#(really though I need to work on the other Chosens' voices too but . . . the energy needed. sob)
soapoet · 1 year
what's next in love...? [ singles ]
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detailed af.
like & rb if it resonates ♡
it seems like you've been living life half awake, daydreaming of many scenarios you'd wish come true. even in established relationships you may find yourself wishing for more of something. you may have been told your ideals are naive, to lay off the romcoms and fics and be a little more realistic. you may have found yourself excited at every prospect of new love, giddy and involved, endlessly curious and a true lover of the rose coloured glasses. and perhaps you've found plenty of reasons to rejoice, but somehow things eventually trickle down and get into the mundane and the routines. and it frustrates you. so much. is there really no one out there whose loving gestures and kind words don't become clockwork, expected chores and scripted events?
there is. and this one feels a little 'too good to be true'. you yourself may sooner rather than later find yourself pinching your arm to check if you're actually awake. i suggest you try to hold back on the told-you-so's to the naysayers, as some of them have your best interest at heart. and not only that, but will provide a lot of guidance and support in terms of navigating this next chapter in love. it'll be a bit of a whirlwind and a maze, but with much promise at the end as a reward.
if you've been sitting on some sort of project, waiting to launch yourself into a new endeavour, you should get back on track. especially if you've been procrastinating. somewhere down that path, there's a person you ought to meet. they relate to your goals somehow, perhaps having done the same themselves before. they have a lot to teach you and will become a priceless source of support, but don't expect things to be handed to you. your work is your own and your rewards will be bigger and better if you can in the future look back and say, damn, look at what i did, i achieved all that! that's of course not to say you can't find help from those around you. definitely ask for assistance and support when you need it. but to come out on the other side and say you made it, ideally you paved your own way for plenty of it because you deserve the final applause and praise so much. believe in yourself and don't let the little voice in the back of your head make you doubt yourself and your ideas.
this person seems like a bit of a flirt. not in a way that should raise any concerns, as they are a very loyal person. they actually make it known loud and clear if they're already spoken for, and enjoy flaunting their partner in many ways. this is a person who will bring up your achievements and strengths at a social gathering, not to flex having you at their arm, but to genuinely shine a spotlight on you. especially if it'll get you flustered. they have a very playful energy to them that's endearing and youthful regardless of their actual age. a little bit of a peter pan vibe where they'll retain their young spirit well into their retirement. they're very easy-going and likeable, and have a lot of friends, and may connect you to a ton of new people. expect your social life to explode as a result of this connection, but at the same time be sure to make time for the friends and supporters that you have right now.
this person is used to being the centre of attention, not just socially, but professionally too. they may have a very visible job or hobbies that connect them to an audience of some kind within their chosen field. their energy is very contagious and fun, though that doesn't mean they're entirely air-headed and incapable of taking things seriously. i'm strongly getting that either they or someone close to them has struggled with a physical or mental illness for a good part of their life, so they have developed almost like an antenna to pick up on things going on that aren't being said out loud. especially if you're someone who frequently avoids bringing up your problems as to not burden others, or have a difficult time reaching out for support and being honest about how things affect you, you can rest assured that this person will quickly try to learn how to read you, or even outright ask how they can best assist you when you're struggling or even request some sort of secret code that you can use to communicate your unease so that they can quickly come to your aid.
they have a little bit of a problem taking their own concerns seriously. they seem to cope through distractions mostly. a positive in this is that they don't let things that are out of their control bother them and they do the best they can with what they got at any given time. a true optimist, but a negative aspect is that they may avoid facing their demons and try to outrun their problems. this can manifest itself with workaholic tendencies and a packed schedule in general. there might be some sort of saviour complex involved, too, in which they feel compelled to help everyone else and neglect their own needs. towards you in particular i'm getting a lot of pda and quality time. you slow them down a bit and help them stop to smell the roses. they'll be surprised by how much they've longed for peace and simplicity, and they find that solace and ease with you and it really heals them on a deep level, which in turn amps up the energy and effort they show you. goodbye routine lovers, honestly. this one walks the talk and really keeps up the pace long after the honeymoon phase.
some additional details: i'm not getting a lot in terms of appearance, which may suggest that you already know them, or at least know of them, even if they don't know of you yet. it's possible that you share mutual friends or interests or work within the same field. there is a big emphasis on their voice, and things may start off as long-distance with hours upon hours on the phone. astrological things that appear significant: leo, pisces, the sun, mercury, 11th house, 2nd house.
you've been flying solo for a while now. perhaps you grew tired of, or dare i say even gave up on love? it may have seemed like there just aren't as many fish in the sea as promised. at least none that you could take seriously. and serious is what you want. and serious is what you're getting.
first and foremost i must say your standards aren't too high. do not feel ashamed of what you want, and don't let anyone tell you that you need to set realistic expectations. they're exactly where they need to be and you're attracting the quality you seek. you've ventured further out to sea to find yourself a bigger catch. the journey hasn't been easy, but it has helped you grow tremendously. i'm strongly getting that your past experiences have really helped you fine tune your build-a-bae, so to speak, and there's no more reconfiguring to do. you know what you want and what you don't want, how much of this and how much of that. the next lessons for you to learn in love are ones you will not tackle on your own, but alongside a long-term partner who is at your level. long gone are the days of disappointments and putting up with feeling like you're outgrowing your partner, because this next person is mature and ready to grow with you.
this person is what fairytales would call your true love. in as many ways as you are one and the same, you differ, sometimes wildly so. if you're an introvert, they're an extrovert. if you seek comfort, they seek adventure. it's your goals and dreams and values that hold hands in agreement, and that builds up a strong foundation for your connection. if you have a lot of feminine energy, they have a lot of masculine energy. you two may even look like opposites in some ways, or come from different cultures. and do not fret, because your differences will be a blessing, not a curse. this isn't a re-run of a love where you felt like you weren't seen or heard and were made to bend. there is a distinct element of give and take here. a beautiful balance wherein they enjoy your world and your ways, and don't force you to change any of it, and you feel compelled out of genuine desire to take their hand and let them show and share their world with you. and you're able to coexist perfectly fine in a way that makes you both feel fulfilled and at ease.
things may stall a little at first, because this person will have a bit of whiplash when the two of you meet. they may feel as if you stepped right out of their dreams in a way. like a ghost from their childhood when they were around their parents or grandparents and thought of the person they'd grow old with some day. and suddenly you're there, a distant memory made flesh, a memory forgotten long ago making a big splash as it resurfaces. but once they gather themselves i see that they'll be very direct in their pursuit of you. and it's quite the old school courting, too. they make their intentions clear and have the follow-through to walk their talk. this is a very open and honest person, although they appear a bit emotionally disconnected at times. it's not due to a lack of emotional sensitivity, but processing things before acting or speaking is a part of their character. they're very serious in love, and don't seem to fit into the modern age of tinder and hookups.
they may have a strong connection to the sea, live by the ocean, look mediterranean, or enjoy activities related to water. their features in general leans darker. be it their eyes, hair, skin, or the way they dress. there is something specifically drawing me to their hands. perhaps they work with their hands, are a very crafty person, or have a physically demanding job. or simply have very attractive hands that you would take note of. physical touch is important to them, and they are very protective of their loved ones.
speaking of loved ones, they have strong familial ties and may come from a big family. i'm also strongly getting that they come from money, though without the nepotism often associated with it. their father in particular may have made it a point to raise them with a lot of discipline and drive to make something of themselves and not just rely on a trustfund. this person is ambitious and a hard worker, and prefers to be involved and hands-on with what they do. i'm also seeing siblings playing a big role in your connection. one in particular could connect with you in a meaningful way. this family is one that will welcome you with open arms and you will feel as though you have gained another family to call your own. if you have any childhood wounds related to family, this one takes found family quite literally.
some additional details: travelling and holidays figure strongly. things get taken to the next level rather quickly because there is a lack of doubt involved. they're very generous with their time and money. this has massive signs of marriage. astrological things that appear significant: aries, taurus, saturn, the moon, the 4th house, the 9th house.
it seems like you're stuck on something, or someone. and that situation didn't treat you fairly. this feels less like betrayal and more like you spent some time hauling dead weight around. in vain, i might add. either you already have or will soon drop it and move on. it might be difficult, though, and i apologise if i'm overstepping here, but in part it's due to an inability to truly let go on your part. if you want to get even, or show someone what they lost, do it by moving on with grace and making decisions for yourself and your own growth and success. beware of people around you who would gladly take advantage of your vulnerability right now. even if it feels like a rebound would benefit you, it'll only hurt you if you find yourself looking over the shoulder of another person to see if the one who hurt you sees and is affected by it. what will truly help you heal is to dust yourself off and focus on feeling whole within yourself. and don't worry, you didn't stumble into yet another love reading that will tell you, well, tough luck, no love for you, work on yourself! whilst i certainly will call you to take care of yourself and pursue things that serve you and your growth, i will also go over what's coming next.
and that's something a little eerie. you may have someone in your past, who you consciously or subconsciously measure everyone else up to. perhaps this was the one that got away, or someone you met at the wrong time. in one way or another, there is a situation you wish had happened differently. in your pursuit of finding yourself again and some solid ground to stand on after enduring stormy seas, you may run into someone who is eerily similar to someone you once knew. but at the right time, now. for some of you this may very well be the exact person you already have history with, or could've had history with, though with major improvements from the previous season. but for many this is just an oddly familiar stranger who gives you a bit of deja vu. they share many similarities with someone you've been attracted to, just less red flags and complications.
this person seems rather cerebral. their job, studies, or hobbies may revolve around psychology, literature, or science. they're very good with their words, both written and spoken. they can also be quite blunt, but not with malicious intent. they aren't afraid of speaking their mind, and may be quite passionate about their opinions. they're a great teacher, and a good student, too. they enjoy delving deeply into things and soak up new information like a sponge. they'll greatly value your opinion and perspective, and the two of you may engage in debates or discussions about a variety of topics. intellectually speaking you're on the same wavelength and seem to understand each other intuitively.
it's very possible that this starts off platonic. whilst you may be ready to jump into a relationship with them from the start, they prefer to take things slowly and really get to know you first. you may worry that the spark between you will fade over time, but this one is a lesson of patience and building a strong connection as a foundation first. especially if in the past you've been quick to hurt or get hurt, you're about to learn how differently a lover will treat you when you're first and foremost a dear friend. this connection has the potential of some serious power couple themes in the long run. the two of you feel almost dangerous as duo, but i think that just goes to show that the initial spark won't fade and actually benefit from a bit of a slow burn before the fire starts raging at full force.
there is a lot of chemistry between the two of you. a very push-and-pull, engaging, and intoxicating energy. you'll keep each other on your toes in a way that keeps things feeling fresh and exciting. you're partners in crime and the world appears to be your playground. any past heartbreaks and feelings of lack, even lackluster, is gone and replaced with adventure and passion. you're very attracted to them, and they to you, in a way that could be classified as an addiction if it weren't for the fact that the side effects are predominantly positive. the two of you may collaborate on some kind of project, and your joint efforts are sure to be a success. though you do many things together, you also support each other in your separate endeavours. there may be a bit of mutual artist and muse dynamic here, wherein you inspire them and they inspire you. you both value your individuality, and hype each other up.
this person feels devilish in some way. a maverick of sorts. they're taller, perhaps lanky, and there is an unconventional attractiveness to them. they have a unique look that really pulls you in and makes them stand out anywhere they go. they might dress in a way that makes them different from the crowd. they really march to the beat of their own drum. i'm not getting much in terms of family, so they may be very independent and live a life separate from family, or they may have some wounds in regards to their home life that they keep their walls up over. they take their friendships very seriously, many of them are ones they'd take a bullet for. this is a very ride or die type of person. they're very resilient and if they've known terrible hardships in their past, you'll be in awe of their personal strength and ability to get back up when they're knocked down.
some additional details: music is very relevant to the point where you should expect to receive a personalised playlist as a way for them to communicate their feelings for you. they might be musically inclined and play an instrument. astrological things that appear significant: scorpio, aquarius, aries, pluto, uranus, 3rd house, 10th house, 12th house.
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fruitsoxs · 8 months
New Year's Kiss
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pairing(s); Gale x (GN)reader summary; You somehow end up kissing your rival at midnight OR you seriously misinterpret the vibes Gale is giving off (modern au) warning(s); reader is a dumbass, they are so bad at understanding social ques, Gale can't flirt, this is mostly fluff wordcount; 1.8k notes; this was beta read by both @linklebard and my partner! i couldn't have done it with out them <;33
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You never really liked parties. They were often too loud and too crowded. You hate being forced to socialize with other people. You’re definitely an introvert, and when given the choice would rather stay at home. You especially hate work parties though. Not only do you have to talk to people, but these people are your peers. Your educated, rude peers that have an “I’m better than you” outlook on life. The hardest part about work parties? You can’t escape them. Unless you are on your deathbed, you HAVE to attend. It’s an anxiety fueled nightmare
That is exactly how you ended up at your university’s New Year’s party. 
You grip the champagne glass with so much vigor that it may just explode in your hands. People around you are talking, creating a sea of noise which threatens to drown you. Face a little pale, you slowly raise the drink up to your lips and sip. The liquid does little to help you unwind, but it serves as your life vest on this treacherous adventure. Without it in your hands you’d just be standing there awkwardly amongst your peers. 
The party is being held in the Performing Arts center, in a large room adorned with gold  decorations and giant pillars. In the center there is a live band playing. A jazz band whose music should be relaxing, but in this environment it only adds to the stress. Many people are dressed in their finest clothing, showing off their expensive brands. You opted for something a little more simple, but elegant nonetheless. You’ve done your best to look presentable, but you can’t deny the fact you struggled to force yourself off your computer for this event. Despite it being winter break, you’re working relentlessly to put together a research paper that will HAVE to pull in grants.
You’d much rather be putting all of your energy into that than standing here awkwardly at the party. You need to work hard in order to draw in the attention of benefactors, especially with that certain someone who always seems to be fighting with you for the same grants. It wouldn't be such an issue if the man didn’t beat you almost every time. It was only recently that you lost against him after presenting what you thought was your best work. It didn’t even seem to be a fight in the end, his project was chosen without a second thought. You worked your ass off day and night to perfect every inch of that proposal, and in the end you were left with nothing. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here.” A voice rings out beside you, pulling you from your solitude. When you look over you are met with the big brown eyes of the coworker you were just thinking about. Gale Dekarios, the most annoyingly smart person you know. The one who you are constantly butting heads with, and the person you can safely say you hate the most. The worst part about him? He always seems to be correct in a way you can’t refute. He’s wickedly smart, with looks that match. You don’t think there’s a single soul who would describe him as anything but handsome.  It’s utterly unfair. Despite your harsh feelings for the man, he always seems to worm his way into your thoughts
“I think you may have misread the email then, Professor Dekarios. The word required was used more than a couple of times.” You answer, crossing your free arm over the one holding your drink. You would know, you were the one in charge of sending out that email. He lets out a soft chuckle and nods. “I happen to thoroughly read every email I get, especially the ones I get from you. I just figured you’d skip out on the festivities seeing as the word “required” doesn’t always guarantee your attendance, Professor.” He points out, taking a sip of his own drink.  
