#(she definitely had made one in case she changes her mind tho…)
aanoia · 1 year
Post!Azkaban Sirius but he absolutely refuses to go outside in the cold no matter how many jackets he has on bc it reminds him of the dementors and gf!reader helps him work through it.
I made some changes from your request so I hope it's okay with you! Of course if it's not, I'm terribly sorry and feel free to request again and I will definitely rewrite it exactly how you requested. Otherwise, thank you so much for the request, I loved this idea so much and i hope you love what I made out of it!
Sirius Black x reader
Summary; I hate making these.
Words; 1041
Warnings; ptsd, flashbacks, trauma, yk, the usual with our boy Sirius
This made me want Christmas so bad, I had to fight not to add a Christmas theme in here (I fr should've tho)
Anywho, please request guys. I absolutely love bringing your guys' ideas to life. It makes me so happy! (And if you like my writing and wanna be added to my marauders tag list just comment and your wish shall be my command 😉)
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Y/n had always loved the snow. The pure sight of the white powder in the winter filled her with joy. Therefore, it’s safe to say that when she awoke to the sight of it outside her window she was beyond ecstatic. She was so excited she immediately started squealing and searching her closet for her snow clothes.
“What’s got you so excited?” Her husband asked, walking out of the bathroom with his towel hanging low on his waist. Y/n paused and smiled at him, walked over and pushed a piece of wet hair out of his eyes.
“You cut it again.” She observed.
He nodded, “That I did.”
“It’s snowing.”
He smiled, “That it is.”
“Will you go outside with me? We can have a snowball fight and build snowmen.” She suggested, eyes sparkling.
Sirius laughed softly, “Yes, I will, love.”
Once they were properly dressed for the cold weather, Y/n ran out of the door, immediately sticking her tongue out to try and catch snowflakes. Sirius would have never guessed the cold would bother him, it never really had before. However, when he took a step out of the door and his mind flashed to his cell in Azkaban, he was thoroughly shaken. He tried to ignore it, but when the cold fully engulfed him he couldn’t stop it. 
All he could think about is the feeling of the dementors as they passed his cell, the cold that overtook every one of his senses. He looked around the area hurriedly, not noticing the girl he loved begin to walk over cautiously. He remembered what it felt like at the lake as it froze over, the dementors flying above him, desperately trying to suck his soul from him. 
“Sirius?” He flinched at the sight of the hooded figure floating in front of him, its face nearing his. He stepped back, pulling out his wand with a shaky hand.
“S-stay away!” He warned, although he knew it was no use. Dementors didn’t feel fear, they wouldn’t be intimidated by him. When the figure instead neared, his wand dropped to the ground as he stepped back again. His back hit a wall and he sat down, curling into a ball and shutting his eyes tight, desperately hoping for the dementor to leave him alone. 
He flinched at the sound of a door shutting, but as warmth once again soothed his skin he slowly lifted his head. Through blurry vision he could make out Y/n kneeling in front of him. His Y/n. He wasn’t at Azkaban anymore, he was home. She wasn’t a dementor, she was herself. She was his wife. 
“Sirius?” She whispered, softly placing her hand on his knee.
“Y/n?” He asked, just in case.
“Yes, my love, it’s me. It’s Y/n.” She said warmly. “It’s just Y/n. No one else.”
“I’m scared.” His body trembled as she pulled him up for a hug, he graciously let her.
“I know. It’s okay to be afraid.” He clutched tightly onto her body, silent tears falling onto her jacket. “You’re safe, love, you’re safe. You’re okay.” She pulled away and softly placed a hand onto his cheek. “Look at me, it’s just me. Just me, no one else.” Y/n repeated and he nodded shakily. “Sh, just breathe, Sirius. You’re okay.” She gently rubbed his cheek as he took strangled breaths, slowly feeling the panic leaving his body.
Sirius gave her a small smile, “Thank you. I didn’t know that would happen. I’m so sorry you couldn’t enjoy the snow and had to deal with me instead.” He said, hanging his head low shamefully.
Y/n gently lifted Sirius’ head and placed a soft kiss on his lips, pulling away only to rest her forehead against his.
“Don’t you ever apologize for something like that Sirius. It is not your fault. It’s a totally normal response, I’m not gonna hold it against you.”
Sirius sighed and pulled her into another hug, resting his face in the crook of her neck. “I love you.” He said quietly.
Y/n hugged back immediately, “I love you more.” She whispered back.
“Are you ready?” Y/n asked, holding tightly onto Sirius’ hand.
He shook his body in an attempt to get rid of the nerves filling his body, “I was born ready, it’s just a bit of cold. If Moony can be a freaking werewolf his whole life, I can go out into the snow.”
“I’m not sure about that, scaredy cat.” Remus said from behind the two, a teasing smile on his face as he held tightly onto his bundled up toddler.
Sirius rolled his eyes, “I’m a dog, idiot.” His eyes lit up. “I’m a dog!”
“What an obtuse observation, Pads.” 
“Remus, be nice.” Y/n scolded.
“Yeah, be nice, papa.” Teddy said quietly.
Remus looked at the girl, “You’re turning my child against me.”
Y/n held her hands up with a smile, “That’s all you, Moons.”
“Wait, guys, I’m a dog. Dogs don’t get cold. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy..” Sirius explained and transformed into his animagus before running out of the open door.
Y/n smiled as her and her lifelong friend walked out as well, “He’s doing it.” She said as she watched the black dog jumping around in the snow.
Remus laughed as he set Teddy down. Immediately the toddler ran to Sirius while giggling and wrapped his arm around the dog's neck. Sirius happily lapped at Teddy’s reddened cheek, giving him slobbery dog kisses.
“Ew!” Teddy exclaimed while laughing and Sirius transformed into a human. He pulled Teddy into a big hug and began spinning around. Their laughter filled the air as Y/n and Remus watched happily.
Teddy ran towards the two with his arms outstretched, “Papa, it’s cold!��� He exclaimed, the chill in the air finally getting to him.
Remus leant down and picked the boy up, “Let’s go inside and make some hot cocoa, yeah?”
Teddy hummed while nodding and the two went inside. Sirius walked to his wife and took her hand, spinning her in a circle before placing a firm kiss on her lips.
“For the record-” He whispered once he pulled away. “Dogs do get cold.”
baby taglist; @1lellykins @loving-and-dreaming
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wildflowerluver · 2 years
HI I LOVE YOUR WORKS AND YOURE AWESOME !!! some of my fav hotch fics ever for real <3
if you’re still looking for ideas for the aaron hurt/comfort idea you posted about i thought i'd try to supply you with inspo ! maybe reader is an anxious overthinker (couldn't be any of us hotch stans wdym) and is feeling really anxious bc they feel like they made a friend mad/upset for some reason bc the friend seemed a little off + hasn't replied to readers messages. so poor reader is just so concerned and scared they did something wrong and on top of that they're tired, stressed, and overall overwhelmed so they just CRYYY and ofc hotch comes along and does his comfort thing and reasons through it with them. and then reader's friend texts them back like hey sorry i was really busy today but yeah! we should definitely go out more, i had a ton of fun today!! bc we need closure here LOL and then reader can cuddle and fall asleep with hotch to get out any lingering anxiety and take care of that sleepiness fr
THIS IS SO LONG IM SORRY MY BRAIN WAS TRYING SO HARD TO COME UP WITH SOMETHING AND IT TRIED A LITTLE TOO HARD I THINK LMAO hopefully this sparks something for you tho ! of course feel free to do what you wish with this, change it around, whatever it may be there's always no pressure !! happy vibes for you <3
(ria!!! thank u for ur request ily <33) fem!reader, anxiety, mentions of past friendship issues, hurt/comfort vibes, 1k words
you had a natural tendency to overthink.
every interaction, big or small, seemed to replay in your head for hours. had you said something off? did that person see something strange about you?
you were terrified to tell aaron about your struggles with anxiety and overthinking. it hadn’t gone well in the past several times and you didn’t want aaron to leave too. but, he didn’t. it never even crossed your mind.
aaron collected you in his arms, squeezing you tightly and thanking you for telling him. he asked what you needed from him.
“reassurance,” you spoke tentatively. not once had a previous partner asked how they could help. “and maybe a kiss.”
his laugh was full-body, lips upturning. “i think both of those can definitely be arranged.”
aaron hadn’t been home a lot recently.
he was away on a case down in texas, then swarmed with meetings and paperwork, another local case, and more paperwork. the absence of him was starting to impact you severely.
just in the way you were open about your anxiety, he was open about his job and the time aspect of it. he called or texted, reassuring (like he promised), that he would be home soon or the timeframe of the case. you just couldn’t help your intrusive thoughts from creeping up. 
you tried to fill his absence in a productive way, maximizing the time you had outside of work by reaching out to some friends to hang out. your friend B and you set up a lunch date. she was a close friend and you knew being in her company would help your mood.
usually when you’re with her, time seems to go by fast and conversation flows easily. this time was the opposite. you had met for lunch downtown and expected it to be like it always was. instead, it felt so forced it was almost uncomfortable. naturally, your brain had drifted into believing it was something you had said.
you were on autopilot going home, brain reeling at lunch. you wanted aaron. he always knew what to say or do and was your number one comfort. but he wasn’t here. 
you trudged into the house, haphazardly dropping your bag. you sat in front of the fireplace, it wasn’t warm but in your mind it was. 
it was the first time in weeks you felt like you had a moment to stop. 
the tears came hot and fast.
you buried your head in your knees, arms wrapping around your legs as your body shook. everything felt wrong and you were so terrified you had hurt B.
you were exhausted. 
the back door open and closed. you hardly took notice. your head was pounding.
“honey!” aaron’s voice rang through the home. “i’m home!”
his voice only made you cry harder, though you kept your sobs muffled by the fabric of your pants. it was early, he shouldn’t be home yet. why was he home?
“honey?” he called again. “i got off early today, sent the entire team home early too. figured we all-”
he stopped dead in his tracks when he entered the living room and his eyes fell on you. “oh, honey.”
in an instant, aaron was kneeling down at your side. the second his hand touched your back, you broke. you threw your body into him, needing to feel him close. he held you while you cried, hand rubbing up your back. he didn’t shush you or help you calm down just yet. you just needed to cry.
after a few minutes aaron pulled back, hands reaching up to cup your face. he thumbed away a few stray tears that continued to roll. 
“what’s hurting you?”
you took a deep breath before explaining. it was always easy with aaron to be honest. you rambled about his absence, how you missed him, how work had been a little tough lately, lunch with B, how you feel like you said or did something that made it feel off. everything.
though aaron had sat back on the carpet, your hands remained interlocked. he squeezed them occasionally throughout your words.
he collected you in his arms when you finished. “i’m so sorry about being away. i shouldn’t be going anywhere for awhile. i’m sure B is okay. you didn’t say anything off. maybe she was just having a bad day.”
your phone dinged on the table.
aaron picked it up, features softening at the text. perfect timing.
‘hey! so sorry if i seemed a little off at lunch today - work has just been super crazy and i got an email right before about a deadline being pushed up so i was distracted. it was still so so nice to get together, we should definitely do it again sometime soon!!’
he showed you the text B just sent. his hand fell to the small of your back again, finding the patch of exposed skin and leaving his hand there. 
B’s text eased your anxiety. you didn’t do anything wrong. she was just having an off day.
“do you feel better? about B at least?”
you hummed. “a little, yeah.”
you slumped into aaron’s side. “can we go lay down for a little?”
he kissed your cheek. “absolutely.” 
aaron guided you upstairs, stopping though to put his work things away though he motioned for you to head into the bedroom to get settled.
you kept the lights in the room off before crawling into bed. physical and mental exhaustion was clouding your brain.  
aaron padded in a few seconds after you, quickly changing out of his work clothes and into soft sweatpants and a shirt. he stopped at the edge of the bed, eyes peering down at you.
“how are we doing this tonight?” he motioned toward the bed with his hand.
“can you just hold me?”
he smiled softly. “of course honey.”
aaron slid under the covers beside you. he raised one arm, an open invitation for you to curl up. you did, sliding over and tangling your legs with his. he, in turn, tucked you under his chin and brought his arms to cocoon around you.
