#*coughs*ben and claudia*coughs*
thegrimdog13 · 8 months
Creepypasta x Marble Hornets Vampire au
Yes this might just be an excuse to draw cool clothes and fangs. Don’t you dare judge me you know you want to too 🤭. Anyyyy how. If you want some headcannons just tell me. Or if you have any suggestions or just anything else let me know! Also this is mostly vampires but there will be other types of monsters and stuff.Anyhow love you all❤️
•Jeff ( you already knewwww lol)
•Liu ( hates his own kind and only eats animals cough cough interview with a vampire)
•Sally ( she is definitely like Claudia from interview with a vampire and is always hungry)
•Nurse Ann ( she totally poses as a nurse to drink people’s blood)
•Bloody Painter ( ummm I’d don’t think I need to explain)
•Nina ( because she is definitely one of those girls who falls in love with a vampire and is like turn meeeeee)
•Ticci Toby ( because)
•Eyeless Jack ( everyone is town thinks he is a vampire.poor Jack 🥺)
•Judge Angel ( I wannnt herrrr to be the town or city judge but back then they were so sexist… So instead I think the real judge would get advice from her without telling anyone. She would be like the cleaning lady and like be behind the stand tell him what to do lol)
•Puppeteer ( you can’t tell me he wouldn’t do puppet shows for people on the streets for money and for his own enjoyment)
•Jason the toy maker ( a toymaker 😱)
Vampire Hunters:
Edit: I know that Marble Hornets characters are not Creepypasta’s I have known that for years. I just add them together in my au’s and it’s not like I do fannon Masky or some shit. So please refrain from comments and do your research and take effort before you act on feelings. Because I have gladly watched Marble Hornets multiple times. ( this is not meant in a mean way I just curse a lot lol)
Other monsters:
•Slender- ancient demon
Okay so I’m not sure what to do for LJ or Candypop
Maybe Candypop could be like the local candy maker and LJ like the local clown buuttt Idk.
You can give me some suggestions on characters that should be added if you want! Also I’d you think I should change something. But I’m pretty alright with what I have. If you want more just tell me! Love you all again ❤️ Also is this because I like vampires and I just watched sleep hollow so I wanna draw 18th century clothes yesss maybe…….
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nalyra-dreaming · 9 months
What do you think is more likely, armand having lestat’s portrait up in the theatre for over a century or armand dusting off the portrait he’d kept someplace else and moving it into full view when he knew Louis was going to come visit? Because both has mad implications
Ahhhhh nonny, I had to laugh out so loud at this!!!
Yesssss. Implications.
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I... I am actually not sure. I think there might be a little shrine there, at the theater, with all the stuff Lestat left behind... and the coat Armand (maybe?) went to collect after Lestat had been abducted?! The posters advertising Lestat... Makeup, wigs... 😈
But either way... it surely is not a coincidence that Armand leads them where Lestat's portait is. I don't put it past him to have hung it there deliberately, or, maybe to have removed Nicolas'? Canonically he took interest to Louis because of Lestat... and of course he would want to see Louis' (and Claudia's) reaction to it.
I personally would think he had that portrait in his rooms at the tower (or wherever he is at in the show), probably brooding over it for... a while. *coughs* His obsession with Lestat is a lasting one after all, and... I think he would want that to himself, especially since the coven would already know.
I mean, even though not many of the old coven survive the initial change... these things do get passed down as gossip, don't they *laughs* (especially with mind readers^^). I think they all knew.
I'm actually quite interested to see how the show will enhance Santiago (because I'm sure they will) - what is his personal connection, what is his incentive... It would be pretty weak imho if they would stay with the "buffoon" (insult) - Ben Daniel's has much more gravity than that I think 😈
So yeah... my gut feeling is that Armand went and hung it there for them to see.
The whole scene at the theater, all the meetings with Louis, all the talks... are performances after all, for them.
And hanging the portrait - is setting the stage.
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stardustinthesky · 3 years
rewatching farscape for the bazillionth time while reading cam x vala fic at the same time might not have been the best of ideas now i’m twice as messed up as usual
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calcetineys · 4 years
An expansion of the steo twilight au:
-Okay, so let’s change the feeding thing to more like Buffy, which in comparison to Twilight is like, hella chill. Like “Sometimes I eat rats. Sometimes I drink from blood bags. Sometimes I kill people. Sometimes I just stop by the local butcher. He must think I make a lot of blood pudding if he hasn’t figured it out yet.”
