#(the court will say 'well now you have more money with which to pay child support. on account of having fewer payments to make')
evilponds · 2 years
in the past few years ive gone from "the shit my dad has done was traumatic but also pretty funny" to "actually it was just traumatic and not funny at all" to "you know what actually it IS funny now i think about it"
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angel122sthings · 2 months
Hey people my name is Ambrosia I go by angel it is my more preferred name I'm here to represent Wilbur in the situation considering that his community has dug into the situation and has found a lot lets start with me asking you a question. If you walk into a court most of the time the victim has pictures and a statement and the abuser doesn't have much on this hand she would walk in with a statement and no proof and he has pictures and a statement on his own who would win?.
Now for the next I will number the stuff I have found from providers on Twitter or YouTube
1. I have noticed that in her case she says he bit her hard enough to the point it was bleeding but if you go and look at pictures of bite marks like that it leaves bruises and dents in skin that would be covered by a bandage but in her streams even with her exposing clothes we didn't see anything and if she did use makeup it wouldn't have worked well because of the bite dents
2.there have been many surfacing pictures on the Internet of him with marks on his own skin we are still unsure if it was from her or not
3.there is audio on ashs stream in the background of her getting mad and yelling at Wilbur for his keys
4.in the situation she does call herself the "ace Jesus" which really offends many people and a lot dont like it
5.she has complained about him not paying for her cats when her cats are her responsibility and should be taken care of by her and not him
6.it would be understandable for her to feel distant because they did have a long distance relationship so she shouldn't be complaining about it
7.his reply on Twitter was a statement on his side the only time he apologized was if he had hurt her feelings he never said anything about him actually doing it and in the statement she says and I quote "she said it was consensual" meaning it was completely fine with her
8.she supports the girl who said that George assaulted her which wasn't true but she didn't support Freddy in anyway which is concerning
9.many people who he was friends with did not only stop being friends but lost contact with him (he never got to meet Tallulah)
10.he was doxxed at his childhood home in the UK which put not only him in danger but also his family and she did nothing
11.when many kids ages 11-15 died due to her supporters and community all she had to say was "I need proof" when their parent personality went on their Twitter and said "my child had committed" but she still didn't care
12.kids are being doxed or threatened on a daily basis
13.during their relationship he was struggling with depression because of technos death that would be the reason for the slobbish behavior and messy room
14.she complained about him not buying her a plain ticket to see him when we his obviously busy but after that she bought a lot of new stuff and dyed her hair again meaning she did have money unlike what she stated to him
This is only what I have found or what has been provided for many other people
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pinkeoni · 1 year
TW for child abuse
Been thinking about this moment lately where Lonnie is hammering over the hole in the wall that Joyce axed to try to get to Will—
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He’s literally trying to rebuild his home by shutting Will out.
If you pay attention to Lonnie’s dialogue, you’ll notice that he actually does want his family back. Now I’m not trying to give him any credit, this isn’t come from a genuine place of love.
Lonnie tells Jonathan that he wants to see him more. Again, not coming from a genuine place, as Jonathan points out, but I also don’t think he’s lieing.
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When Lonnie comes back to the Byers’ residence at the end of ep 4, he immediately starts calling Joyce babe. And to be honest, if Joyce hadn’t kicked him out in ep 5, he probably would have tried to stay.
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But if Lonnie does miss his family so much, why leave them? And if so, why not stay in town? Why move out to Indianapolis?
It’s pretty clear that Lonnie hated Will. When Joyce get’s mad at Lonnie in the flashback for not showing up, it was specifically about not bringing Will to the baseball game, not about visiting Jonathan or Joyce.
Now, from a base level, it looks like Lonnie was just them in order to get money out of Will’s death. If they were filing a lawsuit, using the broken family angle to get more sympathy in court, and making sure that he’s included in the payout.
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And maybe that’s the only angle. But if you wanna get conspiratorial (like me) then there may be more behind Lonnie’s action then we are being shown.
If Lonnie was just in it for the money, why did he say that he wanted to see Jonathan before he knew that Will was “dead?”
I made a post awhile ago that pointed out some of Lonnie’s fishiness, indicating that he may possibly been working with the lab during his dissapearance.
Think about it, if Lonnie was working with the lab to cover up Will’s dissapearance, then doing a payout through a fake lawsuit would be the perfect cover. If Will died and Lonnie suddenly came into a lot of money, that would look fishy to people. But if Will died, and Lonnie sued the quarry and got settlement money, people wouldn’t bat an eye. If we already know that the body is fake and that the guy who found his body was instructed by the lab, then it wouldn’t be too hard to believe that they could be behind the settlement as well.
When Joyce finds about Lonnie’s plan to sue, we get this shot of Lonnie in the shower—
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Now, narratively he had to be out of the room so that Joyce could go through his stuff, but figuratively, he is rinsing himself clean of his crimes. Will is “dead” now, he’s in the ground, and he has the perfect cover. He was can wash his hands of what he’s done.
Let’s take a step further and consider Lonnie’s past abuse of Will. If Lonnie was abusing Will when he was younger, and was nervous about Will remembering and telling, then it would make sense for him to skip town and stop visiting Will. And if Lonnie wanted to get his family back, he would have to get rid of the problem, which to him is Will.
Now, obviously Will is the victim here and not to blame, I’m just speaking from Lonnie’s messed up point of view. Lonnie is the one fault here, not Will, but to Lonnie, Will is the one who in the way of his perfect family.
So now the perfect opportunity arises for Lonnie to not only get his family back, but he gets a big payout whatever terrible thing he did to Will dies with him. It’s perfect.
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hi. alot is happening. bumming off wifi rn. i'm copy/pasting someone from a doc i started in libra office with no internet.
The landlady has made excuses to not give us back the security deposit. She keeps having Dave’s boss call him in a foul mood will all kind of threats and accusations of things we supposedly broke/ruined.
1.) On our first night out of there she has already threatened to call the cops on us by claiming that we filled the house with perfume before we left so it’ll hurt her. What happened was we cleaned it because she demanded that it was clean like it supposedly was when we moved in(it wasn’t clean when we moved in). We used that Meyers shit, which has a pretty muted scent and is supposed to be safe for the environment. And it was just basic sweeping, dusting, and then doing up the ktichen and bathroom just to be safe.
2.) Today she has claimed that we filled the washing machine with motor oil to ruin it as punishment before we left. She swears the whole house smells of oil, after screaming about it smelling like too much perfume that was supposedly used to hurt her breathing. Mind you, mom is an asthmatic so we can’t use things with strong scents because it will fuck her up. If we bought oil, it would be for the van cuz that shit is expensive and we wouldn’t be wasting it on HER of all people.
By now, Dave’s boss is aware that she cannot legally withold the deposit and that she’s trying to use the fact that Dave is a dumbass, against him. Mom however, knows the laws, and the lease said nothing about not using scented cleaners OR perfumes, and she does not have a legit reason to not give us the $1600 back. If she took it to court it would not hold. She has to make an itemized list of her claims, Dave has to acknowledge whether or not they are true, and then it goes to court.
fyi I took videos of everything in the house. Bethy’s Room, Mom’s Room, Bathroom, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen. All items that were hers, such as the Oven, Fridge, Washer, Dryer, Toilet, Sinks,Tub/Shower, random Recycle Bin, and Wall Hangings. Inside and Out. All details were recorded before we left. I even recorded us leaving at exactly 11:23 PM Feb 15th 2024, and recorded turning the light off.
Let’s see if she comes up with something else tomorrow. ~5:22 PM Feb, 17th 2024
Feb, 21st 2024:
I’ve just been informed by Bethy that Dave has gone on to further embarrass us. He insists that he’s got all these racing friends(and tbf they promised to help fund a big event to raise money for us 2 years ago, and then ghosted him AND Bethy when they asked what they had to do to help) who will help and has been harassing them for money.
One of them, an active dirt racer, posted a screenshot with Dave’s full name in a text convo begging for cash. And then half a dozen other dirt racers, active and retired, shared that he’s been hitting them up for money too. How he was in people’s posts about random shit beggn for money and then how he got swindled under his own comment by someone mocking him and posting the same thing he did with a small wording change about leaving an abusive house and Dave not only fell for it but then said he’d try to help them.
And now the greater dirt racing community is aware of this and are mocking him and us and some are making inquiries about Bethy’s well-being in connection to Dave. And their wives are having things to say about how he’s a bad parent and she should be taken away from him.
And I need to remind everyone that this is to pay off a blackmailer who is demanding $300 a week now. Bethy got a bit more info out of him on that and it apparently involves a photo. And there are only 2 types of photos that can get him in legal trouble(since he believes he CAN go to jail over this). So either he sent an unsolicited dick pic, which won’t receive much punishment cuz he’s a man who LOOKS white enough. OR it’s child p0rn, and he’s never given that vibe out of everything fucked up with him so I’m not exactly sure.
But he walks around demanding to know ‘did anyone give us money yet’ and people have donated to the GFM and Mealtrain, and I’ve earned about $100 on Ko-Fi recently, and we haven’t told him cuz he won’t use it for anything good.
He’s been bumming extra money off his boss despite knowing that the van need fixing, we need hot water and heat, and several other problems that need fixing ASAP. And his boss is asking questions and is getting nastier and nastier cuz he doesn’t trust Dave’s intentions and shitty lying.
There is no lease. The owner of this house knows Dave's boss and they supposedly came to an agreement that so long as Dave fixes up this house, we can stay here in the mean time for free. They supposedly made an agreement that Dave's boss will buy everything we need to fix the house up and then send all the receipts to the friend who will then pay him back.
And now Dave's boss is getting so fed up with Dave and his wishy-washy behavior and begging for all this money all the time that he does not earn, that he is now saying he never made any such promises. And he refuses to contact the owner of this house at all. There is no recording. No contract. No signatures. No proof that such a discussion went down at all. It is Dave’s word(unreliable) against the boss’(the one with money and power here) word.
Dave has no way to contact the owner either. Cuz he didn’t think that was necessary apparently. He was perfectly fine making his boss the go-between until his boss got angry.
So our ability to even stay here is hanging in the balance.
Can’t wait to see what other bad news I’m gonna find out.
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johnsbleu · 5 months
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 171
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warnings: nsfw hmh masterlist
It’s been about three weeks since Logan has moved in with you, and it’s been pretty good. He kept to himself a lot that first week but when he did want to talk, he confided in John, which was really nice to see. You were just happy that he was talking to someone about what was going on. When Tonya was here, Logan kept to himself, which you were happy about since she’s a demon and you didn’t want Logan around her.
Today, John and Logan been sitting on the dock and chatting. It’s not that you’re not included when he wants to talk, but with John saying he sees himself in Logan, it makes more sense for him to talk to him about what’s going on.
A smile breaks across John’s face as he and Logan walk up to the house, and you get butterflies when he looks at you--no matter what, that man can turn you into mush. You grin wide and immediately wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, hugging him tight. Ronan squeals and rushes over to Logan when he leans down to hug her. You kiss John one more time then you let go and look at Logan.
“She’s ready for some shopping.”
John rubs your sides, “You’re going shopping?”
“Yeah, Logan needs some things, so we thought we’d go to the shopping center in Brighton.” you say as you start to smile, “Do you want to come with us?”
“I mean,” he scratches the back of his neck and shrugs--he’s so damn cute. “I’m not doing anything else.”
You start to laugh, “Well, yeah, as long as we’re your last resort.”
“Stop!” he wraps his arm around your shoulders and hugs you tight to his side, “Of course I want to hang out with you. I just didn’t want to invite myself along.”
You playfully roll your eyes at John before you reach down and pick up Ronan. You gather up your things and head to the car with Logan and John, and you get Ronan into her car seat. Logan crawls into the back despite your protests to take it, and John smiles when you look at him.
“So, Logan,” you look over your shoulder at him, “Jimmy said he helped you get your bank stuff figured out.”
“Yeah, it was super easy. I wish I had just done that from the start but my dad…”
You nod your head, giving him a soft smile, “I get it. But it’s all taken care of now, so that’s good. It’s all your money. You can do whatever you want with it.”
Since Logan’s money was in his parent’s bank account, they wouldn’t allow him access to his last paycheck. They threatened legal action that probably really wouldn’t do shit but it just stressed out Logan, so he cut his losses. He said he had quite a bit of money in it since he never really bought anything for himself, but he also said he had been stashing his money. He’d get out money every few days and hide it away in his room.  
Not only did Greg threaten legal action about that, but he also did with John punching him too. John isn’t too worried about that and says that he’ll either give it up or the court will throw it out.
Since getting all new clothes, a phone, and any other little things would completely eat up what little money he did have, you and John decided to pay for his things. It’s not a big deal and it took the stress off of Logan, which is what you want. Making this transition as stress free as you can is what you want more than anything.
You glance over your shoulder at Logan as you head down the street, and he looks over at his house. There’s a For Sale sign in the yard now that makes you all perk up. You furrow your brow when you look at John, and he shrugs his shoulders and tilts his head giving you a “Good riddance” kind of look.
“Guess they’re moving.” Logan says, his voice quiet and sad.
You look back at Logan, “Do you think your sister will be okay?”
Logan nods as he looks down, “They never were…mean to her. It was always me. She’ll be fine.”
Leaving another child in the house isn’t the best thing but Logan is certain that she’ll be fine. It’s apparent that Logan was the one who was abused. Even from what you witnessed, his sister was a very loved child.
“Hey,” you reach back and take his hand, smiling softly, “Everything is going to be so much better now.”
“Yeah,” he smiles at you before he sits back and looks out the window.
John takes a deep breath and looks over at you, then he reaches for your hand and gives you a small smile, silently reassuring you that everything will be okay.
“Do you remember…” John stands in front of you and smiles, “When we came here--”
“And I met Jen and was insanely jealous because I couldn’t figure out why you had broken up with her--she’s hot--and gotten with me.” you start to laugh, rolling your eyes playfully, “It’s a vague memory.”
John chuckles as he leans down to kiss you, “You’re hot.”
“Jen is hot, don’t lie.”
“Jen is pretty,” he nods, laughing when you give him a blank stare, “What? She is, but come on, look at you! Look at you!”
You playfully pose as John laughs, “Okay, true, I’m pretty cute.”
“No, well, yeah, you’re cute, but…” John shakes his head and leans closer, “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and I’m not even kidding. I want you so bad right now. I always want you.”
You smirk as you look up at him, “How bad?”
“So…” he leans closer and kisses just under your ear, sending shivers down your spine, “So bad.”
Leaning back to look at him, you cup his face and bring his lips to yours before you both start to laugh. He gestures for you to sit down on the bench, so you take a spot and hold his hand when he sits next to you. Logan is currently on the carousel with Ronan right now, so thankfully no one was around to hear that conversation between you and John.
“I was thinking that tonight after Ro is down, we could have a movie night.” John says, and you look over at him, “Logan is going to hang out with Devin, so…”
You watch John’s eyes dip down to your lips for a moment before you start to smile, “You’ve been very…”
John starts to smile, “Very what?”
“Very horny lately,” you whisper, and a laugh bursts out of him before he gestures to you, “No, what is going on with you? Why do you want me so much?”
“Oh, come on,” he shakes his head as you smile, “It’s no more than usual.”
You scoff, “It’s waaaay more than usual, Wick.”
“I don’t know!” he laughs, throwing his hands up a little, “You’re sexy. What can I say? I’m attracted to my wife.”
“Hmm,” you squint your eyes at him jokingly, “I don’t know…”
John wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to him, “You’re weird.”
“You’re weird!”
“Well, if I’m weird, then you’re weird for marrying me.”
You laugh loudly, “Yeah, I won’t argue that.”
Logan smiles as he walks over holding Ronan in his arms, “I think she’s getting hungry.”
“Oh, probably,” you take her and set her in your lap, “Should we grab something to eat before we do some more shopping? What else do you need?”
“Uh,” Logan looks at his phone, “Just need some more clothes, then I, uh, I needed a laptop.”
John nods, “Oh, yeah. Then you’re all good, right?”
Logan nods his head as you get up and put Ronan into her stroller. He likes to push her, so you move so he can take it. John reaches for your hand and chats with Logan as you all head to the restaurant, and you smile to yourself. It’s so sweet how John has really taken Logan under his wing.
You finally make it to the row of restaurants in the mall, and you all decide to try out the burger place that is decorated like a 50’s diner. You haven’t tried it yet, so you’re looking forward to it. Logan slides into the booth on the opposite side of you while John gets Ronan into the highchair they’ve provided.
“This place is cool,” Logan says as he looks around, “Reminds me of this show my mom used to watch all the time.”
John sits next to you, leaning over to look at the menu, “Menu looks good.”
You all fall silent as you look at the menu, you and John both pointing at things that sound good, and you only glance up every so often to check on Ronan, who is playing with a toy and a pamphlet she grabbed from a jewelry shop when you were letting her walk earlier.
John wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer, pressing his lips to your shoulder before looking back at the menu, “You smell good.”
“Thanks,” you laugh, looking at him and smiling, “You look very handsome today.”
He chuckles, then he leans over to kiss you, “You look beautiful.”
You smile as you lean over and rest your forehead against his lips before checking out the menu. When the waitress comes over, she asks if you’re ready, which you’re not, so she grabs you some drinks and brings out a kid’s menu for Ronan.
For Ronan, you order some mac and cheese, along with some fruit and veggies, then you and Logan both get the same cheeseburger, while John gets some complicated burger that you’re not sure you’d ever be able to even finish. He also orders a chocolate shake since you said it sounded good.
“So,” you sit back and smile at Logan, “How’s work?”
“Really good. Jimmy is certain that he’s going to be getting this house, so he asked if I want to learn more. Obviously I said yeah.” he laughs, shrugging bashfully, “I like working there, it’s cool.”
John nods, “Jimmy says you’re doing really well too.”
You switch spots with John when Ronan gets a little fussy, and he continues talking to Logan while you play with her. You get some crayons from the waitress and scribble on the paper menu that she was given, and she squeals and kicks her legs happily.
“Logan?” a voice says from behind you, and you look over at the woman standing there. “What are you doing here?”
Logan sits up, “Mrs. Graham.”
“You should be ashamed of yourself.” she says to you, and you sit up straight. “Taking a child from his mother. How proud of yourself are you?”
“Considering he was being treated like shit, pretty damn proud.” you say, then you laugh humorlessly, “And I didn’t take Logan. He left. He wanted to leave and get away from Laura and Greg. We offered him a place to stay, and that’s that.”
The woman turns her nose up and crosses her arms, “Laura was right about you. You just look--”
“Watch your words,” John says from behind you, his voice sending chills down your arms, “I won’t allow you to speak about my wife like this, especially not in front of the kids.”
“The kids?” she laughs, rolling her eyes, “As if he’s your kid. He’s not your child!”
John exhales sharply, “Ma’am, I understand that you’re frustrated on behalf of your friend, but this is not your business. This is between Logan, his parents, and us. You don’t need to concern yourself in other people’s business.”
“Look, I get it. You’re hearing Laura’s side of things and believing her, but no one has listened to Logan. We did. We listened to him and we came up with a solution for him.” you say, and she just blinks at you. “Do you know how your friend has been treating her own son? Terribly. I won’t even tell you because it’s not my story to tell, but Logan needed out of that house. We provided a safe place for him.”
“Well, I just think it’s wrong for you to do that. They could have worked it out on their own.”
You scoff, “Obviously not. Have a nice day, ma’am.”
“One last thing,” she says, leaning closer to you, “You should be ashamed of yourself for bringing a child into the world with a man like him.”
You see red as you look at this pathetic woman, “You fucking bitch--”
Just as you start to get out of the booth, John grabs your arm and stops you. He pulls you back into the booth and wraps his arm around you so you can’t go anywhere, then he holds your gaze and shakes his head a little before looking over at Ronan, who is blissfully unaware of what’s been going on and is scribbling on the paper. Thank god!
