#* deimos : ask memes.
sohn-der-felder · 2 months
tag dump
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mycrappyrpsideblog · 5 months
It’s Deimos. Deimos IS the tumblr sexyman
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He wears thigh-high boots and his tits are on full display. This checks out.
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honoosenshi · 1 month
tag dump i.
∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ blazing beauty ⊹ — visage. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ punishment by holy fire ⊹ — aesthetics. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ aloof yet passionate ⊹ — musings. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ princess of the white moon & dearest love ⊹ — usagi. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ a gentle spray of water ⊹ — ami. ⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ herculean thunderbolt ⊹ — makoto. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ kissed by aphrodite ⊹ — minako. ∘ ⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ pink rabbit ⊹ — chibiusa. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ our distant comrades ⊹ — outer senshi & other. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ good prince of the earth ⊹ — mamoru. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ pretty guardians in a sailor suit ⊹ — senshi. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ eien no melody ⊹ — music. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ asks ⊹ — answered. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ sentence starters & memes ⊹ — prompts. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ crack ⊹ — laughter. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ just for funsies ⊹ — other. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ headcanons. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ ooc. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ the guardians of princess mars ⊹ — phobos & deimos. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ starter call.
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honoosenshi-a2 · 11 months
tag dump i.
∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ blazing beauty ⊹ — visage. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ punishment by holy fire ⊹ — aesthetics. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ aloof yet passionate ⊹ — musings. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ princess of the white moon & dearest love ⊹ — usagi. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ a gentle spray of water ⊹ — ami. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ herculean thunderbolt ⊹ — makoto. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ kissed by aphrodite ⊹ — minako. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ pink rabbit ⊹ — chibiusa. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ our distant comrades ⊹ — outer senshi & other. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ good prince of the earth ⊹ — mamoru. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ pretty guardians in a sailor suit ⊹ — senshi. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ eien no melody ⊹ — music. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ asks ⊹ — answered. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ sentence starters & memes ⊹ — prompts. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ crack ⊹ — laughter. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ just for funsies ⊹ — other. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ headcanons. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ ooc. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ the guardians of princess mars ⊹ — phobos & deimos. ∘⡊ 🔥 ˚⊹ starter call.
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idyat · 1 year
Didn't post this one to Tumblr. Requested on Wattpad
Them (Hank x Flirty Reader)
Warning: Mild description of gore
Another day, another massacre. Hank walked out of the building, covered in blood, guts, and maybe one or two bullets lodged in his head. He called H.Q to go pick him up, and waited...
...This gave him time to think a little. Think about the people he killed, new more interesting ways to kill others, his pathetic existence in this infinite universe, that funny cat meme he saw once...
It gave him time to think about his coworkers...
Oh, his coworkers...What fellows they were.
There was Deimos, who he didn't like, Sanford was okay, he had been roommates with 2BDamned for years. He knew all his deepest, darkest secrets at this point.
And then...the last one.
This one was even more interesting than the others. Simply because of the fact that, when other people saw Hank, their first reaction was usually either fear, annoyance, or just nothing really. And yet this person, this one person, thought it would be a good idea to actually try and flirt with what is basically the world's number 1 criminal.
And you would likely think that the killing machine would immediately brutalize anyone that would dare even think of talking to them like that out of existence.
But he didn't.
In fact, a part of them kind of enjoyed the attention actually.
It's not like he wasn't extremely confused and maybe even a little aggressive when it first started, but...it was the first time someone had treated him like that. They always were a loner, rejected by some of his peers at times, and after the boombox park massacre? Oh boy, almost everyone he met after that were either terrified of him, trying to kill him, or both.
So to be treated with such...kindness? Was that the word? It was quite refreshing, to be honest.
He wasn't really shocked when that flirty coworker was in the back of the car that arrived to pick them up, with Deimos in the driver seat.
"Hey Hank!"
Hank replied with a simple wave when he sat next to them. Their eyes suddenly got wide as they looked at him a little closer.
"Holy shit is that a bullet in your head?"
He prodded the wound a little before nodding and speaking out.
"Probably. Pass me some tissues, I'll deal with it."
Contrary to his demand, they started digging for the emergency med kit they always kept in those cars.
"Nope. You're not going around with a goddamn bullet in your pretty face without anyone fixing you up."
Hank stared at them with possibly one of the most judgemental looks he had ever given someone.
"Pretty? Really?"
