#* i'll find a new place to be from.
homo-house · 6 months
re:hbomberguy, on the topic of citing sources, i want to say:
it is insane how many people on here don't even click the sources op links on their own post to learn more and just hit reblog saying "oh my i didn't know about this thank you for teaching me!". like guys CLICK THE LINK!! CHECK THE NOTES!!! CHECK THE SOURCE!.... i swear half the time the link is dead or takes you to a nonsense page (i see this a lot with art specifically???? and excerpts from magazines??) and some times the linked source disproves a claim the very post that linked it made and people just. don't bother to check, no one bothers to even reblog saying "hey that link is dead! here's a new, working link!" or "hey that link doesn't work, can you link the source again?" and when it comes to misinformation people just share without checking or looking at the notes where numerous people will (in the best case scenario) already be pointing out the misinformation
"OH BUT I CAN'T CHECK EVERYTHING I SEE ON THE INTERNET" there is a surefire way to prevent spreading this kind of stuff even if you don't have the time to fact check immediately. just accept it's fine to save a post for later if you can't look deeper into it right now!!!!! literally just reblog it in private or save the post as a draft so you can come back to it later and check. it won't kill you and in fact it will actually make your life a lot better lol
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wastedlands · 2 months
like for me to send you some memes or reply with a 🤠 for plotting xo
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dan-crimes · 22 days
I love it when I'm not actually as invested in something as others are yet I'll still spend. 10+ hours just watching content about it cuz I still have to know about it like I might not have brain rot or anything but I gotta have that info in my brain
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artistfingers · 9 months
I'm looking at ur store cus i wanna buy some dp stickers, and the holographic danny isnt available in my region? Is that intentional? /nm /gen
The other stickers are available, its just the holo one
(My region is the southern US)
It should absolutely be available - looks like I'm having an Etsy issue, because it's showing me that on my own page too, and I'd wager anybody else too. I'm not sure how long this has been going on. I'm sorry to anybody who may have been disappointed to come across this recently 😔 but I've contacted support and should have some info back from them in 24-48 hours. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
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oflgtfol · 2 months
i was talking to my therapist last week about how i'm kinda excited but also equally apprehensive about starting grad school this fall because yes, i so so desperately needed a gap year otherwise i think i literally would have killed myself and/or had a breakdown big enough to land me in the hospital, and even beyond that i just needed to figure out a more concrete plan of what i'm going to do with my life in general -- while all of that is true, and i'm glad i took the gap year for it, i'm also apprehensive because i genuinely feel like an entirely different person than i was even at this exact point in time last year, nevermind anything earlier than that. it's only been a single year of me being out of school but my life has changed so dramatically, mostly for the better, and my whole personality has flipped on its head, it's just going to be so fucking weird going back to the same school, the same campus, potentially seeing my old friends around. augh
#sorry i was trying to find a post in my music tag in my archive and i scrolled so far back i got all the way to april 2023#where i referenced sitting in a dining hall#and its like. DINING HALL ?!?!?!#im going to be sitting in the fucking dining hall again in just like four months. UGH#brot posts#it's almost similar to the separation between high school and college. where i feel like hs me was completely different than college me#and now only a mere year later i feel like. post-undergrad me is completely different than undergrad me#although now that separation is exacerbated by how short a time it was and just HOW drastic a change it was#like . a bitch goes on antidepressants suddenly theyre a whole new person.#like im lowkey excited to see my old classmates and friends again#but i also am dreading it bc like hi. hey. i have the same name and face as the person you knew but i'm someone else now. sorry#and also just the persistent fear that i'm going to regress or at least even just /feel/ like im regressing#just by being back in that environment again?#even if i'll be on meds this time and actually going to therapy and overall having so much more support than i did in the past#so as nostalgic as i am to be on campus again it's also like. hard to separate the present from the past#like despite it all. this bathroom was still the very same place i went to have a mental breakdown weekly#this bench outdoors was the place i sat by myself to eat lunch in the blistering cold bc i couldnt eat indoors during covid 2020-2021#this bench indoors was where my friends had an intervention with me and forced me to call the on-campus mental health services#just . idk. feeling a strange mix of nostalgia and also being haunted by bad memories#oh the woes of going to grad school at the same place you got your undergrad. While mentally ill#but alas i need to save money by commuting and having instate tuition
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crest-of-gautier · 6 months
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i put her in miitopia bc why not!! based off the p25th anniversary nuis.
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fanforged · 2 months
the world is so, so big beyond their village. the earth kingdom sprawls out for an unimaginable distance around them in a way that's both intimidating and intoxicating. qian stands straighter these days. even with the encroaching presence of the war around them, she finds comfort in the embrace of the other warriors.
they're doing what they can. they hope it's enough.
on days like today, it doesn't feel like particularly enough, but there's something refreshing about being out in farmland. the sky above them is clear and vast. the crops beneath their feet . . . are destroyed.
qian laughs, an incredulous, rare sound. she lowers her voice when she speaks, if only to avoid the ire of the farmer eyeing them from a distance. " does he know that a few crushed yards of cabbages doesn't count as an emergency? "
@fanfought said : ❛ we can’t giggle, we’re at a crime scene! ❜
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taecdimples · 10 months
I'm just waiting for the day Stray Kids pulls a GOT7 on JYPE...I'm calling it now...
