#(tysm for asking!)
tumbleinthenet · 5 months
If you need suggestions of which campers to draw next … I suggest Quentin and/or Phoebe :]
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quentin and phoebe! i'd listen to their album.
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mithrilhearts · 3 months
I’m going to ask a hard one. 😏 Tell us the titles of your 3 favorite WIPs…👀
This IS so hard!!! But really, we could break it down, right? Not counting things I’ve finished writing (i.e. Kurdu ‘abadaz) and not counting things I have yet to post…
As The Tide Turns
Golden Hearts Bleed Faster
But I love all of my fics - in progress, finished, and just getting started with!
Fanfic writer inbox game!
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adrift-in-thyme · 2 months
how are your WIPs going? 👀
- hero-of-the-wolf
Good! I’m making progress on Give the Lion Fangs slowly but surely. I think I’ve figured out how to get past the part that was stumping me. Now just to push past the usual anxiety/insecurity and get that chapter done!
I’ve also been chipping away at a fluffy fairy Time fic I started a month or two ago. Here’s a snippet!
“No fair!” He shouts. “How can you go so fast?!”
Tears bud in his eyes, born of the early winter breeze and the exhilaration of a chase. He nearly stumbles in a stray stone, catches himself before he can, and keeps going.
Before him a fairy flits, delicate and quick. Its small form glows a joyful shade of cherry red and tiny glittering whirls of the same color flow out behind it. It pauses, seeming to check if Wind is alright. When he gives it a thumbs up, it makes a chiming noise, bells ringing with mischievous laughter. Wind is reminded of Aryll’s giggles when she engages him in a game of hide-and-seek.
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unorcadox · 11 months
what got you into dreamcore/weirdcore? how did you go from being an observer to making your own edits? sorry if this is a boring question haha
no worries!
i remember this image tbh being a particularly important one to me back in mid 2020, it's the first one that really stuck with me
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i decided to make my own edits bc why not! i thought it'd be a dumb little flop side project, and during the point in which no one could go outside i was honestly getting bored and impulsive
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fitzrove · 3 months
32 and 40 for the musicals ask game??
32. favourite musical where no one dies
Omg, I had to think about this for a bit hahaha... I guess it's the aforementioned mean girls xD Since basically every other musical I like has characters at least implicitly die.
40. favourite musical you used to like but don’t anymore
I had a phase in like 2016-2018 (this is where the mean girls stuff comes from) where I liked every 2016-popular teen musical. Don't blame me ajsjdj, I was a literal teenager, I was the target audience... This included dear evan hansen (which I now think is terrible) and be more chill (which I find only a bit bad). I actually own the original book BMC is based on and did like it when reading it as a teenager, though I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to anyone because it's very early 2000s. (The author of the book tragically passed away quite young, though, which makes the mental health themes in the book come across very frank and real to me... which is why I'm, in a sense, less inclined to judge some aspects of it.)
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hunter-sylvester · 27 days
For the fanfic search thing, "pulse" and/or "sting"?
Now I know I use the word "sting" a lot but would you believe it still took me ages to find one??
Sting: From a very old unnamed Stranger Things fix-it fic.
Lost in thought, not listening to what Eddie was saying anymore, an agonizing sting in his side caused Steve to stagger and sway.
Bonus Sting(ing) I found while looking for Pulse: From kind of a crack Metal Lords fic that I haven't worked on for a while.
“This isn’t happening.” Kevin didn’t slow down, he didn’t stall. He barreled through the hallway, snagged his weeping mother’s car-keys from the bowl by the coat rack and stepped into the stinging late-April chill.
It appears there is no pulse in my wips. Explains why my ability to write feels so dead.
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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foxcort · 3 months
May I pleasseeee have a snippet of the seeds we sow? I am very intrigued by the title <3
yes of course! im delighted you find it interesting! tamlin’s unnamed brothers and his relationship with them as well as how being heir shaped everything has always been so intriguing to me so that’s how this fic (and the title!) came about! meant for tamlinweek day 1 😭
The three of them stilled, ears straining to pick up anything when the distant sound of rustling became clear. Even with the untrained hearing of faerie youth, Tamlin could tell the sound was coming from almost a half mile away, but there was no mistaking the pattern of movement, or the absence of footsteps. The pack of naga was on its way.
Tamlin felt his stomach drop into his throat. “Emrys, let me down.”
But his brother was suddenly fit with a look of determination. “Now? When we have the perfect opportunity to draw them in?” He walked back casually to the brush. “Just stay put, little brother, and they’ll all be dead before they have a chance to realize what’s happening.”
“Emrys, you can’t—” Tamlin grunted, bending at the waist, his fingers clutching at what he now realized was the remnants of Emrys’ original snare, wrapped tightly around his ankle.
“Unfortunately for you, you don’t have much of a choice. So stay put—” Emrys waved a hand and Tamlin felt the rope tighten further, causing him to groan in pain, “—and keep quiet.”
His next plea died on his lips as the distinct figures of three naga in the distance came into Tamlin’s view. Panic gripped him tight as he pulled and pulled on the rope around his ankle. “Emrys!”
His brother was paying him no mind, instead his expression set in strain as he focused on an attempt he could not commit. Emrys’ palms were splayed forward, feet rooted into the ground, a vein prominent on his temple. A stark contrast to the slight breeze tunneling through the clearing. And certainly not the mark of an heir.
But Tamlin couldn’t bring himself to say so. Not even in the face of certain death could he reveal to his brother that the Mother had not gifted him the way she’d gifted him. For that would mean a different death. A slower one, perhaps.
And worse . . . the undivided attention of his father.
“Emrys . . . Emrys, please.” The beg tasted bitter on his tongue, but Tamlin couldn’t bring himself to speak the words that would convince Emrys he didn’t have the ability to take on three full-grown naga by himself. It would require more than smacking branches and self-acting snares.
