volostogekiss · 11 months
Imagine Volo using your lap as a pillow.
oh i’m imagining all right. 😎 thank you anon enjoy your volo :p
GN!reader, it’s strictly soft hours, mwah volo ♡ (sorry he gets up from your lap halfway to kiss you)
Very post post-game, very established relationship.
Summary: You and Volo share a peaceful, lovely afternoon outside your home together.
Hisui would probably never be home to you, but without doubt, you know that Volo always will be.
You hadn’t expected to fall so soundly in love with him, but here you are, cradling his head in your lap and thinking of no one else but him.
No one else could touch him as you were permitted, and no one else could spend such a delightful moment with him as you would.
Only you.
Humming contentedly, you run a hand along his jaw, splay his hair across your lap, and grin foolishly.
I’m so hopelessly in love with you.
And so you enjoy the time you have with him like this, as he quietly lies beside you, a not-very-subtle grin of his own on his face, no matter how much he tries to hide it (which, you’ve learned, isn’t very much when it comes to you, and it's always and only you).
With quite an impressive physique (with which you are certainly well-acquainted), Volo often has you caught in his welcoming hugs or held snugly to his side.
But on slow days when neither of you wish to venture far from your home, where there is forever the safety of love and happiness, you are the one who draws him to you, and he always knowingly rests his head upon your lap.
Noticing the flickering smile on his supposedly sleeping face, you peer down at him, the sunlight filtering between the leaves overhead speckling the two of you. “What’s so amusing?”
Volo blinks open his eyes with a laugh.
“Not so much amusing as”—he pauses purposefully, that captivating smile widening, before he continues on—“it is amazing to see you whenever I open my eyes. I couldn’t help feeling rather blessed, for I could never tire of seeing you.”
You could never prepare yourself for his lines like those, those that swept you off your feet and sent your heart into a blissful frenzy.
“I doubt the underside of my chin is very flattering,” you joke, patting the side of Volo’s cheek softly. “But I do appreciate the sentiment. You’re the sweetest.”
You bend over, peck him on the lips, and attempt to ignore the heat flaring upon your face.
Instead, relaxing against the cushion Volo had sewn and fluffed with Togekiss’s loose down feathers, you stare off toward the horizon, a mottled line of spring green and budding, vibrant colors. Moments like these are perfect. It’s just you and him, as it should be. After everything you had given for a cause, a duty, a life you had no choice but to accept as the Hero of Hisui, you could finally give everything you had to Volo now, instead.
As a friend, as a lover, as his other half.
Just as he would give everything to you.
I love you.
You feel his fingers on yours suddenly, and you’re roused from your musings when he takes your hand in his.
Curiously, you glance back down at him.
A tingle runs up your spine when the depths of his ashen gaze, intense and sincere, ensnare you.
He smiles then, and oh, he’s beautiful, stunning like the radiant gold of gentle firelight, and just as warm and right upon your heart.
“My love, every part of you is flattering—wonderful, just as you are.”
Your heart quivers in your chest, and by the stars, this man will always be the one who has you undone at his words, his touch, and his love.
Volo sits up then, swiftly but carefully to avoid striking you by accident, and without waiting or warning, he kisses you.
He wants to dote on you with such a honeyed kiss, to keep you exactly where you are so he can admire you longer, then whisper dreamily to you all his praise.
How unfair.
“You didn’t even let me tell you how wonderful you are,” you remark breathlessly, as you both briefly pull away.
Almost instictively, you steady your hands against his broad shoulders, and Volo turns to you completely, a familiar glint in his eye.
“Hmm, I think you've told me quite a number of times.”
You touch your lips to his, murmuring against them indignantly, “Not enough times, then.”
He’s teasing you.
But you won’t let him off so easily.
“Mhm.” One of your hands strays to the tips of his smooth blond tresses. “You can’t say such things to me and expect you’ll get away with it.”
Volo presses into you then, angling his hips just against yours as he leans over you with a rumbling chuckle.
“I didn’t expect to at all, my love.” He brushes his lips over yours in a wispy kiss, one that doesn’t satisfy you nearly enough. “I daresay I indulge in it.”
You curl your hand into his hair and tug him closer, a promise of showing him how much you love him in your words, “Then I’m happy to oblige.”
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zwy01 · 3 months
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Noble OCs - Volo
More OCs from one of my four original noble clans, the Volo! They are the Clan of the Healers and their current Clan Leader is Zephyrus Volo, whose heir is his daughter Azurine Volo. Their clan’s soul weapon is crystal ball Octavio.
For complete info please check out the link below:
(Just a quick note, everyone is a noble here. There are no hybrids. In my headcanons “pureblood” and “non-pureblood” are just terms that nobles use with each other to broadly describe how affiliated someone is with their own clan. And I say “broadly” because there is much more to it and I think it deserves a post of its own. For now “pureblood” can be seen as a “strong enough and qualified to inherit the clan’s soul weapon and become Clan Leader” and “non-pureblood” as “an ordinary clan member” kind of thing. And being either has little to do with lineage and more of just the individual itself. Again, definitely posting more on that in the future)
Straight to the characters.
