#*passes around the virtual hat*
apocalypticvalraven · 5 months
Dungeon Daidokoro- Delicious in Dungeon in The Kitchen #2
(Daidokoro is kitchen in Japanese)
Ok, so the last one got 90-ish notes. Close enough.
I am going to open this one with a request for tips and donations if you like my work. I'm looking at, like, $350 to get my car re-registered because of DMV bullshit that I can't really fix. I have some money, but if people could help with this, I'd be eternally grateful.
So, please, if you can, if you like my work with this, my cashapp is $ValravenApocalypse, my paypal is paypal.me/korbl, my Venmo is @ Valraven. Anything would be a big help.
Man-Eating Plant Tart
In chapter two, Team Laios ventures into the second layer of the dungeon, a large apparently open-air space full of trees and lush foliage. The first meal they eat here is a tart made of man-eating plant fruit.
Which is a difficulty here.
First, there are no man-eating plants. Obviously. Like, we're not even dealing with something like "there aren't giant scorpions (but there are large crustaceans)" or "there aren't walking mushrooms (but there are big mushrooms)." This is just... this thing doesn't exist. There are carnivorous plants, but they're rather small and, to my knowledge, don't really fruit.
There are giant (non-tree) plants, but, to my knowledge, they also don't fruit, and they tend to be in the realm of "pollinated by carrion insects, so they smell like rotten meat." So, even if that giant flower that smells like corpses has fruit, I doubt anyone would want to eat it.
But, let's start by looking at the recipe-
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So, to start with, you need some leftover "scorpion hotpot." Which is to say Lobster Portabello Soup, and some Slime Gelatin--which is maybe jellyfish, but I don't think you can really get anything like gelatin from a jellyfish (at least that you'd want to eat), so we're probably looking at agar agar (a gelatin-like substance from seaweed).
Baraselia, Mearauk, Betahn
It's difficult to really figure out similar real fruits to these. In fact, it's not even particularly clear which fruit is which in the manga. But, I did find Ingredients on the wiki, which makes it more clear-
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(minor transliteration differences aside)
Baraselia is interesting, its seeds seem similar, broadly, to a pepper's, and led me to initially think it might be basically a bell pepper-
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But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that a bell pepper's flesh wouldn't stand up to heat the way the baraselia's does
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On further thought, I think the baraselia is a bit more like a squash. Thinking about it, pumpkin seeds also cling pretty tight to the stem, but I don't think the baraselia is a pumpkin exactly.
I think a Cassabanana is probably pretty close-
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And, while I'm completely unfamiliar with this plant, I saw notes online that the unripe fruits can be cooked like a vegetable. So, I think cassabanana is probably a good candidate for "Baraselia."
I think the betan is the chopped fruit that gets mixed in. It's an interesting looking fruit, particularly in the anime-
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It has a vaguely chili-like appearance, which it could well be, but I'm also struck by the visual similarity of the inner nodes of jackfruit-
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Jackfruit is noted for it's "meaty" texture, and is used in several savory dishes. I think jackfruit is probably a very good candidate for a Betan stand-in.
Which leaves Mereoak/Mearauk-
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Honestly, they look a lot like cherries or tomatoes, and tomatoes used in savory tarts are just, like, a thing. I think you could very well use a mix of cherries and cherry tomatoes for mereoak.
"Man-Eating Plant" Fruit Tart
~7 oz Leftover "Scorpion Soup
~3 oz Agar Agar or Gelatin
~1 lb unripe Cassabanana
~10 oz jackfruit, roughly chopped
5-6 cherry tomatoes, 3-4 cherries
Salt to taste
Dash of pepper
Lightly steam the fruits and let cool until you can safely handle them. Cut open the cassabanana and remove the seeds, then the skin from the flesh. Mold the skin into a shell for your tart, outside against the plate.
Mash the cassabana flesh, and add the gelatine and soup, stir until slightly thickened. Taste, adding salt and pepper as needed. Add the chopped jackfruit and the rest of the soup, stir till well combined and pour into tart shell.
Put in oven at 400 degrees. Check for setness at 15 minutes, and give an additional 5 minutes if needed.
Remove once set, let cool slightly, serve.
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say-al0e · 2 years
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Rating: M | No one under 18! Minors, DNI!
Summary: Jake has been back at Top Gun for nearly a week. He’s finally found a moment to crack open the photo album you sent with him and has to call to express his appreciation. | Ft. “If you called me just to get off on my voice, I’m hanging up,” + “Are you trying to turn me on or are you just that oblivious?” requested by Anon.
Warnings: Phone/virtual sex, Jake is a simp (firmly believe he would be after a long battle to settle down), stress baking, reader lives to tease Jake because his ego needs a check, mentions of wearing his shirt, rusty smut because it’s been a while.
Pairing: Hangman x fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Top Gun Taglist | Requests are open!
As always seemed to be the case in the Seresin household, music - this time, a playlist of Jake’s favorites that included a mixture of classic country and what you’d dubbed ‘dad rock’, just to irk his nerves - masked the silence. There was an abundance of it in Jake’s absence, heightened with each hour that passed without him, and you were happy to fill it however you could.
Music reverberated through the kitchen, accompanied by the sounds of utensils clattering around the cabinets as you dug through piles of dishes and measured ingredients, until an incoming call interrupted Tim McGraw. There were only a handful of people who would call and the sight of Jake’s name, accompanied by a photo of him wearing a cowboy hat and flashing his brightest grin, sent you scrambling to answer.
With a grin of your own, you shoved the bag of flour aside and swiped at the screen with powdery fingers. “Miss me already, Hangman?”
Though the question was playful, teasing, you missed him more than you could admit. 
Jake had only been gone five days - barely any time at all, in the grand scheme of things - and hadn’t even left the state. However, you’d both been spoiled. Since being stationed at Lemoore, Jake had yet to be deployed. It gave you an opportunity to put down roots - rent a place together, seriously look into getting a dog, have those first conversations about marriage and children and where you wanted to settle - and while he’d struggled with it at first, Jake Seresin had fallen headfirst into domesticity and took you down with him.
It took only a matter of months for you to go from seeing one another once a week to spending nearly every night together. It took exactly a year for you to begin living together. And now, just over a year into your relationship, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d been forced to sleep without Jake by your side and you were feeling it.
Still, as much as you missed him, admitting that aloud would only crack the facade you’d crafted to keep Jake from worrying about you anymore than he already was. So, you took the opportunity to tease him instead.
“Honestly,” you hummed, biting back laughter as you resumed your search through the cabinet, “I figured it’d be at least a week before you even thought about little ole me. Back to being hotshot Hangman at Top Gun with all your friends, no time for the little people.”
A huff of laughter, quiet but clearly amused, sounded as you imagined Jake shaking his head. “Well, I would’ve waited,” Jake returned, clearly grinning, “but then I found this pretty little photo album in my bag and got a damn good reminder of what I’m missing.”
The album was stuffed full of photos, all taken in your newly shared bed - all of you in various states of undress, in various compromising positions - and you knew that it was only a matter of time before he broke it out. From the little he’d shared over text, it seemed that every moment of every day was being consumed by training, both in the air and in the classroom, but you knew that letting him off too easy would only balloon the ego his fellow aviators were likely already struggling with.
“You know, I was starting to think I was going to have to text you a preview, remind you it was there.” Jake scoffed - as if to say there was no need for a reminder - and you grinned as you leaned against the counter. “You like it?”
Jake hadn’t seen any of the photos before he left. The album was kept a surprise until the moment he gathered his bags to make the short journey to North Island. You pressed into his hands as he made his way to his truck and had a few moments of anxiety, wondering whether he would like the photos - whether they were as sexy as you hoped they were - but mounting evidence suggested he did.
“I love it, sweets. So much so, in fact, that I thought I’d give you a call to express my appreciation.”
It was likely Jake heard your stifled laughter as you resumed stacking bowls on the counter. However, given the tone of his voice, he likely didn’t care.
There was a rasp to his voice, a gravelly warmth that you only heard with his lips pressed to your skin, accompanied by a few soft puffs of heavier breathing. The desire in his voice was evident and you could feel the low embers of a fire starting in the pit of your stomach as you waited for him to ask for what he wanted.
“Talk to me, sugar. Tell me what all I’ve missed.” His request was innocent enough, a quiet command wrapped in an accent only slightly exaggerated, but it still made your heart beat just a touch faster.
Jake truly cared about what he was missing - so much so, in fact, that he’d not only encouraged your idea of keeping a journal for him to read when he returned, but actually went out and bought one for you before he left - but you knew that catching up was not his goal in that moment.
The mental image of him nearly made you fold. Knowing that he was hidden away, lying in a bed too far from home, thumbing through an album full of photos of you made your skin heat. Knowing that Jake - beautiful, bright, accomplished, wonderful Jake - called to get off to your image, the sound of your voice, made you want to abandon your baking and join him in the pursuit of pleasure.
However, as much as you wanted to give in immediately, you knew better.
“Jacob Seresin,” you scolded, struggling to hide your fondness - and arousal - as you did, “if you called me just to get off to my voice, I’m hanging up.”
A playful huff, exaggerated for your amusement, sounded over the line as he shifted. The sound of springs squeaking, cheap furniture knocking into a wall, nearly broke you as you imagined him pouting while lounging atop the less than ideal bed in his room. “Oh, come on. I know you miss me.”
It was impossible to detail how much you truly missed him without monopolizing the conversation - or turning it into a somber moment neither of you had the emotional wherewithal to stand, losing yourself to the fear and worry that simmered in the pit of your stomach with each passing day - so, you opted to laugh. “That’s debatable, Hangman.” It wasn’t, not even in the slightest, and Jake knew it.
Jake tutted, a teasing sound you’d heard more than once, and you imagined him leaning against the wall, phone pressed between his shoulder and cheek as he waited for you to give in. “If you wanna be mean, I could just go take care of myself in the shower,” he drawled, purposely leaning into his accent in an effort to rile you up. He knew what it did to you, how weak in the knees it made you, and you struggled to bite back a soft sigh as he continued. “I was trying to be generous, though. I figured my pretty girl was missing my voice, my hands, my tongue, my cock…”
There was no doubt he heard your sharp intake of breath at the mental picture he painted, the sudden image of him lying in bed, hand wrapped around his cock as he waited for your willing participation. It was likely he was grinning, content in the knowledge that he had you right where he wanted you. However, before he could continue, you shifted and sent the stack of dishes you’d left perched precariously on the edge of the counter crashing to the floor.
“What the hell was that? Are you alright?”
The immediate shift between that low, seductive tone and sharp concern made you laugh as you eyed the pile of dishes now lying on the floor. Luckily, none were glass - those remained in the cabinet or nestled further back on the counter - and nothing had broken.
“I’m fine,” you assured him with a laugh, “sorry. Before you and your libido so rudely interrupted, I was trying to find those big mixing bowls. I’m testing another pie recipe before we go to Texas for Thanksgiving. After the apple pie disaster at Friendsgiving last year, I’m trying to not embarrass myself with a pie your mom will approve of. I want her to love me.”
Jake heaved a heavy sigh, relieved you weren’t injured, before that playful taunting resumed. “Are you trying to turn me on or are you just that oblivious, sweets?”
A snort of amusement, decidedly not sexy but honest, escaped as you shook your head and began cleaning the mess. “What about me destroying the kitchen in an effort to impress your mom is supposed to turn you on? I think all the jet fuel flames are starting to go to your head, babe.”
“Effort’s sexy,” Jake defended, though it sounded so nonchalant you could imagine him shrugging as he did. “But I know you, sugar. You’re stress baking.” His observation was not inaccurate - since he left for North Island, you’d baked a dozen cookies, a batch of muffins, and two pies - but before you could even attempt to soothe the notion, Jake spoke. “Drop the apples and get that cute ass to the bedroom.”
“Jake -“
On the other end of the line, Jake gave you little room to argue. “That’s an order, sweets. Hop to.”
Though there was no real authority in his tone, no expectation that you would do as he said just because he told you to, you still dropped the bowls onto the counter. More often than not, sex was an equalizer - you could bring Jake to his knees just as easily as he could get you to yours - but, occasionally, he took control and you were glad to let him.
“Gone, not even a week, and you’re already barking out orders,” you huffed, playful and teasing. "I’ll have you remember that I am not in the Navy and I don’t have to follow orders,” you reminded him, even as you quickly washed the flour from your hands and set off toward the bedroom.
“Hm. We’ll see about that when I get home,” he teased. You could imagine the smirk on his lips, that insufferably smug look that had gone from infuriating to endearing over the course of your relationship, and you rolled your eyes as you stepped through the open bedroom door. “For now, be a good girl and tell me what you’re wearing.”
As cheesy as it seemed, Jake’s playful order set your skin alight. The directive, drawled slow and deliberate, washed over you and settled in the pit of your stomach as you gave in to the desire you’d been neglecting.
For every quip you threw back at him, for every moment you spent giving as good as you got, Jake knew you well. He knew that you liked the moments he took charge, the moments he gave into that Hangman persona and tossed out orders in that Texan drawl, significantly more than you let on.
Jake knew what you liked but he also knew what you needed. And in that moment, still a little unsure and delving into the unknown of a first assignment, you needed him to nudge you in the right direction.
Still, you never went down without a fight.
“You’re insufferable,” you sighed, though there was no heat behind the jab as you climbed onto the bed that felt far too large without him. The words sounded as breathless as you felt, eager and wanting, and Jake laughed lightly. “But, if you must know, I’m wearing one of your old training shirts. Stole it from your side of the dresser this morning,” you admitted, fingers dropping to the soft, worn fabric as you stretched out atop the mattress. In a moment of vulnerability, desperate to remind Jake that you missed him - even if you playfully denied it - you continued, “Didn’t really smell like you ‘cause we use the same detergent now, so I sprayed some of your cologne on it.”
On the other end of the line, Jake groaned. It was as much a product of the distance, the hundreds of miles that separated you, as it was the mental image of you lying in his shirt and smelling of his cologne. “You’re killin’ me, sweets,” he huffed, softer than you imagined. He paused for a moment, likely to gather himself, and you nearly apologized for ruining the moment. However, before you could, he asked, “That all you’re wearin’?”
There would be time for sentimental later, after you’ve both satisfied a need you’d been putting off, so you swallowed the emotion creeping up your throat and laughed.
“No. I’m wearing those fuzzy Halloween socks. You’re missing the height of fashion here, babe,” you informed him, grinning as you leaned back against the mountain of pillows.
“A real fashion icon,” Jake agreed with a laugh. “You’re makin’ it hard for me to seduce you with all the jokes, sugar. I leave for a few days and suddenly you’re a comedian.”
“You’re just so fun to fuck with.” You could practically picture him rolling his eyes, even as he grinned at the quip, but before he could return your banter, you hummed thoughtfully. “But, if you really want to know, I’m also wearing those lace panties you love. The blue ones?”
A groan of appreciation sounded over the line. “Come on, now,” he huffed, though he sounded anything but put out, “I think you’re just teasing me and that’s not very nice.”
