#* in character ┊ kevin pearson.
missroller15 · 5 months
HELLO guys i started watching this is us (currently on s2 ep3) and i don’t even know how to explain what the plot is but it got me like
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squash1 · 1 year
a collection of ronan lynch coded characters:
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[ roy kent, ted lasso / charlie dalton, dead poets society / mickey milkovich, shameless / rosa diaz, brooklyn 99 / roman roy, succession / klaus hargreeves, the umbrella academy / brian kinney, queer as folk / eleanor shellstrop, the good place / jj maybank, outer banks / mac, it’s always sunny in philadelphia / benji ovich, beartown / david rose, schitt’s creek / ricky baker, hunt for the wilderpeople / kevin pearson, this is us / constance contraire, the mysterious benedict society ]
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frazzledsoul · 11 months
I'm always kind of...confused when I hear Literati fans say that AYITL ended in a way that was sad or tragic for Jess or the ship or that the show definitively stated they weren't endgame.
Because....AYITL ended on a cliffhanger. Will Rory keep the baby? Maybe. The show doesn't even make clear that it's Logan's baby (though obviously it is, unless she and Jess hooked up while Rory was writing her book alone in a gigantic mansion with no one else around, which is....entirely possible). Will Rory fall in love with Jess again and co-parent with Logan? Maybe. Will she and Logan try to work things out? Maybe. Will she forget about both of them and just go make out with Paris instead? Maybe. Will all of them move into a polyamorous commune and never choose a team, ever? (Yes, please. And maybe).
Literally the door is wide open and the ending is whatever you want it to be (unless you are Team Dean, in which case please reconsider your choices). It's also heavily (and unsubtly) implied that Logan will move on with his father's plan for his life and that Jess will be a father figure for Rory 's child until they eventually reconcile. And until then? His life seems pretty great. He's financially and professionally stable, has a good relationship with his family, and is settled in a community that accepts him. He literally has everything except the girlfriend. This does not seem sad to me, nor does it imply that he won't eventually get everything he wants.
To be honest, this is not exactly my preferred endgame, given our options. My preferred endgame is that Rory ends up with Jess and sets up a cozy co-parenting arrangement with Logan that would put Kevin Pearson to shame, but that's just me. I don't think more traditional options are an impossibility here.
The things with ASP is that she almost never gives the fans what they want, or at least all of what they want. She loves chaos, she loves uncertainty, she hates functional relationships, and the last time she talked about the show in detail she stated that these characters would never really solve their problems. Sounds inspiring. I kind of view this the way I view other problematic creators: okay, you told your part of the story, and I'll make up the rest.
And if you want to ignore AYITL? Uh, fine. That last season of Veronica Mars doesn't exist to me. It works for this story, too. But for the record, I don't think the story that was given to us ends on a necessarily tragic note.
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PowerPoint topics I've had ideas for during past ppt nights but never had the motivation or Adderall to make
Why Kevin Pearson and Cassidy Sharp should have been endgame in This Is Us / why I think that was literally the plan and then the writers switched up last minute
Rumplestiltskin in Once Upon a Time is the character of all time (in the sense that. He is so Character) and also sad wet pathetic sweetie pie babygirl little meow meow
Peggy Carter is the character of all time (in the sense that she is better than anyone else ever)
Why steggy makes me lose my actual mind and why if you don't like the steggy Endgame plot you're WRONG 🤺🤺🤺
You should watch Doctor Who mostly because of River Song (spoilers 😘)
The Sound of Music is the best movie ever: a DETAILED analysis
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scarfacemarston · 2 years
Halloween with the Van Der Linde’s - Part Deux
This is part 2 of a Halloween post I did a while back. There are some lame memes of mine that reference part 1 but it’s of course not a necessity to read the first part. If you want to read it - here it is. Arthur - a pilot from Top Gun - he always thought it would be cool to fly and he loved the movie growing up. He thought about becoming a pilot himself as he loved freedom. However, he hated the idea of joining the air force and he didn’t want to be a commercial pilot.
