#(pls don't sue me i'm babie)
yxlenas · 2 months
Bishova is such a funny ship name imo, 'cause "fag" in portuguese is "bicha" so whenever I read "bishova" inside my head, it reminds me of "bichona" (aka "big fag" in portuguese) lmaooo
Anyways. Pls feel free to share some of your bishova headcanons (even though I don't even go here lol). I kinda see the ~vision~ from that one scene w/ them that I saw (yeah, I'm gay and weak, sue me)
I HATE the ship name soooo much lmao I was on the ground floor of the ship (Like, pre-hawkeye, using their interactions in the Thompson BW run for inspo) and I was gunning for it to be Katelena but I was 100% outvoted.
I'm gonna give you a couple SFW ones and then a couple NSFW ones because I WILL make you a Marvel girlie if it takes the rest of our tumblr lives
Yelena has some food issues (food insecurity/aversions, trouble acknowledging her fullness cues) and Kate is the one who helps her figure out how to treat those. One thing they do is that when they go out to eat, Kate boxes up half of Yelena's entree for her when it comes to the table so Yelena doesn't eat herself sick.
They're both neurodivergent-Yelena was an excellent assassin but in the MCU there's little to no suggestion that she ever did honeypot missions and I think it's because her social cues aren't great. Kate absolutely has hyperactive ADHD.
I think Yelena enjoys being read aloud to. She finds it soothing. Kate will read news articles and books and shit out loud to Yelena with Yelena's head in her lap.
They are both obviously dog people but Yelena is *obsessed* with Bucky's cat Alpine and will wander around with Alpine tucked in her hoodie. Alpine does not like Kate. Kate will MAKE Alpine like her if it's the last thing she does.
Antonia Dreykov is not much of a Kate fan at first. She finds Kate soft, loud, overly dramatic, and painfully naive. Then Yelena almost dies on Antonia's watch, and Kate steps up in a very serious, real way. That wins Antonia over to the Kate side.
Yelena's the bottom. I love bottom Yelena. She's a spoiled, bratty sugar baby pillow princess and Kate is OBSESSED with the power trip it gives her to see Yelena like that.
Tbh I'm not into asexual Yelena and less and less inclined to even discuss it but I DO think Yelena has hangups and triggers around sex. The girls take the physical intimacy part of their relationship at a GLACIAL pace, and there are times where something Kate says or does ends in a meltdown or panic attack for Yelena. It makes Kate feel very guilty. Yelena makes jokes about it, which does not provide the levity that she THINKS they do.
Kate doesn't really like to wear pants much, especially in their room/their own apartment once Yelena is secure enough to live with just Kate (I think for a while Yelena lives with Bucky and thus Sam, and Kate ends up there too-Yelena gets anxious alone and needs to learn to person). Yelena regularly grabs her ass and squeezes before BOLTING to trick Kate into chasing her and throwing her on the bed.
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poohbea · 2 years
Hi Pooh, hope your having a good day or night. I have another request, I'm sorry blame my mind for having a lot of ideas for a lot of characters. Anyways can you do an Incubus Draken being accidently summands by a chubby witch reader who has recently gotten both nipples pierced and also clit pierced as well. All of the piercings are healed but due to having said piercing, she is very sensitive and always horny. 😁
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wordcount: 3k
content: incubus!draken, chubby novice witch!reader, demon summoning, isabella piercing, nipple piercings, draken's skin is purple (he's a demon sue me), black haired draken, he uses his tail as a restraint, wings, swearing, pet names (pretty and sweetheart), unprotected sex (use protection kids), fingering, biting, marking, praise, possessiveness, reader gets branded (you'll see)
— synopsis: as a novice witch you need to prove yourself to the coven in order to gain your full powers. however, your latest assignment is proving rather troublesome.
note from pooh: when i tell you i was so excited to make this omfg sha sha you're a genuis. you made me search up demon summoning rituals and i swear i heard God crying for me 😂😂. you always give me fic worthy reqs and as you can see by the wordcount it basically is one (it's a baby fic aw) but pls don't be shy i love to see you in my inbox with a new req, i want all your ideas!! also there will be a part 2!! my beta reader gave me an amazing idea for the next shenanigan incubus draken is gonna take reader on, ugh i'm so excited.
WARNING: this is smut, so please ensure you have your age visible on your account before interacting. Minors (below 18+), ageless and blank blogs will be BLOCKED
Hope you enjoy ♡ reblogs are greatly appreciated
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“Okay, salt circle. Check. Six Candles. Check. Matches.” You pick up the small rectangular box and open it to check the contents. “Check. And offering…” Continuing to read from the spell book you dip your finger into the chocolaty filling of your sliced praline tart. Moaning happily at the sweetness on your tongue. “Check.”
You stood over your handy work proudly, watching the candles flicker softly in the darkness of your basement, breathing life into your summoning circle. Demon summoning was new to you as a novice witch, but it was a practice you’d need to master in order to ascend the ranks of your coven. It didn’t seem that hard, afterall you were able to get everything you needed from the grocery store. So it had to be simple, right?
Picking up the plate with a slice of your offering, you stepped over the sealed salt circle carefully, placing it beside the sixth candle at the centre of your chalked out inverted pentagram. It smelt faintly of lavender as you stepped back out.
“Alright and now for the chant.” You raise the book to read the innominate phrase and the rest of the instructions aloud, stopping at a sentence in bold red writing. “If there is a demon in particular you’d like to summon, envision them, their personality, etcetera. Your thoughts have a big influence on the type of demon that will enter your circle. Hmm, sounds simple enough.” For now you were aiming for a small sized demon. A child maybe, with wings and cute little horns. Ugh it would be so cute and easy to handle. Plus what child doesn’t like chocolate? 
Clearing your throat you begin. “Saecula saeculorum, come forth, come forth.” You repeated the phrase over and over to no avail. “Come on…” Another six times and nothing. On the verge of giving up you turn and take a bite out of the leftover tart sitting on the table with your other assortment of spell ingredients. “Dammit.” Growing bored and tiresome, your mind wanders to anything of entertainment, the first one being. 
“I wonder if I charged my vibrator…” Because you were sure going to need it to drown out the sinking feeling of your failure. “No, no, I can do this!” You huff, swallowing the dessert and moving back in front of the circle. With new found confidence you chant. “Saecula saeculorum, come forth, come forth!” A gust of wind tornados through the room, the chalked lines of the pentagram sparking into a tunnel of purple and red light. 
Low moans and high pitched screams sound from beyond the rosy specked lilac veil, a white circle forming in the centre of the pentagram. The tart and sixth candle are engulfed in a pool of light that forces you to shield your eyes. Wind howled through the confined space, picking up stray papers strewn across the table behind you. Your dress followed, the skirt lifting and fluttering around you. 
Then with the echo of a deep maniacal laugh, the wind ceased, the light faded and the scent of lavender dispersed. There was silence, then the smack of lips. 
“Well, what do we have here?” A haughty voice chimes. As you bring your hand away from your face, your heart nearly sinks to your feet. 
This was no small, child-like demon. In the circle sat a tall creature with male human-like features, its skin a deep shade of aubergine decorated in inky markings you couldn’t quite make out. Black bat-like wings tucked behind its lean body, eye’s gold and searing holes into your skull. He runs a clawed hand through midnight locks, revealing pointed heavily pierced ears. 
“W-Who are you?” You stutter, setting your spell book down on the table at the side of the room. “Why are you here?” 
“Really?” He scoffs. “You’re the one who called me.” He takes another bite from the tart slice you were only now just noticing between his dagger-like fingertips.
“No, I called a smaller demon. A child.” He laughs at your denial, licking chocolate from his  fingers. 
“Mm, from what I recall you weren’t thinking of a child, sweetheart.” His eyes shine brighter at the thought, the devious hues raking you up and down shamelessly. 
“But I was… oh fuck!” The vibrator. That was the last thing on your mind before you recited the chant. Shit, so what the hell had you summoned then? “What type of demon are you? I’ve never seen your kind before.”
He huffed a laugh, half smirking as he finished his dessert. “You’ve never seen an incubus before? Are you witches getting dumber by the century or is it just me?” 
“Don’t talk about us like that! Some of us are still learning.” The pout on your face only egged him on, his smirk growing at your poorly executed assertive facade. 
“And I suppose you’re one of them?” He gets to his feet, stretching his tattooed arms overhead, wings flexing simultaneously. 
“Look, this was a mistake. Let me just send you back and I’ll try this again another day.” You sigh, going to fetch your spellbook. 
“Oh, I don’t think so, pretty.” The growl makes your skin tingle, hairs on the back of your neck standing on end. 
You put your hand on the book, turning to face him with a faux look of courage. “And why the hell not?” 
In a flash he’s in front of you, a gasp escaping your lips as he towered over your small frame. “Because you forgot to close the salt circle.” His fangs shone under the dim light of the remaining candles strewn across your basement floor. His sinful smirk made you feel that much smaller, clutching onto your book for safety seeming futile as he closed the space between you. 
“Please, Mister Incubus, sir-“ 
“Draken.” He corrects.
His head tilts teasingly. “The name’s Draken, sweetheart. Remember it, because you’re gonna need it in a minute.” 
He lowers his head to the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. “Mm.” Moaning softly he lets his inhumanly long tongue path its ways up your jaw, flicking at your earlobe. “You smell that?“ 
A hand snakes around your waist, pressing your chest against his. “That’s the smell of, sweet,” his other hand plays with the hem of your dress, fingertips grazing along your inner thigh. “Delicious,” he notices the way your breathing changes, how your nipples rub against him, hard and peaking through the thin material. No bra? Hm, this was going to be fun. “Undeniable lust.” He whispers the last words in your ear and revels in the whimper you let out. 
So sensitive already and he hasn’t even touched you. Well, not where he could most definitely sense you needed it. 
“I don’t-“ 
“You’re frustrated, mm, I can smell it on you. So much pent up frustration. Poor baby.” He chuckles darkly, grazing a talon along the seam of your underwear. “So you summoned a sex demon of all things, are you really that desperate?” 