Hyacinthus Volo: Non-pureblood. Father/soul fragment donor of Ludis Mergas, husband/lover/friend (?) of Valentina Mergas. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Hyacinthus used to work under Zephyrus’ predecessor, the previous Volo Clan Leader, as one of the many Volo antidote researchers. He got kicked out eventually because he kept messing things up. He did things like throwing out his colleagues’ work-in-progress vials and potions because he thought they were trash, forgetting to do his part thus causing a failed experiment and indirectly forcing everyone back to square one, accidentally knocking over precious ingredients, setting the old records on fire… etc. Hyacinthus got a job as a scribe instead because that was the only thing they could count on him for. Despite his occasional sloppiness and forgetfulness, his fellow researchers couldn’t bring themselves to be annoyed with him for too long because he is a cheerful and amiable man. Outside of work, he is a great friend. His presence alone is enough to lighten gloomy moods and his friends sometimes compare him to a clear blue sky on a beautiful sunny day. Hyacinthus is neither extrovert nor introvert, instead something in between. He doesn’t need to socialize on a regular basis, but he never declines invitations. He’s “that” person nobles with little to no friends would always invite to their parties and events because they can count on him to show up. As a result, Hyacinthus is always busy. Want a hiking buddy? Will be there for ya. Don’t have a dancing partner? Sure can rearrange my plans. Just want someone to vent to? Will give plenty of hugs too. For this reason, Hyacinthus has a powerful network of friends who are more than willing to help him because the effort is mutual. Mostly weirdo friends because he’s one of the only people who would accept them for who they are, but normal friends too. He gets mountains of gifts piled at his doorstep and they still keep coming in. Hyacinthus is humble and tells his friends that they don’t need to give him anything, but they insist on showing their appreciation for him.
Hyacinthus’ hobby is button making. Buttons for clothes, buttons for toys, buttons for collection… just lots of buttons. He carves them from coconut shells, fruit pits, wood, and other common materials. He makes a button whenever there is a special occasion to keep for himself or to give away as a gift. Hyacinthus makes one for his son Ludis’ birthday every year and Ludis has a treasure box full of them. Each one of them has a unique design, and Hyacinthus continues this tradition for his grandchildren.
No one really knows what his exact relationship with Valentina is. They seem to be more than friends but there is no solid answer. Valentina doesn’t answer when questioned and Hyacinthus just says “guess”. Well, that’s going to remain a mystery for now. Hyacinthus misses Valentina very much since the day she entered eternal sleep with the Previous Lord. He too makes a button for her every year on the day they said their final goodbyes to each other, which is the day she died.
Ludis gets the blueish tint in his grey hair from Hyacinthus.
Rurik Volo: Pureblood. Uncle of Zephyrus Volo, father of Malati Volo. Alive in the present day, belongs to Gejutel’s generation.
Rurik was supposed the be the next Volo Clan Leader after his predecessor and mother as her then-only child, but he detested the traditional Volo self-poisoning antidote-researching training regimen so much that his mother had no choice but to have another child because clearly he was not the one. The training regimen is absolutely mandatory and has been the tradition since the Volo Clan came into existence, and rejecting it means forfeiting your right to succeed the clan as the heir. So be it. The position of Clan Leader eventually went to Rurik’s younger sister, who is the mother of Zephyrus. Rurik didn’t want to work alongside ordinary clan members as a researcher either, and in the end his mother couldn’t find a job for him within the clan and he became unemployed. During his youth, Rurik couch surfed a lot and his friends all thought he got disowned or something, but he actually left home on his own accord because he was too ashamed to face his mother and family for failing to fulfill his destiny. He just couldn’t do it. The pain and self-harm is too much for him. He can’t even comprehend how his mother and all of the previous Clan Leaders were able to put themselves through such torture. Rurik’s little sister seems to be willing to do it, and while he is proud of her determination, he also feels sorry for her because he is the reason why she was born. As his replacement, because he chose to escape from his duty. She wouldn’t have needed to do this to herself if he had more courage. For this reason, Rurik can’t seem to look at her in the eye either. He ends up avoiding his mother, sister, and clan members, and became a basement dweller who rotated between the homes of his friends. Fortunately, as an extrovert, he had many friends and they were happy to host their troubled buddy. Rurik eventually finds his passion in music composition. He settles down in a place of his own, far away from the Volo’s main residence because he still can’t bring himself to face his family. In the present day, Rurik writes music for Lukedonia. His work all sound sad, for some reason. Stunning and graceful, but sprinkled with melancholy.
Rurik is a decent fighter and has an extensive knowledge of buff and debuff spells. Despite leaving home at a young age, he worked very hard and secretly taught himself how to use magic as a Volo because he didn’t want to ask anyone for help as he was too embarrassed to do so. He doesn’t even know how impressive this is and continues to think of himself as a loser.
At some point, Rurik had his daughter Malati with an unnamed noble, presumably one of his friends who hosted him during his couch surfing days.
Aeron Volo: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation. No one really likes Aeron. He’s full of negativity and brings that unpleasantness with him wherever he goes. His shortcomings are always the fault of others, and his life is miserable because the world is against him. Aeron has a normal family and his parents did everything they could for him, but he turned out like this anyway. Aeron ends up offending almost everyone around him and he has no friends. He never fulfills the promises he makes, he invalidates people’s achievements, and even goes as far as to say that his Clan Leader Zephyrus’ daughter and heir Azurine doesn’t deserve to become the next Volo Clan Leader just because she “ingests poison” and “makes cuts on her arms”. Anyone can do that. This would enrage his fellow clan members and if Aeron is lucky, he gets an intense scolding. If he is unlucky, he gets a violent beating. Only after they dare him take the poison Azurine takes on a regular basis does he learn that she is doing something incredibly selfless for the greater good of all nobles. Aeron almost dies, and drops to the floor screaming and writhing in pain until they give him the antidote. You thought that was bad enough? That’s not even a third of Azurine’s daily dose. And the antidote to this poison only exists because she put herself through this pain in order to analyze what it does to the body to come up with countermeasures. Aeron finally realizes how much of a fool he was. He’s still unpleasant at times, but he has been humbled and no longer speaks like that about people, especially his future Clan Leader. Aeron’s issues aren’t completely gone yet, but at least he doesn’t invalidate people’s achievements anymore. He even starts to develop a sense of admiration for Azurine. Eventually, with hard work, Aeron discovers that he has some talent for debuff spells. Turns out his nastiness was rooted in his insecurities all along, and hey, he’s not completely useless either.
