe we’re meant to be alone), but i’ve always loved the like super high energy peppy rock/pop mix. it’s hard to describe but the vocals are very reminiscent of 80s rock and i love that trend in 10s alternative music. This songs gives me just an image of driving down a super flat road in the summer just like sun on your skin, breeze in your hair like just laughing and happiness. but overall i love it and the concept makes me want to write about wonderfully bittersweet things LMAO
7.    okay so i listened to this a few times and i’m obsessed with the bridge i love the melody of it. i don’t know a ton of coin songs, but the ones i do know would literally be so cute with modern!xiao (who i’m obsessed with like xiao actually being able to be happy just 🥺🥺 i want to squish him and make him laugh) but anyway i really enjoyed how this song sounded a little more minimalistic compared to the other coin songs i’ve heard and i liked the concept of the song. existentialism in music is just always so good lmaoo
ANYWAY i hope that wasn’t too much 😭💕 i loved your music but my favorite from the ones i hadn’t heard was probably the chicken wings one! i usually listen to music that’s a little more chill/easy listening and i just liked how dynamic and individualistic that song felt especially with all the spontaneous noises that really created the imagery in my head idk! send more music recs whenever you want i love them 😭💕 
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subbing-for-clones · 3 years
The New Apprentice Part 8
Maul x Sith!reader 
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Word Count: 2k
A/N: Yall it has been a God damn week I'll tell you that. So sorry it has taken me so long to get this out. Fair warning, had to do some already known stuffs to move the story along the timeline and I just wasn't feeling it while writing, but it's important to the timeliness nonetheless.
WARNINGS: 18+ P in V sex, unprotected sex, Canon violence. Kinda angsty at the end? Idk.
       The following morning you awoke alone in your tent. The cool morning air aiding to shake the fog from your mind as you thought of the previous night. A smile twitched on your lips that was soon replaced with a heavy eye roll. One of your pant legs had been torn up the seam by the medic who worked on you. Shrugging, you ripped off the tattered fabric and did the same to the other to match. Sliding on your now short one piece you pulled on your boots, hung your sabers from your hips and left your little shelter.
    You knew why Maul left; he didn't want anyone to think the two of you were involved until the situation was less vulnerable. You were thankful he waited until you were asleep before he absconded into the darkness. Maker, you had to stop thinking about it lest you rile yourself up again. It was time to go to work, continue to prove to your master that you deserved to be at his side. That he needed you there.
    You were relieved that Savage followed behind you a few minutes later. At least you weren't the last one up. Pre and Maul strode through the camp with you and Savage following closely behind.
"We will need an army if we are to successfully take back Mandalore." Your master rumbled.
"The people will support us once we remind them who they are." Pre retorted.
"Perhaps... but the Black Suns will be able to provide us with resources beneath the attention of the Republic."
"They're a crime syndicate!"
"Yes, and a powerful one that will lead to our victory. We have but one chance to pull this off."
      Boarding a Mandalorian starship with your Master and Savage was quiet. You had decided to keep your mouth shut and revel in Maul's ability to command and scheme. You stood at Savage's side with your hands clasped behind your back, back straight and chin high. Your weapons dangled dangerously at your hips. Every so often a Mandalorian would look at you curiously through their visor to which you responded the same every time. You gazed into their black where their unseen eyes lay behind, unblinking with a straight lip and an air of importance until they turned away. Savage quirked a lip slightly every time.
When you were alone he rumbled quietly.
"You make them uneasy. Much more than I do I think."
"I hardly doubt that my friend." Your voice soft and cold in the off chance someone could hear you.
"Possibly... they fear us."
"Good. Then they will stay in line under Lord Maul. A warrior should never show fear. They may be strong but they've shown a vital weakness we will exploit in time if necessary."
    Maul was the only one within ear shot and he silently listened to your words. Although he didn't show it at the time externally, his chest swelled in pride.
