#(this is also why i like her and ravi too.
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also: my process of making this
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alchemistc · 4 months
"Any plans for your days off, Buck?"
Buck knows his grin is a little feral, but he's kind of hoping that'll throw them off the trail. It's barely been a year, and in that time they've had three natural disasters, one copter crash, a boss intent on making Buck's life a living hell, and two almost break-ups.
It's too soon, to know for sure, except Athena and Bobby had known, and Hen and Karen had known even if they were too scared to admit it at first, and Chim and Maddie may have taken a little longer to get there but they'd known.
And Buck knows. He knows he's never felt like this about anyone before. Knows no one has ever had the ability to infuriate him and calm his fears quite like Tommy Kinard can. Knows they could have done this like they joked about six months ago and they wouldn't have regretted it.
Hen is making a face like she's trying to decide if she wants to know whatever head-tilt-cheek-bite sexual innuendo Buck's got in the barrel, because she only appreciates that about half of the time and Buck's praying she decides on no because he's a terrible fucking liar and he doesn't like keeping things from people. But it's sort of a secret, for the next 48 hours, and Buck also wants to bask in it, wants to enjoy keeping it to himself for just a little while.
"Our Buckaroo is all grown up and refusing to over share about his sex life, praise be," Chim chips in, and Buck tucks his chin to his chest and hopes his pink cheeks read as embarrassed.
His phone buzzes in his pocket, and around him lockers slam and voices drift over him. He's only got eyes for the text that just came through.
Bird's ready, suits are pressed, room is paid up. You wanna go to Adele, after? I think I know one of her people.
You know everyone, stop bragging, I'm already impressed
I'm always gonna try to impress you. You still at the station?
Yeah but not for long. I'll see you in like forty
"--right Buck?"
Buck blinks, hums, stares across at Chim.
"Please tell me you're not sexting at work right now."
"Technically, we are off the clock."
"I'll remind Clipboard Buck of that next time he shows up."
He's zipping up his bag when his phone buzzes again.
See you soon, baby.
He's pretty sure he's gonna get away with it - Hen and Chim are arguing about some reality show as they all trudge toward the open bay doors, and though he can hear their voices further back, Eddie and Bobby still seem to be deep in conversation.
Ravi comes out of left field, because of course he does, just finished inventory still clutched in his hand as he rounds the engine closest to Buck. "Hey, Buck, you and Tommy wanna catch that movie tomorrow night? I picked up a shift but I've got like twelve off in between."
Buck winces. Damn, so close. "Sorry, bud, we actually won't be in town."
Which he's realizing now is pretty uncharacteristic of the both of them, and Hen and Chim have clocked it, so he's gonna have to make a run for it, but he catches sight of raised brows and questioning expressions and he can't give them nothing.
"Tommy's taking me to Vegas, we might see Adele, okay bye!"
They absolutely let him make a break for it, let him scramble into the Jeep, let him send them all a quick wave before he peels out of his parking spot, and Buck spends the drive to Harbor viscously ignoring the steady buzzing from his phone.
Tommy snags the backpack from his shoulder before he's fully out the door, and tugs a belt loop to pull him close. Buck is pretty sure he'll never get over how much he likes being manhandled, just a bit.
"You wanna tell me why Chim and Hen both wished us a good flight?"
"Ravi ambushed me on my way out the door. Technically, they don't know anything about anything, except maybe Adele."
Tommy's fond smile makes Buck feel all warm and tingly inside, and he basks in the glow as Tommy nudges a knee between the open bow of Buck's legs.
Tommy's expression morphs, a bit, lips dropping as he tilts his head. "You having second thoughts? We don't have to-."
"No. No second thoughts."
"Evan, I know how close you are to your family. If you want to wait, make this something you can share with them, we can hold off."
He's so goddamn charmed by this man - by how he cares, by how well he knows Buck, by a million and one tiny things that Buck gleefully hoards his knowledge of like a dragon over his caverns of treasure.
"I kinda don't want to share you, for this." It's the first time since Tommy's brought it back up that Buck's been able to express exactly why the prospect makes him so giddy, but there it is. Possessive jealous Buck rears his ugly head again, only Tommy has always been a little charmed by that. At least when Buck expressed it in a healthy way.
"The moment they know, it's gonna be a spectacle," Tommy agrees, fingers curling over Buck's side.
"Exactly. So. Take me to Vegas and wife me up before one of them shows up trying to tag along."
He expects the dramatic eye roll, and Tommy's fingers digging into his sides. He doesn't expect the ear-ringing whistle echoing through the bay door to their left, or the smirk on Lucy Donato's face when she lets her looped thumb and pointer finger drop from her lips.
"We should definitely go before any of them remembers to hit her up for more details."
"Why would she -."
"Yeah she caught a look at the manifest and snooped until she found the rings."
"So you're actually worse at keeping a secret than I am."
"They're all gonna know before we land back home."
"Hen's gonna break like thirty bylaws trying to decorate a county owned chopper."
"Evan, seriously, we can still -."
Buck only knows one sure-fire way of stopping Tommy from spiraling too much - he uses the little bit of leverage he has plastered to the open door of his Jeep to catch Tommy's lips, and the resulting pleased hum shivers down his spine. Evan takes a moment to be pleased that Tommy hadn't shaved this morning like he'd threatened, and then he's tilting his head for a better angle and losing himself in it long enough that a few more wolf-whistles make their way across the tarmac -- Wendell and York, most likely, but when Buck finally breaks the kiss to dart a look over Tommy's shoulder, everyone has made themselves scarce.
"You gonna marry me or not, Kinard?"
It's a rare thing, but sometimes, when Buck makes him a little extra wild, Tommy does this growling thing that Buck always feels down to his toes. Tommy kisses him breathless again when Buck responds to this growl with a satisfied smirk.
"How much you wanna bet Hen convinces you to do a vow renewal within six months."