Your mind was beginning to fog, thoughts and words jumbling into one. You wanted to deny it, all of it. You never intended this to be the outcome. No, you just wanted to practice. But you’d be lying if you told him he wasn’t speaking the truth. 
“No- I- I just wanted-“ 
His lips ghost over yours, nose brushing your own. “You wanted me. I heard you, your soul. Oh, the way it begged for me.” 
“That’s not true…” 
“Isn’t it?” Your heart beats in your throat as his eyes pierce yours, flaming gold. “Why are you horny then?” 
“I’m not!” Denial was the only way you could go, all other forms of logic thrown out the window the moment he stepped from that summoning circle. 
“So why’s your heart beating so fast?” He raises a brow, fingers getting dangerously close to your clit.
“Because I’m afraid?” 
“Mm, but that’s not the only reason now is it?” You were breathing each other, air exchanging on every inhale and exhale. He smelt like a crackling fire, deep and earthy like the depths of hell he came from, but underneath that was a faint scent of lavender.
“No.” Honestly you weren’t sure if you were denying him or answering his question. He was too close, touching you like he knew your body inside out. Heat radiating from his skin as he held you close. You swore you were going insane. 
“Tell me. What is it you want, princess?” His hand at your waist wraps itself tamely around your throat, forcing you to look him in the eye. “Tell me your deepest, darkest desires.” 
“I-I need you.” You relent, air being sucked from your lungs as you speak.
He growls as you take hold of his wrist, pressing his free hand flush against your clothed core. “P-Please.” 
“How can I refuse such a polite request?” His hands find purchase on the back of your thighs, talons tickling the skin. “Jump.”
You comply without question, gasping when your back hits the table suddenly, the clatter of vials and books sounding soon after. Your feeble mortal mind failed to recognise just how fast he was, even in his arms it felt like a blink. 
He laughs deeply when you shy away, hiding in your hands. It was unnerving how he ate you up with his eyes, taking in the supple curves of your body. You were a perfect canvas, so easy to mould, to shape into the perfect vessel. 
“Mm mm,” He tsks, taking both your hands in his. You notice a black wisp in the corner of your eye. It was a long and whip-like appendage, smooth and sleek as it wraps around your wrists. It’s only when he uses it to pin your hands above your head, do you realise it’s his tail. “Let’s keep those out of the way.” Gripping the neckline of your dress he splits it down the middle effortlessly, the fabric ruffling beneath you. 
“Draken.” You whine, nipples hard in the cool air, exposed and sensitive. 
“Nipple piercings? My, my, this just keeps getting better and better.” His long tongue trails from the curve of your plush stomach to the valley of your breasts, his eyes never wavering as he holds your gaze. Dipping his head he envelops a perky bud, tongue swirling and hot against you. 
His presence only intensified the sensitivity sparking across your skin, like fuel to a fire as he ran rampant over your body. “Fuck.” Your hiccuped moan makes him nip at your skin, drawing more of the sounds he craved from your lips. 
So caught up in his mouth you don’t notice his claws retract at your thighs, pads of his fingers collecting the wetness that’s already soaking through the cotton of your underwear. He wasn’t surprised, you reeked of desperate arousal. Months of desire and salacity he was more than happy to feed on. 
Your back arches as he dips two fingers inside your divine fountain of lust, slick aiding his journey deep within. As he’s about to lay his thumb on your clit he stops, feeling the metal bulbs prod at his fingertips. “Oh, now you’re just doing it on purpose.” 
“I’m s-sorry- ah!” He chuckles as he softly pinches the bud between his fingertips, swallowing your whimper with the dip of his tongue between your lips. 
“So sensitive.” His growl sends a spark up your spine, thighs trembling at the heavy blanket of carnality threatening to suffocate you.
He’d reduced you to an empty-minded gasping mess, nails digging into your palms as he played. He was familiarising himself with you, all of you, your sounds, your expressions, the way you’d squeeze around him with each slight prod of his index and middle finger. Just how much you could take before you failed to kiss him back? Before your mind went blank, only to be filled with the haze of pleasure?
“D-Draken!” You gasped, chest heaving as his teeth captured your bottom lip. “‘Ken, please more!” 
Your greed was filling, the flavour sweet and intoxicating as it flooded his senses. Emotions, although invisible to mortals, were very much palpable to demons. It was easy to breathe it in, to lap it off the surface of your lips - of your skin. To let it flow through his body like a drug administered by a syringe. 
“That's it, pretty. Give into sin.” His breath puffs against your cheek, your own doing the same to his. “Let it take you.” He senses the knot tangled in the pit of your stomach, fingers pulling it tighter as they pulse against your g-spot.
“I-I… fuck I-I can’t, please, ‘Ken!” Your hips rocked in time with his movements, your body showing him exactly how to please you. 
“Yes you can, sweetheart.” His mouth lowers to your ear, his own keen to the sounds escaping your lips. “Give in to me.” 
There was still a part of you that held back, a sliver of resistance that prevented him from taking hold fully. Reluctance he’d be sure to indulge in when he finally snuffed it out once and for all.
You grew incoherent as he pushed you further, fingertips encompassing your clit mercilessly, piercing rolling between them. His patience was wearing thin the longer this took, the knot he so effortlessly entwined stagnant with no signs of unravelling. You were a strong one, he’ll give you that. He liked a challenge, it just made it all the more satisfying to see you break. 
His movements halt, snapping you out of your euphoric state almost instantaneously. You watched him through your lashes, his tail flicking at his side as it unbinds your wrists. He looks at you with steely determination, golden eyes burning into your own. His breath brushes your lips, head tilting as he examines you silently, wading through the darkest depths of your mind. 
It was interesting what you could read through the eyes, they were the windows to the soul after all. And your soul… your soul craved him. “Tell me.” He whispers to it, watching it flicker like a flame in the breeze. His hands settle in the crease of your thighs, teasing and eager. 
“Fuck me, please.” An abrupt breeze hums past your ear before the coolness of the concrete floor greets your skin. He lays you within the broken summoning circle, hips settling into yours as he hovers over you, wings resting around you both in a loose makeshift cocoon. 
“Say it again.” He breathes, tail wrapping itself around your ankle, bulge already nudging at your puffy clit.
“Fuck-” The sudden tap of his cock against your entrance elicits a gasp from your lips, your thighs instinctively closing around his waist. 
His tail pries you open again, running his tip through the glossy arousal pooled between your folds. “Speak, sweetheart.” 
“Fuck me… please.” His eyes shimmer as you exchange a breath, the candied zest of your desire melting on his tongue. 
Without another word he’s delving into the heat of your cunt, moaning as your velvety walls embraced him. His hands beside your head claw at the concrete beneath, abdomen flexing as he began a languid pace.
Ripples flutter across your skin with each thrust, your weak cries echoing through the basement as your nails dug into his lower back. “Draken!” His name was the only thing on your tongue, mind blank and teeth trapping your bottom lip harshly. 
The knot was bound again, tighter than ever as you squeezed him at every inch. He drank up every delicious twine of emotion that permeated from your flushed skin. Your divine in every way, the meal he’d been craving for the last two hundred years he spent rotting in hell. He wouldn’t go back, he couldn’t, not if this was what awaited him on earth. 
“You are mine and I am yours.” He growls into your neck, pace hastening. 
“I-I…” He needed to hear it fall from your lips, to declare to all those residing in hell that this soul was his and his alone. 
“Say it.” His teeth sink into the flesh of your neck, possessiveness overshadowing any form of control he had left. “Tell me who you belong to?”
“You, Draken.” You whine, his chest pressing against yours as he drives himself deeper, harder, faster. 
“And who do I belong to?”
Your hand tangles in his hair, the other clawing deep into his back. “Me. You are mine and I am yours.” With those final words you felt a searing pain just below your sternum, a hiss bleeding through gritted teeth as heat flooded your chest. “Fuck, what’s happening?” 
He ignores your question, fingers finding the perk bud of your clit, encircling it as he drives you to the edge. He tugs on the knot, harder and harder till he feels it snap and you’re unravelling in a tense shivering mess beneath him. A growl escapes him as you bite into his shoulder, legs wrapping around his waist forcing him to suffer the unforgiving wrath of your tight cunt. He submits to her willingly, offering his seed in silken ropes, his balls tightening with each throb of his cock. 
Heavy breaths were exchanged in each other’s necks, bodies hot and veiled in sweat that glistened in the candlelight. The heat in your chest dissipates as quickly as your initial orgasm does, the aftershocks making your legs jerk as Draken continues to play with your clit, relishing in the whines and cries of overstimulation that fall from your lips.
“I could get used to this for a century.” He mutters against your skin, inhaling the perfume he only now knew you were wearing, 
“What do you mean for a century?” You chuckle, mindlessly playing with his hair. “You can’t stay here, I told you I summoned you by accident.”
“Well you should’ve thought of that before making a pact with a demon, sweetheart.” You can hear the amusement in his voice as his fangs nip at your ear. 
“What? When did I…” He lifts himself onto his palms opening a space between your chests. One big enough for you to see the large black symbol tattooed into your skin just below your sternum. “Fuck! No, not again!”
Draken laughs deeply, brushing his nose against yours. “You are mine and I am yours, pretty. Till your death do us part.”
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tags: @gardenof-venus, @sailewhoremoon, @okhotel, @xharia, @sakinotfound
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© poohbea, all rights reserved. DO NOT copy, reupload or modify my work to other accounts and platforms. if you intend to translate any of my works please ask permission first ♡
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asteriastemple · 2 months
please explain the plot of glee to me pretty girl 😚
(squeals through your phone!!!!!)
