Sweden saying they'll vote against allowing the use of Catalan, Basque and Galician in the European Union Parliament because "there's lots of minority languages and we can't allow them all" is so funny because CATALAN HAS MORE SPEAKERS THAN SWEDISH
Catalan is the 13th most spoken language in the EU. It has more than 10 million speakers, which means it has more speakers than other languages that are already official EU languages like Maltese (530,000), Estonian (1.2 million), Latvian (1.5 million), Irish (1.6 million), Slovene (2.5 million), Lithuanian (3 million), Slovak (5 million), Finnish (5.8 million), Danish (6 million), Swedish (10 million), and Bulgarian (10 million).
Neither Galician (3 million) nor Basque (750,000) would still be the least spoken languages to be allowed in the EU representative bodies.
But even if any of them did, so what? Why do speakers of smaller languages deserve less rights than those of bigger languages? How are we supposed to feel represented by the EU Parliament when our representatives aren't even allowed to speak our language, but the dominant groups can speak theirs?
It all comes down to the hatred of language/cultural diversity and the belief that it's an inconvenience, that only the languages of independent countries have any kind of value while the rest should be killed off. After all, isn't that what Sweden has been trying to do to the indigenous Sami people for centuries?
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yvanspijk · 19 days
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Sí, oui, òc!
Italian sì, Spanish sí, Portuguese sim and many more Romance words for 'yes' come from Latin sīc, which meant 'so; thus; like that'. In Popular Latin it got an extra meaning: 'yes', born out of the sense 'like that', i.e. 'like you said'.
French oui has a completely different origin. It comes from Old French oïl, a univerbation of o il, literally 'yes, it (is/does/has etc.)'.
O stemmed from Latin hoc (this), which became òc (yes) in Occitan, a group of languages whose name was derived from this very word.
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illustratus · 5 months
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Leonor Telles before the corpse of Count Andeiro by Alfredo Roque Gameiro
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In Cádiz (Andalusia), Carnival festivities are a very popular cultural event every year because, besides costumes and dressing up, lots of people compete at the championships of chirigotas, cultural associations that play and sing, very often, songs with social and political messages.
This is the kids chirigota "Las hijas de Neptuno" [Neptune's duaghters], singing about our languages. A simple message that this future generation seems to get but that it's still controversial in Spain. Eskerrik asko to these little singers for the extra effort they made to learn their verses in our language!!
Vivo en un planeta que habla las lenguas de nuestras abuelas I live in a planet that speaks our grandmas' languages lenguas ancestrales, lenguas diferentes con su identidad ancestral languages, different languages with their own identity que son un tesoro súper importante me han dicho en la escuela I've been told at school that they're a super important treasure y que nadie tiene derecho a imponer su manera de hablar and that nobody has the right to impose their way of speaking borrando el mensaje de la libertad. erasing the message of freedom. Euskal Herrian, Euskal Herrian kantu hau entzuten da In Euskal Herria, in Euskal herria this song is heard en galego sa una mariñeira cantiga in a healthy Galician, a sailors' song i las paraules que en català parlen de llibertat i de amor i de vida and the words that in Catalan speak of freedom, and of love, and of life lenguas de muchas generaciones languages of many generations que en mi planeta la gente se entiende si sabe escuchar los corazones, los corazones, los corazones. 'cause in my planet people understand each other if they can listen to their hearts, their hearts, their hearts.
[Please excuse my understanding and ortography in Galego or Català, any correction is appreciated and welcome!!]
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manoelt-finisterrae · 2 years
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lanza de cristal
trouxándoche ao lonxe solpor e alborada ti de sombras Infinito pantasma de ir chaira dos soños de mar eu ese eu de ser eu  eu que non che serve máis que a ti espello de todos os enganos mil lapas de esporas sen xinete infinita copia do abecedario dos dedos
© Manoel T, 2023
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factoidfactory · 8 months
Random Fact #6,552
How different Romance languages say ninety eight when translated back to English:
Portuguese: Ninety and eight
Galician: Ninety and eight
Romanian: Ninety and eight
Spanish/Castilian: Ninety and eight
Catalan: Ninety-eight
Corsican: Ninety eight
Italian: Ninetyeight
French: Forty-twenty-ten-eight
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stacymalibuu · 7 months
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Workout and Galician food 🤌🏼😆 in the morning I am a person but in the night my healthy person leaves my body; 🥲🥲🥲 because today is the women day! 💙😻
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wizardpigeon · 1 year
i was watching tubbos qsmp vod and he went into his language settings and as he passed the G's i saw they had galician as a translation option im going to start fucking sobbing
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go-learn-esperanto · 7 months
I'm sharing a petition to have Galician words being accepted in the EU.
