#(would have posted this earlier but. yeah.)
itsmiyamore · 1 day
— drunk (in the front of your car)
"With you I’m drunk in the back of the car" — Cruel Summer, Taylor Swift Part of the drunk (on you) miniseries
a/n: posting in celebration of The Dumpster Battle movie filling me up with life again and also my birthday coming up this week! Updated taglist form here <3
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Sakusa Kiyoomi regrets every decision he's made that has led him up to this point.
He knew better than to get wasted at his team’s night out—he always was a lightweight; so how was he here now, trying to not put too much weight against you as you try to walk him to your car?
Maybe it's the alcohol hitting his system that's making him lightheaded, or maybe it's the scent of your shampoo. He gets the urge to bury his face in the crook of your neck and maybe stay there forever. Yeah, that would be nice, he thinks.
Then he gets the urge to throw up, and the next thing he feels is your warm hand rubbing his back as he pukes into a trash can. He hates the bitter taste it leaves in his mouth, scrunching up his face, momentarily forgetting the situation he’s in.
"Hey, Sakusa," you gently say, startling Sakusa back into his senses. His skin tingles where your hand still rests. "Sakusa?"
He looks up at you, and he's suddenly hyper-aware of how he probably looks like absolute dogshit right now. He doesn't really care though.
(He does.)
He must've murmured a response because you smile at him—god, you have absolutely no right to be doing this to him—and you say, "Are you feeling better?"
Keep talking, he wants to tell you. You're beautiful. I think I'm in love with you. But he just mutters, "Yeah I'm good."
He goes red when he stumbles a bit, the soft giggle that slips past your lips only deepening the shade. You help him into your car, then you lean over him and god, Sakusa thinks, he wants to kiss you so badly.
You're only buckling his seatbelt, but you’re too close and it’s too much, and then you're looking up at him and saying something, but he can't hear you over the thundering of his heart. He wonders if you can hear it; surely you can, because he's shaking as he looks into your concerned eyes. He glances down and sees your tongue quickly swipe over your bottom lip and that's it, he thinks.
You pull away before he can muster the courage to lean in.
His headache is back when the radio comes on full blast as you start the car, followed by your flustered apology. He tries not to stare out the window at the bright city lights, but it's hard when on his other side is the one person he can't handle being alone with. 
Not sober, at least.
(Nor drunk.)
At the next red light, you turn, reaching for something in the back. You twist back to the front, handing Sakusa a water bottle. He glances at it skeptically and you grin.
"It’s unopened, I just bought the pack earlier today."
He nods, thanking you, and as the car starts moving, you glance at him again, still grinning as your eyes meet.
He almost chokes on his water.
He doesn't even notice when the rain starts. Absent-mindedly, he watches a drop of water trickle down the window, then another, and another. Before long, the rain makes a thick gray curtain over the city; a loud crack of thunder startles Sakusa out of his reverie.
That, and the soft string of curses that slip out of your mouth.
He watches you as you mutter to yourself, not registering the fact that the turns you're making aren't the way to his apartment. You park somewhere, and you smile sheepishly at him, saying, "Hey, since it's raining pretty heavily right now, I hope you don't mind, but I brought you to my place. It was a lot closer."
And maybe it's the thoughts from earlier still swimming in Sakusa's mind, or maybe it's the way he can't say no to you that he somehow manages to say, "I'll be okay for the night."
(No he won’t.)
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temeyes · 3 days
little announcement!
so!!! i've announced this earlier on twt, but you guys probably have already noticed that i haven't been posting much COD as of late, and i just wanna formally announce that i'm gonna limit drawing personal COD art for now (if not stopping fully)
my main reason is because i've been very peeved with how certain people within the fandom interact online- especially the past few months. to clarify: my frustrations with this issue have been building up for months and this decision wasn't made on the spur-of-the-moment.
and earlier today, i learned a very recent issue within the fandom here and i've finally reached my breaking point.
regardless!! i still love the COD characters and the great people i've met through it! but yeah, i genuinely need a break from it. so i really hope you guys would understand. thank you!!!
p.s. i'm very happy with my hq!! comeback + joining the jjk fandom recently, so i'm mentally okay!! so no worries!!
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alphajocklover · 5 hours
This is me currently and I’d absolutely love to be turned into the straightest, douchiest, big and beefiest jock you got! Thank you for the stories 🙏🏻.
