#(this plan isn’t going very well. everything’s moved and now my drawers store extra blankets and my books but now that I’ve moved it
beanmaster-pika · 2 years
My mom nixed the lemons so now I’m gonna smell like cinnamon for the rest of my life (<- exaggeration)
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lynnearlington · 4 years
Prompt: Supercorp (friends to more maybe?) + Kara invites Lena to spend Christmas at Midvale for the first time.
“Do you really think it’s such a great idea to spend winter break alone with your quote “best friend” whom you’ve had a giant gay crush on for the last three years?” 
Lena shoots Sam an exasperated look and continues to throw clothes into a small weekender bag on her bed. “It’s not all of winter break.” 
“A week. Over Christmas.” 
“And what’s your game plan? Are you going to finally tell her?” 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Lena scoffs. 
“You guys are going to be alone, in Midvale, with her family, drinking schnapps and snuggling under blankets while it snows outside and you’re abso-fucking-lutely going to tell her.” 
Irritated at the certainty in Sam’s voice, Lena throws a sweater a tad violently into her bag and glares at her friend. “I’ve lasted three years in silence, haven’t I?” 
“Because she was dating what’s-her-name half the time and the other half you were dating Veronica.” 
“So it’s the first time you guys have both been single and alone at the same time,” Sam argues far too logically as if Lena hasn’t been thinking the same thing for the past two months since Kara invited her to Midvale. 
“We’ll be fine,” Lena dismisses, rummaging through her underwear drawer. 
“I doubt you’ll need anything in there,” Sam deadpans and Lena tries to chuck a pair of lace panties at Sam’s face, but it just floats in the air between them, buoyed by the sound of Sam’s laughter. 
Lena realizes how right Sam was about five minutes into their journey, when Kara’s talking delightedly about what she’s going to make for Christmas dinner and her cheeks are rosy from the chill in the air, her hair tumbling down beneath a thick grey beanie. It’s cute and so Kara and oh god Lena’s not going to need any schnapps to tell her. 
“Are you excited?” Kara asks, practically bouncing as they wait for their Uber to take them to the airport. 
Lena nods, warming when Kara grabs at her hand and holds it. “Very,” she says, fighting the flips in her stomach. 
They’ve kissed before. Once. 
Well, twice, really. 
They’re freshman, and really only just becoming friends. Lena is on a break with Veronica, upset and feeling vengeful at a house party one Saturday night. Kara is the consummate supportive friend, listening to Lena rant about all of Veronica’s wrongdoings and pouring her drink after drink every time she asked. 
Kara looks good. Attractive in a way Lena’d never really let herself notice before. The soft flannel shirt she has on hangs open at the sides, the grey t-shirt underneath clinging tightly against the plane of her stomach. The sleeves are rolled up to reveal strong forearms and Lena realizes she’s spent far too long staring at Kara’s belt buckle and wondering if she could undo it with just a finger. 
It doesn’t help that Kara’s body is solid and firm when Lena sags against it, the vodka swirling in her gut making her feel warm and loose. 
“You okay?” Kara asks so sweetly, eyes a perfect blue as they try to catch Lena’s. 
Lena nods, straightens a little, but licks her lips when Kara’s fingers wrap around her bicep to keep her upright. Kara’s face is so earnest and her hair is coming out of her ponytail so attractively and gosh Lena just wants to feel something. 
She’ll have her excuses in the morning - a long list of things like the vodka grapefruits she’d consumed or those butterscotch shots or being upset over Veronica. It’ll be settled and dismissed by the time her hangover is fading midafternoon tomorrow, but for now, Lena just steps up into Kara’s body and kisses her. 
Full on, lips against lips, hips against hips, kisses her. 
The drink she has in one hand sloshes a bit against her fingers when she moves and her other hand wraps soundly around Kara’s neck and everything else at the party fades out. Kara takes a beat to react, but react she does. Her arm sliding across Lena’s back and bringing them together, lips slanting easily and taking over the kiss. 
It feels good and perfect and lasts a solid thirty seconds until a loud crash interrupts them and they’re pulled away by a fight breaking out in the living room. 
When they address it the next afternoon and Lena’s head is muffled by a throbbing embarrassment, Kara accepts Lena’s excuses easily enough and offers to bring over her famous hangover remedy. 
Lena’s still, two years later, not certain if she’s grateful or disappointed. 
Midvale is small, but charming. Just like Kara’s always described it. There’s snow everywhere and lights already hanging around all the trees. The giant welcome sign is draped with garland and there are snowmen built haphazardly across every other front yard. They even pass a few children having a snowball fight as they run down the sidewalk. 
It’s idyllic in a way Lena’s never really experienced. 
“This is fun,” Kara says as they drive further into town. “I’ve never gotten to bring anyone from school home before.” 
Lena quirks a brow at that. “Really?” 
“Really,” Kara confirms, reaching across the center console of their rental car and patting Lena on the thigh. “I’m glad it’s you.” 
And that’s definitely not going to help Lena stay close-lipped about the entire thing. Nor is the way Kara is grinning at her or the warmth bleeding out from her palm up Lena’s leg. It feels significant and inevitable and Lena tries to do a mental calculation of how long she has to last before she leaves. 
It’s like she can hear Sam laughing all the way back at school. 
The second time they kiss is the end of sophomore year when Lena’s finally ended things once and for all with Veronica, and Kara decides that’s a great time to tell Lena she’s started to seriously see that little brunette floozy she shares a chem lab with. 
To this day Lena refuses to remember her name. 
Lena has this whole speech prepared about how she’s finally done being off and on again with Veronica and how it’s really always been Kara she’s wanted to date and even if it means risking their friendship Lena thinks it’s worth it to try. There’s this whole part about how she can’t stop thinking about that one time they shared a drunken kiss and sometimes when Kara holds her hand late at night, Lena thinks about doing it again. 
It’s a good speech. She practices it with Sam and everything. 
And then Kara goes and ruins it with her big dumb mouth. 
“So [redacted] said she’d be my girlfriend,” Kara tells her as they lounge about Kara’s dorm room pointedly not studying for finals. 