Despite the sarcastic tone in his voice, they smiled as they got to work on healing that nasty hole in his head, along with the other gashes and burns on the rest of their arms and upper chest area.
"Yup! Pretty."
"Daaamn, you really got some shitty taste there buddy!"
Oh, there was Deimos, making the two others almost jump when reminding them of his existence.
"Oh shut it Deimos, you like Mania."
"Hey! That is Fall Out Boy's best album and you can't concince me otherwise!"
As they continued their playful banter , Hank couldn't help but stare at the person next to him. Was the flirting getting to him? Did they actually manage to do something to him? Did the bullet mess with his brain or something?
For some reason, he just couldn't stop looking at that smile. Replaying that laugh in his head over and over again. Paying so much attention to the way they were placing their hands around his shoulders to wrap bandages around them, rubbing his hands when dissinfecting the cuts...
Why the fuck was he feeling like this all of a sudden?
He thought. Thought of all the times his heart clenched a little bit when they gave him a compliment. Of the times he'd feel embarrassed when they called him a petname in public.
He never asked any questions about it, but right now...
"Hey Hank, are you okay? You're breathing pretty heavily."
He turned his head up when they spoke up, now looking at him with a worried face as they rubbed his freshly bandaged hands. It didn't take long for him to look away though, avoiding showing his face.
When he did that, their expression got even more concerned for a second before widening their eyes when they seemed to have realised something, which finally led to the formation of a cheeky smug smile on their face.
"Ooooh, did I fluster you?"
They snickered. God that laugh had something special about it.
"Of course, if you say so."
The car brutally stopped all of a sudden, almost making everyone in it fall over if they weren't wearing seatbelts.
"A'right lovebirds, you can do your romantic shit alone now!"
Hank wipped his head around when Deimos said lovebirds. It was so fast and violent they heard an actual crack. Kinda reminds you of how scary the big guy can be, and the death glare didn't quite help.
"Ow! Okay, I was just joking man, it's all in good fun! Yeesh."
As Deimos left, lighting a cigarette with his thumb, and the two others were getting out of the car, Hank's previously flirty teammate spoke with a twinge of what seemed like guilt in their voice.
"Hey...uh...sorry about that."
He turned to them, stopping in his tracks.
"Oh, well, you seemed pretty mad when Deimos talked about...romance I guess. Like calling us lovebirds and all. I thought I should apologize for...flirting with you that way, you know?"
He suddenly got in face to face with them, looming over with a dark look on his covered face.
"You're good."
"...I am?"
Hank stepped away after they got the hint, and that damned smile that made his insides feel all fuzzy in a way that wasn't from dying and getting ressucitated over and over again came back as they walked along side him to get back to their respective rooms.
"Does that mean you just don't mind or...do you enjoy it?"
"...I don't know what you're talking about."
They laughed.
"You know damn well what I'm talking about Hanky."
His hand came up to cover his face when they said that. He was usually pretty pale, but they swore they saw a hint of red between his mask and his goggles. Although that could very possibly have been a scar or something.
"...Show me a good velma episode and maybe I'll consider telling you."
They laughed even more after that. He didn't quite know how to make a joke without being akward right now, but just the fact that he wanted to try made them understand just how much he prefered them over most people.
"Alright alright then. I'll keep shut."
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Phobos: Doctors: 140k a year. Commission artists: 160k a year.
Jeb: I think you're lowballing the art amount to be honest.
Phobos: I'm sorry for the inaccuracies, DOCTOR DOODLE.
Jeb: ...no matter how I respond to this, I look stupid. Well played. I walked into that one.
Deimos: Eh, artists are typically more competent and courteous than your average doctor, so I can see that.
Phobos, staring directly at Deimos: Did you just legitimately tell me that a person who draws stupid shit and calls it a meme is more competent than a dude who spent 8+ years in a university to give you your lung transplant??
2BDamned: Doctors are bullshit and artists provide an infinitely more valuable service compared to them. Fuck learning medical shit on the fly.
Phobos: You will die in seven days!
(Tricky suddenly appears near all of them in a cloud of confetti and a party favor noise.)
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angyvalentine · 1 year
☾, ■, ♦, and ൠ? c:
First of all, thanks for asking! <3 Given I spoke about my ModernAU!GoW stuff in the tags, I assume we’re talking about Kratos and Lys xD
Headcanon meme
Basic background infos for the AU: Kratos is a professional MMA fighter, Lysandra works as A.D.A., Deimos is still alive and (somehow) well.