“it’s gonna be okay, i promise.”
he sealed his words with a strong kiss to the crown of your head. 
somehow you knew it would.
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libra-stellium · 5 months
My recent Venus transits!
Description from Planets in transit - Robert Hand
Venus trine Pluto (Apr 1 - Apr 5)
Transit intensifies your emotional expression and makes relationships more intense
It's already 4/16 and I swear I'm still feeling this lol leading up to the eclipse on 4/8 I remember thinking about "omg....am I happy..??" bc I was feeling joy randomly like walking around smiling type of shit lmao and at first I was like omg this is embarrassing but then I looked back to exactly a year ago and I was definitely cosplaying joy oops but not anymore!
Under Venus-Pluto love is not an intellectual abstraction, it is felt and expressed through the mind, emotions and body
So real! I go through periods where I don't listen to music and then I remember music exists and I get obsessed and I could feel every single song and I was telling everyone about what I was currently loving lol I also started getting back into fandoms and like being part of the group excitement feels so great!
Transit is capable of producing profound and useful psychological insights, don't be afraid of them
My pluto is in the 9H and I was having a lot of thoughts about religion lol I'm not religious at all but I was thinking it's so crazy how in the same weekend I was thinking "wow...religion is probably the worst thing to happen to humanity!" One of my friends was getting baptized to dedicate her life to the lord like...omg lol and I was talking to my aunt about religion too bc in 2020 when everything was closed she had literally been a completely different person mentally, a better person, and the only change was that she wasn't going to church and now she's back and her thoughts are insufferable to me again lmao
Venus opposite Sun (Apr 5 - Apr 8)
Transit introduces pleasantness into your life through good times, agreeable relationships, sexual attraction and friendship
This transit was such a fun time! Been feeling very happy and it was the weekend and the day of the eclipse and I after the eclipse went exact! I was talking to a lot of my friends more than usual and we were cracking jokes the whole time lol tears streaming down my face jokes lmao
The problems you'll confront are overindulgence, lack of self discipline, and unwillingness to work
Yeah I did overdo it at happy hour 4/5 and felt like shit 4/6 lol and I looked at my budget app to see I ordered food every single day from 4/1-4/7 and I was like omg that's embarrassing!
Venus trine Jupiter (Apr 10 - Apr 14)
One of the best transits that brings grace, ease, and pleasant social interactions
Loved this transit! I have venus sextile jupiter natally so as a native venus-jupiter girlie I was thriving! It was great how easily I was making people laugh lmao I love that so much!! I was with friends on 4/13 and had a great time even tho the event we were at tried to scam us! I even made one of my coworkers laugh lmao I'm remote so it was over email and she said "that is hysterical!!!" to a joke I made about our case I was so proud!
You may meet someone who will be of great service later
Idk if it counts as "meeting" but I had a meeting with my mentor on 4/11 and she connected me with someone over email and we scheduled to talk in june lol hopefully the "great service" is her helping get a new job!
There may be a romantic interest throughout the day but transit isn't strong enough to bring about a major relationship
Thissss!! Okay when I wrote out the transit I was about to leave this out bc I have not been dating and I've only been hanging out with my own friends if I leave my apt lol but on 4/13 my friend's sister invited some of her friends and this guy was so obvious with his crush on me lol he wasn't my type but it was adorable how he was like intrigued by me saying basic things and the place didn't have a lot of seating and after getting a drink I came back to the table and he like jumped up to let me sit LMFAO ngl i love when men are obsessed with me like this
Transit benefits financial interest, good day to invest in entertainment, leisure activities or the arts
I finally got paid that half of my check that was missing! And it worked out so perfectly bc I kept my money in my checking and didn't transfer it to my credit card in case they didn't pay me again and when I saw I got paid i transferred it immediately on the same day my card statement closes and usually the bank takes days to process but they did it in less than 12hrs and my statement closed at $0!! love that for me lol
Not a good day to start things that require a lot of energy, you may be inclined to sit around and do nothing
I was chilling on 4/14 watching TV and tiktok and then my bestie and I made some event reservations for our trip!
Venus opposite Venus (Apr 12 - Apr 16)
Pleasant transit, you feel at ease with yourself and self-indulgent, which is fine as long as you don't have work to be done
Real chill time! I'm starting to look around like....it's suspicious i'm not doing anything
You are likely to buy some expensive frivolity on a whim or an expensive pasttime only to regret the cost later
The only thing I bought was the amsterdam city card thing and a flight to come back home from NY lmfaooo that better not be what I regret later! The flight we bought we got first class seats only because the economy ticket plus paying for a bag was $10 less than first class lol that's a no brainer to me!
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celestie0 · 6 months
ok i thought i would like kai and god how wrong i was ahhaha
when that thing with soccer ball happened i thought that satoru tried to intentionally kick it in kai’s face to create some distance between them💀 him being jealous and overprotective the whole chapter was so hot omg how do u make him so hot. 
i really don’t understand what kai’s goal was with that whole “interview”?? i mean i do but couldn’t he just tell her directly hey you’re just going to need to suck someone off if u want to succeed and not have her go through all of that and embarrass her?? or was the embarrassment the point?? also can we talk about how scary it is to go to a bar with 3 men that are basically strangers and shady asf, like i knew something was going to happen the moment that guy made a remark “you’re going to learn so much under him”. if i were her i would have went with satoru after he had pulled her over lolz but u can see how angry she was at him that she decided to ignore the red flags just to spite him
and the end with satoru saying that he’s going to help her and that she’s enough really shows the difference between him and kai. i hope the last 3 chapters are full of fluffff cause our girl has been going through itttt but i also hope she does make him beg and grovel just because of how bipolar he has been acting.
overall great chapter and definitely worth the wait!!! 
omg dear reader i love how fkn real u keep it always 😭🤣 AND THE LENGTH of ur asks im always so sobbed to see it 😭💕 thank u for taking the time
OMG pls tbvh i thought of that being the case (gojo kicking ball to kai) but changed my mind in the end loool but nah he was just distracted seein them tgthr. and aaa yea he was in overprotective mode this whole chap he just cant help getting involved w her 😭😭
yea i thought a lot ab kai’s motives in this chapter. he clearly likes/was attracted to her since the beginning, but when she rejected his kiss, he realized there’s not rly much to be built there (or in his mind she doesn’t “put out” easy 🙄),, so she lost favor w him and he pretended to look out for her just to be spiteful after that. i guess i liken it to guys that are only nice to girls if they’re attracted to them and/or provide them w something like sex or attention. i think in ch8 he was genuinely looking out for her (albeit not very compassionately), but after she rejected his kiss, he was like meh idc to be careful ab this anymore. but also, i think he himself didnt realize that she is pretty capable and actually has a decent resume/shot at the dreams he gave up on, so the more he learned ab it, the more insecure he became ab his own goals and also her rejection of him, and then bam he felt compelled to embarrass her (grade A asshole). but also, he got her hopes up w a decent sounding job, just to crush em, which he knew would add to the pain
and yea i think her red flag radar was goin off the whole time w kai and her friends but mannn i think she just was rly desperate given everything going on 😔 and yea i mean satoru was always gonna keep an eye on her for sure regardless, but she was angry w him, he was hurt by her, just not a good environment for mutual support and care to occur lmfao. ur so right tho that wld be such a terrifying situation to get yourself into
and i knowwwww reader went thru so fkn much this chapter i felt so bad 😭 but yeah there will probs be more than three chapters haha cuz i have a lot more stuff to cover, but it’s def satoru’s turn to obsessively pine over her lmao.
THANK YOU DEAR FOR THE ASK IM SORRY FOR MATCHING IT W AN EVEN LONGER ONE but your comments just spark sm of my thinking cells haha. hope to see you in the next one <333 💕💕💕
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coreene-simblr · 1 year
Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
Thank you all so much for tagging me @papermint-airplane @treason-and-plot @hazely-sims I feel so grateful to have wonderful mutuals like you guys!
Answers are under the cut!
What’s your favorite Sims death?
I play Sims 3 the most so I'll answer it for that one. There are so many cool deaths in Sims 3, unfortunately I only experienced a few and in those my favourite is definitely the meteor one. I got this only one time in my 10+ years of playing. I remember it like yesterday, I had just made a new sim, was planning on playing a legacy and sent her to university. I shit you guys not she got hit by a meteor on her first class activity. As that was my only sim, the game was over xD
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
Ahh, hard to answer. You kind of have to go with Alpha hair in Sims 3. I remember I used a lot of Alpha cc for sims 2 back in the day. Before MM was this popular. I really do not like alpha cc in clothes for Sims 3 though. I guess a bit of both?
Do you cheat your sims weight?
I never actually felt the need to do that. I personally like exercise and my sims usually are on the active side as well and they keep good shape. I certainly don't mind seeing sims who are a bit on the heavier side around town.
Do you move objects?
Probably not as often as other simmers, tbh. I do build but I don't like clutter. If I feel the need to use it I will, but it doesn't happen often.
Favorite Mod?
Definitely Nrass MC. It just makes it so easier to fix some of the quirks this game can have. Also being able to just makeover townies, is a must for me. Even though I carefully select my randomizable outfits I'll still take them to cas for a touch up.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
Ah, hard to remmeber. I think I had open for business in Sims 2 as my first expansion but the first one I specifically saved up money for was Late Night for Sims 3.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Kara Down, had a post dedicated to her a few weeks back and it's here xD
Have you made a simself?
Eh, not on looks exactly like myself but definitely on traits, Kara is pretty much me/my alter ego. I made her when I was 12 and didn't know how much I liked dancing or clubbing xD Realized it after I grew up and got to do those things, haha
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Hmm, there was this hair mutation my only 4 generation legacy had. It was a very nice shade of blonde, I liked that.
Favorite EA hair?
For Sims 3 it's this hair Karen has in this post.
For Sims 2, harder to choose. I love all these ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) my favourite is gonna be the Bella hair.
Favorite life stage?
Always gonna be YA. In every iteration. Loved university stuff in Sims 2 and I love that stage in all other games.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Well, I like building the lots my sims play in. A lot of the cc lots out there have too much clutter and I do not like clutter. Whenever I download a lot I'll end up deleting all those decorations anyway so why bother. Adding the fact that I'm an architect in RL, I just notice, specially in residential lots, some no-no's we were thought in school.
Short answer is, I build them for myself to play in and share just in case if people would like to add my things to their games.
Are you a CC creator?
I haven't dabbled with creating meshes but did some recolours, tattoos, lots or whatever. Am I a cc creator tho? Nah, I just share the stuff I make for myself.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Sim Squad? No. Simblr friends? I would like to think, yes. I consider people I chat regularly under posts as my simblr friends :D
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I am in more control of the town but less in control of my sims these days if that makes sense? I try to do what they would wish to do and leave certain things to their autonomy.
What’s your origin id?
Do not use origin. I have the games on discs and I created their disc images long time ago. I use the no-disc crack for them now as I couldn't set the disc image to work for Sims 3 on this laptop.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
I do not have that much cc for sims 3 but first people that comes to my mind are @sweetdevil-sims and @simlicious. Love their edits to simple maxis clothes and simlicious' patterns. They are out of this world in quality! looking at @aroundthesims for some objects I find myself looking for also.
How long have you had simblr?
I think I have been sharing my lots on @simsitecture since 2017 but haven't interacted with the community much back then due to my main blog being something else. I changed this blog to be a simblr I think about a year ago and since then I've been more active here.
How do you edit your pictures?
I have a few actions for brightness and saturation in PS. I use those on images I think that are too dark etc. Nothing else.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
Sims 2: Nightlife
Sims 3: Late Night
Sims 4: Get Together
Hmm, think there is a pattern there...
I think most of you guys have already done this but I'll tag some people I haven't seen share this yet. There is no pressure to do this and also if you want to do it and haven't been tagged consider this your tag!
Tagging @simstryingtheirbestok @zergula @ts3strayastray
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Don't worry about taking a while to respond!! we don't mind.