It halts Lena’s entire being, stuttering all functioning to a dead stop for several moments. 
This was not part of her master plan. There’s a party this Friday at Nia’s house and they’re supposed to go together and then she’ll pull Kara out onto the porch and sit her down, maybe take a few extra sips of her tequila sunrise for courage and then - in this stunning ensemble she’d bought with Sam last week - she’ll start her speech. 
Kara announcing she’s got a girlfriend a few days prior isn’t exactly on the menu. 
“She did?” 
“Yeah,” Kara replies, sounding nervous as she fiddles with the television remote, sliding the battery door open and closed over and over again. “Sorry, I’m sure you don’t really want to talk about this after everything with you and Veronica and -” 
“You’re right, I don’t,” Lena interrupts, her chest feeling icy and stomach twisted. She stands and paces to Kara’s minifridge, bending to peer inside and pulling out a bottle of beer stored there. “Do you want to get drunk?” 
“Lena, it’s Wednesday,” Kara says, but the exasperation in her voice is fond and she stands up to take the offered drink from Lena’s hand. 
They drink all the beer in Kara’s fridge and watch reruns of The Office until late that night, curled up on Kara’s tiny futon. It’s soft and warm and lets Lena forget that Kara’s officially off the market just when she’d been ready to snatch her up. 
Maybe they really are destined to be just be friends. Maybe the universe is just saving her from ruining the best friendship she’s ever had. 
She’s sure it’s that passing thought that has her staring at Kara’s lips for far too long when Kara laughs at something ridiculous on the television. There’s enough beer in her system to make her feel risky and there’s a chance she’ll never get this opportunity again. Kara’s going to have a girlfriend next year and probably won’t have any time for her anyway and Lena’s going to be alone forever and - 
Kara’s turned toward her, that furrow in her brow that always makes Lena want to kiss her, and so she does. 
It’s quick, but powerful. Lena surges forward and startles Kara back into the couch, their lips crashing together solidly enough that Kara lets out a little yelp into the kiss. 
But Kara doesn’t push her away. Not immediately and not even after Lena shifts enough that she’s almost in Kara’s lap, her fingers pulling Kara in by her cheeks. 
It ends softly, slowly, as Kara pulls Lena’s hands away from her face and looks at her quizzically, an uncertainty in her blue eyes that makes Lena’s chest go tight. “What are you doing?” 
The words are whispered between their lips, still hovered near enough that Lena’d only have to move a fraction and they’d be kissing again. She could do it too. Could press forward and straddle Kara, kiss the confusion off her face and slip down into her lap until Kara’s moaning and forgetting about anyone else except Lena. 
Kara’d let her. 
But it’s not right. And Lena’s not about to make a cheater out of her best friend. Her perfect, innocent, never does anything wrong, best friend. 
“Sorry,” Lena whispers back, her cheeks flush as she sits back on the futon, a considerable distance between her and Kara. 
“Uh -” Kara’s touching her lips gingerly like she can’t believe it’s happened again and thinks that’s about her cue to leave. 
“I should go,” Lena announces, standing up from the futon and making her exit as quickly as possibly while Kara’s still dumbfounded. 
Nothing comes of the kiss. Just like the first one. Kara dates she-who-must-not-be-named for most of the summer, but by the time they return for their junior year, there’s no girlfriend to speak of. “Didn’t work out,” is Kara’s only explanation. 
Their friendship doesn’t miss a beat. Kara seems to move past the incident just as easily as before and Lena can’t deny she’s at least somewhat grateful for Kara’s ability to just roll with the punches. Especially because Lena seems to be incapable of not throwing them. 
“We were drinking,” Kara says when they finally talk about it and Lena nods. “And you were sad.” Lena just nods again. “You do crazy stuff when that happens,” Kara whispers like it’s a secret, eyes searching Lena’s face. Lena rolls her eyes, but acknowledges the truth with another nod. Kara smiles. “Good thing I love you anyway.” 
Lena nods, but her throat gets caught just the slightest when she laughs. “Good thing.” 
Kara’s childhood home is such a contrast from the one Lena grew up in that she knows her jaw is dropped as she takes it all in. 
It’s small, but inviting. Large trees line the front covered in glistening lights and the windowboxes all have ornamental arrangements in them. The yard is coated in fresh snow just like most of the town and Kara’s adoptive mother Eliza greets them on the front porch wrapped in a warm sweater with a smile so much like Kara’s they almost look related. 
“Hey, girls,” Eliza greets, hugging them both and ushering them out from the cold. 
It’s warm inside and smells like something delicious is cooking. Kara perks up immediately, hoisting her duffel up on her shoulder and carrying Lena’s bag inside as well despite Lena’s insistence she didn’t need to. 
They settle up in Kara’s bedroom and Lena takes the time wandering around the small space inspecting everything and enjoying the way Kara blushes at Lena’s inquisitiveness. 
“You had short hair in high school?” Lena asks, picking up a picture of a younger Kara and Alex and wondering how she’d never seen it before. It’s not an unattractive style, the swoop of Kara’s blonde hair looks disheveled from the wind of the beach they’re standing on and it’s tossed atop her head in a way that makes Lena’s fingers itch to run through it. 
Kara snatches the picture out of her hand. “Alex got gum in my hair,” she grumbles, setting the picture down on her desk. “I had to chop it all off.” 
Lena laughs, strides over to the small bed against the corner and flops down onto it, testing its feel. “So this is where all the magic happened, huh?” 
Kara crosses her arms across her chest and rolls her eyes. “Oh yeah, you know me. Big stud in high school,” she jokes, but as Lena looks at her leaned up against her desk and smiling at Lena, she’d believe it. 
“Ah yes,” Lena teases, leaning back on the mattress. “I can sense all the heartbreak.” 
Kara smiles at her, but doesn’t respond, just regards her for long enough that Lena sits up, feeling self conscious under the observation. “What?” 
Shrugging a shoulder, Kara looks away, standing up from where she’s leaning. “Nothing,” she says, walking over to her bag and unzipping it. “It’s just nice having you here.” 