Buck's busy nipping at a spot of flesh just above Tommy's transverse abdominis, so it takes a second for his brain to catch up with the words.
"It's gonna be Maddie, and she's gonna rope you into it before you realize what's happening."
Tommy hums, pleased, not denying it, and runs a hand through Buck's hair, palm curling over his crown. It takes Buck a moment to figure out why it doesn't feel quite as familiar as it always does, and then he's reaching for it with a hand of his own, the tips of two fingers sliding along the smooth metal surface of Tommy's ring.
The smile he shoots up from the general area of Tommy's groin is all puppy-dog grin, and he basks in the soft, warm grin Tommy sends back. Buck tracks the crinkle of Tommy's eyes like a lifeline.
"I'm gonna lord it over everyone's head that we didn't get married because of, during, or after a health scare or a natural disaster."
"You asked me two days after we made up because of a flash flood we both thought we were gonna lose each other to, but okay."
Tommy's smile is soft. The fingers that slide around his scalp to brush reverently over his birthmark are even softer. "That time doesn't count, because we didn't follow through. You thought I was joking."
He had, honestly, at first, because they'd technically still been broken up at the time and the adrenaline and the terror at nearly losing one another had still been close. It'd taken him three days and Tommy angrily re-ringing his house key back onto Buck's keychain to realize Tommy maybe hadn't actually been joking about hopping in the chopper the next time they both had 24 off.
He's glad they'd taken the extra time, though. Glad they'd had time to drive halfway across the state in search of a ring shop they could be sure they wouldn't run into anyone at, glad they'd had the time to get new suits tailored, glad he'd had time to fuss over vows he'd still cried about while he was saying them, glad they'd done it without an Elvis impersonator standing just off to the side.
"You're stuck with me now," Buck tells him, and Buck knows Tommy's delighted bark of laughter will keep him warm for years.
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eddiewithcat · 6 months
losing my mind and need everyone to see it so here it is
the theory that buck wasn't telling the full truth about why him and natalia broke up has been itching my brain for days now (since the episode aired lol not that long but anyway)
they're just getting back from a call, all piling into the engine truck and idk what the call was about but it's some silly couple that did something silly ok (everyone is fine, it just helps prompt the conversation) and this causes chim and hen's memory to jog, and so they ask buck like, "oh hey, how are things going with natalia? you haven't talked about her in a while" and eddie just kinda looks over at them, confused because he definitely would've thought that buck would've told them.. so why didn't he?
of course, buck catches his gaze and immediately looks away, back towards hen and chim, "uh w- we broke up, actually" and this prompts them to ask why they broke up, buck gives him a similar story to what he told eddie, although more vague and seems less genuine compared to when he first told him.
hen, being the smart bff who is also concerned, ofc decides to corner buck when they get back to the station and asks him why she broke up with him (bc cmon.. of course she knows he didnt break up with her, it was the other way around. and chim too but he also knows not to push sometimes / is scared to push the Wrong button) and so buck spills, saying something along the lines of, "she thinks i'm in love with someone else" looking off in the direction of where eddie, ravi and chim are downstairs in the weight room, just chillin' idk doin' whatever the fuck firefighters do LOL
hen catches where his eyes have drifted, and asks so softly, to not scare him off, "do you think she might be right?" and in that moment you can hear eddie's laughter floating from downstairs towards where they are in the little kitchen area. buck has a sort of sad, heartbroken smile on his face as he says "yeah, yeah i do"
and scene
anyway i am crying if anyone would like to join me pls do so <3
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silversky9 · 4 months
Emotionally all over the place. Wrecked
Hen & Karen: I'm so saddened that they are trying to take Mara away from this beautiful family. They provide so much love and comfort and are so deserving of being parents. That councilwoman is disgusting and petty for stooping so low. I hope they get Mara back.
Bobby and Athena: I feel for Athena. She is so desperately trying to save her husband and pull him out from the self destruction. Bobby saying goodbye to everyone broke my heart. His work can't be done because if he doesn't make it he's gonna leave a huge whole in all their hearts.
Eddie: oh man. Eddie needed Buck to save him from sliding further into a world that isn't real. He was trying to live somewhere else than in the world where he feels broken because he never got a reason or an answer to why Shannon left. And now Christopher seeing Kim is just idk like idk how they are gonna get thru this mess. Buck .call Buck he will help
Tommy and Buck: They are thrivingg! And the way Buck looks at Tommy it's definitely like he put the sun in the sky. And Tommy will be there for Buck next episode.
I'm hoping maybe we get a scene where Tommy comforts Buck about Bobby.
Maddie and Chimney: I love them too. They are super supportive to Hen and Karen. And Chimney standing up to that nasty Gerard for not just himself but also for Buck and Tommy in my opinion was so awesome.