I LOVE Cassidy crying child as well (and have a Cassidy CC fictive headmate as well dfkgjhfgd) and I use it for several AUs including my main fnaf au. To answer your question about the designs, I'm thinking that Baby's appearance is altered to fit the other animatronics- i tend to stylize them all like real life vintage animatronics anyway, but Baby looks more like the others in the swap AU!
We might tell you more about some of our AUs soon, but in the meantime, what's your favorite of your AUs? Or any that you feel like sharing?
(Happy fnaf movie birthday!! We're gonna see it tonight we're so excited)
head in fucking hands. i have typed up a response to this twice now and tumblr keeps fucking eating it i hate mobile.
OKAY. third times the charmmm!!!
thank youu <3
same hat!!!! i only have them in logical error tho cause so far thats the only one where its relevant so far lol. i should really make a flashlight duo au or something. dont get me wrong, love evan cc having a best friend cassidy, but something about lonely cassidy cc who blames their dad more than mike for their death, ughhh.
changing baby definitely makes the most sense since shes the most “out of place,” her canon design being a different location, you know what i mean lol. but i know some people love to take on that challenge of “okay, but what if i redesigned everyone else instead of taking the sane route?” (its me im some people) also YES love vintage real life animatronics!!
oughhh my fave it probably logical error… i cant share a lot about it unfortunately twt
BUT! i can share one thing!! the twins’ (mangle’s heads) are named valerie (‘main’ head with casing) and eirelav (endo head)!! val and eire (eye-ra) for short! ive made up a whole little thing which i explained best in my second try at replying to this ask, but basically, cassie has a miscolored roxy plush that she named “valerie,” her best cross between roxy(/ie) and valentine. this roxy plush was a defect plush cause they put the wrong fabrics or the wrong patterns into the machines, so they had a small batch of chica-colored roxys and roxy-colored chicas (which cassie also has one of, whom i desperately need to name lol). i will draw them eventually i think they are so silly, her dad gave them to her and she thinks theyre both hilarious and adorable <3
okayyy i would say more but 1. third time writing this and still have to do. tags. and 2. i dont have anymore ideas lolll
HOPE YALL HAD FUN!!!!! i have to wait til the fifth of november and i am going insane. shaking violently. i am not leaving that fucking theatre seat til the credits. (which will suck cause no stimming but WHATEVER!!!!! ILL LIVE!!!!)
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jechristine · 1 year
About TCR : I wasn't aware of this case but I've seen people from the community say they could've based TCR on another case of DID, the one of Jeni Haynes. She was sexually abused by her father for years and developed 2500 alters to survive, many of them were allowed to testify in trial and her father was finally founded guilty.
It's a case that highlighted the condition and was used effectively during a trial. It could've been the same outcome (in terms of learning about the condition) without having to take inspo on someone who had violent and criminal alters. It would've been more legitimate maybe to tell this type of story
But again from a marketing pov they wanted to approach it as a "murder mystery" kinda thing so they had to add something "gory" even tho they changed the crimes...? Like Idk it feels insincere to me to claim to want to "raise awareness about mental health" but spending half the show making it a bit sensational and "plot twisty" instead of caring about writing meaningful dialogues (I've yet to be impressed by the writing, quite the opposite actually).
I mostly agree with all of this! Although I do think they definitely could have found a very good 10-episode narrative and compelling characters in the Minds of Billy Milligan, especially after they decided to take literary license with it, but I think they missed that opportunity and the whole thing is pretty phoned-in, if you ask me. The more I see, the more I realize what 🚩it is to be rearranging your plot after the whole production has been shot. It’s screaming we knew something was wrong and needed a quick fix. Is that common? Regardless, we’re seeing some of the same exact (Rya) scenes copied and pasted into subsequent episodes; I don’t think I’ve ever seen that level of lazy film-making before.
IMO making Danny responsible for real harm would have deepened his character and made the task of drumming up sympathy more challenging and ultimately more rewarding. A story like the alternative that you’re describing maybe would have pivoted around a different conflict altogether, and maybe that’s what Akiva & co. would have preferred, as you’re saying! But, alas, in this series they zero’d out the narrative conflict and then tried to replace it with nothing but the weakest mystery frame.
There could be another opportunity in Jeni Haynes’s biography, but of course that could also be done in a cliched and perfunctory way😭
I can’t speak to TCR’s accurate representation of DID—and there are four more episodes—but regarding the TV series as a TV series, I find that most of the big “issues” (racism, feminism, abuse) have been given such brief and shallow treatment as to be emotionally manipulative, and so I wouldn’t be surprised if some in the DID community ended up being disappointed.
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faeiapalette · 2 years
Hey, feel free to not answer to this if the asks stopped, but I just ran into it and I wanted to say shout out to you for dealing with that stuff in the most calm and logical way fr. I struggle to see any hate, negativity or even misinformation on your end that would "justify" all the load of whiny asks you got.
I admire how you analyze him in an unbiased way. I'm sorry you had to deal with the biased fans tho. To my understanding you were pointing out flaws on a flawed character and ACTUALLY treating him equally to everyone else in the game: everyone is bad, everyone has traumas, everyone has unhealthy coping mechanisms, and they have their right to have them. Yet everyone can still have good moments, good intentions and redemption. Everyone. Even Yui has her bad moments when she's fed up. And if you look into each one of the boys, every single one has some good traits to them, despite the big load of bullshit they carry due to their past trauma.
Tbh if people can't stand seeing their fav being "attacked" (which, in this case, was literally him being called out for being as flawed as everyone else, as opposed to the perfect man they see him as), they should be the ones leaving the blog or blocking you, and problem solved. If everyone can have their opinions, that should include different ones too. You weren't harming anyone directly, as 2D characters are not real people. People who get comfort from these characters can chose not to engage in these arguments, and they shouldn't if they can't handle the fact that, just like they won't change their mind, people who disagree with them most likely won't either.
People are not perfect. Characters are not made out of strengths only. Everyone is flawed, that is a reality. If anything, it's their flaws what makes their strengths shine more, but that's no reason to disregard them.
That's all I wanted to say. Hopefully you can get some peace, have a good day/night!
Tysm 🥺💗! One of the reason why i appear “calm” while dealing with all of this horrid mess is i saw this coming months ago when i saw some people’s “whitewashing” statements (and no one even bother to correct them 💀 Though i understand why, and i think you do too anon. 😅) I prep myself (mentally and physically) for the worst case scenario before posting those opinions online 👌. My blog’s main content (apart from shitposting sharing artworks and reposting) has a lot to do with analyzing the mindset of characters. (mainly using Jungian functions 🙌). They actually have a community for this category, and in that community, if one dares to reason while wearing the idolism lens… The others might or might not ̶s̶k̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶l̶i̶v̶e̶ correct that person (or sigh “not another kin/ stereo - typer.”) and it could sound brutal/ offensive to the sensitive ears, though it’s not 😬. I just learnt that from them. (Pretty out of topic but… i always thought “analyzation” is involved with logical reasoning. And logical reasoning doesn’t involve favoritism or sentimental values. Otherwise the action couldn’t be called “analyzation” or “involving logical reasoning” or “objective”. => I’m wondering if there’s anyone “analyze” things in a biased way and could that be called “analyzing”. Hmm… 🤔. Better go check the definitions again and do some researches later.) Shout out to you for saying the 2nd 3rd and 4th paragraph !!! (Omg girl let me getchu a speaker. People seriously need to hear this, and they can skip my whole take below your opinion. I don’t think i need to say anything further. 😳🙌🔊)
May your day be blessed with peace and joy too! 🌸🎊🌸
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tofuxtea · 1 year
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 | 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚-𝙪𝙥 𝙨𝙚𝙭 + 𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 — nami x fem!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — nsfw, make-up sex, body worship, fingering, oral sex, slight angst with comfort, misunderstanding trope where nami thinks reader cheated (pretty quickly resolved tho (lol)), sub!nami & dom!reader, both being teases lowkey (reader a little more though), reader calls nami “mi/mimi” “sweetheart” and “baby”, slight dirty talk
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 — 2.4k words. ngl opla!nami has been on my mind since i first seen her and this is the first sub!nami (with a fem reader) smut that i’ve seen so come get yall’s juice! also, this can be interchangeable with anime op!nami instead of opla! whichever you prefer ! [kinktober m.list]
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this was definitely your guys’ worst argument to date.
it had been nearly three days since you and nami had last spoke. the longest you guys had ever gone was half a day, and even then, it didn’t exceed twelve hours before one of you caved.
but that certainly wasn’t the case this time around. and it was all because of a terrible misunderstanding that happened three nights ago.
the straw hats decided to dock the going merry for the night at a passing island, luffy immediately heading for the nearest restaurant. you decided to join him, hoping to have a drink or two.
the place very conveniently had a bar, so you made yourself comfortable at the counter and asked the bartender for something sweet. she’d given you a sly smirk and nodded, whipping up a colorful blend of alcohol and fruit juices.
while you breezed through several of them, you became less and less aware of the woman’s amorous nature towards you, brushing it off as wanting a nice tip. it wasn’t until she started asking you about your business there did you start to grow suspicious.
“so, what brings a pretty girl like you around here?” you couldn’t deny that the woman was attractive, but you didn’t feel anything more than that towards her. so you only shrugged and explained that your captain (who was already five plates deep at a table behind you) wanted to rest here for the night.
“for the night, you say?” she asked, leaning against the counter. her eyes dragged down your face, your neck, your partially exposed chest. “y’know, my shift ends in a couple of hours, what d’ya say we…”
she trailed off, but you understood her implication well. you froze up, stunned that she was being so outwardly flirty with you — but then again, she had no idea that you’d already had a girlfriend — and watched as her hand slid across the counter and onto yours.
the woman grasped it, her thumb gently caressing the backs of your fingers. you started to pull back, but her grip tightened. “aw, it’s alright, hun.”
“n-no, it’s not, i’m—” taken. the word got caught in your throat when your panicked eyes flew to your side only to find nami standing not ten feet from you, mouth wide open.
you tore your hand out of the woman’s grasp, the fogginess that had started to cloud your mind suddenly vanished. “i’m fucking taken, shit. nami, wait!” you ran after her, pleading with her all the way to the ship to listen to you but getting nothing from her. no reply, no hum, no look your way.
it was like you’d completely disappeared from her world. it was like you just didn’t exist anymore.
nothing had changed two days later. she avoided you like the plague. even refused to mention you in conversations, which is what the rest of the crew told you apologetically after you’d sent them to ask her about you.
it felt childish in the end, like some sort of little crush situation, but it was your only option.
well, not your only option.
it had been long enough. it was time to suck it up and just fucking go up to her. for the past two and a half days, you were mortified to do it. not because you were in the wrong, but because you were so scared that she wouldn’t forgive you.
you feared losing somebody like nami. especially to something so fucking stupid. that was something that you simply couldn’t even begin to fathom.
so you waited for her in her room. the room that you two used to share, but you hadn’t been in since that night. you sat on the edge of the bed and waited.
it didn’t take long for her to come in, her body tensing up the moment she spotted you. her blue eyes narrowed and she paused, like she was considering going further into the room, but then she spun on her heel and started to leave.
“wait. nami, please. are you really just gonna ignore me forever?” you pleaded, rising to your feet.
nami froze. you could see her shoulders fall as she sighed. then she turned back around, her arms folding firmly over her chest. her lips stayed sealed, but you could tell that she was giving you your chance.
“thank you.” you breathed out, a ghost of a smile pulling at your lips. “look, nami, you don’t know how sorry i am. i didn’t mean to — i would never hurt you like that on purpose, you know that.” you let the words tumble from your mouth without so much as a second thought.
nami’s expression barely shifted, but you could see her eyes soften at the sound of your voice. she shifted where she stood, her arms loosening over her chest as she took a few timid steps forward. she shut the door behind her, likely so nobody would be able to eavesdrop so easily.
“the girl at the bar came onto me and i didn’t realize it the entire time. i got too drunk too quickly and before i knew it, she started grabbing my hand.” your face scrunched up at the thought of that woman touching you. “i tried to pull away, but she didn’t let me. it freaked me out and i froze up.”
“why didn’t you say anything sooner?” she finally spoke, blue eyes finding yours.
