#* emapthy
If you're dependent on your ability to feel empathy to not be abusive you're not a good person.
If anything was to happen to your ability to feel what others are feeling you will become abusive.
Also empathy can be weaponized against people. Just because someone is crying and hurt doesn't mean they don't deserve it.
Sympathy is cognitive, it cognitively understanding why something is bad. Sympathy is required to be a good person.
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xerxeswitch · 9 months
Unpopular Opinion: Empaths does not equate to "nice people."
--- Everyone is an "empath" nowadays. It's treated as a superpower as well as a coy curse. There's always a misconception that empathy only dwells in kind people, and they'll never, ever, ever be manipulative to you. The first statements I experienced -- that usually follows in this topic are: "I/We have a level of empathy most people don't have. That's us empaths." "Empaths are always kind and sweet people.""Empaths are always easily taken advantaged of because we're so nice! We always try to see the best in bad people but we get abused so easily!" "We are natural healers. It's our job to change people for the best!"
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-- First of all, yikes. Personally, anyone who brags that they're super empathic are the people I stay away from. I get skeptical when anyone claims they "have a level of empathy most people don't have" aka "I am nicer than most people" aka "I'm a nice guy/girl."
... An empath is supposedly someone who feels and understands other people's emotions. They can read the room and react to the environment or to the person accordingly. NOW, this does not mean they care more, or are better than the average person. Ever heard of "dark empaths?" There are plenty of empaths out there whom exist that can cognitively sense or catch your emotions, but they can use your emotions against you to their advantage. A lot of empaths I met claim they can feel through other people's emotions and state that this automatically makes them nicer people than most, but then they push other people’s feelings aside for their own selfish needs. They also know how you feel and what you want, which considers them one of the most dangerous people you'll meet. I feel it's the same perception for those who are radically into "love and light" but then utilize toxic positivity and spiritual bypassing. -- ..Another gross stereotype that these proclaimed empaths like to say is that they are prone to be pushed around, and be strung along into bad relationships because they want to change someone, or because they're "too nice."
I think that's a toxic expectation to expect from genuinely nice people to be naturally taken advantaged of. I find genuine nice, empathetic people set firm boundaries and know when to say no and set a lot of time to themselves, because they also wouldn't want people to go through bad experiences themselves and understand the importance of being protective of your own energy and space. A kind, empathic person would not boast about how nice they are. They just are. They shouldn't feel the need to be better than most people either. Additionally, genuinely nice, empathic people shouldn't feel the need to change people, but just hand them the tools they think it's helpful then leave them alone to their own devices. --- So, being an "empath" doesn't mean that person is kinder than the average person. Being an "empath" doesn't mean you have to compromise yourself for the sake of others, disregarding your own time and needs. I'm not trying to preach about what takes a genuinely nice person to be nice. This girl's just tired of hearing harmful things that comes with the topic revolving around "empaths."
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anothersssarchive · 1 year
autistic things 21
fluctuating empathy
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rahulmadathil · 9 months
On Israel and Palestine :
The winding alleys of Jerusalem's Old City hold interwoven stories of loss and belonging. For Sarah, a Jewish university student whose grandparents fled Europe after the horrors of the Holocaust, Israel represents the one place where Jews are guaranteed safety. But for Khalid, whose family was displaced from their village in 1948 during the Arab-Israeli war, returning home remains an unfulfilled dream. Both young people inherit complex legacies of trauma and displacement that fuel today’s divisive politics.
As a new generation comes of age, Sarah worries that critiques of Israel threaten Jewish identity while Khalid advocates for greater recognition of Palestinian rights. Their polarized views reflect divides that have thwarted peace for decades. With little exposure to each other's narratives, Sarah and Khalid remain locked in conflicting historical accounts that allow little room for compromise.
The creation of Israel in 1948 led to the mass displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, with estimates ranging from 700,000 to 900,000 who fled or were expelled from their homes during the war that erupted between Jews and Arabs after Israel declared statehood. To this day, many Palestinian refugees still live in camps in the occupied West Bank and neighboring countries, with some 5 million registered as refugees by the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).
For Jews around the world, the establishment of Israel marked the creation of a safe haven just years after the Holocaust claimed the lives of 6 million Jews during World War II. Yet for Palestinians, it marked the beginning of life under military occupation, restricted movement, and reduced citizenship rights. These clashing perspectives have fueled decades of conflict.
While many hold entrenched views, glimmers of understanding exist. In a 2021 poll by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 58% of Palestinian citizens of Israel said the Holocaust should be taught in Arab schools. Some Jewish millennials have also grown more critical of Israel's treatment of Palestinians. But divisions remain deep, and violent attacks in recent years have hardened attitudes on both sides.
How can college students navigate such a polarized issue and advocate for peace? Building connections between everyday Israelis and Palestinians and highlighting shared human experiences can humanize each side's trauma and yearning for security. Supporting moderate Israeli and Palestinian leaders willing to make compromises for peace is also crucial.
