#(some even before the iCarly series!!)
storm-of-feathers · 2 months
i was like 5 hours away from finishing the beverly hillbillies video and now its gone forever ;-;
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quinton-reviews · 5 months
Hi Quinton!! I have been a HUGE fan of your stuff since a friend sent me the Tobuscus Fallen Titans (I used to watch him back in high school and was like "huh, wonder what happened to him after those allegations") and I gotta say, it is REALLY FUNNY every time my fiancé and I watch the iCarly videos again, because when you cover Gibby's stunt double breaking his ribs, you cut to a clip of The Official Podcast. I used to play D&D with one of the main dudes from the podcast, so when he talks during that clip I do a goddamn double take literally every time.
Anyways, I remember an original Patreon stretch goal being a Fallen Titans on Homestuck! I was really big into Homestuck in my early 20s, and was wondering if that's still on the table at some point? If not that's fine, I understand plans change! I just love Fallen Titans lol, the Fred episode and the Neil Cicierega unFallen Titans are some of my favorite videos of yours!
That's a real funny story!
So here's the rundown on the Homestuck video. When I first started making long videos, they were actually inspired by the relationship I had with other YouTubers at the time. I used to watch, like, H3H3 and Filthy Frank, etc; and I'd always see people obsessed with the versions of creators from the past. Like, "Oh 2015 H3 was the best" and "Oh 2012 Frank was peak." So I had this idea that it would be crazy if H3 posted, like, a video he spent a decade on and you got a new video with 2015 H3 10 years on. (I don't watch H3 anymore ironically)
So the original idea for the "long video" format was that it would be cool if, throughout a long, analysis/review/recap video, you kept noticing someone get older. Maybe my months, maybe by years. That's why I always like to get a haircut when I start one of these videos. If you scrub through and you see my hair get longer and messier as it goes on I think that adds something magical you can't fake.
So... My pitch to the Homestuck video was that it would be funny to work on it just once per year. To record one segment, say "That's it for 12 months", and then come back around to it. And when I was making the iCarly and Victorious videos I actually recorded a few minutes of the video! I think it was two segments in total. But then I had a bunch of personal stuff happen and my work drive has been much lower, so any "back burner" video hasn't gotten much attention since then.
Now that the iCarly mini-series is done with, I want to focus on some short one-off videos I can make before April. But once that's done with, I would REALLY love to start work on a few more long-term projects which will take months or years to finish. I think returning to work on the Homestuck video, to at least get the first 20-30 minutes done, would be a great idea this summer.
Now, if you want to know my pitch for that video, here it is. The video is not a recap of the creative history of the franchise. I do not get into drama, community hell, lawsuits, or other YouTubers. My idea is this: you always hear about Homestuck as an outsider but you never hear about the actual content. Most franchises on Earth I know something about, even and especially if I've never been interested in them. I can tell you a bunch of facts about wrestling and MLP and the Fast and the Furious simply through cultural osmosis and having friends who are into those things.
I can't tell you the plot of Homestuck, who the characters are, what the themes are, nothing. I've known a lot of people who were into Homestuck but nothing about the series!
So I thought it would thus be funny to make a video about a bunch of people who know nothing about the series starting from the beginning and giving their reactions, even if it's been years since it all started. I call this part of the video the "Homestuck Book Club." So the next step is me picking out the members (who all have to have no history with it) and making sort of a podcast setup. We'd then read and record every six months or so, IDK.
This is why the video has been stuck in production hell! Everyone who wants to work on it and messages me about it already knows the franchise. I don't want spoilers, I don't want people writing for the video who get it already. I want to capture the "what the fuck is this" energy of three dudes just getting in the middle of it.
Also, I think that I really like the theme of the video capturing our lives as they go by, capturing us aging and changing. If you came back from the future and told me this video comes out in five years, I'd say great. If you told me it comes out in ten years, I'd say awesome. Until then, the latest edit will always be on Patreon, even if you have to dig a little.
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waitimcomingtoo · 10 months
hoax ~ p.p
chapter two: delicate
series masterlist
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The videos of you being saved by Spiderman went viral overnight so when you walked onto campus the next day, everyone already knew. You smiled at the people who pointed and whispered at you as you searched for your friends. Finally, you spotted them at a library table and ran up to them. Peter broke into a smile when he saw you coming but you didn’t even think to look at him.
“Girl.” Gwen said before you could speak and gave you a knowing look. She held up her phone with a picture of you in Spider-Man’s arms on it.
“Before you say anything.” You threw your hands up in defense. “It was actually an accident. I swear.”
“Proceed.” Gwen nodded and patted the seat beside her.
“Okay so yes, he heroically saved me from getting smushed by a car a la Twilight. But that wasn’t even the best part.” You told the group as you excitedly slammed your hands on the table.
“Well damn. I sure hope nearly getting creamed by a car wasn’t the best part.” MJ scoffed.
“After he saved me from the car, he walked me home and told me he wants to make a habit of it.” You said and then let out an excited scream.
“Are you sure this wasn’t just some vivid dream you had last night?” Kate laughed.
“Nope. My dreams starring Spiderman are never that PG.” You said with a wink. “This was real and it was amazing. I seriously couldn’t stop smiling all night.”
“Or now.” Kate pointed out.
“I hope he walks me home again today.” You sighed happily. “I just wish my dorm wasn’t so close. We don’t get that much time to talk.”
“So why don’t you ask him to walk a little longer with you?” Gwen suggested.
“I can’t ask him that. If he asked me, I’d say yes. But I don’t want to freak him out by asking him to stay longer. He’ll think I’m just some kid with a schoolgirl crush. I want him to see me as a real potential romantic interest.”
Peter started choking on his water when he heard this. He was still recovering from the comment about your dreams and hearing that you actually wanted a relationship sent him over the edge. He turned bright red when everyone looked at him and wiped his mouth.
“Sorry.” He mumbled.
“You’re not seriously thinking you’re gonna date Spiderman, are you?” Gwen asked you.
“Why can’t I? He’s our age and we really connected yesterday. You should’ve seen the way he was looking at me.”
“Looking at you? Through the giant cartoon eyes on his mask?” MJ teased.
“Shut up. Let me have this. I think I really like him.” You sighed and rested your chin on your hand. Peter realized he had been staring at you in the exact same position and quickly snapped out of it.
“I’d really like a guy who saved me from getting flattened like a pancake on a filthy New York street too.” Gwen shrugged.
“Hey, we all know I liked him way before that.” You reminded them. “This isn’t gonna be like that episode of ICarly when Carly thinks she likes Freddie but really she just liked that he saved her. I really do like this guy. Meeting him last night just confirmed to me that this crush was well placed. He’s perfect. And I’m gonna lock it down.”
“I love you and I wanna be supportive but there’s no way you and Spiderman are gonna be a thing. That’s just not gonna happen. It’s too crazy.” MJ told you while your other friends nodded in agreement. You seemed genuinely crushed by their response so Peter jumped in.
“I think they will be a thing. It’s crazy enough that it just might happen.” He said, making you smile in surprise.
“Why is Peter my only supporter? I’m gonna drop all of you and just be friends with him.” You joked. Peter blushed nonetheless and looked at you with a shy smile.
“Like you guys have ever had a conversation just the two of you.” MJ snorted. You and Peter both dropped your smiles immediately when you I realized she was right.
“Got me there.” You admitted. “Just like I’m gonna get you. By locking down a superhero. Just you watch.”
With that, you got up and went to your next class. The time could not have gone slower as you waited for the bell to ring. You had one more class after that and then you could see if Spiderman really did want to walk you home. Part of you worried that he might’ve just said that to be polite and bragging to your friends about it was a premature celebration. But when you left your last class and saw him perched on a building nearby, you knew you were right about him. He spotted you and dropped down as you clasped your hands under your chin in delight.
“You came back.” You gushed.
“Course I did. I said I’d walk you home, didn’t I?” Peter said causally and put a hand on your back to lead you away from campus. Without saying a word, he took your backpack from your shoulder and carried it for you. Peter remembered hearing you say once that you were a fan of old fashioned gestures, so carrying your books for you seemed like a foolproof way to win you over. It worked in his favor and you smiled dreamily at him before letting out a happy sigh.
“I was kinda worried you’d forget about me.”
“Are you kidding? I’ve been thinking about you all day. And all last night. Might’ve even caught a whiff of your perfume in my sleep.” Peter said, making your eyes go wide before you broke into a fond smile.
“Really? Because I’ve been thinking about you too.” You told him and touched his arm with both your hands.
“Have you?” Peter gulped, even though he already knew that.
“I may have mislead you about just how much of a fan I was. You’re kinda my celebrity crush.”
“I’m no celebrity.” He chuckled. “But I’m definitely flattered.”
“You are to me. You’re so young but risk your life every night to keep strangers safe. Strangers who don’t even appreciate you. But I do. I appreciate you.” You told him and never let go of his arm. Peters heart was pounding so loudly in his ears from the physical contact that he could hardly hear you.
“Thank you. That means a lot. And for the record, you’re my civilian crush. If that means anything to you.” He told you.
“Wow. I’ve never been so excited to be called a civilian. And thanks. That means everything, trust me. I don’t think I’ve been anybody’s crush in a while.” You smiled coyly and squeezed his arm. Peter stopped walking to look at you and when you noticed, you stopped too.
