#(technically. even though rene's an existing oc)
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good omens reference and also, halsin is HUGE ok, in game, rene literally only comes up to his shoulder
im assuming body type 2 for drow are around 6ft but i dont think(?) they are(?) HOWEVER. elves are canonically on average 6ft tall, and halsin is considered abnormally tall for an elf, which can only mean he's 7ft at least, in this essay i--
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phantaloon · 4 years
right so, vent below on all for the game aka the book series I finished in three and half days bc my stupid brain would not let me live my life if I didn't finish and I haven't studied for two tests I've got tomorrow but this is somehow more important in my brain (and everyday I'm more convinced about adhd)
first things first... I love neil josten with all my fucking heart and oh jesus christ I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM, he's the typical damaged mysterious character I always love but I can't regret it, like I love every single one of these characters which is a lot to say bc that never happens? (well except maybe aaron, but he has his moments, and I totally get his attitude) BUT NEIL owns my heart, like genuinely, he is my everything now, he might be one of my favorite ever characters?? like I said, I love this type of angsty character, and it's dumb but I love him
also can I say how much I love this bc it literally is one of my favorite tropes? like found family? check. queer? check. mentally and emotionally unstable? check. enemies to friends to lovers? check. abusive pieces if shit getting what they deserve? check. did I mention found family????
like I genuinely love this, and the suspense of wtf will happen next is honestly what's pushed me not to sleep this past few days and push my assignments aside (which is so not me lmao) because I physically need to know what's gonna happen fr
like nora is a very clever writer that way, even though three books cover a year which is odd, she really has a way to captivate the readers, ffs she got me to read a sports novel?? I just love the simplicity and symbolism of her writing
but oc at this point, if you have any semblance of how I am you know exactly what my vibe is... andrew and neil. lowkey toxic relationship at first, andrew was truly a piece of shit as a friend, but am I a sucker for characters finding that person they can call home and feel safe around after not ever having that?? absolutely. (warm is the word I love when describing this, a person that makes you feel warm) the way their relationship was shaped over the three books and how subtle the details are is amazing
and how much of a fucking simp neil is. there you have andrew hiding his sexuality like a pro for a long ass while and then neil just cannot stop staring at andrew like dan howell looks at phil lester. he really did nothing to try to hide his fondness for andrew once they started hooking up even though they pretended it was purely physical. I just love how hard neil fell for andrew in so little time, like he went from yes I think I'm attracted to andrew to loving and looking for andrew like nothing else mattered (big percabeth vibes)
also can't not love andrew's development. like not in the literary character development kind of way, but more of a... personal kind of way, like it's not in a writing sense, it's simply his emotional development in a human sense. idk how to say it. it's not like apollo's in toa or damon salvatore's or tony stark's. it's simply his personal development from being self isolating, possessive, closed off, and just done with everything, with no semblance of a purpose to live, to someone whose doors just opened in every way. he gave in to his own dreams, his feelings, and he understands that he truly is not alone, he has aaron again and kevin and nicky and renee and neil and everyone else. he actually allows himself to be happy and live for once instead of just existing, and maybe he's not there yet, but he's definitely working to get there now, and I love him so much istg I wanna cry rn as I write this
but getting back to neil and andrew, god I love their relationship. they worked through every step of the way, they're so caring and careful of each other's boundaries and triggers and stuff, and they just understand each other so perfectly. not one of them expects of the other more than they can give, and they just work so well. I love that they never told anyone absolutely anything, their relationship is theirs, and theirs only, they don't deny anything, they're not ashamed of being together, but I really love that they chose not to let the others make a big deal out of it.
and I can't ever forget how much andrew must really love neil. we know neil is head over heels for andrew, but technically we don't know how andrew feels. except every single action he does proves it. it's in the details. from the second book and onward, andrew has such a soft spot for neil, even through what happened with drake in TRK, god andrew cares so fucking much for neil it hurts. he may pass it off as 'there's nothing here', but every one of his actions proves otherwise. even right after coming back from rehab, he cared for neil like he cared for no one else, not aaron or kevin. everything that happened was perfectly paced. from their first kiss to their last. just andrew even going against kevin when he was being too aggressive to neil is enough proof, not to talk about andrew letting the deal with Aaron go to be with neil, or everything when neil was kidnapped.
it's just, they both deserve all the happiness in the world, and I'm very fucking happy they found love in each other after all they've been through.
