#**need to get a sub... shaper... thing
whatimdoing-here · 7 months
"Alex, how was your day?"
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effysayres · 3 months
medical history sounds very interesting, do you have any cool facts??
i'd say i have a few, though i cannot pretend i'd be popular at parties if i were to share them. a thing i find genuinely interesting about history (and medical history in particular) is historiography, as in the history of how the history (of medicine in this case) was written. it's something you are taught to look more into as a historian, and it is something that can be pretty fascinating if you give it a chance.
to give you an idea: the history of (western) medicine began to be structured around the XIXth century as a sub-discipline, on the initiative of doctors rather than historians. from then on, the historiography of medicine first sought to offer a positive vision of science in order to serve its shapers, for the purposes of professional recognition. the reason why is so it could serve as an anchor in order to prove the scientific superiority of doctors, a particularly salient reality in the french-speaking world, which my main field of studies were focused on.
that being said, a change can be perceived within the history of medicine starting from the 1960s and 1970s. we see within the field (in connection with alternative political activism) a contestation of the biomedical model as well as certain ways in which it is applied to the improvement of individual and collective health. the release of the book medical nemesis: the expropriation of health, by essayist ivan illich, is a marker of this. the text discusses a significant malaise in the united states, with illvich arguing in particular that "through intravenous feeding, blood transfusions, and surgical techniques, more of those who get to the hospital survive trauma, but survival rates for the most common types of cancer (…) have remained virtually unchanged over the last twenty-five years." the publication, the following year, of two works by physician and historian thomas mckeown, the modern rise of population and the role of medicine: dream, mirage, or nemesis?, also contributed to affirming the need to rethink the relationship between medicine and health and to accept that “modern medicine” has its limits.
something else that's super cool is that the theories put forward in these works bring to the forefront a necessary and complicated reflection, pushed among others by a certain number of feminist historians, on the social determinants of health. and a distance, perhaps, from the history of science.
i know it's probably far from what most people imagine when i discuss medical history. in general, people tend to picture something along the lines of the works of lindsey fitzharris (which i adore, and highly recommend if you're interested in either the work put to fight against various plagues or joseph lister and harold gillies' works in victorian england and during world war i), but i'll give you one as a bonus: the first use of anaesthesia in humans was circa 1842, with the first public demonstration being 1846. the reason why i mention this second date is because, back in the days, surgery was sometimes performed in front of a crowd. it was sometimes performed more as a spectacle than a scientific feat, and prior to anaesthesia being used, most surgeries were done with the patient fully awake and conscious throughout the process. fun times!
(to add insult to injury: the alchemist paracelsus had already described the effects of ether (acting as anasthesia) in his works around 1540. it's a blessing most people didn't know that at the time, because could you imagine the wave of anger if people were aware there was at least something to numb the pain of surgery? not that it had been proven 100% safe under paracelsus, bear in mind)
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machinehobby · 1 year
Best CNC Machines for Woodworking - 2022 Buyers Guide
If you are looking for the best CNC machines for woodworking 2022, look no further! There are several things you need to consider when buying a wood cnc machine, such as size, reliability, cost, software that it utilizes, reliability, availability and cost of replacement parts, and the cost of purchasing the machine. Today, there are several CNC machine manufacturers out there who have competitively priced products, and offer good quality, reliable machines. But which machines is the best for you? Let's find out with our buyers guide to the best CNC machines for wood 2022. 8 important things to consider - Best CNC Machines for Woodworking 2022 Value for money: You want to be certain that you are buying a high quality and reliable machine. That is why this buyers guide only reviews the very best CNC machines for wood. If you are a hobbyist and want to build your own CNC machine, you can save a lot of money on the cost of the machine, starting with a DIY CNC router kit. The Sainsmart Genmitsu CNC 3018-PRO Router Kit is worth considering if you are on a tight budget, a hobbyist, and don't mind building the cnc woodworking machine yourself. Small footprint: Do you desire a Desktop Wood CNC machine, or something larger? For the hobbyist or beginner, as desktop machine is a great starting point. If you have room in your garage or workspace for a bigger CNC machine, by all means, get a machine that is big enough that it allows greater flexibility in what you can create with it. Variety of Cuttings Naturally, all the CNC machines can cut wood. However, it’s helpful to understand the material cutting capabilities of your machine so that you can anticipate how well your machine will perform with different materials, especially with hardwoods. For example, there are different kinds of CNC routers that come with various options and are sometimes function-specific. Recently a universal CNC Router has also been introduced that can work on all kinds of materials, including metal. A CNC Router can easily be used to cut the edges and craft shapes on wood pieces to make a great finished product. The CNC machines for wood are made in such a way that the blades are cut only in a specific direction and do not cut more than required. Whenever there is a malfunctioning of the router the whole workpiece gets destroyed, so a great deal of precautions is needed while dealing with wood. For placing lighter cuts on the wood surface a lower grade router cutter is used. Flexible in Use Time is money, and you need to consider how fast you are able to make items with your CNC machine. Also, some machines use proprietary computer software, while other use a universal open source code. A CNC machine that uses universal open source code allows the user to tap into a much larger market place for CNC router plans. High quality You don't want to waste your money on a machine that is of sub-par quality. Investing in a good quality capable CNC machine is well worth the investment. Software There are just two variations of programming utilized in the CNC machines. One depends on computer-aided design programming while the other depends exclusively on CAM programming. The two of them enjoy their benefits and disservices while being utilized. In a computer-aided design-based shaper, you need to draw the chart and convert it into machine code. You need to deal with various things, for example, the augmentation lines and every one of the essentials of AUTOCAD. In CAM programming the drawing is done, and it is naturally changed over into the machine code by the product. This is a simpler process than the other option, and nonetheless you need to remember the expense factor too. The computer-aided design-based shaper is somewhat less expensive and can be utilized without any problem. Pick the one that is by all accounts the best for you, and roll out the improvements you need. Ease of use: This is especially important for the beginner CNC hobbyist. Some machine have a better user interface or UI. Availability and cost of spare parts Active community and support: Comprehensive customer support and community feedback are extremely helpful in learning how to operate your woodcarver properly and successfully.
Top 10 Best CNC Machines for Woodworking 2022
JFT 3040 CNC Router
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The renowned JFT 3040 CNC router is an excellent and low cost machine for the beginner to the intermediate user. You will be able to assemble the machine without any problems. The instruction manual is very easy to understand. The software for the G code is also easy to configure. The JFT CNC Router by far the best option in quality and price, since other brands are quite expensive. Click on the following link to read real user reviews and best pricing on the JFT 3040 CNC Router CNCShop CNC Engraver 3040T
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Utilizing Chrome shafts and axle liquids to facilitate its machining of parts in minutes, the CNCShop CNC Engraver 3040T is a great machine for engraving. It can handle quite a range of materials including metals, steel, strong wood, and stone. The 3040T Engraver is a genuinely great choice if you like cutting and etching quickly. There is even a Facebook group for support if you should run into any problems with your machine. For user reviews, availability, and pricing see: CNCShop CNC Router Engraving Machine CNC Engraver. Axiom Precision Iconic
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It is extremely rare that an affordable solution possesses best-in-class features. That changes with the launch of Axiom’s Iconic CNC machinist center. This CNC machine is, without a doubt, the best entry level CNC router machine on the market. This machine comes with prismatic guides and ball screws The user interface (UI) is the same powerful, yet easy to use, DSP pendant controller that is also used on the larger machines that Axiom Precision manufactures. This entry-level CNC machine is fully capable with precision and accuracy comparable to higher end small-format CNC machines. The Axiom Precision Iconic is a CNC router machine that is entry-level, with accuracy and precision comparable to small-format CNC machines that are at the higher end of the market. It's 3-AXIS ready, and if you want, you can even get a lazer kit accessory included. No computer is required, as the stand alone DSP RichAuto B11 controller performs all functions required. This is certainly a well built machine, with heavy duty interlocking aluminum table with optional toolbox and stand, and All metal construction. Other features are a 1HP air cooled electro spindle. This machine is very capable with a variable speed from 0 to 24,000 RPM. To read user reviews and to buy online for best pricing and fast delivery - Click Here. Carbide 3D Shapeoko 4 CNC Router
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Constructed utilizing an aluminum frame, the Carbide 3D Shapeoko can handle a wide range of etching on metals, wood, MDF, and more. It accompanies a 1.25 hp of shaft shaper and NEMA 23 engines. The Carbide 3D Shapeoko accompanies its own produced programming pre-introduced that the machine explicitly uses for drawing and planning inscriptions. To buy the Carbide 3D Shapeoko 4 online for best pricing and fast delivery - Click Here Inventables X-Carve
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No previous CNC knowledge is required with this CNC machine. X-CARVE and EASEL simplify 3-D design so you can carve plastics, wood, and other materials in just minutes. To read user reviews and to buy online for best pricing and fast delivery - Click Here. Next Wave CNC Piranha Fx
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The greatest limitation the Piranha FX has, other than the ability to carve only boards which are under about 13" in length (without tiling), is the fact that the Z axis has only a 3" height range. By the time you get a spoil board mounted, then your material and bit, you've already used up a lot of that height. For more height range, consider the Piranha FX's larger cousin the Next Wave Shark SD120 CNC Machine. Click on the following link to read real user reviews and best pricing on the CNC Piranha FX. BobsCNC: Evolution 4 Router Kit
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The BobsCNC has an enormous slicing region so be prepared to accomplish tons of work right away. The machine has a light wood-made casing that makes it simple to utilize and deal with. Be that as it may, this wooden casing makes it a little shaky when being utilized. As of now, the BobsCNC machine is being utilized as a standout amongst other lower cost CNC router machines. It can undoubtedly cut wood, MDF, and some other different materials. The pack has an open G code processor so it can manage the codes effectively very much like an open-source machine. Click on the following link to read real user reviews and best pricing on the BobsCNC Evolution 4 Router Kit. Axiom Precision Axiom Pro V5
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The Axiom Precison Pro V5 is the best one on the market, nonetheless it is not something that everybody can purchase and use in their workspace or garage. It's expensive, but you certainly get what you paid for. To read user reviews and to buy online for best pricing and fast delivery - Click Here. Sainsmart Genmitsu CNC 3018-PRO
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The Sainsmart Genmitsu CNC 3018-Pro is highly recommended as an excellent choice for the CNC beginner. None of the components need to be positioned, which improves the working accuracy, as well as ease of assembly. It features improved stability from it's previous version the 3018. It is capable of cutting a wide range of materials, including soft aluminum, woods, all types of plastics, acrylics, PCBs, and PVCs. Upgraded UL Approve Power Adapter (with no need to modify G-code to ramp up to full speed of 20,000 RPMs. The Genmitsu 3018-PRO uses GRBL, a high-performance open-source software for controlling movement, and runs on Arduino. Its simplicity and dependability make GRBL an industry standard, so there’s never a lack of resources and support available when you get stuck. Includes CARVECO Maker CAM Design Software and CANDLE for running your GCODE design files and controlling your machine. You can also choose to Super Size your 3018 CNC to a 3040 by getting a Genmitsu 3040 Y-Axis Extension Kit (B08P2S3JWP). The 3040 MDF Spoilboard (B08WZ8RV3Y) and 040 Aluminum Spoilboard (B08VNLP24C). User guide and Assembly Instructions included. If you get stuck, there is never a worry, you simply contact SainSmart for help. Click on the following link to read user reviews and best pricing on the SainSmart Genmitsu CNC 3018-Pro. So, there you have it. My top picks for the best CNC machines for woodworking in 2022. I hope this article has helped you make a decision about which machine is best for your needs. If you have any questions or need help choosing a wood cnc machine, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’d be happy to help! Next read about the 5 best CNC routers for metal. Read the full article
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mattoyaki · 3 years
Kaeya & Rosaria Build Guide
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I was asked by @theravencawsatmidnight to do a Rosaria guide and I’m happy to do so! This will also double as a Kaeya guide because I was planning to do him next and aside from their weapon choices these two characters are very similar gameplay wise.
If you love this cryo OTP then hopefully this post will be of use to you!
Kaeya and Rosaria are both great options for DPS main carry roles as well as Sub DPS. Rosaria is technically a tad bit better at DPS but both of them function the same way. They can do physical DPS with superconduct support or go full Cryo if paired with Chongyun. Both characters are also fantastic burst support options and can do off-field damage with their bursts.
As DPS prioritize their Normal Attacks first, then their Bursts and save their skills for last. As supports focus on their Bursts and save normal attacks for last.
Kaeya’s talents level up with Books of Ballad, Treasure Hunter Insignias, and at high level Spirit Locket of Boreas. (Wolf buttplug)
Rosaria also uses Books of Ballad as well as Fatui Insignias, and Shadow of the Warrior (Childe’s buttplug.)
As DPS take them to Lv 90. Lv 70 is more than enough for support
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Summit Shaper; Primordial Jade Cutter; Skyward Blade; Aquila Favonia
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Blackcliff Longsword; Black Sword; Prototype Rancour; Flute; Festering Desire; Favonius Sword
Summit Shaper is BiS for Cryo DPS while Aquila Favonia is BiS for physical. The Blackcliff is the best 4⭐️ due to its Crit damage sub stat and works for both roles.
Skyward Blade is BiS for burst support with Festering Desire and Favonius Sword being good 4⭐️ options.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Primordial Jade Winged Spear; Vortex Vanquisher; Staff of Homa; Skyward Spine
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Crescent Pike; Blackcliff Pole; Deathmatch; Litchic Spear; Favonius Lance
Primordial Jade Winged Spear is BiS for both Cryo and Physical DPS. The Blackcliff and Deathmatch are good 4⭐️ options. Crescent Pike can be used only with physical build. Litchic Spear is really good but only if she’s paired with 3 Liyue characters. Favonius Lance can be used for support if you don’t have blackcliff or Deathmatch.
Overview - Cryo DPS
(4pc) Blizzard Strayer; (2pc) BS, (2pc) Gladiator; (4pc) Gladiator
Kaeya and Rosaria both make fantastic use of 4pc Blizzard Strayer set, especially when paired with Chongyun.
The beautiful thing about these two characters and this artifact set is you basically get 60-75% Crit Rate for free, meaning you don’t need to worry about it in your build.
Overview - Physical DPS
(4pc) Pale Flame; (2pc) Pale Flame, (2pc) Bloodstained, (2pc) Gladiator; (4pc) Gladiator
As physical DPS (not paired with Chongyun) Pale Flame is the most consistent option since both Kaeya and Rosaria have no trouble maintaining stacks for the 4pc passive.
Timepiece: Atk%
Goblet: Cryo Dmg Bonus / Physical Dmg Bonus
Circlet: Crit Rate / Crit Dmg
*if running 4pc BS there’s no need for extra Crit Rate
Sub Stat Priority
Crit > Atk% > Elemental Mastery (if Cryo) > Energy Recharge > Atk
Overview - Support DPS
(4pc) Noblesse Oblige; (2pc) BS, (2pc) Noblesse
For sub DPS the standard Noblesse oblige set is best. If you already have a 4pc user in your team then mix it with 2pc Blizzard Strayer for the extra Cryo Dmg.
Timepiece: Energy Recharge or Atk%
Goblet: Cryo Dmg Bonus
Circlet: Crit Rate / Crit Dmg
Sub Stat Priority
Crit > Energy Recharge > Atk% > Elemental Mastery > Atk
Team Comp
Kaeya and Rosaria have multiple options due to their versatility. Chongyun is without a doubt their best partner since he enables full Cryo build. If you have Chongyun definitely pair him with either of these two. Xingqiu is also a fantastic option.
For physical DPS you pretty much just need an Electro character for superconduct, or Zhongli for his physical resistance shredding.
As supports Rosaria and Kaeya pair well with physical and elemental DPS. There’s truly so much you can do with these two.
Sample Team Comps
Kaeya/Rosaria + Xingqiu + Chongyun + Anemo (Jean preferred)
Kaeya/Rosaria + Chongyun + Barbara + Traveler/Sucrose
Kaeya/Rosaria + Xingqiu + Fischl/Beidou + Diona
Kaeya/Rosaria + Bennett + Diona + Zhongli
Razor + Kaeya/Rosaria + Diona + Xingqiu
Ganyu + Mona/Barbara + Kaeya/Rosaria + Anemo VV
Yanfei + Bennett + Kaeya/Rosaria + Anemo VV
Kaeya and Rosaria are both very f2p friendly characters that can preform a variety of roles in a team. They are very similar gameplay wise and can be built the same. If you have Chongyun they can be used as Cryo DPS but otherwise preform great as physical DPS. 4pc BS artifact set is phenomenal because their kits paired with it provide free crit rate. They can fit into a variety of team comps due to their versatility.
I hope this was helpful for all you Kaeya/Rosaria fans out there. Cryo Supremacy!!
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sinsbymanka · 3 years
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@jarakrisafis and I are presenting our newest chapter!