Ravi: makes me roflmao
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babygirl-diaz · 3 months
In Which Buck and Tommy Have a 3-Year-Old Named Eliza Part II
Eliza: Papa, can I do your makeup? Tommy: Oh... Um... Yeah, sure. Not like I have to be at work or anything ***3 hours and 4 showers later at the 118*** Ravi: Oh hey, Tomm- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE? Chim: Did it get run over? Eddie: What look were you going for here? A dead raccoon? Hen: Hope you weren't trying to do black face. Tommy: What? No! Lizi decided she wanted to do makeup. What I didn't realize was that her "makeup" was actually permanent markers Buck: Hey ba- Lizi got you too, huh? Tommy: This is all your fault! Why did you have to show her those makeup tutorials? Buck: She wanted to see them! Besides, it's not my fault you're incapable of saying no to our daughter. Hen: Wait... Didn't she make YOU wear a tutu to work over your uniform last week? Chim: Yeah, didn't she make you tell the daycare kids that you, and I quote "put out fires for dinosaurs." Wait... Actually, that one must have been her calling you old. I love her for that. Eddie: Also, didn't she make you tell Tommy you wanted a divorce after Tommy forgot to get her favorite ice cream? Ravi: You two should write a book on parenting and call it Tevan's Guide To How Not To Raise Your Child
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things i need from season 8
the diaz sisters - at this point the only thing that can help eddie is the not-so-silent judgement of a younger sister. ideally, one of them will show up and be like "you left chris with mum and dad?????? wtf??" and for him to flounder while she tells him chris is now spending the summer with his other aunt and cousins while she deals with whatever "this is" as she makes vague gestures towards him
a pet for buck - maybe dog but honestly i think he should adopt a number of the ugliest cats you've ever seen and have it be an ongoing joke that no-one ever sees the same cat so you don't know how many he has (truthfully i want someone to give that man a baby but ugly cats are the next best thing) (if we could get one shot of him [and tommy😉] waking up in a bed completely covered in cats it would make my year)
karen to be allowed one free punch at councilwoman ortez (and obvi to get mara back)
hen also gets a free shot but i almost feel karen deserves it more - she puts up with so much shit
taylor kelly redemption - maybe its just that i imprinted on her like a baby duckling but i want them to bring taylor back and have her do an expose on ortez & gerard
recast michael and bring him back - give bobby back his friend and let them resume their shenanigans!!!! honestly maybe they do the initial research into ortez&gerard and poor taylor has to work with them to make it into an actual news story
previously stated monster truck accident
more ravi - i need a ravi, begins episode more than i need oxygen
just like more silly calls - a toddler who's got their leg stuck in a stair railing, a grown man stuck up a tree trying to get down a cat (the cat jumps down easily by itself right in the middle of the rescue), MOUNTED POLICE!!!! i have just recently learnt that there are mounted police in LA (thank you the rookie) and WHY we haven't had a call with them and buck being a secret horse whisperer i'll never know but i need it
athena/bobby honeymoon redo - they deserve one nice vacation okay!!!!!
hostage-negotiator!may - i think the actress has gone to uni (good for her) and i also don't know how long it takes to learn to be a hostage-negotiator but i just think that she would be good at it and it would be fun (also i really just want may back! i love and miss her 😭)
and more jee!!!!! i love her too!!! and the enormous wendy house i hope buck, eddie, and tommy build for her
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thelonelyshore-if · 4 months
What if someone is very actively flirting with RO, making heart eyes at them, complimenting, smiling sweetly, etc. The MC looks at them from afar. They don't like it, they are jealous and upset, but they can't say anything because they are too shy and not sure if RO likes such attention from this person or not. So, MC just sends sad glances in their direction.
What will the ROs do? (if it's a crush stage)
Oooh fun question!! Putting this under a cut because I already know it'll get long lol.
Beck: Wouldn't notice at first. They'd be pretty caught up with flirting with the person, because they're someone who enjoys flirting. It probably wouldn't be until afterwards, when they're spending some time with MC, that they might notice something's amiss. Their mind would fly and they'd realize that Oops! They fucked up! "Hey, it's wild that they were all over me, huh?" they'd joke, silently terrified that they've Ruined Everything Forever. They'd be extra flirty and playful with MC to try and like...make up for it?
Croft: Lol they'd be completely stone-faced as they got flirted with. No matter how complimentary and sweet the other person is. They'd just deadpan 'uh huh' and 'wow that's amazing' until they got the chance to escape. If they looked over and saw MC looking upset they'd end the conversation immediately. They wouldn't be certain that they read MC's vibes correctly, but afterwards they'd complain about the person and be very clear that they wanted no part in it.
Jay: They're typically pretty friendly, and also are well aware when they're being flirted with. They'd be polite but distant with the other person, especially if they already have a crush on the MC. When they glanced over and saw MC looking upset, though, they'd make their excuses and walk off. If MC was comfortable with being touched they'd probably throw a friendly arm around their shoulder (panicking inside at the closeness) and try to convince the MC to go and do something fun together. They wouldn't address it directly, but would try to make sure the MC knows they weren't engaging in the flirting lol.
Perri: Would be petrified LMAO they have no idea how to handle flirting. They'd be so overwhelmed and flustered. And I could see a MC who's feeling jealous reading that as interest on Perri's part. When Perri figured out how MC was feeling they'd be even more horrified...but wouldn't know how to make it better. They'd probably just try to pretend nothing had happened?
Ravi: He'd give the person a placid, empty smile while listening to them flirt. He wouldn't engage...pretty much at all beyond that. Just smile and stare with slightly empty eyes. He has no interest in most other people. If he looked over and saw MC looking upset, though, it'd be over. "Thanks," he'd call over his shoulder as he walked away. Then he'd approach the MC and start talking to them, emoting more than he had in the past five minutes. Not saying anything specific, just trying to be very clear that MC is the only person he cares about in this situation.
Yasmin: She'd be actively flirting back with the person. Maybe give them her number, try to make a date. She's not in the market for a steady relationship...but if she had a crush on MC and she saw them watching and looking upset, it would make her feel. Odd. Unsure. She wouldn't understand why she feels so bad. Later she'd just. Ask them about it. "Did that bother you?" she'd ask bluntly. It might end up in an argument, with Yasmin flustered and frustrated and feeling Way Too Many Emotions...while also feeling bad about hurting MC.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
My (embarrassingly okay-ish) 9-1-1 Sims
so I do not claim to be good at remaking real people in the sims... I want to go ahead and get that out of the way first and foremost
however I don't think I did *terrible* on these sims (some are definitely better than others) but with that said, here are my 9-1-1 sims
(please don't judge me too hard)
Evan "Buck" Buckley
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the tattoo cc I made for buck is definitely way out-of-date, but alas i am too lazy to go back and make a new tattoo to add all of his current 6,000 tattoos (love your tats oliver but no thanks <3) Including that last shirtless pic to show them off a little better.
Eddie Diaz
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I know that Eddie doesn't have Ryan's map&compass tattoo in the show but I love that tattoo on Ryan so I included it on Eddie. I chose this hair for him bc I wanted to like blend the length it's at now with his s6 style a little bit- very floofy yet tidy, but also not a schoolboy or slicked back to the gods.