While he’s not wrong, you don’t appreciate the way he says it. Everything sounds so sassy coming from his mouth. It feels like a slight on your attendance to these ordeals, or like he’s comparing himself to you. There’s no doubt in your mind that he shows up to every single one of these events. They seem like something he would enjoy. You, on the other hand, do like to skip out on parties, even when they are technically required to go to. The reason behind you playing hooky though, is the man in front of you. He’s always somehow one upping you, making it so you have to work extra hard to earn any amount of attention. And while you could earn that attention by attending these parties, and schmoozing up to the department leaders, you’d much rather gain attention by doing good work. Besides, you’ve never been all that great at networking. 
“I do value my job, you know.” you snap, clearly angered by what he said. It is all his fault after all. If he wasn’t so goddamn competent at his job, you might be able to relax every once in a while. 
He doesn’t seem phased by your anger, simply nods along. “Ah yes, and how lucky are we to have you here. One of the finest Historians I know.” 
‘But never the best’ You think bitterly, sipping your champagne again. You find yourself thinking back to those late nights, scrolling through Rate My Professor to compare your scores. Despite your best effort, he always seems to have the most positive reviews. The students love him, the faculty love him. It seems he will always be better than you, no matter what he is doing.
You intend to end the conversation there, but it seems Gale has other plans. Always the sociable one, he opens his mouth again. “It does seem like you’ve been much more engrossed in your work lately. Planning anything big?” he asks, genuinely curious about your work. However, you have never been good at social cues. Thinking he’s making fun of you, you narrow your eyes at him. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business, Professor” you snap.
He always seems to be trying to gawk at your work. For what? You aren’t sure. Every chance he gets he’s asking what your most recent project is. Sometimes he even asks to view your lesson plans for classes, which always pisses you off. What right does he have inserting himself into your work? Not only that, but what intentions does he have? There’s no way he’s trying to help you, right?
He holds his hands up in feign surrender. “Alright, No need to get snappy. I'm just curious. Who would I be if I was not interested in my colleague’s work?” he asks, offering you a smile. 
You really have no idea what to make of this guy. You’ve always hated conversing with him, because it genuinely feels like he has some secret motive behind his kind words and smiles. He has to be making fun of you for something. There is no other explanation. At least not in your mind. Still, maybe you are being too harsh. You let your glare fall, and give him a small nod. You shift your eye over to the clock. Only five minutes to midnight, which means it’s almost time for you to go home. 
Your eyes go back to Gale, who is still by your side sipping his drink happily. Why is he still next to you? Doesn’t he have some other poor soul to chat to? You open your mouth to voice this, but he cuts you off by clearing his throat. 
“The music is rather lovely today, is it not?” he asks you, avoiding eye contact as if he’s nervous. 
What? Why is he talking to you about the music? You seriously don’t understand this man’s intentions with you at all. Is he trying to get you to lower your guard so he can learn all your secrets? No…he’s much too smart to need to do that. He goes above and beyond, relying purely on his brain alone. He would never commit messy tricks to get what he wants. You arch an eyebrow at him, and look over at the band. They’re playing a pleasant tune.
“I guess.” you mumble.
“And the decorations are nice!”
“It’s a little cheesy.” 
“Perhaps, but cheesy isn’t always bad.” 
You take another sip of your drink, realizing it’s growing quite empty. Well, It’s only three minutes until midnight, You can survive with what you have.  You start to get comfortable with the silence, before Gale starts to speak again. “You know we are probably the smartest people in our department. How would you-” You cut him off this time, utterly confused as to why he’s STILL talking to you. “Don’t you have someone else you’d like to talk to?” you ask with complete sincerity. He seems a little taken aback by your question, his smile disappearing for a small second. Within a few moments it’s back on his face though. “No. I actually quite enjoy talking to you.”
Two minutes until midnight.
You’re stunned. What does he mean? You feel your cheeks heat up despite yourself. You clutch onto your drink a little more intensely. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I enjoy talking to you. You are great company and I-” he cuts himself off.
One minute.
He clears his throat, his face turning a bit pink. He then turns to you, taking a deep breath. You expect him to say something, but this time he’s quiet. He just waits for a moment. Once the clock strikes midnight, he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you in closer to him. He does it slowly, giving you time to move away if you want. You find yourself wanting whatever he is doing though, a flame lighting up inside you. Carefully his lips meet yours, and the room disappears.
The kiss only lasts for a moment, but you can feel the fireworks light up inside you.
“I quite like you.” he admits after pulling away, his face inches from yours. Unsure how to respond, you reach up and kiss him again. This time the kiss lasts a few seconds longer. His lips are warm, a little dry, but so pleasant against yours. When you pull away, he’s smiling again. “I’ll take it, you feel the same?” he asks.
You nod shyly. 
“Good. Now, might I propose something that I meant to ask earlier? Would you be willing to do a joint proposal with me?”
How could you possibly say anything but yes?
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readyplayerhobi · 1 year
Because, I Love You | 12
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; Genre: Fluff, angst
; Word Count: 5.1k
; Warnings: Fatphobia, ageism, mentions of miscarriage
; Synopsis: According to society, Jeon Jungkook should not be with you. He should   be with a younger, hotter and thinner girl instead of wasting his time   on you. It’s a good thing Jungkook doesn’t care what society thinks   then.
; A/N: Soo...you’ve been waiting for this one for like...a week now. And it’s here...the reason why Jungkook disowns his own mum! If you enjoyed this, please reblog so it can get on other people’s screens and I’d love to hear your thoughts in a comment or an ask - either one is great for me and let’s me know you like this fic still! Your feedback keeps encouraging me to write after all this time.
; Masterlist
"You're totally gonna cry." Jimin teases, though he sounds happy and not malicious. His words are lightened even more by the broad grin he's wearing as he smoothes out Jungkook's lapel once more.
"Fuck yeah, I am. I cry at anything, seeing the love of my life in her wedding dress walking down the aisle towards me? If I'm not blubbing like a two-year-old who's had candy taken from them then punch me till I am." Jungkook is rambling, and he can tell. But he's so damn nervous and excited. Nervited. Excous. Whole new words.
Junghyun, his older brother, laughs loudly and pats Jungkook on the shoulder. Well, it feels more like he's punching him but Jungkook will just consider it a pat as it's done in good faith. Jimin was his best man, but Junghyun had agreed to be a groomsman.
The two of you had decided on a smaller wedding, to save money and make it more intimate. So you only had two bridesmaids and two groomsmen. Momo, your best friend who'd moved back in the last year, was your maid of honour while Hana, another close friend, was a bridesmaid. Thankfully, your friends had been understanding as to why they weren't all invited to be in the bridal party - because Jungkook wanted his brother and best friend, so logically you needed two to match - and were now sitting comfortably in the chairs that had been placed out for the day.
You'd also decided that you didn't want your bridesmaids to walk down the aisle, do they were already waiting for you. The whole day was planned to be simple, fun and intimate. You'd both chosen a beautiful hotel as your venue and were marrying in the gardens, with the dinner and reception later to be half in the other part of the gardens and the hall that had been rented.
Chewing on his lip ring, he looks towards the door that'll you'll be coming through for perhaps the millionth time and he jumps on the spot for a moment. He's got too many feelings, too much energy. He just wants you to turn up so he can marry you.
"Calm down, you're gonna be napping like a toddler if you keep moving around." Jimin chuckles, pressing down on Jungkook's shoulders to get the younger man to stop moving. It works to stop him from hopping, but his fingers are tapping on his thigh instead now.
"He doesn't need to move to nap, you know that." Junghyun snorts in amusement, but it's cut short by the sudden start of the music.
For a second, it doesn't register in Jungkook's head but then he realises - it's your music, the music for you to walk down the aisle.
"She's coming!" He squeaks, and if he didn't have a million thoughts in his head then he'd be embarrassed at how pitched his voice had gone. But he couldn't care now, not when you were coming! 
The music soars, and he recognises it as from your favourite video game. You hadn't let him hear it beforehand, had just let him know that he'll recognise it and…he did. It makes him laugh it registers.
You really picked An End Once And For All from the Mass Effect 3 soundtrack. It was your favourite game, and he knew that some would be a little confused at the unusual choice but he loved it. You'd opted for it to be played solely on piano, and he eyes the piano player for a second.
Great, now he was going to forever cry when he heard this song.
The door opens and it's like time stands still for a moment. You're standing there on your own for a moment, having decided that you were a modern woman and didn't want anyone to walk you down the aisle. The bouquet in your hands is held tightly, a deep purple ribbon that matches the colour scheme of the wedding trailing down.
Slowly, you start to walk towards him, passing row after row of your friends and family. Your dress is beautiful - folds of soft ivory silk with delicate lace patterns overlaying it, the lace trailing up over your bodice and shoulders before twirling down your arms. Each movement has the dress kicking out slightly, and he notes the tiny glimmers of crystals that have been carefully woven into the material. 
If an angel got married, Jungkook is pretty sure she'd look like you.
Finally, you're standing next to him as you hand off your bouquet to Momo and smile brightly at him. He tries to smile back, but he's been crying so damn hard that all he manages is for his lips to quiver pathetically. Sniffling, he wipes at his eyes frantically.
"Sorry," He mumbles, "You're so beautiful, I love you."
That sets him off again, and you laugh softly before reaching up to wipe away his tears. You're looking at him so fondly, he can't even bring himself to care that he's currently bawling his eyes out. At least Jimin doesn't need to hit him.
"I love you, too." Gently, you clean his face while quiet snickers rumble through the guests at his crying. Nothing malicious, just amused and cooing over how soft he is for you.
"Are you both ready?" The officiant asks, raising a brow at you both as he tries to hide his smile. Jungkook guesses he must see this all the time, and surely it's a good sign for a wedding if the guy cries, right?
Both of you nod at him, and Jungkook takes your hand and squeezes. He's actually getting married, he's going to have a wife in a few minutes. You're going to be his wife.
"Good afternoon, everyone. I hope everyone's excited for today, which sees us witnessing the union of Mr Jeon and Miss Y/L/N for love." Jungkook zones out as the officiant gets through the legal talk and starts to say something about the love between the two in front of him. Ironic, given Jungkook only met the guy yesterday.
But he's too busy staring at you in simultaneous amazement and love. You're here, you're marrying him. You'll be Mrs Jeon, his wife. You're so damn beautiful.
"If there is any person here present who knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage, then they should declare it now."
He's busy smiling at you, so busy that he doesn't even register the words spoken out loud. Not until he notices the way the space has become quiet, the silence deafening suddenly.
Frowning, he looks at the officiant who looks both shocked and confused. Then he looks at you, who mirrors the emotions, though there's also some horror in there too.
Finally, his brain catches up and he twists to stare at his mom. His mom, who had never liked you and who had pitched a fit when he'd announced his wedding. His mom, who had sworn she wouldn't come, only to turn up here anyway.
"What?" Jungkook asks, the confusion in his voice making him sound more like a child. This is what he feels because he can't understand why his mom is objecting. 
"I said, I object. I don't approve of my son marrying some old, fat woman. I've never approved of her, and I've tried repeatedly to bring him back but she's got her claws so deep into him. I don't want my son to marry a woman six years older than him, who's probably too old and fat to have children now. Not when my Jungkook deserves so much better. You should be marrying a doctor or a lawyer, not her. So I object, I don't want her in my family and I will never accept her as a daughter-in-law." His mom finishes her tirade, her cheeks red with anger and her face twisted with bitterness. He doesn't recognise her.
Jungkook was frozen in place, his eyes wide and jaw dropped as his mind blanked out. What had just happened? He didn't understand, he couldn't understand - this kind of stuff didn't happen in real life, right?
Yet here he stood, holding your hand tighter than he meant to as he stared in disbelief at his mom. The woman who'd raised him with so much love and affection, who was now unrecognisable to him. He wasn't the only one, his dad was also staring at her in horror whilst his grandparents looked shocked. And that was nothing compared to everyone else.
Jungkook was pretty sure that your parents were going to punch his mom, and frankly, he would let them. But that wasn't the important bit right now.
Turning to you, the love of his life wearing the most beautiful ivory dress and ready to legally tie yourself to him, he felt his heart break. Tears were banked in your eyes, and he saw the slightest quiver to your lips, the movement replicated by your fingers clasped in his own.
No, no. 
"Is there somewhere we can go for a few minutes? This won't affect anything, right? I just…I need to sort this out and I don't want Y/N to hear." He whispered to the officiant, who looked like he'd never seen this happen at a wedding before. Just what Jungkook wanted, for his wedding to be a fucking Reddit worthy story.
Still, the officiant nodded and reached out for you, carefully taking your hands from Jungkook. There's a brief moment where you fight, but Jungkook begs you quietly to go, that he'll be there as soon as he can and that he loves you, and most importantly…that he's so sorry.
Once you've disappeared through a door back into the hotel, he rounds with fury in his eyes. And god, he wishes he didn't cry when he was angry.
"What. The. Fuck." He spits, storming to the front row of his seats where his mom looks victorious and his dad looks sorrowful. It's only when she takes in the anger that practically vibrates in his body that she pauses. She loops her arm through his dad's for support, but his dad lets go and steps away with contempt in his eyes.
"I don't know why you're so surprised. You've known I don't approve of her for years now, and I've always let you know. You deserve so much better, someone who will give you beautiful babies and be on your level." There's a shout from your side that gets muffled quickly, and Jungkook notes that your mom is currently being dragged to the door you'd exited by your family. He wants to apologise, but he has to sort this out.
"Shut up, just SHUT UP. Why are you so fucking bitter? Y/N is perfect for me, I love her so much and you have no right to have any opinion here. None. It's my life, not yours. Fuck, I didn't even want you here. You're only here because Y/N wanted to give you another chance and you…you fucking…" He cracks then, swallowing hard as he finally starts to cry from embarrassment and hurt for you. 
Turning away for a moment, he presses his hand to his mouth hard as tears fall and he looks up at the beautiful sky. She'd made you cry, at your wedding ceremony. She'd insulted you on things that he knew you'd worked hard to overcome, yet deep inside you were still insecure about. In front of all your friends and family, along with his.
Letting out a shaky breath, he turns back around and lets his mom see his absolute devastation. She had no idea what you'd had to work through to learn to love yourself, or the way you'd made yourself vulnerable to him when letting him love you. She had no idea about the pain of the struggles you'd had to get pregnant or the fact that you'd now had two miscarriages. There was so much she didn't know because he'd known that she'd use it to hurt you. Yet she'd managed to use it anyway.
"Get out. I want you out." He says, his voice shaking and quiet but the words are like gunshots. His mom's eyes widen in shock, and he realises that she's genuinely surprised he's taken a stand. In her fantasy world, she'd speak her peace and he'd realise he was wrong and come back to the fold.
It makes him angry and he grits his teeth.
"Get. Out. Leave, go. I don't want you here, I don't fucking want you anywhere. This is it, I'm done. You want me to pick? Fine, I pick her. Get out of my wedding." He spits, pointing to the door that'll take her out of the wedding, and in a just world out of his life.
"Jungkook, you can't mean tha-"
"GET OUT. Dad, please. I can't…please." He begs his dad, knowing that his dad has always been kind to you and has tried to be the barrier between his mom and her horrible views. There's a second of hesitation before his dad nods, grasping his wife's arms firmly. She's started to rant at them both, jerking to get herself free.
Before he manages to push her into the aisle, his dad stops and gives him a tight smile.
"I'm so sorry, I really am. Please let Y/N know I'm so sorry about this, I think she'll be a great daughter-in-law to me." His compassionate words make Jungkook smile weakly as he nods, before moving to stand in front of everyone.