“because i was scared, mi.” you admitted with an embarrassed shrug.
you swore you could see the corners of nami’s lips turn up at the sound of her nickname. “scared of what?” she asked.
“i was scared you wouldn’t believe me. i was scared that even if i explained everything, you still wouldn’t forgive me.”
“so you let me ignore you for two days because you were scared?” she asked, her tone lightening up as she started to laugh.
you could only nod. “i know it sounds stupid, but…” you trailed off, sucking in a sharp breath. “you’re my everything, nami.”
she visibly tensed up, not expecting your sudden vulnerability. during the time you two had been together, you two shared many vulnerable moments together, but none quite like this.
“you know i’m not the best at picking up hints, and i’m so sorry that i ended up hurting you.” you closed the gap between you and her, taking her hands into your own. she let you, quickly finding your soft gaze. “i fucking love you, nami.”
“it wasn’t your fault.” she whispered, shaking her head. “i know you’d never… i love you, too.”
you let out a teary laugh, dropping nami’s hands to throw your arms around her neck. hers wrapped around your waist, her grip nearly suffocating you, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
you pressed a soft kiss to the top of her orange hair before pulling away. “you know you’re the only one i’d ever look at, hm?” your voice had a teasing little bounce to it, and nami hummed happily against your shoulder.
“i’d fuckin’ hope so.” she retorted playfully, pulling back to examine your face.
“god, i missed you.” you whispered, your words making nami grin.
“it’s been two days.”
“two days too many, mi.” you cupped her jaw, rubbing soft circles against her cheek before pressing your lips to hers. nami sighed at the contact, her fingers closing around the collar of your shirt as her eyes fluttered shut. “missed you so fuckin’ much.”
nami hummed against your mouth and deepened the kiss, sliding her hands up the front of your chest and up to the sides of your face. your fingers instinctively dug into her hips, breath hitching. teasingly, she took your moment of shock to take your bottom lip between her teeth.
“don’t.” you moaned softly. “fuck, nami.”
“c’mon,” she whispered, lips curling into a smirk. “show me how much you missed me.” there was a devilish glint in her blue eyes when you looked into them, and that was all it took.
she yelped when suddenly you spun her around, guiding her backwards until the backs of her legs hit the mattress. her soft giggles were muffled when you kissed her, fading into breathy sighs as you started to strip away her clothes.
you started with her top, tossing it somewhere over your shoulder, and you let your hands roam. nami shuddered against your feathery touch, her own fingers lacing into your hair.
“you’re so fucking beautiful, baby.” you gently tilted her chin up, lips finding purchase on her neck to pepper kisses all over her skin.
nami whimpered as she stumbled backwards onto the bed, pulling you on top of her. your arms caged her down onto the comforter and you slotted yourself between her legs. you thanked whatever deity was looking down at you two in that moment that she had decided to wear her orange skirt today when you saw how it had hiked up the sides of her thighs.
“so, so beautiful,” you murmured, lifting your gaze to look into her lust-filled eyes for a fleeting second before peeling her shirt off of her. she propped herself up and let you unclip her bra, a light blush dusting her cheeks as the straps slowly slid down her arms.
you couldn’t even attempt to bite back the groan you let out at the sight of her. your girlfriend. nami tucked a strand of tangerine orange hair behind her ear, her eyes going anywhere but onto yours. a small smile tugged at your lips.
you grasped both sides of her jaw, nami letting out a tiny surprised cry, and pressed your lips to hers in a chaste kiss. she held onto your wrist as her eyes fluttered shut, and she sighed into it. you kept going lower; pressing kisses to the corner of her mouth, then her jaw, then the front of her throat all while you started to lower yourself onto your knees.
nami watched you trail messy kisses down to her chest, her fingers carding gently through your hair. your hands toyed with her tits, fingers kneading them, and thumbs grazing over her sensitive nipples. she moaned with every touch, encouraging you further.
your lips continued down her stomach, and your hands down to the waistband of her skirt. one hand wrapped firmly around her hip while the other snaked underneath the fabric to prod at her soaked panties. “fuck, mimi, you’re so wet.” you teased as you quickly shimmied them down her legs, flashing the woman a smirk.
she rolled her eyes and shook her head at your smugness, and you took her off-guard moment to swiftly slip your middle finger into her cunt. her fingers grasped at your hair and tugged in response and her hips bucked into your hand.
“a-asshole,” nami whined against gritted teeth. you only sucked your teeth and squinted up at her, tilting your head.
“not quite, sweetheart.” you tauntingly remarked as you slipped another digit inside of her to the knuckles, gently curling them upwards. nami’s body convulsed, her arm giving out from underneath her and her back arching wildly as she tried to meet your rhythmic thrusts.
she sobbed out both pleas and curses. you couldn’t help the joy that pulled your lips into a grin at the sight of her, subconsciously quickening your pace as you chased more and more of that euphoric satisfaction.
her thighs started to come closer together, squeezing around your figure, and you knew she was getting near her orgasm. you watched her through deeply hooded eyelids as you hooked your free palm underneath her leg and tossed it over your shoulder.
the fabric of her skirt fluttered even higher, pooling on top of her abdomen where you held it while you pressed the flat of your tongue to her pussy. nami gasped loudly at the new stimulation and instinctively pushed your head further down.
your shameless moan vibrated against her cunt and you felt her squeeze around your fingers again. “fuck, don’t stop,” she panted through uncontrollable moans.
you certainly weren’t planning on it. you tended to her puffy, sensitive clit, sucking and licking at it while your fingertips repeatedly hit that soft spot inside of her.
nami’s now-trembling hand abandoned your head only to fly to her mouth, meekly attempting to cover the pornographic moans that tumbled from her quivering lips as her high crashed into her. “fu-fuck, s’good, s’fuckin’ good.” the girl could hardly speak through her own cries.
your lips came off of her pussy with a soft ‘pop’ and you watched her with a sultry gaze as she unfolded on your fingers. “that’s it, mimi. so fuckin’ pretty f’me, cumming all over my fingers.” you murmured, feeling her cum coat your fingers and knuckles as it spilled out of her cunt and onto the sheets underneath her.
you kept pumping your fingers in and out of her, your pace slowing as the rise and fall of her chest did. when you finally pulled them out, you admired the sheer coat of creamy white that covered them, making them glimmer in the light. you popped them past your own lips and cleaned then, relishing in her sweetness. god, how you’d missed it.
“c’mere.” nami’s languid voice came from somewhere atop the bed, her body now slumped onto it. you climbed on top of her, careful not to jolt her around too much. her blue eyes raked over your flushed, sweat-covered face and she broke out into a wide grin before wrapping her arms around the back of your neck and yanking you down into a deep kiss.
you tucked her hair, that had started to stick to her face from her own sweat, behind her ear as you kissed her, and she nuzzled into your loving touch.
“i love you so fuckin’ much.” you mumbled when you pulled away, resting your forehead against hers. your wanton expression had very quickly melted away and nami found your apologetic eyes glossed over and your mouth pouted.
she quickly shook her head, a soft smile on her lips. “you’ll never lose me, you got that?” she asked softly, releasing your neck to cup the sides of your face. you could only nod. “good.”
you swooped down for one more kiss, which grew a little too deep too quickly and you found yourself missing your shirt when not five seconds later, a voice startled you both upright.
“great to hear you both made up.” zoro said from behind your bedroom door. oh, he sounded pissed.
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the grip this woman has had on me these past few weeks is actually fucking insane. i’m so fucking gay y’all.
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Also, a person with prosthetics irl preferring or even wishing to have their natural limbs back is VERY different from some most likely able-bodied fanartist "correcting" their waifu's disability because it makes her "more human".
anyway I feel like in a human au melt would get really into 3d printing super fancy impractical pretty looking prosthetics just for the vibe bc come on. Look at this stuff
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vethbrenatto · 3 years
hey i knew there was a lot of marisha hate, esp in c1, tho for a long while i was not getting why people would be so toxic cos while she was naive, it was understandable. but lately i started getting tired of her naivety and,, lack of foresight i suppose? and ik, that's basically the character arc! but at times it really does get a bit too much...
im not sure, maybe the fact that it's live rp somehow makes it hurt more because as a concept, characters with horrible choices are great, luv em, but something just doesn't click for me with keyleth
i feel bad for so viscerally disliking some of her actions, especially with the history of fandom, so i guess what i wanted to ask is, what is your view on some of her worse decisions and is there any advice on shifting my perspective towards her (because i really don't want to feel this way about any of the characters D:)?
I want to preface this with the fact that I'm not sure how much actual advice I have on this, but I did definitely want to answer it because I relate so much. This also got extremely long, so it’s going under the cut.
This is pretty much exactly how I felt watching C1 for the first time. I watched C2 first, and I fell in love with Beau over time and Marisha as a roleplayer. So, I felt very jarred watching C1 and getting so viscerally upset at Keyleth and some of the decisions and choices she made. Especially going into the comments and seeing all the Keyleth/Marisha hate, I felt very uncomfortable feeling those things because I didn't want to be one of the haters that were so clearly visible during the airing of C1. This is mainly to clarify to you that, no, you're not one of those people. I felt the same way watching it the first time, and the fact that you're having those feelings of "Oh, I'm uncomfy because I don't want to be One of the Keyleth Haters," means that you're not one. Truthfully, her decisions can be very frustrating at times.
The reason I'm not sure how good my advice is going to be is because where I am now with Keyleth versus where I started- there's a blur in the middle. Obviously, something changed, because now I very much love Keyleth and respect a lot of her choices, when that's definitely not where I started.
I would say after I saw C1, I did reflect on a lot of Keyleth's choices more than I did while watching it. I also read a good amount of Keyleth meta, and that actually really helped. A lot of people had a much better grasp on her character than I did, and having step-by-step guides on why Kiki was acting the way she was made a lot of her choices more understandable for me. Now, I'm rewatching C1 for the first time and am even finding places where I fundamentally disagreed with Keyleth originally that I've changed my tune and am on her side (this isn't the case for all situations, and more often than not I still don't take her side persay, but on certain things, I'm like... nah, Kiki was right).
I wish I could find some of the Kiki meta that made her more clear in my mind, I don't have any links on hand (if anyone has good Keyleth meta to share, feel free to add to this post).
I also think that Kiki becomes a lot easier to wrap your head around when you get at the root of why she can be frustrating. A lot of the time it's not just the naivete, it's also Keyleth's moral compass. In a world of adventurers, the dial on your moral compass sort of shifts and bad things aren't fundamentally bad anymore because you have to shift expectations in a world where killing and adventure are normalized. Nevertheless, for all characters, morality is still a spectrum. The problem comes in that Keyleth's morality is a lot more present than the rest of the group, and this makes her stick out like a sore thumb. Which isn't to say the rest of the group doesn't have morals, or are all identically moral, Grog is obviously less moral than Vex or Pike. It's just that Keyleth's goodness is an outlier, she's just stretched a bit further in terms of her morality, and she's often not willing to bend on that.
That morality gap leads to what also makes Keyleth a very easy character to get mad at- She sticks up for what she believes in and she's thus, not afraid of inter-party conflict. Inter-party conflict can be jarring to watch, it can also be compelling and enjoyable, but first and foremost, it's often jarring. And Kiki gets in conflicts I would say the most in the party, possibly followed by Percy. This makes it very easy to not take Kiki's side, especially because when she battles, sometimes it's not just Kiki vs. One other party member, it's Kiki vs. Everyone. This makes it extremely easy to take the side of the majority, without fully considering Kiki's reasoning. I'll also say that by human nature, it's inevitable for your brain to often take sides. The truth is, in a lot of the interparty conflicts involving Kiki or otherwise, there is no "correct" side. There are merits on both ends, valid points on either side. But our brain hears both arguments, and wants to make a choice and make things black and white. On my first time around, I almost always sided against Kiki. Considering she ends up in conflict more often than the others, this was easy to bleed into other Kiki interactions, staining my view of her character.
I know this is... a lot of text. But the point that I'm trying to get at is that understanding and broadening your context, really trying to think about her reasons rather than going with what your gut says is right is what I think ultimately made me change my mind about Kiki.