“Wish I was, babe, but I’m not.”
Jake hummed, thoughtful and appreciative at your willingness to indulge him. “The album is good, sweets, but I’m missing the real thing,” he admitted, voice dipping a little lower once more - returning to that drawl he knew made you weak in the knees. “Mind if we switch to FaceTime?”
It was your turn to scoff as you shifted in bed. “Never.”
This would be a rarity - Jake had warned you that other assignments would be different, would include less traditional communication and more sporadic emails - so you knew to take advantage of it. There was also no chance you were going turn down the opportunity to see Jake after five long days of nothing.
When you turned on your camera, you were met with the sight of a shirtless Jake, hair slightly damp and cheeks lightly flushed. He looked to be fresh from a shower, and the sight was enough to warm you from within as you reveled in just how beautiful he was.
“There she is,” he cooed, grinning as he tilted his head to take you in. “Look at you, sweetheart. Such a pretty little thing. Fuck, I miss seeing this everyday,” he drawled, voice straining lightly as he shifted to give you a better angle.
“Hate to inflate your ego even more, Hangman, but same,” you assured him, not bothering to hide your smile when he tipped his chin and smirked. “How much time do you have?”
“Enough.” The answer was vague, not exactly what you were hoping for, but it conveyed his point; there was time for teasing but nowhere near enough for you to take your time.
“Then we better not waste any of it, huh?”
Jake watched, green eyes hooded and darkening with every moment, as you gripped the hem of your top and began inching it up your thighs. “You’ve got some catching up to do, sweetheart,” he teased, lips curving into a smirk as he shifted the phone.
From the new angle, you could see that he’d nudged his sweatpants down just enough to free himself. Your earlier assumption had been correct - he had one hand wrapped around the base, grip loose - and you imagined he’d been leisurely stroking his cock as he listened to your voice. Even in the awful overhead light, you could see that it was slick with precum, and didn’t bother to hide a soft sigh at the sight of him.
“It’s really annoying how hot you are. You know that, right?” Jake laughed at your huffing, though you could see the pride he took in your compliment. “You’ve ruined me, you asshole. Between how hot you look and that fucking voice, I’m already wet,” you admitted as your fingers hooked into the waistband of your panties.
“Good. Not gonna pretend you haven’t done the same. All it took was thinking about how pretty you look in my clothes to get me hard.” Jake groaned as his hand began to work his cock slowly, fingers curling around the base a little tighter as he watched you inch the blue fabric down your thighs. “Then I opened that fucking album and, shit, sweetheart, I’m a goner.”
Hearing that Jake was as gone for you as you were for him both warmed your heart and sent heat rushing to your center. It was impossible not to be effected by his attention and you were eager to show him how desperate you were for him as you shifted to part your thighs.
“Glad we’re going down together, then, babe.”
Jake’s eyes, usually so bright and warm, grew darker as your hand trailed up your thigh. His reply died on the tip of his tongue, forgotten as he took in the sight of your fingers inching closer to your dripping folds. There wasn’t an ounce of dishonesty in your assertion, no need to tease when Jake was able to fluster you with nothing more than a look and a well-placed southern-ism, and you could see the pleasure in his gaze when he realized you were just as turned on as him.
Conscious of his rapt attention, you watched him from beneath your lashes as your fingers brushed your slick folds.
There was no denying Jake was beautiful - golden skin and hair, warm green eyes, brilliant smile - but you were struck by just how fucking gorgeous he was as you took in the sight of him. Flushed cheeks, slight pink tinge trailing down his neck and chest; hair soft, damp and free of product; eyes dark, blown wide with lust and so focused as they tracked the movement of your fingers. It was a sight to behold, one that never failed to make your knees weak, and you were grateful you’d taken a chance on him as you pressed your fingers to your aching clit.
Soft sighs, breathless little puffs that were in no way exaggerated for Jake, made him groan as you pressed a finger into your entrance. Your anxiety had kept you from needing a release, had really kept you from even considering it, but you realized just how much you’d missed his touch and that heat building in the pit of your stomach as you sank into the plush comfort of your shared bed.
For a moment, you simply focused on Jake. You thought about him - his hands, his mouth, his voice, his cock - and exhaled sharply as you attempted to curl your fingers in the way he so often did. It wasn’t the same, not even close, but you tried not to frown as you watched him.
It was difficult to choose where to focus as you watched him. The pinch of his brows, the way his tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip, the heave of his chest, the bulge of his biceps, the dripping red tip of his cock; everything about him was stunning, eye-catching and so fucking beautiful that it drew a sharp moan from you as you spread your legs just a touch wider.
As beautiful as he was, having his full attention on you, his gaze tracking every twitch of your fingers and flutter of your lashes, made you feel powerful. There was a weight to it, a heft that you reveled in, as his gaze flickered between your hands and your face.
“C’mon, sugar,” he urged, voice tight and clearly displaying the effect you had on him. “I know that’s not enough. Give me another.” Jake knew your limits, likely better than you did, and his encouragement was all the push you needed to press a second finger into your entrance.
Few words were shared as you both worked yourselves up. The slick sounds of your fingers rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves, pressing insistently into your dripping entrance, his hand fisting his cock; the breathless puffs, the soft moans, the eager grunt as he finally allowed himself to chase his high - each sound melded with the previous one, reminded you of the moments you shared with him and made you ache for his presence.
“Really missing the real thing right about now,” Jake admitted, voice strained as his hand wrapped around his cock. “Always so fucking wet for me, so responsive,” he praised, gaze dipping to watch your fingers circle your clit.
The warmth in his voice made your skin heat and you knew he took great pride in how flustered he was able to make you, even under the circumstances. He looked just as effected as you, just as eager for a release, and you were helpless to do more than give in to him.
Despite knowing you would pay for it later, you still allowed yourself to stroke his ego. It had been months since you’d needed to get yourself off and you had no problem admitting, “My fingers don’t compare to yours.”
“That what you want? My fingers?”
“If that’s all I could get, I’d take it,” you confirmed, not bothering to roll your eyes at his smug grin. “You’re good and you know it, move on.”
“Alright,” he laughed, though the sound was as breathless as you felt. “Promise I’ll be nice when I get home and take care of you. For now, help me out. Wanna hear those pretty sounds you make when you come for me, sugar. Know it’s tough but you can do it. Be a good girl and come for me.”
Jake’s encouragement was necessary, the soft order - though not really - drew a whine from deep within as you focused on bringing yourself over the edge. It was easy with such a beautiful sight before you. You focused on him, watching as his hand moved over his cock, as his chest heaved and stomach flexed with each stroke, and you allowed yourself to fantasize about the future.
The night before he left was the best sex you’d ever had - emotional, desperate, breathtaking - and you knew it would only be beaten by reunion sex. There was little you could do but cling to him, sink your nails into his back and bury your head in the crook of his neck as he pressed as deep as your body would allow, and you knew that you would soon be given another opportunity to have him like that.
Still, the thing that finally pushed you over the edge was witnessing Jake’s own pleasure. Watching the way his eyes fluttered shut, the way his lips parted and his thighs tensed, made you press your fingers a little deeper. Hearing him fall over the edge with a breathless call of your name, a soft grunt followed by an expletive, stole the air from your lungs and you knew you were done for.
With a cry of Jake’s name, you followed him over the edge almost immediately. There was little you could do but ride out the wave, chest heaving and ears ringing as you allowed the pleasure to wash over you, and Jake seemed to be of the same mindset on the other end of the line. For a moment, you allowed your eyes to close, but when you opened them once more, you were met with warm green.
“I really do miss you, sugar,” Jake admitted, voice quiet as his breathing evened out. “You know that, right?”
For all the banter, for all the teasing you shared, you knew exactly where you stood with Jake. He missed you just as much as you missed him and had no intention of letting you end the call without making sure you knew that. “Never doubted it, Jake,” you assured him, smiling as you tilted your head to rest on his pillow. “I miss you, too. Just a few more weeks, though, and you’ll be back home.”
This mission was dangerous - you both knew that - and for all his bravado, you knew that Jake was worried he wouldn’t make it home to you. It was a fear you shared, one that kept you awake and had you destroying your kitchen in an effort to distract yourself, but there was no chance you’d voice the concern to one another.
Doubt could be saved, what-if’s discussed when he made it home to you. For now, it was enough to shoot him a smile and curl into his side of the bed. “I love you,” Jake declared, smile soft. “Get some rest.”
“I love you, too. Take care of yourself, Hangman.”
With a final smile, Jake nodded. “Always, sugar. See you soon.” 
A few weeks still separated you and Jake, however, you let that thought drift from your mind. Knowing that even while away, he still wanted you just as much as you wanted him, that he still missed you and loved, brought you comfort. Time would pass and, soon, he would be back in your home. Until then, you’d just have to hold tight.
Author’s Note: I’m an obnoxious soccer fan and have been living for the World Cup. I have a flight home tomorrow. Got it early so I could still watch the US play Wales. Flight was delayed and I will be in the air the entire fucking game. I’m gonna kermit. At least I have time to write while I’m waiting, I guess.
Taglist: @lulu-noodles​, @holachicos, @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth​, @withakindheartx​, @ssprayberrythings​, @verin93, @totalwitch2, @malindacath​, @alexparkxr​
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emmcfrxst · 2 months
cowboy hat anon is going to plague me for the rest of the night HOLY /pos
arthur calling you his pretty cowgirl in passing, knowing it makes you flustered as all hell, laughing as you try to manage the conversation or tasks you were just doing. in return, you steal his hat at the most random times (mostly during missions, not dangerous ones though) and watch him short circuit >>
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poor guy has to nearly smack himself back into focus whenever you trot around wearing his hat because he’s gotten yelled at by virtually everyone about his tendency to zone out and eyefuck you whenever you’re wearing his hat.
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tojisxslvt · 10 months
Baby,It’s cold outside.
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Hi everyone this is my first story on tumblr ever! I hope you all enjoy it!☃︎︎
Gojoxreader(first person)
Warnings- Smut, slight cursing.
Enjoy! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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It’s cold, you can hear the rough wind knocking against the window, it’s going to be cold all week, the snow could possibly get to 10 inches of snow by the end of the day.
No way in hell was I stepping foot out there, you wouldn’t catch me do it. Anything that required me having to get warm after just wasn’t for me. I hated being cold.
I hum softly at the warm cup of tea in my hands kicking my feet by the fireplace as I sigh calmness filling my heart. But my peace was interrupted by the burst of the front door opening, the cold and cruel wind lashed at my body as Satoru stepped in closing the door quickly with a huff.
Despite it being really ugly outside, that didn’t stop him from going to work, surprisingly I had forgotten that my boyfriend was a workaholic that complained about working.
I pushed my hands back down on the warm couch pushing them under my thighs to warm up, Gojo looks at me and then smiles “my bad, I didn’t expect to see you in the living room, I figured you’d be in bed enjoying your day off?” He said with question on his face as if he was asking why was I in the living room to begin with.
Looking at Satoru’s smile was almost contagious though I was now upset because I was cold I could care less about anything else at the moment, “why not enjoy my day next to the fireplace warming up?” I answered before returning his kind smile “how was work?” I ask lifting off the couch to go greet him.
Gojo starts unbuttoning his jacket shrugging “slow, they let the schools out early because of the snow storm, and we had to stay a little later for a meeting they might put us back on virtual because the storm isn’t going to particularly pass quickly..” he said while I make my way to him picking up his bag placing it on the couch, I lean over grabbing his slippers, but while I did so I notice Gojo had stopped moving, his hand rested on the zipper of his jacket.
He was staring outside as if he’d rather be out there than in here in the warmth, his perfect white eyelashes fluttered softly as he blinked. Satoru turned his head to me looking at my puzzled face.
He smiled down at me leaning down to kiss my cheek which caught me by surprise and caused an instant blush on my part, “Gojo..you can’t just do that abruptly..” I say doing anything but meeting his eyes, to that he just giggles happily, “why not mamas? You are my girlfriend now it’s no need to be embarrassed by something so simple..” he said before softly lifting my chin so I can look into his beautiful blue eyes. “You know what you could be embarrassed about though..~” he muttered leaning down smushing his soft cold lips against mine.
I hum at the action, wrapping my arms around his neck, that just inviting him to wrap his arms around my waist.
He pulls back kissing my nose before I watch his eyes light up in excitement, “I know it’s probably childish to say this but..do you wanna build a snow man?” He asked with a cheeky grin.
I drop my hands “no Anna.” I add returning the grin as I walk back over to the fireplace, “oh come onnn, it’ll be fun! The first snow day as a couple doesn’t intrigue you?” He asked making me roll my eyes “it involves me going out in that snow storm!” I say pointing to the window.
Gojo groans in frustration “you’re gonna like it!” He insists making me cross my arms “and you think that because…?” I ask him tapping my finger on my forearm. “Because you’re spending time with me now go change.” He said demanding, I roll my eyes at his demanded “Hell no!”
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I stand in our room as Gojo puts my hat on my head with a satisfied grin, he grabs my scarf tying it around my neck with a nod and the continued satisfactory look.
I grumble under my breath and Gojo perks his head up “cmonnn don’t pout now you just need to put your boots on and then-“ “not only are you forcing me into this but you’re dressing me as well, what else can I do but pout..” I say with a deep sigh.
Gojo nods again rolling his eyes, “if you don’t come out with me you’re gonna regret missing that time with me..” he said with a soft sad smile, as if he knew something I didn’t. He slips on my socks and then my boots.
I tilt my head and as I do he lifts me onto his shoulders with a proud expression on his face, “Gojo! Put me down I can walk!” I say softly hitting his back but he just ignores me and continues walking to the front door.
Once he opens it he walks on the front porch throwing me in the 7 inches of snow my body falling in the cold. Gojo despite me struggling to sit up was cackling while holding his belly as he laughed, I sit up a scowl on my face grabbing a clump of snow with one hand throwing it in his face to stop the laughing and that in fact worked.
Gojo’s expression lit up and he laughed once again running off the porch. It was so hard to infuriate him but it was so easy to get me upset, he took pride in knowing that. Gojo held his laughter all the way until he leaned down to help me up.
But he fell right into my trap, as soon as I got up I dropped a ball of snow into his shirt making him frantically shiver and grab at his shirt causing me to cowardly run away giggling at my get back, “[nammme!] damnit get it! Get it!” He said shaking to get it out of his shirt finally the somewhat melted snow plopped on the ground.
Satoru shot me a glare which only made me laugh more “I bet you didn’t expect that huh?!” I say from across the yard my hand on my chest as I take the cold air into my lungs still giggling. Satoru put on a determined look “no but I do bet you won’t come over here and say it to my face.” He said crossing his arms.
I tilt my head “are you declaring war Gojo?” I ask picking up snow forming it into a ball yet when I lifted up he was already behind me dropping a large snow ball on my head, “damnit! I didn’t even see you move!” I shout while he laughs loudly, snow balls now flying as we get lost in our snowball fight.