☾ - sleep headcanon
While in winter Lysandra loves to snuggle against Kratos’ side ‘cause the man is basically a furnace – so they mostly sleep in spoon/cradle positions, in summer she doesn’t tolerate the heat. Yet they still want to feel the other one, so they loosely intertwine their fingers (and she blesses the ceiling fan LOL).
After competitions he sleeps… and snores. Like, a lot, it seems like you’re sleeping beside a fr3aking tractor. But Lys has no heart to tell him that, so she goes to sleep on the recliner she has in her home office.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
While before they both lived in apartments, when they started to live together they chose to buy a detached, single-family home.
The style is pretty essential. Elegant, but nothing too much. No trinkets nor ornaments, beside photos and Lysandra’s succulent plants vases (except in Christmas because Lys has a weakness for Xmas themed stuff LMAO).
Kratos really didn’t care to show them, but Lys has prepared a showcase for his sport trophies and medals.
Part of the basement has been converted into a home gym for Kratos.
Lysandra has a home office for those times when she must work some extra hours on a case.
Kratos painted Calliope’s (nursery first) bedroom and built her crib.
There're big windows in the living room, and toward the backyard
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
When he takes some free time  - quite rarely , to be honest - , Kratos likes to read. Don’t give him fantasy or romantic stuff, but a nice crime novel, historical or sport-themed books? That’s his cup of tea.
If Lysandra has to overwork in her office (YES, she’s quite a Stakhanovite), he reads there with her on her recliner. Ready to take his wifey to bed when she’s almost dying from sleepiness.
If she needs to decompress, Lys likes to swim. While at school she was a quite good archer, but for her swimming is way more relaxing.
ൠ – random headcanon
Lysandra first met Deimos at the physiotherapist studio.
He’s a veteran that got honorably discharged after getting injured in an explosion, where he almost completely lost sight from his left eye and got his “marks” as scars – while Lys was there because she got shot on the shoulder joint during a trial, trying to protect a witness.
At first he thought she was a cold, yet (a hot piece of ass) charming woman, he even told his brother about that.
Then he found out that that “hot piece of ass” was the very same woman that was working to throw Kratos’s ass in jail C:
(they’re close friends now, he sees her like a sister)
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
For the OC duo ask meme: 🐺- What animal do they most remind you of?
Thanks for the ask, @saturnine-saturneight!
(Ask Game Here)
Rules: Answer the Asks as two of your OCs talking about one another, giving their opinions about each other - those don't have to be accurate but rather should be a reflection about what one character thinks of the other.
I'll go with Arzhel and Elodie from The Forgotten Ones + Jack and Deimos from Supernova Initiative + Renn and Kane from Song of Thorns!
Arzhel & Elodie:
🐺- What animal do they most remind you of?
Arzhel - "Elodie? She reminds me of a country mouse. But not in a necessarily bad way... rather because she is very energetic, always scurrying from one place to the other, full of boundless energy that sometimes is endearing and sometimes annoys me to no end. She's also really fast, and somewhat cute, but also mischievous and can sneak into almost any place that you can think of. I think a country mouse fits her personality quite well!"
Elodie - "He reminds me of a small, feral fox that will bite anyone that comes near it but is actually just really, really scared. The kind that has been through some shit in life, and thinks everything is out to get them, even if it's just a fallen leaf. The kind of fox that I would wanna pet and share my rations with but then get yelled at by it for getting too close, even though it begrudgingly stays near me regardless. That feral alley animal energy which stems from a lack of hugs as a when that fox was a pup. In other words, someone just really needed love as a kid but didn't get it in time, and so grew up weird. That's Arzhel for me. Still love him though."
Deimos - "Jack 100% reminds me of a Golden Retriever. He just has that kind of energy. I would know, I practically grew up with the guy. What do I mean? Well, for starters: an overly selfless personality that prefers to make others happy than to care for his own needs even if it has consequences later. He is also really smart, painfully extroverted, and is surprisingly a really good swimmer for someone who practically lives in outer space. And can't forget the always flawless, somehow 'stylishly messy' (he says that in a mock of Jack's voice) hair that confuses me to no end to this day."