Aeron is currently training to become a knight, and hopes to become strong so he can serve his future Clan Leader, the Lord, and Lukedonia well.
Esther Volo: Non-pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Lagus’ generation. Esther was an eccentric woman. She had a conspicuous sharp-pitched giggle and an unusual obsession with scissors and cutting things up. Her clothes, the curtains, the books on the shelves, the flowers on the hillside… even herself. More like she found pleasure in ruining things and then returning them to their original state like nothing had ever happened. This just felt so romantic to Esther and she never had any other hobby. She cooed and baby talked to things as she cut them up. The vibrations that traveled from the scissors blades to her hands with each and every snip excited her more than anything else. The more the material resisted, the more ecstatic she became. Eventually Esther moved onto cutting off pieces of her own face, fingers, and even legs. Slicing her own cheeks off was just as fun as feeling her femur split into two. Her delicate, soft fingers were nice as additional decorations to the flowers in her vase. Gives it an extra pop of color. And that’s what being a Volo meant to her. She’d just use healing spells on herself. Rinse and repeat. With inanimate objects, she used basic restoration spells. The nobles were aware of Esther’s obsession and most stayed away from her, as they were scared and suspected that she would cut them up too. Those were just assumptions, of course, because Esther never messed with other people or their belongings. She only experimented on her own possessions and body. Reassuring to hear, but doesn’t make it any less creepy.
If Esther considered someone as her friend, she would invite them to her home and show them her massive scissors collection hanging on the wall, arranged by size from small to big. Those who didn’t run away became her best friends.
Esther wore poofy floor-length dresses throughout her lifetime and hid all sorts of scissors under layers of lace. Sometimes the nobles could hear the scissors clack against one another as she walked. She eventually entered eternal sleep because she had already cut up everything she could find in the world and had nothing exciting to look forward to anymore.
Malati Volo: Pureblood. Daughter of Rurik Volo, and cousin of Zephyrus Volo. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Malati is confident and imaginative. As a child, she always went around asking “why?” to every question she could think of. The adults thought she was just another curious child, but in no time it became apparent that she was dead serious about it. Malati didn’t want to live at home with her less-than-confident father Rurik who somehow always avoided her questions, and sometime during her teenage years, she moved to Titus Paradiso’s library tower Minerva and has lived there ever since. Malati misses her father, but knows better than to hold back her true potential to keep him company… plus, he seems more interested in his music anyway. He wouldn’t miss her, it’s okay. Or so she thought, because she was a bit saddened when he didn’t really have a reaction when she announced that she was going to move out. Well, she’s better off chasing her dreams than staying at home with such a mood killer. In a way, Professor Titus felt more like a father figure to Malati, as he would always be brimming with enthusiasm whenever the two of them talked about newest discoveries. Titus and Malati have a close relationship, and when the former’s twins Anabella and Anastasia are born sometime in the future, Malati becomes family to them. The twins call her “Auntie”.
Malati’s current goal is to figure out exactly how two soul fragments merge together to create a new soul, which is the nobles’ way of having children. The old records don’t offer any clear explanation either. The nobles only know that it happens, not how. The mechanism behind it remains a mystery to this day. Malati wants to get her hands on a physical soul fragment so she can dissect it or something, if that is even possible at all. Maybe she’ll eventually discover a way for nobles to have children through soul fragments without having their lifespans reduced so parents can spend more time with their children. Perhaps it is ambitious, but Malati is hopeful.
Eventually, Malati and her father Rurik reconcile with each other and it is revealed that the latter chose not to respond to his daughter’s questions because she was a brilliant child, and he was afraid that he would drag her down because he didn’t have the confidence to match her excellence. Rurik thought that Malati would be disappointed in him like the rest of his family since he was the failed heir. The two of them talk out their misunderstandings and share a tearful moment. Rurik asks Malati if she wants to move back home, which would become an offer she rejects gently because Minerva is her home now. Understandable for both father and daughter, so they exchange letters to keep in touch. Rurik sends Malati his newest sheet music, and she shares with him her research progress on various topics. While they don’t completely understand what each other is talking about, their exchanges are filled with affection.
Malati is currently working to find an antidote to reverse lifespan loss for nobles who had children.
Malati’s partner is a Paradiso scholar.
Thank you for reading and stay tuned for future posts!
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Apologies for disappearing forever, I got addicted to Scarlet/Violet ^^’
However! I’ve been back at work with a huge commission that will apply to everybody~ my lovely best friend has requested a Volo dakimakura for her b-day, and once I’m finished with the designs, it’ll be going up for preorder~! Thanks again to all my ko-fi supporters~ I haven’t forgotten about you, and I will be giving you all your appreciation doodles~♡ ♡
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volodei · 2 years
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Volotober Day 21: Team
“Godslaying is a team effort.”
Here it is! To keep with the spirit of the prompt, these pictures were done as a team by me and my friend 🤝💕 I did the sketch and lineart for the 1st pic while she colored it in, and then we switched for the 2nd one. If you’re interested, take a look at her Fiverr account for commissions, or follow us both over on Twitter. My handle is @volodreaming and hers is @gapu_ysbs.
Speaking of which, this is the first time I’ve ever used Twitter, since I’m very shy, so I’d greatly appreciate any tips and follows. (for example, do I post my backlog here once a day, or all at once? i don’t want to clutter tags) I’ll be sure to follow you back so come and drop on by! 🥰
Read below if you’d like to see my personal HCs for Volo’s team.
as mentioned before, I love the idea that Volo’s team acts completely out of the norm for their species. ofc none of this is final, and I plan on publishing a series of drabbles expanding on their pasts and interactions sometime in November.