Title: Gambits and Countergambits Chapter Title:  Pawn Checks Princess*
Chapters: 17/46  (Smut chapters marked with *) Words: 98,111 Ship: Female Aeducan/Gorim Saelac, Bhelen Aeducan/Rica Brosca, Bhelen Aeducan/Rica Brosca/Vartag Gavorn, Bhelen Aeducan & Female Aeducan & Trian Aeducan Rating: E Chapter Specific Tags: Dom/sub, femdom, impact play, rough sex, oral sex, impact play, facesitting, double penetration in two holes, verbal sexual humiliation, hair pulling, sex toys, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, aftercare
Summary:  Rica needs an Aeducan to practice on. Gorim happens to have one who will do whatever he asks - except answer one specific soddin' question.
Read on AO3
There's no way to know that the elegantly turned out Bhelen Aeducan only rolled out of bed an hour or so ago.
So, for that matter, had Rica.
When Vartag had impatiently pounded on the door and told them that if Bhelen wasn't up - again - and ready to go, he'd be coming in to make sure he was ready; it had certainly sped up their afternoon diversion once they realised how late it was.
Really it's Vartag's fault. He's been more and more scarce. Where once he lingered until the latest bells, now he promptly vanishes whenever he's not needed. Rica wishes she could help, but there's never been space for wounded hearts in Dust Town. All she can do is distract Bhelen.
Which, to her credit, she does spectacularly well.
Bhelen reluctantly lets her go when they reach the main hall. He has several meetings with merchant caste houses to see to this evening. Routine things that his father delegated to Trian. He of course dumped them on Sereda. Bhelen took them off her without comment when she whined over breakfast.
These houses are loyal to House Aeducan and Bhelen had said, once they were in private, that he'd rather them remain so and with contracts that don't ruin their house. He apparently doesn't trust Sereda not to just sign anything to get out of being bored.
"Stop worrying. I'll be fine," she assures him, waving them on before they end up late. It's not far to the meeting rooms they hired in the Shaperate so the contracts can be properly recorded without accusations of adjusting clauses - but even she knows running in at the last minute will not start House Aeducan out well.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Who knows how long into the night they'll keep me?" Bhelen leans in, kissing her in an almost chaste farewell. His hand lingers in hers for a moment longer before he turns to stride out.
Rica watches them go before tilting her head at the warrior that has been watching them as she sees them off. One of the House guards, but not one on door duty. She had expected him to interrupt and speak to Bhelen, instead his patience suggests he was waiting for her. Which leaves her to conceal her anticipation as she takes a small scrap of paper. There's only one warrior who would be sending her messages with his fellows.
It is, thankfully for her still developing reading ability, not long. Just the time she's been expecting to be given.
"Can you pass on that I understand, please."
The warrior nods, "I'll tell him."
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pixel-builds · 2 years
Xingqiu: 4-star hydro character
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Xingqiu is a hydro sword user. He’s great at hydro application and has mostly single target damage. He deals large amounts of damage while off-screen. However, he needs a lot of energy and he has long cooldowns. He’s very f2p friendly. He’s available on the permanent banner.
Artifacts sets- 4pc emblem of severed fate / or / 2pc noblesse 2pc heart of depth can also be viable (however, it is recommended to have 4pc emblem due to its benefits. It out damages 2pc noblesse 2pc heart of depth. You can still use it if you have a good set already and a sacrificial sword or festering desire to make up for the energy recharge problems.)
Main stats- energy recharge or atk% on sands (If you have enough energy recharge, then feel free to switch to atk% to deal more damage. It really all depends on the artifacts and weapon you use. 180-250 energy recharge for him is needed. I personally get away with 180 er with sac sword, it depends on your team, build, playstyle, and constellation so take that into consideration.) , hydro dmg bonus on goblet, crit on circlet
Sub stats- energy recharge, atk%, crit
Weapon- (listed in order of best to decent) jade cutter, mistsplitter, sacrificial sword(optimal for almost all players), skyward blade, summit shaper, Favonius sword, amenoma kageuchi
Characters that work well with Xingqiu- Raiden Shogun, Xiangling, Keqing, Bennett, Albedo, Hu Tao, Venti, Diluc
Talent priority- burst, skill, normal
Confused with what weapons and artifacts to go for because my little notes were confusing? No problem! Xingqiu has an energy recharge of 80. This means he needs 80 particles, a lot compared to others. However, his c6 returns 12-18 particles back to his burst per ult. This changes how much er you need. Sacrificial sword, 4pc emblem, er goblet, and c6 all help his energy problems, so from there you can drop and exchange things. Let’s say you have 4pc emblem and a c6 Xingqiu, if you have enough er, you can focus on his atk more and give him an atk focused sword (think jade cutter or skyward blade) and an atk goblet. Let’s say you have 2pc noblesse 2pc heart of depth. You would need more er, so running sacrificial sword and an er goblet on him might be needed or more. Teams play a huge part with him, since Raiden can help him build back his burst with hers, so you might not need as much er.
To summarize, a lot of er focused artifact main stats/weapons can be traded out for more atk focused ones if you have enough er for him with your constellation and/or artifact set.
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bedlamgames · 4 years
Q&A #106
Today we’ve got humans masquerading as dwarves, learning to dance, bimbos, girly goblins not being girly enough, an extended digression on titles, and more.
[ Anonymous said:] Bug for NH 0.912: The Female Fallen Dwarf portrait shows the Female Fallen Human portrait when selecting your slaver. I downloaded the 3 times and checked it is was on a fresh start or just because of quick restart, but it always appears this way.
- That’s because there currently isn’t one for that combo so the current fallen lady human portrait is needing to work overtime. Do have some good news on that front. I’ve been trying to work out for ages what I was going to do with the portaits that need all these variants as it’s a lot of content needed. However I think I’ve found someone now though who might be up for taking on the challenge and they’ve started work on their first set of portrait+variations. 
[ Anonymous said:]  [no haven 0.912] so I have the harmony trait, and just had a start with 3 normal humans and 1 centaur, I thought harmony was supposed to make the field of starting slavers broader?
- It does increase the variation however humans are still relatively common so you’re still going to see more of them than many of the other races. 
[ Anonymous said:] [no haven 0.912] would it be possible to make the strict supervision(sub) and its dom counterpart able to assign slavers to the MC? I kinda want to just have slavers as my personal subby bitches for dual assignments etc., also a bug seems to still exist where I enslave and sell the owner of a draki maid, but she still stays flagged as owned and spawns her "former" own in as a new slaver or slave occassionally and takes them on assignments with them causing the influence of that "ghosts" traits. (There were several more follow ups as things got more and more broken)
- You can do that right now without needing the aspect if you assign them to be your bedwarmer. Other one should be fix for this update. 
[ Anonymous said:]  [no haven 0.912] I kinda forgot if there is an assignment where the MC slaver can get the dancer perk, was there one or am I confused?
- Imperial Muses currently. Sure there will be others in future. It’s also possible to get it through corruption so theoretically you could get it from any assignment result that can apply corruption. Not something to be  counted than though as corruption.  
[ Anonymous said:]  [no haven 0.912] would it be possible to get bimboborn as a crit result from advanced bimbo training if other requirements (like exquisite fellatrix etc) are met as well? kinda annoying that I can't get myself a bimboborn stack anymore cause corruptions almost never trigger it
- Given the mystical element to the way the aspect works I’d prefer to keep Bimboborn as a rare corruption result. Saying that review of the training results is doing well in the current patreon direction polling so if that wins I’ll see about giving that an additional reward that will hopefully be just as appealing. 
[ Anonymous said:]  [no haven 0.912] so I remember you saying that once you get the golem from tyrannical legacy the quest shouldn't trigger again, well, it did, and I'm currently attempting to get a 2nd copy imgur /QoSPzHE
- Will check. Thank you!
[ Anonymous said:]  Ground forced encounters for an hour with five max-gold slavers, one of which was a Dominator. Couldn't get puppet leader to fire. Think it's still busted.
- You’re right. Is fixed for the upcoming update. 
[ Anonymous said:] Is there any reason that the "Trade Prince" portrait for male goblin can't take feminine, or is that just an oversight?
-  Was indeed an oversight. I’ve made that available for him and some others for the update. 
[ Anonymous said:]  Any chance to add potion or something to cure Cum Addict? Sometimes Orc slavers tend to go hard on single slave that you may want to promote, and there is still a problem with slavers joining with that thing on (may or may not be related with them appearing during/at the end of Orc Cum Addict, or maybe I am getting really unlucky rolls...)
- Not outright cure it once having been through the full training however likely sure when I do potions properly for the increasing levels of cum thirst. In the update there’s also a encampment upgrade which can help (or possibly hurt) with that. 
[ Anonymous said: ] "Outfit: Wrought Extra-padded Iron Mercenary Wear (Decorated with Lots of Lace, Greaves, Reinforced Spike-heeled Boots, Shiny Stockings, Cloak with Hood - quality) +46" Bugged description, does not show type of quality
- Thanks for the spot. 
[ From the Discord:]  Idea: Since XP stops being useful for Supreme-level slavers, maybe every 1000 additional XP or so, they could get a temporary crit buff for a few days? Could call it "experience insight" or something.
-  I'm still thinking about doing that level above with the super aspects
[ From the Discord:]  hey, quick question, how does one get a mystic troll slaver? (which spun out into a discussion about those titles)
- yeah the idea was to give alternate more thematic titles to slavers  on generation other than well slaver to give a quick hey this is what this slaver is good at prompt. 
Any with a * won't apply to those races which would always have those traits:
Terrifying* - Chosen
Were - Lycanthrope
Flying* - Skybreaker
Trainer - Master/Mistress
(M:Co) - Warlock / Fel-Mistress (Succubi) 
(M: Na) - Hedge-Wizard / Hedge-Witch 
(M:Bt) - Blightomancer 
(M:Ar) - Mage 
(M:Il) - Trickster 
(M:Bi) - Shaper 
(M:Su) - Spirit Singer 
Monster* -  Vanquisher (Golem) / Goliath / Hellion 
(E:Ea)/(E:Wa) - Mystic 
(E:Li) - Spark Thief 
(E:Fi) - Pyromancer 
(E:Ai) - Wind Twister 
Dominator - Thrall Binder 
Hypnotic - Entrancer 
Healer - Acolyte 
Psionic - Psion 
Tracker+Trapper - Hunter 
Tracker - Tracker (Such an obscure out there choice) 
Fleet - Outrider 
Loner+Seductive - Agent 
Beastmaster - Beastmaster (Again so obscure) 
Thug - Mook 
Bimbo - Bimbo (Which could mean anything really) 
Fel Tainted+Tentacles - Abomination 
There's also all the uniques who tend to have their own alternatives to Slaver
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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In her London flat, Jenny Mei Sparks is telling her three new friends the story of her life over a few bottles of beer. It is a tale of adventure, righteousness, improbable encounters with famous people, and quite a lot of sex. She has been talking for thirteen hours and has still only gotten to 1955. By that year, she had joined Skywatch, a secret organization founded in the 1930s to guard against potential alien invasion. To that end, they needed a forward base on Mars. Their technology was formidable, their mission noble in theory... but Mars was a boring wasteland, and its lack of a magnetosphere meant that most of Jenny's crewmates developed cancer from stellar radiation exposure.
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The mission had swiftly built its bases underground, shielded by the red dirt of Mars, but the base was also boring, and when Jenny came home, she left Skywatch, judging it to be "full of maniacs"... and to have only gotten worse since then. Skywatch has a set of agreements with IO, the shadowy intelligence masters, which mean it has to remain hidden, but as time goes on, the current leader of Skywatch, Henry Bendix, becomes more eager to use his technology to reshape Mars and Venus... and Earth. Jenny was sure a tipping-point would come, and it did - when Angie Spica used a jetpack suit made of IO and Skywatch tech to stop an IO assassin, in full view of a crowd, from killing Jacob Marlowe, a billionaire alien. Jack Hawksmoor interrupts, saying she didn't mention that. Jenny grins cryptically, and reaches for another bottle...
Elsewhere, the television news has gotten peculiar. Speculation about the New York Jetpack Incident. A report on a freak meteor strike which seems to be affecting the weather. A segment on the urban legend of the "billboard ghost girl". A segment on a serial killer dubbed the "Highway Ripper". A man speculating about a secret space program. An interview with Voodoo, where she describes her artistic side as a separate entity, her "daemon". And a news report about a township of fifty people, vanished in what the only eyewitness describes as an alien abduction...
In a large bed in a nice house, two men are watching that last segment on a phone screen. They conclude that it might be the work of Skywatch, who they escaped from together, but that if it is, something has made them brazen. One, dour as midnight, insists they must remain hidden, but the other, smiling like a Greek god, lists the actions of the dour one which have forced them to fight in the past. They will fight again this time, armed by preparation and buttressed by their love.
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In the IO headquarters in New York, Jackie King is going over the estimates of Angie Spica's implants, wondering how she got it through IO's normal scanners. Ignoring a request that she attend a meeting, she orders an underling to prepare a report on their earlier DDOS on the Skywatch headquarters and whether they could replicate it.
Shen Li-Men is in the Hospital, the bardo realm where her predecessors as the Doctor reside. She says she has spoken to Jenny Mei Sparks and now she needs to know about the aliens. When they answer cagily, she insists that she cannot do her job unless they comply. So they tell her the tale.
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Once upon a time, there was an alien planet called Khera. On it, the dominant species formed a society which bound together five sub-species in a caste system. The Kherans search the galaxy for life-bearing worlds with tool-using natives, with the goal of conscripting those natives as "clients", or slaves. Due to the chaotic nature of the universe, tool-using natives are hard to catch before they are wiped out by chance or foolishness. The goal of the Kheran rulers is something called "forward escape" - to take their whole society from this plane of existence to one where life is easier to sustain. A Doctor has never learned how this would work, but it requires living beings, serving in free will. Once, a Doctor seduced John Colt, a Kheran soldier, and while he was sleeping read his mind to view what, mechanically, this would entail - a vision of Earth marked by three massive fire pits.
However, when the Kherans arrived, they discovered that they were not unopposed. They called these rivals "The Other", once. Now they are known as "The Daemon". The goal of the Daemon is gently inspire, shepherding humanity forward with a modicum of balance so they can escape extinction. Aiding them in this vocation is a device of theirs - the Shaper Engine, a machine that Li-Men saw in a metaphor in a vision. One of the things the Shaper Engine does is empower specific humans to serve as a defense mechanism - like Jenny Mei Sparks.
The interference of the Daemon stymied the Kherans' efforts enough that they fell to internal bickering. A faction of the Kherans tried to influence the culture of the Middle East by appearing as wise but fearsomely-visaged powers, recorded in legend as cherubim. Emp chose a different tactic - he gathered a cabal of underlings, scuttled the alien ship, and vanished in the ensuing explosion. The Kheran homeworld assumed the mission to be a failure, and wrote Earth off. Emp has hidden inside society ever since, pursuing his "Main Project" - to raise human technology to the level where it can petition to join the Kherans as equals.
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Today Emp pursues this mission using his resources under the alias 'Jacob Marlowe'. He sees far, but not far enough. He never grasped the reasoning of the Daemon. He did not anticipate that the marooned Kherans would spread competing philosophies and religions across the world, primed to oppose him. He did not anticipate how strong, or how strange, the humans could become. And he knows nothing of the Shaper Engine.
To conclude, the Doctors tell Shen Li-Men that a portentious storm is coming, a storm that may end the world. The Doctor that will have to oppose it will face a burden that no previous Doctor has ever had to bear, and that Doctor is her. And yet, they have an unbiased assessment of her skills and her compassion, which, with fortitude and spite and maybe a few friends, may be enough to see her through.
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Skywatch intensifies its preparation for war, increasing its attacks on the planet. For some of these conflict zones, Skywatch’s greatest threat is not IO or conventional forces, but the people who escaped from its own experimentation camps. And the four people in London whom it knows little about, but who are preparing to take steps to alter the balance of the world.
The experimental subjects code-named Apollo and Midnighter have broken cover. Combat-optimized superhumans are now loose on the Earth.
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Jenny Mei Sparks has assembled a group of misfits and exiles, to stand against a corruption that covers the world and orbits above it.
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The storm of accidents, deaths, mistakes, confusion and anger has led to this. Miles Craven has lost his grip and Henry Bendix has lost his mind.
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IO has betrayed the world, and Skywatch wants to burn it. The only people in the middle are Jenny Mei Sparks’ ragtag team of wounded orphans of the secret world.
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These last six issues are more action packed (it is a third act after all), and in general it feels like a pilot for The Authority (curiously enough, the next book announced was WildCATS but it was cancelled. May be re-solicited eventually. WildStorm has a very complicated history with runs that get cancelled, with the most obvious one being The Authority by Grant Morrison.
Anyway, the visuals and the story are very tight, and this is an amazing story to read. It just, takes you two years to get the whole thing. I feel like in the last 12 issues, I got more about the properties I knew more, and that may be the reason why I liked the last 12 issues more.
As I said in a previous post, this is a very long prologue, but a high quality one. Think of it as the “Man of Steel” for a new universe (the John Byrne one, not the one that made you stop reading Superman).
I had problems in the past with the way Apollo and Midnighter’s relationship was portrayed. At least, during the New 52/Rebirth era. I felt it pretty real in this run, or at least is more similar to what I experienced in real relationships. Their differences are big, but at the core, they shouldn’t get in the way of their love.