Jack - "Hm. I would say that Deimos reminds me of a grumpy black cat. The type of cat that wants cuddles but will hiss, bite and look pissed the entire time. He is introverted, spends way too much time indoors playing old video games, has a borderline obsessive tendency towards perfectionism and symmetry, hates loud places, and is the grumpiest, most serious guy I know. Deimos will probably hate me for this, but fun fact: when he is really pissed off, he sometimes hisses like a cat. I know it's a natural sound for his alien species but for me it sounds like a cat and will always sound like a cat no matter what he says, haha. I'm also legitimately concerned that if someone startles him way too suddenly he might get stabby. Not with his claws, but with his knives. Which is so much worse."
Kane - "Ugh, I know you're gonna say I'm being unimaginative or cliche by saying this, because yes, Dhampyr... but Renn seriously reminds me of a bat. First of all the guy can turn into a giant bat - how am I supposed to not associate him with bats after that?! Second, I don't know. He just has that vibe. Full-time night owl even though he is diurnal, hates waking up early, has that 1000-yard stare that probably pierces straight through your soul, drinks blood, and so on. He is a bat and for me that's the most accurate representation of the dude for me. I'm pretty sure one day I'm walk up to him just chilling upside down on a ceiling and I'm gonna have to accept that as a simple fact of life."
Renn - "Kane reminds me of a peacock. Proud, cocky, 'pretty boy' who wants to be admired so much he forgets to take care of himself and so I and my friends end up having to save him every damn time. Yes, he is a good knight. Yes, the King is a scoundrel for betraying him - and quite honestly for everything else. But also, for the Goddess' sake, why the fuck does Kane have to not think through a single plan in his life before doing it? He is a peacock. I'm sure of it. A very proud and handsome one, but still needs to work on those self-awareness skills urgently."
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janzoo · 8 months
For the amorous asks: no 2 for Drakyr please!
(Original meme) Thanks for the prompt!
Does your OC remember their first crush? Would they ever admit to it now?
I hadn't thought of this one before - yay new lore for Drakyr!
Drakyr's first big crush was probably someone else from her tribe, around age 13-14 let's say? Another girl who shared Drakyr's interest in botany. In line with my naming scheme for her tribe, I'm gonna call her Pianta. (I've been developing Drakyr's direct family lately and now I'm running out of Deimos tribe names ruh roh.) She was Drakyr's first kiss, too. (Just puppy love, but still.) Nothing else really came of it, but they remained good friends until the Saovine tribe was killed in the Calamity.
And yes, she would admit to it. Quite fondly. Drakyr thinks of Pianta a little every time she makes a flower crown.
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Hello! I'm 18 looking for other 18+ roleplay partners, as I've found I'm going mad without a roleplay for Assassin's Creed. I've found it's one of the ones I don't have yet really want, and I'd like to fix that. I can roleplay every game aside from the first one and Mirage, as fate turns out I don't have either of them, though with some of the others I may need a refresher, as it's been awhile since I've played most of them.
I prefer a roleplay with either Odyssey or Origins, as I've spent the most time in those games and know them the best, but again I am open to anything. I will be playing my OC Xanthe, and while I do mainly ship her with Alexios/Deimos, I'm not too pressed about that specific ship given I made Xanthe open to all relationships throughout her life [immortal with a catch]--but if you are able, I'd love you forever if you were to play him for me. I would like you to know Odyssey and his character if you do choose to grant my wish, and also be okay with occasional NSFW as it's important to Xanthe's character--as her occupation in that time period is a hetaerae.
The only other things I ask of my partner is to understand that I am a full-time college student and my schedule varies based on events/workloads, thus my responses will vary too as a result. However, I will still try to get out at least one response a day. I would like at least 3-7 detailed paragraphs as it's my style of writing, proper grammar, punctuation and spelling (I won't harp on you about misspellings or typos, don't worry, I just need to be able to understand what I'm reading).
I prefer to have a friendship with those I write with, so it'd be nice if you were also open to OOC chats, brainstorming, memes or whatever we think of together. All I ask is that you respect me, and I will respect you in return.
Thank you for reading, and please do message me on Discord [turvobidaster] if you're interested!
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
For the OC ask meme- 21 for Taylor and/or Kard!!
Just for you, I'll do both!
21. What sets your OC off? What will make them go from a docile little lamb to a rampaging, fire-breathing dragon?
For Taylor... a lot of things really! If you're looking for more than petty annoyances or split hairs, of which they have a lot...