(this is basically me giving u a very chaotic rundown and trying to implement all of my opinions on it. i started this at 5am and i'm finishing it at 11pm 😭. i basically am just writing down the pilot episode...)
it starts with the old glee director getting fired for sexual harassment because rachel berry, an absolute insufferable yet disturbingly talented teenager for only being a sophomore in hs at this point in time, reported him- NOT BECAUSE HE WAS INAPPROPRIATELY TOUCHING A STUDENT, NO!- but because sandy (old glee coach) gave someone else a solo instead of her 🤗🤗 . I HATE HER!!!! (she only gets worse from this point on too btw!!)
so, sandy gets fired and the principal of wiliam mckinley high school was like, "well since we don't have someone to take control of the glee cub and we also don't have the money for it, we'll just cut the program😁!" (although he paid for the cheer team's (the cheerios) new dietitian...)
... sigh.
This is where W*ll Sch*ester comes in...
(i hate w*ll sch*ester!!!!)
will is a sad old middle aged man with an uptight wife (terri schuester<3) who is basically living his high school glory days through the glee club. (this man is a menace. he needs to be put down!)
will is like to figgins (the principal) , "no! you can't take away the glee club! you're taking away these kids' will to live!" (his will to live)
so figgins is like, "fine but ur paying out of pocket to support it🙄🙄."
so there's tina, a goth whose faking a stutter so she doesn't have to talk to people she doesn't like, artie, a kid whose in a wheelchair and sings like he's not a white boy from the midwest, mercedes (MY BELOVED!!!!) , whose amazing but of course they portrayed her as the token angry black girl because what ELSE could she POSSIBLY bring to the table except that, kurt (MY BELOVED PT.2!!!!) , a closeted gay whose closet is made out of glass, and then... fucking rachel.
anyway, will then gets notified by sue sylvester, cheerios coach and the MOST AMAZING CHARACTER IN THIS GODFORSAKEN SHOW, that the glee club needs 12 people in order to compete in competitions and keep the club afloat.
so, he tries to talk to the football team about signing up for glee club after rachel tells him that artie isn't good enough to keep up with her vocally. he fails, and the sign-up sheet gets vandalized with penises and a bunch of ridiculous fake names!
and then there's this whole monologue like, "i was just about to give up until i heard his voice..."
and this poor kid finn is in the bathroom, just peacefully singing to himself while this CREEPY ASS MIDDLE AGED MAN is listening to him.
... and then he plants weed in his locker and tells him to sign up for the glee club or else he'd get expelled and lose his (nonexistent) football scholarship.
anyway, a little while after that his wife terri is like, "hey! i'm pregnant! 🤗" (spoiler alert! it was a hysterical pregnancy... and after that she then tries to hide the fact that she is in fact, NOT pregnant by wearing this fake pregnant stomach thing and trying to bribe finn's girlfriend for her child since she doesn't want to keep it.) and then will is thinking, "damn, i'm really gonna hate life now... time to be an accountant so i can support my (cunty af) lying wife and our fake baby!"
so he then puts in his two weeks but not without emma (his love interest and william mckinley's guidance counselor.) going, "pls go to the careers center tomorrow so you don't make the biggest mistake of your life and inevitably kill yourself." in much kinder words than how i phrased it. she basically shows him an old video of his time in glee club and i guess that inspires him... or something idk.
so the episode ends with the glee club performing don't stop believin by journey (i've heard this song so many goddamn times in this show that i HATE it now!) and the cheerios (quinn, santana, brittany.) and sue (best character in television history) are watching them as well as puck, finn's best friend who totally thinks finn is a bitch for joining jew directions.
also, will is in one of the auditorium seats and he comes back on the stage like, "good job, guys! btw i'm back! sorry for quitting on you for like ten seconds😝."
anyway, there's so much more that i left out but i don't feel like going back and editing this. thank you for asking me about glee and letting me go insane about my worst special interest ever!!!! - asteria<3 .
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heyheyloverrr · 7 months
Please be literate to advanced literate (the minimum a few paragraphs). I love DETAIL, tell me every little thing about your oc and the setting. Of course make it make sense but give me DETAILSSS. I don't do anything, nor will I accept anything less than a paragraph. I just don't enjoy roleplays like that, sorry.
Help in making the plot! Coming up with ideas and keeping it alive. I’ve had to be the one so many times keep the rp going good and alive. Roleplaying is a team effort and I would like us both to bring in ideas and all. Of course please ask before doing anything and I’ll do the same. This includes asking me to do big timeskips! Ask and I’ll usually always say yes. I just want there to be enough communication between us :).
Oc’s do not have to be in wikis for me! I love coming up with new characters all the time for roleplays and all! I also do not mind animated or realistic face claims (depends also whether the fandom is animated or realistic). I’m a bit picky when it comes to drawings, especially traditional just bc it’s hard for me to imagine. (No hate to anyone that uses their art work! Honestly that’s so cool just I’m picky about it myself). Under no circumstances will I ever rp with a gacha oc OR furry. (If the fandom is something like bastard then I’ll maybe make an exception, but fandoms like that I usually humanize the characters bc I feel uncomfortable otherwise).
I have school and work! Yes I have a life outside of roleplaying and all that. So please do not spam me or constantly ask when I’ll reply. When I can, I will. Ofc if it’s been a few days you can remind me! Sometimes I forget bc I’m so busy. Usually I’ll always say when I can’t reply tho so don’t worry. All I ask is that you do the same. Tell me when you can’t reply, tell me if you get bored or don’t want to rp anymore! I completely understand. Like I said I just want there to be communication between the two of us outside of the roleplay.
I love doing double ups, yes it can get a bit overwhelming but I do love them! Especially for fandom roleplays. For doubles ups I please ask that you don’t put more effort only to your side and not to my side. I’ll keep things even all the time and I ask that you do so as well so the both of us are happy :). I can do ocxoc, ccxcc (depending on the cc), or ccxoc! I can usually always play any cc so don’t be shy to ask.
I will only be doing double ups for ocxcc, I won’t play a canon character for your oc and receive nothing back in return. If it’s not a double up then I will only play MY oc. But I don’t find that really fair either so I’m more than open to doing a double up! (If you'd prefer ccxcc for your side then that's totally fine with me). I'm open for doing double ups without it being tied to a fandom as well!
I do all gender pairings. MxM, FxF, NBxNB or other; but i will say I’m more comfortable playing the female in fxm roleplays. But in a double up I’m more than happy to play whatever gender and pairing for you!
No ‘uwu subs’ or ‘Mary-sue emo’ or super op characters😭. I can not stand these types of oc’s. Please give me characters with actual stories to them and not ones that just want to be babied bc I won’t baby your oc like that. And pls, you’re oc that looks and acts like a f-ing child isn’t gonna be paired with one of my ocs that looks and acts like an adult. I’m warning now I’ll honestly just leave if I see this starting to happen :P.
Depending on the fandom and storylines, triggering topics will be brought up throughout the rp. So please tell me any triggers you have beforehand as I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. My only triggers are weird kinks like necrophilia, vomit, scat, anything with kids like age play, etc.
I'm very open to writing out NSFW content BUT it can't be the whole premise of the plot. There has to be an actual story before we get to the NSFW side.
Please let me know if you're going to be leaving or if the roleplay isn't what you expected. I don't want to be wasting my time either coming up with a plot, talking ooc, getting into the story then you disappear and leave. Let me know if my writing isn't your style or if you want to change the story up, that's completely fine with me! I'm more than happy to make sure we both have a fun time :).
I roleplay on all these platforms: here on Tumblr, Docs, Discord, Instagram.
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ashes-writing · 2 years
wanna be yours pt III | mcu ; p.maximoff
A/N ; And here we are. Another chapter and even more intense sexual tension. Maybe a lil softness here and there too. This just came to me on a whim earlier so I present it to you without any beta whatsoever because honestly, I fly by the seat of my ass here. Anyway, let's get to it, shall we? There will be more parts to this incoming.
Pairing ; Pietro Maximoff x Stark!Fem reader. I realize this possibly narrows the whole 'reader' thing, but alas... I will try to be as vague as humanly possible so that anybody who wants can imagine themselves in this, I'm still new to this tho.
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ; part I || part II can be found by clicking the links I just gave. Again, let it be noted.. This is after AoU. Before all the other shit and Pietro's death is ignored. Also, Spidey makes an intro to the fold a little sooner because sue me, Reader needs her psuedo lil bro and she will in the future parts of this too. We're also pretending that Stark Towers is not destroyed or that it's been renovated / rebuilt and the Avengers are now staying at the tower and working at the compound. Makes sense? I hope so.
Tag List ; @beardedbarba is the only person on my MCU tag list. if you'd like to be added to my taglists for anything including fandom piece in question is for, please let me know or add yourself -> here.
Warnings ; Even more heavy lingering sexual tension, babes and dolls. Even more. This is going to be one of those intense ones, me thinks. There is just a little touching, an intimate moment here and there but overall, this one is safe to read.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || requests are open (pls.. pls... send me things) but they're limited to headcanon asks + filth/fluff alphabet letters and I'm not accepting wrestling / wrestlers in my ask box. Any other fandom/character but wrestling that I happen to write for is fine and I beg of you -> send me things.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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Translations if any; — Ți-e foame, prințesă? - “ are you hungry, princess?” -- thanks to google translate. as per usual, draga mea means my darling / my dear and I'm basing Sokovian on Romanian.
“It’s impressive.” Wanda mumbles from beside her twin. Pietro’s eyes flit around the massive foyer of Stark Towers and he shrugs. But his eyes are still wandering and Wanda doesn’t need her nifty little abilities to know exactly what her twin is searching for. Or who, more to the point. She gives him a nudge as Natasha tosses keycards on a lanyard in their direction. Pietro catches his and turns it over in his hands, gazing at the credit card sized plastic just to avoid the pointed look his twin is giving him.
Natasha speaks up. “The living space out here, the game room,  the kitchen, the bar, the home gym and the home theater and the spa are ours to use too. We just have to stay out of the garage, the basement lab and the fourth wing.”
“What’s the fourth wing?” Peter Parker asks.
Bucky chuckles and reaches out, smacking the bright eyed teenager in the back of the head. “That’s baby Stark’s personal wing. You oughta know that, kid.” and briefly, the hardened soldier locks eyes with Pietro Maximoff and shakes his head while mouthing, “Don’t you fucking dare either, kid or so help me God.”
