pi-slices · 15 days
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loveisinthebat · 5 months
Confused about Capture
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parakavka · 8 months
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(6) siroro on X: "レアなタレ耳ニコちゃん https://t.co/OlHt48Ueqc" / X
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scp-5385 · 1 month
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Faye and Able
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kuukikyu-art · 7 months
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gbee-writes · 6 months
The flickering florescents cast starkly across his barren cell, falling on a mat placed on the floor as a bed: the only thing in there with him. Villain spent most days pacing the perimeter or tapping song beats on the floor to cut through the agonizing silence.
On the worse days he would throw himself against the brick. He would slam his fists against the walls while screaming his rage to no one in particular.
Time was nothing to him anymore. Was one meal breakfast or dinner? Did Villain sleep during the day or night?
The only thing he knew for certain was that she visited once a week, which meant that when the familiar buzz sounded and his door clanked open it had already been seven days since he'd last had company.
It wasn't unusual for heroes to visit their main foes after arrest. Most loved the chance to gloat their victory and parade their freedom to the fallen villains. But Hero never came for that.
"Hey Villain, been good this week?" Her dulcet tone soothed the burning in his chest, the ever present ache of being trapped.
Villain's lips cracked as he smiled at her. "Hard not to be."
She returned the grin as she set down the bag she always brought. What was inside varied at every visit but today she pulled out baby wipes, which were a constant, and scissors. He tilted his head at them.
Her smile went sheepish. "Your hair is getting too knotted to brush out." He only nodded.
Truthfully his hair was simply just too long anyway. When Villain was free he would have it cut short and crisp but now the greasy locks fell past his shoulders. It hit him how much he missed the feeling of a fresh haircut.
Villain was pulled from his thoughts when something cold brushed his arm. For a moment he startled before calming. Hero was only helping clean again, just like every week, handing him a his own wipe as if what she were doing didn't mean everything to his fracturing heart.
Silence returned while they got the job done. It never felt quite good enough as a hot shower but he supposed he should be grateful to be clean at all. Villain returned the soiled baby wipes with another smile. "Thank you."
"It's the least I can do." Hero muttered, a twinge of something almost resembling regret making it's way into her voice. "Now, how about we get those knots out, okay?"
"Can you cut it all off?" Villain asked.
Hero paused for a moment before pursing her lips. "I could, but I don't think it would look very good. I've never cut hair to be honest..."
A bitter laugh forced its way up his throat like bile. It burned just the same. "What does that matter to me? I'll never see it."
"...Right..." Hero positioned herself behind him. She braced his head with one hand and...Villain closed his eyes with a sigh.
Those hands that used to bruise and batter him, the ones that slapped cuffs on his wrists, the ones he grew to crave the touch from even before being thrown in jail.
Not for the first time, he wondered if they could have been happy together. If he had been less immoral or maybe she had been just a little more so. If she had taken up his offer instead of using his heart against himself so expertly.
Each thought was punctuated with a snip of the scissors. Locks of tangled mats slipped from Villain's shoulders to the floor, tickling the bare skin on his arms.
All too soon Hero pulled her hands back. She gathered the loose hair with more cleaning wipes before picking the bag up and mumbling out a goodbye. His heart clenched as she went to open the door.
"Do you have to go already?"
Hero winced at the words. "Villain..."
"Please, just a little longer? A few minutes?"
Hero's heart twisted at the desperation in his voice. This wasn't her Villain; this was a broken man at his lowest.
This was her fault.
She turned around and settled down on his mat before gesturing him into her lap. Villain curled up so his head was nestled in her elbow. It gave her the perfect view of his eyes, once burning with a fire she hated that she shared and now dulled and bloodshot from unstable sleep.
The first time she had stepped in to thwart one of Villain's schemes Hero swore she knew the man's eyes. Those deep pits of ashy brown almost seemed to set a spark alight that she had tried so desperately to ignore.
And here Villain was, paying for that desperation.
Guilt crawled up her throat in an unbearable bid to break out. Hero barely registered the wet spots that splashed onto Villain's cheeks from above.
"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I tricked you."
A weak smile only made the guilt burn worse. Villain nuzzled into her. "It's alright. I get to spend time with you every week now and we aren't trying to beat the tar out of each other during it."
God, she was going to drown from her broken emotions. Hero couldn't swallow down the lump in her throat. "That's...a bright twist on this."
"Its true." Villain loosed a content sigh. "Do you think next week you can bring a book again? I like when you read to me."
"I-" Guilt, rage, mourning. "I can, yes." He didn't seem to notice how hard it was for her to speak.
She tried not to flinch as he nuzzled into her. It certainly wasn't the first time he'd been softer with her, even before she'd gotten him stuck in prison, but it moved her just as much as the first time.
They'd finished fighting each other late one night. Stopped by a stalemate, her powers against his brilliant tech, Villain had smiled at her with the deepest love anyone had ever held while looking at her before he brushed some hair from her sweaty forehead. His thumb had delicately slid across Hero's cheekbone as he tucked the strand behind her ear.
It had felt as though all the air had left her lungs that first time. So awed she couldn't help but let it all go. Now it simply felt trapped like she were being strangled.
When Villain had offered to take her away, to move them both somewhere new and start a better life together, she had wanted to leap at the chance.
She had chosen the agency over it.
Hero bit back bile. There was pressure to take him down. People spreading the idea that she kept him around because she was in love with him. Threats to the job she had spent her entire childhood training for. Desperation to quell rumors of them having a secret relationship had led her to making the biggest mistake of her life.
No. No, she wasn't the one caged like an animal. It was the worst mistake of Villain's life.
His power-hungry second in command was more than happy to make it impossible for him to take place as one of the city's most feared villains again. The agency all too happy to take his squirreled away fortune and ruin his chances of escaping from them or the country.
Hero's fists clenched so tight they were shaking. He was evil they said; a monster, a demon, but to her he was the only one who noticed how much pain she was in. How tired she was.
How lonely.
"Hero? Hero the floor." Villan's startled tone brought her to the present. He wasn't leaning on her anymore, too focused on the ice creeping out from her feet.
Hero squared her jaw. "Do you still want to run away together?" Her tone barely a whisper. Daring to hope that her mistake wasn't too big. He had been trapped for years after all.
To her relief Villain's eyes got that familiar spark in them. "It's the only thing I've wanted since I met you."
She helped him to his feet. Her powers build up almost painfully as she prepared to do the one thing she never thought she would have the courage to do.
"Then let's break you out of here."
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deers-doodles · 1 year
Colored in that one contained leshy doodle for the sole purpose of using it as my pfp for this account XD
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ethereal-themes · 11 months
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toshinoumu · 1 year
Oh yeah, if there are new readers of the “I Am…” Series (Toshinoumu AU), it’s really best viewed on Ao3 since we’ve fixed many typos since posting the chapters to Tumblr.
Read it here!
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simcardiac-arrested · 6 months
it wasnt even on a beach!!!! it was just sand somewhere!!! i found a dead critter in a kindergarten sandbox once!!! i think sand is just cursed for me
get this guy isolated from sand
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mapicc-but-everywhere · 11 months
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jigglyjamboree · 8 months
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loveisinthebat · 1 year
Captured, Contained Even
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hogteeth · 9 months
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How I contain the moss fairy when I need to clean the thumb size poops she leaves behind
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scp-5385 · 8 months
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kuukikyu-art · 9 months
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I'm not sorry for the dumb crossover, I'm cleansing my soul by drawing what I want lol
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