ponymations · 1 year
quoteswap: Mario Brothers
Dimentio: Very well, Mario Bros Protagonists! Let's see how you like things in the… Dimentio Dimension! Mario: Actually, this isn't so bad. Peach: Yeah, it's actually kinda pretty here. Luigi: Makes a nice change from the dark lands, that's for sure. Dimentio: Stop that! It is supposed to be threatening! Luigi: Look at all the pretty lights! Dimentio: Stop being impressed by the Dimentio Dimension!
Luigi: Aren't you a Damsel in Distress? Daisy: (struggling in Tatanga's grip) I'm a damsel… I'm in distress… I can handle this! Have a nice day!
Luigi to Mario: "You take care of me. You've always taken care of me. My turn."
Bowser Jr.: Papa, tell me what I can get for you. Anything! It's the least I can do. Bowser: Really? How about a sick weapon I can use to maim people and protect you?
Peach: "How do I run in heels? Faster than you, that's for sure."
Mario: You traveled all the way home to walk your Luma to school. Rosalina: It was only a dozen light years. Like a day's cruise. It's not like I was going to Earth or something.
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anya-chalotra · 3 years
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QUOTE SWAP MEME • “I promise you, there is something worse out there than being sad, and that is being alone and being sad.” — Ted Lasso
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thekenobee · 4 years
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jeynewesterling · 4 years
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The Queen's Gambit
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souridealist · 4 years
as fair a definition of satisfaction as I’ve ever heard: that whole thing on wei wuxian and regret that I almost left in the tags on that ask
yes I did go back and look at that conversation in the snow AND some meta about it. a clear conscience. a heart without regret. does wei wuxian have regrets in the end? well after all that loss, after so much of other people’s suffering... how could he not? and yet: he did the best he could. he never walked away from a wrong and let it happen.
I think when Wei Wuxian made his wish on that lantern -- and I’m working with the netflix subtitles here, so, Y’KNOW, but -- 
I, Wei Wuxian, wish that I can always stand with justice and live with no regrets.
When he makes this wish, I think, Wei Wuxian believes that one will lead to the other. that if he never lets an injustice pass him by, he will have no regrets. That if he is that kind of righteous, he will be able to look back at his life and say, “yes, I am happy with how this turned out.”
well. He did not, in fact, let injustice pass him by, and he lost everything that mattered to him, even if he got some of it back. And he didn’t even save more than a few of the people he was trying to save. Does he have no regrets?
when we get to that moment in the snow, episode 43, and... yeah for this I’m going way less with the show’s subtitles and more with the much better translations done by the inestimable @hunxi-guilai in various places but. 
Wei Wuxian leans against the door, he considers the deaths of the people who believed in him . And the ones he cites, specifically, Wen Ning, Jiang Yanli, there’s a very short window of conscious time when he believes both of those people to be completely dead? Even fewer in his first life. He had a few battle-filled hours in which to miss them both, that’s it. But those, I think, are the deaths he feels guiltiest about. Wen Ning, whose death he didn’t speak up in time to prevent, whose strange resurrection and vulnerability to others’ control led to so much suffering -- his own, other peoples’. Jiang Yanli, who died for him. (I think that’s why he doesn’t mention Wen Qing, here - that he grieves her death miserably, but that he grieves it differently. That he blames himself less for her choice. That she had to paralyze him to do it.) 
And then:
Lan Zhan, I toast to you. Having one person in my life who truly knows me is enough. No matter how they slander me, I can ask my heart and find no regret in it.
Is he happy with how things turned out? Right after citing those losses, those deaths? The pain in his voice at shijie? Is this what he wanted, the life he wished for on the lantern? No. 
And yet.
in the Vorkosigan books, which are one of my favorite stories of all time, there’s an exchange. Miles Vorkosigan suffers severe prenatal damage from an assassination attempt on his pregnant mother, and as a result he spends his whole life and the whole series dealing with severe physical disabilities including dwarfism. He’s caused a lot of physical pain by them, and is deeply intrinsically shaped by the ableism around him. It frustrates him a great deal, especially while he’s young. He does a lot of mad, reckless, foolish, brilliant, genius things. Eventually, in a late-series book, a woman asks him: if he could go back in time and prevent that attack, change things, would he do it?
He paused, and drew in breath, and let it out slowly. “I’ve made a lot of grievous mistakes in my life, getting here, but... I wouldn’t trade my journey now. I’d be afraid of making myself smaller.”
She cocked her head, measuring his dwarfishness, not missing his meaning. “That’s as fair a definition of satisfaction as any I’ve ever heard.”
Yeah. That.
It’s not what Wei Wuxian thought a life without regrets would look like, I don’t think. It’s not what he wished for on that lantern. And yet, he did manage this much: is he sure he could do better, if he could go back? No. And if he isn’t, doesn’t that mean he did the best he could? 
...Maybe. Yeah.
He wouldn’t trade his journey now. He might lose more than he gained, in that. 
Maybe that’s as close to a life without regrets as any of us can get, in a world where so often there is no right thing, only a least-wrong one. and maybe that, and someone who knows you, is enough.