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Finally Gojo rushes back out with a carrot to finish off this lopsided snowman we were making “got it!” He exclaimed holding it in the air. “Great now I have to mop when we get back in..” I sigh while he Sticks the carrot in the spot it belongs and stands back to capture our “masterpiece” on his phone.
After a bit Gojo huffs looking off into the dimming sky pushing his hair back from his eyes “woo..” he exclaims letting his hair fall before turning to me “the winds picking up [Name] I don’t want you to catch a cold..” he said grabbing my hand, I do nothing but listen my body being completely numb and drenched in water.
We make our way to the porch into the house and the minute we step back into the house all of the snow on our clothes melts into a puddle on the floor where we stood.
Gojo looked over at me as I started to pull off my snow boots, he smiles taking off his mittens and then his boots. Once I pull off my boots I hurry and sit in front of the fireplace letting out soft shutters rubbing my arms to warm up. Satoru walks over and sits down with me pulling me in his chest rubbing my arm, “you’re freezing..” he said while I cuddled close to him trying to get warm as I shuttered “so are you..” I whisper pushing my head under his neck and he left out a soft breath.
“It shouldn’t take us that long to warm up..” he said before he chuckled shaking his head, I lift up to look him in his face but he just stared off into the fire his face red from ear to ear, “Satoru..? What’s the matter..?” I asked, He finally meets my eye before chuckling “I started thinking..about ways to warm us up faster..~”
I blush at his words turning my head to the fire my face heating up before the rest of my body, Gojo snaps pointing at my face, “like that!” He said with a small chuckle, I meet his beautiful blue eyes again shivering as he slides his cold hands underneath my chin lifting my head so I couldn’t look away from him anymore.
He leans down closing the space crashing his lips against mine, I hum feeling his cold lips warm up instantly as I part my lips slowly feeling his warm tongue push up against mine sliding my cold hands down his toned chest letting out soft breaths as I fought his tongue for what seemed like forever.
He pulled me ontop of him holding my hips tightly as I straddled him, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck, without looking he unzipped my jacket pulling off of my arms, he then slides his cold hands under my shirt causing me to shiver uncontrollably, he pulled back attacking my neck with continuous soft sucks and kisses making me push my hands up against his chest, “Sa..Satoru please..~” I groan out rolling my hips up onto him receiving soft grunts from him, just from his member pushing up into my inner thigh I could tell how hard he was.
I whine figuring I’d lose my mind at this rate, but he lifts his head staring into my eyes, his pretty blue eyes having a lustful glisten to them as he lifted off my shirt, the fire crackling and popping in the background causing the perfect atmosphere.
He smirks while leaning his head down “your body heat rose..instantly and all we’ve done was kiss and rub on eachother a little..~ what’s got you so eager for my touch mama..?~” he muttered in a teasing tone, looking up and down at my bare stomach and breast, I whine leaning back grinding my hips a bit harder wanting him even more now.
“I could ask you the same question..” I managed to get out but that did me no good, Gojo started to match the pace of my hips sliding his hands down to my inner thighs his eye brows raising a bit when he felt that my juices were already smeared between my thighs, like a kid in the candy store his eyes lit up, “fuck..” he whispered in excitement, pushing his middle finger against my covered clit.
I hiss my hips jerking back a bit, but Satoru grabbed my waist keeping my still, he slid his fingers up and down slowly cause my legs to twitch from the sudden pleasure “please~ don’t tease me..~” I beg using the back of my hand to cover my mouth as I let out a quiet moan.
Gojo hums sliding my soaked panties to the side using both his index and middle finger to tease my throbbing clit once more. I throw my head back sucking in air to fight back the embarrassing noises that would have escaped, but as if he was reading what I was doing Gojo pushed his middle finger into me slowly using his other hand to pin my hand to my side, he then whispered in my ear, “don’t fight it, let it all out [name] I wanna hear how I make you feel..~” before he twisted his wrist pushing his finger up onto my G spot.
I grab his wrist tightly taking a sharp breath, I couldn’t even think straight he knew me, every inch of me. He knew how to make me squirm, how to make me blush, but even better, he knew how to make me feel as if I were floating. Satoru looks me dead in the eye with a demanding gaze “let go..” he said causing me to do exactly as I’m told, but before I could catch my breath he was at it again, abusing my spot with just his fingers.
“Ah! Please!~” I beg wanting to feel something bigger than his fingers, wanting to feel his heat, wanting to be completely dominated by him, the thought alone made my head foggy.
He hums in a thinking tone before saying “I dunno..you’re really squeezing my fingers..you sure you can take all of me?” He questioned “even if I can’t, make me..” I mutter to him trying to catch my breath but as I watched his hand shift to his zipper I saw that my words did something to him, he bit on his lip after he unzipped his pants and pulled his dick through the zipper hole.
I feel my heart began to race once he starts to wrap his hand around his shaft and uses his soaked hand to jerk himself off. “Satoru..please I can’t take it anymore..~” I whine biting my lip as I watch him pleasure himself, he keeps his teeth on his lip as he stares directly at me stroking his shaft, it was as If he’s telling me to hop on, and so I lift my body up using his shoulders for support this makes him stop his movements focusing on his hand placement on my hips as he guides my waist down on his Hardon.
I gasp once I feel him enter me covering my mouth to hold back the scream I was about to let out but he grabs my wrist and pins it behind my back thrusting his hips up without any hesitation, I let my head fall on his shoulder as he keeps his hand on my arm pounding right into my spot without a problem at all, “nghh!~ fuck!” I cry out strands of my hair plastered to my head in sweat.
“Good job mama..~ you’re making so many..Haa~ dirty noises~” he praises in between his own moans. Just hearing him moan alone made me wanna cum all over him, this man did so much to my mind I couldn’t help but nod to his words feeling my entire body burn with anticipation for him and him alone.
He let go of my hand and by my thighs held me up thrusting harshly into my spot over and over, the sounds of our skin clapping together and my juices squirting out after each thrust made my body burn for more. Satoru panted as he thrusted into me his thrusts getting more eager and sloppy “I’m close..~fuck keep squeezing around me just like that..~” he whispered through quiet pants and soft groans.
I feel my clit pulsate as he uses his thumb to rub in circles causes my pussy to throb even more around him but feeling his twitch inside me made me start to bounce more at his pace, the feeling of the knot in my stomach start to loosen. Gojo chuckles burying his face in my neck creating more dark hickeys, I bury my hands in his hair as he thrusts a few more times biting down hard on my lip as I felt the high from me wanting to cum so bad, my head was spinning, my chest heaving.
“I’m cumming..~” he whispered before I felt him pound deeper into my stomach causing me to claw at his arms drool seeping down my mouth and down my chin at the uncontrollable screams of his name, I was close, I was so close but I can’t tell him that, the way he was handling my body made me forget how to speak.
After a few more thrusts he let out a soft sigh thrusting one last time before I felt his warm cum fill me up completely, Satoru laid his head in my chest while I sat there, in a daze, my eyes barely opened my body hitching, tears streaming out of the corners of my eyes, he holds me close us both being a panting sweaty mess, finally after he slowly lifts me off of him, a mixture of both of our cum squirts out of me my head falling limply in his chest, “shit..” he exclaimed holding me close.
Instantly after letting everything out that was inside of me, I pass out in his chest not being able to complete comprehension what just happened to my body.
One thing I do know is that, I’m not cold anymore at all.
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themattress · 1 year
Ranking Link+Zelda and Ganon Incarnations
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1. Hyrule Warriors - The more time has passed, the more I realize just how fucking good Hyrule Warriors was as a celebration of the Zelda series, which includes how superbly designed and characterized its Link and Zelda are. There are aspects of many past incarnations mixed in them, but they still manage to stand out as their own individuals. I especially love how Link is given actual character flaws, growing arrogant and believing himself to be the great lone hero of the story only to recognize that he, like all Links, never save the day purely on their own, and how Zelda is an absolute badass in combat as both herself and as Sheik, something that’s rarely seen outside of the Super Smash Bros. series.
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2. Skyward Sword - Chronologically the first Link and Zelda, these two are some of the most human feeling. You really connect with them in all of their expressiveness and vulnerabilities. The relationships they forge with the likes of Impa and Groose only add to the sensation. It feels like they were written to be relatable people first and mythical figures of legend second.
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3. Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom / Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - There’s been much talk of this version of Zelda and how interesting, endearing and relatable she is in all of her scientific nerdiness and feelings of inadequacy when placed with heavy burdens, and how admirable she is in her courage and self-sacrificial nature, and all of that is true. But I think that across all three games Link also shapes up into a surprisingly complex character that was unexpected given his initial stoic front in Breath of the Wild. And give both of them credit: they’re the first Link and Zelda to have a radical design overhaul in three decades.
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4. Ocarina of Time / Majora’s Mask - The first 3D Link and Zelda were also the first to truly showcase some semblance of characterization and character development, as we watch them go from children to adults and gain great strength at the cost of losing their innocence.
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5. The Wind Waker / Phantom Hourglass - I greatly enjoy these two in The Wind Waker, where they are very expressive and funny and sympathetic. But they lose some points due to Phantom Hourglass, which did them kind of dirty in favor of becoming the Linebeck Show.
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6. Spirit Tracks - They look the same as their ancestors from The Wind Waker, but they’ve got a different, unique feel to them, with Link being a working class guy instead of some island bumpkin in over his head, and Zelda being a sheltered princess who has to learn to come into her own rather than an Action Girl from the beginning. They also have one of the tightest (and cutest) bonds of friendship out of any Link and Zelda given their circumstances.
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7. Twilight Princess - Both of them are in service of the real protagonist Midna, whom they share an excellent bond with, but they still have distinguishing factors that make them stand out, with Zelda being more of a Queen than a Princess this time around and Link having his own arc of going from simple farmboy to Hero of Hyrule carrying forth his ancestor’s legacy.
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8. A Link Between Worlds - Virtually clones of the next Link and Zelda pair on this list, but with somewhat more personality and agency, helped along by their Lorulian counterparts.
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9. A Link to the Past / Link’s Awakening / Oracle of Ages & Seasons - The “classic” Link and Zelda who provided the template for the others. No real personality to speak of, sadly.
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10. The Minish Cap - These two, who are childhood friends, have slightly more personality than the above...but I’m sorry, the “toon” designs do not fit beyond The Wind Waker and its direct follow-ups. It’s a freaking Game Boy Advance game, why give them these expressive designs if we aren’t going to actually see any expressions? Also, Link’s birb hat is distracting. 
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11. The Legend of Zelda / Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - Basic blank slates that existed before the franchise truly got solidified on the SNES. Zelda especially just looks wrong now.
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12/13. Four Swords & Four Swords Adventures - These are technically two separate incarnations of Link and Zelda, but they’re essentially carbon copies of each other. I can’t find myself giving the remotest shit about Link when there are four of him, and what the fuck is up with this different “toon” Zelda design? That giant red bow she’s wearing looks hideous!
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1. Hyrule Warriors - Again, this game nabs the top spot and gives us the definitive version of the character. Ganondorf in this game has it all: the active villainy and terrifying chimera beast form like in Ocarina of Time, the capacity for self-reflection and self-awareness like in The Wind Waker, the manipulative usage of other villains as pawns like in A Link to the Past, Twilight Princess and Four Swords Adventures, and even the mastery over his Demise rooted elements before Tears of the Kingdom. We even get three whole chapters of him as the playable protagonist, where he gets to show off his non-inherently evil qualities such as his tactical brilliance, good leadership skills, and sheer determination to achieve his goals.
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2. Tears of the Kingdom - The latest Ganondorf, who is also the first in the series’ timeline, has been met with great acclaim, and rightfully so. Not only does he (mercifully) usurp Demise’s position as Demon King whose hatred fuels almost every great evil in the series, but he feels like Ocarina of Time’s Ganondorf on steroids: an active, omnipresent villain despite not being on screen that much but this time not even needing to be mobile to do so thanks to the horrific Gloom ecosystem under his control. And like the corresponding versions of Link and Zelda, he bucks tradition hard design-wise by having a dragon as his beast form rather than a giant pig. Add to this Matt Mercer’s epic voice and you’ve got a fantastic villain.
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3. Ocarina of Time - The first ever Ganondorf created, this is the character that took Ganon from an average villain to one of the greatest villains in video game history. He actively drives every major crisis over the course of the game, lending him an aura of omnipresence despite his actual limited screentime, and is shown to be as cunning as he is powerful by tricking Link and Zelda into helping him conquer Hyrule, turning it into a dystopian nightmare. He’s also deliciously theatrical - the man plays his own theme music on a pipe organ, for crying out loud! The cherry on top is his horrifying Ganon form taken in an unforgettable final boss fight.
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4. The Wind Waker - Ganondorf is kept at a distance throughout this game, locked away in his tower and pulling strings, more of a McGuffin than a nemesis. After Ocarina of Time, this is a disappointment, but it could be made up for with good pay-off. And man, does the game ever deliver. When Ganondorf takes action, he is terrifying, both animalistically psychotic enough to do anything yet humanely wizened enough to control this madness at the same time, giving Link the worst of both worlds to contend with. And not only do we get yet another epic final boss fight against him, but he even ends up as a tragic figure: a wretched old soul full of regrets but too full of greed and pride to act upon them, desperately clinging to his dreams rooted in the past while raging against the future that threatens to leave him behind.
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5. Twilight Princess - Being just the power behind Zant until the very end, Ganondorf is just here to be the final boss. Again, this would disappoint if the game didn’t make him a worthy final boss, and it more than delivers in this regard. You fight this bastard in just about every way you possibly could fight him, all while he displays a chilling malevolence in every word and action. He really does feel like what he is: an aged-up version of Ocarina of Time’s Ganondorf whose goal is still well in sight and thus he’s able to play the long game to get it.
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6. A Link Between Worlds - As many others have observed, Yuga-Ganon of Lorule ended up being a greater menace than his Hylian counterpart who comes directly below him on this list. Not only does he have a unique design and personality of his own, but he is an even more formidable opponent in battle, full of tactical creativity that is difficult for Link to counter.
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7. A Link to the Past / Oracle of Ages & Seasons - The “classic” Ganon. He’s big, he’s got magic powers, and he’s got a wicked trident. Unfortunately, you barely ever see him, much less get a feel for any personality beyond baseline evil. Oh well, he still gets the job done.
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8. Breath of the Wild / Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - He’s more of an evil force of nature than a proper character, especially in Breath of the Wild where he has been rendered mindless. What he lacks in substance he makes up for in style, as he is visually stunning.
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9. Four Swords Adventures - The problem with this incarnation of the character is that he entered development as one thing and ended it as another. He was supposed to be the same version of Ganon as two spots above and this game would show his origin. But when Shigeru Miyamoto nixed that, we end up with a Ganondorf who is completely offscreen, and a Ganon who still just feels exactly like that version but with a different color scheme. The best that can be said about him is that he finally allowed there to be a truly gigantic 2D sprite of Ganon.
