#(working on though I promise! it’s on me!)
eddiesxangel · 1 day
She Said Fuck Me Like I’m Famous (I Said Okay) | E.M
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WC: 5.9k
Cw: fem!popstar!reader, modern au, fluff, smut, dirty talk, kinda Dom Eddie, oral (m & f), p in v, reader is on bc, creampies.
Summary: when you invite your online bestie over to spend the week with you for the first time, you don’t know what to expect when her over protective friends tag along
Meeting Robin was a happy accident that life sometimes throws at you. Even though she was a stranger on the other side of the country, she was one of the most genuine friends you could have ever asked for. It all started slowly. You had both been on the same Discord server because of your mutual love for an author, and things went from there. After almost three years of friendship, you finally decided to meet in person!
You guys organized everything. She was flying to California and staying with you in your two-bedroom apartment for a little over a week. You had so much planned for the both of you, especially over the weekend, because it just so happened you were also to perform at this year’s Coachella.
It was your first big performance at a festival like this. It would do wonders for your career and hopefully bring you new fans.
Robin was your biggest supporter. She was so excited to see you perform live for the first time, not to mention the VIP passes you had promised her. It was hard to seek out genuine friendships in the line of work that you do. Everyone wants something, so you didn’t disclose your real name and what you did until you could trust her entirely. Robin was one of those people who you couldn't help but love; her bubbly personality and heart of gold were something you latched onto.
You were not taken aback upon receiving a text from Robin informing you that her two extremely protective male friends were adamant about accompanying her to ensure her safety. She had previously mentioned them, and from what she shared, they come across as genuinely great guys. Their concern for their friend's well-being is commendable, and you appreciate their commitment to looking out for her.
She also told you that the guys would rather stay in a hotel with her, but if they felt comfortable, they didn’t mind if she stayed with you for the rest of the week. You weren’t offended. It was unbelievable that you invited someone you’d never met into your home. Still, she was one of your closest confidants, even though you’ve never seen one another in person, primarily through texting and FaceTime.
The day was finally here, and you let Robin know that your assistant would pick the three of them up at the airport because you were in rehearsals until 2:00 p.m.
“See, Rob, this is exactly why we came with you!” Steve pointed at the text message as she read it out loud.
“What do you mean?” Robin asked with a scowl.
“She is sending a random person to pick us up? We are about to be human trafficked for all we know!”
Robin rolled her eyes and hiked up her carry-on over her shoulder.
“Men… so dramatic.” She whispered under her breath.
The three wandered down the corridor until they saw a small woman about 5'1" with a bright smile holding a sign that read ‘ Birdie + 2.’
That was cute; you used her Discord name.
“Oh, yes. Here is the woman who’s going to kidnap us,” she jesters, and the two men can’t help but roll their eyes.
“Hi! Are you Kelsey?” Robin approached the woman who she towered over.
“Yes, Hi! If you want to come with me, the car is waiting. She’s so excited you’re finally here; it’s all she’s been talking about.”
Kelsey opened the door for the three friends to get in and made her way to the driver’s seat.
It’s been a long wait, but your rehearsal wrapped up right on schedule. You made sure because you didn’t want to waste any time. You’ve been so antsy all day, waiting to go home and meet your best friend for the first time. You were so nervous; what if she thought you were annoying? What if the paparazzi ruined her time here? On your way home, the what-ifs circled your mind, but you tried to shake that all away when you got the text from Kelsey that they made it safely and were on their way to the hotel to drop off their things. Then she would bring them over to your apartment.
The minutes tick by as you wait for them in your apartment. You double-check the fridge to make sure you have refreshments and snacks. They must be tired and hungry from the flight.
Your manicured fingernails tap the cold marble countertop in your kitchen as you nervously scroll your phone, trying to distract yourself until the condo buzzer startles you. You run over and answer the speaker, telling them to come on up.
You anxiously count the seconds as you wait for them to approach the door. When the elevator bell dings on your floor, 17 stories up, you open the door eagerly to see Kelsey get off first.
You’re bouncing on your toes as you half-heartedly skip through the hallway, cheering as you see the freckled-faced girl enter the corridor.
“Birdie!” You clap, jump, and run to her with a smile so big your cheeks burn.
Cheers and squeals fill the small space as you take one another in your arms. If the people surrounding you had known better, your embrace would have made it look like you were lovers.
“I can’t believe you’re finally here!”
"I can't believe you're real." You step back to look at her in full. Finally, after all this time, you are united with your bestie. You tell one another everything. Robin confided in you about how she likes girls, and you said you were so scared that you're not good enough to be here. The imposter syndrome was extreme, but she put your mind at ease.
One of the men behind Robin had cleared their throat, reminding the both of you that they were also there.
“Oh my god, sorry.” Robin jumps.
“This is Steve, and this is Eddie.” Robin steps out of your way, and your gaze falls on the two handsome men standing behind her. Your heart flutters a bit, taking in both of them.
Steve and Eddie were complete opposites in their style. Steve had a preppy look, with a soft smile and gentle, kind eyes that reflected his warm personality. In contrast, Eddie's style was edgy and tough, but his eyes were surprisingly kind and strikingly beautiful, hinting at a depth beyond his tough exterior.
“Hi, I’m y/n, but you can call me Bunnie.” You stuck out your hand to introduce yourself.
“Damn, kinda disappointed you’re real; I had 50 bucks going that you were catfishing Rob this whole time,” Steve giggled as you shook his hand.
“Shut up,” Robin rolled her eyes.
“Me? A catfish? Never,” you giggled.
You moved to Eddie, and he stood there wide-eyed as he tried to speak, say hello, hi, or something, but he felt like his tongue was suddenly too big for his mouth. There was no way you were real. There's no way you were this pretty in real life. There was no way Robin was friends with a celebrity.
Unsurprisingly, Eddie had no idea who you were when Robin told him and Steve she was coming out to see you. However, Steve’s reaction made it seem like you were a big deal, so he googled you and looked at your Instagram beforehand. Never in his life did he see someone so beautiful. The attraction was instant, but now, seeing you in person, there was no denying his inevitable crush on you.
Eddie finally managed to choke out a “hi.” His cheeks heated up as his voice cracked like he was 12 again.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” you smile but quickly turn to Robin.
“Come,” you say, linking your arm with hers as you return to your condo.
“Thanks for letting us tag along with Birdie here,” Steve smiled.
After the initial excitement, you had all settled down. You were lounging on your balcony, eating and drinking to your heart's content.
“No problem, the more the merrier,” you smile.
Robin had told you about her friends back home; you also felt like you strangely knew them.
“What do you guys want to do first? Eddie, any suggestions?” You ask, singling him out.
Eddie hardly knew what to say. It was as if his brain had stopped functioning when you spoke to him. He wanted to woo and get to know you and hoped and prayed that you were as good of a person as Robin raved you to be.
“W-what?" He stuttered and looked at you wide-eyed. "Uh, I'm not sure. What do you have in mind?”
Without a beat, you rambled off the list of activities you had in mind, and Eddie listened so intently to everything; he would go anywhere as long as he was in your company.
“He, man, help me get some more drinks,” Steve said, nudging Eddie’s knee.
“No, please, you’re my guest. Allow me.” You got to stand, but Steve insists.
“Take advantage, let them dote on us.” Robin giggled.
“Dude, you’re really into her, aren’t you?” Steve smirked once the two men were back inside and out of earshot.
“How could I not be? Hello, she’s like the perfect woman,” Eddie half whispered.
Eddie took you in one more time through the sliding glass door. Not only was your style darker and edgy, but you’re witty and funny and don’t seem too vapid for a Hollywood star. He had a preconceived notion about Hollywood starlets; however, you seemed so down to earth, and you loved talking music with him; even if you are a pop star, you know your shit when it came to writing and playing guitar.
“You should ask her out this week and see what happens.”
“No, she’s not into me.”
“Maybe not yet? But how could she not be? You’re a catch. You gotta be yourself; you’re too in your head right now. Just think of her as an extension of Robin.”
“An extension of Robin?”
“They’re practically the same person; just don’t think about how hot she is.”
That’s easy for you to say.” Eddie rolls his eyes.
“I don’t know, man. You’re King Steve, Steve 'the hair' Harrington, and you know how to flirt with girls.”
“So do you.”
“Not girls like that!” He points towards you and Robin, oblivious to the conversation, gabbing away about who knows what.
“You’re telling me that a girl who looks like that isn’t going to be attracted to a guy who looks like you? “ he raised a brow.
“I don’t know?” Eddie shrugged.
“Nah, dude, you’re being too hard on yourself. Listen to me, be yourself, and see what happens.”
“Okay,” he sighed, bringing the drinks out for you and Robin.
As the night wore on, Eddie became more confident speaking to you and less intimidated after the talk with Steve in the kitchen. When the night ended, you were all disappointed to say goodbye but excited about what tomorrow would bring.
The past few days have been absolutely hectic. Rehearsals for the upcoming show have consumed your mornings, followed by afternoons filled with various outings. It's a whirlwind from sound check to meeting up with your guests at their hotel or wherever they are.
Eddie’s crush was starting to take over his mind. Every night before he went to sleep, he thought about you and watched videos of you. He even went so far as to put your name on YouTube and “cute moments” afterwards.
Nothing could stop Eddie from getting you off his mind. He was so excited when you gave him your number, even if he was too nervous to text you. His excitement doubled when you followed him on Instagram, and he spastically went through all his posts to make sure nothing was embarrassing.
Today, you went to the beach. A relaxing day was much needed after your hectic schedule of rehearsals and entertaining your guests over the past few days.
You arrive to see your new friends secured a great spot by the water's edge. Robin is lying under the umbrella while the boys wrestle in the water.
“Is Eddie single?” you ask after settling down with Robin on the sand.
“The most chronically single person I’ve ever met; dude hasn’t been in a relationship since he confessed his love for a cheerleader in high school, and I wouldn’t even count that as a girlfriend.”
You stop and ponder this newfound information as you watch him from afar. As you observe him splashing around, you see him in a new light. He is lean but has some muscle. His various tattoos and how he looks in a bathing suit is giving you butterflies.
“What’s wrong with him?” You ask nervously.
“Nothing is wrong with him; he’s just… I don’t know how to explain it. The girls in our town aren’t into guys who look or act like Eddie. They’re all stuck up, snooty rich kids, you know? And Eddie has had it rough; he grew up on the poorer side of town and his parents. His uncle raised him, so everyone looked down at him.” Robin sighed, hating the way life had treated her friend.
“Trust me, I know about stuck-up assholes. I live in their capital.” You snort.
“So why are you asking about Ed? Any particular reason?” Robin peaks at you from under her sunglasses. ”
“He seems different from the guys in L. A” You twiddle with the strings on your bikini bottoms.
“Well, I know he has a big fat crush on you.”
“Really?” Your face lit up, giving away your motive for conversation.
“Seems like you do, too girl friend.” She nudged you, and you tried to hide your face under your beach towel.
“Ooooooooooo Bunnie has a crush on Eddie the Freak.” Robin teased.
“What did he do to earn that title?”
“There are many rumours; I’m sure you’ll find out soon.” She wiggled her brows suggestively.
Robins’s innuendo had you giggling so hard that you almost started crying.
You pulled Eddie’s attention when he heard your angelic laugh. Eddie stood distracted by watching you lay out with Robin, your tattoos on display, more than he had seen initially. Your teeny black-and-white bikini was a sight for soar eyes, being stuck with Steve all day and night. With the sudden distraction, Steve had the opportunity to body-slam Eddie into the ocean.
Eddie’s audible “oof” was heard, and before Eddie knew it, he was gasping for air. When he finally got his bearing straight, he saw you looking over, concerned at the two men, then gave a slight wave to ensure he was okay.
“Playtimes over, Harrington,” Eddie shoved Steve off of him.
“Oh, I think it’s just beginning for you, Munson.”
The two men exited the water looking too hot for their own good, like some personal Baywatch episode was coming at you in 3D.
“Like what you see?” Eddie smirked at you as they both approached the both of you.
“Absolutely.” You squint up at him, the sun catching your eyes.
Eddie plopped beside you and shook his head like a dog getting ocean water all over you.
You squeak at how cold the water is.
“Oh, sorry, Bunnie, let me get that for you.” He smirks.
He brushes the water from your face with his towel.
Oh, he knows what he is doing.
Your skin deceived you as the goosebumps arose when Eddie touched your face.
“You cold, Bunnie?” Eddie noticed and pulled you in with him as he wrapped his towel around the both of you. Your bare back pressing against his cold, damp chest wasn’t helping, but hell, you were not about to start complaining.
Robin gives you a pointed look, then immediately grabs Steve’s hand to yank him up.
“Come, we are getting food.”
Steve leaves without protest, seeing what Robin sees- that you and Eddie should have some alone time.
“So a little Birdie told me you have a reputation back home.” You were leaning up against Eddie’s chest, basking in the sun.
“Oh, did she, now? And what might that be.”
“that you’re a little freaky,” you giggle.
“You sure you want to know about th-"
“Oh my god! It is you! Oh my god, I love you. Can I please get a picture with you?” A girl not much younger than yourself, clearly a fan of yours, looks down at you, and Eddie is cuddled up.
Without missing a beat, you get up and greet the fan.
“Can you take our picture?” She gives her phone to Eddie before he even agrees that he’s getting up to help.
You give him an apologetic look. This was not the kind of day he signed up for.
You pose with the fan and talk with her briefly before she asks, “ Is that your boyfriend?”
You look over your shoulder to see Eddie again sitting under the umbrella.
“No, no, he’s a friend,” you smile.
“Too bad, you guys would be a cute couple.”
You entertain her only a few more minutes before she leaves.
“Sorry about that.” You sit back down beside Eddie.
“That’s okay, I get it. You’re famous and all.” He smiles.
“I’m not that famous,” you sigh.
“Don’t sell yourself short, sweetheart.”
“Well, maybe…” you shrug.
“You have strangers coming up to you complimenting your work; that’s sick as fuck if you ask me.”
“It's something I’ll never get used to.”
“Tell me more what it’s like?”
“What? Having a fan approach me?”
“Yea. I guess being a famous rockstar was all I ever dreamed of until a few years ago when I realized it wouldn’t be in the cards for me.
“What if it could be?”
“What do you mean?”
“I have a crazy idea.”
Pictures of you and a “Mystery guy” were planted all over the tabloids the following day. Of course, no one stopped to take a photo when it was just you and Robin or the four of you sitting on the beach.
“I’m sorry, Eddie. I didn’t mean for you to get dragged into my crazy.” You apologized while you were all out to dinner. Eddie was sat directly beside you.
“I think I like crazy,” he smirked and gently touched your knee.
You tried to hide your bashful smile while playing with the stem of your martini glass.
Robin and Steve instantly locked in on the chemistry between you. They tried to look at one another subtly, but you caught it.
“What are you guys up to?” You ask.
“Nothing,” Robin laughs, but Steve isn’t shy about the topic.
“You guys are cute,” he smirks into the glass before sipping the golden bubbly liquid.
“Steve!” You squeak.
“I agree,” Robin concurred.
You wanted to agree with them, but you hardly knew Eddie, but you yearned to know everything about him. The more time you spend with this group, the more you don’t want them to leave. You can’t imagine how it will be once they go home next week. You would kill for them to spend more time with, especially Robin and your newfound crush, Eddie.
As the sun sets on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Coachella stage, you feel the nervous excitement building inside you. In just five minutes, it would be your turn to shine. Every move, every step, every beat was etched into your mind. You had rehearsed and memorized everything, from the choreography to the cues. The anticipation was palpable as you prepared to take the stage. Eddie Robin and Steve were set up in the VIP section, and you had an excellent sightline. You felt the cheers from the crowd pulsing through your veins as you stepped under the spotlight.
“She’s incredible!” Robin cheered.
“I had no idea she could sing like that!” Steve was in shock.
“What do you think, Eddie?” Robin turns, but her friend is nowhere in sight. “Ed? Hey, where is Eddie?”
Steve looks around, and he has no idea.
“Maybe he had to take a leak or something?”
Unbeknownst to them, you had a little surprise for your friends.
“How are we feeling tonight!?” You ask the crowd from centre stage.
The crowd roared in response.
“I said, “How are we feeling tonight? “ you ask again, and the crowd cheers as loud as possible.
“Very good, Coachella! I’m so grateful for you guys having me! this is a crucial moment in my career, a highlight, really.” You paced the stage.
“I’m so grateful for you guys to take time out of your day to come out and see me. It means more to me than you ever know! You guys make me feel like a rockstar!”
The crowd cheers again, even louder, and you can’t seem to break the smile off your face.
“Now, before we get this party started, I need you guys to give a warm welcome to a new friend of mine.” You look over to the side stage and wave a hand.
“Everyone, put your hands together for this rockstar! The best guitarist I’ve ever encountered! Give it up for Eddie Munson!” The crowd cheers as you ask them to, and you swear you hear Steve and Robin above all else.
Eddie cannot believe he is standing on stage in front of a crowd with thousands of people in California instead of 6 drunks in Hawkins, Indiana.
Eddie never imagined this opportunity would come to him, but here he was as if a magical being had granted him one wish in life.
When you looked at Eddie, a smile spread across your face, etched into his memory forever. Eddie looked so hot that you couldn’t help but rake your eyes up and down, taking him in. He wore his black ripped jeans, boots, and denim vest, showcasing his many tattoos.
The way you looked tonight was so beautiful. Eddie didn’t think he could make it through the three songs he’s rehearsed with you over the last two days.
Your music wasn’t Eddie’s usual genre. However, it wasn’t as bubblegum pop as he expected. He appreciated many rock elements and would be an idiot to pass up this opportunity.
“Okay, let’s rock!” And Eddie started the first riff of the second half of the setlist.
The crowd was electric, and Eddie’s heart felt like it would pound out of his chest, especially when it came to the guitar solo he absolutely nailed.
“Thank you, Coachella! Goodnight!” The roar of the crowd doesn't die down.
You grab Eddie by the hand and run off stage. As you make it to the stage, Eddie wraps you in a high so tight it takes your breath away.
“That was incredible! Unbelievable!” Eddie howled in excitement. “I can’t believe that just happened!”
“It’s incredible, isn’t it!” You smile.
“Yes! God, I could kiss you!”
“Who is stopping you?”
Maybe it was the adrenaline or perhaps it was the fact that Eddie would be leaving soon, but you wanted it so bad that you threw all caution to the wind.
“What?” Eddie’s eyes winded.
“Kiss me, rockstar. I know you want to.”
You pulled Eddie in by the guitar strap, and your lips connected. The moment his plump lips made contact with your deep cherry-cola-coloured ones, you knew this was something more than physical attraction. You haven’t felt a kiss like this in a very long time. The both of you pull away regretfully, but you are standing in the middle of backstage, and techs and roadies are running all over the place; you can’t just make out with Eddie here.
“Come home with me to my place tonight? You ask bravely.
Eddie quickly nods his head, at a loss for words.
Nothing could top this moment for Eddie. It was you and him alone for the first time. He was in your bedroom, and the height he was feeling was too much to contain. Eddie pulled you in closer, his lips crashing into yours harder as his hands grabbed the silver material of your mini dress. He pushed you up against the wall, and you felt his tight hold on your body. His hard body pressed up against yours, and the only thing separating you was four layers of thin cloth dawning you and Eddie.
“Fuck you’re so hot.” You moan.
Eddie’s head spun at your confession. You thought he was hot. You, the girl who made all of his wildest dreams come true and then some.
“I want you,” you mumble into his lips.
Eddie didn’t need to be told twice before his hand travelled up between the soft skin of your plush thighs.
The way your skin felt under his fingertips makes you shiver. Slowly, his callused tips found their way to the cloth of your soaked panties.
Eddie moaned into you as his kiss trailed down the side of your jaw to your neck, catching that sweet spot that makes your pussy weep.
Eddie’s fingers delicately stroke up and down your slit like he would break you, but you need more. You can’t help your hips rock back and forth into his touch.