“This man right here is a hundred times better than your husband could ever wish to be--”
“I don’t have a husband!” she says, and you laugh loudly.
The jokes write themselves.
“Yeah, well, it’s no wonder. Don’t you ever fucking speak on him, me, or my daughter again. A matter of fact, don’t speak on anyone at this table. Including Logan! You don’t know me, you don’t know my husband, and you clearly don’t know your friend. Why don’t you mind your own damn business and worry about yourself instead?” you say, and she just look at you with wide eyes, “Next time, I won’t be this nice. You can leave our table now.”
Logan frowns when you look at him, then you see him perk up a little before quickly putting his head down. You look over your shoulder to see the woman walk back over to her group of friends, and you spot Laura.
“Do you want to leave?” you ask Logan, but he shakes his head. “We can get our food to go. It’s okay.”
“No, I don’t want to.” he shakes his head again, “I’m tired of running away from her. She can leave.”
You take a deep breath and look over at John, “Don’t listen to her.”
“I don’t care what people say, peach. I never have.”
“You know what she said isn’t true. You’re the best dad.” you whisper to him and he smiles softly, “And I’m so glad I had a baby with you. Best daddy ever. There’s no one else I could imagine having kids with.”
John laughs, “Thanks.”
Ronan squeals loudly and reaches out for John, “Dada!”
“See? She loves you.”
You get Ronan out of the high chair and hand her off to John, who just holds her and loves on her. He says it doesn’t bother him, but you know deep down it probably bothers him a little bit.
“What are you wearing?”
You freeze with your mascara wand in front of your left eye as you look over at John, “Do I look bad?”
“What are you wearing?” he asks again, just staring at you.
You pout as you drop your arms to your side, “I thought I looked good. I can change. I mean, I’m not even completely dressed yet.”
“Come here,” he says, curling a finger and beckoning you over to him, and you slowly walk over, “Turn around.”
You quickly spin around and face him, “Do I look bad? John, answer me!”
“Slower this time,” he demands, and you huff as you slowly spin, only to be completely shocked when he spanks you hard on the ass.
“Jonathan Wick!” you gasp, turning around to look at him.
John bites his bottom lip as he starts to smile, “Do you realize how sexy you are?”
“Stop,” you start to walk back to the mirror but John grabs your arm and pulls you back to him, kissing you hard on the lips, “You like it that much?”
John ushers you over to the mirror and gestures to your body, “Yes!”
You start to laugh, tilting your head back to see him, “You’re sweet.”
“You look amazing, baby.” he says softly against your temple, then he rests his hand on your hip, “Are you going to wear just this today?”
You look at him through the mirror, “It’s a body suit, you dork. No, I’m going to wear some jeans.”
John hums, “Hmm, that’s a shame. Your ass look great.”
“Stop it!” you blush as he grins at you. You turn around and lean over to kiss him before he sits down on the bed and watches you, “What’s up?”
“Nothing. Ro is napping.” he says, and you smile at him. He’s bored. “Logan is out with a friend, but he’ll be back before we leave.”
Tonight is date night for you and John--he planned it for tonight. The two of you take turns planning whatever it is, and you two have several dates throughout the month. Usually about one a week. Wednesdays are always for just the two of you since Ronan goes to your parents house, but sometimes that doesn’t always mean there’s a date. Sometimes it’s just hanging out at home and tidying up, then ending the night on the couch with a bowl of pasta or something, which is still a date in your mind; you don’t always need to go out and spend money for a date night. But Wednesday is just a mid-week reset for you and John.
But tonight is date night! You told John that you didn’t want to do anything too crazy since Logan would be watching Ronan tonight. He volunteered all on his own to watch her when he heard John mention date night. Of course you said that you’d be more than okay with taking Ronan to stay with Tess for a few hours, but Logan insisted.
“Nothing crazy tonight, right?”
“Nope,” John shakes his head and smiles as you narrow your eyes, “I’m serious! You said you didn’t want to do anything crazy, and you know me, I always follow rules.”
You laugh loudly, “If there’s one thing you don’t do, it’s follow rules. Mr. Excommunicado.”
“Hey!” he laughs, “That was different.”
“Okay, true.”
John lounges back on the bed, resting on his left elbow as he watches you, “But it’ll be nice. It’s something we haven’t done in a while.”
You immediately look back over at him, “What?”
“Like I’m telling you.”
“Well, now you’re obligated.” you point your mascara wand at him, “Tell me or no nookie tonight.”
John scoffs, “You always threaten that, but let’s be honest…you could never.”
“You wanna test it out?” you try to be serious, but you immediately fail and laugh as you walk over to straddle his waist, “It’s annoying how addicted I am to you.”
“I know the feeling,” he whispers as you lean down to kiss him. He spanks you a few times as he sits back up, “Finish getting ready, mouse.”
You get off his lap and walk over to finish getting ready, and you look through the mirror and smile when you see John just simply watching you like you’re his favorite TV show. He smiles back and leans his elbows on his knees, still watching you. You finish up your make-up and walk to the closet to get some jeans, then you fluff up your hair before turning around to look at him, giving him a ‘What do you think?’ look.
“So beautiful, baby.” he says softly, reaching for your hands, “I’m so in love with you.”
“You can’t make me cry. I just finished my make-up.”
John stands up and takes your arms to wrap them around his neck as he holds your gaze, then he takes you into his arms, “I just need to hold you for a minute.”
Your laugh is muffled against his chest, “Okay.”
He is genuinely the cutest, sweetest man you’ve ever met in your life. It’s so sweet how sometimes he just needs to hold you to ground him. As a kid, he didn’t get the affection he desperately craved, so now he’s become a grown man who wants to give it all the time. It’s the best.
John slowly sways back and forth with you in his arms, then he presses a kiss to the top of your head, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you lean back to look into his eyes, “You’re pretty cute, you know that?”
You wrap your arms around him a little tighter, “About what the woman said--”
John shrugs it off as if it didn’t hurt him, “It’s fine.”
“It’s not,” you lean back and look into his eyes, “It’s not fine. I would have pummeled that woman if Ro and Logan hadn’t been there. What she said was completely wrong and so not true. You know this, Jonathan. Deep down, you know that there is no one else who is more perfect to be her dad. You are so good at being a dad, John. Words can’t express how happy I have that you are her dad. You’re so patient and attentive. You’re encouraging and kind. You’re exactly what I would have wanted in a dad and I know that’s a really weird thing to say, but it’s true. I’ve already told you that you’ve healed the little girl in me, but I am so fucking happy that you won’t have to heal anything in Ronan. She’s going to be just fine because she has you for a dad.”
John inhales deeply, his eyes a little glassy with tears, “You really think all that?”
“Of course I do. If I didn’t think you’d be a good dad, I wouldn’t have had a baby with you. I like to think I’m a good judge of character.”
“And you’re really smart too…” his voice is so soft that you just melt.
You laugh, rolling your eyes playfully, “Exactly. Don’t ever, ever, ever question whether or not you’re a good dad because you are. I can see it when Ronan looks at you. She is obsessed with you, babe. She loves you more than anything. If there’s one thing that is absolutely true, it’s that that baby is the biggest daddy’s girl, which I completely understand because I’m so obsessed with her daddy too.”
“I’m certainly obsessed with her and her momma,” he whispers, and you smile at him. “Thank you, baby.”
“I’ll still kick that woman’s ass, by the way.”
John smiles, “I thought I was gonna have to bail you out of jail.”
“Next time some bitch decides to wants to brave and say that shit, she better hope our daughter isn’t there because I will fight her.” you say, shrugging, “I won’t hesitate.”
“You certainly didn’t hesitate last night. Thank you for sticking up for me, my peach.”
You cup his face and kiss him, “I will always stick up for you, Wick. We’re a team.”
“My favorite teammate,” he chuckles softly before kissing your forehead and letting go of you when the front door opens. “That must be Logan.”
You let go of him but he takes your hand and looks back at you. You nod your head since you’re ready to go. He holds tight to your hand and heads downstairs, and you give Logan a wave when he walks into the living room.
“Hey. Have fun?”
Logan nods, “Yeah, we went fishing. Caught some but nothing too big so we threw them all back. You two heading out?”
“We just wanted to wait until Ronan got up from her nap, but…” John looks at his watch, “She might be down for a little longer, so not sure.”
You shrug, “She’ll be okay if Logan gets her. She knows him so it’s not like she’ll freak out. She’ll just be hungry and want something to eat, but you’ve watched her before and you know what she likes.”
“Yeah, of course.” Logan nods, looking back and forth between you and John. “I can get her something to eat, then we’ll play with some toys, maybe build a fort.”
You smile, “She’ll love that.”
“We won’t be out long.” John says, looking at his watch again, “We’ll be back before she needs to go to bed.”
“I used to watch my sister all the time,” Logan says, frowning a little, “So it’s okay if I have to put her to bed.”
You feel your eyes burning as you look away to keep yourself from crying. He must miss his sister so much. “Have you talked to her at all?”
Logan shakes his head, “No, but I thought I might go visit her at school one day. They’re going to be having a choir concert soon, so I might sneak in there to see her.”
You look over at John just as he looks at you, then you plaster a smile back on your face, “I bet she’d love to see you.”
John stands behind you and places his hands on your shoulders, squeezing them lightly, “Well, should we head out? We’ll be back by 8 or so.”
“I’ll have my phone with me the whole time if you need to call, and don’t forget that Tess is just across the street too. She’s home tonight, so you can always call her if something comes up.” you say, and Logan nods his head and starts to laugh when John widens his eyes playfully and shakes his head.
“We’ll be back in a bit.” John says, lightly pushing you towards the door.
Logan laughs as he sits down on the couch, “See you later.”
John takes your hand and leads you over to the car. He stops and digs in his pocket for a moment and pulls out a hair tie. You furrow your brow and look up at him.
“You’ll need this tonight.”
You start to smile, “Jonathan Wick, are you hinting that you want me to go down on you in the car?”
“That would be totally cool if that’s what you want to do, but no, that’s not what this is for.”
“It’s for my hair?”
He nods, “Yes, of course, but not for what you think.”
“I’m very curious.”
“We need to leave now though. Before the sun sets.” he says, and you immediately squint your eyes at him. “We have somewhere we need to stop first so we can get something for tonight.”
You groan when John gestures to the car, “You’re being cryptic.”
“You’ll know as soon as we’re there what’s happening, so you just have to wait 20 minutes. I promise, peach,” he kisses your temple and opens the door for you to get in, “We’ve done it before but not for a long time, and it’s time we do it again. You said it was one of our favorite dates we’ve ever had.”
“That doesn’t help me! I say that about every date because you’re so good at planning them.” you pout, looking over at him, “Please tell me.”
John laughs, “You’re very cute when you pout. Oh, I almost forgot.”
“You almost forgot how cute I am?”
“No,” he laughs as he opens the backseat door, “I’ll never forget that. I almost about this!”
You turn a little to see a large bouquet of flowers. Snapdragons, roses, dahlias, tulips, and baby’s breath. It is the most stunning collection of flowers in a very peachy color with little pops of white and green throughout. Just from the color alone, you know John picked everything himself.
“Peach…” you say, and he smiles proudly. “You’re so cute. These are beautiful. Thank you very much.”
“You’re very welcome,” he says before kissing you, “Ready for our date?”
You smile, “Ready to tell me where we’re going?”
After kissing you quickly, John makes sure you’re in the car, then he shuts the door and rushes to the driver’s side. You playfully squint your eyes at him, and he laughs as he backs out of the driveway.
“We’re getting our oil changed?” you ask incredulously when John pulls up to Aurelio’s auto shop. You look at him and furrow your brow as you laugh, “What a lovely date.”
John laughs, “No, we just need to get something.”
As soon as John pulls into the garage, Aurelio gets up and walks over. He opens your door and helps you out, and you’re taken aback when he leads you over to a nice 1960’s Corvette that has the top down. You begin to smile as you look back at John. He gives you a wink and hurries over to help you get in the car.
Aurelio hands the keys off to him and shakes his hand, “Have fun.”
“I’ll have the car back by eight.” John says, but Aurelio waves it off, “Okay, maybe nine.”
You start to laugh as John gets in the car, then you look back at Aurelio, “Maybe 10.”
“Take your time. You know someone is always here,” he says, waving at the two of you as you back out of the garage.
You grin as you look over at John, and he pulls you closer to him on the seat since it’s a bench seat. You pull your knees up and rest your head on his shoulder, and he drapes his arm across your legs.
The last time John got a car from Aurelio, he drove to Brighton to this little restaurant right near the beach. You sat outside and watched the sunset while you ate dinner, and it was perfect. The drive home was amazing since the air was still warm, and you just clung to him and him to you. It was perfect, and it absolutely was one of your favorite dates.
“So, where are we heading?”
“Thought we’d go watch the sunset.” he says, and you nod your head. “Grab some burgers and shakes at the restaurant right on the shore too. Too late for us to go to Brighton, but Oyster Bay Cove will be perfect for tonight.”
You can feel your eyes just forming hearts as you look at him, and he laughs before he leans down to kiss you. You cup his face to keep him from moving away since you’re at a red light, and he laughs against your lips.
“You’re the best.” you wrap your arms around his bicep and close your eyes as the wind blows through your hair.
Yup, you’re definitely going to need that hair tie. For more than one reason.
You and John stumble into the house as you laugh, both shushing one another since you’re definitely being way too loud--you’re both a little drunk on love right now. John puts his hand over his mouth as he laughs, turning around to lock the door as you walk into the living room. You freeze when you see Logan laying on the chaise lounge with Ronan tucked into his side, both fast asleep and their blanket fort left unmade on the ground.
John comes up behind you and rests his cheek against your head, “Pretty cute, huh?”
“She adores him.”
“He adores her.”
You sigh as you nod, “He misses his sister. Would it be bad if I reached out to Laura to see if they would be okay with him visiting her?”
“I don’t think that’s your job, sweetheart,” he turns you to him and shrugs, “Laura and Logan will have to figure that all out on their own. I know he misses his sister. I’m sure it’s hard being away from her. And I know you, so I know you want to help. I know your mom instincts are kicking in, but this isn’t for you to fix.”
Inhaling deeply, you nod your head and look up at John as you squint your eyes and scrunch your face up. A smile tugs at John’s lips before a grin breaks out and you sneeze loudly into your elbow.
“Shit,” you turn around and look at Logan and Ronan as they both jolt awake, “Sorry!”
Ronan sits up and smiles wide when she sees you and John, and she crawls off the couch and runs over, reaching up for you. You pick her up and hug her tightly, closing your eyes and kissing her cheek with a big ‘mwah!’
“Did momma wake you up?” you ask Ronan and her sleepy little eyes, and she nods her head despite the fact that she’s grinning, “Did you miss me?”
“Yeah,” she nods, then she looks at John, “Daddy.”
John smiles, rubbing the top of her head and messing up her brown hair, “Hey, bug.”
Ronan leans her chin against your shoulder and giggles sleepily when John plays peek-a-boo with her. You hug her tight and look over at Logan as he watches her.
“How was she tonight?”
“Really good,” he nods as he sits up, “She ate all of her dinner, then we played with her toys for a bit--I’ll pick those up.”
John waves it off, “Don’t worry about it.”
“We sat down to watch Coco and just fell asleep, I guess,” he laughs, and Ronan kicks her legs to be let down. She runs over to him and jumps into his lap, squealing when he lifts her up, “Hey, we gotta go night-night, don’t we?”
Ronan nods her head, then she points upstairs to her room, telling Logan that they need to go. He chuckles as he gets off the couch, and you give Ronan a kiss. She waves at you and John from over Logan’s shoulder, and you wave back and smile before walking into the kitchen.
“She just loves him. Look at that! He’s just taking her up to bed and she’s not even crying.” you set your purse on the counter and look over at John as he tosses his keys into the bowl next to the landline that’s probably from like 1987. “I’m so proud of her. I remember for a while she wouldn’t even let Tess or Jimmy put her down, but now she’s so much more comfortable.”
“Yeah, I’m really proud of her too,” he smiles, looking over at you, “We did a good job with that one.”
You smile, “And we still are.”
“Tonight was fun,” he whispers, pulling you closer to him until you’re in front of him. He lifts you up and sets you on the counter, and you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. “Did you have fun?”
“I did. I had a lot of fun,” you run your fingers through his hair and scratch his scalp lightly before wrapping your arms around his neck again, “Wish we could have kept the car a little longer.”
John grins, “I could have. All it would have taken was a phone call.”
Squinting his eyes, John smirks, “Why did you want the car for longer?”
You move your hands down to his chest, “You know why.”
“Mrs. Wick, were you hoping to have some car sex?” he asks, and you feel your cheeks burn as you laugh. “Look how cute you are.”
“Stop!” you put your hands over your face, “You’re making me blush.”
John presses several quick kisses to your cheek, “We don’t have the car anymore, but we can still have some sex.”
“Sounds good, but we have to be super quiet.”
“We have a basement,” he suggests as you laugh.
You wrap your arms around his waist and lean against him, closing your eyes as he holds you, “I had a really good time tonight. Thank you.”
“I’m glad, sweetheart,” he murmurs into your hair, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you lean back to look at him, then you cup his face and kiss him.
John is just inches from your lips as he looks into your eyes, then he leans forward and kisses you tenderly, cupping your face in his hand. You wrap your legs around him and pull him closer, and he nips at your bottom lip.
Logan clears his throat, and you and John both look down like you’re two teenagers who just got caught. John glances up at you and smiles, then he walks around to stand on the other side of the counter for obvious reasons--you’re flattered. He discreetly adjusts himself while Logan makes himself busy with the magnets on the fridge.
“Is she asleep?��� you ask, and Logan nods his head. “You can turn around, Logan.”
He waits a few seconds before he turns around, “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Oh, you’re alright. John just loves smooching on me,” you laugh, shrugging it off as John walks back over to stand in front of you. He leans with his back against the counter, and you rest against his back, “No biggie.”
Logan inhales deeply and nods his head, “You two are so different from my parents.”
He nods as he looks at you, “You actually interact with each other and don’t seem like you want to kill each other.”
“Yeah, no, I definitely don’t want to kill him. I’d be completely lost without him,” you say, and John chuckles. “He’s my best friend. I can’t imagine doing parenthood without him. Or just life in general.”
Logan leans against the counter opposite of you, “My parents wouldn’t be caught in the same room, let alone hugging or kissing.”
You sit up, “Is this making you uncomfortable? Because if it is, we can absolutely cut it out.”
“No,” he shakes his head as he laughs, “It’s actually really nice. I’ve just never been around it before, so it’s different. It’s a good different though. It’s…”
“Refreshing?” you ask, and he nods. “Yeah, I know the feeling. My ex wasn’t affectionate at all and was…incredibly mean to me. When I met John, I was so blown away by the affection he gives and how naturally he gives it. One of the things I’ve loved most about my relationship with him was the fact that he never made me feel like I needed to work for his affection. I was deserving of his love just by being myself, like I said, he just gave it so naturally. I didn’t even feel like I deserved his love. He’s so sweet to me, and he’s so good to Ro too. I’m so beyond happy that she has him for a dad.”
John looks over his shoulder at you and smiles, “I’m pretty lucky too. She’s pretty great--both of my girls.”
“Anyway,” you roll your eyes playfully, “If we are ever being inappropriate or making you uncomfortable, let us know. Obviously we don’t plan on just…you know, right in front of you or anything.”
Logan laughs, “Yeah, I get what you mean.”
You look at him for a moment and hold his gaze, “You’ve had the…the…”
Logan furrows his brow, “What?”
“You’ve had the…” you lean a little closer and whisper, “You’ve had the sex talk, right?”
John puts his hand over his mouth as he laughs, “Peach!”
“Well, I don’t know!”
Logan laughs as he nods his head, “Yes, Mrs. Wick, I’ve had The Talk. I am eighteen, by the way. I know things.”