    After landing on Mustafar they were greeted with a battalion led by a tall Falleen male by the name of Vigo Ziton Maj. He chuckled when your master harshly requested an audience but he led Maul, Savage, Pre Vizsla and yourself inside the fortress anyway.
    Five more men sat at a long black table upon your entrance. When demanded that they join you, you were met with exclamations of amusement and they attempted to call for your deaths.
    Without hesitation you and Savage each tossed a spinning lightsaber in their direction. Effectively beheading each and every one of the leaders in single mirrored motions. After seeing first handedly that denial of an alliance would lead to death, Moj, the next in line to lead agreed to join your cause without hesitation.
    The Pykes practically handed themselves over to you once news about the Black Suns had reached their ears. The offer of their alliance was a grateful surprise to you. Recognizing the slow shift in universal power only spurred your attraction to your master. Visions of you riding his throbbing cock permeated your mind and drifted to his.
    On the ride to Nal Hutta these thoughts only grew in intensity as your sinful need grew. It had been days since he had last touched you and although you maintained an outward composure, your mind reeled. With only a few hours until your arrival, Maul strode past you, pausing momentarily to give you a knowing glance and ever so slight nod of his head. You waited a minute before following his force signature until a supply closet door hissed open. He grabbed you almost violently, pulling you within the small enclosure. He listened to be sure you weren't followed before he turned to you.
"My my what devious thoughts you project little one." He cooed as he pulled you into his embrace. With your back to his chest, he lowered his face into the crook of your neck, planting gentle wet kisses to your sensitive skin and lightly nipping at your ear. You took his hand and covered your mouth to stifle a whimper as he ground his hardening cock into your rear. You could feel the heat of your core as his velvety voice hummed in the ear he was toying with.
"Now, I'd much rather take my time with you but it seems you need some tension released. I'll need you clear headed on this venture. I believe the Hutt Clan will give us the most trouble in forming an alliance. Would you like my help my sweet little apprentice?"
    You nodded fervently, tears pricking the corners of your eyes as he slid your one piece down until it pooled on the floor. He bent you over infinitesimally, just enough to grant him entrance. He prodded his hot, firm erection against your folds letting out a silent groan feeling how wet you already were.
"God's I've hardly touched you and your soaking wet you naughty little girl."
    Without warning he slipping inside you, biting one of his fingers to keep from crying out. He thrusted into at a brutal pace, sinking to his hilt with every rut. It didn't take long before you were fluttering around him and tears streamed down your cheeks.
"Maker, you're going to cum for me.. I can feel it... Let go my dear. Cum all over my cock."
    The command he soothed had you unraveling faster than you thought possible. The excitement of the risk at being found out only encouraged your orgasm. Still shaking from the aftershocks, your master bit your shoulder as he throbbed and filled you.
    You hastily cleaned yourself, getting ready to leave before you were caught but Maul grabbed your wrist and brought you back into an embrace. Gently pressing his forehead to yours and wrapping his arms around you.
"Soon you'll be at my side at all times my dear. Would you like that?" His glowing amber eyes meeting yours.
"Yes Master, of course."
    You pressed your lips to his and trying to calm your flush you left the small enclosure with newfound resolve undoubtedly spurred by your bliss.
       Maul had been correct as usual. The Hutts were in fact quite resistant. After hearing that they wouldn't be paid and that the deal was an alliance for their lives, five bounty hunters and the whole guard rushed the room. Desperate for some leverage you deflected the barrage of incoming blaster fire along with your master while leading them slowly out to the landing platform.
Finally, she's good for something you thought as Bo Katan fired rockets into the fortress, effectively killing most of the guard.
    You gave chase back into the fortress and fought the remaining bounty hunters. Unwillingly admitting that they were giving you more trouble than you would've hoped. Darting away from a purple woman with orange hair you kicked a dog off of your master while the bounty hunters made their retreat. Maul was convinced that they wouldn't be a further threat so you let them escape with their lives and empty pockets.