Eddie didn’t think he would end up with a pop star grinding into his hand when he planned his trip to Cali with his friend, but he wasn’t complaining. He would be happy if this was the furthest the two of you got.
“More,” You plead, and your hand wiggles its way between the two of you to stroke his already hardening cock.
Eddie buckles his hips into your hand unwillingly, but the feeling of your hand on his cock had him acting on instinct. The two of you dry-humping one another against the wall wasn’t enough.
“Need you, want you so bad,” Eddie confesses.
You push up off the wall and drag Eddie to your bed. You push him back with a giggle, then fall to your knees before him.
“Holy shit,” he whispers under his breath. Your gaze meets Eddie, and it’s like a siren is looking back up at him, ready to drown him with your lust.
You quickly unbuckle and unbutton and unzip everything containing Eddie’s bulge from you, and you’re pleasantly surprised when you finally unwrap him. His tip was already crying for your touch, so red and shiny due to the precum that had been leaking ever since you kissed him when you both got off stage. His long, thick shaft taunted you as if it might not be able to fit.
“Want to teach me why they call you Eddie the Freak?” You smirk.
“Fuck Bunnie, you don’t know what you’re asking for. "
“That’s why I’m asking, big boy.”
You don’t give Eddie a chance to respond before wrapping your warm lips around his fat tip.
“Yes, sweetheart, right there,” he draws out his words as you take him in further.
His hands grip the roots of your hair, pulling them taught as your mouth takes him to the back of your throat.
“Oh god,” He moans again. The way your mouth feels around his cock is making him want to thrust up into you, but he holds back for your sake. He knows you asked him to share why he’s called the freak, but he’s not ready to scare you away with his kinks, not yet.
“Fuck baby, you’re so big” You pull off and replace your mouth with your hand so you can catch your breath. Your lung capacity may be suitable for singing, but you can only hold so much breath.
“You think so, pretty girl?” Eddie brushed a fallen piece of hair from your face, and you swore you had never been so hot and bothered.
You bite your bottom lip and try to grind yourself on your heels for any source of friction as you take him back in your mouth. His taste was addictive, and so was the way he was looking down at you with a look in his eyes that made you feel so wanted.
“Such good girl; you like being on your knees for me?”
You nod your head and hum on his cock in a reference, and that makes Eddie’s head spin. The way your mouth is sending vibrations through him has him pulling you up off of him because he would end the night early if you keep that up.
You giggle as he switches your positions and strips himself. Your head hits your pillows, and you sink into the plush mattress.
“You’re wearing too many clothes," Eddie smirks as his hands find the hem of your dress, pushing it up, up, up, until it meets the lower part of your breasts. Then you take over, folding the fabric over your head.
“Fuuuuuuuuck” Eddie draws out before letting his head fall between them. He presses his face into your chest, kissing and sucking on your tits before he finally takes one nipple into his mouth.
“Tonight should be all about you, Sweetheart.” he nips at your sensitive skin.
“Should worship you like you deserve.”
A low main leaves your throat before Eddie dips down to discard your sodden panties. Finally, he has you where he wants; needy for him and naked.
“Knew you’d have sucha’ pretty pussy, Bunnie.”
“Edddieee” you cry; it’s pathetic how riled up you’ve become.
“Don’t be a brat now,” he warns, but that only makes your pussy throb even more than it has been.
You’re dying to be touched; you craved him so badly that you couldn’t stand it.
Eddie’s mouth dips down to your lower stomach, long drawn-out mouth kisses trailing along your skin around your mound, your under thighs. His teeth nipped and bit at your tender flesh, not breaking the skin but enough to mark you up, to claim you as his own.
“Eddie, please, baby, touch me.” You ask as you stroke the fallen hair out of his face.
“Asking so nicely, good girl.” He purrs.
You can’t help but let out a long sigh as Eddie's tongue makes contact with your swollen bundle of overly sensitive nerves.
He tasers you fully as the flat of his tongue drags itself over your slit. Your slick coats itself on his lips and chin as he sends a rush of pleasure through your veins.
Eddie, the Freak Munson, should be renamed to Eddie the Munch for the irresistible way he’s eating you out. His hands push your inner thighs wider so he has more of you to consume. Your exposed pussy calls to him as he eats you like he’s enjoying it more than you are. He wants you to cum all over his mouth.
Eddie lifts his head and replaces his mouth with his fingers as he pushes up inside of your pussy while massaging your clit with his thumb.
“I know you’re close, baby; give it to me. I need to know how you taste coming on my tongue.”
His dirty words had your head spinning and your core tightening. He was right; you were so close, you wanted- no, you needed to come.
“Please, please, please,” you begged for him to let you have the wave of pleasure wash over your body.
Eddie had you right where he needed you, in the sweet spot of being so desperate that you’d agree to anything he asked. He loved being in control this way; he loved wanting to feel powerful but also loved how much you trusted him to do so.
But what Eddie loved most of all was how you were about to cum all over his face; he loves pussy so much he can’t get enough of it, so he dips back down and has you cumming on his tongue as he pushed it up into your hole and didn’t let up as his thumb rubbed on your clit.
He doesn’t let up until you’ve come twice before wanting to get to the best part.
“Did so good baby, you taste so good. I know you got one more in you for me.”
You can’t even speak; the way he just made you come so quickly, one after another, was mind-blowing.
“Want to teach me why they call you Bunnie?” Eddie mocks as he pulls you up to switch positions.
How were you to ride him after all that?
“Fuck Eddie, I don’t know if I can; my legs are like jello,” you giggle.
“I believe in you, baby,” he creases your ass as you align yourself over his cock.
“Wait, do you have a condom?” He stops you.
“I’m on birth control” You slowly rub your pussy over his shaft, teasing the head at your entrance, threatening to put it in.
“Shiiiiiit” Eddie’s head goes back. “You want to be my little Bunny? Hop on it raw?”
“Mmmmmmm, yes,” you hum as your hips rock back and forth.
“Fuck okay, okay.” And before the second okay is out of Eddie’s mouth, you’re already sinking on his cock. It feels so good that he stretches you until your hips are connected to the bottom.
The only thing filling the room was the sounds of skin slapping skin and the moans coming from each of your mouths. His hands roam your body, exploring the swell of your breasts, your nipples, down around your hips, your back and your ass giving it a tight squeeze.
“Fuck, that’s it. You’re such a good Bunny, bouncing and taking my cock so well.”
“So big.” Your legs were already burning as you worked yourself up and down on his body.
“You going to cum like that, huh?” His hips match your rhythm, and you work together to create the perfect pace.
“That’s my girl, that’s my girl, that’s my girl,” he chants like a prayer as your pussy clenches down on Eddie’s cock, making that your third orgasm of the evening. Your body shutters as your orgasm takes over you, the icing on the cake of the day you’ve had today.
“I’m close. Where do you want it.”
“In me, cum in me, please.”
“Fuck, you sure?”
“Yes!” You had stopped bouncing me, but Edie had you held in place as he fucked his hips up into you.
You can feel his balls slapping your ass and his cock twitching so deeply inside you that tiny ripples of post-orgasm spasms are still running through you.
With a grunt, Eddie collapses, and you fall on top of him. Your hot bodies pressed together, chests heaving, breathing in one another.
“Hey, you wanna stay?” You tentatively as as you curl up next to him.
“Sure baby, I can spend the night”
“No no-well yea, but no…I mean here in California… you can join the band” you bite your lip.
“You-you want me to join your band?”
You nod your head slowly.
“I know it’s crazy! But you’re so good, and you love it. It wouldn't be exactly what you want, but it also puts your foot in the door, and I kind of don’t want you to leave.” You blab.
“All I heard was you don’t want me to leave, Eddie teases.
“I’m serious,” you playfully swat his chest.
“I’m going to have to call my boss in the morning,” he smirked.
“Id have gone an idot to pass up an opportunity like this sweetheart.
Tagging some mooties @xxbimbobunnyxx @eddiesghxst @munson-blurbs @maisieisaloserr @ghost-proofbaby @littlexdeaths @take-everything-you-can @andvys @userchai @loserboysandlithium @floredaqueen @sexmetaleddie @strangerstilinski @myherometalhead
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moonstruckme · 3 days
hi lovely! could i pretty please get a blueberry muffin (part 2) with this fic:
thank you!! 🫶🫶
Thanks for requesting <3
part 1
cw: concussion, vomit mention, maybeee some d/s dynamics? in the soft sense though
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 812 words
You’ve forgotten your sandwich again. It stays suspended in the air, halfway between your mouth and your plate, while you stare at the coffee table like there’s a riddle in the scratches on the wood. 
“Sweetheart,” Sirius prompts you. You look over at him, lost, and he nods to your sandwich. “Are you full?” 
“Oh.” You shake your head. “No.” 
You take another bite and press your lips together hard as you chew. Sirius worries you might cry again. It’s been on and off tears since they nabbed you from Marlene’s and if your aim was to cut through Sirius’ anger about you going when you shouldn’t have, you’ve done it thoroughly. He feels like he’s being cleaved open with each one that rolls down your cheek. 
“Does the paracetamol feel like it’s working?” Remus asks you. 
You nod, swallowing. 
Remus repositions himself in the arm chair, propping his chin on his hand with a sigh. James stops midway between the bathroom and the sitting room, his hair wet from the shower. 
“Uh oh,” he says. “Are we talking?” 
“We’re talking,” Remus confirms. 
James makes a face but sits down. His knee immediately begins bouncing. 
As ready as Sirius was to tear into you earlier, he feels for you too. You look into your lap as you pull the sleeves of Remus’ jumper over your fingers, waiting for someone to start. 
“Dove,” Remus sounds exhausted with this already, “you knew why going to that party was a bad idea for you.” 
“Yeah,” you say quietly. 
“Then why did you?” 
You’re picking apart the knit of Remus’ sleeve. Sirius takes your hands in his, stopping you. Your eyes linger on them. “It’s Marlene’s birthday,” you say. “She’s my friend.” 
“She is your friend, angel,” James says gently. “Do you think she really would have cared if you’d missed her party if she knew how awful it was for you to be there?” 
You look like you’re chewing the inside of your lip. “It wasn’t awful.” 
“You got sick on the drive home,” Sirius reminds you. Okay, it’s possible he’s still a little angry. “Do you mean to tell me that was the result of you having a good time?” 
He immediately feels like shit when your expression twinges painfully. 
“I know you wanted to be there for Marlene,” Remus cuts in, “and to make her happy, but I don’t think it was worth making yourself miserable.” His voice is calm. Sirius doesn’t know how he does it; Remus was the most upset when they learned you’d gone to the party, but somehow he manages to keep his tone gentle, his expression kind as he talks you through the fallacies in your own reasoning. “You need to be more considerate of yourself, dove.” 
“You are a considerate person,” James says. “We love that about you, sweetheart. You’re kind, and you’re always thinking about everyone else, it’s just that sometimes you think about them too much. Marlene getting to see you at her party, versus you getting the rest you need to keep your concussion from getting worse…” He mimes a scale with his hands, making a face. “It’s not a very fair trade-off, yeah?” 
You nod but don’t speak. Your eyes are on your lap, and when Sirius dips his head to try and see you better, your lips are a harsh, tortured line. He squeezes your hands. 
“Yeah,” you say, your voice thin. 
Remus makes a soft sound, reaching for you. “Come here, babydove.” 
You join him in his chair and Sirius sees his boyfriend’s worry finally dissipating as he mushes brief, ardent kisses into your hair. James grins. 
“You’re alright,” Remus promises, voice muffled from how his lips are stuck to your head. He rubs up and down your back firmly while you hide your face in his chest. “We just want you to understand. So you don’t do it again.” 
“I know.” Your voice sounds fragmented, and it’s like ice picks through Sirius’ chest. “Sorry, it’s not you guys, I just—” You take a stilted breath. James moves to perch on the arm of Remus’ chair so he can squeeze your shoulder. “I just really don’t feel well.” 
“Oh, I know.” Remus rests his forehead on top of yours. “I’m sorry.” 
“Do you feel like you could be sick again, baby?” Sirius asks. When you shake your head, he stands. “Then let’s go to bed, yeah? Do you feel sufficiently lectured?” 
Your shoulders give a little shake, and though he already suspects it’s from laughter, James’ grin confirms it. 
“Do you want us to keep Remus away from you?” James teases, giving your shoulder another squeeze. “Would that make you feel better?” 
“Yes,” you say, while winding your arms around Remus’ waist. 
Remus doesn’t even feign offense. Only cups the back of your head and mushes another kiss into your hair.
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pbnbucks · 2 days
enemies to lovers Caitlin Clark fic?
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word count : 1.4k
warnings : iowa caitlin, cussing, harassment?
summary : you worked for iowa wbb for 3 years as their photographer and you and caitlin have hated each other since you crossed paths when you accidentally spilt coffee on her and one night she ends up in your bed after a late night out.
song : Don’t Fall In Love With Me by Khalid || play dat shit !
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your walking through the courtyard when you feel somebody’s finger tap your shoulder gaining your full divided attention when you turn around to see who it was your mood drops.
“even though i dont like you kate asked me to invite you to the bar with the team tonight.” caitlin says trying to throw as much shade she can keeping her evil promise that was to always hold her grudge against you.
you and caitlin’s freshman year you two met on the way to the girls basketball practice to take pictures like your boss told you to.
when you tried to open the door caitlin was trying to leave causing your non fresh cold batch of black coffee that you were holding on to all day to spill all over caitlins practice jersey.
“you sure its just kate who wants me to come clark?” you tease already preparing your shady conversation.
“It’s funny, isn’t it? How we always end up, in the same place, at the same time.” she retorts trying to regain your attention as you tried to make your exit.
“It’s not funny, I know you’ve been stalking me. That’s how we always end up together.” you say giving her a cold shoulder as she blocks your failed exit from the conversation once again.
“Stalking? You? in your dreams.” she scoffs finally moving out the way turning her body watching your back as you walk away from her.
you walk through the glass doors entering the bar seeing the group of girls next to other groups of drunken horny college kids in all different areas of the bar.
you grab a spot next to kate and hannah the girls you were closest to on the team showering you in hugs as soon as you sit down.
caitlins gaze remained on you sending glares the second you maintained eye contact with her. her purposeful ways trying to get on your nerves failing as you refused to make a scene in front of the others.
a group of non sober college individuals walked by when one of them dropped there glass cup of beer on your arm as it made a tiny cut around your elbow.
the noise of the glass bear gains the teams attention as they all rush to see if your okay as kate grabs you pulling you up off the couch to get you away from the broken glass that surrounded the table.
“are you okay?” sydney asked you with worry in her voice as you brush her off to head to the family bathroom. you lock the door behind you grabbing paper towels to dry the small patch of blood.
your interrupted by the sound of loud hard knocks on the wooden bathroom door. you unlock it holding it shut for a second to regain consciousness when you unlock it to see caitlin standing there pushing herself in through the door.
“Come here, let me see the cut.” she states giving you no time to ask her, her needs to be there. you keep your distance shooing her off turning back to face the mirror continuing to clean the paper cut.
“No its not that big of a deal.” only for caitlin to snatch your arm “let. me. see.” she says looking closely at the minor injury studying the small cut intently.
“ill be right back” she says carefully freeing your arm from her grasp as she leaves keeping her promise to be quick as she returns with a pack of alcohol wipes.
“hold still. this might sting a little.” she coos grabbing your arm again this time much more careful, preparing the wipe running it along the cut as the feeling of the short amount of pain fades away.
“now be careful, you don’t want to hurt your good hand” she says referring to your photography hand. her words never failing to confuse you as she has never behaved like this before.
“Since when did you ever care about me?” you respond catching her off guard receiving a dirty look from her as she rolls her eyes at your question.
“are you seriously going to do this right now?” she says standing in front of your face now as she focuses her anger and compassion on you making you roll her eyes at her comment.
“because you never act like this, since when did you begin to care all of a sudden.” backing up your statement trying to prove your point to the brunette.
“Since fucking forever, you fucking idiot!” she says throwing off your ego and pride as her whole energy was off this night letting her passive side show.
“your drunk caitlin, you don’t know what your saying.” you saying refusing to believe her recent statement shoving her only to make her stumble back a few steps as she was much stronger then you.
“…This is why I knew I shouldn’t have gotten close to you.” she says cornering you between the wall as shes inching towards your face intimidating you by the second.
“What part of ‘I want you, and only you’ do you not understand?” she breaks silence yet again as her eyes begin to visibly get watery but she refuses to loose eye contact with you.
“i bet you say that to every girl you pick up clark.” you ignore her desperate pleas for you to get her point across.
“Shut up before I-” you cut her off making sure your shouts are louder then hers topping hers not accepting defeat in the arguement.
“Before you what, huh? say it. Let me see if you can finish that sent-” your cut off by her coaxing your lips with hers startling you before you ease into the kiss.
you taste the alcohol on her tongue as her lips mix between yours. you both sit there for a second taking in each others presence before breaking the kiss.
“let me take you to your dorm” caitlin begs as her hands rest on your cheeks sneaking her arm around to your back pocket grabbing your keys from you.
“im driving, you cant so technically im taking you to my dorm” you say snatching the keys back from her hands. as you leave the bathroom after being there for at least 20 minutes catching some peoples eyes.
you and caitlin both get in the car with tensions still running high as she carefully places her hand on your thigh keeping her eyes on you studying your reaction.
your face grows red as a tiny smile forms on your face as you switch your eyes between her and the road.
“did you mean everything you said tonight” you said throwing yourself down on your already messy bed that cradled you in the tiring mornings.
“of course i did and you know that” she reply’s mad you would ask her a question like that as she has always adored you and made her weird ways trying to show it.
“alright im going to head back to my dorm” she said as she took your silence as a response turning around only for you to jump back on to your feet stopping her from exiting.
“no.” you plea as your body snaps up as your see her trying to walk away almost making you jump out of your skin from the sight.
“what do you mean no?” her voice almost silent regretting her comment instantly as she was worried you would change your mind.
“i want you to spend the night….” you say being returned with sharp awkward silence as a look of worry plastered across her face.
“in my bed with me.” you continue trying to reason to her why its a good idea as you pull the covers over you waiting for her to lay next to you.
“what, am i not allowed to look at you?” she coaxed as you got on her for stealing glances at you as you slept peacefully making her smile at the silly comment.
“i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile clark.” now resting on your side to return the stares as your eyes where fixated on her plump lips and her euphoric smile.
“this sounds like you’re flirting with me.” she smirks teasing you before passionately throwing herself on your stomach placing kisses along your tender collarbone.
“...i have been trying to do that for three years now.” you playfully hit her thigh before taking her beauty in giving her another kiss except this time was different from last nights, it was long and meaningful.
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choochooboss · 3 days
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Sketch dump! Vol. 3 August 2022
Literally dumping all the presentable works here as promised, whether I’m proud of them or not!
The first image was inspired by a color palette of a random YT playlist thumbnail! I really loved it and wanted to turn it into a cosy travel & rain scene with colorful city lights smeared like dripping wet watercolors. The second one is a KH3 reference! Do you recognise this scene? I don't know how he would possibly end up there in the first place, but he sure is determined to find his dear brother by breaking through the edge of the world!
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How to make Ingo smile, step 1: Make him spell "Emmet"! And a goofy cartoon collision moment ahah!
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They are very satisfied after a challenging match, win or lose, and they want you to come back for another ride! I love the twins as they appear in Pokémas the most and try to capture the personalities their English VAs give in my art. They are adorable, excitable, cool and very much admirable!
Emmet always wants to look cool, and Ingo surely gives the most heartfelt handshakes! This piece was to celebrate 1K followers on Twitter! The first three months were wild as so many people found my works!! I fondly reminisce that time, not only I was doing well with my first fanart account, I also felt very happy in general! I was so in the zone with art, being super creative free of worries. It's awesome to see most of the people who commented this back then are still posting/in contact with me!! Thank you so much for sticking with me and my little shenanigans!