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So you want to be a straight, beefy, douchebag jock, right? Actually, scratch that, if I remember correctly you want to be the straightest, beefiest, douchiest jock possible? You aren’t content to be just a jock. You want to be the biggest, best jock around. A real alpha male. That's a good start. All jocks need to be ambitious, especially alpha bro douchebags. I can definitely help you. Well, more accurately, the Douchebag Revolution can help you. I checked a couple of things and I’m absolutely certain that you’re a victim of SAD, a douchebag jock that was turned into a gay nerd using time travel. I’ve talked about both SAD, the Society Against Douchebags, and the Douchebag Revolution before. The revolution are the people who gave me my time machine after all. So this is going to be less about turning you into a douchebag jock, and more about turning you back into the douchebag jock you were always meant to be. Now, there are a few different methods that the Douchebag Revolution uses to help those changed by SAD. One I showed in an earlier post is a serum that combats the effects of the nanobot SAD injected you with. It also includes a pretty strong dose of testosterone and some steroids from the future, so even if you weren’t already supposed to be a douchebag before this will definitely make you into one. Not that someone who doesn’t have those nanobots inside then should use the serum though, that could mess you up. Another is, of course, the time machine. This one is very complicated, because while using the time machine would mean they’d get the chance to stop SAD from changing you at all, if SAD noticed them your entire life would be transformed into a battle between the two groups, and trust me when I say that that can get messy. Time travel is already complicated enough without starting a time war, so usually they avoid that method. The final method would probably be best for you. It’s called Douchebag Rehabilitation. It’s not an instant fix like the others. It’s sort of a… program.  How it works is that the Revolution takes you to a secret facility somewhere in the far future. They use a mix of drugs, specialized training, and seminars that could turn the nerdiest gay guy into a raging douchebag. It usually takes about a week or two, a month at most, and with time travel it’ll appear instant to anyone watching from the outside. They’ll take you away, and five minutes later, the new you will be back and ready to have some fucking fun. This method does take longer, but from what I’ve heard it's actually really fun. You get to spend a whole month working out, meeting fellow douchebags, and banging hot bimbo volunteers. So, let's get you on your way! If this is what you want there isn’t any point in putting it off. I hope you have fun at Douche Rehab!
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Ok. Yeah you… definitely had fun, didn’t you. I can tell from the cocky smirk on your face, and your now massive muscles, that the program definitely did its job. How long did you stay there, a month? You’re big even compared to most douchebags! I wonder how many girls you fucked. I hear most fuck at least 20 girls during their stay but I bet a stud like you got up to 40 or something. I’m glad I was able to help you become your true self. I kind of wish you and the other douchebags would stop referring to me as ‘that fag reporter’ though.
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stardustdiiving · 2 days
I notice Nahida is portrayed as frustrated or scolding of other characters (usually Wanderer) in fanon often but to be honest I don’t think Nahida really has that much of a temper where she defaults to that sort of thing very much….She can be angry and firm as needed but I really don’t think that’s her first instinct on how to assert herself in a lot of cases.
She instead really strikes me as someone who primarily gets upset when it’s on behalf of other people or someone embodying ideas she finds very devoid of care and compassion for others….but struggles to really be angry on her own behalf. Like, it’s pointed out it’s only until she’s actively being rescued that she finally says she’s angry at the Sages, and while she is openly angry then we see later everyone comments on how they seem to have gotten off days, which I touched on in this post and feel u can infer from that this idea Nahida struggles to be harsh even towards to the people who kept her in a cage for 500 years—which makes when u see how much she rationalizes being treated like this earlier on. She ultimately seems more concerned with the Sages mistreatment of her people vs their mistreatment of Nahida herself.