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10. The Legend of Zelda - Ganon is one of video gaming’s greatest villains, but man would you not be able to tell that from his debut. All the build-up and mystery surrounding him, presented so well in the instruction manual (”no one knows how he looks like, for none have lived to tell”), and what do we get? A teleporting blue pig in a red jersey. That is SO LAME.
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hplovecraftmuseum · 1 year
Lovecraft and animals, Part 7: Snakes - Snakes did not become particularly important in Lovecraft's tales until fairly late in his career (since Lovecraft considered himself a gentleman amateur 'man of letters', using the term 'career' might have been distasteful for him). The 'Father of all serpents' first appeared in his ghost writing/revision work. THE CURSE OF YIG and THE MOUND, both featured references to 'Yig'. Though there was some uncertainty as to who really coined the name (Lovecraft or his client) in his letters to other writer friends Lovecraft claimed that he himself came up with the name and concept of Yig. Yig is never actually featured in any Lovecraft story in the same way as Great Cthulhu. We do not get a detailed discription of him either. We might assume that since the stories that carry his name most abundantly are connected to the American West and it's pre - Anglo inhabitants that Yig is perhaps the original entity around which all First Nations Snake-God myths were born. The Aztec diety Quetzalcoatl would be a prime example. A snake-like bundle of hair that can move about even after it is cut from a woman's head shows up in the particularly dreadful tale, MEDUSA'S COIL. Lovecraft penned this abomination for Zealia Bishop but the story did not see publication until after his death. (1940. Weird Tales) Of all Lovecraft works written for clients seeking to develop a career as professional writers, MEDUSA'S COIL has got to be one of the most rediculous! Still, Lovecraft injects references to Cthulhu - called Clooloo here, as well as Shub-Niggurath and R'lyeh. Interestingly Lovecraft also makes mention here of the author of the fabled book, Les Chants de Maldoror, also known as Maldoror by a young Frenchman who called himself 'Comte de Lautremont'. Les Chants de Maldoror was written between 1868 and 1869 and was highly influential for the Surrealist School of artists and poets of the 1930s. Lovecraft admitted in letters that he had read parts of Maldoror on several occasions. HPL also knew of Salvador Dali's early works. Apparently Lovecraft was not particularly impressed with Surrealism in general, however. Lastly Lovecraft makes a passing reference to 'the serpent-men of Valusia in one of his later tales. This brief mention was a tip of the hat to Lovecraft's writer pal, Robert E. Howard. Howard and Lovecraft never met, but they corresponded by mail for many years until Howard's death by suicide on June 11, 1936. Howard is best known today for his virtual 'invention' of the Sword and Sorcery genre of imaginative writing. He was the creator of the famed barbarian King, Conan. Lovecraft made mention of a number of his writer friend's fictitious gods and monsters as his own mock mythology/cosmic religion developed, most importantly Clark Ashton Smith's whom Lovecraft admired greatly. (Exhibit 415)
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loststarphounix · 10 months
I've seen fanart wherein Kazuichi is the one that's waiting for Gundham to wake up after the Neo World Program/Island Killing Game ended, but I want a switcheroo where Gundham is the that wakes up from his pod despite not being one of the survivors— and while he is more than relieved to still be alive despite thinking that he died back in the virtual world, he is more concerned to learn that some of his classmates haven't woke up yet...
One of them being more concerning of all is Kazuichi, since he definitely survived until the end and should've been the one that got to wake up with the rest of the remaining cast, and not Gundham.
So what gives?
This is all I have bc I'm super tired XD
*puts on Monokuma hat* let’s see what the wheel says….Ah!
so in typical Monokuma “I love the misery and drama I infect in these kids”, he sees Kazuichi is bereft right? Completely lost and confused in his feelings and lack of for Sonia is other than the distinct loss of a potential friend and also thinking that he’s actually useless to his friends who after the Fun House aside from Chiaki have been Mean As Hell ™️ to him. So he begs Monokuma for a chance to bring Gundham back, even if it means he’s gone.
And AI Junko piggybacking in Monokuma relishes the despair and grants it. Just before they return to the NWP, Junko grabs Kazuichi’s consciousness and when everyone else wakes up their ecstatic to see they made it out…but he didn’t. At first they think it’s a fluke - he’s just sulking in the pod cause Sonia didn’t ask for help. But as the hours pass and his pod doesn’t unlock, they start to get antsy. And Hajime is working the tower in the center, trying to access his many talents to read the code and life readings, when a pod unlocks.
Akane and Fuyuhiko are relieved at first, finally thinking Kazuichi was gonna wake up. But when the pod on the far left in the circle opens and out tumbles Gundham and immediately everyone panics. Sonia is elated because her best friend is alive, but the others are mixed about this, especially Akane who hates him cause of the Fun House. Hajime is panicking because this feels wrong.
And as it all starts to come to end and tension is fraying, a malicious string of code suddenly appears and a very insidious sentence appears that reads:
A life for life; Kazuichi will do just fine for my plans ^.^
AI Junko took Kazuichi in the hopes to keep her original plan for taking over their bodies. A mechanic with all the skills and abilities will help her far more than a displaced princess, gymnast or rockstar. Hajime is panicking because what did Kazuichi do!? But he does remember how the mechanic was more subdued and withdrawn after the Fun House - how he seemed to skirt around their group after Chiaki’s death. He was isolated and alone; a perfect target.
And they got Gundham back, all for Junko to come back reborned in Kazuichi’s body. And that makes everything worse. Makoto and Bakuya have to drug Akane and restrain Fuyuhiko; Sonia is torn between hating Kazuichi for his behavior, but moved he would take anyone place; and Gundham is torn because he died for nothing and feels robbed for that, but is also concerned for the fools well-being. He thought Kazuichi a coward, but he’s starting to see that he had strengths were others would see weakness.
Gundham always felt a twinge a regret that he never really got to truly know Kazuichi, and now that he has memeories of their “frenemies” ship back in Hopes Peak, he feels dissatisfied. He wants more and as soon as the mechanic wakes up, he’ll make sure to get it.
Now the race for Hajime to begin the debrainwashing program and also to get Kazuichi back in one peace.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Parents in Oregon are calling to replace a local school board following reports of a sexually explicit book in the curriculum and at least two instances where a teacher organized activities discussing sexual acts.
Fox News Digital previously reported how health class students who missed coursework at Churchill High School in Eugene, Oregon, were asked via Canvas, an online learning management system, to complete a 10-point assignment titled "Fantasy Story."
"For those students who were absent, you will write a short story of a paragraph or two. This story is a sexual fantasy that will have NO penetration of any kind or oral sex (no way of passing an STI)."
The assignment from teacher Kirk Miller also asked students to choose three items, such as candles, massage oil, feathers and flavored syrup, to use in the story.
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But parent Justin McCall said his older daughter, who is in the 10th grade at Churchill High School, revealed the assignment had also been conducted in class and that the teacher had asked students to pick the sexual items written on a piece of paper out of a hat that he passed around.
Further scrutiny of the "Health 2 Human Sexuality" class found that students were also allegedly given an assignment called "With Whom Would You Do it." The project involved a virtual spinning wheel labeled with sexual categories. Students were allegedly instructed to respond when the wheel stopped and write the initials of the person they would engage in the sex act with.
"My daughter told me it was literally up on the board and it mentioned you know who are you going to have anal penetration with, oral sex, licking of the ear, kissing and vaginal sex," McCall said, calling the assignment "disgusting and wrong."
A Title VI and IX coordinator attempted to speak with McCall's daughter about the incidents but was directed to the family's legal counsel.
The Eugene 4J School District did not return Fox News Digital’s request for comment.
The above allegations, as well as a flurry of other complaints from parents, have prompted calls for new leadership on the Eugene School Board, which is holding elections in May. In the event leadership stays the same, a group of parents is in the process of knocking on doors and setting up tables outside the district schools to gather signatures for a recall.
Beth Ball, a 4J alumni who met her husband at Churchill High School in the 1990s, intentionally enrolled her children in the 4J school district following her positive educational experience. Her issues began when her child entered sixth grade at the Arts & Technology Academy in Eugene.
At home, Ball noticed a form that said she could opt her child out of health class if she disagreed with the contents of the syllabus or curriculum. However, after correspondence with the teacher, Ball was told the syllabus and curriculum had not yet been created and waited at the school for two days to get a meeting with the principal.
The principal informed her they could not access the syllabus and curriculum, but her child needed to be enrolled in health class to graduate. Given the lack of information, Ball instructed her child to wait in the office daily during health class. Her child received a "no pass" in the class, but because of COVID-19 school closures, the "no-pass" became a non-issue.
Once her child entered the ninth grade at Churchill, the same school Ball attended, he was assigned a novel called "I'll Give You the Sun."
"The first five pages of it the book talks about how [the main character] is getting beat up and he's turned on by it. He gets a boner," Ball said. "For me, that's completely unacceptable because it's saying that if you're getting abused or picked on, it's normal and in fact you should like it."
A review of the book by Fox News Digital found the scene described by Ball and takes place early in the book when the main character wrestles with another student. 
After contacting the school to ask why the book was placed in the curriculum, she was simply told that it got great reviews and spurred conversation on complex topics. She then pulled her child out of Churchill and began homeschooling him.
"And then this sexual essay hit, and I wasn't surprised in the least," Ball said.
Following the backlash, school principal Missy Cole said, "the district has begun the process of reviewing and selecting a new health curriculum to replace the OWL content that will be completed by the end of the school year."
According to the board, the changes to the curriculum were not related to complaints from parents and had already been on the docket for the 2023 school year.
During a March 16 school board meeting, citing "failures in our practices," Eugene School District Superintendent Andy Dey said they had identified "shortcomings" in their curriculum and recommended that the sexual fantasy's lesson not be administered again.
Dey also said the rumors of "spinning wheels" with "salacious acts" had not been substantiated or reflected in the materials the teachers used. However, Dey did confirm an "online virtual randomizer wheel" that did not have sexual acts on it.
He also said that the sexual fantasy's assignment was given out due to "inadequate oversight" and that future lessons will follow the curriculum verbatim and refrain from using supplemental materials, as was done in this case.
In a statement to the New York Post, OWL program manager Melanie Davis said the district was following an "unauthorized" and "out-of-context" facilitated group activity currently out of print.
The United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association claimed the material was not part of the comprehensive OWL curriculum it helped to develop.
Emails provided to Fox News Digital showed that McCornack Elementary asked McCall to sign paperwork agreeing to only correspond with the school over email and only through his wife and noted McCall was trespassed off the property "due to hostile behavior towards other McCornack parents, students, and staff that created fear."
McCall was allowed to speak at the March 16 board meeting despite his ban from the elementary school. Following his public comments at the meeting and his move to recall the board, McCall was banned from all 4J district property. The district said they contact McCall no later than April 20 about his formal complaints and trespass appeal.
At the meeting, McCall claimed the school was lying about the spinning wheel assignment and suggested the teacher had not yet been fired because he is also the football coach and the team was doing well.
"If you do not remove him, I'm giving you my word today that tomorrow morning I will go down to the County Clerk's office and I will file for the removal of every single one of you," he said as the room erupted in cheers.
Miller has been placed on administrative leave.
Dr. Michael Bratland, a local dentist and conservative running for school board in the May elections, said that he wants a comprehensive review of the situation but stopped short of supporting the termination of the teacher or board members. He also credited Superintendent Dey for his leadership and handling of the situation but was more critical of the current board.
"The school board's the top and they need to take responsibility and when I was at that school board meeting last week, I didn't really hear anybody take accountability," he said.
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So more headcanons for the “Thresh the Demon Jailer” scenario [CW: whumpy stuff done to amoral characters]:
Mostly for @notgwene
– he knows demons cannot be killed, so he locks them up in a virtual vault of sorts he creates from which they cannot escape unless he says so. To make it more excruciating (and keep the other characters from aging away as they remain trapped), he steals time sorceries from the remains of Icathia and makes it so that inside the cage time passes slower than in the real world. After one hour he comes back to check on them: it’s been a hundred years.
– the offer he gives them is to become his loyal attack dogs and aid him in his campaign to spread more misery, or stay in there for ages upon ages. “Sometimes I may even feel charitable and offer you a nibble to fight upon”. Sadly their long time on their own gives them time to think of sassy responses aplenty – in between the writhing and hurting.
– speaking of: they’re kept chained and they cannot move, and sometimes the chains are made to dig into their bodies and enhance the pain. Thresh is a fine gaoler indeed.
– since years of One Piece have made me hate this trope with a bloody passion, Evelynn’s restraints aren’t made to enhance her sensuality. The closest she gets is a chain around her neck, which simulates the illusion of being out of breath. For the rest, she’s placed in a cross-like position and most of the pain reaches her arms and legs. It’s a deliberate jab from Thresh, seeing as the Deathly Embrace cannot close her arms. She’ll sometimes complain about feeling cold and shiver in her binds. For cold is antithesis of heath, and as such of passion.
– Fiddlesticks and Nocturne are suspended above ground and sometimes dangle as they twitch. Sometimes their quaking makes the whole vault tremble and even Thresh feels as if he cannot contain them. Yet the chains don’t break, and the negative energy coming from them makes the experience even worse.
– Keeping with the theme of dramatic irony, Tahm Kench is kept inside a net of chain (hence Thresh’s ironic jab “look at that… I caught a catfish”) and he’s not wearing his top hat because Thresh stepped on it in a display of power. His clothes are tattered and there’s a ring of chain on his mouth: he attempted to shatter it with hit tongue, but all he got was a hefty, ever-burning wound. He can still speak, though not as much as he’d like to. Most of all he’s starved, and his groans of hunger and roaring of his empty stomach ring like thunders.
– despite all this, the common ground is sass. The situation is an uncomfortable stalemate where they know they won’t ever budge, but something has to happen sooner or later. “All you’re building up to… is our resentment. When we get out – and it’s a when, not an if – you’ll suffer tenfolds us all. And believe us, Thresh: the thought of eventually coming to savor that moment makes this agony ever so sweet.”
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angel-deucesimp · 11 months
Good night, world.
PREMISE: [Name] [last name] was just an ordinary person. Nothing special nor had any real talent. The only talent they had was in PLANET. A virtual world where people like them go to escape reality.
But what if they met someone in PLANET, who believes the world is a shitty of shittest place. Or should I say, a childhood friend they didn't even knew they were talking to.
CW: Terrible Grammer and probably spelling mistakes 💀
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"Hey, [Name]! Wanna hang out after school?" A group of co-workers called out towards to you as today's meeting have just ended. "No thanks, I have some things to do." You apologized with a nervous smile. This disappoints the group before they say their farewells and left.
"I have something, way more important..."
You walked back home.
"This world..."
You entered your house.
"It's nothing but of boring people..."
You get to your room, setting down your bag before sitting in your chair. The only light source in the room was the computer.
"So, that's why..."
You grabbed your headset and placed it on your head, starting it.
"'PLANET' Is my only escape."
