#*maria harper
akitasimblr · 2 hours
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1 - 2 (maria) it's bad, but it will get better... 3 (rosamund) i'm the singer you're looking for || (unknown) i don't think so, miss... 4 (rosamund) huh! don't come begging when i'm famous
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uc1wa · 10 months
Xi it is 11:28 P.M. on a Friday night and I’m staring at a wall, thinking of college bf!Roy Harper being an absolute degenerate. Just thought you’d understand 😵‍💫
oh maria maria 1. same time zone baddies 2. dear god
tags: dubcon, alcohol, the worst boyfriend ever!roy harper
sleazy boyfriend roy harper is the worst!
if that’s what you could call him. he asked you out after he’d gotten you so drunk, when he called you his girlfriend the following day, you were overly confused.
but at least he asked you on dates! y’know… dates that happened at 11pm on a friday night at his frat house. dates where dinner wasn’t involved, but he still paid for you! i mean, he paid the guy at the liquor store for all the vodka and tequila that he poured you. allowing you to drink your weight in liquor, isn’t he so considerate? not all guys will do that for their girlfriends, you should be grateful.
plus, it’s not like he’s leaving your side… well, unless beer pong is involved. baby, you don’t get it, he doesn’t have to buy liquor for the next party if he wins. does that mean he’ll take you to dinner on your next date? c’mon, baby, now you’re asking too much.
once he sees your eyes become half lidded and your legs start to buckle under your weight, he’ll happily carry you up to his bed. but, c’mon! don’t blame him if he wants a taste of you. just close your eyes and go to sleep baby, it’s your boyfriend. you know he won’t do any wrong!
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venusimleder · 10 months
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Harper’s Bazaar US, March 2010.
Ph. Jason Schmidt
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luminouslumity · 2 years
I'm never gonna get tired of these types of videos!
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witchofthemidlands · 10 months
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My love for Doctor Who & the Whoniverse, the impact it has had on me & how it has shaped me as a person- An Unhinged Essay by witchofthemidlands
I can definitely say in all honesty that Doctor Who has changed my life, it is my favourite television series of all time. There’s nothing quite like Doctor Who & it's spin offs & there’s not enough words in any language to describe just how much I love this show. It has had such an impact on me. Both of my parents are Whovians, my dad has seen it since Patrick Troughton & my mum started watching it when Jon Pertwee was the Doctor, we have Doctor Who coasters & for a long time, my dad even had a framed card collection of the Doctors 1-8 & aliens just around the downstairs bathroom (imagine going to the bathroom & having pictures of all eight Doctors, Davros, a Dalek, The Master, a Cybermen, an Ice Warrior & more staring down upon you 😂)
Through my love for Doctor Who, I have met two of my best friends in the world, my friend from college & my fantastic housemate from uni. It birthed this channel when I became hyper-fixated on series 10, It has helped me through depression, anxiety & has taught me to accept myself. It has also shown me so many beautiful places, I’ve been to three Doctor Who exhibitions, walked down to Durdle Door & I’ve been to Cardiff five times. I was in Cardiff last weekend & saw the place they filmed scenes from Eye of the Gorgon for the first time & it was BEAUTIFUL 🤩 I am so grateful for the existence of Doctor Who, I would not be the same person without it. I’d like to now share a couple of anecdotes from my personal life about the way in which I came to discover this fantastic show.
My first exposure to Doctor Who, was not in fact, to Doctor Who itself. The year was 2007, I was seven years old & I was just at home, after school, watching CBBC when a beautiful program called The Sarah Jane Adventures started to play. It was the episode Warriors of Kudlak & was it the incredible & wonderful Sarah Jane Smith? The fantastic & lovely Maria Jackson, the brilliant & hilarious Clyde Langer? The socially awkward Luke Smith? I’m not sure what it was about this show that made me become instantly attached but I did & from that day on I watched series one of The Sarah Jane Adventures RELIGIOUSLY. I watched it over & over again. Sarah Jane Smith was my hero & I loved her so much, she was clever, fun, looked amazing & I can just remember thinking she was so cool, I just really loved that character, I still do even now, I will always love Sarah Jane. I watched series one of that show until my parents, got sick of seeing it & decided that it was time that I started watching the show that started it all, Doctor Who.