I'm sorry I'm ranting so much, but you can guess how I feel about smth when I've slept so little the past three days bc I was obsessed with finishing it despite having too much to do (I didn't pay attention to a class bc I was reading and it's fair to say I didn't do good in the following quiz), so yeah I have a lot of feels for this series
I just love their little family so much, you don't understand <3 found family is just my favorite ever trope and I have to stop my rant short before I write way too much when I should be studying for my very important tests to come
anyway you can bet I'll keep posting about this lmao <3 truly recommend it but mind the trigger warnings, some content can be a lot for some people, hell I like reading angst and I had to put my phone down a couple of times bc it's a lot, so yeah, ttyl
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pastelbatfandoms · 4 years
Pick 14 OC’s
1. Roxy (WWE) 2. Michelle (Riverdale) 3. Renee (The Flash) 4. Rika (NOES) 5. Carrie (Gotham) 6. Helena (AHS) 7. Rihannon (HP)
8. Amara (Marvel) 9. Meghana (Descendants) 10. Esme (Descendants) 11. Marianna (TW) 12. Suzanna (TWD) 13. Mandy (ST) 14. Ashlee (AVTED)
1. Would you rather date 5 or 12?
Suzanna. I feel like Carrie might kill me if I pissed her off....
2. A man wearing a thong and boxers on his head comes up to 8 and demands their money. Their reaction? Amara would taken aback and just look at the guy weird. “Earth has some strange customs.” She mutters as she hands him some Asgardian coins.
3. 6 comes home and finds that 2 has broken into their house and is stealing their possessions. What happens? Ah hell...literally. Michelle,I’d run. 
4. Would 13 ever have sex with 9? lol their is no way they’d meet,but if they did I mean Meghana is a Demi God so probably. 
5. What would 5 and 10’s lovechild look like?  Well She or he would definitely have dark hair,and striking Romanesque features with bright eyes. In a word,stunning. 
6. What would 7 never ever admit to the world?  Other then not telling Muggles she’s a witch...I’m not sure.
7. Do you think that 1 is sexy/cute? um yes lol
8. Is 9 or 14 more likely to commit murder? Ashlee,I mean she kills Deadites all the time. 
9. What is the last thing that 14 would ever wear? Anything too frilly and princess like. 
10. Why would 13 hate 7? I have no idea...maybe jealous of her because one she knows magic and also she can have the men in her life at the same time!
11. Is 4 a virgin? No
12. What would 2 get 3 for their birthday? Michelle would probably get her a gift card to a Restaurant or a jewelry store. 
13. Does 9 go to church? No,doesn’t exist in Auradon. 
14. 12 and 1 go scuba diving. What happened? Skipping,because I have no idea. 
15. Would 6 survive a zombie apocalypse?
Dang wish this question had been for 12...but Helena would be fine,chances are her Husband made The Apocalypse so....
16. Who’s taller, 4 or 14?
I think Rika.
17. 5 and 8 get in a fight. Who surrenders first?
The Carrion Crow vs The Valkyrie...That would be some battle! I can only seeing Carrie surrendering first because Amara has powers. 
18. Does 13 trust 3 enough to drive with them during a heavy rainstorm in heavy traffic? yeah sure,just don’t let Mandy drive. 
19. Could 8 ever win a swimsuit competition? YES
20. What scares 7 more than anything? Losing her loved one’s,especially to He who shall not named...
21. How long could you stand to be around 10? A good while,she’d be fun. 
22. Your old high school enemy comes up to you on the street and punches you in the face. What would 13 do? Mandy would beat the crap out her. 
23. What would 2 say/do when extremely drunk? I’m just going to put this gif here...Remember Michelle starts off with Jughead...