And almost as if summoned, you wander out into the living room, pausing at a control panel on the wall. The ambience of the room goes from soft classic rock to loud and angry hard rock with heavy emphasis on guitars and screaming. It's Avenged Sevenfold, this is what they're known for and also, they happen to be one of your many favorite bands...
You wander right past the group lingering in the room and into the kitchen, your nose stuck in a thick book as you walk.
Wanda elbows her twin. Pietro’s gaze is locked on you and he’s biting his lip. He’s doing that thing he does where he’s thinking entirely too hard about doing something that’s likely not a good idea. Wanda palms her face.
Peter nudges Pietro. “Dude, I’ve seen her leg sweep a guy.” Peter nods at you and laughs to himself in amusement upon seeing the way Pietro is staring at you like you're on fire and he's got a hose.
“Mhm.” Pietro’s only half listening, instead he’s watching you as you slice tomato on a carving board. You pile the tomato into a bowl. A few seconds later, you’re tearing lettuce and letting the leafy green vegetable fall into a slightly bigger silver bowl. Then you’re scaling the counter, poking around in a cabinet that’s way over your head, pots and pans clanging together noisily as you dig into the cabinet as deep as you can. You find the frying pan and in your triumph, you lose your balance a little.
Before you even have a chance to steady yourself on your own, Pietro’s taken off in a blue streak blur and he’s scooped you up into strong arms bridal style just as you nearly take a tumble off of your high perch. You stare at him with a raised brow and wide eyes as you blow some hair out of your face. Pietro stands you on your own feet in the kitchen and he’s doing that thing again where he lingers, towering over you. Staring at you intently as if he wants to say something.
Blue sky eyes settle on the various ingredients spread out on the counter and the battered Ace of Spades playing card that’s marking your page in the thick textbook you’d been reading as you navigated the living room a few minutes before. He nods to the ingredients and chuckles quietly. 
“— Ți-e foame, prințesă?” the question is asked quietly. You tilt your head and you’re pouting at him. “English, please? Or at least, y’know… Teach me your language?”
Pietro leans in a little. “I asked if you are hungry, princess.” as he nods to the food on the counter again. You glance back at it and laugh softly while nodding. “Starved, actually. I kind of missed lunch today. I was working, it slipped my mind.” you shrug as you say it.
“How do you forget to eat?”
“Uh, you realize who my father is, yeah? It’s a genetic thing.” you shuffle bare feet against the marble flooring of the kitchen as you try to look somewhere else, anywhere else but his eyes. But you’re lost in them and drowning all over again.
You jump a little, startled when Natasha makes her way in, watching you and Pietro like a hawk. A little smirk on her face as she opens the fridge and digs around until she finds her usual beverage of choice. Once she’s popped the cap against the edge of the quartz countertop, she shotguns the drink down and drags her hand across the back of her mouth, glancing at Pietro.
“Stop bothering her, Speedy.”
“He’s not, uh.. He’s not bothering me, Nat. It’s fine.” you smile to reassure the older woman. You nod to the thick book sitting nearby. “That’s what’s bothering me and if Finals week doesn’t hurry and end I swear to God I’ll punt that book out of the Tower.”
“I thought you were in the dorms.” Natasha questions.
“I was. But my roommate is in the honeymoon phase with this idiot she met on a dating app, so…. Home it is, I guess.” you grimace and Natasha laughs. “Yeah, I don’t blame you.” and she’s made herself comfortable sitting on the kitchen island as she takes a tomato slice and pops it into her mouth, much to your chagrin.
Pietro’s gaze lingers on you. You reach for the soda you’d gotten yourself while foraging through the fridge across the kitchen and you twist off the cap and take a sip, staring right back at him. Stepping just a little closer before you even realize you’ve done it.
Natasha clears her throat and glances from you to Pietro and then hops down from the counter, sauntering out of the room. You take a deep breath or two and they come out just a little shakier than they should have. Pietro chuckles. “Relax, draga mea. You seem so tense.”
“Tense. Yeah, that’s uh.” you raise a hand to drag it through your hair and blue eyes fix on the movement intently, distracted by it for a few seconds. “That’s one way to put it, I guess.” - oh you're tense alright. the sheer sexual tension you feel right now is almost overwhelming but you're not admitting to that, oh no.
A throat clears from the kitchen door and a girl wanders in. When she lapses into the same language Pietro uses around you a lot, you glance from one to the other. Scarlet Witch.. Pietro's twin, Wanda Maximoff...Your father told you about both of them joining the team, he mentioned it casually a while back.
You smile when she happens to look up and catch you watching them. Then you grab the package of bacon you’d been about to fry for the biggest bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich you can possibly make yourself in one sitting and you turn your attention to the stove, turning it on.
You plop down a few pieces of bacon into the pan and the whispering back and forth heatedly continues behind you between the Maximoff twins. You can’t really understand it and you’re really not trying to listen, but every now and then a word or two grabs your attention and you wonder what they mean.
Grease pops out of the pan and splashes your wrist and you swear under  your breath, holding your wrist against your body for a second or two to dull the sting. You didn’t realize he’d come across the room until he reached out and grabbed hold of your wrist, studying it with brows knit in concern.
“It’s just a little bacon grease. It’ll sting then it’ll be fine. Just hurt like hell.” you reassure him. Pietro nods and he mutters something under his breath and in his mother tongue that you can’t understand. That you’re probably not meant to understand. Which has you frowning a little because you want to know what he’s saying when he talks to you in Sokovian.
Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold begins to play and you hum along quietly as you grab a pair of tongs from the utensil holder by the stove and begin to pull crispy strips of bacon from the hot pan. You turn to Wanda and Pietro. “Do you guys want one? It’s fine, there’s enough tomato and lettuce. Definitely enough bacon.” you nod to the bowls in question. The twins share a look and Wanda politely shakes her head No. Pietro shrugs. “ I could eat.”
“You’re always hungry.” Wanda retorts, giving her brother a teasing look as she laughs. 
Wanda turns and walks out of the kitchen and Peter, the kid your father has taken under his wing, he wanders in. You grin at the bright eyed teenager. “Hey, Parker! You hungry?”
“Is it bacon, lettuce and tomato?” Peter asks with a broad grin.
“That’s the only thing I know to make beside grilled cheese, buddy.” you smile back and shrug almost apologetically. "Sadly.. My dad's great at a lot of things.. Cooking so he could show me how is not one of them. But he's learning. At least one of us is," you laugh softly.
“Yeah, that’s right. The last time you tried to cook the fire department was called in.”
“Oh fuck you!” you pout at the teenager and he laughs. Raising one side of your thick text book to look at the title. “You’re in medicine? I thought you were going into somethin else?”
“Mhm. Nursing. I decided I wanted to go into it to help people as best as I can.” you smile as you say it. Peter grins and pulls himself up onto one of the tall stools. Pietro, you notice, is giving the teenage boy a dirty look. You laugh softly. And despite trying not to, you find yourself stepping even closer to Pietro Maximoff.
He mirrors it and one of his hand lingers close to one of your hips. You glance down at his hand when it grazes your hips and you bite your lip quietly. Peter makes his way out of the kitchen after mumbling something about needing to breathe and you swallow hard.
Now that he’s mentioned it, the air is thick again. When is it not thick when Pietro Maximoff is present, though. That's the real question.
You spread mayonnaise on two slices of bread and begin piling tomato, lettuce shreds and bacon onto your sandwich. Pietro is still lingering close behind you and when his hand grazes your side again you gasp quietly and glance sideways over your shoulder at him. A soft giggle leaving your mouth.
You start to make another sandwich for Pietro and you feel his chest press into your back carefully as he watches you, reaching out to steal a strip of bacon before you can swat away his hand. You finish making the sandwich for him and turn to face him, holding it up to him. Smiling a sweet little smile that Pietro stares at for longer than he probably should have. He wants to stop staring, to stop touching you and stop being so painfully aware of you but it’s like he can’t. He’s tried everything he can within reason to do so. Nothing has worked yet.
You’re literally the one girl he wants more than any one in the past and you’re also the one girl who happens to be off limits.
And it’s driving him crazy, he doesn’t know how much more he can take.
You take a bite of your own sandwich and Pietro reaches out, dragging his thumb across your cupids bow. Fighting off the urge to groan at the way your lip felt like velvet under his thumb. Or the way it quivered.
He licks his thumb quietly and chuckles. “Messy eater, draga mea.”
Your eyes are glued to his thumb as he does it and you can feel your thighs clench so much tighter. To counter this, you shuffle your bare feet against the marble floor. And you finally manage to look anywhere else but his mouth. Or his hands.
“Kind of.” you shrug and smile. “I’m gonna go watch General Hospital now.” you announce as you gather your soda and the massive sandwich you’ve made yourself and wander into the living room. As you flip through the channels on the massive television on the wall, you can feel Pietro’s sister watching you intently.
You glance over as you stop the tv on General Hospital right as the opening credits roll and you take a bite of your sandwich. Wanda moves so that she’s sitting next to you.
After a long pause when you’re getting absorbed in the latest drama to befall your favorite mob don, Sonny Corinthos, Wanda gasps quietly.
You glance over at her.
“Nothing, it’s nothing.” but Wanda says it quickly. A little too quickly.
The reason for her gasp was because she accidentally brushed against you and the second she did, she got to see in high definition clarity exactly what you were thinking in regards to her brother, Pietro. She also got a real good glimpse into the way he’s been plaguing your filthiest dreams every single night and exactly how frustrated you are because you can’t figure him out.
Wanda smiles to herself. Nods to the television. “What is going on here?”
“That’s a mob meeting. Sonny’s trying to take down a rival family, I think.. Or he’s being threatened by one. They’re discussing how to handle it.” you explain, throwing up your hands in annoyance when Sonny’s wife wanders onto the screen. “Go away, Carly, oh my god.” you groan as you palm your face. Wanda laughs softly and nods to the screen again. “You don’t like her?”