“I don’t know!” you put your hands up and shrug, “I didn’t know if you had the talk or not yet. God, sorry!”
“You just made this so weird, peach.” John says, and you hop off the counter, “I’m just being honest.”
Logan continues laughing when you look at him, “I’m sorry, but that’s funny. I appreciate you asking.”
You didn’t know if his parents had that talk with him since they were shit at being parents. Obviously he probably found out stuff from his friends, but you didn’t know! You certainly weren’t looking forward to having the conversation with him by any means, but you were willing to do it.
“I just wanted to be helpful,” you say, and John grins. “I don’t see you volunteering to do it, Mr. Wick!”
John laughs, shaking his head, “Hell no. No offense, Logan, but I’m not ready for that stuff yet. I’m still trying to get the hang of having a baby.”
“I was willing to completely embarrass myself and give you the talk, so you better be grateful!” you say, teasing him.
“I am very grateful,” Logan laughs, then he nods his head and smiles, “Trust me, I’m very grateful for everything you two have done for me.”
John wraps his arm around your shoulder, “Don’t mention it, kid.”
“I should head to bed, I have to work in the morning.” he says, and you smile at him. He turns to leave but stops and looks at you and John again, “Seriously, it is really cool how you two are, you know, hugging and dates and stuff. Ronan is really lucky to have parents like you. I know she’ll realize that when she’s older.”
“Thank you,” John smiles, giving him a small wave, “Sleep tight.”
You inhale deeply and give him a smile but as soon as he leaves, you turn to John and bury your face in his chest as you tear up. He holds you and presses a kiss to the top of your head, swaying you from side to side.
How sad is it that he’s never seen his parents just hug or kiss, or show any sort of basic affection? You always knew that that was something you wanted Ronan to grow up with. Obviously you’re not making out with John in front of her, but you and John share a few kisses and always cuddle on the couch. You want her to grow up in a home where affection is shown and love is never on short supply. You want her to see what she deserves in a relationship, and you never want her to settle for less.
“You have such a good heart, you know that?” John tilts your head back and kisses your forehead before leaning down to kiss the center of your chest, “The best heart.”
“Thank you.”
John smooths your hair back and pulls you back into his arms, “Let’s go to bed, baby.”
Holding John’s hand, you make your way upstairs after locking the doors and turning the lights off. You say a quick goodnight to Ronan, then you change into your pajamas and crawl into bed with John, immediately falling onto him and kissing him. He cups your face for a moment before sliding his hand down to your waist, then to your leg, pulling you on top of him.
You sit up straight on John and look over your shoulder to make sure the door is shut, then you pull your nightgown over your head and toss it aside. John smiles as he gazes up at you, his eyes raking over inch of your body. He sits up and kisses you, then he leans down and sucks on your nipple.
Biting your lip, you close your eyes and tilt your head back, “Do you want me, John?”
“So bad,” he places his hand on the back of your neck and tilts your head back up so you’ll look at him, “Can you feel how bad I want you?”
You shimmy down into his lap more and smile when you feel him hard against your leg. You pull your panties aside, then you grin as you move his hand between your legs.
“Can you feel how bad I want you?”
John closes his eyes as his fingers play with you, “Fuck, you're so wet.”
“You made me that wet,” you whisper to him, and a noise comes out of the back of his throat, “You make me so fucking wet, John.”
“I want you to sit on my face,” he whispers against your lips, which elicits a moan from you, “I want you to ride my face until you come, then I want to fuck you until you come again. Until your legs are shaking and you’re screaming my name.”
You laugh with your lips pressed to his, “I probably shouldn’t scream your name, but everything else can be arranged.”
“We have pillows,” he suggests, and you laugh as you push him to lay down so you can scoot up to straddle his face. He looks up at you with so much adoration, then he licks his lips, “Mm, mm, mm.”
You stand up on the bed to quickly take off your underwear, then you get back down and kiss John before sitting right on his face while he hums happily. You close your eyes and tilt your head back when you feel his warm tongue between your legs, then you quickly press your hand on to your mouth.
“There’s no way I’m going to be quiet,” you say to him, and he peeks at you, “I’m never quiet with you.”
“I know,” he grins from ear to ear, “I love it.”
As you roll your hips, firmly clutching the headboard, you gaze down at John. He reaches up and caresses your breast as he eats you out, and you press your hand to your mouth when you moan. Your knuckles are turning white from gripping the headboard so tight and you start to move your hips faster until you feel yourself tipping over the edge.
John keeps you from moving off of him as you start to climax, and he pulls you down closer to his mouth while you press your hands over your mouth. You moan loudly into your hands and your eyes rolls shut, an electric surge running through your body. John holds you as he sits up, then he plops you down on the bed and crawls on top of you.
He makes sure to give your body plenty of attention with little nips and kisses. He licks up your stomach to the valley between your breasts, then he sucks on your nipple and closes his eyes when you moan. You reach down to touch him over his boxers, which elicits a moan from him. He quickly pulls his cock from his boxers and slides between your legs, instantly pressing his hand to your mouth when you moan.
“Holy shit, John,” you laugh quietly, “You’re so hard.”
“You turn me on, what can I say?” he smiles, and you lean up to kiss him passionately as he starts to thrust his hips.
Arching your back, you grip John’s bicep as your teeth begin to chatter and you squeeze your eyes shut before looking up at him. John smiles proudly and leans down to kiss you a few times, jerking his hips hard and knocking the breath out of you.
“Oh, shit…” you manage to choke out, “Oh, fuck!”
“Here,” John hands you a pillow and grins, “Look like you’re gonna need it.”
taglist: @lilithlinen @mutlifandombliss @ruby-octo @tnu-ree @sakurachan-9 @beingnerdyissupercool @scream-queen-25 @ladyren33 tumblr tagging system is wack so let me know if the tags worked!
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antidrumpfs · 3 months
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Here is the list of the biggest lies Trump told during his debate with President Biden on Thursday:
1. "We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We have never done so well, and everybody was amazed by it."
2. "The only jobs he created are for illegal immigrants and bounce-back jobs, they’re bounced back from the COVID."
3. "[10% universal tariff proposal is] not going to drive [prices] higher.”
4. “[Tariff proposal is] just going to just force [other countries] to pay us a lot of money.”
5. “I gave you the largest tax cut in history.”
6. "I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we're getting out with dignity, with strength, with power.”
7. “The tax cuts spurred the greatest economy that we've ever seen.”
8. “Now, when we cut the taxes…we took in more revenue with much less tax.”
9. “We had largely fixed [COVID].”
10. “Throughout the entire world, we're no longer respected as a country. They don't respect our leadership. They don't respect the United States anymore. We're like a third world nation.”
11. “He allowed millions of people to come in here from prisons, jails, and mental institutions to come into our country and destroy our country.”
12. “He's destroying Medicare because all of these people are coming in.”
13. “The Supreme Court just approved the abortion pill.”
14. “Every legal scholar throughout the world, the most respected, wanted [abortion] brought back to the states.”
15. “They’re radical because they will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth. After birth, if you look at the former governor of Virginia, he was willing to do this. He said, we'll put the baby aside, I will determine what we do with the baby, meaning will kill the baby.”
16. “Under Roe v. Wade, you have late term abortion. You can do whatever you want depending on the state. You can do whatever you want.”
17. “He decided to open up our border, open up our country to people that are from prisons, people that are from mental institutions, insane asylum, terrorists.”
18. “He didn't need legislation because I didn't have legislation. I said close the border.”
19. “[Migrants are] living in luxury hotels in New York City and other places.”
20. “He doesn't care about our veterans. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t like the military at all, and he doesn't care about our veterans.”
21. “I had the highest approval rating for veterans taking care of the VA. He has the worst. He's gotten rid of all the things that I approved.”
22. “First of all, that was a made-up quote, ‘suckers and losers.’ They made it up.”
23. “Our veterans and our soldiers can't stand this guy. They can't stand him. They think he’s the worst Commander in Chief, if that’s what you call him, that we’ve ever had.”
24. “He did nothing to stop [Russia’s invasion of Ukraine]. In fact, I think he encouraged Russia from going in.”
25. "Iran was broke with me. I wouldn't let anybody do business with them. They ran out of money. They were broke.”
26. “You had no terror at all during my administration.”
27. “Nancy Pelosi, if you just watched the news from two days ago, on tape to her daughter, who's a documentary filmmaker they say, but she's saying, ‘Oh, no, it's my responsibility. I was responsible for this’ because I offered them 10,000 soldiers or National Guard. And she turned them down.”
28. “The unselect committee, which is basically two horrible Republicans that are all gone now, out of office, and Democrats, all Democrats, they destroyed and deleted all the information they found because they found out we were right. We were right. And they deleted and destroyed all of the information.”
29. “Telling the Ukrainian people that we're going to want a billion dollars or you change the prosecutor, otherwise you're not getting a billion dollars. If I ever said that, that's quid pro quo.”
30. “I didn't have sex with a porn star.”
31. “He basically went after his political opponent because he thought it was going to damage me.”
32. “He made up the Charlottesville story.”
33. “He caused the inflation and it's killing Black families and Hispanic families.”
34. “They can’t buy groceries anymore, they can't, you look at the cost of food where it's doubled and tripled and quadrupled. They can’t live, they’re not living anymore.”
35. “[European countries] don’t want anything that we have.”
36. “Almost every police group in the nation from every state is supporting Donald J. Trump. Almost every police group.”
37. “And what he's done to the black population is horrible, including the fact that for ten years he called them super-predators.”
38. “And yet during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever.”
39. “The Paris accord was going to cost us $1 trillion and China nothing and Russia, nothing, and India nothing. It was a rip off of the United States and I ended it because I didn't want to waste that money because they treated us horribly…. Nobody else was paying into it and it was, it was a disaster.”
40. “I'm the one that got the insulin down for the seniors. I took care of the seniors.”
41. On migrants: “They're taking over our schools our hospitals, and they're going to be taking over our schools or hospitals, and they're going to be taking over Social Security.”
42. “But Social Security - he's destroying it because millions of people are pouring into our country and they are putting them onto Social Security. They’re putting them onto Medicare, Medicaid. They’re putting them in our hospitals.”
43. “He wants open borders. He wants our country to either be destroyed, or he wants to pick up those people as voters.”
44. "He wants the Trump tax cuts to expire.”
45. “He wants to raise your taxes by four times. He wants to raise everybody’s taxes by four times.”
46. “We now have the largest [trade] deficit in the history of our country under this guy. We have the largest deficit with China.”
47. “He gets paid by China. He's a Manchurian candidate. He gets money from China. So I think he’s afraid to deal with them.”
48. “We had two cases, we paid $6 billion for five people.”
49. “They talk about a relatively small number of people that went to the Capitol, and in many cases were ushered in by the police.”
50. “I would have much rather accepted these [election results in 2020], but the fraud and everything else was ridiculous.”
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the-white-soul · 6 months
We've got some good thoughts already, aside from Sans. The only thing he's eager about is quitting. You can't blame him with how hard this all is, but we have to win this case despite that!
Let's see... During the war, we couldn't even manage to take one life while countless monsters died. They were also allowed to make these murders since it's a given of war, but all this means is monsters haven't manage to kill anyone until Asgore's seven souls. Humans are much more bloodthirsty, and most monsters could hardly even hurt humans if they tried. At the point when souls were taken, we were forced to do so just to live free from a barrier which was put in place for no real reason in the first place. Monsters were innocent for the longest time and beaten down on by humans for that one instance with the curious child who absorbed the soul of their already dead friend. The kid didn't even try to harm anyone with it, like Alphys said.
I'd like to say I should go as a witness as well since I also know asgore well and grew up in politics so I know how things work, but then again I didn't perform well last speech and I might ruin this again in addition to sparking some negative reactions just by showing me face.
Speaking of, d'you think people are going to try to take me for murder? Or would the police not care since that human was obviously an idiot? At least I hope it was obvious.
(Kara) "Honestly, I have no idea. How hasn't he been arrested? I'm happy about it but confused." (John) "While you are probably a criminal, you are a criminal of war, so…" (Dess) "It doesn't matter. We have great security." (Kara) "People spraypainted your house." (Dess) "They were protecting you. They are everywhere." (Kara) "Spies cost money." (Dess) "You want to know how we can afford everything? There's one monster who's so popular even some humans give him plenty of money." (Mettaton) "It's me, darlings! You can see why, can't you? I'm so glamorous it connects the world because everyone agrees I'm hot." (Kara) "Whatever pays. Now, one last question." (Dess) "What is it?" (Kara) "What will we do with the Anons?" (Dess) "I was about to ask the same thing."
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(Kara) "How many problems can we handle? I feel like I'm about to explode. You can change your voice, as well. Great, now you could all be psychos. 'Hey Kara, did you have enough stress today? No? Well, let's make it so you want to pull out your hair and punch yourself so hard you'll be unconscious. Won't that be great?'Looks around and sees the monsters hiding behind a chair. Sorry, something slipped out. Now, how did you get here? Cause when one person gets in…"
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(Kara) "Wait, Chara did this again?" (Dess) "Um, Kara? I don't mean to alarm you too much, but we're not hiding because of you." Kara turns around and sees Chara pop out. (Chara) "Howdy!" (Kara) "Oh shit!" (Chara) "Don't worry, I'm not here because of blood lust. Well, not now. Tee hee. I'm here because I thought a flower would've been my mailman, but he seems too afraid. Don't worry. I'll tell them. Winks. You see, I think you should take this more seriously." (Kara) "Why?" (Chara) "Oh, let's just say monsters will be free one way or another, whether it's by death or love. Most likely both. I guess you've met some of the anons. I thought about giving you a little fun because we all know how boring court dramas can be." (Dess) "Don't you want monsters having less discrimination? How does bringing more hate solve anything?" (Chara) "Well, if you can't handle a simple creature like an anon, you should give up! I promise you I'll make it quick." No one spoke. The wind could've gone 1 MPH, and everyone would've heard it. (Chara) "Okay! If you want a ridiculous trial, then who am I to judge? Good luck! Try not to die to the anons!"
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fairydustedtheory · 11 months
I guess it's time for a new life update and pinned post on my blog. If you've been following me for a while, you know that this year has been a bit of a struggle, to put it lightly. I'll put everything under a read more because I know most people don't want to read that.
tldr: I'm f***ing poor. Here is my Kofi account and my kid's christmas amazon wishlist
Long story short, I've had to go to court twice to see the judge to protect my kid from her father and his new girlfriend who are pretty toxic to her. (I can share more in private but basically we've been and are still going through it). My kid has had a hell of year. Both of our mental healths have greatly suffered and are still suffering but we're trying to heal and hopefully will end the year in better shape than what we've got to experience thus far.
At the end of last year, I finished my paid course which I hoped would mean I'd get a nice job but sadly it hasn't been the case because there aren't many jobs available where I live and the ones I got interviewed for were simply given to people who knew people. And nobody hides that fact. So yeah that sucks and i feel guilty about not being able to earn more money and i feel guilty that i am exhausted. but I don't feel guilty that I put my kid's mental health needs first and that I try to protect her from the bad things that happened to her. But now with all the added expenses for my kid's therapy and some health and lawyer bills that weren't part of the financial aid I got, a tight budget can only get tighter. On top of that, my kid's father decided to stop paying all child support for over a year now, because he's a neat guy like that so that's about €4000 that he owes and I don't know when that will be sorted out. It's not money issues on his part because he comes from a wealthy family and owns several restaurants. Everything's been adding up and making it pretty difficult for me. I'm fairly good at budgetting on small finances as this is how life has always been for me but all the unexpected drama has been a lot.
Like for anyone who says don't have kids if you can't afford them... well, without publicly diagnosing my ex on the internet, let's just say he was very shitty but also very convincing and I was in no way prepared to get dumped basically after giving birth. I don't regret having my daughter, she's the love of my life and even though the world keeps putting obstacles on my way, I keep the hope that we'll get to a good life for the two of us sometime.
Soooo yeah, I know the overall state of the world is bad for everyone and my problems are definitely not the worst problems that exist. I'm grateful for what I do have and I'm not expecting miracles or anything but I keep trying to convince myself that there's no shame in struggling.
I'll share my Kofi account again if anyone feels like donating a couple bucks to my dumpster fire of a life. Anything helps and will go towards paying the rent (which was raised over €50 without the landlord informing me, just to make it more fun) and groceries.
Also, in case anyone feels like being a Secret Santa for my kid, here is an amazon wishlist. We didn't celebrate her birthday the way we usually do because money and mental health weren't with us at the time but it would mean the world to me if she could still feel some Christmas magic somehow. Her first choice is a telescope because she's been fascinated by space and stars lately, so I'm going to do my hardest to save up enough to have it under the tree at Christmas.
I know I'm barely on here anymore, I don't host any events anymore and I barely talk to anyone so I don't even know who is still around but at least I got some of that off my chest and trying to manifest a good end of the year, if only in good vibes ha
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subpixie420 · 11 months
Not your baby daddy on anon, just someone whose been following you and I notice these things. You've been pretty much in the same situation since I started following you. You're too busy wanting justice for the things people have done to you that you never get motivated to make a change for yourself.
Sure you don't have to explain yourself to anyone on here, but 3 years down the road when you're still begging for money donations every week and making a measly amount of money from sex work are you going to continue to blame the same people that did heinous things to you for you still being stuck? Because 3 years down the road if you're situation hasn't changed it'll be on you. That's taking accountability.
Wow you really think you know it all from my posts then huh? I mean you said in the previous message that I'm vague and don't go into detail enough so it's odd that you feel so sure about what you are saying about my character
In 2020 I was working full time at target. There's documented evidence of this. I started sex work at the end of the year after having a mental breakdown at target because I was on mask mandating duty in a state that's always been very antimask. The amount of power plays people did for me literally just doing my job made my PTSD go into overdrive.
My son's father also completely absolved his 50/50 legal time with him at the end of 2019 and would blame anything he could from COVID to villianizing my child to so many more things that I don't even think you would want to waste your time reading about.
He also doesn't have to pay child support oddly enough because our case isn't being handled in family court so it's being handled incorrectly and poorly.
I also didn't begin to start really asking for money until the end of 2022. Onlyfans and Manyvids did well for me before then. And I began asking because an ex friend of ours invested my home with bed bugs and our car broke down.
But yeah sure I guess you think you know how my life goes.
I use this place to vent about all things in my life from 2011 to now. I don't specify what era I speak on the majority of the time either so people can't do exactly what you're doing now.
Which is speculate.
You do not know me from what I post on Tumblr. No one does. So please take this parasocial relationship/accusations/observations and just move along.
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Beauty found in the harsh winter
(Childe x fem reader) ft. Pulcinella shipping reader-cham
Thank you guys for the 50 likes from the last one, so I made Childe x reader asap (Unedited)
using the name Childe instead of Ajax
Tw: bit of Yandere, a bit of Dacryphilia. 
It wasn’t long before Capitano had brought you to his estate in the wintery lands of Snezhnaya. It even took a while to even get used to the harsh nature around you with how formal everyone is. You didn’t need to lift a single finger to work around the house, and wondered if your mother had wished to live in a grandiose Mansion like this. Wearing expensive clothing, eating thick cuts of the most expensive meat. The screeches of your Mother would not go unheard in your mind.
“___-!” “hellooooo? Teyvat to _____!” Spoke the ginger haired squire, or you at least thought of him like that. It was your first time entering the wintery palace named Zapolyarny.
“O-oh, Tartaglia, Pulcinella…I’m sorry, my mind is not in the best of state right now.” You apologize for the behavior, which only made him laugh.
“No need to apologize, it’s this fool who should since he brought you here to wait for Capitano.” the shorter Gentleman scolded Childe a bit. Despite the cold words, the ambitious Harbinger didn’t seem to pay heed to his words that mean well for both children in his eyes. Or is he afraid of what would happen if the dark shepherd had heard that the lovely ewe beside them were to be harmed in some way?