The exact date I started watching Doctor Who was the 5th of April 2008. I was eight years old & my parents had decided that I would be watching the new season of Doctor Who with them. I did not know what to expect, I was used to Sarah Jane. I’d heard of this Doctor of course but I had no idea what I was in store for but all I can say was that eight year old me's mind was BLOWN & I’ve never looked back. I’ve watched Doctor Who ever since. I saw my first Doctor, the Tenth Doctor played by David Tennant & my first companion, Donna Noble played by Catherine Tate & I just loved them. Their energy, their humour, they were fantastic. The scene where they find each other again at the window is just brilliant. There was so much in that episode, every time I rewatch it I keep thinking to myself, no wonder I became the Whovian i am today after witnessing that masterpiece & IT ONLY GOT BETTER FROM THERE!
Of course, I do have to take a moment to talk about my favourite scene in Partners in Crime which is where Wilfred Mott waves Donna & The Doctor off at the end of the episode. Wilfred Mott reminds me of my own grandad in the way he was so kind, how he supported his granddaughter & was just a really beautiful soul. That moment where Wilfred is cheering is so euphoric, it is pure happiness & is what made me fall in love with Doctor Who. It is one of my favourite moments in the entire Whoniverse.
I would have to say that my favourite scene in the Whoniverse of all time is in my favourite episodes of Doctor Who, The Stolen Earth & Journey's End. Nothing has ever quite captured the joy of Doctor Who for me like that scene where The Doctor, Donna Noble, Metacrisis Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Captain Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Sarah Jane Smith, Martha Jones & Jackie Tyler (well, not really 😂) are flying the Tardis, bringing the Earth home, Song of Freedom is playing & on Earth Luke Smith is holding onto K9 & cheering, Gwen Cooper & Ianto Jones are holding on for dear life, Wilfred Mott & Sylvia Noble are watching their house shake & Francine Jones, smartest of them all, has got under the table. & then in the most beautiful, happy moment, everyone on the Tardis is embracing at the end of it. Nothing will ever quite match the joy I felt watching that for the first time & the emotions it makes me feel now.
I got my first exposure to Classic Who when I was nine years old & it had been announced that David Tennant would be stepping down as the Tenth Doctor & Matt Smith would be taking his place. Now, I’d seen the transition between Nine & Ten, I knew other people had played the Doctor & I loved Christopher Ecclestone as the Doctor but I just remember being very negative about the Tenth Doctor regenerating & I went through a phase where I didn’t want to watch Doctor Who & went back to just exclusively watching The Sarah Jane Adventures, of course now, I welcome new regenerations, I’m so excited to see what Ncuti Gatwa brings to the table because I loved him as Eric Effiong but back when I was a kid, regeneration was just not something I was keen on at all.
Now my nana had watched it since William Hartnell was the Doctor, my dad had watched the Doctor since he was Two & my mum, since he was Three so they were determined to show me that other versions of the Doctor have been fantastic in the past & they decided on this random Saturday night that I should be exposed to Doctor Who The Movie.
I loved that film, I really did. I haven’t seen it in a long time & I always think that I must have dreamt up some elements of the plot but NO, the plot of that film is something else, it really is. It’s camp, it’s funny, it has the best Tardis interior ever, it’s absolutely balls to the wall unhinged but IT HAS HEART, Paul McGann is THE Doctor & the fact he didn’t get a season after this I don’t know because he was brilliant. Honestly The Night of the Doctor changed me fundamentally as a person when that aired. If the rumours are true about the Eight Doctor coming back for a show, I am going to be the most annoying person on this site. I am going to lose my mind.
Now I genuinely think the reason I have such love for the Seventh Doctor is because my first real impression of this Doctor & Classic Who was Seven getting shot by a gang outside his Tardis 😭 which is I think why in my teens when I went into my local HMV the first Classic Who DVD's I picked up were Third & Seventh Doctor era serials. The Seventh Doctor is a brilliant, Machiavellian scheming little gremlin & I love him more than anything & I just fell in love with Classic Who, I really did because I’d seen the Third Doctor appear in a flashback in The Sarah Jane Adventures, he was also my mum’s first Doctor & I knew I had to see a full episode of his & he was a wonderful, the first time I saw a serial of his properly, he reminded me of Twelve.
Another story I would like to share is a Doctor Who related moment that brought me & my uni housemate to our knees at 2 O’clock in the morning on 27th of January 2020 when I was twenty year old.