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I still really like these sketches here, love to see this trio having a blast together! The clips are from a movie classic "Singing in the Rain", and below is the final piece:
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Early Breakmas AU sketch (Team Break Submas); going full speed after trainers to collect their pokémon... What would you do if these two giant traffic cones approached you at high velocities?
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Excadrill & Archeops, the soft & fluffy guys! Some of my first sketches of the submas mons. Excadrill has become my no. 1 submas mon, I adore that tough little missile knight! Archeops is definitely one of the most appealing ones! I love how he kinda has 4 wings he glides with. However I cannot unsee the snake in a parrot suit ahahah, pardon me! Also I pity the poor guy's in-battle idle animation where he has to flap SO HARD just to stay afloat!
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Also Durant & Galvantula! I never was a fan of Durant but I've found ways to have fun drawing this little mischievous creature. They're after your ankles nyehehehe~ Galvantula also wasn't appealing to me until submas fever hit but now I think it's a pretty cute beast! I really like how I drew that fur, which is funny because it was that bristly blue fur that didn't strike my fancy back then!
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Still enjoying this sketch! Took me some time to read the lines though ahah, the sketch so loose. He's leading a complete opposite life now...
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Surprise!!! I held an art raffle on my Twitter account once but I never finished the piece for no good explanation other than getting stuck with the depot agent designs. I wanted to finish this so badly but just couldn't get over that mental block. It still bothers me I couldn't do it!
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More KH inspired attempts, this time the stained glass!
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Some expressions! Those snouts I draw for them are so silly ahah
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Oh yikes, mood shift! The situation is looking dire, is his brother okay?? I like how the pose & water turned out!
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'How's it hanging bro?' Who hung him up there anyway?
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Another intense situation, what could this Team Break guy possibly want from him..?! Man, this piece feels so old now but I still like the movie like vibe! That's all just from August!! I was extremely productive back then ahah, it's cool to see how creative and varied stuff I could do!
More and more sketches & WIPs are waiting in the queue! Hope you had fun checking these out!
UPDATE: I had accidentally uploaded some sketches I had already shared in the July 2022 sketchdump so I replaced them with other sketches I had actually forgot I made in August!
Sketch dump Vol. 1: April-June 2022 Sketch dump Vol. 2: July 2022
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br0kenangel · 2 days
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ 𓇼 ࣪ 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐲 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ⭒⠀
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Pairing: Serial Killer Aegon x Victim Reader
Summary: you just wanted to enjoy the night with your best friend and getting fucked. But what was waiting for you was much more scary than anything you had ever expected...
Warning: kidnapping, blood, abuse, unwanted touch, murder.
˚꒰♡꒱‧ Hi there! Before you read this, you should know that English is not my first language. Hope you enjoy!
Original Gif by @lady-alicent ♡
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The mirror gleamed back at Y/N as she carefully applied the finishing touches to her makeup, the sleek red dress clinging to her curves in all the right ways. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders, the silky strands catching the light of the vanity. Tonight, she was going to be unstoppable. On speaker, her best friend Emily's voice filled the room, excitement buzzing between them as they planned their night out.
"Girl, I swear, tonight's the night. I will get laid" Emily laughed, the sound infectious, pulling a giggle from Y/N.
"Are you sure, though? You've been talking about this for weeks. Are you finally going to get with Tom?" Y/N teased, brushing some highlighter across her cheekbones.
"Hell yeah! I'm gonna fuck his brains out!" Emily declared dramatically, causing both of them to erupt into laughter. "But what about you? Don't think I didn't see how Oliver was staring at you last time. That man is ready to risk it all."
Y/N smirked, lining her lips with a deep crimson. "Oh, Oliver won't know what hit him tonight" she winked at herself in the mirror, confident. "By the end of this party, he's going to be begging."
Emily cackled, making another inappropriate joke that had Y/N snorting, her mascara brush shaking slightly in her hand. "God, Emily, you're gonna make me mess up my makeup."
"I cant help it, you're gonna make himー"
Suddenly, Y/N froze mid-laugh. In the corner of her eye, she caught something ーa shadow shiftingby the window, just out of her line of sight. Her heart skipped, an eerie prickle crawling up her spine.
"What's wrong?" Emily's voice came through the phone, concern creeping into her playful tone.
Y/N blinked, her eyes darting around the room. Everything was still. Quiet. The only sound was Emily's distant voice on the phone. She let out a breath, forcing smile as if it could push away the unease settling in her gut. "Nothing, I just thought I saw something."
"Probably just your nerves. You've got Oliver on the brain too much!" Emily teased, bringing the conversation back to its lightheartedness.
"Yeah, you're right," Y/N muttered, trying to shake off the strange feeling. She continued applying her makeup, but every now and then, her gaze flicked back to the window. That uneasy chill hadn't left, a quiet whisper in her mind that something wasn't quite right. But it was probably nothing.
At least, that's what she told herself.
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The night was pitch black, the only light coming from the dim glow of Y/N’s headlights as they cut through the lonely, desolate road. Trees stretched out on either side, their branches twisting together to form a canopy of shadows. The once lively conversation with Emily had died down to a nervous exchange of directions as Y/N found herself completely lost in the maze of unfamiliar back roads.
"Are you sure this is the right way?" Y/N asked, her voice tight with frustration, gripping the wheel a little too hard. The GPS had stopped working a while ago, leaving her utterly reliant on Emily’s instructions.
“I swear, Y/N, it’s the right way! Just keep going straight, and you’ll see a sign soon, I promise,” Emily’s voice reassured her, though it did little to calm the rising anxiety bubbling in her chest.
Straight. That’s all she had to do. But the road seemed endless, stretching out in front of her like a void, each passing second growing thicker with unease. Y/N glanced around, her stomach flipping as the dark woods loomed over her. It felt like something was watching from the trees.
"Emily, I don’t see anything—" Y/N began, but her words were cut off in a scream as a figure suddenly appeared from the darkness, leaping in front of her car.
The impact jolted her entire body forward, the screech of brakes cutting through the stillness as the car skidded to a halt. Y/N’s heart was racing, pounding so hard she could barely breathe. The world outside was silent again, but the deafening thud of the hit echoed in her ears, over and over.
“Y/N? Y/N! What the hell just happened?!” Emily’s voice was frantic, but Y/N barely heard her.
She stared ahead, wide-eyed, her hands trembling on the wheel. What just happened? Did I hit him? Did I just… kill someone?
Her throat was dry as she swallowed, trying to steady herself. "I… I think I hit someone. I’m not sure." Her voice was shaky, barely above a whisper.
“What?! Are you okay?! What happened?” Emily’s voice was nearly drowned out by the ringing in Y/N’s ears, her panic rising with every passing second. Y/N’s hands moved to unbuckle her seatbelt, her body feeling as if it was moving on autopilot. "I need to check. I’ll call you back."
“What? No, wait—” Y/N hung up, her mind spinning with terror as she opened the door and stepped out into the suffocating darkness. The wind was cool, but her skin prickled with cold sweat. The night was unnaturally quiet, save for the rapid beating of her heart in her ears.
Her eyes landed on the crumpled figure lying in the road just ahead, and her stomach lurched. She could barely see him in the dim light of her car’s headlights, his body twisted at an unnatural angle. Every instinct screamed for her to run, but her feet moved forward, her breath shallow.
She knelt beside the man, her hands trembling as she reached out. "Hey… Hey, are you okay?" Her voice cracked, almost pleading. She shook his shoulder gently, her breath catching in her throat. Please don’t be dead. Please, God, don’t be dead.
He didn’t respond, his body limp. Y/N’s heart plummeted. For a horrifying moment, she thought she’d killed him. I hit him, I really hit him. What if he’s dead? What if I—
But then she noticed it—his chest, rising and falling slowly. He was still breathing.
Y/N let out a shaky breath, a wave of relief crashing over her. "Oh, thank God…" she muttered, her hands moving to check for any sign of consciousness. "Hey, can you hear me? You’re gonna be okay, I’ll get you help. Just hang on."
Her voice was trembling as she stood, rushing back to the car to grab her phone. Her hands fumbled with the door handle, her pulse pounding in her ears. She had to call for help. Get him to the hospital.
But just as she reached into the car for her phone, something hard and solid slammed into the back of her head.
Pain exploded through her skull, white-hot and blinding. Her vision blurred instantly, the world spinning as her body crumpled to the ground. Her mind scrambled to make sense of what was happening, but all she could register was the unbearable, crushing pain.
She tried to blink away the darkness closing in around her, her breaths ragged and desperate, but the force of the blow had knocked her senses loose. Through the dizzy haze, she saw him—the man she had just hit, standing above her with a rock in his hand. The sickening realization crashed into her like a freight train.
It was a trap.
Her heart raced, adrenaline surging through her, but her limbs felt heavy, numb. She wanted to scream, to fight, but her vision was dimming, the pain dragging her under. The last thing she saw before everything went black was the man’s cold, emotionless face, looming over her as she slipped into the abyss.
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Y/N's consciousness flickered like a dying flame, dragging her unwillingly from the void. The pain in her head was the first thing she registered-an unbearable, spliting agony that pulsed in time with her heartbeat, making her feel like her skull was about to crack open. She groaned, but the sound came out muffled, trapped behind something in her mouth. Panic started to set in as she realized she couldn't open her jaw; the taste of dirty fabric filled her mouth. A gag.
Disoriented, she blinked slowly, trying to make sense of where she was. Her vision was blurry, her surroundings a nauseating haze of darkness and shadow. Everything reeked. The stench hit her all at once- thick, putrid, suffocating. It was a mix of urine, sweat, blood, and something far more decayed. The smell clawed at the back of her throat, making her gag against the cloth. She fought back the urge to vomit, knowing it would only choke her.
Her body felt... wrong. Heavy. Aching. Every muscle was sore, every inch of her skin stung with a dull, throbbing pain. When she tried to move, she realized why: she was tied up. Her arms were bound tightly behind her back, the coarse rope biting into her wrists and cutting off circulation. Her legs were bound too, her ankles tied together so tightly she could barely wiggle her toes.
Where the hell am I? The last thing she remembered was... the man. The man she had hit. Her heart jumped into her throat, the memory rushing back to her all at once一the impact, the body on the road, the moment of relief when she realized he was still breathing. And then... then he had attacked her. Everything went black after that. And now I'm here.
Her breath quickened as she took in her surroundings. The room was small, cramped, with walls so grimy she could barely tell their original color. Blood smeared the walls in splatters and streaks, both fresh and old, the sickening reminder of whatever horrors had taken place here before. There were stains on the floor, dark, sticky patches that made her skin crawl. And then she noticed the other things一flesh, torn and hanging like trophies from hooks. Bones, carelessly strewn on the floor, cracked and splintered. She wanted to scream, but the gag silenced her, the terror building in her chest until it felt like she might suffocate on it.
But she wasn't alone.
In the dim light, she saw them-other women. At least five of them, maybe more. All of them were bound like her, gagged, naked, their bodies bruised and filthy. Some of them were barely conscious, their heads lolling weakly, while others stared at her with wide, terrified eyes. There was something about their expressions that sent ice shooting down her spine-those hollow, desperate eyes, like animals resigned to their fate.
One of them, a woman with tear-streaked cheeks and a gag so tight it had rubbed her mouth raw, met Y/N's gaze. She shook her head slowly, almost imperceptibly, her eyes full of warning. It was as if she was trying to tell her something, something Y/N didn't yet understand. Don't move. Don't fight. Don't make a sound.
But Y/N wasn't like them. She couldn't just sit here and wait to die. Fear surged through her veins, but so did adrenaline. She had to get out. I have to get out.
Slowly, carefully, she began to squirm, trying to shift her weight without making too much noise. Every movement was agonyーher wrists felt like they were being sliced open by the ropes, and her muscles screamed in protest. But she didn't stop. She couldn't. If she stayed here, she was dead.
As she inched her way toward the door, the other women watched her, their eyes filling with fresh tears, their bodies trembling as they silently begged her stop. But she couldn't stop. She had to get free. She had to.
The closer she got to the door, the more hope flickered inside her-until she fell. Her hands slipped, and her body hit the floor with a dull thud. She landed in something wet and slimy, the smell assaulting her senses immediately. It was a disgusting mix of rotting food, excrement, and something else- something thick and foul that clung to her skin and made her gag. Her stomach churned violently, the bile rising in her throat, but she swallowed it down, focusing on the door just a few feet away.
But then the door creaked open.
The sound was slow, deliberate, and it filled the room like a death knell, Y/N froze, her heart hammering in her chest, her body tensing as the dim light from the hall spilled into the room.
He stepped inside.
The man. The same man she had hit with her car. He stood in the doorway, his silhouette tall and menacing, his face twisted into a sickening grin. His eyes scanned the room, and when they landed on Y/N, his expression darkened. Rage boiled just beneath the surface of his face, twisting his features into something monstrous.
"What do we have here?" he muttered, his voice low and dangerous.
Before Y/N could even try to scramble away, he was on her. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her up, dragging her across the filthy floor as she screamed against the gag. Pain shot through her scalp, white-hot and unbearable, but the terror that gripped her heart was even worse. He was going to kill her. He was going to kill her right now.
"You stupid, stupid girl" he hissed, his voice thick with venom as he dragged her back to where she'd been. "You thought you could just leave? You thought you could escape?" He threw her down onto the cold floor, kicking her hard in the stomach for good measure.
The breath was knocked from her lungs, and for a moment, everything went dark. She gasped for air, her body convulsing in pain, but she couldn't get enough oxygen. Her vision blurred, her mind spinning with fear and panic. This is it. I'm going to die.
"You should be thankful l'm not going to punish you further;" he spat, kneeling down beside her, his breath hot and rancid against her face. "You're new. I'm feeling generous today."
Y/N's body shook uncontrollably as she lay there, too weak and terrified to move. But then, just as quickly as the anger had come, his expression changed. The rage melted away, replaced by something far more sinister. His hand, still tangled in her hair, began to stroke her scalp gently, his voice softening as if he hadn't just brutalized her.
"I'm sorry" he whispered, his tone dripping with faux concern. "I didn't mean to hurt you. You just made me so... angry. it's your fault, you know? If you hadn't tried to leave.." His fingers trailed down her neck, his touch lingering on her skin as he murmured, "You're so beautiful. So.. perfect."
"Soft," he murmured, as though admiring the texture of fabric instead of skin. He leaned in closer, inhaling deeply as he buried his face in her hair, his breath warm and sickening against her skin. "You smell so good... You're going to make the perfect doll."
Y/N's mind spun with confusion and horror. Doll? What did that mean? She wanted to scream, to thrash and fight, but her body felt like it was frozen, paralyzed by fear and exhaustion. Her tears welled up, spilling down her cheeks as she trembled beneath his touch.
Y/N's breath caught in her throat as his hand slid lower, caressing her naked body with possessive, almost reverent strokes. His fingers traced the curve of her breast, the dip of her waist, the swell of her hips. He was taking his time, savoring the touch, the control, the power. Y/N felt sick, her stomach twisting in knots as she lay there, helpless, her mind screaming for it to stop. But she couldn't Scream. She couldn't move.
"You're going to be perfect" he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear. "Just... perfect."
She wanted to disappear, to sink into the floor and never exist again. But all she could do was lie there, paralyzed by fear and disgust, as he continued to touch her. His hands roamed over her body, his breath hot and heavy against her skin. Every touch felt like fire, burning into her flesh, marking her. She could feel his excitement, his anticipation, and it made her want to vomit.
Then, suddenly, he stood up.
“Not today" he said, smiling down at her with a look of twisted affection. "Today isn't your day."
Y/N's stomach lurched as she realized what he meant. Not her day. But soon. Her tears blurred her vision, her entire body shaking uncontrollably as she tried to scream through the gag. She couldn't stop the sob that broke through, muffled but desperate.
He laughed softly, brushing her hair out of her face with a gentleness that felt like a mockery of kindness. "Shhh" he cooed, "don't cry. You'll ruin your pretty face. And I love your face."
Before she knows it, the man turned his attention to one of the other women-a blonde who had been sitting silently in the corner, her eyes wide with terror. Without a word, he grabbed her by the hair, yanking her to her feet with a sickening cruelty. The woman's body convulsed in terror, her eyes filling with tears as she let out a muffled scream behind her gag.
She struggled weakly, her limbs trembling, but it was no use. He dragged her toward the door, pulling her like a rag doll, her body limp with fear. She was looking at her. Like a lamb. Wide eyes. Begging for help. But Y/N couldn't do anything.
Y/N watched in horror as the door slammed shut behind them. The remaining women in the room sobbed softly, the sound of their crying mixing with Y/N's own frantic breaths.
Then the noise began.
The sound of metal on flesh, a sharp, wet thwack followed by a crunch that made Y/N's blood run cold. The woman's faint cries echoed through the walls, but they were quickly drowned out by the sickening sound of the ax splitting flesh and bone. The rhythm was steady, methodical, like someone chopping wood ーonly it wasn't wood. lt was human.
Y/N closed her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks. She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. All she could do was wait, knowing that soon... it would be her turn.
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Should I make a part 2?
@ 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚, 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒃𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒔.
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himegureisu · 1 day
my idiot
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Summary: Aaron can be an idiot sometimes but he's your idiot.
“Why am I not surprised?”
They called you when the unsubs’ location was successfully identified. By the time the team made the arrest, you arrived in Ohio and were on the way to the local sheriff.
His ear drum ruptured at the last case in New York and bothered him at the slightest loud sound so when the doctor cleared him for field duty, you knew what happened. His charm offensive worked. Though you couldn’t blame the doctor, he can be very convincing.
With open arms, the BAU welcomed you at the entrance where their convoys were on standby. Their Unit Chief, your very handsome yet very stubborn boyfriend, gaped.
“You’re an idiot,” you said, as the team stepped aside to give you privacy, and he faced you, “but you’re my idiot,”
“I’m sorry,” he exhaled, as you crossed your arms unimpressed at his antics. “You know I’m not one to sit still,”
“Just don’t do it again, okay?” you whispered, stroking the curve of his bare ear, and he answered, “I make no promises,”
“You’re insufferable,” you huffed. His arms wrapped around you and you give in the embrace. “And yet, you love me,”
“I do love you very much,”
His cheeks instantly tinged in pink at your admission. Tiptoed, you kissed his cheek, and his rigid stance eased. The team came back with smiles on their faces despite the small cuts and hidden bruises. Their case was solved, a victory for the people.
“I’ll go get my bag,” he briefly walked away, and the BAU glanced at his form, as you explained. “He shouldn’t be flying,”
“It’s over seven hours back to Quantico,” Emily exclaimed, as Aaron shrugged about to say that he had done it before but you said, “You’re not driving,”
“We’ll switch,” he compromised, and you stared at him for a moment, knowing how he was, before conceding. “Fine,”
“You’ll see a lot of pretty country along the byways,” Rossi implied, “You might consider stretching it out a day or two.”
“We will,” he agreed, quite easily, must mean that his ear was truly annoying him, and you smiled at the old man, “Thanks, Rossi,”
His team bid their goodbyes as Aaron tossed the rental car keys to you. Your reflexes quick, caught the keys mid-air, as he stepped into the passenger seat.
“Where are we headed?” you asked, as he strapped in. “To the nearest accommodations,”
“I’m hungry, tired and I missed you,” he confessed, a faint smile on his usually stoic facade, as you started the car, “I intend to make these days count,”
“Okay, directions, please?”
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Musician Age Gap AU Pt 8
"I cannot believe you told my wife your date was with *Lena Luthor*," Alex whispers mid-yell, "before you told me!"
"Would it have changed your recommendation?"
At that, Kara hears Alex pause to consider.
"No," comes the final response. Then, "Did it work?"
Kara flushes-- she'd certainly gotten the reaction she'd been looking for. She just isn't sure she wants her sister to know that they hadn't fully resolved that desire.
"Well enough," Kara returns, settling on an incomplete truth. She'd explain the rest later... eventually.