-but that’s pretty much all I’m taking from Buffy
-So then, the vamps living among humans isn’t so much a moral decision so much as it is one of convenience? Cause like, this is Theo. And whoever Theo could stand to be in a family with.  Morality? Who she?
-Speaking of, Malia and Lydia, and Boyd and Erica as his siblings, as a vague, not-actually equivalent to Alice and Jasper (love me some Stalia friendship okay) and Rosalie and Emmett (Erica is Emmett, let her have some fun).  These don’t really line up characterization wise, but that’s how it’s gonna go.
-Scott as Angela, Isaac as Ben (this doesn’t really have an impact on anything, I just love Angela and Ben)
-No one as Mike, because Mike is to Edward as a very, very dead person is to Theo
-Sebastian and Marcel as the ‘parental’ unit, ‘cause that would be hella funny
-Abridged angsty backstory: Claudia still got sick when Stiles was a kid, but his maternal grandparents got custody of him because they didn’t want their grandson being raised by a drunkard, which the Sheriff was. Eventually they get too old to care for him, or he puts his foot down and wants to go live with his father or something like that.
-Theo’s not a mind reader; he’s just staring at Stiles that first day in the cafeteria because he’s a lad who knows what he wants
-Stiles still smells hella good to him though. It’d be an exaggeration to say that it was just his cute ass that saved him in Bio, but like.
-He’s hella suspicious of Theo just sitting there like a weirdo, wondering what his game is, because it’s a bit of a 180 turn from the come-hither eyes he was making at him from the other side of the café
-That 180 turns right back around real fast though, because Theo puts the moves on real quick, which expedites Stiles’ realization and it’s second or third conversation that Stiles is thinking, “Alright so vampire are a thing in this town.”
-Theo laughs when he tells him, because he’s already in love with this boy’s mind, and of course he figured it out
-The cafeteria scenes! Just imagine Theo staring at Stiles, not at all trying to hide how smitten, how fascinated he is. Stiles may pretend he’s put out at all the questions Theo’s asking him, but he’s living at the way Theo’s acting like he’s the only other person in the room
-Erica and Malia in the background going ‘Just get to it already’
-So whereas Edward fell in love with Bella because she was good, um, Theo falls in love with Stiles because he’s, like, not.
-So this is Theo, and he’s not a self-loathing martyr like Edward, doesn’t hate what he is, and can see what he has to offer , so he’s completely on board once Stiles starts to return his feelings
-He is careful though, because he’s nothing if not protective of Stiles
-Speaking of- those creeps in Port Angeles: dead. Like hella dead. Like no struggle to not leave them dead.
-They dead.
-So the physical affection is different than in the book, in that, it exists. Also, Stiles figures out that Theo’s being a creep and sneaking into his room at night, and for some reason that isn’t a deal breaker, the weirdoes.
- It would go slow in the beginning, but deliberate, and eventually they’re sleeping (well Stiles is) next to each other every night, and because vampires are chilly, Stiles is wrapped up in a blanket cocoon and in the beginning he’d wake up confused and irritated and Theo found that very endearing.
-At some point Theo’s like, “Yeah, if we have sex, I’m gonna break you, one way or another.” Okay he probably doesn’t say it like that, but that’s the gist.
-But they’re just so fucking obsessed with each other, and they’re both some thots and they think of ways around it
-They keep their hands to themselves in the beginning only in the most technical sense of the phrase cough cough they watch each other masturb-
-Anyway, the decision to turn Stiles is like, so undramatic, it’s ridiculous
-He’s fine being a human, Theo’s fine with him being a human, aside from the being really breakable part, but like, Theo’s not gonna lose him to old age and Stiles doesn’t want him to (he also wants that dic-)
-The fam is for it
- The only reason they decide to wait until graduation (let’s just have this start in their senior year) is that Stiles just got his dad back and he wants more time before things get complicated
-Speaking of- forget the Volturi, they aren’t a thing here. So Stiles is gonna tell his dad, because everything’s pretty low grade weird, but not dangerous, and he wants a relationship with him
-The Sheriff does not take it well, but he’ll come around eventually
-There’s one night where Stiles is eyeing Theo and says, “So if I went down on you, you’d probably end up breaking my neck, right?”