“Honestly, girlie.” He sighed, an eye closed, hands in the air as he shook his head slowly.
“I always wondered why Capitano even liked you if you’re always so quiet.” He jests, but that begs the question. Why would he waste so much money on a person, Or even yet, why save when it doesn’t benefit him?
Pulcinella notices the distress look on your face, shooting a look at his basically adopted child at this point.
Childe coughs, trying to catch your attention. “ Not that I mean it that way.” he earned a silent facepalm from the rooster himself.
“No, it’s quite alright. It is an eye opening statement after all.” Now Childe thinks to himself, if he talks badly about Capitano or would he try to spar with Capitano under the guise of having a chance to court you that Capitano would actually use his strength? The thought alone is exhilarating to him.
“Tartaglia, may I have a word with you? " Childe was about to say something before Pulcinella added. " Alone."
" Go, I took much of your time already. I'll just be here.." You nudge Childe to go with Pulcinella.
While they're having a conversation out of ear shot.
" Oh, hello.. I haven't seen you around here, Miss." Looking up, seeing a well dressed person that for sure, they're taller than you.
" Yes, I only came here a few hours ago. I'm merely waiting for someone here. " You told him your initial purpose here.
You felt a little intimidated by him since you are in a foreign land and didn't know much about anyone here.
"Do you want to sit down here? Your legs must be tired." You offered half of the bench for him to take a seat.
It took him a bit to accept but he sat down anyway.
"Thank you." This one's more interactive, you smiled as the scene reminded you of the time you met Capitano and finally got him to stay close to you.
Humming a soft tune as the snow slowly fell down from the sky.
Each exhale of air could be seen as a puff.
"A really nice song, miss. What's it about?" The soldier asked, probably the awkwardness is getting to him.
"Ah well-." You were about you answer before Childe called you over.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go. Maybe we could meet again one of these days." Quickly waving at him before he could even say anything.
"What a strange girl … " Anton mumbled. 
"Guess what, I got tickets to the ice skating rink. Let's go have some fun while Capitano's still busy!" He says grabbing your hand.
" Wha-?! C-childe, slow down!" You tried to catch up with the youngest member of the Fatui. The puffy white skirt that reached until your knees bounced. 
"Hoho, oh the youth." Pulcinella chortled while watching the two youngsters getting inside of their ride to the destination.
Truth to be told, he had been saving those tickets for Tonia and Teucer but seeing Tartaglia with you. He just couldn't resist.
"Babe, the ice is thick enough for all of us. You don't have to be so afraid." Childe teased as he let you grip on his arm whilst you're busy trying to take even a step on to the ice.
"I'm not from here, you know. There's hardly any snow where I'm from." Teeth chattering, another foot on the floor.
You didn't realize how daring the people of Snezhnaya are on top of a lake. Letting out a sigh of relief once both feet are stabilized.
"Race you!" Childe laughs before skating off, catching you off, guard causing you to let go of him.
"W-wait!" Bleated out, looking all around you were either couples or a family having the time of their lives. Like a newborn still learning how to walk
Face red as you nearly stumbled and slipped about on the floor. You could have sworn someone laughing at your inability to skate and you could probably guess who.
"Who knew you couldn't skate babe." He poked you from behind.
You only frowned at his statement as you managed to nudge yourself from your previous spot.
Tiny steps at a time, trying to do that again but failed.
"A-ah!" Knees gave out, your bum touching the cold floor as you held on to the wooden railing. 
Childe laughed from a distance, "Careful, cutie!" Those nicknames are getting on your nerves.
"Here." He got both of your wrists and he's behind you. If Capitano saw this scene, he might have cut off his hands as calmly as he can be. 
"Try to make an S.. no, not like that.. Yeah like that.. Keep doing that" Encouraging you to wiggle your feet to build up momentum. You could feel his warm breath against your ear.
Soon enough, he lets go when you've gained enough momentum. Seeing that others were doing figure skating, you tried to mimic them and nearly tripped because you didn't know what leg to use.
"Silly cutie pie, let me help you again." Chuckling a bit more, you're a sharp person. So he didn't need to teach you much. Before he knew it, you were dancing on ice on your own. 
"Ах какая женщина." He sighed dreamily when he noticed how your body bends, twists and twirls. It's almost like a story to unfold. 
You looked like you've been freed from worries, for even a fraction of a moment. 
Dancing and singing had truly been the thing that's been keeping you sane and the one to lean onto in the lowest of your life.
Then he noticed something off..
His cheeks felt numb, but it shouldn't be possible at this temperature.
The sky darken, with a low and ominous hum.
'Thud' something hit the back of his head.
"What the." Looking at it, it was something like a glass bead-.
"____! Stop, before the storm comes!" 
The other visitors must have heard him, else they wouldn't be panicking like him racing to get to their stone homes.
He had lost you within the crowd.
"Childe! Childe!" You cried as a terrified face passed by you, only to be pushed out of the cluster and fall on your bum.
A couple of seconds later, a few hails now rain down upon them.
There's one hail that's the size of a fist and was aimed at the thick ice that holds up everyone on the lake.
You didn't know if it was still safe but you decided to book it to land.
"Eek!" A screech aroused from your throat. Your leg had punctured the crack on the floor, the sharp numbing waters made your teeth chatter. It feels like you couldn't move, the sheer cold had already struck your bone.
Your gloved hand tried to pull you out of the hole, yet it's still a long way to go.
The muscles of your calf aches from your earlier activity. Determined to stay alive, you tried to push through, enough for Childe to find, come over and help you get back in the carrier where it's safer. It feels cramped inside, 
The coldness of your leg is a pain you want to forget, that it's similar to the fiery burns nearly a few months ago.
"Ugh… " leg still spasming, a tear fell out as you try not to scream.
Childe tries to ease the pain with little health knowledge he has by massaging it. 
Childe had you remove the soaked boots and sock to get it wrapped in a dry cloth.
The thunder claps got near to them, followed by heavy pitter patter of hail against the metal ceiling for the passengers, driver and horses.
Your heart slowed down, fatigue and worry caught up to you after your little euphoric moment with figure skating.
Didn't even notice that your arms had hugged Childe for warmth.
Terrible thoughts had invaded your mind of that encounter, where instead of a leg, your whole body was in the dark waters. No way of getting out even if you let go of your coat.
Even when the brief pain was gone, it's soreness is still there. Definitely not going to hear the end of it once Capitano knows, unless he does. His work should have been done when you both got out of the Palace.
Slow breaths can be heard even amongst the chaos outside.
Childe hugged you back for comfort, feeling the soft beating of your frightened heart. It reminds him of a prey that narrowly escapes the hunter. Though he himself is a hunter too. Even he didn't deny that cute face of yours twisted in pain and on the verge to full on wail is adorable. Maybe he was starting to see why the military leader had taken such fondness to you.
If you had your eyes open, you would have been greeted with the cruel adoring smile.
Though for now, he wants to savor the moment.
With the delicate and serene look on reminded him of snow, with each moment being unique to everyone. Even to him.
When you awoke, it was still raining tiny pebbles of ice.
It had gotten colder, you hoped that the horses were alright under the metallic extension.
Childe? He's asleep, he is handsome if it weren't for the fact he keeps teasing relentlessly. A soft, gentle sigh escaped your lips before you embraced him more to continue your slumber.
It became nightfall when the hail had stopped, Childe had to bring you home. He was sure Capitano would be pissed if he knew what happened.
Pissed was an understatement to him, especially when no one told him where you or Childe had gone to. Not even the guards.
Capitano wouldn't want to be seen as a horrific being by you like this, especially when he worked so hard to get you on his side. So he had placed you in bed. Doors locked, him, a maid and a doctor could only come in to get you checked on.
Childe did get the spar he wanted, but now with you as a prize. It pushes the stakes even higher to surpass him. Though it would be proven difficult with how you view him as a friend or someone had already fancied him.
The next you've met him with a basket of baked goods on hand as an apology on behalf of Capitano , even though you already struck gold with that cute face you've made that day. It only cements the whirlpool of obsession. The friendly reminder of him growing stronger is a must, to give you a sense of trust when Capitano slips up.
If the knight couldn't even defend his own ewe, you might as well be his little snowflake instead. Would make everyone so much happier.
Yes, so much happier.
Ах какая женщина = what a woman (at least to google translate)
can you guys comment which ones you want? Like Dottore, or even head cannons. I got a few others. You guys could suggest, ask or just plain request in the comment or pm, sorry for not being so well verse in Tumblr. Though for the next person I do have in mind is Pierro or Pulcinella
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
This sums up a lot of my feelings on MJ (with the allegations), it's from someone who used to be a fan. Many say there is no smoking gun in regards to the allegations, but for me the smoking gun was his own statements, along with reading about pedophiles from a csa expert that match all of his exact behaviors, as well as the exact process his victims all describe (And the disturbing photos of little boys) But here is one fan's thoughts:
As a victim of abuse, and as an adult, ironically, I worked with a pedophile for years without knowing....And I knew what to look for! Think about the ramifications of that.
I'm a huge fan of MJ...or was. You never truly stop. And I grew up loving the man and his music. I was definitely groomed...as we all were, if only to love him. And his 'people' were very careful to ensure we loved MJ the man (god?), as well as (if not more so) than his music.
But after reading the numerous court case transcripts and watching the documentaries...the ones which allow MJ to speak and his victims to be heard...it isn't the victims of MJ but his own words and actions (that I've seen/heard first hand) which concern me the most.
To explain both sides, we actually only need MJ's words and his documented actions.
I try not to be biased, despite being a victim of abuse...because I've also been accused of abuse (and exonerated)... by a former colleague so I know how it feels to be innocent but under suspicion.
The sex offender I knew is now in prison but everyone around him had to be investigated so they could be cleared. But I know firsthand how awful that process was as an innocent. So I'm careful to see both sides.
If MJ was accused once by a stranger, I would have had my doubts, but likely sided with MJ if sufficient evidence wasn't produced.
But MJ was accused again and again...and again (and again) by the closest people to him. Children and adults alike. His own staff. Families he helped. Friends. Colleagues, acquaintances and more.
This is all deeply problematic...and despite paying tens of millions in settlements again and again (which alone is worrisome), MJ consciously kept on sleeping with other people's children.
And when he had his own kids...he went to extraordinary lengths to make sure the mother wasn't part of his life with those kids. Kids who went on to have very troubled lives.
Although I don't believe MJ ever directly physically abused his own family (though he did hang baby Blanket out of a 5th floor window for a photo op).
It's relevant to say that the pedophile I worked with never abused me or anyone in front of me or close to him...so I'm never surprised when MJ's family or Macaulay says, "we never saw it." But that's the point of abuse. It doesn't happen in public or it's not meant to. Though with MJ, I believe at least a form of abuse did occur in plain sight after he spent years systematically normalizing odd behavior.
It's a fact that MJ had a giant bed in a separate wing of his child-themed Neverland Ranch, connected by one long corridor with a security system he personally installed. Which he claimed was designed to warn him if anyone was coming towards the bedroom...where he slept with other peoples' kids.
I've watched him say the latter on video. And even if he was tricked into miscommunication (it happens)...that is yet more evidence of a man unsuited to child care.
To reasonable people who ask, "did he abuse kids sexually?" I say there are many forms of abuse which can ruin lives. But 'that's not the only point.'
As a trusted adult with influence, money and power, MJ undeniably grossly abused his position of trust time and time again.
When it comes to childcare, the latter is enough to be a huge problem for 99% of average people. And if you abuse your own kids... in any way...it's somehow even worse.
We know without a shadow of a doubt that MJ repeatedly demonstrated a total lack of good decision making. Simply being involved with all these kids (often poor, vulnerable and even sick) in a way which could lead to the children feeling wronged, betrayed...abused even.
The latter is based on an endless parade of self-produced (by MJ) evidence from sanctioned interviews and court documents. I repeat....MJ's own words and actions continue to give me the most concern, as they should any reasonable person and especially parents.
Even if MJ was 100% innocent of every claim (statistically unlikely), by acting as he did...he let the possibility of abuse arise in the media and in peoples' minds.
Which unsurprisingly resulted in long painful court cases, for not just MJ, but also the kids torn between the lawyers and the parents and the media. Again, that is indisputable. And at the very least...MJ's lack of good judgment...as the most powerful adult involved...makes him responsible for that suffering. 👏
Simply by sleeping with a stranger's child or trying to be their "best friend" and ignoring the age and power dynamic...MJ and his enablers were all putting these kids' wellbeing and emotional health at risk (again and again). He without a doubt put his own needs (legal or otherwise) before these innocent kids. Again, this is indisputable based on documentary evidence.
I don't know about anyone else but I've never slept with strangers' kids, or promoted that idea as "acceptable" as MJ did in interviews. I have enough common sense and know what adults are capable of. And what I could be accused of. You just don't do it under any circumstances. Unless you believe rules/laws/morality...don't apply to you. 👈
And if you wonder why people push back so hard on the facts of this sad case...even after his death...then you need to understand that the MJ estate generates $400-800 million a year for his family and lawyers, who are the people that push back the hardest.
And fans push back...because MJ spent decades brain washing us all that he was a protector of children around the world...as his own HIStory tour claimed. And he was a good entertainer who we wanted to love.
I watched MJ's 1996 deposition video recently and was stunned at how careless/callous he was. He laughed and joked and yawned and messed about while lawyers and the authorities literally pulled his carefully built reputation through the mud.
This was a man who had the most expensive legal team in the entire world. He had months to prepare. But this was his plan. To behave like the claims, so serious they could put him away for life, were a joke.
And if that was a legal strategy, it makes him the best actor and liar on earth. And if that's true...then how could we trust anything he said.
A man child who lived in a literal make believe land based around the dream of never growing up...or more accurately never taking responsibility for his actions...Never never...land.
In many ways MJ was all the wonderful things he claimed he was...but he was also someone who was 100% guilty of gross misconduct with other peoples' children and allegedly guilty of countless cases of sexual abuse.
Even if MJ's crime was only consistently terrible judgment...it still lead to the widely proven emotional abuse of multiple children. That is enough for me as a fan...to walk away. And those who covered for him were/are equally guilty of a form of abuse against vulnerable children.
All except the victims who lied out of fear (and love). Children will defend their friends...their idol...their abusers...but as adults, and in his death, some were able to break free of their emotional dependency or fear of repercussion.
Arguably the alleged victims have had their lives destroyed twice. Once by MJ and then again by his estate, his fans, and the media.
There are always two sides. I base my opinion on MJ's own documented words and actions. Alongside my wish for him to be innocent, but knowing my own experience with sexual predators.
It is MJ who convicted himself as guilty of child abuse. I don't know exactly what type of abuse, but any abuse (and repeated abuse) is unacceptable. And without a doubt, a number of the children he chose to be involved with were damaged through their interaction with him. The latter cannot be overstated. People focus so much on victim testimony and material evidence (which are important too, and were present at Neverland) but MJ's own response to the accusation makes it clear as day.
There are enough victims of undeniable abuse at his hands who also claim there was a sexual element to it...that I feel it is fair to say he was most likely a pedophile. More than enough kids have stated he showed them porn and gave them liquor, on top of abuse. At the end of the day, he cannot do any more harm, though his family and estate still hurt his alleged victims.
I have never bought the skin disease theory. At best, Jermaine tiptoed around it and said they were using bleaching creams in the 70s for blemishes....the fact is, you can trigger it all over your body by using those chemicals. Plus MJ went full body dark like mocha, then latte, then casper all at once...that doesn't happen. No makeup in the 70s to 80s could cover him from head to toe as he was pouring sweat.
So stop re-victimizing the victims! If you want to continue believing he's innocent, that doesn't mean it's ok to bash the accusers.
Being found not guilty in one trial against one accuser does not automatically equate to innocence. Especially with all the other allegations.
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actualrealnews · 3 months
A Complete List of Trump's 50 Lies Spoken in the 90 Minute First Debate
See explanations/fact checking at the article. Quotes pulled by Reddit user u/there'sacityinmymind
From MTN News:
"We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We have never done so well, and everybody was amazed by it."
"The only jobs he created are for illegal immigrants and bounce-back jobs, they’re bounced back from the COVID."
"[10% universal tariff proposal is] not going to drive [prices] higher.”
“[Tariff proposal is] just going to just force [other countries] to pay us a lot of money.”
“I gave you the largest tax cut in history.”
"I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we're getting out with dignity, with strength, with power.”
“The tax cuts spurred the greatest economy that we've ever seen.”
“Now, when we cut the taxes…we took in more revenue with much less tax.”
“We had largely fixed [COVID].”
“Throughout the entire world, we're no longer respected as a country. They don't respect our leadership. They don't respect the United States anymore. We're like a third world nation.”
“He allowed millions of people to come in here from prisons, jails, and mental institutions to come into our country and destroy our country.”
“He's destroying Medicare because all of these people are coming in.”
“The Supreme Court just approved the abortion pill.”
“Every legal scholar throughout the world, the most respected, wanted [abortion] brought back to the states.”
“They’re radical because they will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth. After birth, if you look at the former governor of Virginia, he was willing to do this. He said, we'll put the baby aside, I will determine what we do with the baby, meaning will kill the baby.”
“Under Roe v. Wade, you have late term abortion. You can do whatever you want depending on the state. You can do whatever you want.”
“He decided to open up our border, open up our country to people that are from prisons, people that are from mental institutions, insane asylum, terrorists.”
“He didn't need legislation because I didn't have legislation. I said close the border.”
“[Migrants are] living in luxury hotels in New York City and other places.”
“He doesn't care about our veterans. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t like the military at all, and he doesn't care about our veterans.”
“I had the highest approval rating for veterans taking care of the VA. He has the worst. He's gotten rid of all the things that I approved.”
“First of all, that was a made-up quote, ‘suckers and losers.’ They made it up.”
“Our veterans and our soldiers can't stand this guy. They can't stand him. They think he’s the worst Commander in Chief, if that’s what you call him, that we’ve ever had.”
“He did nothing to stop [Russia’s invasion of Ukraine]. In fact, I think he encouraged Russia from going in.”
"Iran was broke with me. I wouldn't let anybody do business with them. They ran out of money. They were broke.”
“You had no terror at all during my administration.”
“Nancy Pelosi, if you just watched the news from two days ago, on tape to her daughter, who's a documentary filmmaker they say, but she's saying, ‘Oh, no, it's my responsibility. I was responsible for this’ because I offered them 10,000 soldiers or National Guard. And she turned them down.”
“The unselect committee, which is basically two horrible Republicans that are all gone now, out of office, and Democrats, all Democrats, they destroyed and deleted all the information they found because they found out we were right. We were right. And they deleted and destroyed all of the information.”
“Telling the Ukrainian people that we're going to want a billion dollars or you change the prosecutor, otherwise you're not getting a billion dollars. If I ever said that, that's quid pro quo.”
“I didn't have sex with a porn star.”
“He basically went after his political opponent because he thought it was going to damage me.”
“He made up the Charlottesville story.”
“He caused the inflation and it's killing Black families and Hispanic families.”
“They can’t buy groceries anymore, they can't, you look at the cost of food where it's doubled and tripled and quadrupled. They can’t live, they’re not living anymore.”
“[European countries] don’t want anything that we have.”
“Almost every police group in the nation from every state is supporting Donald J. Trump. Almost every police group.”
“And what he's done to the black population is horrible, including the fact that for ten years he called them super-predators.”
“And yet during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever.”
“The Paris accord was going to cost us $1 trillion and China nothing and Russia, nothing, and India nothing. It was a rip off of the United States and I ended it because I didn't want to waste that money because they treated us horribly…. Nobody else was paying into it and it was, it was a disaster.”
“I'm the one that got the insulin down for the seniors. I took care of the seniors.”
On migrants: “They're taking over our schools our hospitals, and they're going to be taking over our schools or hospitals, and they're going to be taking over Social Security.”