There's still shock and uncertainty on everyone's faces and he feels so embarrassed, so humiliated that they've all witnessed this. He can't even imagine how you feel.
"I'm sorry you've all had to see that. I, erm, I'm gonna go see Y/N…I don't know if the wedding will carry on. I don't know…it's up to Y/N. I'm sorry." He doesn't know what to say, and he hates how lost he feels.
"Tell her we're sorry too, and that we'd still love to see you both get married if she wants." Jimin says, his best man resting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing reassuringly. There are murmurs of agreement from the crowd, and Jungkook wants to cry from the reassurance everyone gives.
Instead, he nods his head and hurries after you. He'd have been confused as to where you'd been taken if it wasn't for your dad standing outside another door. Jungkook feels about 10cm tall as he walks up to him, his shoulders hunching up to his ears as shame flushes through him. It wouldn't surprise him if your dad hit him, even if it had been his mom who'd said everything.
Stopping in front of him, Jungkook opens his mouth to apologise but he's cut off by strong arms pulling him into a hug. It's a little awkward, with Jungkook's hands dangling uselessly.
"I'm sorry." Your dad says, his tone full of compassion and it confuses him.
"Why are you apologising? I should be, I'm so sorry you had to hear that…I-I don't know what," Looking down, he frowns in frustration. "I've kicked her out…of my life too, hopefully."
"It's not your fault, a child isn't responsible for what their parents say, okay? You love my daughter, I know that. She's in with her mum," He states, nodding his head to the door. "I'm sorry this happened, you don't deserve it."
Jungkook's throat tightens, and all he can do is nod before going through the door. It's a small receiving room inside, with a fancy-looking couch taking up most of the space. He doesn't even understand the purpose of this room, but he doesn't care. Not when you're sat on the couch, your dress splayed out around you with your mom sitting beside you, her arm around your shoulders.
His heart breaks again when he sees the tears on your face, and he feels like shouting in anger at his mom once more. But he doesn't, because this isn't about her.
Glancing at your mom, he notes the upset and pain in her eyes and gives her a tiny smile. She stands, moving over and hugging him as well.
"I'm sorry about all this." He can tell there's more she wants to say, but she restrains herself with a glance back at you. Once she's left the room, Jungkook moves over to you and frowns, pressing his lips together before crouching next to you.
You stare blankly at your hands, tear after tear following well-laid tracks down your face. He knew that you'd opted for waterproof makeup, but even that wasn't able to keep up with the amount you were crying. Not to mention whenever you wiped them away.
"Y/N…" He whispered, feeling useless. It was his mom, and he hadn't seen you cry like this before. You'd cried in pain at the loss of your babies twice now, you'd cried at the fact that a year of passively trying had yielded only one miscarriage and nothing else, you'd occasionally cried when you'd got so overwhelmed from stress but never like this.
Never the quiet and defeated way you were crying now, the slump to your shoulders and the pained look in your eyes breaking his heart. He hated that he couldn't fix this immediately.
Kneeling on the floor - he didn't care if he got his rented tuxedo dirty - he reaches out and takes your hand. Your engagement ring is on your right hand for today, waiting for the wedding band that would be placed onto your left ring finger before joining it once more.
"I'm so sorry." He goes to say something else but surprises himself by breaking down. It annoys him that he's crying when you're the one who suffered such horrible insults, but his heart is aching for you and he's so confused and upset.
Pressing his face into the soft fabric of your dress, he lets out a quiet sob.
"Don't cry, please don't cry." You whisper, running your fingers through his hair in that soothing way he loves. He should be comforting you, and he feels annoyed at himself like he's letting his mom win by letting you baby him and comfort him.
"I should've known, I should've pushed back on inviting her. She's never gonna change, she's just so bitter and cruel. She's not the mom I knew." Jungkook says, sniffling as he looks up at you. At the woman he loves so much, he didn't even know it was possible to love like this.
"Maybe she's right," You whisper, your voice so thin and broken, and he doesn't get a chance to refute before you continue speaking. "I love you, and I've never loved someone so much but…I've never really felt worthy of you. I try to push those thoughts aside, but…you know what it's like. When those negative thoughts get in your head and it wiggles in. Sometimes I just look at you and wonder why you're here…why me? You're younger and ridiculously good-looking and in shape, with plenty of money and you're so damn kind and fun. Why me? I never really understood and you always showered me with love so I just ignored it but…everything she said is something I've already hurt myself with by saying before."
He stares at you in horror, and hatred for his mom swirls in his gut. All the shit she'd spouted had been stuff he'd heard before, and he knew that you'd asked yourself it sometimes. You'd even asked him outright on occasion, but hearing the defeated way you agree with his mom leaves him heartbroken.
"No, no don't listen to her. She's just a bitter and hateful woman because she can't control her son anymore and that I won't follow the life she thought I'd have. I don't care about what she said, she's wrong. You're the best thing to happen to me." He pleads, and he genuinely doesn't know how to resolve this. Fighting negative thoughts is a battle that many lose, and he's terrified that you're being forced to confront such awful ones on what should've been such a happy day.
"What if she is right? I mean…I'm already struggling to give you a baby and the problem is more likely to be me than you. You're young and in great shape, whereas I'm older and overweight. What if we can never have kids and it's all because of me? And she's right that you could be with someone younger and prettier, you get hit on all the time and like…what if one of those girls is who you're meant to be with? What if they could give you a baby immediately? You're so…perfect, and I'm not. I know that. People don't think I'm pretty, I'm fat, I don't like wearing makeup, I'm opinionated, I'm older than you, I don't shave all the time-" 
"Stop, stop, please stop," Jungkook begs, his voice breaking as tears fall so fast. "I don't care what my mom thinks, I don't. And I know that's a luxury you can't have, but please…stop telling me what I should think. I don't care what other people think, and I don't want you to put their opinions onto me. I love you, I love everything about you and I love all the bits you don't love. I think you're beautiful, and I genuinely don't care about your weight. If I did, I would've said something or just never approached you. I love that you have opinions and you're willing to say them, it's hot as fuck to me. I love that you're confident enough in yourself to not wear makeup and shave all the time, it doesn't bother me. I've always said that I love the confidence that you have that comes from being older, that you have your life put together and don't have to rely on me,"
"I love your smile, I love your hands, I love your face, I love your laugh, I love your jokes, I love you. And what if I'm the problem? What if I have slow swimmers, or not enough? What if they're weak? Maybe a younger girl would get pregnant instantly, but I don't want that. I want you. If I'm gonna have a baby, then I want it with you. If we never have babies, then as long I'm with you, then it's fine. I love you, and it's killing me that you have these thoughts and you're having to have them on today of all days. Today should be happy, and I'm so sorry that it's not. Please…believe me. I love you." He begs, kissing your fingers as if he's trying to press his feelings into you by force.
Silence falls, and he gets the sense that it's not a negative kind of quiet, but more a contemplative one as you think through what he's said. Being on his knees and begging you to believe his love wasn't what he expected on his wedding day, but then he also hadn't ever expected his mom to show how ugly she is.
Finally, you shift your hands in his until you can cup his cheek. Immediately, he presses into your touch like a sun-starved flower meeting the morning rays of light. He doesn't notice the small smile you give him, doesn't even realise he's closed his eyes at your touch until he hears the sharp exhale of your laugh.
Looking up at you - your dress looks even more beautiful on you this close - he takes in the way your tears have slowed. Taking in a deep breath, a little shakier than it would've been at any other time, you lean forward and lightly kiss him on the forehead.
Before he can even say anything, you're already rubbing away the lipstick mark that had been left and he feels hope spark in his chest once more. You've both been through a lot, and you've done it together. This was just another obstacle, right?
"You're such a good man, Jungkook." You murmur, opening your arms slightly in invitation. He takes it immediately, rising to sit on the couch next to you. A yelp of surprise leaves you as he carefully lifts you onto his lap, a grunt leaving him with the effort and he feels fear flash through him. What if you thought he thought you were too heavy with that noise?
But you giggle, and the noise soothes his worries. 
Wrapping his arms around your waist, Jungkook hugs you as tightly as he can without ruining your dress and presses his head into the space between your neck and shoulder. Breathing in deeply, he takes in the soft scent of your favourite perfume and the lingering smell of your peach body wash, all with the unique smell underneath it all that was just you. 
"I'm not that good. You do complain at me for leaving the empty milk cartons in the fridge, and for not cleaning the sink after I brush my teeth, and for always eating the chips that you wanted, and-" You cut him off with a laugh, kissing him as he smiles at you happily.
"Shut up, you know what I meant." Jungkook grins before nodding, kissing your cheek and making a face at the gross taste of the makeup on it. He doesn't say anything, though, but he notes the way you smile and wipe his lips clean.
"I know, and I don't want you to like…idolise me. But I also don't want you to listen to my asshole of a mom. I kicked her out, by the way. My dad said sorry, I can imagine there's gonna be a big ass fight when they get home and I'm glad. She needs some reality." Pursing his lips, he half wishes he could see his mom get put in her place. At least, he hopes his dad does that.
"He doesn't need to apologise, it's not his fault. Same as it's not your fault." You muse, your gaze lifting before you begin to clean up his hair. He can only assume it's looking a bit rough right now, what with how much he was pulling it outside.
"Will you believe that, too?"
"Why wouldn't I? I invited her to try and build bridges between us both, but she's made her feelings clear. It annoys me that she's made me cry and humiliated us both, but that was what she wanted. So…I'm not over it, I'm definitely not over it. I still want to run away and curl up and cry. I've no doubt that I'm gonna have some depressive relapses now, which I'm totally looking forward to, but her need to be cruel is not my fault, or your fault, or your dad's." Jungkook wonders if it would be too much to fall to his knees and worship you right now.
He's always known that you were level-headed and confident, it was one of the reasons he fell for you. The age difference that sometimes worries you has let you wrangle your inner demons and learn to understand and love yourself, so it doesn't surprise him that you're bouncing back so quickly. It also isn't a shock that you're so pragmatic about your mental health, though he's fully prepared for the tears that will come.
But this level of reasoning, after such a shocking event, is surprising even to him. Your wedding was interrupted by his mom, who proceeded to personally insult you in front of those you love and here you are…less than half an hour later and already laughing with him.
God, if he hadn't loved you before…
"You're amazing, you know that?" Jungkook laughs, leaning back slightly and just marvelling at you. Your makeup is a little ruined, and your dress isn't nearly as neat and pristine as it had been, yet you've never been more beautiful to him.
"Is everyone still out there?" You ask, and he hears the soft tremor you try to keep out. As resilient as you are, you're still a person with feelings at the end of the day, and even he feels uncertain at the thought of going back out to friends and family who will be concerned and shocked.
"Yeah, they are. Or should be. I mean, it's up to you but…they've said they'd love to still see us get married. It's why they're all here, and they're not assholes like my mom. But if you don't feel up to it then…we could do the vows in here, or something? Or…well, we could postpone it, if you wanted." He really, really doesn't want to postpone it. Jungkook had woken up this morning excited to marry you, and the thought of going to bed without your ring on his finger made him feel sad.
Pushing up from his lap, you move over to the door and cross your arms whilst an outraged look paints your face.
"Are you kidding? I'm not postponing our wedding, not unless you want to. Your mom is a bitch, but not even she can make me willing to lose the thousands we've spent on this day. Plus, I really wanna marry you. We're not letting her win, okay? Fuck her." Lifting your chin, you get a distinctly obstinate look on your face and he can't help but laugh.
"Yeah, fuck her. I'll tell everyone and sort it out with the officiant. Do you want me to send Momo in, there's no mirror if you're wanting to touch up or anything." He asks, referring to your best friend and maid of honour who had recently moved closer. While your mascara and eyeliner have done a valiant job of holding up, it's still pretty obvious you've been crying and Jungkook doesn't know enough about makeup to help you fix it up.
Taking a deep breath for stability, you nod and smile at him.
"Yes, please. Give us five minutes or so, and say sorry to the officiant for me, too?"
Moving over to you, Jungkook grins and lightly cups your face in his hands. You smile back at him, and he knows that you'll probably both need to go through some therapy after today but taking control again feels good. Plus, as you said - he wasn't going to let his mom win.
"I love you." He states, before giving you a quick kiss.
"Love you, too. Let everyone know that if someone else does something to ruin today, then I will punch them. And I don't care if I don't know how to hit properly, I've reached the limit of shit I'll take today."
"It's okay, I do know how to hit properly so I'll do it for you."
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rosemaidenvixen · 2 months
Between Daylight and Darkness
Chapter 5
<Previous Next>
Over his many years in Trollmarket, and even Dwoza before that, Blinky had inadvertently found himself at the root of several market-wide disturbances. Usually as a result of his attempts to root out conspiracies. While Blinky considered a temporary chaos a necessary sacrifice in rooting out hated conspiracies from their market, others did not share this view, namely Vendel…among others.
But while today's events hadn’t been the result of one of Blinky’s attempts to uproot a conspiracy, the fact remained that this had the potential to be the largest catastrophe attached to his name yet.
Blinky cautiously peeked outside the stairway entrance, the cacophony of noise having greeted him halfway up the stairs, dreading what he might see.
Dozens of trolls rushed about, nervous chatter passing back and forth in voices ranging from hushed to booming. The word Trollhunter repeating again and again, underneath that was the occasional muttered ‘fleshbag’. Both the young Trollhunter and wayward humans had been lost somewhere in the crush of the crowd and the maze of buildings. The absence of their new Trollhunter and a lack of new information was making the crowd’s energy rise to a fever pitch. It would surely boil over unless someone stepped in and calmed them down.
And unfortunately it looked as though that someone was him.
Blinky climbed to the top of a large boulder, clearing his throat in preparation of raising his voice “Friends friends settle down! No need for a panic,”
Not every eye in the crowd turned towards him, but enough of them did that Blinky had to stop himself from squirming under their gaze.
“The new Trollhunter’s been chosen!” a voice called out from the back of the crowd “I saw them! They were here and then they ran off!”
Folding his two left arms behind his back Blinky used a right to point at the shouter “Right you are. The new Trollhunter is here, AAARRRGGHH and I escorted them to our fair market and their training will start post haste. So no cause for an uproar. You may all go about your bus–”
“They can’t be the new Trollhunter!” a new voice closer to the front cut in “They’re too damn young! Practically still a whelp!”
“Well you see–”
“And what about the fleshbags!? How’d they get in here?”
“Ah that’s an easy explanation, our new Trollhunter was protecting them from Bular–”
The second the Gumm Gumm prince’s name left his mouth a spike of alarm shot through the crowd, murmurings turning to panicked shouts and roars. 
Blinky froze, one hand still perched in midair.
Oh dear….
“But never fear! Bular was halted by the wards! There’s no danger here–”
His voice was lost in the din of the crowd, the trolls before him working themselves up into a frenzy, threatening to–
“What is the meaning of this!” 
In an instant every troll present in the square fell silent, Blinky included, swiveling towards the new voice. The crowd parting like all of the sea as Trollmarket’s elder made his way through.
“What sort of calamity justifies this ruckus?”
Both sets of hands netted behind Blinky’s back as he grinned down sheepishly at the approaching Vendel.
“Ah well it’s quite simple really, AAARRRGGHH and I found the new Trollhunter on the surface. They were in the process of rescuing a group of humans from Bular. Me and my mountainous companion then guided them to the safety of Trollmarket where…where…ummm…”
“Where you lost them,” Vendel said flatly “And unleashed a group of panicked humans upon our peaceful market,”
Blinky forced his grin so wide it hurt.