Some specific decisions:
1 - Whether to rest in Whitestone during the Briarwood revolt. This is a case of Keyleth vs. most if not all the Party. The Party was down on spells, down on HP, and wanted to rest in the middle of the Briarwood battle at the end of the arc. Keyleth was the only one recognizing that they had uprisen an army of peasants who were, as long as they chose to rest, fighting alone. The more time they took for themselves to rest, which was mechanically the correct choice for the party, the more chance of civilian casualties. This is one of the prime decisions where I shifted my tune. The first time around, I found it very easy to agree with the party that they needed spell slots and it'd be dumb to go in without spell slots. But narratively, Keyleth was right (and Matt actually validated this, when civilians did perish in the revolt), the longer they rested, the worse it was for the army they raised.
2 - One of the dragons flies over Whitestone, Keyleth vs. Percy. Percy advises they stand still and don't jump to defense, because if they do and the dragon didn't see them in the first place, they've just outed themselves. Keyleth is adamant they have to defend immediately, her fear taking over. Considering how powerful and formidable the dragons have been up to this point, her fear isn't unwarranted. It's easy to side with Percy, who ends up being in the right as Whitestone isn't seen, but it doesn't make Keyleth's thought process wrong either.
I know there's specifics in the Raishan/Keyleth segment that could be tackled, but I don't remember the specifics well enough because I haven't rewatched that bit yet. I remember the first time definitely not being on Keyleth's side, but I'm interested to see how my perspective has shifted.
TLDR; I don't think Keyleth's choice are terrible. I think that they can be hard to understand, and sometimes you need to put a little extra effort into understanding them, because she's a character where it can be very easy to side against her. My main advice is taking that initiative to try to think through what Marisha's logic might be in playing Keyleth, how whatever decision she's making now ties into her history, and you might get a better idea of Keyleth in general. I shifted my tune on Keyleth with time, and I really think anyone can, but even if you never really get to understanding her, you're still fine and you're not a h8er because it's easy to tell you're trying.
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xavadak3davrax · 3 years
A little check in on Lawyer! George
Warnings: Smut (18+) pussy slapping, sir kink, just porn with little to no plot (?).
a/n: Sorry I haven’t posted anything but mental health sucks sometimes and mine as been in pieces. This a little check in on Lawyer George. Also for anyone reading I will probably write other stuff that is not Fred or George. But doesn’t belong in the harry potter world. I’m very into Loki and bucky and steve rogers from the mcu world so yeah :) i will keep doing stuff for them to. just adding a little bit of spice. Also sorry for any mistakes! 
This is based on this story. 
In a lifetime, a lot of things can happen. y/n just never thought that for her it would be the fact that she’s dating one of the most successful lawyers England has ever seen, or that she would sleep with him, spend so much time at his apartment that it’s also now kinda of hers…
But it happened to her. And it wasn’t easy. Although they had Fred’s approval, when word got around in the office, things got hard for her. The gossip became harsh and eventually some people who worked closely with y/n turned on her because ‘she was sleeping with her boss’. It took her a while to grasp her new reality, but the truth was, she was head over heels for the ginger boy, and if people around her couldn’t understand they were in love, then let them be. If there was someone who was good at separating work from relations was her. After their heated encounter in Fred’s office, it never happened again in the work place. There were times where it was close calls, but it was all George’s fault given his cock was hard twenty for seven, given he had to look at the woman he loved work hard, and effectively and honestly that was a big turn on for him.
But y/n always stopped before it could get any more heated. Always excusing herself with a ‘I’m sorry sir’ and then turning around to go on her way, shamefully hiding her smirk from her boss, who had to stand in the middle of whatever place they were in, hard, and sweaty from their heated make out session.
George never quit trying tho. Even in the days y/n came to the office from his home, and they probably had some time together that morning, he just couldn’t get enough of her.
“y/n, thank you. Would mind just reminding George of the meeting we have in ten? He’s been a little lost today.” Fred said, looked at y/n for a mere moment to take the documents she was giving him and then looked at his work again. Cases had been flooding non stop ever since they had win one of the biggest cases ever. y/n, now a permanent lawyer at the firm was more than happy about it.
She smirked a little, taken the fact that Fred wasn’t looking then turned to walk to the door.
“Sure boss.” She joked, hearing Fred groan at the name. Then, as smoothly as she could went to George’s office, knocked on the door, and didn’t even expect an answer before barging in.
Only to catch her boyfriends with a hand on top of his pants massaging his hard cock. She then had confirmation that the outfit she chose did do it’s wonders. She always wore suits, but usually the blouses she wore underneath were work appropriate, but recently and after talking to a friend outside work she thought she would change a bit, make it a little harder on him. After all, she’d taken notice how much more intense their sexual encounters would be. Today with her suit she chose a lace black body, it was still work appropriate, specially in the way she did her suit jacket, but George had definitely seen it this morning when it was not so appropriate.
“See your brothers right, then.” She closed the door behind her, and rested her body against it with her hands behind her back, looking at George, with his head back, and his hand almost squeezing his cock had hard as he could.
“Baby.” He sighed loudly, his head turning to look at her his hand still in the same place. “You look…” he couldn’t finish is thought, she was consuming everything in him. His thoughts, and now his scent given she was just a few meters away. “Please help me.”
“You know I won’t baby, but you can always help yourself.” She smiled, walking closer to his desk and leaning on the other side of it, her breasts came into better view.
George had always understood why she didn’t want to it, but today when she had chosen this outfit out of all the others he couldn’t help but get more frustrated.
“You can’t do this to me y/n you know that.” Dominance had taken over his voice a little bit more. He took his hand out of his cock, and then got up. She stiffened, turning her head to the side to see him come up to her. His hands came on either side of her arms and squeezed. “Walking around in that lacy body, no bra, unbuttoning it only when I’m around, knowing people around here know about us. You know what you’re doing, and yet...” he came closer, his breathing in her neck, she shivered. “yet you still don’t let me take you.” He kissed her just on the spot he knew she liked. “Right here baby, on my office, in my desk, I’ll make it quick, you know it.” His voice was raspy, filled with list.
y/n was close to loosing it, her voice already trembling. “F-fred said you have a meeting in ten. He a-asked me to w-warn you.” Her hands that supported her body on the tip of the desk turned white from the force she was putting on them.
“Great then, I have ten minutes to make us both cum baby, do you think I can do it?” One of his hands came to unbutton her jacket and then came down a little bit more and stopped at her pants, asking for permission.
In that moment y/n knew she couldn’t hide it. It had been always hard to deny him in the work place. It had been so good when they did it the first time, she had just gotten so paranoid with everyone else, to think about how good they both had felt.
“Please, sir.” She murmured, body coming to meet his. George took the hand close to her pants and forced her body down against the desk. Their back turned to the door, that was unlocked.
“You will stay like this, and you will take my cock and make no sound, understood baby?” he whispered raspy. “Can’t have some noise asshole coming in here seeing the way I’m ruining you.”
“Yes, sir.” y/n’s hands had come up to rest next to her head. George took no time and undoing her pants pulling her underwear down, while also taking a look at the wet spot they had.
“How long have you been wet?” He asked, she didn’t answers right way, the coolness of the air of the office hitting her wet, hot pussy was to much for in such a vulnerable state. He slapped her pussy, not hard, just enough and the way she liked it to have her body squirm beneath him. “I said, how long had this pussy been wet?” he had to control the tone in his voice to not become so loud that anyone passing outside the door could hear.
“Since this morning, sir.” She murmured.
He laughed, jokingly at her. “This morning? You pathetic little baby, wet since this morning? And what made you wet ahm?”
“You sir, wet from the shower.” She said above a whisper, her pussy so wet her juices were starting to cover her pussy lips and coming down her inner thigh. George brings his hand again close to her pussy and plays with her clit, thumbing around it, playing with it before giving it a slight pinch making her moan. He slaps it again, but not hard, just as a waring.
“I said, be quiet.” He heard her little ‘sorry sir’ and then continued the assault on her pussy. Two of his fingers circling her wet entrance before thrusting in hard, brushing her g-spot making y/n bite her knuckles to contain her moans. George’s fingers had always stretched y/n out the best way possible, and they were long enough to hit the spots only her vibrator could, but never her own little fingers. George always teased her about it.
George twists his fingers in just the right way to caress her velvety walls in the way he knows she likes, and then scissors his fingers inside her making her knees buckle and shake.
“S-sir please.” She murmured.
“Baby, so little time and so many things I wanna do to you. I always do you know it don’t you?” She nodded. “You always love my fingers, you always love to fuck yourself on them. You love to suck on them like you suck on your favorite lollie… my cock.” She clenched hard on his fingers from his dirty words and George let out a small moan at the feeling. “And I always have to stretch you baby, you are always just the snuggest little thing ever. Always.” He had been avoiding with his fingers her g-spot, just to make her more needier for him, but this times he hits continuously, make y/n have to hold her moans by biting hard on her lip. Her pussy spasmed around his fingers warning him of her orgasm. He pulls out, his fingers covered in her juices, and spreads it around her pussy, bringing them to his mouth to taste her.
“Always taste the best dirty girl.” He smirks, and then brings his hands to undo the belt of his pants pulling it down, along with his boxers making his cock spring free. His cock had been hard since he entered the office this morning minutes after his girlfriend, and so by now and after having his finger in her pussy, he his licking from his tip, he his read and swollen and twitching from the pleasure.
He rests one hand on her back to keep her in that position while the other comes to his cock, strokes it two times before bringing it close to her pussy and thrusting inside her. Her pussy engulfs his cock, tightens around him as he sinks himself as deep inside her as he can. He thrusts into her over and over again, his cock being hugged by her smooth and velvety skin makes him groan lowly, the hand on her back dents her skin there because he also has to be quiet and it’s hard when she feels so good.
“Just, the dirtiest pussy, baby.” He whispers, the sound of his balls hitting her filled pussy it’s all that can be heard in the office and for a moment she’s scared people outside can hear it. But George’s dirty words and his movements take that thought way just as quickly as it came. Her hips push back to meet his making him bottom out on her, and he stops for a moment, and so does she, both trying to remain calm and quiet but he’s completely inside her and it feels too good for both of them.
“Please, George, fuck me, hard.” She tries t say it quietly but her voice breaks around moans.
He doesn’t answer and just gains his force again to keep fucking his cock in her soaked pussy, that’s so wet squelching sounds can start to be heard.
“You are so close baby.” He says, his hand coming to gather at her head forcing it down on the table. “Squeezing me nice and tightly like you can, letting me know I’m owning this pussy just right.”
And that’s when y/n explodes around him, she tightens so much that she pushes his cock out of her, her body quivers all over and the tips of her fingers tremble form the orgasm, trying to hold onto to something. George forces his cock back inside, chasing his own orgasm that’s even closer now that he just saw his girl cum the way she did. He doesn’t need much time, just the right movements and the squeezing of her pussy and he’s emptying himself inside her. y/n almost cuming again from how intense and hot his orgasm is. And how he groans close to her ear, her name, and the pet names he as reserved to her.
He pulls out, cock now soft and all wet from her juices and his cum, her pussy ruined but fulfilled and smiles on both his faces.
“What were you scared of exactly?” He asks after a while trying to regain his composure.
It takes a bit longer for /n to come back from the place she was in. She was still laying on his desk and George had to bring her up carefully, he kissed her jaw and then slowly turned her to him. She was ruined and he would have been worried were it not for the smile on her face.
“I love you.” That’s all her brain could master. More words than that was hard, and after anything they did y/n always felt immense love for the man in front of her.
“I’m taking that as a ‘we’re doing it again’ no?” he said, smugness evident in his voice. With the force she had she slapped his chest.
“Yes.” She murmured resting her head on his chest. “And you’re late to the meeting, lucky Fred didn’t barge in here or anyone else and saw what we were doing.”
“You mean, me fucking the life out of this pussy and claiming it as mine?”
“George, you’re disgusting.” She said, but they both knew she was playing.