Lena’d have a much easier time with things if Kara would just stop saying stuff like that all the time. 
Kara’s sister Alex arrives from out of town much later and though Lena’s only met her a few times, hugs Lena as if she’s family. 
They eat a home cooked meal together and catch up. It’s nice and easy and Lena can see why Kara is the way she is. There’s a familiarity and warmth that pervades every interaction and Lena sees so much of Kara in the way Eliza keeps offering her more food or drink or the way Alex tells ridiculous stories from their childhood just to make Lena laugh. 
Lena didn’t even know this was something she could miss without having ever had it, but she finds she already aches knowing it’ll be gone in just a short week. 
It’s far more difficult than Lena had ever anticipated. Kara in her family home is somehow a softer, more attractive version of the one Lena gets at school all the time. She didn’t even think that was possible. It so effectively beats past all her we’re just not meant to be justifications and complicated compartmentalizing that she’s worried she’ll just blurt something out at any moment. 
They spend their time watching trashy holiday movies in the living room with Alex, or braving the snow so Kara can show Lena her favorite watering hole on the other side of town, or baking and decorating cookies with Eliza. Simple, uninteresting activities that seem to wrap around Lena’s soul in a way she’s always associated with Kara. 
She won’t make it until Christmas, she can sense it, and all her extremely logical reasons for keeping her feelings under lock and key seem to break down every second she spends with Kara and her family. 
It’s Christmas Eve that ends up being the tipping point. Kara tugs Lena inside the tiny dive bar they’ve been frequenting and Lena knows she’s in trouble the moment Kara smiles at her as she shakes the snow off her head and shoulders like an overgrown puppy. They’re greeted enthusiastically by the bartender and a few other patrons that seem to know Kara and the worst of it all is the way Kara’s mittened-covered hand stays wrapped around Lena’s as they make their way to two empty bar stools. 
Forgoing the strong stuff, Lena lets Kara order them a pitcher of beer and sips on it slowly lest the alcohol get to her head and she pull Kara into the sketchy bathroom stall down the dark back hallway. 
“We should go sledding later,” Kara suggests as she’s draining the last of the pitcher into her glass and nodding at the bartender in some kind of silent communication for another round. 
“That sounds cold,” Lena replies, chuckling warmly at the glint in Kara’s eyes. The strings of christmas lights hung across the ceiling twinkle in the reflection of Kara’s glasses and Lena reaches for her empty glass just for something to do with her hands. 
“Nah, it’ll be fun,” Kara dismisses, murmuring a thanks when the bartender sets down their second pitcher. “Plus, that’s what beer jackets are for.” 
Lena makes a face with that, thinking she’s maybe had all the shitty local beer her stomach can handle, but doesn’t stop Kara from refilling her glass. 
“If you say so,” Lena says, nearly choking on her drink when Kara’s hand lands heavily on her knee. 
“I’ll be fun,” Kara repeats, bending slightly to make the kind of eye contact that warms Lena’s cheeks. “I promise.” 
The sledding hill is another hike through thick snow, but Kara passes the time explaining to Lena all the different hijinks she and Alex got up to on the hill when they were kids. Lena focuses on keeping her feet under her as she matches the large footsteps Kara’s leaving in the snowfall. 
“You good?” Kara asks, reaching behind her to grab for Lena’s hand. 
“Yeah,” Lena says softly, taking Kara’s hand and letting herself get tugged forward. “Are we there yet?” 
Kara laughs, a warm rich sound that drips over Lena’s chest. “Almost,” she says, pulling Lena in close. “Do you want to get on my back?” 
At the offer, Kara turns and bends a bit, but Lena shoves her playfully. “No,” she chuckles, but when she tries to keep walking, Kara moves in front of her, still offering her back and shuffling whenever Lena tries to get past. 
They dance around each other, laughing, until Lena manages to push Kara full on into a snowbank. It’d be hilarious if Kara didn’t grab at Lena on her way down until she’s falling on top of Kara bodily. 
It arrests the laughter in her throat and she feels the warmth of Kara’s length all the way up her front, their faces hovering near each other as their breath manifests in the air between them. Lena’s suddenly aware of far too many things, from the snow falling quietly over them to the way she can feel Kara’s heartbeat thud between their thick jackets. 
She hasn’t had nearly enough to drink to make her drop forward and kiss Kara, but god does she want to. 
“Sorry,” Kara says when Lena fails to say anything. Blue eyes dart across Lena’s face, drop down to her mouth and back up. “Are you okay?” 
It’s enough to shake Lena out of the sudden rush of desire and she scrambles to get up off Kara’s body as quickly and gracefully as she can. She’s only half successful, slipping on a patch of ice on the sidewalk part of the way up and relying on Kara’s quick reflexes to catch her, but then they’re standing again and Lena’s able to put some distance between them. 
“Yeah, of course,” Lena says, laughing it off and brushing snow of Kara’s shoulders. “You’re so snowy now.” 
Kara laughs again, shrugs. “We’re almost there anyway,” she says, shaking off the snow as much as she can and reaching out to grab Lena’s hand again. “Come on.” 
It’s only when they get to the hill that Lena realizes they don’t have a sled. Kara seems largely unconcerned with this reality when Lena mentions as much and she realizes why fairly quickly when Kara jogs towards a small ramshackle shed tucked away in the thicket of trees at the bottom of the hill. 
It’s quieter out here and devoid of people - Lena’s pretty surprised considering the recent snowfall has created ideal sledding conditions - but grateful there aren’t any witnesses. She can just imagine what her mother would say if she could see Lena now. 
There are a small collection of community sleds that Kara rifles through until she picks one she likes. “Perfect,” Kara says, holding it up with a triumphant smile. 
Lena thinks the entire endeavor is ridiculous, but Kara’s excitement is contagious and the snow is pretty and there are worse things Lena can imagine doing. At least out here she’s less liable to blurt her feelings out than curled up under blankets in Kara’s room watching a movie. 
Or so she thinks. 