Maddie Han
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I think I spent hours trying to get JLH's face as perfect as I could in-game and honestly I don't hate the outcome? like it's definitely NOT perfect by any means, but I think Maddie is one of my favorite sims in terms of how she turned out.
Chimney Han
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Chimney is where things started to go a little downhill for me... I don't know why, but after HOURS of working, I just cold not get him right so I eventually had to sit back, take a deep breath, and say 'this is as good as it's gonna get.' I'd like to issue my formal apology to Kenneth Choi for this <3 (pls don't judge too harshly I swear I tried)
Karen Wilson
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Karen, like Chimney, was a sim I spent HOURS on trying to get right, but for some reason I just could not for the life of me perfectly replicate Tracie's face... and unfortunately when I first made these sims (a LONG time ago) there wasn't a hair that fit Karen perfectly until (imo) THIS one came with the Lovestruck Expansion pack... I did make the executive decision to give her light brown hair rather than the blonde/brown she actually has, because the blonde in-game looked weird on her. I know these aren't her classic dreads, but I feel like they evoke the general vibe of hers better than some of the options we have in-game.
Hen Wilson
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so Hen turned out being one of my favorites. I really love the outfits I picked out for her (bc lets be honest Hen loves wearing some of the WILDEST fits on the show) but unfortunately, this game hates to give female sims just plain slacks that are higher-waisted, so I was stuck with a cc pair that don't quite match but what can I do
Bobby Nash
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yet another sim who I feel like I missed the mark on- Peter Krause's face was just IMPOSSIBLE to replicate, so I did my best. I also made the executive decision to not go full-grey for Bobby bc then he looked ancient rather than just late-50s.
Athena Grant
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All I have to say about Athena is ANGELA BASSETT DID THE THING (also the cop outfit does NOT do her justice in this- I promise I worked hard to make sure Athena was giving just as much mommy vibes as she does on the show in her other outfits) (she's also ripped as fuck in my game bc I said so)
May Grant
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I have a love-hate relationship with this sim because I spent so much time trying to perfectly replicate Corrinne's face, but no matter what I did there was always something that was always just the tiniest bit off... she's definitely not the worst of these sims though
Ravi Panikkar
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all I have to say about Ravi is that if they want to give him a boyfriend in s8 i am available, and willing to travel to shoot in Los Angeles-
Also, I DID make a Josh sim, but I accidentally deleted him bc my mouse battery was dying and it was glitching out and i misclicked the "yes delete" button rather than the "don't delete" on the "are you sure?" tab and I didn't feel like going back and finding him again in the depths of my library so I will have to remake him :/
Oh and I made Chris too but every child sim looks exactly the same so he doesn't look anything like Gavin, but that was out of my hands I fear 💀
But anyway, these are my 9-1-1 sims... I made these forever ago and went through last night and updated their hair/outfits, but I haven't touched their physical attributes since I first made them. I'm excited to start playing with them again 😭😭
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bloodyminyard · 6 months
a (long) comprehensive list of buck related things in 7x04 that have me losing it as i rewatch:
- the stupid starry eyed look he has while getting the tour from tommy
- the terrible “i need mo jo” joke that tommy laughs at purely bc it was endearing
- “you didn’t call me because you wanted to see the toys”
- “you need to raise your bar kid” my GOD the “kid”
- ofc, the “no way!! eddie was in the army!”
- god they are so FLIRTY “really?” “my fees are competitive” “let me buy you a beer no WAY buck is this clueless
- eddie being so excited about the fight, and specifically the idea of buck joining help
- “keeping my options fluid” SIR
- evan?!?!?!????
- the close up shot as the fly off my heart
- the look on bucks face when eddie talks about tommy, boy is devastated
- “i saved a baby in a pipe once!” yes you did were so proud
- not buck related: but i adore ravi so much
- OKAY BUT BUCKS STUTTER !! they way he trips over his words when he’s surprised or nervous or even upset 😭
- “i do. i really do.” MY GOD OH MY GOD FUCK ASHHH AHHH
- and the SIGH after as eddie walks away, the building up the courage to ask more
- “i keep saying, chris it’s not a video game” “because it’s harder than a video game???” maddie i see you and am so sorry you have to deal with this
- SAME WITH “he’s made an impression in a very short time” “i can see that” LIKE SHE IS SO NOT GONNA BE SURPRISED WHEN BUCK COMES OUT TO HER 😭
- “i don’t think you lie to a child just to ingratiate yourself” bro it’s not that serious i promise
- sorry brb imagining buck asking chris all these questions about tommy and chris going 🤔🤔🤔
- buck being upset that eddie invited tommy to play basketball even though eddie always asks him and he says no bc he doesn’t like it… he’s so me i can’t
- “was there a heart around it?” there might as well been maddie!!!