“You know you’re beautiful, right?” He said sincerely. It was the first time a Peter felt he could genuinely compliment you instead of just commenting on your clothing or hair. Being behind the mask made him feel fearless.
“No, I’m not.” You laughed uncomfortably at the unexpected compliment.
“You are.” He insisted. “There’s just something about you. I’ve never been good with words and “beautiful” doesn’t even begin to cover it but what I guess what I’m trying to say is…I like you.”
“I like you too.” You stopped again and smiled softly at him. You realized you had reached your dorm at that point and felt your smile fade. But unbeknownst to you, Peter knew all about what you wanted Spiderman to ask you.
“Do you mind if we keep walking?” He asked. “I like talking to you but the walk isn’t that long.”
“Sure.” Your smile returned and you walked together past your dorm. You continued down the sidewalk and you told him about your day. Peter couldn’t tell you about his since it included you, so he just listened. It was interesting to hear about what you didn’t when you weren’t with your friends since you never really talked to Peter about those things. It was insanely easy to talk to you now that he was hidden under his mask. You never had a moment of silence between you and said whatever came to your minds and no matter how irrelevant or random it was, it never felt awkward. You walked around the block and by the time you got back to your dorm, you felt okay parting.
“Thanks for walking me home again. And for talking to me.” You said once you were standing outside your building.
“You don’t have to thank me. You’re easy to talk to. I really like our conversations.”
“So do I.” You smiled shyly
“Maybe I could give you my number so we could talk more.” Peter offered, making you break into a smile.
“I’d love that.” You nodded and handed him your phone. He put his number in and hoped there never came a day you needed it exchange numbers with Peter in school. He put his contact as the spider emoji and handed your phone back to you. You stared at the contact and smiled once you saw what he had put.
“Is it weird and totally lame if I hug you right now?” You asked him. Peter smiled under the mask and pulled you into a hug. You hugged him back and felt the strange material of his suit under your fingertips. When you pulled away, you wished more than anything that you could kiss him. But he had a mask on and besides that, it was way too soon. Even so, you both wanted it to happen.
“Well, thanks again spidey.” You smiled softly and squeezed his arm.
“Anytime.” He said, and he meant it.
The next day at school, Ned was back. Peter had purposefully not informed him about what he had been going on with you because it didn’t feel like the kind of thing you explained over text. He had plans to tell Ned about it during his lunch period, but you and your friends sat down at the table before he got a chance.
“Guess who walked me home again and said he has a crush on me and said I’m beautiful and asked to keel walking to keep the conversation going and gave me his number?” You whispered in a hushed yet excited voice as you set your lunch down.
“Thor?” MJ asked sarcastically.
“Spiderman. He’s the one, guys.” You sighed happily and looked back down at your phone to reread the last messages you and Peter had sent each other. You texted all night and during the day, but Peter kept his phone facedown now that you were near.
“Wait, what?” Ned asked and looked at Peter for answers. Peter gulped and signaled to Ned to drop it for now.
“Oh, right. You weren’t here all week. You missed Y/n getting a superhero boyfriend.” Gwen filled Ned in. Ned slowly turned to Peter with a look of “seriously dude?” while Peter avoided eye contact.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You rolled your eyes. “Not yet, anyways. But we were texting all night.”
“Were you? Texting the Spiderman, you say?” Ned asked you but never took his eyes off Peter. Peter made brief eye contact with Ned and then hid his face behind his hand.
“He’s so funny, you guys.” You told them. “And surprisingly so smooth. I hope I’m the only girl he’s talking too. I’d be devastated if I found out he uses his superhero status to get girls to date him. I hope I’m not just one of many on his roster.”
“You’re the only girl.” Peter said a little too quickly. Everyone looked at him, especially Ned, and he quickly tried to recover.
“I’m guessing.” Peter shrugged “Because if you weren’t, there would probably be a lot of news articles about girls who he dated and dumped, right? But there have never been any. So he’s probably only talking to you.”
“Oh my God.” Your eyes widened as you stared at Peter. Peter felt the fear of God inside him as he thought you may have just recognized his voice and figured it all out.
“That’s so true!” You said instead. “I’ve never seen a story about Spiderman swooping down and walking girls home like he did for me. That makes it even more exciting. I wonder why he chose me, though. I’m not special.”
“Yes you are.” Peter insisted, striking a familiar note inside you. The way he said it reminded you of Spiderman telling you that you were beautiful, but you quickly shook it off.
“What I mean is, maybe he saw the pin on your backpack and knew you were a fan.” Peter followed up to cover his tracks. Ned gave him a knowing look that Peter ignored.
“Isn’t that a power imbalance though? It would be weird if he only went for you because he knew you were a fan. Because if he did, that means he knew you’d never say no to him if he asked you out. It’s like a celebrity asking out a fan at a meet and greet.” MJ said with a grimace.
“It’s not like that.” You shook your head. “He assured me he’s not a celebrity. And when I talk to him, he’s just like any guy our age. Only better in every way. He had me kicking my feet and screaming into my pillow all night.”
“Did he now?” Kate smirked.
“He hasn’t answered me in a few hours but it’s fine. He’s probably busy saving the world.” You shrugged and sent him another text. Peter held his breath as his phone buzzed twice but no one seemed to notice.
“Or doing homework.” Ned said as he stared directly at the open notebook next to Peters lunch. Peter quickly shut the notebook and stopped doing his homework.
“Spider-Man probably doesn’t even do homework. He’s a superhero. I can’t imagine he goes to school. He’s too cool for that.” You told your friends.
“He’s not that cool.” Ned assured you as he stared daggers at Peter.
“Well, I think he is. And I can’t wait for class to end so I can see my man.”
“Oh God. It’s been two days. Don’t get too attached. He could still end up being a total asshole.” MJ warned you.
“I know. But still. I think this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” You beamed. Ned turned to look at Peter again, and this time, Peter looked guiltily into Neds eyes.
Once everyone dispersed and went off to class, Ned caught up with Peter and pulled him into an empty classroom to talk about what he had just heard.
“Best thing that’s ever happened to her, huh? Dude, what are you doing to Y/n?” Ned whispered.
“I’m making her the happy. Didn’t you hear her?She finally likes me, Ned.”
“No, she likes Spiderman.” Ned corrected. “Don’t you feel bad listening to her talk about him knowing that it’s really you she’s talking about? She has no idea that she’s saying those things in front of the guy she likes.”
“I’ll tell her soon, okay? I just don’t want to lose the mystery yet. It’s like all the sudden, I have unlimited rizz and she can’t get enough of me. She never looked twice at me as Peter but she’s crazy about Spider-Man. I’ve been in her friend group September and never got her number but she gave it to Spiderman in one day.”
“This isn’t gonna end well, Peter.” Ned sighed. “You need to tell her the truth.”
“But what if she doesn’t want the truth? What if she’s disappointed when she finds out who’s under the mask? What if….what if I’m disappointing?”
“If your connection is as real as you’re both saying it is, then she’ll be happy no matter who’s under the mask. But if you don’t think she’ll like you anymore when she finds out it’s you she’e been talking to, maybe that’s a sign that this is a bad idea.”
“She’s been dreaming of this happening to her for years. It’ll crush her if it turns out her big mystery guy was just some loser she’s sort of friends with.”
“So you think it’s better to lie to her?”
“I’m not lying to her. It’s not like I ever went up to her and said “hey, I’m not Spiderman, by the way”. Or ever told her as Spiderman that I didn’t already know her and go to her school. That would be lying. What I’m doing is just not telling her what she doesn’t need to know yet.”
“You’re lying by omission. That’s still lying.”
“I disagree.” Peter shrugged. “She likes Spiderman and Spiderman likes her back. That’s all this is. I just haven’t told her who Spiderman is yet. And I swear, we have a real connection and it’s not just because I’m Spiderman. She likes me for me and finally feels the way about me that I’ve always felt about her.”
“But she doesn’t know the whole truth. How do you think she’s gonna react when she find out you used things she said to Peter to get closer to her as Spiderman?”
“Maybe she’ll think it’s romantic that I tried that hard.” Peter said weakly.
“Or maybe she’ll think you’re insane and invaded her privacy.” Ned said. “You need to tell her.“
“I will, okay? I promise.” Peter told him as you caught his eye down the hallway. You were smiling at your phone and typing away just as Peter felt his phone buzz. He and looked down at it and saw a selfie you had sent him of you doing a kissy face.
“miss you spidey” You had written. Peter felt a blush cross his face and looked at you again.
“Just not today.” He said quietly.
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Hello ! I'm fairly new to the fandom: a friend of mine advised me to watch the original series before watching the live action (I'm not American and I had never heard about ATLA before that).
So I wasn't there when the fandom seemed to be torn by the ship wars, like two decades ago. I keep seeing Zutara's fans claiming that their ship was the original endgame except that there's no evidence in the show (at least with my "virgin Atla eyes") and all I can see are interviews of the creators/showrunners saying that Kataang was the endgame all along.
I guess my question is this : is there an actual interview of them entertaining the idea of Zutara at the time (even just to shipbait) ? Because I've been in several fandoms where creators/writers would do that just to keep the audience interested (*cough* Riverdale - yeah you can judge me...).