Vendel let out a low groan and kneaded the skin between his eyes with one hand, after a few moments he lifted the hand away from his face, jabbing a finger at Blinky then down directly in front of him.
Guts twisting in on themselves, Blinky got down from his perch and approached, AAARRRGGHH joining them until the three were bunched together.
“Only you could turn a simple retrieval mission into complete pandemonium…” Vendel muttered with a shake of his head.
“But at least we found the Trollhunter!” Blinky cut in “And brought them safely here, both them and the amulet out of reach of the dark clutches of Bular,”
“Believe me I know,” Vendel raised his head to look back at him “And I am more grateful than words can say for your doing so,”
Blinky felt all six of his eyes go wide  “Really!?”
Vendel flashed him a rare smile “Yes, but now that the immediate danger is past we must do damage control,”
He pointed the head of his staff at Blinky “Find where in Trollmarket our new hunter has run off to,” the staff pivoted up towards AAARRRGGHH “You gather the stray humans. I will settle the crowd, we’ll meet back up at my dwell with the Trollhunter to discuss what comes next,”
Both Blinky and AAARRRGGHH nodded affirmatively at this then began to move away to carry out their assigned tasks. Blinky made it a few steps then paused and turned back
“Ah! Vendel, what shall we do about…” he trailed off, the words sticking in his throat.
“About what Blinkous?”
The mood between the three trolls shifted instantly, a shadow falling across Vendel’s face.
“We shall deal with Draal when the time comes, for now let’s focus on the problems we can control,”
With a quick nod and a heavy heart, Blinky turned away  and left the others behind as he headed down to narrower, less populated corridors of Trollmarket. Scanning every alley and crevice as he went.
Now if he was a wayward Trollhunter where would he hide? He was familiar enough with the various avenues to guess at which corridors to start, but Trollmarket was vast with many hidden nooks and crannies, more than enough places for a young troll to hide. Thankfully the commotion at the main entryway had attracted a large chunk of the market’s population, leaving the rest of the market sparse, so he wouldn’t have to fight through crowds while on his search.
Not to mention fewer trolls to hover over their new hunter and frazzle them more than they already were.
Reaching a crossroads, Blinky paused as he surveyed the paths ahead of him, tapping his chin thoughtfully. After a moments debate he chose his path and hurried on ahead.
It was no wonder the whelp had become overwhelmed and run off. There were full grown trolls that would quake at the responsibility of bearing the amulet of Daylight, to say nothing of how an unblooded stripling would react to such a monumental–
A blue flash in the corner of Blinky’s eye stopped him in his tracks, pulling his attention to a small alley. Moving quickly, he hurried over to the narrow stone corridor, sending a quick plea to Gorgus that his search was at an end. 
And perhaps Gorgus did decide to take pity on him because the Trollhunter sat just inside the alley. They were huddled on the ground holding their knees to their chest, breathing so fast and hard their whole body was quivering. Blinky fought to keep from wincing but couldn’t quite keep the grimace off his face.
This troll was so so young. Tusks small and horns rounded, nary a scar or a gouge to be seen. Where had this young troll come from, let alone come across the amulet? Blinky was familiar with all the whelps and striplings in Trollmarket and this fellow wasn’t any of them. The only thing he could think of was that they were part of a clan of surface dwelling nomads. But who would struggle with a whelp on the surface when a protected market full of resources was right below their feet…
Blinky shook his head. However it happened the amulet had chosen this stripling and they were here. It wasn’t within Blinky’s power to lift this burden from their young shoulders, but he could provide them sanctuary and the training to grow into their calling.
He cleared his throat softly, just enough to grab their attention.
The stripling stiffened, instantly going stone still on the ground.
“Are you alright?” Blinky spoke quickly, hoping to stop the young Trollhunter from running off in a panic again “You weren’t injured in your struggle with Bular were you?”
“No I–” the stripling gulped down a deep breath “I– I’m fine. That…Bular guy, is he…gone?”
“For all intents and purposes, yes. He cannot penetrate Trollmarket’s wards, you, and those humans you rescued, are safe down here,”
The stripling flopped back against the wall, arms and legs tumbling limp at their sides, practically melting into the stone, a deep shuddering breath escaping their chest.
“Oh, oh good, they’re…they’re safe,”
The corners of Blinky’s mouth twitched up into a smile. To have such care for even humans, going out of his way to rescue them from Bular when many a troll would have let them be slaughtered rather than risk their own stone. The young troll in front of him was still very much a stranger, but Blinky knew they had a kind heart. A thing which would serve them well as Trollhunter.
“So…this place is…Trollmarket?”
In an instant the smile dropped off of Blinky’s face. The stripling’s unfamiliarity with their surroundings was…troubling. Even exiles and surface dwelling nomads were still aware of Trollmarket. The only reasons he could think of such a young troll being completely oblivious were…tragic ones.
Blinky shook his head and stepped into the alley.
Well whatever their background was, this whelp had a home and community now.
“Correct, Trollmarket is hearth and home to many a troll,” he extended a hand down towards the stripling “Including you,”
The stripling blinked at the offered hand before turning their gaze up towards Blinky “T– troll, right,”
After a brief moment of hesitation they gripped the offered appendage and allowed Blinky to assist in pulling them up, standing on shaky legs.
“I am known as Blinky, son of the Galadrigal clan, Trollmarket’s principal librarian and scholar. Might I have something to call you?”
“J– Jim, son of…Barbara?”
“Well then young Master Jim, I am sure you have many questions,” Blinky stepped backwards out of the alley and stretched out his two right arms “I am happy to provide you with answers. If you would be so kind as to follow me, I know where we can discuss these matters in private,”
Jim appeared startled at his words, but he nevertheless stepped out of the alley after him “That– that would be great, thanks,”
Blinky fought down another smile as he turned and began leading the new Trollhunter towards Vendel’s dwell. Feeling not entirely at peace, but lighter than he had since before Kanjigar’s fall.
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little-tyrant-gortash · 9 months
Pairing: fem!Tav x Enver Gortash, fem!Tav/Astarion
Tags: Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Manipulative Relationship, Paladin Tav (Baldur's Gate), Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Drunk Sex, Unrequited Love, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Scars, Blood and Injury, Injury, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Torture, Psychological Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture
Desc.: I'm playing a Paladin who let Gortash become the Archduke and immediately after my Paladin's Oath was broken.
My Paladin did not take that well. I just... had to write it. And a manipulative Gortash, too.
Not sure if I should continue or just leave it like this. 🤔
Word count: 2,190
Ao3 here.
Chapter 2.
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Chapter 1.: Portal sherry
She didn't understand why did she accept the invitation. After she let Gortash persuade her to work together and he became the Archduke, Tav broke her Oath of Vengeance, and it put a weight unbearable upon her shoulders.
The others at the camp knew this. Tav was inconsolable for everything she lost that day, and they didn't even attempt to talk about it. They thought it'd be best if they pretended everything was alright.
But this wasn't the same with Gortash. He couldn't help but notice the way she behaved – very differently from when he first met her –, and he didn't miss how bloodshot her eyes were, either. Something must've happened. And if something happened, he was concerned about it, because it was her job to get rid of Orin for both of their sakes. She must be in her best shape for that fight, because as much as he hated to admit it, he needed her. Their alliance wouldn't work unless Orin was dead, and he couldn't make a move directly because his Steel Watch was robust and Orin was a little slippery fish. Tav, though… she showed real promise with her group of vagabonds. She could succeed where he couldn't. She must.
He didn't mention it while they had dinner. He invited her over, purely for business, to treat her to a lavish feast. She must've been living on scraps anyway, and since he offered her he'd share his kingdom with her, he thought it'd be a gesture which would bring them closer to each other.
How annoying to see that she wasn't in the right mindset to talk. But at least she accepted the invitation and she was present, dressed modest, quiet.
After dinner, she excused herself for a few minutes, which he used to relocate himself over his lavish couch. It was positioned right in front of the doors of the balcony, which he kept open. The late summer was warm, and he brought an opened bottle of portal sherry with himself as he watched the dusk fall over his city.
Tav silently walked over to the couch and sat beside him. Their bodies weren't close; their thighs did not touch, and yet, Tav could feel his energy. He had a certain darkness about him, one that strangely pulled her in. Funny… she felt the same about… about…
Her shoulders lowered in utter defeat as her eyes scanned the city. He was out there. Somewhere. Alone.
"You're awfully quiet tonight", Gortash remarked. He couldn't help himself, he didn't invite her over to spend the entire night in silence. She didn't answer; her face morphed into some sort of sad, sombre, grief-like expression. "Is everything alright?"
As he raised his bottle to drink from it – he never really liked portal sherry, he enjoyed wines instead, but tonight, he wanted something different –, Tav looked him straight in the eyes. She looked… utterly lost.
"On the day when I agreed to be your ally", she said, her voice hoarse from not using it much in the past few days, and, from crying day and night, "I broke my Oath of Vengeance."
Gortash raised a brow. That was it? An oath? Was that so important to her that she looked like a beaten puppy because of it? Poor little pet. Perhaps all she needed was a firm hand to guide her. The very hand of Bane's Chosen, perhaps.
"Is that so?" He asked, then offered the bottle for her to take. She stared at it, then at his face, and he half smiled. "Trust me."
She scoffed, but took the bottle, and drank from it. Her mind was immediately snapped out of her misery when the taste hit her tongue.
"Portal sherry?"
Gortash heard the hint of a surprise and glee in her voice as she looked back at him again, offering the bottle back. Nevermind they've shared an indirect kiss; her lips touching the same spot his did. For a brief moment, he toyed with the idea…
"I'm sure we all felt like we've ended up in places we hadn't dreamed of", he half smiled, taking the bottle, then taking another swig.
Tav agreed, glancing out at the city again, but her eyes quickly wandered back on him. By the gods, how did he grow on her? Everything about him – the power he radiated, the intenseness of his gaze, his confidence, his sly smirk –, everything made her want to stay close to him. She never thought of herself as a good leader. Especially not after what happened to Astarion at Cazador's place. Why, why did she let him Ascend? Why didn't she agree to him to make her his spawn – he still would be on her side, and she wouldn't need to wallow in her self pity over her broken oath. She wouldn't feel so alone. She'd have someone who at least cared.
Her lips curved down again as her gaze unfocused, signalling that she was, once again, far away. And Gortash didn't like that. He wanted her to be present. Perhaps he could guide her… twist her fate in a way it'd suit them both. He realised he had to be her anchor; he needed her to take care of Orin, but she needed him to feel whole again. Odd. But, at the moment, he had little choice than to proceed. He had to give some power back in her hands, or everything they've planned would fall to ruin. If Orin killed her… he couldn't even imagine the prospect. If Orin had two stones and him, only one, the balance would shift in Bhaal's favour. Tav's presence and personality was much more… pleasant. For him, it was desirable to have her survive this. She couldn't die on him. Not when he finally found her – someone who was strong enough, clever enough, cunning enough to get rid of the biggest thorn in his side.
"Who knows where will it take us next", he offered her the bottle again.
She looked back in his eyes and he could've sworn he felt a stir within which was not the sherry's work in his system. She was a battle-hardened warrior; a Paladin, at that. Once proud and sure, now visibly beaten down. But she still accepted the bottle when he offered it to her.
"Are you trying to get me drunk, Archduke Gortash?" She arched a brow, and despite her question, she drank.
"Perhaps", Gortash smiled slightly.
"And what's your purpose with that?"
His purpose was clear, it should've been clear to her as well. But she wasn't asking about his plans for their shared future; she was talking about the now. And now… he wasn't entirely sure. Perhaps he wanted to make her relax, to ease her mind, to give her a break from all that happened to her in the brief time since she'd entered Baldur's Gate. Or was there something else…? The moment her lips touched the bottle again, he had a fleeting thought of claiming those lips for himself…
"We can do whatever you want to do", Gortash replied quietly.
He was purposefully giving the illusion of the decision in her hands. Frankly, he could see how she was looking at him, and he knew whatever he proposed would be reciprocated within a short time. Perhaps that'd be best. It'd strengthen their bond, it'd give her a purpose to survive her quest against Orin, it'd solidify her wish not to turn against him. To weaponize her desire… for that to work, he'd need to play along. Pretend, for the sake of his purpose. On his way to his current position… he'd sacrificed so much more than that. It wouldn't cause a problem to him.
But there was more to this. This wasn't just about manipulating her so he'd get what he wanted. He had only felt this drawn to someone else once in his entire life; and he wasn't sure it'd be the best course of action to go down that path again now. He wouldn't tolerate it well if he opened up to someone else again, only to inevitably lose them in such a short time.
Tav won't wound up dead as the Dark Urge did. She can't fall to the same fate. She mustn't. If he played this dangerous game… he'd play it on his own terms. She'd come out of it alive. He won't bury another lover. Never again.
"If I didn't know better", she offered the bottle back to him, "I'd think you're flirting with me, Gortash."
He still had that easy, calm smile on his face as he reached out for the bottle. Before, he was careful not to touch her hand when he took it back from her. Now, he purposefully placed his fingers and palm over hers. A familiar feeling danced up and down his spine from the touch, signalling that he had to watch his own heart, very closely, not to fall for her. It mustn't. He had to remain focused.
"I'll be honest with you", his tone was calm, slower and deeper than usual, "the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted you to be my partner. Whether you want it to be based entirely on business or something more – it's completely up to you." He paused as he drank again, nearly emptying the bottle. "And please. Call me Enver."
Something shifted in her expression again.
"I am an Oathbreaker", Tav whispered. The sherry, combined with her turbulent emotions were not a good mix; her eyes filled with tears. "You surely wouldn't want an Oathbreaker on your side. I am… unreliable."
"Because you made the right choice?" Gortash raised a brow, his tone serious. "Because you knew the moment you met me that we need each other? I assure you, you've done nothing wrong."
"I swore I'd wipe out evil", her tears ran down her cheeks, and she looked away, ashamed. "I've disgraced my people."
 Gortash put the bottle down on the table beside the couch, then turned to her and ever so gently cupped her cheeks. His hands were warm against her face as he stroked her tears away with his thumbs.
"I am not evil", he whispered to her, "and neither are you. Both you and I want the best for the people who turn to us for help. I've told you I wanted to lead Baldur's Gate to glory, and we will do just that."
"But at what price?" Tav didn't pull away, just brought her hands up to touch his arms, still covered with his golden gauntlets.
"If there were any other way, I'd do it." Gortash paused, attempting a lie. "I'd do it – for you. But we're neck deep in my original plan, and we must make the best of it for both of our sakes. I want to rule with you. I want you to survive this, I want you to stay focused." Heart beating in his throat, he closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. "I need you. I need you more than anyone else in my life, Tav. Please, don't have regrets about the past, not now. Look forward and take one step at a time, with me, alright?"
Tav remained as she was; only her hands moved to touch his face. Her slender fingers were so gentle that they made a shiver run down his spine. She explored his cheeks, his jawline with her touch; her thumb ever so gently ghosting over his scar on his chin.
"Gods smite you, Enver", she murmured softly, "you got me drunk", making him chuckle quietly.
The tadpole squirmed in her skull and she did her best to ignore it.
What are you doing?
The Emperor's voice rang in her head, as always, when he was concerned about her thoughts and actions. Frankly, she'd done a few stupid things during her journeys, but sharing a private moment with someone who just told her that he needed her, despite the fact what she became – interrupting that was rude.