She’s wholly unprepared for the fact that Kara intends to get on the sled together and she perhaps could have anticipated such an event, but she’d been too distracted with the way Kara looks with a beanie pulled down low and cheeks pink from the chill in the air. 
“This is a terrible idea,” Lena says, resisting the slightest when Kara scoots back on the sled and spreads her legs in indication of just where Lena’s supposed to sit. 
“I promised fun and I never break a promise,” Kara says with a cute little lift of her chin. “So come over here.” 
Lena relents, stepping over Kara’s leg to drop down between them. Her stomach swoops dramatically when Kara curls an arm across her midsection and tugs her in tightly. It puts Lena’s back up against Kara’s front and her cheek warms when Kara’s chin plants on her shoulder and her breath floats hotly across her skin. Lena licks her lips against the feeling. “If I end up in some small town hospital tonight because you crash us, I swear to -” 
Kara’s laugh interrupts her and her arm tightens around Lena enough that the words get lost in her throat. It feels so good Lena closes her eyes just a moment to enjoy it, to imagine she doesn’t have to resist the liquid heat dropping down her chest at the feeling of Kara so close. 
And then the sled is lurching forward and Lena’s eyes fly open as they crest the hill and start flying down. Cold wind and snow whip past them and Kara’s excited laughter is infectious enough that Lena joins her as they go barreling towards the bottom. Kara’s hands stay locked tightly across Lena’s stomach, keeping them locked in close together as they go flying off a makeshift jump. 
“Oh, shi-” Kara lets out as they go careening sideways, but Lena’s laughing through their crash as they slide across the snow and tumble together the rest of the way. 
“You did that on purpose,” Lena accuses, but there’s no bite in it, tempered by her smile and fond chuckle as Kara starts making a snow angel where she’s lying on the ground. 
“I didn’t,” Kara laughs, standing and jogging to where the sled is. “I swear.” 
“Sure,” Lena draws out, trudging after Kara back up the hill. 
“Come on, we won’t crash this time.” 
“I’m not going again.” 
Kara looks back at her. “Yes you are,” she says with a wink and a smirk like she knows Lena will do whatever Kara wants. 
“You’re the worst sometimes,” Lena complains, huffing as they start the long trek back up to the top. 
“I know, I know,” Kara says, pausing for Lena to catch up and wrapping her free arm around Lena’s shoulders. “But it’s Christmas Eve and you love me.” 
“Hmmm,” Lena hums, enjoying the strong way Kara pulls Lena into her side. “I suppose.” 
They get back to the top of the hill and Kara brushes snow off the sled before setting it at their feet, keeping it there with a touch of her heel
“Actually,” Kara says, not getting back on the sled like Lena expects. Instead, she looks out to the side, hands tucking into the pockets of her jacket. 
They can see a lot of town from here, Lena realizes. Not that there’s all that much to see. But the spattering of Christmas lights and homes are visible from where they stand. Lena takes it in a moment with a quiet smile for Kara’s hometown. 
“I’ve been meaning to tell you something,” Kara says, pulling Lena’s attention back in front of her. 
It drops something heavy in Lena’s gut. She’s heard this before. It’s usually what precedes Kara telling her something devastating like [redacted] and I are back together or you’re such a good friend, Lena. And frankly, Lena doesn’t want to hear it. It’s Christmas Eve and she doesn’t have to deal with this today. If Kara wants to tell her later, fine, but right now, Lena’s going to live in her fantasy world for a little longer. 
So she does what any rational person would do when they don’t want to hear bad news from their best friend. She puts both her hands on Kara’s shoulders and shoves her hard enough that she falls onto the sled and starts careening down the hill. 
It occurs to her seconds after Kara yelps and starts flying backward what exactly she’s done. Her hands fly to her mouth in mortification, but it’s done now. No taking that one back. 
Kara tumbles gracelessly down the hill with her sled farther and farther away from where Lena’s still standing at the top and she watches as her best friend faceplants in the snow at the end. 
“Oops,” Lena thinks to murmur, allowing herself a soft laugh at the way Kara comes up from the ground with a face full of white powder. 
“What the heck?!” Kara yells up at her. 
“Sorry,” Lena calls back, feeling her cheeks heat up. 
Kara looks adorably upset, stomping through the snow towards her sled and ripping it up from the ground as she starts her ascent yet again. It’s hard to feel truly guilty with the cute way Kara swipes snow off her face. As she nears, Lena can make out the expression on her face, brow furrowed and the slightest pout of her lips. Whatever Kara’s got to tell her, maybe Lena should kiss her first one last time just in case. 
“You pushed me!” Kara says, sounding as if she can’t believe it herself. “I was just trying to tell you -” 
Kara pauses, grabs her sled with both hands and holds it in front of her like a shield. “Don’t push me again, I have to tell you something.” 
“Sorry,” Lena says again, arms crossing over her chest and biting her lip against a laugh. “I thought it’d be funny.” 
“Not when I’m trying to tell you something important.” 
“Kara, it’s Christmas Eve,” Lena sighs, thinking maybe there’s something unspoken between them that Kara will pick up and spare Lena the pain of having to hear something she doesn’t want to. 
“I know,” Kara says, dropping the sled enough that Lena can see the serious expression on her face, the red in her cheeks from more than just the cold and snow. “That’s why I want to tell you this.” 
“If you’re back together with you know who, I don’t want to hear it,” Lena says, unable to stop her defense mechanisms from ratcheting up no matter how it sounds. 
Kara drops the sled to the side, looking a bit indignant. “She has a name, you know,” Kara says, almost stomping her foot in the snow. “I don’t know what it is you have against her.” 
Against better judgement, Lena replies on instinct. “Yes you do.” 
They’re silent a moment, gazes locked on each other and Lena can barely hear the sound of falling snow over the heavy staccato of her heart. 
“Yeah,” Kara says, so softly Lena barely catches it. Then, louder, “So the thing is, I like you.” 
It’s such an absurd set up for a let down, Lena rolls her eyes. “I know you like me, Kara, don’t -” 
“No,” Kara interrupts, taking a step forward and looking more serious than Lena’s ever seen her. “I like you.” 