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24. Would 1 ever crossdress? like wear a suit? Sure I guess.
25. 1, 8, and 14 are playing tug-of-war against 7, 9, and 12. Which side would win? Roxy,Amara,Ashlee VS Rihannon,Meghana and Suzanna. 
If Amara couldn’t use her powers I’d say Meghana would win for her team because she is the daughter of Hercules. 
26. 11 and 3 are arguing. Who resorts to violence first? Marianna she is a Wolf...Good luck Renee. 
27. Does 9 or 4 have a worse temper? Meghana,She got pretty pissed after Hades broke up with her. 
28. Who would you least want to meet in a dark alley, 14, 11, or 6? Helena,Definitely... 
29. If 10 got drafted for the army, would they go for it or dodge the draft? She’d dodge it like a thief in the night ^_~
30. What is 13’s worst memory?
Billy’s death.
31. Why would the government be after 3? Because of her connection to Reverse Flash. 
32. You run into 2 on a busy street? What is the first thing you notice about them?
Her Gothic attire
33. Would 11 ever get cosmetic surgery?
34. Does 5 love or hate themselves?
She does to an extent,but I feel like she regrets some of her past actions and who she associated with/dated. 
35. 13 gets hit on by someone of their own gender? Their reaction?
Ok,I mean she’d be flattered but she doesn’t really swing that way. That I know of....
36. What is 14’s worst habit or addiction?
This might change,since I haven’t written her into a story yet. But I think Ashlee has a tendency to think she can go it alone,she’s very stubborn and doesn’t forgive easily either. 
37. What kind of movie would 11 go see? An Action movie
38. Does 10 still live with their parents? Technically Esme lives at a boarding school,so no. 
39. Does 6 dance?
Yes,usually to entice Michael or to entice someone to their side. Helena is also very good at swing dancing as well. 
40. 3, 5, 12, and 14 are playing poker. Who is the most likely to cheat?
41. What would be the main thing standing between 1 and 10’s love?
the fact that there in 2 Different stories, Michelle is with Juggie and Esme is with Charming. Michelle would remind Esme too much of what she was trying to escape from the isle. 
42. Is 2 or 4 more mature?
Rika,she is older. 
43. Does 1 or 8 have a bigger ego?
Amara,though Roxy does know a thing or two about ego’s,dating wrestlers...
44. Would 12 rather drive a small, environmentally friendly car, or a huge Hummer with bad gas mileage? A hummer,because at that point it wouldn’t matter. A vehicle is a Vehicle in The Apocalypse,though she’d prefer a Motorcycle.
45. Does 6 care about their appearance? Yes,she’s spent years not being able to see it as a Ghost,so now she can be quite fussy at times. But given who she’s dated in the past that’s not surprising....
46. 5, 7, and 14 go into a haunted house. What happens?
Carrie wouldn’t be phased she’s seen worse,so has Ashlee but she hopes there’s no ACTUAL evil dead here,which would be what Rhiannon would try and find out. 
47. 13 is walking along and gets pulled aside by a prostitute. Do they accept the offer? omg what is with these questions...poor Mandy lol honestly living where they do she’d probably be used to it,she’d just brush her off and walk away. She has Billy,she doesn’t need to PAY for it. 
48. Does 10 have or want kids? No she’s too young,though I’m sure Chad will want an Heir at some point. 
49. How will 13 probably die?
omg! Easy answer probably by a Demogorgon!
50. Why was 6 picked on at school?
Helena was actually...because she was different then the other kids,an orphan Witch,no one dared pick on her after she met Dandy though. 
51. For what would 11 worship 4?
Marianna would look up to Rika because she’s “fought” a dream demon and survived,even though she’s only human. 
52. 3 and 14 are running against each other for president. Who do you vote for?
Probably Renee she seems a bit more level headed then Ashlee but then Eobard might become Vice president...I suppose it’s better then Ash! lol
53. 1, 8, 12, and 14 gang up on 5. How long does 5 last?