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Dutch and Molly - Molly *really* wants to do Bonnie and Clyde. Badly. So badly. Dutch thinks the idea is too basic. He thought about doing Elvis briefly. Finally, Dutch decided on King Henry VIII and Molly as a princess. Henry VIII was known for his romantic notions of courtly gentlemanly love and all things grand.......but is more famous for how his wives ended up and his politics. (No, that’s not commentary on Dutch but I suppose you could make an argument for some minor similarities). Molly’s dress is indeed based on the deleted Ball Gown dress.
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Hosea- David Bowie 100%. He loved David Bowie for decades and since people have said he resembled David, he thought, why not?
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John - Like every year, he didn’t want to dress up. He finally “forced himself” to choose a Yellowstone employee shirt....which then caused the family to goad him into adding pizass to his costume...which was a jacket and some spurs.
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Abigail -Lara Croft, She watched the kids in one of her foster homes played Tomb Raider and she loved it. She always wanted to be like Lara. The only thing she changed was the shorts into longer pants.
”’My legs get cold, Gosh dang it!”
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Sadie - She saw Pearson and Charles dress up like pirates last year and knew she could do a better job. You bet she’d be the most bad ass pirate queen you’ve ever seen....her epilogue outfit even looks like a pirate’s outfit. 
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Charles - A Jedi and he’s comfortable as hell. He was a comfy pirate last year and intends to be comfty again. He almost convinces Arthur to join him, especially since “Jedi fly ships”. Star Wars gave Charles a lot of comfort growing up and he stills enjoys it through the ups an downs. Then Uncle appears....
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Uncle -  is a Jedi, too doing bad Obi-Wan Kenobi impressions.......just to follow Charles around and annoy him.
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 Sean, Lenny and Javier - the three Spider-Men so they can do the Spider-Men pointing meme....just with three Spider-men! Lenny’s back up was Marty McFly, Sean’s back up was Elton John and Javier’s back up was Legolas. Yes, I FIRMLY believe Javier is a “nerd” in the best of ways. 
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Jack - wanted to be involved, but remembered he was spiderman last year and the year before that so now he’s decided he’s Batman. He was not allowed to watch the Robert Pattinson film, but he’s watched the Kevin Conroy original Batman the Animated Series and loved it.
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Kieran - One of the classic Riddler styles, baby! He loves that Jack is Batman - the same version he grew up with. He tells lame riddles all night which annoys some of the gang members, but Jack has a ton of fun trying to figure them out.
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Josiah Trelawny - lost a bet and did not get to pick his outfit. He was horrified until…….it was the ladies who picked it out. They picked out Dr. Stephen Strange.
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Tilly, Karen and Mary-Beth - Charlie’s Angels. Mary-Beth wanted it last year and they didn’t do it so she INISTED this year. Note: I l literally do NOT know ANYTHING about Charlie’s Angels except that Farrah Fawcett was extremely famous because of it. If you know how to match characters to their personalities, go ahead!
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Susan Grimshaw - Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. It’s a fun costume with so many different interpretations so she gets to pick what pieces she wants.
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Micah - the Joker Heath Ledger version because he likes doing the impressions. He is monitored around Jack. (Oops, didn’t know I had 3 batman characters on here. Sorry, but I think it works!)
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Mr. Pearson - Bob’s Burger and people actually like it! 
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Reverend Swanson - Gandalf. He has a rivalry with the “Star Wars nerds”, but it’s all in good fun.
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Leopold Strauss - doesn’t dress up. He thinks it’s a waste of time. Some of the less festive gang members agree with him. However, he does hand out items like pencils which....is useful at least?
Bill - Freddy Kruger - but does not wear the mask around Jack and his sister. He wants to be able to choose when he’s scary and when he’s not...besides, the Marstons and co would kick his ass. (Jack would probably think it’s cool, though.) (Doing a collage image because watch someone report me for posting a horror costume lol I know people who have been reported for less.)
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Rufus -  Jack and Abigail decide Rufus will use his good boyness for good and make up for John’s lack of celebration.
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Amelia Marston - My name for Abigail and John’s daughter. Abigail and John want to raise a strong little lady so who better than a feminist icon like Rosie the Riveter? (To those who don’t know, Rosie the Riveter was a World War II propaganda figure who encouraged all women to work outside of the home for the war effort - usually in factories.