The significance of what Kara’s saying slams into Lena so forcefully she has to take a deep breath, her eyes widening in bewilderment. 
“No you don’t,” Lena says when she can’t think of any other way to convey her shock. Honestly, she thought that if she ever confessed to Kara, it’d take some convincing to get her best friend to see her in a romantic way, and then after that she’d reconciled with the fact that Kara would only ever see them as friends. 
Kara looks taken aback by her reply, looking around as if she’s being pranked by a hidden camera crew. “Yes, I do,” she retorts. 
“That’s not possible,” Lena says, her voice going a little shrill at the end as her brain starts to spiral into hysterics. Is Kara really saying what she thinks she’s saying? She’s regretting the alleged beer jacket Kara had foisted upon her.
“Okay, not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.” 
“But you - I mean - and when I - you can’t -” Lena scrambles for a complete sentence, but falls short, incapable of expressing three years of repressed feelings in one solitary moment, but Kara cuts through it all and takes another step forward. 
“I wanted to tell you here, in my hometown, because it’s away from all that stuff at school and because I guess you always remind me of home, so it just felt like the place to tell you that I like you and you’re my best friend and I’m not trying to ruin anything between us, but I just think about those times we kissed way too often and I think I’d be a good girlfriend for you and if maybe you’d just consider -” 
Lena finally catches up to the moment, lets herself believe in what’s happening and presses so swiftly forward into Kara’s physical space that the sled drops from her hand and goes gliding down the hill at a rapid pace. 
“Yeah, okay,” Lena breathes out, looking up into Kara’s eyes. Her heart feels heavy against her rib cage and her brain can barely understand that this is really happening, but she’s pretty sure it means she can kiss Kara and not feel guilty about it in the morning. 
“Really?” Kara’s smile is so bright and genuine that Lena wishes she had said something the moment they got in the car to the airport together. 
In lieu of answering, Lena just grips her fingers into Kara’s jacket and pulls them together until they’re kissing, soft and sweetly at first until Kara seems to get with the program, arms around Lena’s waist and deepening the kiss into something much hotter. It’s like that for long moments, the world dropping away around them, until they pull away and blink dreamily at each other. 
“Wow,” Kara says softly and Lena laughs. 
“Can I confess something?” Lena asks, feeling an unstoppable urge to even the playing field. 
“Of course.” 
“I’ve been meaning to say the same thing for a long time,” she says, feeling embarrassed by the confession regardless of circumstance. 
“How long?” Kara asks, the softness of her expression making Lena want to press back in again. 
“Too long,” Lena admits and Kara smiles. 
“I’m glad I said something then,” Kara says, the curve of her lips turning into something more teasing. “You’d have been too stubborn to ever do anything about it.” 
Lena tsks indignantly, pushing ineptly at Kara’s shoulder. Even though Lena’s pretty sure she doesn’t shove that hard, Kara stumbles back and pulls Lena with her. It’s not so bad this time; Lena ducks her head to kiss her. They stay at the top of the hill for a long while, their sled abandoned at the bottom.
Sam gives Lena the biggest I told you so when they get back on campus and stroll into the welcome back party hand in hand, but Lena just rolls her eyes at her friend and stays glued to Kara’s side, rewarding her with a kiss when she hands her a drink. 
She can’t even bring herself to mind when Sam sends her about forty texts in regards to Kara’s Instagram post - the one with her arm slung around Lena’s shoulders and her lips pressed to Lena’s cheek, with a very cheesy caption: The best Christmas gift of all. 
Sam can say as many I told you sos as she wants. Lena spends the latter half of her winter break wrapped up in Kara’s arms, plenty surprised and absurdly joyful. It was the best Christmas gift of all. 
fic tag | prompt fills | ko-fi
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90sgrungewriter · 7 years
6. Untitled - Eddie Vedder
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Status: Unedited
Needless to say, most of the day was spent creating wacky works of art with Eddie. You's started with big scraps of paper and combined your minds together, and created some pretty wicked paintings. You smoked 2 joints by this time, so you both were pretty high, but as the time passed, you were starting to burn out.
"Wanna take a break? I'll order us some take-out." You stood up and made your way over to your kitchen and opened the drawer where all your takeout flyers were.
"Where from?" The voice cam from almost directly behind you. It startled you so you whipped around and noticed he was standing just a few feet away from you, hands in his pocket.
"Sorry, didn't think you scared that easy." He winked. You rolled your eyes.
"Well, now you know."
He met you at the island in the center of your kitchen and you looked to decide together where you would order from.
"Okay wait. So what are we thinking? Pizza, Greek, Chinese...?" you turned your head to the side to look at him. 
"Mm, Chinese food sounds pretty good to me, right now." He said as he rested a hand on his slim tummy. You couldn't help but agree. It really did.
"Totally agree. What about Chen's Village? They have the best chicken chow mein." You gave him the brochure for the restaurant, and he took a few seconds to look it over, before approving.
"Alright, I'll have the fried tofu with mixed vegetables. You want me to call?" He offers. You nodded meekly.
"Please? I hate talking on the phone. This weird phobia of mine, I guess."
"Its ok, I'll call." He smiled. You pointed him to the phone that lay on the table and he quickly made the call. While he was doing so, you sneaked away to your room to grab your wallet from your purse. He payed for breakfast, so you thought it only to be fair if you were to pay for dinner. At the same time, you grabbed your fluffy blanket at the same time.
When you came back, you decided to clean up the living room a little. A few minutes later he came to help. After that was done, you tossed him the TV remote, and he plopped down on your couch and turned it on.
You were about to sit down too when you heard the doorbell. Before Eddie could even stand up you rushed to the door. The delivery person was a nice older lady, so you made sure to tip her a few extra bucks. She thanked you kindly, and you grabbed the food and shut the door. You turned to Eddie giving you a slight glare, arms crossed.
"You had this planned, didn't you?"
"Maybe." You winked.
"Couldn't you just let me be a nice guy and pay for you?" He said in a voice you knew he was picking on you.