A muttered curse issues over the line. "Jesus. How did this even happen? Wait-- what happens now? Esme said her next show is in, like... 16 hours, in Denver."
Kara smiles into the phone. "We stay in touch."
She's already received a picture via text, showing Lena with a tongue-out wink and a playful peace sign. Another photo had revealed a sticky bun, with a note that Lena had gotten Jess to swing by Noonan's on the way to the airport.
Though the sight of the sticky bun had made her hungry, the selfie made her pause to absorb the image. From the relaxed tousle of Lena's wavy hair, to the ray-bans hooked on the collar of her shirt, and the luxury of the private plane lurking around the edges.... she wonders if Lena realizes just how far she's letting Kara in, allowing her to see Lena in so personal a setting.
Kara's response had been simple. "Fly safe."
It had earned her a floating heart emoji and a promise to touch base upon landing.
"That's it?" Alex asks, pulling Kara back to the present.
Kara huffs a laugh. "What did you expect? She wasn't going to cancel half a national tour for personal time with someone she only met two days ago."
"Well why not? You're worth it."
"You're only saying that because you're my sister," Kara counters. "Besides, I don't want that for her."
Seeing Lena on stage had proven it's something the woman enjoyed. She thrived on the experience of it, and so did the thousands of fans who came to see her.
Which is why, a few hours after Lena's first Denver show would have concluded, Kara is surprised to receive a call from Lena. They'd facetimed when she'd landed, so the lack of video is her first clue that something isn't right.
"Hey," Kara greets, pressing the phone to her ear as she wipes sleep from her eyes. She'd meant to stay awake to check in herself, but not even a book had been able to keep her from dozing off.
Lena's voice is somber. It's such a difference that a wave of concern wakes Kara the rest of the way.
"What's wrong?" she asks.
There's a short pause before Lena responds. "Nothing."
"How was the show?"
"Fine. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be calling so late. I just... I wanted to hear your voice." Lena pauses again. "Is that weird?"
"No." Kara listens closely to the quiet that follows, as though it might give her some insight into what was happening on the other end of the line. "Lena..."
"Could you... talk to me?"
"About what?"
"Anything. Just... so I can listen."
Kara's brow furrows. She fights the impulse to dig deeper, to push to find the why. She doesn't need to know. Lena has asked for what she needs-- and it's something Kara is able and willing to give.
"Did I ever tell you that I didn't always live in National City?"
Lena hums a negative, prompting Kara to continue.
"I'm actually from a town up the coast. Midvale. I miss it sometimes. The stars mostly. In high school, I had friend named Kenny, and we would take his telescope to the old barn, and we would chart the skies together..."
Kara goes on, relating many and more of the troubles she and Kenny had gotten up to in those days. She was careful to steer clear of his murder, and the bullying they'd both experienced. Lena needed distraction, not more heartache.
As she speaks, Lena hums occasionally, sometimes even giving a chuckle. When the sounds of her following along peters out, Kara pauses to listen if Lena notices the stop. When no reaction comes, Kara smiles to herself.
"Lena?" she asks softly. "Still there?"
No answer comes, but when Kara increases the volume on her phone, she can hear the steady inhale and exhale of sleep. Kara listens for a few heartbeats more.
"Sweet dreams, Lena."
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fallstaticexit · 2 days
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Prev / Next / Beginning / Pillowfort
AN: Source for tarot reading
Transcript under the cut
Morgan: Ever done this before?
Nancy: Can’t say that I have.
Morgan: Are you as put off about this as that other bible thumper?
Nancy: [rolls eyes] We’re not all the same. I’m more than my faith.
Morgan: I don’t doubt that. I’m sure there’s many layers to you. Where are you from?
Nancy: Brindleton Bay.
Morgan: Really, I’m from Portridge, a small town south of the Bay. Originally.
Nancy: Yeah? So, how did you end up a Fyres?
Morgan: Great question. My mom was his secretary. Super scandalous shit, which would explain while the Royal Barbie hates my guts. He’s not a bad step dad though. Hell of lot better than my actual dad. So, your parents-
Nancy: Isn’t the probing developing a bias or something?
Morgan: Just a little small talk. So, is there a question you want answered? Perhaps, a question about your past, your present or your future?
Nancy: I-
Nancy Narrates: [I want to get forget my past. I want to survive my present. I want to escape my future. Could there really be an answer for all that in those cards]
Nancy: I don’t know...
Morgan: That’s ok. You intention will guide us.
Morgan: Pick three cards that call to you. Based on the three, we will see what the cards have to say about your past, present and future.
Nancy: And you believe in this?
Morgan: We believe what we believe in, right? You have your three?
Nancy: I think so..
Morgan: Let’s take a look.
Morgan: Your past—the Upright Fool. Innocence. Curorsity. Something new and exciting—perhaps a first love in your youth that swept you off your feet?
Nancy Narrates: [Already I hated this...]
Morgan: Your present- the Reversed Star. Insecurity. Self doubt. A loss of faith. Interesting. Perhaps a struggle with one’s own faith? Are you having any doubts, Nancy? About yourself? About your God?
Morgan: Your future- the Upright Devil. Lust. Obsession. Temptation. Could be for the material things of life, or maybe a desire of the flesh.
Nancy: [clears throat] That all seems incredibly vague.
Morgan: [grins] Does it? Your poker face could use some work. Let me ask you something. Who exactly did I remind you of? Someone from your past?
Morgan: Your silence is very telling. I have a real gift for reading people.
Nancy: I’m sure you believe you do.
Morgan: [laughs] I really do!
Morgan: Tightly wound, fidgeter. You bite the hell out of your nails, right at the skin on the tips of your fingers, unconsciously. You pick at it until it bleeds. It’s the only thing that’s keeping you tethered to your own body. The pain, that is.
Morgan: Right?
Geoffrey: You made it! And making friends! Sorry, am I interrupting girl talk?
Morgan: It’s cool, boy wonder. Want me to do your reading?
Geoffrey: Are you kidding? Of course I do!
Nancy: Actually, I think I want to g-
Geoffrey: Really quick, Nance, then I’ll walk you to your dorm!
Geoffrey: Upright Death for my future sounds kind of scary when you think about it, huh? She said it could mean profound change. Sounds promising.
Nancy: [tsks] That could mean literally anything. That whole practice strives on vagueness. You can never be wrong if you’re bound to be right.
Geoffrey: Yeah, but it’s about how you perceive it, right? It’s unique. She did yours, didn’t she? What did yours say?
Nancy: Yeah, I um, don’t remember.
Geoffrey: Maybe you can ask her again. You two seem to hit it off.
Nancy: [huffs] Please. I am not going back to that shabby bar. She’s a sham. Those cards mean nothing. It’s stupid.
Geoffrey: [sighs]
Nancy: What?
Geoffrey: [blows raspberries]
Nancy Narrates: [Truth was, I was more curious than anything]
Nancy: So. Those cards. Could they...I don’t know- tell me something that could happen in a week? Like if I asked if I’ll pass my Statistics exam?
Nancy Narrates: [I was completely captivated by this otherworldly experience, whether I’d admit it outloud or not]
Nancy Narrates: [and Morgan was always happy to indulge me]
Nancy: [whispers] So I past my exam. How does this even work? I mean, how could they know? The cards. Could you do another reading after the debate?
Nancy Narrates: [But of all the questions I did ask, there was one that burned inside me more]
[heavy metal spills into the hallway]
Morgan: [startled] Nancy?
Nancy: Is this a bad time? I know it’s late...I can come back another time. I just have so much on my mind and I can’t sleep.
Morgan: You want another reading?
Nancy: Is that ok?
Morgan: Of course it is, Nancy. Come in.
Morgan: Sorry for all the smoke. I can open a window.
Knox: Babe, who’s this? It’s not my birthday.
Morgan: [smirks] Want me to get rid of him? I can.
Knox: Hey! I’ll be quiet! Won’t even know I’m here.
Nancy: I don’t mind. I just had a question.
Nancy: Could you do a reading for someone else, even if they’re not here?
Morgan: [hums] Not really...not without their permission or their intention. Who is this person to you?
Nancy: [looks away] Someone from my past. Someone I need to forget but- I can’t.
Morgan: Did this person hurt you?
Nancy: [shakes head] If anything, I hurt them. I ruined them with my... [lowly] um, perversions. I just need to know if they’re ok. If they hate me for it.
Morgan: [softly] I see... Here’s what we’ll do. Just like before, I’ll do a three card spread.
Morgan: Set your intention. Clear your mind. Ask your question. The first card is ‘you’. The middle card is ‘them’. The third card is the relationship.
Nancy Narrates: [‘Vanessa, do you hate me?’ ‘Do you blame me?’ ‘Do you regret loving me?’ ‘Do you know that I never stopped loving you?’]
Nancy Narrates: [‘Do you know that I’m sorry?’ ‘Do you know that I miss you?’ ‘Do you know that I need you?’]
Morgan: [exhales] It says... that you are a filled with love, Nancy, even though the world around you wants to drain you of it. There’s just too much of it inside of you and your friend-
Nancy: [weakly] Vanessa.
Morgan: [smiles] Vanessa. She loves you all the same. She may be experiencing her own hurt in this world, but having loved you keeps her strong. You two brought something bright and beautiful into each other’s lives.
Morgan: You can’t rid her from your life, because she’s apart of you, and...I- I think that’s a love worth fighting for, Nancy.
Nancy: [between gulps] Right. Right, thank you. Thanks, Morgan.
Morgan: Wait, Nancy, you don’t have to leave. It’s ok-
Nancy: It’s fine. I uh- I should go.
[door clicks shut]
Knox: Uhh, did you just make all that up?
Morgan: [weakly] I don’t know why I did that..
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esggs · 2 days
[Sukuna x possessed!reader, demonic possession, religious undertones, d/s relationship, body control, smut, manipulation and gaslighting, dubcon ig, nipple play, kinda fucked up <3]
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It’s all in your head. 
Dark bedroom. Moonlight outside. Smudged outlines of the nightlife out the window: distant club-goers, cars speeding down the street, flashy signs of 24/7 convenience stores.
You’re going insane, doll. 
Blankets are too heavy, too warm, a coffin-like pressure burying you alive deep underground– tear it off, tear it off you. Your pyjamas are drenched in cold sweat, your hair stuck dirty onto your red forehead, brushing into your teary eyes. Itchy, irritating, everywhere. Tear if off, get off, get off me. 
You strip off your clothes, your underwear, you try to scratch your skin-shell out. Get out, get away. It’s not working. He’s here. He’s in you. 
I’m always inside you. You’re mine. My darling doll. 
Ryomen Sukuna.
Yes, puppet? His voice echoes in your head, it mixes with your thoughts until you can’t separate you from him. 
You’ve been seeing him out of the corner of your eye for a while now. A glimpse of a moving shadow here in the corners of your room… and then nothing. A breath down the back of your neck… and then nothing. A weight over your chest as you slept… and then nothing when you woke up. Each time he gets closer and bolder. 
Don’t take my name in vain, doll. Come to me. 
You are wrenched to stumble to the floor-length mirror beside the bed. Do you walk, or are you being walked? You can’t tell anymore. You can’t feel anything other than the intense burn in your left arm as Sukuna’s markings manifest onto it. 
What do you say? 
“Thank you,” you reply, sweet plaything that you are. In the mirror, you can see yourself clearly: your naked skin scratched red with your nails, your hair messed, his markings stamped onto your left, eyes possessed. 
Sweat drips between the curve of your breasts. Your cries and gasps delight Sukuna as you lean over the mirror in pain again: the markings burn into your right arm now. 
A reward for your pretty words. Don’t you want more, sweetheart?
Who says your words? Whose lips move when you speak? Who are you? 
“I do, master. I want more.” 
Your sobs are loud. But Sukuna says that this is all inside your head. And inside your head there is just you and him. No one will hear you cry and beg. 
Sukuna’s markings hurt your pretty face as they appear. It’s a familiar pain now, one that claims a promise of something more. Lines across your cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. It’s as if he’s leaving kisses. 
Look into the mirror. Who do you see?
Who do you belong to?
He’s pleased. Kneel, doll. 
Down on your knees you await further burn. It trickles down your neck along with your tears, it caresses down your shoulders, it flows down your chest. Stings like hellish love.  
Goosebumps. Tight breaths. A blush over your marked face. Your fingers move to wet them inside your mouth and then pinch your pebbled nipples. “Ahhh~” Sukuna enjoys you. “Master, nghh, ah~”.  
Your thigh split, your cunt exposed to the mirror. The final marks, around your thigh and right above your mons, sear into place. You have yet to recover from the pain when a hand leaves your breast and strokes through the patch of your womanly hair to spread your cunt open. Two pairs of hellfire eyes watch you. They watch you all the time. Everywhere. Inside and out.
He doesn’t let you touch, though. You simply kneel in that position, an open hole for display, your arousal dripping down your thighs and ass, every muscle pulled taut in your body, tits heaving as you puff and gulp, skin shining with moonlit sweat. Every inch of you is under his control. 
Perfect as porcelain, my doll. His monstrous laughs sound and resound in your head until nothing else but him remains. Ryomen Sukuna. No one else. No one else understands. No one else can see. It's just you and him. 
Your heart beats so desperately. You can taste him on your tongue. You can feel his many hands all over your stinging skin. You can’t think straight but– it must be– if you could but make sense of it–Sukuna–this must be love. 
And just like that, it’s over. The markings are gone. You collapse onto the floor of your bedroom. 
I’ll be back tomorrow night.
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a/n: the italised and bold words are thoughts. which are of the possessed and which of the possessor?
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stravvberry-gal · 2 days
Toji & roleplay
minors dni, you will be blocked.
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Contains: sexual content, roleplay, playful toji, technically gun play(?), hide n seek but sexy, fluff, oral (m).
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Toji would rather leave the house naked than without his weapon stash. If he isn't carrying the compression cursed spirit, he at least has his trusted gun. The reliable metal fits perfectly in his hand after years of use; and now he was getting ready to use it again, chasing the pretty little burglar who broke into your shared apartment.
Well, actually, the burglar was you. And you didn't break in, you had a spare key. But hey, who is he to complain? You've given him the perfect opportunity to chase you down and make you pay for the locks you picked and electronics you stole (you didn't. but shhh).
You were being smart. He huffed in annoyance, you hid pretty well. He made sure the gun wasn't loaded and chuckled loudly, to ensure he is heard in the entirety of your house. It was quite big, he got lucky on a couple jobs and saved up for once, and now he is paying the sweet, sweet price for this, having to search for you on both floors. His enhanced senses would allow him to find you in an instant, if it wasn't for your pesky cursed technique that made you invisible to all - sight, smell, even arbitrary things like maps or satellites. So, his task was nothing short of impossible.
But that man knew you like nobody else. Your technique couldn't fool the sense of touch, either - so once he figured you'd probably hide in the closet in the corridor, he flung the door open and grabbed youfull force, pressing his gun against your head and making you reveal yourself.
"Pretty lil' thing tryin' to steal my stuff, huh?"
His voice was strong in your ear and you felt his chest vibrate with the sheer force of his words. You felt his hard-on against you, but instead of pouncing on him like you wanted to, you stayed in character.
"No, please don't kill me, sir- I promise I'll pay for.the damage!" you said, grinding subtly. He had to stifle a groan.
"And how do you intend to do that, huh? Answer or..." he pressed the gun harder and it made you whine in need. He was so mean... and so so hot for it.
And that's how you ended up on your knees, sucking the soul out of him in the living room. His gun long forgotten on the couch, his big, rough hands in your hair moving you back and forth. Oh, he was one hell of a head pusher, but you loved it, all of it.
He truthfully couldn't help himself, though. Even the tiniest glance at you caused him to want to go harder, but while the thrill of the chase worked him up, he had no intention of making anything painful for you. He smiled, and it was half wicked and half loving. Your puffy face and glossy eyes, the eagerness with which you acted out his little fantasy of chasing you around, the silliness of it all, it made him chuckle and caress your hair softly. And you made him feel so good, too; he promised to himself that he will return the favor soon. He has to take care of his lil' thief, after all.
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pedroscurls · 2 days
secret crushes (pt. 2)
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summary: you thought you would be leaving this trip with hugh, but the feelings he has for you is just too much that it scares him. so, you rely on ryan and blake, unsure of what to do next. pairing: ryan reynolds x fem!reader, blake lively x fem!reader, hugh jackman x fem!reader word count: 6.8k warnings: this is pure filth y'all, smut (f/f, m/f, fingering, oral sex - f receiving), bit of angst but i promise there's a happy ending, unconventional throuple, no use of y/n. a/n: shout out to this anon and @celestiamour / @celestiaras for this idea! i'm definitely out of my comfort zone with this, but i just love this dynamic so much. i hope i did this justice - they're just all good looking people and how can you not be attracted to all of them??? this is purely fictional! i mean no disrespect to blake lively, ryan reynolds, and hugh jackman. prev. part
“He actually left,” Ryan says, entering your hotel room to see you leaning against Blake in the middle of your bed. The entire week was spent with Hugh and you both barely left each other’s side, but it wasn’t until last night where he admitted that he was scared. The potential of the possibility of committing himself to you scared him. He had just gotten out of a marriage with someone who he thought he would be with until the end of his days and he had originally agreed to go to Hawaii to figure things out. To decide whether he was ready or not to be with you, but he hadn’t expected you to be here too. 
“I thought he was supposed to be a nice guy,” you whisper, hands wringing on your lap. “We had such an amazing week and… He just said he needed time to think, needed some space.” 
Blake’s rubbing your back, her cheek resting on the crown of your head. “He’s newly divorced, babe.” Blake says softly. “Give him time.”
You sigh and lie back on the bed with Blake whose arms wrap around you. She brushes your hair away from your face as you snuggle against her. She and Ryan had always brought you just as much comfort as Hugh did. 
“I can’t believe you guys thought it would work,” you mumble, feeling the bed dip as you look over at Ryan who sits at the foot of the bed. 
“Well,” he shrugs. “It did.” 
“For a week, Ryan.”
“I bet the sex was good though,” he grins. You narrow your eyes and grab a pillow to toss it in his direction, seeing it hit his face. Then, he tosses the pillow back in your direction as he lies on the other side of you. “He’ll come around, trust me.”
“I trusted you and came here,” you say, gently hitting his chest. “And now look what happened.”
“Yeah, you had the best sex of your life for an entire week. You are welcome.” 
Blake lets out a quiet laugh and stands up from the bed, hands on her hips as she looks down at you and Ryan. “Get up. We’re here for another week. Let’s make the most of it.”
Ryan nods, gently nudging you and pinching your side. 
“Come on, baby. Whatever Blake says, goes,” he winks. 
“You’re both so lucky that I love you both,” you groan, sitting up as you stand from the bed. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t think about Blake and Ryan in a way other than friends. You had always been intrigued by Blake– her confidence was alluring, captivating, and her deep blue eyes always made you feel like you were the only one she saw. You wouldn’t tell Hugh or Ryan, but there was a brief moment where you and Blake shared a kiss on New Year’s Eve. 
And Ryan – well, you always imagined that the best way to shut him up was to just sit on his face. You were sure he’d devour you until you couldn’t handle it anymore and you wondered if he would talk during sex as much as he does now. 
Ryan comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, holding you tight against him as Blake leans against the wall, biting her lower lip as she watches the both of you. 
“Well, it’s a good thing we love you too.” He grins, kissing your cheek. “Can you imagine if we didn’t? My god, you wouldn’t even be here with us right now.” 
Ryan’s arms are so strong around you, but all you can focus on is the look on Blake’s face. She’s staring directly into your eyes and while you can feel Ryan’s length press against your backside, you can’t help but want to walk towards Blake. 
“Babe,” Blake calls out to Ryan. “Take the kids to the beach?” 
Ryan nods, brushing his lips against the side of your neck before he pulls away. “Yeah, baby. Take care of her.”