Galician is already spoken in the European parliament through the Portuguese interpreters, however the Galician politicians try to use the Portuguese from Portugal dialect since it's the one accepted. This petition exists so that even though they're still considered the same language as Portuguese they get to have their language variety recognised, similar to German from Germany and German from Austria.
This is the English version. Here's the Galician-portuguese version, that has more information and a Q&A.
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round 3 - week 7 - 1 of 4
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brought to you by: minette
kissa (finnish) vs gatiño (galician)
info and propawganda under the cut!
kissa /ˈkisːɑ/
it is very cute. very cute!
I want to give every kissa a kiss on the forehead :)
It sounds very nice, and kind of friendly, in a way.
Because a common mis-spelling of kissa is kisa, which means competition and this is a competition and kissa should win
It sounds like kiss, and I love giving kittens kisses
it sounds like both "hiss" and "kiss" and cats hiss and i want to give them a little kiss on the head. plus finnish is a fun language and people don't know that much about it
gatiño /gaˈtiɲo̝/
it means little cat but in a cute/endearing way
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deermissy · 7 months
I lost my previous account, so let's start again 😭, Hi im Missy a small Galician artist who likes to draw Oc, masked men and transformers content, i also do little silly videos and im studying animation. This Oc is called Oswald, a Italian Capricorn guy who is part of the Zodiac's, a mafia group in my Oc world, they rule Trinity city.
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faggotfungus · 7 months
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A traditional Galician wedding dance taking place in Galicnik, North Macedonia.
Shot by Tcerepna on 15 July 2007
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yvanspijk · 1 month
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Aceto & aceite
The Italian word aceto, meaning 'vinegar', looks a lot like Spanish aceite, but that word means 'oil'. Why are their meanings to different? That's because etymologically, these words are entirely unrelated. Aceto comes from Latin acētum, while aceite comes from Arabic az-zayt, literally 'the oil'. The infographic shows how it went.
The graphic also covers the borrowing of acētum into Germanic, where it became for example German Essig and Dutch edik, eek. These Dutch words are dated in the standard language, but their cognates are still very much alive in a number of regional languages, such as Limburgish and Brabantian.
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illustratus · 2 years
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The Coronation of Inês de Castro (details) by Gillot Saint-Evre
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Some music for this Sunday, and I think it can't get much better than this Basque-Galician connection!!
Basque trikittilari [Basque accordion player] and singer Josune Arikistain meets Galician songwriter, singer, and pandeireteira [tambourine player] Antía Muño in this incredible song titled Milaka lore, Thousands of flowers.
Agora comenso eu o meu atrevimento Now I start my audacity
o que me queira escoitar que poña o oido no meu peto (x2) whoever wants to listen to me, may they put their ear on my chest.
Plazak gureak dira beraz zabaldu begiak Town squares are ours so open your eyes
batu ditugu herriak, muiñeira, trikittia,(x2) we've united peoples, the muiñeira [traditional Galician song], and the trikittia [Basque accordion]
Errepika: Ai lere le le aa, milaka lore Ai lere le le aa, thousands of flowers
Ai lere le le aa, zuei ohore Ai lere le le aa, in y'all's honor
Ai lere le le aa, craveis e rosas Ai lere le le aa, carnations and roses
Ai lere le le aa, pra a nosa loita Ai lere le leaa, for our fight
Fechamos unha soa luz que emerxe dende as entrañas We keep an only light that is born from the guts
sexamos sangue doce que alimente a esperanza. let's be the sweet blood that feeds hope.
Ero ta beste nunti ez gera gutxi* We the crazy and other alike aren't few
gure garaia da eta hortak erakutsi. This is our time and it shows.
Any correction regarding Galician is very welcome and appreciated, I swear I did my best!
*not sure about this verse either, it doesn't make sense but I can't fully understand what she says there.
*edit: eskerrik asko @sureaboutnoth for the corrections in Galician, moitas grazas!!
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manoelt-finisterrae · 2 years
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po e curva
ela e el sen deuses e ao fondo cima e peito do alá sol e saber recinto velado        misterio da pregunta mortalidade onde todo está
segredo sen alma ollada que raiola desencanto fatídico e inquieto onde coñecernos no manto de sempre
© Manoel T, 2023
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