This feels consistent to why she seems pretty visibly disgusted with Dottore when they have their negotiation. Dottore is more or less an antithesis to everything she believes about wisdom and embodies a lot of malice and cruelty that Nahida would be really disturbed by. I personally like to write her lack of a temper in some areas as something that seems almost troubling — bc on one hand she’s very forgiving and kind despite through being a lot, but on the other this seems like it might be rooted in just genuinely not allowing herself to be angry to protect herself. But yeah overall I think unless you’re really causing an issue Nahida is more likely to give you a kind of frazzled sad puppy look and very politely ask you to be better as opposed to hitting you with a sandal or scolding you for it
In the case of her relationship with Wanderer specifically I’ve like, talked about how I feel people overlook the fact Wanderer makes a genuine effort to cooperate with Nahida and doesn’t really fight with her much…so i don’t think they’re often bickering with each other to the point Nahida has to get really firm with him. She seems to have a pretty interesting amount of patience with him especially post AQ, which again I think is helped by the fact Wanderer is genuinely trying to cooperate and she sees that. We do see her ask Traveler + Scaramouche to stop bickering in Inversion of Genesis but she is in my opinion very polite and at most a bit awkward about it, not scolding or irritated
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Fantasy high headcanons let’s gooooo
Fhjy spoilers, long post so it goes ✨under the cut✨
Weekly sleepovers but that’s a given
Somewhere in one of the rooms in Mordred the Bad Kids all carved their names somewhere
Kristen and Fig have an entire corner of the Mordred living room designated as the ‘Secret Service Corner’
Riz is so good at shoplifting to the point that every time they go shopping Sklonda just keeps shooting glances at Riz’s hands to make sure he isn’t taking something or thinking about taking something
She has an entire pocket of her purse dedicated to distraction fidget toys because he can’t shoplifting if he doesn’t have anything to shoplift with
Fig perfected her screamo voice over the summer before freshman year (yknow the one where she was really pissed at her mom. Yeah that summer)
If Fabian ever needs advice on anything his go tos are Riz and Cathilda
Anytime one of the Bad Kids get a call in the middle of the night they just assume it’s Riz
Adaine is the only one allowed to ignore texts and calls and that’s only because she just uses the Message spell to respond to people
Kristen learned Morse code to talk to Fig in class
Fig does not know Morse code but by Cass she can pretend she does
After dropping out Fig will occasionally just shift into different fake students and drop by the others classes
The party always knows its her but nobody else ever does
The freshman thinks it’s a myth (legendary rockstar who dropped out of the school and is being hunted by the school just randomly shows up to classes she has never been enrolled in even when she did go there) but the seniors keep being like “no I swear to god I saw her at lunch earlier she’s gonna be in my class today I know it”
Agent Clark is always hunting her
Kristen Applebees has POTS and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome because I said so she my special girl
Gorgug has made each of the Bad Kids a playlist
And now for a list of things the party has banned Kristen “dex score of 3” Applebees from doing
Playing on Fabian’s DDR machine
Baking (cooking is fine though)
Anything involving putting her on wheels
Juggling (you’d think this wouldn’t be a problem but she did try to once. It did not go well)
Any type of stitches that Riz would be capable of
A lot of Wii games
Just Dance
She also sucks at fantasy Mario Kart but nobody can figure out if it’s the low dex or if she’s just bad at the game
The story of the DDR machine is that once Fig and Kristen challenged each other to a DDR battle to the death and Kristen danced so hard she broke an arm
That was a fun call to Jawbone /s
Adaine once gave Gorgug one of those motivational cat posters except she changed the words to say it’s Gorgug keep going
He genuinely loves it it was one of the things he took with him when he went to go live with Fabian
They’re all neurodivergent because I’m neurodivergent and I said so
Adaine weekly has to take another pair of noise cancelling headphones out of her jacket because Kristen keeps losing hers
Kristen and Adaine are the only two who know how to properly cook
Gorgug is decent at it but he mainly just follows recipes
Riz and Fabian are banned from the kitchen
Fig hasn’t even tried to cook ever everyone knows it wouldn’t end well
Kristen swears she figured out how to make cottage cheese ice cream
She just froze cottage cheese and called it a day
Riz is constantly on hire by Fig to find Bobby Dawn
He found him like a day after he was hired (Bobby Dawn really isn’t that smart) and he told Fig exactly where he was but she just keeps vaguely bothering him
Her goal is to make him think he’s haunted
Riz refuses to take free money from Fabian so Fabian just keeps paying him insane amounts to do the easiest things
1000 gold pieces to make him 1 cup of coffee
Adaine figured out how to do the whole eyes rolling back and glowing thing on command so when someone pisses her off she just casts fly on herself does that says random words and then casts scatter on the person who pissed her off
They all love shrimp and they all love cottage cheese but they absolutely resolutely agree that combined they are fucking terrible
Aguefort does an “everyone gets a a familiar” day
Riz picks a fox
Kristen gets 5 snakes. People try to tell her she only gets one familiar but who is going to argue with the most talented cleric like ever wielding 5 snakes
Fabian picks a parrot and gives him a little eyepatch
Gorgug picks a straight up fucking bear
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bearr02 · 2 days
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A/n: small peek into a chapter (idk when, but maybe soon) where mc finds out Yoongi’s a hybrid :)
I wanted to at least post this since I’ve practically disappeared (aside from the random reblogs) for a few months
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You find out Yoongi isn’t just a cat
You hum quietly to yourself as you walk up to your front door, pulling out your keys. You pause when you hear Jungkook and Hoseok talking. Of course, that’s common, but what caught you off guard is the third voice you hear.