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eggmeralda · 1 month
I wish there was a way you could put like. every song in the world on shuffle
#spotify playlists made for you are not enough#bc they're based on music i already like and i don't Wanna Hear Music I Already Like#god i need a hyperfixation that is Stable and also New (not a revival of one I've had since I was 16)#bc they introduce me to music i wouldn't have even thought of ever going near#not to compare everything to the highs of my tflu obsession but like?#that introduced me to So Much Music (some related. some not)#i probably listened to more genres in 2022 than i have ever listened to in my life#but idk. i could just listen to some random genre i have no interest in but what would be the point?#there needs to be a sort of 'hilda would've liked this in the 40s' 'this reminds me of swagtre' 'this is literally the plot of nddp' etc#sort of connection#but all i have right now is the endless cycling continuation of the south park obsession i had in 2016. which makes it very easy to just#listened to the music i listened to back then#also it's like. I've seen everything in that fandom there's nothing new i can really get out of it?#it's more just a mix of nostalgia and it's like. easy to get into bc idk. a lot of characters and storylines so you don't get bored in one#place for so long. almost the perfect obsession if it wasn't literally South Park#but surely i can just type in a character's name on spotify and find new music that way?#hahaha No#bc every single sp playlist I've looked through only seems to use like the same 10 songs. and i don't really like any of them#also 'he would not fucking say that' except it's 'he would not fucking listen to that'#most of the time. idk#i need new Vibes that's the problem#there's always a new vibe going on at all times but it seems to have stopped around the start of this year#maybe i just need a job. once i have a job there'll be a location i go to regularly. and I'll have to travel there in some way. and that#will be a new experience. and there'll be new vibes#I'll probably stumble across a new hyperfixation in the process. and then find new music from it#but for now everything is so stagnant and all i really listen to is 80s/90s indie pop and then just music i've listened to since I was 14#i can't even ask for recommendations bc even if i like a song it has nothing to stick to in my brain#i'll be like ''this is a cool song i like it'' and listen to it on repeat and then go off it like a day later#oh fuck tag limit#ramble
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wastedlands · 2 months
why do i kinda want to write house
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praybird · 6 months
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YOU KNOW I DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE TO HAUNT YOU ... please do not reblog!
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duckuwu · 10 months
has anyone talked about the whole yin/yang thing imogen and laudna have going on? imogen's physically bright and light (hair and clothes) where laudna is dark and scary. but personality wise laudna is more light and friendly to (nearly) everyone she meets, generally positive minded / looking for a bright side of things. meanwhile imogen is wary and cautious, a bit intimidating, and definitely prone to being quiet when meeting new people (assessing the situation / figuring out if the person could be trusted or not).
they don't just tether each other, they balance each other.
obviously it kept them alive when they were on their own, but I wonder if they fell into place like two puzzle pieces when they met. just like 'oh, you're meant to help me through all this'
so, like, when they were separated, they weren't out of sorts just because their tether, nor their love, was gone and they didn't know if the other was alive. they'd lost their balance, their sense of true north was suddenly gone...and it was so much worse than what it was like before they'd ever met.
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 4 months
Info: Ever wonder how Kirk and gang manage to get out of so many scrapes?
Kirk, it turns out, is rather vital to a non-apocalyptic Earth…and Crowley and Aziraphale do so enjoy all the earthly amenities available in the 23rd century.
So they've taken it upon themselves to wander over onto the Enterprise and keep an eye on things, and make sure they don't all manage to disintegrate themselves. And if, in the meantime, Crowley decides to have a little fun on the side with these pretty Starfleet officers…I don't think Aziraphale will necessarily stop him… (thread)
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Author: anonymous
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fanforged · 3 months
even on the deck of the ferry, the air is thick with the smell of sweat and desperation. folks huddle together in the shade of the ship's tower to dodge the midday sun. a baby sobs in the arms of his mother, whose eyes are sunken deep into exhausted, bruise - like shadows, and qian quickly averts her gaze. it all feels like gawking, even though it's her job.
she feels bare without her armor. she feels lost without her warriors. but there's occasional solace in the refugees who are courageous enough to share conversation with a guard.
the words strike her — the impact is clear enough on her bare face, even just in the small wrinkle that forms between her eyebrows. it isn't a new sentiment in these parts — why would someone be here if it weren't their only option? — and yet, she stares wordlessly at the boy for a long moment before any words come to her.
" you made it on the boat. that's more than a lot of others can say. " she isn't bitter with her observation, just straightforward. it's the closest thing she can find to consolation without touching her own grief. he's so young. that's what it is. so young, and still old enough to understand what it means to be here. she doesn't know if she's telling the truth or not when she averts her gaze. " ba sing se is as good a place as any to start over. "
@hookedswords said: ' now i have nothing. '
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seraphim-soulmate · 7 months
23 > one year closer to 25, I can almost taste it > which in itself is close to 30, where I have expectations for myself
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nxtoriovs · 1 year
I am such a desperate little girl. Desperate for air when I wake up, desperate for keeping the thoughts away, desperate for my father's attention, desperate for my friends' time, desperate for touch, desperate for people to get away, desperate for dark, desperate for finding anything to love about myself, desperate for peacful mornings and dancing in a sunlit kitchen, desperate for 'I remembered you the other day and..', desperate for running away, desperate for finding home. Desperation is seeping from my bones and I do not know how to make it stop
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