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tsareviich · 3 months
statistical character personality test
take the linked quiz from the perspective of your character, then select 5-10 results from the complete matches list that you feel resonate with your character the most.
Logan Huntzberger (Gilmore Girls): 88% Theodore Laurence (Little Women): 87% Dr. Robert Chase (House, M.D.): 87% Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby): 86% Donna Meagle (Parks and Recreation): 85% Colin Khoo (Crazy Rich Asians): 85% Sarah Cameron (Outer Banks): 85% Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer): 85% Rafael Solano (Jane the Virgin): 85% Kevin Pearson (This Is Us): 84%
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shelbbswrites · 1 year
for TV questions - who are ur top 10 characters & ur top 10 ships
Oh, great question! These aren't in order. That would be too hard. And the couples are from completed shows because I like to see the entire journey before I add them to my list.
Top 10 Characters:
Amelia Shepherd
Santana Lopez
Peyton Sawyer
Stefan Salvatore
Kevin Pearson
Jamie Tartt
Octavia Blake
Charlotte King
Kara Danvers
Inej Ghafa
I have too many favorites:
(Tim Riggins)
(Derek Hale)
(Hayley Marshall)
Top 10 Ships:
Stefan/Elena - The Vampire Diaries
Kevin/Sophie - This Is Us
Barry/Iris - The Flash
Nathan/Haley - One Tree Hill
Brooke/Julian - One Tree Hill
Michael/Alex - Roswell, New Mexico
Cooper/Charlotte - Private Practice
Santana/Brittany - Glee
Clark/Lois - Smallville
Pacey/Joey - Dawson’s Creek
I could go on… but you said 10.
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blogger360ncislarules · 4 months
Justin Hartley should be having a good weekend.
The actor, best known for his sensitive performance as Kevin Pearson on This Is Us, returns to network television with his own vehicle, Tracker, premiering Sunday night after the Super Bowl game. This is a terrific launchpad for a series that fits in CBS’s particular crime-procedural wheelhouse. Downton Abbey might have been a different story.
Based on the central character in a series of thriller novels by Jeffrey Deaver, Tracker is about — well, it’s hard to pinpoint the phrasing Colter Shaw (Hartley) might use if he were asked to describe his career and experience on a resume. In the premiere episode, he refers to himself as a “rewardist,”  but he says this with a mild ironic twinkle, mostly because he’s just been accused of being a mercenary. Not even a mercenary likes to be called that.
Technically Shaw is a mercenary, but not a cynical or hard-hearted one. In fact, he seems absolutely indifferent to the thousands of dollars in income he takes home in the first two episodes. He’s content to follow his own path, driving from adventure to adventure with his Airstream trailer in tow, finding and rescuing people who’ve gone missing. Collecting the money offered by their desperate loved ones is almost beside the point. Shaw never mentions college loans that need paying off or credit card payments that are past due.
As a mercenary, in other words, he’s about the journey, not the end. As a crime-solver, he’s about the end, not the journey.
It’s a tricky role to bring off, but Hartley keeps his performance nicely centered — like a bubble in a spirit level — between a tone of light authority and the occasional furrow-browed hint of inner trouble. In the second episode, which involves a cult and a gun-toting blonde who could have slinked in from Raymond Chandler, Hartley leans a little toward that darker side, and it gives the show some added kick. 
Because Shaw does have a darker side, we learn. One reason he’s a good rewardist (career counselors: please help) is rooted in his strange, dysfunctional childhood. His academic father (Lee Tergesen, that ever-dependable character actor) went off the deep end and moved his family way off the grid, teaching them survival skills in the face of what he warned them was a vast, murky, ever-encroaching conspiracy.
The flashbacks we see indicate that the experiment ended badly — yet even now Shaw is dogged by the possibility that this business with his father somehow isn’t done after all, as he makes his solitary way across often broody Western landscapes. From time to time you wonder if he isn't going to run into Frances McDormand from Nomadland.