“Yoongi,” Hoseok sighs, “I know you’re scared but you have to tell her.” You lean closer to the door with furrowed brows. “Why?” Yoongi hisses, “She probably doesn’t want another hybrid to take care of.”
“She’s literally been talking about adopting 2 other hybrids.” Jungkook deadpans, his voice so serious it almost makes you laugh. “B-but.. still!” Yoongi sputters, “I’m nothing like you or those two other hybrids she’s considering adopting. You’re all sweet and cuddly. I just scare people away.”
You frown at the sadness in his voice, slowly unlocking the door so as to not alert them.
But of course. They have hybrid hearing. Even the slightest sound they can hear. “Shit!” Yoongi curses quietly, hurrying down the hall.
You slowly step in, pausing when you see both Jungkook and Hoseok looking at you. “H-hey, Y/n.” Jungkook forces a smile, walking over and hugging you. You hug him back, pulling away after a second, “Where’s Yoongi?” Jungkook freezes.
Hoseok sighs, “He’s in your room.” He purses his lips, “We tried to convince him that you wouldn’t care, but..” He rubs the back of his neck. “He wouldn’t listen?” Hoseok nods. You gently ruffle Jungkook’s hair before walking down the hall.
You slowly push your bedroom door open, finding Yoongi, now in cat form, curled up on your bed, pretending to be asleep. What gives him away is his quick breathing. Also the fact you heard him talking less than 5 minutes ago.
“Yoongi?” You sit down beside him, watching as he tenses up when you say his name. “Guess I can’t call you kitty anymore, huh?” You smile, gently ruffling his fur. Yoongi slowly lifts his head, looking at you.
You can see the fear and uncertainty in his eyes and it breaks your heart. “You don’t have to hide anymore.” You say softly.
He slowly stands and turns toward you, hesitantly rubbing his head against your arm. You gently scratch his head, coaxing him into your lap. He looks up at you, seeing nothing but reassurance and love in your eyes.
He rubs against your arm one last time before jumping down, turning away. You look away as he shifts, wanting to give him privacy.
You hear some shuffling as he gets dressed, turning around when he tells you to. He’s standing, somewhat awkwardly, in front of you, fiddling with his hands.
“Y-you’re not mad.. right?” He looks up at you, his voice quiet and barely audible. “I’m not mad.” You shake your head, “But I do wish you would have told me earlier.” You examine his body, frowning when you notice how skinny he is.
He looks down at himself, pursing his lips, “I-I didn’t get enough nutrition in my cat form..” He shifts, nervous to how you’ll react. “Yoongi..” You scold lightly, “You could have at least eaten when I wasn’t home.” You stand up.
He backs up quickly, his eyes wide, “I-I’m sorry..” He rushes out, his ears falling flat against his head. Your brows furrow and you immediately stop, not wanting to upset him further.
You take a step back and raise your hands in surrender, “No need to apologize.” You sit back on the bed.
Yoongi looks down, fiddling with his hands. You sigh softly, “How about we go out and get you some stuff, yeah? And get you some proper food.” You slowly stand up, not wanting to make any sudden movements and alarm him.
He hesitantly nods, looking up. You smile reassuringly, gesturing to the door. He walks out of the room, looking behind him to make sure you’re following.
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A/n: soooooooooo what do we think? Yay? Nay? I’m guessing this’ll be a long chapter (cough, cough-probably3k-5kwords-cough cough), but idk
Series taglist (open):
@blancflms @dreamerwasfound @pettyandprettyy @watermelon2319 @yoongistangerine @danielle143 @canarystwin @catlove83 @joonie-tunes @staygirl1986 @singukieee @juju-227592 @bangtan4everr @revnamjinn @anjoellamorte @jewishmommy @talyaaas-blog @btskzfav @sugathy @btsizlyfe @00ihatesnaku @sophiaj650 @savagemickey03 @prettydancingdamzel @levislifeline @strawblueberrys @readerfia @deepestfacedevil @tired7o7 @svnbangtansworld @m00njinnie @nancynotperfectbutperfect
If your user is highlighted in bold I was unable to tag you, and please lmk if I forgot anyone!
Permanent taglist (open):
@viankiss @lizzymizzy-blogg @teddymoon06 @rln-byg @skyys-universe @misstressmina @ldysmfrst
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lumoverheaven · 4 hours
Incoming Call…
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Tysm to my sweetest heart @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog for making this AMAZING mood board!