Voodoo was a gratuitous character throughout these 24 issues. She barely did a thing. Same with the way Michael Cray ended up dying in the last issue. He did have his own mini-series that I didn’t follow, but considering that Deathblow had a “healing factor”, I suppose he is probably not dead.
This story felt very sober sometimes, replacing super-heroes with regular people with powers, it’s a nice interpretation when every book around you has spandex and shiny armor.
There is spandex and shiny armor here too... but you know what I mean.
I give these issues a score of 9.
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keezree · 6 years
He’s All the Rage! Ch: 9
His purple clawed feet trotted through the deep grey-green grass, flicking up snow flakes as Spyro neared the others gathered around the super portal. He and Sparx had just returned from Magma Cone, having collected spirit particles of the Earth Shapers.
The Professor along with Elora and Hunter were hunched over a few orbs, fueling them with the earth magic spirit particles. “Oh good, they're back. Let's go Sparx!” Spyro said to his yellow glowing companion before taking off at a charge to his friends. The three saw the dragon approach and greeted him. “Welcome back Spyro, did you get any spirit particles?” Spyro nodded smiling up at Elora. “You bet! Sparx, can you put them in the orbs?” The tiny dragonfly buzzed happily and flew over, circling around the green magical spheres. He too placed the collected earth energy within their new magical casing before returning to his best friends side. The Professor neared the orbs and scritched out a few calculations on his clipboard. “This will be just like when we summoned Spyro here. This time however, we will be trying to locate _____'s energy. If they were truly kidnapped by Ripto then we'll know for sure. These orbs will be able to help us pinpoint their location and take us directly to them. Oh! This is so exciting! A chance to see if the same process works in reverse!” He wiggled his closed fists delightedly. Elora placed her hand on the Professors shoulder. “Professor, please focus!” The grey haired mole nodded, adjusting his spectacles. “Ah, yes, yes, you're right. We need to be ready for the worst if Moneybags was telling the truth. If _____ is with Ripto, we may very well be heading towards a battle. Are you ready for such a thing Spyro?” He addressed the purple fellow, turning to him. Spyro smiled widely and nodded to the Professor, with a glance to Sparx. “I'm ready for anything! I took him down once, I can do it again!” The Professor turned to the orbs and adjusted them, attempting to align them to your energy. He poked at them with his pencil, turning them this way and that, balancing them on each other. After he was done, he assessed them from all angles, walking around them in a circle. “ That should do it. Alright everyone, stand back. Spyro, could you lend us the help of your dragon magic? Simply approach the orbs and concentrate very hard on our friend.” He gestured Spyro towards them with his clipboard. Spyro neared the orbs and closed his eyes, thinking as strongly as he could about you and saving you. The orbs activated and began floating within their own energies. A green, bright light surrounded them and the very air seemed to sparkle with their power. The orbs began circling themselves, spinning faster and faster. The Professors face lit up with anticipation, eager to see his calculations come to fruition. Spyro tried keeping his eyes on the orbs as they spun but their speedy rotation was so much so that it made him dizzy. He blinked and looked away. Hunter was doing the same thing, however he had kept his eyes on them and promptly fell over, his head spinning. A slow smile stretched across The Professors face and he leaned in, as if physically urging the orbs to work their magic. Elora too leaned in, placing her hand on the Professors shoulder in a protective manner, afraid he'd get carried away. “Come on...” He prompted. The orbs gave off a sudden blinding flash and then, as if magnets sharing the same polarization, repelled themselves and bounced away uselessly into the snowy grass on either sides of the portal. The collected spirit particles flew off into the ether, absorbed by the world. The Professors face melted immediately into disappointment. “I...I don't understand! My calculations are usually correct... What went wrong?” He walked over to one of the orbs and picked it up, inspecting it. Elora looked to Spyro in confusion, who simply replied with a shrug. Hunter picked himself up off the ground shaking the dizziness from his head. “Woah! What a blast! So, did the portal open?” Elora looked over shaking her head. “No Hunter. Something funny happened to the orbs.” She made her way to the Professors side. He looked up to her, still holding the orb, a despondent look marking his face. “Are you sure the particles you collected were the ones I requested?” He inquired, nodding his head slightly to Hunter. Elora took the hint and shook her head. “ We were together the whole time Professor, they were Earth Shaper spirits.” The Professor shook his head confused and puzzled. “Most intriguing. Well! The only thing for it is to try again!” He marched to the centre platform and placed the orb. Hunter meanwhile had grabbed the other and placed it along side. “So, we're going to have to go collect more spirit particles aren't we?” Spyro cocked his head. The Professor had been rearranging the orbs once more. “I'm afraid so my dear boy. However, I think I can prevent them from escaping again, should this fail. I'll see if I can create a smaller version of a power up gate of sorts. It won't have any sort of ability to offer, but it will be able to retain the spirit particles, rather than have them simply fly away into the night sky.” “That sounds like a great idea Professor, you start working on the gate and we'll go get some more spirit energy.” Elora started off towards Fracture Hills once more. “C'mon Hunter, lets not dawdle.” She gestured with her arm, motioning for him to follow. Hunter looked to Elora, then to the Professor, then back to Elora and let out a sigh. A look of defeat crossed his face as he hunched over and shuffled along after her. Spyro and Sparx too, ventured forth to obtain the necessary energy for the portal to connect to you. “It's strange, I didn't feel ____ at all! I wonder where they could be?” Sparx flew by his purple pal and gave him a reassuring pat on the head. He buzzed some sort of response that Spyro seemed to understand. Whatever he said seemed to assuage Spyro and he fell once again into his more chipper demeanour. “You're right Sparx, no point in worrying. We still gotta try!” They dove down into the platform that would teleport them to Autumn Plains. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- That was strange. You looked down to the ring wrapped around your finger. Just for a second, it seemed to become tighter, however when you lifted it to take a closer look, nothing was out of the ordinary. Perhaps you were just tense? It had been a long day. In hopes of seeking out potential useful information, you had been following Ripto around as he sought out any books that might have been hidden or forgotten on his initial er...collection.
He stood atop Gulp's cranium, surveying the various worlds that branched off of the home world. You marched along beside him, much to his displeasure. He insisted that you ride along with him but it felt strange being on top of Gulp's back. When you still refused, he settled with you walking along side Gulp, ever in his view. Perhaps it was because he wanted to keep an eye on you or that he just enjoyed your company and wanted to be close. Or maybe it was that he was worried because these were new lands to you and he didn't want you wandering off or getting hurt. “ I enjoy walking!” You reassured him. He simply fixed his face into a pout and trundled forward on Gulp's head as Crush stomped behind you. A few of the sub worlds felt very tropical and warm in nature. It must have been convenient and comfortable for the reptilian inhabitants. In some of the sub worlds the air was thick and humid and made it feel like a mask of water was clinging to your face.
In another world there was- surprisingly, a frozen, mountainous realm. Snow frosted the peaks and landed softly on the ground around you. You hoped you wouldn't have to stay here long. Missing your jacket, you pulled your cloak around you tighter. It had been patched up along with your other clothes and returned to the room that you and Ripto now shared. As you trudged through the snow your mind wandered to its long sleeves and warm lining.
Here, just like the other worlds, there were quite a few riptocs running about.
There were small houses with warm glows spreading from the windows, stretching orange across the snowy ground.
It had a strange nostalgic feel. Gulp suddenly stopped beside you and took in a deep breath. “Ahh...” Ripto looked down to him. “Why did you stop? Come on! Let's get what we need and get out of this miserable world before we turn into popsicles!”
Gulp took in another breath. “Ahh!” Ripto blinked, realization dawning his face. “Oh no. Gulp! Wait, let me get down first before-” “Ahhh-CHOO!” The green bean sneezed in the cold air, jostling Ripto and causing him to lose his grip on his horns. He plopped down into the snow. Gulp shook his great head and gave an apologetic shrug to his boss. “Oops! Sorry. This cold air tickles my nose.” Ripto's head popped up from the deep snow, some of it clung to the top of his head. He brushed it off his head with both hands aggressively then shot his hands down into fists at his sides. Ripto ascended Gulp's head again, kicking snow off of his shoes down into Gulp's face. “Well you could have warned me you overgrown cabbage!” You cocked your head and looked up to Ripto who met your glare as he brushed snow off of his shoulders. “What?” He barked down at you.
You un-tucked your arms from around you, gesturing open palmed to Gulp, cocking an eyebrow. He looked from you to Gulp then back again. “What?” He stretched out his hand, physically expressing his confusion. “Ripto, you promised!” Ripto gave you a confused look then blinked in understanding. “Oh..Right. Er...”
He looked down to Gulp, one hand gripping a horn to keep him steady and the other brushing its thumb against his knuckles as he reluctantly brought himself to apologize. “ I shouldn't have gotten cross with you for flinging me carelessly onto the frigid ground, you big idiotic brute.” His posture mirrored his insincerity as he gave Gulp an awkward pat on the head. He then looked to you, throwing his arms to the side for your approval. “There. Happy?” he shook his head and grabbed back onto Gulp's horns. You weren't but it'd have to do. It pleased you though, that Gulp and Crush were being more vocal. Under your encouragement, the two big boys started speaking more freely. When you asked why they had been so quiet, Ripto responded with his usual dismissive growl. “I'm surprised there's even a brain cell to be shared between the two of them. They may as well remain silent since they've got nothing to say that's worth listening to!” You however, suspected they remained silent for fear of Ripto belittling them. Even if they were reluctant to speak,  you felt glad that they we're still willing to try. The snow crunched under your feet and kicked forward in the air as you brought your feet out of the deep steps. It felt cold against your legs as it stuck to your pants. “I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, but where is the next one?” Within each of the worlds you had visited there had been old ruins left containing some remnant of dragon knowledge. This is where Ripto had primarily found his book collection on dragons. Somehow, in their departure from this realm, the dragons had left behind some of their relics. It was awfully careless, you had thought, and also a boon for Ripto. “With any luck and no more interruptions-” He shot a nasty look to Gulp and you. “We should be there shortly.” Approaching the edge of the snowy field you saw a wall of trees hugging against the side of one of the closer mountains. Just behind them there was a hole carved into the side of the mountain, a cobblestone archway stretching around the opening. You brushed past the sharp needles of the trees and entered the cave. Looking around you saw these strange lanterns emanating a soft, ethereal glow. They must have been kept lit by magic. Despite the chilly winds outside, here in the cave, it was very comfortable. The air was still and slightly warmer. Your footsteps echoed across the cavernous walls and from somewhere within, deeper in the cave, you heard a quiet, steady drip. A loud crunching, brushing sound made you turn around abruptly as Gulp tried to squeeze in through the trees. Even if he managed to squeeze between them he wouldn't have fit into the small opening. Ripto scoffed at him and descended his cranium, “Wait here.” He demanded. “ This won't take long.” Gulp looked up to the sky and started trying to catch snowflakes in his mouth as they fell. Crush tried to swat away the flakes before they landed in Gulp's maw. After a while of this Gulp grew angry and kicked a huge wave of snow at Crush, laughing as it toppled him onto his backside. Crush sat there in the cold snow, blinking in surprise. The two of you explored deeper in the cave while the two larger lads waited for you at the entrance. Deeper within the cave there was old, broken artifacts, mostly empty bookshelves with scattered papers and notes here and there, gem fragments and scrolls. Ripto inspected the bookshelves and papers, briefly scanning them and unravelling the scrolls before letting them drop back uselessly on the floor.
You inspected the artifacts and other things around the room. They mostly looked like they were tools or instruments for...something. Magic and shit. Running your fingers over the old dusty instruments you pondered at what they might have done. You lamented again the fact the you had such little knowledge when it came to magical stuff. Ripto had reassured you earlier, saying that you weren't the only one who lacked in magical prowess. On your way through the sub worlds he had shared with you the fact that even he had trouble with magic. Something about dragons being one of the few naturally magical beings. As a dinosaur, he suffered from some sort of magical incompatibility. “Why do you think I had to study as hard as I did? This stuff isn't exactly easy!” “Really? You seem quite skilled at it from where I'm standing.” He had beamed at your compliment. After the events in the library, he was quite open and comfortable with you now. You felt that if it were with anyone else, he might feel a bit hesitant to divulge something like that so freely. Presently you turned to watch Ripto as he rifled through the scattered papers on an abandoned table. As the day went on, his mood had slowly turned sour. He was probably tired too and unsatisfied with his search. Approaching him, you reached out to touch his back. “How's the search?” His head shot to you, glaring daggers. “It'd be a lot easier if you'd help me instead of looking at all that junk!” You gave him a concerned look. “You know, you've been kinda...er...on edge lately. Are you alright?” You leaned in, resting your other hand on his arm. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I'm...Fine. I'm just upset with the lack of progress I've had in finding anything. You...may be right in that I have certain detriments in facing that dragon. I was hoping I'd find something here at least but there's nothing but junk! Or it's phrased in a way that keeps the information hidden. Either way all of this is useless to me!” He tossed the scroll he was reading into the pile on the old wooden table, scattering dust in the air. Ripto gazed down at the paper strewn table, his fists trembled in frustration and he let out a growl. He swiped his hands at the papers, scattering them onto the floor. “I guess I'll have to try something else.” You gave him a little squeeze and he leaned into your arms, letting you comfort him. You held him close in the quiet cave, one hand curled protectively around the back of his head. It was troubling to see him so worked up. After all the stress he had been through, you had really hoped that maybe he'd be able to just take it easy and relax. However this was something he really didn't seem to want to let go of. He seemed hyper fixated on taking down Spyro and getting revenge. All this stress really couldn't be that good for him. “Maybe...” You whispered down to him, planting a smooch on his forehead. “Maybe you should take a break. I mean- Do you really have to fight him? Why not just er...Look for another realm or something?” Ripto blinked his eyes open from the comfort of your arms and leaned away from your touch, looking up to you. “What?” He gave you an incredulous look. He had his hands on your stomach, propping himself backwards as he listened to you. “ You're always pushing yourself so hard! Why not take a little break? A vacation or something like that. Forget Spyro for a while.” His hands curled into fists against your stomach and he took a few steps back, tearing himself from your embrace. “Do you...Doubt me?” He cocked an eyebrow at you. “Well no! I just don't want to see you force yourself like this. I mean...Do you absolutely need to take over Avalar?” His brows lowered slowly and he squared his shoulders. “ You seem to fail to realize what exactly it is I am trying to do here ____. Look, I get that it's different where you come from. But in these worlds, a change needs to happen. These dragons have been lording it over us for far too long. I'm going to make sure that they realize just what a mistake they have made. It's not just Avalar. All of these miserable kingdoms will bow down to me.” He walked to the center of the room, holding his arms to his sides, indicating the world at large. “It's high time that these fools had a real leader! Someone they respect. Someone they fear! And that someone-” He turned to face you, placing both hands on his chest, grinning devilishly. “Is me!” You stood there unsure, listening to him talk. He really did want to take over the realms didn't he? Sure the dragons seemed to disregard a lot of the other worlds and the people who lived in them. Were they as bad as Ripto said they were or was it their ancient dragon wisdom, keeping them from revealing dangerous information or distancing themselves to keep the worlds safe? Yet, you had also seen just how poorly they had treated Ripto in the Dragon Shores memory theater. And furthermore how Spyro had treated nuisances and the fodder animals. Perhaps it was just your ideals getting in the way but you hated to see anything get hurt. Then again in this world, it seemed to be the norm to extinguish the lives of those who were a hindrance. Was he really hoping to take down the dragons for the benefit of the worlds or was it simply to extend his tyrannical grasp? Most likely the latter. Once more you were torn. “I'm sorry. I just don't want anymore fighting.” You stepped forwards, hands folded nervously. “If there is to be any more fighting then I will come out victorious! I'll destroy every dragon if I have to. Starting with that puny purple pest! It'll be a message to all of the other winged vermin that think they can stop me.” You reached forward and put a concerned hand on Ripto's shoulder. “Ripto please, do you have to kill him? I mean, Spyro, he's...he's my friend too!” He shrugged off your hand violently. “You're still defending him?! After what he did to me? _____. You told me yourself that he took my life multiple times back in Avalar! He wanted me dead! Why should I offer any other consideration to him?” You raised your hand once more to try to reach out to him but he stepped away. “ I can't believe you. 'Still my friend.'” He said in a mocking tone, waving his hands in a dismissive gesture. “ Here I thought you were on my side. After all of this!” He threw his hands out, gesturing to your situation in general. “ After saving me, making me think you...you cared about me. You're really just trying to keep that dragon safe aren't you?!” “Ripto no! I swear I do care about you! I just don't want anyone dying!” “ Well I've died- by his hands! I'm simply returning the favour!” He leaned forwards, his voice raising. “ I'm just trying to prevent any more unnecessary deaths! I've seen enough!” He scoffed at you, turning away. “ I think you're just trying to deter me from making any headway. Come to think of it... You destroyed the controller that opened the super portal between this world and Avalar...” He turned to you suddenly, an accusatory glare pierced through his eyes and bore into you. “Had you been planning this all along?!” “No! I-I- Argh!” You grabbed at your head in aggravation. This wasn't what you had wanted at all! If only you could get him to listen! Why was he being so cruel suddenly? Why didn't he trust you? Admittedly you felt a little cross and decided to call him out. “I think you're behaving like this because you've had no luck in finding anything and you're taking it out on me because you know I'll take it.” You gave him a sort of sad, tired look. He gritted his teeth in frustration and leaned forwards, shouting. “ENOUGH!” His bellowing voice echoed through the cave, vibrating in the very center of your chest. “ I refuse to simply give up on this! I want this and I will have it. Nothing! Is going to stand in my way.” He fixed you with his glare and jabbed a clawed finger in your direction. “Not even you.” Your heart dropped. Suddenly the room felt a lot colder. You could feel tears starting to well up in your eyes but refused them. “Ripto...” “Let's go! There's nothing here of use...” He shot you a look as he spoke. He started towards to exit. You hesitantly followed. Stepping out into the cold open air, you watched as Ripto's cape disappeared through the piney trees. He didn't wait for you to catch up and when you stepped through the branches you saw he was already on Gulp's back, trudging through the snow towards the portal. As you watched his back grow farther way, you felt that you had lost him. Taking over the worlds was his top priority, you came second. You stood there as the snow sapped the heat from your toes. The cold sensation surrounding your heart was far more frigid than the air around you. Did he even want you to follow? Crush looked back to you, dragging his club through the snow. He gave you a concerned look. “ Awww ___ You okay?” Ripto heard the blue boy speak to you and shouted back to him. “Leave them be! They'll catch up.” Crush looked from Ripto to you and gave you a sad look. He continued on, though he walked a bit slower this time, waiting for you. Gulp too tried to slow down but Ripto urged him on faster. “Hurry up! I want out of this frozen trash heap!” You shuffled through the piling snow. While you felt unsure if you should follow him, you also wanted to vacate the snowy realm. You soon caught up and walked beside Crush as Gulp, carrying Ripto, exited the winter world. The warm spring like home world opened itself up to you as you landed on its soft, shimmery grass. No one spoke as you made the journey back to the castle. Despite the fact that you were no longer in the wintry land, a chill still lingered around the four of you. You looked up sullenly towards Ripto, wondering how the hell you were gonna fix this. He must have felt your eyes on him because he looked over his shoulder to you. He started, surprised to see your stare. His mouth opened like he wanted to say something but instead he fixed his gaze forward. Great, you thought. He was back to how he was before, closing himself off again. You entered the double doors to the castle. The snow melted on your feet and left soggy footprints behind along the purple and white checker board floor. Ripto descended Gulp's head and plopped down in the throne angrily.