I was just getting ready for bed, casually scrolling through tumblr when I saw a post. Now, I will admit I’d sort of taken a short break from Doctor Who in its 12th season after Spyfall because I was busy with uni so I wasn’t exactly up to date but Fugitive of the Judoon had just aired & I was reading that apparently one of my favourite Doctor Who characters of all time, Captain Jack Harkness had returned to the show now this is the first lgbtq+ character both me & my uni housemate had ever seen on tv, Captain Jack Harkness & Torchwood helped both me & my housemate accept our identities & taught us to not be afraid of who we are & that there’s nothing wrong with us. Captain Jack Harkness & Torchwood were the first positive representation we’d been given in our youth. I knew my friend was doing the bins at the time so I just opened the window & screamed down to him CAPTAIN JACK'S BACK ON DOCTOR WHO!
Both me & my uni friend are still apologising to our other housemate to this day for what conspired next. My friend dropped the bags, ran back inside the house & got the episode going. We recruited another friend of his that loved Doctor Who & the three of us sat & watched Fugitive of the Judoon together & oh my god when Captain Jack showed up, the three of us at half past two in the morning were screaming like it was a sports match, we were cheering, throwing things around the living room, hugging & all in all, losing our minds. Yes, we did wake up our non-Whovian housemate who was not happy but it is a core memory for me & really showed to me just how Doctor Who had brought me & my friends together.
On another note, I will always be so grateful to Torchwood because of that, no it wasn’t perfect & no neither was Doctor Who in terms of representation but it mattered to me, it mattered to my friend, it was important for us to see Captain Jack Harkness kiss a man (alien) on our screens when we were growing up, for Ianto Jones & Captain Jack Harkness's relationship to exist, for me to see Gwen Cooper kiss a alien presenting as a woman & to also see Toshiko Sato also kiss an alien presenting as a woman.
When it comes to favourite Whoniverse characters, I love every Doctor there is no version of the Doctor that I don’t love. I’d have to say that the Tenth Doctor is my favourite version of the Doctor & that Donna Noble is my favourite companion because of their significance to me but all in all if I had to choose, I’d say my favourite Doctor is The Ninth & the Tenth, the transitions between the two are so seamless. The fantastic Christopher Ecclestone & brilliant David Tennant will always be my favourite versions of the Doctor. The same way that Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, Billie Piper as Rose Tyler & Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones are my favourite companions. I have a definite soft spot for Rose Tyler because she was my nana's favourite as well, Martha Jones because she’s so brave, clever & beautiful and of course, Donna Noble because she is brilliant.
I have to mention the spin offs because it’s The Sarah Jane Adventures that began my adventures as a Whovian, other than Sarah Jane Smith herself my favourite character was always Maria Jackson. That girl meant the world to me when I was seven, I loved her, oh I loved her so much she was fantastic, kind, clever, amazing & I was DEVASTATED when she & her brilliant dad, the best tv dad to tv dad ever, Mr. Alan Jackson, went to America at the start of series 2. I’ve always liked to imagine that Maria turned out to be a lesbian like I did because I, very much like Maria was also ✨attached✨ to Sarah Jane Smith.
Clyde Langer, Clyde Langer is getting his own paragraph because of how much he means to me. I think I’d had to say that Clyde is my favourite over all because apart from Invasion of the Bane, Clyde was there from the start to the end of The Sarah Jane Adventures & I loved him, he was the funniest character around the stuff he came out with was comedy gold, he was resourceful, sweet & one of the most incredible characters in the entire Whoniverse. He may be my favourite male character in the entirety of the Whoniverse.
Seeing Daniel Anthony as Clyde Langer again in Tales of the Tardis has made the 60th for me, out of everything we’ve been given for the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who, David Tennant & Catherine Tate, new Murray Gold music & RTD back as showrunner, everything I’ve ever wanted & more and yet none of that means as much to me as seeing Clyde Langer again did.
Talking of Whoniverse spin off characters that have my heart in a choke hold I have to talk about my favourite CLASS character. I have to talk to you all about Ram Singh, my SON, my lad who can do no wrong. The sweet boy who loved his girlfriend so much, who suffered more tragedies & pain than any other character in the entire Whoniverse other than the Doctor did in only eight episodes. My guy lost his leg, watched his girlfriend get butchered in front of him, watched another woman get torn apart by an alien in front of him, watched his loving, wonderful dad (who was also one of the tv dads of all time) get killed by an alien & then had to watch his friend kill his new girlfriend who had just professed her love to him. I just love him, I really do, he started off rather mean but he grew as a person over the course of the series.