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thelegendofclarke · 5 years
y’all really be out there on this earth in this world acting like quoteswaps aren’t a thing and quoteswapping is a horrific act of trademark infringement or something as though “porcelain, ivory, steel” and “if i look back i am lost” aren’t literally THE MOST USED QUOTES IN THE ENTIRE FREAKING FANDOM.
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I had the cart before the horse, Davos Jon said. ↳ ASOIAF/GOT + quoteswap
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amorremanet · 7 years
Pidge: “That’s Ezor. She is the bubbliest psychopath you will ever meet. Keith fought her super-hard when we burst into a Galra base this one time.”
Keith: “I only beat her because I’m ambidextrous.”
Lance: “Then the little blue one over there, that’s Acxa. Acxa knows everybody’s business, she knows everything about everybody.”
Hunk: “That’s why her shoulder-pads are so big, THEY’RE FULL OF SECRETS.”
Allura: “The big one is Zethrid and the blind one is Narti, they’re the most aggressive cat-loving lesbians and they will not hesitate to straight-up murder you.”
Hunk: “Narti does it even after she’s been told not to kill people, DO NOT TRUST HER.”
Keith: “And evil takes a humanoid form in Prince Lotor. Oh, don’t be fooled. He might look like your typical selfish backstabbing slut-faced hoebag, but in reality, he is so much worse.”
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aegon · 5 years
You know what’s pathetic? Using a jonsa quote for your bullshit sanrion edit when you could have used ANYthing else. It doesn’t even make sense because Sansa doesn’t even want to see Tyrion but I hope you’re happy because you are now a fucking hypocrite. So much for us being the problem in this fandom you all sit so high on your fucking horse and pretend you’re better but you’re as petty as any one
Christ on a cracker, you seem pretty upset about this.
You’re right! I was on my high horse and I was annoyed at multiple edits using Arya and Jonrya quotes for edits that demeaned a canon relationship to prop up a crackship other edits, but I was enlightened by all the posts defending it that I took my head out of my ass, changed my ways and decided that, hey, none of this matters anyway. They’re all fictional characters and there’s more important things in life. Sanrion is an interesting dynamic I’m looking forward to in S8, and this quote fits perfectly more than others.
As for Sansa not wanting to see Tyrion again - oh, is this canon? Are we so concerned about what’s canon and what isn’t? I’m so sorry, I lose track with what this fandom considers canonically important to remember and what isn’t that I’ve decided I’ll just do my own thing and contribute something to a ship that you clearly have zero respect for.
After all, we all quoteswap in this fandom. Doesn’t make sense to get more upset about one quote than another, don’t you think?
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elenqfisher · 5 years
the policy in the got/asoiaf fandom is always “quoteswapping is GOOD when there’s something i want to use but BAD when someone takes something applied to MY favorite character and uses it for THEIRS” 
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dorotheashome · 5 years
I’ve seen 3 of those ‘what do you know of my heart’ gifsets in under 5 minutes. All with S*nsa depicted as the heart and A*ya as just that other sister I guess. It’s so transparent l...
Also I want to be clear. I do take issue specifically with this fandom using A*ya/j*nrya quotes. I’ll be perfectly fine with a little quoteswapping when I can go into my fav characters tag and not see her undermined, downgraded and portrayed as a mindless p*ychopath by this fandom. All the while co-opting nearly every single aspect of her storyline for their fave.
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asbraveasrobb · 7 years
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Quoteswap: House Stark/House Martell previous generation
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riahchan · 7 years
LotR Jon x Sansa stuff
(or anything vaguely related)
For @nabilawrites... I started this post on my tablet a couple of days ago but the browser crashed and I lost it so I waited until I could use my computer. This is by no means a perfect list but it is what I had tagged on my blog so if anyone has something to add, please do.
Bind Yourself to Me by @myriddin with gif set by @goodqueenalys
Jon & Sansa as Hobbits by @maybetwice
ASoIaF/LotR mental fanfic summary by me (it’s not a fic but it’s there and jonsa was eventually supposed to happen... it happened in my mind.)
(Not jonsa but Ned X Cat) Ned/Cat reincarnation au by @alienor-woods
Gif sets/Graphics:
Ethereal Elf Queen and Brooding Dwarf King manip by @occupyvenus
Jonsa LotR AU manip by @sardoniyx
Aragorn + Jon Snow Parallels gif set by @kitsn0w
GoT + LotR quotemix gif set by @lyannas-loves
the crownless again shall be king gif set by @kitsn0w
put aside the ranger gif set by @kitsn0w
ASoIaF + LotR quoteswap gif set by @valiantnedspreciouslittlegirl (not jonsa specific)
ASoIaF + LotR quoteswap gif set by @lordsttark (not jonsa specific)
Parallels between Jon and Aragorn by @jr-marauder
The Wolf Bit and Banners - Parallels between Jon/Aragorn and Sansa/Arwen by @castaliareed
Battle of the Bastards and Helms Deep or How Sansa and a Wizard Saved the Day by @castaliareed
I’ve been thinking about ASoIaF-LotR parallels lately by @jen-snow
(Not Jon x Sansa but Arya x Gendry) a cross-series parallel (Arya/Gendry and Beren/Luthien) by @gendrie
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thekenobee · 4 years
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Cabin Endeavour 1/?
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jeynewesterling · 4 years
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the great of thrones [1/?]
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there needs to be more masseffect/deadpool quoteswaps
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