the falsettos modern au is just
whizzer, texting from work: hey I want the 🍆🍆🍑 2nite. K? 😘
marvin: okay
and then whizzer just comes home and marvin is sitting at the dining table reading whatever old men read in their free time and in front of him lies not one, but two grocery bags full of eggplants and peaches.
and whizzer is just. too stunned to speak.
thank you for your time
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ostropest · 6 months
No one:
My cat: *the saddest little noise known to nature*
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kerizaret · 3 months
Yknow I mightve missed a lot of the jpsekai April fools event but the fact it was a time travel event and that they sent tsks to the past and rui to the future single-handedly reignited the brainworms for my time traveller x immortal ruikasa au I cooked up ages ago but keep forgetting
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stargazer-sims · 3 months
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I was in CAS changing some of Eden's outfits (I'm obsessed with changing my sims' clothes all the time) and I decided to try this hair by @johnnysimmer on him. It's a bit longer than his other hairstyles, but I'm kinda in love with this for him.
I feel like this would be his hair after not cutting it all summer. Because his training schedule is lighter in the off-season, he'd be too busy in his spare time running around barefoot, playing at the beach, riding his horse and going on camping trips to worry about trimming his hair.
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yumeyumeappleo · 9 months
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you guys are so jealous of me
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[to the tune of a klondike bar commercial] What would ya dooOOOooo for some Fear Toxin?
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suneat3rr · 2 months
YES I FINALLY REMEMBERED MY TUMBLR LOGIN(I got a new phone and I’m a fucking idiot) anyways I was formerly ApolloAteTheSun if anyone is confused (no one is confused because I did not have very many follower and was probably not memorable but hey what the hell) anyways I’m back and my marauders hyperfixation is slowly returning
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iwasinkbutimfake · 2 months
/~The Eyes Contact from 2022-2024!~/
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This was from 2022 and was the trend so that why
And maybe u can continue about it? XD
(I just found one eye contact from 2022)
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Ok.... This was from 2023 and well Ik some of it was ugly ;-;
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This was from 2024 and yeah only one cuz is this year xd
Idk if I will love to continue draw the eye contact xD
(pss- Let me told u, I pretty love 2022 that one than other, and bye!)
Do u guys still love listen Linkin Park songs? Idk u all but I still love it! It's a pretty good song to me >:3
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thegranddewru · 2 years
Not Netflix and the Persuasion 2022 writers seeing Anne exactly the same way all the shitty characters in the book saw her and therefore needing to change her into someone else entirely.
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sewingpuff · 1 month
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cistematicchaos · 1 year
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ID: A meme of a muppet with reddish brown fur with two panels. In the first, the muppet is staring back at the screen, looking disturbed and in the second one, the muppet looks away, staring into nothing. 
Accompanying the meme is black text above reading: “When ppl are talking about “the CRAZY crazy people” not knowing you’re one of them...”
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stargazer-sims · 3 months
Just cute couple things I picture my OCs doing (that could be turned into to cute fluff scenes):
Yuri and Victor reading to each other
Victor feeding Yuri pieces of fruit with his own chopsticks, even though he's not really supposed to (and also despite it being poor etiquette), and both of them loving it and also feeling slightly rebellious
Yuri washing Victor’s hair, even though he's fully capable of doing it himself, simply because Victor likes having his head/hair touched
Yuri teaching Victor how to tie a necktie instead of just doing it for him (and the whole thing somehow evolves into playful nonsense)
Victor putting Yuri's robe in the dryer to warm it up for him before he gets out of bed, and then bringing it to him when he goes to wake him up
Eden recording voice messages for Haru instead of leaving him handwritten notes, so Haru doesn't have to struggle to read them
Haru waking up earlier than he prefers, just so he can make Eden’s favourite breakfast before Eden heads to the rink for practice.
Eden and Haru listening to music with one set of earbuds, each with one earbud in their ear.