    You ended up having to travel to the gods awful desert planet of Tatooine for Jabba to finally agree to your terms.
       Back on Zanbar you and Savage shared a meal while Maul oversaw the organization of the troops and mixed crime syndicates.
"You seem restless." Savage noted.
"Duuuh." You exasperated. "All this planning and waiting and organizing. Ugh, I wanna go fuck shit up. We've been so busy with the boring shit I haven't even had time to train. Aside from that bounty hunter scuffle."
"Worry not little one, you'll be terrorizing the Mandalorians planet side with everyone soon enough." You scoffed at his response to which he cocked his brow.
"No, I'm not. Master wants me in the shadows. Something about the people recognizing me later on being a problem with his grand scheme."
"He has a habit of only telling half of a truth. Trust comes slowly to him. You know this." You sighed, pushing away your plate and pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Yes, I'm well aware. More so than he would like I'm sure."
"He cares very deeply for you."
"And I him but all this sitting around will get me nowhere. I told you about what happened on Malachor... for the first time since I've joined you two it feels like my feet are taking me some where I'm not supposed to go... it's been weeks and the only thing I've learned in that time frame is how to take his cock in secret, away from prying eyes."
    Savage nearly choked and also disregarded his food and sat looking at you with a pained look in his eyes.
"What will you do then?"
"Honestly? I haven't the faintest idea. All I know is that I'm supposed to 'extinguish the fear but always remember that 'the shadow cannot exist without the light' whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean."
"If you don't know what it means how do you know you're on the wrong path?" You paused at his question.
"Jedi and Sith both always say to trust in the force... I need to meditate on this."
    Savage nodded as you stood from your seat walking back towards your tent. Your master was a strong force user and ever since that night you two had opened up your minds to one another, truly lay bare before the other, it was damn near impossible to keep him out. When you passed him and Vizsla you had known they couldn't hear your conversation but the way that his eyes followed you. A specific crease in his brow. You had no doubt it had anything to do with Vizsla's ramblings, you realized he probably felt your conflict.
    Disappearing into your canvas enclosure you tried to push the thought of your lover, no, your master; down and away from the forefront of your mind. Gods above though, he was your lover. You loved him, so much. What if he was guiding you away from the place you needed to go? Everything felt right before you allied with the Death Watch. The weeks you spent training and traveling to Malachor felt right. But this, this felt like it was his path not yours. If your destinies didn’t cross would he abandon his to join you? Could you abandon yours to join him? You knelt in the center of your tent and straightened your back, closing your eyes. Allowing your mind to rest, allow the wild eradications to still and drift away. This was important. This was your destiny. You suddenly realized why, although you'd never admit it, the Jedi forbid attachments in their freakish cult.
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dykesbat · 3 years
okok songs from my bruce playlist + reasons
first love / late spring by mitski
“and I was so young when I behaved twenty-five / Yet now I find I’ve grown into a tall child… Please hurry, leave me, I can’t breathe / Please don’t say you love me / Mune ga hachikire-sōde”
pretty self-explanatory! bruce is emotionally immature and just. yeah i feel like he oftentimes does feel the same as he did in that alleyway yknow. maybe he’s realizing the depths of how immature he is right here in the moment of recognizing that the person he finds himself loving right now is also someone he could potentially lose. i think of bruce as someone who loves a lot. maybe here he’s acknowledging how the price of loving is the possibility of pain.