You say that Nickelodeon promoted the ship wars. In what form ?
That was a long ask. Thanks for reading me!
Okay, so here's what you need to know to fully understand that mess: back when the show was first airing, lots of zutara fans had fully convinced themselves that either the story was going to be changed to make their ship canon (because "it's more popular than Kataang") or that Zutara was TOTALLY planned to be the endgame from day one and that's why some many people liked in the first place (because "there's no way this is all in our heads" - spoiler, it was).
And this wasn't a case of fans simply disagreeing on theories about how the show was going to end - lots of people were being AWFUL to each other on fandom spaces, and the behavior was not exclusive to zutara or even just the other non-canon ships. Everyone was calling anyone who disagreed with their takes stupid and bragging ahead of time of how THEIR ship was going to be canon instead. And because the internet was not at all as inescapable as it is today and information was much harder to verify, some people were making "100% legit claims" that their parents or uncle or cousin or whoever worked on Nickelodeon and had fully confirmed Zutara would indeed be a thing.
Nickelodeon, being the shameless corporation that it is, realized that ship wars could mean A LOT of money because people would keep watching if they thought there was any chance of their ship becoming endgame. So, whenever there was an episode in which Zuko and Katara would interact, they made sure to not only include it in the promo for the episode, they'd describe it as "sharing a special moment" or "growing closer" even when that was not what was going to happen in the episode itself. They didn't do that just with Avatar either, and would spend years pulling simmilar things with the hit shows ICarly and Victorious, both of which had ship wars too. In hindsight (and even back then if we simply compare the promos to the episodes) it's obvious that Nick's promos should not have been taken seriously, but Zutara fans latched onto them as "proof" anyway (and some Nick exec laughed all the way to the bank).
But then the finale happened, Kataang and Maiko were endgame, and Zuko and Katara were never even stated to be interested in each other like that. The ship just wasn't a factor in the story - much like Kataang and Maiko fans had said it wouldn't be, because it was obvious what the writers were actually going for.
So, instead of admiting they let their enjoyment of a fanon ship get a little out of hand and that, even though they had every right to like it, it simply never had any chance of being canon and they shouldn't have insisted otherwise when the truth was so clear, they went for a different approach: just double-down on the lie that they had inside knowledge about the show's writting and production, and make up a whole conspiracy about how the lead writer and "true creator" Aaron Ehasz and everybody else had been building up to Zutara from day one, but then Bryan and Michael or "Bryke", the evil showrunners, meddled at the last second and forced them to change everything.
They also claimed there were things like a "deleted" scene in the finale, with Iroh saying Katara would be perfect for Zuko, or with a kiss between the characters, or Katara telling Aang she loved someone else, ya know, all kinds of copes. Nickelodeon made it worse by airing some "fun production facts" during re-runs, plenty of which were obviously fake - but one mentioned "Zuko was going to be Katara's original love interest" so plenty of people were willing to pretend it was all 100% legitimate. And the icing on the cake was an "interview" in which Ehasz supposedly confirmed all of the conspiracies, "proving" zutara fans had always been right about everything and it's the Kataang and Maiko fans that were lying to themselves.
Unfortunatelly for these people, pretty much EVERYONE has a social media presence nowadays, and it's really easy to not only get in contact with writers and producers of the shows we like, but to also PROVE that what you're telling everyone is indeed what that person said.
And there's tons of videos and screenshots of everyone involved in writting and producing the show saying, including the ones that like Zutara, saying KATAANG was the planned endgame from the start, and Aaron Ehasz has repeatedly said that the supposed "interview" in which he validates the zutara endgame conspiracy and "calls out" Bryke is completely fake, and he's happy MAI got to live happily ever after with Zuko.
Finally, we got access to "the series bible", aka the original plans for the show, and we got to see everything that was cut or changed: Uncle Iroh was originally going to be a twist villain that would betray Zuko, Azula was still going to be a prodigy and Ozai's favorite child but she'd be Zuko's older brother instead of his younger sister, and there was a cut love triangle between Aang, Katara... and TOPH, who was going to be a super buff dude, much like we see in Ember Island Players and in the opening sequence of every episode because yes, they had already designed that character AND started book 1 when decided "Wouldn't a blind girl that looks delicate but can wreck people's shit be more interesting than this generic guy?"
But even now that disproving this Zutara endgame conspiracy is easier than ever because we can just ask the people who made the show, some people continue insisting that all these writers and producers, again some of which DO like Zutara, are lying for no reason - or because "Bryke is forcing them to hide it all."
They're just desperately trying to save face and pretend that they didn't spend over a decade lying to themselves and their buddies, and sometimes using this conspiracy to justify bullying, threatening and doxxing people.
It's VERY sad.
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minu-moni · 2 years
When I entered into the Invader Zim fandom in 2015, I remember being absolutely cringe and annoying to ship ZaDr. People would complain when others would call out the romantic tension between the two and use the creator as some sort of weapon to defend their opinion. “Jhonen would be embarrassed by this” and “Good thing the creator isn’t seeing this” were things often said to discourage people from enjoying the ship, as if it was a crime to like a fictional pairing for a show that was already over. What would also happen is people would use the “they hate each other” card to try to force other people to stop enjoying their parings. That was one I had to see a lot.
At the same time, we had other shows and series with rivals who were canonically paired together romantically (Danny Phantom, Gravity Falls, Ben 10, Teen Titans, iCarly) not to mention all the movies that came out years before any of this shows who showed the same dynamic, essentially being: enemies to lovers.
So, what was it about these shows that made their pairings acceptable while ZaDr shippers were shamed for liking it? Everyone knows the answer by now. All the other pairings were straight pairings.
It was okay for you to ship enemies to lovers, as long as it was a female/male relationship. The second you make it a gay or lesbian relationship, “but they hate each other”, “the creator would be disgusted by this”, “people always make everything about ships” and so on and so forth.
This was something that plagued me and followed me for years, even after I left the Invader Zim fandom, and it annoys me to this day that there are people who feel like I should be ashamed for liking a pairing just because they’re a gay couple (not that they’ll ever say that’s the reason they’re shaming you). I remember being paranoid every time I opened a ZaDr fanfic on wattpad out of curiosity, and even backing up those hurtful comments in fear of being discovered and isolated for liking a fictional pairing.
I recently fell back into the iz fandom and, oh boy, am I glad to be able to enjoy my shit without dealing with those stupid comments. Although they’re still around, it’s nice to be able to write and read about ZaDr without seeing those same complaints every single time. Things changed a lot in recent years and I’m glad we don’t get those hateful comments as frequently anymore. It was really upsetting getting bashed for liking a pairing that had the same dynamic as thousands of other pairings like it was my fault for receiving hateful comments in the first place.
There’s still a voice in my mind that nags me sometimes, specially when I look at old iz content and make the mistake of reading the comments, but I’m glad to say it’s much better now. I finally feel like I can enjoy the ships I like without needing to be afraid of backlash.
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I just finished QuintonReviews video on Dan Schneider (go watch it, seriously: as always, he is very thorough and nuanced in his analysis and I think his way of deep-diving is something that deserves more support).
There is on thing I want to note that I have also commented on the video: his take on the character of Spencer possibly serving as stand-in for Dan Schneider in iCarly (which makes a lot more sense of you watched the video) makes me feel a little more justified in misremembering Spencer and Sam as dating on the show before rewatching it.
Let me explain: funnily enough, I also started rewatching the show a few months before the first part of QuintonReviews’ series came out. I had very blurry memories of the show; I did remember some parts, including the whole Sam and Freddie dating, breaking up, him dating Carly at some point thing, but my head had also put some correct memories together the wrong way.
I mean, sure, there was an episode where Sam moved into the Shays’ apartment and left her underwear lying around the apartment, but for some reason, I thought she was living there for a long time, at least a season, if not the rest of the show.
My brain also merged the ‘Heatwave’ episode and the Coconut Cream Cake episode into one; one of the most clear memories that I had of the show was the moment where Sam climbs into the fridge, except I thought that a) it was because she was eating the last piece of cake and she was trying to hide it, b) she was living in the apartment and c) she was not wearing short pants, but was in fact walking around the apartment in her underwear because that was what I remembered the whole ‘underwear issue’ to be.
Needless to say, remembering the show that way, I was very intrigued to rewatch it because, being a lot older now, I realised that my memories were either false or, if they were even halfway true, this had to have been incredibly edgy for a kids show and I needed to see if it was truly as wild as I remembered. Back to the Sam and Spencer thing: for some reason, I thought that, after Sam and Freddie broke up, not only were Freddie and Carly the main ship for the rest of the show, Sam instead ended up with Spencer, who I didn’t remember was supposed to be in his late twenties to early thirties at that point. Despite not having a specific memory of any romantic interaction between the two, I was convinced that these two dated at least at some point during the show’s run, which, in the context of the kind of show I remembered, didn’t even seem that far out there.
When I began my rewatch though, I quickly realised just how big the age difference between Spencer and the kids was, so I began questioning that memory because surely, it must have been false…but I had been so convinced of it that I thought that, maybe, just maybe, it was true? I mean, the show went on for six seasons, so the kids could have been 18 by the end…and Sam was living with them, maybe her and Carly were of age at that point? And don’t some shows do a time jump? Anyway, I had watched enough other shows about teens to know that these kinds of things have happened on TV…all in all, I wish I could’ve been sure, but I just wasn’t.