Quite awhile and this must be when Carrie is bad again,otherwise Amara would have no reason to fight her. 
54. Who would 11 rather take to the prom, 2 or 9?
Mari would take Shelle to the prom,she’s a bit more low key.
55. Would 7 ever wear a leopard-print miniskirt in public?
56. Who has a more normal weight, 4 or 10?
I have no idea,I suppose Esme.
57. Why would 13 be arrested?
For Beating up someone or stealing or underage drinking/smoking.
58. 3, 6, and 11 go to the movies. What happens?
Renee would be watching it,Helena would be bored and Mari would try to enjoy it but would get irritated at the group of people talking to loud and kicking her seat,that she’d promptly get up and tell them off. 
59. 13 is trying to escape from a burning building, but sees 1 trapped in the corner. Would they try and save 1?
Yes bad girl or not she’s still not going to leave someone to die.
60. 14 and 8 are exploring an abandoned tomb, when 14 suddenly falls through the floor and barely manages to avoid the spike traps. How would 8 save them?
With her powers,she’s levitate Ashlee back up. 
61. Would 2 rather marry 6 or 14?
Probably Ashlee.
62. Does 10 smoke or drink?
:: Nope.
63. The house is about to explode, and 9 can only save 3 or 12. Who do they choose?
Suzanna...Hopefully Renee could get herself out or Thawne could come to her rescue. 
64. Would 11 ever deal drugs?
:: No, never.
65. Did 13 graduate high school?
she’s still in school
66. 7 tries cooking a new icky looking dish and invites 4, 9, and 13 to dinner. Who eats the dish? Mandy,she don’t care. Its better then nothing,she’s not as picky as she used to be. 
67. Would 3 ever pierce their tongue?
:: No
68. What about 9 annoys 14?
That she’s a God yet she can’t fix The Deadite problem...
69. Does 1 or 5 sleep more?
70. Who does 14 like most out of 2, 8, and 12? Who do they like the least? Suzanna,they can relate to each other more,though I feel like Suzanna would be the mother figure,Amara would be the cool big sister and Michelle would be like Ashlee’s twin or BFF. 
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morenerdthanperson · 6 years
Character question tag
“She’s like space Lady Gaga that also knows how to throw knives and ninja stars.“
I was tagged by the wonderful @sweetcatminteareblog!
Rules: Answer the following questions for one of your characters and then tag ten people! (um... I’ll try?)
I had no idea who to pick, so I decided to have some fun and talk about a character named Helena Olwen who only gets mentioned as a historical figure in my current book, but who I know a lot about anyway x3
1) What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
At first she was nothing but the said historical figure: a woman who led an entire planet’s rebellion and who ended up becoming its first queen. I always knew what she looked like in terms of basic appearance: she’s of asian descent, with these terrifying electric green eyes (genetic tampering for the win!) (and she’s short, which she hates). All her eccentric dressing tastes and personality quirks came later :’D
2) Did you design them with any other characters/ OCs from their universe in mind?
Yep! There is of course the fact that she was mostly responsible for crafting Ahrin’s, my protagonist’s world, and also the Olwen family are famous for their trademark electric green eyes, which come from her.
3) How did you choose their name?
I already knew her last name (I just came up with it randomly), but I wanted to establish a naming tradition for the women in the Olwen family based on hers. Princess Elina Olwen was the youngest royal family member during Ahrin’s time (unfortunately she was killed as an infant), so I worked backwards and came up with Elena, Lena/Lina, Helen/Hélène, Elen, and finally Helena. I like that her name encompasses all the other ones :)
4) In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
I actually got to know her through another historical figure, Asteyr Vivar. His backstory came to me in a flash of inspiration, and as I explored more about his life I discovered more about her, too.
I don’t know much about her backstory, though. I know what she’s like as a person, and I know basic facts of what happened to her during and after the revolution, but I have no idea what prompted her to join the revolution (much less become one of its leading figures) or where her eccentric personality and tastes come from. She’ll tell me when I need to know :)
5) Is there any significance behind their hair colour?
