#(oral exam not written exam)
from today, august 20th, until september 11th, i will study the same subject 6 hrs a day because i am determined to pass that exam which has a pass rate of 40%. hard enough to focus for 3 hrs for me lately so 6 is a big stretch. ofc i'll take a 15-min break every 2 hrs and those breaks are not part of the 6 hrs. i want to pass it on my first try. that should add up to 126 hrs. which is not remotely enough. but at least i won't pull up to the exam completely clueless? i'm so scared. i know i will chicken out. i will post updates - block the 'study update' tag if you don't care. i'm determined rrrahh
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danielsarmand · 3 months
thinking about bailing on my follow-up exam tomorrow and just take it in september because i bullshitted my way through today's one but there is no way i'll manage it tomorrow like. i guess there IS a 0.99% chance of me passing but it's so low that idk if it's worth taking the train to uni and back considering i have work in the afternoon and the most likely outcome is i'll just have to retake it in september anyway :/ it would take soooo many spoons and the gratification would in all probability be nonexistent............ ok wait can i try this. if you see this in your dash
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dickfuckk · 1 year
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armenelols · 11 days
I needed 6 points on my organic chemistry exam and I got 4. Do you know where I lost a point. Do you. I wrote -OH (hydroxy group) instead of OH- (ion). Yeah.
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poranek · 3 months
keep me in your thoughts tomorrow....
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btw i didn't get in the venice phd program. of course i didn't. i'm so fucking tired of never being good enough lol.
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quelsentiment · 8 months
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consultingmadhatter · 9 months
I feel unmotivated to prepare for my oral exam today. My grade should be fine in the class, can't I just wing it? I get to read off a piece of paper for the 1st part and there's not much I can do to prepare for the 2nd part at this point.
Fine, fine, I'll be more fluent for the reading part if I practice. But I don't want to
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eowylesbian · 6 months
abt to do my oral irish exam that goes towards my leaving cert and honestly what is time
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thesungod · 1 year
i don’t even have the strenght to cry i’m just so fucking sad and defeated
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1eeminho · 1 year
not to rant on here again but how can my uni justify having exams that arent comparable but will get people the same degree. like. my friend and i are both getting a masters in psych and we can choose three modules out of five available ones. we did the same except for one module. for the one he chose he had such a simple exam where the prof mostly talked to himself, asked easy questions and he got the best grade comfortably (ofc he prepared but it was comparably comfortable). now for me i have the hardest fucking exam in my entire uni career, the prof expects us to be Experts in this field she has made multiple people cry before in her exams and its So Much Input that i have to study all while this grade weighs the same as my friends grade in the easy module like ???????? how can this happen fr how can they let exams be so biased. their entire grading system is bullshit
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ravidrws · 1 year
Tumblr media
1 year quick recolor of this
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evilestscientist · 8 months
oral exam taking stats
Went to pee: 5 times
Hyped myself up in the mirror: 3 times
Almost threw up my entire breakfast: 8 times
Pooped: once
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I know it's been a while since I made a text post on here but I wanted to let everyone know I passed my Bachelor's today 🥳 🎉 🪅 🎊 🍺 🍻
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dullahandyke · 1 year
how many exams do you actually have to do like for our hs graduation we just had to write 3 and do an oral exam and a presentation
Well rn I'm in leaving cert, where u either do 6 subjects or 7 subjects w your worst not being counted. 3 of those are core subjects (English Irish maths) that u gotta do, and each of those has 2 exams, unless u go down to foundation level, in which case each only has one. irish has an oral exam, as most languages do, which basically just has u chatting w an examiner in your chosen language.
then you get to the 'chosen' subjects where u pick ur electives, and usually these are one exam to one subject. some like biology are just the exam, but languages have orals, and more practical subjects have a project or practical. for example, in art u put together a portfolio of sorts about a project, and then you do a 5 hour drawing exam, and THEN you do a written exam on art history.
and then when u get your results back, it'll all be added up into 'points', which are what u use to get into college. i'm aiming for 300 points, which is very low, but the max is 625. college is the main thing the leaving is used for, bcos theyre the ones that use the points, but a lot of alternative courses that dont strictly require traditional college stuff (post-leaving-cert courses) will still need u to pass the leaving lol
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moripartylove · 1 year
So tomorrow I have that Italian exam that I foolishly signed up for a couple of months ago, and right now all I can think is WHY. WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF
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