“Somebody hurry up and fetch a mop!” He barked to the room at large. The servants there scurried about, looking for the cleaning supplies. One of the riptocs approached you. It was the one you had saved from being Ripto's magical test subject. His name was Zaph as you had come to learn. Cautiously he neared you and said in a quiet voice. “What happened? He was in such a good mood before.” You looked forlornly to Zaph and not having the energy or mind space to explain, you simply shook your head. “Aw, don't worry, he gets like this sometimes. Just give it time. He'll come around.” You smiled sadly at Zaph. “I sure hope so. Thanks.” He patted your arm and walked away. Your sight turned back to Ripto who was eyeing you and Zaph suspiciously. When he saw you look to him, he motioned you over. You complied and approached his throne. “Just what were you two talking about?” He leaned forwards, hands gripping at the armrests at his sides. You shook your head dismissively. “Nothing, we were just worried about you.” He harrumphed at you narrowing his eyes. “ I'm sure.” You gave him a reprimanding look. “ I'm telling the truth.” You crossed your arms, shifting your weight to one hip. “How can I be so sure? I probably can't trust you with anything now.” He stared down at you from his throne with a condescending tone. That was it! You'd had enough! You huffed in frustration. “If you're going to be like this then I'll leave you to it. I don't know how else to convince you I'm telling the truth. You're going to have to come to that realization yourself.” You turned and started stomping away. “Wait! _____! Get back here!” Ignoring him you continued onward, heading to...somewhere. Your feet carried you through the castle, along the elegant corridors. As you glared down at the red carpet beneath you, it slowly grew blurry. Tears consumed your vision and you found yourself crumpled into a ball on the side of the hall. You buried your head into your knees as you slid down onto the floor. You wanted this to work. You wanted him to believe you! He was capable of being kind, you saw him open up. Why was he being so damned difficult?! You were startled out of your thoughts as a hand touched upon your shoulder. “____, what's the matter?” Looking up, through your bleary eyes you saw it was one of the seamstresses that helped to make your outfit. Her name was Sorrel, you recalled. You rubbed at your eyes. “Nothing. It's fine....It's nothing.” You stood, waving your hand at her, dismissing her concern. She fixed you with a knowing look. “You fought again?” You sighed and sniffled a bit. “Yeah...Yeah we did.” You groaned and threw your fists down angrily. “GRRROOOH!! He thinks that I'm working against him! Why does he have to be so difficult! I...I don't want him to destroy Spyro. But....I can understand why he wants to. Maybe...Maybe I'm just soft or naive.” Sorrel shook her head. “I'm afraid I can't help you there. I've no soft spot for dragons.” You looked to her sadly. You had no real qualms with dragon kind, besides them taking the magic from your ancestors, but you couldn't even begin to assume what sort of events Sorrel and the others had to live with. “I'm sorry. You probably dislike that I want to help him too.” “No, he's a friend of yours. You just care for him. But let me ask you this; do you really want to remain friends with someone who would kill the person you love? Who has killed the person you love? If the rumours I've heard are true, that dragon did a fair number on the Boss.” Your eyes lingered on the floor as you thought over what Sorrel said. She was right. Ripto was too. Why were you willing to defend Spyro when he had, without hesitation or question, taken Ripto's life? “ I...” You started unsure. “I don't.” You raised your head, your sad eyes meeting her curious ones. Taking a deep breath you steadied yourself and calmed your nerves.
“ I would rather not be friends with someone who was willing to bring harm to someone so important to me.” She grinned and clapped her hands together, pleased with your response. “Good! You should perhaps tell the boss that yourself then!” You felt your face stretch into a smile but then a frown tugged it right back down again. “He wouldn't believe me. He seems to have lost trust in me. I sort of doubt he even wants me around anymore.” You gave a nervous laugh. Sorrel took a step back and placed her hands on her hips. She glanced you over and then threw her hands up in mock surprise. “Oh my! What is this?” She took your left hand within her clawed ones and lifted it for closer inspection. “A ring.” You answered simply. She cocked an eyebrow. “Ah yes, but what kind of ring?” You shrugged your shoulders. “ A binding one. It seals me off from leeching magic.” She cocked her head with an impish smile. “I think it's a little bit more than that isn't it?” You glanced down at the ring circling your finger. “It's...it was an engagement ring.”   Sorrel chuckled. “It is an engagement ring. Is! Present tense dear!” A half smile flashed across your face. “____. In all the time I've served Ripto, I've not seen him take a shining to anyone like he has with you. He wouldn't give you something like this if it meant nothing. I doubt he'd just throw you away like that. While he is hot headed and has a quick temper, I bet if anything happened to you it would leave no small mark on our lords conscience.” She said, patting your hand reassuringly. Running your thumb over the ring, an idea popped into your head. “If I swore myself to Ripto, that might prove to him that I do care. That I want to help him.” Sorrel placed her hand on your back and smiled up at you. “Do you want to wed Ripto?” You felt your cheeks bloom into a hot red and flipped the hood of your cloak over your head. Pulling it down over your face you mumbled. “Yes...” You watched from behind the lowered hood as her feet came into view. She lifted it up and peered at your face. “Then it's settled!” You blinked dumbly at her. “What?” “We'll prepare everything. I'd been hoping you'd make up your mind soon! I've been coming up with a few designs for your wedding outfit since we took your measurements. I... Hope you don't mind.” She smiled bashfully, placing her hands on her cheeks as she blushed. You pulled your hood back off. “Really? You'd been planning for it?” She clasped her hands together delighted. “Oh yes! I'm a tailor my dear, it's what I do best!” This was...exciting! It was really happening wasn't it? You had thought about marriage before but never thought it would happen like this, to someone like Ripto. Well, fate sure has a funny way of working things out, you thought. “Alright. Let's do this as soon as possible then.” You grinned at Sorrel. She clapped her hands and nodded. “As soon as possible! Yes!” From the corner of your eye you saw a certain someone round the corner. Ripto stopped in the hallway when he saw the two of you standing there. “Quickly! No time to waste!” Sorrel said gleefully and grabbing you by the hand she pulled you away. You looked back to Ripto who cast you a confused scowl. Just where were you going? He tried to follow after you. What were you up to? Why were you whispering to his servants in the hallway and running away like this? Something was up. Sorrel drug you through the hallways and back to the room you had been measured in. You stood once more amongst the bolts of fabric stored on the shelves and watched as she reached to a high shelf stacked with papers. Bringing down a few sheets that were wrapped together with a string, she flashed a huge grin at you. Placing the papers on the table, she untied the string and spread the papers for you to see. They were all sketches and ideas for a bunch of different outfits. “ I wasn't sure if you would prefer a suit or a dress! Either one would look wonderful on you!” As you glanced them over one caught your eye. “This one here...” You pointed to it. She beamed at you and snatched the paper up. “Oh! I'm so glad! This one is my favourite! “ She hugged the paper and gave a little giggle. “We can work on it now if you'd like!” Smiling, you nodded your response. “Excellent! Just one moment please!” She neared a door to the back of the room and opened it, half leaning in she shouted to whoever was in there. “Attention! We have an emergency of the highest sorts!” A few other riptocs came from the room, following Sorrel. “What is it?” One of them asked, as he shoved his hands into his apron pockets. The others stood next to him as they watched Sorrel stand before you. She spread her arms to you palms up as if showcasing you. “ Behold our soon to be monarch! Ripto's betrothed wishes to have an elegant outfit for their upcoming wedding and I need you all to do your best in making this happen!” She planted her closed fist down into her other palm. “This must be a secret! We're going to surprise our lord so none of this can get out! Better still if we can get it done as soon as possible!” The others got to work very quickly, eager to put into form Sorrel's sketches. “Oh this is going to be wonderful!” She gushed. “Watch it with those scissors!” “Quit shoving!” “I’m gonna sew this so good...” You stood there in the midst of the fabric filled chaos once more and marvelled at how organized and quickly they worked. They pinned cut pieces of fabric together and held it up to you, sewing them together and making minor adjustments here and there. Soon, they had the work in progress on your form, tweaking at the hem of your outfit and placing buttons. Ripto stomped up the hallway. He was so sure he saw the two of you come up this way and he was determined to find out what you were hiding. He neared the door, placing his ear to it he heard the commotion going on behind it. “No not that colour! It doesn't go with ____'s eyes!” “But they said they wanted it!” “Oh...If that's the case...But wait! Let's try this one instead!” “Gasp! Yes! That's the one!” He blinked in confusion. What was all this? He tried opening the door but found it was locked. How dare they lock his own doors in his own castle to him?! Livid, he knocked roughly on the door. “I demand you open up this instant!” A sudden silence stole the room as the people inside heard his voice. He stood, waiting for them to obey him, tapping his foot. You found yourself pushed hurriedly into the back room that the riptocs had been called from, half clothed with your new outfit, a needle still dangling from its string at your elbow. The door was slammed behind you. You stood staring at the room. It looked like sleeping quarters for the staff? A few of them were still in there, reading or lounging around. They stared at you in confusion. You stood there stiff with your arms at your sides, not wanting to move with the needle and a few pins still stuck in your suit. “Hey.” You awkwardly offered to the room at large. “Er...Hey.” One of the riptocs nodded back. “Nice suit.” Another said. “...Thanks.” Through the door you heard a familiar voice sound out in the room. “ Where are they?” “Who your majesty?” Ah! That was Sorrel's voice. Within the next room, Ripto approached her. “Don't play dumb with me! I just saw you with them!” He jabbed his finger at her. Sorrel offered a kind smile and lifter her hands in an apology. “I'm sorry sir but they're not here.” “Well they were here. I'd recognize that scent anywhere. Which way did they go?” He whipped his head  about looking around the room as if he expected to see you tucked away along with the fabric rolls. Sorrel looked to the others in the room. “Do we know where they went?” “No, can't say we do. Right?” One of the fellows responded. The other tailors nodded in agreement. Ripto gave them an unconvinced glare and squared his shoulders. He knew they were hiding something and didn't want to be made a fool of. However, he couldn't be bothered to play their little game so he dismissed their suspicious behaviour. “Fine. But if they come back this way tell them to come see me. I want to speak with them.” They all nodded in unison. “Of course my lord! We'll send them to you right away!” One of them answered. He gave them all a glowering look over and then turned on one foot, stomping towards the door. They all sighed in relief- when suddenly, he rounded on them again. The whole room tensed up. “Did they say anything unusual to you? Anything that might have come across as traitorous?” His eyes pierced into them as they all avoided his gaze. “No sir. Nothing like that at all.” Sorrel replied. “Alright then....But I want you to remember where your loyalties lie. Or else something less than pleasant might happen to you. To ALL Of you.” He gestured his pointed finger to the room in general, giving it an emphasizing jab. He huffed and exited the room, his cape swooshing behind the door before he slammed it shut. They all stood in silence a moment, listening to his distant footsteps. When the coast seemed clear, the quickly locked the door again and you found yourself hauled back just as fast into the room, the tailors continuing their work as if nothing happened. “Did he say something about me being traitorous?” You asked as your arm was hoisted in the air, someone sewing along the underside of it. Sorrel chuckled and shook her head, tugging the thread tighter with the needle in her hand. “He suspects everyone dear. Not to worry.” She took a pin from your outfit and stuck it between her teeth with the others as she stitched along.
Thinking back you had sort of just left him back there. You realized that maybe darting off with some of his servants and speaking in secret wasn't exactly the most trustworthy looking thing to do. Especially after voicing concerns for his nemesis.