(they hate people seeming to be disrespectful or doing sloppy, careless work, especially if it seems to obviously make trouble for others. If you're an inconvenience to other people "unjustifiably" they will easily become snippy with/about you)
...few things quite make them snap like seeing how someone could obviously reduce another's suffering and isn't doing it.
Watching, say, a wealthy man eating a feast while people living on his land are starving would set them from zero to rage almost instantaneously.
An actual example in canon is they absolutely lose it upon finding out Deimos had a flying fortress; the technology existed to make something as large as a castle sustain itself against gravity indefinitely while everyone Taylor knew for most of their life, including the elderly and disabled, were dependent on the backbreaking labor of hauling firewood to endlessly feed wood stoves for cooking and warming or they'd die. To their thinking, it's the same as personally watching grandma struggling through the snow with logs in her arthritic hands and going "whatever" because you have plenty of firewood- or the worst kind of scum.
For Kard! Kard's anger can be difficult to access. A lot of things distress or upset him, but those emotions route faster to, well, anxiety, fear, and sadness, things he feels a lot of!
He can be miffed by a sense people don't care about music or art, backhanded comments about "commoners" or "peasantry" (he grew up on a farm) or prolonged impositions on his good nature, especially now when so much of his daily (un)life is a struggle for him.
Rage isn't really Kard's forte; so things that will get a very large reaction out of him tend to be time bombs. He isn't someone who angers easily but he can hold a grudge better than most people, including himself, realize. As a result the things that really get him tend to be things that feel profoundly unaddressed or have a long time to grate at him. It's a lot easier for him to hate on a friend's behalf than on his own...
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many-but-one · 2 years
Hi, I love your blog and I want you to know that you're deserving of love and respect. Your slam poetry is something that I deeply understand, and I want you to know that even if the world does not, you are also able to hold yourself gently. Sending my love to you. For the colours ask as well, Lavender and Sky and Peach. I am so proud of you for healing and existing, and I'm so sorry you must navigate through hardship. You deserve the world and a dozen more. May the future be bright. May life hold you gently from now on. -The Star Seer System 💜
Ah, fuck, I’m not usually fronting when we get nice asks so this surprised me a lot😅 Our ask box is…yeah. I’m sure you understand.
As someone who helped write that poem, particularly the parts you are quoting right now, this means quite a lot to me. Thank you. We look forward to having you as a mutual moving forward.
For the colors meme, I would say the same. Thank you🧡 I am not a very touchy-feely outwardly emotional type but know that I am trying to express my gratitude as much as I can muster😂
We have actually recorded several more slam poems, as doing this has been incredibly cathartic for us writers of the system, and Dorian is an incredible reader/speaker. So hopefully soon these will continue.
Blessings be upon you, from whatever belief system brings you comfort, if any.
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singofus-a · 1 year
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@ichoric asked: ❰❰ HURT ❱❱ sender is hurt protecting receiver dite n ares for fun
An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme | Accepting
When Aphrodite joined him in battle, everything became more intense and more fun. Some might say that Ares deliberately brought his best behaviour, even showing off a little for his love as they fought alongside one another.
Especially in instances like this where she fought truly by his side. Ares was gripped in combat with his sword, fending off three men with their spears and shields - a blur amongst the red fog pooling around him. All around them, men were stirred up into a frenzy - succumbing to his overwhelming aura as much as he was.
Until he heard Aphrodite shout from behind him, followed by a harsh shove sending him sideways, and the horrific sound of her cry of pain. Glancing back, he just happened to see an archer on a chariot aimed his way, a glow about them showing their divine blessing - able to see the gods within the fight.
Oh whoever blessed them was fucking dead. In an instant, he stabbed a man before him through the gut and in one swift movement, grabbed their spear with his free hand and chucked it like a javelin towards the chariot with a yell of rage. It skimmed the head of the horse by a whisper and sailed away into the fog of battle. He yelled again and cries of a final push came. Looking to her and the arrow sticking out from a gap in her armoured shoulder, he put his shield up behind them, and pulled her in close. Just then, a yell from Deimos came, alerting them he was coming. Clearly he had either seen what happened or heard Ares' yell.
"Whoever hurt you, I will rip their fucking soul out of their fucking chest, you have my word. Deimos will take you to safety, just rest, my love." He asked of her, not worried of her death but of her wellbeing. But he was still too full of rage to leave this place with her, he needed to find that motherfucker and his men and make them all fucking pay for this. He would win this battle now to spite them and their patron.