Now I love EVERYONE in the Torchwood Three team equally, they are fantastic characters who mean the world to me but there’s always that one character who just has something about them that makes me love them the most & that character is Dr. Owen Harper.
I mean this when I say this with my whole chest that Burn Gorman is one of the best actors in the Whoniverse. I mean, I came to Torchwood when I was fourteen for Captain Jack Harkness because I loved him so much & I was so happy to FINALLY get to watch his show but as it turns out, Owen Harper became my favourite character even over Jack who I love more than anything because Owen was just so good. The Dead Man Walking / A Day in the Death storyline is potentially a showcase of the best acting in the Whoniverse. Owen Harper is brilliant, he’s sarcastic, funny, morally questionable here & there, the reason I got into Big Finish, a genuinely good person who did care even if he pretended not to, whose story tore my heart out thew it into oncoming traffic & stamped on it like a herd of wildebeests to the power of mufasa dying in the lion king because oh my GOD the character that Owen Harper was but ABOVE ALL OWEN HARPER IS & ALWAYS WILL BE my favourite ratman. He’s the reason that I met one of the kindest most brilliant people on this site, my mutual, my friend who is so wonderful & WHO UNDERSTANDS the level of feral I reach for Owen Harper & the fact they scrapped his action figure is both of our villain origin stories. @kirstyth you are fantastic, I am so grateful that we started talking, you have shown me some incredible Owen audios & I am on my way to respond to your message now because I haven't done that & I am so sorry but I just wanted to say that I am so grateful that the Whoniverse introduced me to you.
Out of the Classics I would have to say that Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor & Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor own my heart because they were my first Classic Doctors but in this past year I have grown to love the Second Doctor so much, oh he’s just wonderful & so is his companion, Jamie McCrimmon, I mean I’ve only known of this character for a year & I was crying my eyes out during Tales of the Tardis so I can’t even imagine how my dad was feeling watching that when he’d actually seen The War Games when it aired & talking of companions, Ace, Ace McShane, my love. I was still mostly in the closet when I was sixteen & first encountered her but it is undeniable now how much I was attracted to her & I STILL AM! She’s absolutely gorgeous 😍
Of course Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith is my favourite Classic Who companion because she was my first Whoniverse character I ever saw, she was my hero when I was a young kid & quite potentially the reason why I am the deranged lesbian that I am today. I still remember that morning, I was eating breakfast & rewatching The Lost Boy for the millionth time when my mum came in & told me that Elisabeth Sladen had passed away. My mum was devastated too because Sarah Jane Smith was her first companion she ever saw, she’d grown up with her like I had & she’d meant so much to both of us. We were both crying through Clyde & Jo's segment of Tales in the Tardis when they mentioned her. I still haven’t watched Farewell, Sarah Jane Smith in full yet, one day I will.
I can’t finish this essay without thanking Doctor Who for introducing to me to a fellow TimePetals shipper because it is & will always be my favourite Whoniverse ship, the loveliest most wonderful mutual a person could ask for @sallysellsseashellssundays You are brilliant, I am so grateful that Doctor Who brought us together. I love talking to you about Doctor Who & the Whoniverse, it’s one of the highlight of my weeks seeing your messages, they really are fantastic, absolutely fantastic, they are supportive & so kind about my own writing & they are currently writing a fantastic TimePetals fan fiction which has got to be one of the best fanfics I have read in a long time, it’s a masterpiece, they are a genius & one of the greatest writers I know, the way they write the characters & craft the stories are inspired, it’s like watching actual episodes of the show.
Thank you, Doctor Who, I am so grateful that Partners in Crime was the first Doctor Who episode I ever saw & for that (and many other reasons) series 4 will always be my favourite season of Doctor Who, The Tenth Doctor & Donna Noble will always be my favourite Doctor & companion because they were the first & I can’t even begin to explain what it means to me that David Tennant & Catherine Tate are reprising their characters in THREE DAYS TIME 🤩
With all my love to The Sarah Jane Adventures, Doctor Who & Torchwood. I love you so much, thank you for making my life better.
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onionjulius · 3 months
Alright let's do this I want to talk ER but am procrastinating on episode reaction posts so polls it is.