“I mean, she’s okay? She’s just very, very… Involved. It’s invasive. And nine out of ten, when she does get in the middle of something she makes it so much worse..” you cringe as you listen to Carly talking to someone on the phone a scene later. “I swear to God, if she even thinks about it.”
Wanda laughs again. And she watches you quietly, smiling to herself.
Maybe she could drop a few hints with her brother, ease his mind. She’d never seen him twist himself inside and out quite so much before. Normally, he kept it fairly surface level, stealing the girl who caught his eye little gifts and trinkets, flirting openly. For some reason, whenever he tried with her he claimed that the words wouldn’t come.
Maybe that wasn’t a bad thing. Maybe he needed to keep doing exactly what he was doing.
Wanda rose from the couch and made her way into the kitchen where her brother sat eating the sandwich you’d made for him.
“It might interest you to know that she feels… Very intense things for you as well. Don’t make a mess of this, Pietro. This better not be one of your little whirlwind flings. She’s been hurt a lot, I think.”
Out in the living room, you yell at the television set and as you make your way into the kitchen to grab another soda for yourself, you’ve got your hands thrown up in disgust. “I can’t with that show.” you grumble aloud as you step past Pietro and open the doors to the fridge, digging around until you find your usual brand of soda.
You can feel Pietro’s eyes fix on you intently. Practically burning a hole right through you as he stares. You pretend you don’t as best as you can and you wander over, picking up the textbook you left behind on the kitchen island. Then you wander into the living room and switch off the television set. You settle in on the couch with every intention to study, but at some point, you doze off.
Pietro happens to catch sight of you sleeping on the sofa and he shuts the book open in front of you, careful to place the battered Ace of Spades on the page where you left off. Then he tells himself he’ll just walk away, but he can’t. It’s as if his feet have grown roots.
He spots a sweater knit throw blanket draped over the arm of the couch on one end and he grabs it, spreading it out over your body. Then after smoothing his hand over the way your hair is fanned out all around you, he hurries off to his assigned wing in the tower.
And he knows he’ll try and try but given what Wanda’s told him tonight, sleep probably won’t come fast or easy because now he knows that whatever he feels right now is mutual. And he knows he’ll never be able to keep ignoring it or pretending that he doesn’t feel the way he feels.
You’re under his skin. Deep under his skin. And now, he knows that he’s not the only one affected.
Now, the only question is… Does he abide by what everyone keeps insisting -that you’re off limits, or does he act on what he wants most?
It’s gonna be a long night for Pietro Maximoff. A very long night.
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- RP Rules/Info
⋆ Please be literate to advanced literate (the minimum a few paragraphs). I love DETAIL, tell me every little thing about your oc and the setting. Of course make it make sense but give me DETAILSSS. I don't do anything, nor will I accept anything less than a paragraph. I just don't enjoy roleplays like that, sorry.
⋆ Help in making the plot! Coming up with ideas and keeping it alive. I’ve had to be the one so many times keep the rp going good and alive. Roleplaying is a team effort and I would like us both to bring in ideas and all. Of course please ask before doing anything and I’ll do the same. This includes asking me to do big timeskips! Ask and I’ll usually always say yes. I just want there to be enough communication between us :).
⋆ Oc’s do not have to be in wikis for me! I love coming up with new characters all the time for roleplays and all! I also do not mind animated or realistic face claims (depends also whether the fandom is animated or realistic). I’m a bit picky when it comes to drawings, especially traditional just bc it’s hard for me to imagine. (No hate to anyone that uses their art work! Honestly that’s so cool just I’m picky about it myself). Under no circumstances will I ever rp with a gacha oc OR furry. (If the fandom is something like bastard then I’ll maybe make an exception, but fandoms like that I usually humanize the characters bc I feel uncomfortable otherwise).
⋆ I have school and work! Yes I have a life outside of roleplaying and all that. So please do not spam me or constantly ask when I’ll reply. When I can, I will. Ofc if it’s been a few days you can remind me! Sometimes I forget bc I’m so busy. Usually I’ll always say when I can’t reply tho so don’t worry. All I ask is that you do the same. Tell me when you can’t reply, tell me if you get bored or don’t want to rp anymore! I completely understand. Like I said I just want there to be communication between the two of us outside of the roleplay.
⋆ I love doing double ups, yes it can get a bit overwhelming but I do love them! Especially for fandom roleplays. For doubles ups I please ask that you don’t put more effort only to your side and not to my side. I’ll keep things even all the time and I ask that you do so as well so the both of us are happy :). I can do ocxoc, ccxcc (depending on the cc), or ccxoc! I can usually always play any cc so don’t be shy to ask.
⋆ I will only be doing double ups for ocxcc, I won’t play a canon character for your oc and receive nothing back in return. If it’s not a double up then I will only play MY oc. But I don’t find that really fair either so I’m more than open to doing a double up! (If you'd prefer ccxcc for your side then that's totally fine with me). I'm open for doing double ups without it being tied to a fandom as well!
⋆ No ‘uwu subs’ or ‘Mary-sue emo’ or super op characters😭. I can not stand these types of oc’s. Please give me characters with actual stories to them and not ones that just want to be babied bc I won’t baby your oc like that. And pls, you’re oc that looks and acts like a f-ing child isn’t gonna be paired with one of my ocs that looks and acts like an adult. I’m warning now I’ll honestly just leave if I see this starting to happen :P.
⋆ Depending on the fandom and storylines, triggering topics will be brought up throughout the rp. So please tell me any triggers you have beforehand as I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. My only triggers are weird kinks like necrophilia, vomit, scat, anything with kids like age play, etc.
⋆ I'm very open to writing out NSFW content BUT it can't be the whole premise of the plot. There has to be an actual story before we get to the NSFW side.
⋆ Please let me know if you're going to be leaving or if the roleplay isn't what you expected. I don't want to be wasting my time either coming up with a plot, talking ooc, getting into the story then you disappear and leave. Let me know if my writing isn't your style or if you want to change the story up, that's completely fine with me! I'm more than happy to make sure we both have a fun time :).
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baekhvuns · 8 months
I mean he was never mine to begin with, and it was obvious he'd HAVE a gf with THAT face but ong I felt like I got cheated on Bcz we made eye contact for like 0.00001 secs tht one time 😩😩
I wasn't even able to go at my job Bcz I was sick my co workers told me that he had a gf, who was apparently at the restaurant and he made it so obvious that it was his gf. Which is a top trait for a man. BUT I COULDN'T SEE HIS GF 😭😭😭 I WANTED TO AT LEAST SEE THE FACE OF THE LUCKY WOMAN
Anyways....about my life, i got sick somehow, and got a cold but now I'm getting better AND MY PHONE FELL INTO MY BATHTUB 😭 SEE THIS IS WHY I WANTED TO BUY A BLUETOOTH SPEAKER!! it was so unfortunate, Bcz I was in the bathtub, scrolling thru my phn finding the perfect song and MY Clumsy MY CLUMSY HANDSSS 😭 anyways, its still working but the screen... is now discolored??
Enough of me ranting abt my life. How are you? The blog has been so quiet lately, like WHERE IS DV ANON?? WHERE IS JAEHUNNY ANON?? WHERE IS NOTHINGJUSTME ANON?? WHERE IS CHILDHOOD! BESTFRIENDHWA ANON?? Guys come back...life is so...lonely 🥺 (i hate this emoji)
Speaking of childhoodbestfriend!hwa anon, i literally made a story inspired by your username 😔 so i hope you don't sue me. I was sick i had nothing to do so I just posted the story, it's a part 1, idk man I hope people will like it.
I see you like angst YOU LIKE LOTS OF ANGST AND UGLY FIGHTS AFTER WHICH THE COUPLE LIVES HAPPILY EVER AFTER!! Me too. But I feel like daytime star is a comfort manhwa, like they went thru hurdles..they did but not in their relationship but more like, they went thru it together. Like....it wasn't anything between them ..bt them against the world thing?
Speaking of the whole fight THATS HOW YOU COME UP WITH THE FORMULA OF YOUR STORIES RIGHT? damn no wonder I'm in love with them..
Bt look i found a few fics that perfectly explain d&tg, change the Hongjoong to yn in the first one AND THE SECOND ONE!!! 🤚😭 PERSON B IS SO GENERAL!YN ..is the how you spell it-
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Omg yes the baby against his tiddies 🤧🤧🤧 they're so cute, and the baby is so cute and everything is so cute. Whenever I read it, it feels like I'm melting. And it feels so satisfying to see haebom (the black haired dude) who is so intimidating get all soft cuz of a baby AND HER FATHER 😭
NO NO YOURE RIGHT THE GOLDEN RETRIEVER AND THE BLACK CAT DYNAMIC IS THE BEST! I read another bl...pls I'm getting addicted to them...and it's actually good, AND ITS TBE SAME DYNAMIC!!! Person A (complete black cat persona, depressed with anxiety and a rich kid, [guess where the depression came frm?] ) and Person B (literal human sunshine, even his hair are blonde, a tired working man who gv up on his dreams)
And then they unite....god, it was the healthiest thing I read probably.
WOOYOUNG'S OREO HAIR ARE BACKKKKK! I cannot....express my joy ENOUGH! AND WE GOT PONYTAIL SEONGHWA 😭😭😭😭 when I tell you I waited so much since the Deja vu era LIKE FINALLY MAN YOU BETTER KEEP THE SCISSORS FAR AWAY!
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he brought his gf the day u weren’t at work 😭😭 crying this is like when u miss a day at school and rihanna performed in the cafeteria like CRYING GRKWHDKW ANON WHYDKWHDKW it’s time to come back to ur roots <3
i hope you’re better now- what the fuck 😭😭 WHY DO U HAVE UR PHONE IN THE BATHTUB WHAT HAPPENED TO KEEPING IT AT THE COUNTER ????? did u at least put it in rice pls jfbwkfhsk and did u find the right song
omg u posted … 🤲🏻
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CRYING THAT IS EXACTLY GENERAL!Y/N AND HWA FBWNDHAKHDKA IT WAS SO FUN WRITING THEIR BANTER a quiet unbothered person vs the hectic egotistic duke sigh, what a pairing i miss them ngl i miss the mr and mrs park one too what good times they were omg do u know the song im yours by isabel larosa i wrote half of my etl’s based on it
healthiest thing u read 😭😭😭😭
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silksdream · 3 years
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❝     𝖺𝗇𝖽     𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟     𝖺𝗅𝗅     𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌     𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞     .     .     .