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How the crew would react to the loss of their soulmate (Heart break edition)
OK @xundeadqueenx ASKED SO HERE YOU ALL GO
For those who don't know, that whole Adler headcannons stuff I posted earlier, kind of made me want to explore the broken heart idea and how the squad (now featuring Perseus as a permanent resident) would react to the sudden or else particularly traumatic loss of a soulmate level S/O.
"Dying of a broken heart" may sound like something you'd only see in dramatic tv shows or books, but a study was done once that found that that's actually a semi common way to go, particularly for elderly men who lose their wives.
Needless to say, heavy angst ahead and tw/ for alcoholism, depression, and of course death, so be forewarned!!!
Most likely would die to a broken heart
It would take a while for sure, but...
Things just aren't the same without you, and he's not the type of man who can lie to himself
He may not show it, but he misses you everyday
For a little while he tries to bury himself in work, hoping that'll take his mind off things
But ultimately, it only makes things worse for him
His smoking habit intensifies as well too, almost like he wants the damn things to kill him
Eventually, to no one's surprise, one day all the stress and sorrow catch up to him
Probably would not die from a broken heart
However, the loss destroys him and he's never the same again
To the average person, not much has changed
But to anyone who sees him in private, they know he's a complete wreck
Hudson has a plethora of items and techniques he uses to self soothe after your departure
He rubs his head a lot when he misses you, even if just absent mindedly or subconsciously
It was one of your favorite things to do
This hurts to write, but not only would he 10/10 die to a broken heart, but the big guy would go quick :(
He's a lot like Adler in that he can't lie to himself and just pretend things are ok after you're gone
But the difference is that Lazar is a little more... sensitive, then Russell, so he feels the pain faaaar deeper
His big ol heart can't handle the loss
He's absolutely devastated and almost totally unresponsive to everything around him until he finally goes
Alex definitely would live, but he's in a lot of pain after the fact
He has a severe struggle with depression
Every day it's hard just to get out of bed, the very same bed he use to share with you
Thankfully he's able to get some help at least, and is most likely to get as close to normal again as anyone else I think
He never remarries or even dates again afterwards though
A runner up to Mason
She lives, but with great difficulty
Helen also has some self soothing methods when she misses you
Her favorite is to wrap herself up in either you old clothes or your favorite blanket
Sometimes if she closes her eyes, it feels like you're still there
She does try to get back into dating, but it feels.... Wrong to her, somehow
In the end, she decides she feels better off alone
Surprisingly, he lives
However, this is only due to the fact that he takes out his anger and pain on everyone else
He never loses his careful planning or strategic wit, but his attacks become ever increasing and deadly
Adler and his team work practically around the clock trying to make sense of the sudden uprising, let alone trying to catch him
If your loss of life is a cause of a specific person or group, you can rest in peace, he hopes, knowing that they are dealt with swiftly and painfully
He keeps your picture on him at all times, and when the old man goes due to natural causes, he's buried with that same picture in his hands
Weaver, perhaps also surprisingly, lives
But the loss of you absolutely kills him on the inside
It hollows him out to a very shell
All he does is work and drink
What little he had of a social life before hand is now completely gone, as he spends all his time secluded
Like for Hudson, touch is a very important tool he uses to soothe himself
Weaver will very often either stroke his brow or cheek bone around his missing eye, or simply rest a hand on his chest or tummy
Even if it wasn't necessarily the case, Weaver remembers feeling like you could never keep your hands off him, and these are all things you would do consistently
He can never keep it up for long tho, as the contact reminds him a little too much of you and will often bring him to tears
Oof, you already know he'd die to a broken heart
It's a very long and painful journey though
He starts off by tail spinning down into depression and drinking
Woods completely loses himself until he's not even the same man anymore
The fact that he's become someone he knows you would loathe makes things even worse for him
He's never blacked out from alcohol once in his life until after you passed, and now it's becoming a regular occurrence
Alex is extremely worried for him, but Woods refuses the help
Eventually, it gets to such a point that Alex is forced to accept that he's going to lose Frank too
He wish he could say he's surprised when he finds out Woods ends up dead in the hospital
They said, his heart finally gave up
178 notes · View notes
nessinborderland · 3 years
Pairing: Chota x Reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 4.5k
Summary: There’s just something about an innocent and kind person that this world still hasn't able to ruin. It’s like there’s this aura around them. The kind of aura that someone like you needs to surround themselves with.
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Mildly Dubious Consent, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Overstimulation, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Loss of Virginity, Dom/sub, Innocence Kink, dark!Reader, Light Angst
Notes: Anonymous asked: Chota x reader? 👉👈 (gonna pretend they didn’t die) then they saw the beach and the reader who is an executive on the beach got interested in him?
Okay so, this was a trip. Please be careful of the warnings, do not read if any of it upsets you. It’s not that bad tho, but still. Hope you enjoy! <3
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You observe the newly arrived residents of the Beach with curious eyes.
They’re an odd group of friends, these ones. There are five of them, and they all look so different that you wonder how they even came to be. They’re obviously close if the few dynamics you’ve noticed between them are anything to go by, but still, a pretty intriguing group made of intriguing individuals.
You’re not even listening to Hatter as he gives his usual speech; you’re much more interested in them. Or him, to be exact. 
He’s shy, cute, and scared, like a stray kitten. You noticed that as soon as they were brought into the room and the bags over their heads were off, exposing his wide-eyed expression. He was the only one that couldn’t look anyone in the eye, preferring to look down, almost trembling in his chair. His leg was also hurt, you noticed as he limped to his seat.
Very different from his friends. 
One of them had gotten in kicking and screaming obscenities; when his bag was off he was more than ready to stare everyone down with fire in his eyes, handsome face contorted into a snarl like he was preparing himself to attack at the smallest of threats. He had caught your attention for a moment until you quickly realized that men like him could be more trouble than fun; there’s no enjoyment in fucking a man that won’t let you dominate him.
Then there’s the couple. They have to be a couple; if they’re not one already, they’re definitely close to becoming one. They had walked in a way more calmly manner than their volatile blonde friend and, even though they were obviously scared, they were still calm and willing to listen to Hatter’s words.
Then there’s this other woman. Shibuki, you had heard your object of interest call in a frightened tone. She’s beautiful, you had thought immediately upon seeing her face. The second thing that went through your mind was if she and the awkward man had anything going on between them. Not that there was anything specific in the way she interacted with him, but more on how he checked on her through the corner of his eye.
Speaking of him, he’s... interesting. Not in a way that most people would find him interesting, though. For everyone else, you’re sure that he just looks like a pathetic and scared little man. For you, however… you see way more in him. You see innocence, you see shyness, you see goodness.
All rare traits that you happen to find extremely attractive and, more importantly, exactly what you want in a pet.
Men in the Beach are the exact opposite of everything you see in him. They’re rude, prone to violence, and just so… infuriating to be around. All they want is to fuck, kill, and party, and – even though you appreciate all those things from time to time – there’s just something about an innocent and kind person that this world still hasn't able to ruin. It’s like there’s this aura around them.
The kind of aura that someone like you needs to surround themselves with.
A movement to your right makes you glance at Last Boss, leaning against the wall not far from you. Your eyes lock for a split of a second before his gaze moves somewhere else. You smirk to yourself, enjoying the man’s clear infatuation with you as he blushes under his tattoos. You remember how prettily he had whined as you fucked him, loud moans and tears streaming down his face as you made him come time and time again. He was the closest thing to an innocent and shy man you could find at the Beach.
Not anymore though. You have a new target in mind.
Your attention goes back to the group as Hatter asks for their names. Everyone looks much more calm and relaxed now, even though he is still looking down in apprehension, and the blonde one still looks at everyone like he’s just waiting to be attacked.
“Hm, Chota…” you whisper his name right after he says it aloud, trying it on your tongue. It suits him, you decide.
Your attention goes back to focusing only on him, and you attentively watch him as he starts getting more confident to slowly look around the room – that or he’s just feeling observed. Your eyes suddenly lock, and you can almost hear him gasp as he stares at you with mouth agape and a light pink dusting his cheeks. It’s only when you smile at him that he lowers his head, ears getting red from embarrassment. You giggle to yourself at that.
“Gosh, you’re adorable,” you whisper under your breath.
You squeeze your thighs together as you start to imagine all the things you can do to and with him. Make him beg to come as you suck him dry; fuck him with your strap-on until he’s an overstimulated sobbing mess; ride him to completion as his hands are tied and he can’t do anything but moan your name. The possibilities are endless and make a fire run through your body.
Hatter saying your name pulls you back from your lewd fantasies.
“Y/N here will show you around the place. New clothes, drugs, food, sex toys, she knows where to get you all whatever you want,” he makes a dismissive gesture and turns his back to them with a last, “Enjoy the Beach, guys.”
You gesture for the group to follow you and they do, cautiously at first but then more than ready to leave the room. You lock eyes with Chota once again. He visibly gulps before getting behind the group, limping as the others help him stand, the blonde man named Karube gesturing for you to lead the way.
“So, how much of what that guy said is actually true?” he asks as he walks beside you. You raise a brow at his tone, not enjoying neither the proximity nor what he’s implying. 
“The Beach is your best chance at survival in this country,” you say in a cold tone, walking a little faster to get ahead of him. The man barely has to try, however, as his long legs quickly put him beside you again, “All you have to do is follow the rules. Is that simple,” you look him up and down through the corner of your eye, “Unless you don’t know how to follow rules. In that case, I don’t see how I can be of any assistance to who I can consider a dead man walking.”
Karube huffs and shakes his head.
“My problem isn’t rules,” he says, “My problem is “utopias” that give me cult vibes.” 
His words strike a nerve within you, making you close your eyes and take a deep breath before replying.
“Then you’re more than free to leave and condemn your friends to certain and miserable deaths,” you say as calmly as you can, looking him straight in the eyes. His gaze doesn’t leave yours as you stand there, waiting for the other to break eye contact first.
“Hm… Miss?” that voice makes you look back at the group, your attention focusing on the man with shaggy hair.
“Yes… Arisu, is it?”
“Yes, hmm,” he gives you a small bow and averts his eyes before focusing his attention on his friend, eyes clearly starting a conversation that you’re not part of, “What my friend Karube means is that we’re not sure if we can trust this place. We just want to be safe, you know?”
“I do understand that,” you nod, “But if you can’t respect the work that is put into this place, I really have nothing to tell you but good luck in surviving outside,” you choose to omit the part where they wouldn’t be able to leave even if they wanted to. More than once you have felt the stench of the rotten corpses of those who tried. They aren’t wrong about their worries, but it doesn’t benefit you – or them – to talk about it in any way. So you decide to change the subject, “What happened to your leg?” you ask Chota, looking him straight in the eyes. His eyes go wide as he seems to panic for a moment under your stare.
“I uh- there was this game with fire and-” he shrugs, eyes avoiding yours as he stumbles over his words, “I guess I wasn’t fast enough.” 
“But you’re alive, though,” you say, “That’s good. I can get you something for your burns if you wish.” he nods with a small thanks, and you smile at him before turning back to Karube, who’s watching you with eyes full of distrust, “Now, if you would be so kind as to keep following me…”
You answer most of their questions involving the Beach, from the bracelet system Hatter imposes, to how you get food, water, and electricity. You show them the storage rooms full of clothes that they’re supposed to wear, as well as where they’re allowed to go to have fun and relax when they’re not going to games or helping around the place. 
Then you try to take them to their bedrooms. 
You’re not surprised when they all ask for rooms close to each other, going as far as to want to be cramped in the same room when you tell them that they’ll either have to share with strangers or be separated through the various hotel floors.
“Hmm, you’re a couple, yes?” you ask Arisu and Usagi as you check the list of rooms available on the lobby’s reception.
“Uh- uh no, no we’re not,” is the rushed answer that the young woman gives you. You look at her with a raised brow before looking at a blushing Arisu, smiling to yourself as you decide on what to do.
“Okay then, if you want I can put you two,” you point at Usagi and Shibuki, “together on the third floor,” you then point your pencil to Arisu and Karube, “And you two can share a room on the fourth.”
“What- what about me?” ah yes. You’re almost inclined to answer “you can stay with me”, but obviously choose not to. He’s going to be yours in due time anyway, you’re sure of it.