Your lively and bright character calls out, running towards a short man with a dark red hat and slanted down eyes. "Ah, hey [User]! Long time no see! What's been keeping ya?" Ichi greets, with the smile that always makes you swoon.
"Ah, y'know. Work and stuff! Nothing important!" You laughed nervously. "And guessing by the way you look. Wanna raid some dungeons?"
"You know it! I need to blow off some steam!" Ichi huffed, quickly summoning his sword. "C'mon, I wanna make sure all those monsters are killed!"
"Gotcha!" You smiled, the two of you running towards the direction of a nearby dungeon.
After getting some loot and getting lots of EXPS. There was awkward silence that fell upon the two of you.
And quiet.
Then Ichi spoke.
"Say, what are you like irl?"
Your avatar stiffen. Taken aback from the question. "Ah... what do you mean?"
"Like, what do you do... on a regular basis?" Ichi explains in more detail as his gaze trailed towards your form. "Like. Anything interesting or something."
You were silent.
You didn't even utter a word before suddenly your logout plush appears in your place.
Ichi eyes widen before he starts hitting himself. "Shitshitshitshit! I messed up for shit!"
You placed down your headset on the table. A blank and dead expression was written all over your face before you let out a exasperated sigh.
"When did something interesting even happen to me...."
Your mind wanders through your memories, trying to recollect anything exciting or something that can make you even slightly interesting.
Then you remembered.
Taichirō Arima.
You're childhood best friend.
Your first love.
You remember back in those days, the world around didn't seem to matter. All that matter was Taichirō was there with you.
You had a big time crush on him ever since pre-school, but ever since his... sister passing, he started distancing himself and shutting everyone. You haven't seen him in a long time.
But, how would you even bring this up Ichi?! He probably doesn't even want to hear you rambling about your ex-childhood crush! That's boring.
You lay your head against the wooden table. A frown on your lips as you were ultimately fighting with yourself if you should log back in and tell Ichi either way.
"I'm gonna take a break...."
Who knew you're life and everyone else's was going to take a turn.
It's been almost a month since the pandemic started, monsters from PLANET roaming around, looking for their next meal. But fortunately, most of humankind have adapt to them started killing them before they could get kill.
But bad side was that most have lost their homes, now they're seeking refuge in a safety shelters.
"Ah... this is so..." You let out a sigh after sticking your axe into one the monsters that were trying to kill you. Your stats have raised up, but your mood certainly didn't.
You quickly put down your axe and start looking through the old house, in hopes to find some kind of food or necessities in the old broken down house.
Then you came across a game....
It was a board game, this quickly catches your attention as you reached out and picked it up.
"I remember...." you smiled to yourself as a old memory comes flying back.
"Wahh! How come you're so good at this Taichirō!" Younger you cried out as the boy in front of you grinned.
"Because, I've been mastering this game for months! No one can get to my level, not even you!" Young Taichirō said, triumphly.
You pouted before you quickly rolled up you sleeves. "One more game! This time, you'll see!"
"Fine! But I'll still beat you!" Taichirō exclaims as the two of you played again.
You laughed and had fun...
You make your way back to the safety shelter in Wakagi. You walk towards the guards and show your ID before being let in.
As you walk back to your small space, you notice a young high schooler who looked quite familiar.
Is that Taichirō's young brother? What was his name.... Asuma?
How come you're just notcing this now? Well, maybe you kept your head low or probably don't pay attention to the environment as much...
You whipped your head the other way, not wanting to be caught gawking. If Taichirō's brother was here.... than that means-
Your heart start beating faster, you lips formed a thin line as you clenched your heart. "No! I can't-" You thought to yourself. "-This isn't even the right time! Besides, his family is probably having a hard time as well..."
After a few minutes, you managed to calm down your heart. Taking a deep breath, you slowly reached into your bag and pulled out your phone, it was almost sunset.
"Maybe... we can rest easy." You muttered under your breath as you slowly close your eyes, in hopes to get some peace...
Then you hear people gasps all around you.
This confuses you, slowly opening you eyes to see what was the commotion about.
But only to meet face to face with a white face, it's black soulless eyes staring at yours.
You let out petrified scream as you quickly got up and tried to run, but to see the walls and floors cover in the same colorless face.
"What the hell-" you cursed under you breath, your gaze looking all around as the walls started to glitch. It's as if the world itself was slowly crumbling down.
You quickly pulled out your axe, ready to fend off this mysterious entity. But the something caught your eye.
Taichirō running out of the building in a hurry. You furrowed your brows, wondering what the hell Taichirō is thinking.
You run after hum.
"Taichiro! Taichiro!" You yelled out through the crumbles of the city, trying to look for the guy. You were panicking to say at least, the world is practically crumbling and Taichirō is here running around.
You gritted you teeth, ready to find him and give the scolding of his life.
But after running around, you came across a school, the gate broken down into shreds as of someone used something to tear it down.
You slowly took a step closer, ready to whatever you were going to face.
But then...
You heard... crying?
You peeked around the corner, your eyes slightly widen as you see Taichiro...
But there was also something else...
Taichirō turns on his heels, staring back at you with the same wide eyes while the boy next to him in the ground continue to sob.
Taichirō's mouth was slightly agape as he took a step closer to you...
You quickly held in your tears as you quickly ran towards him and hugged him as tight as you can. All this time, Ichi, the man that you felled in love with, that helped you through dungeons....
Was the same man that was your childhood best friend and crush...
Anyways, I've been getting into Good night world and I REALLY LOVE IT :3 I love me some shut in men (That's a joke 😞😞😞)
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So this is how the Cattanooga Cats came about!
All because of a badly-tuned mail order guitar ... and a desire for some serious friendship.
The band's lead musician, Country, you might say, had it pretty weird to begin with in the Southern coffee house music scene of the mid-1960's, travelling from town to town on rickety motorcoaches and having to "pass the hat" at gigs just to meet expenses. Even when you consider that the "gee-tar" was a mail-order such of the sort advertised back in the day on those high-power Mexican radio stations whose signals reach well into the United States and southern Canada at night with a particular attraction to such of a certain--more than likely low--class.
And you could just sense that the guitar was rather awful-sounding by the tuning itself being rather awful, attracting audience laughter from virtually the first notw (not to mention the usual jeers and taunts about the poor sound quality). Enough, as it turned out, for Country's roommate and love-interest at the time, Kitty Jo by name, to sense something inherent in the guitar ... that just some working around on the tuning could change things seriously tonally.
Be thankful Kitty Jo knew some friends in the folk music community who knew guitar tuning, and especially so such mail-order "gee-tars" as Country's which came out tuned rather awful to begin with. And in Country's case, it came out being so badly tuned because of cheap manufacture; the guitar tuners admitted that they weren't surprised to receive so many reports of those "border blaster"-advertised mail-order guitars being rather awfully tuned, to begin with, as well as performances with same attracting so much criticism. Thankfully, some tweaking of the strings and the tuning knobs corrected things substantially to the point that, by the next appearance--which was in Chattanooga's rather eclectic St. Elmo district, near the base station of the incline up Lookout Mountain--nothing but applause greeted Country at the sound of such a retuned guitar which, only weeks before, risked being put into the trash.
And with Kitty Jo adding as much vocals and colour, not to mention some corny romantic interest (though not in the vein of Scotty and Lulubelle on The National Barn Dance back in the day), things were turning a serious corner. Which bcame especially evident one afternoon when Country and Kitty Jo were having some lunch on Lookout Mountain, sensing the view of Chattanooga below, when inspiration struck.
"Would it be too much, Country," Kitty Jo asked seductively, "if we had ourselves a modest little band?"
"And what exactly would we call it?" Country asked in response.
"How about 'the Cattanooga Cats'?"
"Cute wordplay there, I have to remark."
Before long, the search for suitable musical talent for the band began in earnest. In seeking out the ideal drummer, as a matter of fact, it took no less than 75 rehearsals before coming up with Groove to fill the role with his mix of drum proficiency and a wicked sense of humour. Not to mention quite the appetite, good for plenty of humour as required.
Scoots, for some reason, "just came out of nowhere" and got chosen for his mix of musical proficency (being able to play quite the eclectic selection of insturments as much as storytelling, coming as he did from a feline family of storytellers from "back in the holler," with an especial interest in one Amy Catline, she who showed him about love and the beauties inherent during an especially trying summer emotionally for his mother).
Too, there was Teeny Tim, Kitty Jo's pet blue tick hound. Brought in as much for keeping company as for playing the electric piano and doing some comedic dance numbers during the act.
(Oh, and did I mention the polyamory inherent, perhaps subject itself of some rather amusing little tales, especially about sleeping with Kitty Jo during tours as much as otherwise?)
Just add a second-hand school bus rebuilt into as much a camper as tour bus (otherwise known as Gashopper) ... and the Cattanooga Cats are on the way-ho-way musically. Who could want more, to begin with?
@warnerbrosentertainment @railguner34 @theweekenddigest @iheartgod175 @archive-archives @themineralyoucrave @princessgalaxy505 @thebigdingle @thylordshipofbutts @screamingtoosoftly @warnerbros-blog1 @xdiver71 @jellystone-enjoyer @warnerbrosent-blog
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countlessrealities · 2 years
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{ @advnterccs || To your Rick and Morty from my Rick and Morty ~ }
That familiar swirling green portal formed in the middle of the living room, emerging out of it Rick and Morty. Both wearing Santa hats and the scientist holding a large red satchel full of presents. Which were left next to their counterpart family's tree. Most of which belonged to the other family members and from their family members.
And after a few moments of greeting one another, they both decided to get on with giving out the gifts.
Grabbing a snowflake patterned wrapped box, with a yellow bow on top, Rick proceeded to walk over towards the other Morty. He shoved it into the teen's arms. "Merry X-Mas," He said, slightly amused and curious for the other's reactions. "H-Hope you like it,"
Once opened, it would reveal a virtual reality headset. Silver in color with a green fluid-like substance running through the insides of it. The device in itself looked like something that Rick bought and altered himself.
"I-Imagine the game Roy from Blips and Chitz, except i-it's your whole existence that gets transported and not just your consciousness," He explained.
At the same time, Morty wandered off towards the other Rick. The present in his hand just a simple bottle. A galactic brand; from the looks of it, expensive and rare. It would've been perfect --- if it weren't for the fact that it was half empty.
"Uh, I-I stole this from some planet while my Rick wasn't looking, I-I wanted you both to share so, th-that's why it's only half-full," He gave an awkward laugh. "M-My Rick tried some earlier, he said it was good, so I-I think you'll like it, too."
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Usually Christmas was hardly an event to be looked forward to at the Smith-Sanchez household. Unless you were Jerry and had spent hours going crazy over decorations and planning the menu for the main meal of the day. However, this year, things would be different. It was the first Christmas after the timeline split, and the first big holiday the families would spend together as a group.
Morty was excited, made restless by a mixture of eagerness and nervousness at the prospect of spending the day with his counterpart. Rick, on his part, had mostly kept on his usual half bored, half annoyed facade, but deep down he was looking forward to the following hours too. After all, for him any chance to spend time with his boyfriend was something to cherish.
At the very familiar sound of a portal opening, they both looked up from the glasses of eggnog they were already nursing to pass the time. The sight of the hates tore a snort out of Rick, while Morty couldn't stop himself from thinking just how cute his counterpart looked with that splash of red and white on his head.
They would have been contented with enjoying some prolonged greetings, an awkward wave followed by nervous words and chuckles for the Mortys and whispers and kisses in the Ricks' case, but it seemed like their counterparts had other plans. Namely starting to hand out some of their presents, which Rick had to admit was probably the smarter way to go around it. Neither him nor his Morty had thought about doing it right away, which meant that they would have to find a good moment to do it during the days.
The teen reluctantly detached himself from his counterpart, to allow him to deliver his gift, while he found himself faced with his other grandfather. He accepted the box without hesitation, curiosity making him eager to see what the other Rick had got him, but his expression morphed in a puzzled look when he found himself staring at a virtual reality headset, brows knitting together in confusion.
He was absolutely sure that he had seen his Rick building something similar as a present for the other Morty a few days before. The one he was holding had a different design, but it was still the same thing. Had their grandfather decided what to give them together? Or was it just a coincidence? They two were the same person after all...but they were also very lazy when it came to this sort of thing. He wouldn't be surprised to learn that they had brainstorm together for one idea that they both could use.
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"Tha-That sounds really cool, Rick," he chose to say, instead of voicing his thoughts. He didn't want to make the man annoyed. "S-So it's like...the Sims, b-but as a, uh, immersive virtual reality? I-I saw Summer playing that."
This was supposed to be a good day for them all and, besides, the gift was a great one. He had been a little envious when he had seen what his Rick was building for his counterpart. So, he had been hoping that he would get one too, at some point. It had just happened sooner than he thought.
He carefully pulled the device out of the box, having a good look at it, before returning his eyes on the man. "T-Thank you, Rick. T-This is really awesome. I-I can't wait to try it!"
He hesitated for a moment, feeling like he should do something more than just saying "thanks" with his words, and then stepped forward, pressing himself against his other grandfather in a quick and awkward one-arm hug.
"Y-You're the best."
In the meanwhile, Rick too had been presented with his gift. His first reaction at the sight of the half empty bottle had been raising an eyebrow and he had been forced to bite his tongue not to make some sarcastic and most likely hurtful comment about it. Under other circumstances, he wouldn't have held back, but he didn't want to start off the day with a fight. His counterpart and his Morty were just a few steps away, and it was certain that his grandson would have stepped in to defend the other teen's honour or something.
The idea almost made him roll his eyes, but he stopped himself from doing that too, choosing instead to focus on the bottle and vaguely listening to what the other Morty was saying. He recognised the brand, even if he hadn't tasted that particular liquor in years. The teen had guessed it right. It was very expensive and even rarer.
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"D-Damn, you fuckin' stole it, Morty?" He commented, sounding amused. Yet, deep down, he was also a little proud of that bold move. He took the bottle with a hum. "S-Shit, you need to learn to show y-your ballsy side more often, buddy. W-We forget that you have one at times."
The words weren't exactly flattering, but they were spoken in a playful tone and he even elbowed Morty for good measure, to make sure that the boy would know that he was kidding. Well, mostly kidding.
The cap came off easily and he downed a small sip while reaching out to ruffle the teen's hair. The strong taste, a mixture of mint, spice and alcohol, and the velvet feeling it left on his tongue confirmed that it was the real thing.
"I-I fuckin' hope Rick drank it from the bottle," he commented then, his grin turning into a sly smirk. "B-Because...you know. I-I'd be kissing him by proxy or something e-every time I take a sip."
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Disappointment Panda 🐼
I think it has to be said and should’ve been way before now…
The turning point has been passed and shouldn’t have been allowed…
Who’s the responsible adults in the room and why’s nobody’s around…?