So I sat down and watched all six seasons- going into it with the expectation that through some weird development, then-26 year-old Spencer would end up dating then-13 to 14-year old Sam.
And can I just say one thing? It is wild, going into the show that way, how much actually ended up pointing to my assumption being correct. I now know that there used to be an actual (albeit small) shipping community for those two, but like…I really can’t blame my young person’s memory because that ‘ship’ is even canonically addressed and, as seen through an adult’s eyes, the way Spencer interacts with the kids is certainly unusual. I’m not saying the character was up to anything sinister by any means, but I do get why I processed what I was watching in a way that would have allowed for such a relationship to happen: apart from the whole ‘Sam has a crush on Spencer thing’, there were so many instances of what could easily be read (or is explicitly meant as) adults flirting with/being interested in dating minors and vice versa or even just hanging out with them in ways that seem a lot weirder the older you get. Going back to the Sam and Spencer example: one of the reasons why, despite logically knowing a show on a children’s network would not have featured a character who is established as an adult and a character who is established as a very young teenager dating, I was not fully convinced that that wasn’t going to happen for an alarming amount of time watching the show, was that they did hang out one-on-one in a way that I just didn’t know any teenage girl would with the significantly older brother of their friend in real life. Of course, Freddie and Gibby also had many plots alone with Spencer, but at least based on the people I know, innocent same-sex friendships between teenagers and adults are a little more common (though I’m not saying the ones on the show weren’t weird at times either). And while it is uncomfortable to think about their interactions that way, if you’re watching the show through the lens that I did, there is very little to distinguish the dynamic between this adult character and this character who is a minor from dynamics between characters who did end up dating on iCarly or similar shows.
And maybe I’m just weird, but I do think the nature of the relationships between adults and minors that is established in these shows is to blame for my false memory. In rewatching, I expected to immediately disregard that memory as false after remembering the ages of the characters, but up until the very end, even when it was very much confirmed to me that it was a false memory, the show failed to fully convince me that it wasn’t possible for an underage main character and an adult main character to end up together in its universe, which is very telling and (I think) fits the video series’ conclusion perfectly, though that of course puts a lot more factors into consideration.
I doubt anyone, never mind Quinton himself, is going to read all that, but I just wanted to share this since it has been on my mind for years at this point- all in all, my personal experience with rewatching iCarly was good, but very, very weird for this exact reason.
The strangest part was that, in my rewatch, I almost…wanted it to happen? Not because I genuinely thought it would be a good thing, more because I became so invested in figuring out if I was gaslighting myself or if there had really been such truly unhinged children’s programming just a few years back. And again, there was a disturbing amount of things in the show (at least kind of) backing my feeling up. The only comfort I have is knowing that I’m not the craziest Sam/Spencer theorist to have ever graced the internet: in trying to figure out why I remembered their relationship the way I did, I dove deeper into the whole ‘Spam ship’ (yes, that was a thing) than probably anyone ever should…long story short, if anyone reading this wants to go on a really wild ride check out this blog post:
(Please note that I did not put that last paragraph or the link in my YouTube comment, but I felt like if there was any place to share this internet relic I found, it would be Tumblr.)
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eternitas · 9 months
So by now a good chunk of people have watched @quinton-reviews Video series (or as he calls it :'Mini series' lol) discussing Fred, iCarly, Victorious and now Sam and Cat.
One thing that just wouldnt let go of me (and I also made a comment on that) was a moment in iCarly he talked about in which Sam and Freddy as a couple have to deal with Freddies mum trying to seperate them. It all goes so far that Freddie finds out that Sam manipulated his application to a summer camp so he would be rejected.
I wont go into much more detail but lets say that Sams reason is not fully... Understandable here.
Now mind you I have only wwtched quintons review and never seen that particular episode myself, but their "fight" really bothered me because it seemed like a completely botched moment where they could've inserted a real character moment.
So. Here is my 5 minute first draft of "how it couldve gone" in scipt form
DISCLAIMER: I do not have a proper grasp on these characters so its likey that this is very out of character. But then again, the writers didn't do them that well either so-
[Scene: Sam and Freddy are upatairs in the iCarly studio, having an argument after Freddie found out that Sam is responsible for him not being accepted to the summer camp. They are alone in the room]
F: I want to know WHY sam!
S: because-- i was mad at you
F: for what?
S: remember when I asked you for the time and--
F: that can't be the reason.
S: it is!
F: Sam, tell me the truth right now or I am leaving!
S: no wait! Wait, please don't go-
F: ...
[Freddy is taken aback by her sudden display of panick and it knocks him out of his own anger. He becomes soft]
F: Sam. Please tell me why you did that. I want to understand.
S: because--- i don't want you to go.
F: but WHY
S: because I need you.
F: need me how?
S: I dont know! It's... Easier with you. Everything is. Like it is with Carly but different. You make things better.
[She sits down defeated and lets her head hang. Freddy hesitates then sits down next to her]
F: Like Carly?
S: yeah but differently. She makes things less awful and problems less.... Bad. She gives me a place I can call home. And you're giving me something like that.
F: being with me grounds you
S: yeah that.
F: ...
S: Please don't leave me.
[ Sam tears up and her voice breaks. Freddy pulls her close so she can lean onto him]
F: I'm still mad. I get now why you did that, but that doesnt mean that I will just forgive you and forget this. I really wanted to get into that summercamp.
S: I know.
F: It's not just a camp I really want to go to. I'd get some space from my mum.
[Sam sits up and faces Freddy with realisation.]
F: I could've had a summer without her constantly being around me. Not that she wouldn't try to still visit and call all the time. But that's not an option anymore.
S: I--- I didn't know.
F: yeah. why didn't you talk to me?
S: because! ... I didn't want you to see me as clingy. we weren't dating and I didn't want you to know what you mean to me.
F: but if we cant talk to each other then maybe we don't even have a friendship we can rely on!
[It grows quiet and freedy stands up. Sam tries to reach for him to sit back down but he manages to escape her.]
F: I'll go get Carly for you.
S: Freddy.
F: You seem to have no trouble talking to her.
S: Freddy!
[Carly comes in and stops in her tracks looking from freddy to sam and back]
F: I'll be going.
C: Freddy-
F: I'll text you. Take care of Sam.
[Freddy leaves without being stopped and Sam tears up again before anger gets to her and she starts to become violent in frustration.]
C: Sam! stop it!
[Carly manages to wrangle Sam away from her destruction and hugs her while Sam breaks into sobs and clings to Carly.
And then we get a full second episode of sam and freddie being awkward with each other and trying to mend their relationship.
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venus-is-in-bloom · 1 year
i talked about this before in that silly essay and i'm sure everyone's on some level aware of it... but it really does feel like there's a kind of "positive censorship" that governs the media culture around here. like i've had some great finds recently: movies that talk about the trauma of racism (however obliquely), anti-imperialist novels that find publication, essays and papers that, if not perfect, at least are bigoted in unusual and interesting ways. but all of that is through friends and specific social circles. these interesting works, which made it through the difficult processes of production or publication, which were not stopped by the barriers of institutional racism from emerging into the public eye, nevertheless receive zero cultural attention. they are not talked about, are not fondly remembered, do not become classics and do not garner millions of fans who gush over their messages and praise their storytelling and artistic merit. and by contrast, the works that do... well.
whether it's video games, films, books, or any other media, the stuff that you always see get popular is always full of the most boringly backwards racism, misogyny, and imperialist apologia. in every subject that these works touch upon they toe a party line that is far more backwards, far more gracelessly and hideously bigoted, than its consumer base at large seems willing to admit. stuff like the locked tomb series, twilight, the hunger games, star wars, icarly, bbc sherlock, ace attorney, final fantasy fourteen, dungeons and dragons—all wow you with the horrifying blatantness of their adherence to ideas that we have been assured again and again are supposed to be long gone. more remarkable still, very few of these works really disagree in how they present these ideas. taken together, the constellation of the mainstream (and the fandom mainstream) paints a fairly coherent, well-connected picture of what is right or true, and just as importantly, it also produces the baseline of what is normal and unobjectionable to say or depict. it begins to feel silly to object to certain modes of bigotry, of racist caricature, of misogynistic stereotypes, of positive presumptions about capitalism and imperialism, when they are, and continue, to be universal—when it's rare to see anything else.
if the much-feared "negative censorship" is considered contrary to free speech because it silences voices that perhaps should be heard, then likewise does this positive censorship drown those voices out with the deluge of advertisement and consumerism, painting a dangerously narrow picture of the world that acclimates people to accept certain hateful ideas as reasonable and certain monstrous discussions as fair, even if we technically disagree with them.
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voxasks · 3 months
Tw: uhh...hook-ups. Bad dads. Unwanted pregancy (not mine) Smoking/Drinking. Mental illness. Adult content mentioned in the passing but not elaborated on.
Okay, soo...this seems interesting so I might as well interact. Nice to meet you. My names Mali, I'm 5'4, I'm bi-racial. (Taiwanese from my mums side and Hawaiian from my dads.) I've got grey eyes, curly hair black hair and tanned skin. (I've heard I look Filipino or Indian before, so...)