Togekiss — Cunning and devious just like her wielder. Like an ice queen. She only melts when she’s with Volo, or when her teammates need her care. Her family’s happiness matters above all else, and she’ll give no quarter to anyone who threatens that. As Volo’s ace, she’s the strongest of the team and she knows it.
Garchomp — Shy, but sweet and intuitive. He is very cautious and careful with new things because of his past as a Gible, but he can also be rather naive and quick to sympathy. He is conscientious of his size, and hones his power to a fine point, so his attacks are always deadly and precise, unlike the usual raw destructive power of his species.
Roserade — Lax and easygoing. He loves food above all else, and he’s easily bribed with it. Other than that, he likes to dance, and he enjoys joining in the ones Volo does as part of old traditions of worship. Likes to play dirty, making full use of his paralysis and sleep powders. If it helps him win quicker, who carers?
Lucario — Feisty and quick-tempered. Gets into arguments with Togekiss sometimes. He’s incredibly fast and powerful, but he often falls for taunts and leaves his defenses down. Though he won’t admit it, he can also be very clingy.
Arcanine — Though most of her species are wary of their surroundings, she is headstrong and hasty, dashing off ahead on her own without looking for danger. This, coupled with her clumsiness, often gets her into trouble. Thankfully, her team is always there to watch over her, and her wielder trains the clumsiness out of her before her final evo.
Spiritomb — Cheerful and clingy. He’s always attached to his wielder when he’s outside, and likes to accompany him in ruins, providing light and conversation. I tweaked the face on his keystone to look like it’s smiling, just to drive it in.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Yaaay requests are open again! I was waiting for them to open up again cause I had some characters I had to wait to ask for yandere reactions headcanons to an s/o with body piercings last time since there’s a character limit. (Which is fine I don’t want you to overwhelm yourself!)
I was kinda hoping for yandere Volo, Raihan, Leon, and N this time?
— a very sleeby Pierced Anon (it’s like 4:46 rn and my brain won’t let me go back to sleep someone help me please🥲)
Excellent choices fam!
🔞18+Only! Cause adult situations, stay adult situations!🔞
- Piercings? Of course he’s aware you have some, you always have the most gorgeous jewelry for your deity like form.
- “Please tell me you pierced those yourself.”
- Your nipple piercings are beautiful, yes.
- But the very thought that someone had to see you in such a state that wasn’t him, and touch you.
- It fills him with an almost blinding rage.
- Only he should see you like this.
- Only he should get to touch you.
- It’s best to lie to him and say ‘yes’ instead of telling him you got them professionally and safely done.
- It calms him back, and brings him back to his more mellow self.
- Oh hell yeah!
- He thinks they are so cool, he goes on asking questions. Where did you get them done? Why you picked this specific bar/jewel piece? What size cause he wants to get you custom ones?
- The nipple piercings are heavily appreciated.
- He’s almost half tempted to get some of his own, ya know, so you two can match.
- But he decides against it, instead taking full advantage at how good you look.
- He’s perfect, lovely partner, all his.
- And never leaving this house again.
- “oh that’s so pretty! Oh fuck that must’ve hurt! Oh but that’s so cool!”
- He’s cringing, he can feel the phantom pains.
- Please send help. He loves your piercings, really he does! But every time he sees one on a more delicate spot he winces.
- He acts like he’s sitting on the piercer’s table, getting it done.
- But no, he gets flashbacks to Piers saying a piercing wouldn’t hurt, but then it hurt a lot.
- His friends have traumatized him, please be nice.
- Sure he has you locked in his house, away from the world. You’re his lover after all! But still, Leon holds more respect for you after this.
- it’s funny to watch him twist and turn when he sees, he will get use to it, but give him a moment.
- Absolutely flustered and confused.
- Why would you do this to yourself? Did it all hurt? Another one that winces at the sight of your nipple piercings.
- Yes your piercings are pretty and cool looking, and he respects your choices on them. But for the life of him he can’t wrap his mind around shoving a needle through your skin.
- He’s like an old person, who’s confused about what you’re doing but is very loving and supportive about it.
- He even asks if you’d want to get another, and maybe get like a green bar through it? Or maybe a green gem?
- He’s so embarrassed he even asked that please ignore him.
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peccaberry · 5 months
HI I HOPE YOU DONT THINK THIS IS STRANGE. if it is then please accept my apologies in advance!
i came from ACD — holy shit this fic has me under some kind of magic. i found it last night and am only just now starting ch10 but i have been having a blast with every single chapter. i can't put it down haha
i'm normally very quiet about my enjoyment of things because i don't like making myself visible, but it's quite frankly criminal that you don't have more people commenting on your work!!
i feel your characterization of volo to be incredibly accurate (seriously! i can picture him in my head easily with what you write for him), and your interpretation of rei is really creative — plus, i love that there's art and music/playlists to go along with the story. i love your uses for the legendaries thus far, and the core four of rei's team as well.
the humorous narration and dialogue you sprinkle in throughout the story have me having to take small breaks to really let some comments or exchanges settle in. that, along with how you title chapters — good lord, you are funny as fuck. please continue, i need more laughs like this.
this fic has been scratching every single itch i've had, giving me everything i was looking for (AND stuff i didn't even know i needed!) and the overwhelming joy i felt to see that the last update was YESTERDAY? is unfathomable.
i'm so genuinely excited to continue reading, but i just had to drop by and give you my support.
thank you so, SO much for sharing your writing! i'm so so so genuinely happy i found your fic. 🥹
my writer friend has encouraged me to comment more, so you might see some more gushing from me in your ao3 comments coming up. depending on if i chicken out or not </3
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I'm trying to think of anything to say that isn't me just sobbing and going JFJFJEJFIDJ YOU'RE SO NICE THANK YOU??? but this broke my brain tbh. I didn't realize it was be nice to Pecca day but man I needed it.