*     ◞     percival     +     nailah     ›     @goldwingd     .
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petiteechorizon · 7 years
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I regret drawing this, but @therealjacksepticeye asked for a dark Mario game and all I could think of was gangster Mario...
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Okay time to read the preciousness that is your malec fic. Let's go. A list of bits and pieces I liked a loooooot (because why not???):
The title. Something so soft and malec about it.
Me reading your first fic which is almost 5k words - "stooormy you look like mommy baby"
Alec rubbing off (mundane habits!!) on Magnus is something that can be so personal.
His beautiful Alec >>>
I am once again emotion about malec letting Max's horns hurt them because they don't wanna stop cuddling
Even with his bedhead. Especially with the bedhead. - this coming from Magnus - I am Fashion - Bane. Wow.
Sometimes his husband said his name as if it was a sentence in itself. - I am once again telling you this was some good shit
"Really. And what was the plan?"" Fuck The Clave." - PLEASE
Every time Magnus uttered a curse word or was about to use one, the boy would somehow materialize out of thin air. - canon
Max being a ball of energy is SO canon idk why.
Children petting their parents' heads >>>
"I am not grumpy." Alec shot back. "Yes, you are," Rafael turned and retorted back. Always onboard to give shit to Alec. - I LOVE YOU KING
He had ended up remembering only a few words. The ones that mattered the most. In Spanish and Indonesian. For nights when Magnus and Rafael could only be comforted in their mother tongues. - beautiful.
Magnus being the crazy parent? *checks notes* yeah okay checks out
That Jace scene owns my soul just so you know ;)
While Max had clung to Alec that night, the shadowhunter boy had crawled in Magnus's arms and whispered to him that he would grow up and become the best shadowhunter one day to protect his dad. His husband had worried that maybe Rafael felt that way because Alec had saved him, and he felt the need to pay him back. But with time, they realized that their son felt that way because of the simple fact that he loved Alec. And well, Magnus could understand that. - I KNOW IT'S LONG BUT IT'S BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN SO LIKE SUE ME
impotent - LMAO MAX
"I'm also the father of my children, Magnus. You're not special." - sassy Alec I bow down before thee
Simon asking Alec for advice on how to be a good husband - PLEASE MY HEART (ps - headcanon that Jace finds out and gets offended. Simon: You are not even a husband yet! Jace: WOW WAY TO CHANGE THE TOPIC, LOVELACE!)
You don’t have to be the best. You just have to be better. - lovely advice <3
"You wouldn't be the person I fell in love with if you didn't drop everything to help other people." Alec grabbed his face and brought both their foreheads together. "I love all that you are, Magnus Bane. Never apologize for being you." - ALEC YOU STEALTH ROMANCE ATTACKER
"Let me look at you. I missed home." - LOVE ME A GOOD PARALLELS BRO
Okay. I only left a small comment on ao3 but as you can see, I loved this fic very much.
Side note: Since I have been writing a lot, I haven't really had the time to read fanfiction - which I really miss doing. I have forgotten what it felt like to read it. To be blown away by someone's words and wonder how tf it's not canon. To grin into my pillow. To fall in love with my faves a little bit more.
I missed it so much. Thank you for making me feel those things again. I feel blessed - and grateful <3
A gif to capture how I felt throughout this whole damn thing:
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Dani my love I have actual tears reading this I shit you not.
I can't believe you made a list aaaagh my heart. This is the sweetest thing and not to sound dramatic but I will cherish this list with my life
Your reax to everything you mentioned aaaah uwu. It's honestly a little overwhelming to see that people read my words and noticed these small things I added gosh.
That Jace and Simon HC is top tier lmao I accept.
Also, the fact that you're not able to read ff these days and my fic was able to make you feel CAN YOU PLS NOT MA'AM. my mom is asking why I'm grinning and crying looking into my phone. I’m brown pls I’m not allowed to do that skskskks
Thank you so much. I have said it before and I will say it again. I am love you.
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marveliciousloki · 3 years
I figured it out! Loki's character development consists on being happier for the exchange of his braincells as the MCU progresses
You don't believe me?
Thor (2011):
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This conflicted baby only smiles in deleted scenes or when he goes apeshit, despite personally considering the deleted scenes cannon he never smiles out of them and he's having an identity crisis the whole movie and if Thor hadn't regained Mjolnir he would have gotten away with his plan (and partially did).
Avengers (2012):
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Now he smiles a lot more, even has a couple of jokes like the "I'm listening" and "I'll have that drink now" but he thought working for Thanos would be a good idea and got tricked by Nat (don't blame him, Nat kicks ass).
Thor: Dark World (2014):
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To me this is peak Loki and personally my favorite MCU movie (yes, the allegedly worst movie is my favorite, sue me) despite grieving Frigga he smiles a lot, he's sassy and even jokes around on my beloved hall scene but like, even Thor got to deceive him, he is at peak Mischief on that ending but like... Why didn't you see that you'd be a frozen kebab.
Thor Ragnarok (2017):
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This is a close third favorite of mine and the one that made me laugh the hardest but he isn't as sharp as before, maybe relaxed from calmly reigning as Odin for years made him go soft (I don't freaking know) but he still is reliable in combat and got to play the Grandmaster for a good while, and this whole journey helps him reconnect with Thor and even be a hero to his people which is what he always wanted.
Infinity War (2018):
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Okay he has no happy scenes here but by this point he had found himself and learned how to love his brother in a healthy way (at least since 2011), unfortunately he had to attack Thanos with a butter knife.
Endgame (2019):
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Loki appeared for like 5 minutes merely mocking Steve like a 5 year old brat and reacting to things but he was considerably brighter than his old 2012 counterpart let on (he didn't do anything dumb per se but he was a little shit).
Loki (2021):
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This is, controversially again, my second favorite source of Loki content because there's so much of it and he's so happy (once past episode one) and bright and bubbly, and... I just love him. But "what if I was a robot", his silly metaphors, getting drunk on a dying planet, poking Mobius with a stick when he was in trouble, trying to stab Alioth, running towards Alioth with just a fire dagger... Baby pls. It's not the best but I still love it, and he had his good moments: he tricked Mobius and the TVA several times, figured out Sylvie's plan and the TVA's security bridge not as an accident (which I'm convinced is what happened to Sylvie) and tricked Sylvie a lot too in Lamentis, plus had the little intelectual kerfufffle with He Who Remains at the end of the season.
What if...? (2021) episode 3:
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Getting interrupted, "Lady Trouble", almost getting too extra too soon on Fury, revealing himself to Hank Pym a little too quickly, "Helloooo, Trickster God, hi." Beside having no real motivation to be after Earth without Thor and therefore being out of character, he was merely a comic relief character despite being the one to take down the villain and becoming the catastrophic ending (which only happened because he jad it Asgardian troupes rather than him being some actual villainous chaotic force).
What if...? (2021) episode 7:
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If I thought the last one was the goofiest he could get... episode 7 proved me wrong, very wrong, this was possibly the silliest, goofiest, and even the cringiest Loki version I've ever seen, and I would die for him. The whole episode he shares one dying braincell with Thor and half 99% of his dialogues made me cringe because there was 0 wit at all (like, even TVA!Loki has his moments):
"AAAAAHHH!😃" ...baby please
Loki talking like a normal 21st century dude, but I appreciated the wink to the phrase of "brother from another mother", like that was 100% Tom's doing
Brothers foreveeer, what was that
The whole "boom" exchange was painful on a physical level
The shooting star exchange was adorable and gave me so much life but are you 3?
Loki being smitten over a stranger??? AND LOOKING FOR A DOUBLE DATE IN LIKE 30 SECONDS THAT CALL LASTED???? WHAT???
His butter fingers dropping the phone (when did Thor get a phone anyway?)
Saint Louie, universe's biggest slingshot... lol okay that's a thing apparently
Every time he said bro I died a little bit inside (I think it's like 2 times but keep in mind I watched his in two languages)
This is not stupid but hearing him saying Frigga was not his mom hurt me too much
"Duty??? cLeAn?!??! UGH! You sound like Odin." Yeah and you sound like a toddler and how do you know that in this universe, Odin didn't raise you.
Also personaly complaint but, honey put some clothes on... please
Okay I got off rail this wasn't a rant post... ANYWAY! Despite all that I complained he smiled and was happy throughout the whole thing and I melted, like it took me 10 years to see the first non-scarcastic laugh from my boy, and despite maybe being my least favorite Loki (I'm really on a roll with this against the current opionions, huh?) I still adore him with my entire being.
In conclusion, I believe Loki will continue to lose brain cells in exchange of some of that happy juice and... I have really mixed feelings, like... please let him do both. Preferably Dark World level but Ragnarok level will suffice.
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mallowstep · 2 years
@foxstride hi I need to hear about Hawkfrost/Squirrelflight and Jayfeather/Willowshine pls. Also I totally forgot about Redtail/Tigerclaw?? I have Thoughts
hawk/squirrel came out of stolag and i just
i mean (a) we know how i feel about brambs. abusive asshole. have been saying too many nice things about him lately. don't want the concept of bramblestar the fictional battle cat reading my blog to get too comfortable.
(bramblepaw baby you're good tho. you can stay.)
(b) he tries to kill her father and like OOF. imagine. hawkfrost. you like this girl. you want to kill her father. what do.
that scene from fmtws is one of my favourites i love it so much i'm copying it in here spoilers? ig?
"That's my father," Squirrelflight whispered. Then, louder, "Hawkfrost, that's my father."