All around, his anger and that of his sons took hold. Strategy gave way to sheer bloodlust and violence and it descended into a hacking and slashing bloodbath on the front lines as officers behind struggled to gain back control of their men. Many lives were lost that day, a battle bloody enough for bards to sing of for future generations. Vengeances struck up for many on either side, to be settled by the survivors.
It was only when the clash of blades fell silent, and the Keres descended to get their fill, did Ares leave - blood-soaked and heaving in breath, handle of his weapon crushed into formless clump of metal from his grip. It was exchanged there for the gentlest of holds to his lover's hand as he knelt by her side in her tent, knuckles raised to his lips by a shaking hand as he attempted vaguely to calm.
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txnichtgut-archive · 1 year
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ [ glance ] Prickling ate away at his attention , he could practically feel eyes when they turned to look at him. It set his hair on end , hackles raising as though he were in danger , gearing up for a bit of fight or flight. A flick of pearl hues gleaming in his observers direction , Deimos couldn't help gentling irritation into smug , seductive showing as he made himself worth watching. Exhilarating rush of endorphins from being so closely watch — a hard gaze almost as tangible as hands roaming his body. Brows rose as if to silently ask , before he disregarded his entire existence like a cat would it's owner and turned his eyes back to the task at hand. He's been fed and, now, he could seemingly care less for their existence. ]  ❞
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jongdae had zero idea what this guy's deal was, but the fact that he had somehow managed to get into queue before him didn't sit well with him and now... now he was just here waiting. somehow he couldn't look away either. it was kind of disturbing almost. the man was most definitely attractive, no doubt, but there was this weird sort of... attraction? unwanted attraction? dae scratched his chin in thought before ultimately looking away again, staring at the number in his hand. he was so hungry, when was his food going to arrive already?
which immediately brought his attention back to this man. maybe he was just horny? looking forward to get laid? he couldn't be this horny though, that was almost sad... especially considering he was playing the cute boyfriend of all his clients every goddamn day.
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alloyione · 9 months
Project concept journal: Stuff I want to work on: 33
Things I need to consider:
Legal restraints: Can i use music from relevant game? Or use from YoutubeLibrary? Can I post without monetizing? or risk copyright strike regardless? Doublecheck Transformative work and Derivative work IP Laws
Efficiency restrictions: Complication of scene? Too many characters? How simple is too simple? Can I reuse assets between projects? ways to efficiently simplify the shot as a single creator.
Logistical constraints: Suggested time for Shorts is 15 seconds, minute max with 10MB file size with 1920x1080 vertical resolution. Tumblr videos 10 minutes max or 500MB file size at 500x700 vertical resolution. Using YouTube Sound Effect catalogue limits video length to 15 seconds exactly? Check to see if same applies to YouTube Audio library.
1 second of animation is 12/24 frames professionally. 10sec/120-240 frames and 30sec/360-720 frames and etc. to keep in mind
Warframe animation shorts
warframe creator guidelines allows usage of their soundtrack and in game audio in passive advertisement content, but not for other projects not related to warframe.
ParkourFrame: empyrean NEZHA parkour takedown a corpus unit, skidding some flame trails, panning up his back as he comes to a stand, cut and Pan to face. Very detailed design, singular character, semi simple background, maybe a corpus hallway? 10 seconds?
BoardFrame: Yareli Kdriving, maybe kdrive dancing like longboard dancers. Maybe ask a mandachord artist if you can use their track with source and credit? Simplified design, singular character, could be on snowy hill path facing forward Simple parallax background slowly panning up with a minimal foreground. 15-16 seconds
RepairFrame: Warframe fishing for parts to help a vent kid with replacing a part that got messed up in a run, flashing back to catching them with other vent kids to stop her from falling off a cliff with a MOA clipped to her. Minimum 3 characters(WF VK MOA) simplified snow background, simplified vent kids chute, simplified cave fishing spot. Can attempt a motion comic style with minimal movement. Might be too complicated/extended storyline for a short, might make minute max. Try boarding it.
BOREDFrame: You wanna Nahhhh you wanna? Nahhhhhhh what about? NAAAAAAAAAHHHHH for warframe mission types then staying in orbiter. Decide on frames to be initiator and denier. super simplified Chibi maybe? Two character, maybe a grineer being shot. Multiple simplified backgrounds. 10 seconds
This is my A-Slot*look* this is my B-Slot *new look* this is my C-slot *newnew look* and this! is my d-slot >;3*look* 'Just pick one already before the void storm passes' 15 seconds?