everybody lost somebody by bleachers
“It’s this dream I keep having where I’m begging / Just to give myself a break / But there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to wake up and remember it / I wanna wake up and remember”
Bruce being an avid dreamer is a pretty popular concept n idk I think the concept of his dreams diverging from the nightmares of his loss to a dream of him acknowledging that he’s mourning and wanting the world to stop or like. him having a nightmare where the only coherent words he remembers after waking up is just his internal “i’m so tired” but maybe its survivors guilt maybe its just the desperation to hold on to whatever he can of the people that he lost maybe he's just trying to hold on to all the good and the good memories are just. so intertwined with the pain of loss. but he doesn’t want to let go of it
“I think pain is waiting alone at the corner / Tryna get myself back home, yeah / Looking like everybody / Knowing everybody lost somebody... A reason I see myself in a million faces / A reason I can't stop it all from changing / So come on, motherf*^&r, you survive”
i think these lines can be used to represent him turning his pain into his efforts for making gotham better. basically just. redirecting the love into the city and the people rather than only mourning. obv it would be his entire mission after his parent’s deaths. and for canon continuity reasons—since it's a bit more hopeful maybe it's after jason’s death and after tim comes around? idk i imagine bruce remembering his parents and remember jason around the manor hallways and on the city rooftops. the whole “trying to get myself back home” can be like home = the person lost or just. literally bruce trying to put in the effort to dragging himself back home for (himself? tim? alfred? hmm.) n the other lines are just. him seeing himself in gotham and seeing worth in human life. it connects to his compassion and his no-kill-rule and his empathy and his taking in of his children. and like yeah he can’t stop it all from changing he can't prevent every death but he’ll try to. the survive line is also pretty self-explanatory. 
garden song by phoebe bridges
“I don't know when you got taller / See our reflection in the water / Off a bridge at the Huntington / I hopped the fence when I was seventeen / Then I knew what I wanted”
ok so I'm thinking. him talking abt dick in the first few lines. probably after reconciling with him after they've been enstranged for so long and he’s feeling regretful for the mistakes he made there while thinking of their past times together.  maybe he took younger dick to a place he went to when he solidified his plan to train abroad? 
“And it’s gonna be just like my recurring dream / I’m at the movies, I don’t remember what I’m seeing / The screen turns into a tidal wave”
do I have to explain.. avid dreamer bruce,, the movies,, the dream ending terribly,, gn!
“I don’t know how, but I’m taller / It must be something in the water / Everything’s growing in our garden / You don’t have to know that it’s haunted”
idk how to explain it? but just. bruce growing up in a manor that suddenly feels larger than it ever did before. n it feels like he took his parents ghosts w him and left whatever his childhood was back in that alley. and part of him can pick out what he felt on that day. and so much changed and he’s grown? he’s grown older than his father ever was? and he doesn’t know how that's possible?
class of 2013 by mitski
“Mom, can you wash my back / This once, and then we can forget / And I’ll leave what im chasing / For the other girls to pursue…. Mom am I still young / Can I dream for a few months more” 
ok no he is not financially struggling n i will b honest this is a self-indulgent song to maximize relatability <3 but my decision to put this song was also based on the idea of him just. missing him mom so muchhhh?? maybe a dream? maybe the aftermath of fear gas? who knows but here the “forget” will just be for his parent's deaths. I imagine this to be somewhat akin to the mask of phantasm monologue he has at his parents grave. (spoilers for that: he’s basically asking his parents for forgiveness for potentially abandoning his oath of bettering Gotham as Batman). last line makes me #$%^&*( just. hnnnnnnn imagine him waking up blurry eyed and brain fogged and he’s just grasping onto the false belief of his parents still being there n clinging on to the comfort of his pre-crime alley childhood before he truly wakes up. 
 sick of losing soulmates by dodie
okok this is on my bruce + romance playlist too bc it reminded me of batcat and bruharvey. it can also be interpreted as his fam ig? but I feel like that doesn’t apply for most of the song.