Stay out of this, she thought.
You do remember he is our enemy, right?
For the last time! Shut up!
Funnily enough, the Emperor's meddling in her affair with the most powerful man of Baldur's Gate gave her the final push. She tilted her head and kissed Gortash, who reciprocated immediately. As if he had been waiting for it. Once he claimed her lips, he quickly dominated the situation; sliding his tongue over hers, making her go weak in his hold with a moan of pleasure.
And as he was kissing her like there were no tomorrow… he realised he was just as doomed as he suspected. Every nerve in his body sung with desire for her. Any plan he had, any scheming, plot, idea was out the window when her fingers ran in his raven locks, pulling him even closer. His hands slid away – down her form to her hips, guiding her in his lap, never stopping his kisses as he stood with her kept close to himself, with his hands on her ass.
His bedroom – thankfully – wasn't far away.
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aphrodisiac-siren · 2 years
Ettore X Fem!Reader
Summary: A deadly virus has begun spreading, a disease attacks the brain and causes victims to lose their humanity, rendering them violent and insane creatures. You were chosen, along with a bunch of others, to help find a cure for the same. Along your journey at the organisation, you meet a certain someone who is as daunting as he is captivating.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of abuse.
Part 4
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To say your heart was racing would be insufficient information to convey how you were truly feeling. You were in equal parts both exited and nervous for Ettore to walk through those doors of the library in which you were sat, pretending to read a book.
You knew it was wrong for you to encourage him, to allow yourself to break the rules by asking him to meet you but the place was no less of a prison and this new relationship you'd formed with him was starting to excite more than frighten you.
You were thankful that no one really visited the library after dinner, too tired and worn out after their busy day. This gave you the perfect place to host your meetings with Ettore who for some reason possessed enough energy to sacrifice sleep to come see you all the way until it was curfew.
You waited and waited, constantly looking toward those doors hoping to see his familiar cheeky grin but to your dismay, he wasn’t there each time you glanced that way. You knew you shouldn’t be upset, that you shouldn’t get attached to him.
He has a criminal record, you reminded yourself, but was he really at fault? Besides, his tongue felt so good against my- Stop, bad girl!
You felt the blood rush to your cheeks as you recalled the events that took place that very afternoon. Your recollection of your sinful activity was interrupted by your name being called out and you were disappointed to find Aris to be the one who had called for you and not him.
"Figured you'd be here," he said with a sigh as he walked toward you, seeming out of breath like he'd just run up a couple of flights of stairs. You closed your book as you patiently waited for him to speak "I need your help"
"I'm not doing you any more favours" you said immediately, hoping he would just leave before Ettore could get here "do whatever work as been assigned to you, yourself"
"No that’s not-" he heaved another sigh, this time one of frustration "you've been working a lot with subject eight lately"
Your heart immediately skipped a beat; where was he going with this? Had you been found out? Did someone hear you? You had tried to be as quiet as you possibly could. Calm down, don’t act suspicious.
"And?" you asked, trying your very best to show no emotion whatsoever.
"He seems to be far more calm when you’re around" Aris said, now walking back toward the door "he's throwing one of his tantrums again, help keep the bastard in check will you?"
You wondered what he'd gotten himself into that it required you to go and calm him down but nonetheless, you followed Aris toward the subjects' sleeping quarters. The usually silent hallways now echoed with the sounds of things being thrown around, with the occasional accompaniment of a swear or two. You could immediately tell that voice belonged to Ettore and the harshness of it truly surprised you. He used to be so calm and timid when he spoke to you, even when he was being a cheeky brat.
You pushed past two of the guards at his door and immediately the room went silent when Ettore's eyes landed on you. His swearing seized and he stood there frozen as his chest rose and fell while he caught his breath. He looked rather surprised to see you there, borderline abashed to have you look at him in this state.
"What happened?" you asked looking around his room that was now a mess with things thrown around, most of it being broken or smashed beyond repair and even though the question was directed at Ettore, one of the guards took the liberty of answering it for you.
"Heard this runt throwing things around. When we opened the door to talk to him and get shit under control, this cunt started to get aggressive"
"What'd you say?" Ettore's eyes snapped back toward the guard who had just spoken. He menacingly marched toward them, fists clenched at his sides "who the fuck are you calling a-"
"Hey enough" you pressed your palms against his chest to push him back just a touch before this could lead to a fistfight that Ettore would indefinitely lose. Gosh, did he enjoy fighting? "he needs to be taken to the med bay"
"I'll come with" Aris began to walk with you but you told him you had this covered, firmly assuring him that you would be fine. Ettore threw nasty looks at the others before he followed you, mumbling some more profanities under his breath.
You did your routine of reaching into your pocket to retrieve your lanyard to use your access card but Ettore beat you to it, using the card you'd given him to scan and thus grant you both access. He kept his head down but ushered with his hand for you to walk before him.
"At this point I'm convinced your hobby is inciting chaos" you said as you walked toward the far end, sitting on one of the hospital beds and patting the space next to you for him to come and sit.
"I asked to be left alone" he grunted as he sat beside you, the mattress sinking as a result of the added weight "they fucking had it coming"
You silently reached into the drawer to retrieve some ointment and cotton before you took Ettore's hand in your own, rubbing gentle circles on the back of his hand with the pad of your thumb.
"Your knuckles are bleeding" you simply told him even though you were sure he knew that already "It'll sting, but I've got to get this cleaned up"
Ettore didn’t seem to protest. He just stayed silent as he let you take care of his bloodied knuckles, eyes occasionally glancing up to look at you. He looked almost like a curious puppy, a complete contrast to how he was only moments ago when you'd seen him in his room. He was silent the entire time which was very uncharacteristic of him since he always had something to say when he was around you. You noticed he was fully dressed in his casual attire- a grey hoodie with a black jacket and some black sweats.
"Were you on your way to come see me?" you tenderly asked as you discarded the used cotton swab, impressed that he didn’t wince at all as you cleaned his wound. You reached into the drawer again to grab a jolly rancher that you handed to him; to which he responded with a soft chuckle.
"don’t I get any candy?"
"What for?"
"For being a good boy and letting you do your job"
"Got these stocked up just for you" you told him with a smile "what happened back there?"
"I was on my way to come see you, yea" he spoke slowly and softly as he twisted open the wrapper of the candied delicacy before he popped it into his mouth "thought I'd take a nap before and uh.. had one of those dreams"
"Dreams?" you asked, confused.
"I've been getting these vivid dreams, ever since I was a kid" he patiently explained, taking his time to form sentences "nightmares, you could say- started since the abuse began back at home. Ever since I've been away from him, the nightmares got less frequent but anytime I do get them, they’re just as anxiety-inducing. Woke up feeling all sorts of emotions: fear, anger, frustration. I had to let it all out, that’s when those idiots walked in"
You once again reached out to hold his hand and this time he gave you a gentle squeeze.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" he suddenly blurted out "what are you getting out of this?"
"You think I could only be kind to you if I was gaining something from it?" you cocked a brow but when you looked up from your hands to meet his eyes, you saw that he was being serious with his question "despite our situation here at the organisation, at the end of the day you too are a person like me and deserve to be treated as one. You’re not merely some subject who W.I.C.K.E.D. is using for their experiments in finding a cure to the flare. I hope that we find a cure soon, so that we all are free to live our lives"
"Didn’t really have much of one to begin with" he grunted under his breath. He wasn’t aware of everyone else's situation before they ended up here but he most certainly didn’t have much to look forward to if they did end up finding a cure and sent the subjects back "leave this place and go where, back to that fucker of a step-dad? Live on the streets? Much rather die amidst those cranks"
You looked at him sadly, unsure of what to say.
"Ah fuck that though" he shrugged, flashing you a grin as he masked his disappointment "we didn’t really have to come all the way out to the med bay, I could’ve easily washed away the blood under that sink in my room"
"Yes, but this is the only place I can hang out with you past curfew, which was ten minutes ago" you said with a mischievous smile which Ettore mirrored.
"Careful Y/N, I'm starting to think you actually like spending time with me" he proceeded to playfully nudge your shoulder with his, casually swinging an arm around your shoulder before he leaned in, his breath fanning against your neck sent up and involuntary shiver "I might be as bold as to say we’re slowly starting to become friends"
"That's unlikely" you replied with a sarcastic undertone, all while leaning into his side "I noticed you've got two triangular tattoos, do they have some sort of significance?"
"I've got three actually, third one's right here" he pointed his finger toward his bicep that was covered with the sleeves of his jacket and hoodie "Triangles symbolise harmony and growth. The former was something always amis in my family, something I wanted as a kid and the latter, well it’s more like how I was forced to grow up too early. I know that’s not the kinda growth it stands for but yea, that was my thought process when I was getting these done"
You reached out to gently traced the tattoo on his neck and Ettore watched you with utmost curiosity as his hand again reached under your hoodie and this time he allowed his hand to wander upward, the gesture making you gasp.
"You enjoyed yourself this afternoon, didn’t you?" his voice was low with a hint of authoritativeness and by the way he said that, it was more of a rhetorical question. His hand rose high, fingers brushing the underside of your breasts and he grinned "enjoyed yourself so much that you didn’t bother wearing a bra this evening"
"Fuck off" you muttered and even though you sounded unfazed, your stomach was doing cartwheels in reaction to his intimate touch.
He groped one of your tits with his large hand, kneading the soft flesh of your mound before his fingers pinched your nipple and you bit your lip to prevent yourself from whimpering.
"You didn’t get to finish earlier" he mumbled against your neck, peppering your skin with sloppy kisses that made you sigh with contentment "how about I fix that?"
AN: I have a research paper due tomorrow so you’re going to have to wait for the next chapter to read the smut
Taglist: @sahvlren @greenowlfactif @tinykryptonitewerewolf @babyblue711 @afro-hispwriter
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total-dramaclan · 2 months
Moon 1
Apprenticeship hasn't been anything like what I was expecting it to be.
First of all- I have a mentor. That's.. the biggest thing.
IslandClan hasn't had enough Warriors to have proper apprenticeships for as long as I can remember. We're mostly made up of us Apprentices now- just.. Apprentices, two remaining Queens, Shark'Star, and his deputy, Hatchet.
Shark'Star, my new mentor..
I think all of us have known that we weren't ever really going to get mentors. Most of our training we just do ourselves and help each other, as weird as it may be. Recently, things have felt more... competitive.
I was counting on being just another mentorless Apprentice. Not really needing to focus on my training too much, just waiting until I was of age to become a Warrior like everyone else.
..There went that plan.
Shark'Star and Hatchet have only really chosen Apprentices that they see something in- from what I know, at least. Hatchet chose Bark'Paw to be his apprentice a little while back because he said he saw himself in him...
I don't know what Shark'Star sees in me. I'm clever enough, but I'm nowhere near as physically strong as someone like Bark'Paw.
He told me to patrol the borders, but he isn't even coming himself. I don't know if he's just that lazy or has actual stuff to do.
I probably won't actually end up doing that. If he can slack out of actually training the first Apprentice he actually wanted to mentor himself in how many moons, then I can slack out of one border patrol.
Our borders are all water, anyway. No one else is actually going to invade.
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The sound of his name jostled Sharp'Paw out of his thoughts, lashing his tail momentarily and straightening up to face whoever was calling him.
Ah, Briar'Paw.
She was... ambitious. Probably the most so out of the entirety of IslandClan.
There wasn't anything particularly wrong with that, he supposed, but being Deputy wasn't something Sharp'Paw would ever have interest in himself. Too much work.
"Hey," He greeted, a little lethargically. He still didn't really know how to talk to her- despite the fact that she was technically his sister.
..Half, sister- same mother. No one in IslandClan generally had a LOT of family anymore. After his dad left, and most of his sisters... Sharp'Paw didn't pay too much attention to it. He was pretty sure that the only other cats in the entirety of IslandClan who were related were Viper'Paw and Honey'Paw. Those two were siblings.. didn't look much like it, though.
"Took you long enough to get out here." She huffed, flicking his side lightly with her tail. "I'm surprised Shark'Star took you on himself when you have a non-existent work ethic."
"You and me both." He murmured back, lacking the energy she always seemed to carry with her. That was something that she got from their mother- not him.
"Hey," Briar'Paw's voice softened, just a bit- something that startled him out of his thoughts again. "I'm sure you'll do great. Whatever Shark'Star took you on for- you'll do good. You're smart, Sharp'Paw. Willow'Shade is proud of you too."
He hummed in response, but didn't offer anything back. Briar'Paw looked over him with a frown, looking like she wanted to add something else before reluctantly pulling away. Right... back to whatever he was doing before..
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A hiss drew his attention back towards the dens- well, just the Apprentices den, really. IslandClan just had so many Apprentices that the old Warriors Den just became two Apprentices dens.
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"Watch where you're going, Snake." Apple'Paw snapped at Viper'Paw, who had turned to throw her a glare over her shoulder.
"Maybe try keeping out of my way- or are you just so big that you can't manage that?" Viper'Paw fired back, expression sharpening smugly as Apple'Paw's fur bristled.
Sharp'Paw's eyes drew back and forth over the both of them like he was watching a rabbit dart around that was trapped inside a foxhole.
He glanced up with a twitch of his ear when he heard a quiet "Oh my gooosh..." from the steps of the actual Apprentice dens- Daffodil'Paw and Muddy'Paw had apparently been sitting there when the whole thing started.
When Sharp'Paw glanced back at Apple'Paw and Viper'Paw, they were both shouting and hissing and had their claws unsheathed. Guess that was what he got for not paying attention.
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He winced, and stalked back off into the other den while they only got louder. Just because he was the Leader's Apprentice didn't mean that he'd start playing Deputy and stopping fights. Briar'Paw could do that if she wanted.
For now, though, he'd go back to sleep until Shark'Star actually bothered to train him...
Moon 0
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shanie · 2 months
The Lost Shanie Fanfic [Untitled]
SOOOO, I was cleaning out my cloud drive......
I have been trying to clean out my computer and cloud drive all night in an attempt to make the whole shebang work better, and in the process stumbled upon a fanfic that, upon extensive investigation, I had written on the weekend of March 5th, 2022. It was started the morning after the Madison Square Garden where Sami and Kevin hugged the first time after the 2021 feud and abandoned, fully completed on Monday (The Raw where Kevin first called out Stone Cold Steve Austin). If memory and cagematch are in sync here, the reason it was abandoned is because it factors in house shows, but then I realized on Monday evening that factoring in house shows would negate the entire fic because the next house show for Kevin was in Allentown, while the next one for Sami was in LAVAL.
But, see... I'm not as hung up on that shit now as I was at the time. And now, two and a half years later, nobody remembers the existence of that Laval show, while the imagery of Kevin hugging at MSG lives on to this day.
So, have at it. The Lost Shanie Zowens Fanfic, taking place after the MSG show in March 2022 where Sami and Kevin officially begin the road to reconciliation.
[Fic Untitled] Rating: T for language Pairings: Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens Characters: Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Johnny Knoxville (mentioned), Roman Reigns (mentioned), Seth Rollins (mentioned) Other Tags: kissing, mutual baggage, references to Final Battle 2010, references to Day One 2022, sadness, Sami Zayn is Not Okay (is he ever?) Fanfic under cut.
“You don’t hate me anymore,” said Kevin Owens.
It wasn’t a question, mostly because he knew that if he asked the dejected, depressed man sitting on the steel chair in front of him, he probably wouldn’t like the answer.