I'm an INFJ and I like writing poetry and stories and such, gardening, painting, etc., ect.
Artists I like; Maneskin, Nickelback, Poor Mans' Poison, Billie Eilish, The Neighbourhood, Fitz and the Tantrumz and Artic Monkeys.
Honestly, my movie/show tastes are kind of everywhere, Mostly old Disney movies, Nickelodeon shows (iCarly, Victorious), True Crime Documentaries, and cheesy Romcoms...yeah...
Same with my book tastes: I'm sort of addicted and I read anything honestly. Some favorites: Looking for Alaska and Our Fault in the Stars, John Green. Hoot and Chomp by Carl Hiaasen. The Little House Series, Laura Ingalls Wilder. The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett. The Maze Runner, James Dashner. The Tower, Gregg Andrew Hurwitz. Any Goosebumps book, R. L. Stine.
And a bunch of manga, One Piece, Naruto, Haikyuu, Sword Art Online, Death Note, etc., ect.
My dad and mum basically had me on accident since they were both in the military, they got dumpy one night and hooked up, and my mums parents were super traditional, so they pressured her into getting married once they found out she was pregnant. My parents basically divorced when I was nine, and they did split custody.
My mum was having issues with alcohol and smoking and my dad had issues with smoking/drinking and adult content.
Then my dad got remarried, but my mum was still recovering so she stayed with my grandmother a bit before getting her own apartment.
The woman my dad was an immigrant from Portugal, she already had one kid from a past marriage, then she came to live with my dad.
They stayed married for four years, and he had two more kids with her, and then they divorced because my dad was being super toxic and she moved in with her family in San Francisco.
He got diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder and borderline personality after being evaluated by a psych ward for the case, and basically my mum got full custody of me and my two half-siblings and stepsibling live with my stepmom in San Fran. (Fifteen at the time.)
My mum eventually got remarried to this Navy Seal named (not gonna say his real name because pretty sure that stuffs supposed to be classified so lets call him Bob) when I was in sophomore year and he was okay. But the ended baby up being born with birth defects since she was pregnant during Bobs deployment and was smoking and stuff when he wasn't there.
Plus I still haven't come out of the closet to my parents. My grandparents on my mums side are staunch Catholics...and my dads side is estranged...My mums Catholic, and Bob converted to Catholicism too.
“i  wanna  say  you  seem  completely  over  this  but  then  you  choosing  to  tell  me  about  it  in  my  inbox  kind  of  negates  that.  my  expertise  lies  in other  familial  issues  so  apologies  but  i  don't  think  i'll  be  of  any  help  here.  though  i  am  supposed  to  give  you  my  inner  thoughts  so  here  it  is  :  i  really  think  it's  nice  that  you  seem  to  have  your  life  a  lot  more  together  than  i  would  have  expected  considering  your  circumstances;  you  have  good  taste  all  around  the  bases,  from  hobbies  to  music,  your  favorite  shows  and  all  that  jazz.  you've  had  it  rough  a  kid  so  i  can  only  imagine  how  it  must  have  been  to  get  yourself  to  where  you  are  today.  and man,  that  whole  'coming  out'  thing.  i  didn't  even  know  there  was  a  term  for  whatever  the  fuck  i  was  back  then.  i  didn't  bother.  i  like  whoever  the  fuck  i  like  and  that's  it.  though  i  understand  the  complications  of  your  situation.  if  you  want  to  come  out  to  them,  it's  completely  your  decision,  but  just  know  that  if  they  don't  agree  with  who  you  are  then  i  promise  it  will  be  a  lot  easier  being  alone  and  yourself  than  being  controlled  by  your  family.”
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based off of the 200 follower event.
“🫐 — tell vox about yourself and he’ll give his inner thoughts about you.”
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✨ Current Fandom / Media that I’m familiar with ✨
(it’s not in order & most fandoms / media are going strong/on hiatus/dead, but eh these are some that I can remember!)
If there’s anything you guys want to recommend, do let me know! even if I don’t end up liking it, I still really appreciate it and plus, I’m down to find new content! 💖
• Soul Eater
• Ranma 1/2
• DB, DBZ and DBS
• Beastars
• Spy x family
• Aggretsuko
• Prison School
• Mob Psycho 100 (never watched the anime before but I’m familiar with the characters because of the popularity)
• (first film and second film) Into and Across The Spiderverse
• Avatar: The Way of Water
• Barbie (2023)
• Bee Movie
• Every Disney or Pixar movies
• Encanto
• Every Marvel movie
• Back To The Future
• Venom (2018)
• Shrek 1-3
• Studio Ghibli
• Puss in Boots 1-2
• Chucky franchise
• Megamind
• Mean Girls
• Rango
• Kung Fu Panda
• Trolls
• Hotel Transylvania
TV Series & Web Series:
• Adventure Time
• Arcane
• Amphibia
• Animaniacs
• BoJack Horseman
• Breaking Bad
• Better Call Saul
• Camp Camp
• Clone High
• Courage the Cowardly Dog
• Danny Phantom
• Dan Vs.
• Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
• Fionna And Cake
• Gorillaz (music)
• Gravity Falls
• Happy Tree Friends
• Harley Quinn
• Inside Job
• Invader ZIM
• Kim Possible
• Looney Tunes
• Moral Orel
• My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
• Mystery Skulls Animated
• Nickelodeon sitcoms from the 2000s-early 2010s [example Drake & Josh, ICarly, Victorious, & Big Time Rush]
• OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
• Phineas and Ferb
• Pinky and the Brain
• Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (didn’t finish all episode)
• Regular Show
• Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated
• Salad Fingers
• Samurai Jack
• Spooky Month
• Squid Game
• Star vs. the Forces of Evil
• Steven Universe
• Superjaill
• Smiling Friends
• The Amazing Digital Circus
• The Vampair series
• Teen Titans (2003)
• The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police
• The Amazing World of Gumball
• The Cuphead Show!
• The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
• The Looney Tunes Show
• Basically most of Cartoon Network’s 90s-late 2000s cartoons [Dexter’s Laboratory, Foster’s Imaginary Friends, Billy & Mandy, Samurai Jack, the OG Teen Titans, Chowder, Flapjack!]
• The Owl House
• The Simpsons
• Total Drama
• Tuca & Bertie
• Villainous
• Welcome Home
• Wednesday (Netflix)
Video Games:
• Assassins Creed
• Beyond Two Souls
• Crash Bandicoot
• Cyberpunk 2077
• Bully
• Deltarune
• Deponia
• Destroy All Humans!
• Detroit: Become Human
• Far Cry 3
• Far Cry 4
• Five Nights at Freddy's
• Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and V
• Hitman 1-3
• Life Is Strange
• Little Misfortune
• Pokemon
• Horizon Zero Dawn
• Randal’s Monday
• Saint Row 3 & 4
• Sally Face
• Sam & Max Hit The Road and Save the World
• Skyrim
• Undertale
• The Wolf Among Us
• The Walking Dead season 1
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survivorofstars · 1 year
dash game — get to know the mun!
(repost. don't reblog, please)
name: Jess
pronouns: she/her
preference of communication: preferably here, but sometimes discord (it’s being a pain in the ass for me rn, however)
single/taken: this is a weird question but if you really want to know, I am (happily) taken
three facts:
This is probably already a dead give away but I absolutely love creative writing. Fun fact: I’m currently working on a fanfic based after the events of RE: Village. I originally started working on it in December of 2022 but I’ve only typed out 4 chapters so far (real life was a MESS at that time). However, I’ll post it to archive of our own sometime this summer, perhaps :)
I absolutely love video games. Just like with writing, I use it as an escape from reality and to just get lost in another world for a bit. Some of my all time favs are: The Last of Us (first one), The Evil Within 1 and 2, Resident Evil 2, 4, 5, and Revelations 2, Dead by Daylight, Dishonored, Uncharted series, Tomb Raider series, and honestly the list can go on, so I’ll just stop here lol
Here’s a cute, little fun fact: I own a Russian tortoise! He just turned 5 last month and his name is Bolt! I’ve had him since he was around 4 months old :)
writing experience:
I actually started writing on twitter when I was around 13 years old, and (DON’T LAUGH AT ME) it was for the Nickelodeon verse (such as iCarly, Big Time Rush, Victorious, etc…)
I know it’s cringey but please, I was only 13
Since then, I’ve migrated to here and roleplayer.me - (not really that active on it anymore, though). I’ve even tried a few rp servers that I’ve found while searching random forums in the past, but nothing has ever really panned out except for twitter and here. However, I’m more active here since twitter is a complete shitshow lmao
I’ve been writing in the video game verse specifically since 2020, in which I started writing both Ellie and Joel from The Last Of Us.
writing sub-genres:
For the past… 7 or so years, I’ve found myself mainly writing in the horror/thriller verse, with a dash of action/adventure and sci-fi at times. Horror is my NUMBER ONE favorite genre to write in. The excitement and chills I get when writing a gory story or lengthy, thrilling reply will never bore me. I live for that feeling. I’m also a horror fanatic, big Halloween movie fan.
plots vs. memes:
Oof, I’m very indecisive, so I’m going to have to say in the middle… it also kind of depends on my mood. Some days, I love writing out lengthy replies or starters developed from plotting, while other days I just feel like shooting out quick one to few liners that can crack a smile on your face or make you chuckle.