Anyways uhhhh please do continue to comment with your thoughts if you feel you have anything to say because this really did and still does mean to world to me to hear!!!!
It makes me wanna keep writing and doing my best for you guys because the people who leave me comments like this are the ones I think about when I'm struggling to get through my own self doubt about if the story is any good or if people still want to read it. Like logically I know people still do but when you're a writer you get in your own head about it a lot.
Also the fact you sent me this after chapter 10 means a lot to me bc it's a chapter I love but it's also one I'm kinda insecure about. Some people like music in fics, other people don't but knowing it's reached the audience of people who would appreciate it makes me feel better :')
I am sending you so much love and appreciation for your support!!! Gonna work on the new chapter more today specifically for you Anon.
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farmbears · 6 months
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"Ok, we're arriving now." Volos slows his truck and parks. He turns around to talk to his passengers sitting with the load of produce brought. "I've worked here before, and it's great that they're letting me come back this year! I do want to let you two know that I really need you two to be on your best behavior while we're here, I don't want to mess up any future opportunities. If you could try your best, could you two please not fight?"
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"I make no promises for my other self, but I will do what I can."
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"Yeah, yeah, no fighting."
Volos exits the truck and opens the back for the other two to get out. There are many crates full of Volos' fruits and vegetables to be unloaded.
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"Need a hand with those?"
Volos waves to Barguest. "I didn't think you would be here, too, Barguest."
"Saw a job opening and took it. I appreciate you giving Kenta and me food in exchange for me working with you, but I still need to make money for other things. I got put in the kitchen, to explain the apron."
"Good to see ya, Barg."
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"It is a pleasure to see you, my Ashigara."
"Yasu?! The hell are you doing here?!"
"A small job over the winter break. It will bode well for the future. I shall aid you with carrying these." Yasuyori picks up a pair of crates from the truck and starts taking them to where they need to go.
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"Ah, Volos, you have arrived. Your timing is impeccable, as we are falling short on kitchen ingredients."
"Hello, Chernobog. You got a job with Andvari again, too?"
"Indeed. For my extended periods of working under my friend, I have been labeled a senior employee! I shall aid those who are not as experienced."
"That's great to hear" Volos replies.
Volos' ears perk up at a sudden booming laughter coming from behind him, and he turns to discover its source. Bouncing and flipping from umbrella to umbrella boasts a tanuki ready to dazzle the crowd.
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"While you wait for your food to be prepared, gaze upon the talent of the one, the only! Chivalrous master thief: Goemon Ishikawa!"
// I know I've been gone a while, school sucks, but here I am now with the farmbears' first event! People are coming to Andvari's resort to get out of the cold for this holiday season, so he called in some extra help! We've got our main cast plus Yasuyori, Chernobog, and Goemon available for asks as they work here!
// Yes, the picture I posted randomly before was hinting at this
// Have fun with this event, and I hope you have a good day!
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r0-boat · 1 year
!Commission Rules!
Hi! thank you so much for commissioning me I do this as a hobby and I aim to get better, even if it's just giving me a dollar I greatly appreciate all that you've done for me.
To make sure we're both comfortable I just want to lay down some rules!
🪷Please give me your Tumblr username so I can quickly contact you; if you do not have a viable Tumblr username or I cannot contact you in any way, I will not be able to do your commission🪷
What I will not write for
🌹Children in romantic or sexual situations with any adults or sexual situations with other children.
🌹Children in abusive situations
🌹Bestiality of any kind and pokephilia
🌹 inflation or foot fetishes as well as scat, and piss kink, period sex
🌹 hateful speech or bigoted messengery, directed at any people.
🌹 Excessive Gore or violence. Especially against children.
🌹 incest relationships.
What I will write
🪷 certain fandoms and characters [See below]
🪷 Ocs ( yours and mine)
🪷Oc x canon
🪷oc x oc
🪷canon x canon
🪷 teenagers in romantic situations with other teenagers.
🪷 children/teenagers with familial/parental or platonic relationships with adults,
🪷Monsters/ Pokemon hybrids
🪷 children being friends :)
🪷Au's ( only ones that I have written about)
🌸Fandoms I write for +characters I feel most comfortable with 🌸
I will do characters from this, please note this list is not perfect if you see any characters that I have done before and are not in this list please let me know before requesting your commission)
Ro's Ocs
Oliver Sterling
Ingo/warden Ingo
Steven Stone
Stardew Valley
Genshin impact
Raiden Shogun/ Ei
Obey Me
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kaerenebrainrot · 2 years
I went through your fandoms list and I see you write for Legends Arceus? (or are willing to, I'm not sure if I interpreted that wrong). Is it alright to have some Post game Volo headcannons? If you haven't gotten to the post game, then just regular volo headcannons. (I won't give you spoilers. Enjoy the game at your own pace ^-^)
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Not to worry, my anon friend--I’m more than willing to write for Legends! I appreciate the consideration by the way, but! I beat the game a long while back, about a week after release since I hyperfocused pretty hard after falling head over heels for this man. I’m happy to give you some headcanons!
He lets you help him out when he’s slacking off busy with a few things, and if you struggle--He’s more than happy to teach you in between giving you random tidbits and facts about the ruins he’s gallivanting around.
You’ve always been happy to listen to him, so he knows he can gush without worry of receiving a snarky comment or something pretty rude--He’s always been passionate about this sort of thing.
It helps that his Togepi loves you, gives him an excuse to see you as well as to vend items when you’re going on an expedition: How can you possibly say no to Togepi’s cute little face when he charges you an exorbitant price?
On the days while you were at the ancient retreat with Cogita--He always visited to cheer you up, whether to tell you some odd tale that happened while he was doing his usual work, or an ancient folk story that Cogita herself told him once. 