- peacocking buck we love and hate to see (it’s so embarrassing i have to close my eyes. “maybe we should hoop” sir please stop)
- the pouting OLEASE he’s so
- his smile
- the “evan” throws me off every TIME but also it kindaaaaa
- “what are the odds?” bro chill
- the smile when tommy fists bumps him oh i see you gay boy even if you don’t yet
- “so i’m your basketball beard” brother you don’t even KNOW
- i’m sorry the song that’s playing while they play basketball is “playing with the boys”🤔🤔… the lyrics too “i don’t wanna be obsessed but my desire with the boys” (and YES i am aware it’s a top gun reference, however that movie is also gay is hell and so is this song, moving on)
- tommy cocking his head when buck runs into him like oh my
- poor chim does not deserve to be put in the middle of all of this
- “well you bucked that up didn’t you” :(
- okay this scene between maddie and buck afterwards is actually so important to me, i love their ability to communicate, and how buck openly admits that he doesn’t know if he meant to hurt eddie or not, and that he was angry and lashed out, and maddie’s reaction to it :( “that’s not how you get someone’s attention”
- “i guess i was trying to get his attention” buck is the representative of the “i don’t know why i do the things i do until tons of self reflection after the fact” club, same im the president actually
- i do love that we get to watch him try and figure out why he acts and feels the way he does in real time! even at the end he still doesn’t entirely know until tommy is in his face staring at his lips
- the stutter is back 🫶
- this entire scene drives me crazy btw i can literally pick it apart piece by piece… but the way he smiles throughout it makes my heart go akrjeidjdjsjd
- the chemistry is fucking IMMACULATE btw!! the flirting is so natural and it shows through buck being oblivious about it!! like brother no one stands that close to each other
- buck figuring out how he feels AS he speaks!!! poor boy is trying to catch up as fast as he can
- everything about the “okay” after tommy says “i can teach you”… the smile, the eye squint, the head tilt, like oh my GOD
- the way the tone changes when buck says “good” my GOD, the way his face drops as he comes to the realization that maybe it was about tommy the whole time
- the “cause trying to get your attention has been kinda exhausting” punches me in the gut EVERY TIME I WATCH THIS LIKE FUCK OH MY GOD BUCK LIKES MEN FR? and the way he says it GOD, like i said, he’s literally figuring this out as the words come out of his mouth (“i guess so”)
- okay my ONE nitpick about the kiss scene is that tommy grabs his chin, and then when it cuts it’s the two fingers under the chin, it’s inconsistent and i think i like the chin grab better
- the absolute STUNNED look in bucks eyes after the kiss!!! as the perfect oliver stark put it: he’s found something he’s been missing for a long time
- tommy is so worried in the split second before buck tells him that it was okay
- the wordless nod after tommy asks if it was okay THIS MEANS SO MYCH TO ME
- you can FEEL the sense of relief and wholeness radiating off of buck
- “better than fake mouth static” AKSHSISHS
- his eyes following tommy’s lips as he laughs, and then the brief look down like his whole WORLD has just been turned upside down before tommy speaks again
- i am so fucking here for buck being asked out and being stunned by it
- the stutter again 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
- tommy’s smile as he leaves like tee hee ur kinda cute
- the entire of his expressions at the end. there’s panic, there’s confusion, there’s happiness OLIVER STARK THE MAN THAT YOU ARE !!!!
in conclusion: this is everything i wanted and more, the brain rot is everywhere, i cannot escape this episode
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Buddie: Bachelor party and the wedding - Eddie's relationship POV
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In 7x6, it was evident Buddie is the Superior Endgame Ship to BuckT*mmy and also it's been noted numerous times how T*mmy didn't attempt to dress up and oblige Buck's wishes while Eddie was shown doing it with ease. Even though the scenes were short and most of it was included in a montage of that night, so much was highlighted about both Buck’s and Eddie's current relationships that further demonstrated how much Eddie and Buck know each other inside and out while their supposed LIs don't know them at all.
I've posted at least two or three times about these instances myself (linked here and here).
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In addition to the way Buck’s whatever he has going on with T*mmy was depicted as them not knowing each other and how it's being done to show how they're not compatible, it appears less attention is being given to the way Eddie's relationship with Maris*l was just as IGNORED that night if not more than Buck’s with T*mmy's.
Here's what I mean.
Not only did Eddie dress up for the event according to Buck’s wishes, he was the one who suggested he and Buck wear themed 1980s costumes. Also, he made sure Chris was going to be cared for the entire night and he was not being cared for by Eddie’s supposed LI but by his blood family, Chris' cousins. This is important because in 7x4, Eddie said she babysat twice in one week while he went out with T*mmy but if the show wanted the audience to believe or think Eddie’s relationship with her was really strengthening, wouldn't it have made more sense for him to just announce to Buck that she was caring for Chris? It surely does seem like it especially since Chris was out of town the week before in 7x5 and he said she babysat him in 7x4. If it wasn't meant to be intentional, then it was a strange writing choice. Also, it appears Eddie had already planned to be out with Buck for however long it was going to be (the whole night).
Furthermore, in 7x5 Maris*l wouldn't stop calling Eddie while he was spending time with Buck at the loft. They had moved in together but Eddie was shown not wanting to go back there. But in 7x6 when he was out all night with Buck and they were partying like it was 1999 with people they didn't even know, she didn't call once 👀.
Additionally, when everyone else left, Eddie didn't but if the show wanted the audience to believe Eddie was all in with Maris*l, he would have left when Hen, Karen, Ravi and everyone else did and he could have said he was leaving so he could go home to spend time with her to watch a movie or something but they didn’t.
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The fact is they could have easily written the bachelor party scenes differently and shown T*mmy being supportive of Buck and Maris*l being the one who took care of Chris while Eddie was out partying with Chimney, Buck and the rest of Buck’s and Eddie’s found family but instead of doing that, they did the exact opposite. In fact, their scenes together only strengthened the Buddie dynamic and illustrated for the umpteenth time in 6 years how Buck and Eddie are perfect for one another while their supposed LIs aren't.
Finally, Maris*l wasn't even invited to the wedding. Eddie’s abuela was there with him and Chris was too so how does anyone expect for people to root for eddiemaris*l when the show isn't putting any effort into their relationship just like they aren't for buckt*mmy? I don't care and I hope they don't but IMO these are valid questions. The answer is they don't want anyone rooting for those relationships because T*mmy and Maris*l are PLOT DEVICES and they're only there to move Buck’s and Eddie’s arcs to the next plot point.
This is simply another observation about the bachelor party and the writing choices that were made for Eddie's relationship with Maris*l. It highlights the way their relationship is just as unimportant as the one Buck is in with T*mmy.
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talknerdytome18 · 6 months
Ranking All Books by Holly Jackson
Since I've read all of Holly's books, I'm going to rank them! Disclaimer: This is my opinion. If we don't have the same opinion, then respect that. Let's go!
Warning: this may contain spoilers for all books published by Holly Jackson. If you don't want to be spoiled, then scroll away.
