#* answered / maize .
smiley-maize · 1 month
Please tell Maize he has the best smile and I hope he gets all the yummy mousies <3
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Thank you!!! Moussies inbound on food day!!
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Schmitty: Wellesley is a college for women. [music kicks up] Just like Michigan State! YeeAAAAAAH YOU HEARD ME, BABY! BRING IT ON, BABY! BRING IT ON! GO BLUUUUE! HAHA! WOOOO!
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nelumbo-lotuses · 4 months
Do you take care of Maize now that she's growing in the Refuge?
That's a great question! Myself and others have actually been closely monitoring her more now than ever, since she's capable of making sounds and movement. She hasn't grown out of her pot yet, and hasn't said her first words, but we've been endlessly excited with progress! So far, Maize is able to identify those who are taking care of the garden during the shifts, and usually has a bright mood overall. When we feed or water her, she makes this really cute bubbling and high trilling noise, and her head's sprout flaps whenever she's excited. She also likes to touch our hands whenever we're close enough, and she's just always so curious. Just the other day, she has pointed at some of the flowers in our garden, and we took samples to decorate the pot around her. She really loves them! I say this, we all fought over who gets to spend time with her, heh!
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acoldsovereign · 6 months
{{ Okay, last OOC post for real this time (I know, I knowwwwwww, shhhhhhhh do not perceive me). I managed to get all of the important stuff out of my old account. I'll be uploading them soon! Hopefully, my promo will be done in time for tomorrow because yes-- I double checked. I indeed DID start Tumblr RP March 20th and not May like I thought. I keep mixing those two months up for some reason, whoops.
But yay, Maiz's one-year anniversary fast approaches!!
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vxmpirehunterd · 10 months
"Also what's wrong with me being evil, as you so put it?"
This woman knows full damn well what she does and how it's perceived, she just doesn't care--
She doesn't see how they can't be a match and why her morality has to do with it-
{{ not Maiz being petty over a dash game once again LMAOOOOOOOO
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"If you can't see why your lack of morality can be off-putting, I doubt my preaching to you will help." He could feel his right eye twitch violently, his annoyance barely contained. This woman keeps proving her audacity knows NO bounds.
"Your casual animal cruelty is issue number one. It's the hallmark of a psychopath."
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cowboysuperhero · 2 years
o/ whos tyqin? they look super cool
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ahh tyqin! she's my progen and a (the) central figure in my lore, which spans several time periods and multiple flights; she's from ancient times but continues to live on into the 'present' day, largely as a result of fucking with dark magic (most likely the shade, or maybe too much arcane magic, no one knows for sure; it made her all eldritchy and also Purble™) when she was a young cult member. she's power-hungry, manipulative, and has doomed several other dragons to a fate worse than death out of her own greed...generally Very Bad News.
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(commission by @/artofthatcommonbird on the left, mine on the right!)
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🦾 Also this one even though I know its kinda hard to think of one. Follow your instinct
hi actually! i do have a headcanon that maize can't walk very well. even before the sun went out and after it returned.
and yes, even when she was regrown.
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ive seen mars and danny only one left in the unholy trinity is Armand >:)
(if already done, then Loulou!)
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Daniel might be the main staple food my brain worms feast on, but Armand is s close second. I feel like I have less to say here simply because, what is there to say? The Armand folks *get it*, I don't need to explain why I'm insane about him 😅
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hummingbird-hunter · 2 years
tulip tulip tulip tulip tulip tu-
I'm sorry I know like 5 flowers but I'll try
Lachlan probably does not have a favourite flower. I mean. They most likely eat flowers. Gonna say dandelions simply bc they're edible (although it would be extremely funny if it was forget-me-nots lmao)
Sylvie probably wild roses or something like that
For Áine I really want like some cool flower that like symbolises power or like royalty or whatever. I know nothing about flowers
White lilies for Time, don't know anything about flower language but I think it fits
Maize also eats flowers so maybe like daisies and dandelions (but also forget-me-nots for comedy reasons)
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fatefought · 1 year
@ambroslal sent: ❛ I can’t imagine how exhausting it must’ve been, always comparing yourself to someone so beautiful and smart. ❜ maize + domi (JSKLAJSKLAJ)
they're on opposite ends of the room. sage's expression is soft and light ; for once, maize's face isn't a mirror of her twin's own. words cut deep, like the a sharpened knife slicing more as it's retrieved from a massacred back. ( you get used to it, ) the words linger in the back of her throat. but there's a smugness to domitila, one which makes the tribute refuse to air the vulnerability. she can serve aloof as well if that's the taste of capitol. " why do you ask concerned about playing second fiddle to the stylist from twelve again ? oh don't worry, i'm sure he's long forgotten about now, right ? "
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belanova · 1 year
ihe never spoken to you idontknwo who you are but I wa s wodneirng what i should make for dinner and stressing a little bc I have nothing but tjen one of my mutuals reblogged one of your posts and it came to me like a fit of divine inspiration so yhank you im gonna go make a quesadilla nwo pevae and love
Pevae and love anon hope you have a nice quesadilla🫡
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smiley-maize · 5 months
I adore maize sm. greatest corn who have ever corned i love him
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It brings me so much joy that so many people love my silly little guy!