It'll be fun watching Shaw solve his weekly cases and earn his moral and financial payoff — but the bigger, sustaining draw will be watching him track the impact of his past on his present.
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I loved all six seasons of this is us, even when the show was getting in my nerves I was having a good time!
That being said, let's talk about how all the Pearsons were unrealistic hopeless romantics who repeatedly made shitty decisions when it came to love! ☺️☺️
So first of all...Jack and Rebecca, honestly I think they were both equally flawed so I don't have much to say there. As for Rebecca and Miguel? Damn I hate that couple loool. Miguel is a snake of a beat friend for getting with Rebecca after Jack died. It was giving "ice always loved her" vibes and it gives me the ick. He should have used all the effort he gave to Rebecca and the Pearson on his first wife and kids that's he treated so garbage the first time around smh
Beth and Randall - I love Randal SOOOO much but Beth was effectively a saint for dealing with his shenanigans for 20 years. He was just soooo much, his heart was in the right place though so I let some of his tomfoolery slide.
Then we have Katie girl who destroyed Katoby after years of showing us how they could go the distance. I have not and WILL NOT forgive Kate for ruining her marriage with Toby idc Idc Idc. He wasn't perfect but he was much closer to it than she was that's for sure! I hate that the show acted like his perfectly reasonable concerna and arguments were wrong just further the narrative that Kate was "growing". Ughh
Don't let me even start with the fact that her shan of a relationship with Philip came out of absolutely no where and half of the final season was dedicated to Kate's breakup then second marriage. I actually like Philip but the writing for him was all over the place and their relationship made no sense whatsoever.
For the last member of the big 3 we have Kevin......um okay I guess. The show was all over the place with what they wanted for his endgame - Sophie? Maddison? Cassidy? Zoe? He was obssessed with finding love and due to behind the scene issues, the writers keeps fluctuating with giving him a sense of direction. Everything with Maddison feels so pointless after the ending getting him back with Sophie.....which I wouldn't have hated if it wasn't so clear that all the decisions about her character were based on the actress' pregnancy and availability. I will give them props for making Cassidy his best friend though because I LOVE their dynamic.
Outside of the adult Pearsons we also had Deja and Malik and lord knows I hate them as a couple so much. I don't know why Deja couldn't get an easy love. Why did she had to be a stepmom at 15? Ughhh
Well if you enjoyed my rant then you'll probably also enjoy us talking about this topic on our podcast channel. Please watch, like and comment your thoughts! We love hearing from people 😁
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corruptedforce · 1 year
tagged by: @petitsdieu tagging: @desireandduty, @impedimentum, @mayxthexforce, @bchemianrhapscdy, @talesofshadowandlight, @contrecoeurs, @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx, @avtrr, @vanillahub, @rush-to-greatness and anyone who wants to
ten favourite characters from ten different fandoms. in no particular order:
Anakin Skywalker ( Star Wars )
Jax Teller ( Sons of Anarchy )
Alfred the Great ( Vikings and The Last Kingdom)
Louis XIV ( Versailles )
James Potter (Harry Potter)
Michael Langdon ( American Horror Story )
Nathan Scott ( One Tree Hill )
Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel)
Kayce Dutton (Yellowstone)
Kevin Pearson (This is Us)
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I should've known because I always love the bent-but-not-broken males with parent issues who end up having amazing character arcs.
John Murphy, Jack Gibson, Kevin Pearson, Tom Branson (sort of fits).
Amelia Shepherd is the only character who isn't a guy but she counts cause she fits the description minus her gender lol
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ruzekpearson · 1 year
I might be biased but I pick the best characters as my favorites. The absolute growth we saw in Kevin Pearson and the continual growth of Adam Ruzek just makes me so happy.
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crowsandmurder · 2 years
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Life got too crazy. It still is. I’m still honestly dealing with a lot, but I’m coping. At any rate, I have a couple starter calls that are super old, and I don’t know who still wants one, out of that list, so instead of doing those, I’m going to do something I NEVER DO, and here is a starter call for any of my characters you want.  Like and specify who you want.