But as Sami Zayn turned his sad, dark hazel eyes up at his former best friend, he knew he didn’t have to.
Sami’s voice was low and quiet as he spoke and Kevin was grateful that Sami had chosen a quiet out of the way place to sulk.
“I have more important people to hate,” he replied, before amending, “well, not more important. Just a bigger fish to fry.”
Sami’s eyes closed as he seethed. “I hate him he’s a jackass.”
Sami’s eyes stayed shut. “You didn’t cost me the title, he did. So yeah, forgive me if my hatred of you is diverted at the moment.”
“I would have stopped him.”
Sami’s brow furrowed and his head shot up in puzzlement at the remark, as though he didn’t understand the words Kevin had just spoken.
“You would have what?” he asked.
“I would have stopped him,” Kevin repeated. “If I had been there, you’d still be champion. Hell if it were up to me, you’d be Universal Champion. Roman is a bag of dicks and since I couldn’t take his belt I had hoped you would.”
Sami’s eyes stayed on him a moment before he shook his head and looked away. “Yeah right,” he said. “I’ll never be Universal Champion. This whole company has it out for me.”
Kevin was struck by the utter sadness in Sami’s voice. He hadn’t changed his mind, he still believed in his theories, but it was as if he’d run out of energy to scream; it was like losing his beloved title a third time had left him too broken to fight back anymore. That said, Sami’s quiet mourning for his IC belt was the most coherent that Kevin had seen him in over a year and he’d have been lying if he said it didn’t warm his heart to see.
Still, he knew that Sami needed comfort and he was damn sure going to give it to him, all previous bloodshed and violence aside.
“I don’t have it out for you, Sami,” Kevin told him. “I’d give anything to see you succeed in this company.”
“Really, Kev? Because last time I saw you, you tried to break my back. Again.”
There was no malice or anger in his voice. Hell, there was barely any emotion at all and it broke Kevin’s heart how utterly empty Sami’s words sounded. There was no rage, but also not a trace of Sami’s former wellspring of hope and optimism.
Kevin was right. Sami didn’t hate him anymore. He was indifferent.
And it made Kevin want to scream.
His breath caught in his chest as he tried to respond, but Sami did nothing to break the tense silence, simply sitting there staring at the floor.
After a few moments, Kevin managed to get out two words.
“I’m sorry.”
There was a tense silence between them before Sami sighed. His voice was little more than a whisper as he returned, “Me too.”
Silence fell between them once more, nearly tactile and Kevin could feel it choking him. But after a minute or so, Sami rubbed his hands on his tights before standing up.
“Well,” he said, matter-of-factly, “this is awkward. I’m gonna go.”
Kevin watched as Sami turned to leave and he could feel his soul burst. Wrestlemania was a whole month away, and with them on separate rosters, he knew he wouldn’t have the chance to see Sami again before that. Also, he had no idea which Sami would show to WrestleMania. Would it be the one standing before him, depressed and empty, but calm? Or would it be crazed, paranoid Sami who you couldn’t hold a coherent conversation with if you wanted to?
No, Kevin knew he couldn’t let him leave. Not yet. Not when they were so close to…
“Wait –” Kevin said, grabbing hold of Sami’s wrist to prevent him from leaving.
“Kevin…” Sami said warily but Kevin wasn’t letting go. He tugged on Sami’s hand, coaxing him to turn around.
“Look at me, Sami.”
Sami didn’t meet his eyes.
“I mean it, look at me.”
Sami raised his head slightly, peering upward to gaze forlornly at Kevin.
“If we ever get drafted to the same show again,” Kevin told him, “I’ll get you your title back.”
“I don’t need your help, Kevin.” Sami returned and, there. Finally, Kevin saw a spark in Sami’s eyes. It wasn’t much, but there was just a hint of stubbornness in his friend’s tone that gave him hope. Just a small flicker of the old Sami Zayn, with his never-say-die attitude and underdog heart and soul that Kevin used to hold so dear.
And he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of it.
“What?” Sami asked in an accusatory tone. “Why are you smiling?”
Kevin kept smiling. “Nothing, just… I missed you.”
Sami shot an annoyed glare.
“And you’re right,” Kevin added. “You don’t need my help. But it is nice for someone to have your back.”
Sami’s mood shifted instantly at the statement, and he yanked his hand away, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
“What, like Seth?” Sami scoffed. “Kevin you can’t trust him, he doesn’t care about you!”
“He does!” Kevin protested.
“He’s a manipulative bastard! He’s not your best friend and he never will be! He’s going to stab you in the back, he does it every time.”
“Yeah well so have I and we’ve made it work!”
Kevin regretted the words immediately as he watched the full weight of their meaning fall over Sami. Sami, the one person who he had betrayed more than anyone else. Time and time and time again he’d betrayed Sami and honestly, Kevin knew he was being foolish if he thought there was a world where they could still be friends.
Maybe that was why he had been so determined to keep Seth around. Seth was just as much of a prick as he was. Scum tends to stick to its own kind, why wouldn’t they be friends? They were so much alike.
Still, Sami’s wounded look was pressing on his heart.
“You’re right,” Kevin admitted, his voice catching on the words, “He’s not my best friend. Never was.”
The silent, unspoken implication of who Kevin’s best friend truly was wasn’t lost on Sami, and, drawing in a sharp breath, Sami’s face clenched as he turned away. A whole gamut of emotions ran across his face ranging from pain to frustration to regret to what looked almost like hope and, after almost a full minute, he relaxed, his shoulders slumped and his head hung. His eyes were closed and Kevin wished more than anything he could know what was going on in the redhead’s mind. What he was thinking. Was the hatred returning? Had he messed it up already and it would end up in yet another fight? Or was Sami sad, in mourning over what should have been a lifelong friendship that both of them had managed to bungle into oblivion.
Mostly Kevin. He’d have to be a moron to think the blame was equal on that front.
But still, he really wanted to know what was going through Sami’s head.
He didn’t have to wait long.
“Did you mean what you said?” Sami asked. “At Day 1. Did you mean what you said about me?”
Kevin’s tongue was thick in his mouth but he got the words out regardless. “Yeah, I did. You’re my…”
The final word died before he could say it, stuck in his throat and refusing to break free.
He didn’t have to say it.
“Soulmate,” Sami said through gritted teeth.
Kevin was grateful for his saying it but he didn’t seem very happy about it, and his suspicions were confirmed when Sami let out a growl and turned away, scrubbing his face and pulling at his hair. Kevin was stunned, unable to move as he watched Sami’s rage, balling his fists and, out of nowhere, throwing the chair he’d been sitting on to the side before turning to face Kevin once more, a pissed-off finger shoved in his face.
“YOU!” he snarled, “You don’t get to do this! Not after all we’ve been through!” He began waving his arms wildly the way he always did when he was worked up. “You can’t just show up ask for a hug, pat my cheek, and think it’s all fine! It’s NOT!”
“I thought you said you didn’t hate me,” Kevin replied.
Sami grabbed Kevin by the shirt, pulled him forward, and roared, “I DON’T!”
KO’s eyes went wide and he froze. Their faces were only inches apart and Kevin couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. He hadn’t been this close to Sami in forever and it was killing him.
But, after a few seconds, Sami let him go, stepping back with an errant sniffle.
“I don’t,” he repeated, his voice much softer. “But I don’t trust you either.”
“I hurt you.”
Once again, it wasn’t a question.
“Far too much,” came the response. “I can’t just forget.”
“I know. And if I could do it all over, I wouldn’t have. I would have done it differently, stayed with you, protected you, anything. I wouldn’t have hurt you and I wouldn't have screwed things up like that.”
There was a frantic nervousness in Kevin’s voice, a shrill edge that was equal parts anxious and begging. Kevin wasn’t sure who he was begging but a part of him wished that whatever forces or God was running the universe would listen to him, to give him what he dreamed of as he slept and, when he couldn’t sleep, what kept him tearfully awake and in prayer.
A second chance.
Well, another chance at least. He was pretty sure he’d wasted his second, third, and maybe fourth chances by that point. But those weren’t the chances he longed for. He wanted to go back, back to before he’d destroyed the best thing that ever happened to him in the first place. Before he’d ruined everything.
He wanted to go back and tell the dumbass kid that he was not to do it.
Because it wasn’t worth it. All his ambition and drive. Sure it had earned him accolades and gold. So much gold. But it was at the cost of something far more precious than gold and he’d gladly give all those shining belts back if he meant having his friend at his side once more.
However, as he stood there before that friend, Kevin saw what could only be resigned disgust cross his face.
“Yes, you would have,” Sami told him bitterly, “I know you better than anyone, even yourself. You still would have turned on me. It’s who you are. I wish it wasn’t, but it is.”
“I wouldn’t –”
“You treated me like trash even when we were teaming,” Sami rebutted. “The only time you ever gave a damn was after I saved your life and even then you didn’t stick around.”
Kevin’s jaw clenched. He didn’t want it to be true. Memories, cold, harsh memories of rejected affections and shouted abuse came flooding back and he knew Sami was right. Few things in life were certain. Death, taxes, snowy winters back home, midday storms in Florida, and somewhere on that list, Kevin Owens being a shit friend.
He sighed. Sometimes, he really hated when Sami was right.
He stayed silent. There was nothing to say in response that could or would ever absolve him of his crimes, so he didn’t bother.
Sami, however, just wiped the tears that Kevin hadn’t even noticed from his eyes and, shaking his head, said, “Goodbye, Kevin.”
Kevin let him go. He didn’t reach out that time, instead watching as Sami turned and headed down the hall.
Kevin was about six paces from him before he called after.
“I do love you, you know,” Kevin called out. The words were more for himself than anything. “I meant when I said that too and I’m not going to stop.”
Sami stopped. He didn’t turn around though and Kevin watched as he huffed in what could only be exasperation before shaking his head. His back was turned and his voice distant but he heard the distinct sound of his friend cussing.
“Criss,” Sami swore, and, suddenly, he turned on his heel and strode back to Kevin, grabbing him by the face and smashing his lips against him.
Panic surged in Kevin’s chest and he had barely managed to register the kiss before Sami had pulled back.
Sami was just staring at him, his eyes sharp and piercing, and Kevin could feel his entire self being unmade by them. All his strength and composure were torn away and, before he could stop himself, he wrapped his arms around his friend, pulling him close and holding on for dear life.
He didn’t care if Sami hugged back that time either. Kevin didn��t need him to. He just needed to hold Sami, to feel long, copper curls against his cheek, and as Kevin buried his face against the man’s shoulders, his eyes drifted closed.
He didn’t know how long they stayed like that before he felt Sami’s arms wrap around his waist in return and the faintest whisper escaped his friend’s lips.
“I missed you too.”
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thatonebirdwrites · 3 months
Got tagged by @thecasualqueer! Here is the link to the quiz.
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Impressions I had during my adventure: 1. I love to explore!! Something gives me that chance to explore? I'm taking it. (After I feed my cat and make sure he has a sitter). 2. PORTAL? YES PLEASE. I wanna see what's on the other side and figure out how this portal works! 3. Kitty guides!! I wanted both kitties as my guide. Since I couldn't decide, I sort of flipped a coin for this. lol 4. Riding a unicorn??? Yes please. 5. Castle or garden? Um, Garden. I can explore more of the outside world. Also, castles are kind of scary and probably are haunted with dungeons or maze-like corridors. 6. I enjoy meeting people, even if I get easily overwhelmed and need to take a break to recover after. (It can take me 1 to 4 days to recover from said outing, but at least I got to listen to people's stories!! Even if I didn't do much talking myself. Sometimes I just like to sit and listen. Though if you ask me questions, I'll answer honestly and share stories of my own.) 7. I attempted the sneak approach but failed. (Sneaking is like my favorite thing but I suck at it. Mostly because it's very hard to sneak with mobility aids. lol) 8. I don't like physical fighting, so I try to reason or run away if possible.
That got me Cupid. The fact that a bow and arrow is the symbol for cupid is hilarious to me. When I play RPGs, I often end up playing a long-range fighter/supporter character. Bows end up being the primary weapon. (That and magic support to my buddies).
The traits are fairly on point. Huh.
"infectious positive-energy" -- funny story. I get told that in-person I'm like this bundle of positive-energy. But that was before I got sick and before the abuser fucked me up. Now it's 50/50 whether that part of me comes out or not. "Happiness in everything" -- well, that's ironic. I'm super depressed a lot and fall into trauma spirals way too easily. I think I prefer care and supporting others in everything rather than happiness per se. But well, it's a silly quiz. :)
"too-much-to-do" -- this made me laugh because yes. There's too much to write and draw! I need to stop coming up with WIPs. Finish my main ones. Then I can have another WIP as a treat.
Funny fact about the "your team" part: for whatever reason, I have a love of connecting folks who are in love via either telepathy shenanigans or some sort of magical/spiritual/soulmate-like connection. I don't know why it crops up in my writing a lot. I guess I just love the idea that there's soulmates for us -- and maybe not just one. Maybe there's soulmates that become are best friends or our chosen family. And maybe there's romantic soulmates that become our partners.
*sighs* Something I dream about I guess.
I just like to exist in parallel play with people. Even if I'm not really interacting with them per se (sometimes interactions are overly stimulating so then I just exist and listen and do my thing by them).
This is why I sometimes like to sit in the voice chats muted with other fandom people and just exist in parallel. They're all chatting, sometimes I type in the chat too, but mostly I just do my own thing and exist in the same virtual space. That's lovely.
Anyway, thank you for tagging me! This was fun. :D
I'm not sure who to tag... hmmm.
You know what? I'm really curious what @pcrtifacts, @nottawriter, @fazedlight, @luthordamnvers, and @snowydragonscave will get.
I feel like I'm building a RPG party. Already got a necromancer who invited me to the team. I guess I'm the archer/bard for the party. lol
Now to find the rest of our party.
Once the party forms, where shall we go next?
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
More on that Ninetales concept
In the game there are two versions, the Ninteales that shows up on the volcano of Cobalt Coastals and the ones in Alabaster Icelands. The version of the Ninetales that you transform into depends on your personality, if you're a head strong trainer with a lot of passion for adventuring then you'd probably be the og Ninetales (fire type). But on the other hand if you like taking things slow and look at things in another perspective then you're the Alolan version of Ninetales (ice type). Perhaps you could become a mixter of the two or something completely different.
Honestly I really like the og Ninetales but I've always thought that the tails were kinda boring, so perhaps sprinkle some of that Alolan type Ninetales into it and it would look great, also because I like the fluff.
Now for something more personal, remember the four star badges that would give you the ability of four pokemon with no other pokemon has? Yeah it's about that.
First off is Zoroark, because you know shapeshifting.
Second of all is Lucario's ability to sense someone's presence from miles oway (and to an extent their patience).
Next up is Chimecho, although their voice is mainly used as a weapon and in hindsight Chatot would probably be better, I still like the idea of sounding like I'm carrying chimes wherever I go. It brings a sort of mystery, besides I don't need to mimic human speech to understand it.
And the last one, Dusknoir. Dusknoir guides souls to the afterlife, even though it isn't very helpful in a world where survival is harsh. I think it builds character and is a fun callback to when the player went around collecting wisps, it also shows that I can be benevolent despite my nature.
And now for my pokemon, as i've said before that you'd get your pokemons powers but i've decided to make it so i can only use one of their types, so if they have multiple then i must choose one. Also since there's six stats I've chosen from my pokemon which ones to use.