Milena brushing Stan’s hair and secretly being happy that he doesn’t like to cut it because she also prefers it longer
Mishka being unable to resist any opportunity he gets to trace around the heart shape of Nikolai’s birthmark with his fingertip, and Nikolai having a love-hate relationship with that because he loves Mishka’s reason for doing it, but his skin is sensitive there and he dislikes being tickled
Nikolai wearing Mishka's clothes, and Mishka finding it totally adorable, but also being secretly amused because all his stuff is way too big for Nikolai and it looks like a kid has stolen his parent's things.
Nikolai and Mishka having an inside joke relating to peppermints, and not being able to keep a straight face when they're together and somebody mentions peppermint candy (yes there actually is a story behind this)
Forest doing Caroline’s makeup because it’s more difficult for her to do it herself, and then she gets compliments on it all day.
Forest and Caroline trying to feed each other cake like characters in a film, and being super uncoordinated and messy with it
Fox being more worried about Takahiro than about himself when Takahiro gives him his insulin shot because despite Taka's insistence that it doesn't bother him to stick a needle into Fox's thigh or belly, it really does
Fox and Taka dancing in their kitchen like no one is watching, except their kids are definitely watching and laughing about how terrible they are, but Taka and Fox do not care in the slightest because they're both convinced the other one is the best dancer in the world.
Julian composing random, silly love songs on the piano for Grace
Grace making a point to tell Julian every day how smart, handsome and talented he is, because she knows that even after all this time, he still struggles with his self-confidence sometimes
Kenji and Rei playing piano and violin duets in their music room
Rei convincing Kenji to go on a picnic with her even though he doesn't want to sit on the ground or eat food outside, but he ends up having a much better time than he anticipated and is ultimately glad he agreed to it
Peace taking Beth-Anne shopping and Beth-Anne grumbling about it because she doesn't care about fashion and thinks its a waste of time, until she sees herself in the outfits Peace chooses for her and is caught by surprise when she sees how good she looks (but she still prefers athletic wear)
Beth-Anne trying to teach Peace how to skate (for context, Peace's country of origin is Nigeria)
Peace trying to take care of Beth-Anne when she's sick, and Beth-Anne being an absolute grump about it because she insists she doesn't like anyone making a fuss over her, but Peace persists because she's sure Beth-Anne is just being her typical stubborn self (and she's right)
Félix and Davian going on pizza dates, in which they get pizza and eat it in the car because it reminds them of the night they met
Félix and Davian perfecting the art of sleeping in the same hammock
I could go on for ages... but I'll stop here (for now)
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unspokenmantra · 2 months
Posting it here this way too, to make it easier to check the songs... From the ask sent by @sshtonedseagoat [Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💜] From my playlist "Mood ┘®" [on my Spotify] (which includes mostly calm slow tunes, sad/melancholic/romantic and such), and some meditative ones too ... I don't know maybe this playlist are my favorite, but actually I have some of them as 'my favorites' heheh... Playing it randomly... Here is is the first ones... Blackmore's Night - "No Second Chance"
Sam Garrett and Mollie Mendoza - "Root Down Deep"
ser - "The remembrance of her voice"
Aarigod - "Coda"
Marillion - "Beautiful"
... The link for that playlist in the comments...
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freddie-mercury-rising · 10 months
I'll never forget when someone tried to pick on me in the comments section on one of my fics for writing Freddie out of character for saying "honey" because it sounded too Americanized and that he would never say that. And yet I've heard him say it with my own ears in videos and audio a handful of times! LOL Also, how silly to say that he wouldn't have said Americanized words. Was he living in a bubble? Was he not traveling all around the world constantly? We know he mimicked American accents all the time just for funsies. So why in the world wouldn't he have picked up on Americanisms? Also I don't think America holds the monopoly on the word "honey" for god's sake. Anyway, I'm glad receiving bizarre unsolicited nagging comments is a thing of the past for me! Now, I am free to enjoy all the gorgeous comments from sweet people!
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solacedeer · 2 months
starting clavis’s route now change of plans
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