“Wait, wait,” you say, looking between Ryan and Blake. “Are you guys– Is this…” you bite your lower lip. “I don’t want to get in the middle of this and–”
“You won’t,” they both say simultaneously. 
“We both want this. Do you?” Ryan asks, looking over at Blake and then back at you. 
“I do, yeah,” you mumble, surprising yourself. “I just don’t want things to change between us.” 
“If anything, it’ll make us stronger.” Blake smiles reassuringly and then walks over to you, bringing her soft hands to your cheeks as she leans down to capture your lips. You melt into her, hands resting on her hips as you slowly move your lips with hers. 
Ryan can’t help the tightness in the middle of his pants, his manhood pressing against the fabric almost uncomfortably. He watches Blake’s hands move from your cheeks down your back, pulling you flush against her front. She darts out her tongue to flick against you, your lips parting for her.
“Okay, okay,” Ryan calls out, clapping his hands together as you and Blake pull away from each other. You don’t look at Ryan and neither does she, both of your eyes staring into each other’s. 
“I’ll be leaving now,” Ryan says. 
“Okay, bye, babe,” Blake says, twirling a strand of your hair between her fingers. “See you tonight.”
“Bye, Ryan.” You grin, glancing over at him as your eyes move from top to bottom, noticing how his hand moves the center of his pants to squeeze himself. He finally leaves your room and leaves you and Blake standing in front of each other. 
“You know, Ryan and Hugh do know about our kiss.” Blake smiles, breaking the silence. 
“They do?” you ask, biting your lower lip. 
“Oh yeah. The look on their faces,” she says, brushing her thumb across your lower lip. “Is this okay? Ryan and I don’t do this, but you– You’re really something.” 
“Well, I’m extremely attracted to you and to Ryan,” you admit. “And Hugh, obviously.”
“Hugh’s gonna come around,” she reassures you. “In the meantime, wanna have some fun?”
You grin, “you did say to have fun on this trip and be open. I just–” you say quietly. “I’ve never been with another woman before. It’s always been something I’ve been curious about, but–”
Blake kisses your lips, gently nipping at your lower lip. “Oh, I’ll be your first?”
“And probably my last,” you answer. 
“Good, I like that.” Blake grins. “But before anything can happen, how about we go and grab some drinks?”
“I can’t believe this trip,” you laugh, grabbing your bag off the counter and following Blake out of your hotel room.
A couple of hours later and you and Blake are facing each other at the counter of the hotel bar. You’re dressed in a pair of denim cut-off shorts and a white tank-top while Blake is wearing a spaghetti strapped, loose white summer dress. You’ve both had a shot of tequila and two drinks each and as the hours pass, you become increasingly more comfortable with her as you anticipate what will happen once you bring her back to your hotel room. 
“So, tell me,” she says, looking at you from the rim of her glass. “Hugh? Is he…”
“A very generous lover,” you tease, winking in her direction. “I’m still hoping that the space he needs will give him clarity and I’m hoping that he sees how good this can be.”
“He will,” Blake says matter-of-factly. “You don’t see the way he looks at you, but me and Ryan do. He’ll come around.”
“For right now, though,” you begin, biting the tip of your straw. “Do you wanna head back up?” 
Blake grins. “Yeah, that sounds like a great plan.”
Once you and Blake both pay for the drinks you’ve bought, you lead her away from the bar and back to your hotel room. You’re still very aware of her high profile status, so if anyone were to have captured any candid photographs of the both of you, it would certainly look like two really good friends enjoying a drink together. Besides, she is still married.
As you get closer to your hotel room and there are less and less people passing by, Blake’s arm snakes around your waist. You lean back against her as you swipe your key card to open the door to your hotel room. Once inside, Blake then leans down to press soft kisses along your neck, turning you around in her arms. You drop your bag on the floor and stare into her eyes, wrapping your arms around her shoulders. 
The gaze that she holds has you captivated. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest as your mind focuses solely on Blake. You’re nervous, but she provides a sense of calm and reassurance that you need. 
Then, you both slowly lean into each other, lips beginning to part as mere inches separate your mouths. You can feel Blake’s hot breath against yours, the smell of liquor mixes between you and you’re the first to lean in further, brushing your lips against hers. 
Blake moves her hands to your waist and brings you flush against her as she presses her lips firmly against your own. It intensifies within seconds, whimpers and moans bouncing off the walls, tongue grazing each other, teeth nipping and biting at lower lips. 
You walk backwards with Blake leading you until the back of your knees touch your bed. Slowly, you lie back down and bring Blake atop of you, your legs spreading apart for her to settle between them. Blake’s lips are so soft, so smooth as she moves her lips from your own to graze along your jawline. Her hands move to the button of your shorts, undoing it quickly as she begins to unzip. Your eyes roll back at the feeling of her teeth grazing your skin at your neck, brushing against one of your many hot spots. You feel the wetness begin to pool between your legs, staining your panties and you reach down to push your shorts off your legs. 
Blake has to pull away, leaning back on her knees as she grabs the ends of her dress to lift over her head. She’s kneeling in front of you in a pair of white lace panties and bra. You lick your lower lip, grabbing your own tank top to lift over your head as you toss it to the side. 
Blake’s eyes darken with desire, realizing that you hadn’t worn a bra with your white tank top. Your chest is exposed for her and without hesitation, she leans down to pepper kisses along your chest, moving her lips closer to your peak. When her soft lips wrap around your nipple, you arch your back up into her, hand moving to rest on her shoulder. 
She then moves her focus onto your other breast as you reach up to undo her bra. You watch it fall from her frame and immediately, you gasp at the sight of her exposed front. Blake then begins to place light kisses up your chest until her lips hover above yours. Your chests press against one another and you feel Blake reach down to run her fingers across your throbbing heat, your panties completely soaked.
“I’m just as wet,” Blake whispers, pushing your panties to the side to run a finger across your folds. 
A shiver runs down your back as you part your legs even further for her, rolling your hips anxiously. Blake smiles to herself, her own heat throbbing in anticipation. From the moment Blake met you, she had always been so attracted to you. Your work ethic, your dedication, your kindness… She always felt drawn to you. 
You reach between your bodies and gently tug on her panties, feeling her wiggle them free from her legs as she hovers above you completely exposed. You slowly roll her onto her back, biting your lower lip at the sight of her. You pull your own panties off and then reach between her legs, slowly sliding a finger past her folds. 
It excites you, knowing that you’re making Blake feel this way. You watch as she rolls her eyes shut, biting her lower lip as a quiet whimper escapes her. You lean down, pressing soft kisses along her jawline as you begin to pump your finger in and out of her, slowly sliding in a second one. 
Before you can even continue and bring Blake closer to the edge, she pulls your hand away. She’s about to say something, but is ultimately left speechless when she sees you bring your fingers to your mouth and suck the remnants of her off. 
“Wow, you’re naughty,” she grins. Then, Blake pulls you down and gently moves you to rest on your abdomen. You’re about to turn over on your back, but she instead lies on her side next to you, reaching down to spread your legs. You rest your cheek against the mattress, lifting one leg up against the bed, opening yourself up for her. “I would have never guessed,” she says, moving one hand down to run along your back and down to your backside, giving it a tight squeeze. 
Blake then reaches between your legs and slides two fingers in without warning. You push back against her, a loud moan escaping your lips as she wastes no time in beginning to pump her fingers in and out of your depths. You’re so wet that the sounds of squelching echo off the walls. She rests her lips against the back of your shoulder, using her other hand to wrap around you and reach down to grasp your breast, massaging it into the pit of her palm.
She can feel you getting close. You’re squirming against her, trying to break free from the sensation because she knows that when you reach your high, you’re going to shake and tremble against her. So, Blake keeps a tight hold on you, gently biting down on the back of your shoulder as she pulls her fingers out of you and rolls you onto your back. Without waiting for you to catch your breath, she brings her hand back down and rubs your clit so fast that your hand shoots out to hold onto her wrist. 
“Oh, you’re almost there,” she grins. Your free hand grips the sheets of the mattress, knuckles turning white from the tight grip as your back begins to arch in the air, toes curling at the sensation.
“Blake,” you whimper. “Oh god, Blake!” As you begin to reach your high, Blake then thrusts two fingers back inside of you, pumping them in and out at a fast pace to allow you to ride out your orgasm. 
After a few seconds, Blake lies back down next to you and brings her fingers to her lips to suck off your release. She grins in your direction, seeing your chest heave up and down as you try to catch your breath. She then reaches for her phone and snaps a picture of the both of you. The photo isn’t revealing much– it’s just a photo of the both of you obviously lying down in bed, hair messy against the white sheets as you look completely fucked. You look so spent, so satisfied and your lower lip is caught between your teeth when she takes the picture. It’s very obvious that you two were having sex, completely naked, the frame stopping just a bit past each of your collarbones. 
You hear a quiet whoosh sound and look at her. “Did you just send that to–” Then, your phone vibrates and you reach for it on the nightstand. A few more vibrations come through and you hear her quietly whisper, shit. 
Furrowing a brow, you look down at your phone and widen your eyes. “You sent that to our group chat?! With Hugh?! Blake!” 
It’s a group chat with you, Blake, Ryan, and Hugh. Ryan loved the photograph and sent a snarky remark, but Hugh… All Hugh said was Damn. 
You toss your phone to the side and then climb on top of Blake, looking down at her. “I can’t believe you just did that.” 
“Hey,” she grins, hands resting on your hips. “As much as I enjoyed this – and we aren’t even yet done – Hugh’s the person for you… and he’s gonna certainly regret leaving you the way he did.”
You roll your eyes and lean down to peck her lips. “You’re insane,” you chuckle.
Blake shrugs, “Maybe, but you love me.”
“I do,” you chuckle, moving your lips to her jawline. “And I’m gonna show you just how much I do.” Then, you lower yourself even further until you're at eye level with her heat, leaning in instantly to lick a stripe across her folds. Oh, the night was only just beginning.
After a couple of days since sleeping with Blake, Ryan decides to take you out. You’re feeling a lot better since Hugh left and you had Blake and Ryan to thank. After that picture that Blake sent to the group chat, Hugh had only reached out to you once. He didn’t say much or didn’t give any indication that he had made up his mind of what he wanted, but it was enough for you. 
HUGH: I’ll see you when you get back to New York. 
One simple text unnerved you. You were excited, but nervous. Hopeful, but anxious. At least it gave you peace of mind that you would at least have a conversation with him. 
You only had a few more days left in Hawaii, so Ryan had something special planned. He didn’t say exactly what, but he did say to wear a bathing suit. So, you’re dressed in a yellow floral two-piece. Similarly to the same bikini that you wore when you saw Hugh for the first time since the trip, you tie the knots of your bottom, letting it rest on your hips as you tie your bikini top at the base of your neck and back. 
You slip on an oversized white t-shirt and grab your bag, stepping out of your hotel room to see Ryan at the end of the hall. He’s dressed in a white tank-top and light blue board shorts, paired with a baseball cap and his sunglasses hooked on his tank top. You approach him and smile, wrapping your arms around his large frame. 
“Hey, naughty girl,” he teases with a wink, pressing a gentle kiss on your temple. “I heard amazing things.”
You roll your eyes and gently slap his chest, feeling him reach for your hand to pull you against his side as he leads you back towards the elevators. “Not even a hi, good morning, how are you doing today? from you, huh?”
Ryan scoffs. “Not a chance.” He lets out a quiet laugh and then enters the elevator with you, pressing the button to the lobby as he looks at you. “But fine, hi, good morning. How are you doing today?”
You laugh with him and shake your head. “I’m okay. Hugh texted me last night.” 
Ryan’s arms cross over his chest and you notice the muscles at his arms. You bite your lower lip and then catch his gaze, a knowing smirk on his lips. “And what did our dear friend Hughie say?” 
“He said he’d see me when I get back to New York.”
“Ominous,” Ryan points out, leading you out of the elevators and towards the lobby where a car was waiting for the both of you. 
“You’re such a bad liar,” you repeat. “You already know he texted me, didn’t you?”
“Maybe,” Ryan shrugs. “But maybe not.”
“You two are best friends. I’m sure you guys talk about everything.”
Ryan smirks. “Oh, we were definitely talking about that picture though.”
Heat rises in your cheeks as you climb into the car with him. He tells the driver the beach that he was going to take you to and leans back in his seat, looking over at you. 
“Blake had nothing but great things to say,” he tells you. “Did you have fun? Did you like it?”
You arch a brow in his direction and nod. “I’d do it all over again.”
Ryan clears his throat, feeling his manhood stir awake as he thinks back to what Blake said about her time with you and the picture that she sent of you both in bed. He knew he liked you the minute he realized you could keep up with him. It’s also surprising at how good you can put him in his place. 
“Mm, I’d like to see that.” 
You bite your lower lip and then look up at him. “Maybe you can,” you wink teasingly. 
“No way,” he says quietly. “Really?”
A quiet silence engulfs the two of you as Ryan waits patiently for you to answer. Then, he sees you let out a quiet giggle as he reaches out to poke your side. 
“You little tease!” 
“What me and Blake do behind closed doors will only be for me and Blake’s eyes.” 
“Fine,” he says. “But at least I’ll get to have my own way with you,” Ryan whispers in your direction, seeing you lick your lower lip in anticipation.
“You’ll have to work for it,” you wink. 
“Did you give this much of a hard time for Hugh? Or is it just me?”
“Just you,” you grin. “But I do have something in mind.” 
Ryan sighs dramatically and leans against your side, looking up at you as he bats his eyelashes in your direction. “Care to share?”
“No, where’s the fun in that?” 
Ryan shakes his head and sits back up, arm draping around your shoulders. “Fine, fine. You’re worth the wait.”
Your cheeks heat up and you lean into him, shutting your eyes. You’re grateful for Blake and Ryan because they are taking your mind off Hugh and you aren’t sure where this will leave you, but you’re trying to just live in the moment. You know that you’ll be a bundle of nerves when you’re heading back to New York, anxious of the conversation that you and Hugh will have. 
“Ryan?” you ask, feeling his hand gently run along your arm. 
“Are you sure you and Blake are okay with this?” 
Ryan hooks a finger under your chin to look up at him, his deep brown eyes staring into yours. “It’s more than okay,” he reassures you. “Even if it’s just a one time thing. We’re always gonna be here for you. No matter what.” 
You sigh contentedly and then lean back into his side. “What are we doing today?”
“Paddleboarding. Private beach. Just you and me.” 
“Oh, you’re gonna put me through a workout?” 
Ryan smirks. “Maybe afterwards.”
“If anyone’s gonna be put through a workout, Ryan, it’s gonna be you.” you wink, feeling the car stop. 
Ryan chuckles and undoes his seat belt. “Blake was right. You are naughty.” 
He climbs out of the car and walks around to your side, helping you out with a gentle hand. You climb out and stumble over your feet, falling into his chest as you look up at him, biting your lower lip as you bat your eyelashes up at him innocently. 
“Oh, don’t give me that look. We all know that you’re far from innocent,” Ryan points out, one hand resting on your waist. “Come on. Let’s at least do something that I planned.” 
You chuckle and then gently push him away, closing the car door behind you as you follow Ryan to the beach where two paddleboards are resting on the sand. The waves are calm, which should make it a bit easier. You pull off your oversized shirt and then begin reapplying sunscreen on your body, seeing Ryan’s eyes focused solely on you. He clears his throat and removes his shirt, dropping his eyes momentarily to the boards. 
“Ryan, can you get my back?” you ask, turning your back to him as you hold up your sunscreen and move your hair off to the side. 
Ryan steps up to you and takes the sunscreen, spraying it along your back as his large hands move to spread it around evenly. His front hovers dangerously close to your backside and it isn’t until you push back against him that he lets out a quiet groan. 
“We’re not gonna end up in the water if you keep doing that,” Ryan threatens playfully, moving his hands to your hips and gently giving them a squeeze. “We can always skip it and you know, move to something else.”
“Nope,” you smile, turning around to look up at him. “Let’s at least get wet.”
“You’re telling me you aren’t yet?” he winks. 
“Why don’t you check?”
Ryan bites his lower lip and reaches down between you, large hand moving into the bottom of your bikini as he drags the tip of his finger across your folders, eyes staring deeply into yours. 
“Oh,” he whispers. “Oh.” 
You lean up and run your fingertips across his chest, hands resting on his shoulders as your eyes flutter when he continues to run his finger across the length of your sex, feeling your wetness begin to pool between your legs. 
“Are you sure,” he says quietly. “You don’t want to just take this…”
“I’m sure,” you interrupt him, taking his wrist and gently pulling his hand away. You then lean up to wrap your mouth around his finger, swirling your tongue as you taste yourself. 
“Fuck,” he groans. “Come on then or else I’m gonna take you on the sand.” 
“Wouldn’t be my first time on the beach,” you wink, taking your paddleboard and following him into the water.
Ryan knows that you and Hugh had sex on the beach last week. He didn’t have to even ask Hugh because his face said it all – and the marks you left along his body too. 
You and Ryan spend the next thirty minutes on the paddleboards and it calms you, even though Ryan wouldn’t stop making you laugh. It isn’t until you lose your balance that you fall into the water. When you come up and lean over your paddleboard, you see Ryan who is laughing hysterically at you. 
“Not funny!” you exclaim, moving back onto your paddleboard and lying on your back, chest heaving up and down as you shut your eyes. “I don’t have core strength like you.”
Ryan subconsciously flexes and lets his eyes rake over your frame, feeling the center of his board shorts tighten. “I mean, it was kind of funny.” 
He then jumps into the water, swimming over to you. He gently takes your paddleboard with you lying atop of it closer to him, moving one hand down your abdomen. 
“What?” you ask quietly, biting your lower lip as you look over at him. 
“Wanna head back?” Ryan asks, his voice deep and laced with desire and want. 
“Only if you say sorry,” you smirk.
“Fine,” he huffs. “I’m sorry, though, you look good all wet and–”
You then jump into the water with him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and your legs snake around his waist. His hands move to link at your lower back, forehead resting against yours. 
“You never shut up, do you?” you whisper, lips brushing against his. 
“Never,” Ryan grins. Then, he leans in to press his lips against yours. He wastes no time in gripping your backside roughly, forcing your hips to move and roll against his growing erection. You gasp against his lips, which Ryan then takes advantage by sliding his tongue past your lips. When he releases his hold on your backside, you continue to roll your hips, yearning for more friction as you feel your walls begin to throb anxiously. 
“How about I make you?” you finally say, pulling away from him. 
“And how’s that? You gonna sit on my face?” 
You bite your lower lip, looking into his eyes as the silence engulfs you. You notice his eyes begin to widen when he realizes just exactly what you had planned and without waiting for you to respond, he begins swimming back to shore with you trailing behind. Once the water reaches your shins, Ryan takes your hand and pulls you fully out of the water with him. 
“Come on,” he says over his shoulder. Ryan takes you to a shaded area covered by trees and then lies back on the sand, not bothered by the fact that your bodies were still completely wet from the ocean. He takes you down with him, motioning for you to hover over his lips. 
“Ryan, wait,” you whisper, hands moving down to rest on the sand above his head. “I was just– We’re at the beach.”
“Thought you already had sex on the beach,” Ryan says, gazing up at you. “And I thought you wanted to shut me up. This is the only way how.” 
Your eyes narrow and then kneel at either side of him, your core hovering inches above his lips. You then undo the knots at your bikini and take it off from your body, letting it rest on the side as you feel Ryan’s hot breath against your core. He reaches up to run his thumb across the length of your sex before resting on your clit, applying firm pressure as he slowly moves the pad of his thumb in circles. 
You bite your lower lip, letting out a quiet moan. He doesn’t waste any time before he moves his lips to your core, licking a stripe along the length of your sex. You tremble against him, hands curling into fists in the sand as you slowly roll your hips against his mouth, feeling his tongue where you need him the most. 