Maize loves you too very much
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theinfamousmaybelle · 19 days
Who’s your tallest character (if you haven’t answered already) also love the designs shdhdjdjje💖
Tallest Character? Uranus. He is 30 feet tall, and Sun found him in the ice dimension while searching for wither shards. How about you? Also, thanks for the compliment!
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strytells · 4 months
🎧 [ vi, maize, lettie ]
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PRAY FOR ME- the Weeknd
Who gon' pray for me? Take my pain for me? Save my soul for me? 'Cause I'm alone, you see If I'm gon' die for you If I'm gon' kill for you Then I'll spill this blood for you, hey
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And I am not your protagonist, I'm not even my own I don't know anything, I don't even know what I don't know And if you look outside, you'll see disintegrating trees The artificial way the sunlight bounces off the glitching leaves My wet heart catches on every thorn, you're already halfway out the door
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IMAGINARY- Evanescence
Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights Oh, how I long for the deep sleep dreaming The goddess of Imaginary light
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acoldsovereign · 6 months
Hi, Guillotina! I know you're still in the midst of setting up your blog and all, including new rules for followers (as you've said already), but I hope it's okay for us anons to still send you random IC & OOC asks! If not, you can delete-- I'll understand. ;w; I won't comment on recent dash stuff but I just wanted to check in and see if you/the people involved were okay???? I know you care about Saiyans a lot. Like, a lot, a LOT-- maybe more than anyone I know or seen so far. (In case I sound like a creep, I swear I'm not!) I was here when you first had Google Docs and had a really cute section about relationships/shipping stuff with Bardock. (Was also here when you first set up your Sites page and had an even *cooler* section about the diversity of the Saiyans' gene pool, explaining why Maiz looked so different! Not to mention your cultural & biological headcanons as well but that's neither here or there). So, I just wanted to check in on you. 🥺 I also say this because of your recent Toriyama post (didn't know he said that about female Saiyans omg! Everything makes so much sense now, haha. I was confused for years man 😭 ). Point is, I see how much Saiyans mean to you overall and I think it's rad to see as a fellow female fan of the series! Can you explain more of your muse choice to me? Like, what went into making her? I know you said she came from a fanfiction but I remember on your old blog, you also said she predates it?? Sorry If I'm misremembering! I just think you and your blog are cool! Keep on trucking!
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{{ Heyo! Yes, that rule is still in place, anon! I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS enjoy receiving random asks (IC or OOC) from mutuals and anons. Though I'm private nowadays, I will extend this courtesy to non-mutuals as well! (How else am I supposed to know we're a potential match as writing partners if I don't extend that olive branch, y'know?). With that said-- awwww, you were here for all for that?! 🥺 My pre-Sites days too and during them?! That means you've kept an eye on me ever since I stepped onto the RP scene here.... You're an OG, you know that right?! I didn't expect this sweet and heartfelt message, so thank you so much for taking the time to write this out. I'm smiling so much like a goofy goober. This means the world to me. But yes, I'm okay. I got two new good friends out of said dash stuff (though we were mutuals already, anyway/had already been interacting). Anyway, yeah, I'm good! They're good, too! Thanks for checking in with us!! I'll tell them you sent good wishes, granted if they don't see this beforehand. :3
About Saiyans meaning a lot to me-- yeah. I wish I could remember the interview it was revealed in, but he was asked about it at some point to where he said something to the effect of "I didn't know how to design them/couldn't figure out their appearance", something like that. It stuck with me because like I've mentioned in my Toriyama post, many toxic (as in sexist/misogynistic fanboys and overall creepy ass people) tried to make DB a thing I wasn't allowed to participate in, all because I was born a girl which was and is-- bullshit. Women aren't a different fuckin' species, man. We like the same shit as men sometimes and that's alright. Trying to put me into a girly girl box is what made me into a rebellious ass tomboy (much like Videl who I somewhat related to, growing up). Only in my late teens/early adult years did I embrace my femininity (yes, I was vain and shallow like Bulma at times. I was also a bit too loose with money when I had some, so I understand her casual attitude regarding her wealth, but that's neither here or there). Point is there was and always have been room for female fans of the series, so when I heard that from the horse's mouth himself? Yeah, it was a wrap. That was it. Nobody could tell me SHIT. That's one thing about me: If I learn something is true and it makes my life easier, I will not listen to anything else. I'll do my own thing. I'm a bit stubborn like that but trust me, it's a good stubborn. Otherwise, I'm very open-minded about many things and I'm a good listener.