"Oh shut up. You did pay for breakfast this morning, so can't you just let me be a nice girl and pay for you this time around?"
"Goddamn double standards." He cursed. You gently punched his arm with your free hand, and he swiped the food right out of your grasp.
"Hah!  Its all mine now. " You chased him around your tiny apartment, the both of you laughing like crazy.
Finally catching up to him, you wrapped your arms around his torso, lifting his taller frame right off the ground.
"Hahaha, oh my god!" Eddie shouted laughing hysterically. 
You set him down on the couch, ripping the big box of food from his hands this time.
"I cant believe you just picked me up. You're so tiny! Where do you hide all your muscles?" He stood up, and poked at your arms with his soft hands. You giggled as he continued to do so and followed you to the kitchen.  
"I actually used to hit the gym a lot in whenever I was in high school. I went through this intense phase of getting fit, I used to always get picked on about my weight,and I never had a boyfriend so I always felt insecure about it. Anyway, I hit the gym and hit it hard. Got in pretty good shape, now I can kick ass, I guess." There was a lot missing to that story, but you didn't feel like venturing too far into it. Eddie nodded his head.
"But you're so tiny." He lifted your arm.
"Yeah, its been at least a year since I've been. Just caught up with life. Between work and school, and trying to keep somewhat of a social life...the gym just isn't much of an option for me right now." You smiled, taking out plates for your food. Once everything was set, Eddie grabbed both of your plates and brought them to the living room and set them down on the coffee table. He grabbed the remote flipping through the channels.
"Want something to drink Ed? Water, beer, a coke?"
"Maybe just some water please." He turned and shot you a toothy smile. While you filled the glasses with ice, you thought about the days events. You spent the whole day with Eddie today, and really enjoyed it. You hoped he wasn't just staying because he thought it would be rude if he left. But things seemed to be going right for you, for once. So, this one time, you convinced yourself that it wasn't true. You told yourself Eddie finds a good friend in you, and he enjoyed your company, as you did his. You poured cold water into the glasses and made your way to the living room, passing one to Eddie.
"Thank you." He looked at you and took a large gulp.
"You're welcome. Find anything interesting?" You sat down and wrapped your fuzzy blanket around the lower half of your body. Your legs were folded under your but and your body leaned toward the arm of the couch to your left. Eddie laughed.
"I am now." You laughed. As you were about to reach to grab your plate on the coffee table, Eddie beat you to it and set it gently down in your lap. You smiled up at him, he was so nice.
“Such a gentleman." He nodded, digging into his own plate of food.
“I try to be.” 
Your eyes shifted to the TV to see you were watching some documentary about bugs. What a guy.
"I can change it if this grosses you out. There wasn't much else on." He laughed, mouthful of food.
"Its fine, I know. My channels suck. Thats why I own so many movies." You pointed to the corner where all your DVD's were stocked messily on a shelf. He nodded.
"Maybe we should watch one of those, then." He looked at you.
"Sure, you can check them out. Maybe eat first though, so your food doesn't get cold."
"Way ahead of ya." He winked again. Fuck off. Now he was going to start winking at you too? Like his cheekbones weren't enough. Goddamnit.
You cleared your throat and continued to eat.
"Thanks for spending the day with me Ed." You spoke, after a few moments of silence. Your food was delicious, and judging by the look on his face you could tell he felt the same way.
"Oh, don't say that. I get pretty lonely quite often." You teased.
"Yeah, well me too.." He said softly, a small smile upon his lips. You observed him out of the corner of your eye, something you had been doing quite a lot, but couldn't help yourself. He was such an interesting guy.
"What do you mean by that?" You questioned curiously. He stayed quiet for a few moments, probably trying to word something properly in his mind.
"I don't know..I haven't every really spoken about my feelings to anyone. Or anything to anyone for that matter. Sometimes, barely even Beth." Ah, her. Almost forgot about her for a while. Almost. You scolded yourself mentally. Don't be such a bitch, Dani. The poor guy might spill something important to you, and all you can think about is your jealousy over his ex girlfriend? You were disappointed in yourself. He continued to speak.
"Talking about it to someone, well, you...just makes things seem more real. Maybe, some things I've been trying not to think about for a long time." He seemed very conflicted. You gently placed your hand on his shoulder, hoping to comfort him in a subtle way.
"Beth...She uh-well...I always made it seem like we had the perfect relationship. Like she was perfect, and if anything, she could do better than me." He finished up his plate of food, and set it gently on the table in front of him. You removed your hand to place your own plate, which still had some food left, but you didn't want to be rude while he was talking, down on the table also. You re-adjusted your position so that you were now facing him, legs crossed, blanket still wrapped around your legs. You suddenly remembered when you told him he could talk to you if need be, but you didn't actually think he would. But here he is, ready to probably tell you some serious shit. You suddenly grew nervous. You were happy he had chose to confide in you, but you were most definitely not the greatest when it came your turn to talk. You knew that maybe he wasn't expecting you to say anything at all, because that the way he was. Maybe he didn't chose you at all, maybe he just felt bad about the Stone situation. He knew you felt embarassed about it all, and maybe he wanted to make it more bearable for you by spilling his guts or something. Your rambling mind was interrupted by his sweet voice.
"I used to be so sure about us. The way she felt for me, our future. I thought it was set in stone. Seven years is a long time." You stayed quiet. The only sounds were the noises coming from the TV, but the volume wasn't very loud to begin with. He continued to talk.
"But then this happened. So abruptly, all these changes that were to take place in my life. I mean, I left San Diego, my home, to come here. That was a big enough change, and now the person I spent the last seven years waking up to every morning, I'll never see again." He looked down as he spoke, playing with the hem of his flannel. "My life took a complete turn and now, I feel like I don't know anything. What to do, how to feel, how to move forward. I was going to propose to her." That shocked you. Your eyes widened a little, but you still said nothing. There was nothing you could say, really.