Joel Miller x fem!plus size!reader
A/n: I’m back! I took a break from writing to focus on college classes. Just taking one last class before I get my associates! Big s/o to @romanarose for proofreading! Any dialogue in italics are text messages! This fic was made with game!joel and show!joel in mind! As always feel free to leave constructive criticism. Likes, comments, and reposts are appreciated 🫶🫶🫶💗
Warnings: cyber stalking, age gap (reader is in college), virgin!reader, if anything else pls lmk!
W/c: 1.3k+
* ・‥…━━━━━━━ *˖◛⁺♡ ━━━━━━━…‥・
Joel Miller. A rugged older man. He was so pretty in your eyes but the age difference between you both shattered any illusion you could have with him. So you admired from afar, bashfully smiling at him when he looked your way. You were neighbors so you saw each other quite a bit. He always was sure to greet you every time you were outside when he was. When you’d leave for classes, when you’d come back, when you’d go off to work, and when you’d go out with your friends. Joel always made sure to be around just to see your pretty face. Joel liked you, a lot. He wasn’t tech savvy but he knew his way around some social media platforms so he was able to find your Instagram quite easily and stalk you on there. He used your pictures as fap material.
“Oh sweet girl... such pretty eyes an’ lips...” he’d groan as he’d pump his throbbing, thick cock while looking at your most recent Instagram post. This was an everyday thing, looking at your profile and jerking off. He couldn’t even catch a glimpse of you in person without feeling his cock harden in his pants, unbeknownst to you.
One day you’re out in your front yard, watching your father work on your car. He saw you from the window and immediately went out, using the excuse to get his mail even though he had already gotten it earlier. He overheard your conversation with your father. Your dad would often talk sports to you, and even though you have no clue what he’s talking about you still liked to listen. You were a sweet girl like that. Joel cuts in and adds to the conversation. You try not to say much because you’re sure your high pitched voice would give away your nerves, but you couldn’t help it- he made you so nervous. Joel on the other hand took in your body. He eyed you up and down, from your breasts to your soft, fat stomach, and all the way down to your juicy thighs. He cock was already throbbing. He needed you.
The conversation between Joel and your father shifted into something you were into. Wrestling. You got excited and joined in the conversation. Joel, of course, after his stalking, knew you loved wrestling so he made sure to look into the topic, just for you. Eventually your father dropped the conversation but you still kept talking with Joel, your eyes sparkling as you spoke with such passion about the sport. Joel enjoyed this, he loved your eyes. He can’t help but think how cute you’d look with your lips around his cock, looking up at him with those same sparkly eyes.
After a bit, you both decided that the Texas sun was getting too much so you said your goodbyes to head inside. You paused for a moment, it couldn’t hurt to give Joel your Instagram. After all, he likes wrestling and you post a lot of wrestling videos on your story and you get a lot of memes too you’re sure he’d enjoy! So you look over at him before he goes inside. “Hey Joel?” You called out. He glanced over at you. “Yeah sweetheart?” He replied as he turned, walking back toward the fence. “Do you have Instagram?” You asked as you stepped forward. “Sure do, what for, sweet thing?” These nicknames were gonna be the end of you.. “I just wanted it so I can send you wrestling videos…” you say bashfully, he nods and you pull out your phone. He gives you his username and you follow him. You then said your farewells and went inside. 
You looked at his profile, he didn’t have any posts and on his bio it just had his age and “Texas” on it. You laughed to yourself, he was such an old man. You add him to your close friends. You wanna show yourself off to him. You posted selfies a lot, sometimes even showing your cleavage. You wanted to test the waters so you post a provocative picture of yourself on your close friends. Now you wait. See if he’ll take the bait.
Joel views your page again and sees extra posts and stories that he hasn’t had access to before. He looks at your story and sees the picture of you showing off your tits, he groans and pulls out his cock. He decides to risk it. He replies to the story. “You’re such a naughty thing sweetheart.” He sends. You receive the message, making you shoot up from your bed. Your face was hot and you can feel yourself getting wet.
“Guess I am, does that make you uncomfortable Mr. Miller?” You send back. 
When Joel gets the message he’s choking his cock with his big hand, moaning your name. “Not at all princess.. wish I could see more though..” it’s very risky but fuck it, he’s all in. 
When you receive the message you’ve already pulled off your pj shorts and panties, teasing your fat pussy, imagining Joel’s big hands on you instead. You moan and send him a voice memo, “maybe you can Joel… video chat is always an option..” you say in a sultry voice as the squelching of your wet pussy can be heard in the message as well. 