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harpersessentials · 1 year
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maria harper - toddler lookbook
MEDIUM MID CURLY HAIR by kiarazurk 🔵 | ECO LIFESTYLE Overalls | MISSING SOCKS + SHOES by ravensim 🔵
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frozeninfilm · 5 months
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images from To Die For (1995)
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goofygooberdays · 1 year
Considering I’ve had the biggest crush on Selena Gomez since I was at least 7 it’s honestly shocking I didn’t realize I was gay until I was 21/22.
Alex Russo was definitely my gay awakening
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lamarchesacasati · 1 year
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This is a magazine shot of Georgina Chapman doing her best impression of the early 20th. century Italian heiress, Marchesa Luisa Casati.
"Marchesa's Moment" Georgina Chapman as Marchesa Luisa Casati by Peter Lindbergh for Harpers Bazaar March 2009.
Known for having eccentric taste in fashion (she often wore live snakes as jewelry and kept pet cheetahs in her many residences), she was obsessed with the prospect of death after losing so many loved ones at an early age and commissioned artists to immortalize her through works of art.
She was, at once, frightening and magnetic. A complex and dark character who was also intensely private despite being a socialite and a muse to many. And yes, the fashion line Marchesa is named after her. (x)
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artfulfashion · 2 years
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Ana Maria Mendes wearing Etro for Harper's Bazaar Spain March 2023, photographed by Pablo Sarabia
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akitasimblr · 23 days
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timeduchess · 8 months
Russell T. Davies 2005-2010 Era
What is this? Overall Marathon Post
Steven Moffat 2010-2017 Era
Chris Chibnall 2018-2022 Era
Russell T Davies 2023-Present Era
Episode List Below
DW S1:E1: Rose (First episode of new DW)
DW S1:E2: The End of the World (Relationship development; establishes more of the Doctor's backstory)
DW S1:E3: The Unquiet Dead (Establishes facts relevant to DW: Boom Town and T)
DW S1:E4-5: Aliens of London; World War Three (Introduces Harriet Jones; introduces the Slitheen; relationship development)
DW S1:E6: Dalek (Introduces Adam Mitchell and the Daleks; reveals more of the Doctor's backstory)
DW S1:E7: The Long Game (Adam Mitchell character development; establishes facts relevant to finale)
DW S1:E8: Father’s Day (Introduces Pete Tyler; major character development; Relationship development)
DW S1:E9-10: The Empty Child; The Doctor Dances (Introduces Jack Harkness)
DW S1:E11: Boom Town (Character development)
DW S1:E12-13: Bad Wolf; The Parting of Ways (Finale; major character development)
DW Children in Need 2005: Born Again Minisode
DW 2005 Christmas Special: The Christmas Invasion (First episode with [spoiler]; Establishes facts relevant to series 2 and 3 finales)
DW S2:E2: Tooth and Claw (Introduces Torchwood Institute)
DW S2:E3: School Reunion ([Re]Introduces Sarah Jane Smith; character development)
DW S2:E4: The Girl in the Fireplace (Just a great episode)
DW S2:E5-6: Rise of the Cybermen; The Age of Steel (Major character development; [spoiler] introduced)
DW S2:E9-10: The Impossible Planet; The Satan Pit (Relationship development; also great episodes)
DW S2:E13-14: Army of Ghosts; Doomsday (Finale; major character development)
DW 2006 Christmas Special: The Runaway Bride (Introduces Donna Noble)
T S1:E1: Everything Changes (First episode)
T S1:E2: Day One (Major character/relationship development)
T S1:E3 Ghost Machine (Major character development)
DW S3:E2 Smith and Jones (Introduces Martha Jones)
T S1:E5 Cyberwoman (Major character development)
DW S3:E4: Gridlock ([spoiler] development; will come up in finale; relationship development)
SJA S1:E0: Invasion of the Bane (First episode)
SJA S1:E1-2: Revenge of the Slitheen (Introduces Clyde Langer)
T S1:E5: Small Worlds (Just a great episode)
DW S3:E5-6: Daleks in Manhattan; Evolution of the Daleks (Plot development; events effect later episodes)
T S1:E6: Countrycide (A great episode; major relationship development)
T S1:E7: Greeks Bearing Gifts (Major character development)
DW S1:E7: The Lazarus Experiment (Relationship development)