This is what happens when you bury your head deeply in the ground…
If taking care of our kids means taking the stones they throw…
Don’t tell us you know better, don’t tell us what we don’t know…
Don’t tell me I’m phobic…that’s a line I refuse to tow…
Not all footsteps lead to lapland…especially if they’re in the snow…
Esther Rantzen took an open mind she wasn’t afraid to show…
When the story of “Sir”Jimmy Saville shattered lives and broke…
So many children were left hanging at the end of that rope…
What is it you have to do these days to get the truth exposed…
What is a woman, what is a man, what is it you think you believe…?
When did the indisputable facts of life differ from this time last week…?
You get nothing in this life for free, even the chance to speak…!!
How can you be too careful with..vulnerable children’s safety…!!!
Take a deep breath in and don’t be afraid to say what you see…
He is a he, she is a she, you can find the descriptions in the dictionary…
Take time to review the first book, or wait to pan the trilogy…..
Listen to the critics and not the deniers who have ultimate responsibility…
The bullets are real but the authorities are shooting out blanks…
There’s only affirmation on this hilltop and we’re running out of tanks…
It’s an irritation annihilation and we must be marched like ants…
Bring your foot down on top of us while you’re scratching your pants…!!!!!
Stick your head above the parapet along with the likes of JK…
Or take the line of defence that tomorrow is another day…..
I suppose it’s not your generation so turn a blind eye to the pain…
Don’t let something like personal responsibility stand up and in your way……
Ignore the cries for help and chase the doubts away…
Now that we’re all speechless and you’re the ones to blame…
Get down to city hall for prescriptions of vitriol and false claims…
You know you’re one of the perpetrators in everything else but name…..
Shut in all the children, our schools are a kind and safe place…
Make changes to the education system and do it all in haste…
The tide is starting to turn but we’re only catching a few waves…
Where’s the life guards in the water, it’s only people saving face…..
It’s virtual reality that’s hacking in and tracking the good grades…
This is the real lockdown and this is our nation state…
You don’t need to study the facts or write out any essays…
You’re eventually be WOKEn at night after painfully destructive decades…
We’ve pandered to the issues and been calked out as fake…
We’ve been thrown into exile and burned at the stake…
When did logic and science transition into darkest space…?
You’re removing a child’s healthy body parts for goodness sakes…
Bearing all the hallmarks of so many previous tragic mistakes…
Where are the millennials now and where are all the snowflakes…?
Don’t let a few question marks undermine the political landscape…
They’d rather cut off their hands than hold them up to their mistakes…
It’s unfortunately not your body, you’ve been born a mismatch…
We live in a time where a cat is a dog and a dog is a cat…..
It’s not your fault you’re a person who’s been designated the wrong hat…
If you take it off today then tomorrow you can always put it right back….
Where was the impartiality in speaking out with caring concern…
Where was the rationale in what you’ve now discerned…..?
What does it teach you and whose..lessons have been learned…?
Guess what…it’s not you at the sharp end of all that you’ve affirmed……….!!!!!!!
Fuck all the rainbows and sponsorship deals…
You could’ve funded some new schools or offered free meals…
Instead you’re dishing out hormones to the vulnerable and mentally ill….
You can always redirect the funding…but you can’t reattach genitals……!!!!

0 notes
Sunghoon was a man of routine. After a long day at the construction site, his body ached, his muscles tight with the effort of lifting heavy beams and laying bricks under the unforgiving sun. The dust had settled into the creases of his skin, and his clothes clung to him like a second, grimy layer. He walked into the house, the screen door slamming shut behind him, and tossed his hard hat onto the hallway table. His stepson, you, were in the living room, engrossed in a game, the sound of virtual explosions and car engines echoing through the small space. You looked up briefly, acknowledging his presence with a nod before returning to your digital world.
Sunghoon's eyes scanned the room, noticing the pile of dirty laundry in the corner. With a sigh, he headed towards his bedroom, the promise of a cold shower and clean clothes beckoning. As he stepped over the threshold, something caught his eye - a faint scent, a movement he couldn't quite place. He turned to see you standing in the doorway, holding one of his sweat-soaked shirts to your nose, inhaling deeply.
"What are you doing?" he asked, his voice gruff with exhaustion and surprise.
You startled, dropping the shirt as if it had burned you. "N-nothing," you stuttered, your cheeks flushing a deep shade of red. "I was just... looking for something."
SUMMARY^1: Sunghoon returns from work tired and dirty, and finds his stepson playing games. He notices the laundry and heads to his room, where he catches his stepson sniffing his sweaty shirt. When confronted, the stepson stammers an excuse.
Sunghoon studied you, his brow furrowed. It wasn't the first time he had caught you acting strangely around his clothes, but he had always brushed it off as a phase, something that would pass. But there was something in your eyes, a hunger, a need that made his stomach clench. He stepped closer, the warmth of his body radiating towards you, the scent of his sweat filling the air. "What is it about my clothes?" he asked, his voice softer now, curiosity piqued.
You shuffled your feet, unable to meet his gaze. "They... they smell like you," you murmured, the words barely audible. "It's comforting."
Sunghoon's eyes narrowed, a hint of understanding dawning on his face. He reached out, placing a calloused hand on your shoulder. "Come here," he said, guiding you to the bed. He sat down heavily, the mattress sinking under his weight, and patted the spot beside him. "I've got something better for you."
Your heart raced as you sat down, his arm sliding around your shoulders. He leaned back, pulling you closer, and raised his arm, offering you his sweat-soaked armpit. "This is where the scent comes from," he said, his voice low and slightly amused. "If you want to know what I smell like, this is it."
SUMMARY^1: Sunghoon realizes the stepson's strange behavior isn't a phase and discovers his attraction to his scent. He gently confronts the issue, offering his armpit as a source of the scent the stepson craves.
You hesitated, the situation feeling both surreal and intoxicating. Then, with a tremble, you leaned in, pressing your nose to the warm, damp fabric. The scent of his sweat filled your nostrils, a heady mix of salt and musk that sent a thrill through your body. Without thinking, you began to lick, tentatively at first, the fabric of his shirt.
Sunghoon's eyes widened, his breath hitching in his chest. He had never anticipated this, never knew that his stepson felt this way. But as he watched you, lost in the act, something shifted within him. He felt a strange mix of protectiveness and arousal, a need to both comfort you and claim you. He leaned back further, giving you full access to his armpit, watching as your tongue danced over the fabric, eagerly lapping up his scent.
The room grew quiet, save for the sounds of your eager licks and the occasional grunt of pleasure from Sunghoon. He felt a new dynamic unfolding between you, one that was both thrilling and terrifying. But for now, all he could do was sit there, his arm around you, as you became lost in the intimate ritual that had started so innocently. The air was thick with tension, and Sunghoon knew that this moment would change everything.
SUMMARY^1: Overwhelmed by the situation, the stepson licks Sunghoon's sweaty shirt. Sunghoon reacts with a mix of shock and arousal, allowing the intimate act to continue as he feels a shift in their relationship dynamics.
You continued to explore his armpit, your tongue tracing patterns in his sweat. The fabric grew wetter, sticking to his skin, as you grew more confident in your actions. Sunghoon's breathing grew deeper, his body responding in ways he had never expected. He leaned his head back, watching you through half-lidded eyes, his mouth opening slightly as he whispered dirty words of encouragement.
"That's it," he murmured, his voice hoarse with desire. "Lick it all up, baby. Get me nice and clean."
You paused, looking up at him with a mix of confusion and excitement. The words 'daddy' and 'baby' hung in the air, unspoken yet palpable. You swallowed hard, your heart racing, and leaned back in, eager to please him. Your tongue danced around the edges of his armpit, teasing out beads of sweat and flicking over his skin. The saliva trailed down his side, creating a wet path along the contours of his abs.
Sunghoon's hand slid down to the back of your neck, his grip firm but gentle, guiding you closer. "Don't stop," he urged, his voice thick with need. "You're doing so good, so fucking good."
The dirty talk spurred you on, making your cheeks burn even hotter. You knew this was wrong, that you should be ashamed, but the way he talked to you, the way he looked at you, it was all so intoxicating. You licked harder, deeper, your tongue delving into his armpit, feeling the roughness of his hair against your nose. The taste was addictive, a mix of salt and man, and you couldn't get enough.
SUMMARY^1: The stepson, encouraged by Sunghoon's whispers, becomes more confident in his actions, leading to an increased intimacy and the introduction of erotic language that solidifies their newfound dynamics.
With a sudden surge of boldness, you slid your hand down to the waistband of his pants, feeling the warmth emanating from his crotch. Your fingertips brushed against the fabric, and you could feel the hardness growing there, responding to your attentions. Sunghoon's breath hitched, his grip on your neck tightening slightly.
"You like that, don't you?" he said, his voice a dark growl. "You want more of daddy's sweat, don't you?"
You nodded, unable to speak, and Sunghoon chuckled, his eyes gleaming. He leaned back further, lifting his shirt to expose his stomach. "Here," he said, pointing to his belly button. "It's even better here."
You didn't need any more prompting. You leaned in, tongue flicking out to claim the salty prize, your eyes never leaving his. The world around you faded away, and all that existed was the two of you, the taste of his sweat, and the thrill of the forbidden. As you licked and sucked, you felt a shift, a crossing of a line that could never be uncrossed. But you didn't care. In that moment, all you wanted was more of Sunghoon, more of this new, exciting world that had opened up before you.
SUMMARY^1: The stepson becomes bolder, touching Sunghoon's crotch and receiving encouragement to explore further. Sunghoon exposes his stomach, offering more of his scent, and their forbidden connection deepens as they both accept and embrace the shift in their relationship.
Sunghoon's hand moved from your neck to your cheek, his thumb caressing your skin as he watched you. He could feel his own arousal growing, his cock straining against the confines of his pants. He knew that this was just the beginning, that there was so much more to explore, so much more to give you. But for now, he was content to let you take the lead, to let you set the pace of this new, twisted dance that had become your life together.
The sound of your wet, eager licks filled the room, the only music to the symphony of desire that played between you. Sunghoon's chest heaved as he watched you, his heart racing, his mind racing even faster. This was a path he had never expected to walk, but as he looked into your eyes, filled with a mix of innocence and lust, he knew that he would follow you anywhere.
As you continued to worship his sweat, Sunghoon's thoughts drifted to what was to come. He knew that this was just the first step, that there would be so much more to explore. The idea of your mouth on his cock, of you swallowing his cum, of pushing his sweaty body into yours, was almost too much to handle. But he knew it was inevitable, the hunger in your eyes leaving no room for doubt.
He leaned in, his mouth a breath away from your ear. "You're such a good boy," he whispered, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. "Daddy's so proud of you."
With a sudden jolt, he grabbed your face, his fingers digging into your cheeks. He pulled you away from his armpit and forced your head back, exposing your neck. "Now, let's see how well you can take daddy's spit," he said, a wicked smile playing on his lips.
Sunghoon leaned down, his tongue swiping out to lick a long, slow line from your chin to your forehead. He watched as your eyes fluttered closed, a moan escaping your lips. His spit was thick and warm, a tangible representation of his desire for you. He painted your face with it, marking you as his, his saliva mixing with your sweat and the slickness of your own arousal.
"Look at me," he ordered, his voice a gruff growl.
You opened your eyes, meeting his intense gaze. He leaned in closer, his mouth claiming yours in a brutal kiss, his tongue invading your mouth, the taste of his sweat mingling with your own. His grip on your neck was firm, controlling, as he kissed you deeply, leaving no doubt as to who was in charge. The kiss grew messier, your mouths moving in a frantic dance as you both struggled for dominance.
When he finally pulled away, you were both panting, your eyes glazed with lust. "Now, let's get you ready for what's next," he said, his voice low and menacing.
He flipped you onto your stomach, your face pressed into the pillow. You could feel his hot breath on the back of your neck as he undid your pants, his hands rough and demanding. His fingers slid down to your ass, spreading your cheeks wide. The anticipation was unbearable, the wetness of his spit and your own arousal making everything slick.
Without warning, his tongue delved into your most private place, the sensation of his hot, wet muscle against your hole making you jolt. You whimpered into the pillow, your body trembling as he licked and probed, his tongue circling and teasing, pushing into you until you were begging for more.
"You like that, don't you?" he murmured, his voice thick with lust. "You like daddy's tongue in your dirty little ass?"
You nodded, your voice muffled by the fabric. The sensation was overwhelming, the mix of pleasure and pain driving you wild. You'd never experienced anything like this before, but you knew you never wanted it to end.
Sunghoon's tongue grew bolder, his spit mixing with your precum as he lapped at your hole. His hands gripped your hips, holding you in place as he feasted on you, his teeth occasionally nipping at your sensitive skin. The dirty talk grew more intense, his words a stream of filth that only served to inflame your desire.
"You're going to take daddy's cock so good," he said, his voice a dark promise. "You're going to be my little slut, aren't you?"
You nodded again, unable to form words, your body responding to his every touch. You felt so exposed, so vulnerable, but in that vulnerability there was a strange sense of power, a knowledge that you had the ability to make this strong, dominant man lose control.
Sunghoon's mouth moved up to your ear, his breath hot and wet. "Tell me you want it," he demanded. "Tell me you want daddy's cock."
"I want it," you gasped, the words tumbling out of your mouth before you could even think. "I want it so bad."
He chuckled, the sound sending a shiver down your spine. "Good boy," he said, his voice filled with satisfaction. "You're going to get it. You're going to get all of it."
The room was a blur of sensation, your mind overwhelmed by the feeling of his tongue and the sound of his voice. You knew that nothing would ever be the same between you, that this moment was the start of something dark and delicious. As he licked your face, tasting the salt of his own sweat, the reality of what was happening crashed over you in waves of heat.
"You're going to be daddy's good little slut," he whispered, his voice a seductive purr that sent shivers down your spine. "You're going to love every second of it."
Sunghoon leaned back, his hand still wrapped around his cock, stroking it roughly. He leaned over you, his sweat dripping onto your bare back, making you squirm beneath him. He watched you with a predatory gaze, his eyes dark with lust. "Open your mouth," he said, his voice a gruff command.
You obeyed without thought, your lips parting to reveal your eager tongue. He brought the head of his cock to your mouth, the salty taste of his precum mingling with the sweat that coated it. He slid it in, his eyes never leaving yours, watching as you took him in, inch by inch. You could feel his satisfaction, his need for you, as he pushed deeper, until your nose was buried in his groin.
The dirty talk grew more intense, his words a filthy symphony that played in your mind. "That's it," he said, his voice strained with effort. "Take it all. You're going to swallow every drop."
You nodded, your eyes watering slightly as you took him deeper. His hand tightened in your hair, guiding your movements as he fucked your mouth, his hips bucking with every thrust. You could feel the tension building in him, the moment of his release drawing nearer. Your own cock was rock-hard, trapped between your stomach and the mattress, leaking precum onto the bed.
With a final, guttural groan, Sunghoon pulled out of your mouth, his cock slick with your spit. He leaned over, his hot breath on your ear. "Now, let's see how much of a slut you really are."