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He has his ways of staying in touch even if he’s no longer where you can see him, at least physically since he’s just wandering the world at the moment.
Though he’s thoroughly empty inside, you fill that void just a little--Volo’s well-aware of it, so he makes sure to keep tabs on you no matter where he goes.
That in mind, you always wonder why no men have really actually pursued you. You’re lonely without him around, and he knows it--And it’s in part why he ensures that no one dares to lay a finger on you, since he knows you’ll greet him with open arms albeit likely after a slap or much crying. 
You’re his, after all.
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legacyshenanigans · 10 months
Heard it's B appreciation day!!!! So of course I had to get off my scaly bum and shower you in a lot of love and hugs too!! ❤️❤️❤️🐲🫂
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I'm probably going to sound like a broken record by now but I adore you and your posts ❤️❤️❤️ You're simply amazing B!! 💫💫❤️
So don't forget that whenever you're feeling down there's always an entire cult of people (and one dragon) that love and appreciate you, and will always support your shenanigans ❤️ that's what cults are for after all 💀
Now before I leave have one more dragon hug, the biggest one I can give 🫂🐲❤️ *coils around you like a snake and licks your face*
Pleasant dreams (hopefully full of Volo)💤💤❤️💤💤 your little Dragon friend ❤️🐉
Thank you so much for your kind words, Lil Dragon 🖤 I appreciate you so much, honestly 💕 I don't even know what else to say 😅
Just thank you, You're too sweet to me💜
Wish you pleasant dreams too!!
(God I'd love to dream of Volo tonight! 😩😅)
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ripoff-robbie-rotten · 11 months
Hiya! Welcome to my main!
I'm gonna include some important details below, so please check them out!
@robin-fable-art - My art blog!! Please go take a look!! Any support is highly highly appreciated!!
@i-have-no-braincells - My casual blog that I use as an actual “main” of sorts. I occasionally post art, but I mostly just scream and reblog my friends/moots art.
@maple-tuft - I just wanted to give myself a space for being insane about Warrior Cats.
@grimsley-official - Rp/Ask blog for Elite Four member Grimsley. He's very charming and charismatic, I promise~ (I'm most active here)
@three-out-of-four - Rp/Ask blog for the remaining E4 members. They decided to make an account purely to spite Grimsley.
@the-champion-iris - Rp/Ask blog for Champion Iris. She stays silly over there.
@rockstar-roxie - Rp/Ask blog for Gym Leader Roxie. A little gremlin child, if you will.
@traveling-historian - Rp/Ask blog for Volo (based on an au of mine). He goes by the alias “Vee” and lives in modern day Unova.
@naturally-elegant - Rp/Ask blog for Avery. He won't be...too unpleasant.
@glaseado-gym-official - Rp/Ask blog for Grusha. A slightly canon divergent take on his character.
@flowerboy-barista - Rp/Ask blog for my very own self-insert named after yours truly!
I've kept a few posts from my previous blogging ventures purely because they were fairly popular and I like them still...So don't mind them, they're just here to vibe.
Apologies to all my followers, feel free to unfollow. Or don't. It doesn't matter to me either way since this blog's purpose is purely to serve as hub for my sideblogs.
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galarfiend · 1 year
For the character ask, Volo or Larry
Take your pick xD
thanks! i’ll do volo since i actually havent fought larry yet in my scvi playthrough so i dont feel qualified lol
first impression: i immediately thought he was very pretty (0/////0;;;;) and i liked the expressiveness of his mannerisms, but i also thought he had to be hiding something. i also really liked his outfit design, especially the huge backpack. good shape language yknow
impression now: HES STILL PRETTY and i still hold all the same opinions of him, with an added appreciation for the foreshadowing in his dialogue, like where you can spot where his mask is slipping at times. him as a twist villain was really cool, and its nice that it was a good enough event that even when i know the twist it’s still sick as hell
favorite moment: a difficult choice, i love all of his scenes. (like when he jumpscares you to give useless advice for example) but i think my favorite is when youre getting the plates and he starts just. laughing maniacally. like that was one of the biggest few signs that something was really and truly off about him, and there was more to him than just being an eccentric and mysterious researcher. which really got me engaged in wondering What The Fuck Is This Guy About To Do. everything else he did was ALSO iconic but thats my favorite
idea for a fic: BRO i have one hundred ideas about him. hes in all of my little stories fr fr. i have a ton of fics in my google docs about him but i think maybe my current favorite of my ideas is the one where he goes to kalos and xerneas gives him immortality, and then decades later he and az meet, and then that timeline eventually goes into hiker theory. i like the vibes of it, i would love to turn it into a comic.
unpopular opinion: have you SEEN the discourse around this bitch? i dont even want to get into it, that sounds tiring rn. all i have to say is that he was responsible for what he did but also he deserves to grow into a better and more optimistic person. and have friends. yknow
favorite ship: i think him and adaman is really sweet (love grows where my rosemary goes is their song btw ive decided) and fun, but within the context of the immortal! volo fics i like to write, i think either him being aro or trainwreckshipping is what i go for. though crazytrain/blackmarket can also be super interesting. idk it really depends on what the fic’s narrative calls for
favorite hc: WHORE (but seriously, the hiker theory is one of my favorite things anyone has come up with and its probably my favorite)
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sinisterlutist · 1 year
Hello it me Pokemon ask meme 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 21, 22, 65, 66, 74. 75, 76
For convenience’s sake I’m gonna use a readmore cause theres many lol
5. Favorite trainer
Well, well, well, if it isn’t the question you knew the answer to already.
My absolute favorite trainer is my good merchant buddy Volo.
He’s one of the most nuanced characters I’ve ever seen come out of pokemon games, especially in recent years. Yes, he made some dumb decisions, but he’s so completely human. He laments the way the world is, the terrible things that happen, and he acknowledges that that probably happens to everyone. He was so tired before Arceus rubbed his loss in his face. When he talks about how troubled he’s been, asks about our dreams.