“Mmm, goddamn,” he mumbles against you, arms hooking underneath your legs as his hands move to rest on your hips. He holds you still against him as he begins sucking at your clit, darting his tongue out to flick against your bundle of nerves. He can feel you shake against him and Ryan holds you firmly against him. He knows you want to move away, knows that the sensations are becoming too much. He then moves his hand between your legs, sliding one finger past your folds as he slowly pumps it in and out of you, tongue moving in circles around your clit. 
“Oh god,” you moan aloud, head tilting back as you bring a hand up to his hair, gripping it in a tight hold. Sand gets into his hair, but you can’t help yourself. Ryan knew just exactly what he was doing, his tongue and finger moving in time with each other. 
Then, he slides in another finger, the sounds of your wetness and his lapping it up with his mouth sounds almost filthy, paired with the backdrop of the waves clashing with each other. Your body begins to quiver, knowing that you’re about to reach your high because your walls slowly begin to tighten. 
Ryan doesn’t let up. He only pulls away to catch his breath before his mouth is back on your core. Fingers move at a faster pace, tongue firmly pressed against your clit as he moves his head in circles. 
“Ry– Ryan!” you moan aloud, pressing firmly onto him as your walls clench around his fingers, wetness pooling between your legs and down his chest. 
Ryan laps at your juices like a starved man, licking you clean as he pulls his fingers out of you. He sits up and pulls you down onto his lap, watching as your chest heaves up and down as you try to catch your breath. You look down at him, his chin glistening with your slickness and a smirk lining his lips. 
“You taste fucking good, you know that?” he grins, licking his lips as his manhood presses firmly against the fabric of his shorts. “But if I’m gonna fuck you, I want to do it on a bed.” 
That sends shivers down your back as you wrap your arms around his shoulders, nodding in agreement. “Take me back to the hotel then, Ryan.”
“Only if you admit how good that was,” he smirks proudly.
“Oh, it was amazing,” you reply. “Not only because you shut up, but because you definitely know what you’re doing.”
“And we still have the rest of the night,” he winks. 
It’s the last day in Hawaii and you’re packed and ready to go. The rest of the trip was a dream. You were truly spent after an eventful two weeks. You don’t remember having so much sex before Hugh, before Blake, and before Ryan. You crave more of it though. Crave more of it with each of them individually. 
And even when you’re in the plan with Blake and Ryan, they don’t make things awkward. It’s like nothing has changed except for the lingering stares, the soft touches. Their kids are fast asleep and you’re sitting across from them, eyes darted out the window. 
It isn’t until Ryan speaks first that you turn your attention to them both.
“So,” he says, leaning forward. “Blake and I want to just tell you how amazing this trip has been. This last week, especially.”
Blake nods in agreement, flashing you a smile. “And we also want to tell you that we’re always going to be here,” she adds. “In whatever way you need or want.” 
“And it won’t mess with our friendship? Your marriage?” you ask hesitantly, biting your lower lip. 
Blake and Ryan shake their heads simultaneously. “If anything, I think it’ll just make us stronger,” Ryan points out.
Blake agrees. “You just bring something… Animalistic out of us.”
You smile shyly, biting your lower lip. “These last two weeks have been a dream,” you admit. “I don’t know how I’m going to go back to work and the real world after that.” 
“Well, our door is always open,” Ryan winks. 
“But I bet you’re ready to see Hugh,” Blake comments. 
“I’m nervous, but yeah. I’m ready to see him.” You reply, reaching out to rest your hands on each of theirs. Ryan and Blake had not only given you peace of mind, but memories that you would cherish forever. “I love you guys.” 
Ryan smiles and pecks your lips. Blake does the same, lingering as she pulls away. 
“We love you too.” 
Back in New York, you’re already deep in your work. It had been a full week since coming back from your trip and while you still regularly spoke with Blake and Ryan, even going so far as to spending the night with them, you still have yet to hear from Hugh. 
Hugh, Ryan, and Blake are walking, hearing the sounds of cameras going off as they pay no attention to the paparazzi. They’re making their way to your coffee shop, dressed so casually and completely different from what they had been wearing while in Hawaii. 
“Wait, wait, so you two–” Hugh says, looking down at Blake and then over at Ryan. 
Blake nods. “Ryan too.”
Hugh’s eyes widen, feeling jealousy settle in the pit of his stomach as he looks over at his best friend. “You and–”
“Don’t worry,” Ryan grins. “She’s only got eyes for you, which, by the way–” he says. “Dick move leaving her in Hawaii.”
“I needed time to think, mate.” Hugh says, shrugging a shoulder. “And you should have warned me that you had invited her.”
Blake gently nudges Hugh’s shoulder, arms crossed over his chest as they continue walk down the street. “By the way, was she naughty with you too?” Blake asks, biting her lower lip. “I mean, she’s just so innocent looking and then behind closed doors, it’s just the complete opposite.”
“Oh, I know!” Ryan chuckles. “I mean, she shut me up by riding my face–”
“Okay, okay,” Hugh says, shaking his head. “She does like to be dominant in bed,” he answers. “It’s quite hot, really.” Then, he points at Ryan and grins. “She rode my face too, but it’s not a competition, so…” 
Blake looks between the two and lets out a quiet chuckle, shaking her head. “Yeah, but I think I win. I’m not gonna tell you exactly what we did, but I will give you a number.”
“A number?” Hugh and Ryan ask, approaching your coffee shop.
Blake nods. “69.” Then, she steps inside and walks towards you, pulling you into a tight hug. Hugh and Ryan look at each other with wide eyes before they both step inside, watching as Blake’s hands run along your back and your face buried against the side of her neck.
“I just told the boys what we did,” Blake whispers, pulling away to look down at you. 
“Is that why they look like that?” you point out, looking over at Ryan and Hugh who both have slightly wide eyes and a shocked expression. 
Blake turns around and wraps an arm around your shoulders, leaning against your side as you both erupt into a fit of giggles. “Yeah,” she laughs. “That’s exactly why they look like that.” 
You shake your head with a smile and then look over at Hugh, eyes locking with his. You’re instantly aware of all the moments you shared in Hawaii, the deep conversations, the laughter, the sex… You wonder if he’s thinking the same thing and you have to let out a quiet laugh when you see Ryan gently nudge him forward. 
“I’ll leave you two to talk,” Blake says, kissing your cheek. “If you need anything, babe, just let us know.” 
You nod and then walk towards Hugh, meeting him in the middle of your coffee shop. 
“Hi,” you say quietly. 
“Hey, baby.” Hugh responds. “Can we go talk?” 
You nod and lead him to your office in the back. His hand rests lightly on your lower back, following you to your office. When you step inside with him, he shuts the door and takes a seat, pulling you gently down next to him. 
“I’m sorry,” he blurts out.
You don’t respond. You don’t even look at him because you know that if you do, you’re going to lose your resolve and give into him. 
“I just needed time to think and I couldn’t do that with you there,” Hugh admits. “But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want this,” he corrects himself.
“You left me in Hawaii,” you finally say. “After an amazing week with each other, you left. Don’t you think I had things to figure out too? That maybe I also needed time to think?” 
Hugh sighs. “It was selfish of me, and I’m sorry. I just got scared because I know what will happen if I give this my all. It’s just who I am. If you’re with me, I’m making you a priority.” he bites his lower lip, gently taking your hand in his. “If you’ll have me–”
“Of course I want you, Hugh,” you interrupt him. “I’ve wanted you for months now. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know that I want to give it a chance. I want to try.” 
Hugh breaks out into a small smile and then pulls you onto his lap, lips hovering against yours. “Me too, baby.” Then, he leans in to press his lips against yours. It’s a different type of kiss than what you’re used to. It’s not filled with an urgency to rip each other’s clothes off. Instead, it’s slow and soft – like it’s the first time he’s kissing you, memorizing every inch of your lips. 
You have to pull away, remembering that you’re still on the job. You look deeply into his eyes and rest your forehead against his. There’s a comfortable silence that fills the room, just gazing into each other’s eyes as an unspoken excitement engulfs the both of you. 
“So, Blake and Ryan, huh?” he says, breaking the moment with a smirk.
You blush and nod slowly, pulling away to look at him. “They were there for me.”
“Good,” Hugh says. “That photograph of you and Blake though…” he growls lowly. “I think you’ll have to tell me one day all the things you both did that night.”
“I can give you a number,” you repeat teasingly. 
Hugh smirks, standing to place you on the edge of your desk. “Maybe you and me will have to give that a try,” he says, standing between your legs. “What do you say?”
“Oh, I’d say yes please.” 
Hugh grins and then presses his lips back against your own. You know that this this only the beginning of a beautiful relationship with him.
On the other side of the door, Blake and Ryan are eavesdropping, a grin lining their lips as they lean against one another. “We did it,” he whispers. 
“We did,” Blake smiles proudly.
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pix-writes · 3 days
Stanley Pines x F!Reader (one shot)
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Tags: mild mentions of sex work, homelessness and implied sexual trauma, angst with comfort, fluff, smutty themes (stan gets a little of the TLC he deserves), newly established relationship, implied age gap (not specified but are both adults)
Rating: Mature | 18+ MDNI
Summary: based on the prompt on this post from lore on thisisnotawebsitedotcom by @razziematazz
Words: <1.6k
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Shrugging with the heavy box in your arms to adjust your grip, you called out into the shack. “Hey! Stan! I’ve got a surprise!”
You couldn’t believe your luck when you had found this stack of old-looking comics at the big yard sale, Stan was going to be thrilled.
Now here you were, spreading the contents onto the living room floor. 
“So, did I do good or what?!”
“You did great, toots! How much did this cost?”
“Pff! That’s not important!” You grinned, watching as Stan flicked through one of the comics. “How old do you think they are, anyway?”
“Definitely vintage, some of ‘em are probably older than you!” He said with a wicked glint in his eye.
“Shut up!” You laughed, throwing a mock punch. “I’m not that young, you know.”
Stan caught up your wrist easily, motioning like he was about to bite off your fingers he chuckled at your squeal, before placing a kiss to your palm. “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say sweetheart.”
“Don’t know what’s gotten into you.” You muttered reaching into the box to pull out another pile, some of the glossy paper slipped through your hands, landing with a slap on the floor.
Stan snatched up a few just as you registered what you were looking at.
“Oh.” The heat rose to your face.
“"Now this is interesting! Who knew you were the type to buy a load of dirty ol’ mags, huh?”
“I didn’t know they were in there, the guy selling them likely didn’t either.” He was trying to be sly, but you could see he pocketed one of them and you reached to snatch one up. He stretched his arm up, so it was out of your grasp. “Hey! Stan! C’mon, that’s a double standard.”
“Hmm… I’m just gonna take a peek, maybe it’ll give me a few ideas.” He wiggled his eyebrows salaciously.
You both burst into laughter.
“I’m glad the kids aren’t here!”
You dove to reach the ones in your partner’s hand and this time he let you take it.
Sitting on the couch you both glanced at the forbidden material and giggled.
“Oh man, some of this stuff is older than me! And terribly niche!” You were so absorbed in looking at the men in the catalogue, hair and clothing looking so dated now, that you didn’t notice how quiet Stan had gotten. “I mean, hunky drifters, who even buys this stu-”
You had turned the page to an image that was familiar from photos you had seen before, though admittedly, he had more clothes on in those. Swallowing thickly as you realised that the eyes staring back out of the page at you were definitely those of your partner’s.
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Stan remembers it clearly, though some of the details are hazy, he remembers the ad, the amount of short-change in his pocket and the duffel bag with the broken strap he kept over his shoulder. The nice lady at the desk had the gift of the gab and reeled off what they wanted, how he fit into it, how much money he could get. The place didn't look too classy, but it was warmer than it was outside.
"That's all part of it, darlin', it's supposed to be real, that's what our customers want!" She'd said with a wink and a squeeze of his arm, after he'd voiced some misgivings about taking off too much. He remembered the beady eyed photographer and his small crew directing him…
The place was a total meat market too, as he glanced around, he’d seen other people there to model all under dismissive eyes or hungry ones. The comments he’d gotten had made him shiver and he’d tried ever since to block them out of his mind. 
He'd only left with a fraction of what they'd promised, but it was better than nothing, even if his ears were burning.  
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You couldn’t tear your eyes away for a few long moments. Stan was lying, no leaning, against the hood of a beaten-up looking car, rough jeans unzipped, cock in his grip red at the tip and dribbling precum. His face held a crooked, almost nonchalant smile - if that was a thing. Like he knew he looked good and he didn’t care who was watching. And yet… the camera had managed to pick up the faint blush over his cheeks. It sent a spark of heat straight down to your groin.
You practically dropped the magazine when you saw the second photo, the younger Stan was in the backseat of the car, legs spread, the camera took the shot from a low angle which meant there was little left to the imagination, since the only thing he was wearing was a loose, open hoodie…
“Oh my, Mr Mystery! I never knew you did this, how scandalous!” You said, trying to laugh to break the tension, though your mouth felt dry.
But Stan didn’t say anything, your smile dropped as he turned away.
"Stanley.” That gave him pause. You only said his full first name when you were being serious or affectionate. "Tell me what’s wrong…. Are you embarrassed?”
“Then tell me. I’m sorry, I was just joking around, I didn’t mean to poke fun.”
Stan sighed, turning to look at you once again. “It’s not to do with you, baby. I… you know about my driftin’ days?” You nodded. “I needed some quick cash, I saw this ad, talked to a couple people who told me it was some modelling photoshoot. Hah, well, naively it sounded kind of classy to me then, but it turned out to be… not. But it was okay, I guess. Just didn’t think any of it would still be lying around.”
"What did you, um... Think about, when you...?" You couldn’t help but let the words tumble out of your mouth.
"I don't remember thinking much of anything… 'cept wanting money for a warm bed."
You looked as the man shrugged like it was nothing whilst you felt like your heart, once again, shattered into a million pieces for him. "Oh, honey..."
He cringed at your tone. You couldn't have that.
You took his hands into your warm ones, stroking your thumbs over them.  "Stanley. Look at me... Do you honestly think I'd judge you for this?"
He squirmed at your directness. “I... You... I dunno, you're so..."
"So... Uhm... Fine! I thought you might, okay?”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m hardly a pinnacle of virtue, baby.”
“Yeah, but, you deserve better than me, ya know?” He smiled weakly.
“I don’t pity you and I’m certainly not going to judge you for surviving. Hell, I wouldn’t judge you if you’d done it for fun, either…In fact, I, uh…”
Stan registered the way you ducked your head, hands clasped together, like you had done on your first date. “You what?”
“Never mind.” You said, getting up to gather some of the magazines together. “L-let’s just-”  
"-Hey! Hands off the merchandise, toots." He swiped the damn magazine still open to the pages he featured in from underneath you.
“I’ve told you, now you’ve gotta tell me.” He crooked a finger underneath your chin, so you had to look up at him.
You bit your lip. "I found it, um, attractive."  
"Oh yeah?” He leaned in close, that same crooked smile forming, though you could see that the light of it reached his eyes this time. “How attractive?”
“Very.” Stan hummed in response waiting for you to continue. “I-I liked the way you looked, confident and also flustered. You looked good.”
“And what about now, does the real thing live up to it?”
Your hands had started to roam his body, pulling at his shirt, grabbing at his stomach, knowing he was self-conscious about it, despite your insistence that you loved it. You felt almost breathless and he hadn’t even touched you yet. “Let me show you.”
Finally, you were pushed back into the cushions as he kissed you. Feeling the heat of his body on top of yours as you deepened your next kiss. “Touch me.”
He pushed a hand up your shirt teasing and pinching your nipples with his hand. You whined.
“I know, doll, I know. So needy.” He rearranged your positions so he could properly grind against you, pulling off your sweater in the process. He moaned into your open mouthed kisses, tongue stroking over his own.
Just when you were starting to unbutton your pants, you heard as someone pulled up onto the gravel outside and a bunch of different voices.
You don’t know how you managed to untangle yourselves, but soon you ware hastily gathering up the salacious material.
“Sixer's finished his trip with 'em early!”
Taking stairs two at a time, you managed to dump the box in a hidden spot in your room by the time you heard your names being called by Ford.
“Wait a second.” You took the copy of ‘hunky drifters’ out of Stan’s pocket and tucked it under the mattress. “For later.”
A blush creeped up his neck. "You'll be the death of me, doll."
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milfhunter6698 · 2 days
Under pressure pt4
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synopsis: Upon joining the NYC firm as a new associate, you quickly find yourself facing the pressure of working under the firm’s star senior partner, Victoria neuman. With a reputation for excellence and an eye for potential, she was searching for a junior partner who can meet her exacting standards. You, with your impressive credentials and unwavering ambition, seemed like a perfect fit…until the pressure of meeting those high expectations started taking their toll. 
Warnings: 18+ eventual smut, no use of (y/n), cursing, no describing reader’s appearance, explicit language, fluff, angst, teasing, hurt & comfort, power imbalance, slight AU, some similarities to cannon, mentions of the boys characters (Hughie), slight age gap, rival associates, young!reader, older!Victoria, slow-burn, infidelity.
notes: Ya’ll ya’ll ya’llllll, I’ve had a crazy past couple of days I got sick almost died lmao but whew.. ya girl is back. Also that won’t stop me from posting on schedule. So yeah as promised every Wednesday and Sunday I’ll be posting a new chapter, and that’s all i gotta say now enjoy.
previous chapter
wc: 3.3k
As Victoria shut the door with her leg, your fingers eagerly tugged at her blazer. Your desperate kisses trailed down the hallway, to the living room that was shrouded in darkness, save for the moonlight streaming through the backyard glass—doors. She playfully pulled you onto the couch, and you erupted into laughter as you straddled her lap.
Your hands curled around her neck, feeling the strong pulse beneath her skin. Her hands moved to gently squeeze your ass, and her grin against your mouth turned your knees weak. Your lips met once more, and she pulled away, breathless fingers deftly unbuttoning your shirt, with a slow seductive smile on her face. She cupped your jaw, “Y…You’re so beautiful…” She panted, her eyes meeting yours as the heat flooded your cheeks and you leaned in response, capturing her lips in a tender, slower kiss—
Victoria jolted awake, her heart racing. It was you again, the same lingering thoughts that had been consuming her for weeks. Your laugh, your touch.. It all felt so real. She blinked at the ceiling of her bedroom, realizing it was just a dream. A long, slow breath escaped her lips as she sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes before throwing the covers off and heading to the bathroom to start her day.
In the shower, she dipped her head under the water stream, and closed her eyes letting the warmth soothe her taut nerves. Her mind, though, stubbornly drifted back to the vivid dream she had of you. She took a deep, shaky breath, an attempt to shake away the lingering thoughts. But they clung, relentless and all-consuming.
Her heart pounded, echoing in her ears. Her hands moved reluctantly between her thighs, guided by a familiar need. A deep sigh slipped through her trembling lips, and with her forehead pressed against the cold tiles, her fingers found her sensitive clit. She shuddered as the delicious sensation coursed through her, lips parting in a silent plea for release.
Her fingers traced lazy circles, her clit thrumming in response. Her eyes flashed with memories of your face, the warmth of your lips, and the soothing sound of your voice. Her chest ached with desire, and her free hand found her breast, messaging it gently while her middle finger teased her slit, a small, helpless whine escaping her lips as she pushed it in deeper.
Her body surged forward, and she added another finger, her heart pounding against her chest as thick fog filled the air. Rolling her nipple between her fingers, she let out another soft moan, increasing the pace. Her mind, clouded by thoughts of you, pushed her closer to the edge.
Her eyes tight shut. Desperate and aching, she moved one hand, gripping at the tiles for support. She fervently wished that it was your fingers pleasuring her instead of her own. Her head fell back as her eyes rolled to the back of her skull. A warm pooling sensation started low within, her orgasm building. In that moment, your name escaped her lips in the most needy, whiny groan.
Her knees buckled, her voice breaking in small cries, and the all-consuming throb of her clit took over. Her body stilled, the movement paused as she struggled to breathe. Her forehead pressed against the back of her hand, holding onto the wall for dear life. Her throat parched and she licked her lips, her mind blank only you were there.