BugFrame: Titania pranking people with little butterfly tickles or covering up their scope. Two characters plus butterfly and scoped weapon prop, one background. Can be minimal on-model. Can be about 8-10 seconds.
StoreFrame: Heavy breathing meme for new cosmetic and prime junk farming? Ehhh kinda not really impactful. 10 seconds. simple chibi simple chibified orbiter cockpit background
GoreFrame: Deimos landscape undulating while fighting worm with necramech. 30 seconds with a long windup time for worm movements. Maybe up to 45 seconds. Have a rough in blender already
OW: Deleted concepts due to current events. The year's worth of girl centered advertising and girl empowerment storylines does not leave a good taste in my mouth considering the allegations and lawsuits that were leveraged while these were in development.
A league of legends short Same boat as above, but they paid out their lawsuits. featuring a song from a character that didn’t get a trailer or that appeals to me. I can use some of the music safely due to champion and skin themes being added to creator safe playlists on SoundCloud. Songs with singers are contracted and can't be used.
Seraphine interacting with her (water scorpion?) spirit platform and showing an empath’s view of the world. Complex background angle, swooping from high vantage point and falling gracefully to impending doom at the ground. Simplify character design to make angle transition easier. Longest at a minute? Would be an undertaking. cannot monetize due to singer contract
Space groove blitzcrank offering an Uber ride to space groove Samira with some groovy shoulder action, maybe her skating on some planetary rings like a waterskier. Two characters, Two angles of one background for most of scene then pan to multiple scenes briefly as blitz’s arm pans through them. 20-30 second timeframe? From very beginning it is exactly 40 seconds. Could cut out roughly first 12 seconds, so 28 seconds? Try to find a good looping point for viewability. could make into a trailer for a longer video if time constraint too strong.
KDA Allout Kaisa dancing and breaking and shattering stuff. Chorus, one character, semi complicated background. Look into particles. About 14 seconds just dumdedum chorus? cannot monetize due to singer contract
Rell song was added to dmca safe playlist! Can do either the running charge sound at the beginning for her dismounting (exactly 15 seconds for a good loop point, maybe 25 for the heavy drums) simple if just her charging, blurred out and far away, camera adjusts to see her intense look on the back of her horse. or the “im coming for you now with fiiiiiire, never lose a fighter bit(2:54-3:22 would be 28 seconds). Could go with a lot of noise and wave to simulate her 4, complex depending on fight choreography (one big unit? Bunch of smaller units?) Big fan of her aesthetic
MECH&CYBORG explorations
Some shorts based off of IchiMegamix with different IGPX teams? Definitely want to explore mech animation , either with 3d or 2d. Do Not Monetize At All. IP is licensed by CC/CN. Music is licensed through Sony library I think, could maybe check adult swim’s music use guidelines. Otherwise YoutubeLibrary
Getting fouled into a yellow flag yield so repair unit can come in, get one last petty ding in as it’s getting reeled up, show characters being salty little competitive children. Seven characters max(teams and repair unit) with “speech bubbles” of pilots heads coming out. Determine complexity in boarding. repeated movement in background and foreground,15 seconds
Edge raid acting like a pack of wild dogs and ganging up and dragging people with their wires.
Skylark team coasting and drag drifting with wind trails visible. 3 identical mechs with color differences on accent panels.repeated motion background based on track. 15 seconds.
Zoids idea exploration/appreciation. YouTube Library, Do not monetize to respect IP being used in videos unless very very transformative.
New paint job?
Raptorzoid clawing open another pilot’s zoid.
Longe range Sniper wolf zoid. Shooting at a megazoid
Medium sized modern zoids like sport car sized hares? Reptile themed zoids like snakes, monitor lizards, horny toads, and smaller skink zoids that swim/bury themselves in the sand. more desert themed zoids with clear parts. Tarantula or trapdoor spider zoids. 5 seconds for each type, roughly 35 seconds from listed, with no interactions, just robotic animals, maybe pilots.