But no matter what else he may or may not have done, he loves his Togekiss, and I will stand by that with my whole heart. There’s a photo of the two of them in Jubilife Village. That photo was there before we came, and it has stayed there long after Volo left. There’s a lot more I could get into here, but, well, that’s a post for another time. Volo’s my favorite. ♡
(Side note— you know, if I had a nickel for every time gamefreak made a pokemon game where I ended up liking the long-haired male rival who teams up with a legendary dragon-type, asks you a question about dreams and then disappears, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird because it happened twice.)
6. Least favorite trainer
I am going with people FROM THE GAMES for this question because Ash is easy prey and I don’t care for the show in general— outside of the ever wonderful Team Rocket.
Shauna, from XY. XY had a really cool concept for a little friend group, even allowing you to give yourself a nickname from them. The execution was… less than stellar. Shauna felt sort of forced onto the player, at least to me. She annoyed me and I already didn’t want anything to do with her by the time you got to Parfum Palace, where she only irritated me more. The other members of the group, including your rival-proper, were more enjoyable, and felt more like they were friends with each other.
7. Favorite gym leader
There’s a loooot of really good ones I could use for this question, particularly some of the cool Unovan ones. There’s also Valerie, the Actual Moth from XY. But no. I have to go with Opal, Galar’s Fairy leader.
There’s nothing better than a spunky old lady who WILL catch you off guard and can move faster than you if she needs to. She was one of 5 characters in SwSh that I truly liked. Her help for Bede’s character arc was great, and frankly I don’t see nearly enough appreciation for this wild old fairy grandma. Opal’s awesome.
8. Least favorite gym leader
*walks on stage, taps mic* Whitney. *walks off stage*
9. Favorite e4 member
Gotta go with my buddy Grimsley! There’s nothing quite like having a gambler in your e4 with The Cool Uncle vibes. He really does seem like a chill guy, and I liked that he showed up in Alola, too. Runner up is Shauntal, purely bc her e4 chamber has the Most Vibes I have ever seen.
13. Favorite antagonist team
Team Plasma, hands down. The way that gen V handled the nuances of individuals within Plasma— characters you fight ONCE and never see again— was phenomenal, shown even further in BW2, when some of them changed their ways, and devoted themselves to fixing wrongs in the world. Others doubled down and stayed with Plasma, even after the truth was revealed. It was fascinating to see so much character put into the people of Unova, antagonist team nobodies included.
Plus they have an absolute banger of a battle theme.
14. Least favorite antagonist team
Does. Is Team Yell even considered an antagonistic team? They didn’t DO anything, they’re just bunch of hyped up fanboys (and girls) for you to get xp off of. SwSh made a lot of lousy decisions, as far as I’m concerned, and Team Yell was a big one.
21. Favorite legendary/mythical
Favorite legendary… well, for a long time it was Rayquaza, because Emerald was the first one I played, and therefore, Rayquaza was the first legendary I caught. Now, more correctly, I name Dawn Wings Necrozma (& more specifically its shiny version) as my favorite legendary. The colors are beautiful and it has SUCH a cute face. I’m delighted by it. (Special mention to Wo-Chien, because even though I haven’t played SV yet I LOVE that spooky grass snail, it’s got a cryptid feel to it that pokemon’s been kinda lacking.)
Favorite mythical… hmm, well, Shaymin is one of my favorite older ones, love a good hedgehog, but really I think this title is shared between Marshadow and Zeraora. I got so attached to Zeraora when it was released, and Marshadow is just a little toasty guy. I wish they had some lore attached to them, though.
22. Least favorite legendary/mythical
Hmmm… probably a draw between Enamorus and Palkia (and particularly Origin Palkia) for legendary. They’re just kinda ugly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As for mythical… there’s been several that I’m just kinda “meh” on, but… nah, y’know what, I’m gonna be petty on this one. Arceus itself, for crimes against me, Volo, and possibly Ingo. I was indifferent to Arceus before, but y’know what? I don’t like that space horse. It’s rude, and the only time it calls is to ask me to fight its gauntlet in my sleep.
65. Favorite pokemon movie
Alright it’s time to come clean, I’ve watched exactly 2 pokemon movies, 1 & 2 (the MewTwo and Lugia ones). Of the two, seeing as it’s been a while since I’ve watched either, PROBABLY the Lugia one. The music was so pretty.
66. Least favorite pokemon movie
So you would think by merit of having only watched two movies, that my least favorite should be the one I didn’t use for the last question. It’s not. It’s the one where Pikachu speaks. Like in English. (I do NOT mean Detective Pikachu, I would like to see that one someday. I mean the one with Pikachu speaking to Ash.) I saw the clip of it speaking, and decided then and there I would not be watching it.
74. Favorite Alolan version of a first-gen pokemon
Ooh, there’s a couple of these I like, but ohhh overall goes to the Alolan Sandshrew/Sandslash line! I’ve had an affinity for that little dude since I first played Emerald :) The Alolan versions look really cool and smooth and that little igloo pangolin is going places!
75. A pokemon you think is overrated
The easy answer to this is Pikachu. I’m so tired of the yellow rat in the spotlight. I was utterly delighted when its cry was put back in PLA, where it was treated just like any other pokemon. It’s not even that I hate the thing, it’s the ridiculous oversaturation. Pokemon Center has released a lot of really cool things that would totally pique my interest— were they not slathered in Pikachu shapes.
Balloon Pikachu is pretty cute though.