Maybe you should have stopped when he asked you to. Ah well, you were deep in Sorrel's and your wedding plans now. If you hadn't stormed off, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Sorrel stretched the thread out after tying it and gave it a little snip with her sewing shears. She placed them back in her apron pocket and then stood back to inspect you. The other riptocs brushed their hands off and also took a moment to appraise their work. “Oh my! It looks even lovelier on you than on paper! Thank you for making my work some to life!” Sorrel clapped her hands, pleased. You looked down at yourself, now wearing the wonderful outfit they had made for you. It looked amazing! “Oh! Here! A mirror!” Sorrel rushed over to your side and guided you to the corner of the room. You stopped in front of the reflective surface and stared in disbelief. That was...You? You hardly recognized yourself! You looked.... You looked...! “Wow...” You whispered, placing your hand on the glass. Sorrel crossed her arms and nodded triumphantly. “I told you~ It's what I do best!” The other riptocs coughed, nudging her. “What we do best, sorry.” Transfixed by the image before you, you tried to wrap your brain around the fact that it was really you. You! In wedding attire. Huh... An amused smile drifted across your lips. You wondered what Ripto would think. “Alright! Give it back!” You turned to Sorrel. “What?” “Take that off! We have other things to get ready after all!” You found yourself back in your shirt, slacks and tunic once more. “ What now?” You asked Sorrel as she tucked the outfit under her arm, wrapped up in a protective covering. “Now we'll need flowers! We're going to decorate the whole castle! Hee hee!” She gestured her hand in the air, indicating the place at large. “Zaph will help us! Let's go fetch him! I'm going to put this somewhere safe until you need it.” She patted at the bundle of fabric beneath her arm. “You go on ahead!” Carefully peeking your head out the door, you glanced down both directions down the hallway. No one was there and so you quietly exited the fabric room. You headed back towards the front hall, rounding the corner, you stopped, standing stock still. Ripto had taken his position back up on the throne again, scowling and glaring at the floor in thought. You placed your hands against the wall, cautiously peering around the corner. How were you to get past him to the front door? As Ripto gritted his teeth, Crush approached him. “Gee boss, don't be so hard on yourself. They're probably around here somewhere...” “I know they are here you useless pea brain! I can smell them I just can't find them!” Crush looked down forlornly, rubbing at his arm. “You know boss, ____ said they didn't like it when you called us names.” Ripto scowled up at the blue boy. “Well they're not here right now are they?! So I'm going to call you whatever you like until I find them! If you want me to stop then get out there and look for them!”  He shot his pointed finger towards the front door. Ripto grumbled and crossed his arms, tucking them in around himself. He bore his glare into the floor again. Crush nodded and turned towards the door but as he did so, he caught sight of you. You started, oh no! Crush opened his mouth as if to say something but you shot your finger up in front of your mouth, placing your index finger in front of it and mouthing for him to shush. He looked from you to Ripto then back to you and nodded. With a glance back to the fuming Ripto, he made his way to the front door. You watched as his blue tail and giant wings disappeared behind it. When the door closed a silence fell upon the hall. Now it was just Ripto there, sitting alone on his throne. You looked about the room, trying to plot a distraction or something so that you could go out to the garden when you heard Ripto give out a long sigh. You watched as he relaxed a bit, his hands came up to cradle his tired looking face. “Where are you ______. If you're not here in the castle... Have you gone back? You can't be with those fools and that dragon. If you're plotting something against me I'll...” He clenched his fists and tensed his shoulders. “Sigh...” He deflated once more in his seat. “I don't care if you're concerned about those idiots. You're mine, whether you like it or not.” He folded his head down into his hands once more. You felt yourself take a step forward. He looked so sad up on his throne that you couldn't help yourself. The desire to go and make him feel better pulled deep within your chest. Maybe you could let him in on your secret- the wedding you and Sorrel were planning for the two of you. Shouldn't he know? I mean after all he was included in this too. Sorrel would probably be frustrated that you spoiled it- but you didn't care about her right now. You made to step out into the hall when Ripto let out a frustrated snarl. He leapt off of his throne and started across the hall, to the door on the opposite side of you. Gripping at the knob, he flipped it open harshly and then just as forcefully slammed it behind him. Now you were alone and had the chance! Your feet shot out from under you, darting across the hall as quickly and quietly as you could manage. When you were out into the bright, shining, spring like day, you let out a sigh of relief. Slumping down slightly against the closed door, you peered around the garden. From here you saw the top of Crush's head looming over a shrubbery wall. He spotted you and gave a little wave. You returned the greeting and shuffled down the steps, across the grass and to his side. “Hey Crush!” You smiled up at him. He blinked down at you. “____, why are you hiding from the boss? What's going on?” You opened your mouth to explain when a familiar voice called to you from over the shrubbery wall. “Hello ____, hello Crush. What brings you here on this fine, sunny day?” You peered upwards to the face of Zaph, who was trimming the hedge. He was wearing a straw cap, blocking the sun from blinding him as he worked in the gardens. “Oh, actually I have a favour to ask.” Zaph clipped at the green shrub, small leaves and twigs scattered down in the air towards you. “A favour? From me? Well, what do you need?” You walked around the shrub to speak to him better. He was at the top of a ladder being propped up and held by another one of his gardening friends. “ Well, Sorrel sent me, we need some flowers and things for a ceremony.” Zaph smiled down at you from the ladder. “A ceremony! Is that why you're hiding from Ripto? He's been looking everywhere for you, you know? I don't think he's very happy...” You chuckled nervously. “Yeah I kinda had that feeling...We'll you see, I'm sort of kind of planning...A wedding....And I need some floral arrangements and a bouquet and stuff for it. Can you help me out?” Zaph stopped cutting the shrub and he turned to you, his jaw hitting the floor. “A wedding?! You're actually going to- Oh my!” He threw the shears down on the ground, past his gardening friend. They barely missed him as their blades dug deep into the grassy earth below. “Hey!” He flinched. Zaph descended the ladder, sliding down and bounced over to you. “Oh happy day! This is something I'd never thought I'd see. Ripto has given us a stressful time under his rule but he has given us a safe place to live, away from dragons and the like. While I do have a few issues with some of the things he may say to us I do appreciate his work and would love for something good like this to happen for him!” He reached out and squeezed both your hands. “___, You've become  a great friend to us and you're bringing out a new side of the boss that none of us expected. I'd be more than happy to help you prepare for this!” He looked around behind him at the garden. “If you give me and the others some time, I'm sure we'll be able to come up with the most beautiful arrangement that you have ever seen!” Turning to you he lifted his straw sun hat up a bit. “Now, tell me, what are the colours of your wedding outfit? I want to make something that will go along well with it.” You blinked. “Oh...It was-” “I'll help you out with that! I have everything all sorted.” Sorrel arrived from around the corner. She had a few clippings of fabric in her clawed hands, matching the colours that you had chosen for your outfit. “Sorrel! This is exciting!” Zaph held his hands out to her. “Those are lovely colours! I wonder what we have in the garden that will pair with it! Ah, we also have to think about Ripto's suit! What is he wearing?” Sorrel shook her head. “Well, he doesn't really know about this. So we need to keep it hush-hush.” She lifted a cautioning hand towards Zaph. He blinked in surprise. “ A secret? He doesn't know? What is going on?” He demanded rounding on the two you. Crush loomed over the shrub, listening in. “Well, Ripto doesn't quite believe in my word that I am loyal to him. I may have expressed concern over Spyro, er, the dragon, that harmed him. He's my friend, or...he was my friend. Now Ripto thinks I'm actively working against him.” Zaph held his hands on his hips as he took in your words and the other gardener riptoc also listened. “While my words probably won't be enough to convince him, I'm sure doing something like this will prove to Ripto that I want to be with him. That I am his and won't stand in his way. Going through all of this effort and actively making this all happen will hopefully solidify what I've been trying to tell him.” “I see... Well! If that's the way you want it then that's how we'll do it! I'm loyal to Ripto and would normally tell him what was going on behind his back but since you're going to be his companion anyway, I may as well take your orders now too, your majesty!” He gave you a little bow. “Oh! Oh no that's not necessary!” You waved away his behaviour with your hands, embarrassed. Sorrel patted at your back. “Oh but it is! You've been so kind to us ____. It would be an honour to treat you as our ruler. Besides, Ripto would have a field day punishing us for not addressing you with respect once this wedding is over.” You looked to all of the reptilian faces around you. You? Becoming a ruler? That was a laugh. While you really didn't feel like anything would change much, you were glad for the company and kindness they were all showing you. Maybe you'd have a softer influence over them. Ultimately, Ripto would have the final say over most things, you thought. However, if you could soften his hand and words then it might make it even easier on those under his rule. Having a title like this wasn't something you ever thought or hoped for but you supposed you'd have to get used to it if you were to become Ripto's life partner. You turned your face to each of the riptocs present, offering them a soft smile. “I'll try my best to help you all when we are married then.” The four of them smiled back. “Of course you will___! You've been nothing but sweet to us.” Sorrel held your hands reassuringly. Crush smiled down dopily at you then suddenly, his head shot up towards the castle. With his height he could see clear over the garden. “Uh oh.” He mumbled. You all looked up to him. “What is it Crush?” You asked. He hid slightly behind the shrub. “Ripto is coming- oh! I think he saw me!” Sorrel looked from Crush to you then quickly pushed you away out of the shrub wall. “Hurry! You should get out of here. Oh! Wait!” You had started to dash off but her words stopped you. “We have the outfit ready, the flowers will be done soon enough, next we need the food the cake... I'll head to the kitchens and get them started and- Oh! You'll also need a ring for him!” Crush leaned around the edge of the shrub wall. “Hurry, he's on his way!” You looked from Crush to the direction Ripto was going to come from. Sorrel pushed you along. “Go- To the gem cutters! They may be able to sort you out with a ring. Hurry now! Hurry!” You felt your legs dash along underneath you as you rushed away from the gardens, farther along to the edge of the home word where a long path took you towards a larger mountain than the others surrounding the spring like world. You ran along the path, over the crest of a hill and down towards the base of the mountain where a small, cool lake of water sat. You startled the fodder animals of this world as you ran by. The tiny blue crickets jumped away at your oncoming feet. “Sorry!” You called to them as you whizzed by. There ahead, was a large crack in the mountains side, opening to an eerie green glowing cavern. Therein was where the gem cutters searched for magical crystals and things for Ripto's use. You sprinted towards the split in the grey rocky wall and dove into it, away from the sunlight. Back at the gardens, Ripto arrived to see the gardeners acting as inconspicuous as they possibly could. They gathered various flowers and things, clipping the ones they felt they could spare for the big event. They were doing a good job of hiding their secret task, however a very large, very blue and purple fellow stood out from behind a little twig of a tree. He attempted to make himself smaller but was doing a miserable job of it. “Crush! What are you doing here!? Smelling roses?! I thought I told you to go look for ____!” Crush stepped out from behind the tree, fidgeting. “Er well....They were here boss uh...” The gardeners winced at the reveal and then carefully turned to Crush, giving him a warning glare. He shut his toothy mouth tightly and looked to Ripto cautiously. “Well?! Why didn't you stop them? Where are they now?!” Crush looked about him, seeking some sort of way out of this confrontation. “They er...wanted to surprise you! So they left! Because you were coming!” The riptocs gestured to Crush, indicating with their hands that he should stop talking. This attempt to silence the blue boy didn't go unnoticed by Ripto and so he stepped further into the garden, staring daggers at the three of them. “What is going on here? Why are you keeping them from me?!” Zaph and the other gardener exchanged glances and muttered half answers. Ripto shook his head at the seemingly imbecilic servants and neared Crush. “Alright...You WILL tell me where they are and what is going on or so help me, you'll wish that you had stayed dead in that green cesspit of Avalar's dungeon!” He raised his voice to Crush and clenched his fists, shaking one at the blue giant. Crush flinched and closing his eyes pointed vaguely in the direction of a portal nearby. “That way- They went that way!” Ripto's gaze turned to the portal. It was the snow filled one you had recently visited. “Why would they go back there? What are they doing...Did they go back to the ruins? Are they after those old scrolls?” He turned, demanding answers from Crush once more. Crush held his club before him, hugging it tight in a protective manner. “Y-yes! That's right! They were looking for books and things. Er, like before. They wanted spells!” He quickly lied. Ripto chewed his lip in thought. “What spells? Do they know something I don't?” He rounded on Crush and the others, sharing his glare amongst them. Crush simply shrugged. “I-I dunno boss. They wouldn't say other than they had a big surprise for you. Ow!” A twig was launched at his head from one of the gardeners, attempting to silence him.
He rubbed at the spot the twig struck and pouted at the assault. Ripto neared the ladder Zaph was standing on. He kicked at it, jostling the fellow at the top. He clung to the upper rung and let out a startled cry. “Whatever they have planned you'd better forget it! I know they're going around roping you in on whatever little scheme of theirs is and I will not have it! I am your King and you will obey me- Not them! Got it?!” The gardeners offered a mumbling reply, assuring Ripto their allegiance. He scoffed at how pathetic they seemed and turned on his heel to go investigate what you were doing in the portal. Crush was made to go with him and the two boys stepped into the shimmering veil of the portal into the frozen world once more. From your hiding spot within the cave, you saw the two reptilian fellows depart into the sub world. When they were through and you felt safe you breathed a sigh of relief and looked about the cave. At the very end there was another glowing portal that led to another sub world where a few of the riptocs would go to mine. It wasn't a world you had been taken to on your tour of the worlds and it surprised you to see one here. A little ways away, you saw something greener than the glow around you. Gulp sat in the cave chewing noisily on a cluster of gems that had stuck together. You had hoped it wasn't the gross pile he had spit out from earlier but you really weren't that invested in finding out. “Hey Gulp.” You greeted him, approaching his side and giving him a pat on the head. He smiled at you from around his crystalline chew toy. “Heyyo ____!” He spoke around it. He gave a huge swallow and the gem disappeared into his stomach. “You know Ripto's been after you right? Why aren't you going to him?” You relayed your plans once more to the big green bean and he stood up excitedly wagging his tail. “What? That sounds kinda fun! Hey, can I help?” You nodded to your quadrupedal companion. “Sure! Right now, I need to find a ring. I have this one, the one Ripto gave to me, but I have to find one that I can give to him to complete the bond.” Gulp looked down to the ring circling your finger then to the portal next to you. “The gem cutters might be able to help you.” “Yeah! That's what Sorrel said. I'm going to head in and see them.” Gulp leaned down to offer you a ride. “Oh, no that's okay. But you can come with me if you want to.” The two of you stepped into the glowing portal and into the dark, rocky, green skied world. Within the portal, another craggy, mountainous world opened itself to you. There were half dug out gems and piles of them sitting here and there. Some were impossibly large and others were so small they were barely visible. Your feet crunched on them and you cried out in pain. “Looks like I'll have to watch my step.” Venturing farther into the mining world, you could hear the slow, steady, rhythmic, dull, clink of iron against stone. You and Gulp trudged forwards, finding safe footing amongst the scattered gems. Rounding a corner, you saw a few more bipedal dinosaurs come into view. They were chipping away at a few of the black, rocky, walls, digging out the gems with their pickaxes. One of them lifted her arm to wipe the sweat from her brow when she noticed you. “Oh hey! ___ is here!” She turned and gave you a wave. You hadn't been to this world yet but you thought you had seen these riptocs before. Oh wait! They had been there when Crush had brought them all back to the castle upon Ripto's return. You neared the group of them and gave them a little wave. Gulp stomped up beside you, his great hulking form looming over you. “Hello, I have a bit of a favour to ask.” You addressed them. They all stopped mining and turned to listen to what you had to say. Once more you found yourself explaining the situation. They all looked to each other in delight and surprise and jumped at the offer to assist you in your ring making endeavour. “That'll be no sweat! We can help you craft your ring easily! Any ideas for the stone you want in it? If you want a stone at all?” You thought a moment. Your brain immediately made an association to the pendant that hung around his neck. “Perhaps he'd fancy a ruby set into the band?” The one who had spoken to you first- Rory! That was her name! Rory scratched at her chin and considered your idea. “That would suit him just fine! It's a sturdy enough stone. We can do it!” You watched as the others set to work over their furnace. The hot, belching flame spat out its embers as you watched them work the tiny piece of metal into a circular band. It was a strange mix of magic and smithing. They forged the ring before you and made a small inlay for the stone to rest in. They dropped the ring into a small, water filled bucket that sizzled and steamed, cooling off the new ring.
“Now for the ruby...” Rory sniffed at the air, searching the area for the stone. She picked up rocks and searched through piles, selecting rubies of various sizes and glancing over them with a discerning eye.
Each one she tossed aside with a shake of her head when suddenly she stopped, giving another sniff in the air and neared you. “Aha!” She picked your foot up off the ground and there stuck to your heel was a tiny ruby. You chuckled, amused at the find. She held the gem between her fingers and gave you a wink. The cutters got to work, chipping away facets onto the surface of the gem and attached it to the newly smithed band. Once finished, it was presented to you. They had even managed to procure a small ring box to safely store it in. With your new ring in hand, you thanked the gem cutters, invited them to come to the ceremony later and departed the world with Gulp. Carefully keeping an eye out for a certain someone, you returned to the castle and opened the front doors. Inside was magnificent! The preparations were still underway but the transformation was incredible. There were tables set out with lots of delicious smelling meals displayed on plates. Beautiful flowers were arranged in vases and in pots and even decorated the 'R' shaped shrubs around the room. There were flowers strewn about the throne and chair that sat in the center of the room. You took in all the sights and smells as a few of the eager servants rushed about, still getting everything in order. “Wow, this was faster than I thought. I didn't realize you were going to do it this very day.” You said approaching Sorrel. She stood in the middle of the room directing the others as to where to put what. “What? I thought you wanted this. When you said as soon as possible I thought you meant right now!” You shrugged and gave a chuckle. “Alright, everything is all set anyway, it would be a shame to take it all down.” Sorrel smiled in relief and continued setting things up. Zaph was there, dealing with the flowers and things, making sure every petal of every flower was just so. You shook your head at all the hubbub. Gulp was also brought into the fray and decorated with a flower wreath. He sniffed at the flowers and licked at his choppers but was smacked on his nose as a warning to not eat them. Zaph neared you and handed you a bouquet for the ceremony. “Here! I have it all set for you!” You gazed down at the lovingly prepared flowers and felt a strange forlorn feeling tug at you inside. Part of you wished your family could be here to be with you but you highly doubt they'd accept your marriage to the saurian sorcerer. Looking around the room at all of the now familiar faces, Sorrel, Zaph and Gulp's goofy, adorable face, you felt that this was family enough. One of the chefs neared you and drug you over to the table for your approval. “I've used only the finest ingredients for this! I wanted it to be special! I'm sure the boss won't mind that I've splurged a bit on some of the more rarer ingredients.” You viewed the banquet laid out before you and felt that same old feeling of this all being a bit much. You had never been sure if you wanted a big or small wedding or one at all for that matter. Regardless you appreciated all the effort everyone was going through for you and Ripto. Even if you had disagreed with anything, you probably wouldn't have spoken up for fear of ruining their good mood. Before you could look too much longer, Sorrel whisked you away to put you in your outfit. You dressed carefully, not wanting to damage the wonderfully crafted clothes. When you had it on, you viewed yourself in the mirror once more.
Wow...You were really getting married! This was a heck of a lot to happen in one day but things seemed to go quickly here. With a shrug you accepted your fate, turned and exited the room, ready to get this in motion and surprise Ripto. When you returned to the room there were a few gasps as everyone viewed your new, elegant visage. “So handsome...” “How lovely!” “I did that! That was me- I sewed it!” “Oh shush!” Sorrel neared you with tears in her eyes and claws clasped together in front of her. “Oh! This is going to be wonderful! Now- When Ripto arrives, we're going to have everything set up. I have a few balloons left to tie up and then I want to put a few candles here for the atmosphere and-”
As you listened to Sorrel tell you her plans, you realized this was more or less all her design, not yours. You tried to hide an amused giggle and let her reveal all that she wanted. “- The fountain should go here, oh and we can have streamers here and Gulp can pose here with this flower arrangement and-” Suddenly the doors flung open. They bounced with an audible crack against the walls. “-ind them they are going to be in so much trouble! All this searching for them and...and...What... is goING OOONNN HEEEEERE?!” Ripto stood, eyes as wide as the moon, glancing over the room in disbelief. Everyone had stopped stock still in a sort of freeze frame. They all blinked, half finishing their tasks and duties as they looked on to their boss. Ripto stepped forwards looking at all the food and flowers and things with Crush tromping along behind him. As he passed by everyone, walking down the middle of the room, people shrunk away from him or dropped their flowers and things, avoiding his gaze.