So, yeah. I’m a mix of both.
long or short replies:
Again, I’m very indecisive, so I’m going to say a mix of both (similar to above). It honestly just depends on my mood!
best time to write:
I personally enjoy writing in the late afternoon (around 3:30 - 4:00 ~ oddly specific, I know lol) since this is usually the time I get home from work and have already taken a shower. I usually try to spend about one hour grinding out some ic and ooc replies before I go eat dinner and complete some coursework. (I’m a college student :))
tagged by: @captianwesker
tagging: @abioweapon , @d4ngerous
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theterribletenno · 1 year
Those aren’t Corpus plutocrats, those are regular plutocrats.  Half of them look like Tory councilwomen and the others look like the wives of Republican congressmen
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None of these have what it takes to be Amei Axevi, the Angel of Avarice!  Okay lets get a little more creative, use some more descriptive words...
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HOW DID THAT COME OUT EVEN WORSE?  These look like deformed sex dolls dressed up like iCarly why are they all wearing purple is purple the girlboss color or the future color?
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Disney channel animated series based on a Pixar movie villain of the week lookin ass bitch.  In what way are any of these Y2K Apple mascots “authoritative”?  Okay this is my last try before I give up.
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thinking about your post urging people to reading various genres and content and to challenge their reading skills... and i agree with you so much i definitely think it can strengthen one's reading comprehension and broaden prospective. like even if the quality isn't good or the genre isn't your thing, it can be a fun experience to read something outside of what you're used to. your post just makes me think how nice it can be to just read and gain anything, whether that's maybe knowledge or new queries, out of something new.
also i have to ask do you have any book recommendations? :)
YOU!!!! YOU GET IT!!!!!! one of the many values of reading is what you GAIN from books, and how you can apply that to ur life - whether its philosophical/existential questions or entertaining moments or parts that made you emotional in some way. even if you didnt like a book, walking out of it with the feeling that youve gained/felt something new or intriguing is its own reward.
and as for recommendations.....i have to say my favorite genre is definitely murder mystery, and my favorite author is agatha christie!!! the queen of plot twists imo. her books can be offputting to some bc a lot of the time her books dont always open up with the murder itself; many chapters are dedicated to the events LEADING UP to the murder in order to provide context and drop hints. not all of her books do this, but i can see why some people might become impatient when reading some of her work. that being said, my favorite book of hers had got to be the murder of roger ackroyd, but i also love the abc murders and hercule poirot's christmas.
as far as standalone books go, one book ive been devouring recently is i'm glad my mom died by jennette mccurdy, an autobiography about a former child actress who faced considerable abuse both in her home life and on set for some of her most famous works, most notably "icarly" and "sam and cat." its a hard read that contains descriptions of abuse, eating disorders, trauma, and child exploitation (sometimes sexual). ultimately, though, it becomes a book about healing as she describes life before and after the death of her abusive mother. mccurdy's writing style is so creative and snarky and clever, with some dark humor thrown in. not for those sensitive to the discussed themes, but definitely an engaging read.
i would also like to recommend a book that ive recommended to other people in my life before: penpal by dathan auerbach. this is a horror novel with themes of stalking, death (both humans and animals), and kidnapping. it originally started as a series of short stories online before being published as a full book. i dont want to talk too much about it bc i dont want to spoil anything, but its one of the most suspenseful and chilling stories ive ever read. highly recommend going into it blind bc it hits so much harder when u dont know whats coming.
finally, and this is a VERY different and more unconventional choice, i strongly recommend reading calvin and hobbes. it was a newspaper comic strip that ran from 1985-1995, and it was what inspired me to start drawing and writing stories in the first place. there are several books and collections containing various comics from the strip's run, and theyre all fantastic. they will make you laugh, cry, and think. i know what youre thinking: "how can a newspaper comic be so good?" but trust me, TRUST ME, its one of the most inspirational works of art i have ever come across. without calvin and hobbes i likely wouldnt be where i am today, it literally changed my life. please read calvin and hobbes i am BEGGING you.
theres a LOT of books i love but i am currently living in an apartment farther away from my hometown, where i have a bunch more on my bookshelf. so sorry if these recommendations arent extensive enough i dont have access to my actual Book Supply akskdkdkd
thank u for letting me talk abt books!!!!! have a wonderful day/night/etc and always remember to keep reading :)
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smalltownfae · 1 year
Ask game 17 and 19?
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
Yes! Quite a few actually. I am going to order it from biggest surprise to not as big of a surprise. I will link my reviews for each book in the titles (if I wrote one).
1 - I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jenette McCurdy
I still don't know what possessed me to pick up a non fiction book and a memoir at that! It was probably the hype and the fact that I watched some iCarly episodes and I've heard that the book included information about eating disorders, parental abuse and toxicity of the child actors' industry. It's not an easy book to read, but it was extremelly good and very engaging. If there is one book that deserves all the hype is this one. It also included stuff about mormonism which I was not expecting. This book made me want to try more memoirs next year.
I used to think memoirs were all about people pretending to be better than they are, but this one was so honest and the author didn't hid her flaws, which I am very impressed by.
2 - Book Lovers by Emily Henry
Just like memoirs, it is a rarity for me to pick up a romance. Especially a contemporary romance. I am not going to say this converted me into a romance reader. In fact, the fact romance readers say this feels more like literary fiction than a romance makes me think that romance is definitely not for me. Still, this book was really fun and ocasionally emotional. If I ever feel in the mood to read a contemporary romance I will go to this author or Alexis Hall because he also wrote a book in the genre that I didn't hate. I gave this book 5 stars because given the genre it is very impressive that I liked it. What make me like it is precisely what I hear people complaining about: not focusing solely on the relationship and having family and work problems to deal with.
3 - The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
Not only is this contemporary book, but it's also about an high schooler and told in poetry. If you know me you know I don't read these kind of books, but this one was so good! I listened to the audiobook narrated by the author and I loved it so much that I also listened to Clap When You Land and With the Fire on High. They are all similar but really good. The author puts such emotion on her work that it made me tear up. The Poet X is still my favourite but it's probably in part because it was my introduction to her work. She has a new book coming out next year and this time it will be adult instead of YA so I am very curious about it.
4 - Black Water Sister by Zen Cho
This was so much fun! It made me so nostalgic about the time I was obsessed with the anime Shaman King. Apparently, the only way to make like urban fantasy is if there are ghosts and possession involved. The themes of feeling like an outsider in their parents' country were also great and the main character is a closeted lesbian in a long distance relationship which was very refreshing to see. The book felt very modern, but in a somewhat subtle way when it comes to conveying the messages. I tried other 2 works by the author, but they were really short and just ok. This one made me curious about her other longer works even though I heard it's quite different.
5 - The Chronicles of Prydain by Loyd Alexander
I haven't read an entire series in such a short time since Realm of the Elderlings. It's true that these books are really short and that there are only 5 (and the short story collection I haven't read yet), but it's still impressive that I did it in only a few months. I knew I would probably enjoy these books, but I wasn't ready for how cozy the writing style and atmosphere made me feel. I especially liked The Castle of Llyr and Taran Wanderer (which he wrote after the last book in the series even though it is the 4th!!!). It makes me want to try the Alanna books by Tamora Pierce because sometimes I need a cozy short middle grade/YA fantasy book. This series made me feel nostalgic even though I had never read it before. It had some similarities with Lord of the Rings and a lot of usual fantasy tropes but it still managed to be very endearing. This is another tale about magic leaving the world, which I seem to be a fan of given my favourites.
19. Did you use your library?
No. My library has had very few updates since the 90s. I do plan to use it soon to reread Chocolate by Joanne Harris and read the sequel to that because I can't find them anywhere anymore in portuguese, but I did buy the 4th book anyway. I will need to find the 3rd one somewhere and probably I will end up reading it in english, but c'est la vie. I mostly use my library for old books since it has very few new releases and the ones it has it's for extremelly popular authors I am not interested in.
Thank you so much for the ask ❤
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entireoranges · 3 months
Random thoughts about Quiet On Set (because its 3am and I should be sleeping)
Of the shows featured/discussed I only watched iCarly and Victorious.
Yes some of the scenes, wardrobe, etc made me uncomfortable to watch before this, but now I feel bad because on hindsight I should have realized how bad and wrong it REALLY was.
Will I watch these shows again? I know I should say no, but to be honest I probably will.
A lot of people are pissed, angry, hurt, and ready to cancel anyone who wrote a letter of support to Drake’s rapist. I think it’s important to remember or consider a few things… often when a person is told to write those letters they are given the most BASIC information, abusers are amazing at manipulating people and gaining sympathy from others, jobs might have been threatened, etc. On the documenty the creator of it stressed “we don’t know what they knew or if the court room” but it seems so many like I said want them cancelled without attempting to learn the truth.
For the record this applies more specifically to the kids/young adults then the full ass mature adults. Though to be fair Joanne Kerns did say she had no idea of the true nature (or really anything about the case) when writing the letter and if had known won’t have. Which makes me think that might be the case for some others.