“Quiet!” Emrys snarled, though his shoulders sagged and his wide eyes were no longer set in determination.
Kerr, who’d been hiding in the brush, scrambled into the clearing, a hand clamping onto Emrys’ shoulder tight. “We have to get out of here now!” he hissed.
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ihnmaims · 1 month
hi basil hows your kitty boy !! I havent been keeping up well did you get him to the vet yet ?
hello! :') he's alright. i haven't been able to take him to the clinic because it's fully booked for the next, like, 3 weeks atp. the vet's supposed to call me when another patient cancels their appointment and a vacancy opens up but none have. i can't afford to take him to the emergency clinic, it's too expensive, so i'm just trying to take care of him at home. good news being that he's eating and drinking regularly again even though he's still sick 💖 he has also seemingly stopped peeing outside of the litter box .? so i'm taking that as a sign of slight improvement too
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tamaruaart · 8 months
What is ur oc ? And not the type of oc from a show but just a normal oc
Well most of my OCs are from LMK but I do have a few that are from their own universes. Like for example Leqhoa (Sotho word for Ice)
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He's a Southern ice demon and I don't really have a story for him (yet), I just kinda designed this fella one day bcz I was bored lol
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Then I have this lil' guy named Jay, he's just a dog boi hehe
Also these idiots, no the world is not named named Tmotfaf, it is an abbreviation-
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(Ignore the hand plz)
So ye-
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk (again, again)
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aldasart · 8 months
What's your favorite piece of art you've done of Dana!
HMMM. On a technical level I guess it's the one I put in effort for, but actually I'm very partial to this other one. Just because idk
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rainyrindou · 19 days
✍️ and ❤️ for the ask game!
why hello there macaroni i miss u so much. cries
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
um um umm. i have a better idea of what my SI would be like in tr than in wb but I think overall, tr me would be perceived as kinda cool like yuzuha but in wb i'm more of just a sweet support character. kinda like kotoha. i have a few different aus for tr, so it depends really. like in the au where i'm kisaki's sister and i scheme with him and shuji, there's probably more fuel for dislike/hatred there. but in the bonten au where i'm their art dealer, who gaf! that's just cool and i think would be fuel for some really cool fic/art!
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
me n chika are a rarepair for sure. like genuinely what scenario would we have to be in for anyone to even remotely consider that. but i think ppl would ship endo and i based on appearances!
i think shuji x venus would be pretty popular, tbh. but i also think ppl who ship him with kisaki (i am also one of these ppl...) would detest me! which is like, fine, whatever. idc. oh and i made up the bonten au so i could be with koko or kaku but i honestly don't think those pairs would be that popular LOL i think ppl would still ship me with rindou.
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devilatelier · 30 days
So, what's your amnesia au?
ok, so the concept with the amnesia au involves nara being cast aside by the shikon jewel, after it deems him an unsuitable host (thanks to kagome's words making him realize the jewel twisted his wish and his desire). he wakes up in a field with extensive injuries and without his memory, and a girl hovering over him. the girl's family takes him in and he creates an... average life for himself.
the point of which is to say that even then, when he lacks memory and is arguably the most gentle he could possibly be... a normal peaceful life would not be enough for him. with how the built up resentment subconsciously gives life to one of his puppets and it begins to cause trouble.
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kurjat · 1 month
Who are all the characters you selfship with
Im not suuuper invested in selfship stuff, its like mostly a lighthearted comfort thing, expect for P eter lukas from mag, like im so serious about that fucker hes my EVERYTHING 😭
otherwise i kinda just float around and have fun and explore who i am via putting myself into situations & light daydreaming :)Om that level theres lika a bajillion characters so its tough 2 list them
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reallyhardydraws · 2 years
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated?
HMMM! okay tbh i know the UK version of amelie the musical could NEVER hope to be as popular as the version starring ms soo of hamilton fame, but i wish more ppl were into it so they could have seen my tribute to west end amelie:
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also tbh it did very well (for me) on here at least, but i was also super proud of my bill & ted 3 'poster':
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and i would only say 'underrated' because i don't think anyone involved with the movie ever saw it but i sure wanted them to 😭 i even put it on twitter
Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game
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fitzrove · 3 months
Musical asks: 6, 16, 22?
6. favourite musical you’ve seen live
Ahh... If I have to like the specific production I saw as well, it's POTO Finland (2015-2024... rip it's on for the last time this year and I won't be able to go...). Also Wicked Finland 2010-2011 was very very special!!! I think those are some of my favourite shows to see live because they're Big shows with big ensembles and sets and lots of colourful action happening on stage. And I like the music and story in each (... neither is perfect, but there's so much to appreciate).
Sadly the inverse (really like the show but didn't like seeing it live) is more common for me...... tdv is one of my favourite musicals of all time and yet it was one of the worst-directed/acted things I've seen (Stuttgart 2021) jffjfj. I don't know what's good for me so I'm going to see it in Hamburg in a few weeks.......... let's see how I feel then...
16. - already answered!
22. favourite musical to sing along to
I would say Les Mis!! It's one of those shows where you semi-frequently find people irl to sing along to with haha (= most "theatre kids" know and like the show). It's not impossibly difficult and has both extremely dramatic solos and a lot of group numbers and duets which are also fun. As for me... as for me... (when by myself): I spent like a year practicing the title song from Cabaret before finally doing a little public performance of it hehe jsjdjdjd so I got pretty used to singing it to myself in the shower and while doing dishes and such >:) But that's only one song so doesn't really count
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unorcadox · 6 months
whats ur fave song as of rn?
right now my answer is Don't Be So Hard On Your Own Beauty by Yeule, but my more overall answer is Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer
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