You were unsure what to do. Sorrel had planned for there to be chairs and things and a sort of altar set up at the front of the room for you to exchange vows but nothing was complete. You made to ask her what she thought should be the best course of action but your movement drew Ripto's eye. His gaze flew all over you, taking in your new outfit. A confused look stole over his face and a sort of vague realization dawned on him. So this was what you had been up to? “What...What is this?” He directed his question to you. Well, this was it, you thought. Taking a steady breath you walked up to your beloved. He looked up to you, shock and curiosity pushing away all the anger he had carried in here with him. You crossed the room and stood before him. He took a step back, cautiously surveying your actions. Your eyes landed softly on his and he cocked his head to you slightly, suspicion flickering on his face. His hands were raised a bit as if preparing for some sort of physical conflict that he'd have to defend himself from. It wasn't a wonder he was so worried about your actions. You'd been hiding from him, whispering to his assistants all day, doing who knows what in secret. That suspicion and worry was all about to change however. “r...ripto.” You whispered down to him, clearing your throat you tried again. “Ripto, I know you've been worried and I've given you plenty of reasons to do so. I often sit on the fence about a lot of things for fear of conflict or doing the wrong thing. But this time, I'm sure of something. You had asked me before why I would defend Spyro's actions. Why I still considered him a friend despite how he had made several attempts at taking your life. After doing some thinking, I realized, I don't. I am scared of him. And so that is why I still thought him to be my friend.” He carefully listened to you speak, as did the rest of the room. They watched as you revealed your heart and truth to Ripto, awaiting his response. “ Part of me believed that if something awful should happen, I could hide behind the fact that he was my friend and keep myself safe, but from what I have seen you go through, I've realized that none of that matters and he was still such an awful, vile person to you. It was a selfish belief and I didn't take into account how you felt. I am sorry for that. Very sorry.” He blinked at your words, surprised. He was expecting something an awful lot different than this as he chased you down through the worlds. Perhaps, he thought, he may have got a bit caught up in his own thoughts and feelings in all of this and thanks to his more accustomed behaviour, he decided not to believe in you. He felt a bit guilty in doubting you or thinking you were against him.
It was hard for him however, because of all the nonsense he had to go through. He was working through years of struggle and vehement opposition. Having a gentle person like you take to him and treat him with care was so strange and unusual that he had a hard time accepting it. While he didn't open himself up to just anyone, perhaps...he thought, he may be wrong about you. Perhaps...he thought, he'd allow himself to accept that you were, and always would be open and gentle towards him. None of this explained your recent behaviour though. He confronted you. “Why all the secrecy then? What exactly is all of this for?” He gestured to the room at large, scowling at all the riptocs assembled there. They shrunk under his glare. You took another steadying breath. “Well,” You said. “ I thought that just telling you that I wasn't going to lend my sympathy to Spyro wouldn't be enough. Words can seem to vanish in thin air. I knew you'd want proof. I wanted to show you in a more permanent way that I really mean it when I say...That...”
You took a breath- gosh this was sure hard! Ripto looked up to you expectantly.
What was it you were trying to say?! He wish he could will you to hurry up but understood you were having a hard time coming up with the words. His eyes flickered between yours as he listened. “ Ripto, in the time I've known you I've come to care very deeply about you. A lot has happened since we met and a lot has changed too. I've seen many sides of you- your sorrow, your kindness, your concern, your sweet, happy smile and even your anger- and I want them all. I want to laugh with you and to help you when you are sad and I even want to be scared of dragons together.” you chuckled a bit, nervously. Ripto balked at your words and glanced around the room. “I'm not afraid of dragons! I'm-” You help up a hand to silence him, wanting to continue speaking. He scowled at the gesture but allowed himself to be quiet- wanting to defend himself but wanting to hear what it was you were trying to say more. “I know recently I've put you through a lot of worry and I upset you and I'm truly sorry for it. If you would still have me...If you still want this...I would like to make a promise to you- to stand by you no matter what. To keep you safe and try to make you happy every day that we are together.” You watched as Ripto's breath caught in his chest. It seemed that what you were trying to make transpire finally hit him. You looked to the ceiling and inhaled, trying to will courage into your lungs. Taking an awkward step, you kneeled before him. Ripto took a surprised step back. “Wh...What...” You pulled the box containing the ring out and presented it to him. A shocked look marked his face as his head shot from the box to you. He was having a hard time processing this as an event that was actually happening. “When you gave me this ring, you said that I was yours. Alright- I will be yours. So then, I want you to be mine too.” From somewhere behind you Sorrel squealed in delight. A few others gasped at the proposal and someone gently clapped. Ripto reached out gently to towards you and closed his hand unsure of something. “Ripto. Will you marry me?” The whole room was silent as you awaited his response. Behind you, Sorrel grasped tightly at the hands of the person next to her and Zaph crossed his fingers for you, wishing you luck. “Tell me that I am yours.”
Ripto gazed at your face, a strange, slow warmth started spreading through his chest.
You wanted him. You wanted him.
A wonderful, soft, happiness grew within him and before he realized what he was doing he found himself crossing to you and wrapping you up in his arms. “Of course you're mine you...you...” He scoffed and buried his flushing face into your arms. You held him there, relief and happiness flooding your whole being. Pulling back a bit, you fished the ring out of its casing and held it up to Ripto. He looked to the ring then to his hand and held it up, allowing you to slip it on his finger. Looking down, he inspected it there on his hand as you reached out. Cradling the back of his head, you pulled him into a soft kiss. He melted into your embrace and the room erupted into cheers. He pulled back glaring at the people in the room- suddenly very aware of all the eyes on the two of you. You too felt a little out of place as the room applauded your reunion. Sorrel had grabbed the shirt of the nearest person and was sobbing into it. Zaph nodded at the spectacle, pleased with the results. “They got married in the outfit I made! I did that! You're welcom-” “Just shut up already!” Ripto glowered at the room. You could practically feel the embarrassed rage building up in him as his shoulders shook and he clenched his jaw. “Well! What are you all doing standing around here! The shows over get back to work!” The cheering stopped and was replaced with grumbles and small protests. You placed a gentle hand on Ripto's arm. “It was them who helped me to set this all up. Can't you let them celebrate a little?” Sorrel approached you from behind. “B-b-but the vows! The ceremony! We still haven't-” Ripto's glare cut her off. “And just who are you supposed to be? We're married now. I don't need any vows or ceremony. My word is enough!” “Ripto, Sorrel helped too! She practically planned this whole thing!” He glared at the seamstress and huffed grumpily. “Can you at least toss the bouquet? That's my favourite part!” She pleaded. You weren't sure if you cared or not for the tradition, you were just happy to be with Ripto. But you did want to make Sorrel happy and thank her for all the hard work. “We can at least do that can't we?” You gave Ripto an imploring look. He slumped his shoulders and rolled his eyes. “Sure! Fine...” You looked about for the flowers you were holding but couldn't seem to find them. They seemed to have disappeared after you saw Ripto come through the front door. Looking around you realized just where they ended up. From across the room, you saw Gulp chewing happily on the bunch of beautiful, carefully selected flowers. Ripto held out his hand towards the sight and smacked his palm onto his face. “Why am I not surprised.” Sorrel looked like she was out for blood as the flowers found their way into Gulp's stomach along with the crystal he had been munching on. You couldn't help but laugh, all the nerves that had been building up this whole time finally eased up and you felt calmer and happier. Ripto took your hand and led you up the two seats in the center of the room. “Well, go on, enjoy yourselves while you can.” He called to the room at large. All the riptocs there cheered and began celebrating. Eating, singing, playing music and laughing all in your honour. You took your sat and Ripto placed himself in his throne. You gazed over to him- happy that he was no longer upset with you and finally feeling sure that he trusted you. He felt your eyes on him and sheepishly spoke. “I'm...I'm sorry I doubted you.” You smiled and reached out to hold his hand. The rings on your fingers clinking together.
“Will you trust me from now on? That I want to protect you? That I want to help you?” You gave his hand a squeeze. “That I love you?” He grew flustered and looked away, smiling with an embarrassed grin. “Yes. To all of those things. I believe you. I...” He glanced around to see if anyone was listening. No one was, they were all caught up in their own celebrating. “I love you too.” He whispered despite the noise. You bridged the gap between your seats by kissing him once more. He smiled into your smooch and held you there gently. When you pulled away he looked so lovingly into your eyes you felt your whole face turn a soft, warm red. “ You're mine.” He whispered, a smug, satisfied smile playing on his face. You giggled and hid your face into his shoulder. Peering up you whispered back. “I am. And you are mine.” He leaned his head down to nuzzle against yours. “ I am.” You placed another kiss on his cheek and the two of you watched as the party carried on, well into the night. It was such a beautiful and happy time. However, once more you couldn't help but notice that the ring on your finger grew tight again. It hurt a bit but you decided to ignore it, chalking it up to just being tired after everything that had happened. Outside, in the cool, calm air, the portal that had once opened to Avalar flickered- briefly! Then returned to normal...
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fictionfromgames · 6 years
Book of Void fluff (ATLA/LOK)
Weiyong did his best not to blink or stare into the flashes as dozens of bulbs went off in front of him. Journalists crowded along the path, jockeying for the best angle as world leaders or their notable subordinates made their way through.
Fire Lord Oshi’s voice called behind him, snapping Weiyong out of his thoughts.
“Fire Lord Oshi,” he quickly turned and bowed, “How have you been?”
As he righted himself, Weiyong saw two new additions to the young man’s face, slashlike tattoos starting at the jaw below his ears and sweeping up to his cheeks, ending parallel to his eyes.
“I’ve been alright,” Oshi gestured with one hand, “Kinda been on a ‘spiritual retreat’ in the boondocks.”
“Well it looks good, kid,” the Avatar smiled. The Fire Sages in tow, however, frowned.
“Or uh, your highness.”
The reporters flocked as they met, prompting the two to pose congenially. He hadn’t seen Oshi in a few years, basically before adulthood, and even though they regularly corresponded, Weiyong realized he really missed his young friend. They clasped hands and nodded toward the lenses.
“Hey, do you wanna watch from my box?” Oshi inquired, still looking out into the crowd.
“Dunno if it’s the diplomatic thing to do or not, but yeah, I’d like that,” the middle aged Avatar replied.
“It’s not like Kamala’s gonna mind, right?” Oshi was done posing, ready to move on.
So he’d noticed too. The distinctive lack of yellow robes meant a political protest from the Air Nomads. Weiyong frowned. They’d been issuing requests and pleas to stop the launch of Tenshin 1, but to no avail. The overwhelming response from the United Republic, as well as the telecom giants across the world, was that it needed to go up. The world was struggling for another technological surge on the level of Old Republic City, and instant global communication was seen as one of the keys to moving forward. Everyone but Kamala and the Air Nomads had seemed eager. Weiyong had mostly wished they were there in an act of solidarity.
“Sir?” an OWL agent looked to him.
“Oh, sorry, uh, yeah, I’d like to spend a little while with the Fire Lord, if that’s manageable.”
The White Lotus agent mumbled into his radio and issued a curt nod.
One of the Fire Sages had to stand, but for the Avatar, it was an easy deference. It was a little crowded due to the teams of security, but they all fit.
“How’s things back home?” Weiyong asked.
“Eh, same as when I was out and about,” Oshi waved, “Still kinda seeing some problematic employment numbers, but crime is at least not increasing. More reports of Void Spirits, but they don’t really bother anyone.”
“You know I’ve still never seen one?” Weiyong’s brow creased.
“Really? I’ve had one visit anytime I’m studying,” the Fire Lord looked surprised, “You’d think spirits would feel pretty comfortable around the Avatar.”
“Maybe the airbenders are right and something’s off about ‘em,” the elder man suggested.
“They’re harmless as far as I’ve seen,” Oshi shrugged, “I just figure if there’s anyone to be curious about, it’s you.”
“I’m not that interesting.”
More stuff
Intelligence Agencies
The Office of the White Lotus retains its status as an international entity, and offers a Secret Service type force for the Avatar. As a subset of the United Republic, they struggle to stay ahead of the game, having discovered moles from various nation states around the globe. Their strengths rely more on chi blocking, technology, and public relations than on spy games, which means their efforts are more reactionary and investigative than anything.
The Dai Li forms an overarching network of spies, drawn from individual agents from every former Earth Kingdom state. From police, to military officials, to scholars and a few politicians, they form a covert group that manipulates each of the independent states at the highest levels, often instigating border wars to maintain the facade that the Earth States are definitely their own thing and not another rehash of the old monarchies. Effectively, the shadow government that secretly unites them.
The Fire Nation is fairly adept with their own. The Order of the Blue Spirit is an organization that was formed by the Fire Sages that began as an informal group of vigilantes aimed at eradicating nationalist factions dedicated to Fire Lords from the Hundred Years War. They have thus remained removed from the attention of the Fire Lord, and later the Ministry as a way to ensure a power hungry figurehead couldn’t repeat the travesties of the past.
Lately, however, they’ve taken on more subversive roles, both as spies and secret police. Abroad, they clash with the OWL and Dai Li to further Fire Nation economic interests, as the situation at home is getting more precarious. Strike breaking has been one function that has been gaining traction, as society decides what a “functioning modern economy” actually means.
Fire Lord Oshi
Mid twenties, a little less serious than is expected, Oshi came to prominence when traveling with the Avatar. Then Prince Oshi was an endearing, younger brother figure to Weiyong, who as mentioned kept in touch ever since.
Oshi has actually met Blue Spirit agents on these adventures, but neither he nor the Avatar managed to correctly identify them with the group itself.
The scars on his cheeks are gifts of the Sun Warriors, who he studied under for about half a year, in order to understand them in a more personal way than the clinical reports he’d receive from the department tasked with their protection. He met a potentially serious love interest whom he intends to return to, and was accepted as warrior in their tribe.
Master Kamala
Head of the Air Nomads, with degrees in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Kamala is deeply immersed in the science and spirituality of space. An earlier ally of Weiyong, they often differed on priorities, but are longtime friends, and helped shape the goals of Avatar’s Peak. Now a world class scientist, Kamala has actually laid the theoretical groundwork for the satellite program, which would have been fine, until the appearance of the Void Spirits.
For whatever reason, no one listens to airbenders.
Void Spirits
Inspired by the “Mormnock” entry in the Legend of the Elements book, Void Spirits are vaguely humanoid blob spirits who seem to observe and sometimes mimic a lone individual’s habits. They disappear or generally flee when confronted, or even merely observed directly by the target of their interest, and have caused curiosity rather than harm.
Air Nomads are extremely wary of these visitors, as they seem to perturb other spirits, and have an unearthly aura about them. To draw on mid 20th century mass UFO sightings, Air Nomads (and other very spiritually attuned humans) have started speaking out, claiming they’re not from "our”world, or even what we know of the Spirit World-- they’re from space! As such, they don’t vibe with more terrestrially based spirits, don’t understand bending as we do, and are generally curious about what we’re doing here. They have avoided the Avatar entirely, as a beacon of Earth’s spiritual and material forces.
The way I envisioned them arriving is via spirit/electromagnetic phenomena, like the “Spirit Roads” or “northern lights” were in Book 2 of Korra, and that the Air Nomads would see humanity’s reach into space as a potential avenue for these beings we don’t really comprehend. You can flip the script on the Air Nomads as well, saying that their astronomical research and spiritual grasp into the void is equally or more likely for the attention of these visitors. In any case, magical interplanetary travel is an easy way to introduce aliens as opposed to the regular tech based sci fi, and I feel is a bit more in tune with the setting.
If you’d like to use them as Book level antagonists, this could be the “apocalyptic event” that so many ATLA futurists envision for the setting. Void Spirits on both the “street” and “kaiju” levels would probably decimate humanity unless it were united against it, and even if they were, who would be left to pick up the pieces? For giant monster battles, the Deep Spirits could probably be roused in defense of the Earth, because even if they despise what humanity is doing, look at these freaks and what THEY’RE doing, right?
Weiyong and building an Avatar
RAW, multi-bending characters can happen, even willy nilly. You could easily make a tri-bending antagonist if you like, but the way to get all four elements is one of two ways-- switch Playbooks and take new moves from there (a bare minimum of 5 Improvements and 1 Advanced Improvement), or find a Master Shaper character to teach you the basic Moves.
I feel like this doesn’t gel so much with the Avatars we’ve seen, who could kind of figure some small things out themselves, especially Korra, who was bending everything but air as a small child. So for brand new, 0 Improvement Avatars, I suggest the following:
Pick one Shaper Playbook, and have the other three elemental Moves available to use, but the three others all roll at a strict -1 until they either take the appropriate Move or learn it from a Master, at which point they roll from their typical stats.