“But Social Security - he's destroying it because millions of people are pouring into our country and they are putting them onto Social Security. They’re putting them onto Medicare, Medicaid. They’re putting them in our hospitals.”
“He wants open borders. He wants our country to either be destroyed, or he wants to pick up those people as voters.”
"He wants the Trump tax cuts to expire.”
“He wants to raise your taxes by four times. He wants to raise everybody’s taxes by four times.”
“We now have the largest [trade] deficit in the history of our country under this guy. We have the largest deficit with China.”
“He gets paid by China. He's a Manchurian candidate. He gets money from China. So I think he’s afraid to deal with them.”
“We had two cases, we paid $6 billion for five people.”
“They talk about a relatively small number of people that went to the Capitol, and in many cases were ushered in by the police.”
“I would have much rather accepted these [election results in 2020], but the fraud and everything else was ridiculous.”
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Biden Goes to the Beach
Trump Goes to Court
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
I am told that this an historic time in America. It’s the first time an American president has been indicted for crimes against the state. Well, God’s favorite country is not perfect after all. The American republic is no longer an “experiment.” I don’t care who coined the term, whether it was George Washington or Alex De Tocqueville. In scientific research, one methodology is known as “Trial and Error.” For 247 years on this planet, the experiment has failed more than it has succeeded. It succeeded in breaking away from the British Commonwealth. It failed with the issue of slavery. It succeeded with the issue of the Industrial Revolution, but it failed with that of workers’ rights. I could go on, but my point is this question: when will all of us remove our lab coats and declare that the American experiment is over? Shit! They never gave the Communist experiment a chance. Seventy years in Russia? Hell, Anarchism only lasted a few years.
Many Americans define America as a place of various incarnations. Liberals define it as a general welfare, Democratic state. Conservatives define it as a Protestant Capitalist, representative Republic. The white wing want America to be a theocracy or an oligarchy. America is now at the crossroads of defining itself. When that happens, I hope we reach a restorative conclusion.
America is a mental institution with crazy patients climbing the walls and standing on their heads. The chaos is a side show for which we pay admission with tax money and sit in our living rooms to watch the insanity on our flat screen TVs. My wife and I watched, incredulously, the pro-Trump coup play out on TV on January 6, 2021. I knew then that this country was nervous, but not psychotic. If the Left had done such an act, we would all be in concentration camps by now. Some of us would be dead. But in this nation, we have white wing privilege. You can call poor people lazy and fatherless, but accuse an Aryan tycoon of being an evil dickhead and you will surely suffer a traffic accident. Say, you can always blame the Jews. Henry Ford did!
President Biden reminds me of Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1950’s. Every time I see him on TV, portraying the grandfatherly leader of this country, I harken back to that decade. I get a warm, fuzzy feeling throughout my nervous system. During Eisenhower’s term, I was just a child living in my own world. I didn’t know how to tie my shoes or spell my name. My mother did a good job of protecting my innocence, shielding me from the bad side of life. However, during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, I was in my backyard, digging a hole to China. The following year, JFK was assassinated. My whole world changed.
Up to then, America was a perfect place. Then I matured. The truth was ugly, but the possibilities of a better life became clear to me in 1967.
When I ignore the news, my peace of mind takes hold. I am surrounded by nature and beauty, and I realize the real purpose of life, which is to be free to observe its beauty and walk between the trees without a destination. I don’t want to walk between the rain drops, I want to get wet.
What’s happening on the news is nothing new to me. President Biden had the right idea: go to a beach and chill out.
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srlkiller · 2 years
my mom is up to some shady shit… i need to jus say fuck everything n take her to court to sort it all out 4 good. from now on im gonna move in silence.. im gonna gather all my evidence & meet w the ppl i need to meet w. in 2023 im going to live for me, no one else. if you have parents that love you… please realise how truly blessed you are. i am so envious of those of u who do, that’s all ive ever wanted. idk what my parents are up to.. but i jus know it’s not good. i couldn’t imagine ever treating my child this way… n going around acting like some kind of ‘amazing mom’ knowing full well that u couldn’t care less if i was alive or dead lmao. we jus had a conversation about how much money SHE would get if i died… that’s how fucked up she is. i am being so serious when i say this. if i die… she did it. she knows the EXACT amount that she will get from my death.. she knows the terms in which i have to die in order to collect the money. she told me if i kill myself she doesn’t get anything so if I plan to ‘commit suicide anytime soon’ atleast make it look like it was accidental or from other causes so that she can collect.. who the fuck says that shit to their child? while laughing. she’s serious.. she’s said it many many times & tells me when ‘my policy changes’. im not being dramatic. im 10000% sober & keeping it that way.
what’s worse is that my dad has been texting her about his own ‘death beneficiary’ & asked for my full name??? i was already on his will so im almost positive that they are conspiring (she would have said something to make him do it - most likely so that i don’t get any of his money or his house??? which is SO FUCKED UP like WTF) together to basically take me off of it & put her on it. they’ve been divorced since i was not even 2 years old. how evil can someone be… all she gives a fuck about is MONEY. ive never been like that.. im sentimental. i spent all my $$ on the ppl i love n they all fucked me over. i still.. to this day.. buy her whatever she wants.. anything she likes.. just to try & get her to be nice to me… to pay me some attention.. to spend time w me.. it works for about 30 seconds if that. she usually RETURNS my gifts for the cash bc she knows how much money i have spent on her. she doesn’t buy me a single gift for any fucking thing. yet id still give her the world if I could. i hate myself for it. i will NEVER FORGET my dad calling me around the time my nan was dying and telling me how much of a piece of shit i am & saying that im “nothing but a fucking bitch” bc my mom straight up lied to him n told him the only reason i talk to/see my dad is so that when he dies I’ll be able to get his house & money. LIKE WTF. she saw my dad one day when he came to visit my nan & he mentioned he started seeing some girl & the first thing she did was run home & tell me.. “you better start talking to ur father more.. he has a gf now so ur gonna end up w none of his money when he dies.” i was like where the fuck did that even come from… who thinks like that… who says that shit to their only child about their kids father???
he wasn’t sick.. he wasn’t dying… but i immediately panicked n thought something was wrong. that’s all i cared about. n she was like no he’s fine just though u should seriously rethink talking to him more before he changes his will…… i was like I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HIS WILL OR HIS MONEY???!!??!! so this makes COMPLETE SENSE for her to do to me… total sense. i should have seen this coming. especially from her. i jus never expected it from him.. but she’s so manipulative & has him twisted around her little finger now to the point where she’s somehow convinced him that this is ‘what is best’. she’s already stolen all of my own money… she took the money that my nan left me when my nan died. hid it in a secret bank account & most likely has already spent it (BUT I BET MY FAMILY DONT KNOW THAT RIGHT?! NOR DO THEY KNOW HOW SHE RLLY IS BC SHE ACTS FAKE AF) now she’s trying to take over my dads shit n he’s too blind to see wtf she’s doing. this is so fucking upsetting. like wtf…………….. who the fuck does this. then goes around talking shit about me to every family member?? to the point where i can no longer attend any family gatherings bc they think she’s so sweet n innocent n im some crazy delusional bitch? IM NOT UR FUCKING ENEMY IM YOUR CHILD. I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING WRONG TO YOU. i never wanted to take her to court.. i never wanted it to go this far… but holy shit… she is so evil. it hurts me so much. i just want a mother. that’s it. it hurts so bad. longing for something that’s so close.. yet so far removed. i genuinely do not know where the fuck to go from here… i just want her to give me everything that is legally & rightfully mine so i can LEAVE if she wants me gone so fucking bad. i feel like that’s the only way out. so i guess im gonna have to just do whatever it is i have to do to get all my shit legally & then just cut ties completely. she doesn’t deserve any of my kindness or my love.
& to anyone reading this n thinking/saying shit like “omg stop complaining if it’s so bad then why don’t u jus leave.” - im not stupid. if it was that simple don’t u think i would have left a long ass time ago? no one wants to be in an extremely toxic & abusive environment day in & day out. no one knows all of the shit i have gone through & it’s VERY HARD to just up & leave when you have been manipulated, brainwashed, exploited, controlled, & abused in every single way but the only two people who brought you into this world & were supposed to show you love, protect you & care for you. i have NEVER HAD THAT. EVER. this shit isn’t something new.. this is life long… i have only jus started to become aware of how bad the situation actually is within the last few years with the help of other adult professionals which i used to never be allowed to talk to. unless you have been subjected to the same exact shit you won’t understand it & pls realise how truly blessed u are to not know that kind of pain. it’s a miracle i am even still here standing on my own two feet. even if this legal shit doesn’t work.. atleast i can honestly say that i tried. but i need to start using my fucking smart ass brain instead of following my heart bc when has that ever worked out for me/helped me lmao? i need to now remember to always b alert of absolutely everything when it comes to her, i need to stay on my toes & make sure that i remain 10 steps ahead of her at all times. rn i feel like idk what’s going on n im extremely scared n it’s the worst feeling ever. that’s why i have written this n put this here for documentation & also evidence just incase. todays date is 13/12/22
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bittersweet--chaos · 3 years
So I just got back from a full on shopping spree (which ended up with me blowing over $200 T^T) so I'm gonna write some headcannons about the Redacted Bois at the mall
• Will be the one to tell you you don't need that stuff, but you buy it anyways.
•"Angel, you don't need any of this stuff."
•"Of course I do Davey!"
•Ofc, he holds all the bags to whatever you've bought
•Will also pay for whatever you want
•Complains about it, but pays
•He really just enjoys seeing you happy
•Will buy you something from Build-A-Bear (cause I went today and I got a reindeer. I named her Lottie)
•Just imagine this scary ass looking man, holding a colorful bear
•Give him his own bear pls
•He'll complain and say it's "childish"
•But on the inside, he's so happy
•It's very sweet to him when you give him things
•Is the reason you go home and don't blow any more money
•When in reality, he just wants to leave
•Holds you pink the entire time if you both have to many bags, but if not, hold you hand or the small of your back
•Is so excited to go shopping with you!
•Will and is going to buy you whatever you want
•Food? Sure babe!
•Clothes? He knows exactly what looks good on you
•A stuff animal? Absolutely
•He's probably the one to go into Build-A-Bear first
•He will get wolf stuff animal cause I said so
•Will get the two of you matching clothes, accessories, ect for you bears
•I saw a bear in a wedding dress at Build-A-Bear and I think Asher would make you guy's bear do the same
•He gets his wolf plushie scented and I know it!
•"Look Babe! Now they're married!"
•"That's adorable Ash."
•Is a literal child and it's adorable
•In the mall I went to there was a carousel in the entrance of the building
•He's riding it with you all the way
•The only way you get him to leave if to either drag him out or promise him something when you get home
•Definitely talks about how fun it is shopping with you
•He does have his arm around you the entire time at the store
•Another man to pay for everything
•Says you deserve to be spoiled
•Definitely blows a shit ton of money on you
•I passed a store that was selling those matching couples shirts....
•Don't tell me Milo wouldn't get on for the two of you
•He will spend a lot of his money on stuff for Aggro as well
•I feel like he spends most of his time in the food court
•You both are going to Build-A-Bear on your own accords
•Milo seems like the type to dress his bear up all dapper and shit
•Will totally dress your bear up as well
•Finally says it's time to go home when his feet hurt from walking everywhere
•He usually holds you hand while at the mall
•Another man to also hold all the bags
•"I can hold my own bags if you need me to hun."
•"I got it, Sweetheart."
•Treats you like fucking royalty while at the mall
•There is no limit to the amount of money this man if willing to spend on you and you alone
•Buys you the most expensive version of whatever you want
•If you wear jewelry, he's buying you something
•Will go to Build-A-Bear with you for nostalgic reasons
•I think he would let you pick out his bear
•You get him a bat
•He loves it
•"Look! I got you a little bat!"
•"Awww! Lovely, thank you!"
•He's naming it Lovely after you
•You guys will spend hours trying to find outfits and accessories for these stuff animals
•Will stop to take a break if you need it
•If there is a carousel he'll ride next to you or with you in one of the carriage ones
•Its also your choice to decide when you guys go home
•Dude could spends hours in a mall with you
•He has his arm around your waist the entirety of the time
•Also carries all the bags
•I honestly don't see these go going to the mall....but I don't care
•You guys probably don't even buy much from the mall
•Sam seems like the type to browse and walk around the store
•But if you want something, he's definitely getting it
•I feel like you would bring him to Build-A-Bear and then make him a bear behind his back
•You dress it like a cowboy
•"Look Sam, it's you!" *Holds up cowboy dressed bear*
•"Haha, very funny Darlin'"
•He does end up buying you something nice though
•And it's usually something you've wanted for a long time but couldn't get
•Or you need it but can't find it anywhere
•Whatever the case, he's getting it for your the mall as a gift
•You both are holding your own bags purely cause your to stubborn to let him help you with the bags
•But in the end, he enjoys shopping with you
•He holds you hand the entire time or just stands really close
•I don't think he's ever been shopping in a mall a day in his life
•So you take him there as an "experience"
•First place you go is Build-A-Bear
•I just imagine this man who doesn't know what the hell he's doing, looking through colorful stuff animals
•And he's just attracting ppl of all kinds
•But his main attention is on you
•You guys do the whole, kissing the heart thing
•He loves the look of pure happiness of your face
•Is going to make some joke about the stuffing procedure
•"Well, I know a few fun ways to get stuffing inside-"
•Is very confused on birth certificate but goes along with it
•Makes his bear either look like him or you
•Hes holding all the bags bc it's a "gentlemanly thing to do"
•If you to go clothes shopping I guarantee he's trying to get in the dressing room
•But overall, he loves going shopping with you and will do it again
•His arm is around you in any kind of way possible
•Oh he loves shopping in malls
•I think his moms used to take him shopping a lot as a kid so he enjoys it alot
•Especially when it's with you
•His going to hold all your bags cause he's strong!
•You both go to Build-A-Bear so you can build something together
•Dresses his bear up in sports gear or sweaters. Don't tell me otherwise
•Names him "Little Dude."
•"Freelancer, meet Little Dude."
•"His name is Little Dude? Aww Hux that's cute."
•Looks for new sweaters and clothes with him is amazing
•He finds a lot of cool stuff
•If you can find anything with 69 on them, get that for him he will love it
•Also one to ride the carousel and love it
•Reminds him of home
•Has an amazing time at the mall with you and hugs you when you guys leave
•He keeps his arm around your shoulder the whole time
•Pretends to be grumpy about being in the mall
•But he enjoys being with you
•Like David, you have to drag this man to Build-A-Bear
•Give him a bear as a gift, he'll love it
•He'll probably want a dragon
•There were Toothless stuff animals there and I think he would like them
•He gets his scent like mint chocolate
•I think that's one of his favorite smells
•If he does the stuff procedures along with the heart one (you know when you gotta kiss the heart and give it a wish and say "I love you")
•Hes doing that, but as secretly as possible
•You'll catch him doing it and tease him about it
•"Aww Dami, that was cute."
•"Shut up Freelancer."
•He shops at Hot Topic and no one can convince me other wise
•He has a nice collection of chains and rings from there (the ones you wear on you pants cause I think he wears those)
•You'll have you drag him out the store so he doesn't blow all his money on them
•He keeps his hand rested on your back
•Is very jittery bc he's around such a big crowd of people
•Hold is hand, just please
•I feel like Lasko would get lost if you don't
•You have to drag him to Build-A-Bear
•He wants to go in there he's just to scared to
•The minute he steps in he's looking for the coolest stuff animal there
•He's getting a rabbit named Lola (bc I said so)
•He also does the kissing heart procedure while there
•Dresses his rabbit up in the most comfortable looking pajamas
•I saw there that you could buy a blanket along with the pj's and he's doing that
•Definitly shares the blanket with you
•Lasko also shops at Hot Topic, but for earrings and pins
•As the largest pin collection omg-
•He has literally every pin they've ever sold
•I also think he gets really cute earrings
•I saw some jam and jelly earrings and bc I hc Lasko to like cottage core, he's get them
•Buts a matching pair of earrings with you cause he thinks it's cute
•You both also get matching necklaces
•He tries to carry all the bags...but you end up carrying them instead just cause
•Idk, but I think Lasko is scared of escalators (it's a real thing my brother is)
•So you hold his hand while I'm the escalator so he's less scared
•But he loved shopping with you
•He has a firm grip on your hand the whole time
Bonus Characters
•Oh he fucking LOVES shopping with you
•He thinks it's so fun shopping for things, looking at new stuff you wanna get
•Especially if it's looking for clothes with you
•I think Elliot enjoys looking at new clothes with you bc he likes dressing you up
•"Oh oh! Sunshine! Try this on! I think it'll look great on you!"
•"Alright. This is actually really cute on me."
•Also a man to shop at Hot Topic
•He shops for rings and earrings
•For earrings I think he really likes dangly crystal earrings so he buys those a lot
•Especially if the stones are important (like birthstones. Either yours or his)
•He drags you to Build-A-Bear so he can make you a bear
•They both look like the two of you
•He keeps the one that looks like you and you keep the one that looks like him
•He carries all the bags like a good boyfriend
•I'm pretty sure that you guys have gone to the ma before you started dating
•So he tries to be a boyfriend like as possible
•Holds your hand or pinky the entire time while at the mall
•Much like David, I think he complains about shopping
•But we all know he likes it....to an extent
•He'll say he won't pay for anything but ends up paying for everything you buy
•You definitely tease him about it
•The teasing gets worse once you drag his ass inside a Build-A-Bear
"Go on. Pick on. I know you want to Aaron."
•"Shut up Smartass. I don't want anything from here."
•He gets a cat named Sweetness and it smells like cotton candy
•You got it for him and he just pretends to hate it
•But he holds it so close to him it's adorable
•I think he would spend most of his time either at the food court just sitting down, walking around aimlessly, or looking for nice things to buy for you
•But he would definitely keep you from buying useless shit
•I think he window shops the most tho
•Overall, he likes it. Won't admit it, but he likes it
•Either holds your hand keeps it on your waist
•One of the sweetest when shopping with you
•He's holding everything and refuses to let you help
•You gotta actually grab the bag before him so he doesn't hold it for you
•He's willing to do whatever tf you wanna do
•Absolutely goes crazy when it Build-A-Bear
•He wants to do everything in there
•He makes it scented, gives it a voice, gives it clothes, ect
•Best damn bear ever
•Bc of his love for board games, he spends a lot of time looking for them in malls
•"Baby, look! Its Villainous! We need to get this game!"
•"Heck yeah we do!"
•Likes just walking around and looking through windows of the store
•Also likes just sitting and talking to you
•Will give some amazing clothing advice when you go clothes shopping
•You both try and find the best looking outfit and have a fashion show
•You guys definitely blow a lot of money on stuff
•But you'll use the stuff so it's not that bad
•I honestly thinks he drags you around the mall to look at everything
•Like a kid in a candy store
•He either holds onto your arm the whole time or has your arms linked together
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azucanela · 4 years
Hi! i’d like to request a Zuko x Reader oneshot please and it takes place a few years after he’s crowned as the Fire Lord: Zuko is entering suitable age for marriage and yet he has no one that he likes enough to take as his queen, what if Uncle Iroh hired the reader whom is a famous matchmaker that usually arranges the courting & marriage between nobles, but instead of all these ladies that she threw at him he ended up falling for her instead but he’s just so awkward and inexperienced Thank u
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SUMMARY: after a few years of being Fire Lord, Zuko still hasn’t found a companion. so naturally, when Iroh comes upon a matchmaker, he does what he does best and helps Zuko out by hiring her to help him find someone. and inadvertently... iroh ends up playing matchmaker himself. 