She was so desperate to have you here. Oh, she wanted more. None of this was enough… she yearned to know the feeling of your skin against hers, how you’d look, react and respond to her touch, or sound against her ear.
Her thoughts continued racing to your love life, wondering if your girlfriend ever has had the privilege of giving you the pleasure you deserved. Did she worship your body, made you forget about whatever troubled you like she’d vow to?
A shudder escaped her, her chest throbbing with unfulfilled desire. Her heavy eyelids finally fluttered open, gazing at the blank stare of the wall In front of her, as the water continued to sweep down her back. She surrendered to the warmth, allowing it to temporarily soothe her aching heart.
Once at the office, Victoria’s usual composure was a little off. She catches herself zoning out more than once, she couldn’t help but steal glances at you as you interacted with others—your charm, your calm demeanor. It all continuously drew her in.
As she sat at her desk, her eyes were drawn to you again through the glass. You were engrossed by your work and completely unaware of the effect you had on her. She watched the way your fingers moved across the keyboard, the slight furrow in your brow as you concentrated. At one point, you catch her looking, and for a second your eyes lock.
But she quickly glances away, feigning a sudden interest in the paperwork on her desk, but not before noticing the slight smile on your mouth. She bites her lip, shaking her head, trying to focus. Get it together, Vic. she tells herself.
Victoria knew all too well the unspoken boundaries, being your employer and all. She also known you had a girlfriend, and she didn't want to interfere, but the thought of it still left her stomach in knots. Was it a hint of jealousy that confused her so? Why was she feeling this way?
The power dynamic between you was a clear line, and yet her attraction to you was clear as the sun in the sky. She'd been holding back for far too long, hiding her desires as she casts you glances or offered compliments, seemingly innocent gestures that held so much more.
Those little praises.. her admiration, it was obvious your sweet, compliant nature, and let's not forget you’re… well, not so bad to look at. In a role where You’d fetch things for her, little did you know you had her in your grasp. And it frustrates her that it’s taking you a while to catch on.
Lately though, her intentions became more transparent. Stealing a brush, a lingering touch, her desire for you to notice that she wanted you, and it was impossible to ignore.
As the day progressed, you were at the break room, she leaned against the counter, watching as you opened a box of donuts with that ever-present focused look on your face. You grabbed one, taking a bite while talking about the latest progress in the case. She nodded along, pretending to listen, but her mind was elsewhere—far away from work and closer to the way your lips moved as you spoke.
Her gaze drifted downward to your mouth, catching the faint dusting of powdered sugar on the corner. Without thinking, she stepped closer, her hand reaching up instinctively, her thumb brushing the powder away from your lips. The movement felt so natural, and for a split second, you froze, your eyes widened in surprise.
Time seemed to stop as you stood there, her hand still lingering by your mouth. Your breath hitched, and without realizing it, Victoria leaned in, her lips found yours in a soft, deliberate kiss. The world outside the break room disappeared, leaving only the warmth of your mouth against hers.
But then—
“Victoria?” your voice pierced through her daydream like a sharp needle, pulling her back to reality. She blinked, realizing her hand was still mid-air, holding a napkin. You looked at her, eyebrows raised in concern. “You okay there?”
Her face flushed red as she quickly shook off the moment. “Uh, yeah. Sorry—just… lost in thought.” She tossed the napkin in the trash, forcing herself to focus.
You smiled, clearly oblivious to what had just played out in her mind, and continued talking about the case as though nothing had happened. But her heart still raced, the phantom feeling of your lips lingering long after the daydream had ended.
Later in the day, Victoria had a meeting downtown with an old friend/rival from her early days at the firm. They had once been on the same career path, but while she climbed her way up to become senior partner, Michael’s career had taken a different trajectory. He’s now a partner at a smaller, less prestigious firm, and their relationship had been strained ever since.
The meeting was about a high-profile case that requires both firms to collaborate—one of those situations where they can’t avoid each other, even though she’d rather for the two of them to not interact.
She wasn’t thrilled about seeing him, but the case involved a major corporate client with deep pockets. His firm represents a key stakeholder, and their interests are aligned—for now. They’ve agreed to meet in person to discuss strategy and ensure they’re on the same page. However, Victoria knew Michael well enough to suspect that this meeting will be less about the case and more about him trying to undermine her authority.
She arrives at an upscale restaurant where she was greeted by the host and led to a secluded corner booth, where Michael is already seated, his glass half-full with an expensive bourbon.
She was already dreading this meeting. She could handle most things—difficult clients, high-stakes negotiations, even the media when necessary—but Michael was a particular breed of aggravation. He was the type who thought every victory was his alone, and every failure was someone else’s to own.
He stood as she approached him, offering her a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Victoria,” he greets her, extending his hand. “Still keeping everyone on their toes, I see.”
She shakes his hand but doesn’t return the smile. “I try.”
They both sit, and the waiter promptly returns to take their orders. Victoria orders a coffee, while Michael orders another bourbon, leaning back into the plush seat as if he owns the place. His casual demeanor only grates on her nerves.
She’d forgotten how smug he could be. Or maybe she hadn’t. It was hard to forget someone who made it his life’s mission to outshine everyone, even when there was no spotlight to be had.
The conversation starts professionally enough. They discuss the case, exchanging information and strategies. It’s a tense, businesslike conversation with the bare minimum of small talk, just the way Victoria likes it. But Michael, being Michael, can’t leave things at that.
After the preliminary work talk is done, he leans back and gives her that familiar smirk—the one that used to make her want to punch him back in law school.
“You know, it’s funny,” he says, swirling his bourbon. “I remember when you were still trying to figure things out. Fresh out of law school, unsure if you were cut out for the big leagues. Now look at you.”
She raises an eyebrow, unimpressed by his attempt at flattery. “I’ve always been cut out for it, Michael. I just had to prove it to people like you.”
His smile falters, just for a second, but he recovers quickly. “Touché. But don’t tell me you’ve never felt out of place, even for a second. A woman in your position…it’s not exactly common. And we both know how the boys’ club can be.”
There it was—the comment she’d been expecting. He always managed to make these backhanded, misogynistic remarks, like he couldn’t stand the idea that she’d succeeded where he hadn’t. She straightens in her chair, meeting his gaze head-on.
“I’ve dealt with the ‘boys’ club’ my entire career,” she says, her voice steady but cold. “And here I am, still standing. So if you think that’s going to rattle me, Michael, you’ll have to do better than that.”
“Oh, I’m not trying to rattle you,” he says, leaning forward. “I’m just…curious. How far do you think you can go before they start asking questions? Before people start wondering how you got here?”
There’s a long pause. Victoria knows exactly what he’s implying, and it makes her blood boil. The insinuation that she’s had to do something—compromise herself, perhaps, or use her looks or connections—to get where she is. She’s heard it before from other men like Michael. But today, she’s not in the mood to let it slide.
She smiles—an icy, sharp smile that holds no warmth. “Let me explain something to you,” she says, leaning in slightly. “I got here because I’m better than you. Better than anyone else who’s ever tried to tear me down. I don’t have to explain myself to anyone. Least of all you.”
Michael’s smirk fades. He didn’t expect her to hit back so hard, and for the first time in years, he looks uncomfortable. Victoria lets the silence hang in the air for a moment, relishing the fact that she’s finally put him in his place.
“Well,” he says, clearing his throat. “I guess that’s why you’re the one in charge now.”
Victoria doesn’t respond. She doesn’t need to. She’s already won this round. After finishing the conversation about the case, She stands, gathering her things. She doesn’t wait for pleasantries or to hear whatever lame apology or excuse Michael might offer. The moment the business part of the meeting is over, she’s done with him.
As she walked away, heels clicking against the polished floor, she felt an odd sense of satisfaction. Dealing with Michael always left a sour taste in her mouth, but today? Today, she’d walked away feeling stronger. There were always going to be people like him—people who couldn’t stand seeing her succeed. But as long as she stayed ahead, as long as she kept proving them wrong, she could handle it.
She left the restaurant and stepped out onto the busy New York streets, her mind drifted back to you. She can’t help but wonder why you’re the one and only person who makes her feel like she’s constantly second-guessing herself. With Michael, it was easy to put him in his place, to remind him of the power she holds. But with you…it was different.
How is it that the you—the only person who isn’t trying to tear her down is the one who makes her feel the most vulnerable? the one who makes her question the wall she’s built around herself.
After the meeting, Victoria returns to the firm to work late on a case with you. The library was quiet, only sound coming from papers being flipped and the soft tapping of keys as she worked through some case precedents. Across the long wooden table, you sat with your head buried in notes, visibly frustrated. Your pacing back and forth had become more frequent as the night wore on.
“You’re overthinking it,” she said, glancing up from her own work. She couldn’t help but smile as you ruffled your hair in frustration. It was strange—Victoria rarely made time for others in moments like this. She had her own pile of work waiting, but here she was, using any excuse just to spend more time with you. The other cases can wait.
You groaned, resting your hands onto the table as you stood across from her. “I’ve read every precedent I can find, but nothing fits. If I don’t figure this out, we’re screwed.”
She pushed her chair back and stood up, moving around the table toward you. “You’re looking at this from the wrong angle. Let me show you a method that might help.”
She leaned over behind your shoulder, intentionally pressing herself against your back and bringing her face close to yours as she adjusted the papers in front of you. Her breath hitched slightly once she caught the scent of your intoxicating perfume, she could feel the heat radiating off you as her arm brushed against yours.
“See this case?” She pointed to a page, her voice quieter now. “If you break down the elements like this…” Her hand trailed to yours, guiding your fingers to mark the page. The touch lingered, and neither of you pulled away.
You turned your head slightly, her heart skipped a beat when your eyes met. There was a charged silence between you—one that neither seemed willing or able to break. For a moment, she’d forgot entirely about the case, the firm, everything else.
Without thinking, her hand slid up to your shoulder, the warmth of your body drawing her in. Her breath caught, gaze lowering to your lips. “Victoria…” you murmured.
Victoria had fought battles in courtrooms, in boardrooms, but this…this was a battle she wasn’t sure she wanted to win anymore. She was growing a little antsy to be completely honest. Her eyes stayed glued on you, her mind wandering and racing in directions that she had forbidden herself to go. She wanted you, so bad. She couldn’t resist it any longer and without a single thought she leaned in cutting off whatever protest you might’ve had.
Your lips met in a sudden, fiery kiss—months of unspoken tension and stolen glances crashing into this one moment. She pulled you closer fingers tangled in your hair. It was reckless, it was impulsive, and it was everything you’d been holding back, but neither of you dared to pull away.
And it also was wrong in the most scandalous way, but there was something about it that was thrilling, something undeniably right. Victoria's hands roamed your sides, gripping your skin, bringing you closer to her.
She felt your body stiffen for a brief instant, heart faltered terrified. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she searched your eyes for any signs of discomfort once you pulled back, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps.
You gently placed your hands on her shoulders, creating a small space between your bodies. Her chest ached the loss of your warmth was immediate and profound, left her feeling both uneasy and bereft.
Your voice was barely above a whisper, thick with emotion and tinged with regret. "No... I can't," you murmured, your words hit her hard, like a bucket of ice-cold water shocking her back to reality. Her mind, previously clouded by desire, now raced with conflicting emotions. After a moment's pause, you added, with a hint of finality, "We can't. This... this isn't right."
Your eyes met her chocolate brown ones, filled with a mix of surprise and disappointment. A single nod from her, accepting your decision, followed. She wiped off her smudged lipstick, with the back of her hand. Her lips a soft pink as she looked away panting, hands resting on her hips.
"You're right," she spoke, her voice when she’d finally found it was softer now, with a hint of vulnerability creeping into it. "Uhh… we’ll talk about this later." She kept your gaze, your eyes a mix of emotions swirling within them - regret, longing, and something deeper that she couldn't quite place.
Her gaze drifted to the faint blush on your cheeks, barely noticeable in the dim lighting of the room, causing her heart to skip a beat. The sight of you, slightly disheveled and breathless, shifted something within her that she struggled to suppress.
She watched you turn away from her, with heavy steps, you silently gathered your things from the table, each movement deliberate and slow, as if giving yourself time to reconsider. The rustle of papers and the soft thud of books being collected seemed unnaturally loud in the quiet library. Her eyes were kept on you, as you walked through the aisles, the shelves of legal tomes looming on either side, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. The scent of old books and leather bindings, once comforting, now seemed to mock the chaos of her emotions.
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dixons-sunshine · 16 hours
If you’re taking requests: I saw an edit on TikTok of Daryl and Merle. It was Merle hitting on the reader and it uses the “would you look at the time, I’ve gotta get home and sleep with your brother” audio, I was wondering if you could do a fic, even a short one, with that kinda vibe / theme.
If your request aren’t open, just stopping by to say I love your page ❤️
The Great Escape | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Merle Dixon made no secret of his interest in you, making you aware of that with his vulgar comments. However, you had no interest in him, and he just couldn’t seem to accept that. Thankfully, Daryl was there to help you out, even if your accidental slip of the tongue could have potentially pissed the older Dixon off.
Genre: I don’t really know.
Era: Pre Apocalypse.
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive innuendos towards the end.
Word count: 1.2k.
A/N: I love that sound on TikTok. It’s hilarious to me. I hope this is an okay attempt at that sort of vibe! This was written in under an hour so this could potentially not be that great. And thank you so much, my love 💜.
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The need to escape increased with each second that ticked on the metaphorical clock. You continuously shifted your weight from one leg to the other as you prayed to whatever higher entity was listening that you could flee from the awkward predicament you were unwillingly partaking in. You kept checking the time on your watch, wishing that the small metal object that rested snuggly around your wrist could help you vanish from the comments Merle Dixon was making towards you.
It was no secret to the man in front of you that none of the women in the bar you worked at liked him. Each night, like clockwork, the Dixon brothers rolled into the bar, and as soon as the older one even lays an eye on one of the female bartenders, vulgar comments gets spewed left and right. And at that particular moment in time, you were the target of Merle’s objectification.
“M’tellin’ ya, girl. I ain’t never seen anyone with an ass that bounces like yers. S’enough to make any man hungry to see more,” Merle drunkenly slurred on, leisurely sipping on his beer as he leaned against the counter top. If he leaned any closer, he would be able to peer down your shirt, and that knowledge made you uncomfortable.
“Um... Thank you?” you ‘thanked’ him, your eyes nervously darting around as you hoped to lock eyes with those familiar cerulean ones you had grown to love looking at. Daryl Dixon had been your saviour from Merle countless times before, and you hoped to be able to have his help again. And you would be able to see that beautiful smile of his when he inevitably walks you to your car, so that was a nice plus.
“Yer welcome, sweet cheeks,” Merle laughed, doing what you had feared and leaned closer. However, you managed to back up just in time, preventing him from seeing what you didn’t want him to. You doubted that the man had intentionally wanted to look down your shirt, though, and your suspicions were proven correct when he had reached for the bowl of Doritos you kept behind the counter. Merle Dixon could be a nasty guy, but even he knew there were boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed with permission.
“Tell you what,” Merle began, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you, snapping you from your thoughts. “How ‘bout the two’a us ditch this joint and find a nice motel for the night? I promise ya won’t regret it.”
Your eyes widened at his innuendo. In a last ditch effort to free yourself from his advances, you looked around again to see if you could find Daryl. Thankfully, by some stroke of luck, you managed to find his eyes.
His eyes scanned over your face, and he could instantly read the distress on your features. His eyes darted to Merle, and then back to you, and he instantly realized what you meant. “Dinner?” he mouthed to you, like he always did whenever you needed to escape. Parking at the bar was practically nonexistent, so you always parked your car by this small diner down the street. More often than not, he’d buy you both a burger and fries, saving you the need to make dinner at two in the morning.
With one last glance at your watch, you noticed your shift had ended, just in time, too. “Um... I’m sorry. I can’t,” you told him, grabbing your bag from the floor and slinging it over your shoulder. Then, without even fully realizing what you said next, you began to walk away. “I’ve gotta go and sleep with your brother.”
Eat. You had fully intended to say eat. However, the damage was already done, and you had to stick with it. You scrambled to get away from Merle’s piercing glare, aware of the fact that you had just royally pissed him off.
“Yer gon’ fuckin’ what?!” he bellowed loudly. A few heads turned to look at the commotion, but you had already started making yourself scarce.
You practically sprinted towards Daryl, grabbing his hand and pulling him with you. You missed the way his cheeks flushed bright red at the feeling of your hand in his, too occupied with getting out of that place. Once outside, you let go of Daryl’s hand, though your pace didn’t falter.
Daryl jogged a few steps to fall into pace with you, and only then did he notice the embarrassed look on your face. “What’s wrong? What’d Merle do?”
You shook your head. “Nothing out of the usual. I’m fine.” You turned your head to look at Daryl, a sheepish smile on your face. “Although Merle might be pissed at you when you get home tonight?”
Daryl cocked an eyebrow at that. “Why? What’d I do?”
“It’s not anything you did. It’s what he thinks you did.” With a heavy sigh, you continued. “I might have accidentally told him I was gonna go sleep with you instead of eat...”
Daryl’s eyes widened at your statement, his heart beginning to gallop in his chest. However, he forced himself to appear nonchalant. He scoffed and turned his head away, thanking the night sky for its particular darkness that night, because it meant you wouldn’t be able to see how his cheeks burned with a heat that outranked that of the sun.
“Well, would ya look at that?” he began, his tone adapting a more playful one, both in an attempt to make you feel better and to lessen his own embarrassment. “Looks like Merle ain’t got nothin’ on me after all. I managed to snag a good-lookin’ one, too. M’damn lucky.”
You laughed at him, your pace slowing down when you noticed the diner coming into view. “Be sure to sing my praise to your brother. Let him know what he can’t have. Make him really jealous.” In a surge of confidence, you turned to him with a mischievous smile. “I’ve been told my head game is really good. Be sure to expand on that.”
“Christ almighty, girl,” he muttered to himself, his head ducking as a way to shield his blazing cheeks, and the curiosity in his eyes at your statement. Just how good was good? “Ya sure know how to make a man curious.”
You giggled softly at him. Cleverly sensing that any more teasing would have the man in front of you combusting from sheer embarrassment, you decided to change the topic. “How about I buy dinner tonight? It’s the least I can do to make up for the awkwardness you’re gonna experience once you get home.”
“More like a good yellin’ at,” Daryl told you, but he shrugged his shoulders and sent you a small, lopsided smile. “But sure.”
With that, the two of you walked into the diner. However, instead of getting takeout like you usually would, the two of you opted to take a seat in one of the booths, basking in the privacy that the late hour provided you. The two of you shared your meals over faint laughter, shared jokes, and even some flirting here and there, which was a stark difference from Daryl’s usually shy demeanour.
Daryl ended up going home with you, and he may or may not have gotten to expand on his curiosity at your earlier comment.
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sunny44 · 1 day
No expectations
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Neighbor reader
Warnings: just fluff
Summary: after the day he saw Y/n alone at the restaurant, he thought it would be nice to do something for her.
Part 1
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The following days after the restaurant dinner were tough for Y/n. I saw her every morning, as usual, when I left my apartment. But something was different. The smile that used to light up her face was gone, her eyes looked tired, and the contagious energy she always carried with her had vanished. She wasn’t the same person I used to see every day in the elevator, always ready with a witty comment or a brief conversation.
I knew it had to do with the disastrous date. As much as she tried to hide it, it was clear the situation had deeply hurt her. And, as much as I wanted to do something to cheer her up, I didn’t know exactly how.
After seeing her return from work once again with that sad expression, I made a decision. I couldn’t just stand by and watch her sink into that sadness. I took a deep breath, walked to her apartment door, and knocked.
She opened the door, and for a moment, the exhaustion and sadness in her eyes disappeared, replaced by surprise. “Max? What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to invite you out,” I began, trying to sound casual. “Nothing complicated, just dinner to help you relax a bit.”
She looked at me for a long moment, and the surprise in her eyes turned into something darker.