T S1:E8: They Keep Killing Suzie (Major character/relationship development)
DW S3:E9-10: Human Nature; The Family of Blood (Major character development; establishes facts used in finale)
SJA S1:E5-6: Warriors of Kudlak (A great episode; minor relationship development)
T S1:E10: Out of Time (Character/relationship development)
SJA S1:E7-8: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? (Relationship development)
DW S3:E12: Blink (Just a great episode)
T S1:E11 Combat (Relationship development)
SJA S1:E9-10: The Lost Boy (Relationship development)
T S1:E12 Captain Jack Harkness (Reveals more of Jack's backstory; also a great episode)
T S1:E13 End of Days (Finale; major developments)
DW S3:E12: Utopia (Introduces [spoiler]; major character development)
DW S3:E13-14: Sound of Drums; Last of the Time Lords (Finale; major developments)
DW Minisode: Time Crash 2007
DW 2008 Christmas Special: Voyage of the Damned (Just a great episode; Introduces Wilfred Mott)
T S2:E1: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (Introduces John Hart; Major character/relationship developments)
DW S4:E1: Partners in Crime (Major character development)
DW S4:E2: Fires of Pompeii (Establishes facts used in finale)
T S2:E3: To the Last Man (A great episode; character development)
T S2:E4: Meat (Major character/relationship development)
DW S4:E3: Planet of the Ood (Major plot developments)
T S2:E5: Adam (Reveals more of Jack's backstory)
T S2:E6-7: Reset; Dead Man Walking (Major character development)
T S2:E8: A Day in Death (Major character development)
DW S4:E4-5: The Sontaran Stratagem; The Poison Sky (Establishes facts used in the finale)
DW S4:E7: The Doctor's Daughter (Character development)
T S2:E9: Something Borrowed (Major relationship development)
DW S4:E8: The Unicorn and the Wasp (Great episode)
T S2:E11: Adrift (Great episode; minor character development)
DW S4:E9-10: Silence in the Library; Forest of the Dead (Introduces River Song; great episodes)
T S2:E12: Fragments (Major backstories reveal; major plot development)
T S2:E13: Exit Wounds (Major character/relationship/plot development)
DW S4:E11: Midnight (Great episode)
DW S4:12-14: Turn Left; The Stolen Earth; Journey's End (Finale; Major character/relationship development)
SJA S2:E0-1: The Last Sontaran (Major character development)
SJA S2:E2-3: The Day of the Clown (Introduces Rani Chandra)
SJA S2:E7-8: The Mark of the Berserker (Clyde's family appears)
SJA S2:E9-10: The Temptation of Sarah Jane (Major character development; major backstory reveal)
SJA S2:E11-12: Enemy of the Bane (Plot development; Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart's only appearance in New Who)
SJA S3:E1-2: Prisoner of the Judoon (Events effect future episodes)
SJA S3:E3-4: The Madwoman in the Attic (Major character development)
SJA S3:E5-6: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith (Major plot development)
DW 2009 Special: The Waters of Mars (Major character development)
T S3:E1-5: Children of Earth (Major character/relationship development)
DW 2009 Specials: The End of Time (Major character development)
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venusimleder · 10 months
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Harper’s Bazaar US, March 2010.
Ph. Jason Schmidt
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jugheads-choni · 3 months
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In the spirit of 4th of July, here are some awesome variant covers of Archie Comics #666, a celebration of all things Archie before the Waid/Staples run began in 2015!
— Original & Variant Covers all by Dan Parent
If anyone is curious, here are all the characters on each cover:
(Archie cover): Archie Andrews, Dilton Doiley, Valerie Brown, Moose Mason, Midge Klump, Cheryl Blossom, & Vegas
(Reggie Cover): Reggie Mantle, Toni Topaz, Ginger Lopez, Chuck Clayton, & Nancy Woods
(Jughead Cover): Jughead Jones, Ethel Muggs, Wendy Weatherbee, Cricket O’Dell, Shrill Prisston, & Hot Dog
(Kevin Cover): Kevin Keller, Raj Patel, Tomoko Yoshida, Amisha Mehta, & Danny D’Angelo
(Betty Cover): Betty Cooper, Trevor Smith, Maria Rodrigeuz, Frankie Valdez, & Bridgette Reilly
(Veronica Cover): Veronica Lodge, Harper Lodge, Marcy McDermott, Vic Johnson, Sherry Thyme, & Charlie (Chunk) Charlston
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bruce-morrow · 10 months
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Evidence Stage Reading Post, 2023
Design: Rodd Vano
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