-And Theo goes, “Yeah.” Because he’s thought a lot about that
And Stiles says, “I mean, you could just turn me right after, right?” because he’s a dumbass and a thot
-Theo’s not that much of a dumbass though, so they don’t do that
-At some point when Theo’s control is better, though, there is some biting, because you know they’re into that
-So graduation comes and goes, and the whole turning thing is pretty anticlimactic. Stiles spends the day before with his father, Marcel sedates him, which won’t last the entire time, but is a bit of help. Right before, Theo kisses him, soft and short and Stiles finds that any doubts he had are gone.
- Theo stays with him, which is the most painful thing he’s ever done, watching Stiles as the sedation wears off, watching him in the pain that Theo remembers all too well, knowing there isn’t anything he can do but ride it out.
-He know logically that Stiles looks a little different by the end of it, but he still looks as beautiful as he always did, and peaceful now, for which Theo is eternally grateful.
-He has some blood waiting, and tells the others to get lost, because he figures Stiles is going to want to feed and then he’s going to want to have sex
-The order is reversed, but really, he shouldn’t be surprised
-And then they lived happily ever after
-There’s also a running joke that Stiles sold his soul for Theo’s dick, and he can’t actually argue
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pacificwanderer · 6 years
I'm a huge fan of the original and new Star Wars trilogy and I saw that there are even Star Wars books (I know, I'm always late to the party). But where sould I start, because there are tons of books available so I've seen?! I also love your blog a lot. I'm a Reylo shipper myself. :)
Hello there!
Thanks so much
As for books, it honestly depends on what you’re looking for. If you want to start with the new canon material, Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath series kind of kicked off the new canon (as far as books go). 
BUT PERSONALLY. I am partial to Claudia Gray’s Lost Stars. It’s YA Romance and deals with two characters that are on opposite sides of the rising conflict in the galaxy and spans from when they’re kids to when they’re adults. I love both Thane and Ciena to death and their romance is fantastic and really went a long way to reassure me that they absolutely were fine with star-crossed, opposite sides of the conflict romances in the new canon.
I’m also a huge fan of Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn books (all of them, the old EU and the new), but Thrawn and Thrawn Alliances are both great books that introduce some really interesting characters and concepts (and I think they will end up being tied in with the ST movies, considering the planet Batuu features heavily in Alliances and is being recreated for the Disney Parks). I am just in love with Thrawn (in these books and as he’s portrayed in Rebels), so I’m super biased, BUT! Alliances also feature Anakin and Padme, which was just great to read (also, Padme is getting her own book next year-Queen’s Shadow).
OH SHIT. I also forgot about Dark Disciple by Christine Golden and it features my fav Asajj Ventress and her relationship with the Jedi Quinlan Vos. It’s great and another dark sider/light sider romance *COUGH*
Bloodlines is also fantastic and has a lot of valuable insight into Leia’s character and what she’s up against in the Senate (and how she’s perceived therewithin). Not a lot about Ben, but there are some glimpses. Also, Leia is a badass (there’s one scene in particular where she is definitely channeling her father).
If you get this far, I also really enjoyed the audiobook of Last Shot by Daniel José Older. The readings are great (and Older’s voice is woooonderful when he does the readings). Great anecdotes from Han and Lando and some Baby Ben Solo! 
Not sure if you’re into comics, but the Doctor Aphra series is great, as is what they’re doing with Darth Vader and Poe Dameron, but they’re a bit harder to get started with (though you could always do a comic subscription online).
There are also a bunch of new canon novels coming up in the next little while, including another from Claudia Gray, Master & Apprentice (I AM SO EXCITED! OBI-WAN AND QUI-GON JIN!). 
So basically, it’s a great time to be a Star Wars fan. As far as the old EU, people are definitely going to base their recommendations around the healthy dose of nostalgia that they elicit, but I also love the Thrawn Trilogy (also by Timothy Zahn), so my bias is showing.
There are LOTS more books, but what I have a tendency to do is pick out the genre and characters that I want to know more about and go from there and it hasn’t led me astray yet (usually just leads me into more books lol).
Not sure if this is helpful or more confusing lol, but I am generally interested either in romance or specific characters that I enjoy (or both). 
Cheers! Thanks so much for the chat!
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