“There’s a room on the second floor that would be best for you,” you tell him, “It’s close to the infirmary and no one will bother you there.” you also don’t need to tell him that he’s going to be way easier for you to approach that way.
It takes a little more convincing, but they end up accepting their new bedrooms. You also give them the bracelets with their respective numbers and send them on their merry way.
You have something you need to plan for.
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You keep your eye on Chota as the days go by. An easy task, as he barely leaves his bedroom. When he does, he’s usually in the company of Karube or Arisu, making it harder for you to approach him. In the evenings and mornings though, that’s when you can get him alone.
“Chota, it’s me, Y/N,” you call as you knock on his door. You hear a faint “come in” and get in, one hand balancing a tray full of medical supplies and a book on the other. He’s laying on his bed, reading the last book you had brought him. His burns look much better now, but he still mostly keeps to his room, except for when he has to play, “How’re you feeling today?”
“Hey,” he greets you with a smile, “I’m feeling okay. Finally got some sleep last night.”
"I'm happy for you," you sit beside him on the bed, looking at the fresh cut on his forehead – curtesy of the game from the night before, "Hm, that cut is not looking too good…" you grab some gauze and healing balm and start cleaning his wound.
"Ouch," Chota hisses at the stinging sensation, "It would be way worse than a cut if you weren't there to help me, though."
"I'm glad I was there for you," he blushes when you smile at him, and you realize this is a good time as ever to ask what you want to ask, "Do you like me, Chota?"
You notice him gulp before nodding, looking adorable as he looks up at you. You want to kiss him right there.
"I do… you're nice to me."
"I like you too, you know?" you say as you finish caring for his cut. You cradle his face, forcing him to look you straight in the eyes, "What would you do if I kissed you right now?"
"K- Kiss me?" his eyes go comically wide at your words, but he doesn't make a move to get away from you.
You consider that a win.
You press your lips against his in a chaste kiss, just enough to test his reaction. He freezes for a moment before surprising you by deepening the kiss, going as far as to put his hand on your waist. You test him even further by moving his hand up, pressing it against your breast as you moan into his mouth. 
"Soft, isn't it?" you ask, "Want to see them?" you don't even wait for his answer, taking off your tank top to reveal your naked torso. He just looks at your chest like he has never seen boobs before, mouth agape as you put his hands back to your breasts, gasping when his cold hands palm your hard nipples.
He doesn't shy away from your touch, gasping against your lips as he squeezes and presses himself even more against your body. He only stops when you palm his erection over his shorts, panting as you move your lips down his jaw to his neck. He moans your name as you keep touching him over his clothes, but makes no move to push you away.
So you keep touching him, now set on getting your way with him as far as he'll let you.
His first sign of apprehension is when you take his dick out of his shorts, hard and leaking even though you've barely touched him. 
"Has anyone ever used their mouth to pleasure you?" you ask as you start jerking him off in long, lazy strokes. His hips jerk against your fist as he moans, shaking his head, "Would you like me to be your first?"
"Y- Yes."
You think he's going to come as soon as you put him in his mouth, yelping in surprise as you start sucking him off. You lick and kiss all over his length, hand massaging his balls as you taste him in your tongue. He tastes salty and tangy, but is exactly what you've been wanting to do since you met him; have him moan under your touch.
One of the hands groping your breasts goes to your head, pushing you down as you swallow around him. You stop at that, popping him out of your mouth as you force him to lay down on the bed, arms over his head
"No touching," you say against his lips, "If you touch me, I'll stop. Do you want me to stop?" he shakes his head and you smile, going down his body to focus again on his dick, "Good boy."
You notice how much he struggles to keep his hands to himself, hips thrusting into your mouth as you suck him dry. He's moaning your name and coming in your mouth not long after, body shaking from overstimulation as you lick him clean.
You straddle him as you kiss him, wanting more but knowing that demanding so right now won't help you in the long run. So you teach him how to touch you, using his fingers to get yourself off.
"Yes, right there," you praise him as he looks down at his fingers getting inside your cunt, mesmerized by the sight as you play with your clit. He's sloppy and awkward about it, but his expression alone is enough to get you off. You can't wait for the moment you'll actually get to fuck his brains out.
You stand up after you're done, putting your clothes back on before sitting back on the bed.
"Was I good?" he hesitantly asks with a light pink to his cheeks, eyes cast down as he waits for your answer.
"Very good," is the only thing you say before going back to taking care of his wounded leg like nothing happened.
Your head is filled with fantasies of what more can happen between you two. You have to control yourself to not fuck him right now, doesn't matter if he's ready or not. You clench your legs together as he moans from pain when you press a little harder on his burns. You want to hear him moan like that more often, preferably with him inside you. Or you inside him.
You leave his bedroom sometime later, promising him to come back the next morning. He doesn't say anything about what happened and neither do you. You want him to go over his memories over and over again. You want him to desperately want your touch and your attention.
Gosh, you need a good fuck.
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You let out a scream as you sit up straight, skin wet and hot with sweat as you try to regain your breathing. Your room is warm, the fresh night hair that gets in through your open window not enough to cool you down. The body sleeping next to you stirs and you notice the glint of his eyes in the dark room as Last Boss sits up, a hand immediately going to catch the tears that you don’t even realize you’re crying.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he asks in a worried tone. You shake your head and swat his hand away; you don’t need his concern and you don’t need his touch.
“I’m fine,” you say as you stand up, a shiver going through your naked body as you make your way to the bathroom. You sigh in relief as you splash cold water on your face, ignoring Last Boss’ eyes on your back as well as the memories that keep flashing in your mind.
The face of the same man keeps appearing, obscured by shadows as he touches you and strips you off all of your clothes as well as your innocence. You didn’t mind it back then; why should you? He did to you what he had done to countless others before you. It was an honor to have him possess you; it was the closest you could be to the divine.
Thinking like that didn’t stop the nightmares though.
“I have nightmares too, you know,” Last Boss again, “If you want to talk–”
“I said that I’m fine,” you cut him off in an ice-cold tone. You think you notice him flinch in the darkness, but ignore it as you turn your attention back to the cold water flowing against your wrists, “What’re you doing here, anyway?” you ask, “I never said you could spend the night.” you were so exhausted the night before after fucking him for hours that you didn’t even notice him falling asleep beside you. You hate it when other people sleep in your bed.
“I just thought–”
“Takatora,” you say his name almost as a warning, approaching the bed with determination. His eyes go wide as you straddle him, your hand going around his throat as you lean over to whisper in his ear, “Whatever you think we have, it’s not a relationship. I fuck you and you let yourself be fucked by me. Nothing else. I come and you go back to your room. I can’t and I won’t give you the romantic relationship that you’re after, so don’t think that you can just sleep in my bed or that you know anything about me besides what I order you to do with your tongue,” you look him in the eyes, ignoring the pain you see in his gaze as you let him go. 
You stand up again and walk to your balcony, taking a deep breath of the fresh night air.
“Y/N, please I–”
“You should leave,” is all you say without turning to face him. 
You hear him as he gets dressed, hesitating at your door for a moment before leaving the room. You control the tears that threaten to fall again, too tired to even try to understand the cause of all this emotional breakdown you’re so close to having. You decide that you’re way beyond the ability to go back to sleep, so you put on a pair of leggings and a hoodie and leave the room.
The halls are mostly empty at this hour, everyone either asleep or still partying. You pass by some people as you make your way outside, but no one pays you any attention. You like that; those hours of the night where you feel like you’re invisible. You’re surprised when you notice that you’ve walked all the way to the back of the hotel, an empty path that gives you a view of the windows and balconies of the building, eventually ending near Aguni’s greenhouse.
Your mind goes to Chota when you remember that his room is somewhere along your path, so you almost absently start looking at the windows, trying to maybe catch a glimpse of him or a light on. 
“Never took you for a peeping tom,” a man’s voice from behind you makes you jump, and you turn to face Chishiya, one of the other executives.
Your relationship has always been pretty amicable; friendly even. The kind of man that, at first sight, you swore would never get too close to only for him to prove you wrong; he ended up being quite submissive in the bedroom. It had been a fun one-time thing.
Not exactly your kind of man, but he’s someone that you’re willing to tolerate.
“Who says that I’m peeping?” you shrug as you keep looking up, considering the conversation to be over.
“Is Last Boss not enough for you anymore?” his tone makes you arch a brow and look him up and down.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I noticed how you look at that new guy,” Chishiya answers, now walking beside you, “He does seem like your type. I’m just not sure how his friends are going to react to your… ‘relationship’.”
“Oh please,” you huff out a laugh, now attention focused on him, “Like it matters what his friends think of me. Chota is not a child and I’m not forcing him to do anything he doesn’t want.”
“Oh, so you've fucked him already?"
"Close to it…" you shrug as you keep looking up. You notice a light coming from what you think is Chota's bedroom, so you turn around and away from Chishiya, already deciding on where to go and what to do, "Very close."
"Y/N," the man calls, making you turn around and look at him with a raised brow, "If you feel like having some fun…" he shrugged, "Feel free to come to my room. Got a new toy I would like you to try."
You chuckle at his words, seriously considering his offer.
"Who knows, maybe I will," you wave goodbye and go back to walking away. 
He's not the one you want to fuck right now.
You're about to knock on Chota's door when you hear it. Moaning. You press your ear to the door, now sure of what you’re hearing. It's Chota, moaning your name. You don't bother to knock then, opening the door and getting in as quietly as you can. He doesn't even notice your presence in the dimly lit room, too focused on jerking himself off.
He's naked, hand fisting his dick at a fast pace as he tilts his head back, moaning freely as he pleasures himself. You feel yourself get wet at the sight, licking your lips before talking.
"Couldn't wait till morning?" you ask as you get closer. He gasps in surprise, stopping his movements as he locks his eyes on you. You just smile at him as you slowly undress, enjoying his eyes on your body as you get naked before him.
"Y- Y/N I–"
"Shh, it's okay," you whisper as you get on the bed, legs on each side of his hips as you press your cores together. You both moan at the contact, his dick sliding in between your drenched folds. You want him inside you so bad, "I really want to fuck you right now." 
You position him right at your entrance, sinking on his length with a moan at the same time he thrusts up into him. You don't stop as you lose yourself in the feeling of him inside you, stretching and filling you up the longer you bounce on him. 
His whines reach your ears as his hands grip your hips, you don't know if to stop you or to control you. Not that it makes a difference; he's not the one in charge right now. You keep riding him as you feel your orgasm coming closer, ignoring his moaning cries as he tells you he can't hold it anymore.
"Come for me, baby," you say against his lips as you kiss him, clenching around him, "Do it."
He comes inside you with a cry, hips jerking up into you as he rides out his orgasm, mouth agape, and eyes close as you keep fucking him at a fast pace. His moans of pleasure soon turn into whines as you show no signs of stopping, bouncing on his dick like you haven't fucked Last Boss just hours before.
"Y/N, please–" he looks so pretty like that, begging you to stop even though you can feel him still hard inside you, his hands still gripping your hips like his life depends on it.
"You feel so good inside me, Chota," you say as you force his wrists over his head, moving your hips in circles as you feel yourself getting closer to climax, "So pretty like this, letting me fuck you until your cum is sliding down my thighs."
You kiss him as you come, riding out your climax on him as you come down from your high. You lay down on top of him as you both regain your breath, sweaty bodies pressed against each other, him still inside you.
He whines when you pull him out, moaning from overstimulation as you suck him clean of your combined juices. Then you're kissing him passionately, wanting him to taste you on your tongue, wanting him to remember this moment forever.
This is definitely not the last time you fuck him, though.
"Was I good?" he asks you after some time, still panting as you kiss his neck. You look up at him with a smirk, noticing his tear-stained cheeks but satisfied smile. 
It makes you want to fuck him again.
"Yes you were, baby," you say as your hand goes down his chest to touch him again. He hisses but doesn't push you away, "Such a good boy."