WARNINGS: mentions of death, death threats, kissing, pining, very mild innuendos, blood, injuries, crying
A/N: this is literally art omg i feel kinda honored to be seeing this ngl and i ended up researching matchmaking and they’re basically therapists that help you find love?? kinda. the profile thing is something that some matchmakers do and idk i have fun analyzing zuko so
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a woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations.
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After years of being the Fire Lord, Zuko had come to realize the job was pretty basic if you thought about it long enough. There were just a few major things to deal with. First, there’s the internal relations, like the civil wars and uprising he deal with at the start of his reign because people disliked his ways. Then there’s the external relations, Zuko worked alongside Aang to repair those, helping the Southern Water Tribe rebuild itself from the ground up, and hosting meetings between the nations, friendly and work related. Those are the more diplomatic aspects of the job, and sadly, even as a ruler who sought to end a war, there was still violence in the world. 
When Aang and the rest of Team Avatar ended the One Hundred Year War, that only exposed a variety of other problems within the world, problems that the team seeked to end. There were people out there who disliked this line of thinking, and similarly wanted it to end, but ending the lives of Team Avatar.
Zuko was used to the death threats, and the assassination attempts. He’d had a security detail in place to ensure he lived to rule his nation, this was especially necessary since he lacked an heir and the only other people eligible for the throne were an old man who ran a tea shop and a psychopathic teenage girl in a mental institution. This is where the social aspect of the job came in, the part that Zuko had never been good at. The Galas and the girls who threw themselves at him, the nobility of all nations that approached him offering their children’s hand in marriage. Zuko was an enigma, a young and powerful bachelor, and now all the nobles with children were lining up for a minute alone with him to try and sell their own kids.
It disgusted him. The way they treated their children like cattle reminded Zuko of his own father, how willing he was to get rid of Zuko since he had a replacement on standby. Though, Zuko sincerely doubted he ever would’ve gotten the throne if Ozai had a choice, even if he hadn’t been banished. 
Alas, even Zuko could recognize the urgency of it, the death threats weren’t letting up, and the assassination attempts were only getting more and more elaborate, leaving Zuko wondering when they’d no longer be attempts. He needed and heir, or at least a wife who could rule alongside him and take over entirely in the event of his death.
The problem was, he didn’t want this.
He was in a unique position, where the person he married would have an immense effect on society, on politics. If it was an Earth Kingdom girl, then maybe the years of violence against their people could be mended sooner, and they could begin working together to combat a variety of issues. If he ends up with a Fire Nation girl, it could be viewed as strengthening the traditional ideals of Fire Nation independence and sovereignty because the Fire Nation is “supreme.”
Dating was political now and he hated it. It wasn’t like Zuko wanted to be alone, it’s just that now everything mattered far more than it used to. Of course, even as a prince it had been the same, but now that he was the Fire Lord, things seemed to be ten times worse. Perhaps it was excessive but Zuko couldn’t help but feel paranoid whenever a new person entered his life, he couldn’t help but assume that they were just using him for some other agenda.
Of course, his friends had tried to assure him this wasn’t always the case, and they’d even made attempts to set him up with girls. All of which had failed. Zuko knew he wasn’t an easy person, much less an easy person to date. As Fire Lord, a lot of his time was taken up by meetings, and diplomatic missions, and not-so-diplomatic missions alongside Team Avatar. That and he was rather awkward when it came down to most social interactions, though he’d improved over time, especially as the ruler of a nation, his speeches were elegant and so was the way he negotiated with other kingdoms. 
And yet he struggled to talk to strangers.
Iroh seemed to be tired of this as well, he’d sent Zuko several letters in regards to his lack of romance, insisting that he was a “handsome young man” that had “lots of potential” and he was “wasting” his prime with so much work. Zuko didn’t consider managing a country as a waste, though he understood where Iroh was coming from, Zuko probably should’ve been spending time with friends, going to clubs. Not saving the world.
Regardless, there wasn’t much he could do about, he didn’t have time for dating, and Zuko wasn’t willing to compromise his morals and beliefs just for an heir in the event that he got brutally murdered. He refused to raise a child just for that purpose. He learnt the hard way that you should only have kids if you intend to cherish them. And the idea of marrying someone just to strengthen his nation felt wrong, though he could see the benefits.
God, he hated being Fire Lord sometimes.
On the other hand, Y/N L/N liked her job. Amongst the nobility of the Earth Kingdom, she was a rather famous woman, Y/N had brought together some of the most powerful couples in the country. A lot of people owed her favors, and the money that came with the job was more than satisfactory. If Y/N had to guess, she was one of the richest people in the kingdom, considering how much people were willing to pay to fine “the one.” Her business had been rather successful since she’d gotten renowned in the inner ring of the city, and now, Y/N was considering expansion, to the Fire Nation. The borders had long since reopened, when the new Fire Lord came into power.
A whole new set of nobles for her to profit from. 
She’d decided to head to a high end tea shop in celebration of her choice to expand her business. Y/N had heard it was only for the best, since the tea shop served the best. One of her clients had insisted that someone of her esteem try the tea there, given that she was the best in her own profession.
So, here she was. It was a nice place, she wouldn’t deny, and Y/N had heard of the shop before. The Jasmine Dragon, run by some old guy who’d appeared in Ba Sing Se just before the war ended with some major talent when it came to brewing tea. The interior was fancy, but not excessive, several people were already seated within. Y/N even recognized one of the couples there, who waved at her enthusiastically, “hello! Lady L/N, how lovely to see you!” One of them called out.
Y/N smiled at them, “how are you two?”
The other beamed at her as she responded, “oh we’re just lovely! Preparing our wedding invitations and one of them has your name on it.” This wasn’t abnormal, most of the couples she’d brought together attributed their love to her. In actuality, Y/N found that if you found two people with compatible personalities, then they’d work things out on their own. All she did was introduce them. 
“I’m excited!” Y/N assured, moving past their table, “now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to try this famous tea. But, I’m looking forward to the invite.” 
The pair nodded, before returning their attention the friends seated across from them, and Y/N made her way to the front of the shop, bag of coins in hand. An older man stood behind the counter, a smile on his face as he brought his attention to her, “what can I get you today Miss...”
“Y/N. Y/N L/N.” She replied, small smile on her face as she looked at the menu, “what’s your name?” Y/N asked, meeting his eyes to see the flicker of recognition within them before returning her gaze to the menu.
He nods slowly, “I’m Iroh, and you’re a matchmaker, no?” He’d recognized the name, her business had begun gaining traction amongst the nobility of the Earth Kingdom shortly after the war, and she was one of the most sought after matchmakers in the nation. Iroh himself had looked into her business, seeing as his nephew was yet to find love in his chaotic lifetstyle. 
Y/N smiled at him as she nodded, “indeed.” She placed the menu down, “any suggestions?”
“Perhaps, Jasmine tea?” He suggested.
Y/N nodded, “sounds good.” She places extends a hand with coins, dropping them into his palm, “so are you looking for love?” Though she was certainly famous for her skills, Y/N tended to work behind the scenes, and she was surprised to find this man recognized her.
A small laughed escaped him at her words as he shook his head, “no. I believe it is a little too late for that.” He was working on her tea beyond the counter, and Y/N began to wonder how he was steaming the tea pot when she noticed there was no stove beside him.
“Don’t say that! You seem like a fine man that anyone woman would want.” Y/N assured, though she now wondered why exactly this man knew who she was in the first place. It was rare for those outside of nobility to know who she was.
Turning around, his hand pressed to the pot that Y/N was positive had to have been burning his hand in some way, “oh, you’re too kind.” He replies, a small smile on his face as he poured a bit into a cup, “I was looking to help my nephew find love actually.” 
“Really, now?” Firebending, that was the only explanation for the way this man was handling the tea. “I was looking to expand my business to the Fire Nation, perhaps I could help him out.” He didn’t hold himself the way most Earth Kingdom citizens did, and coupled with the possible Firebending, he was likely from the Fire Nation.
Iroh raises a brow at this, “what gave me away?” He stirs the tea a few times, before placing it on the counter for her to take. 
Y/N shrugs, “it’s my job to know people well enough that I can find them a match.” Taking a sip of her tea, she smiles, “so this nephew of yours. He wouldn’t happen to nobility, would he?”
He laughs at this, pouring himself a cup of tea as well as he sighs, “actually, he is nobility. In a way.”
Now Y/N did not expect the nobility Iroh spoke of the be the nobility. As in the Fire Lord, the actual ruler of the entire nation, though this would certainly be great for business. Once the world hears of how Y/N found the Fire Lord, someone who had been notably difficult to woo apparently, a match, her business will be set. 
“Isn’t this exciting, guys?” Y/N exclaimed, looking to her assistants, they were both on the younger side, Marcella and Evelyn. She’d brought them along since this would definitely be a valuable learning experience, and Y/N figured she’d need a lot of help if the Fire Lord was as difficult as they made him out to be. That and Y/N didn’t want to leave them alone in the Earth Kingdom, both of them had been orphaned at a young age. Y/N couldn’t help but relate to them, so when she’d come upon her newfound wealth, brought about by her job as a matchmaker, she’d taken the pair under her wing. 
With a bag thrown over her shoulder, Evelyn simply nodded while Marcella exclaimed, “yes! I’ve always wanted to see the Fire Nation. Do you think we could find a client in one of the Water Tribes next?” 
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the young girl’s excitement, “if this goes well? We’ll be able to find clients anywhere.” She wasn’t wrong, Y/N had never had the opportunity to work with the actual Earth King, the true ruler of the nation. Now she was working with the ruler of a nation she’d never stepped foot in, entirely new customs and traditions to research, a new social structure, new everything.
What a fun challenge.
With a smile on her face, Y/N followed closely behind Iroh, the palace was stunning, she couldn’t deny it. And compared to the crumbling infrastructure of the lower rings of cities like Ba Sing Se, Fire Nation cities were prospering Fire Lord Zuko’s rule. From what she’d heard, things weren’t always this way.
“Y/N and I are going to wait here,” he gestured to the open space before them, dozens of paintings within it, “these two will take you to your rooms.” He explained to the pair of young girls, nodding to the servants beside them, who began to guide the young girls away.
Y/N’s eyes found their way to the paintings, the newest one being of the current Fire Lord, Zuko himself. She wondered how accurate the painting was, and seeing as she would be meeting him soon, Y/N figured she’d find out as she sighed, turning to Iroh, “so how does the original heir to the throne become the owner of an infamous tea shop?” 
Iroh smiles to himself at her words, “age brings wisdom. And tea is a nice substitute for alcohol.” He jokes, though Y/N can see the pain in his eyes, along with admiration as he stares at Zuko’s portrait alongside her.
“Uncle!” A voice exclaimed, joy clear in his voice as he called out. Y/N watched as Iroh spun around, a broad smile on his face as he moved forwards to embrace the person.
He looked better in person, Y/N quickly decided, though the portrait did its job just as well. She wouldn’t deny he was attractive, but she already knew looks weren’t the issue. Iroh had informed her of the situation, Zuko’s constant rejection of any and every single person that approached him, and the stress he experienced because of the politics of it all.
“Nephew, it is good to see you,” Iroh said, releasing him from the hug, “how are you?” Initially he seemed fairly comfortable at the sight of just his Uncle, but as the Fire Lord’s body seemed to stiffen, Y/N realized she’d been spotted.
So, he wasn’t comfortable with strangers, “I’m alright Uncle... who is this?” He asked. There was an edge to his voice as he spoke, sizing Y/N up, not in the way you did for someone you were attracted to, but for an enemy.
Uncomfortable with new people, clear trust issues, and his mind was always alert. She’d have to write these things down and take them into consideration prior to finding him a potential partner. Though it was starting to look like he was completely unaware of her purpose there as she extended her hand out to him, “Y/N L/N. Professional matchmaker.” She explained with a bright smile, though, based off his personality, that would likely ward him off more.
He was polite though, shaking her hand despite his clear suspicions of her, “Zuko.” Y/N couldn’t help but raise a brow at this, he hadn’t mentioned his title in his introduction. Zuko turned to his Uncle, brows furrowing as he said, “you hired a professional matchmaker?”
With a shrug Iroh responded, “we met by chance! So, it must be destiny.”
Zuko gives him a tight lipped smile, nodding slowly before returning his attention to Y/N who stood away from the pair, examining the decor of the palace. It was minimalistic, truly basic if she was honest, despite the clear amount of riches they possessed, it lacked evidence of them. Bringing her eyes back to him, he spoke, “you don’t need to be here. You can receive your pay, but I personally see no purpose for a matchmaker.”
Iroh frowned at his words, “Zuko, you need to give it a chance! Unlike all those ladies who keep throwing themselves at you. Besides, she seems rather good at her job.” His gaze was on his nephew as he sighed, giving Y/N an apologetic look that she simply waved off.
“Oh, it’s fine. It just won’t be for long.” Zuko raised a brow at her words, and Y/N watched his feet shifted, “no need to prepare for a fight, your majesty.” She hummed, rolling her neck, in the corner of her eye she could see shock flash in his own. “You see, as a matchmaker I do several things, including developing a little... profile of my clients. Now we just met but I can already tell you a variety of things about you that’s making your love life rather trivial.” Even before she had to develop the profiles professionally, in the lower rings of Ba Sing Se, being capable of reading others was a necessary skill.
Zuko’s eyes narrowed at her, “and what have you determined, in the very short time we’ve known each other.”
A small laugh escaped her as she extended her arms and cracked her knuckles, “well. You have major trust issues, which is why you are desperately trying to keep me at arms length. That’s one reason why you have yet to find someone.” Turning her attention to the decor of the large room, Y/N closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “Given the lack of interior design, I would say you’re struggling with social aspects of your job, and you need a partner. One that I can help you find.” 
“See! I told you she’s good at what she does.” Iroh exclaimed, moving forward to clap a hand onto Y/N’s shoulder, much to Zuko’s dismay. 
Y/N gave the older man a small smile before looking back to Zuko, who eyed her wearily, “you keep avoiding the portrait of your father. But you can’t bring yourself to take it down.” She said, and Y/N could practically feel the tension building with each word. “He’s one of the reasons you’ve yet to find a lover-”
“Because he gave me the scar?” 
Y/N paused, brows furrowing at his words, her eyes found his, “I’m sorry, was that a joke?” She asked, and Iroh stared between the two, amused. “You’re actually rather attractive, which is why I know this is a personality thing. Probably tired of the whole fancy court thing they have going on here, which I’m going to need to research...” Y/N pursed her lips, failing to notice the clear shock on Zuko’s face at her comment, and red flushing his cheeks. Waving off her thoughts, she looked back to him, “anyways. My assistants should’ve already cleared out about an hour in your schedule each day for our sessions. I’m going to be asking you some very personal questions. So, be ready!” 
And with that, Y/N waved to the two, bowing rather questionably shortly after, before heading off in the direction she’d seen Marcella and Evelyn go in. Effectively leaving behind a baffled Zuko, and a rather satisfied Iroh, who began to laugh at Zuko’s reaction. “I really like her, quite the character she has.” 
“Yeah, quite the character.” He brought a hand to his temple, “is this really necessary, Uncle?” 
Iroh simply sighed, looking to his nephew, “whether you want to admit it or not, she was right. Ruling a nation is difficult, and ruling it alone is even harder.” A small huff of laughter escaped Iroh, “and she figured that out by your lack of interior design!” 
Exhaling deeply, Zuko reminded himself that this was all part of the job, the job that consumed his entire life. The life that this girl had analyzed in a matter of moments. 
Yeah, he wasn’t looking forward to their meetings.
Though his morals and his disagreement with practically selling your own child were a major factor in his lack of a love life. There was also the simple fact that there was no love in many of the interactions he had with potential suitors, much less genuine interest. They all wanted the power he could give them should they get married.
There was also the fact that Zuko had very little relationship experience, a fact he was trying to ignore. At the end of the day, he couldn’t bring himself to approach anyone, and if he did, he wouldn’t know what to do. Zuko also doubted that people would act... genuine around him, especially if they knew who he was. And all he really wanted was something real, considering his entire day was surrounded by fake smiles that belonged to both him and others.
It seemed that Y/N wasn’t prepared to ignore this piece of information though, since the following morning she’d seated him down and begun to speak of it, “so. You’ve been in two relationships.”
His brows furrowed, “one actually.” He and Mai had broken up about six months into his work as Fire Lord, “Mai.”
Raising a brow at him, she leaned back in the seat. Zuko couldn’t help but wonder how she managed to decorate the place in such a short period of time, as he could’ve sworn there hadn’t been a desk here the previous day. Then again, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d toured his own palace. “Well, I’ve heard rumors of you and a Southern Water Tribe member, but I’m not sure which one so I just-”
“Okay! That’s enough.” His cheeks were flushed red as he looked away.
Y/N grinned at him, leaning forwards, “then let’s discuss Mai. You two were pretty on and off, right?” 
Zuko grimaced at the thought, they were. He wouldn’t deny that he’d gone back to her a few times during his time as Fire Lord, “yeah.” 
Y/N began to write into her notebook, “tell me about her.”
“I don’t see why that’s important.” Came his response, looking at her quizzically as he frowned.
Tilting her head at him, Y/N gave Zuko a look, “come on. Let me do my job, I need to know about her to gauge what types of personalities you like while also determining why the two of you broke it off entirely.” She placed the book down, and Zuko could very clearly see the words ‘commitment issues’ underlined. “The goal isn’t just to find you a suitable wife that can help you rule, but someone you can be happy with.”
He’s silent for a moment, eyes on Y/N, her words seem honest. And this was her job, “she was blunt. Honest. Kind of mean at times, but she could be sweet as well. Pretty stoic, expressing her emotions was always... difficult for her.” 
Y/N nodded slowly, scribbling a few more things down, “okay. And what’s your favorite color?” 
“What type of question is that?” Zuko asked, brows furrowing in confusion. 
Crossing her arms, Y/N shrugged, “well. Favorite colors can tell you a lot about a person.” Came her response, “mine is green. Maybe that’s because I associate green with the Earth Kingdom, where I lived. Or maybe it’s because I happen to like nature quite a bit.” Looking around, Zuko could see that she’d already gotten a variety of plants native to the Fire Nation, most were succulents due to the almost year round heat.
At the mention of colors, his mind immediately went back to his first experience with the dragons, when their fire encircled him and Aang. “I.. don’t know how to describe the color- colors?” Zuko’s brows drew together in thought, and Y/N looked at him.
“How would I not understand a color?” The confusion is clear in her voice as she looks at him. Y/N can practically see the nostalgia in his eyes as he looks to the balcony.
Sighing, Zuko shifted in his seat, “these dragons I met ended up making a circle of fire around me and there were just... so many colors. But together it was just,” he paused, searching for the right word, “beautiful.”
Y/N’s mouth gaped open for a moment, “you met dragons?” She exclaimed, nearly throwing her notebook aside. Y/N had never seen such creatures, in fact, the general consensus was that they were still extinct
Zuko seemed to forget about this fact as he straightened himself, eyes meeting hers, “you can’t tell anyone about them!” He exclaimed, “they were hunted to extinction, though I intend to outlaw such things it’s just...” 
She nodded in understanding, “people break laws.” Y/N leaned back into her seat once more, “you owe me a dragon story.” She said, before crossing her legs in her seat and continuing, “favorite food?”
“Well, Aang took me to Avatar Day, and they had these weird Avatar shaped dough things.” He explained, recalling the time he’d gone with Aang and the others. Apparently they used to burn his statue, but now they worship him for some reason.
Y/N brought a hand under her chin, “I have no idea what that is.” She began to scribble something down on her notepad, “but okay.”
“What about you?”
Y/N hummed in response, “what do you mean?” 
Zuko felt his cheeks warm, “this just feels like an interview.”
“Probably because it is an interview.” Y/N said, gesturing for him to elaborate.
Looking away, Zuko frowned, “it’s weird.” Sighing, he spoke once more, “so, what’s your favorite food?” 