The Avatar State is a bit different in the mechanics too, having to build up a unique stat  AFTER having accessed the Worldshaper sub-Playbook and purchasing the Move. I say, give ‘em the move, but stick to the fact that they have to wage peace to gain Spirit in order to use it.
For those who haven’t read Legend of the Elements, basically the Avatar Move gives that character a sixth stat, Spirit, and it starts at 0 and can even drop to -1, because the game punishes the Avatar for committing soulless wanton violence. I love that, and see that as fitting given the fact that Raava is the other half of the Avatar spirit. When you enter the State, you use Spirit as the stat for every bending roll, regardless of the element, which I also really enjoy, because it can get up to +3, and it means that whatever your character wasn’t so great at before is rightfully ignored by the power of the Avatar State, even as a brand new character.
It also means that the Avatar themselves has to play peacekeeper more often, so it’s not a character for people who want straight up bending wars. You can be more lenient in cases of constant unavoidable conflict, giving the Avatar kudos for at least trying, or for other reasons entirely, such as in a Void Spirit induced apocalypse and a need for a more active Avatar. It’s up to you and your players to determine how often this is necessary or fun.
Weiyong Character Sheet
Natural +1 Hot +1 Solid +2 Keen 0 Fluid +1 Spirit +2
Earthshaping Metalshaping Airshaping Fireshaping Watershaping Iceshaping Astral Projection
Sub-Playbook moves Lavashaping Chosen of the World Spirit Sealed
Fortune 2
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stockfox742 · 3 years
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FL Studio is a serious player in the DAW scene, evidenced by MusicRadar crowning it the number 1 DAW in the world for 2020. In competition with legendary names like Cubase, Ableton and Logic, that’s no mean feat. Initially launched in 1998, and known as ‘Fruity Loops’ until 2003, it was considered more of a toy than a serious workstation. Yet, its highly visual and simple-to-operate workflow attracted increasing numbers of young, hungry producers. Unencumbered by over-reliance on deep technical know-how, these young producers found FL Studio the perfect platform for adventurous experimentation.
It’s no exaggeration to say that without FL Studio, genres like Dubstep and Trap may never have come to fruition (pardon the pun).
Chorus Pedal Vst Free
Download free VST plugins, free synth VST, autotune VST, Drum sound VST, choir VST, Orchestra VST, and much more free VST plugins. Great place to download free VST plugins for music production, updated each week with new VST plugins check back frequently. Free VST Plugins for Fruity Loops, Cubase, Audacity, and Other Software Welcome to our Free VST Plugin area of Free-Loops.com we are in the process of assimilating the largest collection of Free VST Plugins on the net. Even better we've attached easily previewable MP3 files so you can listen to the online before you bother downloading the free.
As the music created in FL Studio developed, so did the software itself, and it now boasts an impressive array of in-built VST plugins, excellent MIDI compatibility and enough power to host some serious 3rd-party plugins.
Adam Hignell takes a look at some VST Plugins every FL Studio Producer should lust after.
Award-winning AU + VST plugins for music composition.
Use Captain Plugins to write your own Chord Progressions, Hooks, Melodies and Basslines
Export to your DAW
Available on Mac and Windows.
FabFilter have become one of the most heralded name in VST Plugins. A first-choice for many professionals, their plugins offer an intuitive workflow, sleek design and comprehensive range of applications. Put simply, if you want to create an effect, a FabFilter plugin might be the fastest and most intuitive way to get there.
Rather than attempting elaborate analog emulations, FabFilter focus on sound quality, usability and multi-disciplinary appeal. Their Pro-Q EQ is clean, responsive and easy to use. Pro-R is a reverb plugin capable of delivering a breathtaking range of reverb responses. Saturn is a world-class saturator/distortion effect that can emulate classic sounds or create wild new textures. Meanwhile, Pro-G might be the easisest to use Gate on the market. Add in a world class delay in Timeless, a simple and powerful Limiter in Pro-L and some exciting filter and rhythm tools like Simplon and Volcano, and you have a bundle of plugins that any producer would be delighted to own.
And I haven’t even mentioned Pro-C, their incredible compressor. It’s powerful, clean and has one of the simplest interfaces imaginable. Hitherto complex side-chain and Mid/Side compression operations are a piece of cake!
Massive X
Suitably befitting a DAW renowned for encouraging modernism over classic emulation, Native Instruments’ Massive X has to rank highly in this list. Now in its ‘X’ incarnation, Massive was a game-changer from the get-go. By simplifying a traditional synth user-interface and focusing on usability, it quickly established itself as a go-to for bedroom producers everywhere. Extremely powerful and capable of monstrous bass, artists like Skream and Skrillex found Massive a perfect weapon of mass dancefloor-destruction.
It’s not just a bass-face, either. A sophisticated and unique wave-scanning engine, 3 oscillators, 16 voices, a one-page visual design and enough patch-points to create any sound imaginable, Massive is a favorite among FL Studio producers. A lynchpin of Dubstep, Trap and Tech-House, it’s a synth you’ve heard in countless bangers.
Output: Substance
Bass. Dance music. FL Studio. Peas in a pod, birds of a feather, amigos… and if you want to push the envelope with your bass sounds, you can’t look past Substance. Somehow, Output have managed to give Substance users staggering degrees of sound design control with just a few sliders and knobs. It’s so simple to use, it almost feels like cheating. Married to its brilliant sample-meets-synthesis engine, replete with extraordinary sample patches that intertwine with gigantic synth voices, you’ll be making jaw-dropping bass sounds in minutes.
Unusually, Substance offers filter and FX controls for each voice in the sound patch, giving you plenty of control.
There are additional controls for motion, multi-fx, compression, saturation and more, meaning you don’t need a costly arsenal of plugins to create fully-formed, knee-shaking bass.
Captain Plugins
Writer’s block? Need to find inspiration? Or simply lack the keyboard skills to play the music that’s in your head? Captain Plugins by Mixed In Key is your new best friend.
You can throw ideas down super fast by selecting chords, generating melodies and basslines, jamming with all out-of-scale notes removed, or crafting beats with per-channel rhythm templates to aid inspiration. Whether you’re a music theory expert or not, Captain lugins is a unique, fun and fast way to improve your workflow, allowing you to spend more time on what matters most, making music.
Valhalla DSP Plugins
Free Vst Plugins
There are many reasons to love Valhalla’s plugins range. For starters, they’re kind to your wallet: Every plugin is priced at just $50, except for a smattering of equally brilliant ones that they give away for free!
But this is not bargain-basement fare, not by anyone’s standards. Valhalla excel at reverbs and delays, and wild space echoes and crazy modulation. They make fun plugins that do things few others can.
I love their Shimmer reverb plugin on synths – even with subtle settings it adds a dreamy, ethereal sheen to synths and pads, as if you’d draped them in diamonds. Alternatively, you can get experimental with their FreqEcho plugin – it echoes while adjusting the frequency of the resultant echoes in a multitude of tempos and ratios (FreqEcho is one of the free ones too!) And then there’s UberMod, which blends reverbs and delays with chorus and flange until up is down, light is dark and you’re no longer sure which way up your brain goes.
Likewise, their delay game is tight. A simple interface, multiple delay styles, including the oft-overlooked BBD delay, and a broad range of characters – it won’t take you long to find the perfect delay for your sounds. Oh, and ValhallaDelay won Readers Choice: Best Plugin 2019 with MusicRadar.
Check out the range here.
Simple, easy to operate, and capable of anything from stomach-churning sub-bass to wild SFX, soaring leads and thumping percussion. Sylenth is a synth that you could legitimately produce an entire album on. As such, it ticks a lot of boxes for FL Studio users: Simple interface, one-page design, excellent value for money and huge range. If you only buy one VST instrument for FL Studio, it should probably be Sylenth.
Mixed In Key Studio Edition
Mixed In Key Studio Edition analyzes your sample collection in real-time and enables you to match the perfect one-shot, loop, vocal or any other sample to your music production, remix or mashup.
It will instantly tell you the key, scale and tonality of any audio sample.
With Mixed In Key Studio Edition you can base compositions around a sample with total confidence. You’ll know exactly which notes are already present, giving you a great foundation for composition.
It’s the fastest and most intuitive way of matching incoming samples to your project!
WavesFactory – Trackspacer
Possibly the simplest to use and most intuitive dynamic EQ ever made. Trackspacer is an amazing tool for separating sounds in your mix. Say you’ve got a guitar and synth line that are competing for similar frequency space… tradiotional fixes for this involve complicated side-chain compression, and careful EQ to keep enough of each but give them room to stand apart. With Wavespacer, you simply set the guitar as an input source on the synth channel, set the band-range you want to affect, and dial the knob ubtil it sounds perfect. Trackspacer’s advanced audio analysis means it only reduces the exact frequencies of the incoming signal. To give an even clearer example, imagine your snare is competing with your kick; when the kick and snare play togethr, the snare gets lost. With Trackspacer, simply set the snare as an input signal on the kick channel, and tell Trackspacer to reduce the frequencies of the kick drum, only where they coincide with the snare’s crest, and only when the snare strikes. Voila! Instant clarity with no loss of power.
Eventide – Physion
Eventide make great plugins, from the legendary Blackhole reverb to the equally legendary H3000, H910 Harmonizers and some epic flangers, phasers, reverbs and compressors. Generally, Eventide’s plugins do things other plugins can’t, and ooze with character.
While I could have chosen one of several outstanding plugins, I’ve decided to vaunt Physion with particular gusto. It’s a multi-FX style plugin that boasts a unique Structural Effects processor. By splitting incoming audio into transient and tonal sections, it can work on both using separate effects, chiefly Transient Shaper, Chorus, Delay(s), Phaser, Gate and Reverb. By allowing this independent processing of different parts of the same signal, it’s capable of some fabulous effects on vocals, synths, drums and guitars.
Personally, I love using it on drums, and rarely need to look past the incredible presets. Throw Physion on your drum bus channel and try Sharpening… it’s like a magic trick – suddenly your drums are crisper, tighter, more dynamic and glued tight together.
Write Your Own Original Compositions With Captain Plugins
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It’s super easy to create your own ideas from scratch. Visit the official Chords homepage and see how it will help you explore music and write your own original productions.
Sometimes(very often!) we need to add effects on our voice recording. To make it sound better, to make it sound thicker, or just to maker it sound incredible! For widening/thickening, or making choir like voices, you can use : chorus, voice multiplier, voice doubler, stereo wideners. For radical changes or special FX, you can use harmonizer / pitch changing, genre changer, pitch correction / autotune.
Here’s a top 5 of free VST effects for changing the voice :
1) Azurite multi voice chorus VST
This great chorus can work on many type of sources : guitar, voice, etc. It works nicely for voice, it’s not too hard/harsh and does a good job on mono inputs for spreading voices and give a stereo effect.
information & download @ http://distorqueaudio.com/plugins/azurite.html
Dry voice : https://blog.wavosaur.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Katherine-Ellis-dry.mp3
Voice with chorus! https://blog.wavosaur.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Katherine-Ellis-chorus.mp3
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2) ADT – Artificial Double Tracking
This VST has no GUI
When you can’t record two takes for doubling your voice, you can gor for the artificial double tracking technic! The Beatles did it, and now you can too. Voice doubling ahs never been so easy.
Download here : http://www.vacuumsound.de/plugins.html
3) Emonizer Micro Pitch Shifter effect
Emonizer VST
This free VST effect is intended for thickening, it’s a “one trick pony”, it’s in fact a micro pitch shifter, that add detuned voices, it creates a wider sound. Works also for other sounds than voice!
download it now ! => http://music.service-1.de/html/wok_emonizer_vst_micro_pitch.html
4) g200kg KeroVee & roVee
Here we go now for a more radical effect ! With this one you can change the nature/type/genre of the voice, make it from female to male, or from female to male. KeroVee is a pitch correction plugin, it can also do the “autotune” effect.
Information and free download @ http://www.g200kg.com/en/software/kerovee.html
Normal dry voice https://blog.wavosaur.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ultra-nate-normal.mp3
Maxi chorused multiplied choir-i-fied voice ! https://blog.wavosaur.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Ultra-Nate-multiplied.mp3
female voice https://blog.wavosaur.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/simone-normal.mp3
from female to male ! genre changing https://blog.wavosaur.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/simone-female-to-male.mp3
Maxi super chorus : voice multiplier ! https://blog.wavosaur.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Simone-voice-multiplier.mp3
5) ag-works chorus ch-2
Free Chorus Plugin
Chorus CH-2 VST
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Here, at Wavosaur, we love the monstachorus VST by Betabugs, but i thought the Chorus CH-2 is lesser known, and deserve some exposure. It’s like having 4 independant chorus you can tweak in parallel.
download for free @ http://ag-works.net/plugins.ch2.htm
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mattoyaki · 3 years
Bennett Build Guide
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Last one today I promise!! 😂
Bennett is currently available in the Starglitter shop this month so I figured I’d make a little guide for him, cause you should definitely be using him if you have him. Benny is lowkey the best character in the game, at c1 anyway. He’s an enabler, a healer, and an insane burst support character all wrapped into one. He should really be a 5 star character in my opinion
Bennett is a SSS support character right up there with the two archons. There aren’t many team situations Benny can’t thrive in. While he can be built for DPS his true potential lies in his supportive capabilities.
At c1, Bennett’s elemental burst rapidly heals up to 70% HP and provides an attack buff that scales with Bennett’s attack stat (natural attack + weapon only) as well as imbues the team with Pyro. Bennett scales with Energy Recharge as he ascends and can spam his E for an absurd amount of energy particles. He’s a burst support that burst heals.
Note: Bennett’s sixth constellation infuses all sword, claymore, and polearm normal attacks with Pyro within the AoE of his burst. This can be a really good or bad thing depending on who he is supporting. I.e, if you’re pairing him with Razor this is bad because all of Razor’s physical damage bonus is wasted through the Pyro conversion whereas Melt Daddy Diluc loves Pyro infusion.
Some people see his c6 as a nerf. It’s not. It’s actually really good, but it does limit him to elemental comps only. If you want to keep him physical and elemental friendly leave him at c5. If you’re okay with limiting him to elemental comps definitely activate his c6!
Prioritize Bennett’s Burst first when leveling his talents. His skill can be next and you can save his autos for last. If you’re running DPS Benny then level the autos up as well.
Bennett’s talents level up with Books of Resistance, Treasure Hoarder Insignias, and at higher levels Dvalin’s Plume.
As a support Lv 70-80 is plenty for Benny with talent levels 1/8/8
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Skyward Blade; Aquila Favonia; Summit Shaper
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Iron Sting, Sacrificial Sword; Alley Flash; Favonius Sword; Festering Desire
If you have a 5⭐️ sword, let Bennett use it so his attack buff can scale higher. Skyward Blade is BiS for its energy recharge sub stat and useful passive.
Festering Desire is a fantastic F2P option if you happened to acquire it back in 1.2. If not, consider using Iron Sting (craftable), Favonius Sword, Alley Flash or Sacrificial Sword!
(4pc) Noblesse Oblige; (2pc) NO, (2pc) Crimson Witch; (4pc) Crimson Witch
Benny will 9/10 times run full Noblesse Oblige set unless he’s in a comp where another character already uses this set. 2pc NO is almost a necessity on Benny though to get the most out of his ult.
4pc Crimson is preferred for DPS or mix it with Gladiator
Timepiece: Energy Recharge or HP%
*Run ER unless you have at least 150% without it. Otherwise run HP% for better heals. You can run Atk% or EM if running DPS.
Goblet: Pyro Dmg Bonus or HP%
*Pyro Cup for more damage from his ult, HP% for higher heal scaling.
Circlet: Crit or Healing Bonus
*If DPS run a Crit circlet, if support healing bonus is a bit more consistent
Team Comp
Bennett (c1-c5) pairs well with pretty much every character besides electro characters (overload is kinda of crappy in its current state). Even with overload though, he’s still a great support to pretty much any character.
The standard Benny team would be a core of Bennett + Venti/Sucrose + Mona/Xingqiu. This combo of characters is honestly broken and can nuke enemies on their own let alone help out whatever main DPS they’re supporting. Chongyun also pairs well with Bennett for his Cryo infusion, which gets pretty nutty if Benny is c6 and has Pyro infusion. Here are some sample comps:
DPS Benny + Chongyun + Xingqiu + Sucrose
Diluc/Klee/Yanfei + Benny + Xingqiu/Chongyun + Venti/Jean/Sucrose
Ganyu + Bennett + Sucrose + Venti/Jean
Childe + Bennett + Venti/Sucrose/Jean
Kaeya + Bennett + Chongyun + Xingqiu
If you have Bennett, use him. He’s a stupid good unit in the current state of the game. All he needs is his c1 and he’s the best support around. Bennett’s talents level up with Books of Resistance, Treasure Hoarder Insignias and Dvalin’s Plume. Skyward Blade is his BiS but Festering Desire makes a great f2p option if you have it. He makes great use of Noblesse artifact set and can fit into just about any team comp.