6. Killjoy (2021)
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I found this story cute! Very fun and fast-paced. I loved seeing how it all started and loved seeing the friend group's dynamic again. I just found this to not be the best out of all of Holly's books (granted this is a novella, but it's not my fave). Also, too much Ant Lowe in my opinion. I would have preferred more Jamie Reynolds. Also, I personally think Connor and Zach should've kissed but oh well.
Overall, fun book! If you wanna go back to where it all started, then this novella is worth it.
5. Five Survive (2022)
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Guys... I have a reason why this book is ranked so low. I'm going to start by saying that I did not hate this book. I found the story intriguing and was engaged once the action started. For her first standalone, this book was really good and exceeded my expectations. My main problem with this book was that I found that I could care less about the characters. Personally, I found Red Kenny to be a weak protagonist in comparison to Pip and Bel and, not to mention how I could care less about Red and Arthur. Red and Arthur are cute, but honestly, I could care less if they got together or not.
Again, I don't hate this book. For Holly's first standalone, it was really good. However, I found that I didn't really care for any of the characters.
Overall, good book! Wish I connected more to the characters because the premise is incredible.
4. Good Girl, Bad Blood (2020)
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All books in the AGGGTM series are five star reads in my opinion, but I find this the weakest book in the trilogy. Honestly, I love this book with my whole heart. Coming from being Connor Reynolds's biggest fan, I love how much he appeared in this book and how he aided in finding Jamie.
I think this book suffers from what I've dubbed "Sequel Slump" - meaning that the first book is so good that the sequel "slumps" in comparison. In this case, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is so good that this book just "slumps" in comparison, and I think it's because it takes a while for the mystery to officially begin, since we're taken through a quick recap over the previous book's events and then the memorial.
Also, I personally think that Connor and Zach should've kissed. Connor going to Zach's house to play Fortnite after the memorial? Very fruity to me (joking... or am I?)
Overall, love this book. Wish it got more recognition in the fandom.
3. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder (2019)
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LOVE THIS BOOK. This book is fast-paced, thrilling and mysterious. It has a healthy dose of mystery and romance, along with characters I truly felt interested in. Pip's an amazing protagonist who fought hard to prove Sal innocent and find the real killer under the guise of her EPQ, all as she got the guy (Ravi Singh) in the end.
I loved that this book kept me guessing until the very end. I was suspecting everyone (Max, Jason, Naomi, Elliot, etc) and was genuinely surprised finding out Elliot killed Sal. Holly had written him to be such a likeable person that I couldn't believe he would kill Sal just so he could frame him as Andie's killer. AND BECCA? Never would've guessed it. Holly Jackson knows how to write compelling thrillers and I love that for her.
My only real complaint is again, Zach and Connor should've kissed. Connor honey I get that you liked Pip, but Zach Chen is literally right there. You boys are soulmates and I pray that the show recognises that (along with LauCara).
Overall, AMAZING BOOK. Deserves all the hype!
2. As Good as Dead (2021)
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AHHHHH I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH. THIS BOOK IS HOW YOU END A TRILOGY GUYS. From the beginning, I was hooked by the mystery of Pip's stalker. This book broke my heart with Andie's email - poor girl was so scared of her father and died trying to escape him. I really like how this book doesn't give Andie a full redemption arc, rather it explains her actions. It really humanises Andie - a girl who grew up in a toxic environment and died trying to save herself and her sister.
The ending? EVIL. FUCKING EVILLLL BUT I LOVE HOLLY EITHER WAY. In my heart, I believe Pip got back together with him and they married. They also got another golden retriever in my mind after they got married.
Only complaint was WHERE WAS ZACH CHEN? CONNOR AND HIM SHOULD'VE KISSED WTF. Not to mention Lauren and Cara... Love my girl Steph though. Hoping that Lauren and Cara are a thing in the show though since we don't know much about Steph.
The Reappearance of Rachel Price (2024)
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When Holly Jackson said that this book was her favourite, I can see why it is. While I struggled to get into it from the beginning, once I read past 100 pages, I was hooked. Bel Price is such a complex protagonist that I could find myself relating to. All the characters were just so complex and you truly don't know who's lying until the very end, when we find out (spoiler alert) that Charlie (Bel's dad) had ordered his father to kill Rachel.
Not to mention how insane the sibling plotline was??? I NEVER WOULD HAVE SUSPECTED THAT CARTER WAS RACHEL'S BIOLOGICAL DAUGHTER. My heart broke when Rachel spoke about how Patrick took Carter away from her when Carter was only two weeks old. The Price family are truly disgusting - Rachel, Bel and Carter deserved so much better.
Also, I preferred the romance between Ash and Bel over Arthur and Red. Ash is such a fun character and I was genuinely sad when him and Bel weren't endgame. I believe that one day, in the near future, they reunite and get together officially.
Overall, LOVE THIS BOOK. If you haven't picked this up yet, then do so now!
That's it! If you wanna talk, then my inbox is open :) - Em
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tommystummy · 1 month
3, 12, 23
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on Tumblr
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Bruh this is just so wild to me because it was posted a month after DaddyKinkGate when it became clear to literally everyone that 90% of the gay men in the audience relate to and adore Buck and Tommy.
12. The unpopular character you actually like and why people should like them
At one point in time I would have said Taylor Kelly and point out that her major downfall was having to date Buck even though I’m not sure either of them really wanted that. As a morally dubious investigative journalist and platonic friend to Buck, she had a niche that no one else could touch and the show fucking ruined it for a year and a half of a relationship that even the writers admitted was doomed to fail. I think Taylor could have been utilized so much better as a different point of view on the First Responder Show because reporters often are some of the first people on the scene besides EMTs/Police/Firemen/etc.