You can find extended info on them all, HERE
This list is as follows. Feel free to request more than one, and please specify who you’d like:
Bjorn Ironside (Vikings)
Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
James Potter (Harry Potter)
Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy)
Kai Anderson (American Horror Story)
Kevin Pearson (This is Us)
Luther Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
Michael Langdon (American Horror Story)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Padme Amidala (Star Wars)
Ragnar Lothbrok (Vikings)
Tate Langdon (American Horror Story)
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sophieakatz · 2 years
Thursday Thoughts: This Is Us
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[image description: A Tweet by Danielle Nicki that reads, “You have to give an in-depth presentation about a TV show. You’ve been given no time to rewatch any episodes or research. What show is your presentation about?”]
NBC’s This Is Us is a masterwork of visual storytelling. I say this because it takes full advantage of its medium as filmed live-action scripted series, not only to tell a story that is inherently a TV show - it could not be told successfully in any other way - but also to gradually deconstruct its own genre and create a more comprehensive and empathetic view of what the twenty-first-century “American family” truly is.
Alfred Hitchcock once said - and if I were given time to prepare, I would look up the exact quote, but I’m taking the prompt seriously and writing this in a single draft with zero research, so instead I will paraphrase - that the magic of film is in the editing. Putting two clips next to each other affects how you, the viewer, interprets the clips. In Hitchcock’s example, a clip of an old man smiling placed next to an image of a woman with her child gives the viewer the impression that the old man is a kind, grandfatherly figure. However, putting that same clip of the old man smiling next to an image of a woman sunbathing makes you feel that the old man is a lecher - even though nothing has changed about the clip. The human mind creates connections between clips viewed next to each other, and these connections lead us to moral inferences and emotional reactions. This is a device that is unique to film storytelling.
The creators of This Is Us have a masterful understanding of this device and put it to work from the very first episode of the show.
The following contains specific spoilers for the pilot of This Is Us and also the episodes “This Big, Amazing, Beautiful Life” and “Strangers.”
The pilot presents us with four characters who have the same birthday: Kate, Kevin, Randall, and Jack. Their storylines are presented simultaneously, with clips from each character’s story interspersed between each other as the episode’s focus jumps from place to place. They are also each facing what I understand to be typical TV drama plots. I don’t watch a lot of TV dramas, but I understand “fat girl desperately trying to lose weight,” “black man searching for closure with his biological father,” and “new parents face the struggles of triplets” as three examples of common or common enough TV drama plots, and it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s the same for “actor who supposedly has it all is depressed and desperately searching for meaning in his life.”
At first, these four characters don’t seem to have anything to do with each other besides their shared birthday. Then, we learn that Kate and Kevin are siblings. And then, at the end of the episode, we get hit with a wham shot that reveals Jack’s story is in the past - he is Kate, Kevin, and Randall’s father. These characters are not merely connected because the show put them together, but they have been connected the whole time. This Is Us was known for its last-minute reveals that cast the whole episode you’d just watched in a new light.
This reveal is also an amazing risk for a TV show - it lets us know exactly what the future holds for Jack, his wife Rebecca, and their triplets. We know that the kids will grow up and become very different kinds of accomplished adults. We even could assume (from the way that Kate and Kevin reminisce about their dad) that Jack will die before the kids are adults. But here is where This Is Us demonstrates a mature prioritizing of emotional connection over shock factor. This Is Us doesn’t need to surprise us, even though it will, again and again. It just needs to make us care.
And make us care it does! Over the course of six seasons, we watch the Pearsons through time. Every episode jumps around just as much as the pilot. We don’t always know what the connection is between the clips until the final act of the episode, but the fact that the clips are shown together creates the foundation necessary for the final reveals. And through it all, we spend time with the Pearsons. We laugh with them. We groan at their jokes and sympathize with their struggles. We watch them grow up, and not only in the sense that we see the Big Three as kids, teens, and adults - portrayed by four or five actors each over the course of the show - but also in the sense that their adult selves mature in the decade-plus covered by the show’s six seasons. It gets to the point that when in season six we see a flashback to season-one versions of the Big Three, I was really annoyed with them! In turn, that made me all the more proud of them and how far they’d come as people.
