ao3commentoftheday · 2 years
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[image description: gif from the movie El Dorado where the leads look at each other and say Both? Both. Both is good, but the text has been modified to instead say Neither? Neither. Neither is good.]
because sometimes you need a reaction gif with a certain energy, but in the opposite direction
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florencewellch · 11 months
Reputation or Lover this or that. Ready for It or Cruel Summer? End Game or Paper Rings? Delicate or The Archer? LWYMMD or Me!? So It Goes... or I Think He Knows? Gorgeous or London Boy? Getaway Car or Death by a Thousand Cuts? Dancing With Our Hands Tied or Cornelia Street? Dress or False God? This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things or I Forgot that You Existed? Call It What You Want or Lover the song? New Year's Day or Daylight? Reputation or Lover?
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thatsbelievable · 30 days
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wiirocku · 3 months
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1 John 2:15-17 (KJV) - Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.
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molecoledigiorni · 6 months
- neither -
Farò finta di non avere bisogno
di tutte le parole
che non sai trovare,
farò finta che non c'è
tutta la tenerezza
che non so nascondere,
- non avere bisogno è il segreto
che non si impara mai.
Quante volte si può morire
senza che nessuno
si accorga.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 months
I wanted to get your opinion on this, who do you think is smarter: Kara or Lena? A lot of people forget how in to science Kara was on Krypton, which was way more advanced in that area than even modern earth (when Kara first suits up). And I know Lena’s a genius, but could that really beat Kara kryptonian intellect. Because I have a headcanon that Kara is smarter than most, but just never shares it with people so she doesn’t offend them etc (after seeing how much it would tick Alex off back when they were kids). But I’m still not sure how her IQ would match against Lena’s in science if she really tried. Also, side note, could you imagine Lena’s reaction to Kara knowing all kinds of advanced scientific knowledge? Part of her loving it, but the other half being slightly upset that Kara always put the pressure on her (during the world ending threats) to solve all of the science related problems.
Finally have the bandwidth to start going through my inbox, and we're starting out with an absolute banger. This is excellent.
You're right, Kara has a ton of knowledge and a Kryptonian brain, but after years of dumbing herself down, are her neural pathways still the same as what got her into the science guild?
Personally, I think she might not be hardwired for it anymore like she might have been on Krypton, but she's still wicked smart. Like, she has the knowledge, can probably recite formulas and such, but actually applying them might be more of a challenge these days.
Whereas Lena still lives and breathes it, it's her passion. It's still ingrained in her, flourishing through practice and stimulation. Where Kara has self-imposed limits, Lena is continually looking to push past any limitations placed on her by others. She continually strives, and I think that might be why she's a better science resource than Kara.
Also, Lena probably understands Earth's resources better than Kara at the moment. Like, Kara can have all the knowledge in the universe and maybe even devise a solution in an instant, but even then, if that solution requires resources Earth doesn't have access to, what good is it?
So, overall I hesitate to declare one smarter than the other. I think their brains just work differently, and they have different skillsets and knowledge bases. I think the more they work together, the more they each will learn and share their own knowledge with each other.
As always, they'd make each other better.
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nerdfins · 2 months
I find it interesting that most of the fandom (me included) keep writing the name as Knockout instead of the official Knock Out.
Will Hasbro eventually give in? Or will the fans?
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wowzoerz-blog · 5 months
New year new me baybee
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bocchi is me fr fr
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eidolons-stuff · 1 year
Enid: *speechless*
Wednesday: *silent, looking at Enid*
Ajax: *stupidly hopeful*
Thing: *waiting impatiently*
Xavier: *just there for some reason*
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phasewashere · 6 months
have we considered vandermatthews enemies to lovers though. have we considered it. because im considering it
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bitacrytic · 7 months
Professional racers in racing gear?
Freelance editors working from home in comfy clothes?
Business men in suits?
No school uniforms?????
The Thai bl fans are healing.
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gaphic · 5 months
my fellow transmascs: i know dysphoria can be a demon but try to remember that cis men also have fat, muscle, and yes, mammary tissue on their chests. you do not need to be concave to pass!!!
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wiirocku · 4 months
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John 15:4 (NKJV) - Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
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molecoledigiorni · 2 years
- neither -
Farò finta di non avere bisogno
di tutte le parole
che non sai trovare.
Farò finta che non c'è
tutta la tenerezza
che non so nascondere,
- non avere bisogno è il segreto
che non si impara mai.
Quante volte si può morire
senza che nessuno
si accorga.
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clatterbane · 7 months
Can You Be Religious AND a Skeptic? (Live with Dr. Justin Sledge)
And, on a rather different geeky note.
I just tuned in basically because I like Dr. Sledge, and if he's involved it's likely to be interesting. (ETA: And way less simplistic than the title would suggest.) Never actually heard of the other guy.
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