Joel almost passed out with how needy you sounded, he could’ve came right then and there. He hits the video chat icon and rings you up. You reply and are met with Joel, lazily stroking his big cock. You gasp, you’ve never seen one that big or thick before. 
He grins, “hey pretty girl.. touchin’ your sweet lil’ pussy thinkin’ of me?” He teases making you whimper, you nod and pan the camera down to show your wet pussy. He groans and speeds his hand up. “Touch yourself baby, make yourself cum on those pretty lil’ fingers.” You obey and rub your clit faster, moaning softly. “Good girl..” he praised. “Now insert a finger, I bet ya lil’ pussy feels empty, hm baby?” He commanded.
You shake your head. “Hurts when I try to put a finger in...” you tell him shyly. He pauses… no way you were a virgin. 
“Fuck baby... don’ say that... gonna make me shoot my load and I wanna enjoy this..” he pants.
“Sorry...” you apologize, feeling stupid. Of course he wouldn’t like that.. you were sure he wanted a woman with more experience… you stopped masturbating and pulled your hand away in embarrassment. 
“No no baby, keep goin’.. don’ apologize.. thas jus fine… jus means I’m gonna be the one to deflower ya ..” He’s quick to reassure you, so you perk up right, your pussy gushing again. 
“Yes sir...” you say, feeling better about your lack of experience and excited for Joel to be your first. “Now keep touchin, your pussy… an’ show me those pretty lil’ tits baby..” he orders. You smile and pull your tank top down, showing him your breasts. You touch yourself again, listening to him moan and the lewd sounds his cock was making and seeing how big he is and how beautiful he looks when he’s about to cum, pushes you over the edge. You press your thighs together trapping your hand as you moan out his name. He comes shortly after you, his cum shooting out and landing on his soft tummy. 
“Fuck baby doll… that was so good… how ‘bout we meet later and I can finally see that beautiful body of yours in action hm?” He proposes as he languidly strokes his now softening cock. 
“M’kay.. I’d like that..'' You smile at him as you bring the camera up to show him your sweet face and tits. 
“Good girl.. see ya then.” With that the call ends.. you’re over the moon right now, you can’t believe what just happened. Finally you had the man you’ve been craving.
* ・‥…━━━━━━━ *˖◛⁺♡ ━━━━━━━…‥・
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winstonsns · 14 hours
Hii!! can you do johnny fic with reader where they’re cuddling and she tells johnny how much she appreciates him while falling asleep?
somethin’ stupid (request)
authors note: hope you enjoy!! sorry this is short again, i worked on this last night so im posting it way earlier than i normally do 💗
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johnny x reader
word count: 0.9k
warnings: mentions of taking clothes off in front of each other but not suggestive
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you and your boyfriend, johnny, were at the lot, sitting down on the grass and watching the stars. your head was on his shoulder and he realized you started to drift off into sleep, your head lowering and going back up every couple seconds.
he rubbed your back and moved into your sight, suggesting, “hey, y/n… it’s kind of late, do you think we should go home..?” and you slowly nodded, moving almost as if you were a sloth, closing your eyes once again.
he lightly patted your shoulder and got up from the ground, he held his hand out for you to grab and lift yourself up. you gently grabbed his hand and used your energy to plop up, him using his to bring you up.
it was quick, too quick to the point where you saw dots in your vision, static. you stood in your spot for a couple of seconds and closed your eyes, rubbing them. johnny was concerned and asked, “you okay?”
you replied and nodded, “yeah, i’m okay… just got up too quickly…” you thought for a moment before stating, “let’s go to my house, my parents won’t mind that you’re there.” you had previously told them you were going to see johnny and would stay out late, planning watching the stars together.
he held your hand, guiding you to the exit of the lot because you were feeling drowsy. although you knew the way to your house, johnny knew the way too, and walked in that direction while you followed. it was quiet the whole way, he didn’t want to annoy you or disturb how tired you were.
by the time the two of you arrived at your house, only the lights outside and the lights in the living room were on. you grabbed the keys in your pocket and put it in the keyhole, twisting it and opening the door. you twisted it in the opposite direction and pulled it out, walking inside and johnny following behind you.
you closed the door behind you, both of you taking your shoes off and leaving it by the door. you dropped the keys on the table next to the couches, turning the lights off in the living room and waking back to your boyfriend, gently grabbing his hand.
both of you walked up the stairs to your bedroom, you opened the door softly in attempt to not wake your parents up. you put your hand on johnny’s back and gently pushed him into your room, closing the door behind you.