As I stated on more than one occasion, I started RPing in a chatroom of an anime-pirating website, while I watched DBZ Kai. After I finished the anime (and lost my original RP group of friends), I coped by scouring the Internet for more RP forums and platforms, of which eventually led me to Facebook. I ran into some mishaps here and there in the DBZ RP space but that aside, the highs were worth it and I stayed for a long while. I mostly specialized in Android/Cyborg OCs and Saiyan OCs. So yes, you are right by saying Maiz (as in RPC!Maiz's template) comes from my 2018 fanfiction but also predates it by SEVERAL YEARS because every female Saiyan I had from the age of 12 and up was essentially a prototype of who Maiz would become. Long story short, Maiz grew with me, even when her names before were: Rayearth (my og username on the chatroom/anime website), Beats, Serori, Celeri, and later Jinjā. Rayearth was able to go Super Saiyan and she was the angry-punchy type. She was closer to Vegeta in temperament and haughty as all hell. Beats was a bit more humble with a hint of cockiness. This was around the time I started playing around with morality and all that, so she was less of a Vegeta type but still rough around the edges. I think I implied she could go Super Saiyan but can't remember if it happened in any threads. Serori was much more humble and quiet-- introspective. However, she could be hostile if approached too quickly or suddenly. She was the first low-class Saiyan I ever made. Celeri was a jump off of that because someone had the same name as my OC so I changed her around*. She was extroverted, but not too much. I guess you could call her a quasi-Goku type, if Goku was Mid-Class and a woman. I changed the rank because I wanted to explore the classism aspect of the Saiyans and my OC's relationship between her and her inherent power. She was morally gray, if I remember correctly.
*A bit petty of me, I'm sure-- but I was immature and a moody teenager who only had her creativity to express herself with. Anything too similar to me back then felt like an attack on my personhood and individuality. Thankfully, I'm a mature adult who's grown past that trauma response from childhood.
Jinjā came in 2015. I was 16 going on 17, about to enter college. Stopped RPing some time before this, because well, I had to focus on school and life stuff. This is what she originally looked like:
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She has no story, because she wasn't made with one in mind. I just missed having a female Saiyan to think/write about. She was truly random, a burst of inspiration that heavily looms over Maiz's current design. Jinjā has red, short, choppy hair because Seripa/Fasha was her base design. I wanted something different to make her stand out, or else she'd just look like a clone or twin. That's all. Fasha being the base is also where the earrings comes from, since she had them. (This was just before I started embracing cosmetics and accessories). While she didn't really have anything to her, the basic idea was to go back to my roots: a rough-and-tumble Saiyaness who can pack a mean punch and rock your shit even if it kills her-- even if she fails. Hence my attempt at blood and making her look badass/intimidating. Muscles and female anatomy was hard for me, still is slightly-- but I'm getting the hang of it. Anyhoo, I believe my intentions-- if I fleshed her out more-- would've been for her to be a Bardock-type. Fun fact: Battle of Gods came out a month before this redesign did, so I got some confused looks when asked if this was SSG (Red) and I said no. I wasn't a huge fan of the movie so I didn't really see it until later. Only clips and such on YouTube. I warmed up to it eventually.