But now I think the most unpopular character I like is technically Tommy Kinard and my entire blog is an attestation as to why I think people should like him but the reckoning of a gay man that hid his gayness in exchange for condition acceptance in a macho environment and participated in toxic behaviors because he was trying to fit in is a genuinely fascinating character dynamic to explore so if we ever get a flashback episode I think it could end up being one of my favorites. Also I just think he’s adorable in the ways he’s swept Buck off his feet.
23. Ship you’ve unwittingly come around too
I used to dislike Lucy/Ravi believe it or not but now they are the bi4bi power couple we all need to see more of.
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gmwsuperfan5467890 · 8 months
Theories on the Script Leak
Recently, JLH posted a page of the script on her story. To paraphrase, Maddie and Buck were having a conversation where Buck feels guilty about hurting someone at a basketball court but at the end it implies that he felt like he did it on purpose. We know that the character Buck hurts is male because that was what the script said. Now, I will go through the character (in no particular order) and discuss the probability of them being the ‘hurt’ character. Additionally, I’ll discuss possible plots and questions that could arise from this.
1) Chimney. To be honest I don’t think it’s Chimney because if it was, Buck would feel way too guilty to talk to Maddie about it and I feel like Maddie wouldn’t be as calm if Buck admitted that he felt like he hurt Chimney on purpose. I also don’t think they’ll have a fight this season because it is Madney’s wedding and they already had a major blow-out in season 5. At most, they might have disagreements on the wedding planning but nothing major.
2) Albert. If the actor wasn’t working on other projects, it would have been a more likely option than Chimney. Maybe Buck and Albert had a fight because Buck and Natalia broke up and then Albert started dating Natalia. So Buck feels betrayed and jealous because he couldn’t be happy in a relationship with her but Albert can. Or maybe Albert has a serious, long-term girlfriend that he plans to marry and Buck feels jealous that he’s not at that place yet, even though he is older. Or Albert says something that accidentally provokes Buck. In the script it also implies that there are possibly 2 ‘hims’, the ‘him 1” who got hurt and “him 2” that is mad that Buck hurt “him 1”. So in this case, Chimney could be mad that Buck hurt Albert.
3) Also a likely option. Buck has been aggressive to Ravi before in an attempt to haze him for the job. And I could see Buck being jealous that Ravi is advancing in the job faster than he did.
4)Christopher. No way in hell is it going to be Christopher. First of all, Christopher is a child, if Buck is trying to imply that he may have hurt him on purpose then he is a major asshole. Secondly, there is no conceivable chance that Buck could ever get mad enough at Christopher where he would be extra rough or aggressive with him and if Buck does hurt Christopher, he wouldn’t even think for a second that he may have done it on purpose because that is the last thing he’d ever do.
5) Bobby. I don’t really think it’s likely because I can’t really think of a scenario where Buck would get mad enough at Bobby that he would think that he hurt him on purpose. Even when he got Interim Captain, Buck didn’t hide his disappointment from Bobby and had a asked him why he wasn’t offered the job. Buck and Bobby’s relationship has certainly been fortified last season, so I think if Buck had a problem with Bobby, he will just straight-up tell him. There will be no Lawsuit 2.0.
6) Eddie. I think it’s most probably Eddie. I am trying not to look at this through shipper goggles and keep my expectations low but there are definitely reasons that Buck could get mad enough at Eddie where he would think that he may have hurt him on purpose. Buck could be jealous that Eddie is spending more time with Marisol or whoever he is currently dating. Or Buck could be upset that there’s a new development in Eddie’s life that Eddie didn’t tell him about. Or Buck or Eddie could have both said something hurtful to each other in the heat of the moment and now things are tense between them. Or Buck and Eddie may be hiding their feelings for each other and it’s causing more tension, more aggression and more fights.
I feel like Buck would feel comfortable being rough/aggressive with Eddie because they are close and they are peers unlike him and Bobby and Christopher and I feel like Buck’s emotions are more heightened with Eddie so it would be easier for him to get in that headspace.I also think that ‘him 2’ could be Christopher. Maybe Buck feels like Christopher is mad at him because he hurt his dad.
Now I don’t think Buck actually intended to hurt the person but I think he was definitely more aggressive/rougher than usual with this person. I really hope this plot is good and that the resolution is shown.
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lonelychicago · 1 year
wip wednesday! 🪐☄️
tagged by the lovelies @honestlydarkprincess @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @thosetwofirefighters @exhuastedpigeon @hippolotamus @messyhairdiaz @wildlife4life @alyxmastershipper @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @heartshapedvows
here's some jealous eddie, ravi & buck besties fic that i wrote on the bus this morning. (i haven't revised this or anything and i might not even keep it in the fic but... yeah! here!)
Eddie likes Ravi, he really does. Ravi is nice and cool and Eddie is glad he's back at the 118. Except— he can't get rid of this feeling inside his chest, this weird and uncomfortable feeling that tugs at his heart painfully and wraps inside his chest like vines.
Everytime he sees Buck and Ravi laugh together or Buck hugging the man, everytime he is reminded that now they're roommates and that Buck called Ravi instead of him... Eddie wants to scream. He wants to shake Buck by the shoulders and demand to know why Buck can't see him.
Eddie is right there.
He's always been.
Eddie scoffs and drinks his beer, swallowing hard and feeling like he wants to be anywhere else in the world but there. Hell, he'd even go back to the army if that meant not having to watch Buck be so comfortable and cozy around Ravi.
He also knows these feelings are stupid and irrational and have no sense whatsoever. Who the fuck Eddie thinks he is to be jealous like this? He really has no right. Buck is his own person and he doesn't have to be glued to Eddie's hip all the time. It's totally find and normal and healthy to have multiple friends and to not talk all the time with the same person, Eddie is aware.
But somehow, his beer still tastes like shit and his eyes are still glued to Buck's form, laughing and throwing his head back because of something Ravi said and the tightening in his chest doesn't relent.
"If you grip that bottle any harder Athena will have sweeping off the glass from the floor with your bare hands."
Maddie's voice startles him and Eddie snaps back to reality, blinking away from Buck and turning to look at her.