76. A pokemon you think is underrated
Uhhh, well, I’m not entirely sure, but… I like Hoennian Linoone. I don’t see a lot about Linoone, but it’s a good little badger and you can teach it Surf, which gives me the WONDERFUL mental image of riding my little badger around in the water :). Also very memorable for me was fighting Norman’s Linoone in Emerald, cause that thing was a tank. Currently I have a couple of Hoennian Linoones, one from X named Azi, and a shiny one I found in the Max Lair in SwSh named Kabochai (Pumpkin Tea, for his lovely color)
…. I am so sorry this took so long to answer, hoogh, but it’s done, and I had a lot of fun with it!!
As always, feel free to send in more!
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fairymint · 1 year
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
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I'd say once Felix is confident, he's good at flirting- the caveat being that it takes some time! Mostly, he's shooting for what he thinks is fitting, or the comfort zone of another. If he has to throw them off, it better be with what they like- perhaps an adjustment of positioning, the hem, or something if they're visual. A hug with an extra lil backrub if they're physical, etc. Willing to discuss this kinda thing plotwise, but he picks up on this kinda thing, tries to observe.
Other muses on the blog tend to much, much more direct, but they don't care about comfort zone- so they can be very, very pushy or sudden. What I imagine is a good chunk, of not the majority of the population of unnamed or offscreen people to react with 'ew, fuck off' or be lowkey terrified/concerned, lmao. Too good at flirting /lh
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
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He doesn't advertise it socially, but Felix really likes hugs. His are either strong, or 'bubbly' and energetic- maybe lightly patting/shaking the other. If appropriate, it can turn into more- a massage, kisses, grooming, etc. As a side note some of his pokemon love hugs, so he will give to them!
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
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Generally speaking, Felix has an appreciation for the world, first. The kind of Agape love that he doesn't want to let go of. Love as a friend. But! as displayed by the ships here, he's got romantic and sexual interest! For now, the most 'canon' love interests game wise I have are N, Arven, and Todd Snap; those're the ones that 'make sense' without extra plotting. Felix also has sort of mild celebrity crushes on Raihan, Siebold, and maybe Hassel and Larry (tho Paldea seems to be much more in-person style than from afar tbh.) The F/Os list otherwise lists, but as a self insert blog, selfshipping is a safe bet- all of the muses here have some sort of ship w/ Felix, romantic or platonic.
My other muses are generally the initiators- but he loves them! for Pokeverse he's canon with Volo, Ingo, and Arven- technically also my Emmet, but I haven't sat down and actually written out 'what' the dynamic is for that doc In Words for Emmet; i know some of the scenarios, just need to feed his muse. similar deal with my inactive Adaman- though only the vagueness of a ship is in mind, no real scenarios yet. I was gonna make icons and shit but got lazy. the delay here is mostly no muse;;;
Felix also has several RP ships, the most solid rn being Teal of @hopeful-hugz , and @flock-keeper ! IIRC everything else is still in the....teasing? sort of stage? Then there's a bit of QPP-ish....stuff going on with @gcd-fcrsaken .
And he's, kissed Ari of @twindragonsprophecy , @bigmolayne , and @pidgeyatto 's Falkner, lmaoooo. like unprompted.
Generally speaking he's 'open' to anything mlm or mlnb, just gotta bring up or get used to the idea. proximity=hotness assessment-
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
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it's hard to start or confess, but easy after that! As soon as things are cleared up or established, he will say 'i love you' a lot. I think I've said it to my husband about 5-10 times unprompted alone in the past 3 hours.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
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Pet names are a weakness, and some more than others. I can't say he's talented at giving them, or maybe not yet....but he melts at receiving them. If he comes up with something, then yeah, definitely uses pet names.
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eyes-of-arceus · 2 years
Wild West AU
You ride into town on your Zebstrika, tired as the sun beams down on your face as you return your Pokemon to their ball almost as soon as your feet hit the ground to spare them the heat. This town wasn’t really your image of “opportunity”, but you were old friends with some railway conductors who were planning on opening a station here making it your duty to check out the situation so far to see when they’d be able to start running. For now though, you needed a drink, and you nearly bee lined your way to the local saloon, joltiks crawling along the wooden framing and scattering as you approached. One of the twin conductors had a fondness for the little bug Pokemon, you were sure he would appreciate their local population. Walking in, you saw a few faces turn to take you in, the new stranger in town who just so happened to step on the creakiest plank in the floorboards. Immediately your face went flush with embarrassment but you shook it off as you hurried forward to the bar. A man with a white mask and pale green hair working through the drinks for the clientele. “What can I get for ya traveler?” the man asked and you took a moment to think before answering. “Just water, got to get to work now that I’m here.” you replied, to which he nodded, walking away and returning soon with a glass he placed in front of you. “You part of the rail way workers?” he asked and you shrugged. “Somewhat, just need to handle the bureaucracy mostly. Heard the rails were just about done and I just need to do a few checkups.” “You seem too soft to be out this far all by yourself though.” a new voice said, causing you to turn around to see a handsome face framed with pretty blonde hair, “Volo, Sheriff Volo, nice to meet you.” His comment annoyed you, but you’d needed to grow pretty thick skin traveling in the wildernesses  and meeting all sorts of shady folks in the form of the Galaxy Crew and other similar Pokemon poachers and traffickers. “I can handle myself, my team is more than capable.” “A Pokemon wrangler huh? You didn’t seem the type. If you’re up for it I’d love to duel you, to welcome you to the town and all.” Volo suggested, holding up a drink in suggestion, “Winner buys drinks?” You sighed, perhaps this would at least make it clear you were tougher than you looked to any bandits or criminals out here. Or scam artists, “Fine. I can give you a duel.”
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shiranui7 · 5 months
When you are a bard and play for your friends:
Karlach and Wyll: cheering and throwing gold
All the other companions: I don't give a fuck
When I played at the goblin camp, they appreciated and told me that I was better than Volo. Good taste.
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