because the both of you were in clothes you had been in for a long time, you walked over to your dresser and pulled out your matching pajama set. you took your clothes off, johnny glad that you were comfortable enough to do that around him. you looked back and smiled at johnny, mumbling, “remember when you left your sleepy clothes here…?”
he smiled at you, nodding, “that night was nice..” recalling the memories, the two of you playing card games but having to stay quiet because you didn’t want to wake up your parents. you pointed at a spot on your dresser, muttering, “they’re here, i kept them for you in case you would sleep over..”
you continued pulling your shirt over your head while your boyfriend walked over to the dresser, right next to you. he gently put his hand on your waist, giving you a kiss on the forehead, thanking you. he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, fully taking them off and putting on his pajama pants.
he walked over to your bed, flopping down on top of it and smelling your perfume on the pillows. he held it and closed his eyes, smiling at the memory of the two of you cuddling for the first time.
you walked over to the other side of the bed, pulling the sheets up and climbing under them, johnny doing the same. he cuddled up next to you, you began to spoon him, both of you feeling as if it was the most intimate moment the two of you had ever had.
even though hardly any words were exchanged that night, you began to whisper softly while playing with his hair, “i love you so much, johnny.. you’re the best guy i’ve ever met.. i love the way you talk about things and how excited you get.. the way you stand up for me and yourself, even though i can tell you get nervous sometimes.. i admire the way you love your friends and how you spend time with them.. your handsome smile and how it lights up the whole room.. your eyes.. i love everything about you. you’re the most important person to me.. thank you for making me want to be here, johnny..”
he opened his eyes even though it was dark, but he looked up to you anyway. your breathing seemed to have evened out, he realized you were asleep. he gently kissed your cheek before mumbling, “goodnight, y/n…” and you didn’t know that he reciprocated what you had said. he loved every part of you, as did you for him.
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authors note: i kinda liked this i hope u guys do too!!
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nix-writes-mcyt · 19 hours
Can you write some fluff/comfort xisuma? Been wanting some more cute and cosy fics for him but so few write them <3 love your writing btw! Long time lurker<3
Sorry it took a little while anon, but the fic is now here. Enjoy!
Business Man
Oneshot Contains: nothing but Fluff -----------------
You wander into the trophy shop, hoping to find Xisuma. You're behind on three trophies now, and it's not because you haven't sent in your diamonds.
In fact, turns out your mail was getting lost, to and from your home. Etho and Tango will be out to fix it soon, but it depends when they have the time. Thankfully Etho had dropped off all the lost mail at the Post Office, where Pearl had sorted it out and called you to pick it all up. The unfortunate thing was that the lost mail included the multiple parcels sent to Xisuma that didn't arrive.
So here you are, in his shop, hoping he is too. "X?" You call out, but there is no response. The trophies sit on their display pedestals, almost mocking you. Or at least they could be in a different world, but they're only trophies and that was a silly thought.
"X?" You call again, this time hearing a soft thud come from the wall. You take a few more steps into the room and look at some of the bigger trophies.
"This feels like a scam now that I think about it." You stare at the trophies and they stare back. It's definitely mocking. Trophies you earn diamonds to get.. and spend diamonds to get. "I can assure you it isn't." You turn quickly at the sound of Xisuma's voice, and sure enough there he stands. He's just barely in the room, coming from some hidden door.
"Oh, I didn't.. you know, mean it like that. I just meant that you're, well, a" the words are already barely pieced together but finding the end of the sentence is not easy. "I'm an entrepreneur. A business man, if you will." You see the gleam in his eyes through his visor. "Yes.. that." You reply, "a business man. A man of business. Xisuma." You're feeling even more flustered by the minute, the fact he's closing in on you only increasing that feeling.
"I heard you had some mail that got lost, did you come to deliver it personally?" His voice is so smooth and confident you find yourself completely at a loss for words. So you just nod, pulling the envelopes from your inventory. He holds out his hand, leaning just a little closer as he does. You swallow hard as you place the mail in his possession, at this point just trying to have the moment over and done with.
"Let me go sort this out for you, won't be a second." With that he's gone. You can breathe again. You look around the room, the trophies sparkling under their lights, the product of a business man. A man who has somehow taken your diamonds and apparently your heart.
Now your reaction seems silly, and you hope he didn't notice.