There are lots of things that I could talk about here, but I don’t want this blog post to go on forever, so I will zero in on two of my favorite episodes of the show and how they epitomize the thesis statement I made about this show being a masterwork of visual storytelling and a revolutionary look at what “the American family” means.
One of these episodes is titled “This Big, Amazing, Beautiful Life.” Before this point, the show has had two full seasons to get us to fall in love with the Pearson family. This episode focuses on two relative newcomers to the Pearsons’ world - Deja and her mother. By this episode, we know that Deja will end up in foster care, staying at Randall’s home. However, we don’t know much yet about her past or her mother, who has been a figure on the fringes of the story, seen as a potential threat to Deja and to the rest of Randall’s family. This episode uses the magic of film storytelling to turns that narrative on its head in a very simple, direct way, using the book Goodnight Moon. We see Deja’s mother and grandmother reading this book to her, and the show immediately cuts to Rebecca Pearson reading the book to her children, as well as other examples of characters we’ve already grown to love reading this book together. Without a single word, the show says, hey, look, they’re all connected. They’re all parents and children. They all love each other. These newcomers, these people we don’t understand, this struggling mother that we’ve judged so much - they are also part of “us.” The show uses the pre-established love we feel for the Pearsons to make us love Deja’s mother. The “American Family” of This Is Us already included a sprawling multi-racial community, and now it also included them. The “American Family” includes what we might dismiss as “broken homes.”
Another episode I want to call out here is the season four premiere, “Strangers.” This episode follows three characters that we have never seen before in the show. We see Malik, a black teenager who has an infant daughter. We see Cassie, a white woman home from her military work in the Middle East, dealing with PTSD. And we see a blind singer - whose name we don’t learn right away - living a comfortable adult life and getting engaged to his girlfriend. It’s a lot like the pilot, really, in that we don’t know why we are seeing these characters or what they have to do with each other. But the show tells their stories just as well as it’s told the Pearsons’ stories, and so over the course of forty minutes, we fall in love with these three newcomers. We see them as complete, complex humans and we root for them. And then, in the last five minutes, we learn the connections. Malik will be Deja’s boyfriend. Cassie will meet Nicky (a Pearson uncle) when he throws a chair through her support group’s window. And the blind singer is the adult version of Kate’s baby, Jack.
Here’s the magical thing - while Malik and Cassie could have easily been two-dimensional or even antagonistic figures in Deja and Nicky’s stories, because we’ve already met them and grown to care about them, we can’t see them that way. We can’t judge them harshly or see them as dangers to our beloved Pearsons, because we already love them! Malik and Cassie are already “us!” Also, this is the way that we learn that Kate’s son Jack is blind - by seeing him as a competent adult. This Is Us refuses to make baby Jack’s blindness a source of tragedy or excessive drama. The show promises us as clearly as possible that baby Jack will be okay. A TV drama that refuses to take the dramatic way out? Amazing! Instead, it takes all of these characters, from so many walks of life, and says - visually - “This is not them. This is us. We are rich and poor, white and black, blood-relatives and chosen, disabled and traumatized and doing our best. All of it is real, all of it deserves your love, and all of it is us.”
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beggingforain · 2 years
🎬📺 Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order 🎮🃏 Then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice)
hii thanks for sending this!! it's like i forgot every piece of media i have ever consumed ahemm let's see
phoebe halliwell (charmed)
peyton sawyer (one tree hill)
lorelai gilmore (gilmore girls)
jo wilson (grey's anatomy)
norma bates (bates motel)
dean winchester (supernatural)
jay halstead (chicago pd)
billy hargrove (stranger things)
kevin pearson (this is us)
walter keys mckey (free guy)
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hiddenwashington · 3 months
@mastcrmiind said : Was that [JUSTIN HARTLEY]? Oh no no, that was just [KEVIN PEARSON], a/an [CANON CHARACTER] from [THIS IS US]. They are [FORTY ONE] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{ooc: sammy} can I please reserve an oc in twilight with a Maia Mitchell fc!
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. kevin pearson [justin hartley]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  **a twilight oc (maia mitchell fc) is now reserved for sammy until 3/22 at 7:11 pm est!
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