"The first day I came here, after our first jam session, I went looking all around for jewelry stores to find here the perfect ring. Ironically, I didn't see any that I thought she'd like. I guess that was a good thing." He tried to joke lightly, but you didn't really laugh. It wouldn't have really been appropriate.
"I loved her, and I thought she loved me. But thinking about it these past couple of days...deep down, I knew. I always knew." He shook his head. Knew what?
"Knew what?" You repeated outside of your mind this time, quietly, curiously.
"There was always something missing. A piece, always a sense of emptiness in our relationship." You were still slightly confused. 
"Her love. It was never there. Maybe at first, but as time went by... I think she just got used of me being there. I was a part of her life she was just used to having around." You nodded, finally understanding. Your heart hurt for him. You could never imagine someone in there right minds doing that to someone like Eddie. He deserved better.
"I at least thought she cared about me though. But looking back on it... she surely didn't. You don't fuck over the ones you care about." Ain't that the truth.
"I'm a bit scared. I don't know where I stand, with almost anything. The guys seem to like me, but what if I do something stupid and mess up? If that happens, I go back to San Diego to start back at zero again. No girlfriend, no band, no job. Nothing." He leaned his back against the back of the couch. Your eyes followed his all the way there, filled with worry for him. You decided it was time to say something.
"First things first, the guys fucking love you, man. That should not be a worry in your little head, so flush that one away. Okay? If anything, they're probably scared to lose you. After Andy... things are looking up for them right now and I'm sure they don't want their hard work to go down the drain." You leaned over to get a bit closer to him, but not too close. "Secondly, Ed. I'm speaking as a true friend to you right now, whatever happened with Beth is not the end of anything. I mean, it is the end of a relationship, but it’s also a new beginning." He turned his head, eyes bore into yours, he rose a brow in question.
"Well for one, all those feelings of worry, angst and emptiness you felt when you were with her, thats all over with. You won't have that weighing you down anymore." You hoped you worded that properly. "It seems to me, this all happened for the best, for you. It may not seem like it right now, but maybe in a few months you'll be happier than you ever have been. You never know. Life works in some mysterious ways Eddie, thats one thing I can tell you for sure." You smiled lightly over at him. He stayed quiet for a few moments, eyes locked to yours. You shifted uncomfortably, had you said something wrong? You hoped not.
"I think... I think you're right." He spoke, sitting up straighter, tearing his eyes away from your own. Oh thank god. You smiled. "A new beginning. Huh. Never thought of it like that..."He drifted.
You patted his back gently. "Atta boy!" You joked. He laughed and nudged your shoulder.
"Thanks, Dani. Much better than the advice you gave me the other night." He teased. Your jaw dropped and you punched his shoulder this time around.
"Fuck you, I tried!" You couldn't help but laugh, and so did he. Quite some time had passed, and you two went on talking. It nearing 9:00, but you weren't tired yet. After all, you did end up sleeping in quite a bit this morning. You knew you couldn't miss your class tomorrow though. You stood up, the blanket falling to the floor, as you picked the plates up of your coffee table and brought them to the kitchen. You set them in the sink for now, you didn't really feel like doing dishes at this moment.
"Thanks for dinner and the eventful day. I had fun painting with you...oh and letting me rant, thanks for that." He stated awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.
"Anytime, Ed." You smiled warmly.
"I should get going though. I gotta shower, I'm starting to stink."
"Is that what I've been smelling?" You scrunched your nose teasingly and the two of you laughed. You followed him to your door.
"Thank you for spening the day with me, Eddie. And for breakfast this morning. Say hello to my boys for me, alright?" You opened your door for him as he finished lacing up his white boots.
He straightened out and pulled you into a quick, and awkward hug. Safe to say, it didn't last long. He waved goodbye and promised he would say hi to the guys. When he was halfway down the hall of your building he shouted at you "don't forget our gig friday!"
"Wouldn't dream of it, Vedder." You waved back at him this time, a toothy grin plastered on your face, as you watched him disappear down the stairs.
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fulloflesbeans · 7 years
Hazel Eyes & Cake Pops [Ch. 19]
Read on Ao3 here
It wouldn't be much of a sleepover if we didn't sleep at all. Since Victoria wanted to talk to Rachel and ask her everything she ever wanted to know, we were stuck there. I felt bad for Chloe, because she didn't want to be with me and Kate but she also didn't want to be with Victoria and Rachel. She was the awkward fifth person with no one to talk to.
I sat with Kate on her bed again, eating from the box of cake pops and, not going to lie, it tasted way better than the Starbucks ones. The sweetness wasn’t as overpowering and it melted more in my mouth.
"I guess you'll be staying over after all." Kate lightly laughed.
It was a strange situation. I mean, I already knew we were going to stay after realizing it was two o'clock. She didn't seem to mind as she continued to munch on the variety of different colored cake pops.
"You tried to send us home." I reminded her.
"Because I knew Victoria would try to keep her here and, in turn, keep you and Chloe too."
"Do you really mind?"
She ate the rest of her cake pop and shook her head.
"Not at all." She answered happily.
I smiled back, "So then, tell me about next Sunday."
"All I'll say is that you could sleep in. My plans don't start until ten."
"Whoa, that's late, what is it?"
"I can't tell you. Mine will be as much as a surprise as yours was."
"Fair enough."
Suddenly, I heard a strange noise. It was to my left, where the dresser was, and where her pet was. It sounded like the hay inside moved around and then a very small thump sound.
"Is she okay?" She stood up a little to look inside. The black-and-white rabbit was lying on her side with her eyes closed.
"She's fine, rabbits do that when they feel comfortable and safe."
"Wowser, I feel special! She's so cute," I sat back down to face Kate again, "Alice is such a great name too."
"I love her so much."
I think the sleepiness finally hit both of us. When we stopped talking, we would yawn and stretch, but neither of us attempted to lied down. It was about four o'clock. Rachel and Chloe had to leave at fucking five.
"So, if I were to sleep, where would I go?" I asked. Kate rested her head against the wall, smirking at me. I don't know what image I had in my head from Kate doing that, but it caused my entire body to just heat up on its own.
"Are you comfortable being in the same bed?"