For a generation accustomed to nuance and empathy amid diversity, resolving the world’s most intractable conflict may seem an impossible task. But by better understanding the stories on both sides, and believing that reconciliation is possible, today’s youth can help reshape the narrative toward a just two-state solution. The future remains unwritten. What role will your generation play in writing it?
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systemrestart · 1 year
i think Pluto is right. as much as Saturn leans into being The Bitch™/the chaos gremlin, she is a very thoughtful and empathetic person. and not even just to the people closest to her. i think this shines through in her final words from the CM ending;
"Everyone on Earth who believed in us felt the same way;
'Let's be more human.' 'How much more human can we be?'
That faith waned, maybe because they were jealous. Yet, maybe also, because the direction we were taking the future wasn't enough. Just another human they didn't want to be. Or a sort of human that they're scared of being.(…)
So, choose to come with us, or choose to stay. But I won't be happy without them knowing what they're missing out on. Look up in the sky, and see all the weird stuff we get to do with each other! And come join!"
like with most things Saturn does, it's couched in her own desires and feelings, her own 'selfishness' (or, something more like 'self-love', or 'self-respect')........ and yet, she still thinks of humanity, the humanity who rejected her, the humanity she so resents, and she expresses a hope that those who want to also free themselves may follow them someday
her 'victory' against Luna-Terra in the mission "DEEPER CUTS" also sticks out to me. in this 'battle' her goal was to break down Luna-Terra's emotional and mental defenses.......... not just for her own satisfaction (though that too of course lol), but also to see LT truly be vulnerable, for her own sake as well
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barnbridges · 5 months
fun reminder that when marion WAS sad about bunny passing on around charles, someone who she does see as a friend according to richard, she was bad according to both richard and charles. when she's angry that his family sees her as a disposable enough girl to ask another one who he was into, she's shallow and selfish for caring about being at her boyfriend's funeral as the girl who loved him when he died and the first person who cared that he was missing. but when she moved on (without moving on) she's still a shallow and stupid slut actually.
maybe it's because charles and richard feel bad that they have to feel the consequences that they took away her boyfriend. that she obviously cared about him and is human about it. maybe that's why they'd stretch away from dealing with her and instead bitch about his family being terrible, because marion didn't cry like they want her to cry aesthetically perfect and unselfish tears.
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gorgugplushie · 9 months
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she reminds me of me when i was younger
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caramelcoconutswirl · 9 months
Okay, so the new hunger games is so bad actually i mean i knew it would be trash but this is just sad
#like there was potential!! i see what they were going for but it was so badly done like i could write an entire paper about it#the whole ppint of the hunger games is so cheapened in this every scene where you're supose to get the gut punch is so drab like this#movie is way too concerned with showing you easter eggs of the previous ones that it completely loses itself in it#and president snow.....uh#instead of showing him as a stone cold power hungry man that could've struggled with this new feelings of emapthy and love and how#ultimately it's a harsh world in which he chooses to be a victor at any cost esp woth the whole war history we get him as a sweetheart#who wants to help his family but also cares for other but not rlly but actually does and falls for the girl but betrayes his friends but he#loves him but but but and it's just all too weak like they tried but faild in depicting it right like you could've done something great wit#this and you got us another marvel/dc like bullshit there's no real feelings in this movie it's all so fake and try hard#where's the ruthlessness the cruelty there's nothing we haven't seen before actually it's a complete mish mash of those 4 movies not a#original thought in sight it's so bad i just had to rant#bc there's so many stupid things and plot holes if i can rewrite the cript better then you know how bad it is and also why is this so long?#it never ends it just keeps going you can't even feel current events bc they just skip onto the next one#bad work!
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seriaviri · 11 months
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eggohomestylecunt · 2 years
I'm like if Harry Du Bois was a boy who was girl who was a man who's a lady
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twinksauron · 1 year
on my third (?) twin peaks rewatch so once again time for me to horribly upset abt audreys butchered character storyline...
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rastronomicals · 6 months
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12:33 PM EDT March 29, 2024:
The Ladies - "Emapthy On A Stick" From the Compilation Destroy Independent Music! (2007)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
From Temporary Residence's sampler
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mulletfriend · 9 months
doing a metric fuckton of drugs would fix me.
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peterbromley · 9 months
The most difficult thing To accomplish in life Is to love yourself. A series explaining the “who, what, when, where and why” from a “work in progress” on the front lines follows very shortly. Peter BromleyWork in progress Evolve to excel: excel to fulfill....
View On WordPress
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suzypepper · 10 months
I think it’s weird and antisocial to say that any place full of people should be “nuked”, personally. A lot of people online talk about extreme violence and the horrors of war so causally so theoretically as if it’s some intellectual fantasy, a rebellious high school student’s political poster on their wall to piss their mom off, not millions of real living breathing feeling individual human beings’ entire LIVES you’re throwing around. That self important, sheltered, privileged edginess. It’s off-putting, the say the least. I don’t like you
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putriddivine · 1 year
Just had to think so hard about following an account with good content because the owner of it seems scary
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