Without warning, he plunged his cock into your ass, the suddenness of the act making you cry out. You were unprepared, but the pain was quickly overridden by a flood of pleasure that made your toes curl. His grip on your hair tightened, pulling your head back as he began to fuck you in earnest.
"Look at me," he ordered, his eyes boring into yours. "Look at daddy while he fucks you."
You met his gaze, the intensity of it making your stomach clench. He leaned down, his mouth capturing yours in a deep, wet kiss. His tongue delved into your mouth, tasting himself, his spit mixing with yours in a sloppy, passionate mess. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, punctuated by your moans and his grunts of pleasure.
"You're doing so good," he murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. "You're taking it like a champ."
The words spurred you on, your body moving in sync with his, eager for every thrust. You felt so full, so complete, as he filled you up, his sweat and spit the only lube you needed. The world outside had ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the two of you, locked in this depraved embrace.
Sunghoon's hand slid down to your cock, his grip firm and sure. He began to stroke you in time with his thrusts, his movements almost painfully slow. "Cum for me," he whispered, his voice a dark promise. "Cum all over yourself."
You nodded, the pressure building inside you, your body a tight coil ready to snap. His spit-slicked cock pounded into you, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin of your neck. The room was a cocoon of lust, the only sounds the wet slap of skin and the harsh rhythm of your breathing.
With a final, desperate moan, you came, your orgasm ripping through you like a storm. You felt the warmth of your cum splatter against your stomach, mixing with the sweat and spit that coated your skin. Sunghoon groaned, his thrusts growing more erratic, his own climax close at hand.
He pulled out, his cock slick with your ass juices, and flipped you onto your back. You lay there, panting and spent, as he positioned himself above you, his eyes never leaving yours. "Open your mouth," he growled.
You did as you were told, and he painted your face with his cum, his spit flying as he unloaded onto you. He watched as you closed your eyes, savoring the taste of him on your tongue, his seed a declaration of ownership.
"Swallow it," he ordered, his voice thick with satisfaction as he watched the last ropes of cum dribble from his cock onto your chin.
You obeyed, your mouth eagerly opening to accept his seed. You felt his warmth as he leaned over you, his cum sliding down your throat, the taste of him a strange mix of salt and power. His eyes bore into yours, the intensity of his gaze making you tremble with a heady mix of fear and excitement.
Sunghoon's chest heaved above you, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He reached down, his hand wiping away the last remnants of his cum from your cheek before he leaned in, his tongue tracing the path his hand had made. You whimpered, the sensation of his tongue on your skin after the roughness of his fucking making you feel alive in a way you had never experienced before.
He pulled back, a wicked smile playing on his lips as he looked down at you, his cock still semi-hard against your stomach. "You're mine now," he murmured, his voice low and possessive. "Daddy's little slut."
You nodded, the words sending a thrill through you that was almost as intense as the orgasm that had just ripped through your body. The reality of what had just happened washed over you, but instead of regret, you felt a strange sense of belonging.
Sunghoon rolled off of you, his body still slick with sweat. He lay on his side, his hand trailing down your body to rest on your ass, his thumb idly stroking the tender flesh. "You liked that, didn't you?" he asked, his voice gentle now, almost tender.
You nodded again, unable to find the words to express the tumult of emotions that swirled within you. You had never felt so used, so claimed, and yet so cherished.
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Good," he said, his voice filled with contentment. "Because we're just getting started."
As he pulled you into his arms, you couldn't help but wonder what the future held for the two of you. You knew that this was just the beginning, that the lines between father and son had been irrevocably blurred. But for now, all you could do was lay there, basking in the afterglow of your first taste of the forbidden fruit, your body still humming with the echoes of his touch.
The room was quiet, save for the sound of your intermingled breaths. Sunghoon's arms were like steel bands around you, holding you tight, his chest rising and falling with every inhale and exhale. You felt safe, protected, and for the first time in a long time, you felt wanted.
He leaned down, his mouth capturing yours in a gentle kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth to tangle with yours. The taste of his cum lingered, a constant reminder of what had just occurred. As he kissed you, you felt something else building within you, a need that was as potent as the desire that had driven you to this point.
"Again," you murmured against his lips, your voice needy.
Sunghoon chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest. "Greedy little slut," he said, his tone affectionate. "But daddy likes it when you're greedy."
He rolled you onto your back, his body covering yours as he positioned himself between your legs. He slid his cock back into you, his movements slow and deliberate. You moaned into his mouth as he began to thrust, the pleasure building once more.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close, your legs locking around his waist. His kiss grew more demanding, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip as he claimed you once again. The world around you faded away, leaving only the feeling of his body on yours, his cock filling you up, his sweat mingling with yours.
This was your new reality, a world of dirt and sweat and lust. And as Sunghoon's hips drove into you, his dirty whispers filling your ears, you knew that you would never want to leave it.
He pulled out of your mouth, a smug smile playing on his lips as he looked down at you, his cock glistening with your spit. "You're such a good boy," he said, his voice a low growl. "Now, let's get you really clean."
Without warning, he leaned down, his mouth capturing yours in a deep, wet kiss. But this time, it wasn't just his tongue that invaded you. He pushed his cum-coated cock back into your mouth, making you taste yourself on him. You whimpered, the mix of his cum and sweat a heady cocktail that had you begging for more.
As he kissed you, his hand slid down to your ass, his thumb finding your tight, puckered hole. He pushed it in, the sensation making your eyes roll back in your head. You could feel his other hand moving, reaching down to his cock, stroking it to hardness once again. The thought of him fucking you while you were still covered in his cum made you squirm with excitement.
"You're going to take it all," he murmured against your lips. "Every drop of daddy's cum."
With a grunt, he pushed back into you, his cock sliding in with ease. His strokes grew faster, his breath coming in ragged pants. You could feel his excitement building, his need for you growing with every thrust.
And then, without warning, he pulled out, his cock spurting a stream of hot, golden liquid onto your face. You gasped, the sensation of his piss mixing with the sticky mess already there. His hand held your head in place, his stream hitting your cheeks, your nose, your eyes. The scent of his piss filled the room, a new, primal scent that only served to drive your desire higher.
"Swallow it," he ordered, his voice a command that you couldn't resist. You opened your mouth, his piss hitting your tongue, the taste salty and strange. But as you swallowed, something clicked into place, a dark, twisted part of you that reveled in this new, depraved act.
He watched you with a mix of fascination and hunger, his hand still gripping your hair as he painted your face with his seed. "Look at you," he said, his voice filled with pride. "You're a natural."
You nodded, a strangled moan escaping you as he pushed back into your mouth, his cock still spurting. You swallowed everything he gave you, eager for more, eager to please him. The taste of his cum and piss mingled on your tongue, a flavor that was both repulsive and utterly intoxicating.
"You're going to be daddy's good little slut," he whispered, his voice a dark promise. "And I'm going to use you whenever I want."
The words sent a shiver down your spine, a thrill of fear and excitement that made your cock throb with need. You nodded again, eager to please, eager to be used by this man who had become your everything.
Sunghoon pulled out of your mouth, his cock still semi-hard. He leaned down, his mouth capturing yours in a deep, sloppy kiss, his tongue delving into your mouth to taste himself on you. His hand slid down to your cock, stroking you in time with his kisses.
"You liked that, didn't you?" he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "Being daddy's dirty little slut?"
You nodded, unable to speak, your mouth too busy with his. The need to cum was building, a pressure that was almost unbearable. He broke the kiss, his eyes gleaming with lust. "You want daddy's cock back in you?"
You whimpered, nodding frantically. He chuckled, his grip on your cock tightening. "Beg for it," he said, his voice a harsh whisper.
"Please, daddy," you gasped, the words slipping from your mouth before you could stop them. "Please fuck me again."
He groaned, his hand moving faster on your cock. "You're going to beg for it every time," he said, his eyes never leaving yours. "You're going to crave it."
And with that, he plunged back into you, his cock hard and demanding. You gasped as he filled you up, his sweat-slicked body moving over yours in a dance of power and submission. The room was filled with the sounds of your moans and his grunts, the slap of skin on skin a rhythmic symphony of lust. His hands roamed over your body, leaving trails of fire wherever they touched, his fingertips digging into your hips as he fucked you with a ferocity that was both terrifying and exhilarating.
Sunghoon's eyes never left yours, the intensity of his gaze holding you captive. His grip on your hips grew bruising, his movements punishing as he claimed you over and over again. You could feel yourself losing control, your mind spiraling into a vortex of pleasure and pain, your body responding to his every command. The word 'daddy' slipped from your lips, a desperate plea for more, for him to never stop.
He leaned down, his teeth grazing your ear as he whispered filthy promises of what was to come. "You're going to be my little whore," he said, his voice a dark caress. "My personal plaything."
You nodded, the words sending a jolt of excitement through you. The idea of being used, of being his, was intoxicating. You reached up, your hands fisting in his hair as you pulled him closer, your body begging for his kiss. His mouth claimed yours, his tongue sliding in to dominate your mouth, his teeth scraping against your lower lip.
As he fucked you, his hand found its way to your cock, his strokes matching the rhythm of his hips. You could feel yourself getting closer, your orgasm building like a storm waiting to break. But Sunghoon wasn't done with you yet. He pulled out, his cock glistening with your ass juices, and flipped you onto your stomach. "Ass up," he barked, his voice leaving no room for argument.
You obeyed, pushing your ass into the air, your cheeks still sticky with his cum and your own spit. He slapped your ass, the sound echoing in the room, before plunging back in without mercy. His strokes were harder now, deeper, as if he was trying to claim you in the most primal way possible. And with every thrust, you felt yourself falling deeper into the abyss of your own desire.
You could feel your body tightening around him, your muscles clenching as you tried to hold back the inevitable. But it was no use. With a final, desperate cry, you came, your ass spasming around his cock as he fucked you through your orgasm. The sensation was unlike anything you had ever felt before, a mix of pain and pleasure that was almost too much to bear.
Sunghoon didn't stop, his strokes growing more erratic as he chased his own release. He reached around, his hand wrapping around your throat, squeezing just enough to make your vision swim. "Mine," he growled, his voice thick with lust.
You nodded, the word 'yes' a mere breath that slipped from your lips. His grip tightened, cutting off your air, and you felt yourself getting lightheaded. But instead of fear, all you felt was a strange sense of euphoria, a heady rush that only served to heighten your pleasure.
And then, with a final, guttural roar, he came, his cock pulsing inside you as he filled you with his seed. He collapsed on top of you, his weight pressing you into the mattress, his breath hot against your neck.
For a moment, there was only the sound of your ragged breaths and the thundering of your hearts. Then, Sunghoon leaned down, his mouth capturing yours in a kiss that was as gentle as the rest of him had been rough. His hand slid down to cup your cheek, his thumb wiping away the tears that had escaped your eyes.
"It's okay," he murmured, his voice a stark contrast to the harshness of his earlier words. "You're mine now."
You nodded, your body boneless, your mind reeling from the intensity of the experience. You had never felt so alive, so owned, so utterly consumed by another person. And as he pulled out of you, his cum dripping from your ass, you knew that you never wanted it to end.
Sunghoon leaned over you, his hand moving to your face. He scooped up the cum that had pooled on your cheek, bringing it to his mouth. He licked it off his fingers, his eyes never leaving yours, the hunger in them unmistakable. Then, with a wicked smile, he leaned in, his tongue sliding into your mouth. You could taste yourself on him, the tang of your ass and the salt of his cum mixing with the warmth of his spit.
The kiss grew more intense, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth. He pulled back, his spit connecting your lips in a string of desire. You watched, transfixed, as he leaned down to lick it away, his tongue tracing the contours of your face, tasting the salty evidence of your shared pleasure. You moaned, the sensation of his mouth on your skin making your cock twitch with renewed interest.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his voice a rough caress. "So perfect."
He leaned back in, his hand gripping your jaw to hold you still. His spit was everywhere, coating your face, mixing with your sweat and tears. He licked it away, his tongue a gentle yet insistent presence that had you squirming beneath him. You felt his cock harden again, his desire for you an ever-present force that seemed to pulse through the air.
"Look at me," he ordered, his voice a soft yet commanding growl.
You opened your eyes, meeting his gaze. His thumb traced your bottom lip, pushing more of his spit into your mouth. You swallowed, the salty wetness coating your throat, making you want more. He leaned in, his mouth capturing yours in a kiss that was both gentle and demanding. His tongue slid against yours, his spit mixing with yours as he kissed you deeply.
You felt his hand slide down to your cock, his grip firm as he began to stroke you once again. Your body responded, your hips arching up to meet his touch. The kiss grew sloppier, more desperate, as you both chased the high of your earlier climaxes.
With a sudden jolt, he pulled away, his eyes gleaming. "Daddy's not done with you yet," he murmured, his voice a dark promise. He straddled your chest, his cock hovering above your mouth. "Open wide, baby. Daddy's going to give you another taste."
You obeyed, your mouth watering as he pushed his cock back into your mouth. The taste of his cum and your ass was addictive, making you moan around him. His hand slid to the back of your head, his fingers tangling in your hair as he began to fuck your mouth, his hips moving in a steady rhythm.
You felt his thighs tense, his breath hitching as he grew closer to climax. Your own cock was rock-hard, leaking pre-cum onto your stomach. You reached up, your hand wrapping around the base of his shaft, stroking him in time with his thrusts.
Sunghoon's eyes rolled back in his head, his moans growing louder. He pulled out of your mouth, his spit and cum leaving a wet trail on your face. "Look at what a good boy you are," he said, his voice strained with need. "Look how much you want daddy's cum."
He began to jerk himself off, his hand moving fast and furious. You watched, your own hand moving to your cock, matching his pace. The sight of him, sweaty and desperate, was almost too much to handle.
With a roar, he came, his cum spurting onto your face, his spit flying as he shot his load. You watched, your eyes wide, as he painted your cheeks, your nose, your forehead. The warmth of his seed was a brand, a claiming that went beyond words. He leaned down, his hand sliding behind your head, his fingers tangling in your hair as he guided you to lick up the mess he'd made.
You eagerly obeyed, your tongue sliding over your skin, tasting the salt of his spit, the bitterness of his cum. You lapped at your face, his hand moving to your cheek, guiding you, his spit mixing with the mess already there. His eyes never left yours, the hunger in them unmistakable. He watched as you cleaned yourself, his cock still hard, his need for you unabated.
When you had licked yourself clean, he leaned in, his mouth capturing yours in a kiss that was as much a claim as it was an act of love. His spit mingled with your own, his tongue sliding into your mouth, tasting himself on you. You moaned into the kiss, your body arching up to meet his, desperate for more.
Sunghoon pulled back, his eyes dark with desire. "Now, let's get you really clean," he murmured, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down your spine. He slid off the bed, his body glistening with sweat. He grabbed your arm, pulling you to your feet. "Follow me."
He led you to the bathroom, his hand never leaving your skin. The coolness of the tiles was a stark contrast to the heat of his touch, the light of the room stark and unforgiving. He pushed you into the shower, the water hitting your skin like a thousand tiny needles of ice. You gasped, the shock of it making your cock jump.