While going back to college for the second time (2018-2019), I got into Super properly with the introduction of Broly in DB Super: Broly. I enjoyed the Future Trunks/Goku Black Saga but the narrative nightmare within the anime's climax (and the manga's middle part) was a tough pill for me to swallow. The movie though-- despite the minor grievances I have with it-- hit all the right spots: Saiyan lore! Saiyan culture! POLITICS!!! Space-Opera! Sci-fi!!!!!! Around this time, I was finally inspired to do something else for this fandom I've had a tumultuous relationship with-- write a fan fiction. Jinjā's redesign was imminent:
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She got renamed in reference to her mom, who was now Seripa/Fasha's older sister as a nod to the latter being a design base. Karne comes the Japanese spelling of karnels (kaneru, if I have that correct) because she's frustratingly slow to anger like popcorn-- the pun she's based off of. (Fasha in other media, such as the games has always been described as the opposite: short tempered, fierce and feisty. She's staunchly loyal to her crew too, as implied in the movie and in those same games if you pay attention to her dialogue). With this, it only made sense to have the updated version of Jinjā follow the pun as:
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To summarize: Maiz became Maiz in 2019, in the wake of DB Super: Broly. (It came out that year in the U.S). In the fanfic she originates from, she is the last female Saiyan, and that weighs on her all the time. Incidentally, Story!Maiz is much more sympathetic while remaining a frosty a--hole. Her trauma is much more apparent and while she's not exactly the nicest person in the Galaxy, it's much more clear to see why: she has attachment issues, which makes getting to know her difficult, she has trust issues, anger issues from surviving a bloody and rather violent/sudden genocide of her people at a young and tender age, she can't remember the last time she slept well, has frequent nightmares of being abandoned by her mother (she was the one who shoved her into an escape pod). She thinks there's no value to her life because she's been traveling through outer space with Turles for six years consecutively and there were several planets/galactic sectors who didn't even know what a Saiyan was. They were lucky to find remains. (Cut tails, boots, bones, dust/ashes, name tags, etc etc. The sights were very, very grisly. And she kept seeing the same things for six. Years. Straight). All of this turned her into a very bitter, negative person who became a straw nihilist. She kind of just wanted to pass away quietly in some corner somewhere, not because she felt remorse for being a Saiyan/the effects of her kin but because she had her entire life upended on a sadistic whim. There was nothing to live for in her eyes. She thought Turles was stupid for having hope after a while and became jaded. While she was stronger than Turles in terms of raw power, she had a issue with not wanting to preserve her ki for important situations. He constantly had to watch over her like a big brother and she absolutely resented him for it (misguided anger, anyone?). It didn't help that he remembered more of Saiyan life than she could. All in all, she was tragic and a bit too edgy probably, but she would grow out of her frosty shell with the introduction of Broly. She reluctantly bonded with him over time on their ship as Saiyan Squad (what I called them out of text) made their way to Earth to settle the score with Vegeta. Paragus didn't do anything for her but make her angry at first-- all this time she's convinced herself there were no more Saiyans and then she sees this old man still kicking somehow? Of course she'd be livid. (Paragus, over his short presence in her life until his death at Vegeta's hands proved to be effective; he became a makeshift father figure and imparted some words of wisdom of which she'd take to heart, post Broly fight. Turles was pretty devastated too and they would finally be the brother-sister duo he's always known they could have been. It's bittersweet and sad, tbh).
Anyway, that's the evolution process. As for why she looks like this in universe-- I'm gonna be honest and say I got it from Father of Goku. There were different looking Saiyans in there, two women have blue hair. Super Saiyan has green eyes and blonde hair. Who's to say there aren't natural green eyed Saiyans who existed? Or blondes? Dark hair can mean black and/or brown, so why not both? Same with dark eyes! Make them brown, hazel, chestnut, almost black or straight up black. Etc etc. (As a reminder, Fasha has purple eyes! PURPLE). If you look at official artworks/some colored manga covers and whatnot, Goku's actually tan. Hell, Future Trunks is basically apricot or a peachy skin tone. If you want a triple whammy??? Read the manga. No, seriously. There are OFFICIAL scans that has Trunks with red hair instead of the Super Saiyan blonde. And those are mistakes from Toriyama himself. Look at Z Broly and all his in between stages-- blue hair, greenish-yellow hair, etc. It's really not that hard to create a unique looking Saiyan, or justify it-- so I feel like the whole dark hair and dark eyes should be overlooked/not a big deal. I also just don't like how restrictive it is from a narrative/in universe standpoint. It's not fun to play with.
Anyway, thank you so much. I know this was long. 😭 My bad. I enjoy talking about Maiz very much and her concepts.
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celestia-snow · 1 year
❛ i guess it runs in the family, huh? ❜ (maize)
Celestia looks at the woman for a moment, blinking a few times to try to clear her mind before shaking it. "I'm sorry do I know you? Do you know my family?" She inquires confused before laughing, "I'm sorry there is just so many people here I can't recall everyone's names...I'm Celestia, Celestia Snow."
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