"What?" He mutters and frowns and then his gaze goes down to where he's gripping his beer so hard that his knuckles are white. "Oh, yeah. Sorry."
Eddie takes a deep breath and forces himself to relax, trying not to scream at Maddie and her too knowing eyes.
tagging: @monsterrae1 @buddierights @cowboy-buddie @bigfootsmom @diazblunt @the-likesofus @shortsighted-owl @spaceprincessem @911onabc and anyone else who wants to do it!! (sorry if you've been tagged already jshsjs)
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babygirl-diaz · 7 months
People at the Madney Wedding Talking to the Camera
Cameraperson: So how does it feel to be married? Maddie: Not very different. I mean, we are already living together and have a daughter. We just did this for the tax and insurance benefits Cameraperson: Wait, what? Maddie: I am just kidding! *chuckles* Chimney: We definitely did it for the benefits. And I'm NOT kidding, or am I? *smirks at the camera* Mr. Lee: Congratulations, Maddie and Chimney. You two deserve the world! Mrs Lee: *tears up* I hope you have a wonderful life ahead with each other. And Chimney, Kevin would have been so proud of you. Just like I am. Hen: *drunk* MY BEST FRIEND GOT MARRIED! *waggles her eyebrows* HE'S GONNA GET SOME TONIGHT Karen: Baby, he was "getting some" anyway. They have a daughter Hen: Oh. Well, he's still gonna get some tonight. So happy for him! *tears up* So happy! Albert: Don't know about them, but I'm DEFINITELY getting some tonight. Catch my drift? Cameraperson: No, not really Phillip and Margaret Buckley: *camera moves on from them* Phillip: Wait, wait, wait, aren't you going to interview us? Cameraperson: I'm told you don't matter Buck: *smirks* You actually told them that? You're the real superstar Cameraperson: Thank you. So how did it feel walking your sister down the aisle? Buck: Amazing! I am so happy she let me do that *wipes a tear away* Cameraperson: Wait... I didn't know you were married. Where's your spouse? Buck: *tries to hide his ring finger* Ravi: I'm glad they invited me. They make such a great couple! And I'm glad nothing went wrong! Phew! Josh: I- Eddie: *drunk* They are so lucky to have each other! Josh: Really, Eddie? Really? You're gonna steal my thunder? Unbelievable! Cameraperson: No, go ahead. What were you gonna say? Josh: I was just going to say I am- Eddie: I am so happy for them. They don't have to hide their marriage *cries* Josh: Dammit, Eddie! Not again! Wait... What did you just say? Buck: *drags Eddie away* He's just really drunk. You probably want to edit that out. Cameraperson: Why do you two have matching rings? Buck and Eddie: *talk animatedly off-camera and try to hide when they see the camera* Athena: They should definitely stay on land for their honeymoon Bobby: Oh yeah, I would listen to Athena if I was them. Also, I didn't mastermind this relationship, but I'm glad they got together Cameraperson: What do you mean you didn't mastermind this relationship? Bobby: Shhh... Cameraperson: Do you have something to say to your mommy and daddy? Jee-Yun: Uncle Buck and Eddie got married Maddie: No, sweetie, I think you mean mommy and daddy got married Cameraperson: No, I think Buck and Eddie got married too Maddie: Wait, what? BUCK! YOU ARE NOT UPSTAGING ME AT MY OWN WEDDING!
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jackwhiteprophetic · 3 months
9-1-1 Plot holes? Or storylines you felt could have gone on longer?
Hmmm I've been thinking about this one and I will probably come up with better ones later...
I mean the whole timeline in general is just a massive plot hole right? Ages don't really make sense, but I really want to see some more characters' birthdays being celebrated because that would be fun and silly!!!
I really liked Eddie's arc in s5 with his breakdown and the stuff with his dad, I wish it continued more into season 6 rather than just doing what they often do with Eddie and Buck, where they're like OH YES THEY'RE NOW FULLY HEALED FROM LIFE ALTERING TRAUMA ----> DATING TIME!!! Like I HATED when the team kind of pushed Eddie into finding someone it's so weird ughhh.
Also I wish they gave basically all the storylines this season more time, especially Chris leaving (there were definitely so many scenes they cut and it meant it just felt like it was missing stuff). I wanted them to drag out Bobby's coma arc more.
Again with plot holes, the whole Gerrard thing is just something I despise and it's such a rushed and weird storyline, like we all know he's not gonna stay and we all know he's fucking evil so why the fuck should they just subject the audience to seeing their characters be targeted by a bigot, and why put the actors through that again????
I also think they missed out on having Buck and Ravi talk about childhood leukemia and stuff, like that's such a clear link between them that they STILL HAVE TIME TO EXPAND UPON PLEASE!!!!
I also wish they gave us more of an update on Denny's dad and stuff, because they just haven't really addressed it this season, also in like S3 when they first meet Denny's dad (it might be S2 sorry) he's like it's up to you whether I'm in his life... ARE YOU TELLING ME HEN AND KAREN WERE LIKE UMMMM YEAH NO WE'RE DOING NO CONTACT???? FOR NO REASON???? WHYY?? That confused me...
Also I know it was a short season but I hope we get a Maddie begins or a properly expanded upon Maddie storyline next season, because even though I loved the madney wedding I think they should have extended it so that Maddie could have her own storyline, maybe a Hen (excuse the pun) party or idk just more screen time in her own wedding???
Anyway I still really enjoyed this last season and I love the show!!! It's just very silly and the plot holes are generally quite funny! ALSO SORRY I'M ADDING A LOT but the Taylor Kelly book I'M SO ANNOYED IT WAS ONLY COMMENTED ON IN PASSING. AND NOW I FEAR WE ARE TOO FAR FROM IT BEING RELEASED TO HAVE THAT EXPANDED UPON. WHICH IS NOT FAIR!!!
Have a wonderful day and lmk yours!!!
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