Soon enough he reappears, box in hand. "I've got your trophy, you'll have to be careful with this box though. Don't do anything too adventurous as this ones quite fragile." He places the box on the floor next to you. "Don't worry, I didn't make any plans because I knew it would be." Xisuma moves to lean against the pedestal opposite you, silence settling in.
Then he speaks up. "Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to do something? You don't have to, I just thought maybe you and I could go for a walk.. or visit the zoo or maybe something else?" Any smoothness or confidence he had earlier? Gone. Yet he remains just as charming. "Like a date?" The words just come out of your mouth before you have time to stop them.
"Yeah, well no. Unless you want it to be?" You think about it for a second. Is this actually happening? You were not expecting to be asked on a date. "I wouldn't mind a date." Is all you manage to say.
Xisuma steps forward, offering his arm to you. You take it, heart pounding in your chest. This is both exciting and terrifying. "Let's go then." You can hear his smile, the two of you leaving the shop immediately.
You walk down to the river with very little said between you, just enjoying the moment. As much as you can anyway, it's not like your nerves are in shreds or anything. Xisuma doesn't seem to mind the lack of conversation though, or at least if he does mind he says nothing.
The two of you walk for what seems like forever, even though it can't have been more than an hour. Almost a full lap of the shopping district has been done, but you both find a well needed place to sit down and rest. Conveniently for the two of you Keralis' Lake not only has seats, but a nice view and some shade.
You both settle on a bench, Xisuma leaning into you a little when you put your arm around him. "This has been nice." He mumbles. "It has. And I've not been robbed blind by your devious business tactics." You joke, earning a small laugh from Xisuma.
"Just because you kept your diamonds doesn't mean I haven't gained something of value." You can't help but smile, knowing he's speaking about the time spent with you.
The sunlight dances on the waters surface, which does remind you of your trophy. Your trophy which you left in Xisuma's shop. It's not a big deal, it gives you another excuse to see him now. Perhaps that was his plan the whole time, you'll never know. Or maybe you will if he tell you.
Regardless, Xisuma is right. The time you've spent with him has been wonderful, even if most of it has been spent in silence. All you wanted was to bring in your lost mail, but you've come out with a nice date. That's a win in your eyes.
Xisuma reaches over and takes your free hand in his, sighing softly as he gets comfortable being held. Between the cuddle, the sound of the birds and the lake, it's truly peaceful. "I'd like to do this again sometime." He says. "I'll do it again under one condition." You reply quietly, "I'll do it again if you'll be mine?"
Xisuma lets out a breath of relief, "I was worried you'd ask for a discount, but that's a much better deal in my professional opinion." The two of you giggle before settling back down, to spend some more of your day cuddled up by the lake.
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thankstothe · 4 months
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bigdumbbambieyes · 9 months
Billy who is just constantly eye-fucking Steve, it doesn’t matter who’s around or what they’re doing, he’s just physically unable to control it because that’s his pretty boy, his boyfriend, Steve’s all his
like, Steve’s wearing that yellow sweater and he’s talking to Dustin, trying to listen and understand whatever the kid’s saying, but Billy’s eyes have gone half-lidded as they travel all over Steve’s face and chest and waist and hips and everywhere
he always looks ready to devour his boyfriend at any time and Steve’s usually able to ignore it, he knows Billy just kind of always looks like that, but sometimes it makes him stumble over his words or he’ll feel heat slowly crawl up his neck, unable to not notice Billy’s staring and admiring
usually he’s good with ignoring it, but sometimes he has to pull Billy into an empty room or round a corner with him for some much needed privacy
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wonderful-magician · 2 months
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Who pushed him over and why? Wrong answers only lmao
Wowo magician can draw more than just people standing in the void?? Damn..
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candycryptids · 4 days
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It's my birthday today (6/14) so I get to be mindlessly and shamelessly self-indulgent and pose myself with my speece's characters Kizuna and Setsuna Shader is I think from [Kore - Pearl's Dream] but I might be wrong, I downloaded that shader before I realized I should make creator folders so I'm not 100%
Kizuna is @zombiesockfuckinglovescardfight Also Sir Cash is here ;v; (the dog)
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psqqa · 1 year
babe, could you phrase this literally any other way??
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movietonight · 4 months
While there are things to criticise mash for and those conversations are important to have some of what I read can be explained very easily by reminding yourself
It was a TV show
On a budget
From years ago
From America
Written by a variety of human writers
Who used characters and plots to tell stories
Within a certain number of minutes
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robinsversion · 7 months
As someone who once had their art stolen by a mutual who has many times more followers than me and I only found out because I happened to click on her ig stories on the right day,
Get his ass.
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