He stepped in behind you, his body pressing against your back. His hands slid over your chest, his spit mixing with the water as he began to wash you. His touch was gentle, almost tender, as he cleaned you off, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses along your neck, your shoulders. The warm water rinsed away the evidence of your earlier activities, but the feeling of his hands on your body, the memory of his mouth on your skin, remained, etched into your very soul.
As he washed you, his hands grew more insistent, his touch more demanding. His fingers danced over your stomach, moving lower until they found your cock, still hard and begging for attention. He began to stroke you, his grip firm, his movements slow and deliberate. You leaned back into him, his body a wall of warmth and strength that you craved.
The water cascaded down your chest, mixing with the spit that still lingered on your skin. He kissed your shoulder, his teeth nipping at the sensitive flesh as he brought you closer to the edge. His hand worked you expertly, his thumb circling your slit, spreading the precum that leaked from your cock.
You moaned, the sound echoing off the tiles. The water ran in rivulets down your body, carrying the scent of sweat and sex with it. Your hand reached back, gripping his hip, urging him closer. His other hand slid down to your ass, his fingers playing with your hole, teasing you, making you beg for more.
And as the water washed away the last of the sweat and spit, you knew that this was just the beginning. The line between love and obsession had been crossed, and there was no going back. You were his, utterly and completely, and you would do anything, endure anything, to keep him satisfied.
Sunghoon's hand tightened on your cock, his strokes growing faster. "Cum for me," he murmured into your ear, his voice a dark demand.
With a cry, you did as he asked, your orgasm ripping through you, your cum spurting into the water, mixing with the soap and spit. He held you there, his hand never stopping, his mouth on your neck, until the last spasm had passed.
Sunghoon stepped back, his own need evident in his eyes. He reached down, his hand wrapping around his cock, his spit-slicked fingers stroking himself. "You liked that, didn't you?" he murmured, his voice thick with lust. "You liked being daddy's dirty little slut."
You nodded, unable to speak, your breath coming in ragged gasps. His spit was still on your face, warm and sticky, a constant reminder of your new role. He leaned in, his mouth capturing yours in a kiss that was as fierce as the storm outside. You felt his spit mingle with your own, the taste of your submission and his dominance a heady mix that had you lightheaded with desire.
When he pulled away, his hand slid up to your face, his thumb swiping across your cheek, collecting the spit. He brought it to his mouth, his eyes never leaving yours, and sucked it clean. The intimacy of the act was almost too much to bear, a silent declaration of his ownership. His hand moved to the back of your head, his grip firm as he guided you down to your knees. "Clean me up," he ordered, his voice a gruff rumble that sent shivers down your spine.
You eagerly obeyed, your mouth watering at the thought of tasting him. You leaned in, your tongue sliding out to lick at his cock. The taste of his spit and your own cum was addictive, making you crave more. You took him into your mouth, your tongue swirling around the head, your cheeks hollowing as you sucked him deep. His hand tightened in your hair, guiding you, setting the pace.
As you worked his cock, his spit trailed down onto your face, mixing with the water. You closed your eyes, savoring the feeling of his body against yours, the taste of his need. He moaned, his hips jerking as you took him deeper, your throat working around his shaft. The sound of his pleasure was like music, a symphony that filled your ears, your heart.
You felt his hand on your cheek, his thumb tracing the path of his spit. You opened your eyes, meeting his gaze, and licked it away, the act of submission making your cock throb. His eyes darkened, his grip on your hair tightening as he pushed your head down, fucking your mouth with renewed vigor.
The water continued to rain down on you, a constant reminder of the mess you had made, of the depraved things you had done. But as you knelt before him, his cock in your mouth, you had never felt more alive, more desired. This was your place now, in the shadow of his dominance, in the thrall of his need.
As you licked and sucked, his hand sliding through your hair, his breath grew harsher, his movements more erratic. "Swallow it all," he growled, his voice a command that you couldn't resist.
With a final thrust, he came, his cum filling your mouth. You swallowed, the taste of him a declaration of your submission. He pulled out, his spit and cum dripping from your chin. His hand slid down to cup your face, his thumb tracing your bottom lip. "Good boy," he murmured, his voice filled with satisfaction.
You leaned into his touch, your body trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure. The warm water washed over you, cleansing the outside, but inside, you knew that you would never be clean again. The dirtiness of your desires had taken root, grown into a beautiful, twisted love that was all-consuming.
Sunghoon stepped out of the shower, reaching for a towel. He bent down, his eyes never leaving yours, and wiped the remaining spit from your face. "Come," he said, his voice gentle. "Let's get you dried off."
You followed him out of the shower, your legs shaky, your body still humming with the aftermath of your climax. He wrapped the towel around you, his touch careful, almost tender. The warmth of it was a stark contrast to the coldness of the tiles beneath your feet. You watched as he toweled himself off, his muscles rippling with every movement.
The air in the room was thick with the scent of sex and sweat, a reminder of what had just transpired. The storm outside had passed, leaving only the distant rumble of thunder, the occasional flash of lightning to illuminate the room. It was as if the world had moved on, but you two remained suspended in this moment of raw intimacy.
He took the towel from your hands, his own movements more deliberate as he dried your body. His eyes were dark, his gaze intense, as if he was memorizing every inch of your skin. When he was done, he pulled you into his arms, holding you close, your damp bodies pressed together.
The silence was almost deafening, the only sound the patter of water droplets on the floor. You could feel his heart beating against your chest, the rhythm a comforting lullaby that lulled you into a sense of peace. You knew that what had happened between you was wrong, that it would never be accepted by anyone else. But in that moment, it felt so right, so perfect.
Sunghoon kissed the top of your head, his hand moving to the small of your back. "Let's go to bed," he murmured. "We have the rest of the night."
You nodded, the exhaustion from the day and the intensity of your encounter weighing heavily on you. Together, you walked to the bedroom, the soft caress of the towel against your skin the only sound in the quiet house.
The bed was still a mess from earlier, the sheets tangled and damp. He pulled them back, his movements slow, almost reverent. You climbed in, the warmth of the bed enveloping you like a lover's embrace. He followed, pulling you against his chest, your head nestled under his chin.
His arm wrapped around you, his hand resting on your hip. You felt his cock, still half-hard, pressing against your thigh. But there was no urgency, no need for more. For now, this was enough. The storm outside had passed, leaving in its wake a quiet, intimate calm.
Sunghoon kissed your forehead, his spit a gentle reminder of the power dynamics that had shifted. "Rest," he said, his voice a low rumble. "You're safe here."
You closed your eyes, the warmth of his body surrounding you, his spit drying on your skin. As you drifted off to sleep, you knew that nothing would ever be the same again. The line between love and obsession had been blurred, and you had stepped over it willingly. But in the safety of his arms, with the scent of him still clinging to you, you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
The world outside had no place here, in this sanctuary of desire and need. The only thing that mattered was the steady beat of his heart, the warmth of his body, and the promise of what tomorrow would bring.aqqq
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1310miles · 3 months
Forty Five
Eva is hooked on seeing the country like I’ve been doing, so she’s been eager to come to more races. She joined me for this quick trip to New Mexico. We rented a house on a ranch with horses, and she was content riding along with me through the deserts, farms and rock formations as we drove from Albuquerque to northern New Mexico to our house. 
We stayed in an area that had an urban center, but our ranch was out into the country. The race, however, was about 20 miles west, on a Native American reservation. Upon entering that community, we saw road signs and advertisements in the native language. We went to the expo on Friday, and at the time, they were just finishing up the fun run. 
On Saturday morning, Eva came with me and we left at sunrise. She planned to camp out at the start/finish, sit in the car, and do homework. I was grateful to have her agree to spend her morning there so that she could see me finish! 
The marathon started at 7am. Before the gun, the President of the Navajo Nation spoke. I was so impressed that he was there! He was dressed in a suit and had a large hat on. He did a long speech in the native language and then repeated it in English. Then the national anthem was sung in the native language too. It was so unique! I’ve never had a starting line experience like that. 
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I headed out. The race path was essentially 6 miles down one highway, take a right, 7 miles down another highway, turn around, then back. I had two things on my mind: the gradual climb that was the first 13 miles and the overall elevation, which was 5500’ above sea level. I knew there was nothing I could do to acclimate to the elevation, so I just tried to temper my expectations on my performance. As for the gradual hill, my goal was to negative split. I wanted to take the first half slow and then crank on the downhill going back. 
With the conditions in mind, and off the experience in Boston, I planned on fueling and hydrating as much as possible. The forecast wasn’t to get too hot, but I would be exposed on the roads in sixty-degree sunshine and I didn’t want to add that to the elevation and hill stress. At the second water stop I decided to start drinking, and grabbed a cup of the first beverage offered, a light yellow liquid that looked like Gatorade. 
One sip and I realized my mistake: it was pickle juice! What a shock! When you are expecting to taste one thing and you taste pickle juice, you can feel a little stunned. Not only did I now have that taste in my mouth, I missed the opportunity to grab the Gatorade and hydrate! Noting not to make that mistake at the next aid station, I pressed on.
Upon the turn from the first highway, we got closer to Shiprock monadnock (an isolated rock or mountain that rises from level plain). It is a breathtaking sight. The scale of the rock is not noticeable until you approach it, and it definitely looks like a ship in a sea of desert. It’s 7,000’ tall and is a sacred monument to the Navajo people. 
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There were aid stations every single mile, which was a huge relief because this was one of the loneliest marathons I’ve ever participated in. There were fewer than 200 runners, and virtually no spectators along the highway, so the only interactions I had were with the lovely people at the stations each mile. They set up camps, with tents and music and decorations, along with tons of different food and drink offerings. I stuck to water and Gatorade, but always enjoyed their smiles and encouragement. I noted though, that many of the stations were Star Wars themed. Lots of people dressed up and lots of slogans from the movie series. I thought to myself “boy, these people really are into Star Wars.” As I told this to Eva after I had finished, she rolled her eyes. She informed me that it was May the 4th, Star Wars Day. “May the 4th Be with You.” I felt pretty dense. 
Since the race was so desolate, once I passed an aid station, I could actually see the next one down the road. The miles seemed easier that way, because that distance didn’t really look too far. I prepared myself that the toughest part of the race would be from miles 9 to 13. Over these four miles, the course climbed the steepest hill. When I got to mile 9, I really focused in on my endurance and tried to go into a fight mode. I thought of very little else than clicking off those miles. As each mile passed, I felt a sense of relief knowing that at the turn around I would be flying back down this long hill. 
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At the turn around I was able to count my competitors. 9 women were ahead of me. I started to focus on trying to win my age group, but of course, I had no idea of the ages of the other women. I tried to estimate, but runners just look so good: we all look young! Also, I was only catching a glance at each, so I could barely make a guess. The best I could do was just dial in and try to catch as many of them as possible. 
I set my sights on the first woman in front of me, in pink pants. She was running strong, and I passed her, but each time I stopped at an aid station, she passed me! At one station, they were giving out freezing cold, wet towels (I took one and basically wiped down my whole body). The towel was a pretty purple that perfectly matched my clothes. As the woman passed me while I was bathing, she yelled “wow that matches your outfit!” We did this back and forth for almost five miles. Finally, I decided to skip an aid station to put an end to that silly game, and left her behind. 
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Around mile 19, we intersected with the half marathon runners and that gave me something new to think about. As I said, it was a really lonely race so anything novel was welcome. It was also a good sign that the end was approaching. I saw another marathon runner in the distance, wearing distinctive pink tights (which were too hot for the conditions), so I tried to focus on catching her next. 
I was getting worn out though. Surprisingly, the weather was actually cooler than race day in Boston, but still it was hot and dry. I didn’t have a lot of energy left and nearing the end I started counting my miles down by tenths. That’s when I know I’m fatigued, because the idea of running a full mile at a time is too daunting. I was gaining of the next woman, but she seemed out of reach. 
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With about three miles left, there was a sudden stream of emergency vehicles barreling down the highway toward the finish line. They were so loud and fast and startling that it was actually upsetting. At that point in a race, your brain is doing some weird things, and all I could imagine was some type of terrible event at the finish line, where Eva was! My heart really started to break, and I got very worried. It is sad that my mind went there. I had to put it aside though, and just get to the end to find out if she was ok. I did feel better as I was started to be able to see the finish area, and there were no flashing lights. 
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The last mile was a fast downhill and I took it strong. I was pretty close to catching up with the next woman in front of me, but I was probably just a tenth of a mile back. As I rounded into the parking lot for the finish line, I saw Eva! I was so happy and she was cheering me on! I crossed the line and got my result as second in my age group, so I got a second medal. Overall I was the 9th woman, just as I thought! Additionally, this was the first race I’ve ever done with a negative split, my second half was faster than my first. 
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hplovecraftmuseum · 2 years
The Great Depression hit virtually every country on earth in 1929. Lovecraft, however, was suffering his own financial problems for years before then. His grandfather Phillips, who was basically the head of the family after Lovecraft's father was instutionalized for severe mental problems, was the source of the entire family's income. Yet, this maternal grandfather saw business declines when HPL was still a boy. Though the Lovecraft and Phillips (his mother's maiden name) families had been successful middle upper class New Englanders in Victorian times, young Howard saw the family servants let go and the carriage and horses sold off little by little. All his life he dreamed that he might someday be able to buy back the great family house at 454 Angell Street in Providence. It was a futile dream. After his grandfather's death Lovecraft and his mother were forced to find much smaller lodgings not far away. Soon after his mother passed HPL married a beautiful, industrious, and highly intelligent widow named, Sonia Greene. Greene had been earning a very respectable salary as a sales person. Greene also had a goodly amount of savings. For some reason Sonia Greene Lovecraft gave up her lucrative position and opened her own business selling ladies hats. This was in NYC in the early 1920s, 'The Roaring Twenties' when most businesses were thriving. For some reason the enterprise failed in only a few months. After taking a sales position elsewhere Sonia Greene, Lovecraft again tried to open her own shop. This business failed too. Lovecraft and his wife essentially seperated after only a couple of years. Divorce was an almost unthinkable scandal in old New England's upper crust and certainly something Lovecraft rarely discussed in letters or among friends. By the time the depression hit the rest of the world H. P. Lovecraft was already facing financial problems and certainly the depression didn't offer any hope of better times. As things continued to decline all around him, HPL might have wondered if the whole universe was in a state of dissolution. In time Lovecraft chose to believe that Socialism as a form of government was the only hope for the world. Pretty much all the persons who have studied Lovecraft's stated political views believe they were extremely naive and unrealistic considering human nature. Lovecraft died in 1937 at the age of 46. He never lived to see the horrors of WW2 or the financial recovery that would come in most places when the war was ended. No doubt Lovecraft - who considered himself a loyal Englishman all his life - whould have been heartbroken to see The British Empire essentially destroyed by the second world war? The effect these things had on Lovecraft's fiction is only too obvious. (Exhibit 289)
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