If you’re thinking of purchasing Bennett in the shop I cannot recommend a better character! Definitely buy him if you have the starglitter!!
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charlieharry1 · 4 years
The greatest content material strategies in expert services
Extreme professional service organizations create massive amounts of fantastic content material, however that  Digital Marketing Agencies Stafford  isn't always the same as having a awesome content material approach. A content approach must:
– differentiate itself and cut through the ever-developing ocean of competitor content.
– assist the business fulfil its vision.
– cast off obstacles to engagement (how many people need to be seen to be sharing business content from a law company on facebook, as an example?).
– provide compelling testimonies that bring out the human size of their brand. Pointless to say, those aren’t clean to discover, however they do exist. From regulation
mishcon de reya – business shapers
it is no coincidence that the greatest content marketing approach in regulation (possibly in professional offerings) takes place to be from one of the quickest growing law companies in the united kingdom. A company that has more than doubled in size over the past eight years. A good deal of that is way to their director of enterprise development, elliot moss. As the former coping with director of innovative organisation, leagues delaney, elliot joined mishcon in 2010 and it wasn’t lengthy earlier than he’d made his mark at the industry, in 2012 becoming the first non-solicitor to be covered inside the toes’s 10 maximum innovative people in the legal sector. When you consider that that point he has helped his firm win just about each award going for advertising and communications. How has he achieved it? Mishcon paintings with excessive internet worth individuals and corporations, so early on elliot released a sub-emblem called enterprise shapers thru which he interviewed marketers difficult and redefining their markets. This interview model is some thing some of professional provider agencies at the moment are doing, as we’ll see beneath, however when elliot started this sort of influencer marketing become absolutely non-existent in b2b. Most brilliantly of all, elliot secured a saturday slot on jazz fm wherein he interviews these marketers whilst gambling their favourite jazz songs. This display is known as jazz shapers and it performs everywhere his target audience is energetic. Elliot moss with one in every of his commercial enterprise shapers – pip jamieson
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 Read Also:- Top 10 Ways to Use AI in Brand Management  
taylor vinters – zebra venture
like mishcon de reya, taylor vinters have a crystal clean experience of their target audience, largely way to the management of ed turner. Their marketplace is tech marketers, so they’ve opened offices within the uk’s era hotspots – cambridge, oxford and london – even as organising close relationships with each of the colleges. In case you’re a regulation scholar in the sort of markets but want to enter a company where you may be near entrepreneurship and generation, taylor vinters is the obvious path. As a part of this they released the zebra task, a content material method that celebrates super human beings doing splendid matters via interviews, occasions, podcasts, social channels and webinars. The first rate component about this sort of sub-logo, as with enterprise shapers, is that you strip away lots of the baggage related to a law firm, making it a long way more likely that your target audience will have interaction. An instance of the wonderful content shared by way of the zebra project
juro are on a mission to “make criminal more human, one contract at a time”, and their blog virtually plays its position in driving that vision. Everything approximately the blog is spot on. It strips out the main commercial navigation and replaces it with one centered on maximising engagement with the content. It functions interviews with idea leaders, consisting of ceo’s of a few essential tech brands and strikes a really perfect balance among income messaging and ux. Every final element of each the content and the formatting is immaculate and a remarkable example of the way sub-brands (as lots as i like them for this sort of initiative) aren’t usually crucial if you get all the other information just right. The most effective query is whether or not they might include the blog within the area rather than as a sub domain, in an effort to aid their broader seo.
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thecardlogin-blog · 5 years
Recommended Net Worth Allocation By Age And Work Experience (Part 1)
As of 2H2019, with the normal reserve funds rate drifting around 5%, a middle 401(k) of just $110,000, and a normal 401(k) balance at retirement age 60 of around $230,000, numerous Americans are monetarily screwed.
Simply crunch the numbers yourself. Include the normal Social Security installment per individual of $18,000 per year to a 4% withdrawal rate on $230,000 and you get $27,200 per year to live joyfully until you kick the bucket at 85. That is unmistakably insufficient!
How about we consider this some more. You go through very nearly 40 years of your life working just to live off the lowest pay permitted by law in retirement. Ideally you had the option to celebrate the good life during your working years, generally, by what other method would we be able to clarify a national sub 5% investment funds rate?
Blowing heaps of cash for the sake of entertainment is fine on the off chance that you hope to live like a poor person when you're old. The better method to do things is to smooth out your going through over your normal time on earth anticipation to lessen pressure and carry on with an a lot steadier way of life.
We've spoken in insight regarding the best possible resource designation of stocks and bonds by age. Simply realize that stocks ought to be a minority segment of your total assets when you are middle age. In the event that you so happen to have 100% of your speculation portion in stocks before retirement and 2009 occurs, well then you are up the creek without a paddle.
Figure the amount you lost, compare your misfortune to how long it took you to spare the estimation of the misfortune, and hope to work that a lot more long periods of your life. Well that is discouraging.
We additionally discovered that the middle total assets for 2010 dove to $77,300 from a high of $126,400 in 2007. Then, the middle home value dropped from $110,000 to $75,000. As it were, the middle American's total assets for the most part comprises of home value!
Investigate this outline featuring how a record high 30% of American family units have no riches outside their main living place.
A record high number of family units have zero riches outside their main living place
At last, in spite of a ~400%+ bounce back in stocks since the base of the emergency many individuals passed up the recuperation as prove by an enormous measure of money as yet sitting on the sidelines because of dread.
Anyone who has survived the 1997 Russian Ruble emergency, the 2000 web bubble, and 2006 – 2010 lodging rectification presumably has a decent bit of their total assets in CDs, securities, and currency markets since they've been copied so often previously.
The level of Americans that possess stock has relentlessly declined after some time
The inquiry we should all pose to ourselves is, "What is the correct total assets assignment to take into account the most agreeable money related development?" There is no simple response to this inquiry as everyone is of various age, insight, hard working attitude, and hazard resistance.
I will endeavor to address this inquiry put together based with respect to what has worked for me, and what I accept will work for anyone who is not kidding about structure suffering monetary riches for the long run.
I've gone through more than 30 hours composition and changing this post with the expectation that each Financial Samurai peruser can manufacture a stone consistent total assets portfolio to profit in great occasions and lose less in awful occasions.
* You are not more astute than the market. I couldn't care less the amount you've had the option to outflank the financial exchange throughout the years with your $10,000 stock exchanging account. The truth is your presentation will standardize over the medium-to-long run. As you develop your advantages for the many thousands or a large number of dollars, you aren't going to whip around your capital as effectively as before in light of the fact that your hazard resistance will change.
The most perilous individual is one who has just encountered a positively trending business sector. They think they are powerful, confounding a positively trending business sector with their minds until the following unavoidable downturn comes and clears them out. Get it in your mind that you will fail to meet expectations and you will lose cash sooner or later. There is no hazard less venture except if you are putting under $250,000 in CDs, currency markets, or getting US treasuries.
* You are not a money related proficient. On the off chance that you are a product engineer, your mastery is in making on the web programs not giving venture guidance. In the event that you are a craftsman, your ability might be in painting pictures, not suggesting a couple exchange with Apple and Google stock. In the event that you are a Major League pitcher, your aptitude is tossing a frightful shaper, not putting $50 million out of a gaming organization and becoming penniless like Curt Schilling did of the Boston Red Sox.
I've gone through the most recent 27 years contributing my own cash since opening up a Charles Schwab account in 1995. I worked in values on Wall St. for a long time and I got my MBA in fund. Notwithstanding my accreditations, despite everything i'm going to settle on imperfect budgetary choices since I don't have the foggiest idea about what's to come.
In the event that I knew the future, I'd most likely be on a super yacht in the South of France getting a back rub at the present time! The main thing I can do is thought of balanced desires, and contribute as needs be. In the event that you can't think of a lucid 10 minute introduction to a friend or family member why you are contributing the manner in which you will be, you should toss darts.
* You just have all things considered 110 years to live. Insights state the middle future is around 82-85 years of age. Under 0.1% of the 6 billion individuals on earth live recent years old. Accordingly, you should anticipate approximately 80-90 years of life after optional school. The beneficial thing is you have a time span to get ready for your monetary prosperity. The awful thing is you may kick the bucket too soon or live excessively long.
It's smarter to anticipate a more extended retirement and have cash left over to provide for others than miss the mark. This is the reason dealing with your funds effectively in one spot is significant. Individual Capital makes remaining over your total assets simple and free. The web has made things free and simple to follow your total assets, break down your ventures, and run different retirement situations.
* Your hazard resistance will change after some time. When you've just got $20,000 to your name and you're 25 years of age, your hazard resilience is likely going to be higher than when you have a total assets of $2 million and are five years from retirement at 60. When you're youthful, you innocently figure you can work at your equivalent employment for a considerable length of time. The sentiment of invulnerability is fantastic until something occurs.
Remember to give yourself a careful monetary evaluation in any event once every year to ensure your total assets assignment is fittingly scattered. Overlooking your funds isn't the best approach to monetary flourishing. On the off chance that you bet with your funds during the last phases of your life, you will have a much lower shot of recouping.
* Black swan occasions happen constantly. A dark swan should be uncommon, however on the off chance that you've been focusing for the past couple decades, mind blowing money related interruption happens constantly. No one knows when the following frenzy actuated amendment will acquire. At the point when Armageddon arrives, basically everything gets squashed which isn't ensured by the legislature. It's critical to dependably have a bit of your total assets in hazard free resources.
Besides, you ought to consider putting your time and cash in things that you can control. On the off chance that you need proof of individuals not recognizing what they are discussing, simply turn on CNBC and watch them mention bullish intellectuals when the business sectors are going up and bearish savants when the business sectors are going down.
* Bull markets can make you inconceivably rich. Not every person got squashed in the website bubble. A lot of individuals sold their Webvan stock at the top! Buyer advertises commonly toward the end in 4-multi year upward cycles. The course is quite often up and to the directly over a long enough timespan. It as a rule feels more awful passing up a tremendous addition than losing cash. Along these lines, it's imperative to have in any event half of your total assets presented to an improving business sector. The intensity of swelling can't be thought little of. In the event that you are a value taker without blowing up resources, you are losing.
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miasanfamilie · 7 years
angrycorgi(.)tumblr(.)com/post/159546506957/the-lovely-flutist-instrumentastrology-once :( How did you do it?
the answer is not easily, but i can sort of give you a run-down of everything that happened step-by-step (including getting into music school and getting funding for both my undergrad and masters plus where i’m at now), but it’s definitely a mixture of luck, debt, networking, and work so… (this got REALLY long so i’m going to put it under a break)
when i was in middle school/high school, my grandparents actually in place of birthday presents paid for my lessons with a private teacher once a week, which is how i was able to get audition prep and stuff pre-university. as far as reed-making supplies go, i actually won most of my most basic stuff (like my first two knives and my tip-clipper and my cane until i started undergrad) from my teacher – she had a practice chart where if you were the person in her studio who clocked the most hours between practicing and listening, you’d get points you could save up to buy things from her like tapes of oboists and reed-making tools and oboe reed earrings and stuff like that. so that’s how i got the most basic basic supplies (plus saving staples from store-bought reeds, so i at least had enough stuff to get-by with, even though it wasn’t great or super high quality… it was functional at least and cheaper than continually buying reeds).
going into university, because my family was so low on the financial scale i got fee-waivers from applications by CollegeBoard, so any school that used the common app i got free applications to. i did one big giant audition trip which was me hitting 5 schools in one weekend like literally just roadtripping across the midwest of the usa to hit as many schools as i could for as low a cost as possible and then i worked out with the other 3 non-local schools i auditioned for to mail them cds instead which my band director was able to record for me in our bandroom over lunch. so my ultimate expenditure into all my college auditions was about $300 for gas for the giant roadtrip plus $10 for shipping the cds, which was a lot of money, but uhh, yay grandparents again on that one… i got into a music conservatory and with financial aid and student loans and a huge academic scholarship plus working the maximum student allowance of 20 hours a week, i managed to attend (going into a lot of debt in the process). instead of doing resume-building orchestral experience stuff over the summers, i worked, which definitely took a bit of a toll on my playing, but on the other hand, it meant i had a nice extra $5000-ish of income just from summer work to put foward towards school and expenditures for the upcoming year. i basically saved up for one major piece of equipment a year (each piece was around $300), so that was my new set of staples for both oboe and english horn plus a shaper/shaper tip, the W.R.I.S.T. (it’s a weight-support system that is the only thing that lets me physically hold english horn because of an arm injury), i don’t really remember what all else i got but basically all my reed-making tools i invested in to buy a big chunk at a time, and my university had a public stash of thread and sharpening stones and a gouger and cane splitter and stuff so i used my university’s tools for 90% of the stuff.
i didn’t have an instrument when i started university, and i actually only bought mine my fourth year of undergrad. i borrowed from my high school, and then borrowed again from my university until i had enough money saved up for an oboe of my own. i shopped around for my oboe and ended up getting my instrument from an instrument-supply store in minneapolis (which was close enough to my university i stopped buy there on my way back from christmas break and stayed with a friend so it didn’t cost me extra to do the trials), and during the month i agreed to purchase it in, the particular model of oboe i ended up purchasing (a Howarth XL) was on sale 10% discount, plus they gave me an additional $500 discount for paying with a check. so the way i managed to get my oboe paid-off was by increasing my student loans to cover half of the price of the instrument (since i was studying music, it counted as a school expenditure), and sourcing the other half from money that i’d been saving up basically throughout my entire college career. and i still don’t own an english horn (i’ve been borrowing ones from people when i’ve needed it, and it’s kiiiiiinda bad because i lose out on a LOT of work without one, but on the other hand, there’s no way i have $15000 for another instrument)…
grad school audition fees were also waived because of socioeconomic status, and i flew on discount airlines to get to my auditions and made sure ALL my audition location choices were somewhere where i had friends to stay with – so i basically got free overnights/food/etc and just had to pay for the flights, and that’s how i managed to JUST BARELY scrape auditions for grad school (and i mean just barely, like living week-to-week paycheck-wise to cover rent). my grad school was also fairly expensive, but i got a scholarship and then actually applied for funding from various other young artist support systems, so i got a couple of very small grants from things like the rotary club and churches who i agreed to give recitals for in exchange for a small sum of money to put towards my schooling basically. and then took out another HUGE chunk of student loans. and kept working 20 hours a week still.
and then during grad school (and now), basically my life turned into a LOT of networking – both for music work and for patrons. so i have a fixed patron now, who in exchange for about quarterly personal soirees plus updates on my career gives me a chunk of money every month to fund my musical endeavors, and in addition i have a lot of freelancing work i’ve arranged just by meeting people and making connections and taking auditions for sub-spots on orchestral lists (once you get called up two or three times and do well for work, you get a lot more calls which is nice), and then i STILL work a part-time non-music job to cover the rest of my expenses basically, so i can live in vienna and not die or miss paying off one of my many bills between rent/utilities/student loan repayment/medical expenses/etc. and i make an effort to save up enough money for travel expenses to one audition every 2-3 months, which is not as many as would really be ideal, since i’m still looking for some sort of at least contracted orchestral position, but is better than nothing given the circumstances. and i mean, last year with my increased medical expenses and expenditures in LONDON (because london is so damn expensive), i hit the wall where i did not have enough money to be able to afford everything, which is why i crowd-funded an emergency $2000 to cover those two months of rent and inner-city travel and medical treatment (and obviously put all my audition plans and everything on super-massive hold while i was just trying to survive)
i budget my food VERY tightly (like spend less than 20 euros a week on food maximum), i have a very good deal on my housing for what i have, and basically, my patron gives me the money i need for travel expenditures to get to/from auditions. and i’m still living pretty close to paycheck-to-paycheck, not entirely, but my amount of savings is like $1000 at this point so if an emergency WERE to come up, i’d be pretty toast, so *knocks on wood*. so yeah – a mixture of luck, obsessive pre-planning when it comes to budgeting (like i’d been setting aside money for my oboe for about 5 years by the time i bought it and it just about cleared me completely out), a TON of work outside the profession (including sacrificing a lot of playing time and opportunities to be able to continue studying), and like… a lot of raw willpower to not give up under extreme financial stress
it wasn’t fun and it wasn’t really easy… but when i got my performance injury my freshman year of university (i should point out here i have a non-music degree as well as my music degree from undergrad so i was studying other things and had/have other options academically), i basically decided that i’d be willing to sacrifice like…literally anything for my career, including my physical and mental health and financial stability, and i’ve basically done that and kinda sorta scraping by as i go??? and i’m really quite far from some concept of financial stability and from actually being a full-time orchestral musician, but i take what i can when i can, and am still working really hard on getting to some sort of real position so hopefully things’ll work out in the not-too-far-off-future… but yeah, that was my specific scenario (like i know my leg-up with my grandparents covering my lessons was huge pre-music-school, but after that i’ve been paying 100% of my own expenses for my own existence), and i’m also still like $50000 in debt from studying which i’m very very slowly paying off, but hopefully eventually i will have a high enough paying music job that i’ll be able to pay that all back……… yeah
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