Well, her natural hair colour is black because of her asian descent but she likes dyeing it crazy colours because she’s just a fun (and loud, in so many ways) person. 
6) Is there any significance behind their eye colour?
As I said, it’s the trademark Olwen colour. She wasn’t the first person to have it; she’s descended from some random person on Earth who decided to tamper with their eye colour genes, and although there is a degree of randomness about inherited colours (some family lines don’t have a consistent eye colour; for example mum could have purple eyes but you could be born with orange) her family line’s eye colour has remained relatively stable throughout the generations. (I suspected it mutated at some point from a gem green to the scary green it is now, though.)
7) Is there any significance behind their height?
Not beyond her being short possibly being attributed to her asian descent. She gets really salty about it, though; I feel like she’s so loud all the time just to compensate lmao
8) What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
Despite her superficial craziness, she’s someone who’s actually quite serious and gets down to business when it’s needed. Basically, she knows when to be silly and when not to be, which I relate to (I’m simultaneously told I’m the silliest and most serious person by everyone know xD)
9) Are they based off you, in some way?
Nooo way, she’s too outgoing and brave and awesome! xD
10) Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
No idea. I know she likes guys (she marries one, and I know of at least one other crush), but she hasn’t told me if she likes girls too. I can very much imagine her experimenting with girls, though, just to see what it was like.
11) What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to write much past vague historical events involving her due to my focus on the project involving Ahrin, and I haven’t had the opportunity to draw absolutely anyone, so I guess I’ve found it difficult giving her any amount of time to breathe. She’ll get her moment within two years, I reckon.
12) How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
Well, technically she literally just exists as a canon extension xD As I said, I don’t know anything about her backstory but do know about some things that happen after the revolution, so I guess her story is pretty far out there.
13) If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
I haven’t worked with her enough to know yet, unfortunately!
14) What is something about your OC that can make you laugh?
She looks crazy. She’s like space Lady Gaga that also knows how to throw knives and ninja stars xD
15) What is something about your OC that can make you cry?
She cares about both her family and her people very deeply. Unfortunately, she has to choose between them in at least two points in her life.
16) Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
Literally what @sweetcatminteareblog said: “/Angst/ [Sh]e’s a good [girl] who deserves better but I’m a machine fuelled by the tears of my characters” xD
17) What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
I discovered that she has a little brother or sister while writing this post! One who shares her eyes...
18) What is your favourite fact about your OC?
She is a master knife-hurler. Like, she’s better at knives than Ahrin is at guns and that is saying something. And everyone knows it too, so they try to keep out of her bad side because otherwise she will come after them hurling knives to scare them xD
One of her sort-of boyfriends/best friend(?) also gave her a snowflake-shaped ninja star as a gift, which she keeps at her side at all times (even though she won’t admit it) and which later becomes the new symbol/seal of Odyssey (her planet), which I think is pretty epic x3 (I still have to design it, oops)
I hope you enjoyed reading about my spicy girl!
I tag @saucy-egg-merchant (I know you’re not a writer but I know you have OCs!) and some people from my dash @aureliobooks @renee-gracie @thepotatowearsprada  (nice to meet you, even if you don’t want to do this!!)
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( @ava-burton-writing you mentioned wanting to know more about my oc’s, so I hope you don’t mind me tagging you in this!)
It’s occurred to me (or, rather, it did occur to me, twelve days ago, when I started writing this post) that aside from a few responses to asks, I haven’t actually explained what prov is, or who anyone in it is. Which, considering I’m a writblr, and I made this blog to talk about my wips and oc’s, literally makes no sense. So here’s a post on Prov:
What is Prov? 
‘Prov’, short for ‘The Provect Gene’, is my current (main) wip. It’s a YA sci-fi set in a ‘post-dystopian’ society with a (large) ensemble cast. 