Y/N was silent for a moment, staring at Zuko, who was trying his hardest to avoid her gaze. This was a rare occurrence, seeing as most nobles were rather self-centered and liked talking about themselves. She’d never had a client who felt uncomfortable with this portion because it was basically a one-sided conversation. “Jennamite is a good rock candy.”
Zuko turns back to her, a small laugh escaping him, “my friends were nearly killed in Jennamite by the King of Omashu once.” 
“I’m sorry, what?”
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Y/N wouldn’t deny how odd it was, to be sharing as much information as she was learning about Zuko. She’d never really considered just how personal some of the questions were until she found herself answering them. But, after about a month, she had assembled a pretty good array of potential suitors for Zuko. Along with a few of her own clients, Y/N had found some girls that from the Fire Nation that seemed pretty acceptable.
That’s what she had thought at least.
“What do you mean, you already rejected her?” 
Turns out, Zuko had met half the women, and rejected them. The other half were either from the Earth Kingdom, or yet to attend one of few Galas that Zuko hosted. Seeing as he handed off most of that work to his advisors, it was rare for him to remain at Galas for an extended period of time. 
He grimaced at Y/N’s words nonetheless, his Uncle had informed her of his situation, but clearly not the extent of it. “She was more interested in her guard than me. It was a power grab her parents likely forced her into.” He remembered the girl, she’d been kind to him, but she clearly didn’t want him as much as her parents did.
His words brought about a new level of understanding for Y/N, who nodded slowly, of course it was the parents that Zuko had a problem with. It wasn’t uncommon for nobles to practically throw their children at potential suitors as though they’re a bag of coins. It was something that disgusted her as well, her job found people companions that they liked while these people simply wished for an addition to their power.
Zuko was the ultimate power grab. Y/N could only imagine how many times this had happened to him, random people he’d never met approaching him, offering their child’s hand in marriage. 
Bringing a hand to her temple, Y/N sighed, “but the rest are fine?” 
He nodded slowly, flipping through the pages he had yet to remove, Zuko skimmed what Y/N had written. Taking note of her handwriting, he wondered if she’d written his profile like this. “Yeah...” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, and Zuko sighed, removing a few more pages from the binder she’d presented him with. 
Exhaling deeply, Y/N brought a hand to Zuko’s shoulder, “be honest with me. I’m not gonna yell at you for removing them Zuko, this is for you.”
Sometimes he forgot it was her job to be nice to him. 
“Right.” He mumbled, trying to shake off the feeling he got as she removed her hand. “That’s still... a lot of people. Some of which aren’t even in this nation.” Zuko pointed out, a queasy feeling within him as he looked at her.
Y/N plopped down onto the couch in the common room they’d met in, sprawling her body across it, “you’re right, there is a lot. But,” She twisted her body so that she could see him, wiggling her brows suggestively, “it’s been a while since you hosted a Gala.” 
Zuko’s face dropped at her words, in his years of being Fire Lord, he’d had about three total, and hated every single one. But given how rare the Galas were, people got pretty excited when he threw them. “I hate planning those, it’s a waste of time and-” 
A small smile was on her face as she interrupted him, “and you suck at planning them? I can tell by the decor of your palace.” Glaring at her, Zuko watched as she shifted so that her head hung off the couch upside down, “well. This will be the best Gala yet, you’ll impress all the ladies that you can’t meet in the immediate future in about...” Y/N looked to the watch on her wrist, brows furrowing, “eight months. And I’ll help you plan it, since you desperately need help-”
“Alright, I get it, I’m horrible.” He grumbled, crossing his arms as he leaned back against his seat across from her after placing the binder on the coffee table between them. “Eight months isn’t a lot of time,” traditionally, Gala’s took at least a year’s worth of planning and preparation, especially since Zuko was so busy he barely had the time to assist in the process. Eight months was no where near enough.
Y/N was still frowning at his words, “no self-deprecation.” She ordered, taking Zuko by surprise, before continuing, “regardless. I’ve planned Gala in less time with less resources. It’ll be fine.” Pursing her lips Y/N sighed, “now we need to discuss your inability to talk to people in general due to your immense trust issues and constant battle field mentality.” 
Zuko’s mouth gaped open at her words, “excuse me?”
Bringing her hands to rest on her stomach as she laid upside down, Y/N spoke, “when we first met you looked like you contemplated attacking me. And when you met Marcella and Evelyn, I’ve never seen someone so awkward.” Zuko is silent and looks away, only proving her point as Y/N continued, “so we need to practice your people skills, and flirting for future reference, seeing as your first date is in about a week-”
Almost immediately, Zuko straightened his posture, sitting up and looking to her as though she’d thrown a bucket of ice cold water onto him. “A week?” He winced at the way his voice cracked.
“Yeah, I spoke with one of the girls, not her parents, and asked her to meet with you later in the week.” Y/N explained, “her name is Elara, she’s in there.”
Frowning, Zuko reached for the binder and began to flip through the pages, “how’d you know I wasn’t going to get rid of her page?” Only to find the girl’s page, details on her personality, skills, hobbies and more on them.
A smirk spread across Y/N’s face, “she was one of few I was sure you’d keep.” With a sigh, Zuko looked back to Y/N, who still sat upside down, “now. You need to practice your romance skills, so come on.” She twisted her body, her legs falling to the side of the couch, and then moving onto the floor, Y/N stood. As the blood rushed to her head, a wave of dizziness came over her, and Y/N found herself stumbling slightly.
A hand came to her back and forearm, steadying her, “you need to practice walking.” Zuko laughed slightly, a nervous edge in his voice as he eyed her. 
Y/N brought a hand to her head as she laughed as well, “oh my...” Y/N blinked several times as the wave of dizziness passed, her hand gripping Zuko’s arm as she grounded herself. Looking up to him, she quickly realized how close they were and cleared her throat, releasing his arm.
He followed suit, removing his hands from her, “sorry-”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Zuko.” 
The look her gives her almost hurts. Because Y/N can see the shock within his eyes as he nods slowly in response. She wonders what he’s thinking of as he she gives him a tight lipped smile, clapping her hands together as she turns back to him, “practice.” She repeated, mostly for herself.
And maybe offering to be the person he practiced on was her first mistake. 
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Y/N had learnt a lot about Zuko in the past four dates he’d been on. One of these things being the fact that Zuko was a wild card when it came to dates, and they seemed to either go very well with the girls contacting Y/N to let her know they wished for a second date, only for Zuko to reject the possibility. Or, they went very bad. And Zuko returned with some sort of drink splattered onto his clothing.
So, Y/N decided that the best course of action was to discover what exactly Zuko wasn’t mentioning, and to follow him with a disguise. Evelyn had suggested it, Iroh supported the idea full-heartedly, though Marcella had believed it would be a huge invasion of privacy, Y/N didn’t really care, seeing as it was her job to be involved in Zuko’s love life. She was getting paid to ensure he found love. 
And she was curious.
That’s how Y/N ended up dressed in some very suspicious Fire Nation clothing alongside her assistants and the apparent Dragon of the West, famous tea shop owner, and member of the royal family. 
What a wonderful assortment of people.
Marcella and Evelyn had separated from Iroh and Y/N, sitting in another booth across from them, it was a feeble attempt to keep them from sticking out. The girl had chosen a rather upscale restaurant, so dressing appropriately while also maintaining a look that prevented Zuko from recognizing them. 
Y/N pulled her hat further down on her face as she looked to Iroh, who was browsing the menu. She wouldn’t be shocked if he entered the kitchen just to make himself a ‘decent’ cup of tea. He’d been rather helpful during the whole process, anything she didn’t find out from Zuko, Y/N had learnt from Iroh. “See anything you like, Iroh?”
He smiled at her, nodding slowly, “I think I’ll just take some tea.” 
Looking to Marcella and Evelyn, Y/N smiles, the two are speaking with one another like they aren’t supposed to be spying on the Fire Lord. But Y/N doesn’t mind, this was more of a recreational activity anyways, and she was glad they were having fun. Since they’d gotten to the Fire Nation two months ago there had been an... adjustment period to put it simply.
Y/N nodded at Iroh’s statement, and her eyes fell back onto Zuko and his newest date, Amaya, she was a simple girl. She’d possessed organizational skills that Zuko lacked, planned dozens of events, had the expressive qualities that Zuko yearned for in a partner. Amaya was one of few that Y/N was sure Zuko would take a liking to. Especially since she also had training in a variety of fighting styles, and was quite the Firebender. She’d been a little skeptical when she first contacted Amaya, the girl seemed hesitant, but she agreed.
And from the looks of it, he had. The pair was laughing along with each other, but Y/N could see the way Zuko stiffened at any physical contact, in general he’d yet to relax. If Y/N was honest, it was basically like any first date, awkward.
Zuko didn’t really know how to feel about Amaya, she was what he should be looking for in a girl, everything he needed if he was honest. She had an interest in the art, something Zuko had never taken to and the main reason his palace looked, ‘dull’ as Y/N had put it. And she was expressive, the main issue he’d had with Mai was her lack of expression. But, for some reason, Zuko just couldn’t see her as anything more than a good friend. There was something... off about her.
“When that Earth Kingdom girl approached me, I was skeptical.” Amaya explained, taking a sip from her glass, “you know how most Earth Kingdom folk are...” She gave him a look as Zuko listened in confusion. “The Fire Nation citizens simply have more class.” Amaya settled for with a shrug.
Zuko laughed nervously, “I’m not sure I understand. I find Earth Kingdom citizens pretty pleasant actually, and Y/N, the one you met, she’s actually very resourceful and kind.” His mind went to Toph as well, who had invented an entirely new type of bending. She was an impressive young woman from the Earth Kingdom, and Y/N was as well, she’d started her own business at a young age and turned it into something incredible.
“Really? She didn’t seem too smart when I met her, but who can say no to a meeting with the Fire Lord?” 
Zuko was pretty sure her words were meant to be taken as a joke. But Amaya wasn’t the first person Zuko had encountered with this mindset, she was just more subtle about it. The supremacy of the Fire Nation was still an idea that ran rampant in some people’s minds, though Zuko had dealt with most disputes regarding his peaceful relations with other nations. Many still missed the time when the Fire Nation practically owned the world, where Fire Nation citizens could treat the people who had their homes taken from them however they pleased.
It was a dark time in his nation’s history, nonetheless, several people missed it. This was something rather prevalent amongst Nobles though, they were the ones who lost an immense amount of land when the war had ended. Many of them were bitter about what had happened. 
If Zuko was honest, she’d probably had these ideas drilled into her since birth, and simply hadn’t grown out of them, which was a shame. But as the ruler of a nation, he couldn’t rule beside someone who looked down on others simply because they weren’t from the Fire Nation.
Zuko shook his head, “Y/N built her business from the ground up. And now she’s helping the Fire Lord get dates.” He knows he sounds defensive, as though he’s prepared to fight her, something his Uncle would likely scold him for, but he doesn’t care at the moment.
“All she does is set you up with people.” 
Zuko’s brows furrowed at this comment, and he raised a hand to get the attention of the waiter, “excuse me, could I get the check please?” The young man nodded, heading off to get the check, and Amaya looked at him incredulously. 
Y/N had done far more than set him up with people, she’d helped him begin planning a Gala, she’d tried her best to find a good assortment of people that would fit both Zuko’s needs and the Fire Nation’s, and that list was probably very difficult to narrow down. Zuko had seen the work she put in for formulating profiles of the potential suitors, and throughout all of it she had done nothing but support him. 
“What are you doing?” Amaya asked, shifting in her seat as she stared at Zuko quizzically.
The waiter came over and handed Zuko the check, and Zuko placed a pouch of money on the table, “thanks. Keep the change.” He explained, nodding to the boy, who’s mouth gaped open in surprise as he took the pouch of money, bowing to Zuko repetitively, though Zuko wasn’t paying much attention to him as he spoke to Amaya. “I don’t think this is going to work out, I’m sorry.”
Amaya is still seated in shock as Zuko rises from his table, and Y/N can’t help it when her mouth gapes open at the sight of him simply abandoning his date. She makes eye contact with Iroh, who raises a brow, and they both sit up. She moves to follow Zuko, only to bump into someone. 
“I’m so sorry!” Y/N exclaims, moving down to help them pick up their hat, that had fallen when they collided.
“No, that was my fault entirely!” He responds, shaking his head as they both leaned town to pick it up.
“Aang, come on! He’s leaving.” The woman behind him exclaims.
Y/N’s brows furrow in recognition as she looks up to see a blue arrow tattooed on the man’s head, and her eyes widen in realization. Zuko had described Aang several times during their conversations, he and the rest of his friends came up often. But Y/N did not expect the first time she met the Avatar and his friends to be when they were both following Zuko on his date.
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Y/N simply sighs as she opens her door to see Zuko, in the outfit she’d helped him pick out. “What was it this time?” He’d been on thirteen dates thus far, and Y/N was slowly realizing that Zuko was likely one of her most difficult clients. This was purely because he’d yet to get a second date, though there had been offers, Zuko had declined all of them. 
“She was just-” His hands gestured rather broadly, he was practically throwing them into the air, “she was so rude to the waiter.” This had always been a dealbreaker for him, since he’d worked as a waiter in two different tea shops, Zuko had come to understand the importance of treating a waiter with kindness and how difficult the work could be. 
His eyes dart between Y/N and her door, she’s rubbing her eyes due to the exhaustion and Zuko can’t help the guilt that floods him. Nonetheless, she opens the door wider, heading inside her room and signaling for him to close it as she falls back onto her bed. “You were a waiter once, yeah?” He’d told her a fair share about his life in the Earth Kingdom, she’d inquired quite a bit about that part of his life. 
He asked about her life in the Earth Kingdom too, and she’d told him how poor life could be the in the outer rings, something he’d experienced for himself. Zuko listened as she describe living after her parents had died, working for a matchmaker only to discover she was actually good at the job, making a name for herself in the outer rings and then making her way inwards until she was one of the most sought after matchmakers in the kingdom. Y/N spoke of how she’d met Marcella and Evelyn, and how she’d taken them in when she’d discovered they were both orphans, living on the streets as pickpockets.
Zuko wouldn’t help but laugh at this, he could imagine Evelyn as a pickpocket, but Marcella? She was a sweet girl, he couldn’t imagine her in a life of crime. Of course, desperation made people do questionable things. Zuko knew that much from experience. 
“Yeah, I was.” Came his response, taking a seat in the chair by her desk. 
Y/N sat up in her bed, bracing herself with her elbows as she raised a brow at him, “what are you doing?”
Zuko frowned, shifting in the chair, “sitting...?” He moved to get up but Y/N waved him off.
“Just lay with me, idiot.” She allowed her head to fall back onto the bed, patting the spot beside her. Clearly, her suggestion wasn’t bothering her, but Zuko felt his face flush at the possibility.
If he’s honest, he’s not even trying anymore when it comes to dates and women and love. There were three reasons for this, one of which was the fact that he simply wasn’t connecting with any of the women he had met thus far. Sure they were nice, and they probably would be his type has it not been for reason two. The fact that Zuko had realized he had feelings for Y/N, what feelings? He wasn’t sure, but they sure as hell weren’t platonic, if they were he would not be blushing this much. He wouldn’t get that weird feeling in his stomach whenever he spoke to her.
Then there was was reason three, if Zuko succeeded in finding love, then Y/N would leave. It was selfish, but he already knew he wouldn’t find anyone considering he pretty sure he loved someone else already. So now, Zuko was basically procrastinating letting Y/N know that this just wasn’t going to work out, mostly because he didn’t have a plan.
He was debating just firing her, but that likely wouldn’t go over well, and he wanted to see her business succeed. If you get fired by the Fire Lord, that just looks bad. Now Zuko wondered what the best way to go about this was, since there was no point in working for him, even if she was getting paid. He was a waste of time. 
He couldn’t help the smile graced his lips as his own thoughts reminded him of the time she’d scolded him, telling him to quit being self-deprecating. 
Zuko sat up from the chair, making his way over to her bed, Zuko found himself simply plopping down onto it face first, earning a laugh from Y/N.
He rolled over onto his back, turning to look at Y/N, only to find her eyes were already on him, bringing a blush to his cheeks as he mumbled, “what?”
“I’m just trying to figure out why you haven’t gotten a second date yet.” Came her response, propping herself up on her forearm. “You have a nice personality, you’re attractive, I’m sure at least one of the girls caught your eye.” Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair as she began to wonder if she’d incidentally allowed her own feelings to get in the way of her work. Maybe that’s why this was going so badly.
This was a problem. 
Zuko simply shook his head, his face on fire as he listened to her words, though he couldn’t help the hand he brought to the scar on his face. Y/N had pointed out before that he was allowing his Father to control his actions even now that he was imprisoned, and Zuko was beginning to see what she meant. 
Removing his hand from his face, Zuko sighed. Though he didn’t have much time to dwell on his thoughts as her hand hesitantly came to his face, placing a hand on his cheek and allowing her thumb to brush against the scar. Zuko jumped at the sudden contact, and Y/N moved to withdraw her hand almost instantly, but Zuko’s hand came to hers and held it there. Looking to her, he couldn’t read the look in her eyes as she gazed at him, and suddenly he wished he was as good at reading people as she was. 
“No self-deprecating thoughts.” Y/N mumbled, “bad Zuko.” She removed her hand from his to flick his head, causing his brows to furrow.
He pouted, and Y/N let out a laugh as he spoke, “how come you haven’t found someone?” Zuko looked to her, “you’re beautiful, and smart, and just... perfect.” He didn’t notice when her cheeks warmed, “you’re a literal matchmaker, surely you’ve considered who your perfect person is.” 
Y/N fell onto her back, running her hands over her face as she shook her head, “how have you not gotten a second date?” A sigh escaped her, “I haven’t had time for love before, and I just haven’t found that,” looking to him, she pursed her lips, “perfect person.” Growing up in the lower rings, she didn’t have time for an actual relationship, and her business as a matchmaker grew incredibly quickly. At the end of the day, long term just didn’t work out, Y/N barely had for herself, much less another person.
“I guess we both suck at love.” Zuko said, his tone was serious and Y/N couldn’t help but burst out into laughter as she swatted at his chest.
Too bad they couldn’t suck at love together. 
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Smoothing over her green dress, a sign of her citizenship in the Earth Kingdom, Y/N moved to answer the knock on her bedroom door. Given how long she’d been in the Fire Nation, Y/N wondered if the Earth Kingdom would still feel like home when she returned. The idea of going back felt odd, and though that time likely wasn’t soon unless Zuko met the love of his life tonight, it was inevitable.
And it horrified her. 
Holding the edge of the dress slightly to make it easier to walk, Y/N sighed and opened the door, seeing Zuko. A small smile on her face as she eyed his Fire Nation robes, “you look nice.” She complimented, tilting her head at him as she allowed her eyes to travel over his figure.
Zuko nodded, a blush coming over her cheeks, his mouth gaping open as he looked at Y/N. “You look beautiful.” She did, the dress looked amazing on her, her hair styled just right, and bracelets adorning her wrists.
“Thank you, Fire Lord Zuko.” His nose crinkled at the use of his title, coming from her it felt even weirder, wrong almost. But she continued, “mind helping me out?” She asked, moving back to her desk and taking a necklace in hand. Y/N had been struggling to put it on for the past few minutes, and now she had someone to do it for her.
He nodded, closing the door behind him, he took the necklace from her hand, and when Y/N ensured her hair was out of his way, Zuko brought the necklace around her neck. He secured the clasp, hands lingering as he adjusted it to the center of her neck. Zuko couldn’t help but notice a small scar on her shoulder, hand brushing over it.
Y/N looked over her shoulder and to him, brow raised, “how’d you get this?” He asked, brows drawn together. His hand traced the raised skin gently, Y/n could feel her cheeks warming at his touch, inhaling deeply. 