Gengar: 312 speed: Ghost
Carnivine: 232 defence: Grass
Samurott: 347 HP: Dark
Rapidash: 244 attack: Fier
Luxray: 243 sp. Def: Electric
Beautifly: 199 sp. Atk: Bug
Like you said about becoming a trickster god it wouldn't be too far from the kitsune's nature. They are known to trick the unlucky few which can range from mischief to malevolence, specifically overly proud samurai, greedy merchants and boastful commoners. On another note, sorry if I was unclear, you don't need to be in another form to deal that much damage, though it is a fun idea and a great part trick, too bad you'd probably not get invited to any considering your track record. Otherwise you would bring in the same energy as Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty whenever you show up unprompted.
Another thing is that if you were killed in exile then who's gonna save the day? Sure, you might have been resurrected but that's not gonna motivate you to get up and do something about the red sky. So what if instead of you doing it alone you become a sort of guide for the rival, teach them the ways and strategies that you once used. I mean Nine tailed foxes are credited to have infinite wisdom and the Ninetales in game is based off the fox spirit so it isn't too presumptuous to think that it would be too far off. But instead of lets say, knowledge of the great beyond its more about the world in general and how it works. Besides, if you knew about the vast unknown it would be hell to communicate it when you can't speak, even in a human body.
Oh! This is interesting! It's a good read (❁´◡`❁)
ngl i'm still interested in the idea of becoming a Trickster god of sorts if you were killed during exile. You no longer really care for most the people, but you still hold a few close to your heart. Your rival, Ingo, Cyllene, Professor Laventon... The only people who really seemed to care about you before your demise. The only ones that were good friends for you, besides your own pokemon. So you don't bother to save the day, but you also don't want the world to be destroyed either. You live here, after all. So you guide your rival here and there. They have the potential to become a hero that Hisui had needs. You silently protect the other few who were there for you. The others though? Depending on who it is, you either leave them be, help guide every so often, or straight up lead them astray. Adaman and Irida? The wardens, besides Ingo? Kamado? They all have your ire now. Add that to the idea of having similar abilities to your other pokemon, you'd be a real force to be reckoned with...
Thank you for the fun submission! ヾ(•ω•`)o
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have noticed that even though i can walk, indeed enjoy going for short walks (when weather and spoons permit), i actively fantasize about having a wheelchair for getting to and from class and other lots-of-walking/standing-type situations
but like. i have one and i can’t use it. it’s one of those cheap heavy chairs like you’d get at a hospital and a. it’s been beat up/on the verge of broken ever since i got it, so every time i try using it i pray it doesn't break; and b. the last time i tried a practice round in it i self-propelled all of one block and ended up near tears from pain
so for this fantasy to work i would have to get a Good, Expensive one, either motorized or so light that maneuvering it didn't hurt much. which, logically speaking just seems so not worth it since i’d only want it for a few hours three days a week
plus, i remember the awkwardness and inconvenience!! i hated not fitting through doorways/narrow corridors, having to shout for attention because no one ever saw me, how much of a nuisance bus drivers treated me as, the pity and fear in people’s faces/voices whenever they noticed me
and also i don’t! actually know for sure that it would be more comfortable than walking! i feel like it’d be better in the heat since, you know, it would mean i could exist in hot weather without combining this pots trigger with its fellows Standing and Exercise, and also like just Obviously i’d have more energy right?? since getting from place to place wouldn't take so much strength and concentration? but when i used the one i have i also remember being. constantly cold, and thus plagued by raynaud's. and getting ex treme ly sore from having to sit still all the time. like the same “constant silent scream”-level pain i get walking home from the bus
and of course i don’t know if it’d be feasible anyway—if i could afford to get anything that’d satisfy my needs, or, hell, if i could even manage to convince a medical authority to set me up with an appointment to get those needs assessed
and god, even if i did? i shudder imagining being fitted and interviewed about it. i’d be so ashamed, feel like such a fraud that i’d be too shy to engage helpfully with their questions
but like. in the fantasy it's nothing like last time. it fits me--it's not huge and bulky, doesn't require me to plant my legs at a weird angle. things don't get caught on the tricky handle all the time, making the top corner of the backrest collapse behind me. i can use the cupholder without constant fear some careless passerby will knock it down. the cushion under me doesn't slide around and squeak. it's comfortable enough that at a restaurant i'd rather stay in it and move the other chairs away--i'm not so desperate to sit any other way than this one that metal cafeteria chairs look comfortable. i can ride a train without sliding five feet every time it stops. it looks nice, like an extension of me, or a place i've chosen to live
so yeah ok i guess it’s just a fantasy.
still really want it though
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j-graysonlibrary · 11 months
The Xiang Chronicles: Book Four Chapter 23
Title: The Xiang Chronicles: Book Four
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 118k
Genres: Fantasy, adventure, drama, LGBT+
Available on: my website
Synopsis: In order to save the world from the continuous subjugation and potential annihilation at the hands of Tiandi, hard lines must be drawn. The Great Spirits that were imprisoned ages ago must be unsealed and awakened, no matter the consequences.
The players are divided—those who stand blindly with Tiandi, such as Xiang Merra and her disciples versus those who want to tear the system down and give the power back to the people. Even a few of the most religious Lords change their minds when they learn the truth of the world—that Tiandi is no more than a dictator with no love in his heart.
It is up to the last, real Xiang and the ill-fated Chaaya to put everything they have into tearing God from his throne and creating new possibilities for the future.
Full chapter 23 under the cut
Chapter XXIII:
With a link between Undine and King Raime in place, they returned to The Survivor and boarded. Undine then reappeared and helped to raise the ocean water around the ship and gently guided them back to the docks behind Castelle’s palace.
From there, they sat down to discuss the particulars about the coming conflict since they all knew there would be one. Kyrie, as it stood, could no longer support Merra.
Raime would not be able to go back once he made that decision public but, with Undine’s protection and strength, he felt confident in doing so.
“Then, whenever you need me and my people, we will rally behind you,” the King told Pangu with a renewed energy that was uplifting to see.
“We can hop back over here and let you know, rather than send a falcon out or a courier.” Pangu smiled.
“Or,” Undine’s voice sounded but she did not manifest, “If you are around Mother, you can simply give her the message. We can communicate directly.”
Kira blinked a few times and then nodded. “That works too.”
The negotiations, or mutual plans, rather, went even more smoothly after that. King Raime promised Raine he would protect his family and he made a more lighthearted promise to Pangu that Sampra and Ryu would not be deployed to the frontlines and would continue to guard the palace.
It was another weight lifted off of them and, when Kira opened a miasma portal back to Shakti, they felt all the better about the future.
This time, there was an audience waiting for them on the other side, probably expecting a summoning or some other show of triumph. The only ones missing were Loa and Phay—but besides them, even the Mistresses were there.
Raine shook his head solemnly.
“Did you not free Undine…?” Devi asked as her shoulders slumped.
“No, they did…” Shakti’s quiet voice sounded before she rose up in the midst of her Mistresses. She kept a rather liquid form, probably since she did not intend to stay with everyone for long. “She attached herself to another, did she not?”
Raine sighed. “She is bound to the King.”
“That makes sense,” Fujin commented, “Sylph already told us they used to choose royalty. If the King was there…”
Kira rubbed Raine’s shoulder though it was mostly for show since he could not feel it through his armor. He ended with a pat and a sigh. “I am sure I will not be chosen by Gnome so we can be unwanted together.”
“Are you really upset because you did not get picked?” Ziyi asked with a scoff. The smug look on his face did not stay for long since Chandes delivered a swift kick to his shin. “Ye-oW!”
“Who asked you to speak?!” She shouted and started to deliver a series of quick jabs with her foot against his leg.
May cackled and joined in on the other side, knocking the necromancer off balance and sending him to the floor. Browly ran around him in a circle, barking, but otherwise offering no help whatsoever.
“That poor bastard.” Kaz shook his head at the sight.
“Oh, I see you and your sister got my delivery.” Kira switched his attention to him, in his fancy armor.
“We did.” He grinned and set his hands on his hips. “I did not think I would miss it as much as I did.”
“You are not wearing yours?” Pangu asked, checking with Fujin.
She was still in plain, comfortable robes and she looked between them as if they were mad. “No. Why would I?”
“To honor your post…or to feel like yourself again?” Raine offered and shrugged. “I had felt almost naked without mine, to be honest.”
Fujin laughed through her nose and then shook her head. “While I do find pride and identity in that armor, there is no need to wear it during down time… You and my brother are too much alike, I swear.”
She then walked off to pull May off of Ziyi but her words lingered in the air. Raine and Kaz glanced at each other, mutually disregarded the connection, and then looked at Kira and Pangu respectively. The fact that they did it in sync made Baiya, Viren, and Oli laugh.
“So,” Viren attempted to sway them into a different topic, “What was the spirit realm like, Raine?”
“Breathtaking,” he answered with ease. “Everything is like a painting come to life and the air feels both light to breathe and thick with energy.”
“You and Oli will be visiting it next,” Baiya mentioned to Viren.
“Yes and I am eager. I had always assumed I would only be allowed to see the place upon my death.”
“Me as well,” Raine seconded before saying, “You all should have ample time to be able to take in the sights too, seeing as you will be able to travel directly to Gnoma. Of course, I suppose you cannot discount the possibility of one of Merra’s disciples showing up and ruining things.”
“Another one?” Oli groaned.
“Ah, yeah,” Kira recalled with a laugh, “We ran into Bofu before grabbing your armor.” He pointed languidly to Kaz and then continued, “but I took care of it. Doubt we will be seeing him again.”
“Someone needed to kill that little bastard,” Baiya muttered.
“Oh, I didn’t kill him. Just pumped him full of miasma and left him in the woods somewhere.”
Pangu leaned his head back and let out a long, “Aaaaah, so that is what happened.”
“Technically…I didn’t kill him.” Kira threw his hands up. “If he dies between now and later then it was not me.”
“One less disciple is good no matter how it happened,” Kaz responded.
“True. But I think we should prepare to face Kubja.” Viren crossed his arms. “Once he is out of the way, Pangu, do you think we could run into any other problems?”
“Well…there were spirits around when I accidentally visited the area before…” he grumbled, almost to himself. Though he doubted those same spirits would still be there and, even if they were, he did not think they would pose a threat, it was worth letting everyone know. “And, on a more superficial note, the scenery is a bit drab. It might not be the great marvel Raine and Kaz got to experience.”
Viren noticed a reluctance in Pangu’s tone and posture. He would not push it, not in front of everyone, so he took his hand and gave him a small tug. “Do you need to rest? Or was this trip much easier?”
“It was easier,” Pangu said with a smile, “but I could also go for a nap.”
“Sounds good,” Baiya inserted himself and stretched his arms up before glancing over at Kaz, “You can come meet us in an hour when you finally get all of that armor off.”
“It does not take that long,” Kaz grunted.
“You were gone for at least half an hour to put it on.”
“No I was not. Besides, it takes less time to take off than to put on anyway.”
Pangu checked with Viren and did not have to say anything in order to convey his thoughts. The Terran lord sighed and said, “Yes, they have been like this the entire time.”
“Come then,” Pangu said, waving his hand, “If you want to bicker, I have plans.”
Baiya’s expression changed, showing far more interest while Kaz curled his lip. “What does that mean?”
“Something fun, probably.” Baiya smirked.
“For me,” Pangu countered, “And maybe Viren.”
At that, Viren chuckled.
“You underestimate my willingness to do whatever you have in mind,” Baiya said as he began to lead the way back to their room.
“Because you are a lecher,” Kaz spat though there was no real venom in his words and none of them took him seriously. His burgeoning smile, mixed with how he picked up his pace to follow them, rendered him toothless.
Kira watched the four of them leave and then realized it was just Oli left with him and Raine. The young man glanced between them and fidgeted with his hands.
“Do you two need to rest too?”
“No but…” Kira turned his attention over to the Mistresses and Shakti. They were having a private conversation along with Gong who, surprisingly, seemed right at home with them. “I should check in with Shakti. See if she feels any different since Undine has been freed.”
Raine gave him a slight pat on the back and nodded. “I will wait for you.”
He and Oli sat on a couple of rock benches, on the far side of the room. The Lord in training took out, from his robe, a roll of parchment and looked to Raine.
“Did you get any planning done with your King?”
“Oh, yes,” Raine said and then let him know what all King Raime intended on doing.
Every so often, Oli nodded or added a small sound to indicate he was listening while he marked a few things down on the paper.
 “You have been working hard to record everything, have you?” Raine asked after he was done.
Oli met his eyes and gave a lopsided smile. “Yeah…or, trying to at least. If Viren gets back control of Ultimos, my work over the past year and a half will help smooth out the transition.”
“Talking about strategies and politics?” Phay asked as she and Loa joined them. They both seemed a little tired in the face so Raine guessed they had just risen from a nap.
The sight of them drew May and Fujin over as well.
“We are,” Oli said to Phay, “The King of Kyrie has the ability to summon Undine now and he has promised to help us.”
“That is excellent news.” Phay woke up considerably more.
“Not so much for Raine,” May commented and stuck her lower lip out. “He wishes he could have gotten Undine’s gift.”
“It is not a terrible loss…” Raine tried to reason.
“It is understandable if you feel left out,” Fujin attempted to console him.
Raine resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “It is fine.”
May scooted closer, all but knocking Oli out of the way. “I bet Kira can make it all better.”
He arched an eyebrow as he regarded her. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“She is being dirty,” Fujin answered in monotone.
“Like usual,” Phay added.
“Well stop.” Raine did not push her away so the princess continued to lean against him.
Kira noticed from the other side of the room that the women and Oli were all surrounding Raine. He took a moment from his check up with Shakti to stare.
Then, out of the blue, Raine yelled, “That is NOT how we do things! Kira!”
“Looks like someone is in trouble,” Kali commented and Chandes snickered from behind her hand.
Kira leaned to the side even further and hollered back. “What?!”
“Is it not true?” May yelled, turning her head back and forth to look at each of them, “About the miasma tendrils?”
It was like a blow to the gut—Kira doubled over and the wind was knocked out of him. He had completely forgotten he told her that on a whim.
“Tell her that is not true,” Raine demanded.
But Kira could not stop laughing to clarify. Fujin bit her tongue while Phay silently laughed, shaking her shoulders, and Loa turned a deep shade of crimson.
“Kira!” Raine yelled again.
“I’m sorry,” he wheezed, finally able to make a noise other than laughter. He leaned against his knees and a few teardrops fell from his eyes. “I forgot about that.” After another few seconds of composing himself, he stood up straight and wiped under his eyes. “Whew…May, I was just kidding.”
The princess frowned and crossed her arms. “You promised it was true!”
 “Yeah, I lie sometimes. It’s just a thing I do.”
Raine pinched the bridge of his nose. “But why, of all things, did you choose to say THAT?”
Kira tried to bite his lip in time to keep from laughing but it did not work out in the slightest. What started as a whimper turned into a full blown cackle which made Raine narrow his eyes at him. “What? It’s funny.”
“So…” May huffed and shifted her weight around. “How do you two have sex then? If not miasma tendrils…”
“None of your business,” Raine cut her off.
Kira devolved into snickers again and Raine sighed. At the very least, Oli was on his side since he piped up and asked, “Can we please talk about anything else?”
“I second that movement,” Phay raised her hand.
“Please.” Loa covered her face.
“Aw, you are all such prudes,” May groaned and threw her head back. “I’m curious.”