Bird based zoids like gliders with extra propulsion, lots of sheen and glare doing an aerial dogfight. Hawk and pigeon/songbird themed? Big predatory zoid with a smaller zoid piggybacking on it. Could be bird (swallow?) themed, could be bats or cicadas or other wall clingers, but clinging to canyon wall? 6 seconds for the take off, 6 seconds for the piggyback ride, 10+ for the aerial dogfight
Waterbear satellite repair silicone softzoid (vtuber mascot? Partial to it personally. big squish factor. could give up front clear visor for more squishy aerogel and use cameras beacons, magnets, clasping/hugging the satellite to for outward mobility. 10 seconds with it latching onto the outside and releasing the pilot to work on something. Lots of emphasis on the jiggle physics, three characters if satellite is included, a couple backgrounds of bare space and atmospheric shots of planet. Aerogel right now is partially transparent, like foggy glass.
RISKY WATERS: Anything Disney, don't monetize at all to be safe. Check for updates and permissions for following: Oban original and sequel, SRMTHFG dance short.
TVS CREW: fan art appears to be appreciated, but check if would be lore accurate, and if ok to post on my channel or submit to theirs. Could just do the lines/backgrounds, and offer to let community color it. Current known lore is CoDee=coffee maker, HaiDee=music player/DAW, LAEDEE is solar powered, False and EYEDEE are interchangably the same entity, but False runs the show(one or both of them have a malicious compliance bug). Also catdragonandroid reine is honorary crew
False assimilating an EYEDEE unit. 3 characters with EYEDEE potentially being a mob character that only one gets converted. Check if establishing V-U collector cell as canon lore.GOFOR(GeoOrbital Fetch or Retrieval)becomes original intern EYEDEE (Enigmatic Yesman Everyman), sent to False to either replace or send his battery/database to the surface of earth. Has his original programming suppressed and replaced with false who benignly? Copies his own code into the unit. Collects the data from the EYEDEE, then willingly hands over his cell under agreement that they generate more power using Eyedee’s V-U Cell. Reine shows up. 40-58 seconds? might be too complicated. Motion Comic practice?
False and EYEDEE almost losing to a short haired LAEDEE (loss aversion engineering) unit. Both underpowered from running on half power, LAEDEE unit generating cool tech. Reine shows up. Conflict resolution and contract generated. New long haired cohost look generated. 30-35 seconds
Willing relinquishing of duties by False to better allocate power. False says I’ll be Back to bring more news, Soon. Reine says it’s a shame they’re putting the hot one to rest. 20 seconds?
Creation process for secondary cohosts. Codee and Haidee remark on how buff they are and eyedee says you’re welcome. 15 seconds standing shot with 3-5 characters, simple background
EYEDEE being spotted by crew updating/charging with False and drawing on their faces. V-U cell churning views into power in lap like a pondering orb. 10-15 seconds
Dragon explorations YouTube Library, since original concept, dont worry about monetizing easily 10-15 seconds with sound effects Can keep relatively simple with black/white backgrounds, caves, open bodies of sky/water. complicated anatomy, might need to do multiple movement studies/explorations
acting like eels, coiled together in a nook, swarming a pizza fresh meal, swimming through different materials
acting like grackles, tilting their head up and whale eyeing each other
deciding on alternate/fantasy biology. Add glowing elements? Developing crests? Scales vs “fur” vs hide? Gill like organs? Wings? Eyes adjusting? Wings at all? Eyes at all?
Scifi themed Anne McCaffrey dragons or soft fantasy scaley lore dragons? Eastern furred dragons vs western scaled dragons?
monster dipping in and out of goop
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stygicniron · 2 years
aresdeus asked:
❝ fear is the most powerful emotion, turn your enemy’s worst fear against them, you’ll own them. ❞
Lost Meme -- @aresdeus
"I thought fear was Phobos and Deimos's job," Nico commented, his heart threading uncomfortably in his chest. It wasn't going so fast as to be worrisome, although Nico knew that was coming if he couldn't figure out what to do with the monsters scattered around him. Who knew unicorns could be dangerous?
Although these unicorns didn't exactly fit the bill for the pretty princess unicorns most people thought of when they heard the word unicorn. These looked downright vicious, horn coming to a sharp point on the middle of their foreheads with something that looked uncomfortably like dried blood caked on the end. Their necks seemed too muscular, movements too sharp to be herbivores like regular horses or even regular unicorns, and their fur was matted and thick, clearly never been brushed before.
Sword in front of him, Nico carefully waved it back and forth, hoping to keep the monsters back, but he knew he wouldn't stand a chance if they all decided to attack at once. Right, fear. He could put things to sleep, could he bring fear? He took a steadying breath.
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