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lexiwright · 4 years
Night out
Benny watts x reader
I'm so so so sorry this to so long to come out. I had planned it to be out for new year and then I kept changing my mind so it may not seem like it makes sense apologizes, I'm also promptly moving tomorrow. I literally was told my parents couldn't handle me and my mental health anymore and am not getting kicked out just ( space for everyone ) so yea I'm feeling very low and just so no one wonders why the next one will probably take so long. I'll be living with my real mum who has her own issues too so we will see
Trigger warning - slight alcohol miss use. Slight drunken abuse (not from benny he would never.)
Some cuddles and fluff
Prompt - ”Can you please come and get me ”
It had been a less than successful night. Your sure others wouldn't agree but you sat next to a gutter at the side of a very quiet road in front of a building of which merely hours ago you had been drinking aside friends in had drunk adults spilling from the door as everyone came and went.
Your arms wrapped tightly around yourself, you glanced around and spotted a payphone a little down the street. Pulling yourself off the ground and reaching for your bag you stumble your way away from the slow rumbling music that clung around the door from inside. It got distant and you fell into the booth.
You thought about how the night had started. The party had been on everyones mind for days. You were going with cleo and the boys. Beth was even gonna meet you guys there. Who was in New York for a few days, staying in a hotel a few blocks from the party. Although she didn't stay long, trying to keep sober.
You guys had got there around 11. In time for the beginning of shots being pasted around. Which you off course accepted. Kick starting the night with some vodka.
All went well for a few hours, by about 2 you'd put back your fair share of drink. And that's when it started to hit you. You weren't a stranger to the results of alcohol tho and kept going like it was nothing.
But apparently your uneven walking had caught the attention of some...less than pleasant individuals. They had tried talking to you before and you just ignored them. They had a look in their eyes that you weren't comfortable with so you didn't dwell on them.
But they had dwelled on you it seemed. They noticed as your balance had started to wobble. Quite possibly noticing when your words all slurred together. And definitely when you stumbled in front of them as you had unsuccessfully attempted to step past one of them. But there was no call for the man to grab you. And not in a way to help you balance. You told him to let go. But his hands had other ideas. You tried to pull his hands off of you and your not sure what happened next but he slapped you.
You probably did something wrong you thought. You always screw things up.
Some words were exchanged and you rushed out. Not after kneeling him in a not so nice place. he tried to grab you. Ripping the shoulder of your one straps. It was a cheap dress but now you had to make sure you help up the strap just in case.
You felt humiliated and your face hurt.
You found some money in your bag, next to some mint gum that you decided was a higher priority.
Benny hadn't come to the party. He thought it sounded stupid. And when you had stepped out of your room into the middle of the apartment he looked at you and snorted.
” what do you expect to get in that get up?” he asked suggestively.
You didn't think anything of it and giggled at him. But now you thought maybe it truly was your fault an that you seemed like you were asking for it.
Shaking your head to clear it of such thoughts. Which made the small booth spin a little but you stuck with it. Putting in the coins and trying to remember the right numbers for the house. You felt sick as you listened for the click of the phone being a answered and a harsh voice on the other end speaking.
It was Benny. Hopefully you hadn't woke him.
” Benny?” you whispered out. Realising you had to speak
” Y/N?” he questioned. Voice softening a little.
You twirled the cable as you stared at your shaking hand.
Your throat seemed to close up as you looked for the words. To explain how drunk you had got. To explain what the men tried to do to you. Why you hadn't come home yet even though it was now 3.
” Y/N what's the matter” he asked sternly.
Your eyes pricked with sudden tears and with a slight choke you sobbed out.
”Can you please come and get me ”
”what happened where are the others?” he seemed startled
” I don't know. I'm sorry. Please Benny.”
There was a split second of silence and then
” I'm coming to get you stay right where you are. ” and then another click.
You waited. Felt like a life time. You thought about a lot of things. Part of you was worried Benny wouldn't come. That he would leave you here. You struggled to keep your self balanced so you went over to a step and sat down. Put your head in your hands with your elbows resting on your thighs.
You sighed. Maybe you should find your own way. You sat up and ran your fingers through your hair.
It wasn't to long before a taxi pulled up in front of you and outstepped a slightly frustrated looking Benny.
His hair askew and a loose black shirt, he took a few long strides to reach you.
Looking up you giggled at how tall he looked. Sighing at your antics he held out a hand and began to pull you too your feet.
Wobbling considerably you made it to an upright position and with a long arm around your waist you stumbled your way to the taxi.
You some how got in. A testament to what a person would do to get away from a party.
You could tell he hadn't noticed your strap or face yet, you had concealed it well. Somehow.
Time didn’t work for you so you’ve no idea how long it took to get home. But when you did benny got out first to open the door for you and pay the driver.
Thanking the man. He shut the car door and watched for a second as it pulled away before turning his attention to the more presssing matter of the drunking idiot before him. Giggling at a joke he obviously missed.
He noticed your face. You saw the moment he did and he stepped closer. Enough to see the outline of a hand.
This was when Benny realised there was a little more to this story of you just getting blitzed as he, for the first time took in your appearance, clocking the strap you were holding up with your arms folded.
A hint of rage passed through him before he calmed and took your hand to get you inside. You were barely three steps into the building befor you asked
“How am I supposed to get down the stairs”
Slurring lightly.
He sighed. Not for the last time and leaned down to hoist you into his arms and proceeded with caution as he walked with you. You giggled some more as you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging into him.
You were drained. And you wanted to sleep. Leaning your face into his neck you've never felt safer.
When he reached the bottom he placed you down gently and unlocked the door to let you both in. This time just holding you round the waist as you wobbled down the small set of stairs. He then pulled you to the sofa and sat you down.
After doing the usually after drinks things like water and getting you a jumper and some shorts of his he then sat next to you and spoke for the first time since you's had got in.
”are you going to tell me what happened?” he gently pushed. Not wanting to push you over the limit but he was concerned.
Your face fell and you nodded a little and told him very roughly but enough that he understood what had happened. He was angry, to say the least, but knew there was nothing he could do about the disrespectful toad roaming the streets. So he settled to offer you an open arm for you to cuddle into him. You of course jumped at the offer and snuggled into the warm man.
You didn't want to go to bed and Benny knew that. Knowing you'd not have the effort to get up and both being quite comfortable where you both remained.
You spotted a book on the coffee table and looked up at Benny with puppy dog eye that you knew he couldn't refuse.
” will you read to me?” you pleaded.
He chuckled and lent forward to retrieve the book. It happened to be the hobbit. ( I know it's not for everyone but I know it's written before Benny time so apologies please roll with it)
As he started to read chapter one an unexpected party and began describing the hobbit hole. You felt yourself begin to doze off to the soothing tones and his other hand rubbing soft circles on your upper arm.
It wasn't how the night had supposed to go but you were with him now and you felt protected. Knowing he came to your aid.
(with regards to the slap Yes I know this is a little unrealistic it lasting that long but I once got one that lasted a few hours ( I’m not being hit just to clarify it was a joke with some pals who one of them was telling me about a slap match to see how much he could take and the other we were with friend had really went for it and it was actually shockingly sore and my drunk ass went I can take it and he was reluctant at first and then went to go and did it before stating that was hadn’t been hard enough and went again even harder and it left quite a mark and we all laughed so ya. ) but just pretend if you don’t think it would )
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me1ancho1y-b1iss · 3 years
Her Robin and His Little Ladybug Ch. 5
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   
As Marinette started to calm down she realized maybe this would be a good thing. She could receive help and have actual allies other than Chat, who although he tries hard sometimes makes himself immobile during fights (it's hard with only two people). 
The boy with green eyes, Robin was what they called him. (Marinette remembered briefly Alya mentioning Gotham’s Vigilantes - Batman being one of the founding members of the Justice League) had started walking towards her mumbling about needing a katana and more training. Marinette would have started giggling if it wasn’t for the fact that as soon as their arms touched when Robin walked by to get to the training arena, a bright light colored both a crimson red and pine green flashed around the room. 
Marinette stumbled back as images flashed through her mind. They didn’t seem like flashes of other people's lives and seemed more like distant memories of her own. Marinette saw in some memories a very familiar yoyo on her hip with the red and black spotted clothing fighting while in others saw a man with striking green eyes looking at her like she was her whole world (it was always green). A lot of Marinette's memories held death and gore, she was used to it, after all half of Paris’ population died on a weekly basis. Tiki was present in a lot of Marinette's memories. Some were happy, like when she held her first born child while others were sad. Marinette also saw memories from her present lifetime, like when first met Tikki and dining the suit for the first time, to when all her friends abandoned her. 
Marinette felt herself start to tear up. It was like the memory flashes were a jump start. She started to remember all her past lives. The very first time in all existence when Tikki’s miraculous were worn and when she met her black cat, a very similar light show was presented. The memories became ingrained in Marinette’s mind, she could remember all her past lives, her black cat. 
Damian was upset. The little girl that teleported to the batcave randomly seemed like a good fighter besides the fact that she wasn’t trained however she was also alone. He was going to train to get and come back and see if there was a plan his family made for the girl, when he passed by the girl and brushed his arm against her. All of a sudden a bright light composed of red and green flashed throughout the room. Damian started to see flashes of what he realized were his own memories from past lives. In a lot of his memories he saw himself wearing a full black garment with a retractable baton and small peculiar floating cat in others. Damian also saw a girl in almost every memory that flashed through his mind, although her appearance seemed to change throughout the ages but her bright bluebell eyes were a constant. 
A few of the memories Damian witnessed brought a small smile to his face, it felt like he was reliving some of the happiest moments throughout his entire existence, while others brought a melancholy frown upon his face. 
Damian also started to tear up; he realized that all these memories were now back. His love, his ladybug was back. 
When light erupted around the room in bright colors of red and green all the members of the batfamily started staring at the youngest in the room. Their faces seemed to go through a myriad of emotions. 
Bruce, Jason, Dick, Tim and Barbara all gathered at one side of the room to watch what was happening. The kids seemed to be in a trance like state and there was no getting them out of it. The family started to wiper among themselves when the light refused to fade. The colors of red and green swirling together the longer the scene went on. All of a sudden Jason yelled in a harsh whispered tone. 
“What. The. Actual. Fuck. Is. Happening?! I’ve seen some weird shit but this definitely among the weirdest” 
A beat passed 
“Holy Shit. Is Demon Spawn crying?!”
All the bats turned towards the pair at Jason’s sudden exclamation and sure enough Damian had tears leaking out of his eyes. 
 When Marinette finally opened her eyes, groaning a little from the sudden intake, she came face to face with green eyes, eyes that were so strikingly familiar, eyes that Marinette has seen in the past millennials, the eyes of her cat or in this case the eyes of her robin 
Damian opened his eyes after a moment to take in the information that washed over him like a tsunami and left him gasping for air, when he found himself staring at bright bluebell eyes, the eyes of his ladybug, his little ladybug. 
“D-dove?” Marinette hesitantly choked out in half-laugh half sob
Damian nodded. He remembered that nickname fondly, it was one of the first she’d call him when the earth was still young. She mentioned after an intense battle how when he swooped down to attack it reminded her of a dove. The name stuck. 
“Hello Priya'' Damian said. Priya meaning love, Sanskrit was one of the first languages. Of course they learned many languages over the years due to the fact that they were always spread across the earth. Damian also liked to occasionally use Arabic nicknames; he’d definitely be using them this time around. 
Marinette gasped and ran into his open arms. Marinette kept repeating how sorry she was, sorry that she left him alone. The last battle that they had together was hard, the bug took a hard hit. She died. Damian remembered how grief stricken he was. Tikki informed him once she popped out of the jewelry that he’d see her again 
Damian pulled the girl back and wiped the tears that were streaming down her face. “It’s okay habibti. It’s not your fault.” 
“Okay does someone want to tell us what the fuck is happening?” 
A/N: Ok. it finally got exciting. That took a while. Honestly this whole plot twist came to me out of nowhere, my original plan for this fic was that it was supposed to be a slowburn, but this works too. (they probably still wont get into a relationship right away tho, I want them to get to know eachother better in this time period)  
Taglist: @bumblebeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee @toodaloo-kangaroo @aespades @mochegato @daminette5074 @yannowhatigiveup @sekhmet5 @alyssadeliv @kking13 @callmewhatyouwant00  (if you to want be added, ask and I’ll add you)
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