“God knows what I would be if you hadn’t found me / Sitting all alone in the dark… What the hell would I be without you / Brave face talk so lightly, hide the truth… Cause I’m sick of losing soulmates / So where do we begin / I can finally see you’re as f$:$:&ed up as me / So how do we win”
 I just think. that. Bruce would have abandonment issues. first four lines can be taken for all three (batcat, bruharv, the family) interpretations. the truth being hidden doubling both as his identity as Batman and just. the fact that he loves them lol (batcat, bruharv). last three lines lean towards bc and bh but personally they reminded me more of bat cat (probably bc ppl always say they’re so similar). basically I feel like this song could signify their fears of losing each other in whatever way that means (romantically, platonically, death) bc they both care for each other so much and impact each other so muchhsuagdj but at the same time it feels like its bound to end badly. (ofc it doesn't. whether or not they like. break up from a romance or have a falling out between friends i’d like to think some time after they heal they become reconnect n their relationship w each other is stronger and so alike what it was before but different bc its just. so much healthier this time. and to copy and paste from my thoughts on my other playlist: bruce crashes at selinas house sometimes and she makes the him catsit for her bc she thinks it’s funny when he complains abt her cats and calls them mean names and then gets a picture of bruce knocked out cuddling them like 30 m later courtesy alfred)
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char-lotteral · 3 years
Hai Char!! I wanna know what eps/scene/anything from Naruto/Shippuden that made you fall in love with Naruhina? :)))
I recently started watching Naruto last year in quarantine because I needed something to cope through because aaahh things were a bit rocky that time of month😅 So yeah, i didnt know jackshit about Naruto, I didnt even know what a rasengan was. I gave it a shot and not gonna lie, it took me a few weeks to actually invest myself in it because PACING. I guess I wasnt used to it haha. Then I got into the chuunin exams arc, I finally understood the hype behind it but I still wasnt as invested as everyone in the fandom but THATS WHEN IT HAPPENED. THERE, I SAW THAT ONE PARTICULAR EPISODE THAT WILL FOREVER BE A PART OF ME TIL THIS DAY FORTH.
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After seeing her perserverance and how my girl fought back, I fell in love with her IMMEDIATELY. I thought she was cute at first letting Naruto cheat off of her test but when she just bounced back and Bitchslapped Neji, Hyuga Style, I wanted to be her soooo badd. AND WHATS EVEN CUTER WAS WHEN NARUTO, OUT OF NOWHERE, DESPITE CALLING HER A WEIRDO AND BARELY KNOWING HER AT ALL, CHEERED FOR HER AND BOOSTED HER CONFIDENCE TENFOLDS
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He was even looking for her after the fight 😭
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Also when Naruto accidentally came across Hinata in the training grounds and became vulnerable around her for a sec that he was "uncharacteristically depressed" and Hina was all like; "Nooo, I think you're awesome and so cool! Even though you fail and fail, you still look cool doing it!!!"
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Then ik alot of ppl dislike NH because of the fillers and fanservice but idc honestly😸 the fillers made me love them even more haha
ngl, I kinda shipped Narusaku pre shippuden but when I reached the Pain Fight, I was HOOKED. I cried at that episode. She is so precious, becaause God I love her😭
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Then THIS. The way he just closed his eyes for a sec and relished the gentleness of her hand after experienceing the traumatic death of his comrade T^T He's so touch starved that this mustve felt so foreign to him akdhdka ☹💖
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And then I watched the movie because HELLO, it was practically their love story and idgaf what ppl say abt it. It was adorable as heck. And the more I rewatch it, the more I fall in love with it. Every👏damn👏time
also this will forever be my favorite scene in that entire movie (second to their kiss ofc)
The way his eyes were wavering, practically mesmerized by her beauty, and how he just STOPPED and looked at her in that intimate way that screams awe and amazement. Freakdk, I love them 😣
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I've reached the 10 image limit so imma stop😆 Why do I love Nh so much? Idk, its just the juxtaposition of their personalities and how theyre each others biggest fans and anchors. they help the other stay grounded and believe in each other's abiities so much THEY COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER SO WELL, ITS UNREAL. EVEN THEIR COLOR SCHEME MATCHES. LIKE WHAT
The way I see it, their love is so tender and pure and I love that theyre so patient with each other. I could write essays and essays as to why I fucking love NH but i think my stories are enough to express that 😆 Im so sorry for the longass answer anon, I just get so hyped when it comes to them eeeee youve unleashed the fangirl in me💔
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