He stared at her, unblinking. "Squirrelflight," he said, calm as the lake, smooth as honey, "don't you see? Brambleclaw — he cares for you, doesn't he? The two of you, together, you could change things."
Squirrelflight hissed, her claws extending. "I won't lose any more kin."
"Firestar would tell you she was never your kin. Brambleclaw understands. His sister is in another Clan. He will help us."
He took a step closer to her, and her eyes snapped back to him.
"Your eyes are the color of water," Squirrelflight said. "Did you know, she was supposed to go to RiverClan? You would have known her. We would have shared a border. I wonder, Hawkfrost, if we would have fought. Sunningrocks used to be a battleground."
He blinked.
"Do you know, the first time I saw you, do you know what I thought? I thought you looked clear. I wonder, Hawkfrost, if you ever saw Mothpaw on our border. I know she liked to collect herbs by the river. My sister told me that."
"We don't have sisters," Hawkfrost said. "They took them from us."
He closed his eyes.
Squirrelflight did not.
She saw his blood run, watched it stain her white paw.
"Squirrelflight," Firestar said, her name both a question and answer.
"I'm sorry," she said. "It wasn't supposed to end like this."
He must have lost a life. He was dying when she came, and she didn't free him, not fast enough.
"Things are never over," Firestar murmured. He placed his head on hers, purring. "The sun will set and rise again."
"I killed him," she said. "I hesitated."
Firestar shifted, and she bowed her head, turning her face into his chest.
"It's not your fault," he said. "You didn't plan this."
"I didn't stop him quickly."
Her words were muffled and strange sounding, murky in her ears.
"The river made its choice," Firestar said. "And so did you."
like okay anyway that's yeah
as for jay/willow,
it's kestrel/jay but they have an actual character arc and developed relationship
um also. i think they're cute. i like gruff + bubbly. sue me.
aaand redtail/tigerclaw! it's like! see above, but instead of "his father" it's "him"
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what Harry and Draco say vs what they mean * part two *
1. Draco: hey ScarHead ( hey babe )
Harry: what is it malfoy ( hey love )
2. Draco: Training for the ballet potter ( you'd look so cute in a tutu )
Harry: * speech Less * ( Anything for you love )
3. Draco: oh Pottah you got yourself a girlfriend ( PLS DONT BE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE )
Harry: * speechless * ( no bitch I want you )
4. Draco: See you at school ( I miss you already * cries * )
Harry: * speechless * ( I miss you , * screams * )
5. Draco: Is it true you fainted , I mean you actually fainted ( are you okay baby , do you need me to hold you and cuddle and love you , PLS DON'T EVER FAINT OR DIE * cries * ARE YOU OKAY DO YOU WANT MY DAD TO SUE THE TRAIN )
Harry: * speechless * ( I'm scaaaaared , save me )
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curseofaphrodite · 2 years
our wedding>>>>>>god's wedding ;)
bitch wHAT y'all don't have hindi//sanskrit as a subject???? lucky you😭😭 i had to study hindi compulsory till 8th grade- (hate that subject i swear hate the teacher too ig)
ISTG I BARELY STUDIED FOR MY TESTS BUT IK I STILL DID DECENTLY WELL when you're intelligent and have photogenic memory but give zero efforts for studying>>>
oh oh oh iNEJ GHAFA INEJ GHAFA INEJ GHAFA ‼️ she's mommy i swear sorry i simp for inej nina and kaz- (my biggest flex is that i simped for kaz kaz first not freddy kaz guess that's what happens when you read the books and not watch the tv series 😼🤌)
you have wattpad right?? have you read war of hearts?? it's a kaz brekker story istg it was favourite and i'm pretty sure i read like 4-5 times when i was in my kaz phase- oh well but stasiaj (i hope i spelt her name correctly but in case she's the female protagonist) what a girlboss leave that hot mob and date me pls one of few female ocs who didn't just let go of powerful nature for a goddamn m*n-
but since we're on topic of kaz lemme share my favourite freddy carter picture bc he was my fav white boy of month in february<3
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LOOK AT HIM HE LOOKS SO ADORABLE MY HEART SO PRECIOUS 💗💗 istg this isn't the bastard of barrel he's the baby of barrel 🥰✨❤️
(oh that one sence where he threatens a child omg so hot bruise my esophagus for all i care)
honestly hate men i'm so sorry that guy was truly a dumb bitch for rejecting a gem like you
i hugged nyasa for you heheheh
yk about our farewell (yes i'll sing about it for days cry about it🥰) (#sokind😸🙏) sOO guess who isn't coming
*dramatic pause*
*drum rolls*
honestly ily you literally write a whole ass novel answer to my whole ass novel ask<3
people who write novel long shits together stay together. periodt
well today we did shirt signing and one of my friends drew a mf dick on it😭😭 ffs i was ✨scared✨ that my mum would see it and yell at me but but but my mum ignoring the dick and commenting on every sweet messages and hearts>>>> material girl momma💅
how was your day tho i realised i stopped asking that lmao 😭 take care muah muah
i love you my sweets! ← look how pretty this looks🥲💗
p.s. rewarding you with another poem of mine at night bc why not
doing the cut again gahaha
no no i had hindi up until 8th too! i just did very bad but our hindi sir was very lenient. he hardly even checked what he was correcting lol he marked us all as genuises and just gave us A everytime.
PLS youre smart asf and im not surprised. proud of you mwah.
stasiaj sounds like A QUEEN. not me running to wattpad and checking the book. the synopsis sounds so cool; the author is TALENTED ASF.
speaking of talented people, yes freddy mfing carter. he's adorable off screen and the perfect kaz brekker on screen. adorable and kaz in one sentence lol the day is cursed.
TINA ISNT COMING YAASSS SUE THAT BISH IM GLAD. at least you'll have a drama free farewell. gimme tea on it tho 💋
shirt signing hakjsha I love your friend and your mom like she sounds nice.
MY DAY WAS OKAY I just woke up and I'm yet to catch up on all the asks so I'm queuing some so I think this would be posted some time in the afternoon?? idk how queues work. i hate math exam next HAHA fml thanks.
poem 🔪🔪🔪
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mooifyourecows · 3 years
Alright so this story, right? Right, so. Alright.
NGL, I did consider writing it as a DaiSuga AU because my love for DaiSuga knows zero bounds, but I just don't think it would work as well as it would as an original story, so, sorry DaiSuga but you can't be EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME.
Okay okay so I just barely started refurbishing so I'm not 100% on the names of the two leads yet but I'm sitting on "Andronikos" for the MAIN main. Everyone calls him Nikos though, except for the other main, who will call him RONNIE BECAUSE THAT'S CUTE AS SHIT.
And for the other main, I'm less sure on his name but I'm thinking maybe Taiga? That's what we will use for this explanation anyway. Might change later but 🤷‍♂️
Okay so here we gooooooo:
Set in a fantasy world, right around the time of their industrial revolution, or at least the years leading up to it. So like... some electricity but not a lot. Only rich people have that kinda luxury and almost everyone else is still stuck in the dark ages ya know?
Since it's fantasy, there's lots of like MONSTERS and MYTHICAL CREATURES and also some people have SPECIAL SUPER POWERS. (yes, yet another one of my stories involves magic SUE ME.)
In this world, you are born with powers passed on from a family member. Usually, kids get what their parents have but there are times when they inherit a grandparent's or aunt/uncle's power because like, the gene is there, ya dig.
So like, it's pretty normal for a person to have a power but the ones with the ultra powerful ones usually slither their way into fame and fortune. They are celebrities who fight in tournaments and show up to kiss babies and sign autographs and such and such. Sometimes, they're even elected into powerful positions because hey, that guy is super strong and once saved my village from a horde of evil monsters! I trust him with my politics! 👍 (pls don't elect celebrities into office pls)
In order to get famous though, you gotta make a name for yourself. And the place to start making a name for yourself is at this super prestigious academy where they train you to fight and use your power, correct? Yes, this is very standard fantasy super power plot, yes, yes, of course.
Make it through the academy and ta-da, you can start GRINDING to earn your place in people's hearts. (or just work, tbh you don't have to have fame and fortune on your to-do list once you graduate ok)
After graduation, young graduates start picking up jobs. See, these power wielders are not like... cops (spits on ground). They don't get paid a wage just to be heroes and save people and arrest criminals or what the fuck ever. They take commissions, basically. Like bounty hunters. (except not quite because there are ACTUAL bounty hunters that do a very specific thing in this world but I'll get to that later, shhhh)
Anyway, the jobs are submitted to this dude and he puts them up for "auction" (it's not really an auction though, it's more of a "first come, first serve" sorta situation, except for the times when it's a reeeeeeeallly good job and multiple people want it at the same time. then it gets auctioned off but that's not important rn). These hero guys come in, take a job, go complete the job, get paid, go get another job, etc. The jobs can range from "help me harvest my crops" to "pls kill this big scary monster that ate my pa" and are paid mostly by the commissioner and a tiny bit by the government. (ya know, for motivation to take even the jobs put up by poor people who don't have much-or any- to give)
Now the fun stuff attached to the commissions is the gambling parlor. After taking a job, the hero guy that took it can then take challenges from a bunch of rowdy gamblers to help boost his name. So say a guy took a job to go kill some monsters terrorizing a village, yeah? A gambler can challenge the hero to do the job without shoes on for some extra money. Or to do the job using only a little knife. Etc. If the hero accepts, gamblers will make bets on whether or not the hero will succeed in the challenge. If he DOES succeed, then he gets a cut of the winnings. He also gets some fame because the most famous heroes are the ones that do lots of challenges. These types of people almost always wind up fighting in tournaments and garnering love and attention from the masses.
Alrighty so that's the basic economic situation for these Hero types.
So where do our main characters come into play???