“Max, the last thing I need right now is a guy inviting me out out of pity. And honestly, I’m not in the mood to go to a restaurant just to be humiliated again.”
I could see the pain behind her words, and I understood that this wasn’t just about me. It was about everything that had happened to her recently.
“It’s not out of pity, Y/n,” I said, my voice firm. “I just thought you might enjoy having dinner in a place where you know you’ll be treated well. I was thinking… at my place. No restaurants, no expectations, just dinner between friends.”
She hesitated, her eyes studying my face, trying to figure out if my intentions were genuine. Finally, she sighed and nodded.
“Alright, but no complications, okay?”
“No complications,” I promised with a smile.
After she agreed, I returned to my apartment, trying to hide the panic that was starting to build. I had invited Y/n to dinner, but there was a huge problem: I didn’t know how to cook.
I called the only person who could help me: my mom.
“Mom, I need help,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm.
“Max, what happened?” The concern in her voice made me smile.
“I invited a friend over for dinner… and I don’t know what to do.” My mom laughed softly on the other end of the line.
“You’ve always been a disaster in the kitchen,” she said, laughing.
“Stop laughing at me and help me.”
“Alright, you sound nervous. Is this friend just a friend?”
“Yes, just a friend,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“And do you like her in another way?”
“Mom, that’s not important right now.”
“It is important, I want more grandkids.”
“But for that, I need a girlfriend, so focus on helping me with the food.”
“Okay, I’ll help you. Let’s start with something simple. How about lasagna?”
I quickly agreed, and she guided me step by step. It wasn’t easy, but with her help, I managed to prepare the lasagna. I put the dish in the oven, and when the timer started counting down, I heard the doorbell ring.
I rushed to the door, still feeling a little nervous. When I opened it, Y/n was standing there, looking a bit less sad than in the past few days, which made me feel like I was doing the right thing.
“Come in, make yourself at home,” I said, giving her space to enter. “I’ll just take a quick shower and be right back. I got delayed while making dinner.”
She nodded, and I headed to the bathroom. As the hot water ran over me, I couldn’t stop thinking about what was happening. I had invited Y/n to dinner at my place, and even though I didn’t know how to cook, I was determined to make this night special for her.
When I got out of the shower and returned to the living room, I found a scene that made my heart race. Y/n had set the table and was sitting on the couch with Jimmy, my cat, comfortably nestled in her lap. Sassy, my other cat, was lying beside her, purring softly.
“You’ve already met the real owners of the house,” I joked, walking over.
She smiled, petting Jimmy’s fur. “They’re adorable. I think they’ve won my heart.”
“Well, I hope the food wins it too,” I replied, feeling a bit more confident.
She laughed, and the sound warmed the room. “I trust you, Max.”
“Trust my mom, she was the real chef,” I admitted, which made her laugh even more.
We placed the lasagna on the table and sat down to eat.
As we ate, the comfortable silence began to shift into a quiet curiosity in Y/n's eyes. She put her fork down for a moment, tilted her head, and looked at me with a mix of hesitation and sincerity.
"Max, I have to ask... why did you do this? The dinner, the invitation... you didn't have to go through all this trouble."
I sighed, knowing that question was coming eventually. I looked at her, feeling the need to be completely honest.
"After that disastrous dinner at the restaurant, I knew you didn't deserve to go through that," I began, searching for the right words. "I know it wasn’t my business, but seeing you there, alone, waiting for someone who never showed up... I couldn't get that out of my head. Even if this dinner wasn't with me, I wanted to make it up to you somehow. I wanted you to have a good night, a moment where someone cared."
She looked away for a second, as if absorbing what I said. When she looked back at me, there was a hidden sadness in her smile.
"That’s... really kind of you, Max. But to be honest, things like that happen to me all the time." She toyed with her food absentmindedly before continuing. "My relationships have always been horrible. No matter how much I try, it feels like it's never enough. And after a while, you start to wonder... is it me? Is it because I’m not worth the effort?"
Her eyes glistened in a way that made me want to reach out and hold her hand, but I knew she needed that space to open up.
"I feel... insufficient, you know? Whenever I’m in a relationship, I’m always the one left behind. It seems like no one is willing to put in even a little effort for me. And that hurts."
I stayed silent for a moment, processing her words, feeling the weight of it all. It was hard to imagine how someone like Y/n, always so vibrant and full of life, could feel so small because of others.
"Y/n," I began, choosing my words carefully, "the problem was never you. The problem is those people who don’t see how much you’re worth. You’re amazing, and if someone isn’t willing to fight for you, then that person doesn’t deserve you, not for a single second."
She looked at me, surprised by the intensity of my words, and then smiled, a genuine smile, though a little sad.
"Thank you, Max. That means a lot to me." She smiled. “I think you’re the first guy that has put so much effort on something for me.”
“That makes me the only smart one then.”
She laughed.
The dinner was simple but pleasant, and I noticed that, little by little, the sparkle in Y/n’s eyes was returning. She still bore the marks of the disappointment she had suffered, but, at least that night, she seemed to be finding some peace.
And as I watched her, interacting with my cats and laughing at my cooking attempts, one thing became clear to me: I would do anything to keep seeing that smile.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername Instagram stories
“It feels good to be treated like a princess sometimes”
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muzansfangs · 3 days
hello, may I request bleach male characters reaction to F! reader breaking up with them in a modern au?
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You break up with them.
Starring: Kyoraku Shunsui x f!reader; Jugram Haschwalth x f!reader; Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x f!reader; Urahara Kisuke x f!reader; mention to Jushiro Ukitake, Ulquiorra Cifer, Yoruichi Shihoin and Sosuke Aizen;
Format: short-imagines;
Warnings: sfw, angst, modern au, breaking-up, alcohol consumption, toxic relationship, self-deprecating behavior, mental struggle, anxiety, psychological abuse, inferiority complex, suggestive themes, mutual pining, power imbalance, family problems, trust issues, infedelity, violence, gore;
Plot: Once upon a time, you were happy by their side. Things changed, though. Their flaws, their behaviors hurt you to the point of no return. You left them, they are now coping with the absence of the only woman they had ever claimed to love, whilst you try to build yourself up again.
Kyoraku Shunsui.
Lumpish, unsteady steps approched your bedroom. He probably figured you were already asleep. After all, it was three in the morning. However, you were wide-awake, sitting on the edge of the bed, a luggage at your feet and a livid expression plastered over your face. You had spared him the fatigue of moving cautiously in the room not to startle you. The last act of magnanimity you had ultimately decided to grant him.
“What are you doing awake, sweetheart?” Shunsui slurred, a frown on his face, droopy eyes boring into yours as he sauntered towards you confidently.
You scoffed, even jumping on your feet to catch him in your arms, when he tripped over the carpet. He was blind drunk, the stench of saké wafting over your face making your skin crawl and your heart shatter in your chest. It was already broken, for what could matter, hence your decision to leave. On the other hand, you cared way too much about him.
Shunsui sighed, slumping down onto the bed, weary from the lack of sleep and hours spent chugging down enough alcohol to slip you, or anyone else, into an ethylic coma. Dark circles under his eyes, disheveled hair and a feminine perfume that was not yours had given him away that night, like the privious ones. This relationship was toxic and you were not going to spend the best years of your youth attempting to save the life of a lothario who had a tendency of loving self-destructive activities.
“I’m leaving, Shunsui. We’re done. I can’t do this anymore” you simply explained, watching him sulk, obviously expecting you to give up on him, sooner or later.
“Is there anything I can do to make you stay?”.
You felt tears prickle at your eyes, jaw clenching as you shook your head and picked up your trolley. You were devastated.
“Don’t make it harder than it already is. — you admonished him, swallowing the lump in your throat as he stood up and tried to reach for your hand, but you stepped away — No, Shunsui. I tried really hard to show you how much I cared about you, about us. All you did was choosing bottles of liquors over me”.
“Honey, wait, I care about you, let’s go to sleep. We can talk about it tomorrow—” he rambled, his grey eyes shimmering in the dimly illuminated bedroom. They always seemed sincere, even his tone was softer and somehow more serious than it usually was. Yet, you knew better than falling for his sugarcoated promises to work on himself.
“There’s no tomorrow for us. We’ve been there before, Shunsui. I’m tired of being the only one invested into this relationship! It’s one-sided and, frankly, I don’t deserve it” you declared, watching him slick back one of his unruly cowlick constantly tickling his nose. You were going to miss him, of course you were.
No one fell out of love in one single night. Naturally, you were not an exception. You could not stop the tears rolling down your cheeks, not even a sob escaping your quivering lips, but you could run away to save your heart from being buried underneath a pile of ashes and dust, shambles of the wildfire consuming what remained of your love. Shunsui knew he had lost you. He fell onto his knees the moment you turned your back at him and walked out the room. He was in no condition to chase after you, not right now. He cussed and fell onto his knees, hands planted onto the carpet, fisting the fabric in his huge hands out of frustration and despair. It was all his fault and he knew you were right.
The sound of the front door slamming close made his heart sink into his chest as he punched the floor in anger. He was worried sick about you. Disappearing from his life in the dead of the night, alone, in a city as big as that. He felt miserable. He wanted you back. He wanted you safe in his arms, not alone at the bus station looking for a place to spend the night at.
You were right to leave him. He had no right to stop you. Shunsui knew he did not deserve you. But he could try to change and, hopefully, win you back. The last thing he did before laying down onto the floor was sending a message to you.
“Please, send me a text, when you’re somewhere safe”.
Obviously, you did not text him back, but your mutual friend Jushiro did. At least, Shunsui thought, you were in good hands. Better than his ones, undoubtedly.
Haschwalth Jugram.
It happened after the umpteenth dinner at the Royal Palace. Your relationship with him was balanced. He treated you with so much care, stared at you from across the rooms in adoration and reverence, gave you more than you could have ever asked for. The real problem was who he was: a Prince, the scion of a Royal family that had never truly accepted you and the class you came from.
His father’s glacial stare spoke volumes, it made you feel so out of place you often ended up having panic attacks during balls and dinners. The spotlight was perpetually on you. Snippy remarks from his mother and the uptight members of the upper class hanging around the royal family poisoned you to no end. Restless nights and a sudden incapacity to concentrate on easy tasks, such as walking down aisles alone, or dancing with your beloved boyfriend under their attentive eyes, were the results of their ferocious tongues.
The worst part of it was that you had no one to talk to about the stressful situation you were experiencing. You had been forced to move to the castle with your boyfriend, determining your connections outside to keep their distance from you. Your old flat had been abandoned along with your ordinary life. Nights out in a pub with your friends had become a taboo and even the necessary visits to your parents had been drastically reduced to mere lunches with bodyguards roaming through their house.
Talking to Haschwalth about your uneasiness and discomfort had led to arguments between the two of you and you had not failed to notice how his mother seemed uncharacteristically gregarious the day after your altercations with her son. Maids talked a lot, unfortunately. However, you were not going to tolerate this situation any longer. Collecting your clothes and belonging into a bag, you had asked Haschwalth to meet you at the train stations after escaping the bodyguards watch, while shopping at the mall.
When he found you, alone, piercing blue eyes pinning you on the spot, he realized it was the end of the road for you two. You were distraught, hands wiping away the tears from your face, whilst you attempted to talk.
“I love you. I really do. But that’s not the life I expected to live with you. It’s never the two of us. They hate me, Haschwalth” you started, your boyfriend jaw clenching.
“I am expected to become the King of this Country. If you expect me to turn my back at my family, you are clearly mistaken” he replied lowly, twisting the blade in your heart already making you bleed out before his magnificent eyes.
You shook your head “That’s why I have to leave, Haschwalth. I don’t want you to give up on the throne, or go against your family. I just… I needed you to stand by my side, when they denigrated me publicly” you punctuated, but even this was not enough to make him flinch.
They had taught him how to suppress his emotions well. Stolid, impassive, detached from sentimental matters. Maybe way too much for him to build a strong, intimate connection in a healthy relationship.
He did not look away, instead he took a single step closer to you “You do understand that’s not affordable for the future heir of the throne? It’s something beyond my willpower. — he replied, voice firm and devoid of any affection he had usually opted for in your regards — I would never ask you to disrepect your parents, if their antics offended you. Insofar as possible, I’ll make sure you can rely on me. Don’t make a scene”.
“No, Haschwalth. I refuse to be mistreated by the band of lackeys your mother surrounds herself with and pretend everything’s fine! — you blurted out, drawing the attentions of some people waiting for their train on the platform — I should have known I meant less than a noble title” you choked out, right before turning around and heading straight to the coach assigned to you.
His eyes followed you, a turmoil of contrasting feelings making their ways in his mind. This was far from the life he wanted to share with you. Only when he saw the train departing, he realized he had lost you forever and how much emtional damage his parents had inflicted to him. He felt kind of dehumanized, an empty shell even in private matters.
Your absence affected him more than you could have ever imagined. He watched you from afar for months, making sure you were fine without him. And you were. It hurt him immensely and, even though he wanted to contact you, he did not. You needed space and time and it was probably for the better. He had watched your lovable smile fade from your face through the time you had spent at the Royal Palace. Now, watching you eat a pizza with your friends, he witnessed to you blossoming again into the radiant girl he had met a long time ago.
Maybe, one day, if you still wanted him, he would have come knocking at your door again, offering his heart to you on a silver tray.
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez.
From the moment you had seen him getting off of his motorbike outside a bar, black leather jacket and cheeky grin modeling the wondrous eyes of the girls sipping on their drinks into glossy hearts, hoping vainly for him to choose them, you knew he was trouble. The wise ones turned their heads away from him, reminding themselves of who he was, where he came from and what kind of a player he was. You had tried to do the same, but you were a little more adventorous and naive back then.
He bought you a drink, rizzed you up and you decided to stay by his side for more than a one-night stand. Boy, how delighted you were to find out he actually had decided to stop collecting broken hearts anywhere he went. You dated for a while, then you settled down and your life turned upside down. You met his friends, learned a little more about the place he came from and you had the confirmation he was part of a gang called ‘The Espada’.
You thought you could handle the situation. You even stitched up his friends for free, when they dropped by your house wounded, collecting scars from the violent fights with cops, or members of other gangs. It took a while to realize Grimmjow did not want to change his lifestyle. According to him, he already had made a lot of progresses since you two had become a couple. You would have been a liar not to agree with him on that: after all, he had even dressed up in a nice clean white shirt and attended a dinner with your parents. He behaved that night, you felt on cloud nine.
But things changed abruptly a couple of weeks later.
He began to come home later than usual, battered, nervous. The news an emerging gang was emerging and had declared war to ‘The Espada’ began to spread.
It was your best friend’s birthday and Grimmjow had been invited too. He was busy patrolling a zone, hence he had let you know he would have met up with you later. When hours began to pass and most of the guests had left the party, you sensed something had gone wrong. You hopped into your car, driving to what you had grown to learn was his gang’s den. Of course they tried to keep you out of the situation, but how could you not fight your way inside, when you heard someone screaming at the top of his lungs. The scene welcoming you into that barrelhouse made your stomach churn. A man, battered, tethered like an animal to a chair. His face was a bloody mess, but so was your boyfriend’s one.
When your eyes met, he cussed and punched that man one last time before marching towards you. For the first time ever you feared he was going to harm you too and, when his hand gripped your forearm with far less grace than you expected, you began to wriggle in terror.
“Let me go! Grimmjow, hands off, now!” you squealed, your protests falling to deaf ears as he led you out of the pub.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”.
“Is that even important?! Look at yourself, Grimmjow! That’s blood! There’s blood on your clothes, on your face! What the Hell was that?” you questioned him, hands trying to reach for his face to check on him for any injuries.
He groaned and turned his head to the side scornfully “It’s not mine, alright? Mind your damn business, princess. That’s not a place for you. What is it, don’t you like this anymore?”.
His words blinded you, the sound of your hand colliding against his cheek made you flinch as well. You had hit him. You really had. Despite that, the one sobbing before his eyes were you. He sighed, glaring down at your smaller frame like a caged animal. He was restraining himself.
You took a step back, swallowing thickly “I can’t stand there and watch you ruin your life and… And kill people” you stated then, hands shaking.
Grimmjow shoved his hands into his pockets, eyeing you contemptuously “I was like that before I met you, sweet cheeks. — he gruffly said — If you want to stick around, suck it up. Otherwise, go hook up with a Prince. One of those fuckers whose hands smell like money, not of gasoline and blood”.
The world seemed to shake under your feet, your hand clasped over your mouth as you realized how stupid you had been to fall for him. To believe he could actually change. He was toxic for you. He was a monster. This was not your boyfriend.
“Fuck you” you muttered, jogging towards your car with a blurry vision and stomach cramps. You drove away into the night, miraculously making it back home safe and sound. Clueless that Grimmjow had sent Ulquiorra after you to make sure you were fine.
Deep down he knew he had screwed up and, every single time he drove by your house, he remembered all those summer evenings spent on your rooftop with your fingers running through his soft blue hair and how much loved he had felt for the first time ever in his life. It was not just sex. It was not just about the way he fucked you. You were not a random girl. He loved you.
Urahara Kisuke.
A brilliant, laidback engineer who had easily whisked you off to live a colourful life travelling the world by his side. It was easy loving Kisuke Urahara. He never missed a chance to make you laugh and tell you to pack your things for your next tropical destination for a project he was working on. He was also a party person, very popular among important people and, unfortunately, with the ladies.
Kisuke would have never broken your heart. This was what he had promised you so many times, espacially while you were tangled into the bedsheets of your bedroom. Panting, sweating, he swore to love you through breathy groans. You believed him, of course you did. Maybe, you should have kept an eye on him and his best friend, the eclectic artist Yoruichi Shihoin. Maybe you should have not let her hang around with you so often. Still, you did not like being controlling. You had no apparent reason to be resentful to her, or to put a leash on your boyfriend.
Staring in horror at the two of them, naked, into the bed where Kisuke had told you so many times you were the only woman he loved, felt like someone had kicked you in your guts. They had played you like a complete idiot. It pained you to find out your boyfriend’s rival was right. He had tried to warn you about Kisuke’s habit of enchanting people with words and hide his second nature masterly.
“I can explain!” Kisuke breathed out, reaching for his sweatpants in a hurry to chase after you.
Yoruichi, on the other hand, sat comfortably on your side of the bed. Her topaz yellow eyes bored into yours, a mocking grin gracing her lips. She could keep him, for all you cared. A man who cheated would have done it again and again.
You scoffed and stormed out of the bedroom hastily “I don’t need a goddamn oculist, Kisuke. Go to Hell” you snapped, hellbent to leave that house as soon as possible.
He ran after you, quick to block your path “Baby, please, I know I fucked up. I’m sorry, I’m terribly sorry! Just… Just let me explain” he pleaded you, vulnerability in his eyes almost making you faltering. But it was enough. You were fed up. He had cheated on you, you had wasted opportunities and chances to support him in his work. All for what?
Where did it get you? To be disrespected in your own house, under your nose.
“No, thank you, I don’t want to hear another word coming out of your mouth. Congrats for having reduced our relationship to a huge pile of shit. That’s the best construction you’ve ever made” you spitefully hissed at his face, your throat constricting with each hateful word leaving your mouth as you pushed past him and ran off to your car.
Kisuke fell onto his knees, hands fisting his sandy hair, while he realized what he had done. He felt lost without you. Yoruichi made her getaway almost immediately, leaving him alone and with a shattered heart in his chest. The bitter taste of your break-up indulged on his tongue for a long time, culminating in terrible phase of regrets when he saw you walking by Sosuke Aizen’s side. A gleeful smile on your lips, you let that bastard loop his arm around your waist.
You seemed happy. You truly were. The problem was you were happy without him. This was something he could have never done something about.
Kisuke knew he had lost you forever.
Hello there! Angst, yes, a lot of angst. If any of the above shit happen to you, RUN FROM THAT MAN. Those are not red flags, those are RED BLANKETS. Love you all! Let me know what you think about this!
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