Stop trying to get other celebrities who were on shows during this period to speak out. Not everyone has a horror story, not everyone wants to share their story, etc. We love as a society love drama and juicy details. And while it’s important for these stories to be exposed it’s also important to respect those who have the stories to share.
Everyone wants Disney exposed and chomping at the bit for it. I don’t think it’ll happen. The company is too big and powerful. I know. You know. We all know. Far as a 4 part series exposing everything? Will never see the light of day.
Been listening to Alyson Stoner’s Dear Hollywood, Toddler To Trainwreck Pipeline series. OMG I can’t recommend enough.
Child and teen actors need protection. We need to do more. The system has to change. Though sadly even with this hardcore (and needed) exposure I don’t think it will.
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gingeraleluke · 3 years
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘅𝗲𝗿 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ
Tumblr media
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: underground boxer!vinnie x fem!influcencer!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: boy meets girl. boy hates girl. girl hates boy. maybe threatening to kill her brother wasn’t a good first impression.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: swearing, violence (boxing so duh), sexual harassment (nothing too graphic), mentions of drug addiction, stressful situations, loss of a parent, mention of cheating, brief mention of suicide.
𝗔/𝗡: HI!!! i really hope you guys are liking it so far! i have a fuck ton of ideas for this :) this is an enemies to lovers fic so we gonna hate vinnie for a while lmao
(i didn’t proofread this so hopefully it’s not that bad!)
also: im sorry if this sucks, i got a migraine while writing this 😩
first chapter series masterlist
she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. she had to blink and rub her eyes a few times to make sure her eyesight was working correctly
your brother will be dead by the time i’m done with him.
yep, eyes are working fine.
great so that just means this attractive piece of shit is threatening my brother.
she got up and ran to her bedroom, plopping down onto the bed. y/n tried to come up with a response, but everything she typed out she ended up deleting. a few of her response ideas were as follows:
is that a threat?
you think that scares me?
we will see about that
umm knew phone who dis?
um chile…🧍‍♀️
excuse me?
and finally, her favorite:
🧚🏻‍♀️✨either suck my nuts or shut the fuck up ✨🧚🏻‍♀️
she didn’t have the courage to say anything. every response made her heart beat faster. she realized how pathetic she must have looked. the bubble with three dots appearing and disappearing in front of his eyes.
she started panicking and decided not to reply, groaning and throwing her phone on her bed.
she heard her phone buzz.
what’s the matter? cat got your tongue? 🐈
this fucking prick.
she didn’t even bother opening the message and just opened up twitter.
8:40 PM
𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘆/𝗻
@ Y/N
the only men in this world that i trust are the jonas brothers. that’s it. that’s the tweet.
💬65 🔁82 ❤️2.5K
@ userone: same
@ usertwo: can you post a tiktok?? it’s been a while and we are STARVING!!
@ zachdreams: ummm…. bitch?? tf do i look like? chopped liver? 😩⁉️
@ y/n: i guess you too 🙄
it was getting late and had been a while since y/n had the place to herself. her parents were out of the picture so she and drake had been living together for around seven years now. he was only 17 taking care of her. she didn’t know what changed, but now it feels more like she’s the one taking care of him.
drake wasn’t necessarily father material. he didn’t know how to raise a 14 year old girl all on his own, but he made it work. it wasn’t easy but, he managed. thankfully, he would turn 18 in a few months so he gained custody over y/n once their dad died. he wasn’t prepared for the periods though. or for the heartbreaks.
y/n’s first heartbreak was when she was 14 and had gotten her first boyfriend. she was new to the experience and it was hard for her to make friends. his name was fred, which she found adorable. it reminded her of her first childhood crush, freddie from icarly. she would call him freddie instead.
she was the only one who called him that.
she dated him until she turned 16, when she found out that he was flirting with other girls. y/n was devastated and blocked him on everything before having her own hot girl summer.
that was her first, and only heartbreak.
so far.
her fans knew she got cheated on in highschool, she made a few tiktoks joking about the matter. they didn’t ever pry or ask questions about it though, which y/n was thankful for.
fred just made her hate men even more.
y/n felt like treating herself to some self care to help calm down. she was anxious about meeting vinnie. she knew she would have to eventually, seeing as how she’s always at the gym to help support her brother. she’d help him fill out paper work and such but honestly, she kind of had him on a suicide watch. she knew he wouldn’t hurt himself, but deep down she was terrified of losing him. he was all she had and y/n knew how toxic his lifestyle was. her job was to protect him from it. she’d try to keep him as clean as possible and would make sure he never felt alone. she didn’t want him to feel the way he did when their dad died.
she didn’t want him to feel alone.
as much as she wanted to trust drake, she knew she couldn’t. he was an impulsive liar and made the worst decisions. he needed a guide dog throughout life and y/n was determined to be that for him.
y/n got into her sleep wear and grabbed a blanket from off her bed, before going back out to the living room. their apartment was nice, but definitely not ideal. she made lots of money off of tiktok and sponsorships, but not enough to afford a house. plus, there was so much going on at the moment, that she just wasn’t ready to move out yet. she couldn’t wait for the day where she feels secure enough to have her own house. she’d get a pet, maybe a cat, or a dog, or even both. she’d have a nice pool with a cozy living room and a beautiful bedroom and the most elegant kitchen imaginable.
she turned on the tv and put on the new episode of the bachelorette. it was a guilty pleasure of hers, and she found herself liking it even more now that shes single and lonely.
she went to the kitchen as the intro played. it was just a recap of the last episode so she wasn’t missing anything. opening the freezer, y/n grabbed her favorite flavor of ice cream before putting some in a bowl and walking back over to the couch, her slippers squeaking as she walked.
she enjoyed her ice cream while watching the episode, fast forwarding through the commercials. she started getting brain freeze and decided to turn on the fire place that sat beneath the tv that hung on the wall.
once the fireplace was on, she immediately felt more relaxed. there was something about the warmth that always helped calm her down. once she finished her ice cream, she put the bowl in the sink and made herself some hot chocolate.
she turned on the fairy lights that were draped around the fireplace. the scene in front of her was beautiful. it made he forget how shitty her apartment might have been. it was perfect in this moment. she pulled out her phone and clicked on instagram before taking a video of the fireplace in front of her. she panned her phone up so you could see the rose ceremony going on on the tv. she stopped recording and posted it on her story.
y/n woke up, sprawled out on the couch. she didn’t remember falling asleep, but luckily she had already finished the bachelorette so she didn’t lose her place. she sat up and yawned before picking up her phone to check the time.
1:14 AM
oh shit.
she didn’t think she was asleep for that long! she grabbed her blanket and turned everything off before making her way to bed. she plugged in her phone to charge on her nightstand before seeing a notification pop up on her screen.
vinnie hacker slid up on your story
for fucks sake.
just when she thought she forgot about the boy, he was messaging her… again
that’s fine. ignore me all you want. but you can’t ignore me tomorrow…
you can run but you can’t hide 😘
see you tomorrow morning
is this man forreal?
8:49 AM
new tweet from y/n
@ Y/N
it’s a good day to not give a fuck 😋
💬497 🔁63 ❤️2.4K
@ katiedoll: hey girl!! i’m coming to the gym today so hopefully i’ll see you there 😏💯
@ drakehavok: can’t wait to see u ;)
@ katiedoll: you too 🥰
@ y/n: get a room
9:04 AM
new post from y/n
9:23 AM
y/n posted a video
y/n woke up to birds chirping outside her window and light shining through her blinds. she was craving breakfast and quickly brushed her teeth and her hair before getting dressed.
she wore black ripped jeans with a plain grey shirt and some cute boots that her and quinn bought. they saw them at the mall and both decided to buy a pair so they could match. she didn’t care if they were men’s boots, she thought they were adorable.
she topped it off with her signature leather jacket. she felt so weird not wearing it yesterday, so she was anxious to put it back on.
as soon as she was dressed, she drove to a small black owned coffee shop that was just a few blocks away. she picked up three donuts and tipped the lady like usual.
while walking back to her car, she saw a familiar face.
“hi, y/n!”
“hey, marco.” she smiled down at the little boy who was perched on the sidewalk.
“the usual?” he asked, his big brown eyes looking at the sweet girl.
“is that alright?”
“yes- yes of course it’s alright!” y/n opened the brown bag and handed the kid a pink sprinkle donut.
“awww yes!!” the little boys eyes lit up and he took a huge bite.
“woah, don’t inhale the whole thing! make sure you chew.” he looked up at her, his mouth full. “sorry.”
y/n laughed and looking into the bag. “hey, maria still likes those sugar donuts right?”
“oh umm yeah i think so!”
“where is she by the way?”
“oh, she’s at grammas. on padras side, of course.”
“oh.” y/n frowned before grabbing her donut and handing him the bag with the sugar donut inside. “good. just keep your distance from you mom…”
“always.” he smiled up at her and grabbed the bag.
“let me know if you need anything, okay buddy?”
she started heading towards her car before the boy yelled after her.
“yeah bud?”
“make sure you save me some of those tickets for havoks next fight!” he winked at her and she ruffled his hair.