“Use your imagination,” Kira told her with a wink and Raine gave him a look so sharp it could have killed him.
From the sidelines, Ziyi sat with Browly on his lap and his eyes bounced between each speaking party member. Slowly, he started to shake his head and then he pinched the bridge of his nose. He shifted his attention, solely, to his dog and murmured, “They are all a bunch of freaks, Browly.”
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I know most of it is because I'm not her
Like I get it. And no not his ex he was with for forever. I know I'm better in so many ways compared to her. But the girl between us. So it's not even like I'm the rebound that's just stuck around for too long, I'm the just in case the one he'd been in love with yet was unavailable for didn't work out. And unfortunately for both of us now.. it didn't work. Like sorry between school and work (averaging two jobs at a time while in school) I don't have the time and energy to be a level of fit I don't even care to be. Would I like to be healthier, leaner, more muscular? Yeah. But even in my view of my ideal body I still don't want to look like that. I'm not as pretty as her I know that. Probably not as funny or seemingly as smart. Maybe I'm more uptight? Who knows. He does but he won't share.
They shared a connection for a while but he was taken. Then he wasn't. And neither was she. So they tried it out and it didn't seem to go anywhere and then he met me. Still holding out for her and it didn't happen. And then I was chosen for officializing something. And I'm sure I'm the beginning when our thing was new and exciting he didn't mean anything by the comparisons, but they were still made. And now they chat from time to time but it's all just 'friendly'. Honestly I'm sure he messages her first more often than he messages me first. Honestly can't tell if she still has feelings too and wants to maybe try again, maybe she felt he wasn't ready yet and that's why it didn't go anywhere and they both want to try again but now I'm the obstacle. Maybe that's why I'm starting to feel what I can only call a resentment at this point. Who knows. I'm going to take this time apart to just better myself and depending on how I feel when he comes back either call it or start having the difficult discussions.
I do think I'll message him a bit the first two days or so, make sure he gets in safely. Once he's settled in a comfortable tho, I won't to see how long it would even take him to notice we haven't talked. I've played this game before and yes I know it's a game and somewhat childish. But sometimes you need to do these things to get some answers as you build that courage for some hard conversations. And every time I've either cracked or he's pointed it out and was able to tell I did it on purpose and called me out on it and made excuses on how he just doesn't have anything to say because his day to day is boring. I don't think he understands (again he's smart he probably does he just doesn't care) how much I just want him to say ANYTHING. Anything first. Just start a damn conversation. Why is it me talking all the time. Even with losing my voice I initiated 95% of conversations and I've been with him for 5 days straight. I really do think I need this time apart and to reflect. Now it's a matter of do I even try to see if my voice is back or just go a few more hours without talking and test it out later.
I'm just sitting here typing my feelings away fighting back a huge cry I know I need. And even though he hasn't mentioned her in a while I know they've messaged lately. I've seen her pop up. You know he used to just tell me every time one of them messages to each other because it wasn't a big deal but now I get to just see her randomly pop up on his phone and continue as if nothing is wrong. And it's so frustrating know that I'll never be her mostly because I'm me and not her and I don't want to be her. I just want to be a better version of me for someone who that's going to be more than enough for. And I'm starting to realize it right now as I'm trying this that that will never be good enough for him. It won't matter how much of my shit I get figured out, how well put together I become, how much I hustle to get what I want. I just won't ever be her and he'll never be happy. Maybe I should have this conversation with him today if my voice works? But I already told him I'd pick him up from the airport upon his return so I should probably just play it safe and at least wait for him to come back. Like I keep saying I truly do not want to ruin his trip
So for now I think I'll focus on something else to get my mind away from the frustration. Take him to the airport and see how that goes, will anything subvert what I'm expecting? Wish him a safe and happy trip. The. Check in with him throughout tomorrow and then just play the waiting game as far as communication goes and depending on how that plays out let it control the conversation we have when he returns. Yeah I think for my own sanity that's how it'll play out the best
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Would you mind telling me about my soulmate please I was told they are coming in soon/ they are from abroad but idk how 🐇
Hi! I can do my best. Let’s see what spirit wants to show you.
Spirit what do you want them to know about their soulmate?
Your soulmate is beautiful and divinely chosen for you. You need to trust us and our timing, you have correctly intuited this. But their beauty is in their soul, in their energy. You worry you will not meet, but that is for us to handle, not you. Your job is to live as authentically as possible so that they can recognize you. They are tasked with the same thing.
Flowing hair, beautiful brown color, I’m seeing the sky, sunset behind them, pinks and oranges, I think this person will bring a sunset of many ways of being, old beliefs, etc for you, I’m getting hot, maybe it’s warm where you meet, giggling and sand, clinking drinks, meeting them feels like a vacation from reality, a vacation from who you are, from the world, from the day to day, from being human, it is freeing for you, their energy is so warm, maybe I’m hot because you guys are holding one another? It’s warm all on my back, maybe sun burn? Oh their light may burn you, but that’s only to show you the truth of who you are in the ashes. Let their love burn you to nothingness, and rebuild from the rubble, they can show you how to construct a better foundation, you can learn together.
What do they say?
Hello, my love, my darling (seductive sultry voice, warm and playful, running their finger on the rim of a martini glass) Missing me huh? I get it. I’d miss me too (big smile). I hope you’re doing well wherever you are. Sigh. I’m here, here-ing, and ya know growing or whatever. I mean don’t get me wrong, life is beautiful and yada yada but I know you’re missing, this phantom piece of me I can’t touch, that’s okay, one day maybe, (they’re looking off into the distance) What do I want to be? I wish I knew? Yours. I know I should want more. Maybe I do. It’s hard to tell these days what to want because what’s the point in desire if it’s unattainable. Life in so many ways is full of unattainable things we have to watch and accept they are not ours. I wonder if love is that at times, something I always watch from a distance but never truly touch. I wonder if you are that too. That’s not easy (very deep thinking here, philosophical) but I try. I try to accept my place and yours and this time. I try to love it even though i hate it (not really but I do and don’t ya know?) maybe you could try to improve our skills in letting things be what they are. Like you and me, we are what we are, huh? Sigh. Maybe it’s never more than this weird energy we exchange and I’m trying to let that be okay. I love you forever anyway. Who’s to say what the future holds. I try not to think of the future too much. I’m working on presence, not easy either (they’re in a bar, finish their drink) off to more life or whatever! (More life album by Drake came up)
Card Pull
Oracles of the Fairies
Healing—now is a time for you to give and recieve healing, everyone has a natural ability to heal others—yes even you!
This card to me, confirms what I was saying about them burning you, their love can heal you, but your love can heal them too. The more you love and heal yourself, the more you love and heal them.
Hope this resonates and helps! Mwah 😘
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thechaosmuses · 2 years
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Alright so really quick before I do anything else I wanna introduce some new muses to you guys.. They'll be under the cut to save y'all from seeing the long post-
First up we have Anastasia Sloane Lenkov... She’s a former black widow, now working for Shield. She was born in Russia and was trained as a black widow pretty much since she could walk. She can speak Russian, of course but also several other languages, including Sokovian. She despised ballet for a while but eventually picked it back up, reclaiming it as something she loves rather than something she was forced to do. She also loves to cook/bake and paint, all three are her hobbies but also an escape, something she does when she needs a break or a moment of peace. She’s very sweet, some might say too sweet considering she used to be an assassin. She is very caring, and protective of everyone, especially the people she cares about. Like Nat she has a very motherly energy to her despite not being able to have kids though she’d love to adopt one day. (she was made mainly for an OC of my darlin's, @chaos-awakens, using the guy who plays Jordan Parrish because we aren't 100% on board with Lydia x Parrish but they do look good together so we made oc's using them, something we've done a few times before)
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Next up we have Amaia Talia Alexander... She was born in a small town just outside of Beacon Hills to a banshee mother and a werewolf father. Though she doesn’t remember either of them, or much of her early life. She knows her parents were killed when she was four and she was taken in by her father’s childhood best friend and her Godmother, Talia Hale. When Talia died, Derek took the young werewolf under his wing and showed her how to be a werewolf. However, no one, not even her, had known she was also a banshee. Her Mother had written her a letter that Derek gave her on her 16th birthday, and the letter told the young girl about the strange things that she would hear and see though her mother hadn’t known what she was, just that sometimes she knew when people were gonna die. She also mentioned that she wasn’t even sure with Amaia being a werewolf if it would even happen to her and when Amaia first got the letter, nothing major had happened, she'd had a few weird dreams and thought she heard voices, but she just chalked it up to stress. At least until Lydia Martin let out her first banshee scream and it was like a switch flicked inside the brunette’s mind. She’s a lot like Derek since they sort of grew up together though a little more sarcastic like Stiles, and she’s pretty introverted, though she can be extroverted with the right people.
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(this next one is a long one, my apologies - also i rewrote it like three maybe four times so if there's any spelling errors or anything just ignore them cause if i re-read this again i'm gonna wanna either rewrite it or scrap it completely)
And last but certainly not least we have Chandler Matthew Labonair... He was born in New Orleans but raised in Beacon Hills as his family had to leave their home because of hunters. The reason they’d chosen the California town was because his family was close friends with the Hales. And he and his family just so happened to be in the house the night Kate set fire to the Hale house. He was still only a child at the time and his parents managed to get him out of the house through a window, but they unfortunately didn’t make it out. Afterwards Deaton took him in and raised him as he didn’t want the poor boy to end up in the foster system and when he needed him Derek helped with anything werewolf related that Deaton couldn’t handle. When the young werewolf was old enough, and with Deaton’s permission, he decided to seek out a witch in New Orleans to see if he could somehow talk to his parents, get some advice on being a werewolf. The witch had him lay on the ground on symbols she’d drawn, his family’s pack symbol along with others he didn’t recognize. Before he knew it he was unconscious and in the afterlife where he saw his parents again. He also met other members of his pack, even some that were from another world. A world where members born of the pack were born with the pack symbol on them, a world where they fully transformed into wolves, something that only happened rarely in his world. A part of him wished he could go there, he had friends back home of course but he had no family, not a single person from his pack remained but in the other world maybe there would be. He had half-jokingly said it out loud though he didn’t expect anything to come from it. Next thing he knew he was waking up and though he was still in New Orleans he wasn’t in the witch’s shop, he was where he had been standing last with his parents, in the bayou of New Orleans. After making his way to the city he followed his instincts which led him straight to a large house and an auburn-haired girl around his age named Hope with his pack symbol on her back. Though a bit rough around the edges at first the two of them, along with her family, quickly became close. A few years later at the Salvatore School he put his life on the line to save that same girl, and in an attempt to save him Hope gave him her blood but it hadn’t worked, at least not in the way either of them thought it would. The brunette woke up a few hours later much to everyone’s surprise, and more than that he was now a hybrid, the first and only of his kind. Chandler isn’t really introverted or extroverted, he likes his alone time or being around just his close friends, but he still enjoys big gatherings or parties here and there. He’s sweet, loyal and funny, also pretty sarcastic and he’s a hopeless romantic. And not just in the romantic way, like he’s actually kind of hopeless. He is also very protective of the people he cares about and his found family, both back in New Orleans (the Mikaelsons + honorary ones) and the ones from the Salvatore school. He can play the guitar and he's learning piano, and he also likes to draw and write; poems, songs, etc.
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4townlove · 3 years
can you do some basic headcanons on the 4town members, like the things they like and basic personality traits?
hey there. thank for being my first request haha ✨ but without further ado, here we go
4⭐Town Headcanons: Personality Traits
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he's an early bird who enjoys the quiet of the early mornings, especially when it's warm enough to stand on his balcony and sing into the morning with the birds. singing brings him so much joy
he greets everyone in french every day, and usually has his day planned out. not extensively but enough to know what he needs to do
obnoxious vocal warm ups. all. the. time. everywhere. and i mean, everywhere
his worst fear is either losing his voice or getting hiccups while on stage. he's likely had a handful of nightmares about it in 4towns early days
he takes every show extremely seriously, to the point where he gets annoyed when Aaron T keeps joking non stop, but he means well
if he gets properly annoyed, he'll cuss and complain in french
he is very honest and frequently compliements the other guys. not all of them are used to it but they do appreciate it, even if they roll their eyes at his genuine sincerity
⭐ Jesse
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early bird but not by choice, on account of his kids and being a member of 4town. any chance to get a few minutes or, gods willing, an hour more of sleep is a blessing.
knows the other guys' orders from their local coffee shop and turns up, sometimes a tad late, with all their drinks and sometimes breakfast snacks
despite his distaste for getting up early, he is usually one of the last to leave the dance or recording studio. being the oldest member has made him somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to his performance, wanting to do his best to "measure up" to the other younger members
no matter what he's doing, a message from or about his kids will take all his attention immediately for at least 30 minutes. do not try and get him to take his attention away from checking on his kids. he may not forgive you for a while if you insinuate anything else is more important
he does his best to keep from fast food but he cant deny his kids and every once in a while, happily allows himself a little too
⭐ Taeyoung
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an afternoon bird most of the time, so usually trudges into the studio hidden in large thick hoodie, super quiet and mumbly. he warms up and wakes up once he has his sweet coffee though
whistles beautifully like a dove out of habit when he's not doing much. you can often hear it echoing through the halls of the studio building.
being the ray of precious sunshine he is, he will often just go up to the other guys to ask if they're alright, if they need anything, what they're working on, and more often than not, his genuine joy will get them inspired to keep pushing on
he wears his heart on his sleeve. he works hard during practice, and asks for help when he needs it. if somethings wrong, he'll say, albeit quietly. if he's sad, he will cry. but if he's happy he will gush to the ends of the earth seemingly endlessly and its infectious joy too
often makes trinkets and small gifts, often consisting of dove feathers shed from the doves he cares for. necklaces, dreamcatchers, feather and flower crowns, and sometimes a specifically chosen shade of nailpolish that he believes matches the member's heart and personality best.
⭐ Aaron T
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he's.... an any hour bird really. if he's not careful, he could be up all night working on a new rap or texting Aaron Z begging him to listen to what he's written so far. he has alot of energy and inspiration but do not give him caffeine. do not.
he's a spot of joy like Taeyoung and often get together to surprise the others. if he's alone though, he pranks the other guys alot, usually by hiding around corners and jumping out at them.
despite his goofing, he is very genuine and honest. he has a big heart, but that also means he gets easily annoyed when things dont quite go his way and tends to sulk. but only because 4town is his passion
raps his good mornings, good afternoons, good nights, hellos and goodbyes. always.
usually a look from Aaron Z is the only thing to get him to know he needs to tone down the goofing.
he loves the other guys alot, calling them his brothers and treating them just as dearly.
⭐ Aaron Z
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very early bird, earlier than Robaire. he's always the first into the studio and always the last to leave, working hard always.
sometimes he pushes himself too hard and doesnt take enough time for himself to rest and have downtime. only if all the guys confront him at once will he consider taking a break
he's the only one who's immune to Aaron T's pranks.
being the choreographer of 4town, he is very atuned to music and can play alot of instruments. drums, guitar, piano, triangles etc
he is very close to all the members as a group but also individually, working with them on specific things and deepening their friendship through their progress.
he doesnt say much, but evrry once in a while, when he's really happy with how theyre all doing, he'll nod and mutter out a mumbled "hell yeah" through a grin and hearing it brings all the others close to tears.
passes notes of encouragement under the doors of the other members before every show, and seeing them ready to go when theyrr getting ready to go on stage, it always, always, makes him smile.
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