SOoooooo, our boy Andronikos (I'm gonna call him Nikos for the rest of this post because damn that name is a doozy to write) is the youngest child of two ultra famous heroes. His mom is a reeeeal vicious lady that DOMINATED the big popular tournaments back in her hey day and his dad is the most renowned and successful Hunter in all the kingdom. (remember when I mentioned bounty hunters? 👀 yeah, he's one of them)
The mom's power has to do with the manipulation of things of the Earth, so literally anything natural like rocks and grass and trees and shit. Super OP, man. The dad's power is lightning, both in the form of shooting thunderbolts and in the form of having lightning fast movement. Nikos' eldest brother inherited their father's lightning powers and his older sister inherited an uncle's summoning powers that lets her reanimate and summon dead things so long as some fiber of their body exists within a certain distance of her. (don't let her near cemeteries unless you wanna see your grandma twerking on a headstone okay)
And then sweet baby boy Nikos inherited his grandpa's healing abilities.
BOO! That's BULLSHIT. How come Nikos got the lame, harmless power??? When I tell you his mom was disappointed, I mean she was READY TO TOSS HIM IN THE TRASH AND TRY AGAIN disappointed.
Their family has a reputation of being SUPER STRONK AND POWERFUL AND SCARY. And then dumb gay ass little Nikos is over here, glowing hands, making bruises disappear like a fuckin LOSER.
Man that shit sucks.
There's no way he will live up to his family's reputation. Healing is an ultra rare power but the few people that do have it are doctors and healers who totally don't live the FAST and DANGEROUS life that Nikos wants to live. Can he get rich with that power? Sure. Of course. People always need a healer. But it's not what he wanted.
So anyway, his mom always made it perfectly clear that Nikos was a total disappointment who would never live up to her expectations and you bet he internalized the FUCK out of that and pretty much HATED himself from a super young age. He decided that in order to make up for his shit ass power, he needed to be the best at everything else instead. He studied super hard. He trained super hard. He learned to fight so good that he could even kick the ass of people with strong offensive powers.
Still though, it wasn't good enough. Even though he was ranked number one in that prestigious academy, his mom was unimpressed. Bro. That shit sucks. Nikos HATED his stupid healing ability.
Until one day, when he was about twelve years old, he snuck out of the academy dorms to do some extra training out in the woods that surrounded the place. And what does he find?
A boy, burnt and bleeding and on the very CUSP of death. Nikos didn't know where he came from or who he was, but he instinctually healed him, saved his life, and then cried tears of absolute joy because hooooooooly shit... Nikos helped someone. He saved someone from dying, a thing that ONLY HE could do.
It was the first time in his life that he was actually happy to have his powers.
So Nikos saves this kid, picks him up, and carries him back to the academy and to the headmaster. The headmaster near about had a HEART ATTACK waking up in the middle of the night to find tiny little 12 year old Nikos with a bloody, naked, unconscious kid on his back, Nikos just grinning ear to ear like "LOOK WHAT I FOUND IN THE WOODS, CAN I KEEP HIM?"
Anyway, from the moment Nikos saved him, he decided that he and this kid were gonna stick together forever and ever, no matter what. He formed a life BOND with this guy and he hadn't even woken up yet. The headmaster straight up couldn't get him away from his side.
Eventually the kid wakes up and yep, he's Taiga, our other main character. After some questioning, the headmaster learns that Taiga is a Berserker.
Uh oh Spaghetti-O.
Remember those bounty hunters I talked about?
Well, Hunters exist in this world almost purely to hunt Berserkers into extinction.
That's not their only job, of course. Technically, they're the ones you call when there is someone out there using their special powers to hurt innocent people.
But that's the thing about Berserkers. Their power is literally going Berserk at the slightest provocation. Their berserk state gives them superhuman strength and stamina and destroys all rationality and humanity. Most berserker attacks are complete accidents. Something will set them off, like fear, anger, threat of danger, or just straight up adrenaline, and they will be sucked into an uncontrollable killing spree, taking out anything that crosses their path until the state runs its course and they wake up from the trance, surrounded by the chaos they unwittingly created.
People are batshit TERRIFIED of Berserkers. To the point that Hunters have made it a sport to hunt them down and collect their eyes as trophies, which glow when in the berserker state and will continue to glow when sliced right out of their heads 😱
And Nikos' dad is the most famous Hunter in the entire kingdom, with more glowing trophies than all other Hunters combined 😋
So obviously the fact that Taiga is a Berserker is a bit of a PROBLEM. People are really dumb and scared and so if it got out that there was a Berserker on the school grounds, parents would be PISSED.
BUT, the headmaster is a good dude who cares about all children and he just can't bring himself to cast him out or call Hunters to get rid of him. Not that Nikos would let him anyway. He's claimed him and threatens to bite anybody that gets near him, after all. And where would Taiga even go, huh? After some investigating, it's revealed that the reason Nikos found him in the state he was in was because a group of Hunters sniffed him out and killed his parents on their way to murder him. So he literally has nowhere to go were he to be cast out of the academy. 😞
The headmaster decides, alright, imma protect this kid at least until he's an adult. It's his duty and he doesn't care how many parents get pissed at him 😤
Naturally, quite a few parents pull their kids from the academy in protest of the headmaster protecting Taiga but oh well 🤷‍♂️ The ones that DO stay avoid Taiga like the plague in case he go berserk and send them to hell where thEY BELONG.
It kinda hurts Taiga's feelings because he's a sweet baby boy that just loves everything. Like omg he's so kind and tender and adorable okay. The complete opposite of Nikos, who has an endless supply of rage constantly bubbling over the rim of his attitude pot.
But hey, it's okay because they're together. And they're literally INSEPARABLE. Even though it totally burns Nikos up that Taiga surpasses him in almost every single way (save for speed and smarts), bumping him down to number two in the academy's rankings. Whatever. It's fine. Nikos knows it's because Taiga is a berserker and so his physical capabilities are off the charts on a base level. He tries real hard not to take it personally. (it's impossible to stay mad at Taiga anyway he's just SO CUTE)
Years pass and stuff happens at the academy and shit of course like Taiga accidentally punching a hole straight through Nikos' chest and almost killing him but it's okay because he heals himself up before he can die but it totally scares the shit out of Taiga but ya know c'est la vie, and finally they graduate from the academy and are tossed out in the world to be adults. The headmaster sends Taiga out with his surname, a stamp of approval that is to be taken seriously because the headmaster is like, VERY respected in society. This is enough to keep Hunters off his back at least until he kills his first innocent civilian. (Which Nikos swears will never happen, he won't let it)
They start taking commissions. Nikos goes for high paying, easy jobs while Taiga almost ALWAYS goes for low paying, difficult ones. (to Nikos' chagrin because UGH now he's gonna have to be the breadwinner to support their asses) Taiga also goes overboard with accepting challenges in his desperation to make society like him and not think of him as just some uncontrollable monster. Meanwhile Nikos is like "fuck your challenges you gambling losers" and always refuses them, which makes him a total wet blanket but HEY at least he's getting paid up the ass in gold, wassup.
Anyway, so thus begins their life of adventure. I won't spoil any major plot points but there will definitely be drama pertaining to Nikos' dad being a Hunter and his mom being a piece of shit bitch. There will also be drama with society rejecting Taiga left and right and invoking Nikos' wrath.
There will also be a mysterious person who aims to "Collect" rare powers and has set their sights on Nikos' healing and thus sends his creepy crony to tempt him to allow himself to be collected. 👀
Also there's an old crotchety man who put out an extremely high paying job with the description "Take my pain away" that Nikos accepts because UH DUH, HE'S A HEALER, WHO BETTER TO TAKE PAIN AWAY? but the job turns out to be way more complicated than he thought and he and the old guy become friends and he offers wisdom and help along the way 👀👀👀👀👀
But anyway, that's the gist of the story, minus the plot twists I will keep secret until I can actually write them. 🖤
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anyway, other than that
when I was off the grid again (I was sick) and couldn't get out of bed, I watched the remaining seasons of glee (aka the last three) and I have so many thoughts
first, what was the point of that triangle between jake, marley and ryder. who did they think they were fooling it was so obvious
second, mr. schue really said that he won't give up twerking for the sake of unique getting access to the teacher's bathroom like?? also his whole obsession with twerking scarred me anyway. 'rIgHt SiDe Of HiStOrY' WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
third, they really cut the only scene which could possibly give kitty some sort of redemption for the ed thing (she apologizes to marley, explains to her the reason, supports her, found crying or whatever) and then continued to just go with them randomly being okay with her? I love her in the last season but come on
fourth, the season 6 kids own my heart they're all so talented. especially Roderick and Jane and the twins and yeah
fifth, why didn't we get more of the season 6 cast I wanted a season with them
sixth, even though Kurtcedes supremacy (I can't believe they just threw them away), Kurt and Rachel's friendship is so cute
seventh, I don't know, class started, brain no working now
"off the grid (sick)" -nikey, 2022
I fucking know right.... The season 4-5 kids were just Walmart versions of the ogs and I did not care for them. At all. I literally had to skip through parts including Jake, Marley and Ryder.... Those were so cring ew.
Mr Sh*e can fuck off. I can't even begin to tell you how annoying and problematic that man is.... Like i just despise him so much.... Also unique my baby deserved so much better 😭❤️
Kitty deserved a better redemption than the one she got... Literally the problem with Glee is that when someone does something wrong, you either face the consequences forever (Finn) or your mistakes are just forgotten and ignored (Rachel).... Which is what makes it so inconsistent... I hated Kitty in seasons four and five but she was amazing in the last season.
Omgggg ikrrrr season 6 kids own my heart 💜 literally all of them were so amazing and different!! Like Roderick?? I love him sm?? Jane my babie?? So talented?? The McCarthy twins?? Amazing?? Myron?? Also amazing!
I literally wish season 4-5 batch hadn't existed and we'd gotten more seasons with S6 kids. Also Samchel was so unnecessary? And Sue being the creepy Klaine shipper PLS- that was peak comedy 💀 I said what I said. Also the Brittana wedding!! Also also I loved how good Kurt and Rachel were as the glee club mentors, like I loved how they distributed the solos and overall choice of songs.
OMG ikr :/ I wanted more kurtcedes but anygays, Kurtchel was so cute too
Also im sorry I'm answering this so late, I'm still not over the castings-
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