“okay kid, don’t get too ahead of yourself.” she laughed.
y/n looked back at him. “i’ll do my best.”
y/n posted a mirror selfie on instagram and filmed a quick little tiktok thirst trap before getting her purse.
when she got back home, her car was in the driveway and drakes skateboard was missing, indicating that he’s skating his way to the gym instead of driving.
he only ever did that if he thought he needed the exercise. it’s a long drive to the gym and even longer on board. he’d often skate there if he was getting ready for a big match, so y/n wasn’t so surprised.
she was dreading going to the gym. all she could think about was vinnie and she hated it. she wondered if he’d look different in person. maybe all of those pictures of him were edited or photoshopped, maybe he would be shorter than her or nicer in person. the fact of the matter was, she never met vinnie hacker and today she was gonna have to.
even better, katie would be there too.
katie was drakes girlfriend who y/n absolutely despised. she was super controlling and whenever she would walk in a room, drakes demeanor would change and not in the good way. she knew drake could do a lot better than katie. sure, she was pretty and all, but to be honest, she was kinda bland and boring. just your basic white girl who doesn’t know manners. y/n’s brother had bad taste in girls so she expected nonetheless.
she hopped in her car and drove to quinn and zach’s house. they had plans to see eachother and quinn had messaged her last night saying he had a suprise for her. she brought a suprise for him too! a gift.
“okay, seriously! when did you get so hot and popular!?” quinn grabbed a bottle of wine and popped it open, while quinn laughed.
they were all sitting on the couch in their living room, gossiping about life. the couple had just gotten back from a family road trip and had missed y/n greatly.
“umm i don’t know what you’re talking about, zach! ive always been a hottie, come on now.” zach was painting y/n’s nails a beautiful aqua, her fingers on display and rested on his knee.
“yasss girl! you tell him, i swear quinn has the worst eye sight in the world.”
“uh… excuse me?”
y/n buckled over in laughter.
“HEY! girl, watch out! you almost got nail polish in your hair!”
“shit sorry…”
“i ain’t doing this for free..” zach muttered. his short blonde hair was damp like he just got out of a shower and he had a white button down on, the top four buttons undone and exposing his chest. she watched zach’s hands move along her fingers, using the brush dipped in nail polish to apply as carefully as possible. she saw the little tattoo he had on his pointer finger. it was something in japanese writing but y/n forgot what it translated to.
“sooo… zach, how many subscribers are you at right now? 4 million?”
“oooooo!!” quinn said across the room, looking down at his phone.
“what does ‘oooo’ mean, huh babe?”
“oh, nothing.. just that sometimes i forget how successful my handsome boyfriend is.” quinn smiled cheekily at his boyfriend.
“awwww..” y/n gushed as the couple smiled at her.
“i’m so lonely.” she frowned looking down.
“don’t worry girl we will find you someone.” zach said, still leaving paint strokes on her fingernails.
“yeah, y/n don’t worry!”
y/n felt her phone buzz from the inside of her purse.
“oh.” she reached inside and grabbed her phone, seeing that a reminder went off.
“OH! guys i almost forgot! thank god i set a reminder…” she dug into her purse and pulled out a plain white box.
“oh god, what is it?” quinn asked suspiciously.
“is it a hair iron?! oh my god please god let it be a hair iron!!!” zach must have yelled too loud because all of a sudden their dog started barking.
“hey! simon, calm down.” quinn demanded while y/n patted her lap.
“hey si! pretty boy.. come sit with me.” the black french bulldog sat on her thighs as she handed zach the box.
he opened it and immediately gasped.
“you didn’t?!”
“i did.” she smiled.
“what- what is it?”
zach showed his boyfriend the present.
“it’s fairy lights! i told her i wanted to start collecting them and putting them around the house, but all the ones we get burn out in weeks!”
“yep! these will last you all year round, i promise.” y/n smiled a genuine smile and looked at her best friends reaction.
“thank you angel!” he held her hand and pulled her into a hug.
“uh, uh! careful, my nails aren’t dry yet!”
the gays agreed to come with y/n to the gym for the weigh in. she told them how much she was dreading to see katie but also to see vinnie and they understood.
when she showed them what vinnie sent her they bombarded her with questions, the biggest one being ‘what does he look like?’
when she showed them his instagram, they were both practically drooling.
“okay he’s not bad but…. yeah okay he’s hot. fuck my life.” she facepalmed and continued to listen to the two thirst over her current stressor.
“seriously? y/n, how do you know he doesn’t like you? y’all should date, he’s cute as fuck and so are you!” quinn glared up at her as he was hunched over the phone, scrolling through his pictures.
“are you kidding? quinn, he threatened to kill my brother.”
“he sent you a kissy face emoji and said he couldn’t wait to see you.”
“yeah, in a taunting way!! not in an actual romantic way.”
“wellll….” quinn trailed off, agreeing with his boyfriend.
they helped her calm down the whole drive there, reassuring her that she was ‘that bitch’.
“ugh,” quinn belched, “i feel like ass.”
zach laughed at his statement from the front seat.
“i shouldn’t have drank that wine..”
“yeah what the fuck was up with that anyway?” y/n asked, “who the fuck drinks wine at 11 in the morning?”
“yeah, quinn, what are you the pope?”
“zachary, dumbass that doesn’t even make sense.”
once they reached the gym, she could see new cars in the lot that she had never seen before and immediately grew nervous.
“fuck.. i don’t want to be here.”
“i know girly, but you are gonna be fine! i promise, me and quinn will be right by your side.”
y/n turned to look behind her and saw quinn threading his fingers through his black hair. she looked down at his shoes.
“holy shit, quinn bestie, we match!” she struggled to put her boot up on the dashboard to show him.
“awww how cute!! now let’s go!”
they walked out of the car and slammed the doors while y/n sat in the drivers seat contemplating her life choices.
quinn knocked on her window and she rolled it down.
“yeah?” she asked nonchalantly.
the two just stared at her and she caved in.
“ughh okay, fine..”
she walked through the glass doors and was greeted by wolf whistles as always. it didn’t matter what she wore, those sexist fucks would always comment on something.
she looked past them and her face dropped.
it was vinnie fucking hacker.
he looked up at the sound of the cheers and whistles but thankfully someone was blocking their view so they couldn’t see each other.
she couldn’t tell just how tall or hot he was and she just hoped he didn’t notice all of the men hitting on her. it was humiliating.
“lookin good, cupcake.” a trainer who looked to be in his late thirties said, walking by. he looked her up and down and she wanted to curl up into a ball and die.
“aww thank you!” zach said, flipping his invisible hair. “but, i got a man honey, so back up outta here.” he grabbed quinn’s hand and linked his arm with mine as we walked in the back.
they were now just a few feet away from vinnie. they were at the main desk, arms still linked.
“hey, derek.” her voice was soft, trying not to draw attention to herself.
vinnie was shirtless, and his back was to her. she could now see his muscles and how much taller he was than her and gulped. he had a tattoo on his back and black sweatpants on. if he turned around, he would have a perfect view of y/n and she was determined to go by unnoticed to make sure that doesn’t happen.
“y/n! hey! here are drakes documents.”
derek said her name just a little too loudly and vinnie turned around at the name. they locked eyes and it was more intense than she thought it would be.
the minute they made eye contact, it was like time stood still. instead of everyone around them being frozen, her and vinnie were, and the whole gym was intrigued. or like, a pipe just bursted and her and vinnie were the only ones getting wet while all the dry people watched. she wanted to dissolve into the floor.
she knew it wouldn’t be the only time they looked at eachother like this. his eyes said a lot of things, the main one being distaste. she could tell he hated her from that one look. there was more than that though. it felt like something was pulling the two of them together, like two magnets with a fridge in between them.
he had a smile on his face and his hair was messy. he was slightly sweaty and was talking to a guy wearing a hacker hoodie. he rolled his tongue against his teeth and looked her up and down before saying something to his friend.
she got the papers and made her way towards the basement, saying her goodbyes to the gays.
once they left she turned back around and almost slammed face first into vinnie hackers bare chest.
what the fuck.
“woah… little y/n. watch where you’re going.”
his voice made her want to melt yet his demeanor made her want to punch him in the face. he licked his lips while looking down at her, never breaking eye contact. his face was relaxed and his eyelashes fluttered when he blinked. he towered over her and she had to resist the urge to look down at his chest.
she rolled her eyes and walked by him towards the basement door.
“oh what you don’t talk?” he was hot on her trail and she could feel his eyes lingering on her body as she walked.
“not to you i don’t.”
“oh! so she does speak.” he jogged up towards her so he was now in front of her and turned to look at her while he walked backwards towards the end of the gym.
y/n clenched her teeth and looked at him before she kept walking, him walking diagonal to her and staring at her.
“you’re annoying, you know that?” she spat.
“aww thank you! i don’t remember asking but, i appreciate the feedback.” he winked at her and made long strides continuing to walk backwards before turning and standing in front of the basement door, blocking it.
“hey, what size are you?”
he gripped the fabric of her t shirt she wore under her open jacket, pulling her closer to him, but still at arms length as they stood in front of the door, eyes locked.
“i’m sure i could get a hacker hoodie for you in your size if you want it. you’d look nice in that, don’tcha think?”
she just scoffed at his sly remark as he opened the basement door and slammed it in her face, causing her to stumble back.
what a fucking asshole.
@obliviatevamps @justalostgirl @iixbella
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