It’s ‘history’: It’s been building in the back of my brain for so long I can’t actually remember when I first came up with the idea. I do remember making a wattpad and debating uploading it, but instead using the account to read other people’s works and to make notes and write extracts for other works I had planned (including fanfiction). Eventually, some of my friends discovered and decided to write their own books, so I decided to write Prov at the same time. Initially, it was called Psykes, short for Psysimalae (or something like that), for some reason, was written in first person despite being a multipov book, and a lot of the characters were clearly my attempt at just inserting my friends into the book (I didn’t even… change their names…) instead of the half fleshed characters I wanted. It as nothing like what I envisioned and was so badly planned and written that I literally gave up. I tried several times to come back to it and couldn’t because the quality of writing was so poor and there was so many inconsistencies in the story. Considering I could write pretty well at that time, the only thing I could think of is that my desire to get the book written fast/at the same pace as my friends overruled my ability to write. Eventually, after years of continuing to write the story in my mind, I came back to it and started to write it properly. 
Summary (that started off ridiculous and somehow got serious at the end): Once upon a time, there was a very rich, very smart, but not particularly nice, man named Cyrus. After years of theorising and making calculations, he came to the conclusion he could create a superpowered race of people for an army. Because he was the kind of person who wants to make superpowered armies. Through coercion, manipulation, lying, the occasional murder and other generally unethical means, he brought the people he wanted to experiment on into his labs and began testing. The only problem was that these people were teenagers, and teenagers are in that in between stage where they’re full of rebelliousness and ‘fight the system’ urges, and didn’t appreciate being locked up and prodded with needles. Eventually one of them who’d figured out he had powers used them to blow up a large portion of the lab, killing some people but freeing many others. The main problem – or, in Cyrus’ case, consolation – was that most of them had not learnt about their powers in the lab, and therefore didn’t know they existed. This made it easier for Cyrus to recapture them. He also managed to spread the word that they were ‘dangerous individuals’, which, in a world that’s fueled by paranoia, has a major impact. So now the police and government are after them too, which isn’t good for them. 
The book starts approximately one year after these events, when three small groups of the experiments are forced together, only to discover they have powers. Tired of always hiding and running, they decide it’s time they tried to put a stop to Cyrus and his experiments, and convince everyone that they’re not dangerous. This, along with them trying to figure out their powers, and trying to avoid simply getting caught and thrown back into the tests, make life very hard for them. Along the way, they discover more people like them, and more factors than they ever could have imagined, including corruption that goes far beyond what they thought. Loyalties are questioned, families are torn apart and sanity balances on the edge of a knife. After all, what’s the point of morals if only you stick to them?
Isabelle: Has the power to manipulate light. The literal mother of the group, makes sure everyone eats and sleeps and doesn’t get themselves killed. Knows everybody’s secrets but nobody knows hers. Very sarcastic. Just wants to sleep. Original squad. 
Damian*: Can manipulate electricity. Isabelle’s (slightly) younger brother. Kind of an asshole but it’s not intentional. Actually tries to be nice he’s just not used to other people (or their feelings). Very smart. Basically the tactician. Original squad.
Barry: Psychic. Drinks way too much coffee, he’s probably at least 85% caffeine at this point. Hyperactive. Basically the child of the group. Was sick before being taken by Cyptem and missed a lot of schooling. References TV shows a lot. Original squad.  
Calypso: Can manipulate water. Very into fashion. Is willing to die for the aesthetic. Seems like the kind of person who in any other situation would have her life together. Isn’t going to let a small thing like people wanting to kill her hold her back. Original squad. 
Will: Astral projection. The medic of the group. Wanted to be a doctor. Tries his best. Frequently questions how moral it is to hoard medicinal drugs. The most reasonable of the group. Done with everything. Original squad.
Leo: Can manipulate molecules to cause them to freeze or ignite. Makes a lot of bad jokes. Scared most of the time, but would do anything for his friends. Acts like he knows what’s going on but literally never does. Going through an internal identity crisis. Original squad.   
Pyra: Can manipulate her own molecular structure (basically, shapeshift). Smol but could kill you. Took about a million self-defense and fighting lessons. Always ready to fight. Tough exterior, slightly sweeter interior. Original squad.