She grimaced, “a knife fight I almost lost my life to.” Was her explanation. Y/N didn’t like to think back to the days when she’d resorted to several... questionable actions to stay alive. But she pushed those thoughts away as she turned to face him. “You ready?” Y/N asked, they had to get to the Gala soon, considering the fact that Zuko was the host, Y/N was shocked he’d even stopped by her room in the first place.
Zuko was silent, simply nodding as he extended his arm for her to take. And Y/N did, looping her arm around his as she smiled, “you are gonna woo so many Earth Kingdom women tonight!” Y/N exclaimed, more confidence in her voice than Zuko had.
Shame the only Earth Kingdom girl he wanted to ‘woo’ was her.
When they’d arrived at the Gala, descending the stairs together, they were greeted with the claps of the other guests. Zuko would feel the anxiety flood him, but he paid it no mind. Though Y/N could feel the way he stiffened as he ended his speech to the diplomats of all nations, “let this be a peaceful, and joyous night!” 
They all burst out into cheers before the party continued, the music starting once more, and everyone returning to feasting upon the buffet, dancing along the ballroom floor or speaking with one another. All while Y/N led Zuko down the stairs, dragging him by the hand, “come on. Enjoy your own party, meet some girls.” She winked, and Zuko swore his face heated up even more than it already had. 
Y/N wasn’t a fool, she knew that if she’d stuck by his side the entire night, she would serve as a repellant of any potential suitors. So naturally, much to Zuko and Y/N’s dismay, she removed herself from him, playfully shoving him towards a group of Earth Kingdom girls she’d mentioned earlier. Though there were several other clusters in the ballroom.
Zuko simply sighed, giving Y/N a small smile before making his way to the group of girls. If he was honest, he would rather be spending the Gala by her side, but he had to put in some effort. He owed Y/N that much. Besides, this was an entirely new group of girls, maybe he would find someone tonight. 
“Hi there.” Zuko greeted, waving awkwardly at the girls. 
This action earned him a few laughs, and he was unsure if they actually found it funny or felt the need to laugh since he was the Fire Lord. Shortly after they began introducing themselves, speaking like there was no tomorrow. 
If Zuko was honest, the number of women here was overwhelming. So, as he excused himself from the conversation, much to their chagrin, he placed his cup down on the platter of one of many waiters. Making his way outside, Zuko couldn’t help but feel relieved at the fresh air that hit him on the balcony. Though he contemplated heading back inside when he noticed another girl was already there, eyes shut as she faced the sky, she turned to see him, eyes widening a fraction. “I’m sorry, I can go-”
“No!” She exclaimed, cheeks flushing in embarrassment due to her outburst, “no... it’s fine.” She turned back to look at the sky, hand clasped together, fidgeting.
Zuko stepped forward, finding himself situated across from her, leaning against the railing, “so why are you out here?”
A small laugh escaped the girl, and she ran a hand through her hair, “it’s rather stress relieving. You have a lovely view in your palace.” 
He couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he realized she recognized him, though Zuko nodded along, “what’s your name? If you don’t mind me asking?” It was a stupid question, and Zuko nearly facepalmed as he pursed his lips.
“Aileen.” Came her response, and Zuko realized he recognized her name as well. She was the child of one of the more well known members of Fire Nation nobility, her parents had approached him in the past in hopes of arranging a marriage between the two of them. He had declined almost immediately. And now that Aileen turned to him, he had a feeling he made the right decision, “you’re Zuko, right?” 
He exhaled deeply, nodding, “that’s me.” Sometimes, Zuko wondered what his life would’ve been like if he wasn’t Zuko, perhaps things would’ve been simpler. No, things definitely would’ve been simpler. There would be no diplomatic meetings, no wars, no idiots trying to hurt other people, no more assassination attempts, no more fake smiles and no more Galas. Of course, if he wasn’t Zuko, he never would’ve met Y/N.
“I heard you’re looking for a partner in crime.” Aileen prompted, “why aren’t you in there finding that future love of your life?” 
Shrugging, Zuko looked up at the sky, “I found her. She just doesn’t want me.”
He can feel Aileen stare at him, she’s silent for a moment, and Zuko wonders what she’s thinking. Though he doesn’t need to wait long to find out as she responds, “I understand.” Aileen focuses her gaze on the glass she’d placed on the thick railing of the balcony, “the person I love probably doesn’t love me back. And even if they did, my parents disapprove.”
“Did you ask?” He felt hypocritical, Zuko himself had never spoken with Y/N in regards to his feelings, and he likely never would, but he wanted to know. “If they love you?”
Aileen laughs slightly, shaking her head, “I couldn’t bring myself to. I’m scared.” She replied, looking back to him curiously, “did you?”
“No.” He responded lamely, tapping his fingers against the railing with a sigh.
Aileen laughed at this, “I guess we are both cowards then.” She pursed her lips, “I didn’t ask because I was scared, why didn’t you?”
And then the words come spilling out, “whoever I end up with will greatly impact the whole world, whether I want to acknowledge it or not. And she doesn’t deserve that burden, nobody does.” He laughs bitterly as he continues, “she’s also the person that was hired to help me find love in the first place.” Zuko pauses, looking away from Aileen, “and I guess I’m scared too.”
“Ironic.” Aileen mumbles, bringing her eyes back to the sky, “let’s make a deal, Your Majesty.” 
Zuko cringes at the use of that title, almost asking her to simply refer to him by his name, though he simply responds, “what deal?”
“We both confess. And if it goes horribly wrong, we can get married.” 
Y/N can’t see the shock on Zuko’s face, but she can see how comfortable he feels with this girl, Y/N hadn’t seen her before, but she was just happy Zuko was connecting with someone. Except she also wasn’t, a bitter feeling enveloping her as she turned away, looking for something else to focus her attention on, something that didn’t hurt. 
She turned to see Marcella and Evelyn in the distance, speaking with each other. Y/N supposed if she wouldn’t be finding love tonight, then at least they would. She was no fool, she saw the way they looked at each other, the glances when the other wasn’t looking. Maybe it was dumb, but Y/N found herself feeling jealous as she moved over to the buffet with a sigh. Food solved everything in her experience, after a client had a particularly bad day, food made things better.
“Perhaps some tea?” Iroh stood beside her, a kettle in his hand, he had insisted he serve tea at the Gala, though Zuko had assured him it would be just as easy to find someone else to do the job.
Y/N smiled at him, nodding as she took a cup from the array of them within the buffet, allowing Iroh to pour her some tea. “Thank you, Iroh.” Her voice is quieter than normal, and it’s clear that Iroh can tell something is wrong.
“You know, you deserve to be happy to Y/N.” His words catch her by surprise, though she doesn’t have much time to consider their meaning before flames lighting the room begin to move erratically, causing her brows to furrow.
Something was wrong. 
Iroh nods to her, placing the tea kettle down as his brow furrow and she nods back, Iroh disappearing into the crowd of people. Y/N’s eyes fall back to Marcella and Evelyn, and she quickly moves to their side of the room, ignoring the hush that had fallen over the room, panicked gasps amongst them. Her hands fall onto both girl’s arms as she nods to them, “Y/N, whats going-”
Y/N is already dragging them in the direction of the exit, “get out of here, find the guards. I’m going to find Zuko.” The girls didn’t have much time to argue, as Y/N was already working her way through the panicked crowd, back to the balcony where she’d last seen Zuko. But, people were already pushing against her movements, making it difficult. Raising her head above the crowd in an attempt to see what’s going on, Y/N realizes whats happening. 
Firebenders were trying to force them together, and Y/N couldn’t help but panic as she wondered if Marcella and Evelyn managed to escape and find the guards. 
This was an ambush.
No, this was an assassination attempt. Zuko already knew as he watched the atmosphere of the party begin to shift, that and the person who stood before him in all black, brandishing several weapons. Alongside four others who stood by her side. 
“You know, it wasn’t until I met you that I realized how bad it had gotten.” Aileen stood beside Zuko, eyes meeting his in horror as they exchanged looks. Zuko simply hoped the nod he gave her provided some semblance of comfort as he returned his attention to the person before him. “I mean, defending some lowly Earth Kingdom matchmaker? What type of career even is that?” 
Her voice is almost maniacal, and Zuko can’t help but wince as he feels reminded of his sister. But he recognizes it nonetheless, Amaya. It had been months since he’d seen her, but he could still remember her voice. Her face was covered by a mask, and she wielded a sword, and if Zuko remembered correctly, she had been trained in dozens of fighting styles and was a talented bender herself. Alongside the four other men, Zuko couldn’t help but panic internally as he spoke, “Amaya, why don’t you put the swords down, and we talk about this.”
She laughs in response, ripping the mask that covered her face off and throwing it aside, “people have tried to talk to you about this. Your-” She grappled for the word, a hand yanking at her hair as she gestured to him with a sword, “your radical ideas!” 
Zuko didn’t find having morals radical, but he wasn’t going to say that, not while Aileen’s life was on the line. Zuko suddenly realized why having an heir was important as he shook his head, “Amaya, look. Why don’t you let Aileen here leave, and then you and I can talk.” 
Aileen looks like she’s going to protest, but Amaya glances at her red robes, a sign of her Fire Nation citizenship, and gestures for her to leave. “Get out. My problem isn’t with you.” 
When Aileen doesn’t move, Amaya quickly grows frustrated, calling out to one of the guards she’d brought along that lied inside, “take this fool away.” 
There’s no response, and Zuko can see panic flood Amaya’s face. And looking behind her, he quickly realizes that most of the guards have been subdued, Y/N holding one of them in her arms as she knocks them to the ground. Moving towards the balcony stealthily as Amaya’s hands begin to shake, fire sparking in her palms as she focused her attention onto Zuko. “You’re going to pay for what you’ve done to our nation.” 
But Zuko wasn’t looking at her as he shook his head, hoping Y/N would understand. There was no way she could overpower Amaya, not with her bending. Y/N didn’t even have a weapon.
Now, Y/N knew for a fact that no matter how talented Zuko was, he wouldn’t put the girl beside him in danger. His priority would be keeping her alive, and given the training Amaya had as a noble, in both Firebending and fighting, she might even be as good as Zuko in a fight.
Meaning she had to be taken out of the fight.
Everything happened pretty fast after that. Zuko was shielding body coming forward to shield Aileens as he extended his freehand to Firebend at the people who’d surrounded them, only for Amaya to move out of the way. The girl was practically screaming bloody murder as she lunged at him, now wielding her sword. 
Zuko didn’t have to figure out what to do next because Y/N moved faster than Amaya did, tackling the girl over the railing and down below as he began to scream. 
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Zuko’s knee is bouncing rapidly as he sits beside Iroh, who knits a scarf of some sort despite the blistering heat of the Fire Nation. He’s insisted that when Y/N returned to the Earth Kingdom she’d need it, and Zuko didn’t have the heart to disagree. Iroh had started stress-knitting about four hours ago, when Y/N had entered the room they all sat before, anxiously awaiting news of her condition.
Marcella and Evelyn are to Zuko’s left, Marcella’s sobs had quieted down, but Zuko wouldn’t be shocked if he looked over and saw tears silently streaming down her face. The girl hadn’t taken it well. Evelyn remained composed, doing her best to comfort Marcella, but the wait was clearly getting to her as well as she fidgeted with Marcella’s hands.
Seeing as Y/N had fallen from several stories up off the balcony and into the water below, Zuko didn’t really think it was possible to take the news well. But he was trying. 
A pang sounded from inside the room, and Zuko practically shot up onto his feet, moving to knock on the door to discover was was wrong, only for Iroh to grab his wrist, shaking his head. Zuko exhaled deeply, beginning to pace across the hall. He found himself wishing that Katara hadn’t been busy with Water Tribe business, she was an excellent healer. Alas, Katara wasn’t there, and Zuko had to settle for one of the skilled Water Tribe diplomats instead, alongside a few others skilled in medicine. 
As he paced, Zuko could feel Evelyn’s eyes on him, and it became clear she was itching to speak and he sighed, “what’s wrong?” There were dozens of answers to this question, the main one being the fact that Y/N could die today, so he hoped she understood what he meant.
The girl is glaring at him, and Zuko can’t help but feel uneasy. Because maybe she blames him for this as much as he blames himself, and maybe she’s going to tell him off, blame him for everything. Because if Y/N dies, she and Marcella will have no one again. 
Not that Zuko would allow that. He’d grown attached to the girls as well, they were kind, and helpful. They’d help improve the interior decor of the palace, and if he was honest, it looked better than anything he ever could’ve done.
“You better tell her how you feel after this.”
Zuko’s mouth gapes open at the girl’s words, and he swears the breath leaves his longs, and its as though everything hits him then. 
He would never get to tell Y/N how he felt if she died. He’d never get to listen to her try and tell a story just to go off on dozens of tangents, he’d never get to watch as she attempted to cook again, and he’d never get to hold her in his arms once more. There would be no more late night talks, and he wouldn’t hear her laugh, she wouldn’t tease him anymore and they wouldn’t walk through the courtyard feeding turtleducks again.
She’d never know he loved her.
Zuko finds himself nodding to Evelyn’s words, frozen in place as he looks to her and asks, “was I that obvious?” His voice is hoarse, and its probably because he didn’t stop screaming, even when Y/N’s body hit the water. 
Marcella is laughing at his words, blowing her nose into a tissue that Evelyn hands her before she speaks, “painfully obvious.”
“For someone who’s job revolves around love, Y/N is one of the most oblivious people I’ve ever met.” Evelyn grumbles out, rubbing her eyes as she yawns.
It was late, Zuko knew that much, the guests of the party had gone to the infirmary in the palace, being tended to by doctors and any other available healers if injured. Otherwise, they’d all returned to their rooms to sleep, or more likely stay up in fear of another attack. Zuko surely would.
“Go to bed guys, it’s getting late.” 
Evelyn looks at him like he’s one of the dumbest people she’s met, and if Zuko was honest, he probably was. But he simply nodded to Marcella, who had started leaning her head against Evelyn’s shoulder, eyes fluttering shut. “Uncle, why don’t you take them back to their rooms?”
Considering the fact that Zuko’s guards were around the corner, he wasn’t scared for his safety, but their presence just made him want to remain awake. 
“Nephew, you should sleep as well.” His Uncle replied, though he rose from his seat, bringing the yarn and the start of the scarf under his arm. 
Zuko gave his Uncle a smile, “I will. But if anything happens before then, I’ll be sure to alert you all.” He assured, nodding to Evelyn, who eyed him wearily. But she relented, shaking Marcella gently before standing up alongside her and Iroh. 
When they were out of sight, Zuko plopped back down in the seat, his elbows resting on his knees as he brought his hands to his face.
And for the first time in the night he cried, his body racked with sobs as tears streamed down his face and he struggled to breathe. The pain of all that had happened felt almost unbearable. She had to live. Y/N had to live. Because Zuko was going to confess. 
His fear of losing her outweighed his fear of rejection.
Wiping his tears away, Zuko suddenly felt grateful that Evelyn had left the box of tissues as he blew his nose. He sighed, his eyes piercing the door, hoping that something would happen.
As though his stare had willed her to exit the room, the healer came out, a grimace on her face as she looked to Zuko, likely because of his bloodshot eyes. The woman simply sighed, the grimace becoming a more sympathetic look. “Miss L/N lost a lot of blood... several of her bones were broken when she hit the water, especially her ribs. Her internal organs were damaged as well and... well it wasn’t very likely for her to survive.”
She’s dead.
Y/N is dead.
“Wow, you look like a mess.” 
Zuko’s head whips up, his eyes meeting Y/N’s, she’s leaning against a wooden crutch, grinning lazily at him. The healer beside her looks rather apologetic as she frantically explains, “she woke up far quicker than we anticipated and only agreed to rest if we participated in her rather cruel prank.”
So, she wasn’t a ghost.
Zuko launches himself up from the chair, nearly tackling Y/N, but the wooden crutch she uses for support serves as a reminder of her fragile state as he asks, “can I hug you?”
Her smile falters at the sound of his voice, hoarse and jagged, so she simply extends are free arm outward. Zuko takes this as an invitation for a hug, gently wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his head in her neck, Y/N wrapped her free arm around his neck, hand finding its way to the hair at the nape of his neck. “Im s-”
“It’s not your fault Zuko. I swear if you say its your fault I will throw myself over the balcony again.” She threatened, hand tightening in his hair.
Zuko laughs quietly, inhaling deeply before he speaks again, “please never do that again.” 
“I make no promises.”
Sighing, Zuko releases her, “I hate you so much.” 
Y/N scoffed, “you love me.” She was limping over to the bed in the middle of the room, blood coating the surrounding area. Though the doctors in the room were moving across the room that they’d placed Y/N on, and dealt with her injuries on, Zuko couldn’t help but feel sick at the sight.
She could’ve died.
“Yeah, I do.”
Y/N pauses, turning to look back at him, her mouth gapes open. Zuko’s looking away, eyes on anything but her as he inhales deeply.
The healer simply sighs, “before we do this, I should inform the two of you that Miss Y/N cannot do any... strenuous activities for at least one month.”
Zuko’s cheeks are flushing red as he shakes his head rapidly, “ma’am-”
“We’ll be taking our leave. Have fun, but not too much fun. Please.” The woman closes the door behind her once the other doctors are out of the room, and Y/N can’t stop laughing at the mortified expression on Zuko’s face, despite the sharp pain she feels in her ribs.
Taking a seat on the fresh sheets of the bed, Y/N sighs, “so you love me?” She’s picking at the sheets, “as a friend?”
Zuko suddenly realizes just how right Evelyn was as he slowly shakes his head, “no. More than a friend. I think I inadvertently sabotaged half of the dates you sent me on because of it.”
Y/N laughs quietly, eyes falling on Zuko only to see he’s looking anywhere but her, she calls out to him quietly, “Zuko. Look at me.”
He doesn’t hesitate to bring his gaze to her, eyes meeting hers as he begins to fidget with his hand. Y/N simply reaches her hand out, and he takes it. “I love you too, idiot.” She mumbles, pulling him closer and wrapping her arms around his waist. “I just wish you had told me sooner so I didn’t waste so much time trying to set you up with other women.” 
A small laugh escapes him as he brings his hand to her hair, “how do I know you weren’t purposely giving me bad matches because you were in love with me?” 
Y/N removes her head from his stomach, looking up at him, her nose crinkles, “unlike you, I am a professional.” Zuko flicks her forehead, and Y/N pouts at him, hand coming up to his face, “can I kiss you?”
She can feel his face warm, but he nods rather enthusiastically nonetheless, and Y/N finds herself smiling at his as she uses her hands to pull his face downward towards her. His lips meet hers, and Zuko finds himself feeling complete, hands coming to Y/N’s face in an attempt to pull her closer while hers move to his ball up his robes that he’d yet to change.
 Zuko pulls away first, forehead resting on hers, “you need to sleep.” 
Y/N scoffed, eyes narrowing at him, “you need to sleep.” Looking to the bed, she raises a brow at him, “wanna lay with me?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, I could accidentally injure you or-”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N yanks him onto the bed, making her way to the other side and getting comfortable, “I’ll be fine.”
Yeah, everything would be fine. Maybe not for the Fire Nation, seeing as Y/N would potentially help rule a nation but...
Everything would be fine.
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a woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations.
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A/N: i hope this was good enough!!! i tried!!! and idk how it ended up over 12k... that’s crazy man um kjhdsajfhjkah omg i really liked this concept though i hope i did it justice
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TAGLISTS [lmk if you want to be added or removed via askbox or replies]
ATLA: @bubblebars​ @jada-cleo​ @Art-flirt @the-deli-meat​ @wemissyou3000​ @ajediherowitchrunner​
ZUKO: @outerxorbit @shawkneecaps @lil-lex1 @boxofteenageideas @izzieserra @eridanuswave @bigbuckyenergy @celamoon @savemesteeb @shephard17895 @ijustwannabecanadian @duh-dobrik @anime-simp @lammello  
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