Hell, was I? First of all, it was a twin-sized bed. I felt an actual panic attack set in. I think this was a real gay panic.
"It's okay if you're not. I was just asking."
"W-well, maybe," I finally stammered, "I'm not sure, I used to share with Chloe, but I got booted to the couch."
"That's too bad. Then just let me know," she exhaled audibly in a bothered way, "I've never been so sleepy before. I'm usually up wide awake at this time."
"Why do you stay up so late?" I asked. She hasn't text me at late times recently, which was good. It meant that she was sleeping.
"You asked me that before. It's just something that has been happening since ninth grade."
"I know, but it can't just happen, right? I'm sorry if I'm pressing you, but it seems serious."
"It's fine. I knew lots of people who did the same thing."
After Kate said that, there was a knock on our door.
"Come in." Kate turned around.
The door opened cautiously and Rachel took a step in, "Hey, we have to go now, Max. Are you coming along or staying?"
"I'm going to stay; do you mind that?"
"No not at all! We'll pick you up later, okay?"
"Okay, have fun at the photoshoot!"
"Thank you, sleep well." Then Rachel left, gently closing the door.
Kate turned back to me. We were staring at each other for a moment—it felt way longer to me. I was still feeling my heart beating, but it wasn’t the same as every other time. The only light in the room was right on her bedside table and her staying in the shadows was mysterious to me. She suddenly stood up and went to her dresser. She pulled the bottom drawer and pulled out the familiar black-and-white plaid shirt.
“You should take it before we forget. I washed it for you.” She hands it to me.
I hesitated to take it, but I took it from her hands, hugging it to my body, “Thanks.”
It was quiet as she crawled into bed and sat next to me, back against the wall.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, referring back to the other topic we were on.
"Yep, I've been dealing with this for years. I still feel bad about texting you during those times."
"Don't, I'm happy to help you sleep. Maybe I bore you to death and that's why you do that."
"No, you don't! Talking to people just helps me."
The door was slammed open, scaring the shit out of both of us. Victoria has changed into silky black pajamas and anger was plastered on her face.
"You are not going to sleep in the same bed as Kate. You're not even going to sleep in the same room."
"Then... where am I going?"
In a matter of five minutes, I was sleeping on a couch again. I was given one blanket aka, a black-and-white polka-dot bed sheet, and I snuggled myself into every pillow. I gathered them to me as much as I could. I even put on my flannel again for more warmth. It was pretty lonely and I looked pathetic as I looked at my reflection in the TV's screen.
"Sorry Max," Kate sat down on the longer seat, "I wish you could have stayed."
"It's okay. I had a feeling I wasn't going to be able to."
"I'll make it up to you, okay?"
"That's what Sunday is for."
Kate then messed with my hair, giggling, "Goodnight, Max."
Sleep was extra difficult; it was more like I took a nap. I heard two door slams, Victoria and Kate talking to each other, and then another door slam. The last one was definitely the front door. Then, I heard light switches, a tea kettle whistling, and humming. I sat up and hunched over, letting out a loud yawn. It was around eight-ten.
"Good morning." Kate came into the room from the kitchen with two mugs in her hands. She must drink green tea every single day.
"Good morning, Kate," I grabbed one of the white cups from her, "Thank you."
"You're welcome. You heard her call you weird, huh?"
She sat next to me, holding her cup close as she took small sips.
"Yeah, but it's fine. I knew she wasn't going to like me."
"She should at least get to know you. It'll take time. I know from experience."
I only nodded. Victoria was interesting, to say the least.
After watching TV and finishing our drinks, Kate got ready for the day and we left her apartment. We walked together to school, where she said she'll leave me for when Rachel and Chloe have to pick me up. We didn't talk much during our walk; We didn't say anything until we were in front of our school.
"Guess I'll be staying here for hours..." I said, sulking.
"I wish I could come back, but I'll be out all day with them. Don't be sad, you can still text me."
"That makes me feel a little better."
Kate giggled, "Good, I'll see you tomorrow for class, okay?"
"Yeah, see you tomorrow."
I watched her walk away towards the bus stop at the end of the street. I sat on the curb and finally let everything sink in. I was sitting in front of school, wearing the same outfit as yesterday, with no money, a phone at ten percent battery, and the feeling of rejection from Victoria. I wonder what I did wrong or what Kate said about me to make her so hostile? Nevertheless, I had plans Sunday and I couldn't wait to see what she had in store.
I hugged my knees to my chest, watched the cars pass, and waited patiently.
Using the last of my battery, I text Rachel and Chloe to pick me up at school. They didn’t pick me up until the afternoon. Knowing I was starving, they brought a whole pink box of doughnuts and water, though they admitted to eating a few of them on the way. I still let them eat some.
“I see you got your flannel back.” Rachel turned around in her seat. I was sitting behind her, stuffing my face. I nodded to acknowledged I heard her.
“Was it better today?” I asked, my cheeks full.
“Nope, he was still shitty.” Chloe replied. They both looked more exhausted, but I don’t know if it was from not sleeping or they worked harder today. It could be a combination of the two, no doubt.
“Come on, let’s talk about something else,” Rachel groaned, clearly over this day as much as Chloe was, “Tell us about your sleepover!”
“There isn’t a lot to say. I got kicked out of her room by Victoria and I was sleeping on a couch… again.”
I could hear them sigh, realizing that we all had a tough morning. The atmosphere was very dull and we were all ready to sleep the day away.
“Was there anything good that happened? At all?” She asked once more. Her eyes were droopy and looked back at me with a small tinge of hope. I swallowed, sighing after.
“I have a date on Sunday.” I said.
She could only smile, “That’s good! At least one good thing happened! Are you surprising her again?”
“No, actually, she’s surprising me.”
Rachel clapped, “How exciting! That makes most things that happened today worth it.”
“What happened at the shoot?”
Rachel looked at Chloe, then looked back to me again, eyebrows furrowed, “We’re so tired…”
I chose not to pry, as much as I wanted them to tell me, but they needed peace and quiet. And it was just that.
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