Beth**: Relationship detection and empathy. Definitely hates you. Virtually unreadable. Good at manipulating people and situations. Thinks she’s the strategist of the team. Pessimistic. Usually right. Smart. Original squad.    
Lara: Can teleport. Badass. Basically saves everyone multiple times. Probably better than you at everything. Slightly paranoid. Would kill a man. Acts like she doesn’t like you but secretly would probably die for you. Doesn’t need a squad.
Chris: Telepath and telekinetic. Lived in a cave for like a year. Tries to be skeptical of people to protect himself but can’t resist helping everyone he meets. Uses obscure plants to treat injuries and illnesses. Book two squad.     
Matt: Molecular immobilisation. Strong. Good at fighting. Pretends to be quiet and grumpy but is actually a sweet heart. Could crush a rock with his hands. Likes hand-to-hand combat. Finds it funny that people are uncomfortable around him. Book two squad.
Seth: Molecular combustion. Matt’s twin. Not as strong as his brother. Very concerned about Matt’s tendency to get into fights. More prone to panicking in situations. The guy who tries to lean on the wall and act cool only to fall through an open doorway. Book two squad.       
Meg: Pain manipulation. Really a nice person but is being manipulated. Starts off hating everyone she meets but warms up to them quickly. Spends a lot of time being used. Doesn’t need anyone else. Technically book two squad, but also doesn’t need a squad.
Cyrus: Can manipulate shadows/darkness. The villain. Spent years trying to prove that superpowers were possible. Loose morals. A good actor. Could probably be a politician with all the lies he makes people believe.           
Wyatt: Shield manipulation. Literally a child. Was put through a lot before he was rescued from Cyptem. Is basically adopted by Isabelle. Generally distrustful of people, but very protective of the people he cares about.
Melody: Sound manipulation. 100% done. Not as mean as she initially seems. Doesn’t like people trying to control her. Would probably become a politician if she didn’t hate the government so much.           
Alex: None. Is an intern at Cyptem who discovered what was going on. Is willing to help everyone even though they seem crazy. Has no idea what’s going on most of the time. Spends a lot of his time eyerolling.
Paige: Heat manipulation. Isabelle and Damian’s older sister. Has done very questionable things but is still a good person. Cares about her siblings, but doesn’t show it well. Inadvertently causes drama.         
Renee: Illusion manipulation. Also a child. Spends more time in Cyptem than Wyatt. Likes to draw. Hard to explain without spoilers.
Amara: Fear manipulation. Cyrus’s right-hand women. Cold blooded. Willing to apply whatever force is necessary to get the job done – and in this case that involves helping get the kids back in and figure out how to make them more compliant.          
*The spelling of Damian has been a bit iffy through the years. When I initially wrote Prov, my friends asked if I’d spelled it wrong, and implied it wasn’t meant to be spelled the way it should. eventually, I changed the spelling, but I kept getting muddled up between the two. Then I went, ‘screw it, my character, my spelling’ - except I’d forgotten which was the original spelling. So for a while I just alternated between the two before settling on ‘Damian’. 
**Beth’s name has been subject to repeated change. Initially she was called Beth after someone I knew, and didn’t like, but who was part of my friendship group so I felt obliged to include. When I rewrote it, I changed her name along with everyone else’s, and she became Ellie. Except ‘Beth’ always fit her more so I eventually changed it back, before realising that meant I have a ‘Beth’ and a ‘Seth’ - who also have quite a lot of interaction, which is very important to the plot. I put my foot down at changing Seth’s name, so chances are, Beth is going to become Ellie, or some other not-Beth name. 
Tags: Prov tag, Isabelle, Damian/also-Damian, Barry, Calypso, Will, Leo, Pyra, Beth, Lara, Chris, Seth, and Matt. (Some characters have a lot more information in their tags than others, because I’m inconsistent with tagging. Which is going to change from this post on. Meg, Cyrus, Wyatt and the side characters do not yet have tags.)
So, there, finally: my wip and its characters laid out. So now when I talk about it, people will actually know what I’m talking about.
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